to read the Messenger 11-18-15


to read the Messenger 11-18-15
CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427
-Postmaster-Send Address changes to Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville 37033-1427, Periodicals Postage Paid Centerville, TN 37033
November 18, 2015 Volume XXXV - Number 44
“I Hope You Know”
Who does God want saved? God wants the Dylan Roof’s of
the world, the one’s whose idea that skin color somehow
sets us apart or places one race under or over another race,
and with such a warped view of man, they choose to act in
violence toward the innocent. God wants the Dylan Roof’s
of the world saved. God wants the rioters of Ferguson, MO,
Baltimore, MD and all who claim injustice by the voice of
destruction to be saved. God wants the radicals of the
world, who with their hearts darkened by a faith of a
savage and not a savior, plot murderous schemes and in
the cover of the same darkness which has captivated their
own hearts, they inflict their violence on the lives of the
Like many, we watched Friday night as the city of Paris,
France was held hostage during simultaneous terrorist
attacks throughout the city. In their wake, more than 120
have been slaughtered, and what intellectually and morally
honest hearts knew in the moments after these events
unfolded, and what has been claimed by ISIS, Islamic State
of Iraq and Syria, what the politically correct leaders of our
time are unwilling to say with conviction, that evil exists,
that Islam is not a peace loving religion, and Christianity
appeals to a decision of the heart whereas Islam advances
a dominance of hate. God wants the darkened hearts of
the world to be saved.
God wants all deceived by this way of thinking, saved.
Before the clock struck midnight, some students from the
University of Missouri had taken to twitter, and compared
the slaughter of 120 innocents lives in Paris, to the same
events of the last few days on the campus of the University
of Missouri. God wants every heart saved, no matter their
sin or sorrow of life, He wants them. The evidence to the
lengths He will go is represented by a vacant tomb,
preceded by a night known as “the hour and the power of
Jesus was no stranger to worship and the benefits
of worship. We worship to share supper with
Jesus, but He wants to be with us in worship,
even more (Luke 22:16). Jesus said, greatness is
measured by status, but not in His kingdom, His
kingdom calls us to change our hearts into the
measure of the servant He wants, but only
worship can change us into His image (Luke
22:24). I’m not to change worship to suit my
interests, worship is to change me to surrender to
the image of Jesus Christ.
Serving God,
transforming to the image of Jesus, and
surrendering our lives to Him come with no small
amount of struggle. Thus, in the midst of our
struggle He prayed for His own to be resilient,
remembered, and to return. As always, Jesus did
more than tell us what we needed to do, He
showed us. Jesus surrender everything to His
Father, and allowed the experience of fellowship
with Him to guide.
When we worship we are reminded of the
temporary place of our lives and the eternity that
awaits us all. But all these things cannot be seen
and will not be learned if we refuse to worship. It
must, as it was for our Lord, become our custom,
and we must be accustomed to the presence of
our God. I hope you know when we worship, no
greater lesson is learned, than the lesson of our
Lord’s desire for all of us to be with Him!
CChurch For the Holidays
Precious Memories
December 6, 2015
9 A.M. Worship
10 A.M. Bible Class
followed by Christmas
Lunch, Christmas Program,
Presentation of Volunteer
of the Year, Precious
Memories Slideshow
(No 6 P.M. Worship)
*Please sign the list in the lobby if you can bring
a coconut cake or Christmas cookies.
The theme this year for our annual “Church for
the Holidays ” is Christmas Precious Memories.
As part of the program that day, we are making a
Memories, which will be family pictures
submitted by you. Submit pictures that are
precious Christmas memories. We would like to
have as many generations as possible
represented in the slide show. So dig out those
family photos !
You can bring them by the office or email to
...November 25
...November 25-27 Schools Closed
...November 26
Thanksgiving Day
...November 29
Eph 5:19 “Speaking to one another in psalms and
hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord.”
9 A.M. Congregational Singing
& Sermon In Song
6 P.M. Congregational Singing
...December 4 Jr. High Big Fun Christmas
...December 6 “Church For The Holidays”
...December 9 Fruit Basket Delivery
(Please Bring Snacks by Dec. 6)
...December 11 Jail Ministry Holiday Meal for
Inmates & staff
...December 12 Breakfast With Santa
...December 12 20/30’s Regifted Christmas
...December 13 Progressive Dinner Sr. High
...December 27-29 Camp Snowball
are seeing a lot of new faces and some
old ones returning! Last Wednesday we
had 70 at the Lighthouse for a meal
provided by Brett & Heather Martin and
Final Class This
Ray & Shelda Qualls and their families.
Wednesday Night Also, lots of games, some old retreat
Timothy &
videos and movies, and just a chance to
Tabitha Classes
sit and talk. We then enjoyed another
November 22
Timothy & Tabitha Class.
The past
L2L Meeting
couple of months have been a detailed
5:00 Lighthouse
study of James with some insightful
classes. Thanks to Tabitha Beard, Cissy
November 22
Senior High
Dotson, and Rachel Newsom for helping
Misty with the Tabitha classes and to
Matthew Dotson and Derek Newsom for
Luke Worsham
helping me with the Timothy classes. We
wind up the study this Wednesday night
November 28
and I want to remind the girls to be in
Saturday /
the Lighthouse at 6:00 for a special class
Dinner & A Movie planned for you!
November 29
another wonderful night. 30 Junior High
Young Men Lead had a fantastic time at Philip, Alice Anne,
Services at
John & Eli Jacobs. Thanks to Griffin
Elkins and Colby Shelton for their help as
The food was delicious, the
COMING SOON.. fellowship was super, and the devotional
December 27-30 time was wonderful. Remember to find
your Direction, have Discipline, be
Snowball X
careful of Distractions, and be
Dedicated. Keep sharpening!
as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be
much happier.” -John Wooden.
“Finally, brethren,
whatever things are true, whatever things are noble,
whatever things are just, whatever things are pure,
whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good
report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything
praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Philippians 4:8.
follow His path, -Craig
Did you know? The grandson of
Sammye Elrod, Matt Elrod, is starring in
the Hallmark Hall of Fame’s Christmas
Movie “The Bridge”. Matt’s stage name
is Wyatt Nash.
I Surrender All…
Please Pray For:
Weekly Challenge:
Acts 1
Acts 2
Acts 3
Wednesday Acts 4
Acts 5
Acts 6
Acts 1-6
with Trevor
November 15, 2015 by
Bryan McAlister. Trevor is the son
of Chris & Lea Ann Buchanan and
the grandson of Robert & Juanita
Christmas Day Meal
Church of Christ
will be providing
wrapped cookies/
brownies (no nuts
please), 6 pies/
cakes for the meal on Christmas
Day. Please sign the list in the
Area Events
...a Gathering of Hearts and Voices
at the Madison Church of Christ
Thanksinging November 22, 2015.
6 P.M.
Operation Santa Claus
If you are interested
in providing a gift for
a child please see
Becky Coleman or
call her at 931-7293391 Ex. 2225
$ 11,763.67
$ 12,651.oo
Camp Meribah
$ 221.00
…a Memorial has been given to the
Centerville Church of Christ Youth
Group in memory of Edward
Loveless by Margo Paty Pickering.
...a Memorial has been given to the
Day School in memory of Edward
Loveless “a devout Christian and
devoted friend” by Don & Wilma
...a Memorial has been given to Day
School in memory of Edward
Loveless by Patricia Skelton.
Thank You !
Please Remember in Your
...Kathy McDonald is in St. Thomas MidTown undergoing tests.
...Dorris Claud was treated at the local ER
on Sunday. He is at home.
...Wayne McCrary, brother-in-law of
Rhonda Chessor McCrary,
will have
surgery on Wednesday, November 18th.
It was postponed due to a fluid problem.
...Helen Hicks will have surgery November
18th at Maury Regional Hospital.
The following are
surgery or dealing
recovering from
with an illness:
Barbara Baker, Martha Minick, Mary
Helen Barber,Avery Shipman, Carolyn
Tidwell Jones, Gary Stone, Helen Hicks,
Elaine Yates, De’Jay Sanders, Gabriel
Roberson, Gerdi Beaman, Sheryl Elkins,
Richard Tate, Henrietta Rochelle, Jeff
Gary & Becky Gatewood write:
“What an incredible source of
reassurance you have been to our Home: Fronia Nash, Georgia Moss,
entire family during our infant Alvitea Sunder, Martha Jo Wallace, Willie
grandson’s, David, recent health B. Coates, Sammye Elrod, Charles Minick,
issues and lengthy hospitalization. Margaret McCord, Dorothy Easley, J.W. &
The love and concern that you have Sue Roder, Troy Parks.
so graciously shown to us is deeply
appreciated. We are especially Nursing Home Residents:
grateful for the many prayers that Life Care Center: Paul Litton, Helen
were offered, and are continuing to Hudgins,
Talley, Nellie
be offered for David. We are
extremely thankful for his recovery Kalosis, Lucy Noles, Stella Greer, Elsie
and the optimistic and encouraging Mathis, Thelma Chessor
prognosis shared by his doctors. Dickson Nursing Home:
How blessed we are to be part of James Clifton Thornton
Hickman County Nursing Home:
this wonderful church family !”
The Family of Edward Loveless Eltie Davis, Lula Mae Gilliam
writes:“We would like to thank the Perry County Nursing Home:
church for the beautiful flowers and Lucille Talley
wind chimes. The meal provided at NHC Columbia, TN: Floyd Powell
the Outreach Center was delicious
We want to wish Marshall
and very much appreciated. The
Fowlkes a Belated Happy
love and prayers for Edward and his
Birthday ! Mr. Fowlkes turned 97
family will always be remembered.”
years old on November 10, 2015.
Margie Copley writes:“I want to
thank everyone who remembered His address is:
my birthday with a card or a call. Tulipwood Apt. 108
You made my day special. Thank 120 East Swan Street
Centerville, Tennessee 37033
you so much…”
December Celebrations !
Glenn Earl & Joyce
Married 58 Years
December 1, 2015
James & Sue Roder
Married 61 Years
December 3, 2015
Martha Leath
80 Years Old
December 8, 2015
Billy & Juanita
Married 69 Years
December 23, 2015
Paul & Betty Litton
Married 60 Years
December 23, 2015
Bobby & Betty Breece
Married 51 Years
December 26, 2105
Day School Is In Need Of...
Wait on Table
It is necessary for the Day School to
install a new surface on the toddler
playground to make the area safer for our
children. The cost of this new surface is
$19,000.00. If you can help by donating
to this cause please take your donation to
the church office or the Day School office.
4th Sunday
Jimmy Copley
5th Sunday
David Hudgins
Right Side
Phil Griggs
Marshal Spencer
Eric Mayberry
Don Roder
Left Side
Ronald Coates
Eric Nash
Bobby McFarlin
Alan Potts
Calvin Hoover
Daniel Dressler
Bobby & Joyce Mayberry
Married 60 Years
December 23,2015
Jim McCord
82 Years Old
December 27, 2015
To Read Scripture
Nov. 22 Don Luther
Nov. 29 Jared Brown
Dec. 6 Barrett Davis
Elders’ Prayer
Nov. 22: Lonnie Gilliam
Nov. 29: Mike Goodpasture
Prayer Week of November 22
Daniel Dressler
Mark Chessor
Eric Coleman
Eric Nash
Mike Brown
Riley Qualls
Prayer Week of November 29
John Bradley
Cody Woods
Mike Plunkett
Joey Hunt
Patrick Allen
Jake Martin