2016 Spring Bulletin


2016 Spring Bulletin
Inside This Issue
Brecksville Inaugural Ball
Mayor’s Message City Calendar
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 2-3
Council Corner. . . . . . . . . . p. 4-6
Safety & Services Natural Gas
Updates, The Scam Corner,
Critter Corner, Benefits of a
Permit & More. . . . . . . . p. 7-9
People of Interest A Very Special
Volunteer. . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 10
Human Services. . . . . . p. 11-14
Recreation Fitness, Athletics &
Aquatics. . . . . . . . . . . p. 15-21
Sergio DiGeronimo tells a great story about our Mayor Hruby at the Brecksville Inaugural Ball.
Chamber of Commerce
Citizens of the Years
Horticulture . . . . . . . . . . . p. 22
Events Around Town Easter
Bunny Visits, Theatre Groups
and more. . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 23
Above left: State Senator Tom Patton
Above right: Council President Greg Skaljac
Bottom: Anna Hruby, Mayor Jerry Hruby and his
wife Patty.
On February 17 at the Mayor’s State of the
City Address. Don and Shirley Grispino
were presented the Brecksville Chamber of
Commerce Citizen of the Year Award. Last
summer, the Grispinos organized a blue ribbon
project and with the help of many volunteers
350 blue ribbons were place on the telephone
poles in our City to honor our policemen.
Mayor’s Message
I’d like to begin by taking this opportunity
to express my appreciation to those of you who
participated in the survey that appeared in the
January/February Brecksville Bulletin. Eighty-six
of you responded online and 71 dropped off a
hard copy at the Community Center, City Hall or
Human Services Center for a total of 157 surveys.
Although that number is disappointing it can be
said that it is representative of the community with, of course, some reservations based on the number of returned surveys. We are reviewing the
responses and will report back to the public in the May/June Bulletin. If
any of you still wish to fill out the survey, please do so and drop it off at
any one of the locations indicated.
A New Look and a New Year of Work to Be Done
The Brecksville Bulletin is beginning to take on a new look which will
continue in the next few issues as we revise the format and bring various
new features to the Bulletin. Your comments are always welcome, and we
hope you will enjoy the changes being made.
We also look to the beginning of the year as a time in which we prepare for many projects that are a part of our 2016 Priorities. It has been
a time to report to the public, which I have through the Mayor’s State of
the City Address and Conversation with the Mayor, the current and projected status of the City.
Thanks to Our Volunteers
We expressed our appreciation to our volunteers in February, by holding the annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon at the Human Services
Center. Service Awards were presented to those who have dedicated so
much of their lives toward our Human Services Department. Those volunteers are the ones truly making life better for our citizens one day at
a time. I again thank all of our volunteers and add a special note to our
Human Services drivers and Meals on Wheels deliverers for their dedication throughout the time of the year when snow, ice and other weather
conditions make their work much more difficult. It is only because of
them that a shut in during certain times of the winter can receive adequate
The Senior Volunteer of the Year Luncheon will be held on May 17, as
we honor the Senior Volunteer Man and Senior Volunteer Woman of the
Year. This is something that has occurred over four decades – the first year
was 1973.
There is still time to nominate a worthy individual for this honor.
Contact the Human Services Center at 526-2499.
Looking Ahead
City Hall will be closed on Good Friday, March 25 and on Monday,
May 30 as we celebrate Memorial Day. This year’s Memorial Day parade
will begin at 9:00 am. Once at the Brecksville Highland Cemetery we will
have the Memorial Day Ceremony. Each year this is a major celebration of
those men and women from our community who served our country and
those who died while serving. We invite veterans to be part of the parade
and we honor them during the ceremony. We encourage all residents,
young and old, to attend our parade and solemn ceremony. It is the least
we can do to show our respect and offer our appreciation to those who
made the ultimate sacrifice, those who served so bravely and those who
today are in harm’s way continuing to defend our freedom.
On Saturday, May 14, from 9:00 am to noon at the Municipal Parking
Lot it will be the first our two Shred Your Documents Days. Please mark
your calendars, there is no cost for this program but we ask that you bring
a non-perishable food item for the City’s Food Pantry. Please check the
expiration date on your food item. Last year over 11 tons was collected
in each of our two days. We encourage you to clean out those unnecessary
documents because this is an excellent way to confidentially discard them.
Hard to believe, but true, registration for our summer programs will be
starting soon. Please be early rather than late.
We’ve Lost a Great Community Leader for Our Kids
Sadly, retired teacher and soccer coach of the Brecksville-Broadview
Heights Schools, Tony Niccoli, passed away on Saturday, January 30 after
Beards for Bucks!
The Brecksville Police Department had a
fundraiser to support the Shop With a Cop
Program. Each officer who wanted to participate
donated $100 to the program. The officers
who chose to participate were then allowed to
grow beards for the entire month of November.
In total, 13 police officers, the Mayor/Safety
Director and City Prosecutor all participated.
A total of $1,500 was raised for Shop With a
Cop. This allowed 10 children to each go on a
$150 shopping spree at Walmart. Because of
the overwhelming participation and support, the
officers were allowed to grow out their beards
through the month of December as well.
City Calendar
24 Planning Commission 7 pm
25 Good Friday, City Offices Closed.
Community Center Open 10am-5pm
27Happy Easter!
1 City Council 8 pm
28 Recreation Commission 7:30 pm
3 Planning Commission 7 pm
7 Board of Zoning Appeals 8 pm
9 Advisory Board to the Department of Human
Services 3 pm, Human Services Center
4 Brush Pickup Begins
5 CodeRED testing
7 Planning Commission 7 pm
7 Yard Waste Begins
15 City Council 8 pm, Happy St. Pats!
16 Telecommunications Commission 7pm
22 Visit with the Easter Bunny Community Center 4pm
All meetings are at City Hall unless noted otherwise.
suffering a lengthy illness. Mr. Niccoli began his career as a student teacher in our school district and became a permanent part of the teaching staff
as well as coaching staff. He was head coach of the soccer team, taking
the Bees to four State titles including its first ever. He was a teacher, a
coach, a mentor and a friend. After his retirement from the school district,
he continued to be active in soccer and established the Brecksville Soccer
Academy which he dedicated himself to up to the time of his passing. The
City honored Mr. Niccoli by naming the artificial turf field at Blossom Hill, “Tony Niccoli
Field.” Many of his former students, athletes
and current soccer participants attended the
dedication ceremony which was a complete and
total surprise to Mr. Niccoli. His funeral service
was a Mass held at St. Basil Church and the
church was filled with students, former teachers, friends, neighbors, members of the City family and current families and their children who participate in our local program. It was a wonderful tribute to a great man. The
dedication of the field in his name exemplifies the respect this community
has for Tony Niccoli. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, his
wife BJ and his two sons, Tony and Bobby. Brecksville City Council enacted a Resolution of Condolence to the Niccoli Family in recognition of his
life and career here in the City of Brecksville.
He was a
teacher, a coach,
a mentor and a
2016 City Priorities
If you were not able to attend my State of the City Address or the
Conversation with the Mayor these are the City’s 2016 priorities that I
highlighted and discussed at those events.
• Final Design and Construction of a New Police Station
• Relocation, Design and Construction of a New Safety Town at
Blossom Hill
5 City Council 8 pm
11 Board of Zoning Appeals 8 pm
19 City Council 8 pm
20 Telecommunications Commission 7pm
21 Planning Commission 7 pm
25 Recreation Commission 7:30 pm
• Final Construction of Brecksville Community Garden – Brecksville
Community Garden Committee Managers
• Complete Restoration of Old Town Hall’s Front Facade, Stairs, Entrances
and Cupola
• Community Center Renovation Projects and Equipment Replacement
• Fire Station Upgrades and Renovation
• Blossom Hill Master Plan Moves to Concept Stage and Design Services
• Shared Services
• 2016 Road Program
• Economic Development Projects
• Upgrade and Expand City Cemeteries
• Finalize Negotiations with the Veterans Administration regarding the
abandoned Brecksville Veterans Administration Hospital
• Manpower Needs – Replacements for Retirees – Police and Fire
• Acquisition of Replacement Vehicles for Police, Fire and Service
• Construction that will expand the Valley Parkway Walking Trail from
Rt. 21 West to Broadview Road and Connectivity to Future Blossom
Hill Trails
• Upgrade City Hall Ball Diamonds A, B and C
• Historic Walkway to the Bicentennial Obelisk
On behalf of the Administration and me personally, I wish you all a
very blessed Easter.
Jerry N. Hruby
Council Corner
As we leave behind the winter weather and move
into early spring, I would like to thank our service
department for another outstanding job of keeping
our city streets clear of ice and snow. While this
winter was relatively mild, the few snow storms we
did experience were handled perfectly by our snow
removal forces. Please continue to be mindful of
our road crews when you are driving through town.
Speaking of our roads, once again in 2016 we are planning a very
aggressive street repair program. While the final program will not
be finalized until late spring, we have budgeted over $1,200,000
towards maintaining our roads. Due to the skill of our service
department and the investment over the years towards paving
equipment, we are able to perform the vast majority of this work
in-house which saves substantial amounts of tax dollars every year.
The city’s annual outside financial audit has commenced and
those results will be forthcoming. As always, our annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) will be published and
made available once the audit is completed.
The Old Town Hall repairs are substantially complete and the
building was re-opened for theater productions in late January. As
indicated in the previous Bulletin, we are now moving forward
with finalizing the design plans for the new Police Station &
Mayor’s Court facility and we anticipate breaking ground within
the next few months. Finally, we continue to plan for recreational improvements at Blossom and it is our goal to have all of the
necessary wetland studies and permits completed in 2016 and
infrastructure prepared for our first phase of improvements at the
site(s). We are preparing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for
design firms who may be interested in preparing the schematics
and designs for whatever new facilities are to be built at Blossom.
The same process will be used to select a construction management
firm once we reach that stage.
As always, if you have any suggestions to improve our various
program offerings or vital city services please do not hesitate to
contact me or any of my fellow members of Council. We very
much value your input.
Greg Skaljac, President
City Offices Holiday Hours
Brecksville City Hall, the Service Department and
the Human Services Center will be closed on
Good Friday which is March 25.
The Community Center will be open from 10 - 5
on Good Friday but will be
closed on Easter Sunday, March 27.
Streets & Sidewalks
The Administration presented bids for the 2016
Road Repair and Maintenance Program to the
Streets & Sidewalks Committee on January 19,
2016 and City Council passed Ordinance No.
4974 that same evening to accept the following
bids dated December 18, 2015 in accordance
with the specifications on file in the office of the
Director of Purchasing.
• The bids of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling for Partial Depth Joint
Repairs (Concrete) at $7.25 per lineal foot, and Equipment Rental –
Tandem Axle at $80/hour.
• The bids of J. D. Striping & Services, Inc. for the Paint Striping of
various City streets in an amount not to exceed $43,935.00, and for
Auxiliary Markings in an amount not to exceed $31,182.70.
• The bids of Specialized Construction, Inc. for Partial Depth Joint
Repairs (Asphalt), Pulvamixing, Asphalt Placement, Partial Planing,
Single Pass Pavement Treatment, Asphalt Pavement Pre-Seal Layer and
for certain Equipment Rental in various amounts as listed in the bids
• The bid of Pavement Technology, Inc. for Reclamite Treatment of various City streets in the amount of $0.83 per square yard.
• The bid of CATTS Construction, Inc. for unscheduled Concrete
Repairs in 2016 in various amounts.
• The bid of Konstruction King, Inc. for various types of scheduled
Concrete Repairs in various amount as listed in the bid specifications.
• The bids of Chagrin Valley Paving, Inc. for scheduled and unscheduled pavement planing projects in the amount of $2.99 per square
• The bids of Lake Erie Construction for guardrail reconstruction and
replacement in the various amounts as listed in the bid specifications.
The Service Director advised that the Service Department would like
to test a new paving product that potentially could reduce paving costs.
The tack coat product will be applied to one street and its performance
The City Engineer gave an update on a meeting with the Cleveland
Metroparks regarding extension of a multi-purpose trail on the south side
of Valley Parkway from Brecksville Road to Broadview Road. He noted
that the bridle trail will be relocated to the north side of the parkway.
The proposed timeline for the trail project is to remove trees in March
2016, award a contract in May 2016, start construction in July 2016,
and open the new trail in spring of 2017.
City Council and the Administration continue to discuss much needed improvements on SR-82 from SR-21/Brecksville Road west to the city
limits. SR-82 is not on the ODOT improvements schedule until 2017.
The City has been trying unsuccessfully to obtain outside funding to
completely tear out the concrete and make permanent repairs at a cost of
approximately $3 million. Due to the fact that the condition of the road
has been poor for so long, City officials are now attempting to expedite
improvements by developing a plan that could be worked into the budget with much of the work being performed by our Service Department.
The mild winter so far this year has been a welcome relief compared to
last winter and, hopefully, will result in less wear and tear on our roads
through the reduced use of salt.
Please drive safety, especially in school zones and areas under
Gerald Broski, Chairman
Whether we have an early spring or not, the
City’s Utilities Committee will be busy working on
the many projects that are in progress and in the
planning stages for later this year.
Project Restoration Status:
• The Old Quarry Pump Station Abandonment
Project is almost complete with final restoration to be completed in
late spring 2016.
• The Warbler’s Roost Storm Sewer Project will have touch-up restoration completed this spring 2016.
Construction Projects Status:
• The Valleybrook Storm Sewer Improvement Project is now out for bid.
Due to environmental impacts, the anticipated start of construction
will be the fall of 2016.
• The Edgerton Road Culvert Replacement Project is out for bid. When
the project commences, due to the narrower 2 lane roadway, this
project will require a complete closure of the roadway throughout
construction period. The posted detour route will be Oakes Road;
however, residents who know the area can utilize Valley Parkway or
• The Riverview Road Culvert Replacement Project has been awarded
to the Workman Construction and construction will be commencing
in March/April. This project will require a road closure throughout
construction with the posted detour route being Brecksville Road via
Snowville Road or Chippewa Road.
• The Riverview Road Stream Relocation Project contract has been
awarded to Mark Hayes Construction and construction will also be
commencing in March/April.
Design Projects Status:
• The city Park-n-Ride Parking Lot Improvement Project is ready for
bidding this spring.
• The Whitewood & Meadow Lane Aerial Sewer Repair Project is in the
beginning stages of design, but is expected to commence in 2016.
• The Amber Lane Culvert Replacement Project is being submitted to
the County for their review.
• The Glen Forest Storm Sewer Repair Project is also slated for construction this spring. This project completes the abandonment of an older
sewer that became obsolete after the Greenhaven Parkway improvements were completed.
We appreciate your patience and consideration for any inconvenience
you may encounter while these projects are in progress.
Lou Carouse, Jr., Chairman
Buildings & Grounds
We provide the following general status of the
facility renovation projects, including current renovation/restoration of existing facilities as well as
future facility additions. The report represents a
general overview.
Facility Renovation/Restoration Projects Status:
Old Town Hall Restoration
• Structural, historic renovation of facade, stairs/entrances, and cupola.
Community Center Renovation;
• Stair replacement to fitness area currently in construction.
• Mechanical system upgrades in concept design stages.
Fire Station
• Air quality/mechanical system compliance upgrades in construction.
• Design of roof repairs, concrete floor repairs, and structural inspections
at 90% complete.
Community Garden at Stadium Drive
• Demolition of existing asphalt, and installation of soil for community
garden complete, and prepared spring garden installation (scope of
work was donated by outside groups).
New Facility Project Status:
Police Station
• The Design Team has completed the Schematic Design Documents,
with cost estimate in process for review and release of Design
Development documents.
Blossom Hill Complex:
• Safety town location and design in concept stages of review.
• Blossom Hill master plan in concept stages of review, with Design
Services RFQ to follow.
At any time if you have questions in regards to a specific project and/or
any of the projects details please do not hesitate to call or email for information at mharwood@brecksville.oh.us.
Mike Harwood, Chairman
On February 17, 2015 City Council adopted
Resolution No. 4519 “accepting the proposal of
Kofile Preservation, Inc. for services to preserve
historical records of the City of Brecksville in an
amount not to exceed $15,000 for the period
January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 with
the option to annually renew the contract each year
for two additional years, as set forth in their proposal dated November
20, 2014”.
City Council budgeted and approved a blanket purchase order in
the amount of $15,000 for historical records preservation in 2016. The
Legislation Committee recommended and City Council approved the
motion to renew the contract with Kofile for the term January 1, 2016
through December 31, 2016.
The Brecksville Code of Ordinances is available for reference during
normal business hours at the Brecksville branch of the Cuyahoga County
Library and also at the Clerk of Council’s office at Brecksville City Hall.
Requests for ordinances may be submitted to: mscullin@brecksville.oh.us.
Nora Murphy, Chairwoman
Reports continued on page 6
Council Corner
The Purchasing Department administers the
acquisition of quality goods and services for all
City Departments in a timely and cost effective
manner, providing the resources they need to perform their jobs while maintaining an open and
competitive bidding environment. The department
is responsible for developing bid specifications
jointly with all City departments, obtaining bids through advertising and
direct solicitation, establishing and monitoring price agreement contracts
and issuing of purchase orders. Purchasing is responsible for negotiating
and buying for all departments with the City, working with hundreds of
individuals within the City and with thousands of vendors in supplying
the City’s needs as economically and efficiently as possible. The department researches products and services that may be available for purchase
in conjunction or in cooperation with other governmental agencies.
Early in 2016, the Purchasing Department brought several items
to the Finance Committee which were recommended and ultimately
approved by City Council. These items allow the Administration to
conduct business in a timely and efficient process throughout the year.
Items discussed included the following:
◊ Approved the Purchase Director to advertise for bids for the following
annual purchases:
• 2016 Internet Auctions (GovDeals.com) – Ongoing
• 2016 Supplying Asphalt Materials (consortium) – April 2016
• 2017 Road Program – November 2016
• 2017 Temporary General Labor Staffing – November 2016
• 2017 Recreation Supplies & Equipment – December 2016
◊ Authorized the sale of personal property no longer needed for
municipal purposes via internet auction in the calendar year 2016.
This provides an opportunity for the City to make some money on
items that otherwise would be disposed. During 2015, the City collected $9,511.06 from sales via internet auction.
◊ Approved an Ordinance to accept the bids of Adler Team Sports,
BSN Sports, RDP Sports Plus, Inc. Riddell Athletic Products, Lids
Team Sports and School Specialty for 2016 Recreation Supplies and
◊ Recommend approval of a purchase requisition for $6,500 to
Northcoast Computer Supplies for copy paper to the City for the contract term January 20-December 31, 2016.
Additionally, payment of the monthly professional bills was made
for legal, architectural, and engineering services in the amount of
$38,409.74 in January and $34,015.67 in February.
Thank you to Administration including the Purchasing Director for
all of the work done to set us on a path to succeed in 2016.
In December and January, the Safety-Service
Committee has recommended and City Council
has approved the following:
For the Service Department –
A motion to approve a blanket vendor purchase requisition in the total amount of$3,495.00
for the replacement of pedestrian signals at
Creekview Commons and State Route 82, recently damaged signals
due to a hit-skip at Routes 82 and 21 and for several spares.
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition to Cleveland Mack Sales
& Service in the amount of $4,952.73 for the repair of the filter system (emissions control) on Rubbish Packer B-68.
• A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply to the Cuyahoga County
Solid Waste Management District for a 2016 Community Recycling
Awareness Grant in the amount of $5,000.00
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition in the amount of
$20,000.00 to Mattes Landscaping, Inc. for 2016 supplementary
snowplowing and salting services for parking lots and sidewalks at various locations in the city.
For the Police Department –
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition to Vasu Communications,
Inc. in the amount of $14,634.75 for the renewal of the city’s annual
service maintenance agreement on radio equipment at the voter sites,
Blossom tower, Dispatch Center and all portable/mobile radios in the
Police Department for the period of January 1-December 31, 2016.
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition to Sig Sauer, Inc. in
the amount of $3,225.00 for five new handguns which will be used
for munitions training. The city will receive a credit in the amount
$2,235.00 for the trade-in of old training and duty weapons which are
old and no longer in service. The total requisition total is $990.00.
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition in the total amount of
$9,600 to Sundance Systems, Inc. for technical support of their CAD
Disaster Software and Mobile Data ($9,000.00) and Public Records
Online ($600.00) for the period of January 1-December 31, 2016.
For the Fire Department –
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition to extend the contract with
Emergency Communications Network, Inc. for CodeRED Emergency
Notification Service in the annual amount of $9,980.00 and Weather
Warning Service in the amount of $3,750.00 for an aggregate total of
$13,730.00 for the term of February 28, 2016-February 27, 2017.
• A motion to approve a purchase requisition to Wichert Insurance
Services, Inc. for a 3-year guaranteed policy through Provident for
Accident & Health Insurance coverage for volunteer and part-time
Firemen at $3,201.00 per year.
Safety & Services
Natural Gas Important Update
You probably have received a
letter from NOPEC telling you
to send back the post card if you
don’t want to be in NOPEC
(Don’t do that!)
• Take Option 1 –
the fixed rate (no!)
• Or take Option 2 – the variable rate – You want Option
You MUST call NOPEC at
1-855-667-3201 and tell them
you want Option 2. Even if you
already have the variable rate
you still must do that or you
will automatically be switched
to Option 1 and the fixed rate
which you don’t want to
If you have any questions call
the City at 526-2499.
A lot of people think they
don’t have to do this and have
ignored it or thrown it away.
Even if you already
have the variable rate
you still must do that or
you will automatically be
switched to Option 1
You MUST call and tell them
you want Option 2.
Meanwhile, natural gas rates
are dropping again, even during
the winter!
The variable rate on your
February bill should be no
higher than $2.39. It was $3.61
at this time last year. On your
March bill your rate should be
no higher than $2.18. If you are
with NOPEC and your rate is
higher than the two mentioned
above you have their “fixed
rate.” Everyone should be on
NOPEC’s variable rate for gas.
If you’re with any provider
other than NOPEC/NextEra
call that provider, listed above
the rate line on your bill, (IGS,
Dominion Energy Solutions,
Integrys, etc.) and cancel but be
sure they will not charge you an
early termination fee. You will
automatically be switched back
to Dominion.
Then, when the words
“Standard Service Offer (SSO)”
appear on your bill call NOPEC
at 888-848-7914 and ask for
their “Variable Rate.”
If you have a NOPEC rate
higher than $2.39 on your
February bill or $2.18 on your
March bill call NOPEC at 888848-7914 and ask for their variable rate.
As for electricity the NOPEC/
First Energy Solutions rate has
gone down again to 6.53 cents
per kilowatt hour. Call NOPEC
at 800-292-9284 and ask for the
fixed rate of 6.53 cents which
runs through February of 2019.
Remember, you should have
NOPEC’s variable rate for gas
and NOPEC’s fixed rate for
electricity. q
Scam artists are not artists at all, they are criminals! Criminals that spend countless hours coming up
with ways to steal your identity, money and/or assets. They prey on your emotions and vulnerabilities. The
intent of this corner is to give you insight into some of the different scams that occur so that you do not
become a victim yourself.
April as we all know is tax season, scammers know that as well. Here are some of the scams associated
with the IRS and your taxes and what you can do to help prevent it or safeguard yourself:
Scammers will try to steal your identity and file a false tax return in your name so they can collect the
refund check. You can help prevent this by filing early. Shred all documents that are no longer needed
that contain personal information.
Scammers will call you on the phone claiming to be the IRS. They will tell you
that you owe them money and will come arrest you immediately if you do not
pay. First of all, the IRS does not do business like that. In most cases the perHang up the
son calling becomes irate and yells adding to the pressure. Do not give out any
personal information over the phone. Hang up the phone and do not engage phone and do not
them in conversation. If you are concerned about the legitimacy of the phone engage them in
call, get a name and a legitimate call back number. At that point they will
probably hang up on you.
If you are a victim of a scam, notify your local police and/or the agency whose
name the scam was perpetrated under. Unfortunately because many of these scams are done outside the
United States it is difficult to find the perpetrator and prosecute. It is good however to gather intelligence
on these scams and publicize them to the community to lessen the victim pool. q
Safety & Services
Sharing the Road with Cyclist
We all know that April
shower’s bring May flowers. But what we need to be
reminded of as motorists is
that April also brings motorcycle and bicycle traffic as well.
Motorists need to be aware of
these smaller vehicles. After
a winter of driving without
them, we need to get used to
looking for smaller vehicles
when changing lanes, turning
and stopping. Remember that
a motorcycle needs less stop-
ping distance than a car. Depth
and speed perception involving
a motorcycle can also be deceiving.
Those that choose a bicycle,
roller blades or skateboard as
their transportation are encouraged to do so safely. The use
of a helmet greatly reduces the
risk of serious injury if involved
in an accident and is in fact
required when operating such
equipment for those under
age 18 per Brecksville City
Brush Pickup
Yard Clean Up is Right
Around the Corner
The City is offering a brush pickup service once a year
from April 4 through April 8. Brush from residential tree
and shrub trimming will be picked up from your treelawn
and run through a chipper. Please place the brush with the
butt end toward the curb. There is no need to bundle or
use twine. The chipping will go more quickly if the brush
is spread out along the treelawn rather than piled high.
NO ROOTS OR SOIL – these will damage
the chipper blades.
Chips will be used to mulch
landscape projects on city property.
Ordinance 373.12. Those adult as a vehicle entering or exiting
bicyclists that ride on the road
a driveway.
are reminded to ride with the
The best drivers are those
traffic in the farthest right lane
who drive with full time attennear the curb.
and anticipation.
The best drivers tion
Remember that
Talking on the phone,
you are operating are those who
texting, eating breaka vehicle in the
fast or lunch, sipping
drive with full
roadway and must
coffee, combing
time attention and hot
obey all traffic
hair, shaving, putting
laws as if you
on make-up, or readwere operating a
ing while driving, are not safe
car. Younger children riding on
driving habits. You’ve seen it
sidewalks need to be courteous
done by others. Do you want
of pedestrian traffic and keep
them behind you when you
their eyes open for danger such
slow to an unexpected stop? q
The Benefits of
Building Permits are beneficial
to you and your community.
By working with the Building
Department, you will benefit
from their knowledge to ensure
your project is built right and
A building permit gives you
legal permission to start construction of a project in accordance with approved drawings
and local and state codes. A
permit also allows the Building
Department to protect the
occupants and the public by
reducing the potential hazards
of unsafe construction. By following code requirements, the
completed project will meet
minimum standards of safety
and will be less likely to cause
injury to you and your family,
and damage to your property.
The best way to find out is
to call the Brecksville Build
Department at 526-2630.
Required Permits include, but
not limited to; new construction,
additions, concrete work, roofs,
window and doors, siding, interior
alterations, retaining walls, decks,
garages, sheds, fences, swimming
pools, hot water tank, furnace, air
conditioning, landscaping, lawn
irrigation and any installation
of new electrical, mechanical or
plumbing systems.
The best way to find out is
to call the Brecksville Building
Department at 440-526-2630.
Required Permits include, but
not limited to; new construction,
additions, concrete work, roofs,
window and doors, siding, interior
alterations, retaining walls, decks,
garages, sheds, fences, swimming
pools, hot water tank, furnace, air
Safety Town is an early education program
designed for children entering kindergarten.
Children attend Safety Town 2 hours per
day for two weeks. During that time they
learn about a variety of safety topics taught
by Brecksville Police Department staff and a
wide variety of guest speakers including but
not limited to firemen, nurses, park rangers,
and lifeguards. Many of the safety lessons
are followed up with arts and crafts projects, books and videos, and
A miniature town complete with streets, houses, traffic signs and a
working light is set up outside the classroom. Children learn traffic
signs and rules as they drive peddle cars around the town. They can
also park their cars and practice pedestrian safety on the town’s sidewalks and crosswalks. q
The dates for Brecksville Safety Town will be as follows:
June 13 – June 24
Morning session 9:00am - 11:00am
Afternoon session 11:45am - 1:45pm
June 27 – July 8
Morning session 9:00am - 11:00am
Afternoon session 11:45am - 1:45pm
A Building Permit
conditioning, landscaping, lawn
irrigation and any installation
of new electrical, mechanical or
plumbing systems.
APPLICATION. This is where
you submit the “what, who,
where, when and how” of the
project. Plans may be required.
within a short period of time,
the Building Department will
review the plans and determine if
the project is in compliance with
the state and local requirements.
Some projects do require a 10
day wait period prior to issuance
of a permit. If the project meets
the requirements, a fee is paid, a
permit is issued and the project
can start.
inspections are required to confirm the work complies with
the approved plans and codes.
Projects will have one or more
required inspections. Typically a
24 hour notice is required when
requesting an inspection.
Building Department will document and close out the permit
once construction is completed, all inspections have been
approved and code compliance
has been determined.
It takes everyone in a community to keep our homes, offices,
schools and other buildings safe
for use. Safe construction practices help protect all occupants
and their investment. Be sure
to get the Brecksville Building
Department involved with your
project, because the Building
Department is an important ally
from the start to the finish of
the project. q
Critter Control
by Animal Warden, Cliffette Thacker
Electronic Aides in Dog Training
There are several different electronic devices that are used for
behavior training in dogs. If used correctly these devices can be
humane and effective. However, the dog must understand what
the owner wants and the training must be consistent.
All electronics give a shock to the dog. The shock can be slight
or intense. (An audible beep can also be utilized)
The Bark Collar
Some dogs bark continually There are collars that can shock
the dog to teach it not to bark.
Some collars can be set to allow the dog to bark once before a
shock is given. The collar should be done in a controlled environment in the event a dog would panic. The consistency of the
collar trains the dog to not bark. Often dogs can be trained to
not bark by using a squirt bottle or a shaker can. Consistency is
the key.
Electronic Yard Fences:
There are a number of electronic yard fences on the market.
Invisible Fence, Hidden Fence and Dog Watch are just a few.
Some fences are better than others. Again, training is involved.
Flags are placed around the yard to visibly mark the boundaries. The dog is conditioned to the sound and then lastly taught
to immediately return to the center of the yard when shocked.
Collars should be fitted and batteries changed regularly. Of
course the collar should always be on the dog when outside. It is
important to be consistent. Dogs that bite should never have an
electronic fence.
Shock Collars with Hand Held Transmitters:
Some people put shock collars on the dog and have a hand
held device that allows them to shock the dog. People think that
the dog will obey them and if they don’t they will shock them
into compliance. The problem with this is 2 fold: a dog can
panic or shut down or become quite fearful. Or worse, a dog can
“blame” the closest person or dog for the shock and attack. Dogs
should be “Collar conditioned” before the owner uses a shock
collar in a real situation. Shock collars are not considered a leash
in the City of Brecksville.
The bottom line with using electronics on your dog is to make
sure you consult with a certified dog trainer. Training,
conditioning and consistency are the keys.
If you have questions, you are welcome to call
Brecksville’s Animal Warden Cliffette Thacker at
526-8900. q
People of Interest...
Have you volunteered for
the same organization for
28 years? One of the people
who has is Ruth J. McDonel.
Ruth McDonel, R.N., has
been a volunteer nurse for the
Brecksville Department of
Human Services for 28 years.
One of her responsibilities is to
make sure that the volunteer
drivers have health, eye and
hearing checkups each year.
She graduated from the
Frances Payne Bolton School
of Nursing at Western Reserve
University and plied her skills as
a nurse at University Hospitals
before starting a family.
Her life as a volunteer encompasses much more than the
Human Services Center. She
was active in the PTA, was a
Girl Scout leader, as a nurse
she taught babysitting classes
for the YMCA, is a Red Cross
blood donor, rings the Salvation
Army Bell and ran the elevator
for disabled voters at Brecksville
City Hall.
A major portion of Ruth’s life
has been dedicated to the work
of her church, the Brecksville
United Methodist Church.
She has been a camp counselor, taught Sunday School and
Vacation Bible School. She’s
sung in the choir since she was
8 years old and is a member of
the Hand Bell Choir. She served
ten years as a Stephen Minister
and was a leader of the youth
mission trip to Appalachia for
six summers.
Ruth was married to Dick
Dever and they were the parents of Glenn, Darlene, Carl
and Dianne. They were also
friends with Beverly and Tim
McDonel. Sadly, both Dick and
Beverly passed away. But there
Sunday, June 26
5K Race, 5K Family Race, 1mile Family Run
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Race begins and ends at the Brecksville Community Center.
Parking is available at
this location
7:00 am - Race day registration
8:00 am - 5k begins (chip timed)
8:05 am - 1 mile walk/run (non-timed)
Proceeds from the race go to:
Run For Your Life Program, Cuyahoga Valley Youth
Organization and Kick It for children’s cancer
$15 pre-registration 1 mile walk/run
$20 pre-registration 5k
$25 on race day (each race)
Mail-in entries must be received by June 17, 2016.
Online registration will close on Friday, June 24, 2016 at 9 am
Family race forms must be mailed in together.
Mail form and entry fee to:
Hermes Sports and Events
1624 St. Clair Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114
Packet pickup
Saturday, June 25 from 3-5 pm at Brecksville Community
Center, One Community Drive, Brecksville OH 44141
Day of race Registration and packet pick up Sunday,
June 26 from 7-7:30 am Brecksville Community Center.
1 Mile Family Run - All participants will receive an award.
5K Family Race - Top Three Families will receive an award
(top three finishers in each family’s combined score)
5k Race - The top three overall male and female finishers
and the top male and female finisher in the 60 and above age
group will receive an award along with finishers three deep in
the following ages:
5k: 8 - Under / 9-14 / 15-19 / 20-24 / 25-29 / 30-34 / 35-39 /
40-44 / 45-49 / 50-54 / 55-59 / 60 & Above
Shirts to all who register before June 15.
Chip timing (5k only), 1 mile participation medals.
is a happily ever because eventually Ruth and Tim, a longtime
member of the Kiwanis Club,
decided to marry and have been
husband and wife for 20 years!
Both Ruth and Tim are
Brecksville Senior Volunteers of
the year. Ruth in 2006 and Tim
in 2014.
The Department of Human
Services always welcomes new
volunteers. Just call 526-2499.
But don’t worry. You’re not
expected to stay for 28 years!!
Historical Note
Effective January 2, 2014 Brecksville City
Council consisted of three females in it’s membership Kim
Veras, Laura Redinger and Nora Murphy. Then January 2,
2016 a Committee of Council for the first time in the City/
Village history consisted of three females. Both milestones in
Brecksville’s History.
Did You Know?
Brecksville residents receive great value for their property
tax dollar.
According to recent Plain Dealer statistics the property
tax bill per $100,000 home value is $2,238. That ranks
Brecksville 72 out of 80 Cuyahoga County taxing districts.
But that’s not all, according to the Ohio District Report
Cards provided by the Ohio Department of Education the
Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School Class of 2014
ranked 3rd in Northeast Ohio and tied for 8th in the state
(the most recent statistics available) in the percentage of
students with ACT results at the remediation-free level.
(Scoring at the remediation-free level means the students
will not be required to take remedial courses when they go
to an Ohio public college or university.)
That’s true bang for your property tax buck. Not only
are Brecksville’s property taxes low but also a highly ranked
school system adds to your property value! q
Human Services
Restaurants, A Mall Trip and
Tuesday/Thursday Errands!
Brecksville Errands
Little Polish Diner-Parma
Brecksville Errands
Summit Mall
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Greenisland Irish-Bay Village
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Glenwillow Grille-Glenwillow
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Corky and Lenny’s-Woodmere
Brecksville Errands
1Scrambled eggs, sausage links, cornbread muffin, salsa,
fruit cup.
8Pancakes, applesauce, scrambled eggs, sausage.
15Corned beef hash, poached egg, rye toast, fruit.
22Kitchen closed.
29French Toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit.
5English muffin egg sandwich, sausage patty, potato, fruit.
12Scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, fruit.
19 Pancakes, baked apples, sausage links, scrambled eggs.
26Eggs Benedict, potatoes, fruit.
West Side Market
Brecksville Errands
Salmon Dave’s-Rocky River
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Jimmy Dadonna’s-Solon
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
The Valley Inn-Brecksville
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Pad Thai-Fairlawn
Brecksville Errands
3 Chicken pot pie, mashed potatoes, garden salad, chocolate
candy bar cake.
10 Lasagna, Italian green beans, ciabatta bread, cheesecake
with strawberry sauce.
17 Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!! Corned beef sandwich,
Colcannon potatoes, Cole slaw, Pistachio cake.
24 Kitchen closed.
31 Ham steak, asparagus, Hollandaise sauce, scalloped potatoes,
Ambrosia salad, Cream puff.
7 Breaded chicken breast, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cauliflower,
cornbread muffin, chocolate cake.
14 Beef pot pie, mashed potatoes, corn, pineapple and cottage
cheese salad, peach pie.
21 Baked ziti, green beans, garlic bread, salad, biscotti and ice
28 Chicken breast, au gratin potatoes, baked tomato, dinner roll,
salad, peanut butter pie.
Human Services
Personal Needs
Blood Pressure Screenings — FREE
Canasta – Tuesdays from 1 to 4 and Wednesdays from 1:00 to 3:30
Every Monday from 9 to 11:50
Dominoes – Thursdays from 1:15 to 4:00
Lower level in the Nurses Clinic at the Human Services Center
Intermediate Bridge – Tuesdays from 12:30 to 3:30
Meditation — FREE
Guided meditation is every first and third Tuesday of the month from
7:00 to 8:45pm in Room A at the Human Services Center. Come and
relax your mind and body. Open to all ages and it’s free.
Recovery — FREE
Recovery, Inc. meets Fridays from 10:00 to noon. Having trouble
dealing with your emotions? Recovery, Inc. is a self help program that
will help you cope in a friendly, small-group atmosphere. Meetings are
held in a private room. Free coffee!
Brecksville Pantry — FREE
The Human Services Center distributes food once each month to
families of all ages who are in need. If you or someone you know needs
assistance please contact the Human Services Center at 526-2499.
Food Donations
The Brecksville Pantry is always in need of food donations or gift
cards to Marc’s and Heinen’s to buy fresh meat. We especially need
spaghetti and sauce, canned vegetables, canned fruit, cereal, canned
soups and paper products. Please bring your donations to the Human
Services Center at 2 Community Drive.
Meals on Wheels
The Human Services Center is the headquarters for the local Meals
on Wheels program. Volunteers deliver a warm lunch and cold supper
Monday through Friday mornings. Cost is $27 per week. Call 5262499 for enrollment information.
Senior Transportation
Need a ride? Transportation is available for residents 60 and
over, Monday through Friday from 9 to 4. Our cars and wheelchair-equipped bus will take you to a medical appointment anywhere
in Cuyahoga County. Our van will take you on errands on Tuesday and
Thursday. Our bus will take you to a restaurant on Wednesday and a
shopping mall on the first Friday of the month. An application on file
is necessary. Call the Human Services Center for more information at
Need a Reassurance Call?
One of our many services offered is “Reassurance Calls.”
Every day, 365 days a year you’ll receive a call from a staff member
or volunteer from Human Services. If you don’t respond by the end of
the day we will notify a friend or relative that you designate to check on
Call 526-2499 to sign up. This is suggested for older folks who live
Cards and Games
Free for registered members
Duplicate Bridge – Mondays and Fridays from 1:00 to 4. Bring a partner or just bring yourself.
Bridge After Dark – Every Thursday from 7 to 9:50
Texas Hold ’Em – Fridays from 10:00 to noon. Bring a canned food
item to “buy” chips. You might win a free lunch.
Mah Jongg – Wednesdays from 9 to Noon
Pinochle – Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 to 3
Learn to play Bridge – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm
Fitness Programs
Yoga with Denise Clement
Mondays from 9:15 am to 10:15 am
Wednesdays from 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Stretch, tone, build strength and work the heart. Dress comfortably,
bring a mat and water bottle. Email Denise at yogadc@yahoo.com.
A “punch pass” for 6 sessions is $30 for Brecksville residents, $40 for
non residents.
Walk-ins are $7 for members, $9 for non members and $11 for non
resident, non members.
FREE Stretch & Balance Class with Charlie Skiba
Wednesday mornings from 10:45-11:15 am
Held in the large fitness studio. Regain your sense of balance and help
prevent balance-related falls and injuries.
Armchair Yoga with Joyce Barchet
Mondays and Fridays from 10:45 to 11:45 – Totally Free!
A relaxing class concentrating on alignment of poses creating strength,
flexibility and tone
Seniors In Motion (Formerly Armchair Exercise)
with Charlie Skiba
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:45 – 11:45 – Totally free!
You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll be able to do sitting down that will
make you feel better!
There is a great dance class for people with Parkinson’s in Brecksville.
Dance for Folks with Parkinson’s
Fred and Dianne Discenzo teach dancing for folks with Parkinson’s and
their partners.11 to noon on the second Saturday of each month.
Call 526-8531 for more information.
Arts and Crafts
Watercolor with Judy Roszak
Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 – It doesn’t matter if you’re a
beginner or have been painting all your life. Classes are small
enabling Judy to give one-on-one personal instruction regardless of
your ability.
A “punch pass” for 6 sessions is $30 for Brecksville residents,
$40 for non residents.
Walk-ins are $7 for members, $9 for non members and
$11 for non resident, non members.
The Handcrafters
Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 – Learn how to make greeting cards, place
cards, knit, crochet, cross stitch, needlepoint or scrapbook. Make things
for yourself or help us make items for hospice or the Yuletide Hunger
program. Oh yes, a little bit of chit chat goes on too. You’ll make new
friends. Free to registered members.
The Human Services Center has three computers and a printer and
e-mail and Internet capability just waiting for you. Walk in anytime. Free!
Brecksville Computer Users Group
Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 pm in the old school at Blossom. If your
computer is sick with a virus or whatever, they can help. Call for more
info at 526-8836. Or join up if you love tinkering with computers. Sorry,
they don’t fix iPads.
Brecksville Pantry
Brecksville Pantry is Brecksville’s food bank for people who are
having difficulty making ends meet. Food is available if you fall
beneath certain income guidelines.
Call 526-2499 if you need food.
We always need canned tuna, spaghetti and sauce, canned fruits
and vegetables, boxed cereal, peanut butter and jelly, and paper towels, toothpaste, and toilet tissue.
We REALLY appreciate gift cards to Heinen’s and Marc’s. We use
them to buy fresh meat and juice just before the monthly distribution day. Buy a gift card and save the receipt because your donation
is tax deductible.
Brecksville Pantry provides at least a week’s worth of groceries
once a month for families in Brecksville trying to make ends meet.
Please drop off your donations at the Human Services Center,
2 Community Drive. Call 526-2499.
And thank you VERY much to residents who donate and local
churches, the Kiwanis Club and other organizations that hold food
drives to benefit the Pantry.
Cheers for our Drivers!
Larry Clager, Bob Petrushka and Joanne Sponseller are three of our
loyal drivers who take seniors to appointments.
And a huge thanks to Carl Alexander, Trisha Lyons and Earl Waltz
who drive for Meals on Wheels. We always need more drivers for both
programs, especially mini van and mini bus drivers.
“90+ Birthday Club”
The Department of Human Services is home to the “90+
Birthday Club.”
Here’s how it works. We will send you a birthday card during
the month of your birthday and in the card we will have an invitation to join us at the Brecksville Human Services Center for a
free lunch on Thursday when we have our Feast n Flick program.
We will pick you up in one of our city cars so you must call us
to schedule a pick-up and which Thursday during your birthday
month you would like to come to lunch. We want to reach as
many 90+ seniors in our community so if you are, or know someone who is or will be 90 this year please call the Human Services
office at 526-2499 and ask for Linda DePompei to get your name
on our list.
We want to reach as many 90+ seniors in Brecksville as possible.
Low Income Gas or Electricity
Customers May Qualify for PIPP Plus
HEAP is a one time annual payment amounting to about $200.
PIPP can help income-eligible customers maintain natural gas
service while paying off previous unpaid balances.
Participating customers pay 6% of their total gross monthly
household income or $10, whichever is greater.
Payments must be paid on time. If so, Dominion will credit your
account for the rest of that month’s current charges plus a 1/24th
credit toward your prior account balance. After 24 months of
on-time and in-full PIPP Plus payments, you will become current!!
For more information about HEAP or PIPP Plus call
Ask if you’re eligible for electricity help too.
If you’re 70 or over qualifying for HEAP and PIPP will also
qualify you for senior snowplowing for just $10 a winter!
Save the Date for FREE FOOD!
Spring into March with a healthy spring vegetable chicken
sautee and a citrus mousse.
Chef Bob Benson will be here from Elmcroft of Sagamore Hills
Assisted Living. He will provide a cooking demonstration and
some wonderful samples and recipes to take home.
Please join us on March 23 at 12 noon at the Brecksville
Human Services Center. Home Instead Senior Services of
Brecksville will provide some prizes to complement the event.
Please call Human Services for a reservation at 526-2499.
Open to all ages.
Seniors of the Year
Last call for nominations for the Brecksville Senior Volunteer Man and Woman
of the Year sponsored by the Department of Human Services and the Brecksville
Kiwanis Club. Pick up a nomination form at the Human Services Center.
Deadline for nominations is March 25. The annual Volunteer of the Year luncheon
is Tuesday, May 10 at noon at the Human Services Center. q
The Cleveland Eye Clinic located in Brecksville is presenting a free seminar about how
lasers are used in today’s cataract procedures, and the options you have as a patient when
planning your vision correction procedure. You’ll hear about the different types of lenses
that can be used to correct your vision and how lasers can be used to make the procedure
more precise. A Cleveland Eye Clinic doctor will be there for questions.
Women’s Air & Space
Tuesday, March 1
9:15 am -2:30 pm
Currently the museum
has on display a
number of women
who have made an
impact in air & space
including Amelia Earhart, Ruth Nichols, Bessie
Coleman, and the WASP, Jackie Cochran and
more! We will then enjoy lunch on our own at
the Downtown Heinen’s Café & Grocery.
Cost: $8 residents and $18 non-residents.
City Honors Volunteers
Nine volunteers were honored for 10 to 20 years of service to the community
at the Annual Volunteer Luncheon sponsored by the Brecksville Department of
Human Services in February.
The highlight of the day was when Mayor Jerry Hruby presented a 25 year service award to Sheelah Glovna. Sheela has been delivering Meals on Wheels for all
those years!
Father Walt Jenne, Judy Kovacik, Mitch Kruszynski, Larry Potla and Cheryl
Storgard have been volunteering for 15 years. 10 year volunteers are Grace Bush,
Sylvia Fowler and Mike McAllister.
The Department of Human Services is proud that 184 people volunteer for it.
In a traditional and solemn time during the Volunteer Luncheon Mayor Jerry
Hruby read the names of volunteers who have passed away since last year’s
Luncheon. Each name was followed by the ringing of the Kiwanis Club bell and a
moment of silence. Remembered were Carol Burrows, Ed Schroedel, Jerry Svoboda
and John Zupanc.
The Human Services Center is proud to have volunteers from not only
Brecksville but surrounding communities as well, who drive seniors in the Center’s
three cars, van and bus; prepare, serve and clean up after the Tuesday and Thursday
meals at the Center; volunteer nurses, desk workers, reassurance callers to shut ins
and Meals on Wheels deliverers. Just call the Human Services Center at
526-2499 for more information about a volunteer position for you. Remember,
volunteers who serve more than 48 hours each year receive a free membership to
the Human Services Center regardless of city of residence.
Human Services
Flanagan’s Wake
Kennedy Theater at Playhouse Square
Friday, April 1 from 6:30 pm-10:30 pm
Flanagan’s Wake is the hilarious interactive Irish
wake that is one of the longest-running shows in
Chicago theater History. the audience is transported to Graplin, County Silgo, Ireland, where
they participate with the villagers in the telling of
tales, singing of songs and mourn the passing of
one of their own: Flanagan!
Cost: $30 residents and $40 non-residents.
Applying for Benefits Has
Never Been Easier!
The Cleveland Foodbank has a benefit outreach program to make the application process
quick and easy for more than 20 programs
including SNAP (food stamps), prescription
benefits, child care vouchers, WIC, medical
coverage, and other assistance programs. The
Foodbank has a team of benefit counselors that
can assist people through the application process
over the phone. People not currently receiving
SNAP (food assistance, formerly called Food
Stamps) are encouraged to call the Foodbank
today to determine eligibility, find helpful
resources in your community, and apply for assistance all in one call.
Eligibility is based on monthly income and
expenses including medical, rent, and utilities.
This assistance is available for seniors, students,
families, full and part-time workers, unemployed,
and all individuals, 18 years of age or older,
who are struggling to make ends meet. If you
have never used assistance programs before and
have general questions, please call the Cleveland
Foodbank at 216-738-2067 between 10 and
4 pm.
5:45 am
6:05 am
Yoga- Liz
Spinning® - Rhonda
Spinning® - Belinda
Cross Train Challenge Rhonda
7:30 am
8:05 am
8:15 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
Spinning & Strength Rhonda
Spinning® - Rhonda
Spinning® - Belinda
Cross Train Challenge - Rhonda
Yoga - Denise*
Yoga Balance - Dana
Spinning® - Kristin
Super Sculpt- Rhonda
Yoga Therapeutics - Dana
Vinyasa Flow Yoga - Joyce
Spinning ®- Laura
9:15 am
9:30 am
Spinning ®- Erin
Yoga - Liz
Cardio Sculpt - Laura
Slow Flow Yoga - Dana
Spinning & Strength - Lori J
Yoga - Denise*
Body Blast- Joyce
Power Yoga - Joyce
Spinning & Strength - Laura
Spinning® - Laura
Body Blast - Joyce
10:15 am
Spinning® - Lori
Power Yoga - Liz
Spinning® - Shelby
10:45 am
FREE Senior Yoga- Joyce
FREE Seniors in Motion Charlie
FREE Stretch & BalanceCharlie
FREE Seniors in Motion Charlie
FREE Senior Yoga- Joyce
Spinning®- Rhonda/Erin
Barre - Charlie
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Yoga Basics - Dana
Endurance 101 - AnnMarie
Cross Train Challenge Rhonda
No Limits Circuit - Lori
Barre - AnnMarie
Zumba - Ann Marie
Spinning® - Rhonda/Erin
4:30 pm
Cross Train ChallengeRhonda
No Limits Circuit - Lori
Spinning® - Brittany
Spinning® - Tracy
Spinning® - Kristin
Spinning® - Belinda
Yoga - Dana
Spinning® & Core - Monika
7:00 pm
7:15 pm
Yoga & Meditation - Linda
What’s New!
Look Who Teaches Our Classes
Ann Marie
Seniors In Motion
This piece of equipment
provides a challenging workout
that improves endurance
and stamina. Stair Climbing
Competitions have become
popular around the country.
This piece of equipment is
the perfect tool for training.
Pictured in training is
Michael McGinty.
Boy’s Baseball
It’s time once again for the boys of summer to pull out the leather glove and
get ready for another season of baseball! The baseball game season begins
after Memorial Day and can run until the first week of August. Practices for
most leagues start the beginning to the middle of May. Coach Pitch Boys,
will begin at the end of May. Leagues and ages are listed below.
Coach Pitch Boys
*Boys Minors
Boys Majors
Boys Pony
Boys H.S.
*machine pitch
Age (as of 8/1/16)
Activity #
Inter-City Play: Some leagues play with other cities in the area.
Coach Pitch and Minors—Brecksville only
Majors and Pony—Brecksville, Independence & surrounding communities.
High School—North Royalton League made up of various local cities.
Registration Resident begins 3/1, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 4/19. Coach
Pitch ends 5/10
Boys Baseball Information
Coach Pitch (7-8 year olds)
The Coach Pitch program is designed to continue the skill development,
learning and positive play learned in the Co-ed Tee Ball program. Teams
play a 10 game season. Games are one hour and are played Monday
through Friday between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm and occasionally on Saturdays. Practice begins towards the end of May. Games will begin in June at
the conclusion of the school year. Participants will be furnished with t-shirts
and caps. Games will be played behind City Hall with adult coaches pitching
Cost $55.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$65.00 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$75.00 for non-residents
Minors (9-10 year olds)
A pitching machine will be used for this program for this part of the season,
and kids will pitch during the season as well. Full baseball uniforms are
furnished and kept by the participant at the end of the season. Games are
played Monday through Friday between 6:00pm and 10:00pm and occasionally on Saturdays. The game season begins after Memorial Day and will be
completed by the first week in August.
Practices are scheduled to begin in May.
$60.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$70.00 for Brecksville residents and Broadview Hts.
$80.00 for non-residents
Majors (11-12 year olds)
Kids will be pitching in this league. Teams play a 12 game season and have
a post season tournament. Games are played Monday through Friday
between 6:00pm and 10:00pm and occasionally on Saturdays. Full baseball
uniforms are furnished and kept by the participant at the conclusion of the
season. The game season begins after
Memorial Day and championships will be completed by the first week in
August. Practices are scheduled to begin in May.
Cost $60.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$70.00 for Brecksville residents and Broadview Hts.residents
$80.00 for non-residentss
Pony (13-15 year olds)
Teams play a 12 game season and have a post season tournament. Games
are played Monday through Friday between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm and occasionally on Saturdays. Full baseball uniforms are furnished and kept by the
participant at the end of the season. The game season begins after Memorial
Day and championships will be completed by the first week in August. Practices are scheduled to begin in May. 15 year olds are permitted to pitch one
inning per game in this league. If you will be 15 before August 1, 2014 you are
considered to be 15 for the entire season.
Cost $60.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$70.00 for Brecksville residents and Broadview Hts.
$80.00 for non-residents
High School (15-18 year olds)
Games are played Monday through Friday between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm
and on Saturdays. Baseball uniforms are furnished and kept by the participant
at the conclusion of the season. There is inter-city play between neighboring
cities. The game season begins in mid-May and championship games will be
completed by the first week in August. Participants must be in High School.
Cost $65.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$75.00 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts.residents
$85.00 for non-residents
Interested in Coaching? Anyone interested in coaching Tee Ball, Baseball
or Softball should sign up for and attend the National Youth Sports Coaches
Association (NYSCA) Coaches Training Clinic for that sport. The clinics will
be held through the Brecksville Community Center and dates and times will
be advertised. For more information please stop by or contact the Brecksville
Community Center at 546-2300. Please note that all coaches are subject to
background checks.
Girls Slow Pitch Softball
Age (as of 8/1/16)
Activity #
Coach Pitch Girls
Girls Pigtail
Girls Ponytail
H.S. Girls
Inter-City Play Some leagues play with other cities in the area.
Coach Pitch—Brecksville Only
Pigtail—Brecksville and Broadview Hts.
Ponytail—Brecksville and Broadview Hts. and Independence
H.S. Girls—North Royalton League made up of various local cities.
Registration Resident begins 3/1, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 4/19. Coach
Pitch ends 5/10
Girls Softball Information
Coach Pitch (7-8 year olds)
The Coach Pitch program is designed to continue the skill development,
learning and positive play learned in the Co-ed Tee Ball program. Teams play
a 10 game season. Practices begin in the end of May. Games will begin in
June at the conclusion of the school year. Games are one hour and are played
Monday through Friday between 6:00pm and 10:00pm and occasionally on
Saturday. Participants will be furnished with t-shirts and caps. Games will be
played behind City Hall with adult coaches pitching underhand.
Cost $55.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$65.00 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$75.00 for non-residents
Pigtail (9-10 year olds)
Kids will be pitching in this league. Full softball uniforms are furnished
and kept by the participant at the end of the season. Teams play a 10
game season and have a post season tournament. Games are played
Monday through Friday between 6:00pm and 10:00pm and occasionally
on Saturday. The game season begins after Memorial Day and post
season tournament games will be completed by the first week in August.
Practices are scheduled to begin in the middle of May.
Cost $60.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$70.00 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$80.00 for non-residents
Ponytail (11-13 year olds)
Teams play a 12 game season with a post season tournament. Games are
played Monday through Friday between 6:00pm and 10:00pm and occasionally
on Saturdays. Full softball uniforms are furnished and kept by the participant
at the conclusion of the season. The game season begins after Memorial Day
and championships will be completed by the first week in August. Practices are
scheduled to begin in May.
Cost $60.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$70.00 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$80.00 for non-residents
H.S. Girls (14-18 year olds)
Games are played Monday through Friday between 6:00pm and 10:00pm
and occasionally on Saturdays with inter-city play between neighboring cities.
Full softball uniforms are furnished and kept by the participant at the end of the
season. The game season begins after Memorial Day and championship games
will be completed by the first week in August. Practices are scheduled to begin
in May. Participants must be in High School.
Cost $65.00 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$75.00 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$85.00 for non-residents
Please contact Tom English breckreccommish@gmail.com or 440-526-1485
for league and team information or call the Brecksville Community Center at
546-2300 for registration information on both Boys Baseball and Girls Slow
Pitch Softball.
Baseball Program
Ages 3-5 year olds
Activity #
Session I April 27-June 1 11:00am-12:00pm
Session II April 27-June 1 6:00pm-7:00pm 323261-32
Session III April 27-June 1 7:00pm-8:00pm
Registration Residents 3/1, non-residents 3/8, ends 4/10.
Cost $35 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$45 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$55 for non-residents
Description Start Smart Baseball is a parent-child based program for children ages 3-5 who are interested in having fun and learning the fundamentals
of baseball or softball. Start Smart Baseball: allows children the opportunity
to work one-on-one with a parent; teaches children a variety of baseball skills
including throwing, catching, batting, running and agility; offers exercises that
become increasingly more challenging as the class progresses and children
show improvement; is taught with fun, safe, developmentally appropriate
Location: The Start Smart Baseball classes meet once a week for six
weeks at the Brecksville Community Center Field House, court B.
Men’s Softball League
Coed Tee Ball
Ages 5-6 year olds
Description The Coed Tee Ball Program is designed to provide a positive learning experience focusing on FUNdamental skills, social interaction
and learning the rules of the game. Game sessions last one hour and are a
combination of instruction and structured game time. Typically, two games
are scheduled each week between 6:00-9:00pm, Monday through Friday, and
occasionally on Saturdays. Your coach may schedule a practice after Memorial
Day to meet the children, time and weather permitting. Games will begin after
the school season has completed and the program will end by the beginning
of August. Participants are furnished with t-shirts and caps. This is a Tee Ball
program, there will be NO coach pitch. The Tee Ball Program will be held on the
synthetic turf soccer field at Blossom Hill.
Cost $55 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$65 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
Ages: 18 and over
May 15-August 14
Games begin at 9:00am
Registration: Resident begins 3/1, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 5/1
Cost: $400.00 team entry fee (includes 2 dozen softballs and $20.00
USSSA sanction fee).
Additional Costs: $50.00 per Sunday (Umpire and scorer fee)
Description: Spring is right around the corner and so is the Brecksville
Recreation Men’s Sunday Softball League. The league is comprised of one
division with a maximum of 8 teams. All games will be played on Sunday’s
beginning at 9:00am. Each team will play a doubleheader every Sunday.
The season will start May 18th, we will play a seven week season with a
double elimination tournament to conclude the season. The tournament
will be completed by Labor Day. All teams will be sanctioned by the USSSA.
Mandatory Managers Meeting: Sunday, May 1 at 5:00pm at the Blossom
Hill School, Room 9. Teams must be registered to attend.
Adult Bocce League
Ages: 18 and over
DayDate Time
June 7-August 116:00-8:00pm
* Wednesday Rain Make-Up Day
Registration: Resident begins 4/1, non-resident
begins 4/8, ends 5/22.
Cost: $40.00 registration fee
Description: Welcome to the Brecksville
Recreation Adult Bocce League. This is a coed
league, teams can be female/female, female/
male or male/male. The league will run over 9
weeks, including a single elimination tournament to
conclude. You may register your team, at least two
people, along with a maximum of two substitutes, at
the front desk of the Brecksville Community Center.
There will be a mandatory managers meeting on
Tuesday, May 31st at the Brecksville Community
Center in Community Room C at 6:00pm, you must
be registered to attend.
Umpire Training for
Youth Baseball/Softball
Ages: 14 and over
Sat. Apr. 16 & 30, May 14
Activity #
Registration Residents in progress, non-residents 3/8, ends 4/11.
Cost: Free
Description: The Recreational Umpire Training program is for any youth,
ages 14 and above, interested in working as a Recreational Umpire or
Score Keeper for Brecksville Youth Baseball/Softball during the summer
season. The training is for rookie umpires as well as veterans and covers
the basics of officiating youth baseball/softball games as well as score and
stat keeping. Participants who successfully complete the training program
are eligible to work as paid recreational umpires and score keepers for
the City of Brecksville. Participants should expect to attend all three
training sessions. However, registration is rolling and if a session is missed
participants should plan on attending the next upcoming session.
Location: All training sessions are held at the Blossom Hill Gym.
NYSCA Tee Ball, Baseball and
Softball Coach Clinic
Ages 18+
DayDates Time
May 22, 2016
Registration Residents 3/1, non-residents 3/8, ends 5/15.
Registration Fee: None
Additional Costs: $20.00 to be paid by check on date of clinic. Make check
payable to: National Youth Sports Coaches Association. For those who
have completed an NYSCA Clinic to coach in another sport and who have
maintained their membership with the NYSCA there is no cost to attend the
Description The NYSCA Baseball, Softball and Tee Ball Coaches Clinics
are designed to sensitize volunteer coaches to their responsibilities when
working with children in sports while also teaching sport specific coaching
skills and techniques. Clinic highlights are: Learning to set the stage for
a successful season; Understanding coaches’ roles and responsibilities;
Learning practice organization and tips on teaching the fundamentals of the
Brecksville Community Center, Room A, B and C
Tennis camps are available for kids and adults ages 4 and up during
June and July at the tennis courts behind Brecksville City Hall.
Tennis for Tots - This camp is designed to teach children the fundamentals of tennis in a fun, structured setting, while also working on basic
motor skills that are necessary to play sports.
Beginner - These camps are designed for the participant who has
never played tennis or who has had little instruction. Sessions focus on
learning the basics of tennis including footwork skills and eye-hand coordination through fun, games and activities.
Intermediate - These camps are for the participant who has completed the Youth Tennis Beginners Camp and still desires further instruction,
or has had some tennis instruction or experience. Building on what
students have learned in previous classes, students will learn more
advanced footwork and ball control skills. Forehand, backhand, serves,
rules and scoring will be taught in this camp.
Adult - Students will learn more advanced tennis skills on the court
through drill sessions and game play.
All classes will be taught by the Recreation Staff.
Tennis for Tots
Camp for 4-5 year olds
Session A: June 13-22
Session B:
June 14-23
Session C:
July 11-20
Session D: July 12-21
Tennis Session I: June 6-9
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
Beginner for 8-10 year olds
Beginner for 11-14 year olds
Beginner for 15-18 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
Tennis Session II: June 13-16
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
**Intermediate for 6-10 year olds 10am-11amM,T,W,Th
Intermediate for 11-14 year olds 11am-12pmM,T,W,Th
Intermediate for 15-18 year olds 12:30pm-2pmM,T,W,Th
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
** 6-7 year old Beginner class Pre-requisite or permission of instructor
for 6 and 7 year olds!
Tennis Session III: June 20-23
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
March 1 through April 20
Call the Community Center or go brecksville.
oh.us/departments/recreation/fitness and download the fitness schedule for more information.
Beginner for 8-10 year olds
Beginner for 11-14 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
Tennis Session IV: July 11-14
Beginner for 6-7 year olds 9am-9:30amM,T,W,Th
**Intermediate for 6-10 year olds 10am-11amM,T,W,Th
Intermediate for 11-14 year olds 11am-12pmM,T,W,Th
Beginner for 15-18 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
** 6-7 year old Beginner class pre-requisite or permission of instructor
for 6 and 7 year olds!
Tennis Session V: July 18-21
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
Beginner for 8-10 year olds
Beginner for 11-14 year olds
Intermediate for 15-18 year olds 12:30pm-2pmM,T,W,Th
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
Tennis Session VI: July 21-24
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
**Intermediate for 6-10 year olds 10am-11amM,T,W,Th
Intermediate for 11-14 year olds 11am-12pmM,T,W,Th
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
** 6-7 year old Beginner class pre-requisite or permission of instructor
for 6 and 7 year olds!
Adult Tennis
Camp for 18 and over (Adult) 6:00pm-7:30pm
Session A: June 13-22
Session B: June 14-23
Session C: July 11-20
Session D: July 12-21
* Beginner class pre-requisite or permission of instructor
for 6 and 7 year olds wanting to participate in the Intermediate
Registration: Resident begins 3/1, non-resident, begins 3/8, ends
the Friday before session begins.
Tennis for Tots & Beginner ages 6-7:
$30 for BCC members
$40 for residents
$50 for non-residents
Camps for Intermediate 6-14 year olds and
Beginner 8-14 year
$40 for BCC members
$50 for residents
$60 for non-residents
Camp for 15-18 year olds and Adults
$45 for BCC members
$55 for residents
$65 for non-residents
Location: Tennis Courts behind Brecksville City Hall.
Free Running & Workout Programs
Registration begins March 1
Spring Cross-Training Workout Program
Ages 10-19,
The Brecksville Recreation Department in collaboration with the Run
For Your Life Program offers a Free Spring Cross Training Program. The program is designed for speed training, strength training, plyometric
training and conditioning. Attendees will be required to bring their own
jump rope, workout mat and water bottle. The workouts will be held at the
Blossom Turf, and enrollment will be through the Brecksville Community
April 18 - May 25
Mondays and Wednesday 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Summer Running Program
Ages 6-15, Parents Welcome
The Brecksville Recreation Department in collaboration with the Run
For Your Life Program offers a Free Run For Fun Program. The program
is designed with fun running activities for 6-15 year olds. Parents are
encouraged to come and participate as well. Attendees are required to
bring your own water bottle and running shoes. This is a free running
program enjoyable for all. The program will be held at the Blossom
Complex, and enrollment will be through the Brecksville Community
June 21 - July 28
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 10:00am
Summer Cross-Training Workout Program
Ages 10-19,
The Brecksville Recreation Department in collaboration with the Run
For Your Life Program offers a Free Summer Cross Training Program. The program is designed for speed training, strength training, plyometric
training and conditioning. Attendees will be required to bring their own
jump rope, workout mat and water bottle. The workouts will be held at the
Blossom Turf, and enrollment will be through the Brecksville Community
June 20 - July 27
Mondays from 9:00am - 10:00am
Wednesdays from 9:00am - 10:00am & 3:30pm - 5:00pm
*Run For Your Life will meet rain or shine. Should weather be questionable for safety, you will be notified by an instructor. Please contact
Brian Stucky, 216-390-4950 or brstucky@aol.com or Pete Kormos,
440-546-2007 or pkormos@breckville.oh.us with any questions.
Preschool II
This class is designed for children 3-1/2 and 5 years of age. Please refer to the website for more information. www.brecksville.oh.us/departments/recreation.
Location BCC–Brecksville Community Center
Kids n Company I
This class is designed for children 6 months to 2 years of age. A responsible adult
Dates participant who is comfortable in the water must accompany each child during all
class sessions.
Location Human Services Therapy Pool
Registration Residents begin Feb. 1, Non-residents begin Feb. 8
Dates 3/9-5/4
Activity #
Wednesday*12:00-12:30pm N/A
6:45 - 7:15pm
Registration Residents begin Feb. 1, Non-residents begin Feb. 8
Activity #
5:00p - 5:35pm
10:00am - 10:35am
Fees: Community Center Member 40.00
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00
Non-Resident 60.00
Learn to Swim Levels 1-6
Location Brecksville Community Center
* hybrid
Levels 1
Dates Day
Activity #
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00
6:00 - 6:50pm
Non-Resident 60.00
11:00 - 11:50am
Activity #
Fees: Community Center Member 40.00
Kids n Company II
Levels 2
This class is designed for children 2 years to 4 years of age. A responsible adult
Dates participant who is comfortable in the water must accompany each child during all
6:00 - 6:50pm
class sessions. Water exploration is encouraged, having fun is mandatory!
11:00 - 11:50am
Location Human Services Therapy Pool
Dates Day
Activity #
5:00p - 5:35pm
10:00am - 10:35am
Levels 3
Dates Day
Activity #
5:00 - 5:50pm
Registration Residents begin Feb. 1, Non-residents begin Feb. 8
6:00 - 6:50pm
Fees: Community Center Member 40.00
10:00 - 10:50am
11:00 - 11:50am
Activity #
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00
NOTE Children who are not potty trained must wear swim diapers in the water
at all times. No child suffering from diarrhea will be allowed to participate in the
Levels 4
program. Swim diapers are available for purchase at the Community Center front
Dates desk if needed.
5:00 - 5:50pm
10:00 - 10:50am
Preschool I
This class is designed for children 3-1/2 and 5 years of age. Please refer to the
website for more information. www.brecksville.oh.us/departments/recreation.
Location BCC–Brecksville Community Center
Dates Day
Activity #
6:00p - 6:35pm
11:00am - 11:35am
Registration Residents begin Feb. 1, Non-residents begin Feb. 8
Fees: Community Center Member 40.00
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 50.00
Non-Resident 60.00
Levels 5
Dates Day
Activity #
5:00 - 5:50pm
10:00 - 10:50am
Activity #
Levels 6.1
Dates 3/8-5/3
5:00 - 5:50pm
N/A 3/5-5/7
10:00 - 10:50am
Fees: Community Center Member 45.00
Brecksville-Broadview Hts. Resident 55.00
Non-Resident 65.00
Aqua Easter Egg Hunt
Friday, March 18
Join us for our 3rd Annual Aqua Easter Egg Hunt! There will be floating eggs
and sinking eggs for the hunters to find. One “magic” egg per age group will
earn the hunter a special prize. The Aqua Egg Hunt will take place in the Human
Services Therapy Pool. It is a warm water shallow pool.
All participants will receive prizes. We will also have a craft for children to do before
or after the Hunt!
We will provide a bag for the hunter to collect their eggs in.
WATER. If your child 6 or older and is not a strong swimmer, a trusted adult is
required to be in the water. Our lifeguards must watch everyone that is in the pool
so you are the only one able to watch your child 100% of the time. Life jackets are
permitted to be worn by children WITH an adult in the water.
Section A
Age 6 mos.-18 mos.
5:30-6:00 pm
Section B
Age 18 mos.-36 mos.
6:00-6:30 pm
Section C
Age 3-4 yrs
6:30-7:00 pm
Section D
Age 5-6 yrs.
7:00-7:30 pm
Section E
Age 7-8 yrs.
7:30-8:00 pm
8:30-9:00 pm
***BCC pool
Section F
Age 8-12 yrs.
Children that are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper. Swim diapers are
available for purchase at the front desk of the Community Center.
Cost: $5 Brecksville Community Center Members, $6 Brecksville Residents
$7 Non-Residents *No third child discount for special events.
Competitive Swim
Instruction Program
This is a quarterly offered program for Fall, Winter and Spring that
will focus on competitive swim techniques and endurance for youth,
ages 7-13. This program is considered an extension of the Learn-toSwim program.
• Times and days of program offerings will vary from season to
• It is designed for those that have participated in at least the Level 5
Learn-to-Swim or equivalent.
• This program is restricted to Brecksville residents only.
• Sessions will be scheduled for eight (8) meetings.
• Each offering is considered a separate session with separate fees.
Participants should only register for sessions that they can attend.
The program requires participants to perform continuous lap
swimming. Participants should be able to swim a minimum of ten
(10) continuous laps before registering.
Dates Day
Activity #
6:00 - 7:15pm
6:00 -7:15pm
Summer Camp
Ages Junior Camp- 6-8 year olds and Senior Camp- 9-12 year olds
As the end of the school year approaches, summer will soon be here. Instead of
having your child sit in front of a TV, why not send your child to Brecksville Community
Center for Summer Day Camp. Your child will enjoy field trips, swimming, sports, arts &
crafts, hikes, special events, and many more activities while making new friends. Make
Brecksville Community Center Summer Day Camp part of your child’s summer plans.
Session One – June 6-10
Rollin’ Along
Junior Camp – 333161-81
Senior Camp – 333162-81
Pre Care – 333163-81
After Care – 333164-81
**Field Trip: Skate Station (June 9)
Session Two – June 13-17
Life’s a Beach
Junior Camp – 333161-82
Senior Camp – 333162-82
Pre Care – 333163-82
After Care – 333164-82
**Field Trip: Huntington Beach (June 16)
Session Three – June 20-24
On Target
Junior Camp – 333161-83
Senior Camp – 333162-83
Pre Care – 333163-83
After Care – 333164-83
**Field Trip: Laser Quest (June 23)
Session Four – June 27-July 1
Zippity “Zoo” Da
Junior Camp – 333161-84
Senior Camp – 333162-84
Pre Care – 333163-84
After Care – 333164-84
Field Trip: Akron Zoo (June 30)
**Visit: Outback Ray (June 28)
No Camp July 4-8
Session Five – July 11-15
Outta’ the Park
Junior Camp – 333161-85
Senior Camp – 333162-85
Pre Care – 333163-85
After Care – 333164-85
**Field Trip: Lake County Captains Game
(July 14)
Session Six – July 18-22
On Strike for Fun
Junior Camp – 333161-86
Senior Camp –333162-86
Pre Care – 333163-86
After Care – 333164-86
**Field Trip: Seven Hills Lanes (July 21)
Session Seven – July 25-29
Walking on Sunshine
Junior Camp – 333161-87
Senior Camp – 333162-87
Pre Care – 333163-87
After Care – 333164-87
Field Trip: Pioneer Water Park (July 28)
Field Day at Blossom Hill (July 29)
Dates/Time Monday through Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm
Registration Resident begins 3/1, non-residents 4/1 and ends the Thursday before
each week camp starts
Location Camp will be located at Brecksville Community Center.
*Please plan on bringing your child to Blossom Hill School at 4400 Oakes Road on
Friday, July 29 for field days.
$85 per week for BCC members
$95 per week for Brecksville-Broadview Hts. residents
Additional Costs: Extended Care is for families who need before and/or after camp
supervision for their children. You must register for Extended Care prior to attending
each camp Week. Parents/Guardians can pick up their children at any time during these
Before Care: 8:00-9:00am--$10.00/week and After Care: 4:00-5:00pm--$10.00/ week
Registration February 1
Location Brecksville Community Center Indoor Pool
Fees Community Center Member 20.00 and Resident 30.00.
The New Digs!
After spending about
a year temporarily
headquartered at the
new Blossom Service
Garage, the Horticulture
Department is back
home to our Stadium
Drive location. While
we were operating out of
Blossom facility a new
Seasonal Vehicle Storage Bay
high-tech service garage
was being built on the site of the old school bus garage. We moved in October of
last year.
The building has about 12,000 square feet of garage space – mostly for vehicles but also for the tools and supplies needed in the day-to-day operations of the
Horticulture Department. About half of the space is dedicated to parking big
Service Department trucks that are used only seasonally, like leaf trailers and the
sewer Vactor. The space is also currently used for parking Human Services vans and
In addition to the
garage space, there is also
about 2200 square feet of
space for the horticulture
staff. Included are rooms
for a workshop, kitchen/
break room, meeting
room and a private office.
The workshop has lots
of shelving and racks for
efficient storage and a
locked, ventilated closet
specifically for storing our
An area for potting plants
agricultural chemicals.
The staff area also features men’s and lady’s locker rooms and restrooms. The
restrooms can be accessed both from inside the building and from the sidewalk on
Stadium Drive. Locked from the street most of the time, the bathroom facilities
will be open to the public during special events at the site. q
o Featured Plant p
Dwarf Alberta Spruce
(Picea glauca ‘Conica’)
This cultivated variety of the white spruce is
a naturally occurring dwarf introduced into the
nursery trade in the early 1900s. The parent
species is native across most of northern North
America and so is very tolerant of cold, wind,
heat and drought.
Commonly available in garden centers and
nurseries, this small-statured evergreen retains a
formal look without pruning and is slow growing. These low maintenance attributes make it a
great plant for home landscapes. It might reach
10 to 12 feet in height in 25 or 30 years and
gets a little stouter over time.
As with most evergreens, dwarf spruce are fairly slow to establish and are best planted in the
spring. They are mostly purchased in containers
and so have a restricted root system. Aftercare
has to include diligent watering to get the trees
through the establishment period. Full sun is
best for compact growth.
There are some nice specimens on the east
side of the Brecksville Fire Station. They were
planted in 2005 after being used a few seasons
in concrete pots downtown.
Coming Soon!
An area for planning
Watch the City’s web site for
news about the City’s new
Community Garden on
Stadium Drive.
Come to the Community
Center for Some Hoppin’
Good Easter Bunny Fun!
Tuesday, March 22
4 to 5 pm
Hey Kids! Make a special Easter Basket just
for you, decorate a yummy take-home treat and
Brecksville Little Theatre
March 11-12-18-19-20-25-26, 2016
This comedy takes place in 1934 at the Cleveland Opera
House and involves a temperamental opera star, his
jealous wife, an assortment of star-struck characters
and mistaken identities, all causing chaos and laughs
from start to finish.
Titantic Lights, One Night Only —April 16
dance with the Easter Bunny himself! Photo
A Special Added Performance
opportunity included.
Brecksville Community Center
Cost is $2 for Brecksville Community Center
Members & $3 per child for non-members.
Space is limited. Please call 546-2300 for more
Stories of the ship and the people who sailed with her.
Told by Rob Catalano
March 13
Spring Ahead
Kiwanis Club of Brecksville
Hosts the
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday March 26, 10 am
Oak Grove Picnic Area.
Toddlers to age 12 are invited.
Rain or Shine.
Bring a basket or bag to
collect the eggs.
Tax Time
R.I.T.A. Questions? Please call the
Regional Income Tax Agency at
526-0900 or go to www.brecksville.
oh.us under Departments/City Taxes.
Do not contact City Hall unless you
would like to speak with the City Tax
Administrator, Jim Neusser.
Saturday, March 5
& Change the batteries
on your smoke
alarms too!
at Noon
Brecksville Theater on the Square
April 15 and 16
Get ready for a musical experience ripped from the
pages of Mo Willems’s beloved, award-winning, best-selling children’s books that will leave audiences doing the
“Flippy Floppy Floory” dance all night long! In Elephant
& Piggie’s “We Are in a Play!”, Gerald and Piggie take
to the stage in a rollicking adventure perfect for young
audiences. An elephant named Gerald and a pig named
Piggie are best, best, “bestus” (a word Gerald and Piggie made up that means
“very best”) friends. But Gerald worries that something could go wrong that
would end their friendship. Piggie is not worried at all. She’s even happier and
more excited than usual. That’s because she and Gerald are invited to a party
hosted by the Squirrelles, three singing squirrels who love to have a good time.
And so begins a day when anything is possible. Filled with beloved characters
and lively songs, Elephant & Piggie’s “We Are in a Play!” is a perfect way to
introduce young people to theatre. Featuring 5 actors and a small band the
design needs are limited making this a perfect educational theatre opportunity.
9069 Brecksville Road, • Brecksville, OH 44141
Presort Standard
U.S. Postage
Cleveland, OH
Permit #4291
printed on recycled paper
City Hall
City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
Mayor/Safety Director
Jerry N. Hruby . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 526-7646
Law Department
David J. Matty, Law Director . . . . .
City Prosecutor/Assistant Law
Sergio DiGeronimo . . . . . 546-9200
Clerk of Courts
Shelley Kazimore . . . . . . . 526-2620
Finance Department
Virginia Price, Director . . 526-4351
Police Department,
William Goodrich, Chief
non-emergency . . . . . . . . 526-8900
Department of Recreation
Tom Tupa, Director . . . . . 546-2300
Animal Warden
Cliffette Thacker . . . . . . . 526-8900
Department of Human Services
Steve Paciorek, Director . 526-2499
Fire Department, Edwin Egut, Chief
non-emergency . . . . . . . . 526-2640
Purchasing Department
Rebecca Riser, Director . 526-4351
City Engineer
Gerald Wise . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
Cemetery Sexton
Kristen Kouri . . . . . . . . . . 526-2603
Service Department . . . . 526-1384
Ron Weidig, Service Director
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
Brecksville Bulletin
Jinny Farr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546-2319
Frequently Called Phone Numbers
City Council
Cuyahoga County Library
Brecksville Branch. . . . . 526-1102
Brecksville Metroparks Nature
Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-1012
Board of Education Office
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-4000
Brecksville Service Department
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-1384
Brecksville Center for the Arts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-6232
Brecksville-Broadview Heights
Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . 838-5191
Gerald F. Broski . . . . . . . . res. 526-2068
Brecksville Community Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546-2300
Human Services Center.526-2499
Louis N. Carouse, Jr. . . . . res. 526-4963
Brecksville Historical Association
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-7165
Brecksville Little Theater
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4477
Brecksville Theater on the Square
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-3443
Building Department
Scott Packard, Bldg. Commissioner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-2630
Independence License Bureau
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (216) 642-1373
Regional Income Tax Agency
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-0900
Recycling Department. . 526-2643
Get Brecksville Information on the web www.brecksville.oh.us,
on Time Warner Channel 20
Greg Skaljac, President . . res. 717-0362
Mike Harwood, Vice-President . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 546-0521
Nora Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . res. 526-8655
Laura Redinger . . . . . . . . . res. 717-1531
Kim Veras . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 717-0868
Mary Scullin, Clerk . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351