March 2014 - Executive Women International


March 2014 - Executive Women International
Chartered November 3, 1967
Letter from the President
What a fantastic February dinner meeting. Thank you to
member firm Insurance Solutions, LLC and executive Tracy
Wong! Together we hosted 37 member firm reps, 3 member
firm executives, and 23 guests in addition to our philanthropy
toiletry drive for Institute for Human Services. Cheers to all of
you for making it happen! My platform and theme as your
President is my 3 E’s in conjunction with EWI’s 3 C’s. It was
clear to me that everyone was intentional about Engaging
Connections, Enhancing Careers and Enriching Community!
Remember, it’s our way of getting to know each other better, to build
relationships to further business and our community.
Each month we are marching toward being recognized as an EWI Corporate
Chapter of Excellence (COE). It is the blueprint or business plan for our dynamic
business organization. One of the many criteria of being a COE is to have a robust
social media presence. Currently we have 170 followers on Twitter, 129 Linkedin
members and 151 Facebook likes. I recently created an Instragram account as
EWIHONOLULU. If you’re not socially connected with us, please don’t hesitate to
ask how you can be.
This month’s Connect contains the Straw Ballot that seeks nominations for board
positions for the 2014-15 year and the Na Wahine Alaka’i Leadership Award.
Creating a succession system of leaders in our chapter is critical to our continued
health, strength and growth. The successful volunteer leader will work with
inspiration and passion not only for themselves but others. If you have a passion
for EWI and a heart of service I encourage you to take on a leadership role on the
The Na Wahine Alaka’i Leadership Award was established to recognize the talent
and leadership potential of an EWI of Honolulu rep. This year we will award up to
$1,750 in monetary support for a rep to attend the EWI Leadership Conference
and Annual Meeting (LCAM) and Academy of Leadership in Arlington, VA,
September 10-13, 2014. Nominations are now open and I can’t wait to see who
will join me in Arlington!
I look forward to seeing you at member firm Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel, Coconut
Club on March 12th for our monthly dinner meeting. The guest speaker, Jonella
DeLimas will be sharing The Foundation of Aloha. I encourage you to wear EWI’s
royal blue, pin and pendant and also a flower or lei.
Warmest Aloha to you!
Leianne Pedro
Honolulu Star-Advertiser
2013-2014 President, EWI of Honolulu
March 2014 | Vol. 6, No. 3
Officers & Directors
Leianne Pedro, Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Cora Kim, Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
Miki Hwang, Cowabunga! Computers
Roseann Bronston, Archipelago Hawaii
Ways & Means
Wanda Sanchez, Bank of Hawaii
Retention & Recruitment
Maegan Brandt, Insurance Solutions LLC
Candace Yuen, Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel
Jennifer Ihara, TW Telecom
EWISP Director at Large
Karen Mendes, APP Hawaii
Communications & Marketing
Jasmine Mancao, Pacific Business News
Appointed Positions
Nadine Uratsuka, Accuity, LLP
Brenda Kanno, Research Corporation of
the University of Hawai'i
Adele Tasaka, Hawaii Visitors &
Convention Bureau
Philanthropy Chair
Francine Lee-Kadota, Meridian
Properties Inc.
President’s Message p. 1 • Board Meeting Highlights p. 2 • R&R March Article p. 4 • ASSIST, Ways and Means
p. 5 • March Dinner Flyer p. 6 • Golf Tournament Brochure p. 7 • Professional Development p. 9 • Welcome
New Member, Directory Changes p. 10 • Straw Ballot p. 11 • Na Wahine Alaka’i Nomination Form p. 12 •
Fellows, 2014 Spring Conference p. 14 • Why EWI, Downtown Lunch Bunch p. 15
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Honolulu Chapter Board Meeting Highlights
January 22, 2014
Approval of Minutes:
Approval of the minutes of the December 18 Board of Directors’ meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
• As of November 2013, account balances (unaudited) were as follows:
General Operating Account:
$ 59,354.19
$ 54,920.24
• A motion was made and seconded to approve the December 2013 financial reports.
• A motion was made and seconded to approve the December 2013 disbursements.
• Discussed increasing budgeted amount next year for Communications to take care of website
updates/changes in 2014-2015. This should be an annual expense.
Committee Reports:
ASIST – Adele Tasaka
• Committee meeting held at HVCB on January 16, 2014.
• Press release completed and school list was updated. Applications and press release will go out on Friday,
January 24th. Due date is early February based on corporate guidelines.
• Judges – Walter Kirimitsu (President of Saint Louis School, representing the education sector), Dr. Tina
Tom (Dentist, representing the business sector), Community sector judge pending.
• Interview date May 17, 2014 – location TBA.
• Committee working on theme, centerpieces, speaker, etc for that evening.
• Will be attending the Scholarship Fair at Leeward Community College on Wednesday, January 29th from
3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Fair is open to high school and community college students. Adele will attend with
Karen (EWISP).
Communications and Marketing – Jasmine Mancao
• February Connect is scheduled to be released on Friday, January 31, 2014.
• Changes to website have been completed.
• The PBN listing of the upcoming EWI dinner meeting has generated some interest. Will look to continue
this with more notice of our dinner meetings.
EWISP – Karen Mendes
• EWISP dinner to be held on Wednesday, May 14th at Hawaii Prince Hotel. $40 dinner. Theme – Change
the World. Guest speaker: Jason Cutinella
• Judges – Heidi Kalepa (Corporate Director of HR for Aqua Hospitality), Jodi Ito (University of Hawaii),
Community sector judge pending.
• Checking into sponsorships for student gifts and judges gifts
• Judges interview is not set yet – might need board assistance
• The next committee meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2014.
Retention & Recruitment – Maegan Brandt
• EWI Honolulu currently has 53 member firms. We lost 6 firms but gained 6 new member firms.
• Goal: 62 total member firms by May.
• Membership drive is scheduled for the April 9, 2014 membership meeting. Working with Jennifer and
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Philanthropy – Francine Lee-Kadota
• January 24th - Jazzercise with Roseann Bronston at the Salvation Army Women’s Way from 6:00 pm. –
7:00 p.m.
• February 12th – Collect toiletries for IHS (Institute for Human Services) at our next membership meeting
• Feb or March – Cultivate an herb garden for the young women of Salvation Army Women’s Way. They will
incorporate the herbs into their healthy food choices prepared by their own chef. Sponsored by EWI and
Sheraton Waikiki. At the same time, we will host a barbeque lunch for the women and their families.
Program – Jennifer Ihara
• February 12 Firm Night with Insurance Solutions at Waialae Country Club
• March 12 Membership Meeting
• April 9 Membership Drive with Retention & Recruitment
• May 14 EWISP with Karen Mendes
• June 11 Business Meeting at Neal Blaisdell – A motion was made and approved and seconded to hold the
June meeting at the Neal Blasidell Center.
• July 9 ASIST with Adele Tasaka
• August 13 – A motion was made and approved and seconded to hold the meeting at the Sheraton Waikiki.
• Activity searching for a speaker for each meeting to encourage better networking and greater attendance.
• Will be happy to accept any decorating supplies that can be used as centerpieces for future meetings
(ribbon, vases, etc)
Sergeant-at-Arms – Candace Yuen
• There were 39 representatives and 0 no shows at the January 8, 2014 membership meeting held at
Pomaikai Ballrooms.
• 75% member representatives were in attendance.
Ways and Means – Wanda Sanchez
• Committee meeting held on January 16, 2014.
• Theme – “The 19th Puka”
• Golf tournament application in final revision.
• The Save the Date Flyer will appear in every monthly Connect
• Wanda to contact Daniel at Hawaii Prince Golf Club regarding golf pros/celebrity guest at certain holes to
make additional donations
• Applications to be mailed out to the membership in the beginning of February
• Cathy Iwai to ask Gordon Ito for support of our Golf Tournament and to co-sign the initial solicitation
• Next committee meeting: Tuesday, February 18th at Sheraton Leahi Lounge, 5:30 p.m.
Unfinished Business:
• Strategic plan
• Revisions to the Chapter of Excellence Standards. Corporate has reduced the retention rate to 90% (was
95%). Also, reduced to three executives from member firms for Executive Engagement Committee.
• EWI Chapter and Corporate Bylaws
• Network Solutions – Will look into a multi-year agreement to save on expenses.
New Business:
• No report
Next Meetings:
• The next membership meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2014, 5:30p.m. at Waialae Country
• The next board meeting will be held on Wednesday, February, 19, 2014, 5:30p.m. at the Hawaii Prince
Hotel, Board Room.
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
The Return on Investment you will receive from membership with
Executive Women International® of Honolulu provides a myriad of
networking, professional development, and community improvement
opportunities. We are confident that you will embrace these
opportunities for personal and professional growth and be able to take
new skills back to your firm.
Women & men who participate in EWI have access to monthly
professional programs, conferences, webinars and other events where
they network, develop fresh talents, and learn business and leadership
skills through hands-on Chapter leadership. Our members can earn
Continuing Education Credits, become involved in local community and philanthropic activities, and
cultivate an extensive network of contacts. Here are just a few examples of how we maximized our
members’ investment:
Focus on Firms, showcasing firm products and services.
Firm promotion and recognition within the Chapter and in the local community through
sponsorship opportunities.
Leadership Conference & Annual Meeting (LCAM), with seminars focused on leadership
Academy of Leadership: a four-module CEU accredited program.
Annual spring conference, providing additional networking and additional learning
Professional development speakers at monthly membership meetings on topics such as career
coaching and advancement, leadership, financial planning, networking and connections,
among others.
In April 2013, EWI celebrated its 75th Anniversary! Executive Women International has been the leading
women’s association since 1938. I would love to meet with you in person or by phone to answer your
questions about membership, and look forward to talking with you soon.
Kind regards,
Maegan Brandt
Retention and Recruitment Director
Member Firm: Insurance Solutions LLC
Phone: 853-3403
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
March 12, 2014
Professional Development
April 9, 2014
Membership Drive
Adult Students in Scholastic
Transition Scholarship
In 1995 EWI Corporate established the ASIST program. The Honolulu Chapter
began offering the program in 1996. We are now in our 18th year of this program
which has made significant impact to the lives of many of the recipients. Charlotte
Naone is one such individual who recently graduated from the University of Hawaii
with a Masters in Social Work and Conflict Resolution.
The recipients have touched our lives and are a reminder of how fortunate many of
us are. Criteria for selection is financial need, socially, physically and economically
challenged adults and those in displaced households with young children. The
applicant must demonstrate clearly defined career goals and objectives and
educational requirements needed to accomplish their goal.
A press release was issued to vocational, schools, community colleges, social
agencies as well as all colleges statewide, with the application and instructions on
the process along with deadlines. Should you know of a candidate, encourage them
to apply online via our website.
April 24-26, 2014
2014 Spring Conference
in Spokane
May 14, 2014
EWISP Awards
Happy Birthday!
Karen Garica
Alaynna Miguel
Pam Unabia
Samantha Condry
Mar 11
Mar 14
Mar 25
Mar 29
EWISP Chair Karen Mendes and myself went out to Leeward Community College to
participate in their scholarship fair. We were surprised at the number of interested
applicants as we both ran out of applications and flyers.
This year's Awards dinner will be held at the Waialae Country Club where our
featured speaker with be radio celebrity Danielle Tucker.
We look forward to having many applicants apply for this worthy scholarship.
Ways and Means Committee:
Letters and brochures have been sent to the Executives. Please follow up to see if they received it and ask for their
support. Please pass this along to your contacts.
Mahalo for your support!!!
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Executive Women International Dinner Meeting
Mahalo to EWI Presidents
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
The Coconut Club* Aston Waikiki Beach Hotel, 2570 Kalakaua Avenue
Valet Parking Only ($4 for 4 hours, with validation)
5:30 - 6:00 p.m. ~ Registration
6:00 - 8:30 p.m. ~ Program and Vote
*Check-in at the EWI podium in the lobby. A host will be available from 5:15 to 5:45 to
escort you to the Coconut Club on the 21st floor.
~Your attendance to reach Quorum is appreciated for a LCAM 2016 vote~
Aloha: An Authentic Connection
Keynote Speaker: Jonella DeLimas, Career Development
Instructor at Remington College Honolulu and the owner of
$40 Per Person
No Host Cash Bar
Kona Buffet by Tiki’s Bar & Grill
Nalo Greens Salad
Sauteed Vegetables
Macadamia Nut Mahimahi
Teriyaki Chicken Breast
Guava Glazed BBQ Pork Ribs
Taro Rolls, Brown Rice
Mango Coconut Cake
Coffee, tea, fruit punch
Jonella has over 20 years of experience helping people achieve their goals
and improve their lives and businesses through the practice of facing and
moving through fear. Her deep appreciation of people and their wisdom
provides a strong and vibrant foundation for her Life Coaching practice. She
is also actively involved with non-profit and grass roots organizations that
alleviate youth homelessness in Hawaii by finding ways that help them
overcome their unique challenges. Additionally, Jonella is the co-host of “It’s
All About Love” with June Dillinger on Olelo Ch. 55. Their program
showcases organizations that work to transform the lives of at-risk and in-risk
youth here in Hawaii. With a background in holistic health, a Bachelors
degree in Business Administration, and a Masters in Organizational
Leadership, Jonella's multi-faceted experience provides her with the
knowledge and skills to help lead her clients towards the attainment of their
lifetime goals.
Please RSVP Regrets Only or if you’re bringing a guest to
Candace Yuen by NOON Wednesday, March 5, 2014 at or 921-6272.
Pre-payment policy: Dinner payments are due to Candace
by Friday, March 7, 2014
Mail to: Aston Hotels, 2570 Kalakaua Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96815, Attn: Candace Yuen
Note: It is your responsibility to inform the Sergeant-at-Arms by the
RSVP deadline if you are unable to attend. You will be billed for any
missed meetings unless notice is received 7 days prior to the event
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
Team Information
Team One
Team Captain__________________________
19th Annual
Golf Tournament
Member Firms*
Island Insurance Company, Ltd.
4 Miles LLC
Accuity LLP
Ito Healthcare Group
Allied Builders System
Lamination House, Inc.
Leonn Kaleikini
APP Hawaii
Marie Louise
Fine Garment Cleaners
Email ______________________________________________
Player Two____________________________
Player Three__________________________
Team Two
Team Captain__________________________
Aqua Hospitality
Meridian Properties, Inc.
Archipelago Hawaii
Merrill Lynch
Aston Hotels
Miller-Hee Realty Inc.
Bank of Hawaii
mPower Hawaii
City and County of Honolulu
Neal S. Blaisdell Center
City Mill Co., Ltd
New York Life Insurance
Coldwell Banker Pacific
Northwestern Mutual Financial
Cowabunga! Computers
Pacific Business News
C. S. Wo & Sons, Ltd.
Pacific Guardian Life Insurance
First Hawaiian Bank
Punahou School
go! Airlines
Hagadone Printing Company
Remedy Intelligent Staffing
Remington College
Hawaii Commercial Real Estate
Robert Half International
Hawaii Convention Center
Sam Kasnetz
Hawai‘i Medical Service
Association (HMSA)
SH Consulting LLC
Hawaii Prince Hotel Waikiki
Shannon’s Construction Services
Hawaii Visitors and Convention
Staffing Solutions of Hawaii
Email ______________________________________________
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
Honolulu Star Advertiser
Player Two___________________________
Player Three__________________________
Starwood Hotels in Waikiki
The Plaza Club
19th puka
The Research Corporation of
The University of Hawaii
HTH Corporation
Hyatt Regency Waikiki Beach
Resort & Spa
Insurance Solutions LLC
tw telecom
Sustaining Members*
Edith Won
Chapter Life Member*
Eleanor Urakawa
19th Annual
Scholarship Golf
Mokulele Airlines
Business Insurance Services, Inc.
*Membership as of February 2014
Friday, August 8, 2014
EWISP (Executive Women International
Scholarship Program) provides scholarship
funds to outstanding high school seniors
for their pursuit of a baccalaureate degree
from a post-secondary education institution.
Students are judged on their oral and written
communication skills, creativity, scholastic
records, financial need, involvement in
extracurricular activities, leadership
qualities and honors, citizenship, attitude, and
clearly defined career goals. In 2013, EWI of
Honolulu awarded $13,000 in scholarships.
ASIST (Adult Students in Scholastic
Transition) Scholarship Program provides
financial support to adults facing economic,
social, or physical challenges, who are
looking to improve their situation through
educational opportunities (non-traditional
students). The goal of the scholarship is
to enable recipients to improve their self–
esteem and to have a positive impact on their
personal life, employment, and community
through the furtherance of their education.
In 2013, EWI of Honolulu awarded $11,000 in
19th Annual
Golf Tournament
91-1200 Fort Weaver Road, Ewa Beach, Hawaii
Phone: 944-4567
August 8, 2014
11 a.m. Registration
Noon Shotgun Start
Lunch and Awards Banquet Included
Maximum Handicap: Men 30, Women 36
Soft spikes are mandatory
($1,200 tax deductible limited spaces available)
($500 tax deductible)
Two Teams
Sponsor Banner
Placed at Clubhouse
Who is EWI? Executive Women
International is a professional organization
which brings together key individuals
from diverse businesses for the purpose
of promoting member firms, enhancing
personal and professional development, and
encouraging community involvement. EWI
is unique in that the firm, not the individual,
holds the membership.
Special Sponsor
Recognition in Printed
Since its establishment in 1938 in San
Francisco, California, the organization has
grown, and today, EWI has more than 2,000
member firms and 2,300 representatives in
chapters in major cities across the U.S. and
Canada. EWI of Honolulu was established in
1967 and currently has 53 member firms and
56 representatives.
Lunch, Dinner,
Refreshments, Snacks
Thank you for your support and participating
in our 19th Annual Golf Tournament.
See you at the 19th Puka!
Sponsor Sign
Placed at Hole
Expedited Check-In
Special Contests
One Team
Sponsor Recognition in
Printed Materials
Sponsor Sign Placed
at Hole (shared)
Special Contests
Lunch, Dinner,
Refreshments, Snacks
Sponsor Information
Where does your money go? Your
participation in the golf tournament, our
major fund-raising event, will support EWI’s
mission of community involvement and
allow us to continue to provide generous
scholarships to individuals pursuing a higher
education degree and to support other
philanthropic activities related to literacy.
A small portion of the proceeds will also
support some of our operational expenses.
Company/Individual Name*
Contact Person*
Mailing Address*
City/ZIP Code*
Email Address*
* = Required
Available Hole Sponsorships
❏ GOLD SPONSOR - $1,000
If the tournament must be canceled due to extreme
weather conditions, safety concerns, or any other
reason, fees cannot be returned. Thank you for your
❏ I cannot attend, but enclosed is our donation
check for $________ and/or we would
like to donate the following to be used as
tournament prize(s). ________________
($180 tax deductible)
To reserve a spot, please make check payable to:
and mail payment with this form to:
Special Contests,
Mulligans, Lunch, Dinner,
Refreshments, Snacks
Wanda Sanchez
P. O. Box 2295
Honolulu, HI
Contact Wanda Sanchez • Phone (808) 694-4505
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Tuesday, March 4, 3:00 pm ET
60 minutes (includes Q&A)
Featured Presenter:
Christy, an EWI
of Kentuckiana
member, founded Arkham Executive along
with John Zeydel in 2011.
She uses her gifts - to
bring order to chaos, and
motivating people to realize
their potential, reach their
NETWORKING: Meeting and connecting people to grow
goals, and bring their
business and build communities that can change the world
dreams to life. She special(John Zeydel)
izes in training on leadership, marketing, organizaThis webinar will focus on the concepts and strategies outlined in Christy’s book “The No Rules Way”, which she wrote tion, personal development
based on her interactions with business partner and network- and time management.
ing expert John Zeydel. These concepts and strategies will
Christy's passion to help
others motivated her to
help you build successful and long lasting people connecwrite "The No Rules Way."
TOPIC: The No Rules Way: Business Strategies to Network
Smarter, Not Harder
Our firm is a member of Executive Women International® (EWI®), a global women’s organization with an equal focus on Connections, Careers and Community. Through this
membership our employees have access to professional development webinars featuring
great presenters who are excited to help you become better at what you do and how you
do it. With subjects ranging from Goal Setting and Achievement to Communication and
Emotional Intelligence, these webinars are a must see. This is a benefit extended to member firms’ employees, only. Please do not forward to anyone outside our firm.
This opportunity made possible by EWI member representative:
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Taryn Kabei is currently the Digital Media Specialist for C.S. Wo & Sons, Ltd. She holds a BA in Interdisciplinary
Studies with an emphasis in Fashion Merchandising from the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She has been with
C.S. Wo & Sons for 9 years and was previously a Sr. Merchandising Assistant for HomeWorld Furniture. Taryn is
currently on a mission to ensure C.S. Wo & Sons is an active member of social media communities and other forms
of digital media branding and commerce. In her spare time, she enjoys being a foodie, reading, and shopping
My name is Peter Hicks and I work with Joyce Gooman, owner of Lamination House.
I was born in Sumatra, Indonesia and moved to The Netherlands (Holland) in my early years. I am of DutchIndonesian descent and understand Dutch and speak the language, the "old" style. Our family of eight (8) moved to
the United States and settled in the San Francisco Bay Area, where I gained my formal education. I visited Hawaii
in 1975 and have lived here since.
I have been in the retail business for 26+ years in Hawaii and during that period, was a manager/buyer for a retail
clothing store and eventually owned my own business. I have also managed multiple store locations and assisted a
Hui of artisans in developing a Hawaiiana store for locally made, handmade items and artisans. My retail
experience has encompassed selling, buying and managing soft and hard goods as well as educating, nurturing and
developing local handcrafters to be better business entrepreneurs.
I also have 9+ years in managing a sales team statewide, to develop and manage a wholesale distributorship in
I am married to a beautiful "local" woman for the past 36+ years , we have two wonderful daughters and just
recently have a new addition, our granddaughter, Olivia.
Directory Changes
Please notify Retention & Recruitment Director Maegan Brandt of Insurance Solutions LLC if you have any
changes in your address, email, telephone number, etc. so the change can be made in the directory. / (808) 853-3403
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Straw Ballot
The Nominating Committee seeks your input on individuals willing to serve our chapter…a rewarding experience!
A minimum of three (3) directors, which includes the President-elect, must have served on the Chapter Board the
previous year. No director shall serve more than five (5) consecutive terms.
Enter your first choice for each position, and if desired, your second choice. Following presentation at the June
11, 2014 membership meeting, nominations may be made to President, Leianne Pedro in writing by any five (5)
representatives prior to July 25, 2014, at which time the nominations are automatically closed. All nominees
must have indicated their willingness to serve, if elected.
First Choice
Second Choice (optional)
Vice President/President-Elect
Retention & Recruitment
Program Director
Communications & Marketing
Ways and Means Director
Director-at-Large EWISP
Note: Cora Kim was elected for a two-year term as Vice President/President-elect and therefore will assume the
Presidency in 2014-2015.
Send this form to the Nominating Committee Chair Nadine Uratsuka, c/o Accuity, LLP (808) 531-3483 or email
11 | Page
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
2014 Na Wahine Alaka’i Leadership Award
The Na Wahine Alaka'i Leadership Award was established in 2004 to recognize the talent and leadership potential
of EWI of Honolulu Representatives. We are pleased this year to award up to $1,750 in monetary support for a
Representative to attend the annual EWI Leadership Conference and Annual Meeting (LCAM) and Academy of
Leadership in Arlington, Virginia, September 10-13, 2014. The Awardee will be responsible for all other expenses
related to attendance. Receipts must be provided in order to receive reimbursement of expenses up to the
awarded amount.
Selection Criteria:
• Nominees must be an active Representative in good standing of EWI of Honolulu for a minimum of one
• Past Presidents, previous awardees, sustaining members, and chapter life members are not eligible.
• Nominees must regularly attend monthly Chapter meetings and participate fully in committee
assignments and meetings.
• Preference will be given to first-time attendees to LCAM.
• Individuals selected must commit to serving in a Chapter Board position.
Program Guidelines:
• Nominations may be submitted by another EWI member (Representative or Executive) or selfnominated.
• Nominees must complete a Nomination Form which includes a narrative (not to exceed one page) as to
why the individual is worthy of this award.
• Awardee shall present a report to the Chapter membership on the LCAM experience and the sessions
Nomination Form
Representative Since
Attended LCAM Before?
No ________
Yes _______
Year & Place: ____________
Active on Committee?
No ________
Yes _______
Committee: ____________
Attends Monthly Mtgs?
No ________
Yes _______
# Attended this Year: ______
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Why should this Nominee be selected? (attach additional sheet if necessary; not to exceed one page).
Nominated by:
Submit to:
Printed Name/Signature
Leianne Pedro by April 30, 2014
13 | Page
EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
The EWI FELLOWS scholarship program is available to EWI Member Representatives only. This scholarship is
designed to help EWI members who are completing their higher education and in need of financial assistance. The
total amount awarded may be up to $15,000 and is based on the number of applicants and the amount requested.
Eligibility Requirements
Active EWI members for one consecutive year
Member in good standing
Firm to have paid B/C/DP assessment
Demonstrated participation in Chapter activities
Minimum of five years full-time work experience (not all has to be at the same firm)
Active EWI member during the academic year for which the fellowship is awarded
Financial need
Apply today for a EWI Fellows Scholarship! Login to
2014 Spring Conference – Spokane, WA
April 24 – 26, 2014
Northern Quest Resort & Casino
This year’s conference is nestled in the scenic Pacific Northwest, where attendees will enjoy inspiring leadership
training while exploring the vibrant and historic City of Spokane! Ring in the Conference at the Spokane Chapter’s
35th Anniversary Celebration alongside the Spokane River at Red Lion Hotel at the Park! Enjoy the luxurious AAA
rated 4 Diamond Casino Resort accommodations at Northern Quest, where complimentary area-wide
transportation will shuttle you to the optional “Discover Downtown Spokane” excursion on Friday night,
introducing attendees to our world-famous SkyRide Over the Falls, a dinner and wine experience at Barrister
Winery, and finally a dessert bar and night of entertainment at the iconic Spokane Club. From timely and
compelling panel discussions to powerful keynote presentations, you won’t want to miss the 2014 Spring
Conference, and your chance to Fall for Spokane!
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email:
March 2014
EWI Honolulu Monthly Newsletter
Why EWI….
By Adele Tasaka
Why EWI?
How could you not
The organization that leads us all
Creates energy that makes us feel tall
Connections and friendships
Leadership and growth
Community action
Is just a small part of our hearts satisfaction
Love and support
These fine ladies provide
Business and fun
Success in careers
Helping others both members
And new friends…no matter
where we go memories stay
dear and near in our hearts
No better group than the ladies of EWI
Downtown Honolulu Lunch Bunch
EWI of Honolulu had its first Downtown “Lunch Bunch” February 11th. It was a fun, relaxing lunch at the Hukilau
Restaurant in the business district of Honolulu. Everyone had a chance to get to know each other better and there
was great networking!
For those of you who have not participated before, this gathering is periodically planned for those downtown EWI
of Honolulu member reps who want to have lunch and share some time meeting each other. It’s a great opportunity
to share about their member firms and learn more about EWI. All are welcome to attend.
We had a total of 16 reps attending: Abigail Jacinto, Adele Tasaka, Akiko Sakamoto, Allison Sato, Brenda Kanno,
Cassie Townsend, Cora Kim, Joyce Gooman, Karen Choe, Karen Garcia, Kelly Nishimura, Leona Hee, Melissa Tree,
Peter Hicks, Sheri Tamayose and Wanda Sanchez.
The next Lunch Bunch will be held next quarter at the Mandalay Chinese Restaurant on Alakea Street. Anyone who
would like to be on our email list please contact Wanda Sanchez or Sheri Tamayose.
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EWI Corporate Offices / 3860 South 2300 East, Suite 211 / Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 / Toll Free: 1.877.4EWI-NOW / Phone: 801.355.2800 / Fax: 801.355.2852
online: email: