Asmara Curia Provinciale Gennaio 2016
Asmara Curia Provinciale Gennaio 2016
Asmara Curia Provinciale Gennaio 2016 1 Introduzione Nl 1894 veniva costituita la Prefettura Apostolica dell’Eritrea, affidata ai Frati Cappuccini della Provincia di Roma. Nel 1911 la Prefettura venne elevata a Vicariato Apostolico, affidato ai Cappuccini della provincia di Lombardia. መቕድም ካቶሊካዊ ቤተ ክርስትያን ኤርትራ ብ1894 “ሓዋርያዊ ምምሕዳር” ብዝብል ስም ቆይማ፣ ናብ መሪሕነት ንኡሳን ኣኅዋት ካፑቺኒ ሓለፈት። ብ1911 ሓዋርያዊ ምምሕዳር ናብ “ሓዋርያዊ መስተናብር” ደይቡ፣ ትሕቲ ምምሕድራ ሰበኻ ካፑቺኒ ሎምባርዲያ (ሚላን) ኣተወ። Nel 1941, i primi Novizi eritrei (i primi africani) professarono nella vita francescana cappuccina. Nel 1958, con l’incremento delle vocazioni, la “Missione” divenne “Custodia”, per divenire “Vice-provincia” nel 1970. Il 7 Gennaio 1975 venne eretta in Eritrea la prima “provincia” cappuccina d’Africa. ብ1941 ቀዳሞት ኤርትራውያን መንእሰያት ተመከርቲ መብጽዓ ሕይወት ካፑቺናውያን ገበሩ። ቁጽሪ ሓደስቲ መንእሰያት ደቂ ማኅበር ብምውሳኹ፣ እቲ ብስም “ምሲዮን” ዝፍለጥ ዝነብረ ህልውና ማኅበር ብ1958 ናብ “ሕልቅና”፣ ብ1970 ከኣ ናብ “ምኽትል ሰበኻ” ድሕሪ ምድያቡ፣ ብበዓለ ልደት መድኃኒና ጐይታና ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ 7 ጥሪ 1975 ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ ቀዳመይቲ “ሰበኻ ማኅበር“ ብምዃን፣ ካፑቺናውያን ደቂ ዓዲ Dal 7 gennaio 1993 venne geograficamente ብርእሶም ተመሓደሩ። ristretta al nuovo stato eritreo. Alla proclamazione della Provincia di San ኣብ ምዝዛም ዝኽሪ መበል ሚእቲ ዓመት ህላዌ Francesco in Eritrea seguì la proclamazione ካፑቺናውያን ኣብ ኤርትራ (1995)፣ ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ della Vice-provincia generale d’Etiopia. ክርስትያን ኤርትራ፣ ኣሥመራን ከረንን ባረንቱን ዝመንበረን፣ ናብ 3 ኤጳርቕናታት ወይ ሰበኻታት Nel 1995, a conclusione delle celebrazioni del ተመቕለት። ደቂ ማኅበር ነቲ ቅድሚ ሚእቲ ዓመት primo Centenario della presenza cappuccina ይገብር ዚጀመርዎ ሓዋርያዊ ስራሕ ቀጸልዎ። in Eritrea, la Chiesa Cattolica eritrea fu ristrutturata in tre Eparchie con sedi ad ነዘን 3 ኤጳርቕናታ ብ2012 ራብዔይቲ ሰበኻ ሰገነይቲ Asmara, Keren e Barentù. nel 2012 una ተወሰኸተን። ብ2015 ካቶሊካዊት ቤተ ክርስትያን quarta Eparchia fu aggiunta alle tre: ኤርትራ ርእሰ ኣካልነት ለቢሳ ርእሰ ምሕድርቲ ኮነት። l'Eparchia di Saganeiti. Nel 2015 la Chiesa dell'Eritrea venne innalzata a Chiesa ሎሚ ካፑቺናውያን ድቀባት ኣብዘን 4 ኤጳርቕናታት Metropolitana sui iuris. ኣቦታቶም ሚሲዮናውያን ካፑቺኒ ዝጀመሩሎም ሓዋርያዊ ስራሕ ይቕጽሉ ኣለዉ። I cappuccini sono presenti ed operano nelle 4 circoscrizione ecclesiali continuando il ሰበኻ ማኅበር ካፑቺኒ ኣብ ኤርትራ፣ ብዘይካ ኣብ servizio apostolico iniziato più di 100 anni fa. ኤርትራ፣ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ሱዳንን፣ ካመሩንን ዓዲ ጥሊያንን፣ ካናዳን ሕቡራት ሃገራት ኣመሪካን La Provincia cappuccina eritrea è presente, ሓዋርያዊ ተልእኾኦም ኣብ ምብርካት ይርከብ tramite i suoi membri missionari in: Etiopia, ኣለው። Sudan, Cameroun, Italia, Canada e Stati Uniti d’America. ኣስዕብና ዝርዝር ኣስማት ደቂ ማኅበርን መካናተ Qui di seguito diamo alcune utili ኅውነትን ነቕርብ። informazioni sulle nostre fraternita e la lista di tutti i membri effettivi della provincia. 2 MINISTRI PROVINCIALI E CONSIGLIO PROVINCIALE dall’erezione della Provincia fino ad oggi ላእካነ ሰበኻ ማኅበርን መማኽርቶምን ካብ ምምሥራት ሰበኻ ማኅበር ክሳብ ሎሚ 23-8-1975-1978 Abba Ayele Teclehaimanot 7/1/1975-22/7/1975 Abba Agostino Tedla Claro Lazzari Teclemariam Haile Ghebremeskel G/Ghiorgis Protasio Delfini Claro Lazzari Ayele Teclehaimanot Teclemariam Haile Ghebremeskel W/Ghiorghis 1978-1981 Abba Daniel Beraki Habtemariam Ghebreab Medhanie G7Egzihier Weldeyesu Eman Kidane G/medhin 1984-1987 Abba Weldetensae G/Ghiorghi Kidan G/Medhin Lucas Barzano Musie G/Ghiorghis Ghebremeskel G/Ghiorghis 1981- 1984 Abba Weldetensae G/ghiorghis Kidane G/medhin Habtemariam Ghebreab Lucas Barzano Debrezion Kidane 1987-1990 Abba Kidane G/Medhin 1990-1993 Abba Kidan G/Medhin Eyob G/Yesus Gioacchino Cantanzaro Habtemariam Ghebreab Ayele Teclehaimanot Lucas Barzano Iyob G/Yesus Mussie G/Ghiorghis Gabriele Canavesi 3 1993-1996 Abba Lucas barzano 1996-1999 Abba Lucas Barzano Tewelde Beyene Hailemikael Beraki Thomas Osman Vittorio Boria Twelde Beyene Hailemikael Beraki Habtemariam Adoumer Arbed Pietros 1999-2002 Abba Tewelde Beyene 2002-2005 Abba Tewelde Beyene Habtemariam Adoumer Amanuel Mesgun Teklom Berhane Tesfay Debbas Arbed Pietros Habtemariam Adoumer Stefanos Tedla Amanuel Mesgun 2005-2008 Abba Kidane G/Medhin Habtemariam Adoumer Teklom Berhane Tedros Abreha Eyob G/Yesus 2008-2011 Abba Hailemikael Beraki 2011- 2014 Abba Hailemiakel Beraki Teklom Berhane Daniel Beraki Tesfay Debbas Afeworki Mehreteab Teklom Berhane Amanuel G/Egzihier Afeworki Mehreteab Kiflemariam G/Mikael 2014-2017 Abba Amanuel Mesgun Tesfazghi Mehreteab Protasio delfini Simon G/Endrias Tecle Teclay 4 መካናተ ኅውነት ሰበኻ ማኅበር ካፑቺኒ ቅዱስ ፍራንቸስኮስ ኣብ ኤርትራ CASE, PRESENZE E FRATERNITA’ ASMARA (CURIA PROVINCIALE) P.O. Box 7895 Tel. 188907 Fax 183045 Email: Web: ASMARA (Gaggiret) Studentato P.O. Box 1185 Tel. 120472/124969 Fax. 127597 ASMARA (Cattedrale) Parrocchia Madonna del Rosario P.O. Box 1263 Tel. 120619 Fax 120165 ASMARA (Adozione Scolastica) P.O. Box 1263 Tel. 122299 ADDI UGRI Seminario Serafico P.O.Box 3 Tel. 611027 Fax 611778 Haw Capuchin Senior secondary School Tel. 611688 EMBATKALLA (Noviziato) Santa Maria degli Angeli C/O P.O. Box 840 Asmara Mob: 07145421 MASSAWA (Gherar ) San Francesco d’Assisi P.O. Box 77 Tel. 552279 BARENTU Fraternità di Kidane Mehret C/O Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 8, Barentù Telefax 731298 BIMBILNA Fraternità Madonna di Lourdes C/O Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 8, Barentu ASMARA Santuario di Sant’Antonio P.O. Box 840 Tel. 184372 ASMARA (Gaggiret) Parrocchia SS. Redentore P.O. Box 1185 Tel. 124284 ASMARA Tipografia Francescana P.O. Box 224 Tel. 120630 Fax 121744 ASMARA (Falegnameria) P.O. Box 1185 Tel. 121105 ADDI QUALA Orfanotrofio Santa Rita P.O. Box 6 Tel. 07246916 MASSAWA (Tualet) Kidane Mehret P.O. Box 77 Tel. 552501 Fax 551321 MASSAWA (Edaga) San Francesco D’Assisi Junior & Secondary School P.O. Box 77 Tel. 540797 EPARCHIA DI BARENTU BARENTU (Bishop’s house) P.O. Box 9, Barentu Tel. 731010 – Fax 731124 COORDINATING OFFICE: Asmara P.O. Box 6653 Telefax 184697 KONA Fraternità Buon Pastore C/O P.O. Box 8, Barentu Mob: 07242107 5 Mob: 07220736 TESSENEI Seminario Eparchiale P.O. Box 35 Tel. 721056 KEREN Fraternita di Sant’Antonio P.O. Box 30 Keren Tel. 401044 MEHELAB C/O Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 30 – Keren Tel. (mobile) 07133746 EPARCHIA DI KEREN EDEN C/O P.O. Box 30 Keren Tel. 440022 ELABERED (Azienda) C/O P.O. Box 428 Keren Mob. 07133746 SHIEB (Seleba) C/O Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 451 - Keren Tel. (mobile) 07466408 FLEDAREB C/O Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 451 – Keren Tel. (mobile) 496942 DECAMERE Capuchin Friary (Postulandato) P.O. Box 44 Tel. 641024 ADDI KEIH Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 5 Tel. 650144 ASSAB Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 22 Tel. 660282 ROMA (Italia) CURIA GENERALE OFMCAP. Via Piemonte 70 00187, Roma – Italia Tel.0039-06420117 Fax 0039-064828267 ROMA (Italia) Convento della GARBATELLA Via Pomponia Grecina, 31 00145 Roma – Italia Tel 0039065137969 Fax 0039-065132628 MILANO (Italia) EPARCHIA DI SAGANEITY EMBAILA C/O Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 44 Decamere SENAFE Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 26 Mob: 07332235 ESTERO ROMA (Italia) Collegio Inter. S. Lorenzo da Brindisi G.R.A. Km. 65.050 00163 Roma Tel. 0039-06660521 Fax 0039-06661624 MILANO (Italia) Casa Padre Marino Haile- Sacra Famiglia Via Cislaghi, 5 20128 Milano Tel 0039-0237052980 KHARTOUM (Sudan) 6 Frati Cappuccini Viale Piave, 2-20129 Milano Tel. 0039-027601287 Fax 0039-027811461 KASSALA (Sudan) Catholic Church P.O. Box 137 Kassala – Sudan Fax 00249-41123191 BAMEDA (Cameroun) Capuchin Community St. Francis Friary – Bambui P.O. Box 203 BAMEDA – N.W.P. Capuchin Friary P.O. Box 8009 Khartoum, Sudan Tel TORONTO (Canada) St. Nicholas of Bari Friary 1277 St. Clare Avenue West, Toronto On M6E 1B8 Tel. DENVER, COLORADO (Province of Mid-America) 3553 Wyandot St. Denver, Colorado 80211-2948 USA Tel. 001303-4775436 Fax 001303-4776925 COTONOU (Benin) Fraternitè des Capuchins Citè Vie Nouvelle – Donaten B. P. 06-2653 Cotonou (Benin) 7 Photo 5 Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 1 Letemika Mikael 15/5/1927 25/7/1949 26/7/1953 G/mariam el Mezba Weldemikael Melles 2 Gabriele Canavesi Stefano Kebra Hailù 23/2/1928 25/7/1949 2/8/1952 Asmara 25/4/1955 3 Medhanie Desta Ghebregziabi Kinfè her Desta 20/7/1928 25/7/1949 2/8/1952 AddiNebrì 25/4/1955 4 Mikael Asfaha Arei 10/6/1931 Halhal Killa Tukkù 2/8/1952 15/10/1923 Markos Temertza 2/8/1952 Ghebregziabi Berakit Hagos her Hagos Abay 8 ----- 8/2/1955 29/6//1958 2/8/1957 ------ Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 6 Stifanos Berhane Menghistu Letengus 1/6/1932 2/8/1954 Ye’bio DegraLibè 2/8/1957 11/6/1960 7 Weldeyesus Werkha 17/10//1933 2/8/1954 Eman Temelso Awhunè Tekleberhan 2/8/1957 27/5/1961 8 Tesfamariam Hagosa Yohannes G/maria Uqbazghi m 2/8//1958 27/5/1961 9 Fabiano Alfay Addas Bakita Hamid 2/8/1961 20/3/1966 10 Stifanos Tedia Mesgun Tzehaine 1/1/1940 2/8/1958 sh Degra Libè G/hiwet 29/11//1932 2/8/1955 Addi Fennì 25/3/1936 Ketembrù 9 2/8/1958 2/8/1961 16/6//1973 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 11 Protasio Delfini Giovanni 12 Haileab Birikti Kidanemaria Tekle m Tesfa 13 Andemikael Qedusan 22/10/1936 2/8/1959 Teklu' Ts/ghiorg Teramnì Andemikael his 2/8/1962 19/3/1967 14 Andrea Gazo Benito 2/8/1960 2/8/1963 21/1/1968 15 Mons. Letegheb 12/10/1940 Weldetensae' 2/8/1960 riel G/ghiorghis Mai Weini Ukut Guzay 2/8/1963 21/1/1968 Wudasie G/amlak 15/5/1940 Durkò 2/8/1958 8/5/1936 2/8/1959 Addi Abur Sellas Tedla 8/10/1937 Asmara 10 2/8/1961 20/3/1966 2/8/1962 19/3//1967 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 16 Aseghede Kidane sh 24/4/1942 Ghebremedhi Ghessese Amhur n Mehanzel u 17 Daniel Haddas Beraki Tesfay Ghebremikael 18 Luca Barzano Giovanni 19 Mikael Bitcià Weldemariam Meratch Ghebre 17/10/1941 2/7/1962 25/7/1965 39/3/1970 Halai 20 Hailemikael Teklehaimano Fetela t Dermas Ghebetan 22/9/1933 Shiib Sebenè Ghilagab r 11 2/8/1960 2/8/1963 21/1/1968 22/11/1942 2/8/1960 Addi Tzinai 2/8/1963 21/1/1968 2/8/1963 21/1/1968 1/7/1943 Massawa 2/8/1960 2/7/1962 25/7/1965 29/3/1970 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 21 Iyob Beyena Ghebreyesus Tukù Ghebrewahid 22 Tesfalidet Abbay G/abzghi Ghidey G/sillasie 6/6/1944 Asmara 2//7/1963 17/7/1966 4/4/1971 23 Vittorio Boria Pietro Shashu Bihon 14/9/1947 Asmara 2/7/1963 4/4/1971 24 Habteghebri Aberash el Tesfamikael Beyene Dori 25 Yitbarek Afa' Itman 5/10//1943 2/7/1962 25/7/1965 29/3/1970 Addi Genù 17/7/1968 20/5/1944 14/7/1966 27/7/1969 27/5/1973 Tokondà Kema 27/6/1944 14/7/1966 27/7/1969 Neuredin Ajerbeb 12 ----- Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 26 Gioacchino Catanzaro Vincenzo Asghedet Imnai 27 Amanuel G/cristos W/ghebriel Letehawa riat 2/2/1948 7/14/1966 7/27/1969 W/ghebri Saganeity el ---- 28 Ermias G/mariam Dain Diccan Asfedai ----- 29 Teklehaiman ot (Tedros) Amete Kidane Weldu Kifle' 30 Andemariam Sara Tesfamikael Eman Negusse' 1/1/1946 Asmara 14/7/1966 27/7/1969 25/7/1973 24/8/1942 14/771967 27/7/1970 Guba 2/4/1945 Keren 14/7/1967 19/7/1970 19/5/1974 17/5//1945 Berakit- 14/7/1967 19/7/1970 19/5/1974 Abbay 13 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 31 Hailemariam Ametù Tesfu' Bekit Bekit 20/6/1950 14/7/1967 14/4/1970 Feledareb 32 Renato Aroro' Hamid 17/8/1948 14/7/1968 29/8/1971 29/6/1975 Oganna 33 Berhe TzigheTerhas yohannes Futur Tk/ghiorghis 34 Amanuel Temertza 6/10/1947 14/7/1969 18/5/1974 20/6/1976 Ghebrezghiab Hagos Berakit Ab iher Hagos 35 Mons. Mussie G/ghiorghis Uqbu Si’ida Musa ---- 11/8/1949 14/7/1968 29/8/1972 15/6/1975 Enghela Lemlem 26/7/1949 14/7/1969 18/5/1974 13/6/1976 Tesemma Adderho 14 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 36 Berhanemes Leteberh kel an Matiewos Mogos Embaye 37 Meskel Abib Aibu' Ametema 17/9/1946 18/7/1970 19/6/1976 10/7/1977 riam Hamedei Zaid 38 Mehari Ande' G/Medhin Sematù Berhe 3/5/1950 Damba 39 Mons. Thomas Osman Ali Galane Talle 25/5/1950 18/7/1970 19/6/1976 10/7/1977 Lemuna 40 Letedeng Tewelde hel 27/3/1952 18/7/1970 19/6/1976 10/7/1977 Beyene W/ghebri Afelba Habtemikael el 15 1/6/1950 Afelba 14/7/1969 18/5/1974 20/6/1976 18/71970 19/6/1976 10/7/1977 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 41 Letebrha Menghisteab n 15/7/1949 18/7/1971 2/8/1976 Ghebremikael G/gziabih Adengofom Temelso er 2/7/1978 42 Teklom Berhane Adhana Letebrha 11/7/1950 18/7/1971 2/8/1976 n Halibmentel Mehari 2/7/1978 43 Habtemaria Tehish m Adoumer Shifare Kahsay 16/10/1950 18/7/1971 2/8/1976 Monoxoito 2/7/1978 44 Teweldeberh Abeba an Tzeggay Beraki Amenay 25/11/1950 Mendefera 18/7/1971 2/8/1976 Aret 2/7//1978 45 Tesfay Debbas Zewde Qedusan Araia 16 2/3/1951 Awhune 5/8/1972 7/8/1977 22/7/1979 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 46 Andemariam Hiwet Mikael Yohanes Mehari 5/8/1951 Afelba 5/8/1972 7/8/1977 22/7/1979 47 Hailemikael Qedusan Beraki Weldeab Hasho 22/2/1952 Berakit Nishto 5/8/1972 7/8/1977 22/7/1979 48 Abraha Bokru' Ghebre Tatiewos Andetzio n 22/8/1952 Afelba 2/8/1973 6/8/1978 6/7/1980 49 Arbed Pietros Arbed Qedusan Bekit 17/1/1953 Qunnì 2/8/1973 6/8/1978 6/7/1980 50 Kiflemariam Nighist Ts/gherghis Zewde Habtemariam 6/5/1952 Berakit Abay 2/8/1974 10/10/1979 2/8/1981 17 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 51 Tesfu' Iyob Untura 52 Weldemaria Akiar m Yohannes Mizan Teklay 8/1/1949 Gadmay 11/8/1975 18/1/1981 11/7/1982 53 Amanuel Mesgun Temelso 6/4/1957 Asmara 11/8/1975 18/1/1981 11/7/1982 54 Akberet Ghide Ghebreyesus Ukbatzio Tzeggu' n 25/3/1954 4/10/1976 4/10/1981 Debresina 8/7/1984 55 Mehret Tesfaldet 20/5/1955 4/10/1976 4/10/1981 Tesfamikael Tesfagab DegraLibè G/sellasie r 8/7/1984 Ghimja Hagos Berhanù G/sillasie 18 11/10/1953 2/8/1974 10/10/1979 2/8/1981 Acrur Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 56 Tesfat Berekti Tesfamariam Mosa Kiflu' 16/7/1955 4/10/1976 4/10/1981 Adengofom 8/7/1984 57 Mikael Pietros Debbus 27/12/1956 4/10/1976 4/10/1981 DegraLibè 8/7/1984 58 Ghebray Zewdi Beidemariam Sebhat Admeqom 59 Teklemaria Qedusan 25/5/1955 m Habtemariam Uqbazghi Hebo Beraki 4/9/1977 4/10/1982 14/7/1985 60 Leteyesu Hailemikael s 19/3/1958 Tekle' W/ghebri Saganeity Berhane el 4/9/1977 2/10/1983 14/7/1985 Mehret Asfaha 19 14/2//1955 4/9/1977 4/10/1982 14/7/1985 Addi Genu Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 61 Fesseha Weldeghiorgh Berekti is hagos Haile 62 Bahta Musa Debbas Letemari am Nedel 63 Teklemaria m Redae' Shiker Letesella sie 30/10/1961 15/7/1982 5/10/1986 24/7/1988 Uqbatens Glass ae 64 Tedros Abraha Tesfay Hiwet Zeweld 65 Damiano Ardadi Abdella Dehaba Lengi 20 3/8/1950 Massawa 7/8/1980 1/5/1960 Ajerbeb 15/7/1982 1/11/1987 24/7/1988 11/7/1984 11/5/1986 25/11/1960 4/19/1982 17/9/1985 Rochoito 2/7/1958 Kona 22/8/1983 5/10/1986 5/7/1987 ---- Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 66 Solomon Negga Mesfun Netzha G/hiwet 25/11/1960 2/9/1984 2/10/1988 22/7/1990 Addi Genu 67 Tesfazghi Mehreteab Teklay Mehret Araia 21/5/1961 Shiib 68 Mikael Abrehet 12/21/1961 2/9/1984 10/2/1988 21/7/1991 Tesfamariam G/sellasie Monoxoito Hawku 69 Kiflemariam Nighisti 24/8//1961 22/8/1986 7/10/1990 12/7/1992 G/mikael G/ghiorg Degra Libè Teklemariam his 70 Zereyaqob Gherghis 14/2/1963 22/8/1986 7/10/1990 12/7/1992 Uqbamikael Tesemma Degra Libè Teklemariam 21 2/9/1984 10/2/1988 7/22/1990 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 71 Bahlibbi Idris Shekay 72 Hailesellasie Tzegga Beyene Weldeys Weldu us 14/2/1963 17/9/1988 6/10/1991 12/7/1992 Senafè 73 Berhane Rigbe Ghebrekidan Buru Teklemariam 13/9/1969 Asmara 5/8/1989 9/9/1997 74 Kifleyesus Letenigus Ghebresllasie Kidane Kifle 4/2/1966 Mai Harasat 2/8/1990 9/10/1994 21/7//1996 75 Sebhatu Zeray Dain 17/4/1966 Jemberek 2/8/1992 6/10/1996 19/7/1998 Dikan Osman Bedela Newar 22 20/1/1963 22/8/1988 3/10/1993 31/7/1994 Ajerbeb 18/1/1998 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 76 Tekle Teklay Tedros Dehab Libab 77 Amlesom Gaim Giauj Gabriela Asfaha 78 Berhanu Ametezg Habteghiorgh 20/3/1969 16/9/1993 5/10/1997 16/7/2000 hi is Halibmentel Bi’emnet Kifl 79 Afewerki Mehreteab Tesfaldet Ghideom 28/2/1965 G/meskel Shariki 2/8/1996 3/10/1999 16/7/2000 80 Tesfagabir Ukbazghi Yaqob Akberet Yohanes 2/8/1994 3/19/1999 1/5/1970 Ag-aro 23 2/8/1992 6/4/1997 19/7/1998 19/12/1966 16/9/1993 12/10/1997 11/7/1999 Gulu 12/3/1967 Saganeity ---- Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 81 Rustom Amine Bairu Letemika el Musa 82 Asghedom Ghilay Libab Fana Paulos 2/3/1971 Haddis Adì 2/8/1995 3/10/1999 15/7/2001 (Anseba) 83 Mehreteab Zere Redae' Regina Berhane 16/1/1973 Hangol 2/8/1995 3/10/1999 15/7//2001 84 Teame Ghebreyohan Terhas nes Kelete Tzeggay 20/7/1972 Ira 2/8/1995 3/10/1999 14/7/2002 Letehane Simon G/Endirias s G/zghiabiher Lebasi 12/1/1973 Ametzi 2/8/1995 8/10/2000 15/7/2001 85 24 1/7/1969 Kerecha 2/8/1995 8/10/2000 14/7/2002 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 87 Yosief Meskel Kerar Dahba Mehari 9/7/1973 Deroq 2/8/1995 3/10/1999 15/7/2001 88 Hagos Tesfazghi Musa Hire’iti W/tatiew os 5/1/1974 Halhal 2/8/1996 8/10/2000 14/7/2002 89 Habtemaria Tzehaine m sh Abraha Berihu Menghesha 29/9/1972 Berakit Abay 2/8/1998 4/10/2003 17/7/2007 89 Aklilu Elsabiet Hailemariam Matusala Andemariam 25/1/1974 Saganeity 2/8/1998 4/10/2003 17/7/2007 90 Letemari Habtom Mikael am Ghebretensae' Kidane 12/5/1977 Haddish Adì (Hadegti) 2/8/1998 4/10/2003 17/7/2007 25 Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 91 Teklehaiman ot Dehab Berhanemesk Atzbeha el G/mikael 22/7/1973 17/9/1999 3/10/2004 16/7/2006 Halai 92 Zekiewos Hansu Teklemariam Ghide Zere 17/7/1977 Haddish17/9/1999 3/10/2004 16/7/2006 Adì (Anseba) 93 Selamawi Yebio Asghedom 94 Habtom Weldeghebrie Ukba l Isayas Uqbayohanne s 95 Shiwa 29/10/1975 Dawit Bokredenghel Hailemar Berakit 17/9/2001 1/10/2006 20/7/2008 Andemariam iam Abay Photo Name Kihishen 8/9/1977 17/9/1999 3/10/2004 16/7/2006 G/sellasie Monoxoito 20/8/1975 17/9/2001 1/10/2006 20/7/2008 Acrur 26 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 96 Tensew 4/15/1977 Teklesellasie Melashu Haddish Adì 17/9/2001 1/10/2006 20/7/2008 Weldehawari Bedeho (Anseba) at 97 Kifl Ajemel Ali Adalet Maibetot 98 Yemane Hailu Abib Letehawa riat 21/10/1981 17/9/2001 1/10/2006 20/7/2008 Medhani Hamedei e 99 Zeremariam Densa Hasebu Bula Hasama 6/2/1977 Guba 100 Yonas Asmeret Menghistu Kidane Weldemariam 12/6/1977 17/9/2002 1/10/2007 18/4/2010 Debresina 27 5/5/1979 Ajerbeb 17/9/2001 1/10/2006 20/7/2008 17/9/2002 1/10/2007 18/4/2011 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 101 Melake Gherghis Zemikael Nighisti G/kidan 102 Yosief Ghirmay Gabir Ghidey 2/12/1980 17/9/2002 1/10/2007 18/4/2010 Habtestzi Qunnì on 103 Isayas Weldeyesus Seghid Abrehet Kidane 7/10/1979 17/9/2003 29/11/2009 1/8/2010 Shiib 104 Zerizghi Afewerki Amleset Kidanemaria Araia m 21/10/1979 17/9/2003 29/11/2009 1/8/2010 Degra Mereto 105 Pietros Welde Beketa 12/7/1980 17/9/2003 29/11/2009 1/8/2010 Ghebresellasi Adhanom Terenqua e 28 19/10/1979 17/9/2002 4/10/2009 18/4//2010 Bogu Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 106 Kidane Leteberh 19/7/1980 Yosief an Haddish Adì 17/9/2003 29/11/2009 1/8/2010 Ghebreyohan Mikael Aret nes 107 Letezghi Teklezghi 23/3/1979 17/9/2004 29/11/2009 24/7/2011 Fessehaye Tesfamar Shiib W/haimanot iam 108 Asmellash Amine Hamde Askalu Abrehe 10/12/1979 17/9/2004 29/11)2009 24/7/2011 Shiib 109 Yohannes Hagos Hidat Ghebremaria Tekeste m 27/9/1980 17/9/2004 29/11/2009 24/7/2011 Mehelab 110 Mehari Abraha Erit Akberet W/yohan nes 29 20/5/1982 17/9/2004 29/11/2009 24/7/2011 Ferhen Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 111 Gabriel Eugenio Bate Vittoria Luigi 112 Tesfaldet Teklu Fesseha Nitzihti Mikael 16/10/1978 17/9/2004 29/10/2011 2/9/2012 Addi Abeur Meharezghi Giauj Nighisti Nigusse Tesfù 14/6/1985 17/9/2007 5/10/2012 20/7/2014 Zien 113 114 115 6/9/1978 Bimbilna 19/12/200 14/08/2011 23/06/2012 4 Weldetensae (Brother) Sefer 14/5/1983 17/9/2007 5/10/2012 8/11/2015 Surafiel Mebrahtu Gush Bdeho Selamawi (Ghebretensa e) Alemseghed Berhe Lettebreh an 24/4/1985 17/9/2007 4/6/2013 Mezgheb Monoxoito o 30 20/7/2014 Photo Name Mother Priestly BirthDay- Tempora Permanent Ordainati ry Vows Vows Place on 116 Mesgena Zewdi Beraki Embaye W/Yohannes 4/10/2014 ---- 117 Amanuel Frewoini 24/8/1986 02/8/2009 4/10/2014 Eyob Ghirme Degra-Libiè W/Ghiorghis ---- 118 Emnetu Kahsay Ukbazghi Miniya Tesfamar iam 31 22/4/1985 Kerecha 1-1-1989 Shiib 2/8/2009 02/8/2009 4/10/2014 ----