to read the Messenger 11-6-13 - Centerville Church of Christ
to read the Messenger 11-6-13 - Centerville Church of Christ
CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427 -Postmaster-Send Address changes to Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville 37033-1427, Periodicals Postage Paid Centerville, TN 37033 Nov. 6, 2013 Volume XXXII1 - Number 45 “I Hope You Know” Thankfulness is a state of mind, an attitude, a choice. Our brother Paul taught us he knew, “how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need” (Philippians 4:12). Paul literally was thankful for nothing, for the reality that even in the absence or abundance of “things” he had everything he needed, he had His Lord. Thankful hearts echo from God’s faithful throughout the generations. “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and named shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). In all of Job’s life, the possessions he had were immeasurable. Yet through the loss of it all he realized his birth and life defined what was his, nothing. He had no attachment to the earth worthy of eternity. “Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out” (I Timothy 6:7-8). Be thankful you brought nothing into this world, and you will leave with nothing. The thankfulness comes from a heart which recognized all their life is not hinged on the promises of acquired wealth or possessions. The thankfulness of heart understands the real need of life; thankful for the nothing we brought into this world. The great philosopher (George Strait) once sang, “I’ve never seen a hearse with a luggage rack.” So true. While we may be without possessions we are not without promise of God’s presence. We take it for granted, and we forget it is a promise and a constant. When pressed in the hours of hardship or even heartache, the kind of car we drive is not the concern, the size of our house does not matter, nor the bottom line of a bank statement. In the most stressful of times, what brings us the deepest concern is the wonder of our heart if anyone cares? Paul remembered when all those around him left him, the Lord stood with him (II Timothy 4:17). When it seems we have nothing around us, we must call to mind, our Lord’s promise to never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6). With that we truly have everything. Too easily the spectrum of God’s complete and total knowledge of our lives is forgotten in our hearts. At the beginning of our life, the moment of our conception, our God is there, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before your were born I sanctified you” (Jeremiah 1:5). In the moment of our death, not the valley or the shadow, but the moment when the body is without the spirit, in that moment our God is there (Psalm 23:1 -4). When you have had all you think you can handle, be thankful for the absolute nothingness which ties you to this world, this earth, this life, and the supply of everything your heart needs to find the anchor of hope in Jesus (Hebrews 6:19). I hope you know, we have so much to be thankful for, and it begins with nothing this world has to offer and it ends with everything God has supplied us (Philippians 4:19). FRIDAY NIGHT’S 5TH QUARTER was one to remember! We began with some delicious Ricky B burgers as the crowds rolled in. After devouring all the food, close to 100 of us loaded up on two Oct 17– Nov haywagons set out for the back roads of Hickman 20 County. With a few “unexpected” surprises along Timothy / the way, it was one not soon forgotten. Thank you Tabitha to Rick Bruno for cooking, to Mike & Ridonna Classes Goodpasture and Troy & Kim Bates for supply and Every Wed driving the trucks and trailers. Thanks to Brad Night! Garland for arranging some safety for us on the Jr & Sr High highway. Thanks also to Misty Shelton, Jonathan, Nov.7 Misty, and Alyssa Aydelott, Clay Chessor, Karen & Sr. High Jillian Cost, Mike Elkins, Brian Qualls, Jeremy Prayer Qualls, and Marty Smith for all their help and Breakfast making the night so memorable! HCHS 7:15 THE TURKEYS ARE NOW SAFE! We had a great time Sunday afternoon as we packed 60 Nov.10 Junior High Sparks, Intermediates, and some parents and siblings into the big yellow bus to go see “Free Fireside Birds.” It was an enjoyable day and a whole lot of B&J fun! Don’t forget, December 14 will be our annual McDonald “Breakfast with Santa!” 7:00-9:00 Nov.13 WE ENDED THE WEEKEND WITH OUR Nov.14 Anne Jacobs and their families for hosting and the delicious food. Don’t forget to pray boldly (Hebrews 4) and don’t be astonished (Acts 12). Also, remember to use the A.C.T.S. prayer, that I learned years ago from Mike Kelley, to help you as you pray. Lighthouse SENIOR HIGH FIRESIDE. Another good crowd of Gage Dotson close to 20 were at the Elkins home for the evening. Thanks to Mike & Regina Elkins and Philip & Alice 5:00-7:00 Jr. High Prayer Breakfast HCMS 7:30 Nov.16 Servant Saturday 9:00-2:00 COMING SOON Dec. 27-29 Camp Snowball VIII Applications @ Website or Youth News Board TWO BIG EVENTS IN THE NEXT TWO MONTHS… The LazerQuest Lock-in is November 26. Sign up will be soon so mark the date and plan to go. Camp Snowball VIII is back too ! The dates are December 27-29 at Camp Meribah. Applications are online and at the Youth News Board. Both of these events are open to the Junior & Senior High. Invite your friends and plan to go. SPEAKING OF PLANNING… Lord willing, our “Spring” retreats are set! January 24-26 will be the 20/30s Retreat in Gatlinburg, February 28– March 2 will be the Senior Spotlight/Senior High Retreat in Gatlinburg, and April 11-13 will be the Junior High Retreat at Cedars of Lebanon. Circle the dates that apply to you and be looking for more information in the coming months! “IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING, YOU WILL WIND UP SOMEWHERE ELSE.” -Yogi Berra. This is one of my favorite sayings that I have used on several occasions. In what could be a very mystifying statement, there is also a lot of wisdom to be had. When we set out in our daily lives with no real direction, we will end up somewhere. Often times that “somewhere” though is a place we did not intend to go. (Continued pg. 4) Monty & Amy Dunn write:“ Thanks so much for the prayers, calls, visits and meals during my recent hospital stays. Words cannot express how thankful we always are for our great church family.” The Hickman County Civitans write: “We express our sincere appreciation for the use of the parking lot & facilities for the 32nd Annual Centerville in the Fall Car Show.” Terry & Wilma Dee Miley write: “ Dear Centerville Church, Your kind expression of sympathy will always be remembered. May God Bless each one of you.” Kolton’s Grandparents ...Area Wide Singing at the Upper Sinking Church of Christ Friday, Nov. 8 from 7—9 P.M. Finger Foods served at 5:30 P.M. ...South Gate Church of Christ invites you to Ladies’ Day Nov. 9, 2013. Brunch at 9 A.M. Day concludes at 11:30 A.M. “Finding Contentment” Speaker: April Estes 2700 Pulaski Hwy. Columbia, TN 38401 ...Clifton Church of Christ invites you to their Thanksinging Friday, Nov. 22, 2013 Meal 6 P.M. Singing 7 P.M. You are invited to a reception to celebrate the 90th birthday of Annette Barber on Saturday, November 9, at the Outreach Center of the Centerville Church of Christ from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Your presence will be her present. You may send cards to: Annette Barber 400 Barber Circle Centerville, Tennessee 37033 ...We extend our sympathy to the family of Doug Burchard who passed away. To his wife Brenda, daughter Brittney (Brad) Mushill, his son Brice, and granddaughter Eliana, we extend our deepest sympathy. ...We express our sympathy to the family of Charlie Dunn who passed away. He was the uncle of Alisa Harrington. CONTRIBUTION $ 11,631.35 BUDGET $ 13,169.00 Sunday School $ 133.75 ...November 10 Visitation Team 3 meets at the Outreach Center following P.M. worship. ..November 17 Thanksinging ...November 17 Men’s Quarterly Business Meeting at 5 p in the chapel. ...November 27 No Messenger ...November 28 Thanksgiving Day ...November 28-Dec. 3 Team Harvest Deer Camp ...Dec.7 Holiday Meal “The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” James 5:16 Please Pray For... ...James Aydelott is recovering from shoulder surgery. ...Belva Goins is in Williamson County Medical Center. ...Henrietta Rochelle received a good report from her doctor last week. ...Louise Westmoreland has been transferred from Vanderbilt Hospital to the local hospital. ...Jimmy Reece received good news from a heart procedure last week. ...Barbara Baker will have back surgery on December 3, 2013. ...Mrs. Myrtle Wherry is recovering from a broken hip at Vanco Manor Nursing Home Room 305B, 1835 Dickerson Road, Goodlettsville, TN 37072. ...Barry Shelton will have surgery on his shoulder in the coming days. ...Douglas O’Guin, the brother of Tonya Oliphant, is in St. Thomas Mid -Town recovering from surgery. He should return home on Wednesday. ...Liam King, the son of Corey & Mandy King, spent a couple of days in Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital. He is recovering at home. ...Carol Bates had surgery to remove part of her colon on Tuesday, November 5th at Maury Regional Hospital. ...Nancy Daugherty, the aunt of Shane Willis, has been diagnosed with lung cancer. The following are recovering from for the surgery or dealing with an illness: Inmates & Staff hosted by the Jail Jessica Delaney, Jo Atkinson, Patricia Hollett, Barbara Baker, Ministry ...Dec. 8 “Church For The Holidays” Garland Horner, Betty Davis, Shirley King, Mozine Atkinson, Chip Minick, 9 A.M. Worship followed by Andrea Spears, Lonnie Garrett, Mary Christmas Lunch & Festivities in Frances Welch, Caleb Sams, the Fellowship Hall at 11 A.M. Henrietta Rochelle, Jeff Denton, Lisa ...Dec. 8 Candlelight Ceremony at Shephard, Tina Johnson. McDonald Funeral Home 7 P.M. ...Dec.15 Progressive Dinner Home: Mary Helen Barber, Paul ...Dec.18 Sunshine Baskets Litton, Stephen Church, Charles Minick, Lula Mae Gilliam, Jean Delivered Plemmons, Sammye Elrod, Margaret ...Dec.20 Toy Give-Away 10 A.M. & Curtis McCord, Dorothy Easley, ...Dec.25 Christmas Day J.W. & Sue Roder, Troy Parks, ...Dec.25 No Messenger Edward Loveless, James ...Dec. 27-29 Camp Snowball VII Westmoreland Continued pg. 2. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” When our day starts in prayer and continues to seek God’s wisdom in every decision, our paths lead us places where He intended us to be! follow His path, -Craig Jack Cunningham 85 Years Old November 19, 2013 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Centerville Church of Christ 138 North Central Avenue Centerville, Tennessee 37033 Periodicals Postage Paid at Centerville, TN 37033 Foy Hudgins 80 Years Old November 21, 2013 Community Christmas Day Meal The Centerville Church of Christ has been asked to provide the following items for this meal. Please sign-up in the lobby. 100 Brownies/Cookies 8 Pies/Cakes We appreciate your help with this. Operation Santa Claus is well under way with over 500 names of children who need help with Christmas. If anyone would like to take a child’s name and purchase gifts for them, please see/contact Becky Coleman at 931-729-3391 Ext. 2248. Congratulations to Michelle Gilbert who was recently honored as one of the nine best public school Supervisors in the State of Tennessee at an Award Ceremony in the Music City Center by the Tennessee Department of Education and the Niswonger Foundation. Worship Involvement : Please contact the following if you are unable to serve : Dorris Claud Lonnie Mayberry Bryan Woods John Bradley 931-729-2933 931-242-2644 931-994-7042 931-994-7358 Prayer Week of Nov. 10 S.M.W. S.M.D Mike Elkins Randy James S.E.W. S.E.D. Jim Hudgins Randy Wright W.E.B.S. W.E.D. Marshall Spencer Marty Smith READ SCRIPTURE November 10 November 17 Don Luther Eric Nash
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