Director`s Dialog


Director`s Dialog
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Mark Norris and
Patty Trapp Couple
of the Year 2016
Howard Lightner
Individual of the
Year 2016
AZ Chapter D meets the Second Saturday of each month at 8AM
at the Old Country Buffet located at 6625 E. Southern Ave., Mesa
Director's Dialog:
By Teena Prentice
We had a great time in Albuquerque at the Region F Convention. I counted a total of 27 Chapter D members
attending at some point! I'm so glad to see our Chapter participating in these events.
We had 2 nights that we broke out the dominos and played Mexican Train. We sure had lots of fun playing it. If
you were there and didn't get to play, you missed lots of great fun!!!
We just had another quarterly Ride Coordinators Meeting and only some staff members showed up to plan rides
and events. No regular members came. Please know that without YOUR input, we can't know where you'd like to go on
a ride or what you'd like to do! We run out of ideas and repeat the same-o, same-o, it seems. We sure would like YOU
to help us with new ideas!
The seminars have attracted 10 to 15 people. I know that a lot of you need seminars so you can keep your
levels up to date, and some of you will need renewal of your CPR, so coming up this September, we are planning a
refresher course. I hope you will take advantage of it. We charge $25 for supplies for this class only, and it is the only
one we charge for. ALL seminars otherwise are FREE! So take advantage now of any upcoming seminars. Chapter R is
also offering seminars for free and you are welcome to join them too!
Did you notice we are going now once a month for ice cream? Yes, we are and you are invited to attend! We
have a lot of fun there. We are rotating ice cream shops as well as locations to accommodate members that live in
various areas so you don't always have to drive so far to just one location every time!
Just because you can't take the heat, or you can't ride the bike now, or maybe you
sold your bike, it makes no difference to us! As a member of Chapter D, we would love to
have you join in on our events and have fun with us. Maybe you dropped your membership.
Well, come back and rejoin us! We'll be glad to have you back!!!
Check our calendar on the website and see what things are planned for the summer,
but it takes YOU to attend them to make them a success. So, I hope to see you at some at
these things soon and hope that you'll......................Catch D Spirit! Teena
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Assistant Directors Report:
By Sandy Barger
Dear Chapter D, I would like to update you on Dale. He is now back in Promise Hospital; we will be there until
sometime in July.
The first part of June he had a skin graft, then on Wednesday, he had a pulmonary embolism, (a blood clot in his
lungs). We spent 4 days in ICU, going back to the regular floor on Sunday, then on the next Wednesday he had a rapid
heartbeat, which required them stopping his heart for a very few seconds and then restarting it to put it back in "sinus
rhythm". He is now on medications for both. We are as I said back in Promise Hospital for 3-4 weeks. We have
already been there for one week, so maybe two or three more, we will see. We want to thank all of Chapter D and all
the other GWRRA people who have had us in their prayers, their thoughts, the calls and the cards from you. God Bless
each one of you and please ride safe until we can ride safely with you all again,
Come see us we are in room 207 at Promise Hospital corner of Mesa Drive and 6th St. in Mesa
Sandy and Dale Barger
Thank You:
By Ginger Mason
I want to thank everyone for their support this past year and on Bob's ride. A heart felt BIG Thanks for those who
braved the heat and for those of you who were with us in spirit, there is no way to adequately say how much this has
meant to me. I have never needed someone as much as I have needed each of you this past year and you never let me
down. God Bless each of you as he has blessed me.
Chapter D Closeout Specials:
By Jean Ondof
The following items are being offered on a close out sale:
Blue Button - Down Long Sleeve Shirt (No Embroidery) for $15:00
Sizes: 1 Small; 4 Large; 2 XL; and 1 4XL
Gray Long Sleeve Chapter D T-Shirt for $10:00
Sizes: 3 Small; 6 Medium; 1 Large; 2 XL; and 3 XL
Assorted Patches @ $1.00 which include Copper Legend; Arizona; Region "F" GWRRA 25th Anniversary; Hills Angels;
and Chapter "B".
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
By Bill Trask, District Trainer
July 2016
R-E-S-P-E-C-T has meaning in all that we do as leaders, as riders, and as
everyday people. You’ve heard the term in many ways. Aretha Franklin sang about it,
Rodney Dangerfield claimed he never got any, and the Godfather asked for it.
We all want others to respect our knowledge, our habits, our decisions. Usually
this is done by earning the respect of others. If you are trustworthy, honest, loyal, and all
the other Boy Scout terms, you will earn the respect of those around you, whether your
children, your family, friends, or Gold Wing Road Rider members. When you earn the
respect of others you become a better person, parent, spouse, and leader.
While on the road do you notice how some people respect you and others do not? Especially when you are on
your bike, you may notice some people watch carefully and allow you to make maneuvers when needed. It makes you
feel good to know these people are on the road; and it certainly is kind to wave at them when they show respect.
There is another side to respect and that is what respect do you show to others? When riding on the highway
and someone is driving too slow or inadequate to your style, what do you do? These are instances that can emit a mild
form of road rage. In your chapter meetings if someone is talking while a person is speaking, that is rude, and shows
disrespect. Is the person talking meaning to be disrespectful, or are they just caught up in a conversation or topic with
someone? This is where you can show your respect for others. For that driver, be patient and pass by them when it is
safe to do so; do not go roaring by or use an obscene gesture. When someone is interrupting a meeting, make a
motion towards them to let them know there is something going on; no need to yell ‘shut up’ or enrage them. If they are
respectful people, they will move the conversation to another time or place.
When you show respect you earn respect. This is true whether you are riding or in a social
gathering. It takes an effort on your part to show respect, but you find the returns from it are good for your ego as well
as your reputation among others.
Try to give as much respect as you expect to have in return. We know who the ‘nice’ people are because they
show an effort to respect others.
From the District Training desk, we need to hear from you about seminars and modules you would like to have
for your chapter members. I am easy to contact – or call me at 623-252-8849. We would like to
set up a “day of seminars” for every chapter wherein we can cover a variety of topics. If you can find a date and a
facility, we will be there.
EDUCATION is never-ending; make yours count.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Motorist Awareness
By Ron Carroll
Why do I Need Motorist Awareness?
(As viewed by a non-motorcyclist)
Sometimes I ask myself why do I need Motorist Awareness Classes when I don’t ride a motorcycle. After
thinking about it for a while and seeing another news story on TV about a motorcyclist being killed because another
vehicle (not a motorcycle) pulled out in front of him.
I began to think about my daughter and grandson who each ride a motorcycle and wondered to myself that
could have been one of them in the accident. Accident? Could it have been avoided? Was it the motorcyclist fault?
Then I heard during the same report that the driver of the vehicle who pulled out in front of the motorcycle kept saying
over and over again “I did not see him” “I did not see him”.
Again I began wondering why did he not see him when he pulled out in front of him, then I thought to myself
after I talked to my daughter and grandson about it. They both said Dad, Grandpa it is because of several reasons as to
why it could have happened.
They both belong to Gold Wing Road Riders Assoaction (GWRRA) and said that they attended many
motorcycle safety courses and one of them was a course about Motorist Awareness and in the class one of the many
reasons was because the Cager (another term for drivers other than the one who rides a motorcycle are called) has
been trained all their lives since getting a driver’s license to look out for other cars. A Cager (as my daughter calls them)
simply is not accustomed to seeing motorcycles.
I asked my daughter about this course called Motorist Awareness and how I could go about attending a class I
wanted to know how much it cost. (Not that the cost mattered to me) because after seeing the news on TV and talking
to my daughter and grandson I figured that at any cost their lives were more important. (What if I was the driver who
pulled into the path of the motorcycle?).
I found out that GWRRA offers this course to ALL DRIVERS and the best part is it’s “FREE”. I was surprised at
that and wondered about joining GWRRA so I could take it. My daughter said that I do not have to be a member of
GWRRA but if I were a member there are many motorcycle related safety courses that I could then attend. Why would I
Want to attend Motorcycle Safety courses? My daughter told me that by attending even though I did not ride myself that
there are many things I could learn that might help me understand why motorcyclist do certain things when they ride.
She told me how I could join, I did and after a few courses, I now understand what hazards a motorcyclist faces every
day. I still do not ride but I have more respect for those who do and many in the class told me they have more respect
for me because I was willing to learn about their sport.
Let me tell you how you can gain this valuable knowledge that may save a life that could be a member of your
family, a loved one, or someone you know. I am also aware that if one of my family lost a friend due to a motorcycle
accident (that might have been avoided because the driver “Did Not See the Motorcycle”) how they would be
devastated over the loss. Sorry, was a little emotional thinking about my family…
To be able to attend a GWRRA class all you have to do is contact GWRRA.
The quickest way to join GWRRA is through our Online: membership registration. If you prefer, Call: (800) 8439460 or (623) 581-2500 between 6:30am - 5:00pm MST. Write: GWRRA, P.O. Box 42450, Phoenix, AZ 85080-2450.
Fax: (877) 348-9416. Or Email: They accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express or
Discover. While you are talking to them ask about other benefits they have besides Motorist Awareness Classes.
A concerned Father and Grandfather of someone who rides a motorcycle
Ron Carroll
Ron Carroll
GWRRA AZ District Motorist Awareness Team
GWRRA Member #285519 Chapter AZ-D
314-941-5105 or Email
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Rider Education:
By Frank Nemeth
Why Should I Take a Rider Course?
The real question is, Why anyone would need to ask?
There are some riders in each of our chapters that choose not to
participate in a Rider Course. Let’s try and understand why, and look at
what a Rider Course can do for you.
I don't know how many times I've heard, “I’ve been riding for
years. I don’t need to take a class.” Some will boast about all the miles
they have on two wheels and say “there is nothing you can teach me?”
Trying to persuade someone with that attitude that a Rider Course
might help them be an even better rider is not an easy thing to do.
Sometimes, people hide their self doubt behind a curtain of confidence and bluster
Was there ever a single season in your riding career without at least one close call or near miss due to another
motorist’s driving behavior? How about a single month? If you ride around the state or across the country, you expose
yourself to many different situations that require anticipation of all the possible actions of other drivers. You have to be
prepared to counter with the proper response – whatever their action – and do it in a split second! A motorcycle Rider
Course helps prepare you mentally and physically to execute the kinds of maneuvers called for by a driver’s
unexpected actions. We look upon these classes as an opportunity to learn and improve our riding skills in a safe
The instructors are trained to spot the little techniques during range exercises that riders tend to forget to employ
on the road. They provide reminders to all students in a positive manner. Their trained eyes and constructive comments
are geared to put each of us on the path to being the safest riders we can be. This can help with your attitude and
performance on the road. Being reminded of the best techniques to execute different skills does not hurt at all. It is
painless. The practice and coaching helps to improve our skills, whether we never knew the technique to use, or just
need the occasional reminder. Hey, who doesn’t appreciate a reminder from time to time? Especially when it is about
something you want to do correctly and safely, but may have just forgotten the best method.
Contrary to the old saying, Practice doesn't always make perfect, but it can and does make better. When you
practice something you enjoy doing, it’s just a lot of fun! Practicing motorcycle riding maneuvers in a closed parking lot
with someone else (the instructors) monitoring the range to protect the riders from outside hazards helps you focus your
attention on the task at hand – becoming a better rider!
An added benefit of taking a Rider Course, is that it will help you qualify for advancement in the Rider Education
Levels Program, or will keep you current in your present level. If you don't want to, or don't have the time to commit to a
Rider Course, at least consider the Practice Field Days put on once a month, again, for free. These are a ZERO
Pressure opportunity for you to come out and just practice riding skills. There is no instruction provided, but several
courses are set up in a safe protected area, where you can practice at your own pace. Who knows, you may actually
have fun.
Sign up for a Rider Course today. You will thank yourself later!
Our Motto...
"Safety is for Life"
Our Mission...
" To Save Lives Through Quality, World Class Education"
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Membership Enhancement
By Ron Carroll
What Is Membership Enhancement?
Hello everyone!
Membership enhancement comes in many ways. It can be in the form of Fun &
Games, Chapter life, Benefits or Just meeting new friends to ride with.
But this month’s membership enhancement topic in my opinion hit the top of the list
for what it stands for. Keep reading and I think you will get what I mean.
BRAVO to Chapter AZ-D for enhancing the membership for a fellow member and
living up to GWRRA motto for Friends, Fun, Safety and Knowledge. GWRRA members are
great, meaning that several members (14) from AZ-D went on a memorial ride with Ginger
this past week in support for her loosing Bob last year.
I am very honored to have gone on the ride with them and very glad that GWRRA Membership is here when
needed. Ginger we did not hesitate when you brought up the Idea of having a memorial ride for Bob. Thank you for
inviting us to go along with you.
Your friends will always be here for you. Without GWRRA Maddie and I would not have met you and Bob, nor
would we have met many of your friends in Chapter “D”. Our membership has greatly been Enhanced.
Questions or comments call or email me.
Ron Carroll
Ron Carroll
Membership Enhancement
GWRRA AZ District Motorist Awareness Team or 314-941-5105
Game Night:
By Teena Prentice
We had 17 people join in for Game Night on June 4th. This was actually the Game Night for May, but since we
had the Region F Rally in Albuquerque the last weekend of May, we just moved it back to the following weekend.
Hence this Game Night on the very first weekend of June. It was a fun evening following the seminar, Riding in the
The pot luck was, as always, delicious! Everyone had great food and had a great time visiting with our Chapter
D Friends before we started 2 tables of Mexican Train. Sandy arrived a little late, but in a while, Ted decided to take a
break so she took Ted's place. Later in the game, Debi needed to leave, so Ted took her place. Guess who won, Ted.
At the other table, the winner was Gay! Congratulations!
Those that attended Game Night were David and Gay Redline, Mark Norris and Patty Trapp, John and Anita
Raines, Debi Ford, John Lenio, Dolores Shoecraft, Sandy Barger, Gale Racut, Ginger Mason, Maddie and Ron Carroll
and Ted and Teena Prentice.
CPR/FA Cost Update
Effective August 1, 2016 the CPR/FA class cost for students will be increased to $25.00. The cost has been
$20 since we became involved with MFA in 2004 and not sure how long before that. Also, you may have noticed the
registration fee at a Wing Ding will be $50 and $20 is refunded upon course completion. This is a $30 class and it's the
same one we use Region wide. $25 is still fair and reasonable for our diverse membership.
Approval has been given by Lydia Bourg (Director of CPR/First Aid in GWRRA) and Keith and Teresa Morrison
(Region F Directors). As you can see, we've notified Region F Directors, Educators and Treasurer as well as District
Directors, Educators and Treasurers.
Region F has a wonderful group of Coordinators and Facilitators who dedicate their time to update their own
Facilitator status. They do it willingly and provide their expertise to hundreds of students in an effort to make riding as
safe as possible.
Thank you for your support. "It takes a village..."
Marti and Joel Winkler
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Albuquerque Trip
5/26/16 – 5/30/16
By Jean Ondof
Day One
We had five bikes on the first leg of our journey: Ron and Maddie Carroll; Jean and Tony Ondof; Ted and Teena
Prentice; Dennis and Beth Britton and Chuck (I am sorry I can not remember the last name).
We left about 7:15 AM and stopped at Judy’s in Globe for breakfast. The ride through Salt River Canyon was
cool but the scenery is awesome. I got my hips loosened up. Chuck broke off at Show Low to head home. It was nice
he came out for a ride.
Our next stop was in Pie Town. We stopped at the Gathering Place for a late lunch and Pie Oneer for Pie.
Maddie knows the owner through Face Book. She and Ron decided to stay to visit. The rest of us continued on to
Albuquerque. The weather was cool but the sun made it feel warm. I did enjoy my heated seat. Our last leg for today
was very windy. I have been in wind before but this was very strong. We had dinner at a place that was a Mexican
Sports Bar.
Day Two
Was interesting to see all the different bikes and trailers. One was all the way from Hawaii – must have been a
lllooonngggg ride over the toll bridge. Tony and I attended the SKYMED seminar. This is something to look into. You never know what can happen. Sharon and Chuck Briner arrived today. Unfortunately, they had
to come by car as their motorcycle had a flat tire. We had some time before dinner, so we played Mexican Train. There
was a light parade and the Ice Cream Social was moved inside because it had become very windy.
Day Three
Tony, Dennis and I worked registration for a few hours in afternoon. The dinner was good. I had forgotten that I
had ordered the vegetarian plate. Nice guy that Tony is, he ate it and said it was pretty good.
The evening’s entertainment was very good. For a rally it was one of the best I have seen/heard. The featured
performers were Syd Masters and the Swingin’ Cowboys featuring Cowboy songs and some comedy. We played
Mexican train again tonight and did not finish until 1 AM. We were all getting silly because we were so tired.
Day Four
Tony and I rode up to Sandia Crest (10,678 feet elevation). We have ridden the tram before but it is an
awesome experience. As Tony and I came around one corner there were about six deer crossing the road. One was in
the center and just looked at us like “what are you doing here”. It was very windy at the crest and about 20 degrees
cooler. There were several small patches of snow. We played Mexican train again tonight but we did not stay up so late
because we will be heading home tomorrow.
Day Five
Ron and Maddie will be not traveling home with us. I believe they are heading up to the Grand Canyon for a few
days. It will only be Dennis and Beth; Ted and Teena; and Tony and me riding home. We left at 8:00 AM and had
breakfast in Gallup at the Cracker Barrel. We thought about having lunch at the Red Onion but no one was hungry, as it
was only 11:30 AM. The ride got warmer as the day progressed and we got into a lot of traffic at Payson when the road
went from four lanes to two. Glad we got there as early as we did. We stopped at Dairy Queen to cool down and then
we pushed on. The Bush Highway was closed so Tony and I had to back track some. Dennis and Beth did a great job
leading. It was a fun rally and a great trip. Sorry you were not able to join us.
License Plates that I saw: New Mexico, Arizona, California, Colorado, Ohio, Nevada, New Jersey, Illinois and
Jean Ondof
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Long Distance Ride to Painted Desert on 6/19:
By Tony Ondof
The scene: The Chevron station at Goldfield Road and
US 60, 7 AM (0700 for you military types) 95 degrees. Two lone
motorcycles sit at the pump, their riders and one passenger
searching for others.
The objective: Ride to the Painted Desert/Petrified
Forest and back on what is predicted to be the hottest day in
Phoenix Meteorological history..
Mark Norris, Tony and Jean Ondof waited and waited.
Brave souls (or some say fools) that they are, when the 7 AM
Kickstands up time came the engines purred to life and the two
bikes started the journey up US 60. There was no breakfast stop
at Globe as is the usual case, we were to be belly and tanks full
for the start of this trip.
We continued to US 60 and Arizona 73 where the road
was blocked due to the wildfire in the Show Low area. I must admit the smoke was impressive and a bit frightening because we
were so close as we took a short break for a stretch and hydration. We continued along Arizona 73 and came into Show Low from
the “backside”.
Picked up US 60 again to Arizona 180A then to Arizona 180
to Petrified Forest National Park. We stopped at the Visitor Center
to soak up some air conditioning and more water. Also, there was a
piece of petrified wood on display that took 3 days to cut through
and 3 weeks to polish.
We were now in the park and followed the loop road through the
park from south to north. The scenery was beautiful and makes
one wonder how this all came to be. The brilliant stripes and colors
along with huge pieces of wood from millions of years ago are
mind boggling. It reminded me of the Badlands in South Dakota.
We stopped at the northern edge of the park to eat the
picnic lunches we had packed.
Back on the road again, we picked up I-40 to Arizona 77
then Arizona 377 into Heber/Overgaard. We then followed
Arizona 260 into Payson. Now the weather was beginning to
“warm up a little” as temps climbed into the low triple digits.
In Payson we hydrated and put on the cool collars, cool
vests and the newly purchased Mission Multi-cool collar. Off we
went to do battle with Mother Nature. The traffic did not
cooperate either. People would get into the passing lane and
not speed up to pass anyone so the passing lane did no good at
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
As we continued our descent in the Valley the temps continued to climb – 110, 114, 116, 118 and finally 120 degrees
(keep in mind this is our first summer here). The heat pouring out of the Wing was literally unbearable. Nothing I did would get my
legs out of the blast furnace. Adjusting the wind wings or putting my feet on the highway pegs did little to relieve the heat and
only changed the hot spot from my legs to the seat.
At Bush Highway we parted company with Mark and went over Usery Pass to home. The bike read 487 miles and 119
degrees at the house and my legs were medium rare.
Would we do it again? If we had to, yes; if there was a choice, probably not. We did prove to ourselves that we could
tolerate the high temps and except for the engine heat it was not too uncomfortable.
By Cliff and Char Simpson
Region F Motorist Awareness Coordinators
What crosses your mind when you see “HELP WANTED! on a storefront sign, or on a poster (or in this article)?
Do you think, “I'm retired? I don't want another job?” Or perhaps, “Been there, done that.” Or maybe you immediately
wipe it from your consciousness. However, if you think, “I wonder what that's about”, please continue reading.
We are looking for someone, or several someone’s, to assist with the Motorist Awareness Program (MAP) for
Region “F”un. You have probably heard that one of the primary responsibilities of an officer is to help find a successor,
usually by selecting an Assistant(s). So let me describe what the MAP is, the qualifications this/these person(s) need,
and what is expected.
The Motorist Awareness Division and Rider Education Program, through a Team effort, are committed to a goal
of establishing the safest motorcycling environment possible. While Rider Education trains and educates motorcycle
riders, the Motorist Awareness Division (MAD) will focus on educating the motorist community.
Our primary goal in motorist awareness will be to reduce the number of motorcycle crashes with other highway
users, a reduction in the loss of life, and a reduction in injuries.
Another goal is to build a rapport with motorists and leave them with a feeling that motorcyclists are real people
who could be their friend, neighbor, or even a relative.
The qualifications for Region F Motorist Awareness Coordinator (MAC) and Assistants are the same:
Be a current Member of the GWRRA and an experienced motorcycle rider.
Be current Level III or above in the REP.
Be dedicated to the safe operation of motorcycles and exhibit a sincere desire to promote safe motorcycle
operations through Motorist Awareness.
Be fully knowledgeable of Motorist Awareness and its goals.
Possess sufficient communication skills, both verbal and written, so as to be an effective representative of the
Motorist Awareness program.
Have the ability to work effectively in a harmonious relationship with the Region Director, District and Chapter
Educators/Coordinators as well as the MA Team.
Preferably a certified University Trainer, but is not required to be.
The duties of the Assistant MAC are to assist the Region Coordinator in the execution of their duties. (For a
complete list, see section H.6 in the Rider Education Program Handbook.) That would include writing a quarterly article
for the Region F newsletter.
So that's it in a nutshell. If you are just a tiny bit interested but would like more information, just contact Char
and I, and we'll try to answer your questions. We aren’t ready to retire just yet, but we want to be prepared for an
orderly transition when the time comes. Our phone number is (602) 904-0219 and email is .
The best people to educate the motorists are us – motorcyclists! If we could educate every motorist to LOOK
OUT FOR MOTORCYCLES, how many crashes would be prevented? So please consider being part of the Region F
Motorist Awareness team. The life you save may be a friend's, a relative's, or possibly your own.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Region F Convention/Rally:
By Teena Prentice
We had a really large number of Chapter D members attend The Region F Convention in Albuquerque, New
Mexico over the Memorial Day Weekend. It was a great weekend to get to see friends from the surrounding states that
we see every year at these rallies.
Ron and Maddie Carroll, Jean and Tony Ondof, Dennis and Beth Brinton, Chuck Douchet and Ted and Teena
Prentice all left early Thursday morning, May 26th. We had a nice breakfast at Judy's in Globe.
When we reached Show Low, Chuck Douchet turned back to travel over the rim back home. We were glad to have him
for the ride for breakfast and this far.
The weather was very cool and got cooler and cooler as we proceeded east on US-60. We passed through the
area on the road to Socorro that appears a little spooky where all the giant dishes face the sky in a line on each side of
the road. We reached Pie Town and stopped at one small restaurant and ate sandwiches and salads and then traveled
several yards on east to the place that serves all the pies. I had a delicious piece of cherry pie that was solid cherries
inside. YUM! Everyone was sufficiently sated and we began to prepare for the last leg of the trip.
Ron and Maddie Carroll have become friends with the owners of this pie store, so they decided to spend a little
longer visiting with them as we were getting ready to leave.
The rest of the group noticed the wind had begun to get stronger and it had become markedly colder as we
geared up to go. I put on an electric jacket and a thin jacket over that and turned on the heat to low. I was so
comfortable and really enjoyed some really cold air for a change.
As we came to I-25 in Socorro, the wind began to hit us from the side. It was quite strong and pushed us
sideways several times, but we all managed to stay on the road.
Finally arriving in Albuquerque at the host Marriott Hotel, it seemed like the wind ended as we drove into the
parking lot. It was too late to register, so we went across the street to a place called Locos Ojos, a "Mexican Hooters"
for dinner.
The next day, we were happy to see Chuck and Sharon Briner and John Lenio arrive.
Friday, and Saturday, some of us worked in Registration for an hour or two and enjoyed visiting with people. We went
to Opening Ceremonies and toured the Vendors. We saw Ric and Barbara Beimfohr, Chapter D members, were in their
booth selling Motowings.
FREE seminars were available, all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Chapter D members, Sallie and John Baldwin, were sitting at the Region Store pretty much the majority of the time.
The Arizona Precision Drill Team, including Chapter D members, Buddy and Michelle Fett, and California Drill Team
performances were great as usual. Their performances were joined by the Motorcycle Color guard, of which a large
number of Chapter D members were performing: Larry and Anne Johnson, John Bennefield and Patsy Saima, Vince
Meza and Linda Shupe, Earl Haliburton, Chuck and Shirley Ainsworth.
A very memorable item was a singing cowboy performance Syd Masters and the Swing Riders performed after
dinner on Saturday night. They did 2 hours of memorable cowboy music that we all remember from our childhood. They
were so good! Everyone seems to agree that they were the best that has been offered at about any GWRRA event in a
long time! That is how good they were!
One highlight of our stay was playing Mexican Train. After Dinner and the performance by the Cowboy Singers
on Saturday night, we played until 2am. We finally quit, not quite finishing the game. Chapter R Member James, was
the winner of that game. Sunday night, we started a game a little earlier and managed to actually finish the game by
about 10 or so with the winner being Teena.
We enjoyed the cooler weather of Albuquerque, and didn't really want to return to the already really hot valley on
Sunday. We had really cool travel as we headed home over the rim, until we were about 25 miles east of Star Valley.
The heavier traffic was moving pretty well, but suddenly came to a screeching halt and stop and go for 1-2 hot hrs. The
highway had been for quite a distance a 2 lane road, but it suddenly became a single lane each way. People were
fighting to get ahead of the pack and so it was very slow going, even past the change in lanes, all through Star Valley.
Then it speeded up. We stopped to have a quick eat in Payson and the rest of the ride home was uneventful, of course
except for the heat.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Rider Education Program
Chapter D Members Enrolled
Level 1 Safety by Commitment
Shirley Ainsworth
Sharon Briner
Mark Davies
Vincent Meza
Jim Tessner
Elizabeth Ashworth
Curry Brundrett
Joe Ezell
Fred Murrel
Lisa Wright
James Ashworth III
Jarvis Mallory
Julie Ashworth
Mark Norris
Charles Mason Jr
Lyle Buerkens
Sharon Brundrett
RJ Holland
Chet Shupe
Charles Briner
Warren Calhoun
Carol Lightner
Linda Shupe
Madaline Carroll
Leslie Prosser
Level 2 Safety by Education
Dora Ezell
Floyd Roe
Lou Sondrol
William Warfield
Ivonda Holland
Janet Bastman
Patty Trapp
Jeanne Moorhead
Level 3 Certified Tour Riders
Bob Bender
Vicki Bender
Bradley Fett
Steve Hoagland
John Naughton
Logan Roberts
Chuck Ainsworth #9273
Sandy Barger #8309
Beth Brinton #1926
Mary Ann Dashney #9943
David Hewitt #879
John Lenio #8360
Frank Nemeth #9944
Don Rhodes #7691
Lynn Young #6675
James Ashworth II
Karen Calhoun
Michelle Fett
David Prosser
Level 4 Master Tour Riders
Masters (0-5 years)
David Andrews #2429
Diane Andrews #2428
Don Bastman #9280
Les Bastman #9281
Dennis Brinton #1003
Ron Carrol #8668
Joanne Deschamps #9644
Paul Deschamps #9655
Edith Hewitt #878
Anne Johnson #9060
Howard Lightner #5772
Virginia Mason #1774
Mark Norris #9987
Patty Trapp #9986
Judith Saunders #8944
Dolores Shoecraft #8728
Jan Zunchich #573
Mike Zunchich #574
Senior Masters (5-9 years)
Amie Smith #6991
Martin Smith #6992
Mark Mueller #3222
Roy Berggren
Vicki Hoagland
Robert Traskel
Dale Barger #8310
John Bennefield #9197
Larry Colson #7061
Ted Figgins #9321
Larry Johnson #9157
Jerry Michealson #3917
Walter Rapp #9351
James Wright #9350
Life & Grand Masters (10 years +)
John Baldwin #1526
Sallie Baldwin #1525
Gary Darling #4257
Debbie Mueller #3221
Ted Prentice #2683
Teena Prentice #2682
Summer Series of Seminars
Once again, along with Chapter R, we will be presenting our Summer Series of Seminars. Times and locations
are subject to change, so keep an eye out for updates.
Riding in the Heat
Riding for the Mature Rider
3:30 -4:30pm at the Holiday House
Following Chapter R’s monthly gathering
Team Riding
Motorist Awareness
Following Chapter R’s monthly gathering
3:30 -4:30pm at the Holiday House
Following Chapter R’s monthly gathering
Riding Mountains Hills and Curves
CPR Refresher Course
Following Chapter R’s monthly gathering
9:00am-12p Holiday Ballroom
Leadership Training Program Seminars
Motorist Awareness
Presented at Ride Now Peoria
Following Chapter R’s monthly gathering
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Our Fellow Arizona Chapters
Chapter A
Chapter C
Chapter D
City: Tucson
Date: 3rd Saturday
Time: 8:15 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Dennis & Debbie Ammons
Phone: 520-745-6755
City: Lake Havasu
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Alan Weaver
Phone: 928-453-7842
City: Mesa
Date: 2nd Saturday
Time: 7:30 AM
Place: Old Country Buffet
Directors: Teena and & Ted Prentice
Phone: 602-438-9660
Chapter E
Chapter G
Chapter K
City: Sierra Vista
Date: 1st Saturday
Time: 9:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Larry & Gale Howard
Phone: 520-459-0079
City: Amado/Green Valley
Date: 2nd Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Coyote Grill
Director: Dee & Galen Baird
Phone: 520-730-6849
City: Tucson
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Nancy Hrigora
Phone: 810-923-4117
Chapter O
Chapter P
Chapter R
City: Bullhead City/Oatman
Date: 1st Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Perkins Restaurant
Director: Greg Brown
Phone: 760-500-3084
City: Prescott
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Sandy Gaston
Phone: 928-759-9719
City: Glendale
Date: 3rd Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Old Country Buffet
Director: Jim Oliver
Phone: 623-694-6356
Chapter S
Chapter U
Chapter X
City: Scottsdale
Date: 1st Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Deer Valley Airport
Director: John Read
Phone: 480-406-5871
City: Yuma
Date: 3rd Wednesday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: DayBreaker Café
Director: Howard Cart & Evelyn Kuida
Phone: 928-210-9721
City: Casa Grande
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral 2083 E. Florence Blvd
Director: Mike and Mary Anne Melby
Phone: 408-963-8392
Email: john.read79@gm
Chapter Director:
Asst. Directors:
Asst. Directors:
Teena Prentice
Sandy & Dale Barger
Paul Deschamps &
Joanne Deschamps
Ginger Mason
Frank Nemeth
Mark Norris
Ron Carroll
Frank Nemeth
Mark Norris
Dennis Brinton
Patty Trapp
Joanne Deschamps
Ted Prentice
Jean Ondof
Chuck Ainsworth
Chet Shupe
JoAnne Deschamps
Diana Enns
Mark Norris and
Patty Trapp
Chapter Educator:
Asst. Chapter Educator:
Membership Retention
& Recruitment:
Motorist Awareness:
Newsletter Editor:
Ride Coordinator:
Asst. Ride Coordinator:
Dinner Coordinator:
Wing Buddy:
Chapter Store:
Web Master:
Chapter Photographer:
Sunshine Lady:
Chapter Scrapbook:
Chapter COY 2015:
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Quality Work at affordable prices
Collision Repair [we get your bike fixed correctly]
Great Tire Prices
All Parts at a Discount, Do Not Pay Retail!
Helmets, Communication Systems
Arai, Nolan, Shoei, First Gear, J&M
Expert Trike Builders
Authorized Dealers for many Trike Companies
Over 10 years in business
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
~ July 2016 ~
4th of July
Ron and Maddie
Staff Meeting
The Holiday
Monthly Gathering
At Old Country
Team Riding Class
Following Chapter
R's Gathering
Ice Cream
(Location TBD)
23 Destination
Breakfast at Bisbee
Breakfast Club 8am
Motorist Awareness
Class at the
Holliday House
followed by
Game Night
Long Distance Ride
"The Devils
512 miles
#1 Denny’s: 1150 S. Country Club Dr., Mesa
#2 Chevron: 3266 S. Goldfield Rd., Apache Junction
#3 Love’s Travel Center 7001 W. Sundust Rd. Chandler
#4 Meet at Destination
#5 QT Station: 4075 S. 32nd St., Phoenix
Chapter D meets the 2nd Sat. of the Month at the Old Country Buffett located at 6625 E. Southern Ave., Mesa
The Holiday House and Ball Room are both in the Holiday Village RV Resort, 701 S. Dobson Rd., Mesa
Ron and Maddie Carroll's home is locate at 1294 E Chelsea Dr San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
Chapter R meets at The Old Country Buffet located at 17129 N. 79th Ave off Bell Rd in Glendale at 8am
Bisbee Breakfast Club is located at 2909 S. Dobson Rd, Mesa, AZ
If you plan on attending the Chapter D fourth of July Celebration, PLEASE contact Ron or Maddie at 602-438-9660.
We need to know if you are coming and haven’t signed up, so we have enough Prime Rib to go around. We ask that you
bring a dish to share (bring a serving spoon, if needed, please) and your own drinks. All eating utensils, supplies and so on
will be provided by the Chapter. The Prime Rib is provided by the Chapter at no cost to you.
From US 60 going East Turn right onto IRONWOOD go approx 11 Miles
(or travel on the 202 to Ironwood and go south) GO PAST the intersection of OCOTILLO and continue on Ganzel (same road
as Ironwood) for about a mile.
Turn Left into the 2nd Pecan Creek Entrance. Follow it to stop sign, then turn Right
Turn right at 1st street on the right (Parisi) It is at the end of the brick wall.
On Parisi go to the 3rd street on the Right. Chelsea Dr (Just past the Mail Boxes)
We are the 1st house on the Right (Corner House) Look for the US Flag on the house.Call if any questions
P.S. If anyone wants to swim afterwards bring your suits! Plan to have fun!
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
July 2016
Region F Arizona Chapter D
July 2016
Superstition Mountain
Chapter Times
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Southwest Region F Chapter of the Year 2013
Arizona District Chapter of the Year 2010 and 2012