IP Reading Champions for Term 1, they got - My Hub
IP Reading Champions for Term 1, they got - My Hub
Term 2.Issue 10 19 June 2015 LEARNERS WHO ARE WORKING SMART!!! WELL DONE, KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!! Autumn and winter dress up dolls IP Reading Champions for Term 1, they got vouchers to spend at The Book People -2- -3- -4- FROM THE EXECUTIVE HEAD’S DESK… Lost Property All the lost property on both the Pre-Primary and Primary school will be collected by a charity on Friday, 26 June. Welcome to Curro Century City – a school full of smiles. This was the message we sent out to over 112 teachers and lecturers this past term as our school played host to numerous training sessions for the Curro Group. Curro schools from all around the Western Cape travelled each day to attend lectures on Managing Diversity, Reputation Management training, Literacy and Numeracy, Choice Theory, Science and Technology. The school children were complimented on their positive interaction with the guests and it was noted how vibrant, thriving and a very happy school of some 745 boys and girls we are. Above all, we are a happy school. Our children understand that if they enjoy school and try their best in all that they do, there is nothing more that we can ask of them. We are building a very strong reputation for excellence in the education of young children. Numerous students have not reached our level in the admissions test. Our carefully differentiated teaching and support for those who need it mean that all of our children progress fast at their own level, whether they are academically high achievers or learners benefiting from a steadier pace. As well as our commitment to ensuring excellent academic progress, we are passionate about providing a broad curriculum including a wide range of high quality opportunities in sport, music, drama, art and design. It is our job to nurture the skills, abilities and talents of each individual, wherever these may lie. I will be the first to acknowledge when a coach or trainer is not performing to the required level and appreciate the parent’s calls and input. We have taken action in all departments where there has been a lack of care or seemingly lack of coaching direction. Parents are welcome to see me with any concerns or issues; your input is vital and valued. The Parent Action Group is working hard at the Sports Festival Day on 19 September 2015, the next big fun day on our calendar. My congratulations to all the learners on their assessments this past term and may all your hard work and dedication towards academics show in the end result. We look forward to a set of good results. To those who feel that they could have done better, it is never too late to make the change. We will be there for you. Our Best Wishes to the learners competing in the National tournaments during this holiday around the country. Train hard, and play hard and may you come home victorious. To the families travelling, please drive safely and return refreshed from the break. Wishes for the Holy Month of Ramadan To all our community celebrating Ramadan; welcome the month of Ramadan with a heart filled with peace, harmony and joy and wishing you all the blessings for the holy month. SEAN FRIEDENTHAL -5- NURSERY PHASE Student Teacher We welcome student teacher Chelsea Mills who will be with us until the end of term. She will be doing her teaching practical in Group 4 and Group 5. We hope you enjoy your time with us, Chelsea. Grade R Inting Next week Tuesday 23 June, the Grade Rs will enjoy a reptile show presented by the Imhoff Snake Park and Reptile Sanctuary. I am sure all our Grade Rs will find this experience very exciting, especially as we will be able to hold some of the reptiles. Recycling for Art Please send empty and washed out egg shells for us to use during Art. Thank you! Dates to Diaries 21 June – Father’s Day 22 June – Group 4 and 5 reports to go home 24 June – Group 4 and 5 parent teacher meetings 26 June – Last day of Term 2 22 July – Grade R parent teacher meetings ROISIN STUTTAFORD -6- FOUNDATION PHASE Father’s Day I wish all Dads a Happy Father’s Day for Sunday. Dads are very special people, and no matter how old we get, they remain a big part of our lives. I hope that you will be spoilt rotten and that you take the time to appreciate the little items your child has made you at school. It is a privilege to be a parent. Thank you for all that you do for our children at Curro Century City. Last Week of School The term is not over yet! We still have work to do. For the remainder of the term, the teachers are finalising reports and during class we are finishing Term 2 work and getting a head start on Term 3s work. We will also do some creative and fun activities. Please make sure your child brings their books and stationery to school, as there is still much to be done. Please replace any lost items of stationery. Upcoming Gotcha Day The last day of Term 2 will be our Gotcha Day, where the teachers will reward children who displayed good behaviour. This term will be “Minute to Win It” games in the morning. The children will move from station to station playing a variety of games and the winner of each station will be awarded a prize. If there are any parents who could donate 6 similar small prizes (e.g. slabs of chocolate) for each of the Grades, please make contact with me. Thank you to parents who have offered to donate already. 8 + Gotchas = Gotcha Day and school uniform 12+ Gotchas = Gotcha Day and PE clothes 20+ Gotchas = Gotcha Day and civvies Last Day of School The last day of school is 26 June and school ends at 11:00. Reports will be handed out at the end of the day and can be collected and signed for from your child’s class teacher. If you are unable to collect the report at 11:00, reports will be left with Holiday Care and can be signed out there during the holidays. Term 3 Parent-Teacher Evening Our parent-teacher meetings will be held next term on Wednesday, 22 July from 14:30 until 19:00. Appointments will be 15 minutes long. You are invited to make an appointment with the relevant teachers to discuss any concerns that you might have. However, please note that this meeting is not compulsory. If you are happy with your child’s progress and have no concerns to discuss, or have recently met with the teacher, you do not need to make another appointment. Appointments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. An appointment booking sheet will be left at reception from Monday morning for you to reserve a time. Alternatively, you can email Santina: santina.d01@curroholdings.co.za Wild Animal Masks MICHELLE GILDER -7- INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR PHASE Last Week of School Now that the exams are over, the buzz of excitement and the scent of holiday are in the air. Even though we are all dreaming of long mornings snuggled in bed, fun times with friends and delightful adventures outdoors, the term is not over yet! We still have work to do. For the remainder of the term, the teachers are finalising assessments and marks and during class we are finishing Term 2 work and getting a head start on Term 3’s work. Please make sure your child brings their books and stationery to school, as there is still much to be done. Upcoming Gojo Day The last day of Term 2 will be our Gojo Day, where the teachers will reward children who displayed good behaviour. This term will be “Minute to Win It” games in the morning. The children will move from station to station playing a variety of games and the winner of each station will be awarded a prize. If there are any parents who could donate 6 similar small prizes (e.g. slabs of chocolate) for each of the Grades, please make contact with me. hazel.d@curro.co.za. In the Intermediate and Senior Phase we make use of the Class Dojo system, to reinforce positive behaviour. Therefore we will be working on percentages according to Class Dojo. Parents and learners are able to logon to their individual accounts to check their status. We will be looking at the learners’ positive behaviour over the last two terms. If you are in range of: 30 % - 49 % positive, you may attend Gotcha Day in school uniform. If you are in range of: 50 % - 79 % positive, you may attend Gotcha Day in PE Clothes. If you are in range of: 80 % - 100 % positive, you may attend Gotcha Day in civvies. There will be a class champion per class. The champion is the person who has the most positive Dojo points Unfortunately, those who do not meet the minimum requirement of 30% will have to attend Holding Class and may not participate in the Gojo Day Games. Last Day of School The last day of school is 26 June and school ends at 11:00. Reports will be handed out at the end of the day and can be collected and signed for from your child’s class teacher. If you are unable to collect the report at 11:00, reports will be left with Holiday Care and can be signed out there during the holidays. Term 3 Parent-Teacher Evening Our parent-teacher meetings will be held next term on Wednesday, 22 July from 14:30 until 19:00. Appointments will be 15 minutes long. You are invited to make an appointment with the relevant teachers to discuss any concerns that you might have. However, please note that this meeting is not compulsory. If you are happy with your child’s progress and have no concerns to discuss, or have recently met with the teacher, you do not need to make another appointment. Appointments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. An appointment booking sheet will be left at reception from Monday morning for you to reserve a time. Alternatively, you can email Santina: santina.d01@curroholdings.co.za. -8Grade 5: Real Life 4 Kids The Grade Fives are now employees of the school and not learners anymore as they embark on their adventure through the Real Life 4 Kids programme that will be running through Term 3. They are very excited about all of their new roles and responsibilities. Every day they come to school they will be “paid”. If they do not attend school they will not be paid. Financial bonuses are given for good work, showing initiative, favours etc. Any money they have in the bank will earn 10 % interest each week. Learners are therefore encouraged to deposit as much money into the bank as possible. Learners have started earning their salaries and some of them have even started buying medical and dental aid. The doctor will collect the medical fees that any person owes for being ill or injured during that week. The town is divided into four suburbs. Plots of land will be sold to learners by auction. They are working very hard to earn more money so they can start buying land and start building their properties. The players have the opportunity to write their driver’s license. They are required to learn the driver’s license handbook and when they feel they are ready, they can write the test. Learners are very excited about this and some are already studying for the test! We look forward to seeing their houses go up and each class’s town come to life! Father’s Day Happy Father’s Day to all Dad’s out there. We hope that you get spoilt rotten and have a wonderful weekend! HAZEL DIQUE AND MARTHINUS VAN STADEN -9- Tuckshop will be OPEN before and during the event Concert in the Dark Tickets are on sale for this year’s “Concert in the Dark”. Come and enjoy an evening of music entertainment presented by learners of the Music Department. Tickets are R50.00 for reserved seating and R100.00 for VIP’s. Included in the VIP ticket is a platter of snacks and some warm winter beverages. For bookings, please contact Ms. Paula Oosthuizen on 087 315 2200 or email: paula.o@curroholdings.co.za . Tickets are limited soCULTURE please book early. We look forward to performing for you. - 10 - SPORT AND CULTURE Horse Riding Teacher Jaime-Lee Lake participated in a showing show last weekend and came third on her horse, Flying Wind. She rode Flying Wind in the best trot class! Handwriting Eisteddfod Results Name Result Abbi Dennis 78% Caitlyn Art 70% Connor Maritz 70% Aaleyah Adam 68% Carla Bouwer 68% Kgalalelo Goliath 68% Kiara Mitoo 68% Gabriella Schroeder 68% Megan Speedy 68% Danika Cottle 67% WELL DONE!!! MARTHINUS VAN STADEN AND MALCOLM FREEMAN - 11 - - 12 - AFTERCARE NEWS SADLY HOLIDAY CLUB REGISTRATION IS CLOSED BUT HAPPILY, We have prepared an incredible Holiday Club programme for those attending. CURRO CENTURY CITY HOLIDAY CLUB SCHEDULE GRADE 1 - 6 29 JUNE - 3 JULY 29-Jun 30-Jun 01-Jul 02-Jul 03-Jul TROPICAL RAINFOREST SA N D I N A BOT T L E BUBBL E UP CHOCOHALICS HOP ON POP 6 - 10 JULY 2015 06-Jul 07-Jul 08-Jul 09-Jul 10-Jul S UN CA T CH ER S MASTER CHEF JNR BAKE-OFF SA N D, SEE & FUN CURRO OLYMPIAD SOMETHING MAGICAL 13 - 20 JULY 2015 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 20-Jul FOI L FOI BL ES LITTLE DRUMMMER BOY CUPCAKE CARNIVAL J I GGL E J UGGL E LET'S TWIST AGAIN CANDY CRUSH CURRO CENTURY CITY CASTLE HOLIDAY CLUB SCHEDULE 29 JUNE - 3 JULY 29-Jun 30-Jun 01-Jul 02-Jul 03-Jul TROPICAL RAINFOREST STAR BRIGHT W I N T ER W ON DER S MUPPET THE PUPPET BANANAS IN PAJAMAS 6 - 10 JULY 2015 06-Jul 07-Jul 08-Jul 09-Jul 10-Jul J UNI OR MAST ER CHEF CURRO CASTLE OLYMPICS HEROES GALORE BUTTERF LY PICNICS MAGICAL MOMENTS 13 - 20 JULY 2015 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 20-Jul DR A GON FL Y S FOR EV ER LI'L DRUMMMER BOY SA N D SCUL PT UR E PERKY PENGUINS SCOOTERAMA FROST Y T HE SNOWMAN CHERIE IRISH
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