Bulletin - Waltham - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Bulletin - Waltham - Sacred Heart Catholic Church
SACRED HEART, WALTHAM, 31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 30, 2016 When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said, "Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house." And he came down quickly and received him with joy. When they all saw this, they began to grum ble, saying, "He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner." - Lk 19:5-7 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, 4:00PM Sunday, 7:30AM 10:00AM Monday, 7:30AM Tuesday, 7:00PM Wednesday, 7:30AM Thursday, 0:00 Friday, 0:00 Saturday, 9:00AM 4:00PM Sunday, 7:30AM 10:00AM October 29 St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus Council 1409 in Honor oftheir 10th Anniversary October 30 For Parishioners of Sacred Healt Church Joseph Attardo, Birthday Memorial, requested by his family October 31 Mary Brown, Anniversary Memorial, requested by her family November 1 All Saints, Holy Day of Obligation For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Chmch November 2 Deceased Members of the Mangini Family, Anniversary Memorial, requested by the family November 3 NO MASS November 4 NO MASS November 5 Annual Mass for the Deceased of the Parish of last year. Cristina DiSchino, requested by the DiSchino family November 6 For Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church Mary DiMasi, Anniversary Memorial, requested by Grace Savoy, Theresa Duane, Annmarie O'Rourke MEMORIALS The Altar Bread for the week will be in Memory ofthe De cease Members of the Treglia & Schiappa families The Stained Glass Window for the week will be lit as a Birth day Memory for Filomeno Treglia, requested his wife & family MA Please Pray For... Freda Gautreau, Kiera McHaron, Mar lena Cerullo, Joe Cardinale, Maria Mills, Louis & Marge Vezeau, A. Dalton, V. Palazzo, Billy T, Kathy W, Linda Ryan, Carol Mac Kenzie, Philip W. Natale, Jr., Sr. Michelle Sherliza, OP, Marie Consolmagno, Mary Ellen Quigley, Diane Farrell, Nadia Mum muoio, Donna Casey, M.L. O'Brien, Paul Perry, Rose Ballo, Ruth Mulligan, and all men and women deployed around the world in military service, and all people confmed to their homes because of illness or age and all who are ill or undergoing medical treatment. Please keep in your prayers all the families grieving the loss of a loved one. Readings for the Week of October 30, 2016 Sunday: Wis 11:22--12:2IPs 145: 1-2,8-11,13-14/2 Thes 1:1l--2:2/Lk 19:1-10 Monday: Phil2:1-4IPs 131:1-3ILk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-141Ps 24:1-6/1 Jn 3:1-3IMt 5:1 12a Wednesday: Wis 3:1-9/Ps 23:1-61R0m 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3 -9/Jn 6:37-40 Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: PhiI3:3-8a/Ps 105:2-7ILk 15:1-10 Phil3:17--4:lIPs 122:1-5ILk 16:1-8 .P hiI4:10-19/Ps 112:1-2, 5-6, 8-91Lk 16:9-15 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-141Ps 17:1,5-6,8, ]5/2 Thes 2:16--3:5ILk 20:27-38 or 20:27, 34-38 Sharing Time, Talent and Treasure The Collection last week was $5456.00 The second collection this week is for our Parish Maintenance & Repairs. PARISH NEWS RESTAURANT FUNDRAISERS As many of you have seen there have been quite a few "Restaurant Fundraisers" held over the past few months. Ordinarily these fund raisers are reserved for the needs of our parish ministries; however this summer and fall the Knights of Columbus have booked sever al to benefit the Parking Lot Fund. Some parishioners have men tioned that they were unable to attend as these nights often conflict with PTO, business meetings, after school sports games etc. We remind those unable to attend these events to consider donating instead to the Parking Lot Fund. We appreciated every contribu tion since it all adds up to give us a beautiful and well lighted parking facility where om parishioners may come and go safely! Thank you all for supporting these fund raising events. CATHOLIC APPEAL 2016 OUf latest update on our parishes' contributions to the Catholic Appeal is $22,464.71. ';Ne fall short of our assessment goal of $22,894.l6 by just $429.45. With five outstanding pledges total ing $1,200.00, we could reach om goal with the fulfillment of the unpaid pledges. If you have yet to complete your pledge, we ask that you do so as soon as possible. Any rebates we might receive by reaching and exceeding our goal will be applied to the Parking Lot Fund. 31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PARISH NEWS. Continued PARISH NEWS. Continued STEWARDSHIP, SHARING TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE Week Ending Weekly Offertory On Line Giving (WeShare) Additional Parish Income World Mission Sunday Total Income Bills paid Deficit/Credit $ $ $ $ $ $ $ October 14,2016 5456.00 867.80 747.00 1154.00 8224.00 12899.23 -4675.23 STEWARDSHIP: SHARING TIME, TALENT AND TREASURE "The community of believers was ofone heart and mind and no one claimed that any ofhis possessions was his own." - Acts 4:32 All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God! Think of your family, your friends, your talents and abilities - these are al1 gifts from God. We aren't really owners of anything; we are merely "stewards" of the gifts God has blessed us with. STEWARDSHIP AND THE SUNDAY GOSPEL In the Gospel Reading from St. Luke we hear the story of the tax collector Zacchaeus and his desire to see and perhaps meet Jesus . The image of Zacchaeus up in that sycamore tree is one that many of us may recall from our childhood, and hearing it - because it is a vivid impression, and one that even as we get older may may trigger a memory. The name Zacchaeus means "pure one," but he certainly was not pure. We leam from his own confession how he has overcharged and cheated people in his tax collection duties. However, for all his faults and shortcomings Zacchaeus seeks purity, and he understands that Jesus is a way to achieve that. It is interesting to note that Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus better. That sounds like something a child might do, and that fulfills in a small wayan instruction Jesus gives to each of us, "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven." Jesus follows that re mark my immediately reminding us that we must become humble like children. That is a cue for us to recall importance of humility when it comes to being a good steward, but thanks to the lesson of Zacchaeus we learn even more about how to seek stewardship. Like the tax collector we need to make an effort to seek Jesus; like him we must be humble; we must welcome Jesus into our homes and into our hearts; and finally we need to receive himjoyfulJy. MASS BOOK AND MEMORIALS 2017 The Mass Book for 2017 is now open and there are several avail able times and dates. Those wishing to reserve a date may visit dW'ing regular office hours (9AM-3PM, Mon-Thurs) or call the parish office at 781-899-0469 . PARKING LOT FUND UPDATE We are currently at 72% of our goal having raised $180,015.10. This amount includes both envelope and pledge donations as well as online giving. While we are grateful to be where we are, we still have a way to go. Consider the fact that of the 1,300 registered households in our parish only 375 households have contributed to the fund . If the remaining 925 households each contributed $100 we would be well over our goal! Any con tribution, whether great or small wilJ be deeply appreciated and will help us bring this project to completion. Donation envelopes are available at all entrances of the church and may be retumed via the offertory (basket) . You may also donate through WeShare our online giving program. All donations will be recorded for tax purposes and receipts will be provided to donors upon request. We thank these outstanding contractors for their support; Premier Contracting, Wheaton Electric, , Porter Plumbing and Lazaro Pav ing Company. Questions may be directed to any member of the Parking Lot Committee; Ken Lopez, Nick and Judy Pulsone, Patricia Vasquezi, Richie Cincotta, David Carvelli and Ray Redlinger. WE NEED YOUNG PEOPLE IN MlNISTRYl Father Dennis and Bother Damian are in need of additional Altar Servers wil1ing to assist at all weekend Masses. Altar Servers may be of any age beginning with young people who have re ceived first Holy Communion through high school aged teens. Adults may also serve at the altar and those interested may speak with Father Dennis or Brother Damian about tills important min istry. Choir members are also needed both in the youth choir, LIFETEEN Band and Adult Choir. For additional information on any of these ministries E-Mail us at SacredheartED@aol.com or call 781-893-8461 and we will direct you to the ministry coordi nator for the respective ministry. WORSHIP Daily Mass at Sacred Heart takes place Monday-Wednesday. There will be no daily Mass held on Thursdays and Fridays. Those who worship daily may consider attending Mass at any of the following places of worsillp on the days when Mass is not offered here at Sacred Heart; Saint Mary's Church: 12:10PM dai ly, St. Charles Borromeo: Thursday mornings at 7:30AM. Saint Jude: Thursdays and Fridays at 9:00AM, Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted: 8:00AM. Fridays. And Saint Patrick's Parish, Wa tertown: 7:30AM on Friday. BRISTOL LODGE MONTHLY DINNER The next Bristol Lodge Dinner will take place on Wednesday, November 2,2016 at 5:00PM. This month's seasonal rotation of hot entree will be PASTA, AND MEATBALLS OR MEAT SAUCE, salad, vegetables of any kind and any other type of ac companiment. Rolls, gallons of milk and desserts are always needed. Suggested quantities are servings to feed 10-15 people. Meal contributions may be dropped off either here at the parish hall kitchen by 4:30PM or directly to the Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen at Immanuel Methodist Church, comers of Moody and Cherry Streets by meal time at 5:00PM. Next month we will re tum to ' the rotation of hot entrees for the fall and winter. OCTOBER 30, 2016 PARISH NEWS. Continued PARISH NEWS. Continued CHRISTMAS GIFT AND CRAFT FAIR INMEMORY Last week we lost a kind and caring member of our parish commu nity. Donna (Champagne) Casey was an active member of our parish family . She and her husband Jim coordinated the ~ffertory Procession at the 7:30AM Mass where they were always In attend ance and looked forward to visiting with their fellow Mass at tendees before and after Mass. Donna was an incredibly talented photographer, web designer, painter,. cr~fter, graphic art!st, and published author! She was blessed with msurmountable gifts and viewed each of them as a true blessing from God. Donna selfless ly shared her talents with those around her. Many of them at one time or another received a special photo Donna had taken or a craft item she had made as a way to share her kindness and her talent with her friends and loved ones. She was always willing to return her gifts of time and talent to the Lord. We were benefac tors of her stewardship through her role as our parish 's web m~s ter. Through this ministry she kept us abreast of the latest parish activities and events, posted the weekly bulletin, photograph's of parish events, and occasionally she would work humor into our web site by "photo shopping" our friars with special effects (fun hats, costumes and scenery) to the delight of many! We will miss her friendship, sense of humor and the joy for life that she demon strated each day. For those of us who worshipped alongside her at Sunday morning Mass, there will certainly be a void that will nev er be filled, but we will honor her by keeping Donna's memory in our hearts and in our prayers. POPE FRANCIS-AMORIS LAETITIA This week we continue to explore the Synodal Apostolic Exhorta tion Amoris Laetitia 'The Joy of Love' with focus' on the sacra ment of maITiage #63 ''''Jesus, who reconciled all things in him self, restored marriage and the family to their original form (cf. Mt 10:1-12). MaITiage and the family have been redeemed by Christ (cf. Eph 5:21-32) and restored in the image of the Holy Trinity, the mystery from whlch all true love flo~s. Th~ spousal covenant, originating in creation and revealed m the hlstory of salvation takes on its full meaning in Christ and his Church. Through 'his Church, Christ bestows on maITiage and the family the grace necessary to bear witness to the love .of God and to .live the life of communion. The Gospel of the famIly spans the histo ry of the world, from the creation of man and woman in the image and likeness of God (cf. Gen 1:26-27), to the fulfilment of the mystery of the covenant in Christ at the end of time with the mar riage of the Lamb (cf. Rev 19:9)". It's that time of year when we look forward to our Christmas Gift and Craft Fair here at Sacred Heart! Mark your calendar for Satur day, November 5 th from 9:00AM-4:00PM and ~unday, Novem ber 6th from 9:00AM-12 Noon. If you are lookmg to volunteer for a fun and successful parish event, come join us! We need vol unteers for set up on Thursday and Friday evening and break down on Sunday afternoon. We also need volunteers to help at the raffle table and to help keep coffee brewing for visitors and volunteers. If you are a crafter and have beautiful, unique craft items we'd love to consider you to sell your wares at this event. We do ask that crafters submit photographs or links to their web sites or FB featurinab your craft items for consideration. For information Paaes b . • on pursuing a table space or for volunteer mformatlOn a~d plac~ ment please contact Annmarie Huff at 781-330-9472 or via e-maIl at anmarie.huff@gmail.com. Please DO NOT CALL TJ:lli PAR ISH OFFICE since they will not be able to answer specific ques tions pertaining to this event. SPIRITUAL BOUQUETS Did you know that you can purchase Spiritual Bouquets from our parish office? The Franciscan Missionary Union of our Friars Province offers two options of Spirituals for those looking to offer indulgences of Masses and Prayers for the faithfully departed. A "One Year" membership for $10 and a Perpetual Membershlp for $15. Spiritual Bouquets are a wonderful way to remember the faithfully departed with continued prayer. You may purchase a Spiritual Bouquet at the parish office Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 3PM. KEEPING UP WITH PARISH NEWS While many of our parishioners have returned from their summer destinations, others will head south for the fall and winter. In any event, we want to be certain that all of our parishioners are kept abreast of the latest happenings at Sacred Heart, so whether you are away for just a few weeks or several months we ' d be happy to mail a copy of the weekly bulletin right to your door! Remember that you can access the parish bulletin online via our web site www.sacredheart311@aol.com. If you do not have internet access we'll be happy to mail you a weekly bulletin upon request. Simply send us your mailing address or self- addressed business size enve lopes and we will be sure to send them to you each week. SUPPORT THE 311 CLUB Would you like to have the chance to win $1000 or. oth~r .c~sh prizes every month throughout the year? Then consider JOInIng the Sacred Heart Church 311 Club. The 311 Club membership costs just $55 per year or $5 per month for a chance to win one or more of several cash prizes ranging from $50 to $1,000 (Grand Prize) every month. In addition, those who attend the monthly drawings have an additional chance at winning one of the monthly DOOR prizes! The 311 drawings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30PM and free coffee and donuts are served. Already a member? Consider giving a gift of a 311 Club member ship to a family member or friend , it really is a gift that keeps on giving as your recipient has many chance~ to win all year ~o~g! The 311 Club benefits the Religious EducatIOn Program, provldmg emichment programs, resources for adult faith formation and spe cial programs offered through the year. 311 Club registrations are available in the church or by contacting the parish office at 781 893-8461. OCTOBER 30, 2016 PARISH NEWS. Continued PARISH NEWS. Continued CHRISTMAS GIFT AND CRAFT FAIR INMEMORY Last week we lost a kind and caring member of our parish commu nity. Donna (Champagne) Casey was an active member of our parish family. She and her husband Jim coordinated the ~ffertory Procession at the 7:30AM Mass where they were always In attend ance and looked forward to visiting with their fellow Mass at tendees before and after Mass. Donna was an incredibly talented photographer, web designer, painter,. cr~fter, graphic art~st, and published author! She was blessed with IOsunnountable gifts and viewed each of them as a true blessing from God. Donna selfless ly shared her talents with those around her. Many of them at one time or another received a special photo Donna had taken or a craft item she had made as a way to share her kindness and her talent with her friends and loved ones. She was always willing to return her gifts of time and talent to the Lord. We were benefac tors of her stewardship through her role as our parish's web mas ter. Through this ministry she kept us abreast of the latest parish activities and events, posted the weekly bulletin, photograph's of parish events, and occasionally she would work humor into our web site by "photo shopping" our friars with special effects (fun hats, costumes and scenery) to the delight of many! We will miss her friendship, sense of humor and the joy for life that she demon strated each day. For those of us who worshipped alongside her at Sunday morning Mass, there will certainly be a void that will nev er be filled , but we will honor her by keeping Donna ' s memory in our hearts and in our prayers. POPE FRANCIS-AMORIS LAETITIA This week we continue to explore the Synodal Apostolic Exholia tion Amoris Laetitia 'The Joy of Love' with focus' on the sacra ment of marriage #63 ""Jesus, who reconciled all things in him self, restored marriage and the family to their original form (cf. Mt 10: 1-12). Marriage and the family have been redeemed by Christ (cf. Eph 5:21-32) and restored in the image of the Holy Trinity, the mystery from which all true love flo~s. Th~ spousal covenant, originating in creation and revealed 10 the history of salvation, takes on its full meaning in Christ and his Church. Through his Church, Christ bestows on marriage and the family the grace necessary to bear witness to the love of God and to live the life of communion. The Gospel of the family spans the histo ry of the world, from the creation of man and woman in the image and likeness of God (cf. Gen I :26-27), to the fulfilment of the mystery of the covenant in Christ at the end of time with the mar riage of the Lamb (cf. Rev 19:9)" . It's that time of year when we look forward to our Christmas Gift and Craft Fair here at Sacred Heart! Mark your calendar for Satur day, November 51h from 9:00AM-4:00PM and ~unday, Novem ber 6tl' from 9:00AM-12 Noon. If you are lookmg to volunteer for a fun and successful parish event, come join us! We need vol unteers for set up on Thursday and Friday evening and break down on Sunday afternoon . We also need volunteers to help at the raffle table and to help keep coffee brewing for visitors and volunteers. If you are a crafter and have beautiful, unique craft items we ' d love to consider you to sell your wares at this event. We do ask that crafters submit photographs or links to their web sites or FB pages featuring your craft items for consideration. For infonnation on pursuing a table space or for volunteer information a~d plac~ ment please contact Annmarie Huff at 781-330-9472 or via e-mail at anmarie.huff@gmail.com. Please DO NOT CALL THE PAR ISH OFFICE since they will not be able to answer specific ques tions pel1aining to this event. SPIRITUAL BOUQUETS Did you know that you can purchase Spiritual Bouquets from our parish office? The Franciscan Missionary Union of our Friars Province offers two options of Spirituals for those looking to offer induloences of Masses and Prayers for the faithfully departed . A "OnebYear" membership for $10 and a Perpetual Membership for $15 . Spiritual Bouquets are a wonderful way to remember the faithfully departed with continued prayer. You may purchase a Spiritual Bouquet at the parish office Monday through Thursday from 9AM to 3PM. KEEPING UP WITH PARISH NEWS While many of our parishioners have returned from their summer destinations, others will head south for the fall and winter. In any event, we want to be certain that all of our parishioners are kept abreast of the latest happenings at Sacred HeaJ1, so whether you are away for just a few weeks or several months we 'd be happy to mail a copy of the weekly bulletin right to your door! Remember that you can access the parish bulletin online via our web site www.sacredheaI1311@aol.com. If you do not have internet access we'll be happy to mail you a weekly buJietin upon request. Simply send us your mailing address or self- addressed business size enve lopes and we will be sure to send them to you each week. SUPPORT THE 311 CLUB Would you like to have the chance to win $1000 or other cash prizes every month throughout the year? Then consider joining the Sacred Heart Church 311 Club. The 31 I Club membership costs just $55 per year or $5 per month for a chance to win one or more of several cash prizes ranging from $50 to $1,000 (Grand Prize) every month . In addition, those who attend the monthly drawings have an additional chance at winning one of the monthly DOOR prizes! The 311 drawings take place on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30Pl'y1 and free coffee and donuts are served. Already a member? Consider giving a gift of a 311 Club member ship to a family member or friend , it really is a gift that keeps on giving as your recipient has many chance~ to win all year ~o~g! The 311 Club benefits the Religious EducatIOn Program, provldmg enrichment programs, resources for adult faith fonnation and spe cial programs offered through the year. 311 Club registrations are available in the church or by contacting the parish office at 781 893-8461 . OCTOBER 30, 2016 COMMUNITY NEWS COMMUNITY NEWS, Continued JOB OPPORTUNITY AN OPPORTUNITY TO DEEPEN YOUR FAITH The Little Sisters of the Poor are seeking a talented, energetic Maintenance Supervisor with minimum 5 years of experience main taining facilities, mechanical systems, and routine preventive maintenance tasks as required. Plumber's or electrician license a plus! Please fax resume to 617-629-7926 or email to smhumanre sources@littlesistersofthepoor.org." The Archdiocese of Boston will host a Men's Cursillo weekend. Cursillo is a short course in Christianity. It is an encounter with Christ in a small community of the Church, in order to deepen your own faith and strengthen your ability to be witnesses of Christ in the world. The Men's Weekend will take place on De cember 1 - 4, 2016. The weekends run from Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon and are held at the Campion Center in Weston MA. For information and registration, please check the Boston Cursillo Website: www.bostoncursillo.org or call the Of fice of Spiritual Life at 617-779-3640 or email us at spiritu al_development@rcab.org. LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR BAZAAR The Little Sisters of the Poor will hold their annual Christmas Ba zaar on Saturday, November 12 9am - 4pm. There will be Big Raffle Prizes, Christmas Items, Games, Baked Goods including An gela's famous Irish Soda Bread and Lunch items including our popu lar Beef Stew! Mark your calendars! Don't miss this annual event running now for over 40 years!!! The event will take place at the Little Sisters of the Poor, 186 Highland Ave. Somerville, MA 02143 For more information please call 617-776-4420. "COME AND SEE" THE MARIST MISSIONARY SISTERS Young women are invited to "Come and See" the Marist Missionary Sisters on Saturday, November 1t h at 21 Beech St. Belmont MA. 02478 from lOAM-2PM. A time to pray, a time to listen to the sto ries of the Sisters lives, a time to question, a time to share, a time to reflect om your own future path. To reserve your place please con tact Sister Palepa at 781-996-9233 or via e-mail at: vocations@maristsmsm.org SAINT BENEDICT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Saint Benedict Elementary School in South Natick will hold an Open House on November 19,2016 from l:00-3:00PM. Now in its fourth year, SBE is a Catholic, classical character-focused school for students in Kindergarten through Grade 6. For more information or to RSVP for the Open House please contact us at sbar ry@stbenedictelementary.com MARIAN HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Marian High School, 273 Union Ave, Framingham, MA 01702 will hold Placement Exams on the following dates: High School Place ment Test Dates will be November 5, 2016: 8:00am-11:30am and December 3, 2016: 8:00am-11:30am. Please contact the Admis sions Office to register for any of these events: 508-875-7646 x203; admissions@marianhigh.org XAVERIAN BROTHERS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Xaverian Brothers High School, 800 Clapboardtree Street, West wood is hosting an Open House on Sunday, October 30 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Come meet students; teachers, coaches and ad ministrators. The day will feature student-led tours, a student presen tation and information about our Francis Xavier Division 7th and 8th grade program as well as the high school program. Register online at www.xbhs.com/openhouse or contact the Admissions Office at 781 326-6392. Independent School Entrance Exam (lSEE) for students entering 71h Grade will be held on Saturday, November 19, 8:30 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. and Saturday, December 3, 8:30 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. Reg ister at www.xbhs.com/exam The Xaverian ISEE code is #570431. Entrance Exams for students entering Grade 9 will be held on Satur day, November 19, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Or on Saturday, Decem ber 3, 8:30 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. Register at www.xbhs.com/exam The Xaverian HSPT code is #38 JESUS IN BOSTON All Young Adults and College Students are invited to join us on Friday, November 4th @ 7:30pm for our monthly "Jesus in Boston" event. This month, we will be at st. Leonard Church in Boston's North End. This is a great way to strengthen your interior life through the sacraments and to meet new people spending time in fellowship with other Catholic young adults. Join us for Eucharistic adoration, Mass, Confession, great food and even better people For more information please email Mike Drahos at MDrahos@rcab.org. HOSPICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Care Dimensions is in need of volunteers for our Hospice pa tients! Volunteers are ordinary people making extraordinary dif ferences in the lives of our patients. No matter what your skills, talents, or motivation, we have a volunteer opportunity for you! Our next training starts soon so please contact Sr. Volunteer Co ordinator, Jane Corrigan at 781-373-6574 or: jcorrigan@caredimensions.org for more information. OCTOBER RE Classes Pre-K-5 AND ROC Grades 9 & 10 Grade 5 Saint John's Seminary (bus departs at 1:30PM) NOVEMBER All Saints Day, 7:00PM Bristol Lodge Soup Kitchen Dinner 5PM Annual Mass for the Deceased of the Parish 9:00AM Christmas Gift and Craft Fair, Parish Hall RE Classes Pre-K-5 ONLY Grade 1 Liturgy, 10:00 AM NO RE ClassesNeterans Day Holiday Weekend Baptism Preparation Class 7:00PM 311 Club Drawing 7:30PM Advent Wreath Workshop in Parish Hall Coffee Social, Parish Hall following lOAM Mass RE Classes, Pre-K-5, Edge and ROC (ROC will meet in Church) Thanksgiving Day, Mass at 9:00AM Parish Grounds Memorials We are now at the point in our Parking Lot Project when various fixtures and finishing touches are underway. In an effort to meet our goal and complete the project, we are offering a unique opportunity for our parishioners to make a donation for specific need, while honoring their family member; either deceased or living. Details are as follows; Dedicate an Arborvitae Tree - $100 per tree Thirty-Five Arborvitae have been planted along the back of the parking lot. They will mature to a height of 12-14 feet, creating an esthetically pleasing border which will enhance the look of the church property while providing both the parish and neighboring residents more privacy. Each dedicated tree will have its own ground-staked marker bearing the name of your loved one. Dedicate a Walkway Light - $100 per light Our new walkway lamps light the path for all who come to worship while adding beauty to our grounds during the evening hours and providing us a well-lighted route to travel and from worship. Each of the ten light-posts will bear a metal marker with the name of your loved one. Dedicate a Parking lot Light with Security Camera - $500 per light The new parking lot lights provide generous lighting and added security for those coming to evening worship or parish activities. Two lights are still available for dedication to a loved one or family. Each light will be affixed with a marker bearing the name of your loved one. NOTE: Upon Completion of the Parking Lot and Grounds and additions of the Memorial Markers we will hold a special blessing following a weekend Mass with the date to be well publicized prior to the blessing and dedications. Those wishing to dedicate a memorial are asked to detach and return the form below along with your offering. Please print legibly as this will be used for engraving purposes. Memoria ls are currently limited to these specific items and will be granted on a first come first served basis. I would like to offer the following memorial: Arborvitae Tree $100 Per Tree Walkway Light _ $100 Per Light Parking Lot Light/Camera $500 Per Light In Memory of (Deceased loved one) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (OR) In Honor of (Living family member) Offered by: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Telephone #_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ - - _ E-Mail Address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Home Address - - - ------ - - - - - - - - - ADVENT IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! Order your Advent Wreath Kit (Or) Replacement Candle Sets Place your orders now and join us on Sunday, November 20th from 1O:30AM-12:00 Noon For our Advent Decorating Event! Advent Wreath Kit includes a quality artificial, flame-retardant Evergreen wreath with brass base, a four candle set (3 pink and 1 purple) and the Advent Family Prayer Booklet. Replacement candle sets, for those who already have an advent wreath, are also available to order. We will provide free decorative accents, to decorate your wreath at the workshop (Nov. 20th ) To place an order, complete and return the form below along with your payment to the ReI. Ed. office on or before Tuesday, November 14, 2016. For more information contact Bernadette at the Religious Education office 893-8461 or e-mail us at To order your Advent Wreath kit or replacement candle set Simply complete and return the form below. Family Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E-Mail_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Please reserve ___ Advent Wreath kit{s) @ $10.00 each (Wreath kit includes a candle set) ___Replacement candle set $4.00 (per set of four) Total enclosed- - Please return this order form with payment enclosed to the religious education office or place this form in an envelope clearly marked "Advent Wreaths" and drop it into the collection basket during Mass. Checks may be made payable to Sacred Heart Religious Education t Church Franciscan Friars 311 River Street Waltham, MA. 02453 Friar Dennis J. Wheatley O.F.M., Pastor Friar Damian J. Johnson, O.F.M., Pastoral Assistant I com all ~ho join us in worship. Whether you are h or ju t visiting the area} please introduce yourself to us. IJ PASTORAL Pastoral care to those who are ill or homebound may be arranged by contacting the parish office. SA RA NT OF RECONCILIATION Daily: Monday & Wednesday 7:30AM Tuesday 7:00PM P RISH Parish Secretary, Nannette Dube Director of Faith Formation , Bernadette Scalese Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Laura Peterson Coordinator of Children's Choir, Buddy Bergeron Coordinator Of Adult Ch0ir, Lisa Custodinho OF ARE OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND ICE Saturdays 3:00-3:30PM or by appointment BpI Baptisms take place on the Second Sunday of the month . Parents are required to attend baptism preparation class prior to the baptism. Please make arrangements at least two months in advance MAR IA ... Monday-Thursday 9:00AM-3:00PM Closed on Fridays Parish Office Phone: (781) 899-0469 Fax (781) 899-0081 Parish E-Mail: sacredheart311@AOL.com Parish Web Site: www.sacredheart311.org Religious EducationlYouth Ministry Office Phone: (781) 893-8461 Fax: (781) 893-6276 Religious Education: SacredheartED@AOL.com LIFE TEEN: Sacredheartlifeteen@comcast.net - ATONS Parish Council and Finance Council Knights of Columbus St. Francis of the Sacred Heart Council #14091 E-Mail: Sacredheartknights@hotmail.com Third Order of Mary Third Sunday of the month, October-May in the Blessed Mother Chapel. 311 Club Monthly Drawings: Third Thursdays at 7:30PM Couples planning marriage are asked to contact the parish office and meet with the priest one year prior to the intended wedding and to attend the required marriage preparation program. RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing process. Those interested in exploring the Catholic faith through the RCIA should contact the religious education office . D VOl 0 Saint Anthony Devotion takes place on Tuesday evenings immediately following the 7:00PM Mass. Eucharistic Adoration takes place on First Fridays from 8:00AM-12:00 Noon from October-May If you ~re a newcomer to the parish we welcome you and invite you to introduce yourself to the Friars. To register please contact the parish office . Deadline for bulletin announcements is Tuesday at noon.