Director`s Dialog: THANK YOU to Chandler


Director`s Dialog: THANK YOU to Chandler
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Jeanne Moorhead
Individual of the
Year 2015
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
AZ Chapter D meets the Second Saturday of each month at 8AM at the
Old Country Buffet located at 6625 E. Southern Ave., Mesa, AZ
Frank Nemeth and
Mary Ann Dashney
Couple of the Year
Director's Dialog:
By Teena Prentice
I hope to see more of you at our Gathering August 8th. We have had very low numbers at the June and July
Gatherings. I'd really love to have more in our August Gathering. It's cool inside and breakfast is pretty good! I'd love
to see you in Chapter D blue too! If you don't have a chapter shirt, Howard Lightner, Chapter D Store, has a shirt for
you!! Check it out at the Gathering!
August is probably going to be more of the same....just plain HOT!! Since it's been so hot, we have been doing
indoor stuff, like offering FREE Seminars!! The last seminar to be presented by Chapter D, will be at the August 8
Gathering: "Member Benefits." This should be quite interesting hearing about benefits offered to members of
GWRRA. There are a number of them, and we should all be aware of what is available!
Don't forget, those of you needing to renew your CPR Certification for the levels program, Sallie Baldwin will
be teaching the CPR course at 3pm in the ballroom on Sunday in Holiday Village Park, 701 S. Dobson Rd. Mesa. It is
$20 at the door, but you MUST be signed up to attend. The cut off to sign up is the day of our Gathering this month,
August 8th. Sign up at the Gathering or you may call her at 480-983-0823 to sign up too.
Practice Field Day is the morning after our Gathering, August 9th, at Turf Paradise. Mark Norris will lead a ride
going there leaving at 6a.m. from the QT station at 4075 S 32nd St, Phoenix. Just go onto I-10 west from US-60. Exit
at 32nd St. cross over the highway and the station is there on the left. This is a really great way to hone your skills!
Did you know, that you tend to lose your riding skills and they need refreshing often? This is a FREE way to do it,
monthly and in only 2 hours!
Chapter R is presenting the seminar "Riding at Night" right after their Gathering on
August 15th. Ted and I plan to go and will leave at 7am, from #5 also. Come ride with us and
help us have a good showing at the Chapter R Gathering, and stay for the Seminar. Wear
your blue shirts! We'd love to see, a sea of blue in all that orange!
We have a FUN Game Night planned for August 29th at 5:30 pm. Bring a dish to share
and your own drinks, and let's have a lot of fun! We will have it at the Holiday House at Holiday
Village. You won't be sorry you came!!
Come on out and join us for a ride or event and........... Catch
THANK YOU to Chandler
D Spirit!
for providing postage for our newsletter.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Assistant Directors Report:
By Sandy Barger
Boy what a month July is turning out to be! We had our 3rd annual "prime rib barbeque" with 54 people coming
out to enjoy Dale's "famous prime rib"!!! The decorations this year were put together with help from Teena Prentice,
my daughters, Debi Ford and Becky Covington, and myself. We had a ball putting together all the table decorations
and the door hangings. We also had help from some of our early attendees.
Every one attending brought a wonderful dish to share. We had so many good things to eat you couldn't taste
them all. As usual no one went away hungry. Vince Meza brought his music and some of us took advantage and tried
out some dance moves.
Our resident photographer Chet Shupe was in attendance and took a multitude of wonderful pictures including
some of Dale and my family. We had all four of our daughters with us, along with some of their families. What a
blessing for us. There were so many attending that I am afraid I will leave some one out, so I won't try to list all the
names. If you attended you know who you are. If you didn't attend you missed out on a lot of good food and good
Oh well maybe next year!!!! Sandy and Dale
Thursday Rides:
By Ginger Mason
Planning ahead for the cooler weather, I wanted to make sure we were all on the same page when we once
again begin our Thursday Rides.
Meet at the start of ride location:
(A) On time
(B) Full gas tank
(C) Empty Bladder
Ride notices will be e-mailed to everyone as soon as a ride is scheduled. The E-mail will include time of ride, start
location, ride route, and final destination. However ride route may change at start of ride depending on weather and
riders desires. (Be prepared for changes). Gas and potty breaks will be approximately 10-15 minutes long. Distances
between breaks COULD be as much as 80-110 miles depending on ride route.
Thanks, Ginger Mason
By Teena Prentice
Chapter D has had a bad summer this year in that we've lost two of our
long-time members, as well as Mike and Jan Zunchich's daughter. Bob Mason
died in Ft. Wayne, IN on June 16 while on vacation. He and Ginger were, at
one time, Director of Chapter D and were also the Educator for a while after I
became Director. He was such a friendly guy, well-known and pretty popular.
He really was a great member of Chapter D. Everyone admired the skills he
and Ginger exhibited on the dance floor too. We will miss Bob. His Celebration
of Life was on July 11. It was well attended by many of his friends from
GWRRA and especially Chapter D. Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to Ginger
and the family.
July 5th, Mike and Jan Zunchich's daughter unexpectedly succumbed
to breast cancer. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Jan and Mike and the whole family.
Carmen Smith died unexpectedly the early part of July. She and her husband,
Bob, came to Arizona and became members of Chapter D in the very early days of
Chapter D. Her husband, died a number of years ago, but she continued to participate in
Chapter D. She will be missed.
Keep the family of Alan Weaver, Chapter Director for Chapter C in Havasu in your
thoughts and prayers. In late June, he and J.G. Fiddler were on their way to Idaho and
were between Yellowstone and Missoula when Alan experienced some loose
gravel. Upon regaining traction on the asphalt, he lost control and went down. Alan's
injuries were extremely serious and he was transported to a hospital in Great Falls, where
he was placed in ECU. I had received updates regularly, and as of July 7th, he was
sitting up and seemed to be really improving. Sadly, he passed away last Saturday. His
wife Fran says he will be cremated in Palm Desert and she will stay for a while with old friends that live in the area.
Our sympathy goes to Fran Weaver for her loss. If you'd like to send a card here is the address: Fran Weaver 2631
Fremont Ct. Lake Havasu, AZ 86406 These accidents can happen so fast, and the results can be so horrific. Please
all take care. Ride safe, wear your gear...have fun but be aware.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Wing Buddies:
By Sandy Barger
Becky and Tom Shaw have been married about a year
and are really excited to find someone to ride with. Tom has been
riding for over 50 years. Becky rode small motorcycles when she
was younger, but just started riding again after she and Tom got
together again after a school reunion. We certainly hope they like
us and will come back. Tom & Becky ride a 2008 Cabernet trike.
Jack Brooke is rebuilding
his 79 GL1000. He has it to
the point he can ride it. Right
now it is gray in color, but
change. He builds drones for
surveillance, and has only
been here for a short time. We
certainly hope Jack will come
and ride with us.
Steven and Janet Resner
live just down the street from
Southern. Steven has been
riding for about 10 years, but
Janet decided after they
moved out here she really
didn't want to be left at home by herself so she needed to find out
what this motorcycle thing was all about and started riding with
Steven. I think she likes it. Steven is a retired minister. Janet
didn't tell me what she did, so we will have to talk to her and find
out. They have a four year old granddaughter, and I think that must be what Janet does. They ride a 2010 yellow
Our next couple is Leslie and Dave Prosser. They live in
Apache Junction and ride a 2004 Candy Red 1800. Both of
them are retired and have been riding for about 15 years. They
have a miniature wiener dog that loves to ride with them. Their
most recent adventure on the bike was a trip from Minnesota
down through Colorado mountain roads. Three Wing Dings
have been graced with their presence. We certainly hope they
want to come and ride with us.
Jim Matre came a
little late to our gathering.
His wife Sondra couldn't
come with him this
time. Jim rides a 2008
White 1800. After being
so busy he didn't have
time to ride Jim finally decided about a year ago it was time, and bought his 2008
1800. He bought it in Minneapolis and brought it to Arizona. Sondra has ridden
with him and we certainly hope she will continue.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Couple of the Year:
By Mary Ann Dashney & Frank Nemeth
Well, here we are, basically just over half way through our tenure as couple of the year. We have had a
wonderful time serving as official greeters at our Monthly Gatherings, selling the 50/50 tickets, visiting other Chapters,
and basically representing our Chapter whenever and wherever we can. We particularly enjoyed meeting other
“Couples of the Year” at the District Rally, and sharing stories of our chapter life. We took away some great ideas for
chapter events, and we hope other couples did as well.
People join GWRRA for many different reasons. It could be for rides, or the technical help they get from others.
The articles in Wing World, or maybe the benefits they receive from being members, such as Rescue Plus. For us the
reason was simple. Meet new friends. I can say that since joining Chapter D here in Mesa, we have not been
disappointed. We have made so many friends and had so much fun, that we couldn’t possibly list them here.
When we were chosen as Couple of the Year, we thought what a great way to give back to an organization
that has given us so much. There is no way one can repay a gift as precious as friendship, but you can pass that gift
along to others. We hope we have done that by sharing our experiences in GWRRA with people we meet. Both
members and nonmembers. We have talked to many people at various events, both riding and non-riding, about the
many benefits of GWRRA. Bike-Night on Main, in Mesa has been a great venue.
As we finish out the second half of our time as Couple of the Year, we hope to continue to represent Chapter
D and GWRRA to the best of our abilities, and maybe pass on to others some of the wonderful gifts we ourselves have
Frank Nemeth and
Mary Ann Dashney
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Membership Enhancement:
By Ron Carroll
Hello Everyone!
This month’s Membership Enhancement letter deals with Benefits. Especially the benefit of
being able to attend the many different Seminars that are FREE to you. Seminars available to you
are in the areas of:
Leadership (LPT), Membership Enhancement (MEP) & Rider Education (RE).
For those of you that are new to GWRRA I would encourage you to look into attending as many seminars as
possible. To get scheduled for a seminar, talk to your chapter Rider Educator, Member Enhancement person or to any
Staff Member in the chapter.
For those of you who have attended many of these seminars over the years I would encourage you to take
them again (they are changing).
What if I take a seminar while visiting another chapter does it count? YES. Remember that if you are in the
levels program, some of these seminars are required to advance or to remain current at that level. So if you take a
seminar outside of your chapter you do get credit for taking it.
Do you want to become a seminar presenter? Anyone can do so if certain requirements are met. To find out
what is required talk to your Chapter Director, Rider Educator, or any staff member. You can start the ball rolling by
completing the GWRRA University Trainer Form GWU U-1 and GWU U-2. Where do I find these forms? You can find
them on the GWRRA Website.
Instructions are listed below in a MS Word Doc
Application Page 1 - Instructions
Application Page 2 - Instructions
Initial Application:
Once the form has been completed, it must be electronically forwarded to the District Program Officer
(Educator, Coordinator, or Trainer) for the applicable Program. The following steps provide the details of this process:
Save the file to your hard drive with a filename in the prescribed format
First Initial Space Last Name Space UTprogram initials mmddyy, e.g. J Doe UTLTP 010113 or J Doe UTMEP 010113
or J Doe UTREP 010113.
Send the saved file as an email attachment to the District Program Officer.
Form U.2 is also required for initial applications. Be sure to complete Form U.2, save the file following the directions
for Form U.2 and attach it to the same email as the U.1.
The District Officer electronically initials and dates the forms and forwards them to the Region Officer.
The Region Officer initials and dates the forms and forwards them to the Assistant Director LTP/GWU.
The Assistant Director LTP/GWU reviews the forms, adds the certification to the database, issues an SI number if
necessary, and ensures the proper Program Officer receives the forms.
Each Program has assigned an individual to prepare the packet for the newly certified UT and will mail it to the Region
Officer for presentation at an appropriate time.
Any questions can be answered by your Chapter or District Reps for MEP, Rider Ed and LPT.
“Ask not what GWRRA can do for you but what can you do as a member to enhance your membership” OK
so I borrowed the idea from JFK.
Get involved! If you don’t know, ASK and if you have ideas, TELL them to Staff etc.
Ron Carroll
Chapter “D” Membership Enhancement
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Summer Hours
8 AM - 5 PM
Through Friday
9 Am - 3 PM
Summer Hours
8 AM – 5 PM
Through Friday
9 AM – 3 PM
Quality Work at affordable prices
Collision Repair [we get your bike fixed correctly]
Great Tire Prices
All Parts at a Discount, Do Not Pay Retail!
Helmets, Communication Systems
Arai, Nolan, Shoei, First Gear, J&M
Expert Trike Builders
Authorized Dealers for many Trike Companies
10 years in business
D&D Motorcycle Rentals
Rent A Honda Gold Wing Or Harley Davidson
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Rider Education:
By Frank Nemeth
Well, we've survived another month of 100+ degree days. Mostly by
hiding indoors, or riding in air conditioned cars. But what about those times when
we want to ride. In July, I gave a seminar on Riding in the Heat. This is one of
the GWRRA seminars needed to advance in the levels program. More
importantly though, there is information contained in that seminar that could save
a life. How to recognize the symptoms of Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion, or Heat
Stroke, and the treatments for each. How to prepare your bike and yourself for
the ride, etc... This time I added an additional section on Deep Vein Thrombosis
or DVT. Some of you may have heard that DVT affects air travelers because of
long flight times and the inability to, "Get Up and Stretch Your Legs". Although true, that is not the only cause of DVT.
So let us take a look and see how riding in the heat, or riding for long periods of time, can make us more susceptible
to DVT.
What is DVT? Simply put, Deep Vein Thrombosis, or DVT, is a blood clot that forms in a vein deep in the body.
Blood clots occur when blood thickens and clumps together. Most deep vein blood clots occur in the lower leg or thigh.
A blood clot in a deep vein can break off and travel through the bloodstream. The loose clot is called an embolus. It
can travel to an artery in the lungs and block blood flow. This condition is called pulmonary embolism, or PE. PE is a
very serious condition. It can damage the lungs and other organs in the body and cause death. Blood clots in the thighs
are more likely to break off and cause PE than blood clots in other parts of the body.
In a study conducted in the UK, it was found that nearly half of all
UK motorcyclists risk leg problems, and in worst cases deep vein
thrombosis due to riding long distances without rest breaks.
According to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM), up to
600,000 motorcyclists could be at risk of problems such as varicose
veins and other vein diseases due to spending long periods without
moving their lower legs. This may be due to a riding position that
puts pressure on the major blood vessels, restricting blood flow to
the legs. "Motorcyclists must be aware of the signs that venous
blood flow is being impaired by the riding position and riding gear.
Riders also risk having blood from their legs redirected to the
superficial veins, the ones near the surface of the skin, causing extra
pressure that can lead to problems in later life," said Ms Ellie
Lindsay, OBE , founder of The Lindsay LegClub Foundation.
click here to read the article
As with sitting on a plane for long periods of time, sitting for extended periods on your bike can cause problems.
This is even more true for our Co-Riders, who are less able to move their legs then the rider.
So, why did I include the topic of DVT in my Riding in the Heat seminar? In researching the connection between
DVT and motorcycle riding, I found that besides the riding position restricting blood flow, dehydration was also a major
contributor to developing DVT. When you become dehydrated, (as when riding in the heat) your blood thickens and
slows down. With the flow of blood already restricted because of the riding position or restrictive clothing, being
dehydrated can significantly increases your risk for developing DVT, or worse yet a PE.
Have I scared you into selling your bike yet? I hope not, because the best way to prevent DVT is also the
easiest, and exactly the same as preventing the heat related injuries talked about in the seminar. Stay hydrated, not
with a camelback or super giant big gulp hanging off the handlebars. Every hour or two, get off the bike, get a drink of
water, go to the restroom, stretch your legs, and walk around. We've all gotten off our bikes after a long stretch on the
road and commented about cramps, or not feeling our legs, or our foot is asleep. These are all signs that blood flow
has been restricted and it's time to get it moving again.
Well, if you've sat and read through this article, it's time to get up, stretch those legs, and go for a ride.
Our Motto...
"Safety is for Life"
Our Mission...
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
“To Save Lives Through Quality, World Class Education"
Game Night, May 30th:
By Teena Prentice
We had a fun Game Night at Holiday House on May 30th. We had 2 full tables playing games.
One table played a full game of Mexican Train. At the end of the night, John Baldwin was the winner at that table with
the lowest number of points.
At the other table, they played a new dice game that Ron Carroll devised called Wing Dice. At the end of that
game, Frank Nemeth was the winner with the most points. Both games were quite enjoyable to all the participants.
Of course, we always have lots of delicious food for everyone to munch on at these game nights. You never know
what kind of food we will have. Sometimes we have a lot of desserts, other times we have few, if any desserts. The
funny thing at this game night was, there were several pizzas brought in by different people. No one ever knows what
someone else might bring, so this was kind of hilarious, because you could choose to eat pizza, or maybe pizza or
maybe you'd rather have pizza! We had a good laugh about how we all were thinking alike!! We did have a few other
items to eat besides pizza, but the predominant item was pizza!
Those that attended this game night were: Sandy Barger, Maddie and Ron Carroll, Mary Ann Dashney and
Frank Nemeth, Jan and Mike Zunchich, Chet Shupe, Carmen Smith, Sallie and John Baldwin, and Teena and Ted
Game Night, June 28th:
By Ron Carroll
Hi Everyone!
On June 28th, we had the privilege of hosting Chapter “D” for the monthly game night. Maddie and I would like
to thank Chapter “D” for letting us host the Game Night for June. We had a great time and yes, a house full of Fun!
Fun! Fun! This game night was different in that it was also a Pot Luck (not unusual there) but also a Pool Party and
BBQ. (Frank was not here for it because he was out of town, so we had some food left….LOL) Just kidding Frank.
I must say that the only person having a party in the pool was Me. OK, I don’t care what anyone says about
my bright white legs, I like them. (Guess that is the reason I was the only one in the pool). Now that I think about it that
must have been the reason because I know that others brought their suits.
The food everyone brought was great. All I can say is, if you went home hungry then it was your own fault.
One table, I won’t say which one, except that they did not try my new experiment for a ride game. The rest of the night
we all played Mexican Train.
We had a blast! At our table, I was the only guy there and boy did I get beat up, the ladies at my table would
not quit laughing. Not sure if it was with me or at me, but that is another story.
Sorry for not having any pictures, but heck we were having too much fun to worry about pictures. The winners
at the 2 tables were Con Williams and Maddie Carroll. Frank Nemeth, even though you and Mary Ann were out of
town, you did get the credit for Maddie winning the game because for the simple fact that you where not there, she
said she won.
I would like to thank all the cast members listed below for their great performances in making the game night a
great success:
Maddie and Ron Carroll, Judy and Duncan
Saunders, Sallie and John Baldwin, Ted and Teena
Prentice, Ginger Mason, Jan and Mike Zunchich, Dolores
Shoecraft, Chet Shupe, Con and Pat Williams, Mike and
Florence, (neighbors of Ron and Maddie’s).
This is why Maddie and I joined GWRRA. We
wanted to meet friends and have fun also, and since
joining Chapter “D” we have had a lot of that and we
thank all our new friends and GWRRA Family.
Ron & Maddie Carroll
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Dinner Ride to Lenny's
By: Ron Carroll
On Sunday, July 12th, Chapter “D” had
the monthly dinner ride. This month it we went
to Lenny’s Burgers in Mesa. Since it was 104
that day, we met at the restaurant so it would
give some of us old folks a chance to stay cool
in our air conditioned cars. I was grateful for
that, since I really did not feel like riding the
bike. Oops did I say that? There were 10
Chapter “D” members present for dinner.
Not sure what everyone else had, but
Maddie had the Fish Sandwich and she liked it.
I Had the Chili Cheese Hot Dogs and I must
say they were the worst I ever had. Hey have
to tell it like it is. I thought the chili was watered
down and extra cheese added to thicken it up.
It looked to me that everyone else was happy with what they ordered. Maddie and I also had fried zucchini and sweet
potato fries both of them were really tasty.
We were there about an hour and a half, enjoying each other’s company and just talking… What, a Gold Winger
who talks NO WAY! All in all the Dinner was great because we were there as a group. I think we all had a good time
the guys talked about motorcycles and trailers and I have no Idea what the ladies were talking about, I was not invited
to the conversation (Not that I wanted to be included.)
Members attending were: Ron & Maddie Carroll, Mark Norris, Patty Trapp, Debi Ford, Don Bastman, Dennis &
Beth Brinton, and Dale & Sandy Barger
Have a Fun Day and a Safer Ride.
Ron Carroll
GWRRA Chapter “D” Member
Ice Cream Social July 21:
By Frank Nemeth
July 20th may have been National Ice Cream Day, but it was July 21st that 9 Chapter D members, and 4 future
members went to Iceberg Drive-In in Gilbert to escape the heat. Those who ordered shakes, (and hadn't been there
before), were surprised to find that what they got was much more of a TALL soft serve ice cream then a shake. No
straws here, it was all about the spoons. Couples in the know, ordered one to share. Everyone enjoyed the expression
on Chet's face when his nearly 1 foot tall "mini shake" arrived. People moved from table to table talking and getting to
know our new friends a little better. Dave and Leslie Prosser learned of the Ice Cream Social when they attended our
Chapter Gathering earlier this month. They brought with them Pat and Gerry Wilke, who came on their very nice 1800
trike. After about an hour of good company and fun conversation, it was time to go. Anytime is a good time to get
together with friends. But if you can add ice cream to the mix, well you get the idea. I hope to see more of you at our
next event. Until then, stay safe.
The fun people that day were, Ted and Teena Prentice, Ginger Mason, Chet Shupe, Don Bastman, Frank
Nemeth, Mary Ann Dashney, Ron and Maddie Carroll, Dave and Leslie Prosser, and Gerry and Pat Wilke.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Our Fellow Arizona Chapters
Chapter A
Chapter C
Chapter D
City: Tucson
Date: 3rd Saturday
Time: 8:15 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Dennis & Debbie Ammons
Phone: 520-745-6755
City: Lake Havasu
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Alan Weaver
Phone: 928-453-7842
City: Mesa
Date: 2nd Saturday
Time: 7:30 AM
Place: Old Country Buffet
Directors: Teena and & Ted Prentice
Phone: 602-438-9660
Chapter E
Chapter G
Chapter K
City: Sierra Vista
Date: 1st Saturday
Time: 9:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Larry & Gale Howard
Phone: 520-459-0079
City: Amado/Green Valley
Date: 2nd Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Coyote Grill
Director: Dee & Galen Baird
Phone: 520-730-6849
City: Tucson
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Jon & Liz Bailey
Phone: 520-404-8345
Chapter O
Chapter P
Chapter R
City: Bullhead City/Oatman
Date: 2nd Wednesday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Perkins Restaurant
Director: Greg Brown
Phone: 760-500-3084
City: Prescott
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral
Director: Sandy Gaston
Phone: 928-759-9719
City: Glendale
Date: 3rd Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Old Country Buffet
Director: Jim Oliver
Phone: 623-694-6356
Chapter S
Chapter U
Chapter X
City: Scottsdale
Date: 1st Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Deer Valley Airport
Director: John Read
Phone: 480-406-5871
City: Yuma
Date: 3rd Wednesday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: DayBreaker Café
Director:Howard Cart & Evelyn Kuida
Phone: 928-210-9721
City: Casa Grande
Date: 4th Saturday
Time: 8:00 AM
Place: Golden Corral 2083 E. Florence Blvd
Director: Mike and Mary Anne Melby
Phone: 408-963-8392
2015 District Convention
This year the Arizona District Convention is
again being held in Tucson at the El
Conquistador Resort from October 30 –
November 1.
We are going to have a One Time Drawing
of $600 at our Opening Ceremonies for
those that have registered by October 10th.
No ticket purchase needed. (Note: This is
separate from the 50/25/25 drawing that
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
An Evening of Dancing and Dining
5 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M.
Location: Windemere Hotel & Conference Center
5750 E Main St., Mesa, AZ 85205
2615 W. CARTER DR.
TEMPE, AZ 85282
PH: 602-438-9660
NUMBER OF GUESTS: ______________
Dinner Choice
APPLE STUFFED CHICKEN ______________ @ $40 each ___________
______________ @ $40 each ____________
______________ @ $40 each ____________
______________ @ $40 each ____________
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
Chapter Director:
Asst. Directors:
Asst. Directors:
Chapter Educator:
Membership Retention
& Recruitment:
Motorist Awareness:
Newsletter Editor:
Ride Coordinator:
Asst Ride Coordinator:
Dinner Coordinator:
Wing Buddy:
Asst Wing Buddy:
Chapter Store:
Web Master:
Chapter Photographer:
Sunshine Lady:
Chapter Scrapbook:
Chapter COY 2015:
Chapter IOY 2015:
Teena Prentice
Sandy & Dale Barger
Paul Deschamps &
Joanne Deschamps
Ginger Mason
Frank Nemeth
Carmen Smith
Ron Carroll
Larry Johnson
Frank Nemeth
Mark Norris
Dennis Brinton
Patty Trapp
Diana Enns
Joanne Deschamps
Ted Prentice
Howard Lightner
Chuck Ainsworth
Chet Shupe
Jeanne Moorhead
Diana Enns
Frank Nemeth and
Mary Ann Dashney
Jeanne Moorhead
Rider Education Program
Chapter D Members Enrolled
Level 1 Safety by Commitment
Shirley Ainsworth
Karen Calhoun
Michelle Fett
Chet Shupe
Elizabeth Ashworth
Sharon Brundrett
RJ Holland
Linda Shupe
James Ashworth III
Jarvis Mallory
Madaline Carroll
Lou Sondrol
Julie Ashworth
Mary Ann Dashney
Vicki Hoagland
Logan Roberts
Janet Bastman
Mark Norris
Charles Mason Jr
Robert Traskel
James Ashworth II
Warren Calhoun
Carol Lightner
Jim Tessner
Lyle Buerkens
Mark Davies
Vincent Meza
Lisa Wright
Level 2 Safety by Education
Dora Ezell
Floyd Roe
Level 3 Certified Tour Riders
Bob Bender
Vicki Bender
Patty Trapp
Bradley Fett
Jeanne Moorhead
John Naughton
Curry Brundrett
Joe Ezell
Fred Murrel
Ivonda Holland
Roy Berggren
Steve Hoagland
Frank Nemeth
Level 4 Master Tour Riders
Masters (0-5 years)
Chuck Ainsworth #9273
Sandy Barger #8309
Beth Brinton #1926
Joanne Deschamps #9644
Edith Hewitt #878
Robert Mason #1775
John Lenio #8360
Dolores Shoecraft #8728
Mike Zunchich #574
David Andrews #2429
Don Bastman #9280
Dennis Brinton #1003
Paul Deschamps #9655
Anne Johnson #9060
Virginia Mason #1774
Don Rhodes #7691
James Wright # 9350
Senior Masters (5-9 years)
Ted Prentice #2683
Teena Prentice #2682
Amie Smith #6991
Martin Smith #6992
Mark Mueller #3222
Diane Andrews #2428
Les Bastman #9281
Ron Carrol #8668
Ted Figgins #9321
Larry Johnson #9157
Jerry Michealson #3917
Duncan Saunders #8849
Lynn Young #6675
Dale Barger #8310
John Bennefield #9197
Larry Colson #7061
David Hewitt #879
Howard Lightner #5772
Walter Rapp #9351
Judith Saunders #8944
Jan Zunchich #573
Life & Grand Masters (10 years +)
John Baldwin #1526
Sallie Baldwin #1525
Gary Darling #4257
Debbie Mueller #3221
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
~ August 2015 ~
Chapter D
Meeting 8am
Staff Meeting
Holiday House
Practice Field
Day at Turf
Paradise 7-9 am
Chapter R
gathering &
Riding at Night
Dinner Ride to
Meet at #2
CPR Class
Holiday Ball
Room 3-5pm
Game Night
Holiday House
#1 Denny’s: 1150 S. Country Club Dr., Mesa
#2 Chevron: 3266 S. Goldfield Rd., Apache Junction
#3 Denny’s: 7400 W. Chandler Blvd., Chandler
#4 Meet at Destination
#5 QT Station: 4075 S. 32nd St., Phoenix
Chapter D meets the 2nd Sat. of the Month at the Old Country Buffett located at 6625 E. Southern Ave., Mesa
The Holiday House and Ball Room are both in the Holiday Village RV Resort, 701 S. Dobson Rd., Mesa
Turf Paradise is located at 1501 West Bell Rd., Phoenix
2007 Burgundy Goldwing GL 1800 (ABS & NAV) with matching Unigo Trailer, both pristine condition, 32,000
scheduled maintenance just performed by D&D,
CB, new rear shock, many more extras, $15,200 for both.
Call (480) 575-0414 ask for Herb.
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
August 2015
Region F Arizona Chapter D
August 2015
Superstition Mountain
Chapter Times
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
GWRRA Southwest Region F
Chapter of the Year 2013
Arizona District
Chapter of the Year
2010 and 2012