Winter 2016.indd


Winter 2016.indd
A quarterly newsle er for Ongwanada’s families, staff, volunteers, and Home Share providers.
Winter 2016
support respect choices
Christmas Luncheon 2015
On December 3, 2015, Ongwanada hosted its Annual Christmas Luncheon for the people we support to enjoy
a Christmas meal and some quality time with family, friends, volunteers, and staff. This year, 544 meals were
served at Ongwanada’s Resource Centre. Thank you to Nutrition Services, Housekeeping, Maintenance, and all
staff and volunteers who made the day a success.
(From le to right): Adam Gilroy with Santa; Joe Leduc; Carol and her mother; Al Stewart and Bev Prairie
(From le to right): Jan Spencer and Cst. Greg Harbec; Bob Seaby and Tom Collard; Kim McCormick, Alison Treadgold, Suzanne Augustyn, and Linda Murray
(From le to right): Jimmy Tibbet; Spencer Shepherd; Marleen Elliot and Bill Hall; Line for delicious meal
(From le to right): Doug Jeffries with APS client; Elena Young and Catherine; Thomas Babcock with family
Winter 2016
Christmas Luncheon 2015
(From le to right): Linda Murray gives Santa a hug; Two of the Kingston Police volunteers; Lorainne Kimmerly
with Cathy Redden and her guest
(From le to right): Heather Harris and Jan Spencer; Brenda Trenhaile and her brothers; Yve e Roy, Amy Wartman, Shannon Pierce, Brooke VanGuyze, Shelley Gelineau, and Pete Fowler
(From le to right): Donna Cherry plays the piano; Andrea Blake and her mother; CKWS’ Shauna Cunningham and
Maegen Kulchar; New Board members, Geoff McMullen and Randy Casford, serve hot meals
(From le to right): Brandon Tice and his mother; Kenny Wagar plays the piano; and Miriam Ircha shows herChristmas spirit in her Santa hat
Winter 2016
eCIMS Update
eCIMS stands electronic client information management system and
is essentially the electronic file we
are putting in place of the paper file
for each individual supported within Ongwanada.
The last few months have been very
busy, but productive, for the eCIMS project. Much work, including
training of Super Users in late November, has been completed along
with a lot of hard work in Clinical
Records and Client Information
with data conversion and remediation, while the eCIMS vendor, NucleusLabs focuses on configuration
of advanced features.
December to the Clinical Records training,” exclaimed Shelley GelinTeam. This system includes live, eau, Project lead.
updated person-served
data. The Clinical Records Team is now reviewing the data and
remediating any issues
ahead of the end-ofJanuary launch time for
remaining Phase 1 staff.
NucleusLabs will be
working with the eCIMS Committee to create
schedules for staff train- Execu ve Director, Wade Durling, par cipa ng
ing for Phase 1 with the in Super User training for eCIMS in November
second session of Super
User training tentatively
scheduled for January 2529 and general staff training for Phase 1 programs
taking place the following two weeks (February
1-5 and February 8-12).
The training in November provided
the Super Users (individuals who
will act as trainers and support to
other staff) with great insight into
the main functions of the eCIMS
solution, showing users how userfriendly the system is and how Ong- “The first training seswanada and the people we serve sion left Super Users exwill benefit.
cited and a lot less over- Jason Dempster, Sco Taylor, and Larry EllenThe live system was released mid- whelmed than prior to the wood from NucleusLabs
Changes in residenƟal services to beƩer serve individuals with unique needs
On September 29, 2015, Wade Durling, Executive Director, announced
that with the objective of a more
planned approach to supporting some
individuals requiring more intensive
supports, as well as in line with Ongwanada’s Strategic Plan, Vision 2020,
and its 2015/16 Operational Plan,
that the following changes will, and
have since, occurred:
• A total of four existing spaces within residential services were changed
to four spaces that will support indi-
viduals with more intensive support
• The four spaces at Henrietta Community Residence were re-allocated
to Gore Road Community Residence
to accommodate this change;
• Gore Road Community Residence is
now linked with the Treatment Home
with intent of longer term residential
support along with a continued treatment component;
• Residents who lived at Henrietta are
now being supported at other commu-
Winter 2016
nity residences based on their needs;
• Staff at Henrietta were relocated to
other community residences; and,
• Gore Road officially opened on November 30, 2015.
A number of renovations were completed at the Gore home to accommodate these changes.
The people supported and their families were thrilled that a long-term residential solution was found.
Auxiliary donates $50,000 to Ongwanada
Ongwanada’s United Way
Campaign results
On December 8, Ongwanada’s
United Way Committee held its final fundraising event of the year - a
Execu ve Director, Wade Durling (far le ) and Assistant Execu ve Director, Christmas Bazaar at the OngwanaKaren Menzies (far right) receive the generous dona on from the Auxiliary da Resource Centre.
on December 8, 2015.
The event attracted over 15 local
Ongwanada is grateful for a significant donation from the Ongwanada
Auxiliary. The $50,000 was donated
to be used to purchase a new boiler
for the steamer in Nutrition Services, a video surveillance system for
a new home supporting individuals
with complex needs, and additional
funding for Ongwanada’s Chaplaincy.
“This is a wonderful donation and
a much appreciated gesture,” says
Karen Menzies, Assistant Executive Director, Planning and Vocational Services. “This donation provides Ongwanada with the funding
to purchase items that help us better
serve the people we support while
keeping them safe and we wouldn’t
have been able to do it without this
events over the last couple of years.
The group also operates a cafeteria
and gift shop at the Ongwanada Resource Centre located at 191 Portsmouth Avenue.
vendors selling various items and
raised a total of $530.
This amount brought the total raised
by Ongwanada’s United Way committee this year to $8,292 which
The Auxiliary is always looking for went towards the $3,414,000 total
volunteers, so if you or someone donated by KFL&A residents to
you know is interested, please con- support local programs.
tact Paula Smith at 613.548.4417 Although Ongwanada didn’t reach
ext. 1163 or psmith@ongwanada. its goal of $10,000, it raised a lot of
com for information.
money for a good cause that helps
many within our community and
it built our partnerships within the
Auxiliary Christmas Bake Sale
On December 8, 2015, the Auxil- Thank you to members of the Ongiary held its Annual Christmas Bake wanada United Way Committee
Sale and, thanks to baked good do- and to all of those who contribnations from staff and volunteers, uted through time, money, and/or
raised a total of $587.
resources to help this year’s camThank you to everyone who pur- paign.
chased baked goods.
The Auxiliary was able to raise the
funds by organizing a number of
Winter 2016
Vision 2020: 2015-16 OperaƟng Plan Update
On December 8, Executive Director
Wade Durling provided an update on
what has been achieved in the 201516 Operating Plan in accordance to
Vision 2020, Ongwanada’s 5-year
Strategic Plan.
Strategic Priority 1: Applying person-centred principles to renew
our service model
• Ongwanada has identified Helen
Sanderson and Associates, a social enterprise that works to create
person-centred change by transformaing how people think, plan, and
meet together, as the organization
that will train staff on this renewed
service model and way of thinking.
There will be two initial trainings a two-day introduction to approximately 22 staff and a second certification training for six staff.
Strategic Priority 2: Building capacity in the sector
• Opened Gore Community Residence as a home which can support
up to four individuals who require
more intensive supports.
• Realigned reporting within the organization such that clinical services within Ongwanada will now
report to on senior manager
• Working on various community
committees such as the regional
committee which supports those
with complex challenges; Community of Practice; and Children and
Youth Planning Steering Committee.
• Provincially, the Community Networks of Specialized Care (CNSC)
has developed a work plan with a
provincial focus that will include
emphasis this year on the Care and
Treatment Guidelines and Dual Diagnosis Framework.
• Discussion is occurring to assess a
change in the admission process to
the Regional Treatment Home from
a Regional Committee to a Clinical
Team. There has also been work on
transition and new admissions.
Strategic Priority 3: Building capacity in Ongwanada
• Implemented eCIMS (Electronic
Client Information Management
• Streamlined business flow
• Developed internal IT department
• Researching corporate filing system
Strategic Priority 4: Improve accountability and outcomes
• Will be using core data through the
use of eCIMS to assist in monitoring performance
• Will adjust reporting to the Board
and for the Annual Report to include regular reporting on Vision
• Modifying role of Client Information Services Coordinator to also
provide analysis of data
• Realigning data collection, including that of accreditation, to fall in
line with Vision 2020
Sprinkler System
InstallaƟon Update
Changes to the Fire Protection and
Prevention Act and NFPA Regulation 13D for “care occupancies” requires Ongwanada to ensure it has
sprinkler systems installed in all of
its community residences by January 1, 2019.
Prior to 2015, Ongwanada had 13
properties that did not have sprinkler systems in place. Ongwanada
has since received funding to install
systems in five homes this fiscal
year (by March 31, 2016). As of the
end of December, the organization
has completed the sprinkler installation in three of the required five
homes -- McKeown, Henry, and
Douglas. This month, Ongwanada
will commence the installation at
Montreal North and Montreal South
Community Residences.
In order to complete the installation
of the sprinkler systems, the staff
and clients have been relocated to a
vacant community residence (Henrietta Community Residence). The
contractors were able to complete
some of the external work (digging
trenches and installing a larger water line to the home) prior to the reAs you can see, since Vision 2020’s location of staff and clients in order
development, much has been done to minimize their time away from
both internally and externally to their home.
move Ongwanada forward towards The remaining eight homes requirits Vision.
ing sprinklers will be completed
To read the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan when further funding is available.
and the 2015-16 Operating Plan in its More information on the sprinkler
entirety, visit Ongwanada’s website installations will be available in fuat
ture editions of the Horizon.
Winter 2016
Ongwanada around the Community
Ongwanada gives back to Kingston community
Ongwanada’s gratitude challenge concluded in October with an opportunity to serve at Kingston’s Sunday Suppers, a weekly meal which is held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. A roadhouse-themed night was manned
by seven Ongwanada staff and their families. This was an incredible opportunity for us to work together, partnering in our community.
Thank you to those who participated in the gratitude challenge – and to those who gave towards this initiative.
25 years of hot meals for
Meals on Wheels from
Circle of Friends - Now in Kingston
The Circle of Friends program, which
involves a performing arts team focused on giving back to the community, has now started a group in
Kingston thanks to a generous grant
from Community Foundation for
Kingston & Area (CFKA).
For 25 years, Ongwanada’s Nutrition Services has been preparing
hot meals and desserts for the Meals
on Wheels program, which operates
under VON.
Originating in Napanee, the project
This amazing community pro- revolves around community building
gram involves volunteers picking and providing opportunities for those
up the hot meals from Ongwanada with developmental disabilities to
and three other locations Monday give back to their community through
through Friday at 11:00 a.m. and live presentations involving music
then delivering the meals to those in and drama.
Through weekly practices, the proneed in the community.
Ongwanada prepares approximate- gram provides a community for individuals to develop their abilities,
ly 600 meals per month. Incredible!
express themselves, and ultimately
Other providers for Meals on build a program to present to the
Wheels are Heathfield Mother broader community.
House, Providence Manor, and Ex- The Circle of Friends in Napanee has
been a huge success. It has provided
Winter 2016
a social group that participants are
comfortable participating in. It is a
place where participants, leaders, and
volunteers feel a sense of belonging
through connections and a love of
One volunteer in Napanee said,
“The thing I noticed about Circle of
Friends is the way that everyone belonged. Participants are given a way
to express themselves through music and drama. Just like music brings
everyone together, Circle of Friends
brings everyone together.”
Now it’s time to bring friends together in Kingston. On February 29,
2016, there will be a Circle of Friends
Registration and Open House at Ongwanada’s Resource Centre from 4:30
p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Contact Monika
Cook at 613.532.9402 for details.
Christmas Luncheon conƟnued
A quarterly newsle er for Ongwanada
families, friends, staff, volunteers, Board
members, and Home Share providers.
Editor:Nicole Cooper
NewsleƩer mailing team:
Skills and Training Area
Mailing Address:
The Editor, Ongwanada Horizon,
191 Portsmouth Avenue
Kingston, ON K7M 8A6
Distributed under the Canadian
Publica ons Mail Product
Agreement #40110187
Our mission
Ongwanada is dedicated to suppor ng
people with developmental disabili es,
with a special focus on those with complex needs and their families so they can
lead full lives, effec vely supported in
their communi es.
Vision 2020
By 2020, Ongwanada will be a leading,
clinically focused regional resource for
Eastern Ontario, recognized for its person-centred approach to services.
Consistent with a servant leadership
philosophy, it will be a pro-ac ve partner in building community capacity and
providing specialized regional resources
to enable individuals with developmental disabili es, including those with
complex needs, to thrive within their
communi es.
Next ediƟon: April 2016
Winter 2016