CKAF 2016 Project Grant Guidelines


CKAF 2016 Project Grant Guidelines
CKAF 2016
Project Grant Guidelines
Application Deadline: Friday, April 22 at 5pm
Mailing and Location Address:
Project Grants
Kingston Arts Council
The Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning
115-­‐370 King Street West
Kingston, Ontario.
K7L 2X4.
If you require more information or clarification about the information contained in this package please contact Katharine
Vingoe-Cram, Grants Officer, at the Kingston Arts Council Grants Department at 613-546-2999 or
Guidelines 2016
Projects Grant
City of Kingston Arts Fund
Table of Contents
(NOTE: Terms that appear in italics in this document are defined in the Glossary at the end.
Introduction and Overview
Objectives of CKAF
Purpose of the CKAF Project Grant Program
Project Grant Parameters
Grant size
Funding Period
Eligibility Criteria
Exclusions from Eligibility
Exclusions from Eligible Costs
Application Process
Application Forms
Deadline for Application
Receipt of Applications
Adjudication of Applications
Notification of Results
Conditions of Funding
Reporting Requirements
Complaints Processes/Dispute Resolution
Adjudication Criteria
Project Grant Assessment Form
Further Information
Terms & Conditions
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Projects Grant
City of Kingston Arts Fund
Introduction & Overview
On March 20, 2007 City Council approved the budget increase of $400,000, coupled with
transferring $100,000 from the Healthy Community Fund Grant Program, to create the City of
Kingston Arts Fund (hereafter referred to as CKAF).
CKAF provides grants to local arts groups and organizations to foster creativity at all levels
and enrich how Kingston residents experience and engage with the arts. The applications are
reviewed using a peer assessment process that engages stakeholders from across Kingston
as jury members. While the reach of the Kingston Arts Council is regional, funding offered
through the City of Kingston Arts Fund is for organizations residing and operating within the
geographic boundary of the City of Kingston.
Approximately 30% of the City of Kingston Arts Fund is allocated to Project Grants each year,
awarded by the Kingston Arts Council as per the guidelines set out this document. All CKAF
applicants must strive to offer services that respect the independence, dignity, integration and
equal opportunity of individuals of all backgrounds and abilities.
Objectives of the City of Kingston Arts Fund
The objectives of the CKAF are to nurture the capacity of the arts, artists and the arts sector
in Kingston while fostering creativity, encouraging social cohesion, enhancing quality of
life and stimulating economic development through direct investment.
Objectives: City of Kingston;
Foster creativity within the Kingston Community at all levels;
Enrich how all Kingston residents experience and engage with the arts to
encourage awareness, understanding, appreciation, participation, inclusion,
diversity and access;
Leverage arts and culture to assert Kingston’s distinctiveness and to stimulate
economic development and tourism;
Ensure that arts funding aligns with that of comparable municipalities; and
Bring provincial, national and international recognition to Kingston as a centre for
the arts and culture.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Objectives of the City of Kingston Arts Fund
Objectives: Arts Sector;
Leverage municipal investments in the arts sector to increase their profile, capacity,
quality, professionalism, impact, relevance and sustainability;
Foster innovation, collaboration and excellence among emerging and established
professional practices across a spectrum of artistic disciplines and modes of
Seek professional development opportunities that benefit the arts sector an that
impact the community at different levels;
Pursue projects, programming and operations that are both creative and well
managed and that align with the City of Kingston’s strategic objectives;
Purpose of the CKAF Project Grant Program
The purpose of the Project Grants Program is to support the creation and presentation of arts
projects that reflect the objectives of CKAF.
Project Grant Parameters
Grant Size:
The Jury has discretion with regard to the amounts awarded, but normally the maximum
award for a Project Grant will be $20,000.
Funding Period:
Project Grants are awarded for a term of one year. Applications for projects that recur must
be submitted annually and will be adjudicated based on the following:
Success of the project in the previous year;
Innovation within the project; and
Availability of funds in the context of the priorities for funding.
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Project Grant Parameters
Eligibility Criteria:
Who can apply? In order to apply for an eligible arts project groups must be located in the
City of Kingston and be one of the following:
• An incorporated non-profit arts organization;
• A charitable arts organization;
• An incorporated non-profit organization;
• An unincorporated artist or community collective using an eligible sponsor;
• An unincorporated artist or community collective on their own
We will be applying as a non-profit organization/charitable organization. Are there any
other primary eligibility criteria we have to meet? In order to be considered a non-profit
organization under the CKAF Project Grant Guidelines, applicant organizations must meet all
the following criteria:
• Have a component which has an ongoing mandate or mission focussing on artistic
endeavour (either creation or presentation) as an objective; Or
• Engage professional artist(s) in a community arts project.
The applicant organization must be non-profit in orientation.
The applicant organization must be either:
• incorporated as a non-profit organization in and of itself; Or
• a distinct and discrete arts organization, other than an academic unit of an educational
institution, within a parent organization which is incorporated as a non-profit
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Project Grant Parameters
Eligibility Criteria:
Who can act as an eligible sponsor? In the case of collectives, in order to satisfy the City
of Kingston’s requirements for proof of insurance and financial statements, any incorporated
non-profit or charitable entity in Kingston, other than the KAC, may agree to act as a
collective’s sponsor. It is the responsibility of any unincorporated entity that wishes to apply to
do so through an intermediary entity that has the required status. The sponsor is responsible
for ensuring reports are completed. The sponsor may apply for its own project plus one
sponsored project in each grant cycle.
• How many Project Grant applications can we submit? Each organization or
collective may apply for support for one project each year. Organizations receiving an
Operating Grant may sponsor an artist or community collective for a Project Grant in
the same year.
• We are applying for a CKAF Operating Grant – can we also apply for a CKAF
Project Grant? You may apply for both, however, organizations receiving a CKAF
Operating Grant are not eligible to receive a Project Grant in the same year.
• I am an artist working alone. Can I apply for a CKAF grant as an individual artist?
Individual Artist Grants will not be available as part of the 2016 CKAF Program. You
may, however, apply as part of a collective using a sponsor or as a collective without a
• We are mounting a co-project or joint project with another organization. Are we
eligible to apply for a CKAF Project Grant?
• Yes, however, applicants that co-produce or otherwise work with a project
partner (either non-profit or for-profit) will be required to identify the lead
partner, state the terms of the co-project, and the manner in which the
duties and responsibilities will be shared.
• Applicants will also be required to identify the division of project costs or
budget responsibilities as well as the distribution of any potential project
surplus or deficit.
• The jury may require a copy of the partners or co-producers’ agreement,
prior to the delivery of the CKAF grant.
• As a general rule, it is expected that either the non-profit applicant would
assume all responsibility for any surplus or deficit generated by the
project OR the project partners involved would share any surplus or
deficit proportional to their contributions to the project.
• Organizations receiving CKAF Operating Funds may be part of a CoProject/Joint Project, but not the lead applicant.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Project Grant Parameters
Eligibility Criteria:
• Are there any other eligibility criteria we must meet? The applicant and any
sponsoring organization must be in good standing with the municipality both generally
and with regard to past City of Kingston Arts Fund and/or Healthy Community Fund
projects (successful completion of projects and submitted final reports).
Exclusions from Eligibility:
Normally, the following organizations will not be eligible for Project Grants:
• Academic units of educational institutions;
• Schools, conservatories and other organizations the primary mission of which is
training or education. (The presence of education or training as an ancillary part of an
organization's mandate will not result in an exclusion from eligibility);
• Charitable organizations or foundations, the primary mission of which is fundraising;
• Please note that City of Kingston Cultural Services and/or Kingston Arts Council
permanent or contract staff may not hold a primary role with any organization applying
to CKAF.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Project Grant Parameters
Exclusions from Eligible Costs:
Project Funds will not be provided:
• To further a profit venture or advantage a for-profit partner -- funding must be used to
further the applicant’s non-profit activities;
• For major capital purposes including but not restricted to the purchase of land,
equipment, fixtures or physical facilities;
• For fundraising events/projects;
• To recover the cost of a project deficit or an organization’s financial deficits;
• Organizations or collectives receiving operating, project or other forms of funding from
the City of Kingston through sources other than CKAF are deemed ineligible to receive
funding through CKAF for the duration of the applicable agreement. In-kind support* is
excepted, especially as it may relate to participation in multi-partner initiatives;
• To programs/services that are delivered by an organization aligned with any political
• For activities already receiving project funds through other municipal programs;
• To pay for project expenses incurred prior to the official announcement of CKAF Grant
Recipients at a meeting of Kingston City Council.
Application Process
Application Forms:
• Application forms and guidelines are available for download on-line at
• Paper copies of the application forms and guidelines are available for pickup at:
• The Kingston Arts Council office (The Tett Centre for Creativity and
Learning, 370 King Street West, Unit 115);
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Application Process
Application Forms:
• The reception desk at City Hall (216 Ontario Street); and
• The Kingston Frontenac Public Library information desk (Central Branch,
130 Johnson Street).
• Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Kingston Arts Council Grants Department after reviewing the forms and guidelines but prior to submitting an
application to confirm their eligibility and discuss their grant application.
• It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the application is complete and that
all required information is provided. Please adhere to all restrictions on page limits.
Extra pages will be removed.
• No handwritten applications will be accepted. No electronic or fax submissions will be
• No late or incomplete applications will be accepted. This includes the required number
of original signatures and the required financial records.
• For the Project Grant program please submit a Project Budget only. Do
not submit an Operating Budget for your entire organization. Include only
the revenues and expenses relevant to the project for which you are
applying for funding.
• Revenues and Expenses in the proposed Project Budget must balance.
• Applicants are encouraged to consider Insurance costs and budget
accordingly (see Conditions of Funding for further detail).
Supplementary Material (New in 2016):
• Each organization or collective applying for Project funding must submit
3 examples of Supplementary Material with their application.
• Supplementary Material may be in a combination of text, video, audio or
image files depending on the nature of the application.
• New collectives may include examples that indicate the past work of
individuals in the collective
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Application Process
Application Forms:
Supplementary Material (New in 2016):
• All text submissions should not add up to more than 5 pages
• All video/audio submissions should not add up to more than 10 minutes
• For good quality, it is advised that images should be a minimum of 1000
x 1000 pixels and a maximum of 2000 x 2000 pixels.
• Maximum 2 MB per file and 10 MB per submission.
• Do not submit hard copies of Supplementary Material with your
application. Please follow the instructions in the Application Form about
how to submit your Supplementary Materials online.
Year-end Financial Statements: Each organization or collective applying for funding must
submit a single copy of its Year-end Financial Statements, according to the following
• If your organization or collective has Year-end Financial Statements
which have been audited or reviewed by a Chartered Accountant,
please include a single copy of the most recent audited or reviewed
financial statements.
• CKAF Grants must be broken out on the financial statement, either in the
body or as a note to the financial statement. Financial statements must
be signed by representatives of the board/governing body.
• If your organization or collective does not have Year-end Financial
Statements which have been audited or reviewed by a Chartered
Accountant, please include a single copy of the most recent unaudited
Financial Statements.
• If you are applying under the umbrella of a sponsor, please include a
single copy of the most recent audited/reviewed (preferred) or unaudited
Year-end Financial Statements of the sponsor. You may also wish to
include a single copy of the audited/reviewed or unaudited Year-end
Financial Statements of the Applicant organization or collective, if they
are available.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Application Process
Application Forms:
Year-end Financial Statements:
• If you are applying as a distinct and discrete arts organization
within a parent organization which is incorporated as a non-profit
organization (see the Kingston Arts Council Plan for Administration of
Arts Funding for the Corporation of the City of Kingston in 2016 –
Appendix B for more details. This can be found at
your organization should submit its own discrete audited/reviewed Yearend Financial Statements as specified above.
If your organization is unable to provide these independent statements
in an audited/reviewed form, but your parent organization has
audited/reviewed Year-end Financial Statements that include the
financial records of the applicant organization, then these will be
accepted, provided that your also submit a separate schedule detailing
the applicant organization’s audited statements.
• If you are applying as a collective without a sponsor, and do not
have any financial statements, please ensure that your reference letters
speak to your ability to manage finances.
Deadline for Applications:
Completed Applications are due at the Kingston Arts Council Office on or before
Friday, April 22, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
• Applicants must submit:
• The completed and signed original Application Form & Budget, (with
Reference Letters - for collectives) as well as 10 photocopies (11 copies
in total) as listed in the Instructions and Checklist on the Application
• Completed Supplementary Material Form
• One copy only of their most recent Year-end Financial Statements and
any relevant Partnership Confirmation Letters.
• An electronic copy of the Application form and Budget, sent to
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Application Process
Deadline for Applications:
• The completed Supplementary Material Web Form
• Please read the attached Terms and Conditions page carefully before
signing the Application forms.
• Please see the Application Instructions and Application Checklist for
more detailed information about how to package and submit your
• If you are applying as a collective without a sponsor, and do not
have any financial statements, please ensure that your reference letters
speak to your ability to manage finances.
• Applications may be dropped off in person at the KAC Office, or sent by post to the
KAC Mailing Address. Applications sent by post must reach the Kingston Arts Council
no later than the published deadline. Applications sent by fax or email will not be
• Mailing Address: Project Grants, Kingston Arts Council, The Tett Centre for Creativity
and Learning, 370 King Street West, Unit 115. Kingston, Ontario. K7L 2x4.
• Location Address: The Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning, 370 King Street West,
Unit 115. Kingston, Ontario.
Receipt of Applications:
• To be considered for funding, organizations or collectives must submit a grant
application to be received at the KAC office by or before the published deadline.
• All applications will be date stamped and numbered when received. Applicants will
receive a notification that their application has been received and will be forwarded to
the Jury. A file copy of this notification will also be retained in the KAC Grants
Department files.
Adjudication of Applications
• All applications are forwarded to the Jury of the KAC Grants Committee.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Application Process
Adjudication of Applications
• Applications are evaluated via a system of peer-assessment protocols consistent with
models in other municipalities. These protocols have been developed after extensive
consultation and discussion with City of Kingston staff and a number of other granting
• All Members of the Grants Committee must abide by the Conflict of Interest Rules set
out in the Kingston Arts Council Plan for Administration of Arts Funding for the
Corporation of the City of Kingston in 2016, and as amended from time to time.
• The Jury of the KAC Grants Committee evaluates applications based on the objectives
of CKAF and the Grant Assessment Form. Jury decisions will then be forwarded to the
Kingston Arts Council Board of Directors for ratification and subsequently to Kingston
City Council for ratification.
• Decisions of the Jury of the KAC Grants Committee that have been ratified by the
Kingston Arts Council and Kingston City Council are final.
Notification of Results
It is anticipated that notification in writing of funding results will be mailed to all applicants in
July 2016.
• Communication of jury results and relevant jury comments will be made via the KAC
Grants Administrator’s office only. Prior to the announcement date, results are never
released in any manner.
• If a project is recommended for funding, the applicant will enter into a contract with the
Kingston Arts Council outlining the terms of the funding and reporting requirements.
• Applicants who undertake projects prior to confirmation of funding from the CKAF do so
at their own risk.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Conditions of Funding
• At least two signing officers of any organization/group receiving a CKAF Project Grant
will be required to sign a contract, recognizing its obligations regarding the use of the
funds and reporting requirements, prior to delivery of the grant cheque.
• Evidence of $5,000,000 liability insurance coverage will be required from either the
applicant organization/collective or sponsor organization before any awarded funds are
released. This insurance coverage must name the Kingston Arts Council and the City
of Kingston as additional insureds. Contact the Kingston Arts Council if you need
assistance with insurance coverage.
• A hold back totalling 10% of the total funding awarded will be released upon successful
submission of the Final Report. For example:
Total Grant Amount:
$9,000 Amount released on receipt of Grant Contract and Insurance
Amount released on successful submission of
Final Report
• Grants shall be used only for the purpose(s) outlined in the application. Any changes
in scale, activities, key personnel, and/or timeframe must be reported
immediately to the Kingston Arts Council Grants Department and the Chair of the
Grants Committee for review. Any proposed changes must be agreed to by the
Grants Department before they may be put into practice. For this reason, it is
particularly important that applicants craft their response to the question regarding the
Project Backup Plan carefully to ensure that it is well thought out, complete, and
accurate, in order to maximize the chances of their requested changes being approved.
• The Jury of the KAC Grants Committee may place conditions on the release of
grants (e.g. confirmation of venues, other sources of funding, programming). Any
specific condition associated with a grant will be contained in the letter of notification.
• No more than 20% of the project budget can be for administration/overhead
costs (this includes administrative salaries and fees).
• Funds may be used for one-time (minor) capital costs as long as it is demonstrated that
the results will have a positive benefit to the community and meet the CKAF objectives.
• Projects should be completed and Grants spent prior to December 31st, 2017.
• As a recipient of public funds, successful applicants are required to maintain adequate
and accurate records as to receipt and disbursement of funds received from the City of
Kingston Arts Fund.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Conditions of Funding
• Grant recipients are required to acknowledge the support of the Kingston Arts Council
and the City of Kingston in all publications and promotional materials relating to the
activities for which the funds are granted. Current logos and instructions for their use
for both organizations may be obtained by contacting the Kingston Arts Council Grants
Department at <>
• Grant recipients must maintain an active link from their website to the KAC website.
• Three signing officers of any collective receiving a CKAF Project Grant will be required
to sign a contract, recognizing its obligations regarding the use of the funds and
reporting requirements, prior to delivery of the grant cheque. Sponsored collectives
require five signatures (3 collective signing officers, 2 sponsor signing officers).
• Funding from the CKAF cannot be used to pay for expenses incurred prior to the
official announcement of CKAF Grant Recipients at Kingston City Council.
Invoices or receipts may be requested to establish when expenditures have been
• Budget for the insurance costs: Because adequate insurance is a prerequisite of
funding, all applicants are strongly encouraged to contact an insurance agent/broker
prior to submitting their CKAF application. Applicants should budget costs associated
with insuring their particular Project. You should include the cost of this insurance in
your CKAF Project budget.
Reporting Requirements
• Interim Reports: For all organizations/collectives receiving funding from the 2016
CKAF program, an Interim Report is required by December 31st, 2016. Interim Report
requirements will be sent to successful applicants and will be available on the Kingston
Arts Council website –
• Final Reports: For all organizations/collectives receiving funding from the 2016 CKAF
program, a Final Report is required 60 days after project completion. A hold back
totalling 10% of total funding awarded will be released upon successful
submission of the Final Report. Final Report requirements will be sent to successful
applicants and will be available on the Kingston Arts Council website –
• Extended Report Deadline Requests: If a funded project is not completed by the
reporting deadline, the organization must file a second Interim Report along with a
request for an extended Final Report deadline.
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
• For each grant approved, a cheque will be written for the full amount of the Grant. No
funds will be held back pursuant to a Final Report.
• How late or unsubmitted Reports affect future grant eligibility: If an organization or
collective in receipt of a grant from a CKAF program has overdue Interim or Final
reports, it will not be eligible to apply for further CKAF grant funding until such time as
those reports are submitted to and accepted by the Kingston Arts Council.
Complaints Process/Dispute Resolution
• All complaints and concerns relating to the adjudication, guidelines and criteria for the
allocation of funds pursuant to the CKAF should be addressed to the Chair of the
Grants Committee c/o The Kingston Arts Council. The Chair will then forward a written
report with respect to such complaints and concerns to the Board Chair of the KAC. In
the event that a complaint specifically involves/implicates the Chair of the Grants
Committee, that complaint may be addressed directly to the President of the KAC. A
complaint or dispute should always be initially directed to the Kingston Arts Council.
• Any concerns or complaints regarding a potential undeclared conflict of interest of a
member of the Grants Committee shall be made in writing to the President of the KAC.
• The City of Kingston will be notified by the KAC of all concerns and complaints received.
• The Kingston Arts Council Plan for Administration of Arts Funding for the Corporation of
the City of Kingston in 2016 contains further information on the procedures in place to
ensure impartiality in the CKAF process. This document is available for download from
the KAC website at
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Adjudication Criteria
Criteria for adjudication of Project Grant applications:
Every Project Grant application will be assessed by the Jury using the following form. It would
be beneficial for you to review your application and ensure that it contains all the information
required to make this assessment.
Total scores are used to initiate the Grants Committee meeting discussions, however, do not
solely determine funding.
2016 CKAF Project Grant Assessment Form
Rating: 0 – Incomplete/Unable to assess 1 – Weak 5 – Acceptable/Neutral 10 – Outstanding
Assessment Question
Rating (please circle)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Creativity in Project Activities
To what degree does the project foster
To what degree does the project leverage
the municipal investment to increase their
profile, capacity, quality, professionalism,
impact, relevance, and sustainability?
Does the project contribute to the
development of the artists and the art
form in Kingston?
To what degree is the project consistent
with the applicant's mandate and/or
ongoing strategies?
Does the project bring provincial, national
or international recognition to Kingston as
a centre for the arts?
To what extent does the project foster
innovation, collaboration, and excellence?
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Adjudication Criteria
Criteria for adjudication of Project Grant applications:
2016 CKAF Project Grant Assessment Form (Continued)
Assessment Question
Rating (please circle)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Community Benefits
To what degree does the project enrich
how all Kingston residents experience
and engage with the arts?
To what extent does the project leverage
arts and culture to assert Kingston's
distinctiveness, and stimulate economic
development and tourism?
Does the project foster inclusion,
diversity, and access within the arts?
Do the project activities take place
primarily in Kingston and for the benefit
of the residents of Kingston?
How much of the project funding will be
expended in Kingston?
Does the project include professional
development opportunities that benefit
the arts sector and impact the
Project Management and Financial
Has the applicant demonstrated an ability
to fully realize the scope of the proposed
project? Is it feasible?
Does the proposal explain how they are
going to measure the success of the
project? Are these assessment strategies
feasible and appropriate to the project?
Does the project make effective and
efficient use of existing resources?
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Adjudication Criteria
Criteria for adjudication of Project Grant applications:
2016 CKAF Project Grant Assessment Form (Continued)
Assessment Question
To what extent does the project
emphasize partnership building with other
sectors and orders of government to
encourage diversity in terms of access
and funding?
Does the applicant demonstrate
responsible financial management?
Has the applicant demonstrated initiative
and/or success in attempting to generate
revenue outside of the City of Kingston
Arts Fund?
Rating (Please Circle)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Supplementary Material
Does the Supplementary Material
support proposed project?
To what extent does the supplementary
material reflect the objectives of
innovation and artistic merit?
Does the Supplementary Material
indicate a past history of creation with a
focus on excellence?
Does the Supplementary Material
indicate that the Project will benefit the
Kingston community and promote
engagement in the arts?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Issues which might affect CKAF funding:
• The degree to which the City already supports the applicant (through reduced rent,
funding through another City program, etc);
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• The applicant’s previous CKAF and other City Grant experience and track record (if
applicable): Were projects completed on time and reports submitted as required? Did
projects meet their stated objectives?
TOTAL SCORE: _______/ 290
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Glossary Terms
Artist collective: A group of three or more artists who have come together for the purposes
of artistic creation and presentation in a collective artistic endeavour. Collectives are not
normally incorporated. Collectives may apply to CKAF through an eligible sponsor or apply
directly for CKAF funding providing they meet the requirements of the program set out in
clause C.2 Project Grants. See also community collective.
Charitable arts organization: A charitable organization whose mandate or mission is
focused primarily on artistic creation and presentation.
Charitable organization: To be considered as charitable an organization’s purposes must
be exclusively and legally charitable and it must be established for the benefit of the public or
a sufficient segment of the public. It must also be registered with the Canada Revenue
Agency as having charitable status under The Income Tax Act. Organizations so registered
are able to issue tax receipts for charitable donations.
Collective: See Artist collective and Community collective.
Community arts project: Broadly defined, a community arts project involves a collaborative
creative process between a professional practicing artist and a community. It is a collective
method of art-making, engaging professional artists and self-defined communities through
collaborative, artistic expression. It is as much about process as it is about the artistic product
or outcome. A community arts project provides a unique way for communities to express
themselves and enables artists, through financial and other support, to engage in creative
activity with communities. This broad definition identifies three elements which separate
community arts projects from other methods of art-making:
• the co-creative relationship between artist and community;
• a focus on process as an essential tool for collective, collaborative, mutually-beneficial
• the active participation of artists and community members in the creative process.
The source of this definition is Community Arts Ontario. See also eligible arts project.
Community collective: A group of three or more individuals who have come together for a
specific purpose involving a clearly defined endeavour. Collectives may apply to CKAF
through an eligible sponsor or apply directly for CKAF funding providing they meet the
requirements of the program set out in clause C.2 Project Grants. See also artist
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City of Kingston Arts Fund
Glossary Terms
Co-project: see joint project
Deficit: An excess of expenditure over revenue. See also surplus.
Eligible arts project: In order to be an eligible arts project, a project must fulfill the criteria
outlined in section C.2.of this document. Of particular interest is the paid involvement of
professional artists in the planning, direction, and execution of the project.
Eligible sponsor: Any non-profit or charitable entity located in Kingston, Ontario may act as
a sponsor to the CKAF Project Grant Program. See also Sponsor.
Festival: An organized and regularly recurring period or program of cultural performances,
exhibitions, or competitions (often in one place) involving a number of entities (e.g.
performing groups, performers, presenters, exhibitors, competitors) focused on a specific
cultural or artistic activity.
For-profit partner: A for-profit enterprise collaborating in a project with an eligible non-profit
group. See also surplus and deficit.
Joint Project: A project in which the applicant co-produces a project in an administrative,
financial, or artistic manner. Typically, a joint project involves each partner taking on a
substantial amount of responsibility, thought one partner may be the lead partner. A joint
project may involve both non-profit and for-profit entities, but in order to be eligible to apply to
the CKAF, the lead partner or one equal partner must be a non-profit or charitable entity.
Non-profit arts organization: A non-profit organization whose mandate or mission is
focused primarily on artistic creation and presentation.
Non-profit organization: An organization not conducted or maintained for the purpose of
making a profit. Instead, it operates to serve a public good. Non-profit organizations are
specifically incorporated as such. Any surplus generated by a non-profit organization is used
by the organization for the purposes for which it was established.
Peer assessment: CKAF jury members are arts professionals, practitioners and/or persons
who are knowledgeable in the arts with high standing within the arts community. These
jurors evaluate funding requests and make decisions to CKAF on who gets grants and in
what amounts. Peer assessment ensures that the arts community has a voice in how funds
are distributed, and that applications are evaluated by artists and other experts with
knowledge and experience of the specific art forms, art practices and communities involved.
2016 CKAF Project Grant Guidelines
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Guidelines 2016
Projects Grant
City of Kingston Arts Fund
Glossary Terms
Primary role: Individuals in key staff or decision-making positions within an organization or
who sits on the Board of Directors for an organization.
Professional artist: Someone who has developed skills through training and/or practice, and
is recognized as such by artists working in the same artistic tradition, and has a history of
public presentation or publication, and seeks payment for his or her work and actively
practices his or her art. Short breaks in artistic history are allowed. The source of this
definition is the Ontario Arts Council.
Sponsor: A sponsor is defined as any non-profit or charitable entity located in Kingston,
Ontario, other than the KAC, that may agree to support an artist or community collective that
wishes to apply for funding through the CKAF Project Grant Program. As part of the
agreement between sponsor and collective the Sponsor will receive and disburse project
funds on behalf of the applicant/collective. A Sponsor may also assist the applicant by
securing insurance coverage and agrees to file a final report on a CKAF Project Grant if the
collective involved does not provide reports as required. In this scenario the Sponsor shares
some responsibility for the successful management of the CKAF Project Grant and is
expected to provide professional advice and mentorship to the applicant as needed. A
Sponsor is not intended to gain financially from this agreement but may be reimbursed for out
of pocket expenses directly related to the management of the CKAF Project Grant. If
otherwise qualified, a Sponsor may also apply to receive funding through the CKAF Project
Grant Program within the same grant cycle.
Surplus: The amount of money gained from the execution of a project after payment of all
eligible expenses. See also deficit. In the case of a joint project, as a general rule, we
would expect that either:
• the non-profit applicant would assume all responsibility for any surplus or deficit
generated by the project; or • the project partners involved would share any surplus or deficit proportional to their
contributions to the project.
Further Information
If you require more information or clarification about the information contained in this package
please contact Katharine Vingoe-Cram, Grants Officer at the Kingston Arts Council Grants
Department at 613-546-2999 or <>.
2016 CKAF Project Grant Guidelines
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Guidelines 2016
Project Grants
City of Kingston Arts Fund
Terms and Conditions for Grantees
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before signing the attached form. In this
document, “KAC” refers to “Kingston Arts Council; “CKAF” refers to “City of Kingston Arts Fund.”
Please Note: The authorizing signatures
on the attached Grant Agreement Contract
indicate that the organization agrees to
abide by the Terms and Conditions
governing the receipt of a CKAF Grant.
1. Grants shall only be used for the
purposes outlined in the CKAF grant
notification letter. Changes to the scale and
scope of activities, including substantial
changes in budget and programming, must
be reported to the KAC. If the changes are
not accepted by KAC, repayment may be
required and no further applications will be
accepted nor any grant payments issued to
the organization until the grant is repaid.
2. As a recipient of public funds, grant
recipients are required to maintain adequate
accounting records as to the receipt and
disbursement of funds received from the
CKAF. Applicants should also be aware that
their grant records may be reviewed.
3. The recipient must submit a final report
and/or provide details as required by the
KAC. Organizations that receive Project
support must provide a report 60 days after
project completion. Organizations that
receive Operating support should provide a
report with the following year’s application. If
a report is not received when due, KAC may
require repayment of the grant, and will not
accept any further applications from or issue
any grant payments to the organization until
the grant is repaid or an acceptable report
4. The final report (or subsequent year’s
application) for organizations in receipt of an
Operating Grant in excess of $30,000 must
submit a single copy of the Audited Financial
Report for the most recent fiscal year
available. Organizations in receipt of an
Operating Grant $30,000 or less must
submit a single copy only of the Review
Engagement Report for the most recent
fiscal year available (a Review Engagement
Report is reviewed and signed by a
chartered accountant, but has not been
formally audited). Organizations in receipt of
an Operating Grant $10,000 or Less with
revenues under $100,000 must submit an
Unaudited Financial Statement (or, if
available, Review Engagement or Audited
Financial Statement). Unaudited Financial
Statements must be prepared using the
format of the CADAC accounting template,
found at, along
with a guide to its use. CKAF grants must be
broken out on the financial statement, either
in the body or as a note to the statement.
Financial statements must be signed by
representatives of the board of directors.
5. All Grant Recipients shall acknowledge
the support of the CKAF by using the logos
of the Kingston Arts Council and the City of
Kingston in advertising, programs and
brochures relating to the activities for which
funds are granted. If the recipient is unable
to include these logos in a design (as when,
on small flyer or advertisement, space does
not permit them to be legibly included), the
recipient must acknowledge the support of
the CKAF by specifying it in the text of the
6. Grants awarded in any year should not be
considered a recurring funding commitment.
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Guidelines 2016
Project Grants
City of Kingston Arts Fund
Terms and Conditions for Grantees
7. Evidence of $5,000,000 liability
insurance coverage is required from the
recipient organization before the CKAF
funds are released. The organization
receiving funding from the CKAF shall
maintain commercial general liability
insurance coverage with a minimum
inclusive bodily injury and property damage
limit of $5,000,000 throughout the term of
the grant (or, in the case of Project Grants,
throughout the term of the event or activities
of the project) and file a copy of their
certificate of liability insurance showing the
City of Kingston and the Kingston Arts
Council as additional insureds.
The Organization agrees to indemnify and
save harmless the City of Kingston and the
Kingston Arts Council for any and all costs,
claims or judgments made by or on their
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