Mayor Delivers State of the City Address Brecksville Chamber of


Mayor Delivers State of the City Address Brecksville Chamber of
Volume 29 Issue IISpring 2015
A Message from Our Mayor
Council President’s Report. . . . . . p. 2-3
City Council Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4-5
Human Services, Restaurant Trips,
Feast & a Flick and More. . . . . . . . p. 6-9
A Citizen’s Update
About Town Events. . . . . . . . . . . p. 10-11
Safety and Service, Natural Gas News,
Safety Tips, City Calendar . . . . . p. 12-13
Community Center, Athletics, Fitness, &
Aquatics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 14-p. 19
f r o m
t h e
Mayor Delivers State of the City Address
Brecksville Chamber of Commerce
Presents Annual Awards
Brecksville Mayor Jerry Hruby delivered his annual State of the City Address to an overflow crowd on February 18
at the Human Services Center. The event was sponsored by the Brecksville Chamber of Commerce.
Prior to the Mayor’s speech the Chamber presented its Citizen of the Year Award to Bill Rittman of the
Brecksville Kiwanis Club. The Business of the Year Award went to Simon’s Restaurant.
Debra Branske President of the Brecksville Chamber of
Commerce with Bill and Ann Rittman.
Mike and George Simon proudly display their
award for Business of the Year.
o f
k s v i l l e
of the Year
Last call for nominations for the
Brecksville Senior Volunteer Man
and Woman of the Year sponsored
by the Department of Human
Services and the Brecksville
Kiwanis Club. Pick up a nomination form at the Human Services
Center. Deadline for nominations
is March 27. The annual Volunteer
of the Year luncheon is Tuesday,
May 12 at noon at the Human
Services Center.
A Huge Thanks to The Kiwanis Club!
On the evening of February 10
the Brecksville Kiwanis Club and
the Broadview Heights Lions Club
staged their third “Empty Bowls”
dinner. 400 people bought tickets
for a simple dinner of home made
soup, salad and bread. The food
was donated by 14 local restaurants! Thanks!
On Thursday, February 26, at the
Kiwanis Club’s weekly meeting,
“Bowls” chairperson Bill Rittman
presented guest speaker, Mayor
Hruby with a very large check for
the Brecksville Pantry.
of the Year” award from
the Brecksville Chamber
of Commerce at Mayor
Hruby’s State of the City
speech which the Chamber
sponsors each year.
Our congratulations and thanks
to the Kiwanians for this remarkably successful project to benefit
their neighbors!
If you are interested in
purchasing any of the bowls
pictured above, contact Bill
Rittman at abrittman@
Congratulations to Bill Rittman who received the “Citizen
Bill Rittman is shown with some
of the bowls created especially for the
Empty Bowls event. These bowls are
currently for sale.
Mayor’s Message
In February, we normally express our appreciation to our volunteers by holding a
Volunteer Tea in their honor at the Human
Services Department. Due to the inclement
weather, this event was postponed to March
19th. At that time we will gather to thank
our volunteers with a meal and award and an
afternoon of fellowship and goodwill. We sincerely thank our
volunteers who help to make life better for those in need in our
community. There is always room for more to volunteer. Please
consider giving some of your time to help another. Drivers are
needed for our transportation program and there are other opportunities as well. Please contact our Human Services Department at 546-2499.
The Meals on Wheels Program, delivering meals to those in
need, is a result of volunteerism, volunteer drivers who take it
upon themselves to make these deliveries. I want to express my
sincere appreciation to them for dealing with the elements of
this very harsh weather. And I also express my appreciation to
our Service Department employees who assisted by making the
deliveries in sub-zero weather in place of our volunteers.
This winter has been extremely cold. In the month of February the average temperatures were a high of 23 degrees and a
low of 6 degrees. Many days were below zero with the wind
chill. As March is upon us, the freeze/thaw season begins making driving conditions even more dangerous. I commend our
Service Department for their work. They simply did an outstanding job considering the conditions they had to work with.
Please note that until spring truly arrives, occasional freezing
will take place. Be careful driving and walking due to icy conditions that develop.
The State of the City Addresses and Conversation with the
Mayor event provided a forum for the state of our city in
2015 and a recap of the events of 2014. I want to thank the
Brecksville Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the State of
the City Address and thank all who were in attendance at the
various events. Congratulations to Bill Rittman and to Simon’s
Restaurant for being named Citizen of the Year and Business of
the Year, respectively, at the State of the City Address. Simon’s
has been part of our community since 1976 and has become a
gathering place for two generations and now the third. Bill Rittman volunteers so much of his time to the Kiwanis Club, the
Photographic Society and other civic organizations including
the Empty Bowls event which celebrated its third season raising
funds for the City Pantry of Brecksville and the Lend a Hand Program in Broadview Heights. Congratulations to both and thank
you Chamber!
It is hard to believe as I look out the window and see a few feet
of snow on our front lawn at City Hall that Easter will soon be
upon us and that City Hall will be closed on April 3rd, Good
Friday. Also, on our calendar for the future, Saturday, May 9th is
Shred Your Documents Day from 9am to noon in the Municipal
Parking Lot. This is a free service on behalf of the City’s recycling
program. Last year nearly 20 tons of shredded materials were
recycled in the two shred day events held by the City. We ask
that you bring a non-perishable food item, gift card or some small
donation towards the City’s food pantry program. If you are unable to do so, you certainly are still welcome to have your documents shred on that day. On May 12th, the Senior Volunteer of
the Year Award, a man and woman who exemplify volunteerism
in our community will be honored. Tickets are available through
our Human Services Department. Also, Monday, May 25th, is
the Memorial Day Parade event at the Brecksville Highland Drive
Cemetery. The parade steps off at 10:30 am from City Hall, City
Hall will be closed in honor of Memorial Day. Please make this
a family event and attend our Memorial Day observance as we
remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our
Nation and its people and our liberties. Veterans in attendance
will be recognized and are welcome to walk in our parade either in
uniform or not. We also ask our citizens to carry the flag of our
United States which measures 20’ X 38’. Anyone wishing to enter our parade is welcome to enter the parade as long as the theme
is dedicated to Memorial Day. Applications are available through
our Community Center.
It is time to register for our summer recreation programs. Please
do not hesitate because some fill quickly. Contact the Community Center Recreation Department for further information.
Soon the City will be launching its new webpage. Please watch
for that. Any comments and/or suggestions are always welcome.
The City engaged CodeSummit as its designer to work with the
City IT staff.
Spring will soon be here; and, of course, spring clean-up. Please
recycle those materials that are noted in the city calendar and
webpage. Please help us continue to recycle nearly 50% of all
materials collected. Watch the city calendar for various dates for
programs we offer. Questions? Please contact our Service Department.
Congratulations and best wishes to our Bees Wrestling, Swimming and Gymnastics Teams who at the time of this writing are
about to embark upon state championship events, hopefully
leading to the continued success of these outstanding programs.
To date, our wrestlers have won the Dual
Meet State Championship by defeating St.
Edwards. The individual titles and individual team championships are next. We
wish each and every one of the athletes,
their coaches, and families the very best
and …GO BEES! City Council and the
Administration will be honoring these
fine young athletes for their accomplishments at a City Council meeting to be
announced. Whether they bring home
the state championship or are runnerups or just for their very participation,
we are proud of our Bees and appreciate
the commitment of our youth and their
Brecksville Human Services Needs
Volunteer Drivers
The Human Services
Department’s award winning volunteer driving progr
am for
seniors is experiencing depleted ranks. More drive
rs are needed.
Typically drivers volunteer a day a month driving
from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Some drivers are so committed that they drive once or more
a week.
The program uses City cars to transport seniors to
medical appointments Monday
through Friday throughout Cuyahoga County. On
Tuesday and Thursday our mini van
takes seniors on errands such as the grocery store and
drug store.
Most importantly we need drivers for our 14 passe
nger bus which transports seniors
and wheel chair users to medical appointments and
to our Wednesday restaurant trips
and Friday mall trips.
No special license is required including for the bus.
We do ask that the bus drivers
be physically able to strap in the wheel chairs on the
bus and we ask that all drivers are
comfortable traveling on the freeways, going to the
Cleveland Clinic and University
Hospitals downtown and on I-271, and driving in
inclement weather.
For more information please call the Human Servi
ces Center at 526-2499.
Congratulations to Andrew Toth upon being appointed to the
U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis by U. S. Senator Rob Portman
(R-Ohio). Andrew is a senior at St. Ignatius and a resident of
Brecksville. We wish him the very best along with our congratulations upon receiving this appointment. Please see the picture
posted on page 11 of this Bulletin.
Nancy Werner, a 26 year employee of our Building Department
has announced her retirement effective May 1st. We sincerely
appreciate her dedicated service to the City and wish her the very
best in her retirement. She will be missed by the staff and community.
In the month of April, an examination will be held for the position of Police Chief for the City of Brecksville. Lt. Dan Jereb is
serving as Acting Chief until a new Chief is named. Five police
sergeants have signed a letter of intent to take this examination
and will be the candidates for selection and appointment as our
City’s 8th Police Chief in the history of our Police Department.
The three probationary Patrolmen who were hired in 2014 successfully graduated from the Ohio State Patrol Police Academy
and are currently in our field training program working directly
with a field training officer here in our city. We have one other
police candidate who entered the OSP Academy in February of
this year and he will be joining our FTO Program this summer.
All four new appointments, Kevin Ackerman, Robert Conte,
Thomas Kanasz and Christopher Wirkus replace retired police officers. We look forward to their safe and lengthy careers of service
to our community.
This has been a very difficult winter, as I stated before. I thank
the public for their cooperation, the school district, and our safety
and service forces for working closely together as we dealt with all
that Mother Nature literally threw at us this winter. With that, I
wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to the springtime
knowing that our properties, city, business and residential, our
streets and sidewalks have suffered through this difficult winter
and will need extraordinary care once spring has arrived. We
will be reassessing our Road Program based upon some extraordinary damage that took place over the winter, and perhaps
be in a position to revise our capital plans for this year. Our
forecast for spring and summer, the construction of the Metrohealth facility, finalizing the Stadium Drive Vehicle Storage and
Horticultural Building, developing final plans for our Blossom Hill recreation area, the various storm sewer and culvert
projects, renovation work to the exterior of the Old Town Hall,
and of course, as stated previously, a total review of our capital
projects due to the impact of winter.
I wish you all a Happy Easter and look forward to the spring
Mayor Jerry N. Hruby
City Offices Closed
Brecksville City Hall, the Service Department
and the Human Services Center will be closed on
Good Friday, April 3.
The Community Center will be open from
10 am - 5 pm on Good Friday but will be closed on
Easter Sunday, April 5.
Council Corner
As we leave behind the worst of the winter weather
and move into early spring, I would like to thank
our service department for another outstanding
job at keeping our city streets clear of ice and snow.
The salt storage facility constructed in 2013 certainly
helped our crews to efficiently manage our salt usage.
In addition, at a time when many communities were
either out of salt or having to pay exorbitant rates to
obtain an extra supply, our surplus salt stored at this facility saved our
city thousands of dollars. Please continue to be mindful of our road
crews when you are driving through town.
Speaking of our roads, once again in 2015 we are planning a very
aggressive street repair program. While the final program will not be
finalized until late spring, we have budgeted over $1,000,000 towards
maintaining our roads. Due to the skill of our service department
and the investment over the years towards paving equipment, we are
able to perform the vast majority of this work in-house which saves
substantial amounts of tax dollars every year.
Over the next few months, the city’s annual outside financial audit
will commence and those results will be forthcoming. As always,
our annual Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) will be
published and made available once the audit is completed.
Sometime this spring, it is the intent of City Council to begin
formalizing the Master Plan for the development of our Blossom
Hill property in the very near future. This has been a long-awaited
development and we are looking forward to turning that vision into
a reality.
As always, if you have any suggestions to improve our various program offerings or vital city services please do not hesitate to contact
me or any of my fellow members of Council. We very much value
your input.
for the Brecksville Service Department resurfacing Barr Road from
Edgerton Road to Highland Drive and Snowville Road east of Brecksville
Road to Riverview Road. In anticipation of these larger paving projects,
the city purchased a new paver to replace the original paver that was
purchased in 1990.
Once the winter is over, another tour will be taken of our streets and
roads to assess their current condition and determine if any modifications are necessary to the 2015 Road Program.
Buildings & Grounds
Louis N. Carouse, Jr.
Work continues on the Stadium Drive Service
and Horticulture Garage with an expected June,
2015 completion. Council approved two purchase
order increases for work on the building, the first to
CTL Engineering for $856.25 for additional earthwork testing and the
second to D.G. Bohning and Assoc. for $6,000.00 for an additional estimated 1.5 weeks of time to perform certain construction related tasks
on an hourly basis until the completion of the project.
We have also authorized the Mayor to apply for a Nature Works Grant
from ODNR for up to 75% funding assistance for acquisition or development of outdoor recreation areas. The City plans to use the funds for
playground structures at Kids Quarters. The Material Storage Facility
on Stadium Drive has been very beneficial to the City this winter as we
have been able to maintain ample salt supplies for keeping our roads
clear of snow and ice. We are also looking forward to reviewing the
recommendations for the new Police/Court facility.
Sincerely, Greg Skaljac, City Council President
Michael Harwood
Streets & Sidewalks
Gerald F. Broski
An assessment of our streets and roads is performed at the end of each year to establish priorities
for the next annual road repair and maintenance
program. In November 2014, the Streets & Sidewalks Committee approved 2015 Service Department Road Program
recommendations, and City Council subsequently adopted legislation
to accept bids for the various components of the road program. A
total of approximately $1.5 million was budgeted in 2015 to improve
our streets and roads.
For many years, the Brecksville Service Department has been paving our streets and saving taxpayers millions of dollars. The Service
Department’s paving expertise has excelled to the point that our crews
are now able to perform much larger paving projects, including paving
county roads within the city. In 2014, the City of Brecksville entered
agreements with Cuyahoga County wherein the City was reimbursed
At this time we would like to provide the 2014
complete project list, as well as the potential 2015
projects that are currently in review.
2014 Completed Projects:
1. Amber Lane Culvert Replacement Project (D-13 Funding),
2. Amber Lane Stream Bank Restoration,
3. Brecksville Road Rear Storm and Sanitary Repair Project (D-13
4. Snowville Road Culvert and Storm Sewer Replacement Project
(Federal Discretionary Grant Funds),
5. Farview Road Storm Sewer Improvements (D-13 Funding),
6. State Route 82 Culvert Replacement Project (State Grant Funds).
D-13 Funds; represents funds collected by Cuyahoga County through
property taxes of Brecksville residents to be used for the maintenance of
storm and sanitary sewers within the City of Brecksville. In addition to
routine maintenance performed by the County, the City of Brecksville
addresses more significant sewer repairs and submits cost for such to the
County for reimbursement utilizing Brecksville D-13 funds. 2015 Potential Projects:
1. Chippewa Creek Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonment and Pump
Station Project; in construction (D-13 Funding),
2. Carriage Hill Pump Station Abandonment Project; in construction (D-13 Funding),
3. Old Quarry Pump Station Abandonment Project (D-13 Funding),
4. Warblers Roost Storm Sewer Project (D-13 Funding),
5. Crinkleroot Storm Sewer Replacement Project (D-13 Funding).
Easements are required to proceed,
6. Valleybrook Storm Sewer Improvement Project (Ohio Turnpike
Mitigation Grant). Easements are required to proceed,
7. 7467 Amber Lane Culvert Replacement Project (D-13 Funding),
8. 10605 Snowville Road Culvert Repair Project (D-13 Funding),
9. Whitewood/Meadow Aerial Sewer Repair Project (D-13 Funding),
10. Deer Run Culvert Replacement Project (D-13 Funding).
11. Chippewa Road and Calvin Drive Sanitary Sewer Connection –
2015 Funding (Ohio Public Works Commission) not received.
Potential Plan Development proceeding with re-application for
Grants for 2016.
As we prepare for 2015, the Administration and City Engineer have
preliminarily prepared the potential utility improvement projects as
listed and continue to work aggressively in identifying and taking the
appropriate steps in applying for various funding alternatives.
At any time that you have questions in regards to a specific project or
any project in general please do not hesitate to call.
Safety - Service
Nora Murphy
The Safety-Service Committee has recommended
and City Council has approved the following items:
For the Service Department
• A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to apply to the Cuyahoga
County Solid Waste Management District for a Community Recycling Awareness Grant.
• An Ordinance accepting the bid of Minute Men Staffing Services for
Temporary General Labor for the year 2015.
• A motion in the amount of $20,000.00 to Mattes Landscaping for
2015 supplementary snowplowing and salting services for parking
lots and sidewalks at various locations in the City.
• A motion to authorize the Purchasing Director to advertise for bids
for a new rear loading rubbish packer.
• A motion to approve a blanket vendor purchase requisition in the
total amount of $3,851.99 for the purchase of 2015 Service Department apparel.
• A motion to increase the Blanket Purchase Order to Airgas USA,LLC
in the total amount of $6,365.04 for renewal of a 5-year cylinder
lease agreement and cylinder purchases.
Laura Redinger
The Administration and City Council had a
budget planning session in early December to
discuss 2015 priorities and establish the final
budget for the year. Each department develops a
detailed plan in conjunction with input from the Mayor, the Finance
Director and the Service Director.
The annual budget is established by Fund and includes the General
Fund and several Special Revenue Funds. The General Fund is the operating fund of the City. All revenue and expenditures not accounted
for in the other designated funds are recorded in the General Fund.
The largest areas of operation funded by the General Fund include
Service, Police, Human Services and Administrative Support. Major
assumptions for the General Fund include the following:
• General Fund Revenue of $16.7 million is budgeted to be flat in
2015 compared to an estimated 2014 Revenue. A 2.3% increase
in income tax revenue is partially offset by declines in budgeted
inheritance tax.
• General Fund Expenditures are projected to be up by approximately
3% in 2015 compared to 2014 budget (excluding one time economic development payment). The main driver for the increase in
General Fund Expenditures is due to payroll increases.
The Capital Improvement Fund is established to account for financial
resources to be used for the construction or acquisition of major (over
$5,000) equipment, facilities, or infrastructure. Funds pass through
the Capital Funds to the Debt Service Fund to service debt principal
and interest payments incurred to purchase capital assets. Major assumptions for the Capital Improvement Fund include the following:
• Approximately $1.3 million in building improvements, repairs and
new construction are budgeted in the Building and Improvement
• Capital equipment and building maintenance budgeted in other
funds totals $1.4 million
Great care is taken by the Mayor, Administration and City Council
to conservatively budget expenditures to maintain an overall General
Fund balance that continues to support the City’s excellent financial
condition. Please feel free to contact me, the Mayor or the Finance
Director should you have any detailed questions regarding the 2015
Kim Veras
The Brecksville Code of Ordinances is updated
on an annual basis to include all legislation
adopted by City Council in a calendar year that
amends, supplements, or repeals the existing code, as well as changes to state law. American Legal Publishing
Corporation recently submitted the 2015 Supplement No. 21 to the
codified ordinances. Upon review and approval by the Law Department, City Council will pass legislation to adopt the supplement and
American Legal Publishing Corporation will subsequently provide
printed hard copies of the supplement to update city code books. The
city also subscribes to monthly code updates in electronic format on
FolioViews software. The Brecksville Code of Ordinances is available
for reference during normal business hours at the Brecksville Branch of
the Cuyahoga County Public Library and also in the Clerk of Council’s office at Brecksville City Hall. Requests for ordinances may be
submitted to:
Human Services
Personal Needs
Blood Pressure Screenings — FREE
Every Monday from 9 to 11:50
Lower level in the Nurses Clinic at Human Service
Meditation — FREE
Guided meditation is every first and third Tuesday of the month
from 7:00 to 8:45pm in Room A at the Human Services Center.
Come and relax your mind and body. Open to all ages and it’s free.
Recovery — FREE
Recovery, Inc. meets Fridays from 10:00 to noon. Having trouble
dealing with your emotions? Recovery, Inc. is a self help program that
will help you cope in a friendly, small-group atmosphere. Meetings
are held in a private room. Free coffee!
Brecksville Pantry — FREE
The Human Services Center distributes food once each month to
families of all ages who are in need. If you or someone you know
needs assistance please contact the Human Services Center at 5262499.
Food Donations
The Brecksville Pantry is always in need of food donations or gift
cards to Marc’s and Heinen’s to buy fresh meat and produce. We
especially need canned tuna, spaghetti and sauce, canned vegetables,
canned fruit, cereal, canned soups and paper products. Please bring
your donations to the Human Services Center at 2 Community
Meals on Wheels
The Human Services Center is the headquarters for the local Meals
on Wheels program. Volunteers deliver a warm lunch and cold supper
Monday through Friday mornings. Cost is $27 per week. Call 5262499 for enrollment information.
Senior Transportation
Need a ride? Transportation is available for residents 60
and over, Monday through Friday from 9 to 4. Our cars and
wheelchair-equipped bus will take you to a medical appointment anywhere in Cuyahoga County. Our van will take you
on errands on Tuesday and Thursday. Our bus will take you to
a restaurant on Wednesday and a shopping mall on Friday. An
application on file is necessary. Call the Human Services Center
for more information at 526-2499.
We’re very sorry but the Human Services jet is down for
Cards and Games
Free for registered members
Canasta – Tuesdays from 1 to 4 and Wednesdays from 12:30 to 3:30
Dominoes – Thursdays from 1:15 to 4:30
Intermediate Bridge – Tuesdays from 12:30 – 3:30
Duplicate Bridge – Mondays and Fridays from 1:00 to 4. – Bring a
partner or just bring yourself.
Bridge After Dark – Every Thursday from 7 to 9:50
Texas Hold ’Em – Fridays from 10:00 to noon. Bring a canned food
item to “buy” chips. You might win a free lunch.
Mah Jongg – Wednesdays from 9 to Noon
Pinochle – Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 to 3
Yoga with Denise Clement
Mondays from 9:15 am to 10:15 am
Wednesdays from 7:30 am to 8:30 am
Stretch, tone, build strength and work the heart. Dress comfortably,
bring a mat and water bottle. Email Denise at
A “punch pass” for 6 sessions is $30 for Brecksville residents, $40 for
non residents.
Walk-ins are $7 for members, $9 for non members and $11 for non
resident, non members.
FREE Balance Class with Pam
Wednesday morning from 10:45-11:15 am
Held in the large fitness studio. Regain your sense of balance and help
prevent balance-related falls and injuries.
Tai Chi with Ken Owen
Tai Chi for Arthritis - Tai Chi for Arthritis - Wednesdays from 11:00
to Noon – FREE class with paid membership in either the Community
Center or Human Services Center - A specialized version to help you
deal with those aches and pains. It really works! CLASSES RESUME IN
Tai Chi is the ancient Chinese exercise experience that is the just right
exercise for people who are looking to stretch and tone without getting
sore! A great way to loosen up those tight muscles.
Armchair Exercise with “Charlie” Skiba
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:45 – 11:45 – Totally free!
You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll be able to do sitting down that
will make you feel better!
Armchair Yoga With Joyce Barchet
Mondays and Fridays from 10:45 to 11:45 – Totally free!
A relaxing class concentrating on alignment of poses creating strength,
flexibility and tone.
Dance for Folks with Parkinson’s
Fred and Dianne Discenzo teach dancing for folks with Parkinson’s and
their partners.
11 to noon on the second Saturday of each month. Call 526-8531 for
more information.
Watercolor with Judy Roszak
Mondays from 9:30 to 11:30 – It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner or
have been painting all your life. Classes are small enabling Judy to give
one-on-one personal instruction regardless of your ability.
A “punch pass” for 6 sessions is $30 for Brecksville residents,
$40 for non residents.
Walk-ins are $7 for members, $9 for non members and
$11 for non resident, non members.
The Handcrafters
Mondays from 1:00 to 3:00 – Learn how to make greeting cards, place
cards and almost anything using all sorts of things including wallpaper.
Or knit, crochet, cross stitch, needlepoint, tat and scrapbook. Oh yes,
a little bit of chit chat goes on too. You’ll make new friends. Free to
registered members.
The Human Services Center has three computers and a printer and
e-mail and Internet capability just waiting for you. Walk in anytime
except Thursday from 1-3:30 and sit right down. Free!
Brecksville Computer Users Group
Thursdays from 6:30 to 9 pm in the old school at Blossom. If your
computer is sick with a virus or whatever, they can help. Call for more
info at 526-8836. Or join up if you love tinkering with computers.
Sorry, they don’t fix iPads.
Need a Ride?
Department car is available MONDAY through FRIDAY,
9:00 am - 3:00 pm for trips to doctors in near-by areas.
Appointments are necessary a week or more in advance.
Remember to call on the 20th of the prior month for restaurant
and mall reservations as well as doctor appointments.
Historic Hower House
at the University
of Akron
Tuesday, April 28 from
10:00 am-3:30 pm
Hower House is an Empire Italianate structure, built in 1871 by
Akron Industrialist, John Henry Hower. This 28-room Victorian
mansion is filled with unique treasures and furnishings collected
by the Hower Family diring their travels around the world. Lunch
will be on your own at “Beyond the Point Cafe” in the West Point
Market. There will be time to tour & shop in this outstanding food
emporium. Save room for brownies!
Cost: Residents $8 and Non-residents $18
Learn About Advancements in
Cataract Surgery
Monday - March 23, 2015
Free Lunch served at 11am. Program from 11:15 am-12:15pm
Human Services Center Gathering Room
The Cleveland Eye Clinic, located in Brecksville in the Grand Bay
complex, would like to invite you to a free seminar about how lasers
are used in today’s cataract procedures, and the options you have as a
patient when planning your vision correction procedure. This program will cover the different types of lenses that can be used to correct
your vision and how lasers can be used to make the procedure more
precise. A Cleveland Eye Clinic doctor will be available for Q&A.
Please RSVP to 440-447-6012. Seating is limited.
Grow Your Own Family Tree
We’ve all thought about tracing the roots of our family tree and now
you’ve got a chance to finally do it. Back by popular demand, genealogist and Brecksville resident, Wally Huskonen has created a program to
help residents trace their family heritage.
Two-hour sessions begin Wednesday, March 25 from 1 to 3 and
continue each Wednesday afternoon through May 13 at the Brecksville
Human Services Center. You’ll work with Wally on creating your own
ancestor chart and family group sheet. It’s a fascinating experience.
Each session is limited to six people to enable hands-on instruction
employing the Center’s three public computers. And it’s free!
Register by calling the Human Services Center at 526-2499. Be
sure to bring along any basic family tree information that you possess
especially names of relatives who were possibly counted in the 1930 or
1940 census. Sorry, Brecksville residents only because of limited class
“90+ Birthday Club”
Here’s how it works…we will send you a birthday card during the
month of your birthday and in the card we will have an invitation to
join us at the Brecksville Human Services Center for a free lunch on
Thursday when we have our Feast ‘n Flick program. We will pick you
up and take you home in one of our Human Services transportation
vehicles so you must call us to schedule a pick-up and which Thursday
during your birthday month you would like to come to lunch. We
want to reach as many 90+ seniors in our community so if you are, or
know someone who is or will be 90 this year, please call the Human
Services Center at 526-2499 and ask for Linda DePompei to get your
name on our list.
Learn How to Play Bridge at the
Human Services Center
If you have friends who have said, “Do You Play Bridge?” you don’t
have to say no anymore!
Beginner Bridge lessons are held on the second and fourth Wednesdays from 7 to 9 pm at the Human Services Center.
The current crop of students graduated at the end of February and
now classes for brand new people or those who want a refresher course
will begin on March 25 and continue for approximately eight weeks.
The two hour sessions will include 20 to 40 minutes of instruction
followed by actual play with assistance.
For more information call 526-2499.
Human Services
Therapy Pool Schedule
Liquid Strength
10:00-11:00 Arthritis Class
Nora’s Water Exercise
Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy
Sculpt and Splash
Sport and Spine PT
Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy
Liquid Strength
10:00-11:00 Arthritis Class
12:00-12:30 Learn to Swim (Pool Closed)
Nora’s Water Exercise
11:00-12:00 Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy
Sculpt and Splash
Sport and Spine PT
Learn to Swim (Pool Closed)
Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy
Liquid Strength
10:00-11:00 Arthritis Class
Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy
Learn to Swim (Pool Closed)
10:15-12:00 Doctor Approved Self-Directed Therapy
Sunday (pool is closed)
5 Pecan crusted tilapia, Perla’s pierogi, buttered green beans, dinner
roll, Cole slaw, Boston cream pie.
¸ The Fault in Our Stars
12 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration! Corned beef sandwich, Colcannon
potatoes, candied carrots, broccoli slaw, pistachio cake.
¸ Draft Day
19 Kitchen Closed. No Movie
26 Silver Grill Tribute and Spring Fashion Show!
Chicken a la King on puffed pastry, baked tomato, spring mix
salad with raspberry dressing, cream puff.
¸ Grace Unplugged
2 Kitchen Closed. No Movie
9 Easter Dinner. Chicken breast supreme, scalloped potatoes, vegetable, dinner roll, garden salad, strawberry shortcake.
¸ The Hundred Foot Journey
16 Lasagna, Italian green beans, garlic roll, garden salad, cannoli.
¸ Maleficent
23 Beef stroganoff, parsley buttered noodles, mixed vegetable, dinner
roll, cucumber salad, fried tortilla chips with cinnamon sugar.
¸ The Book Thief
30 Pork chow mein, rice, dinner roll, Chinese salad, fortune cookie and
chocolate pudding.
¸ October Sky
Brecksville Pantry
Brecksville Pantry is Brecksville’s food bank for people who are having
difficulty making ends meet. Food is available if you fall beneath certain
income guidelines.
Call 526-2499 if you need food.
We always need canned tuna, spaghetti and sauce, canned fruits and
vegetables, boxed cereal, peanut butter and jelly, and paper towels,
toothpaste, and toilet tissue.
We REALLY appreciate gift cards to Heinen’s and Marc’s. We use them
to buy fresh meat and juice just before the monthly distribution day.
Buy a gift card and save the receipt because your donation is tax deductible.
Brecksville Pantry provides at least a week’s worth of groceries once a
month for families in Brecksville trying to make ends meet.
Please drop off your donations at the Human Services Center, 2 Community Drive, east of the Community Center. Call 526-2499.
And thank you VERY much to residents who donate and local churches, the Kiwanis Club and other organizations that hold food drives to
benefit the Pantry.
aurant and Mall Trips
Valley InnBrecksville
Brecksville Errands
Mitchell’s Fish
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Summit Mall
Macy’s on the
Brecksville Errands
Peachtree Southern
Brecksville Errands
King Wah-Rocky
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Office Closed
Saturday, March 21 from
10 am - 12 pm at the Brecksville
Human Services Center
Southpark Mall
Aurora Premium
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Peachtree Southern
Senior Tech
B Spot BurgerStrongsville
Brecksville Errands
Brecksville Errands
Hudson Park
Brecksville Errands
Pleasant Valley
Tuesday Brunch
3 Vegetable frittata, ham steak, red skin
And a huge thanks to
Kathy Hammond, Ken Kaus
and Lou Ann Klimek who drive
for Meals on Wheels. We always need more drivers for both
programs, especially mini van and
mini bus drivers. Volunteer please
by calling 526-2499.
Barroco GrillLakewood
Brecksville Errands
Judy Nouzak, Steve Jaeger and
Judy Kovacik are three of our
loyal drivers who take seniors to
Pleasant Valley
Cheers for our
7 Sausage gravy over biscuit, sausage patty,
scrambled eggs, lettuce & tomato.
10 Pancakes, sausage, applesauce.
14 Eggs Benedict, potatoes, fruit cup.
17 Corned beef hash, poached egg, toast.
21 French toast, sausage, fruit cup.
24 Scrambled eggs, bacon, potatoes, toast, lettuce & tomato.
28 Breakfast quiche with ham, red skin potatoes, croissant.
Surfing with Seniors: Covering
the basics with searching for websites, using email, IT security and
opening emails from trustworthy
Saturday, April 18 from
10 am - 12 pm at the Brecksville
Human Services Center
This session focuses on popular
social media sites like Facebook,
YouTube and popular online games
of interest to seniors. It will also
provide an overview of how to set
up an account on Facebook or This class touches
on basics of Skype and Facetime.
For more info contact the
Brecksville Department of Human
Services at 526-2499.
31 Kitchen Closed
About Town
Yarn is Needed for Brecksville
Handcrafter Group
The Handcrafters at the Brecksville Human Services Center meet
every Monday from 1 to 3.
Their supply of knitting yarn has depleted and they are in need
of more donated yarn.
They make warm mittens, slippers and scarves for needy families
and residents of skilled nursing facilities.
Please bring your donation to the Human Services Center at 2
Community Drive, Monday through Friday 8:30-4:30.. And hey,
why not bring your needles and join them?
Composting Seminar & Composting Bin Sale
Cuyahoga County Waste Management
Wednesday, May 20 from 5:30 to 9 pm
at the Brecksville Community Center
A Visit with the
Easter Bunny &
Outback Ray & his Animal Show
April 2
4 to 5 pm
Children will have the opportunity to
visit with the Easter Bunny as well as enjoy
an animal show with OUTBACK RAY.
APRIL 17, 18, 24, 25, 26, MAY 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 2015
ADMISSION - $10.00
Cost is $2 for Brecksville
Community Center Members &
$3 per child for Non-members.
Space is limited.
For more information please call 546-2300.
Brecksville Theater on the Square
Presents…“Steel Magnolias”
March 13 -15 and 20 -22
Steel Magnolias is a classic drama/comedy written by Robert Harling,
set in Louisiana at a beauty salon, where all the ladies who are “anybody”
come together to have their hair done. Six women come together with six
unique personalities to share their views on life. As the story unfolds, a
tragedy brings them closer to the realization of their own mortality, and
how it affects others, drawing on their strength and love, giving the play a
truly touching quality.
Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30, with Sunday matinees at 2:00.
Performances are held at the Old Town Hall theater on Public Square
in Brecksville. Tickets are $14 available online at, or at the
Brecksville Bicentennial Book
Honor the Past, Embrace the
Present, Envision the Future
Purchase your copy for $45.
includes a DVD with videos and
photos of the year-long bicentennial
Sold at City Hall or the Human Services Center, cash or check
only. For questions or additional information, please contact
Jo Ann Bartsch at or contact
City Hall at or leave a
message for the Bicentennial Committee at
City Hall at 526-4351.
Congressional Nomination for a
Brecksville Boy!
Brecksville Center for the Arts
Experience the Power of Women at Brecksville Center for the Arts Gallery during the month of March. The mission of the show is to promote
artwork created by women, of women & about women. Many local
residents will be represented in the show.
Exhibition Dates: Sunday, March 1 through Saturday, March 31
Artist Reception: Sunday, March 1 from 1-3 pm
Cost: FREE and Open to the Public
Where: 8997 Highland Drive (old library)
Regular Gallery Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Other times by appointment
Come in out of the cold & experience THE ART ZONE at BCA. The
Art Zone is a place to provide a safe environment for families with children to participate in drawing, craft and other art related activities and to
help educate children on recycling paper materials.
COST: FREE we provide supplies, craft ideas. Parents are required to be
with the child at all times.
HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday 10 am - 2 pm
Pictured from left to right: Senator Rob Portman,
Andrew Toth and Major General Mark Bartman, Acting
Adjutant General for The Ohio National Guard
On January 17, 2015, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio)
congratulated Andrew Toth of Brecksville on both his receipt
of a Congressional nomination and subsequent Offer of
Appointment to the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis,
Maryland. Andrew is a senior at St. Ignatius High School in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Kiwanis Club of Brecksville
Hosts the
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday April 4, 10 am
Oak Grove Picnic Area.
Toddlers to age 12 are invited.
Rain or Shine.
Bring a basket or bag to
collect the eggs.
y & Service
Tornado and Disaster Alert Siren Procedures
Spring will soon be here and with it the tornado and severe weather season begins. Therefore,
the City will resume testing its Severe Storm Alert system every Saturday at noon through
The City has three emergency sirens, which are strategically located at the north, central and
southern sections of the City.
Yard Clean Up is Right
Around the Corner
The City is offering this service once a year.
This year it is April 6 through April 10. Brush
from residential tree and shrub trimming will
be picked up from your treelawn and run
through a chipper. Please place the brush with
the butt end toward the curb. There is no
need to bundle or use twine. The chipping
will go more quickly if the brush is spread
out along the treelawn rather than piled high.
NO ROOTS OR SOIL – these will damage
the chipper blades.
Chips will be used to mulch landscape
projects on city property.
When the sirens are heard at any time other than Saturday at noon, residents are advised to
seek shelter immediately and monitor radio, TV or the National Weather Service weather radio.
If there is a “Tornado Warning” in Cuyahoga County or northern Summit County, meaning
an actual tornado has been sighted, the Brecksville emergency siren system will be activated for
three (3) continuous minutes.
1. Tornado: The tone of the sirens will be four (4) seconds of increased pitch followed by one
(1) second of low pitch for a total of three (3) minutes continuously. An alert will take place
whenever a TORNADO WARNING is issued for Cuyahoga County or northern Summit
County, or when there is a confirmed report of an extremely dangerous weather related situation that could threaten the safety and lives of residents. People are urged to take cover and
keep informed by TV or weather radio.
2. Disaster or Attack: The tone of the sirens will be one (1) second of high pitch followed by
one (1) second of low pitch, for a total of three (3) continuous minutes. This will create a
type of sound to warn the public of an extremely dangerous situation (other than weather
related) and signal residents to employ protective measures and take cover.
What’s on t
he Cit
y Calendar
26 Planning Commission 7 pm
9 Board of Zoning Appeals
8 pm
11 Advisory Board to the Department of Human Services
3 pm, Human Services
16 Yard Waste Begins
2 Visit with the Easter Bunny
Community Center 4pm
3 Good Friday, City Offices
Closed. Community Center
Open 10am-5pm
7 Council 8 pm
17 City Council 8 pm
Happy St. Pats!
18 Telecommunications Commission 7pm
8 Advisory Board to the
Department of Human
Services 3 pm, Human
Services Center
23 Recreation Commission
7:30 pm
9 Planning Commission
7 pm
7 CodeRED testing
13 Board of Zoning Appeals
8 pm
15 Telecommunications
Commission 7pm
23 Planning Commission
7 pm
26 Recreation Commission
7:30 pm
All meetings are at City Hall unless noted otherwise.
Natural Gas and Electricity Update
Natural gas rates have been steadily dropping, even during the winter!
The good news is that the variable rate on your February bill should be no higher than
$3.61! (If it’s $3.95 you have NOPEC’s “program rate.”) On your March bill your rate
should be no higher than $3.29. If it is, AND you’re with NOPEC you have their “program rate.” It was called a fixed rate but it’s no longer fixed. Everyone should now be on
NOPEC’s variable rate.
If you’re with any provider other than NOPEC call that provider, listed above the
rate line on your bill, (IGS, Dominion Energy Solutions, Integrys, etc.) and cancel but
be sure they will not charge you an early termination fee. You will automatically be
switched back to Dominion.
Then, when the words “Standard Service Offer (SSO)” appear on your bill call NOPEC at 888-848-7914 and ask for their “Variable Rate.”
If you have a NOPEC rate higher than $3.59 on your February bill or $3.29 on your
March bill call NOPEC at 888-848-7914 and ask for their variable rate.
WARNING: Whenever you request any sort of company or rate change check with
your current supplier to be sure you will not incur an early termination fee. They can be
as high as $150! NOPEC does not have an early termination fee for gas.
There is major good news to tell about the price of natural gas but it’s complicated to
explain. Every year Dominion holds an auction and their natural gas suppliers bid on
what rate they’ll sell gas to Dominion. It’s called an “adder.” In the past year it’s been
43¢. Starting in March it will be just 2 cents over wholesale!!!! Extraordinary! Just a few
years ago the adder was over $2.00! Love it or hate it, it’s all because of fracking.
All good offers for electricity have been withdrawn so stay with what you’ve got. If you
have received a letter from First Energy Solutions telling you that they will no longer be
your supplier call NOPEC at 800-292-9284 and sign up for their variable rate.
To see if your electric rate is too high, compare the “Price to Compare” in bold type
on the upper left side of your electric bill with the rate on the “Basic Charge” line on the
right side of the bill about half way down. The rule of thumb is that if your rate is above
.08 cents per kilowatt hour (KWH) you’re paying too much.
If you have questions call Human Services at 526-2499.
Suggesting what you should do has become delightfully simple! You should be on NOPEC’s variable rate for both gas and electricity. If you are not, you’re paying too much!
SAVE THE DATE! Shred Your Documents & Donate to Habitat
Saturday, May 9 from 9 am - noon
Cintas will be at the Municipal Parking Lot to securely shred all those confidential
documents that should not go in the trash. This program has been very successful in
the past and is a great way to recycle paper.
Once again, the City is asking everyone who attends to bring a voluntary contribution of canned goods for “Brecksville Pantry,” which supplies food monthly to people
who have been hurt by the economic times. The Pantry is always in need of canned
tuna, soups, pasta, vegetables and fruit.
Habitat for Humanity will be collecting usable construction/renovation materials
and household items to be used in their building and renovation projects and for sale
in their Restore, where people can purchase these items at a third of the cost and help
them improve their own housing.
Bring your donations to the Shred Your Documents event. Habitat will be in the
Municipal Lot from 9-3pm. All gifts are tax deductible.
Acceptable items: sinks, toilets, kitchen cabinets, vanities, doors, appliances (working), stoves, microwaves, counter tops, plumbing and electrical fixtures/materials,
tools, freezers, air conditioners.
Pick up of larger items can be arranged by calling 216-429-3631 ext. 238
Electrical Hazards–
Protecting Yourself, Your
Home and Your Assets
Microwave ovens, telephones, home computers,
washing machines and dryers…most of us are used to
these conveniences and cannot imagine living without
them. But items that use electricity also pose possible
risks due to damage from electrical surges. Lightning
and electrical surges can also cause a shock or fire hazard if protective steps are not taken. The good news
is that damage caused by most electrical surges can be
Lightning protection systems: Lightning can provide a spectacular display of light on a dark night.
This awesome show of nature also causes more deaths
and destruction in a typical year than floods, hurricanes and tornadoes combined. The electrical
energy from lightning seeks a path to the ground–via
your home, trees in your yard or even you. A lightning protection system provides a direct path for the
lightning to follow to the ground and helps prevent
destruction, damage, injury or death as it travels that
Surge protection devices: Electrical surges can happen when electric utility lines touch one another;
power grid switching occurs; air conditioners, furnaces, refrigerators or vacuum cleaners turn on and off; or
lightning strikes within two miles of a home. Whole
house surge protection at the electrical service entrance
panel or meter is one way to protect your home. To
protect specific electrical items, such as your computer,
surge protectors can be used between the item and the
wall outlet.
General tips: Common household currents and
voltages are capable of causing severe injury or death.
Electrical equipment should always be treated with
respect and be properly maintained. The following
tips can help you recognize potential electrical hazards:
Use caution around above-ground service entrance
lines; contact the utility company before digging
around underground service entrances.
Enclose fuses and circuit breakers in a panel box
away from combustible materials; always keep the
panel door closed and latched.
Check electrical cords for damage; use extension
cords for temporary wiring solutions; avoid using
“octopus plugs” to overload a single outlet or receptacle.
Fasten receptacle and switch covers securely to keep
wires hidden; replace receptacles that will not hold
plugs firmly; use tamper resistant outlets or outlet covers around small children and pets.
Fitness Schedule y Cent
5:45 am
6:05 am
Cross Train
Fitness Schedule
Spin & Strength
8:05 am
Cross Train
Yoga Therapeutics
8:15 am
8:30 am
9:00 am
9:30 am
Super Sculpt
Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Theme Spinning®
Theme Spinning®
Body Blast
Cardio Sculpt
Theme Spinning®
Cardio Weight
Slow Flow Yoga
Power Yoga
Spin & Strength
Theme Spinning®
Body Blast
Theme Spinning®
10:15 am
10:45 am
11:00 am
4:30 pm
5:45 pm
6:00 pm
6:30 pm
Power Yoga
Power Hour
FREE Armchair
Senior Yoga
FREE Armchair
Cross Train
Total Body Fusion
Power Hour
Yoga Combo
High Energy
Zumba Nights
FREE Balance
*Free Tai Chi
FREE Armchair
FREE Armchair
Senior Yoga
Power Tone & Core
Total Body Fusion
Balance Class with Pam
Power Hour
High Energy
Zumba Nights
Theme Spinning®
Wednesday morning from 10:45-11:15 am
Held in the large fitness studio. Regain your
sense of balance and help prevent
balance-related falls and injuries.
Theme Spinning®
7:00 pm
* Requires Membership to the Community Center or Human Services
Run for Your Life – Free Running and Workout Programs
Spring Cross-Training Workout Program
Ages 10-19,
The Brecksville Recreation Department in collaboration with the Run For Your Life
Program offers a Free Spring Cross Training Program. The program is designed for
speed training, strength training, plyometric training and conditioning. Attendees will
be required to bring their own jump rope, workout mat and water bottle. The workouts will be held at the Blossom Turf, and enrollment will be through the Brecksville
Community Center.
Must furnish own jump rope, workout mat and water bottle.
Class Size: Minimum 30, Maximum 60, wait list 10
April 13, 2015 - May 20, 2015
Mondays and Wednesday 3:30pm - 5:00pm
Activity # 326171-81
Summer Running Program
Ages 4-15, Parents Welcome
The Brecksville Recreation Department in collaboration with the Run For Your Life
Program offers a Free Run For Fun Program. The program is designed with fun running activities for 4-15 years old. Parents are encouraged to come and participate as
well. Attendees are required to bring your own water bottle and running shoes. This
is a free running program enjoyable for all. The program will be held at the Blossom
Complex, and enrollment will be through the Brecksville Community Center.
Must furnish own water bottle
Class Size:Minimum 20, Maximum 40, wait list 10
June 16, 2015 - July 30, 2015
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 10:00am
Activity # 336172-81
No Classes July 1 and July 3
Summer Cross-Training Workout Program
Ages 10-19,
The Brecksville Recreation Department in collaboration with the Run For Your Life
Program offers a Free Summer Cross Training Program. The program is designed
for speed training, strength training, plyometric training and conditioning. Attendees
will be required to bring their own jump rope, workout mat and water bottle. The workouts will be held at the Blossom Turf, and enrollment will be through the Brecksville
Community Center.
Must furnish own jump rope, workout mat and water bottle
Class Size: Minimum 30, Maximum 60, wait list 10
June 15, 2014 - July 29, 2015
Mondays and Wednesdays 9:00am - 10:00am
Activity # 336171-81
No Classes on June 30 and July 2.
or Brian Stucky -
The C
The U6s (ages 4 and 5) will engage in the ABCs of player movement—Agility,
Balance and Coordination. The ball will be used in most activities to facilitate
body-movement and ball control. These players will play 1v1 and 2v2 games. Constant activity will be the target, so balls will be in continuous play.
The U8s (ages 6 and 7) will engage in small-sided games with 4v4 being the
best format, but 3v3 and 5v5 might also be employed for older players. Their
training will be games-based with a variety of competitive games that will challenge players to learn the tactics of the game—how to get a team shape; how
to avoid pressure by passing back; how to defend; how to switch the ball to the
side with less pressure.
10:30 am-1:30 pm
Join the fun! Bring your kids in for fun and games and let them burn off some
energy. Various toys and equipment will be available for use in the fieldhouse.
Bring your lunch and eat with your friends, too! There is no Gym Time when school
is cancelled due to weather conditions or scheduled school holidays.
Coed Bocce League
Ages: 18 and over
June 16-August 20
Registration: In progress, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 6/5.
Cost: $40.00 per team
The Brecksville Recreation Adult Bocce League is a coed league, teams can be
female/female, female/male or male/male. The league will run over 9 weeks, including a single elimination tournament to conclude. You may register your team,
at least two people, along with a maximum of two substitutes, at the front desk of
the Brecksville Community Center.
* Tuesday & Thursday, Wednesday Rain Make-Up Day.
Mandatory Managers Meeting: Tuesday, June 9 at 6:00pm at Brecksville Community Center, Room A. Teams must be registered to attend.
Coed Softball League
Ages: 18 and over
Work Out. Eat Well. Be Patient.
Your Body Will Reward You!
T, W, TH
Directed by Tony Niccoli
This widely-acclaimed program is directed by Tony
Niccoli and incorporates all the Best Practices
recommended by the US Soccer Association. The
curriculum provides age-appropriate activities
er Acad
based on the cognitive, psycho-motor, psycho-social
and emotional stage of each age-group.
Monthly Fitness Motivator
of Brec
An explanation of what we do and why we do it will be provided to parents who
will be able to comprehend our long-term player development scheme. We have
found that the players coming out of our Academy are well-prepared to play 6v6
and the emotional hook has been set. The passion to compete in a team-sport
will be imbedded.
All sessions meet at the Blossom Hill artificial field.
Ages 4-5 years
DaysDates Time
April 18-May 30
Location All sessions are held at the Blossom Hill Soccer Fields.
$65 for Brecksville Community Center members
$75 for Brecksville-Broadview Hts. residents
$85 for Non-residents
Players are responsible for purchasing their own cleats and
shin guards.
Ages 6-8 years
Time Activity #
April 18-May 30
Registration In progress, ends 4/12
Location All sessions are held at the Blossom Hill Soccer Fields.
Registration: In progress, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 5/17
Cost: $350.00 per team
Additional Costs: $25.00 due before start of game
Description: This is a recreational coed softball league, it will be played on
Brecksville City Fields C and F on Sunday nights between the hours of 5:00pm and
Registration In progress, ends 4/12
Day DateTime
June 7-August 16 Activity #
$65 for Brecksville Community Center members
$75 for Brecksville-Broadview Hts. residents
$85 for Non-residents
Players are responsible for purchasing their own cleats and shin guards.
*Academy will not meet on May 23.
11:00pm. It will be a 7 week long session, with a tournament to conclude. This
year there will be two divisions; Division A will be a more competitive division, for
teams with more experienced players while Division B will be the less competitive
division for players looking for a social Sunday evening league. If there are not
enough teams registered in either division, the divisions will be combined.
Mandatory Managers Meeting: Sunday, May 17 at 5:00pm at Blossom Hill
School, Room 9 Teams must be registered to attend.
Third child discounts apply to Brecksville residents, regardless of
membership status, with 3 or more children participating in the same
activity type during the same session who register at the same time.
The third child and up will receive a 66% discount.
Tennis camps are available for kids and adults ages 4 and up during June and
July at the tennis courts behind Brecksville City Hall.
Tennis for Tots - This camp is designed to teach children the fundamentals of
tennis in a fun, structured setting, while also working on basic motor skills that are
necessary to play sports.
Beginner - These camps are designed for the participant who has never played
tennis or who has had little instruction. Sessions focus on learning the basics of tennis
including footwork skills and eye-hand coordination through fun, games and activities.
Intermediate - These camps are for the participant who has completed the Youth
Tennis Beginners Camp and still desires further instruction, or has had some tennis instruction or experience. Building on what students have learned in previous
classes, students will learn more advanced footwork and ball control skills. Forehand,
backhand, serves, rules and scoring will be taught in this camp.
Adult - Students will learn more advanced tennis skills on the court through drill
sessions and game play.
All classes will be taught by the Recreation Staff.
Tennis for Tots
Camp for 4-5 year olds
Session A: Session B:
Session C:
Session D: 9:30am-10am
June 15-24
June 16-25
July 6-15
July 7-16
Tennis Session I: June 15-18
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
Beginner for 8-10 year olds
Beginner for 11-14 year olds
Beginner for 15-18 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
Tennis Session II: June 22-25
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
**Intermediate for 6-10 year olds
Intermediate for 11-14 year olds
Intermediate for 15-18 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
** 6-7 year old Beginner class Pre-requisite or permission of instructor for 6 and 7
year olds!
Tennis Session III: July 6-9
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
Beginner for 8-10 year olds
Beginner for 11-14 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
Adult Tennis
Camp for 18 and over (Adult) 6:00pm-7:30pm
Session A: June 15-24
Session B: June 16-25
Session C: July 6-15 M,W
Session D: July 7-16 T,H
* Beginner class pre-requisite or permission of instructor
for 6 and 7 year olds wanting to participate in the Intermediate Camp.
Registration: Resident begins 3/1, non-resident, begins 3/8, ends the Friday before
session begins.
Tennis for Tots & Beginner ages 6-7:
$30 for BCC members
$40 for residents
$50 for non-residents
Camps for Intermediate 6-14 year olds and
Beginner 8-14 year
$40 for BCC members
$50 for residents
$60 for non-residents
Intermediate ages 15-18 and Adults
$45 for BCC members
$55 for residents
$65 for non-residents
Location: Tennis Courts behind Brecksville City Hall.
Tennis Session IV: July 13-16
Beginner for 6-7 year olds 9am-9:30amM,T,W,Th
**Intermediate for 6-10 year olds
Intermediate for 11-14 year olds
Beginner for 15-18 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
** 6-7 year old Beginner class Pre-requisite or permission of instructor for 6 and 7
year olds!
Tennis Session V: July 20-23
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
Beginner for 8-10 year olds
Beginner for 11-14 year olds
Intermediate for 15-18 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
Tennis Session VI: July 27-30
Beginner for 6-7 year olds
**Intermediate for 6-10 year olds
Intermediate for 11-14 year olds
(Friday is makeup day for all sessions)
** 6-7 year old Beginner class Pre-requisite or permission of instructor for 6 and 7 year
For more information
on any of the Athletics programs,
Please go to
and download the latest brochure
Boy’s Baseball
It’s time once again for the boys of summer to pull out the leather glove and get ready
for another season of baseball! The baseball game season begins after Memorial
Day and lasts until the first week of August. Practices for most leagues start the
beginning to the middle of May. Leagues and ages are listed below.
Coach Pitch Boys
*Boys Minors
Age (as of 8/1/15)
Activity #
Boys Majors
Boys Pony
Boys H.S.
*machine pitch
Inter-City Play: Some leagues play with other cities in the area.
Coach Pitch and Minors—Brecksville only
Majors and Pony—Brecksville, Independence & surrounding communities.
High School—North Royalton League made up of various local cities.
Registration In progress, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 4/19. Coach Pitch ends 5/10
Girls Slow Pitch Softball
Age (as of 8/1/15)
Activity #
Coach Pitch Girls
Girls Pigtail
Girls Ponytail
H.S. Girls
Inter-City Play Some leagues play with other cities in the area.
Coach Pitch—Brecksville Only
Pigtail—Brecksville and Broadview Hts.
Ponytail—Brecksville and Broadview Hts. and Independence
H.S. Girls—North Royalton League made up of various local cities.
Registration In progress, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 4/19. Coach Pitch ends 5/10
Men’s Softball League
Ages: 18 and over
May 17–August 16
Umpire Training for
Youth Baseball/Softball
Ages: 14 and over
Activity #
Apr. 18, May 2 & 16
Registration In progress, non-residents 3/8, ends 4/11.
Cost: Free
Description: The Recreational Umpire Training program is for any youth, ages
16 and above, interested in working as a Recreational Umpire or Score Keeper
for Brecksville Youth Baseball/Softball during the 2015 summer season. The
training is for rookie umpires as well as veterans and covers the basics of officiating
youth baseball/softball games as well as score and stat keeping. Participants who
successfully complete the training program are eligible to work as paid recreational
umpires and score keepers for the City of Brecksville. Participants should expect to
attend all three training sessions. However, registration is rolling and if a session is
missed participants should plan on attending the next upcoming session.
Location: All training sessions are held at the Blossom Hill Gym.
Start Smart Baseball Program
Ages 3-5 year olds
Activity #
Session I
April 29-June 3
Session II
April 29-June 3
6:00pm-7:00pm 323261-32
Session III
April 29-June 3
Registration In progress, non-residents 3/8, ends 4/21.
Cost $35 for Brecksville Community Center Members
$45 for Brecksville and Broadview Hts. residents
$55 for non-residents
Description Start Smart Baseball is a parent-child based program for children
ages 3-5 who are interested in having fun and learning the fundamentals of baseball
or softball. Start Smart Baseball: allows children the opportunity to work one-on-one
with a parent; teaches children a variety of baseball skills including throwing, catching, batting, running and agility; offers exercises that become increasingly more challenging as the class progresses and children show improvement; is taught with fun,
safe, developmentally appropriate equipment.
Location: The Start Smart Baseball classes meet once a week for six weeks at
the Brecksville Community Center Field House, court B.
Games begin at 9:00am
Registration: In progress, non-resident begins 3/8, ends 5/4
Cost: $400.00 team entry fee (includes 2 dozen softballs and $20.00 USSSA sanction
Additional Costs: $50.00 per Sunday (Umpire and scorer fee)
Description: Spring is right around the corner and so is the Brecksville Recreation
Men’s Softball League. The league is compromised of one division with a maximum
NYSCA Tee Ball, Baseball and
Softball Coach Clinic
Ages 18+
DayDates Time
Mandatory Managers Meeting: Sunday, May 3 at 5:00pm at the Blossom Hill
May 31
Registration In progress, non-residents 3/8, ends 5/28.
Registration Fee: None
Additional Costs: $20.00 to be paid by check on date of clinic. Make check
payable to: National Youth Sports Coaches Association. For those who have
completed an NYSCA Clinic to coach in another sport and who have maintained
School, Room 9. Teams must be registered to attend.
their membership with the NYSCA there is no cost to attend the clinic.
of 8 teams. All games will be played on Sundays beginning at 9:00am. Each team
will play a doubleheader every Sunday. The season will start May 17, we will play
a seven week season with a double elimination tournament to conclude the
season. All teams will be sanctioned by the USSSA.
y Center
Summer Learn to Swim and
Belugas registration begins
May 1 at 5 am online
Learn to Swim Levels 1-6
Spring II Sessions
Location Brecksville Community Center
Level 1-Indoor Pool
Session Days
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
5:30 - 6:20pm
5/12 - 6/4
5:30 - 6:20pm
Aqua Easter Egg Hunt
Friday, March 27
Level 2-Indoor Pool
Session Days
T &/TH
Join us for our 2nd Annual Aqua Easter Egg Hunt! There wil be floating eggs
and sinking eggs for the hunters to find. One “magic” egg per age group will
earn the hunter a special prize. The Aqua Egg Hunt will take place in the Human
Level 3-Indoor Pool
Session Days
ServicesTherapy Pool. It is a warm water shallow pool. All participants will receive
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
4:30 - 5:20pm
prizes. We will also have a craft for children to do before or after the Hunt! We will
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
5:30 - 6:20pm
provide a bag for the hunter to collect their eggs in. CHILDREN UNDER 6 Years old
MUST HAVE A TRUSTED ADULT IN THE WATER. If your child 6 or older and is
not a strong swimmer, a trusted adult is required to be in the water. Our lifeguards
Level 4 - Indoor Pool
Session Days
must watch everyone that is in the pool so you are the only one able to watch your
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
4:30 - 5:20pm
child 100% of the time. Life jackets are permitted to be worn by children WITH an
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
5:30 - 6:20pm
adult in the water.
Activity Number
Level 5 - Indoor Pool
Age 6 mos.-18 mos.
5:30-6:00 pm
Session Days
Age 18 mos. - 36 mos.
6:00-6:30 pm
Age 3-4 yrs
6:30-7:00 pm
Age 5-6 yrs.
7:00-7:30 pm
Age 7-8 yrs.
7:30- 8:00 pm
4:00- 5:00 pm
T &/TH
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
4:30 - 5:20pm
5/12 - 6/4
5:30 - 6:20pm
***BCC pool
Level 6.1 - Indoor Pool
Session Days
Age 8-10 yrs.
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
4:30 - 5:20pm
Children that are not potty trained must wear a swim diaper. Swim diapers are
T &/TH
5/12 - 6/4
5:30 - 6:20pm
available for purchase at the front desk of the Community Center.
Cost: $5 Brecksville Community Center Members, $6 Brecksville Residents
You may register for Tuesday or Thursday only or take the full 8 classes.
$7 Non-Residents *No third child discount for special events.
Contact Erin Kubat at or 546-2318 to register for a 4
class session only.
Fees: Community Center Member 45.00
Brecksville-Broadview Hts Resident 55.00
Non-residents 65.00
Third child discounts apply to Brecksville residents, regardless of
membership status, with 3 or more children participating in the
same activity type during the same session who register at the
same time.
The third child and up will receive a 66% discount.
Age: 3 months - 5 years
Monday’s 10am -1pm
Thursday’s 11-2pm
Looking for a fun and exciting daytime activity to do with your child?
Then drop in to our swim time! We provide water toys, games and approved
life jackets in the pool. Swim time can help your child develop a comfort level in
the water.
FREE for BCC members
$2 per family for residents
$4 per family for non-residents
Swim Time begins February 10, 2015 and ends June 5, 2015
Spring Break & Spring Weekends
2015 Lifeguard Training Lifeguard
Join us at Brecksville Community Center for an ultimate fitness and self-discipline
The American Red Cross Lifeguard Training program is the most recently updated
program that the American Red Cross offers.
The program is designed to be conducted in several modules. After successful
completion, several certifications may be obtained. The core program includes
Lifeguard Training, First Aid, and CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer. The
program content includes patron surveillance, water rescues, and first aid. The
program also includes training on how to provide care for adults, infants, and children
suffering from respiratory and cardiac emergencies.
experience! Combining combat and self-defense along with sport and exercise,
Participant Responsibilities
This program requires several important responsibilities of the participants. The
program is offered in a relatively short period of time and is conducted in a very
calculated time period. Classroom and pool time limits the resources available to
conduct this class.
The Lifeguard Training program has been designed to train participants as
professional rescuers, much like an Emergency Medical Technician who may respond
to emergencies in an ambulance.
Lifeguard Training Policies
1. Participants must be at least 15 years of age by the completion of the course.
2. Participants must attend and actively participate in all class sessions.
3. Make-ups for missed material are not available.
4. Missing one or more classes will result in immediate failure of the program.
5. Refunds are not available once the program begins. Credits may be issued for the
Registration Fee only at the discretion of the instructor(s). Credits cannot be issued
for the Material Fees of $80.00
6. All body piercing and jewelry must be removed during water training and testing.
7. Participants must wear appropriate swimwear. Females are required to wear one
piece suites.
Class Sessions
The class times listed below are all mandatory. Make-ups are not available. Class
location and assignment specifics are included in the course syllabus. Class dates
(Boys and Girls ages 4-6)
and times are scheduled as follows:
The Taekwondo for Kids program is faster paced than the Tiny Tigers program. It
as well as incorporating listening and coordination skills, Tae Kwon Do is an
excellent way to maintain physical health while also learning how to develop
focus and self-control. Our Tae Kwon Do program offers training to kids and
adults ages 4 and up.
Tiny Tigers Taekwondo (Beginner Class)
The Tiny Tiger program is a specialized program for children 4 thru 6 years of
age. The program is geared to develop: Listening and Awareness Skills, Attention
Span and Coordination Skills.
Saturdays 9:00-9:30 am
Cost $20.00 BCC Members, $25.00 Brecksville Residents, $35 Non-residents
Advanced Tiny Tigers Taekwondo
(Boys and Girls ages 4-6)
The Advanced Tiny Tigers Program is a specialized program for children 4-6
years of age whom have taken the introductory Tiny Tigers Taekwondo class.
The program is geared to further develop: Listening and Awareness Skills, Attention Span and Coordination Skills.
Tuesdays 5:30-6:00 pm & Saturdays 9:30-10:00 am
Cost $40.00 BCC Members and $50.00 Brecksville Residents, $60 Non-residents
Karate for Kids (White, Orange and Yellow Belts)
(Boys and Girls ages 7-12)
Spring Break Session**
Spring Weekend Session**
shares some of the same goals, as well as introducing the concepts of integrity,
4/6 Monday
1:00pm -7:00pm
4/24 Friday
3:00pm – 8:00pm
perseverance, discipline, honesty, respect, self-control, leadership, self-confi-
4/7 Tuesday
1:00pm -7:00pm
4/25 Saturday
9:00am -5:00pm
dence and self-esteem. These building blocks are intended to develop a more
4/8 Wednesday
1:00pm -7:00pm
5/1 Friday
3:00pm – 8:00pm
complete person.
4/9 Thursday 1:00pm -7:00pm
5/2 Saturday
9:00am -5:00pm
Thursdays 6:30-7:00pm & Saturdays 10:00-10:30am
4/10 Friday
1:00pm -7:00pm
5/8 Friday
3:00pm – 8:00pm
Cost $60.00 BCC Members and $70.00 Brecksville Residents, $70 Non-residents
4/11 Saturday
Test Day
5/9 Saturday
Test Day
** Please bring a lunch, beverage, and snack as needed to all classes
Additional classes are available for higher rank students
Final Skills Test
The final skills test and written examination will be conducted on the last day of class.
Taekwondo for Adults and Teens
Each student will be tested individually. Anyone not successfully completing the final
(Ages 13 and up)
skills test or written examination will be given the option to retake it immediately or will
Taekwondo for Adults and Teens focuses on teaching martial arts techniques
need to schedule a re-test at the instructor’s convenience.
such as kicks, strikes, blocks and self-defense. It also stresses the foundations of
Lifeguard Training Registration Dates
positive mental attitudes and high goal setting.
Brecksville Resident February 15 Non-Resident February 15
Wednesdays 8:15-9:00pm & Thursdays 8:15-9:00pm & Saturdays 12:15-1:00pm
Lifeguard Training Fees
Cost $80.00 BCC Members and $90.00 Brecksville Residents, $100 Non-
All training fees are due when registering for the Lifeguard Training course. Materials
fees are due on the first day of class.
Community Center Members $220.00 Brecksville Residents, $235.00.
For more information contact the Brecksville Community Center at 546-2300 or
stop by the community center to register!
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City Hall
City Hall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
Mayor/Safety Director
Jerry N. Hruby . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 526-7646
Law Department
David J. Matty, Law Director . . . . .
City Prosecutor/Assistant Law
Sergio DiGeronimo . . . . . 546-9200
Clerk of Courts
Shelley Kazimore . . . . . . . 526-2620
Finance Department
Virginia Price, Director . . 526-4351
Police Department,
Lieutenant Daniel J. Jereb,
Acting Chief of Police
non-emergency . . . . . . . . 526-8900
Animal Warden
Cliffette Thacker . . . . . . . 526-8900
Fire Department, Edwin Egut, Chief
non-emergency . . . . . . . . 526-2640
City Engineer
Gerald Wise . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
Service Department . . . . 526-1384
Ron Weidig, Service Director
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351
Frequently Called Phone Numbers
Building Department
Scott Packard, Bldg. Commissioner
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-2630
Department of Recreation
Tom Tupa, Director . . . . . 546-2300
Department of Human Services
Steve Paciorek, Director . 526-2499
Purchasing Department
Rebecca Riser, Director . 526-4351
Cemetery Sexton
Kristen Kouri . . . . . . . . . . 526-2603
Brecksville Bulletin
Jinny Farr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546-2319
City Council
Cuyahoga County Library
Brecksville Branch. . . . . 526-1102
Brecksville Metroparks Nature
Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-1012
Board of Education Office
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-4000
Brecksville Service Department
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-1384
Brecksville Center for the Arts
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-6232
Brecksville-Broadview Heights
Post Office. . . . . . . . . . . 838-5191
Gerald F. Broski . . . . . . . . res. 526-2068
Brecksville Community Center
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546-2300
Human Services Center.526-2499
Louis N. Carouse, Jr. . . . . res. 526-4963
Brecksville Historical Association
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-7165
Brecksville Little Theater
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-4477
Brecksville Theater on the Square
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-3443
Independence License Bureau
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (216) 642-1373
Regional Income Tax Agency
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526-0900
Recycling Department. . 526-2643
Get Brecksville Information on the web,
on Time Warner Channel 20
Greg Skaljac, President . . res. 717-0362
Mike Harwood, Vice-President . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 546-0521
Nora Murphy . . . . . . . . . . . res. 526-8655
Laura Redinger . . . . . . . . . res. 717-1531
Kim Veras . . . . . . . . . . . . . res. 717-0868
Mary Scullin, Clerk . . . . . . . . . . 526-4351