plumbline - Orangewood Presbyterian Church
plumbline - Orangewood Presbyterian Church
PLUMBLINE DECEMBER 2012 For hundreds of years before the birth of Christopher Columbus, the motto of Spain was Ne Plus Ultra (No More Beyond!). The Spaniards believed that they had already discovered everything worth discovering, and that their own civilization was the pinnacle beyond which there was nothing better. Of course we all know how Christopher Columbus proved them wrong. The former motto of Spain is now good only for a laugh, but in many ways the modern day United States has adopted the same motto. O, we believe there will be new scientific discoveries, new technological advancements, expanding frontiers to explore in space. But most Americans have given up hope of anything beyond the significance of our human lives, and have abandoned the search for God. No more beyond . . . us! In modern day Spain, there is a monument to Christopher Columbus with a huge lion on the top. Inscribed below are the words Ne Plus Ultra, but the lion is eating the word Ne, leaving the monument to read “More Beyond!” In a similar manner, the incarnation of God as the human baby Jesus swallows the notion that there is no more beyond. To those who believe there is nothing beyond the pinnacle of the human psyche, God makes Himself known. To those who grant the possibility of a God, but maintain we can’t know much about him, God becomes a human being. He walks with us, talks with us, cries with us, heals us, eats with us, and dies for us. In him we experience God’s personal love. To those who posit that there is No More Beyond death, Jesus rises from the grave and defeats death for anyone who will claim him as Lord and Savior. In this season of much distraction, remember the “So what!” of Christmas. Keep in mind the difference that it makes that God became a baby. Resist the cultural pressure to ascribe to the philosophy of Ne Plus Ultra. The lion of Judah has devoured the Ne, and shown us just how much joy and love and life lies beyond. Have a blessed Christmas! Worship and Study in Advent Wednesday Nights Join us on December 5, 12, and 19 for Worship and Study 6:30 pm Taizé Worship — Sanctuary — This brief worship service uses prayer, Scripture, and Taizé songs to enable the worshipper to pause in God’s presence in the midst of this busy season. Taizé music is simple and usually uses a line or two from the psalms or other scripture. 7 pm What Do You Know About Christmas? — Banner Room — This Bible Study will look at the three Christmas stories in the gospels: Matthew, Luke, and John. We hope to let God surprise us by what we find. Family Style Christmas Eve Service Candlelight Service of Carols and Communion December 24 at 6:30 pm. This service will take a joyful leap into December 24 at 9 pm. the Christian symbolism behind the Through prayer, music, story, Carol, The Twelve Days of Christmas, and scripture, this candlelight and will include plenty of noise service will focus on the and movement appropriate for joy of Emmanuel, God with young children. us. Please bring your friends, and join us as we worship the newborn Savior. Page Turners: For fun and laughter come to the Page Turners on Wednesday, December 5 at 1:30pm in the Banner Room as we discuss the book No Biking in the House Without a Helmet, by Melissa Fay Greene. This real life story is about a family which expanded through international adoptions. The January 2, 2013 meeting will be led by Wilma Edwards; however, all copies of the January book have gone missing from the Phoenix library system, so watch the bulletin for a new January selection. The next book after that is Lady Bug Farm, by Donna Bell. Presbyterian Women Christmas Coffee: Saturday, December 15, Presbyterian Women invite the women of Orangewood to their annual Christmas Coffee at Jeanne Matt's home, 1009 West Wagon Wheel Drive. All are welcome for a festive afternoon of coffee/tea/cider, music, laughter, and a million cookies. Come at 1:30pm. This year's offering will be new and gently used scarves to be shared with area ministries for women. PW Bible Study meets Wednesday, December 12 at 1:30 pm in the Banner Room. The discussion this month of The General Epistles is based on 1 Peter 2:11-25. DESERT DINGHIES Party Time! - December 8 at 7 pm The Orangewood Church Desert Dinghies—a loosely formed group of OPC adults of varying ages, singles and couples—invite you to their Christmas party on December 8, at 7 pm, at Wayne Collins’ home (7012 N. 23rd St., Phoenix). They will collect non-perishable food for the Food Bank, unload white elephants (some with certain history), laugh a lot, hobnob with OPC friends, and munch on hors d’oeuvres and desserts (which they have brought). “Membership” is open. Would you like to join them? Kindly RSVP to Wayne (602.943.2781) or Yvonne Lewis (602.789.8825). Don’t forget to bring a non-perishable food item, a wrapped “white elephant” gift, a favorite holiday finger food, and of course, your best smile. We recently finished our 38th consecutive trip to Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point), Mexico. We’ve been at this for almost 20 years, and we’ve gotten pretty good at it throughout that time. However, some of our tools are getting worn out and need to be replaced. (Some of the tools were 10+ years old when we first got them.) The hoes we use are older than half the people using them! Here’s a list of things that we need to replace before the next trip on February 15-18, 2013. If you’d like to join us, there is still time to sign up by e-mailing Tully. -- Round head shovels -- Hoes -- 35-foot measuring tape -- Metal wheel barrows -- Metal saw horses -- Work gloves -- Rubber gloves (to clean dishes) -- 4-slot toaster -- Coffee grinder -- Broom -- Bungee cords -- 12-foot long metal 2x4s -- Rags (for cleaning tools) -- Sponges -- Big rolling tool box (These don’t need to be new—used tools mix the cement just as fast! If you have some of these items lying around your garage, please consider donating them.) Theater Lunch Bunch On December 6 we will go and see SILVER BELLES. A lollapalooza of all Holiday gigs has finally become a reality for the Silver Belles! The thrill is on as the ladies anticipate their Holiday Show performance at the world famous Radio City Music Hall. It’s either the best ever dream come true or a nightmare about to unfold. Celebrate the charm, cheer, and all the holiday tunes you love with the Silver Belles. RSVP to Mary Turkal and meet at 10:50 am on the east side of Page Hall. Orangewood participates in North Central Phoenix CROP Hunger Walk. The 2012 CROP Hunger Walk was held on Sunday, November 4. The walk began at All Saints’ Episcopal Church on Central Avenue, and covered a three-mile course. Orangewood members joined approximately 250 walkers from several North Phoenix congregations and added the pledges from our congregation to all the other monies collected to feed the hungry. According to this year’s event chairman, our own Tully Fletcher, “...This is the largest group that has participated in the CROP walk, and will set the standard for future years of very worthwhile generosity.” Ken Page and Bob Orf volunteered to pass out water to thirsty participants—truly a welcome endeavor, since temperatures reached into the ‘80s during the afternoon walk! S.A.G.E.S. enjoyed a very entertaining presentation by our music director, Christopher Samuel, at their November meeting. Christopher presented the history of Westminster Choir College. This renowned school has been in the forefront of church music since its founding, and Christopher gave wonderful insight into those directors and musicians who helped make this institution one of the finest music schools in the country. Our delicious meal was prepared and served by the Companeros: Brenda Moser, Claudie Deen, Martha Daudet, Gail Lind, and Rachel Zemer, assisted by Sandy Snyder. Our table favors centered on the theme of Thanksgiving, and were hand made by Lois Manning. Centerpieces were provided by Jeanne Matt, and were made from colorful fall leaves sprinkled with glitter. All Senior Adults Gaining Enrichment Socially are invited to join us for our December luncheon, to be held on Tuesday, December 11 at 11 am in Page Hall. Our featured entertainment will be by Orangewood’s own singing group, HARMONY! If you are not on Jeanne’s call list, and would like to attend, please contact the church office. Plan now to join us for our last luncheon of 2012! From THE CHURCH MOUSE Inside the Pew: Please extend a friendly handshake or a loving hug to Fletcher Spigner. Fletcher faithfully transports the ladies from Fellowship Square to and from church every Sunday, and participates in the life of our church. Fletcher was born in Camp Hill, Alabama to a family of seven. There were three boys and four girls. When he was very young they moved to Port Huron, Michigan where he was educated. After high school he went on to Alabama’s Tuskegee University, then to Alcorn State in Mississippi for a degree in Engineering. He served in the Navy from 1942 to 1946. In the Navy he studied diesel engineering. While in the service, Fletcher met Gwen, the love of his life, and they were married in 1949. Before that time, Fletcher had wanted to be a clothing designer, but choosing to get married, he then had to get a job. They lived and worked in Chicago for ten years then moved to Phoenix in 1959. He worked in VA Housing and retired from the FHA Housing Department. Later he worked in real estate and finally retired a second time. Fletcher and Gwen had three children. One son is deceased, and Gwen, a dear partner, mother, and talented artist, left us and joined him in 2009. Bruce, their other son, is a dentist, and daughter, Chevonne—a decorator for many years—is now floor manager for Macy’s. Fletcher has four grandchildren and one great grandchild. They are all girls. Their family hosted three different exchange students, one each from Jamaica, the Philippines, and Japan. Fletcher and Gwen kept in contact with them afterwards and travelled to visit them several times. Their former student from Japan is coming very soon to visit and may have arrived by the time you read this. She will no doubt come to church. Fletcher’s hobbies have been woodworking and machine work. He is proud of his family and extended family. He believes the secret to a good life is having a loving family, a loving church, and a strong faith. He says they were always fortunate to have a loving church. Fletcher’s advice to younger people is to “Put family first and stick with the church”. We are glad that you are part of our church family, Fletcher, and we want you to stick with us! Outside The Pew: The most consummately beautiful thing in the universe is the rightly fashioned life of a good person. By Millie Bartlett Mouse reporter ORANGEWOOD ANNUAL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION The annual Thanksgiving Celebration was held on Sunday, November 18, 2012, in Page Hall. The Hospitality Committee, headed by Jackie Collier, prepared the main turkey course, with mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing. The congregation filled the tables with salads, vegetables, and desserts. Mackenzie Kaup and Maddie Ekre presented an excellent program centered on a Thanksgiving theme, and Christopher Samuel accompanied the assembled members and guests in two popular hymns. Everyone enjoyed visiting with their Orangewood friends and neighbors, and there was very little food left on the serving tables! Pastors Ken Page and Tully Fletcher acted as Masters of Ceremonies. The event concluded with a prayer of thanksgiving for all of our blessings, and we were asked to pray for those less fortunate. A Thank You Note from Jackie: The Thanksgiving dinner was a great success. We served over 120 people. Many thanks to Rachel Zemer, Peggy Wyke, Sandi Workman, Joyce and Jerry Eddy, and Marilyn Mollman, the Hospitality Committee, and to all of you who brought delicious dishes to share. Thank You Dear Friends, Thank you, thank you. My second back surgery now appears to have been successful. Jim and I greatly appreciate all your prayers and the love and warmth shown us during this time. We are indeed blessed to be a part of such a caring church. Ginger Bennitt Non Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Phoenix, AZ Permit No. 01997 Orangewood Presbyterian Church 7321 N. 10th Street Phoenix, AZ 85020 Or Current Resident _____________________ December 2012 Become a Fan on Facebook The first Sunday of each month is designated as Family Worship Sunday. There will be no church school offered for children and youth over 4 years of age in order that they may join us in the worship experience. Children will be involved in the leadership of the liturgy. The Mouse House (computer lab) will be open during the 10:30 am worship hour for children who have already attended the 9:00 am Worship Service Orangewood Staff Pastor………….……………………..The Rev. Kenneth G. Page Associate Pastor……………… The Rev. Tully M. Fletcher IV Director of Music ……………………..Dr. Christopher Samuel Band Leader………..……………………………...Nathan Richard Director of Christian Education…..……….….Bernale Wright Assoc. for Children’s Music…………………………..Holly Early Church Administrator…………….………………….…Pam White Set-Up Assistant………………………………….Michael DeCindis Plumbline Volunteers Editor: Teddie Bladine and Pam White Proof Readers: Christopher Samuel Collators: Barbara Denboer, Carol Hullihen, Lois Manning, May Tansley, Post Office Deliverer: Judy Proffitt E-MAIL: WEBPAGE: Become a Fan on Facebook The Plumbline, a monthly newsletter of Orangewood Presbyterian Church, contains helpful information for members and friends. If you would like to receive this publication via e-mail (pdf file), contact the office. Issues may also be found on our website. The deadline for the January issue will be December 14.
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