sober? - QX Magazine
sober? - QX Magazine
clubs | bars | cabaret | life #QXGayLondon Suitable only for persons of 18 years and over. 18 GAY LONDON … e m i t t e las th s a w hen … W you had sex… ? r e b o s … print + web /0tSEPTEMBERQXMAGAZINE.COM iPad + iPhone #SoberSex When was the last time you had sex? 8LMWQSVRMRK#0EWXRMKLX#4IVLETWPEWX[IIO#%RH[LIR[EWXLIPEWX XMQI]SYLEHWI\©WSFIV#%RHF]WSFIV-EQWTIGM½GEPP]VIJIVVMRKXSRSX FIMRKYRHIVXLIMR¾YIRGISJHVYKW 2I\XUYIWXMSRLS[QER]XMQIWLEZI]SYIRKEKIHMRWI\MRXLITEWXQSRXL WM\QSRXLWSVIZIRXLITEWX]IEVMR[LMGLHVYKWTPE]IHEGIRXVEPVSPI# 7TIEOMRKSJ[LMGLLS[PSRKHMHWEMHHVYKJYIPPIHWI\WIWLKSSRJSV#7M\ LSYVW#%PPRMKLX#8[SHE]W#0SRKIV# (MH]SYHSER]XLMRK]SY[SYPHR´XHSMJ]SY[IVIR´X³YRHIVXLIMR¾YIRGI´# (MH]SYIRKEKIMRYRWEJIWI\[LIRRSVQEPP]MIWSFIV]SY[SYPHR´X#,EW XLII\TIVMIRGIPIJX]SYJIIPMRKPIWWJYP½PPIHXLER]SY´HLEZIPMOIHMXXS# -JXLIERW[IVWXSXLIUYIWXMSRWEFSZIWXEVXXSTEMRXE[SVV]MRKTMGXYVISJ ]SYVWI\PMJIXLIRVIEHSR8LMW[IIO5<WTIEOWXSXLVIIKY]W[LSEVI FVEZIP]QEOMRKEWXERHEKEMRWXXLIXVIRH¯ERHRSVQEPMWEXMSR¯SJGLIQWI\© by Cliff Joannou LUKE’S STORY... Australian born Luke Sippel, 39, is a hair and QEOIYTEVXMWX[SVOMRKMR½PQERH8:%JXIV contracting Hepatitis C through sex whilst on drugs he decided he needed to redress XLI[E]LIETTVSEGLIHLMWWI\PMJI,I RIIHIHXS½RHXLIFEPERGIFIX[IIRELSVR] sexual encounter that was simultaneously I\GMXMRK]IXRSXWIPJHIWXVYGXMZI ±8LI[LSPIXLMRKWXEVXIHEWERMHIE FIGEYWI-LEH,ITEXMXMW'JVSQFIMRK MRZSPZIHMRGLIQWI\ERH-[EW,-:TSWMXMZI EW[IPP-GPIEVIHXLI,ITEXMXMWFYX[LIR- [EWSRXVIEXQIRX]SYLEZIXSVIJVEMRJVSQ EPPXLEXEGXMZMX]WS-WXEVXIHXSHSFIXXIV XLMRKWJSVQ]WIPJPMOI]SKEQIHMXEXMSRERH KSMRKSRVIXVIEXWERHPIEVRMRKQEWWEKI² 6IQSZMRK]SYVWIPJJVSQXLIGLIQWI\ WGIRIMWRSXIEW][LIRWSQYGLSJXLIKE] ‘dating’ app and internet world is dominated F]HVYKJYIPPIHWIWWMSRW±8LIHIJEGXS setting on apps seems to be that people 2 cruising are on drugs, in particular at the [IIOIRHWSTISTPIEVILEZMRKXSMHIRXMJ] XLIQWIPZIWEWnotPSSOMRKJSVHVYKW²LI WXEXIW8YVRSRER]SJXLIQSVITSTYPEV hook-up apps or websites at the weekend ERH]SY[MPPMRIZMXEFP]FIW[EQTIH[MXLE VYRSJPIXXIVWMRHMGEXMRK[LEXHVYKWTISTPI EVISR+1/)IXG ±%]IEVERHELEPJEKS-[SYPHLEZIRSX VIWTSRHIHXSWSQISRIGLIQJVIIFIGEYWI -[ERXIHWSQISRIHMVXMIV²0YOIWE]W'ER you still get that ‘dirtier’ experience on GLIQJVIIWI\#±=IWERHXLEX´WXLIXLMRK- ORS[MX´WTSWWMFPIRS[FIGEYWI-EQ%XXLI time you think that you can’t, but it’s not the GEWI=SYLEZIXSW[MXGLXLI[E]]SYXLMRO² 8EOMRKEGLIQJVIIWXERGIXSWI\MWEFSPH QSZI-XQIERWLEZMRKXSREZMKEXIIRHPIWW TVS½PIWXLEXMRWMWXSRHVYKWFIMRKTEVXSJE LSSOYT%WWYGL0YOIWMQTP]EZSMHWXLIQ &YXMRXLIJEGISJLMW³JSVGIH´VIGSZIV] JVSQHVYKWHYIXSLMW,IT'HSIWLIQMWW chemsex and all the app cruising that comes [MXLMX#2SXWSQYGLLIVI¾IGXW±-½RHXLEX MX´WEHMWXVEGXMSRXSOIIT]SYVWIPJFYW]MX´W WSQIXLMRKJSV[LIR]SY´VIPSRIP]-XOMRHSJ HITVIWWIWQI;LIR-HSMX-JIIPHITVIWWIH But I know how quickly you get addicted XSMXWSMX´WFIXXIVJSVQIXSLEZIMXSJJ GSQTPIXIP]ERHRSXIZIREGORS[PIHKIMX² Luke’s situation is what inspired therapist Carolyn Cowan (see page 8) to speak at XLI0IX´W8EPO%FSYX+E]7I\ (VYKWSTIR JSVYQMR.YRIXSWYKKIWXYWMRKXLILEWLXEK 7SFIV7I\EWERMRWXERXMHIRXM½IVSRPMRI ERHSRETTWJSVGLIQJVIIWI\8LIMHIESJ XLMWWMQTPILEWLXEKJIHMRXSERSXLIVGSRGITX XLEX0YOI[EWJSVQYPEXMRKE[IFWMXI¯ 8LEXW,SXGSQ¯XLEX[SYPHSJJIVKY]W WIIOMRKGLIQJVIII\TIVMIRGIWEWMRKPI HIWXMREXMSRXSKSXSJSVEHZMGIWYTTSVXSV WMQTP]EPXIVREXMZI[E]WSJLSSOMRKYT ENRIQUE’S STORY… %XXLEXWEQIIZIRX)RVMUYI1SWGSWS KSXYTXSWTIEOEFSYXLMWI\TIVMIRGI ,ILEHQSZIHXS0SRHSRJVSQ1EHVMH EJXIVFIMRK½VIHJVSQLMWNSF[LIRLMWWI\ addiction led to him watching gay porn SRXLISJ½GIGSQTYXIVW,I[EWLEZMRK YRWEJIWI\ERHXEOMRKHVYKWERHEWEVIWYPX GSRXVEGXIH,-:,IGEQIXSXLI9/XSWXEVX SZIVFYXMRWXIEHQIXERI[FS]JVMIRH[LS [EWEPWSEWI\ERHHVYKEHHMGX3RIXLMRK IWGEPEXIHXSERSXLIVERH)RVMUYIJSYRH LMQWIPJIWGSVXMRKSR'V]WXEP1IXLERH GEYKLXMREVITIXMXMZITEXXIVRSJGLIQWI\ EGXMZMX],IIZIRXYEPP]QEHIMXMRXSVILEF [LMGLXSSOWIZIRQSRXLWXSGSQTPIXIERH LEWFIIRWSFIVWMRGI1E] 0YOIMRXVSHYGIHLMQWIPJXS)RVMUYIERH they started working together to promote alking. d then keep w d really look an an , u op st yo le t, in op “You see pe r friends and po stop with thei past and say You see people e people walk m So . gh lau a g at ‘I think this vin th ha see people stop and say le op pe e m e met So t! u’re doing.’ I’v chemsex is grea ally like what yo re d said I an t, e an m rt ith po is really im s and spoke w m le ob pr ive. sit ug dr d were really po people who ha d. I think 80% ow lve kn d vo in an be nd ta to all unders they want e message , they paign th m ts ca ge x y Se od er yb ob Ever the #S lem.” - Luke on there’s a prob the ‘That’s Hot 2’ campaign, which would kick-off with some simple slogans on t-shirts: #SOBERSEX; Love Me Chem Free; and I Quit ChemSex. ROY’S STORY… Around the same time, Luke also met Roy Mayerallas, 29, originally from Hungary, who had been through his own life experiences that had led him to seek out chem-free sex. Roy grew up in a very traditional Hungarian family. His parents always envisioned him one day becoming a priest, like his grandfather. He moved to Paris to get away from his life back home, and when that didn’t work out, he moved back to his hometown and opened a bar. Local dealers would give him free drugs if he pushed customers their way. It was a recipe for disaster for him. Roy lost everything and moved to the UK in February 2011, with an intention to start over, but the prevalence of drugs in London didn’t help. Everything changed for him the day he got hit by a bus and ended up in a coma in hospital. When he came round, doctors told him he was wandering around the street out of it before the incident. He has no recollection of the event that led up to that point. Roy decided to change his life. He sought out more intimate sexual encounters and purposefully stayed away from chemsex XS½RHXLIQYWMRKMRWXIEH[IFWMXIWPMOI Massage Exchange for connections. It’s through this that Roy met Luke, who asked him to get involved with the That’s Hot 2 campaign. Together with Enrique they’ve made the brave step of putting their identity to a concept that seeks to challenge the way gay men think about their sex lives. FROM CHEMSEX TO CHEM-FREE Does it feel alienating to switch one’s self off from the chemsex world and all the hook-ups that come with it? Luke says that while drug/sex sessions are quite proliferated, a growing number of people are actively seeking out chem-free sex. “The thing I have noticed is how many people are now ‘looking for chem-free sex’, which we saw a rise in three or four years ago. We’ve reached a point where we are saying we’re a bit sick of it.” A recent scan of some of the more popular apps like Grindr shows how people are starting to seek out chem-free encounters F]WXEXMRKMXGPIEVP]MRXLIMVTVS½PI&YXXLI] are still very much in the minority, and the TVS½PIWXLEXHSWSXIRHXSWXERHSYXJVSQ the rest when you log on at any point from Friday night to Monday morning and identify yourself as such. You might get chatting to the hottest guy in the world who is totally interested in you, but if you’re higher than the Empire State Building and he says ‘no chems’ you know it’s just not going to happen. Luke’s hopeful that the gay community will navigate itself away from a seemingly worsening situation, “We’re still stuck on the issue of chemsex, but at least we’re aware of it. I think people are starting to look for new alternatives.” Would he ever have chemsex again? “I never say never for anything, because you are limiting yourself or boxing yourself in. 3 “I met Enrique at Let’s Talk… When Enrique spoke I said I want him in one of my t-shirts. I thought that’s the look, that’s what I want to present.” - Luke Sippel But not now. Because of the Hep C I had to give up alcohol and drugs, but right now I would probably say I never would because I am having sober sex and enjoying it, whereas before the idea of doing it was really hard to get your head around. To think, ‘What I’m never going to have chemsex again?’ That’s a big thing to say. It’s twelve hours of hot times, but doing this I’ve opened myself up to different types of people who are also not doing drugs.” What are the positives of doing so? “It’s easier to connect with someone on drugs but it’s not a real connection. You feel like you’re connecting, but it’s not genuine. You often have sex with somebody you probably wouldn’t have sex with sober, but when you’re high that reasoning goes out the window. When you start to have sex sober, you just have a lot more respect for yourself.” But there’s no hiding from the fact why chemsex is so popular. It PS[IVWMRLMFMXMSRWKMZIW]SYQSVIGSR½HIRGIW[MXGLIW]SYSJJJVSQ your insecurities. And, yes, it’s a lot of fun that can carry on for hours, even days. You can lose whole weekends to it. The next thing you know, it’s how you spend most weekends, and the friends you have are all hooked-up from sex parties that you never hear or see from outside of that environment. In that regard, just looking at some of those situations is surely cause for concern. Perhaps, the very thing you crave when hooking up with other men can be stripped away by the numbing effect drugs can have on the connectivity people often look for in sex, casual or otherwise? “Sometimes you need the drugs to have sex with people.” Regardless of his position on the subject, Luke is realistic about the facts as to [L]TISTPIIRKEKIMRGLIQWI\±-WMXLSX#3JXIR]IW-WMXEWJYP½PPMRK for you? No. If you’re only ever having chemsex, you’re never going to shift that way of thinking.” Luke, Roy and Enrique each have different reasons for seeking out chem-free sex. Luke wasn’t addicted to drugs, but his behaviour was putting his health in danger and stepped away from chemsex after his FEXXPIXSGPIEVLMW,IT'6S]MHIRXM½IHXLEXGLIQWI\[EWR´XKMZMRK him the kind of intimate sexual encounters that he was really after. Enrique had to quit chemsex as his drug and sex addictions were slowly destroying him. While you may not be in the same situation in terms of sex and drugs as them, when was the last time you had VIKYPEVWSFIVWI\RSXYRHIVXLIMR¾YIRGISJHVYKWSVEPGSLSP# Moral arguments about conforming to societal pressures not to embrace your sexuality should be tempered with the reasoning that well?” there’s nothing wrong with what you do as long as what you do isn’t causing you or anyone else any harm. If you have your life under control, and your sexual activity is not detrimental to your health, work, personal life, friendships and family, then there’s probably nothing wrong with the occasional dalliance with sex and drugs. &YXMJ]SYGVEZIEQSVIMRXMQEXIWI\YEPI\TIVMIRGI]IX½RH]SYVWIPJ only ever having sex when on drugs or drink, you’ll never go beyond having the kind of casual fucks that ultimately leave you a bit empty when the drugs have worn off and you make your way back home after it’s all come to an end. Luke sums the conversation up in a rather enlightened manner, “Sexuality and spirituality go hand in hand. Find your centre again. There are so many things to explore and connect with. Sex is such a beautiful space to share with somebody, why not do it sober as well?” Sex is such a beautiful space to share with somebody, why not do it sober as and Using the hashtag #SoberSex is a smart way of instantly identifying other people looking for chem-free sex. Use it online, get it trending and see what’s out there… Read Enrique’s full story at and Roy’s at 4 Patrick Cash Alexander Clifshaw Luke Sippel & Carolyn Cowan Hamish MacKenzie-Sempill Photos by Manu Valcarce Let’s Talk About Gay Sex & Drugs – By Patrick Cash don’t think many people plan to actively stop having sober sex. Having sex on a couple of bumps after a club or party doesn’t seem to be the same as the sensational tales of garish, non-stop ‘crystal meth orgy’ scenarios, whispered about on the gay scene grapevine. But when the weekend whirlwind picks you up every Friday after work, Saturdays too, and eats up a fair amount of Sunday’s hours to boot, suddenly you might turn around WM\QSRXLWPEXIVERH½RH]SY´ZISRP]FIIR having sex on chems. Of course, the way I’ve written this intro, and the general way assumptions about drugs are made, dictates that this is automatically a bad thing. Is it? If someone enjoys having sex on chems, and their sexual partner(s) does too, then why shouldn’t they be free to be joined together in holy chemsex? I suppose the argument is that guys can get too used to having chems as a crutch, or a tool, for sex. And over time, they might begin to rely on drugs for sex. Chems like mephedrone, G and – the big, white, smokey super-villain of the trinity – crystal meth are popular for sex because they disinhibit their users, allowing the sexual act to become more raw, animalistic, carnal, faster, harder. Sex can go on for hours, it may feel more intense, there may be a greater feeling of connection to your partner even if they are a stranger. But the thrills fade pretty fast after orgasm. At a sexualised chillout the big I Sober Sex? no-no is climax. Possibly because the previously porn-like fantasy purveyed by ribald chems mixed with exaggerated libido can be revealed as a more insipid reality. Men gurning and tugging on consistently limp TIRMWIWMRJVSRXSJVIPIRXPIWWLMKLHI½RMXMSR porn, and guys more glued to Grindr than the people actually with them in the room. It may all feel a bit sad. And what happens when ‘he’ comes along? You know, the mythic ‘one’ everyone LEVFSYVWWSQIZEKYIMPPHI½RIHHVIEQ about, and will suddenly pounce out of nowhere when you’ve given up the search. Presumably, having to phone up the dealer to have sex doesn’t constitute a healthy factor in most people’s ideals the masking of personal insecurity; anxieties about your off-drug performance, about cumming too quickly, about whether your partner is really enjoying it, can gather in your mind like circling rainclouds. But own these insecurities, and admit these anxieties, for they are making you a better lover. The chemsex urge is one of great individuality; you act primarily to satiate your own pleasure. When you are in a non-chemsex situation, with someone you genuinely like emotionally as well as physically or chemically, and you are questioning how you can best give them pleasure, that’s how the best sex begins. It’s about an empathy and attentiveness between two people. As this shared intimacy progresses, GSR½HIRGIERH real enjoyment Men gurning and tugging on consistently of sober sex limp penises in front of relentless high– and mindblowing orgasms definition porn, and guys more glued to – will return. Grindr than the people actually with them I’ve been in the room. It may all feel a bit sad.” careful to try and write this article using ‘may’ and ‘might’ as frequently as of a loving, supportive relationship. You’ll possible. Yes, on one level it is a collation want to enjoy the more intimate, and of hypotheses. But I’ve spoken to enough more emotionally intense, aspects of people recently and heard enough anecdotal sober sex with a partner. But going from a evidence to believe that a lot of its content near constant chain of weekend chemsex may hold true for some gay guys. If you experience to re-sober sex might not be don’t agree with anything written here, as easy as waving your willy and saying or you want to speak about how you ‘abracadabra, no more mephedrone.’ perceive chemsex in London, or listen to There might be a strong associative the opinions of others, then we hold an complex subconsciously built up over time open communication forum every month at between your innate sexual urge and being Manbar in Soho, named ‘Let’s Talk About high. You may now feel more inhibited Gay Sex & Drugs’. Do come along and when sober, or it will be initially hard to speak, because your opinion is equally as achieve being hard. And part of this chemical important as mine. disinhibtion that drugs sexually induce is also The next LTGSD will be on Monday 15th September at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0NE from 6-8pm. Free entry. 56 Dean Street will be on site offering free STI testing and advice upstairs. 6 Carolyn and Chemsex By Patrick Cash One of the most interesting speakers we’ve had at ‘Let’s Talk About Gay Sex and Drugs’ is undoubtedly the glamorous 'EVSP]R'S[ER, a therapist who works closely [MXLKE]QIRERHGLIQWI\;IWTSOIXSLIVXS½RHSYXLIVZMI[WEVSYRHXLIWYFNIGX and her campaign to get the hashtag ‘#sobersex’ more widely used on social media. 3R[LIXLIV'LIQWI\MWFEH If somebody’s happy doing what they’re doing, why is that a problem? I don’t have a moral judgement. But if somebody comes to me and says ‘I don’t know how to stop, -HSR´XORS[LS[RSXXSHSXLMW-½RH myself absolutely out of my comfort zone, I can’t get back, I’ve never felt so dark or disconnected’, now I have a problem. 3RXLIGLERKISJHVYKW Yes, the use of drugs has changed but the behaviours aren’t any different. In a way, I think what happens now is that the internet opens up the ability for everybody to judge it and therefore it becomes a focus of attention… It isn’t really so much about how badly the drugs will affect you as what happens to you mentally and spiritually and emotionally and what it is you’re trying to cover up. Because there’s nothing else that will cover it up and it doesn’t go away, the shadows just get darker. 3RXLIWGMIRGISJLSVQSRIW The dopamine hit of crystal meth is something like 1200 times what you get off cocaine, so the high is phenomenal… You’re working with cortisol, testosterone, adrenaline and then that drives the reward which is the dopamine. So, one of the problems you have with these very extreme HVYKEHHMGXMSRWMWMX´WZIV]HMJ½GYPXXS understand how you get high again. You’ve messed up your reward system and not only that, you’ve been getting high on a bed of negative emotions a lot of the time. 3RWSFIVWI\ I said let’s add a hashtag to it and let’s create the tribe. A line of people who use the internet, and if you use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, you will start to drive an energy about this and eventually I will follow up with Grindr and see if I can persuade them to make it a tribe. It would actually allow people to start opening up and the thing with sober sex is it can be quite frightening. Some people have never had sober sex. Sober sex is quite a frightening thing, because suddenly there isn’t freedom, you’ve got to make choices, you’ve got to show yourself. Intimacy is a really scary thing for a lot of people and a lot of drug use and alcohol use allows for people to remove their inhibitions. So sober sex is a massive leap. 8 You’ve messed up your reward system and not only that, you’ve been getting high on a bed of negative emotions a lot of the time. 3RWIPJSFNIGXM½GEXMSRERHXLI ³FSH]FIEYXMJYP´ There is this horrible sort of body beautiful that transcends any personality to a degree. I deal with a lot of gay men, such beautiful men, and they’re so delightful and they’re in so much pain, and it’s so sad because they disconnect. The idea that the only value that XLI]LEZIMWMRXLIMVS[RSFNIGXM½GEXMSRXLI way that they deny themselves, and all that they are is the visual and external. 3RWSGMEPQIHMEERHXLIMRXIVREP I\XIVREP Think about how we live. The lack of value, how fast images now are discarded – look how fast images go down your Facebook page – it takes no time. Twitter, you’re just descending into a dustbin of images and crap and web pages that mean nothing. So, how do you stand up if you believe in and you follow and you’re part of this social networking society where nothing that you say or do or look like has any value because it doesn’t stay there? Because it just disappears down. If you can learn to sit still and anxiously experience yourself outside of the speed of light and outside of the insanity of Facebook and Twitter and social media, and ‘how tight’s my arse and how big are my muscles’ and all that stuff, there’s actually this extraordinarily exquisite reality that transcends any drug use. 3RXLIFMKKIWXWXVYKKPIWKE]QIR TVEGXMWMRKGLIQWI\LEZIKIXXMRK FEGOXSWSFIVWI\ Erectile dysfunction. Fear of intimacy. Fear that they’ll never be loved. And self-loathing. If you’ve got to the point where you’re very disconnected from intimacy and you really fear intimacy and you’re using a large amount of drugs to cover up how you feel emotionally then there are deeper problems. There’s a very, very good gay meeting in Soho at 56 Dean Street, named the CODE Clinic. To read the full ‘In conversation with’ interview with Carolyn, visit: 56 Dean Street, the Dean Street Express, and the Lessons of Leigh Leigh Chislett is the charismatic man who has nurtured and guided Soho sexual health clinics 56 Dean Street and Dean Street Express into the London-wide success stories they are today. We found out more about his experiences behind these pioneering services at the heart of the LGBT community in London. By Patrick Cash On the look of the Dean Street clinics: ‘Sexual health services were traditionally hidden away in basements or out buildings and were often very basic or run down. I think this added to a sense of guilt and shame. It was quite a challenge when setting the 56 DS service up to change people’s perceptions of what an NHS clinic should look like, but the initial reactions [IVIEQE^MRK8LIZIV]½VWXTEXMIRX[LS came in said ‘Oh my God, it looks like a Soho boutique hotel’. With Dean Street Express we got more courageous and said to the designer to forget any idea of how you think a clinic should look.’ On some of his proudest moments: ‘When we moved in we saw around 1,500 patients a month, we now see between 8-9,000 a month, the majority of which are LGBT. We diagnose around 1 in 6 of all gay men in the UK with HIV, and I’m proud that we’ve managed to get so many into early HIV care/treatment. At the World AIDS Day HIV Testing events at G-A-Y we have, to date, tested over 2,000 people and challenged perceptions of where people are prepared to get a test. I am also TVSYHSJSYVMRZSPZIQIRX'PMRM5XLI½VWX sexual health service for Trans people.’ On Dean Street Express: ‘Dean Street Express is a walk in self check-in/screening service for people with no symptoms. More than half of people with a sexually transmitted infection will have no symptoms. As well as being able to get your HIV result in 60 seconds, all your other test results will be text to you in six hours and you can get treatment the same HE]XLMWGSYPHLEZIEWMKRM½GERXMQTEGXSR onward transmission of STIs. 50% of HIV is caught from someone who has been recently infected, so if you catch HIV early you can break the chain of infection.’ 10 Dean Street Express On 56 Dean Street’s birth: ³(IER7XVIIX[EWWIXYT½ZIERHELEPJ years ago. We were based in Victoria, where we’d outgrown our building, and we did outreach HIV testing in Soho for 4 hours a week - we diagnosed more people HIV positive in those four hours than during the whole week at the main clinic. We wanted to have a modern, stylish service that had convenient opening hours in the heart of the community.’ On the greatest challenges to gay men’s sexual health in London right now: ‘What has struck me is how many people we are seeing where drugs such as G and crystal meth have become out of control, and are having a real negative effect on their lives. I see a lot a gay men in my job and it WIIQWXSQIEWMKRM½GERXRYQFIVSJXLIQ are experiencing aspects of the gay scene as dehumanizing and isolating. I have seen so many people who have tested HIV positive, who said that they were off their face on drugs or felt crap about themselves.’ On appointing chemsex expert David Stuart as lead drugs advisor at 56 Dean Street: ‘David very early on saw the relationship between chems and transmission of HIV, Hepatitis B/C and other STIs. I believe LILEHSZIVVIJIVVEPWMRXLI½VWXWM\ weeks he was appointed. He really has lead the way on issues around chemsex and wellbeing for gay men. He was a great appointment.’ When we moved in we saw around 1,500 patients a month, we now see between 8-9,000 a month.” On what’s next for 56 Dean Street: ‘I want to continue to promote and encourage regular HIV and STI screening and be a holistic service that also offers counselling and support, and a wide range of sexual health related services. I think the rapid turnaround for results is essential for looking forward and breaking chains of onward transmission. I would like to continue for 56 Dean Street to be a community resource, with LGBT groups using our boardroom, supporting events like ‘Let’s Talk About Gay Sex And Drugs’ and our wellbeing series. I think the NHS, for all its problems, is amazing and I want to prove how exceptional it can be.’ t 56 Dean Street, Soho, W1D 6AQ. tD ean Street Express, 35 Dean Street, W13 6AQ. Cour ting C ourtn ey! Hey Courtney, it’s lovely to speak to you. So how has life been treating you since Drag Race? It’s been a total whirlwind! I moved into a new apartment three months ago and I think I’ve only spent about four days there. That’s how crazy it’s been. I have no complaints though. What, for you, was the best thing about appearing on the show? Making great new friends like Bianca, Adore and Darienne - who I hang out with regularly. We’ve all gone through this shared experience as professionals in the industry and that’s something we’ll always have. Any negatives about the show? Oh yeah [laughs]. The challenging part was probably the fact that they were making a television show, not a documentary. I felt awkward watching it back, because it showed me going from being myself at the beginning of the season, before fading away for a bit, only to return as some kind of mean girl. it’s kind off unfortunate how it played out and was edited for TV, because we all had such a great time. However I’m still grateful for the experience and opportunities it’s given me. Now I get to tour all over, and one of the number one things people say to me is: “Wow, you’re not mean and bitchy at all.” Is there anyone in particular you’d like to see in Season 7? From what I’ve seen travelling around the US for the last few months there’s one queen that stands out for me: Aurora Sexton, who I met in Denver. She’s a great performer. There have been talks of a UK version of Drag Race. Who do you think would make a good host? Well, the concept is a fun and fabulous one ERH6Y4EYPMWHI½RMXIP]XLIQEXVMEVGLSJHVEK in America, but for the UK version I think Paul O’Grady would be perfect. %RH½PPMRKXLIVSPISJXLINYHKIW# It’s important to have someone who has the credibility to comment on drag so I think Jodie Harsh would make a good judge. She’s very dry too, so there’d be plenty of one-liners. Do you know any of the other UK queens? Any you think would make good contestants? Yeah, I know Heidi Liscious and Mitzi from the bribes, what will you be looking for from the contestants? The male equivalent of Charisma 9RMUYIRIWW2IVZIERH8EPIRX'SR½HIRGI Outlandishness Creativity and Kitsch. I’m loving kitsch! What do you look for in a guy, personally? -HSR´XLEZIEWTIGM½GX]TI-RMXMEPP]XLIVI must be good eye contact. It’s all about the eyes. Someone who is content and comfortable with themselves is one of the most important things, too. Is there anyone in the world of entertainment that gets you damp under the weave? James Franco! He studied queer studies at university, loves queer culture, and is so comfortable with his own masculinity. Here’s a straight man in Hollywood who doesn’t care about people’s preconceived opinions; I think that’s really unique in a mainstream celebrity. Yeah, I agree with you, he oozes sex appeal. Finally, you’ve ticked off Australian Idol and RuPaul’s Drag Race, are there any other TV shows you’d like to take part in? I was thinking you’d be perfect for Strictly Come Dancing... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah! I’d love to do Strictly or Dancing With the Stars. All those costumes, sequins and rhinestones, I’d be in heaven. I could come out and dance as a guy one week to mix it up and surprise everyone. Let’s make it happen! “Do they get hard ons when stripping?” Macintosh - my fellow Ozzy queens. I tell you who would make a good contestant, Portia De Fosse from The Supreme Fabulettes. 7S]SY´VIKSMRKXSFINYHKMRK4SVR Idol here in London, what are you expecting? Willam (Belli) was telling me all about it, and she showed me some verrrrrry interesting pictures. It sounds like there could be some ‘perks’ at the end of the night. [Laughs]. And, yes, my vote can be bought! [whispers - do they get hard ons when stripping? - laughs] Errrrm, I don’t think they do, but I guess if you ask nicely... So apart Courtney Act will be judging G-A-Y Porn Idol on Thursday 11th September at Heaven (under the Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 6NG) from 10.30pm-4am. 12 Photo: Magnus Hastings One of the biggest stars of RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 6 is all set to jet into London and join in the madness of G-A-Y Porn Idol as a judge - another addition to her hugely varied résumé. COURTNEY ACT took some time out of her crazy schedule to chat to our Jason Reid in between shows, direct from New York this week... R E M R O F IN THE THE , W HO , WH W HY , T A WH L O ND G AY F O N W HE E RE , ON … RIFF FRAFF FRAFF Friday 12th September, 7.30pm 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, E1 6LA Tickets: £8 advance. Booking: Fraff is, quite simply, a fastpaced poetry piss up for those of us who don’t like poetry. Sounds amazing to us. Curated and compered by Scottee, who will host the night, a bunch of performers, including Bryony Kimmings, Hunt & Darton, Jonny Woo, Barbara Brownskirt and Michael Twaits spiel their best-est shitty poems. Relaxed and comfy nonponsey fun! And there’s cheap beer for those with stage fright. Jonny Woo LADIES LA LADI ADIE ES 2 BOY BOYS! OYS YS! MR AND MISS LADYBOY CARNIVAL Sunday 14th September, 6pm 46 Grosvenor Place, Belgravia, SW1X 7EQ RSVP: It’s that time of year again when contestants don their extravagant costumes and hair bigger than their heels. Yes, it’s the Mr & Miss Ladyboy contest; and of course the elaborate event wouldn’t be complete without Thai canapés, cocktails and dancing! With a carnival theme you can expect this year’s competition to be bigger and more flamboyant than ever! PROUD OF PRIDE Brighton Pride Raises Record Amount This year, Brighton Pride organisers are delighted to announce that 2014 has been their most successful year ever with regards to fundraising. Following celebrations (and what celebrations they were) in Preston Park, Village Party and along the Parade route, £64,578 has been raised for the Rainbow Fund Community; which will then be distributed to LGBT organisations through the grants programme. Managing director Paul Kemp told QX he was “incredibly proud.” Too right! 14 Scottee G-A-Y DIVAS It had to happen! After the success of its debut album collection last year, G-A-Y returns with its second musical medley, and this time they take on the biggest divas on the planet. It’s not released until October, but you can pre-order it from Saturday 6th September. Who can you expect to feature on it? Well, how does this list deliver your aural pleasuring: Madonna, Rita Ora, Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, Cyndi Lauper, Whitney Houston, Kylie Minogue, P!nk, Kelly Clarkson, Ellie Goulding, Lana del Rey, Alicia Keys, Shakira, Britney Spears, Anastasia, Jennifer Lopez, Ke$ha, Paloma Faith, Annie Lennox, Cher, Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Dolly Parton, Celine Dion, Miley Cyrus, Toni Braxton, Leona Lewis, Jennier Hudson, Amerie, Aretha Franklin, B*Witched, Idina Menzel, Azealia Banks, Lily Allen, Geri Halliwell, RuPaul, Kerry Ellis, ANOTHER SCORE FOR STONEWALL Miss Jason Photo by Chris Jepson STONEWALL FC WIN GOLD AT GAY GAMES At this year’s ninth Gay Games, Stonewall FC successfully defended their title as champions after defeating the New York Ramblers 2-1. There are endless puns we could make here about being skilful with balls and the ability to score – but there’d be none that the team hasn’t heard by now! Instead, we’ll just say a congratulation to their fourth consecutive win. No matter what their sexual preference, we assume they’re happy on top… (Well, we had to get one pun in). Lola Lasagne SAVE THE BEARS CROWD FUNDRAISING THE BEARS OF BEIRUT Until 15th September Donate: A new documentary about two Lebanese gay refugees trying to survive in Labanon while helping other gay people during Syria’s brutal war is in need of your help. Bertho and Hixam have established Proud Lebanon, offering a community centre to those uprooted to Beirut. The NGO is struggling to provide medical care, Bertho Makso psychological assistance and transit to a gay-friendly country. You can donate to the film’s production and receive a number of perks in return. WE WANT YOU… CLUB AND BAR REVIEWERS WANTED GAY LONDON QX are looking for club/bar reviewers to cover the kaleidoscopic fantasia-filled wonderland that is London’s varied, vivid and vibrating gay scene! If you enjoy experiencing a range of clubs and bars and getting paid for the pleasure, then send a 200 word sample review of a gay club or bar you’ve been to recently to (Please write in the subject field: ‘QX Club and Bar Reviewers’. DRAG ROAST 3 starring LOLA LASAGNE! Thursday 25th September Royal Vauxhall Tavern, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. Doors: 7.00pm. Performance: 8.30pm. Tickets £10 advance, £12 on the door, all of which will be donated to Terrence Higgins Trust. Doyenne of the drag circuit Lola Lasagne has been confirmed as the next willing ‘roastee’ at London’s premier (and only) comedy Drag Roast, organised by QX Magazine, with support from the Royal Vauxhall Tavern to raise funds for Terrence Higgins Trust. At the event, Lola will be asked to grit her teeth and purse her lips as fellow queens Rose Garden, Mrs Moore and Miss Jason line-up to share tall tales and cherished memories of their friend and colleague, before being given the chance to get her claws on the mic and turn the tables on the panel. Once again, the event will be spectacularly (and mightily bitchily!) hosted by Myra Dubois, ‘Rotherham’s least celebrated daughter’, while all funds raised through ticket sales will be used by Terrence Higgins Trust to support people Myra Dubois living with and at risk of HIV. Rose Garden 15 For full listings see Musts & Maybes, pages 44-50 or the What’s On section at For listings on the go, download the free QX GAY LONDON app at the iTunes store KU KLUB It’s Ku Bar’s downstairs dirty brother, and all the gays wanna be inside! And with free shots and frozen margaritas we’re not surprised! Nothing goes down like a dirty younger brother than a well-made cocktail. And on top of that they’ll be mixed by the undeniably sexy bar boys! “Tops off boys!” You’ll also be served the latest in pop and commercial dance from Lady Lloyd, Vicki Vivacious, Kerol, Pablo, Rodrigo and Peter Prince. Ku Bar, 30 Lisle Street, WC2H 7BA. 10pm-3am. Kerol 04/09/14: G-A-Y PORN IDOL starring DETOX Which Ru Paul’s contestant will be taking to the judging panel? It’s the question on everyone’s lips (well, apart from ‘how many donkey dicks are we gonna see tonight’ – obvs). And the answer is Detox! Lord knows, she’s the only Detox we are familiar with. And we can’t wait to see what 50s glam she brings to the night. But will she go easy on the contestants or is she “pretty much over it” already? Detox Heaven, Under the Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2H 6NG. 11pm-5am. Free. Dolan Wolf Photo by Dave Ouano 06/09/14: JAGERNACHT - 'DOLAN WOLF’S MASTERCLASS SPECIAL' Dirk Caber 16 Those of you familiar with Eagle’s events, or even Fetish Week, may remember Dolan Wolf’s sell-out event at the venue in July. He’s returning for another master class with fellow porn star Dirk Caber. The duo will be on stage to demonstrate some S&M skills – you’re bound to love it… So, whether you’re a bear, bloke, twink or kink – raise your hand high enough and he might let you be his willing sub for a demo! Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-4am. FREE b4 10pm/£6 after (includes free Jager shot). CLUB NEWS 06/09/14: SONGS OF PRAISE You best believe if these were the hymns they had going on in church, we wouldn’t miss a week of it! Could you imagine the priest spitting Missy Elliott or the choir boys slut-dropping to Sugababes? Fierce be to God. Well, that far-fetched (and totally amazing) dream becomes as close to reality as it ever will this Saturday at East Bloc. Sugalow Boys, David Oh, Neil Prince, Dave Cross and Phil Marriott make it happen. Hit the main room for a PA from new girl group M.O. and there’s also an ENTIRE room dedicated to the Bush (as in Kate, not George). Plus, there’s a limited set of Kate postcards featuring Aerial, King Of The Mountain ERH8LI1ER-0SZIJSVXLI½VWX people that ask on the door! East Bloc, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10.30pm-6am. Mention ‘HomeGround’ on the door for £5 entry before 11.30pm, otherwise it’s £10. Kate Bush 06/0914: AMERIIE @ G-A-Y You may remember her for ‘1 Thing’, but she’s certainly got plenty more to offer. Ameriie (yes, that’s with two i’s now…) is back! We bet she’ll ‘Take Control’ of the G-A-Y audience as she tells them ‘What I Want’. After a brief, albeit big, success nearly a decade ago, the starlet returns with her new single that she’ll be unleashing on London under the infamous arches of Heaven. Heaven, Under the Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2H 6NG. 11pm-5am. £3 with wristbands from G-A-Y Bar. 18 David Oh Neil Prince +IRHIVFIRHMRKQE½EThe Familyyy Fierce are introducing a new monthly night to your queer calendar. Situated in Bloomsbury Lanes (yes, bowling), the carnival will be part drag-ball and part GPYFOMH¾EWLQSFSVWS[I´VIXSPH2IIHPIWWXSWE]MRXVMKYI ensues… The music policy will be vogueable vinyl, brash beats, ERHLEVHGSVILSYWI4PYWTPIRX]SJPMZITIVJSVQERGIWJVSQ XLIJEQMP]]] XLIQWIPZIW%HH to that karaoke booths and %QIVMGERWX]PI JSSHERH[I´VI there in all our gender-bending KPSV] Tavistock Hotel, Bedford Way, WC1H 9EU. 9pm-3am. POPCORN 4STGSVRMWXLI1SRHE]RMKLXGPYFFMRKI\TIVMIRGI[MXLELMKL production bang that everyone wants to be at and no one will [ERXXSQMWW©,IVI´W[LEXGSQMRKYTHYVMRK7ITXIQFIV 8th September: Popcorn Prohibition Featuring DJs Adam Turner, Jamie Hammond, Paulo Moreno, Jonathan Bestley, Sam DMS, Trex, Zach Burns and Luke Donnington. 15th September: Popcorn Euphoria Featuring DJs Neroli, Tony English, Jamie Hammond, Keyth David, Sam DMS, Trex and Zach Burns. 22nd September: Popcorn Alien Featuring DJs Adam Turner, Neroli, Paulo Moreno, Jonathan Bestley, Sam DMS, Trex, Zach Burns and TIVGYWWMSRJVSQDavid H 29th September: Popcorn Circus Featuring DJs Adam Turner, Tony English, Paulo Moreno, Sam DMS, Trex, Zach Burns and TIVGYWWMSRJVSQDavid H Popcorn is every Monday at Heaven (under the Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 6NG) from 11pm-5.30am. Free entry wristbands available from G-A-Y Bar in Soho (valid until 1am). DJ OF THE WEEK GIDEON @ PARIS’ ACID BALL Tell us in one sassy sentence who Gideon is... -´QERSFWIWWMZIVIGSVH GSPPIGXSVERH(.SR0SRHSR´W Soho Radio, in addition to being a set designer I am co-creator and musical curator SJ+PEWXSRFYV]´W&PSGO*MIPH where venues include The 2='(S[RPS[8LI0SRHSR Underground and Genosys. And your music style? What kind of tunes do you play? I am a vinyl archivist specializing MR(IIT,SYWI2SVXLIVR7SYP Vintage Gospel, Reggae, & Soul, Funk and Rare Groove – 'LIGOSYXQ][IIOP]7SLS.EQW VEHMSWLS[JSVXLIQYWMGEPP] HMWGIVRMRKLSQSWI\YEPIZIV] Thursday night between 8-10pm on XSWIIJSV]SYVWIPJI\EGXP][LEX I play. You’re at Dalston Superstore for Paris’ Acid Ball. Give us a taste SJ[LEXXSI\TIGXMRßZI words… Deep. Dark. HomoUnderground. Sweaty. 2SR'SQQIVGMEP Who is your ultimate musical icon? Ron Hardy – Because he made being a homo something to VIWTIGX©6SR´WQYWMG[EW uncompromisingly underground, raw, authentic and 100% LSQSWI\YEP Paris’ Acid Ball is at Dalston Superstore (117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB) on Saturday 6th September, 9pm-3am. 20 GIDEON’S TOP 10 CLUB TUNES Image © Staxus CLUB NEWS Photo © Paul Singer 06/09/14: M O R E 1. ‘Special Feeling’ (Nick Beringer Remix) - Farfan & Sebb '´QSRPIXW[IVOMXXSXLIFSRI 2 ‘Burning Flame’ - Felix Dickinson %GPEWWMGXYRIXLEXXEOIWQI FEGOXSXLIXVEZIPIVVEZIW*IPM\ ERHQIYWIHXSJVIUYIRX 3 ‘Jungle Line’ (Dungeon Meat Downlow Dub) Dungeon Meat How could I not choose XLMW©REQIHEJXIV8LI2=' Downlow. 4 ‘Yours’ (Original Mix) 7XIJßJIEX:MVKMRME Dark, hard Berlin-style homo vibes… 5 ‘Acid’ - Toddla T Sound 'PEWWMGEGMHLSYWIFYXJVSQ 2014. 6 ‘One Nation’ (Tristan Da Cunha’s Meatmix) - Alex Arnout feat Tyree Cooper Tristan & Tyree…what EGSQFS©FSXLJVMIRHW SJQMRI©FSXLWIVMSYWP] talented. 7 ‘Through The Night’ – 6th Borough Project Sophisticated downtempo XVEGOJSVEEQWLEOIHS[R 8 - ‘Time Reveals’ Bernard Badie 2SXERI[XYRIFYXMX´WEP[E]W MRQ]VIGSVHFS\XLIWIHE]W 9 - ‘Lose Yo Mind’ Dungeon Meat %WLEVHEW]SYGERKIXFIJSVI you gotta go downstairs at the Berghain. 10 - ‘Holding You Tight’ - Sure Thing %GSYTPI]IEVWSPHRS[FYX DJ Die is at his best here. I still HVSTXLMWSJXIR G-A-Y Porn Idol with guest judge Ivy Winters 28/08/14 G-A-Y Camp Attack with Denise Van Outen 29/08/14 G-A-Y featuring Ashley Roberts 30/08/14 Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG WORDS AND PHOTOS BY CHRIS JEPSON IT’S NO SECRET that we here at QX Towers love a threeway, so when Jeremy offered us three of the best at G-A-Y, our knees went weak and we let out a bit of wee. First up was the juggling queen of Ru Paul’s Drag Race (season 5), Miss Ivy Winters as guest judge for Thursday’s G-A-Y Porn Idol. A parade of young hotties strutted their stuff with our faves being 19 year old New Yorker Alex, friends with benefits from Kent, Carl (23), and Fred (24), and 25 year old Londoner and trainee doctor Luke, but after a danceoff it was audience member Rob, a Soho club supervisor, who walked off with the £100. Day 2 in the Heaven madhouse saw the gorgeous Denise Van Outen in a fuscia Miss Selfridge playsuit singing songs from her one-woman show ‘Some Girl I Used To Know’ (currently at the Arts Theatre) for a packed G-A-Y Camp Attack. With two super-hot seminaked dancers to play with, she belted out Kim Wilde’s ‘You Came’, Sonia’s ‘You’ll Never Stop Me Loving You’ and a special G-A-Y remix of the show’s title track ‘Some Girl I Used To Know’ showing off her slender tanned pins and Strictly Come Dancing prowess. Finally, for day 3 of our G-A-Y threeway, Ashley Roberts hit the stage on Saturday night and showed us she still has her Pussy Cat Doll moves as she danced her ass off in lacy underwear to Madonna, ‘Don’t Cha’ and new single ‘Woman Up’ while teetering atop a fold-up chair. Then it was all back to the VIP for shots and shenanigans with Jacob the real top dog of Heaven to round off a perfect week under the arches. 22 MEMBERS 30/08/14 East Bloc, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN WORDS BY CHRIS JOHN PHOTOS BY MARK STOREY QX CLUB NEWS hit the bright lights of City Road as Berlin überdisco MEMBERS hijacked East Bloc for a heaving happening that had East London’s basement hotspot bulging at the seams last weekend. Featuring three rampant rooms of pumpin’ party sounds, the Germanic giants drew in a mass of ravers eager to sample one of the best club nights on the continent. Packing a hefty punch in the main room, Borja Pena slammed down enough mighty house anthems to satisfy even the hungriest of dancefloor monsters. Next door, the fearsome beats kept coming in room 2 for a mass of Saturday night club kids rockin’ some of the wildest outfits this side of Berlin’s Friedrichshain. Meanwhile, one of the hunkiest, hairiest DJs in town, Chris Camplin, put his manly mitts to exceptional use with a barrage of low-slung ‘n’ twisted beats in the tiny room 3, whilst a troupe of clubbers dressed as the Village People added to the anything-goes atmosphere. Back on the main floor, there was even more DJ madness to come from MEMBERS resident Marc Miroir as the disorderly conduct continued through ‘til fashionably late. 24 YESTERDAY’S MAKEUP 31/08/14 Dalston Superstore 117 Kingsland Road, Dalston, E8 2PB. WORDS BY JAMES EGAN PHOTOS BY CHRIS JEPSON ON SUNDAY night we set sail for the Superstore, where some of our favourite East Londoners were promising us a night of drinking, dancing and Dalston disco delights. It was all heels on deck from our hotass hosts, The Count, Chicken and MEGAN-DETH, giving us anchors-away realness and birthday girl Lucy Fizz catwalking the plank (well, bar) with style so sick we think we caught the flu! Princess Julia kept us afloat with a buoyant barrage of hits, before our favourite carb, Jaqui Potato, served up some delicious tunes to spin around the galley to, delivering a costume change to boot. Swapping her sexy sailor attire for a sensational sequined gown any cruise ship chanteuse would kill for. Make sure you head to the next fabulous instalment set for Sunday 14th September. You won’t need to bother with a face wipe, Yesterday’s Makeup will be just fine! 26 KU BAR 30 Lisle Street, Chinatown, WC2H 7BA It’s Skyy September at Ku! One of London’s best gay brands is proud to introduce one of the world’s best vodkas… Skyy is a San Francisco based brand with a reputation for exceptional taste and smoothness and Ku is proud to make Skyy its pouring brand of vodka. It’s also regarded as a massive LGBT rights campaigner, recently involved in a US nationwide campaign to promote gay marriage. And to celebrate Skyy Cocktails are 2-4-£10 all day and night from Sunday to Thursday! HALFWAY TO HEAVEN 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF THE QUEBEC 12 Old Quebec Street, W1H 7AF Veritable diamond of the gay scene, the City of Quebec is frequented by the good lovers, good-looking lads and goodtimers of London town any night of the week. But to see some of the best stellar cabaret and singing entertainment that our fair capital has to offer, get yourself down to the venue on a Sunday… Coming up on Sunday 7th this weekend is the fabulous Amy Diamond! Halfway to Heaven has some exciting cabaret magic swinging out its ever-busy wand this weekend! On Friday 5th you’ll ½RH*VMHE]2MKLX0MZI[MXL(. Little Rob and special guest Mrs Moore from 9pm – open YRXMPEQ7EXYVHE]XLWIIWSaturday Market Swap Shop with Rose Garden ERH(.Little John from 4pm, followed by Bears Downstairs with Justin Swift from TQ8LIR½RMWLSJJXLI[IIOIRH[MXLCK Sunday from 4pm followed by An Evening With Mrs Moore and Tanya Hyde! DJ Little Rob Mrs Moore THE OLD SHIP 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW (MTQIMRGLSGSPEXIERHXLVS[QIXS0MQILSYWIXLMW weekend, because The Old Ship knows where it’s at! One of the friendliest and best loved gay pubs of the East )RH]SYGEREP[E]W½RH a smile, a good pint SJFIIVE½RI[MRI and a game of pool at the Ship, and, on a Sunday, a brilliant drag queen too! This weekend on Sunday 7th you won’t want to miss the hilarious, nut-cracking Saucy Sophie who’ll have you wiping tears from Saucy Sophie your cheeks. Titti La Camp THE TWO BREWERS 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ On Friday 5th September you won’t want to miss Titti la Camp at the awesome Two Brewers, one of Clapham’s ½RIWX[MXLIRXV]JVIIFIJSVITQEJXIV7EXYVHE]XL WIIWXLIQEKRM½GIRXEva la Diva take to the boards, singing her heart out, with entry free before 10pm and £7 EJXIV8LIR½RMWLSJJXLI[IIOIRHMRTIEVPWERH[MKWWX]PI with The Power of 3 – entry free before 8pm, £4 after. BAR NEWS ´ 28 7D Duncannon St Street, t t Ch Charing h i C Cross WC2N W WC WC2N. C2N C2 020 7484 0736 Every Mondays & Thursdays KEVIN WALSH BACKING THE STARS @ 8pm Friday 5th September Friday Night LIVE! with DJ DAVID ROBSON and special guest MRS MOORE from 9pm (open 'til 3am) On Your Marcus! He’s got a new single out, about to embark on a UK solo XSYVFYXßVWXLI³WIRXIVXEMRMRKXLIKE]IVWSJ/IRX;I WIRX0II(EPPS[E]JSVEPMP³GLMR[EK[MXLXLIPSZIP]JIPPE¨ Saturday 6th September ROSE GARDEN SATURDAY MARKET 'SLASH' SWOP SHOP from 4pm with DJ LITTLEJOHN OH HN followed by BEARS With -X³WFIIRXLVII]IEVWWMRGI]SYQEHI]SYV8:HIFYXSR 8LI<JEGXSV'ER]SYWYQYTXLEXI\TIVMIRGI# It was fantastic. So many people told me not to go through with it and that I wouldn’t do very well. Now I’ve managed to achieve things and it’s really boosted my self-esteem. I went from a council estate to performing in the Albert Hall [laughs]! =SY[IVISRISJSRP]XLVII<*EGXSVGSRXIWXERXW[LS GSRXMRYIHXSFIGSEGLIHF]ENYHKIEJXIVXLIWLS[,S[ MQTSVXERXLEW+EV]FIIRMR]SYVGEVIIVWSJEV# Gary’s really shaped my career; I look up to him so much. Every time I record a song, I take it to Gary and he listens to it before I take it to the record label. =SYTEVXIHGSQTER][MXL]SYVVIGSVHPEFIPEJXIVXLI ßVWXEPFYQ;LEXLETTIRIHXLIVI# I worked with them for a year and I wasn’t happy with the direction they were trying to take me. When you don’t work well as a team, it’s just best to separate. =SY³VIEFSYXXSIQFEVOSR]SYVßVWXWSPSXSYVERHMX³W 1SXS[RMRWTMVIH;LEXMWMXEFSYXXLEXIVEXLEXWTIEOW XS]SY# I love R&B; it’s the way it’s put together, the passion it has, the melodies, the styling, the staging. I want to work that music and put a PMXXPIFMXSJQ]¾EZSYVSRMX-X´WRSXEPP1SXS[RMX´WGSZIVWERHRI[ songs with a special twist, too. -X³WKVIEXXSWII]SYERH6SFMR;MRHWSVWSLETT] XSKIXLIV,S[HMH]SYßVWXQIIX# ;IFYQTIHMRXSIEGLSXLIVEX-8:SR8LMW1SVRMRK-[EWGSQMRK out of a long relationship and it was starting to fall away when I was working on X Factor. I eventually emailed him and he came to watch my show. We took it day by day and it was really lovely. He’s husband material. He’s in control of himself and I’m an old romantic who doesn’t suffer fools. Marcus Collins is at the Riverside Tavern (Canal Road, Strood, Rochester, ME2 4DR), on Saturday 6th September. His latest single ‘Sweet Thang’ is out now. 30 DOWNSTAIRS TAIRS JUSTIN SWIFT 'til 3am Sunday 7th September CK SUNDAY @ 4pm followed by AN EVENING with MRS MOORE and TANYA HYDE with DJ DAVID ROBSON Tuesday 9th September ‘IT’S A KNOCKOUT’ WEEK 2 hosted by BETTE With DJ RINSE from 9pm ME Wednesday 10th September MRS MOORE'S MIDWEEK MADNESS from 9pm with DJ DAVID ROBSON London Gay Village Guide Central & Soho BARS 1. Admiral Duncan 54 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UB Landmark traditional gay pub slap bang in the middle of queer street. A friendly, mixed-bag clientele for uncomplicated drinkin’ and entertainment seven nights a week. 4. City Of Quebec 12 Old Quebec Street, W1H 7AH This long-serving pub is a traditional boozer in every sense. Popular with a more mature gay crowd and their admirers, there are quiz nights, karaoke, weekly Sunday night cabaret and basement disco. 5. Comptons of Soho 52 Old Compton Street, W1D 6HJ The Grand Dame of Old Compton Street. This everbusy drinking den has a cruisy downstairs with circular bar, plus a loungeier, grandiosely furnished upstairs – complete with a full menu of pub grub and lunches on Sundays. Great music, and they often show live rugby/football matches for the butcher fellas. 6. Duke Of Wellington 77 Wardour Street, W1V 3TH A local pub right in the heart of the West End. This more traditional-looking gay boozer boasts an eclectic and friendly clientele and is particularly busy at weekends. 7. Friendly Society 79 Wardour Street, W1D 6QB A discreet door hides a wonderful kitsch and kooky sub-surface bar where Barbarella meets Barbie. Friendly, fun and quirky. 8. G-A-Y Bar 30 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UR Soho’s palace of pop, which FSEWXWXLVII¾SSVWSJTYVTPI walled, pop tuneage beamed from loads of plasma screens. Scores of pretty young party things and endless cheap drinks promotions means you’re assured a fab night out. 9. Halfway II Heaven 7 Duncannon Street, WC2N 4JF A traditional gay boozer, with a friendly bunch of after work regulars and off-duty drag queens who are very welcoming to newcomers. Downstairs boasts regular cabaret and karaoke nights. 10. King’s Arms 23 Poland Street, W1F 8QL Long-serving, friendly and always popular drinking den for bears and their pals. 11. Ku Bar Frith Street 25 Frith Street, WC2A 7BA Affectionately known as ‘Baby /Y´WTVIEHSZIVX[S¾SSVWXLI funky basement bar is a pleasing plateau of comfy seats, plasma screens, great lighting and a diverse clientele. Not forgetting the hot boys behind the bar! 12. Molly Moggs 2 Old Compton Street, W1D 4TB Offering not only a warm and friendly atmosphere, Molly Moggs also has a packed event programme across the week, generally involving singing and sequins. A cosy, charming venue that, whilst being predominantly gay, does also attract a mixed crowd to its cabaret shenanigans. End. A laid-back, trendy but unpretentious crowd, chillin’ to indie and retro tunes. 15. Rupert Street 50 Rupert Street, W1D 6DR This popular bar has a sophisticated and stylish clientele, with a diverse food menu during the day and live DJs playing to a packed-out venue at the weekend. A favourite preclubbing destination. 16. Yard 57 Rupert Street, W1D 7PL A wonderful, relaxed venue with a gorge New York style loft-bar, Soho’s ONLY smoking balcony and courtyard, plus a bevy of beautiful boys, professional gayers and everyone in-between. LATE BARS 17. Manbar 79 Charing Cross Road, WC2H 0NE One of the newest bars on the scene with sexy lighting and a hot, funky crowd. A range of events every evening, from talent nights to bear clubs, with DJs, buzzing beats and the works. 18. Circa 62 Frith Street, W1D 3JN Cozy club/bar off Soho Square, featuring super-friendly staff and a buzzing atmosphere. DJs play pop and clubbier beats, with a late license until 1am. Worth checking out for the amazing mirror-ball DJ booth alone! 13. New Bloomsbury Set 76b Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AG A gorgeous spot for socializing nestled in the heart of bustling Bloomsbury. Pulling in a diverse mix of suave and sophisticated gays, from professionals to students, the cushioned cubby holes are great for big groups or an intimate date. 19. Edge 11 Soho Square, W1D 3QE *IEXYVMRKJSYVKSVKISYW¾SSVW of bar and club action; a great place for after work drinks and a haven for pretty young things/polysexual party peeps at the weekend, plus top DJs. Not forgetting their super late license on Friday and Saturday nights until 3am! 14. Retro Bar 2 George Court, WC2H 6HH A hidden gem that brings a slice of ‘Shoreditch cool’ to the West 20. Escape 10 Brewer Street, W1F 0SE A late night, ever-popular cozy dance bar with music videos and DJs. 21. Freedom 66 Wardour Street, W1F 0TA %TSP]WI\YEPX[S¾SSV bar that caters to many a well-heeled gayer and their trendy hetero acquaintances. There’s also a glitzy disco downstairs with club nights, live performances and more. 22. The Green Carnation 4-5 Greek Street, W1D 4DD 3TYPIRXVI½RIHWPMGOERH sexy, the upstairs is deliciously decadent and full of well-heeled KE]IVW[LMPWXXLIKVSYRH¾SSVMW much clubbier. 23. Ku Bar Lisle Street and Ku Klub 30 Lisle Street, WC2H 7BA %[SRHIVJYPXLVII¾SSVFEV club with a diverse crowd of party pumpin’ pretties. Upstairs has the gorgeous champagne bar, perfect for private parties, XLIKVSYRH¾SSVMWVIKYPEVP] heaving, and the Ku Klub is open 7 days a week with different themed nights of pop tuneage. The beautiful bar boys will have your mouths watering. 24. Village 81 Wardour Street, W1D 6QD %XLVII¾SSVIH[SRHIVSJ stunning Sohocialites enjoying chilled-out drinks. CLUBS 25. G-A-Y Late 5 Goslett Yard, WC2H 0EA The late night version of its Old Compton Street sister, which sticks to the winning formula of top pop, plasmas screens, LSXFS]WERH¾MVX]KMVPW¯FYX continues until the early hours of the morning! 26. Heaven Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG Probably the most famous gay HMWGSSR)EVXL&SEWXMRK½ZI rooms of sounds, this legendary venue caters to a wild mix, from polysexual and studenty crowds to mad trannies and muscle boys, with plenty of special events and wild parties, including G-A-Y 31 4 18 5 'Comptons, the very heart of Soho' 'Now serving the Gay Community for over 27 years' 'A true Soho Institution, offering a great experience, great range of beers and great atmosphere' 19 49 21 9 51 11 32 12 23 42 35 12 16 KEY LOCATION QX GAY SOHO & LONDON CENTRAL BARS LATE BARS CLUBS O BL GAY FRIENDLY FOOD OM MEN ONLY T EE TR YS UR SB AN WM NE 47 13 N OFF MAP R BO L ET RE ST ET RE ST S ER RN BE GH HO HI DS T EE IEL TR HF SS TIC LL GT WE PL NE BO TH RA SHOPS, SERVICES, GYMS AND MORE 37 T 19 4 36 22 O LB AR N TO 43 ST LY RB D'A M GT DE OR SH P OM 28 18 TS ST W C 35 NE 12 MA 31 33 8 N TO EL H S O 27 24 N LT PU 29 42 5 7 15 11 30 39 LITCH BO W ST RE ET ST GT EY ET RE ST AK BE 20 1 48 1 ST TT ET RE ST 32 W RE ST 21 ET RE ST R CE ER M R LL ET RE ST LY NG KI Y AB RN CA HA RS 40 46 R GA E N LA GH U RO N 25 RY U R D 10 ST 17 38 6 L T EE FL ST 23 16 ST A OR NG 41 R ST N H ET ET RE ST RE ST ST NT HE UT K GE NEW ROW ST E RI ST SO A TT 44 IC RE RW WA KI CK TO IS V TA 51 GLASSHOUSE STREET 50 ST M INS 14 E AC PLA D CA WILLIAM IV ST ART Y ILL OY CE PIC V SA 9 PA M LL AL PL 26 L COCK SPUR STREE T EM BA NK M NORT HUM BERL AND AVE ITE WH L HAL 33 London Gay Village Guide Central & Soho every Thursday (Porn Idol), Friday (Camp Attack), pop artists perform live or regular themes every Saturday, and dance night Popcorn every Monday. Playing the best in pop, dance, R&B and anything you can shimmy to. 27. Madame JoJos 8-10 Brewer Street, W1F 0SE A legendary Soho venue that exudes an opulent air of glamour, with various nights of kitsch cabaret, top live music, club nights, including the wonderful Trannyshack every Wednesday. 28. Miabella 12-13 Greek Street, W1D 4DJ A sexy Soho boutique lounge club, host to glam nights such as the eternally popular Room Service, every Thursday. 29. Shadow Lounge 5 Brewer Street, W1F 0RF The spiritual home of the swish, stylish scene queen, this decadent club de jour is pumping seven nights a week with glamorous PSYGLIPSYRKIVWERHHERGI¾SSV divas alike. The weekends are packed with cocktail-sipping, airkissing urbanites and more than a few celeb clienteles nestled in the enclaves. With top DJs, and a trendy selection of music, it’s open to all, but there are plenty SJFIRI½XWJSVQIQFIVW GAY-FRIENDLY FOOD 31. @Siam 48 Frith Street, W1D 4SF A contemporary Thai restaurant in the heart of Soho, @Siam offers gorgeous surroundings with a great atmosphere and an authentic, memorable Thai dining experience. With swanky modern décor, well-dressed staff and a menu crammed with a selection of eclectic food choices, @Siam is a delicious and affordable option in the heart of Soho. 32. Balans 60-62 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UG London’s queen of gay-friendly dining, slap-bang in the heart of Soho’s gay village. Featuring a varied menu of modern international cuisine, superb GSGOXEMPW½RI[MRIPMWXERH 34 late night/early morning dining. Quite simply the place to be seen with Cosmo in hand and hot boy in tow. 33. Balans Café 24 Old Compton Street, W1D 4TP You can always spot an array of trendy Sohoites, media types and gays about town enjoying a breakfast, brunch or late night snack in this buzzing café. MEN ONLY 35. Sauna Bar 29 Endell Street, WC2H 9BA Does exactly what it says on the tin – a fab sauna and bar for boozing and cruising. Includes spa, sauna, steam room, cabins, video lounge and massage services, in a discreet location in the bustling Covent Garden, just a hop, skip and a jump away from Soho. A perfect way to release some after work tension. 36. Sweatbox 1-2 Ramillies Street, W1F 7LN A sauna, gym and emporium of spa therapies and massages all under one roof, this ultra modern, men-only space also holds regular club events such as foam parties, with 1-day and weekend passes, plus monthly and annual memberships available. Open until 2am weeknights and 24 hours over the weekend. 37. Vault ;LMX½IPH7XVIIX SW1W 0HH A cruise bar where you can have drinks at the bar and unwind in front of the movie screens or wander the dark corridors and hidden vaults to discover secret treasures. There’s also themed nights of nudity and underwear-only. Just a stone’s throw from Soho. SHOPS, SERVICES, GYMS AND MORE… 38. 56 Dean Street 56 Dean Street, W1D 6AQ A welcoming, ultra modern and very friendly sexual health clinic that offers both walk-in and appointment services. With fast HIV testing, Hepatitis B vaccinations, free condoms, emergency contraception and advice. grooming treatments include waxing and sugaring, or you can choose from a range of massages. 39. Clone Zone 35 Old Compton Street, W1D 5JX A gay man’s shopping paradise, featuring DVDs, toys, clothes, underwear, books, magazines and more. Plus, head to the basement downstairs for a feast of strictly adults-only goodies, such as porn, DVDs, dildos, plus fetish/bondage gear. 44. Turning Point 32a Wardour Street, Soho, W1D 6QR This leading health and social care organization provides help for those affected by drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems and those with learning disabilities. They offer a ‘Smart Muscle Service’ for users of performance and image enhancing drugs every Tuesday from 6-9pm. 40. Dean Street Express 35 Dean Street, Soho, W1D 6AQ If only all sexual health services were so forward-thinking! The walk-in service that allows you to register quickly, and get tested faster by doing your own swabs for STIs. Results get texted to your phone. Open Monday-Sunday. HIV tests may take a little longer. 41. Centred Unit 1, 10-11 Archer Street, W1D 7AZ Kairos in Soho (KiS) is a registered charity and community development organization with the long-term vision of a society where every LGBT person is able to live free from prejudice, harassment and discrimination. Providing a safe place, and a range of activities to develop a sense of community, a support network and wider social and strategic change. 42. Prowler 5-7 Brewer Street, W1F 0RF The number one stop for your every gay need; ranging from toys to clothes, books to DVDs and a dedicated section for porn, Prowler have got it all! Located in the heart of Soho, Prowler offers a comfortable, easy shopping space with friendly WXEJJSRLERHXSIRWYVI]SY½RH exactly what you need. 43. Soho Salon 5 Carlisle Street, W1D 3BJ This chic, modern, family business offers a wide range of treatments, with friendly staff that adhere to the highest standards. There are laser treatments for hair reduction, thread veins, acne or skin rejuvenation, plus micodermabrasion, oxygen facials and more. Other male 46. Outlet 32 Old Compton Street, W1D 4TP Gay accommodation agency to suit all budgets and tastes, from holiday accommodation to longterm rentals and more. 47. Gay’s The Word 66 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AB Not just the UK’s only gay bookshop, it’s also a wonderful resource of gay literature and information, from serious to camp. There are also regular readings, meetings and a real community vibe. A little walk from Soho but worth it! 48. Fifty&Dean 50 Old Compton Street, W1D 4UB Featuring men’s designer underwear, loungewear, streetwear and other goodies upstairs and R18 DVDs, sex toys and adult playthings down in the basement, with a cool industrialstyle decor to boot! 50. Extreme Needle 36 StMartin’s Court, Covent Garden, WC2N 4AL Offering a different kind of prick than perhaps the type you’re used to, Extreme Needle has two studios in central London that boast professional and artistic tattoo design and body piercing. 51. Leicester Square Theatre 6 Leicester Place, WC2H 7BX Located minutes from Soho, Leicester Square Theatre presents a varied mix of shows, from camp cabaret featuring 0SRHSR´W½RIWXHVEKXEPIRX to Hollywood a-listers via outrageously camp pantos. CK SUNDAYS 31/08/14 HALFWAY 2 HEAVEN, 7 DUNCANNON STREET, CHARING CROSS, WC2N 4JF PHOTOS BY JOEL RYDER WORDS BY DAN MOORE CABARET DUO Crystal D’ Canter and Kelly Mild kick-started the Sunday afternoon at Halfway 2 Heaven with some of their pop, disco and cabaret classics. The double act began lifting those Sunday blues with their sassy cover of Dolly Partons ‘9 to 5’ and Donna Summer’s disco thriller ‘Hot Stuff’. If this wasn’t enough, the Halfway crowd were reduced to tears with the divas’ never-ending sexual innuendos and bitterness towards their adoring fans. The pints of ale were swaying mid-air while the cabaret sisters belted out Oliver Twist classic ‘Oom Pah Pah’. This exceptional Broadway performance left the gays asking for more! Unlike poor Oliver, the appreciative crowd were in for a treat with some divine solo performances, including Crystal’s cover of Whitney’s ‘One Moment in Time’ and Bobbysocks’ Eurovision hit ‘Let it Swing’. Kelly stole the limelight with her version of George Michael’s ‘Secret Love’ and Dionne Warwick’s ‘I’ll Never Fall In Love Again’. The blond bombshells topped off the weekend by singing their infamous Abba duets which included: ‘Dancing Queen’ ‘Gimme Gimme Gimme’ and ‘Thank you for the music’ – shortly followed by giving a toast to a fabulous Sunday evening and downing another sweet but deadly skittlebomb! es.” nday blu u S e s o h t ing “Lift CABARET ´ 36 eid by Jason R MORE TO ADORE Not content with interviewing just one star from RuPaul’s Drag Race this week, Jason Reid went for the double, from deep in the Irish countryside, he caught up with ADORE DELANO on the blower, who was kicking back in Los Angeles. We’re just so damn international here at QX... It’s great to talk to you Adore. You’re going to be over in London performing at West 5 this month, AND KYIWW[LEX#=SY´VIXLI½VWX Drag Race contestant to ever perform at the venue. Are you exited about popping their cherry? Are you serious? I didn’t know that. I’m really looking forward to it now. That’s awesome. So what are you expecting? I’m expecting there to be a lot of cool people with awesome accents. What will you be serving up? Oh I’m very unpredictable! Saying XLEX-´PPHI½RMXIP]FITIVJSVQMRK plenty of live original numbers, and probably some Iggy Azalea, as I’ve been learning a lot of her stuff recently. I almost always end up doing extra numbers too. It’s all about having fun. As long as my wig stays on, it’s all good [laughs]. Are you planning to hang out and hit the clubs while you’re in town? Hopefully! I’m a big party person. You can sleep when you’re dead, man. And I don’t even touch drugs or anything; all it takes is a Coca-Cola to get me up and keep me going. Gotta let your hair down in London town, right? 0IX´WXEPOFVMI¾]EFSYX Drag Race, because if we don’t the gays will come for me with pitchforks. One of my favourite episodes from Season 6 was the Snatch Game, in which you impersonated Anna Nicole Smith brilliantly. How and why did you get into her, so to speak? She was huge over here in America for being the blonde bombshell with no brains when I was growing YTERH-OMRHEMHIRXM½IH[MXLLIV It’s so weird! Everyone else at Amazing, life-changing, surreal, eye-opening, and a blessing. Having also competed on American Idol - and apart from the obvious - what were the main differences between the two shows? On Idol you have to be so careful what you say, and everything KSIWXLVSYKLWSQER]½PXIVWERH producers. I’m very grateful for “I’m very unpredictable!” school had their folders covered in pictures of pop idols but I had mine plastered with Anna. I loved that she was like me: from a nowhere place, yet she still managed to make a good living for herself and her kids. You need to see the opera of her life, it’s amazing. So how would you describe your Drag Race experience in a sentence? the experience and it did teach me a few things. In comparison, Drag Race was so refreshing; I felt like I was just hanging out with a group of friends, cussing and being myself, totally forgetting about the Adore Delano will be performing at West 5 (56 Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB) on Saturday 13th September. Reid All About It - Strap yourselves in, Scotland’s biggest drag queen is coming to London! Following a series of successful shows at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Nancy Clench will be performing at West 5, Admiral Duncan, Trannyshack and The Black Cap from the 3rd-13th October. 38 cameras. Did you feel like your personality was being WXM¾IHSR-HSP# Yeah, it’s all very contrived, plus it’s on the Fox network (a Republican station - which is not known for being a gay outlet). They didn’t want me coming out; I had to keep my hair a certain length and sing certain songs, so ]IELMX[EWUYMXIWXM¾MRK Finally, Adore, what do you Adore? (see what I did there) [Laughs] I adore pizza, my boyfriend and Freddie Mercury who is my inspiration. News, goss and tittle tattle from the scene - Staying on the subject of the Edinburgh Fringe, Son Of a Tutu, who took her show ‘Freckled’ there last QSRXLVIXYVRIHXS0SRHSRVIGIRXP]MREVI¾IGXMZI mood. She also bumped into the fabulous Miss Hope Springs whilst up there. And Finally... Facebook post of the week goes to Ollywood. Concise and correct. “Gok Wan needs to not.” QX and THT present Thursday 25th September starring Lola Lasagne Rose Garden by d e s t hos Duboi ra My roasted by her delightful fiends friends Miss Jason 100% of ticket sales go to THT! Doors 7pm Show 8:30pm Mrs Moore The Royal Vauxhall Tavern 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY Tickets £10 advance £12 on the door: R E V I E W : M U S I C N E W S A R T S But is it sweetie? BY PATRICK CASH Falling on a high OPERA LA TRAVIATA Soho Theatre, 21 Dean Street, W1D 3NE Running until 14th September THE SOHO THEATRE’S update of Verdi’s classic opera La Traviata by celebrated company OperaUpClose has rightfully been entrancing audiences since it premiered in August. Swirling the story of Violetta the ‘fallen woman’ (the translation of ‘traviata’) from nineteenth century Venice to the speakeasies of 1920s Prohibition-era America, the Italian text also cascades through a rigorous translation courtesy of renowned director/translator Robin Norton-Hale. The secretive world of illegal cocktails makes for a great introduction to the on-stage action as one of the most famous songs, the irrepressible ‘Drinking Song’ plants the fullhouse audience right in the action. A simple set of netted windows and laced curtains is used to conceal and change as needed, [MXLGLEVEGXIVW¾MXXMRKEFSYX between a couch, an old-fashioned gramophone and a pianist and other musicians seated in the wings. Violetta was a beautifully crafted creation upon the stage, by turns heroic and steadfast, and then vulnerably introspective. If there was a slight criticism of the ½VWXLEPJMX[EWXLEXMXHMHETTIEV to lag or lull at certain times, and perhaps certain over-long scenes could have been cut down further. Hearing the audience around me rustle and stir in their seats within the hot auditorium appeared to GSR½VQQ]NYHKIQIRX However, this criticism dissipated into the ether in the majestic second-half that proved all the FILM OF THE WEEK BY PATRICK CASH EGER BY JACK L IN THE WORKS Benedict Cumberbatch and Christian Bale have joined the performancecapture cast of Andy Serkis’ Jungle Book, as the tiger Shere Khan and the panther Bagheera, VIWTIGXMZIP]%RHChris Hemsworth is lined up to play the daughter’s boyfriend in a reboot of National Lampoon’s Vacation. 40 THEY CAME TOGETHER (15) Only Paul Rudd and Amy Poehler could get away with this nutty satire of romanticcomedies, a tricky project because romcoms are fairly corny already. But a hilarious script and riotous performances keep us laughing IZIR[LIRXLMRKWKIXMRGVIEWMRKP]VMHMGYPSYW8LI½PQXEOIWXLITMWWSYXSJ every formulaic element imaginable, with non-stop verbal and visual gags, plus starry cameos by everyone from Adam Scott to Norah Jones. passion of opera making the art form so lauded and loved up to the modernday. As the characters ducked and weaved around their MRXVMGEXITEXLWWMRKMRKQEKRM½GIRX arias, and bringing the story to its potent close, the audience was rapt with attention. And as the spiral soared inevitably to its poignancy-laced end (it’s hardly a plot-spoiler to reveal such, I would hope), the real human and emotional truth of Verdi’s classic powered through in Norton-Hale’s cunningly executed update. 1980S MAYHEM Jennifer Aniston plays a feisty kidnapped trophy wife in the comedy LIFE OF CRIME, which is more about the riotous characters than the twisty plot. The superb cast includes Tim Robbins, Mos Def and Isla Fisher. FOOD & MEMORY DVD OF THE WEEK ERODDITY(S) (18) Like a gay almost-porn Twilight Zone, this anthology tells four explicitly sexy stories with supernatural twists involving fantasy lovers, undead revenge and teenage sexuality. Playfully mixing gay themes with horror movie clichés, the production values are a bit cheesy, but these are seriously lusty stories packed with full-on nudity ERHWI\*ERWSJHEVO]SYRKX[MROW[MPPHI½RMXIP][ERXXLIMVS[RGST]JSV ahem, repeated viewing. (TLA) Helen Mirren plays a Michelin-starred French chef in THE HUNDREDFOOT JOURNEY, declaring war when an Indian restaurant opens nearby. Warm, sweet and outrageously mouth[EXIVMRK2MGSPI/MHQER Colin Firth and Mark Strong star in the moody mysterythriller BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP, an odd cross between Memento and 50 First Dates. Intriguing but melodramatic. R E V I E W : A R T S N E W S M U S I C T H E A LT E RN A TI C O SC ENE JU S PRINCESS ELECTRO D I LIA VE REV OLT AGE What have I noticed this week? Well I’m glad to WE]0SRHSRPMJIMW¾SYVMWLMRK[MXLPSEHWSJPMXXPI ³YRHIVKVSYRH´QSQIRXWKSMRKSRXLEXNSMRXLIHSXW EGVSWWEXMQIPMRISJGVIEXMZMX]XLEXWTERWHIGEHIW 3ZIVEXXLIEVXWTEGI0MQI;LEVJ(Vyner Street, E2 9DJ)XLIVIEVIX[SXLMRKWKSMRKSRSR8LYVWHE] 7ITXIQFIVXL*MVWXYTMWEKVSYTWLS[STIRMRK After DarkJVSQTQ[MXL(.ERHEVGLMZMWX Jeffrey Hinton[LS[MXLEQSRKWXSXLIVW MRGPYHMRKHIWMKRIVBody MapERHTVMRXEVXMWX David Holah[MPPFIHIPZMRKMRXSERHVIZIEPMRK XLIMVPMJI´W[SVOZME½PQEVXERHJEWLMSR %JXIV[LMGLEXTQ[MPHGPYFGLMPHLily DeanLEWGYVEXIHEWIVMIWSJWLSVX½PQWERH TIVJSVQERGIW'MRIQE']WXWMRGSRNYRGXMSR[MXL Yeast London CabaretMR0MQI;LEVJ´W RI[EYHMXSVMYQ3RLIVFMPPOozing Gloop Rodent Decay and Ellis DeeJoseph Wilson´W³(VEK-W1])GWXEW]´TPYWQSVI8&' PMQI[LEVJSVK %PWSSR8LYVWHE]XL-´PPFIHSMRKQ]VIKYPEV QSRXLP]WTSXEXXLIGeorge & Dragon (2-4 Hackney Road, Shoreditch, E2 7NS)JVSQ TQSR[EVHW-GER´X[EMXXSLIEV[LEX Q]WTIGMEPKYIWXXLMW[IIOAndy Polaris¯JVSRXQERSJWTST KVSYT%RMQEP2MKLXPMJI[MPPFI TPE]MRK 5YIIVGSPPIGXMZIThe Familyyy FierceEVILEZMRK a do! M O R EMWNYWXXLI FIKMRRMRKSJEQSRXLP]FEWLEX 8LI&PSSQWFYV]&S[PMRK0ERIW Rodent Decay AMERIIE IN DA HOUSSE! 7LILEHQEWWMZIWYGGIWWJSPPS[MRKLIV GLEVXXSTTMRK½VWXWMRKPI³18LMRK´ %RXLSR]+MPqX½RHWSYX[LEX´WYT[MXLAmeriie! (Tavistock Hotel, Bedford Way, WC1H 9EU)SR7EXYVHE] XL7ITXIQFIVJVSQTQ ³XMPEQ)\TIGXEVMSXSYW HVEKI\XVEZEKER^EJVSQ XLIRI[IWXIHMXMSRSJTEVX] QSRWXIVWSRXLIWGIRI Hannah Holland 9TEXXLI(EPWXSR 7YTIVWXSVI117 Kingsland High Street, Dalston, E8 2PB) this [IIOMX´WXLIXYVRSJClassic X Paris’ Acid BallSR7EXYVHE]XLLuke SolomanJVSQXLI 'PEWWMG1YWMG'SQTER]ERHGideon JVSQ2=' (S[RPS[NSMRVIWMHIRXWHannah HollandDan Beaumont and Squeaky 8LMWQSRXL´W³RSXIJSV]SYVHMEVMIW´GSQIWJVSQ 8LI6IEPTranny Olympics8LI9PXVE*IQQ] +EQIWLETTIRMRKSR7EXYVHE]XL7ITXIQFIV EX&IXLREP+VIIR;SVOMRK1IR´W'PYF(42 Pollard Row, E2 6NB)2S[MRMXWXL]IEV[LEXEPMRIYT XLI]LEZIMRWXSVI'EXIKSVMIWJSV XLIEGXYEPGSRXIWXMRGPYHI;IX 87LMVX8LVS[MRK7LEHIERH ;EPOSJJ1MRM&EPP7LS[W ERHTIVJSVQERGIWJVSQ HorrorchataBabes Trust and Oozing Gloop (.WMRGPYHIPrincess Michael of Cunt The Duchess of Pork Babes Trust QIPrincess Julia) and Primitive-XWXEVXWEXTQFYXKIX XLIVIIEVP]]SYHSR´X[ERXXSQMWWEXLMRK So, tell me Ameriie, what’s with the two iis? -X´WNYWXWSQIXLMRK-[ERXIHXSHSMWXLI FIWX[E]XSI\TPEMRMX-X´WFIIRPMOIXLEX JSV]IEVWFYXSJGSYVWIRSXIZIV]SRI ORS[WXLEX Right! Because you’ve been gone for a while? =IW8SQIMXHSIWR´XJIIPXLEXPSRKFYX SFZMSYWP]MRXLIMRHYWXV]XLVII]IEVWMW like a lifetime! Tell me a bit about your new single! ;IPP³;LEX-;ERX´MWSJJXLIEPFYQ ³&MPP]´GSQMRKSYXIEVP]RI\X]IEV-X´W LMKLIRIVK]LEWXLIHVYQWXLEX-PSZI ERHXLEXTSTJIIP Are you excited about performing at G-A-Y? -HMHMXFIJSVIERHPSZIHMX-X´WEPPKSRRE FIZIV]LMKLIRIVK] OK, So keeping that under wraps! We’re gonna play a little game… I’ve created some questions based on the titles of your previous hits. You’re up in the club, and see your man getting cosey with some cheap skank, how would you ‘Take Control’ of the situation? 8LEX[SYPHRIZIVLETTIRFIGEYWIMJE KY]´W[MXLQI¯LI´WRSXPSSOMRKEXLIV =SYVLSYWIMWSR½VI[LEX´WXLI 1 Thing you’d save? *EQMP]TLSXSW ;LS[EW]SYV½VWXIZIVCrush? 3L-HSR´XVIQIQFIV7SQIFSH][LIR- [EWEFSYXWM\ Which celebrity do you secretly wanna ‘Touch’? 3LMX´WSRP]1V2MGLSPWSR?LIV LYWFERHA Where’s your ‘Paradise’? -XLMRO%RKYMPPERIEV7X&EVXW-X´W[LIVI [IKSXQEVVMIHMX´WWSFIEYXMJYP Finish this sentence… “It’s been such a long day, All I Need is…” 4M^^E And a cocktail, right? -EGXYEPP]HSR´XHVMRO What’s the most ‘Dangerous’ thing you’ve ever done? -[EWETVIXX]GVE^]HVMZIV[LIR-[EW ]SYRKIV© Did you get DUIs? ?PEYKLWA31+2S?PEYKLWA Amerie performs at G-A-Y (Heaven, Under the Arches, Villiers Street, Charing Cross, WC2H 6NG) on Saturday 6th September. 42 MUSTS YOUR GUIDE TO THE WEEK'S BEST MAYBES BAR CLUB CABARET EVENTS IN LONDON FULL LISTINGS AVAILABLE AT WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM THURSDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS Ow’Zat at The Joiners Arms, 116-118 Hackney Road, E2 7QL. 11.30pm-4am. FREE b4 11.30pm/£5 after. The weekend begins early at the original gay Hackney London club/ bar. TONIGHT: DJ Ariel. G-A-Y Porn Idol at Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-4am. Discount wristbands from G-A-Y Bar. The biggest amateur strip contest in town is back! Win £100 on the night and maybe £1,000 in the Final. Plus, hot pop spun across the venue. To be a contestant text 07789 553 868 or email TONIGHT: Guest judge Detox from RuPaul’s Drag Race. Ku Klub – Tasty Tim Takeover at Ku Bar Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 6pm-3am. FREE. The legendary Tasty Tim and guests spin the pop sounds and floor fillers. Open 7 days. Thursgays at East Bloc, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10.30pm-late. Midnight Yeast Cabaret deliver a performance by Oozing Gloop, Lewis Burton and Rodent Decay with tunes by resident DJs playing pop, dance, R’n’B, disco and electro. Room Service at Miabella, 12-13 Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4DJ. 10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing edgy and upfront house. Expect hot gogo eye candy and hosted by fab scene faces. Get snapped by the legendary resident papper! Cruise Control at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-2am. £6 entry, includes first drink and coat check. Cruise spaces to explore to darker, deeper beats. Thirsty at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 11pm-3.30am. FREE. The off-Soho bar keeps the night going ‘til late with Gaydio’s Phil Marriott’s commercial dance anthem onslaught. BARS & CABARET Tasty Tim Ted’s TV/TS Night at Ted’s Place, 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am. £5. The night for fellas in frocks and their admirers. Dirty Disko at Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 10pm-5am. £5. DJs Alex Georgiou and Steven Artis and friends play the dirty disco sounds at Vauxhall industrial Barcode club spot. G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm-3am. Hot pop sounds get played out across the club, drink specials, cute guys and an almost unrivalled highly electric atmosphere. 44 Gossip at West 5, Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Popular central London karaoke fun with Kevin Walsh. VS at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 4pm-4am. Munroe Bergdorf and Adam Turner get you warmed up for Room Service with some unrivalled Thursday night hotness! Baga Chipz at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3.30am. Free. Drag queen, vocalist, TV star, hot mess and hilarious to boot! Baga Chipz crash lands into the Manbar! Vanity Von Glow’s Cocktails in The Shufflewick Bar at The Black Cap, 171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. The popular Camden cabaret, pub and club hosts a new night of drag and drink. With special guest Silver Summers. Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. FREE. Insanely sociable cosy bar. Jeff Kristian entertains (8.30pm). Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 6DR. From 8pm. Weekly dance session at the popular Soho bar. TONIGHT: Enriched with DJ Rich B. Kazbar at 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. 4pm-3am. Free. Funky Clapham bar with stylish swish. Comptons of Soho – Tasty Tim Takeover at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-midnight. One of Soho’s best loved traditional gay pubs, always busy and always friendly and always fun. TONIGHT: Ku Bar boys hand out drink vouchers for Ku Klub entry as Tasty Tim DJs. Quiz Night at The Roebuck, 84 Ashmole Street, SW8 1NE. 8pm onwards. £1 entry. Cash prizes to be won at The Roebuck for their awesome Quiz Night. Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm-2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. FRIDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS BUTT1st at The Joiners Arms, 116-118 Hackney Road, E2 7QL. 11.30pm-4am. FREE b4 11.30pm/£5 after. Packing them into the East London dance and drink spot every Friday. TONIGHT: DJ Rob Sykes. Super Electric Party Machine at East Bloc, 217-219 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 10pm-6am. Free before 12am with flyer, £5 before 12am with free drink, £8 before 1am with free drink, £10 after. Freshest, hottest talent playing the best new music with DJ Larry Tee and guests at this hot-ass East London basement club spot. TONIGHT: Live PA by Ray Noir. Plus, Alexis knox, Miguel dare, Smiley Vyrus and Will Bond. G-A-Y Camp Attack at Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-4am. FREE with wristband from G-A-Y Bar. Main Floor plays 70s, 80s, 90s, 00 & 01, Star Bar is 02 to present day, videos in the Pop Room. Musical theme sing-along in the Departure Lounge. Tonker at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-3am. Big bear bar boozing, cruise and tunes has disco, house & soul, then sexier vibes to the early hours for hot daddies, bears, cubs and their admirers. Nancy’s + Polari at Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High St, E8 2PB. 9pm-3am. Free b4 11pm/£5 after. Weekly night of regular resident DJs spinnin’ up a storm of top deck disco house and hot tracks to shack out to. TONIGHT: Stockholm’s queerest party ‘Polari’ joins Nancy’s, descending into the basement with resident DJs Staffan Lindberg and Pjotr. Lover Boy at Vogue Fabrics, 66 Stoke Newington Road, Dalston, N16 7XB. 10pm-3am. £3 before 12am, £5 after. London based Loverboy sees the second edition of Charles Jeffrey’s notorious club night, with resident hottie Juancho, dynamic diva Jam, plus favourite pair Loverboy and K.A.T. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street at 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 10pm-3am. FREE b4 11pm, £5 after. Pop perfection and hot floor fillers as Ku’s hot 3 spin the tunes in its downstairs basement club spot. G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 7.30pm-3am. Hot pop sounds, drink specials, cute guys and a pop perfect atmosphere. Fitladz at Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 10pm-8am. £8 members, £10 guests. The club session for horny lads with hot grooves from the DJs and an extended cruise space. Spunk at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3am. Free b4 11pm. Start the weekend with a bang. Commercial dance remixes from DJs Amos, Rob C and Brent Nicholls. A:M (afterhours) at Protocol, South Lambeth Road, SW8 1RT. 1am (Saturday morning)-11am. £12. The FOR LISTINGS ON THE GO, DOWNLOAD THE FREE 'QX GAY LONDON' APP AT THE ITUNES STORE original Saturday morning afterhours beast that continues to light up the weekend ahead of the rest churns out the turbocharged house sounds. BARS & CABARET Camp As Hits at The City of Quebec, 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. 10pm-3am. Venerable institution of the gay scene rocks out some pop classics for an evening of fun. Ku Bar Soho, 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. Open ‘til 3am. Ku Bar’s little brother stretches across two floors for that perfect Soho warm-up drinking session and a little dance with downstairs DJs. The Two Brewers at 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 5pm-4am. £8. South London’s legendary club, bar and cabaret spot. The Edge at 11 Soho Square, Soho, W1D 3QE. 12noon-3am. FREE b4 10.30pm. Four floors of fun! Ground floor DJs spin top 40 and radio edit chart dance and commercial and chart R’n’B on the 2nd floor. The Lipsinkers at The RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. Doors 9pm. Show 10pm. Show 10pm. DJs ‘til 2am, £8. The lip synching drag troupe delivers another rollercoaster ride of non-stop sounds and sights of big tunes, high heels and wonderful wigs. werq the floor! The Roebuck at 84 Ashmole Street, SW8 1NE. 6-11pm. Happy hour all night at this enticing gay friendly venue in the Oval area where you can meet local lads and sexy drinkers. Central Station at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm/£3 after, £5 after 10.30pm. Cabaret and DJs ‘til late. TONIGHT: Entertainment from Eva La Diva. Friday Night Live at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. 9pm-3am. The central London cabaret hot spot. TONIGHT: Cabaret with Mrs Moore. Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11.30pm. Open seven days a week for the more social gays around the Kings Cross/Bloomsbury area and those after a refreshing new experience. London’s only 21+ bar! SATURDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS Songs of Praise at East Bloc, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10.30pm-6am. £5 b4 11.30pm/£10 after. One of the SoP rooms tonight is all about Kate Bush with DJs Dave Cross and Phil Marriott, alongside residents Neil Prince, the Sugalow Boys and David Oh. Plus, PA by new girl band M.O. Phil Marriot Mrs Moore The Lipsinkers Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 6DR. Open ‘til 1am. Soho’s sexy bar is ready to shine again with weekly DJ sets to get you in the weekend mood! TONIGHT: DJ Rich B. Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-2am. The grand dame of Soho. TONIGHT: DJ Matt Bogard from 9pm. Discipline at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot watches Munroe Bergdorf and friends West 5 at South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. Kazbar presents We Love The 90s at 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. 4pm-3am. Free. Funky Clapham bar with stylish swish. The Victoria at 186 Hoe Street, Walthamstow, E17. Open ‘til 3am. Lively East End pub features karaoke every Friday! Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. FREE. Soho’s most intimate cabaret bar. Cabaret time! It’s Diva’s Unlimited with Diamond Pearl (8.30pm). Sauna Bar at 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9BA. 11.30am-2am. £16. £5 off entry with QX advert. The only licensed gay sauna in the West End, open ‘til super late every weekend. The Bridge at 8 Voltaire Road, Clapham, SW4 6DH. Clapham’s newest addition to the gay scene. TONIGHT: ‘Thank God It’s Heidi!’ with DJ Heidi Liscious! The Black Cap at 171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. 9pm-3am. £6. North London’s famous cabaret, club and pub. New Bloomsbury Set at 76 G-A-Y presents Ameriie at Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 10pm-5am. Discount wristbands from G-A-Y Bar. The palace of pop and quite possibly the world’s most famous gay club packs out this cavernous venue. TONIGHT: ‘One Thing’ Ameriie wows the crowds! Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 10pm-very late. Vauxhall’s pumping late night club keeps the house music booming across two slick dancefloors. Tranny Dad’s Lucky Dip at Vogue Fabrics, 66 Stoke Newington Road, Dalston, N16 7XB. 10pm-3am. £3 b4 11pm/£5 after. Tranny Dad is after Lucky Dip fun to help celebrate a few birthdays with special guest DJs playing disco, pop and R’n’B and all things fun! Paris’ Acid Ball at Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland High Street, E8 2PB. 9pm-3am. Free before 10pm, £5 after. PAB teams up with celebrated label Classic Music Company for a September special, featuring boss Luke Solomon against DJs Dan Beaumont, Hannah Holland, Gideon and DJ Squeaky. See page 20. Exilio: Vicars and Tarts Party at 1 Archway Close, N19 3TD. 10pm-4am. Dress like a vicar or tart for £5 entry. £6 with QX advert in this issue. £10 others. Good lord, she’s a whore! The long-running Latin music night spices things up with a vicars and tarts party. Resident DJ G spins salsa, merengue, bachata and other hot tunes. Dress up for discount entry! JagerNacht: Masterclass with Dolan Wolf at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-4am. Free before 10pm, £6 after (one free Jager shot). Mega horny cruise night Jagernacht is back with uber-successful masterclasses on fetish by porn star Dolan Wolf, and fellow porno friend Dick Caber. Pantastic at The Joiners Arms, 116-118 Hackney Road, E2 7QL. 10pm-6am. FREE b4 11.30pm/£5 45 FOR LISTINGS ON THE GO, DOWNLOAD THE FREE QX GAY LONDON APP AT THE ITUNES STORE after. The original East London club spot with smashing DJs and a whole heap of hot dudes and queer friends. TONIGHT: DJ Alessandro. Riverside Tavern presents Marcus Collins at Riverside Tavern, 8 Canal Road, Strood, Kent, ME2 4DR. Kent’s most popular gay bar/club presents the X Factor wunder boy Marcus Collins! Get down there for a storming night where Marcus showcases his sweet and sexy vocals. See page 30. Marcus Collins 12 Old Quebec Street Marble Arch, London W1H 7AF TEL: 020 7629 6159 FRI 4th SEPT 10pm ‘til 3am Camp As Hits DJ GEFFORY SAT 5th SEPT BARS & CABARET DJ STEVO SUN 6th SEPT 9pm Cabaret AMY DIAMOND MON 7th SEPT 9pm HOSTED BY IAN JAMES TUES 8th SEPT 9pm & 10pm Double Bubble OPENING HOURS MON-THURS 12PM-2AM FRI-SAT 12PM-3AM SUN 12PM-1AM NEAREST TUBE: MARBLE ARCH @cityofquebecW1H 46 pre-party for Beyond afterhours with tunes by Gretta Gargola and Beyond’s resident guest DJs. G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm-3am. Hot pop sounds, drink specials, cute guys and a pop perfect atmosphere. Beyond (afterhours) at Fire, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RT. 4am (Sunday morning)-late. £10 advance tickets available. The crazy club beast takes it up a notch with a move to Fire for the late night/ early morning house music session. TONIGHT: Fire’s 11th Birthday featuring DJs Steve Pitron, Tony English, Dan Slater, Fat Tony and many others, plus a live PA from Rebeka Brown. Unchill (afterhours) at Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 6am (Sunday morning)-super late. FREE. The new lite summer format of afterhours with DJs spinning fresh uplifting house music into Sunday morning. M O R E at Bloomsbury Lanes, Tavistock Hotel, Bedford Way, WC1H 9EU. 9pm-3am. The Familyyy Fierce launch a new monthly club night for gender-freaks, drag qweens and their friends. Part drag ball and part queer expression! Duckie at RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 9pm-2am. £6. Alternative London club/ entertainment night. Hosted by Amy Lamé, with music by Readers Wifes. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street at 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 10pm-3am. FREE b4 11pm, £5 after. £3 with wristband/membership. The party continues in Ku’s basement club with hot pop and floor fillers from the DJs. Sweatbox Foam Party at 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. £16. Unwind and release some tension after a stressy week with the all the fun of the foam at Sweatbox’s original weekly party. XXL at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank, SE1 9UF. 8pm-8am. £8 members, £15 guests. £5 after 4am. Four huge arenas, a mega cruise space and chill space. Plus, big tunes from resident DJs Christian M, Alex Logan, Joe Egg, Andy Almighty and Stewart Styles. Hombre at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3am. Free b4 11pm/£3 after. Weekly Dark at Retro Bar, 2 George Court, WC2N 6HH. 8pm-11pm. FREE. Dark pop all night at the indie bar featuring the likes of Depeche Mode, Goldfrapp, Lana del Rey, The Cure, Lorde, Siouxsie from DJ Tom of Swindon. Central Station at 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1 9SD. Open ‘til 4am. FREE b4 10pm. Cabaret then DJs ‘til late. TONIGHT: Cabaret from Martha D’Arthur. High Street, SW4 7UJ. 5pm-4am. FREE b4 10pm, £7 after. Cabaret and clubbing ‘til late at the famous venue. The Roebuck at 84 Ashmole Street, SW8 1NE. Gay venue in the Oval area. Worship the weekend with Bar-BuckQ’s in the secluded garden. G-A-Y Bar at 30 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4UR. Midday-Midnight. FREE. Soho’s palace of pop with the hottest videos screened out across the venue, great drinks deals and discount entry wristbands for G-A-Y @ Heaven. Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. FREE. Soho’s most intimate cabaret bar. Divas Unlimited cabaret with Diamond Pearl (8.30pm). West 5 at South Ealing, Pope’s Lane, W5 4NB. Garden party 12pm, Cabaret from 3pm, BBQ 3.30pm. Open ‘til late. The popular West London club, bar and cabaret spot, with added Piano Lounge fun. The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-12am. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Saunabar at 29 Endell Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9BA. 11.30am-2am. £16. £5 off entry with QX advert. Unwind after a night of clubbing at the only licensed gay sauna in the West End. The Yard at 57 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 7PL. Open till 12am. FREE. Renowned as one of Soho’s most unique and popular destination venues, with terrific outdoor space. Circa at 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 4pm-1am. Soho’s intimate but packed-out bar/club spot with the most amazing DJ booth in town! Martha D’Arthur Ku Bar Soho at 25 Frith Street, WC1D 5LB. 12 midday-late. Ku Bar’s little brother stretches across three floors for that perfect Soho warm-up drinking session and a cheeky dance with downstairs DJs. The Two Brewers at 114 Clapham Munroe Bergdorf Ku Bar at Ku Bar Lisle Street, Chinatown, WC2H 7BA. 6pm-3am. One of London’s hottest gay bars and clubs, with the hottest boys FULL LISTINGS AVAILABLE AT WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM FOR LISTINGS ON THE GO, DOWNLOAD THE FREE QX GAY LONDON APP AT THE ITUNES STORE both behind the bar and in front of it, stretching over three floors. Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 2pm-late. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. TONIGHT: DJ Joe Public from 9pm. Jo Public 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. Top tunes and late night fun at the legendary gay boozer near Marble Arch. SUNDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS Saturday Market Slash Swap Shop & Bears Downstairs at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon St, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 3am. Rose Garden provides Saturday shopping light relief. Then bears go down for the gruff guys and DJ Justin Swift. Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 6DR. Open ‘til 1am. Kick Saturday night off with sounds from the hottest DJs at this lively Soho bar. TONIGHT: DJ Little Rob. The Bridge at 8 Voltaire Road, Clapham, SW4 6DH. Open from 1pm-late. Clapham’s newest addition to the gay scene. DJs on rotation. The Black Cap at 171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. 10pm-3am. £5 b4 midnight/£7 after. Party rocking Camden gay pub with regular entertainment/cabaret and a club. Kazbar at 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. 4pm-1am. Free entry. Funky Clapham bar with stylish swish. New Bloomsbury Set at 76 Marchmont Street, Bloomsbury, WC1N 1AG. 4pm-11.30pm. Open seven days a week for the more social gays around the Kings Cross/ Bloomsbury area and those after a refreshing new experience. London’s only 21+ bar! The Edge at 11 Soho Square, Soho, W1D 3QE. 12noon-3am. FREE b4 10.30pm. Ground floor DJs spin top 40 and radio edit chart dance and commercial and chart R’n’B on the 2nd floor. Hot gogo dancers gyrating away as Felicia Van Cartier exudes fabulousness. Pick N Mix at The City of Quebec, Beyond (afterhours) at Fire. 4am-late. See Saturday. Unchill (afterhours) at Barcode 6am-late. See Saturday. Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street at 30 Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 10pm-3am. The party continues in Ku’s basement club with hot pop and floor fillers from the DJ Lady Lloyd. Later at Fire, 39 Parry Street, SW8 1RT. Midday –late. £8 ad/concession/ flyer/NUS card, £10 OTD. Continue Beyond vibes into Sunday afternoon as Later funks it up. RVT Sundays at RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, SE11 5HY. 2pm-2am. £6. The afternoon/ evening clubbing session slot playing huge dance anthems and commercial house. Plus, multi-media entertainment from Charlie Hides TV at 5.30pm. Charlie Hides out for the Sunday crowd at the bustling Joiners. G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm-3am. Hot pop sounds get played out across the club, drink specials, cute guys and an almost unrivalled highly electric atmosphere. Orange at Fire, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RT. 5am (Monday morning) -late. £12. The weekend ends here with funked-up house sounds from the resident disc jocks. BARS & CABARET Comptons of Soho – Leather Social at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-12am. The grand dame of Soho pulling in a more blokey crowd. TONIGHT: The monthly Leather Social takes over the upstairs bar from 5pm. The Roebuck at 84 Ashmole Street, SW8 1NE. New gay venue in the Oval area. Serving top Sunday Roast every week. Love#Hangover at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. 10pm-late. Jonathan Bestley brings amazing beats and a little sparkle to the heart of Soho to end the weekend on. West 5 at Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. 7pm-late. FREE. West London’s giant club/bar/cabaret home invites you to chill out here. The Edge at 11 Soho Square, Soho, W1D 3QE. 3pm-late. Soho’s multifloored gay wonder. Ground floor DJs spin top 40 and radio edit chart dance and commercial and chart R’n’B on the 2nd floor. The Two Brewers at 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 4pm-2am. FREE b4 8pm, £3 after. South London’s legendary cabaret, club and pub. Triple cabaret punch with The Power of 3! Horse Meat Disco at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 8pm-3am. £6. The HMD gymkhana continues to shake Vauxhall down every week. Residents spin super-disco sounds with weekly guests. Le Freak/Juntos at Dalston Superstore, 117 Kingsland Road, E8 2PB. 9pm-2.30am. FREE entry. Le Freak residents CosNick and Lucious Flajore present a Sunday of disco, house and more for those not quite ready to end the weekend. SPQR at The Joiners Arms, 116-118 Hackney Road, E2 7QL. 11pm-2am. FREE. DJ Romano plays the sounds FULL LISTINGS AVAILABLE AT WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM 48 Sandra FULL LISTINGS AVAILABLE AT WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM The Black Cap at 171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. 7pm-late. £5. The long-running cabaret, club and pub nestled in the heart of Camden. Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. From 2pm. FREE. Dame Julie Paid entertains the guests at this intimate Soho boozer. Cabaret from Cookie Monstar. The City of Quebec at 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. Cabaret at 9pm. Legendary gay boozer near Marble Arch features weekly cabaret. TONIGHT: Cabaret from Amy Diamond. The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. 8pm-midnight. Cabaret: 8.45pm. Free. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. TONIGHT: Cabaret from Saucy Sophie. to handle? Relieve the pressure with this discounted day for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Popcorn at Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-5.30am. £4 b4 1am, £5 after, £8 after 2am. FREE with wristbands from G-A-Y Bar b4 1am. Massive mixed mash-up with four rooms of top sounds, from upfront, progressive house to chart hits, via R&B tuneage. Perfect polysexual party to start the week as you mean to go on. TONIGHT: ‘Prohibition’ featuring DJs Adam Turner, Jamie Hammond and Paulo Moreno amongst many others! Desire (afterhours) at Union, 66 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 1am (Tuesday morning)-11am. 10 hour marathon of two rooms of house music, progressive/deep/tech, featuring club favourites Alan K and Steven Geller. Cub Club at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3am. FREE. Top DJs, happy sounds, all-star-cabaret, hot’n’hairy gogos and drinks specials! Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street, 30 Lisle Street, WC2. 10pm-3am. FREE. DJs play the weekend out on a wave of hot pop. BARS & CABARET Saucy Sophie Halfway 2 Heaven at 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Open ‘til 11pm. Long running popular Central London cabaret pub. CK Sunday from 4pm, followed by An Evening With Mrs Moore and Tanya Hyde. Kazbar presents Flow at 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. 12pm-12am. Free entry. Funky Clapham bar with stylish swish. TONIGHT: Nu disco, funky and deep house from DJ Eduardo Hererra. MONDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, of Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm-3am. Late night dancing spot for pure-pop enthusiasts doing the funky chickens. Hard-Up Mondays at Sweatbox, 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Finding Mondays hard Man Health at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 5pm-8.30pm. FREE. Sexual Health Clinic 56 Dean Street provide this free and confidential HIV and sexual health testing clinic. The Edge at 11 Soho Square, Soho, W1D 3QE. 3pm-1am. Soho’s multifloored gay wonder with a late closing time of 1am for Bank Holiday, with DJs Chris Brogan, Kayth David and Brent Nicholls on the decks. Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. The real queen of Soho. Bar £2.50 on popular drinks from 5pm. Bingay at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 8pm-11pm. Free. £5 to play. Mitzi Macintosh hosts this fundraiser for Cancer is a Drag. Outrageous antics promised, sing-alongs, lewd bingo calls and more. Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon St. WC2. 7.30pm. Karaoke with singer Kevin Walsh on hosting duties. Two Brewers at 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. The landmark south London cabaret, bar and club. TONIGHT: Mrs Moore’s weekly cabaret session. Karaoke at The City of Quebec, 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. Steve Tee hosts the singing fun at the famous gay boozer in Marble Arch. So You Think You Can Sing! at Kazbar, 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. Showtime 7pm. Donovan presents a night of song and fun with pianist sensation Eric Robinson at Clapham’s friendly, funky gay bar. The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 6DR. The trendy Soho drinking spot celebrates with 2-4-1 classic cocktails all day! Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. FREE. Entertaining Soho since 1731! Soho’s most intimate bar. Jeff Kristian entertains (8.30pm). Tiffaney Wells Double Thrill at The City of Quebec, 12 Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, W1H 7AF. The legendary gay pub in the heart of London. Tiffaney Wells presents two shows at 9pm and 10pm. Tiffany Wells TUESDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm-3am. The weekend begins early or finishes late to a melodious mix of classic chart pop and current hits. Cruise Control at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-late. £6 entry, includes first drink and coat check. Cruise spaces to explore with darker, deeper beats to play to. Insomnia (after-hours) at Union, 66 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 1am (Wednesday morning) -9am. It’s all about the music, cutting edge underground pure raw house, headlined by Smokin’ Ace, Steven Geller and Bruno Nouer. BARS & CABARET Mecca Rock and Roll Bingo at The Black Cap, 171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. Midday-Midnight. The long-running cabaret, club and pub nestled in the heart of Camden presents bonkers bingo. Industry at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Delicious Sam DMS lays on a smorgasbord of R’n’B classics, chart toppers and deep house grooves at Sohos’ snazzy drinkery. Soul Cocina at The Roebuck, 84 Ashmole Street, Oval, SW8 1NE. 7.30pm-9.30pm. £5. The new addition to the South London scene presents a new night of Latin fused food made with locally sourced meat and vegetables, from pork ribs to fast flank steak and chicken wings. It’s a Knockout at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 8pm. Bette Rinse hosts the Tuesday night revelry at the Central London cabaret hotspot, with DJ ME. Wotever Sex at The RVT, 372 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5HY. 7pm-11pm. Genderbending cabaret with a twist from Wotever World crew. Spotlight at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 9pm-3am. Free b4 11pm. Showcasing talent, from singers to burlesque, via artists and comedians and fire eaters. Hosted by Topsie Redfern. Produced by Duncan Day. Karaoke at Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. 5pm-2am. £3 b4 10pm, £4 after. Sing-along the mid-week blues with Kevin Walsh. Cookie Monstar at Molly Moggs, 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. 8.30pm. FREE. Song and sinful fun from Cookie. WEDNESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS Ku Klub at Ku Bar Lisle Street, 30 Lisle Street, WC2. 10pm-3am. FREE. The party continues ‘til late in the Ku basement. Cruise Control at Eagle, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-late. £6 entry, includes first drink and coat check. Cruise spaces to explore with darker, deeper beats to play to. Record Box at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3am. Free b4 11pm. Hifi Sean presents an eclectic mix of music from his vast collection, from rare B-sides to other special gems from FULL LISTINGS AVAILABLE AT WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM 49 FOR LISTINGS ON THE GO, DOWNLOAD THE FREE QX GAY LONDON APP AT THE ITUNES STORE disco, nu wave, indie, northern soul and more. Foam Party at Sweatbox, 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. £16. If you can’t make the weekend wet fun, why not head down tonight? Relieve the midweek stress! The foam flies at 7, 8 and 9pm. Misfits at East Bloc, 217-219 City Road, EC1V 1JN. 10pm-3.30am. FREE b4 11pm/£5 after. Midweek urban glamour as R’n’B scene star Mark-Ashley Dupé presents his ghetto fabulous in the infamous basement of debauchery. With DJs Jeffrey Hinton and Nasty McQuaid. the central London cabaret den. With DJ Dave Robson. Mary Mac’s Mastermind at West 5, Pope’s Lane, South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Mary Mac presents her inimitable quiz. Comptons of Soho at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-11.30pm. Super social pub downstairs, more chilled club lounge upstairs with guest pianist tinkling the ivories. Wednesday Naughties at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross N1 9SD. 10pm. FREE. Dirty cabaret from Sandra to spice up your Wednesday. original gay Hackney London club/ bar. Ted’s TV/TS Night at Ted’s Place, 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am. £5. The night for fellas in frocks and their admirers. Dirty Disko at Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 10pm-5am. £5. DJs Alex Georgiou and Steven Artis and friends play the dirty disco sounds at Vauxhall industrial Barcode club spot. Jeffrey Hinton South Ealing, W5 4NB. Open from 8pm. FREE. Ealing’s hugely popular club, bar and cabaret spot. Backing The Stars at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. Popular central London karaoke fun with Kevin Walsh. VS at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1. 4pm-4am. Munroe Bergdorf and Adam Turner get you warmed up for Room Service with some unrivalled Thursday night hotness! Baga Chipz at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 10pm-3.30am. Free. Drag queen, vocalist, TV star, hot mess and hilarious to boot! Baga Chipz crash lands into the Manbar! THURSDAY 11TH SEPTEMBER CLUBS & EVENTS G-A-Y Porn Idol at Heaven, Villiers Street, WC2N 6NG. 11pm-4am. Discount wristbands from G-A-Y Bar. The biggest amateur strip contest in town is back! Win £100 on the night and maybe £1,000 in the Final. Plus, hot pop spun across the venue. To be a contestant text 07789 553 868 or email TONIGHT: Guest judge Courtney Act from RuPaul’s Drag Race. See page 12. XXL at Pulse, 1 Invicta Plaza, South Bank, SE1 9UF. 9pm-3am. Members free, others £3. Midweek, dance, booze and cruise at the world famous club for hunks, chunks, bears and admirers. BARS & CABARET Two Brewers at 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. South London’s famous bar/ club. Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. FREE. Entertaining Soho since 1731! Soho’s most intimate bar. Dame Julie Paid entertains (8.30pm). The Old Ship at 17 Barnes Street, Limehouse, E14 7NW. Quiz from 9.30pm. Local gay bar in East London’s Limehouse. Detained at Circa, 62 Frith Street, Soho, W1D 3JN. Open ‘til 1am. Circa goes all-out with the dance, pop and R’n’B remixes every Wednesday. DJs Attack Attack Attack, Kingsley, Munroe Bergdorf and Kris Di Angelis on rotation. Midweek Madness at Halfway 2 Heaven, 7 Duncannon Street, Charing Cross, WC2N 4JF. From 9pm. Mrs Moore hosts the midweek drag fun at Courtney Act Cruise Control at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-2am. £6 entry, includes first drink and coat check. Cruise spaces to explore to darker, deeper beats. Ku Klub – Tasty Tim Takeover at Ku Bar Lisle Street, Leicester Square, WC2. 6pm-3am. FREE. The legendary Tasty Tim and guests spin the pop sounds and floor fillers. Ow’Zat at The Joiners Arms, 116-118 Hackney Road, E2 7QL. 11.30pm-4am. FREE b4 11.30pm/£5 after. The weekend begins early at the Steven Artis G-A-Y Late at 5 Goslett Yard, off Charing Cross Road, WC2. 11pm-3am. Hot pop sounds get played out across the club, drink specials, cute guys and an almost unrivalled highly electric atmosphere. Open 7 days. Thursgays at East Bloc, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 10.30pm-late. Midnight Yeast Cabaret deliver a performance by Oozing Gloop, Lewis Burton and Rodent Decay with tunes by resident DJs playing pop, dance, R’n’B, disco and electro. Room Service at Miabella, 12-13 Greek Street, Soho, W1D 4DJ. 10pm-3am. Don’t you dare miss this fiercely social, sexy club spot, playing edgy and upfront house. Expect hot gogo eye candy and hosted by fab scene faces. Get snapped by the legendary resident papper! Thirsty at Manbar, 79 Charing Cross Road, Soho, WC2H 0NE. 11pm-3.30am. FREE. The off-Soho bar keeps the night going ‘til late with Gaydio’s Phil Marriott’s commercial dance anthem onslaught. BARS & CABARET Two Brewers, 114 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UJ. Bar open 4pm-2am. FREE b4 10pm, £3 after. Popular South London cabaret/club spot. Gossip at West 5, Pope’s Lane, Baga Chipz Vanity Von Glow’s Cocktails in The Shufflewick Bar at The Black Cap, 171 Camden High Street, NW1 7JY. The popular Camden cabaret, pub and club hosts a new night of drag and drink. With special guest Silver Summers. Molly Moggs at 2 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 4TA. FREE. Insanely sociable cosy bar. Jeff Kristian entertains (8.30pm). Rupert Street at 50 Rupert Street, Soho, W1D 6DR. From 8pm. Weekly dance session at the popular Soho bar. TONIGHT: Enriched with DJ Rich B. Kazbar at 50 Clapham High Street, SW4 7UL. 4pm-3am. Free. Funky Clapham bar with stylish swish. Comptons of Soho – Tasty Tim Takeover at 51-53 Old Compton Street, Soho, W1D 6HN. 12pm-midnight. One of Soho’s best loved traditional gay pubs, always busy and always friendly and always fun. TONIGHT: Ku Bar boys hand out drink vouchers for Ku Klub entry as Tasty Tim DJs. Quiz Night at The Roebuck, 84 Ashmole Street, SW8 1NE. 8pm onwards. £1 entry. Cash prizes to be won at The Roebuck for their awesome Quiz Night. FULL LISTINGS AVAILABLE FULL AT LISTINGS WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM AVAILABLE AT WWW.QXMAGAZINE.COM 50 LONDON’S BIGGEST SAUNA GROUP SHOREDITCH I FAIRCHILD ST, EC2A 3NS LIVERPOOL STREET STATION SHOREDITCH STATION VAUXHALL RAIL ARCHES, 63-64 ALBERT EMBANKMENT SE1 7TP VAUXHALL STATION WATERLOO 101 LOWER MARSH, SE1 7AB WATERLOO STATION LIMEHOUSE 574 COMMERCIAL RD, E14 7JD Big ‘n’ Cuddly every Monday, all day session for big blokes and their admirers LIMEHOUSE STATION STREATHAM 292 (REAR-OF) STREATHAM HIGH ST, SW16 6HG INFO LINE: 0207 247 5333 Get R OOffcks Your 05/09/14: OCTANE Feeling frisky this weekend? Well, obviously there’s an abundance of things (and men) for you to do on our highlysexed scene, but how many of them have porn star and DJ Sam Porter? Just one! And we’re betting he won’t be the only porn star there. There’s a strict dress code, but EPPJIXMWLIWEVI[IPGSQI¯WS[LEXIZIV¾SEXW]SYVFSEXSV excites your crotch – is encouraged. SE5 Dungeon, 156 Wells Way, Camberwell, SE5 7SY. 10pm-3am. After party from 3am. £10 advance, £17 OTD, £5 after part only. Your Dirrrty THURSDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER Vault: Cruise/Stripped EXF;LMX½IPH Street, W1T 5EN. CRUISE (1-7pm. £7). STRIPPED (7pm-1am. £8). Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get nude and rude. Strictly naked, except footwear. Cruise Control at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-late. £6 entry, MRGPYHIW½VWXHVMROERH coat check. Cruise spaces to explore with darker, deeper beats to play to. The Underground Club, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. PANTS (1-6pm) Underwear fun. SPANKZ (6pm-10pm) CP night for rougher, tougher play. Followed by COME TO DADDY (10pm-2am). FRIDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER Octane at SE5 Dungeon. See box out. The Underground Club at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. CITY BOYS 52 Diary (7pm-midnight) Monthly dress code night for those into guys in suits and ties. Then PAUNCHY (midnight-4am) The club for big bellied men and those that admire them. Cruise/Darkroom at Ted’s Place, 305a North End Road, W14 9NS. 7pm-midnight. £3. Horny night in the cruisey basement club in West London. Fitladz at Barcode, 69 Albert Embankment, Vauxhall, SE1 7TP. 9pm-9am. £8 members, £10 guests. Get sexy at this cruise/club sesh! Horny lads, hot grooves, plus extended cruise space. Vault: Cruise at 139b;LMX½IPH7XVIIX;8 5EN. 1pm-1am. £7 b4 7pm/£8 after. Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Horny cruise spot minute’s from the West End. SATURDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER Buff at MA1 Backstreet, Wentworth Mews, Mile End, E3 4UA. 6pm-10pm. £9 guests, £8 members. Naked, underwear, shorts and jocks party. Dark rooms, smoking terrace, and more. Pleasuredrome at Arch 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo SE1 8XE. Open 24/7. £15, £12 under 25 with ID. FREE towel. Cruise all day and night with plenty of rooms to play. Licensed bar. SBN Afterdark at The Hoist, 47c South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8. 10pm-late. The world’s biggest men-only naked party. Donkey Dick on the loose! XXX-rated shows. Sweatbox Foam Party at 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. £16. Foam from 10pm. All the fun of the foam at Sweatbox’s original weekly party. The Underground Club at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. PANTS (1-6pm, £4) Best undies for the boys. SHOOT! (7pm-midnight) Fetish sportswear night. Vault: Cruise at 139b;LMX½IPH7XVIIX;8 5EN. 1pm-1am. £7 b4 7pm/£8 after. Free drink, cloakroom, re-entry. Dark corners, catch a dirty movie, indulge your carnal side. SUNDAY 7TH SEPTEMBER Vault: Underwear/ Cruise at 139b-143 ;LMX½IPH7XVIIX;8 5EN. UNDERWEAR (1-7pm. £7). CRUISE (7pm-1am. £8). Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Just pants b4 7pm, then cruise ‘til late. The Hoist at Arches 47b & 47c, South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. S.B.N. (2pm-9pm. £12) Naked cruise club. ATHLETE (6pm-9.30pm. £10) Cruisey sports party. Sports gear/underwear only. S.O.P. at The Underground Club, Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. 1pm-midnight. £7. Yellow fun for waterworks fans. Chill Out at Ted’s Place, 305a North End Road. 7pm-2am. £3 b4 10pm, £5 after. Mixed/gay crowd of cruisey guys. Pleasuredrome at Arch 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo SE1 8XE. Open 24/7. £15, £12 under 25 with ID. FREE towel. Cruise day and night, plenty of rooms to play. Licensed bar. Buff at MA1 Backstreet, Wentworth Mews, Mile End, E3 4UA. 6pm-10pm. £8 members, £9 guests. Horny, naked cruise party. Dark rooms, smoking terrace, full bar. MONDAY 8TH SEPTEMBER Hard-Up Mondays at Sweatbox, 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. Under 25s FREE all day, £16 others. Finding Mondays hard to handle? Get a load off. Free for under 25s (ID required) at Soho’s only gay sauna. Plus, free HIV testing and Hep vacinnations by the 56 Dean Street boys (5-9pm). Pleasuredrome at Arch 124 Cornwall Road, Waterloo SE1 8XE. Open 24/7. £15, £12 under 25 with ID. FREE towel. Cruise day and night with plenty of rooms to play. Licensed bar. Sportswear/Cruise at Ted’s Place, 305a North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight. £3. Football shorts freaks, Speedo lovers, basketball tops (and bottoms), rugby buggers and trackie sluts unite! Vault: Cruise/ Stripped at Vault, 139b;LMX½IPH7XVIIX;8 5EN. CRUISE (1-7pm. £7). STRIPPED (7pm-1am. £8). Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Horny cruise WIWWMSR½VWXFIJSVIREOIH time (except footwear). The Underground Club at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. PANTS (1-6pm) BUTT NAKED (6pm-10pm) Strip down and get off with like-minded guys. HARD CRUZ (10pm-1am, free entry) Hard cruzing for horny guyz. TUESDAY 9TH SEPTEMBER Club CP at Bunker Bar, 217 City Road, Shoreditch, EC1V 1JN. 7pm-11pm. £6. Dominant masters and submissive sluts get down here for a night of horny hard and rough and tough fun. Underwear/Naked at Ted’s Place, 305s North End Rd, W14. 7pm-midnight. £4. Strictly underwear only. Vault: Cruise at 139b;LMX½IPH7XVIIX W1T 5EN. 1pm-1am. £7 b4 7pm/£8 after. Cruising session at this horny hot spot. The Underground Club at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. S.O.P. (6pm-1am) Yellow fun for waterworks fans. WEDNESDAY 10TH SEPTEMBER The Hoist at 47b South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, SW8 1RH. OFFICE (5pm-9pm. £7) Post-work stress relief. Wear what you like. Or less. N.B.N. (9pm-1am. £8.50) Nearly Bollock naked midweek night. Cruise Control at Eagle London, 349 Kennington Lane, Vauxhall, SE11 5QY. 9pm-late. £6 entry, MRGPYHIW½VWXHVMROERH coat check. Cruise spaces to explore with darker, deeper beats to play to. Vault: Cruise/ Underwear at 139b-143 ;LMX½IPH7XVIIX;8 5EN. CRUISE (1-7pm. £7) Then UNDERWEAR (7pm-1am. £8) Free drink, cloakroom and re-entry. Get down to your underwear. Foam Party at Sweatbox, 1-2 Ramilies Street, Soho, W1F 7LN. 24 hours. £16. If you can’t make the weekend wet fun, why not head down tonight? Relieve the midweek stress! The foam ¾MIWEXERHTQ The Underground Club at Central Station, 37 Wharfdale Road, Kings Cross, N1. HARD CRUZ (10pm-1am). Buff at MA1 Backstreet, Wentworth Mews, Mile End, E3 4UA. 7pm-11pm. £8 members/£9 guests (free drink/coat check). Horny, naked cruise party. Heated outdoor ‘naked’ smokers terrace. Wanna get down and dirty? Download the ‘QX Gay London’ iPhone app from the app store now and get yerself sorted! Ready to ignite! Octane is the new cruise and fetish event at south London’s latest cruise club, SE5 Dungeon. Promoter Jasper tells QX what to expect… What’s Octane all about? Octane is an open house party and play in gear. It’s for those in the fetish community who have not been to SE5 Dungeon before or visited the Jackhammer club yet. We are giving discounts to existing members who bring along new members. We have been going for over three years, so this is one of our busiest events and we are close to Camberwell and Southwark. The dungeon has more slings and a wet area and we have installed a new sound system and JYGOFIRGLIWERHEGLMPPSYXEVIE&SXL¾SSVW are always open on busy and larger events. It’s a great venue for discreet, uninhibited fun. We have opened up the chill area so you can relax before another session and meet fellow horny mates Tell any virgins to the Camberwell cruise scene why they should make the journey south… Octane is scheduled to deliver the most engaging mix of fetishes and dress codes… we celebrate the diversity! If you’re into hard play ERH]SYV¾EXNYWXGERXXEOIXLI[IEVERHXIEVSR 54 XLI¾SSVMX´WEKSSHMHIEXSGSQI to the club. With the success of Fetish Week London a variety of players from all over the country have attended this year. Who is Sam Porter to the uninitiated? Leading UK porn performer and DJ Sam Porter will be on hand to “mix pleasure with business” as he plays host and becomes resident DJ for the Jackhammer Club and Cum Union. What should we wear? The dress code is fetish. Don’t worry, you can get changed when you arrive at the venue. The SYX½XGERFIPIEXLIVVYFFIVWTSVXWOMXQMPMXEV] YRMJSVQWOMRLIEHSVIZIRTYRO+SXLMG©NYWX not everyday wear. What are your top tips for a good time at Octane? We suggest having an open mind and purchase tickets online. Some bring a towel as it gets horny and sloppy. DJ Sam Porter Jake Octane is at SE5 Dungeon (156 Wells Way, Camberwell, SE5 7SY) on Friday 5th September, 10pm-late. After-party from 3am-superlate. £10 adavcne online, £17 on the door, £5 after 3am. 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WWW.QXMEN.COM/ESCORT/0238 LET’S SPEND SOMETIME TOGETHER AND LET IT HAPPEN. WWW.QXMEN.COM/ESCORT/0243 LET THE UNEXPECTED HAPPEN BARRACK BOYS ROOM 18+ 100s OF GUYS ONLINE 24/7 9p e inut per m ALL REGIONS BUSY ENJOY 1-2-1 CHAT WITH OTHER GUYS 0871 300 3333 18 Plus: Calls charged at 9p per minute at all times from a BT landline. Network extras apply. Get bill payer’s permission. Live calls recorded. Service provided by EWM Ltd. Customer Services 0344 820 0595. Con worr y ? or health l a n o ti o xmagazin ave an em Do you h ail: editorial@q m e ia lex v tact Dr A DR ALEX, GP Hi Dr Alex I have had numerous sexual partners over the years and what has negatively impacted on me has been the I\GIWWMZIEQSYRXSJTVIGYQ-TVSHYGI-½RHXLMW most embarrassing and annoying. I know it’s normal but mine is just way too much. I have tried at times (not always successfully) to underhandedly blot myself on the sheet or towel I have taken to keeping nearby when having sex with a partner. I enjoy sucking, however the vast majority of partners have refused to do this to me because of my problem (I don’t actually blame them). Many have even thought that I had climaxed because of the amount of pre-cum. I know it is not a premature ejaculation as it is a clear and WLMR]¾YMH4PIEWIPIXQIORS[MJER]XLMRKGERFIHSRI or taken medically or if the herbal remedy Shalijit (mentioned on the internet) is effective in sorting out XLMWTVSFPIQ-LEZIVIEGLIHXLIWXEKI[LIVI-XSS½RH it (as some of my partners do) disgusting. 4( PRESS RELEASES INTERNET DESIGN EDITOR CLIFF JOANNOU 020 7379 7887 ext 3 PHOTOGRAPHER CHRIS JEPSON ASSISTANT EDITOR PATRICK CASH 020 7379 7887 ext 9 SALES AND MARKETING MANAGER CHRIS COLMAN 020 7379 8600 SALES EXECUTIVE JAMES EGAN 020 7379 7887 ext 2 DESIGNERS JANNE ÖIJER SUREN GUNPATH CLASSIFIEDS 020 7379 8040 ESCORTS PLEASE CALL RUSSEL: 020 7379 8040 CLASSIFIEDS@QXMAGAZINE.COM DISTRIBUTION M.R.DISTRIBUTION PRINTERS ACORN PUBLISHED BY FIRSTSTAR LTD. 2nd FLOOR, 23 DENMARK ST LONDON WC2H 8NH COVER #SOBERSEX EDITORIAL ASSISTANT ANTHONY GILÉT ‘QX Magazine’ @QXMagazine TO SUBSCRIBE TO QX CALL 020 7379 8040 £45 FOR 6 MONTHS // £80 FOR 12 MONTHS WITHIN UK ONLY © Copyright in the UK and worldwide, of the publishers Firststar Limited, Qx (ISSN 1356-6903). QX is published every Wednesday. Deadline for editorial and display advertisement inclusion is Thursday, six days before the relevant issue cover date. Sorry, but we cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited manuscripts, illustrations or photographs. 62 Hi PD, 4VIGYQMWXLI¾YMHXLEXMWHMWGLEVKIH[LIR]SYEVIEVSYWIHHYVMRK QEWXYVFEXMSRSVEXERIEVP]WXEKIHYVMRKWI\-XMWQEHIJVSQWQEPP KPERHWEXXLIFEWISJXLITIRMWERHXLI¾YMHLIPTWXSPYFVMGEXIXLI YVIXLVEJSVWTIVQXSTEWWXLVSYKLQSVIIEWMP]ERHXSRIYXVEPMWIER] XVEGIWSJEGMHJVSQYVMRIPIJXMRWMHIXLIYVIXLVE8LIEQSYRXSJ¾YMH XLEXIEGLKY]QEOIWZEVMIW[MHIP]7SQIHSRSXTVSHYGIER]TVI GYQ[LMPISXLIVWIQMXEWQYGLEWQP-XWSYRHWEWXLSYKL]SYEVI QSVIXS[EVHXLILMKLIVEQSYRXW -GERYRHIVWXERHLS[XLMWGERYTWIX]SY¯IWTIGMEPP]MJ]SYEVI ½RHMRKXLEXWSQIKY]WEVITYXSJJF]XLIEQSYRX]SYTVSHYGI&YX MXMWUYMXIRSVQEPERHWS-LSTIXLEX-GEREXPIEWXVIEWWYVI]SYXLEX XLIVIMWRSXLMRKQIHMGEPP][VSRK[MXL]SY-X´WXLI[E]]SY´VIFYMPX WSXV]RSXXSFIWSHS[RSR]SYVWIPJ &YX]SY[SYPHPMOIXS½RHEWSPYXMSR9RJSVXYREXIP]XLMWMWRSX IEW]=SYGSYPHXV]QEWXYVFEXMRKERHINEGYPEXMRKEJI[LSYVW FIJSVI]SYLEZIWI\8LMW[MPPVIHYGIXLIEQSYRXSJWIQIRERH QE]TSWWMFP]LIPT[MXLVIHYGMRKXLIEQSYRXSJTVIGYQ=SY LEZIGPIEVP]PSSOIHSRPMRIFYX-´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±W]VMRKSGIPI² 7TIEOXS]SYV+4EFSYXWIIMRKEYVSPSKMWXSV EPXIVREXMZIP]]SYGSYPHEPWSWIISRITVMZEXIP]EW MX´WTSWWMFPI]SYV+4QE]RSX[ERXXSVIJIV]SYXS WSQISRISRXLI2,7