grade 1: giraffe house outing!!! - My Hub
grade 1: giraffe house outing!!! - My Hub
Term 2.Issue 8 5 June 2015 GRADE 1: GIRAFFE HOUSE OUTING!!! -2- -3- Is a new online business selling educational toys, classroom equipment and it’s a site that encourages parents and kids to interact on the site, through the educational games available online, the forum topics and the D.I.Y. crafts, experiments and recipes. Visit and see what we have to offer and what we dream to achieve. CALL LAUREN MONIZ ON 061 991 1764 -4- FROM THE EXECUTIVE HEAD’S DESK… Exams We the staff of Curro Century City would like to wish all our learners the very best in the upcoming exams. However, exams and grades are temporary, education is forever. Don’t feel sad because you are different from others. Every unique skill and every unique talent has the potential to make you a superstar. Embrace your personality and unchain your inner strength. Don’t forget – the one thing that all successful people have in common is that they were different than everyone around them. The best strategy for avoiding stress and anxiety about the exams is an effective and consistent study plan teamed with good time management and maintaining your status quo with school sport and cultural activities. Taking less time for fun activities and TV should be the first change. Our sporting programme will continue throughout the exam period as per usual and we ask that all learners continue to attend the training. Being absent from training may affect your attendance percentage and being selected for the next match and team awards. Staff Training Curro Century City hosted the southern region training for various Literacy and Maths courses this past week. Staff from each of our phases attended the training and are implementing the newly acquired skills. Monday sees the majority of our staff complete the William Glasser Institute Choice Theory Basic Intensive Training course. This programme includes lectures, discussions, and role-plays, leading to a basic understanding of Choice Theory, Reality Therapy, and LeadManagement as these concepts relate to counselling, management, and education. We will provide substitute coaches for sport. Grade 8 Testing for Grade 8 students that have applied from external primary schools takes place this Saturday. Students will write tests in English, Maths and Science. Replacement Staff The adverts for staff leaving at the end of August have been advertised by the HR Company and we will now await the CV’s before any decisions are made for filling posts. As usual we will have the staff member work with the current teacher before handing over the class. Boksmart Congratulations to the staff and parents who volunteered to become ‘Boksmart’. By complying with the SARU rules you will have a better understanding of the game and be able to assist your son and other players and parents next to the field. SEAN FRIEDENTHAL -5- NURSERY PHASE Donations for Fallen Angels Animal Shelter We are collecting dog blankets or tinned dog/cat food to donate to the Fallen Angels Animal Shelter. Please help us support this worthy cause by donating any old blankets that you might have at home or a tin of dog/cat food. There will be a collection area in the Nursery School foyer next week. Parent Teacher Meetings Group 4 and 5 parent teacher meetings will take place on 24 June starting from 13:00. Reports will be issued on Monday 22 June. Grade R reports will be sent home on the last day of term, 26 June. Parent teacher meetings will take place in the first week of term 3. The parent teacher meetings are not compulsory, however, please email your class teacher to make an appointment if you would like to discuss your child’s progress. Alternatively, appointment sign-up sheets will be posted on classroom sliding doors shortly. Value of the week The value that we will be focusing on this week is: Being grateful Recycling for Art Please send empty and washed out egg shells for us to use during Art. Thank you! Utah Spur Class Party: Grade R AC Penguins Class Dates to Diarise 15 June – School Holiday 16 June – Youth Day 21 June – Father’s Day ROISIN STUTTAFORD -6- -7- -8- CENTURY CITY ASHTON PARK (WILLOWGREEN) BRAND NEW 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT TO LET R 13,000 p/m neg. NORTH FACING second floor 2 bed/2 bath apartment with covered balcony. Completion in June 2015— be the 1st to live in this apartment! Features 24hr manned security, swimming pool and braai facilities Fast Fibre Optic Internet connectivity and DSTV ready Two secure parking bays Modern finishes, kitchen with gas hob, oven, extractor fan, and lots of cupboards Closest building in Ashton Park to the Curro Private School, sharing the same boundary wall with the school, with a gate entrance directly to the school. Occupation from 1 July 2015 Contact Rhona on 083 326 2673 -9- FOUNDATION PHASE Book People are coming next week The Book People's visit is on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 of June. They do have credit card facilities and the school gets 10% back in books, so please support this event. Wellington Boots Please note that although wellington boots are not an official part of the Curro uniform, we will allow navy blue or black wellington boots in rainy weather as we realise the school grounds get very wet. New Uniform/Lounge Shop times from Term 3 Monday: 8:00 – 9:00 and 12:00 – 15:00 Tuesday: 8:00 – 9:00 and 12:00 – 15:00 Wednesday: 13:00 – 17:00 Thursday: 8:00 – 9:00 + 12:00 – 15:00 Fridays: CLOSED Channel for Complaints re: Sport Please be aware that there is a channel for complaints re: sport: 1) Teacher coach/ teacher manager 2) Head of that specific sport 3) Phase Heads of Sport (Debbie Scott and Marthinus van Staden) 4) Executive Head Our Heads of Sports are: Soccer- Malcolm Freeman Rugby- Marthinus Van Staden Hockey- Heide Malan Netball- Candice van Zyl Letters for absence from school or sport Please be aware that it is a requirement to send a note to the teacher in charge if your child has been absent, or is going to be absent, from school or sport. Dates to Diarise Monday 8 June Wednesday 10 June Thursday 11 June Friday 12 June Monday 15 June Tuesday 16 June MICHELLE GILDER Teachers in training from 2-6pm Mrs Roger’s birthday Book people Sale in mini-hall 10:30-15:30 Book People Sale in mini-hall 09:30-15:00 School Holiday Youth Day - 10 - INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR PHASE Exams The Grade 7s started the exams this week and next week the Intermediate Phase will begin with theirs. We would like to wish all the learners good luck for their exams! We look forward to marking their papers to see how they have done. Exam Dates 8th June : 9th June: 10th June: 11th June: 12th June: English Language and Maths Paper 2 Maths Paper 1 and English Writing Life Orientation and Afrikaans Language Science and Afrikaans Writing Exam History and Geography Exam New Lounge Hours for Term 3 The PSPA have new opening hours, please see below: Monday: 8:00 – 9:00 + 12:00 – 15:00 Tuesday: 8:00 – 9:00 + 12:00 – 15:00 Wednesday: 13:00 – 17:00 Thursday: 8:00 – 9:00 + 12:00 – 15:00 Fridays: CLOSED The Book People The Book People will be visiting us on 11 and 12 June. This is a wonderful opportunity for the learners to buy themselves some books to enjoy through the cold winter holidays. Please make sure that they bring some money with so that they can enjoy the book shop. Channels of Communication If you would like to make suggestions, lay complaints or show appreciation please follow the following chains of communication: Sport Teacher/Manager – Coach – Head of Sport – Phase Head of Sport – Executive Head Academics Teacher – Grade Head – Phase Head – Executive Head Uniform Please make sure that your children are dressed in the correct winter uniform and are warm for these chilly days. They may wear navy blue or black gumboots in wet weather, to keep those toes toasty warm and dry. If a vest is worn, it must not be visible. Blankets and other items brought to school for warmth must please be in the school colours. HAZEL DIQUE AND MARTHINUS VAN STADEN - 11 - SPORT AND CULTURE Netball Clinic Soccer and Rugby Timothy Zimpel as he scores against Elkanah Brendan Nagel - 12 Awards Learners awarded with player of the match award for each match against the other school. Well done to all these players. DEBBIE SCOTT - 13 - - 14 - Concert in the Dark Tickets are on sale for this year’s “Concert In The Dark”. Come and enjoy an evening of music entertainment presented by learners of the Music Department. Tickets are R50.00 for reserved seating and R100.00 for VIP’s. Included in the VIP ticket is a platter of snacks and some warm winter beverages. For bookings, please contact Ms. Paula Oosthuizen on 087 315 2200 or email: . Tickets are limited so please book early. We look forward to performing for you. - 15 - CULTURE Drama We have been working with costumes and props in Drama for the last 2 weeks. This week, learners had the opportunity to take an item from class and turn into something else they could use in a skit. We saw water bottles turned into everything from a microphone to an electric toothbrush. A chair became a pillar in a game of laser tag. What a creative group of children we have! Dance Eisteddfod On 21 and 27 May Isabella Lee in Grade 5 participated in the Cape Town Dance Eisteddfod, representing Ricardo’s Modern Dancing Studio and Curro Century City. It was her first time doing a solo dance performance on stage. For her ‘character dance’ she performed “Oliver Twist” and for the ‘set dance’ she danced to Lady Gaga’s “Telephone.” She attained merit and honours for the two performances. - 16 Awards New learner of the week certificate given out to club members who bring insight, enthusiasm and enjoyment to the clubs. MALCOLM FREEMAN - 17 - AFTERCARE NEWS ONE MORE WEEK TO REGISTER FOR HOLIDAY CLUB Places are filling rapidly; so don’t delay. Registration Cut-Off date is 15 June. Please ensure that you have handed in or emailed both your application form AND your proof of payment with 50% deposit, as we cannot register you after this date. In the interests of maintaining the excellence of our Holiday Club programme with safe supervision, catering and entertainment, we will not be accepting walk-ins anymore. Completed forms can either be dropped in the Aftercare Holiday Club boxes posted at both Castle and Primary receptions, or emailed to Lindsay, up until 15 June, at Although June 15 is a Public Holiday, we will still accept proof of payment and application forms which are emailed to Lindsay by this date. Queries about Holiday Club may be addressed to Miss Jade Africa, Grade 3 Aftercare, on the Primary side and Miss Chelsea Mills, Group 5 Aftercare, on the Castle side. Reminder – Holiday Club will open at 7:00 am and will close at 5:30 pm General Queries about Aftercare Since I am taking study leave in the U.S.A from 4 June to 29 June, I have left an awesome team in charge. They are extremely competent to answer any questions or deal with your Aftercare concerns you may have while I am away in the U.S.A. Miss Carla Breganski, Grade R Aftercare teacher, is in the hot-seat in the Castle Aftercare, and Miss Nadine Pereira will be in charge in the Primary Aftercare. They both can be reached on the Aftercare cell phone, 076 171 0683, and will also be reporting to Mr. Friedenthal on a daily basis, regarding the “State of the Nation”, I mean Aftercare. God bless and see you at Winter Holiday Club CHERIE IRISH
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