[internet + convention]4


[internet + convention]4
The Premier ShowcaSe of online creaTiviTy
[internet + convention]4
august 23-august 25th, 2013
1750 rockville Pike, rockville, mD
Convention Map
Table of Contents
Words From The Con Chair
Rules and Regulations
Guest Biographies
Panel Listings
Autograph Page
Artists’ Alley and Vendors
Area Guide
Welcome to the Premier Showcase of Online Creativity!
This is the part where I’m supposed to say
something inspiring and poetic. Let’s face
it - I’m not exactly Socrates, I went to public
school, and once I accidentally lit my table on
fire at Christmas. Some of my staff were there
for that party. They got video.
I don’t know everything, but I do know that
the best virtue is to be stupid enough to never
give up on your dreams. If your life is hard now
and you keep working toward making it better
while reaching out to the community for support, you will make something happen. Will it
be easy? No! But it will be something.
The thing that I only figured out recently was
the thing about being positive. In college I
was the biggest trash-talker out there because my life was miserable. I was miserable.
After college I decided to perform an experiment on myself. I insisted on being as positive as I possibly could no matter what. Guess
what? I started gaining traction in places that
I hadn’t before.
That’s the secret to my success. Staying positive. Not judging people. Helping as much as I
can and not keeping score of how many times
I help. Not only does it start a feedback loop of
happiness, but other people started carrying
my happiness with them throughout the day.
I created a virus: a happy virus. I was like Bob
Ross sailing down a river playing an incredibly
amusing accordion or perhaps bagpipes. Because bagpipes, much like bow ties, are cool.
Positivity is strength. Rage is one step from crying in a corner that you are too weak to go on.
I am not too weak to go on. I am fired up about
what we have planned for Intervention 2013,
2014, and beyond. I invite you to spread your
own happiness virus. We can even wear party
hats that look like ham.
Something that I love about Intervention is
hearing the stories about all of the cool stuff
you guys have accomplished since last year.
Watching our community grow, meeting new
friends, and sharing new ideas while playing some insane video games has been the
best thing ever. Intervention is a safe space.
We were also one of the first cons to have a
comprehensive anti-harassment policy. That
is how we Send the Walrus.
Art and technology transcends into every
aspect of life. Having personally come from
the most modest of beginnings, I get what
it’s like to be propelled forward by creativity
and community. I am this. I couldn’t escape it
if I tried. With the help of cons, geekdom, and
education I was able to pull myself up. I don’t
think you can believe in anything stronger
than what shaped your entire state of being.
Never give up on your dreams. You get what
you put in, so put positive in. I thank you for
coming to Intervention. It’s directly because
of your financial and creative contributions
that we can do this. A final thought: if being
positive gets tough throughout the year, just
imagine a surfing bear in speedos wearing a
dapper crab hat.
That’s what I do.
Intervention Co-Founder,
Oni Hartstein
T: @Onezumi
Editor’s note THIS...
FB: Oni Hartstein
B: OnezumiVerse.com
E: Onezumi@Onezumi.com
... is the source
Damn Harknell says my tweets could make a train take a dirt road oh damn son it’s on time to ferret slap fight with our feet
1. Please do not damage the convention
space. We like the hotel and the hotel
likes us; we want to keep it that way. This
includes painting or sketching on walls
(except for the function rooms that have
dry-erase walls), slamming doors, etc.
Please do not hang any flyers on any wall
or other surface of the hotel or convention space; we will have a specialized area
for hanging/placing flyers.
2. Please wear your attendee badges at
all times. There will be badge checkers
throughout the convention space and you
will be asked to return with your badge
if you do not have it on you in order to
access convention areas.
3. Intervention and the hotel are not respon-
sible for missing items. Any bag(s) or other
items left unattended around the convention space will likely be picked up by
either an Intervention staffer or another
attendee and be taken to Lost and Found
in Intervention Operations (the Montrose
room) or to the hotel; please check with
both places to locate your item. The
item may be turned over to the police if
deemed necessary.
4. Please step off the main path to take
photos. If someone asks you for a photo,
please make sure you step out of the way
of traffic, entrances, stairs, and escalators
so that everyone else can still get by and
no one gets trampled.
5. Please remember that, in your hotel room,
there are other rooms next to you. If you
and several of your friends are talking, your
neighbor can likely hear you. If your neighbor, an Intervention staffer, or someone
from hotel staff comes to your room to ask
you to quiet down, please be considerate and reduce the noise to a dull roar or
perhaps find someplace else to talk.
6. The legal drinking age in Maryland is 21.
Do not drink alcohol at Intervention if you
are younger than 21. If you are of legal
age to drink, do not carry open alcohol
throughout the convention space. Keep it
to the bar, other appropriate areas where
alcohol is being sold by the hotel, or your
hotel room.
7. Please don’t run, play tag, or throw things
inside the convention space. Please also
don’t carry a radio, iPod or other device
that is playing music at a loud volume
(only you should be able to hear it).
Please use basic common sense.
Over 18 Events: Some events at Intervention are intended for an adult audience; you
will need to present your legal ID at the door,
showing that you are 18 or older, in order to
attend these events. The following IDs will
be accepted: US or international passport,
permanent resident card, driver’s license,
government-issued ID card with date of birth
(federal, state, or local), military ID.
Harassment Policy
Intervention is dedicated to providing a
harassment-free convention experience for
everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race, religion, choice of CMS platform, or
operating system. We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form.
Convention participants violating these rules
may be sanctioned or expelled from the convention without a refund at the discretion of
the convention organizers.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation,
disability, physical appearance, body size, race,
religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing
photography or recording, sustained disruption
of talks or other events, inappropriate physical
contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior
are expected to comply immediately.
I miss drawing I hate having to do everything but it’s ok better than doing nothing I didn’t sign up for a buttwipe contest
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the convention organizers may take any
action they deem appropriate, including
warning the offender or expulsion from the
convention with no refund. If you are being
harassed, notice that someone else is being
harassed, or have any other concerns, please
contact a member of convention staff immediately. Convention staff can be identified by
their special Intervention staff badges.
Convention staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local
law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to
feel safe for the duration of the convention.
We value your attendance.
We expect participants to follow these rules
at all convention venues and convention-related social events.
Note on sexual imagery and speech at Intervention events: Intervention may schedule
events that are considered “adult” in nature
which will be clearly marked as such in all
convention materials and schedules. In these
cases, the participants will be limited to adults
over the age of 18 and will specifically require
the display of photo ID to attend. The use of
sexual imagery and speech within events will
always be used in the context of art creation,
or the discussion of artistic issues. Intervention does not believe in the censorship of
sexual imagery or speech, but are committed
to balancing the concerns of artists and artistic output with the issues of harassment. Participants or exhibitors displaying illegal examples of sexual imagery or using sexual speech
with the purpose of harassment or degradation may be sanctioned or expelled from the
convention without a refund at the discretion
of the convention organizers. When choosing
to attend 18+ events please use your best
judgment to determine if the content or performance is within your comfort zone.
Costume Prop Guidelines
To ensure the general safety of Intervention’s
attendees, we can’t allow people to carry the
following types of weapons or props:
 Live steel of any kind including knives,
swords, axes, martial arts equipment, or
any other type of bladed weapon.
 Any weapon/prop that could currently
or in the past shoot a projectile (includes
water, aerosols/sprays, Airsoft guns, toy
bows, etc.).
 Anything generally awkward to carry, or
that can’t be controlled by the person
carrying (i.e., it is so heavy that you are
consistently dropping it in the hallway, or
cannot keep it from swinging into other
attendees). Intervention staff will be the
final determinant as to whether something is too awkward or too dangerous to
be carried around the convention.
 Any item that is deemed to be too awk-
ward or dangerous to carry must either be
taken to the attendee’s hotel room, car,
or checked with the hotel bag check, or
otherwise removed from the active areas
of the convention.
Convention Badges
Convention badges ensure your access to all
convention events and must be worn where
visible at all times while in convention space.
Your legal name will be written on the back of
your badge; you can put whatever you want
on the front. You must have your badge with
you to get into any convention event. If you
find a convention badge, please turn it into
Security; you likely will make a fellow congoer very happy.
The Chairs or any Vice Chair of Intervention
reserve the right to revoke the badge of any
attendee not following or ignoring these rules
and guidelines and to request that person
leave the convention without a refund.
Badge Replacement Policy
In the event you lose your badge, please check
with both with Intervention’s Lost and Found
as well as the hotel’s version. If neither location has your badge, you may purchase a new
badge at Registration for a reduced price with
proof of registration. If you pre-registered,
please show your photo ID to the Registration
staff and they will locate your registration in
our pre-registration list. If you registered at
the convention, please bring your receipt as
well as your photo ID as proof of registration.
Replacement for single day badge: $10
Replacement for full weekend badge: $20
When I run a con it’s like you all are eggs and I put you under my fluffbutt but the butt is complicated.
Refund Policy
Generally, no refunds will be issued for atdoor registrations purchased at the convention. Exceptions may be made on the sole
discretion of either the Convention Chairs
or Treasurer. Refund requests must be made
during the convention. These personnel may
be located by going to the Information Booth
and asking that one of them be contacted via
the convention radio.
Lost and Found
We know that sometimes, no matter how hard
we try, things get left behind; at Intervention, we’re lucky enough to have wonderful
people (you!) that routinely find these things
and want to do everything possible to reunite
these lost items with their rightful owners. The
Lost and Found department will be available
at Intervention Security for people to drop
off and pick up lost items, so if you’re missing
something, come check with us. Please don’t
forget to check with the hotel, too, just in case.
Please bear in mind that Intervention and the
hotel are not responsible for missing items.
Any item that is deemed potentially unsafe
may be turned over to the police. If you lose
an item at Intervention or have a found item
you’d like to help return to its owner and you
don’t find it/have a chance to drop it off before
the convention ends, please contact Security
with the subject line “Lost and Found.” If we
have your lost item, we will happily make arrangements to return it to you.
ticipation in this event, you are consenting to
the use of your photograph, likeness, or video
or audio recording in whole or in part without
restriction or limitation for any educational,
promotional, any purpose for distribution in
online and printed publications or any public
in other media. You release the event sponsor,
its officers, employees, contractors, and each
and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing or
publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video, and/or sound recordings.
By entering the event premises, you waive all
rights you may have to any claims for payment
or royalties in connection with any exhibition,
streaming, web casting, television, or other
publication of these materials regardless of
the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting,
broadcasting, web casting or other publication
irrespective of whether a fee for admission or
sponsorship is charged. You also waive any
right to inspect or approve any photo, video,
or audio recording taken by the event host or
the person or entity designated to do so by
the event host. You have been fully informed
of your consent, waiver of liability and release
before entering the event.
Notice Regarding Audio/Video
Recording at Intervention 2013
You will be entering an area where photography, video, and audio recording may occur. By
entering the event premises and/or your parIntervention’s harassment policy is based
on several other policies, including the Ohio
LinuxFest anti-harassment policy, written
by Esther Filderman and Beth Lynn Eicher,
and the Con Anti-Harassment Project. Mary
Gardiner, Valerie Aurora, Sarah Smith, and
Donna Benjamin generalized the policies and added supporting material. Many
members of LinuxChix, Geek Feminism and
other groups contributed to this work.
I can see it now “why does this strange woman want access to my stream of yak butts???”
Pete Abrams • Sluggy Freelance
Pete Abrams is the
creator of the highly
that is Sluggy Freelance, a remarkably
twisted daily online
comic strip that has
been appearing at
since August 25, 1997. Starting the comic
strip as a creative outlet, his world with the
switchblade-wielding rabbit quickly expanded into uncharted territory and grew into over
a decade of alien vampire missile-launching
fun. Since its Satan-spamming beginnings,
Sluggy Freelance has attracted a devoted
global following and is one of the most popular and well-known comics on the web.
Pete holds the honor of being twice-invited as a speaker at Harvard conventions as
well as at a Vassar convention, making him
all ivy-league-ish. Pete has gained recognition not only online, but through such high
profile appearances as the original comics
included in NY Times-bestselling author
John Ringo’s Hell’s Faire, and as part of the
New York’s Museum of Comic and Cartoon
Art webcomics exhibition in Fall, 2007, as
well as appearances on NPR’s Weekend Edition with Liane Hansen. Pete is reputed to
be the first person to ever make a living by
drawing a webcomic.
Nickelodeon and has contributed on FOX’s
Family Guy.
Raul currently works
as the Storyboard
Supervisor on the hit
Nickelodeon Show,
Lalaloopsy, produced
at Moonscoop Studios. One day a week
he teaches animation
at the Gnomon School
of Visual effects. From
his L.A. Studio, Raul develops content, creates
animated shorts, and produces and hosts the
Man vs. Art Podcast: a show geared specifically for his fellow artists to listen to while they
work and deals with all forms of visual art with
special emphasis on animation and comics.
Antipode, has
combined their
love of otaku/
with their love
of belly dancing to create a unique form of
dance known as Theatrical Belly Dance. Antipode performs throughout the year at cons
and events on the East Coast.
Raul Aguirre, Jr. • Disney Animator,
Man vs. Art Podcast
The group is primarily made up of three dancers: Ayla, the head choreographer, who also
runs the blog and co-runs the podcast Geek Belly Dance and their YouTube account; Merika, the
costumer, who runs their Etsy site under “Antipode Antics”; and Termariel, the scriptwriter
that founded the group, “The LARPettes”.
Raul Aguirre, Jr. is a professional animator,
writer, and director with over 19 years’ experience in film, TV, and web. He’s earned 8 feature credits at Disney where he was the nowretired Glen Keane’s last protege. He produced
and directed his own short Hero Heights for
Fusing the theatrics of acting with a mix of
cosplay, pop culture, and off-beat humor, Antipode brings the audience not just dance, but
full geek entertainment. For more information
about their shows, check out their Facebook
page and please like them.
Currently, Pete lives in New Jersey (and
doesn’t even mind it) with his wife, Rachel,
and two daughters, Leah and Sarah.
I am the MC Hammer of fierce boobs
Steven Archer and Donna Lynch •
Ego Likeness
Ego Likeness was created in 1999 by artist Steven Archer, a
DC native, and writer
Donna Lynch in Baltimore,
Maryland-taking their name
from Frank Herbert’s
classic science fiction
novel, Dune.
Steven, a graduate of The Corcoran School of
Art, continues to exhibit paintings, sculpture,
and mixed media pieces in various galleries,
stores, conventions, and venues throughout
the US, and online through the band’s website, Facebook, and his Etsy store. He has been
a regular contributor to Weird Tales Magazine
and Steampunk Magazine. He is the author
and illustrator of one children’s book, Luna
Maris (Imaginary Books, 2008), and the graphic novel, Red King Black Rook.
In addition to numerous poems and short
stories, Donna has done various spoken word
performances, and released two collections
of poetry: In My Mouth (2000) and Ladies &
Other Vicious Creatures (Raw Dog Screaming
Press, 2007). Her first novel, Isabel Burning,
debuted in 2008 through Raw Dog Screaming
Press and a prequel is scheduled for release
in early 2013. A novella, Driving Through the
Desert, was released on Thunderstorm Books
in 2012. She is a recurring guest reader at
Pseudopod.org, and is an active member in
the Horror Writer’s Association.
Ego Likeness has released 5 (soon to be 6)
studio albums, 4 EPs, and appeared on numerous compilations--while sharing the stage
with the groups The Damned, Peter Murphy,
Chris Connelly, Collide, Razed in Black, Bella
Morte, Das Ich, The Cruxshadows, Voltaire,
Ayria, Angelspit, The Ludovico Technique, and
many more.
Note: Ego Likeness will not be performing at
Intervention, but will be appearing on panels
and workshops as well as at their table within
the Vendors Room.
Matt Blum • GeekDad.com
Matt Blum is Editor-in-Chief of GeekDad.
com, and has been writing for the blog since
the spring of 2007. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife
and two kids, all of
whom are also geeks,
and two cats, who
probably aren’t geeks
but one of whose
names is “Gandalf,”
so that should count
for something. In his
day job Matt is a software engineer, and his geeky interests include (but are not limited to) science fiction,
the Muppets, LEGO, board games, video
games, and bacon.
T. Campbell and Phil Kahn •
Guilded Age
An ex-stage actor and
failed Internet shut-in,
T. Campbell has written eighteen gazintillion pages of comics,
Age, Penny and Aggie
(http://pennyandaggie.com/), Fans, Cool
Cat Studio, Divalicious, Search Engine Funnies, Rip and Teri, and just a little Avengers. He
spends his “spare time” designing crosswords,
drafting health care bills, and seeking the Anti-Life Equation.
A long-time Professional Neckbeard, Phil Kahn
has spent a few years writing for various webcomic, webcomic criticism, and webcomic enthusiast sites and now is trying to take his accumulated knowledge and put it all to good
use on Guilded Age. While building a daytime
career as an A/V technician and an IT support specialist, he also
spends a great deal of
time practicing silly
voices/faces in front
of a mirror for the inevitable day where
the only thing that can
save the whole of hu-
i realize 3 is a low number however in these times we have to be careful so the tree can grow more fruits
manity from certain doom is his impression of
Henchman #24. Out of the three creators, he
has spent the most time playing MMORPGs
and is totally that Gnome Warlock who just
won’t DIE ALREADY. He has also recently risen
to the challenge to become a Super Art Fighter as Phil “The Commando” Kahn, and is destined to become the Super Art Fight Champion of the Universe.
Her acting talents can be seen in various productions (both on stage and in voice) and regular appearances with the elite Luna-C comedy
troupe. Her costuming talents have been proven deadly enough to render a certain Japanese
cosplay idol giddy with joy (before she broke
her heart). Currently, she wanders the pop
culture wasteland, searching for the truth that
eludes us all. Pray that she’s still out there....
Cinematic for the People
Michael Dougherty •
Browncoats:Redemption, Z*Con
Cinematic for the People (CFTP for short)
is a live-action bad
movie riffing experience, with an emphasis on the Live and a
lesser one on the Action. While a “movie”
(and we use that term
loosely here, folks)
plays on the big screen, our panel of “celebrity” (also used loosely) riffers will do their best
to rip the movie a few new sprocket holes.
CFTP aims to be a full-feature experience, akin
to watching an episode of MST3K live (with a
generous touch of Rocky Horror thrown in) –
complete with host segments, silly outfits, and
a cameo appearance by our own suspiciously
Servo-esque “Mr. Hal Sirveaux” at some point
during the event. There will also be prizes, audience participation, and maybe even a singalong at some point.
Kara Dennison • Con Screw
and many other comics
Kara Dennison (AKA The Heaven-Breaking
Pen, etc.) is a deadly force of nature whose introduction into your universe comes in the
form of broken arms and shattered spirits. It’s
not surprising given her feats of fancy: Aside
from making the sun
go supernova in the
year 7689 due to a
time paradox, she’s
drawn and written
several webcomics,
including the recently-wrapped ConScrew,
and Fanbreeding for
Nth Degree magazine
Michael C. Dougherty
is the president, cofounder and a board
member of Big Damn
Films, Inc. (BDF), a nonprofit that supports
through the development, creation, distribution and promotion of independent films.
BDF’s first project, Browncoats: Redemption,
set the bar for successful social promotion of
independent films, non-profit awareness and
fundraising by raising over $117,000 for charity. Under Michael’s leadership, BDF leveraged
social media to secure extensive media attention for Browncoats: Redemption, including a
four page inclusion in the Firefly Companion:
Still Flying by Titan books, articles in SFX magazine’s “Whedon Universe” edition, Wired.
com, write-ups on a number of widely-read
blogs, and interviews on a variety of podcasts.
Browncoats: Redemption was a finalist in the
4th Annual Mashable Awards for “Most Creative Social Good Campaign”.
Michael’s efforts in raising awareness of the
film, and the causes it supports, has led to
global awareness and donations for the project. Michael’s next film, Z*Con, will also leverage the same business model as before, but
with new charities chosen. You can learn more
about Z*Con at zconmovie.com.
Endlight Entertainment • Ninjas
versus Vampires, TREKOFF Podcast
For the FIRST TIME EVER, the entire Ninjas Vs
trilogy is being screened, right here at Intervention. Come meet the creators as we screen
Ninjas vs Zombies, Ninjas vs Vampires, and the
brand new, unreleased Ninjas vs Monsters.
greased yak named twinkey he works at the donut shop i heard
Created in the DC area, the trilogy takes you
from the ninjas’ origin fighting zombies, to
their battle with the underworld, to their final
confrontation with Dracula, Frankenstein, and
all the classic monsters!
Trekoff is a NSFW
Trek-related comedy
podcast which has
been recording for 2
years (subscribe on
iTunes or go to www.
has nearly 80 episodes and has very
recently joined the TrekRadio family. Featuring filmmaker Justin Timpane (Ninjas Vs) and
actress Alexia Poe, this naughty, raucous Trek
podcast has been performing live all over the
DMV since their debut at Intervention and
is excited to be shooting their feature film,
Trekoff: The Motion Picture! Keep an eye out
and you might just find your way into the film!
Trekoff is just a part of the Endlight Podcast
Network, which has a bunch of free funny
shows like Popoff (which is currently taking a
hard, slightly drunk look at the Marvel movies and Harry Potter), as well as The Hot Mess,
The Suckcast, and Ninjas vs You (the official
audioblog of the movie Ninjas Vs Monsters).
All the shows can be seen and subscribed to
together at www.endlightpodcast.com
Come check out the podcast being recorded
LIVE on Saturday night, and listen every week
at www.trekoffpodcast.com
Chris Flick • Capes -N- Babes
Chris graduated from
Radford University in
1991 with a graphic
design and commercial illustration degree, did a bunch of
graphic-related odd
jobs, and eventually
wound up in an advertising agency where he taught himself HTML.
Since then, he got married, had two kids, rescued a couple of stray cats and created a comic strip for www.communitymx.com called
CMX Suite that ran for five years. Somewhere
in all of this, his unpublished college graphic
novel stayed in his brain and eventually he
warped that idea into a humor strip, added
a crazy werewolf, and before he knew it, in
2007, Capes & Babes was officially born.
The stray cats have since passed away and
Chris’ house is now overrun with three dogs.
Chris continues to write and illustrate Capes
& Babes three times a week, attends numerous conventions along the East Coast and
Chris has recently joined the Webcomic
Comic Alliance (www.webcomicalliance.com)
as a contributing member. Chris wants everyone to know he desperately tried to keep this
bio down to two short paragraphs. Chris also
wants everyone to know he hates everyone
who refers to themselves in third person with
a heated passion.
Mark Frauenfelder • BoingBoing,
MAKE Magazine
is the founding editor-in-chief of MAKE
magazine, and the
founder of BoingBoing. He was an editor
at Wired from 19931998, the founding
editor of Wired.com,
and is the author of six books. His latest book
is Made By Hand: My Adventures in the World of
Do It Yourself
Shaenon Garrity • Skin Horse,
Shaenon K. Garrity
is an award-winning
cartoonist and scriptwriter best known
for the online comics Narbonic, Li’l Mell,
Smithson and Skin
Horse. She works as a
manga editor for Viz
Media and teaches at the Academy of Art in
San Francisco. Her writing on comics appears
in The Comics Journal, Otaku USA and Comixology.com. She lives in Berkeley with her husband Andrew and their cat Tesla.
Some days I just want to roll around in Vaseline and shreds of froot loop boxes so that I can become a high fructose corn syrup chicken
Dave Ghoul • DJ
DJ and all around convention dance-party
instigator Dave Ghoul
returns to Intervention to provide the
soundtrack to Friday
and Saturday night’s
Dave Ghoul is a longtime DJ and event organizer from Philadelphia
that specializes in alternative dance music
(Electro, EBM, Synth, Industrial, Goth, Steampunk, Neo-Swing, Dark Cabaret). He’s one of
the founders and co-organizers of the Philly
Zombie Crawl and its undead siblings, the
Philly Zombie Beach Party and the Philly Zombie Prom. He’s also a resident DJ at both Shadowland Lancaster (monthly Goth and Industrial club night) and Dorian’s Parlor (quarterly
Steampunk hootenanny). If that’s not enough,
he’s DJed a long list of conventions and events
including Dracula’s Ball, Diabolique Ball, The
Philly Pirate Cruise, The Steampunk World’s
Fare, The SteamWërk Ball, The Twisted World,
and Wicked Faire.
For more information about Dave Ghoul,
please visit DaveGhoul.com. Also, Dave Ghoul
feels awkward writing in the third person.
James Harknell • Stupid and Insane
Defenders Against Chaos / My
Annoying Life / AWSOM.org /
Harknell has been
working with Onezumi for over 11 years.
After noticing that
there was very little
online to help artists, he decided to do
something about it.
Harknell customized
his first art-centric Content Management
System in 2003. Today he releases Wordpress plugins at AWSOM.org and serves as a
webmaster and guide for the online comic
and blogging industry. His most recent ac-
complishments include custom website installs for Stupid and Insane Defenders Against
Chaos and Erfworld. Harknell co-founded Intervention and develops free iPhone apps
for webcomics.
Harknell is best-known for his easy to understand way of helping artists get their websites
up and running. He has been a recurring guest
speaker at places like XM Satellite Radio, Katsucon (http://www.katsucon.org), Ubercon
(http://www.Ubercon.com), Balticon (http://
www.balticon.org), and Otakon (http://www.
Today he lives in New Jersey with Onezumi
and way too many computers.
Onezumi Hartstein • Stupid and
Insane Defenders Against Chaos
Fans say that Onezumi is what would happen if Dirty Harry and
“Weird Al” Yankovic
had a daughter that
loved to draw.
Oni is one of the most
active contributors to
and supporter of the
webcomics scene:
 She writes and
draws Stupid and Insane Defenders Against
Chaos: A Lovecraftian Horror Comedy.
 Her dev team made the Webcomics Central App Service. They give free custom
iPhone apps to other webcomics.
 She founded an entire webcomics and
new media convention. Intervention is
a convention for webcomics, fans, and
creators who want to learn, have fun, or
just geek out.
 She posts random art, more tutorials, and
awesomeness in her personal blog, Onezumiverse (http://www.onezumiverse.com/).
I feel like a clown punched me in the spine and then a yak shit on me while a family of 6 stole my pants.
Hello, the Future!
Nicole and her oneperson band Hello,
The Future! sings stories about the intersection of fandom
and reality. This is
at Intervention! She
has also performed
at MAGFest, Phoenix
Comicon, Gam3rcon,
Dragon*Con, Philcon, Lunacon, and a bunch
of other places with “con” at the end of them.
This year she is singing material from her new
“true stories” album, Giant Robot Album, in addition to old favorites like that one about the
monkeys and the robots. Get ready to rock!
Chris Impink and Barb Fischer •
Studio Unseen is
made up of two
creatures: Chris
Impink and Barb
main project is
sports-animeinspired comic that takes place in the fastpaced world of flat track roller derby. Their
previous comic was Fragile Gravity, a strip
that featured independent comics, conventions, an invasionary force of penguins, and
an extra-bitter stoat.
Some say that he knows 250 words for gravel
and that he once filled Richard Nixon’s swimming pool with Jolt Cola. All we know is he’s
called Chris Impink. He does the artwork and
web design for Studio Unseen and spliced together the remix minicomic, Minus Jon Plus Jon.
He has been featured in Antarctic Press anthologies, and did much of the graphic work for The
Babylon Project role-playing game. Additionally,
his work has been featured at various conventions such as Katsucon, Technicon, and Rising
Star. In his rare moments of free time, Chris
works with the crew from Super Art Fight (http://
www.superartfight.com), running the Wheel of
either that or i need a pile of pie, 3 pornos and a greased yak
Death, notching up wins on the tag-team championship belt, as well as occasional art shows
and side projects such as the Art Shirt Army.
does the writing as well as
merchandise assembly and convention spotting; when not
plotting out the
nuts and bolts
of Sledgebunny,
she supervises
the geek training of her twelve-year-old son,
who lately has been showing signs of becoming a brony. She’s also been seen writing trailer snarks and articles for Movie Club (movieclub.net) and has been running her own blog
and podcast, Auntie Barbizard’s Cinematic Life
Lessons and Observations (askauntiebarbizard.blogspot.com). Her fondest dream is to be
invited to the San Diego Comic-con as a guest
H.A. “Chezhnian” Kennedy and
Eren Fitzgerald • Tamuran
H.A. “Chezhnian” Kennedy and Eren
Fitzgerald are
the respective creator/
writer and artist/co-writer
of Tamuran, a
manga-style epic fantasy webcomic. Tamuran
is a story about a young royal heir suddenly
turned king-in-exile and his unlikely protectors, and their quest to save their kingdom
from the country of powerful, grudge-bearing
sorcerers that have taken it over. The story has
been under the pen since 2008, and the webcomic has been ongoing since 2010.
Chezhnian has been world-building the setting in which Tamuran takes place for over 12
years, and she does the main writing for the
comic and also contributes design work. Writing music is one of Chezhnian’s passions, and
an original score soundtrack inspired by the
comic is currently in progress.
Eren has been drawing webcomics since
2005, when he started working on Shades
of Veil [http://shadesofveil.net] as an homage to his college roommates’ Dungeons and
Dragons campaign. Now he is focusing his
comicking mainly on co-writing and illustrating Tamuran. Eren recently spent a year and
a half teaching English in elementary and junior high schools in Japan, where his drawing
skills and love of manga ended up being just
as useful as his Japanese language degree.
Margee Kerr • ScareHouse, Scare U
Margee Kerr currently lives in Pittsburgh, PA
where she teaches
courses in sociology
for the University of
Pittsburgh. She grew
up outside of Baltimore and attended
Hollins University in
Roanoke, VA where
she earned her bachelor’s degree in 2002.
Moving to Pittsburgh for graduate school, she
studied Sociology at the University of Pittsburgh completing her master’s degree in
2004 and her PhD in 2009.
Margee has extensive experience in research,
co-authoring scholarly articles on the history
of medicine and doctor/patient communication. She is also a nationally recognized expert
on professional haunted houses. She was a
featured presenter at The American Sociology
Association’s annual meeting in 2005, HauntCon (National Haunted Attraction Convention) in 2012, and at TransWorld (the largest
national haunted attraction convention in the
world) in 2013.
Margee works year round for ScareHouse consulting with the creators and owners on how
to be scientifically scary and in developing,
implementing, and analyzing data on customers and employees. In 2012 Margee helped to
create, write, and host the Scare U web series
with the ScareHouse which aired in October
of 2012. Scare U presents fast-paced and
entertaining lessons all about fear, covering
everything from the evolution of the fight or
flight response to the fear of zombies and
clowns, to why people love to be scared.
You can read more about Margee and her adventures in haunting from a sociologist perspective in her interview with Edith Zimmerman on the Hairpin.
Eric Kimball • Exiern,
Sarah’s Missing Shadow
Eric Kimball
(Drowemos) is the
writer for the webcomics Exiern (exiern.
com) and Blade Bunny
Exiern is a fantasy parody exploring about a
barbarian warrior that
gets turned into a barbarian maiden by an
errant wizard’s spell. The comic explores gender roles and self-perceptions in a humorous,
light-hearted way. Blade Bunny follows the
adventures of a ninja assassin in a playboy
bunny outfit . As for Eric, he’s just a guy who
still finds the word “titmouse” funny.
Jennifer Logue
Jennifer Logue is a
who splits her time
between NYC and
Philadelphia. Her music has been featured
on ABC and MTV and
in her career thus far,
has been honored by
both ASCAP and the John Lennon Songwriting Competition for her songwriting. As an
artist, her career is on the move. With the release of her latest album, The Split Sessions,
Jennifer has opened up for Jon Herington of
Steely Dan at the legendary Bitter End in NYC,
opened for Cee- Lo, *The Black Keys, and Patti
Smith at Virgin Mobile Freefest, did a string of
shows at the Sundance Film Festival and CMJ
music festival, and more, recently, performed
at the Madeira Film Festival in Portugal alongside Kyle Eastwood and Phamie Gow. Jennifer
is now in the studio working on new music
and performing select shows. Her main focus
at the moment is developing Rock On Philly,
a music site dedicated to the Philadelphia
music scene. For all the latest on Jennifer, stay
tuned to www.jenniferlogue.com
What I need is a boobs cabinet for example
Ben McCormick • Reality Amuck,
Playing Doctor Podcast
Ben McCormick (aka
Tovias) is the cartoonist and writer for
Reality Amuck, a webcomic about politics,
religion, and sex.
After publishing his
book collecting the
first years of the comic (It’s Supposed to Be America: Reality Amuck
Vol. 1), he decided he wasn’t sharing enough
of his personal life online and jumped into
Now Ben co-hosts the Playing Doctor Podcast,
a weekly Doctor Who-themed show and is a
permanent guest host on Dork Trek, a twiceweekly Star Trek: The Next Generation podcast.
In his free time, Ben likes to sit quietly in a
dark room contemplating the discovery of the
Higgs Boson and the implications this has on
the price of Krispy Kreme crullers and other
tasty treats.
Steve Napierski • Dueling Analogs
Steve Napierski first
got into webcomics in
1999 with the ill-fated Life with Fishnets
about his local Rocky
Horror cast. In 2004,
he began work laying out and coloring
Bored and Evil, a task
he performed for the
first two years of that
comic’s run. The following year he launched
the daily webcomic, The Outer Circle, and later
that year he debuted the twice-weekly Dueling Analogs. He is also the founder of the webcomic group, Gamers Pair of Dice.
NERD Comics
Bree Rubin is the
NERD comics. She
is the creator of two
regular webcomics:
the autobiographical Sex, Drugs, &
June Cleaver and
the irreverent story
about the business of God Mysterious Ways,
Inc.. She is also responsible for several selfpublished comic titles, such as Silly Rabbit: Revenge of the Trix Rabbit. Known for drinking to
excess and general rowdy behavior, be wary if
she offers you baked goods.
NERD Comics, founded with Ami Bogin of
GlassUrchin.com, is a web and print comics
group that has monthly open meet-ups in
NYC and puts out an annual anthology.
Travis Surber • Hainted Holler
Travis Surber wanted
to be a writer of serious comics and fantasy novels.Instead he
is in his third year of
producing the humor
strip Hainted Holler
which follows a group
of southern geeks in
a small redneck town. Along the way, he has
somehow managed to produce two print collections of strips, generate a cult like following, and keep the majority of his co-workers
from discovering his webcomicking genius.
(They’d be jealous.) Despite a full-time job
though, and a young daughter, Travis has recently found time to revisit the novel and
comic ideas and hopes to make a big announcement soon.
I could probably find utility in both of those from that last tweet I am stumped like a butt maths
Paul Sabourin • Paul and Storm,
Paul Sabourin is
one-half of Paul and
Storm, a duo known
internationally and
across the Internet for
their original comedy
music (often with a
“nerd-ish” bent). In
addition to their own
live performances, they are co-founders of
the geek-oriented variety show w00tstock,
along with Wil Wheaton and Adam Savage.
The duo’s original webseries musical, LearningTown, debuted on YouTube’s Geek & Sundry channel in January 2013.
The Slants
Special Friday August 23rd Panel/Workshop/
Vending Appearance:
The Slants are known as the first all-Asian
American dance rock band in the world. The
Slants have been a major force in the anime
convention circuit, performing at Comic-Con,
Otakon, Zenkiakon, MTAC, and many more.
The Slants have also built up a large following
through frequent touring and sharing the
stage at events with acts such as Katy Perry,
Apl.de.Ap (Black Eyed Peas), Metallica, Mindless Self Indulgence, etc.
The band has been
featured on NPR’s
All Things Considered,
Shojo Beat, and has
appeared on over
1500 radio stations,
TV shows, magazines, and websites
in 81 countries. They are well-known for their
involvement with the Asian American community and fighting racist ideas/stereotypes.
Note: The Slants will not be playing a musical
set at Intervention.
Michael Terracciano & Garth Graham •
Star Power
Michael Terracciano loves comic books, superheroes, outer space, and telling stories. His
friends call him “Mookie.” He spent the last ten
years as the author and artist of the fantasy
webcomic, Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire. He
enjoys spending time with his wife and their
three cats. His favorite
planet is Jupiter because it’s awesome.
He wants having superpowers to be fun
again, and for this to
be a universe you
want to escape to, not
from. He hopes you
enjoy reading his new
comic Star Power.
Born in Known Space,
raised by the likes
of Lazarus Long, Dr.
Susan Calvin, and
Lt. Miles Vorkosigan,
Garth Graham has
only ever partially
shared the same reality as most of us.
Fascinated by what might be and what isn’t,
rather than weighed down by the drama of
what is, he has forged a tenuous bridge made
of ink and paper between our world and some
strange unknowable scape where improbable
dreams are born. Perhaps it has driven him a
little mad. Yet such madness has born fine delectable fruit for our eye organs. His previous
works include the webcomics Comedity and
Finder’s Keepers. In his spare time Garth likes
to laugh maniacally about the abstract and
fictional concept of “spare time” and does his
level best to refute entropy.
Jeffrey Wells • Skin Horse
Jeffrey C. Wells is best
known as the co-writer
and co-creator of the
award-winning webcomic Skin Horse, and
he also can be seen
dabbling in prosewriting over at Scrivnarium.net. He lives in
the wilds of rural Wisconsin with a wonderful
spouse, more pets than you can shake a stick
at, and a recently-acquired cellular Internet connection which occasionally allows him to view
something called “YouTube videos” in the comfort of his own home. It’s really remarkable.
Antipode Presents: Meet and Greet
with the ladies of Antipode Geek
Do you like Sin City? Do you like bellydance?
How about terribly awesome humor? If you
answered yes to all or at least one of these
questions, then this panel is for you! Come
and interact with this nerd loving group of
femme fatales as they play games, tell jokes,
do a little dancing, and reward some lucky
people with Antipode prizes.
Antipode Presents:
“A Cowabunga Belly Dance!”
Who doesn’t love those pizza-eating, greenshelled, ninja heroes? Come join the Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles as they, and perhaps a
few others from the series, raise some shell at
They’re away from their home sweet sewer in
NYC. Sent by Master Splinter with very specific
instructions to be on the lookout for the Foot
Clan in DC. The turtles are ready for battle and
for dance! Watch as Antipode brings you the
TMNT in bellydancing style. Fun, entertaining,
and family friendly, this is a geek-worthy show
with extra cheese, no anchovies.
Dude, you won’t wanna miss it!
Astrology and Tarot as Writing Tools
Tarot and astrology are topics that have fascinated fiction writers for decades. But did you
know that even if they don’t feature in your
story, they make great behind-the-scenes
tools for writing? In this panel we’ll discuss
ways to use tarot and astrology to help spice
up your brainstorming, flesh out character details, jump-start a stalled plot, and more.
Audio Podcasting and
Internet Radio 101
Our panelists will talk about ways to start up
your own audio podcast, or Internet radio
station--the equipment to get, software to
use, and creating a website for distribution or
hooking up with a streaming provider.
Back in My Day:
The Webcomic Veterans Panel
This panel is comprised of webcomic artists
and creators who’ve been doing their work
(of some sort, not necessarily just one comic)
for at least seven years or more. They will
grouse about the “good old days” and tell you
youngsters to get off their yard. They might
also tell you something that might “learn
you” something.
Bad Movies Are Great Movies
Let’s rant and rave about our favorite bad
Is Troll 2 really the best worst movie ever?
Do you worship at the altar of Manos: The
Hands of Fate?
Is throwing spoons instead of a football your
new favorite past time?
Then join us as we discuss bad movies and
why we love them so much. Bring your best
impression of your top moments from movies
that are memorable for all the wrong reasons.
Basics of Manga Studio 5
Been wanting to look in to Manga Studio 5
by Smith Micro? The author of the upcoming
Mastering Manga Studio 5 demonstrates the
basics of the software, showing you how to
use MS5 to make comics and illustrations.
Beyond the Fill Bucket:
Experimentation in Comic Creation
Ideas like Scott McCloud’s “Infinite Canvas”
challenge and inspire us to literally think outside the box when it comes to webcomics. In a
similar way, this panel is a friendly discussion
of webcomics as an art form, as a means for
communicating visual artistic ideas and finding your own voice. Panelists will share their
own unique methods, influences, use of tools
(digital and/or traditional) and otherwise stylistic choices that set their works apart.
Beyond the Shiny Disk:
Music in the Internet Age
Post-Napster and bittorrent, how do musicians
make a living in the Internet age? Our panelists
will talk about how they’ve adapted and managed to use the internet to their advantage.
grows. Intervention is happy to donate the
proceeds from this charity auction, which will
feature items and artwork from many of our
guests, to this worthy group and cause.
Club 242 Presents BATTLE IV: AT
Blogging for Fun and Profit
Intervention’s Friday night meetup party!
Do you have something to say? Why not start
a blog? Is it really that easy? Our panelists will
talk about the fun parts, and the not so fun
parts, about making your blog successful and
possibly even profitable.
Dave Ghoul returns to Intervention for another installment of Lovecraftian mayhem
and music! Join him for Intervention’s opening night meetup party and chill out and listen
to some tunes while talking and meeting the
other members of the Intervention community. It starts slow and soothing--perfect for talking and connecting, but if the conditions are
right, it can go totally crazy later into the night!
Charity Auction: Electronic Frontier
Foundation Benefit
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is the
leading organization defending civil liberties
in the digital world. They defend free speech
on the Internet, fight illegal surveillance, promote the rights of innovators to develop digital technologies, and work to ensure that the
rights and freedoms we enjoy are enhanced,
rather than eroded, as our use of technology
Butt hats are like what happens when #Batman gets confused
Club 242 Presents
Dave Ghoul spins the tunes; you wear the
costumes; everyone dances. It’s the Saturday
night dance party where cosplay and costuming reign. Prizes for Best/Innovative/Fun costumes will be given out.
Our Children’s Programming is organized by
art teacher Corinne Simmers and will will be
comprised of panels and workshops where
parents and kids can work on creative projects together.
Art supplies, games, and other materials will
be available during the panels — no need
to bring your own (unless you’d like to).
“The recklessness of science gave birth to you,
Godzilla. Why do you appear before us?”
This year at Intervention, we invite children
ages 4-12 (or older in some cases) to join us
for a weekend of monster molding, folding,
smashing, and bashing! This will be a weekend project where we will begin by creating our monsters on paper, sculpting them
in playdough, and then battling them until
there is one monster remaining!
Friday: “The Drawing Board”
Stop in on Friday and join us for the creation
of our monsters! We will plan and plot out
our creations on paper and even create our
own trading cards for them!
If not really into the whole monster creating,
we will be offering an array of board games
and card games so that your child can come
and unwind.
Saturday: “It’s Alive!”
10:00 am -12:00 pm- During this allotted
time we invite children to come and create
with us. We will be trying our hands at making playdough and glow sticks to aid us in
our monster sculptures. Once our playough
is set, we will begin our sculptures of our
monsters so that they may come to “life” in
our epic battle on Sunday. Not only we will
create the elements for our creatures but
Coffee Is for Closers!
Tough Love For Creative People
This panel is really about any artist in any media, art, music, writing, etc.
The title, taken from the business monologue
in the film Glengarry Glen Ross, is used as a
we will also get to build the battlefield they
will take stage on and learn a little about the
importance of backgrounds in storytelling
and art creating.
12:00 pm -2:00 pm – Kinect Party! Come
over to Intervention’s Video Game room
and have fun playing Xbox 360 Kinect Party.
2:00pm – 3:00pm – We invite children to
come and finish up their monster creations
if not finished in the first panel. We will also
be having a paper airplane race. Come and
fold to your heart’s content until you think
your paper plane will win the race!
3:00 pm -4:00pm – Break
4:00 pm- 5:00pm – Egg Drop! Do you think
you have what it takes to create a safe haven for a tiny egg that will be dropped from
dangerous heights? Come try your hand at
making a container that will keep your egg
safe as one of the program heads drop it
from egg-defying heights!
5:00pm -7:00pm – Dinner Time
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – We will take a look at
what stop animation and claymation are
and try our hand at creating a short video
with our monsters.
We will be joined by a guest panelist P.J.
Simmers who will teach us about voice acting, like creating voices to find the right one
to apply to your creations, and how to apply
it to videos.
Sunday: “Let’s Duel”
10:00am -12:00pm – It’s go time, we have
built up to this moment all weekend, it is
now time to put our monsters to battle in
the epic game of Monster vs. Monster!
center point for discussing the realities of living life as a creative person in the real world...
or at least trying to.
Is being an artist living the life of the ultimate
Convention Horror Stories
and Lessons Learned
Join our panel of veterans of the Convention
Trenches to hear tales of their sometimes harrowing, sometimes hilarious misadventures
encountered in the course of running conventions. Perhaps equally important are the
lessons we learned from these experiences,
which will also be shared. Bring your stories
as well to share!
Copyright 101
A rundown from an artist’s standpoint of what
copyright is, how it works, what it does, and
what you only think it does. Learn how you
can use the law to protect your work, and
discuss the grey and ill-defined line between
outright theft and fair use.
Designing Your First Book
You finally have enough strips in your archive,
or words on a page -- now you think it’s time
to put them in a book. What makes a good
book design? Our panelists walk you through
cover design to interior as well as a discussion
on POD printing and other options for selfpublishing creator.
Digital vs. Traditional The Pros and Cons of Each
It’s an Intervention classic! In this veritable
clash of titans (well, maybe not so much the
“clash” part), panelists from all the schools of
artistic style gather to talk about the use traditional tools, digital tools, and the many inbetweens. What are the pros? What are the
cons? It’s digital vs. traditional!
Disney Drawing Secrets Workshop
with Raul Aguirre, Jr.
Join 19-year veteran of the animation business and host of the Man vs. Art podcast, Raul
Aguirre, Jr., to find out how to make your character drawings look more expressive and appealing for animation, cartooning, and comics!
Awkward poses and other drawing abominations will be a thing of the past! Learn to make
your characters cooler, sexier, cuter, grosser,
more bad-ass, and funnier!
Raul shares drawing tips from his mentor,
the legendary Glen Keane. Sharpen your
pencils and DRAW!
How should you approach a drawing? How do
you hold a pencil for best results! Sketchbook?
Why the “F” would I need a sketchbook?
Drawing with Photoshop:
From Path Selection to Zoom Tool
People love to watch other people draw. Better still, they love to watch to glean the deep
dark secrets of art. This would be an hour to
hour and a half long demonstration of how to
draw using nothing but Photoshop: from initial roughs, laying out a page, penciling, inking,
flatting, and fully rendering an image. Leave
your scanners behind; where we’re going, we
don’t need scanners.
Early-Bird Stitch-n-Bitch
Bring your knit, crochet, sewing or other
crafty-type project and work on it in a semisocial setting with other crafty folks at an
ungodly-early hour. Caffeine consumption is
encouraged, but (like your project) you’ll have
to bring your own. All skill levels welcome.
Enabler Only Guest Meet and Greet
Become an Enabler of Intervention and get invited to a special Guest Meet and Greet event.
We’ll bring the pastries; you bring your questions and small talk.
Everything You Wanted to Know
About Tabling at a Convention
Learn tips, tricks and general conversations about having your own art or sales
table at a convention: how to go about it,
what you should be aware of, and how to
be successful at it.
Expect the Unexpected: Strange
Tales from the Webcomic Universe
Once you place your work online, and get a
certain level of success and traffic, you can expect that you’re going to have a few “interesting” situations or encounters along the way.
Our panelists will recite events or situations
that they’ve encountered that are funny, horrifying, soul-touching, or purely WTF in scope.
Flirting For Geeks
(PG-13) Learn the basics of eye contact and
body language. Know the difference between “How YOU doin’?” and “I NEED AN
Why I am talking about giraffe nipples on twitter...I do not know.
ADULT!” If you are a geek who enjoys dating, or a nerd who wants to know a little
more about how it works, come join us as
we rapid-fire through the DOs, the DO NOTs,
For the Love of Cartoons
This is a fan-based discussion of cartoons
and the adult fanbase. What are the stigmas cartoon fans deal with when they say
they like the original Ninja Turtles cartoon
or Phineas and Ferb or even My Little Pony
(gasp). We’ll also discuss the high quality adult-focused cartoons like The Venture
Brothers and Futurama.
Go for It! Taking the Leap
to Full-Time Artist/Creator
Many Intervention guests have cut the cord
from their day jobs and gone on to develop
successful businesses as writers, webcomic
artists, musicians, and more. Join these panelists in a free-for-all Q&A discussion and ask
everything you’ve ever wanted to know about
quitting your job and going pro.
History of Comics as a Medium
From pulp beginnings to the dawn of the superhero, the Silver Age, the “other” British Invasion, and the “Extreme” Generation, comics
have a storied past full of spandex, heroism,
and superpowers.
But are they worthy of academic study? And
what would this study reveal about ourselves
as comic readers?
Fifty Years of The Doctor
Doctor Who is now 50 years old and still going
strong. Our panelists will talk about the history of the show, its impact on sci-fi and popular
culture, and its place in Internet fandom.
people about your work? Get advice on how
to speak in public from the pros who have
been doing it for years.
Intervention Gong Show
(18+) Having totally stolen this idea from
NorWesCon, who stole it from a 1970s TV
program, Intervention is hosting its first-ever
Gong Show.
Give us your best - or worst - talent. Receive
ridiculous feedback from our panel of judges.
Receive crazy prizes.
This panel will definitely be NSFW, but that’s
okay because we aren’t at work.
Intervention “Inprov” Comedy Group
For the 4th year in a row, the Intervention Inprov comedy players gather together to entertain you with the jokes they made up 10 seconds ago. The panelists will play a number of
improv games and solicit interaction from the
audience to make a fun and dynamic show.
Come and see your favorite creators make a
fool of themselves.
2 Shows Are Scheduled.
Intro to Marketing Your Stuff
Communicating effectively on your site, press
kits, outreach, and working with influencers
is how you break out of being reliant solely
on other entities - like cons - for your revenue and career. If you’ve been doing the con
circuit and reached a plateau or you are just
starting out and working on your 5-year plan,
this is for you.
I Signed WHAT?!
A Beginner’s Guide to Contracts
How to Speak in Public
Your talent has gained the acclaim it deserves
and now someone wants to buy your work.
They are waving around a stack of papers filed
with clauses, promises, and obligations. Are you
prepared? This panel provides an introduction
to contract law with an emphasis on what you
need to know before you sign on that dotted
line. Know the terms. Know your rights. Know
what you are signing, because knowing is half
the battle. The rest is red lasers and blue lasers.
Do you want to be up at the front of the room
speaking on a panel? Do you want to be more
successful selling your stuff and talking with
Panelists Scott Benfield and Eric Menge are
attorneys with extensive contract experience
and are both licensed to practice in Maryland.
How to Make Money in Webcomics!
Step 1: start a webcomic. Step 2:... Step 3: Profit! Come find out (maybe) some of those step
2 elements from our panelists.
In other news - damn. a lot of women want to show me their boobs.
I’m tired of hearing about it. I have enough of them. I own some. Chillax
It Needs to Be Discussed:
Harassment, Drama, and Fandom
Failures – We Can Do Better
What can we all do to stop the harassment,
drama, and outright intolerance that appears
to be a growing trend online? This is an open
discussion to support the community.
It’s All About the Villain
He might be the guy you love to hate, but
without a good villain, your hero wouldn’t
have anything to do but sit on the couch and
drink beer. Panelists: What makes a compelling villain? How do you get inside his or her
head? Is it ever more fun to write from the
villain’s POV than the hero’s? Audience: Who
are your favorite villains and why? Everyone:
Bring your best evil laugh!
Juggling Geek Life and Parenting
Keeping up with the latest nerdly trends can
be tricky at the best of times, but finding time
to keep up while raising kids? Well, that’s a
tribble of a different color. Come hang out
with our panelists as they discuss their methods of trying to balance their geek life with
the challenges of work and parenting.
Keeping Your Stuff Safe:
Strategies for Backing Up and
Preserving Your Digital Life.
Think about everything digital that touches
your life. Your blog posts and social networking statuses. Digital photographs and artwork.
Text messages on your cell phone. All of these
things can grow in importance over time, in
ways that might not be envisioned or consid-
Millenium City Mayhem
Your secret identity in real life. Millennium
City is in trouble-- Villains, heroes and those
in-between are trapped in the thrall of The
Dread and Terrible Sub-Galactic Emperor.
Many heroes are changed, missing, or worse.
It is up to you to save the city, conquer it, or
doom mankind. New players encouraged
and welcome; make your character on site
or use a pregen. Also, players of Champions
the RPG and Champions Online may bring
their characters to be translated into the
Live Action System. Costumes a plus!
Echoes of Empires
The Echoes of Empires group will also be
back this year for those of you who like
their undead with less shamble and more
fangs. If you want to dive deep into vampire
politics and otherworldly drama, this is the
event for you.
Bring your team, or join one on site. Up to
eight teams of five players each will take
part in a tense, vicious tournament of strategy and guts! Each team consists of a Captain
and five heroes. Randomly allocated rounds
What I need are the kind of bears that have butt purses.
will be run by normal Freeblades Skirmish rules, with one side representing The
Knights of Haradel and the other side The
Grular Horde . A team wins by decimating
the other side! The battlefield will be randomly set with full-scale scenery for each
round, and actual line-of-sight will be used
for each decision. The Captain must lead his
team to fight cooperatively and intelligently
every step of the way.
Interfection, the Intervention Zombie LARP,
will be continue it’s reign as the preeminent
convention zombie LARP this year. Will you
be infected? Will you fall prey to the evil
Zombie baby (like so many of our participants in our first year)? Interfection was a
huge success in 2010, 2011, and 2012 garnering some of the highest feedback to us
as a “must do” event at the con, so we are
very excited to have them return this year
for further undead hijinks.
Sword of Damocles
Inspired by American Gods. Players are immortal divine forces who walk the earth and
continue the battles of the old world in the
new world. The conflict is for the souls of
nations and the heart of America.
ered in the here and now. How do we make
sure these things are kept safe?
Almost everyone with information stored
digitally will face at least one major, significant loss of their important data at least once
in their lives. Recent high-profile cloud computing failures have only shown that the webcomics, blogs, and other things we entrust to
the cloud are still at risk.
So, how do we keep our stuff safe? This session will discuss some strategies for good
backup plans that can help preserve the information you value the most.
Kickstart My Art
You’ve heard about Kickstarter, but aren’t sure
how to get started? Then join us as we walk
you through the project creation process and
give you the tips you need to create a successful Kickstarter campaign.
Hello, The Future!
Nicole and her one-person band Hello,
The Future! sings stories about the intersection of fandom and reality. This is
her FOURTH YEAR at Intervention! She
has also performed at MAGFest, Phoenix
Comicon, Gam3rcon, Dragon*Con, Philcon, Lunacon, and and a bunch of other
places with “con” at the end of them. This
year she is singing material from her new
“true stories” album, Giant Robot Album,
in addition to old favorites like that one
about the monkeys and the robots.
Live Music: Jennifer Logue
Jennifer Logue is a singer/songwriter who
splits her time between NYC and Philadelphia. Her music has been featured on
ABC and MTV and in her career thus far,
has been honored by both ASCAP and
the John Lennon Songwriting Competition for her songwriting.
Making Makers
Mark Frauenfelder of MAKE Magazine talks
about Cool Tools for makers and the neat
things makers have made with them.
Mark Frauenfelder: Boing Boing,
MAKE Magazine, or Ask Me Anything
Come meet Mark Frauenfelder, founder of BoingBoing.net and MAKE Magazine and ask him
anything about his projects, art, or cool toys.
Michael “Mookie” Terracciano:
Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
and Star Power Q&A
Michael “Mookie” Terracciano’s webcomic
strip, Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, may be
over, but questions remain--your questions!
His new strip, Star Power, is just starting, so
now’s the time to jump on board and get the
answers you seek.
My Little Bronies:
An Online Fandom Phenomenon
“Bronies”, male fans of the new version of the
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic animated
series, are an example of how the Internet is
changing and expanding traditional fandom.
Find out why these Bronies love this series
and how the Internet is allowing them to connect and expand this fandom in unique and
new ways--and what this might mean for fandom moving forward in the Internet age.
Ninjas Versus Everyone:
The Winner Is Endlight Entertainment
Find out how hard it is to pit ninjas versus
monsters (and zombies and vampires) by
talking to the team behind the Ninjas Versus
movie series, Endlight Entertainment.
Paul Sabourin:
Music and Comedy and That Sort
of Thing: Ask Me Anything
Paul Sabourin, one half of the internationally
known online music act “Paul and Storm”, cofounder of w00tstock, and member of the Geek
and Sundry Youtube channel answers your
questions on his wide range of work...but questions about Wil Wheaton are right out...maybe.
I am a yinzer magnet. Must be all those bears I eat that smell wut a storm is brewin
ON CON 2013
Browncoats: Redemption
(PG-13) Browncoats: Redemption is a crowdsourced, independent film set in Joss
Whedon’s Firefly/Serenity universe,
Cinematic For The People - Live
Riffing of The Fast & The Furious
CFTP is back again to bring you the worst in
movies that we can find and then somehow
make them entertaining. Join us as we riff
1 of 2 movies we’re featuring this year, The
Fast and The Furious. Yes you’ve read that
right. Join us as we attempt to endure this
film that is anything BUT fast or furious.
Cinematic For The People - Live Riff
of The Werewolf of Washington
CFTP is back again to bring you the worst in
movies that we can find and then somehow
make them entertaining. Join us as we riff
1 of 2 movies we’re featuring this year, The
Werewolf of Washington. Join us to see if we
can stop ourselves from tearing our own
hair out. Either way it’s guaranteed to be a
better love story than Twilight.
Con Drama
(PG-13) Con Drama, created by the crew at
Vidgle.tv is a short film that relates the misadventures of a group of friends sharing
a room at a convention. In their words: “If
you’ve been to a con with your friends, you
might know the drama that goes on in your
room. Con Drama is a film about that.”
Dork of the Rings
(PG-13) A Lord of the Rings parody film:
Frudo Buggins must deliver The One Ring of
Boundless Credit to Bank Boom to close the
account of Lord Mauron, who is rapidly taking over Muddle-earth with his oppressive
Dork-mart franchise.
Harvey Putter and
the Ridiculous Premise
(PG-13) Intervention is pleased to offer its
attendees a showing of the feature-length
Harry Potter parody film, Harvey Putter and
the Ridiculous Premise.
Ninjas Versus Monsters
(R) Ninjas battle monsters in this all new
action-horror-comedy! The finale of the
award-winning indie movie trilogy! Join the
Ninjas Versus Vampires
(R) Ninjas battle vampires for the fate of the
world in this all new action-horror-comedy
from the creators of 2010’s cult smash, Ninjas vs Zombies!
Ninjas Versus Zombies
(R) Ninjas battle zombies for the fate of the
world in this action-horror-comedy! The
start of the Ninjas Versus series.
Sarah’s Missing Shadow
(G) A new children’s video project by Eric
Kimble, and voiced by Nicole from Hello,
The Future!
The WTF World of YouTube
YouTube is a treasure trove of videos that
provide viewers with entertainment, information, and description. Those videos have
no place in this panel.
Daily Dot reporter and Intervention staffer
Mike Fenn has chronicled the holidays of
2012 and 2013 through some of the most insane videos ever uploaded to YouTube. From
a man in a leprechaun suit declaring his love
for the Shamrock Shake to Wilford Brimley reluctantly reciting a Christmas poem, YouTube
is brimming with holiday-related WTF-ness.
Fight Choreography 101 (with Q&A)
At the Fight Choreography 101 workshop,
members of the DC Stunt Coalition will be
showing indie film makers, actors, martial artists, wannabe stunt-people, and fans alike, how
to safely bring your action fantasies to life for
the purpose of epic battles on stage and video!
Margee Kerr and the Psychology
of Fear (with Q&A)
(PG-13) In 2012 Margee helped to create,
write, and host the Scare U web series with
the ScareHouse which aired in October of
2012. Scare U presents fast-paced and entertaining lessons all about fear, covering
everything from the evolution of the fight or
flight response to the fear of zombies and
clowns, to why people love to be scared.
vagina is like a fancy version of puff the magic dragon it’s gotta have it’s research and respect
Photoshop Cheats for Busy Artists
If you’re forging through the world of freelance art or webcomics, chances are you already have a full-time job. So how can you use
the precious time available to do something
that looks snazzy? Our presenter will guide
you through the murky land of layers and fills
to finish your assignments and yet still get
that sleep stuff we’ve been hearing about.
Politics in Webcomics
How can one delve into hot button topics
while still maintaining an audience. Let’s talk
about webcomics that take a political stand,
the impact of those politics on the creative
process, and the potential pitfalls and payoffs.
Radio Free Intervention
Join us for a live broadcast of Bomb Shelter
Radio. Look over the console while the show
is going, ask the DJ technical and style questions, request a song, sit down at a microphone, suggest a news story. Bring your laptop and see what is going on in our chat room
and Twitter. This session is part performance,
part Q&A, and massively unstructured.
Real World vs. Geek World:
Balancing Your Commitments
Whether you run a webcomic, a blog, a podcast, or an MMO guild, there’s a good chance
you’re not one of those who can (yet) make a
living on your geekery. Is it possible to do both
at the same time? How do you manage your
own creativity as opposed to getting your real-world job done? And which one do you tell
people is your job when they ask what you do
for a living? Hear what the web’s multitaskers
have to say about how and why they do it.
Redeeming the World Through Film:
A Conversation with Michael
Michael Dougherty, the President, co-founder
and a board member of Big Damn Films, Inc.
(BDF), a non-profit that supports meaningful
causes through the development, creation,
distribution and promotion of independent
films, answers your questions about his work
on Browncoats:Redemption and his new film
Z*Con, as well as the art of film making and
working with established properties.
Revenue Streams: How to
Make Ten-Tenths of a Living
Books, merchandise, subscriptions, donations,
advertising, spinoff comics, mobile apps, paid
downloads, character licensing, games, animated series, movie options, speaking fees,
selling original art, springboarding your other
projects and services! It might be that none
of these can make you a living on from your
work, but combining many or most into one
business model could.
Robots on Mars and Other Awesome
Things about Space
With Curiosity making people consider the
awesomeness that is space, our panelists are
going to take a hard look at the epic nature
of the void. From fantasy to reality, fact to fiction, space offers so much if we are but bold
enough to seize it.
Sh!t Gets Real: A Conversation With
Frustrated Artists
(PG-13) A bunch of artists sit around and complain for an hour. Cursing will be tallied and
Show Me The (YouTube) Money:
The Highs and (Possible) Lows of
Producing Online Video
Our panelists will talk about their experiences
making online video and pass along some
tricks and tips for success--and possibly help
keep you from it’s pitfalls. And is there money
to be made working with Youtube or other online video services?
Sluggy Freelance:
The Beginning of the End
Webcartoonist Pete Abrams discusses the
beginning of the end of one of the longest
running webcomics in world history. Actually
more of a Q&A session. ABOUT THE BEGINNING OF THE END!!!
So, How’d We Do?
This panel is the last panel of the con. Come
give Harknell, Onezumi, and the rest of the Intervention team your feedback on the event.
We encourage you to make suggestions for
next year as well.
If I were a superhero I’d be the one that slapped ppl when they talk bullshit and lit my own butt on fire
So, You Wanna Be an Artist?
Raul Aquirre, Jr.: Ask Me Anything.
For 19 years, artist, writer, animator, director,
podcast host, cartoonist, and comics maker
Raul Aguirre, Jr. made his living as a professional artist. HOW?! Keep your shirt on! Raul
shares his secrets to getting motivated, finding
inspiration, being passionate and NEVER GIVING UP! If a son of immigrants who was born
in East L.A. can make it as an artist, what’s your
excuse? So if you wanna be an artist, this panel
is a must for you! Day jobs are for chumps!
The Art and Music Studio
Intervention presents the Art Studio and Music Studio, a room open 24 hours a day that
encourages attendees, guests, and staff to
contribute artwork or statements on the dry
erase walls of the room. At the end of the con,
the results will be imaged and placed online.
The room is also available for spontaneous
musical performances.
The Artist/Writer Relationship
It’s not easy to find the right artist or writer to
collaborate with; our panelists will discuss some
common pitfalls of the artist/writer relationship
and how to deal with them when they arise.
The Changing Landscape: Challenges
for Indie Game Developers in 2013
An aspiring indie game developer faces all
kinds of challenges, but none is more daunting than the rapidly-transforming, incredibly
crowded market. Join a solo developer with
no budget as he attempts to navigate the
myriad of platforms, app stores and frameworks. He’ll also explain the necessity to redefine the term “success” for yourself, and talk
about his experiences publishing five games
on Xbox Live Indie Games. How do you gauge
your competition when it numbers in the
tens of thousands? When it comes to pricing,
how expensive is too expensive? Is it actually worth developing your game at all? These
questions, along with some of your own, will
be answered.
The Computer Is Willing, But the
Spirit Is Weak: How to Build the
Motivation to Keep Going
Everyone hits that point in their career where
it seems like a wall has popped up in front of
your creativity or output. How do you find the
motivation to keep on working? Our panelists
will talk about the techniques they’ve used to
move forward and keep their motivation and
creative juice flowing.
The Man vs. Art Podcast. An Audio
Podcast about Visual Art? WTF?
Occasionally brooding, deeply passionate,
and always interesting L.A. artist, animator,
writer, and director Raul Aguirre, Jr. draws on
his nineteen years of experience at Disney,
Nickelodeon, and Fox to inform, inspire, and
entertain artists.
Warning!! Once you hear Man vs. Art, you can’t
unhear it!
Raul shares for the first time the production
process that he goes into when crafting his
podcast. Why is Man vs. Art so fun and unique?
Plus he tackles the elephant in the room. An
audio podcast about visual arts? That’s absurd! He’s crazy! ... Crazy like FOX news!
There Is a Line: Handling Potentially
Offensive Topics in Webcomics
Since webcomic creators only answer to
themselves and their audience, how do they
decide how far to go with humor, language,
violence, sex, and other situations? Does a
creator have a greater responsibility to police
themselves or does literally anything go?
The Skin Horse Panel
Shaenon Garrity and Jeffrey Wells of the webcomic Skin Horse talk about their work and
where they are going from here.
The Time For Indie Film Is Now!
Do you want to make a film? Do it now! The
time has never been better for to get involved
with film production. It won’t be easy of
course, but our panelists will give you some
info on how you can get started in a professional (and hopefully) profitable way.
Through the Fractured Looking Glass
(18+) “I can’t check Facebook/Google+/twitter/LiveJournal because I.T. blocked the site”
is a common complaint nowadays. Yet, many
Internet security systems are as effective as a
locked front door on a house with all the windows left wide open. This panel will discuss
What you need are bears, son. Bears with butts to chase away the stupid.
why these blocking tools do not work, how
they can be bypassed, how they can be fixed
and some tips on how to protect yourself on
the Internet. 18+ since some information is
provided for “educational” purposes only.
Tone it Down 4: A Game of Jabrones
(21+) The GOtaku crew are back for another
round of ruthlessly taking to task the negative aspects of our treasured geek culture! Be
warned: this panel is not for the faint of heart
or those lacking in self-awareness or a sense of
humor. But if you think you’ve got what it takes
to join us for a send-up of some of the things
we hold dear, strap in for a night of vicious masochism! King Drunk and the Knights of the Party
Table will be in court, so beware because they
will be taking a “shot” at everything in range.
Totally Tubular Turtle Treats
Cowabunga, dudes and dudettes! Come join
Cooking Mama 1 and 2 of Antipode for this
hands on workshop. Everyone is welcome to join
in and help make ooze punch, pizza cookies, and
Foot Clan cupcakes for the turtle power party!
Rena, aka Cooking Mama 1, is a local cake
decorating artist who is going to teach you her
savvy tricks for making great treats. You can
follow her on her tumblr: http://sweetsbyserena.tumblr.com
Traditional Inking
Practical discussion of materials and methods
for inking comics from preparing pencil drawings for inking, papers suitable for inking, and
types of inks, pens, brushes and drawing aids
that can be used to create a finished product.
Pros and cons of the various materials from
personal experience.Physical examples will
be available for participants to examine and
try their hand on. A question and answer period will conclude the presentation.
Trekoff Live: A foulmouthed
Star Trek Comedy Podcast
(18+) Trekoff is a NSFW Trek-related comedy
podcast which has been recording for 2 years
(subscribe on iTunes or go to www.trekoffpodcast.com), has nearly 80 episodes and
has very recently joined the TrekRadio family.
Featuring filmmaker Justin Timpane (Ninjas Vs)
and actress Alexia Poe, this naughty, raucous
Trek podcast has been performing live all over
the DMV since their debut at Intervention and
is excited to be shooting their feature film
Trekoff: The Motion Picture! Keep an eye out
and you might just find your way into the film!!
Ultimate Room Party: How to Seem
Completely Badass with Booze
(21+) This will be an informational panel describing more about different kinds of alcohol,
safe ways to drink, and useful hangover remedies. No samples will be given at the panel,
though there are plenty near by. This will be
held at the event hotel bar area.
We Are The Intervention
Come talk to Onezumi and Harknell, founders
and Co-Con Chairs of Intervention, about the
event, their comic work, their theme park and
haunted attraction adventures, or any other
Stupid and Insane stuff you can think of. They
are (almost) guaranteed to stay in one place
during the duration of this panel.
Webcomics 101:
Creativity, Art, and Writing
You’re looking at a blank screen or a blank
piece of paper and you just keep looking!
Let our panelists help you figure out how to
get started, how to keep going and how not
to paint yourself into an artistic corner. Let’s
talk formatting and how to best communicate
your vision to your artist, and — if you’re an
artist — how can you take advantage of the
written word to make your story better.
Website Hosting for Art and Comics
This panel will walk you through the various
option for hosting your comic or art online. It
will cover free hosting option and paid hosting as well as the major comic and art hosting
systems you can install on your own.
What Is Stopping You From
Making Something Awesome?
What 5 key obstacles hold people back from
being awesome? Submit projects/endeavors
you want to do, but are having trouble with,
and our panelists and the crowd will help you
overcome your obstacles.
also I saw a cupcakes
ROCKBAND “Band” Tournament
BombSquad (Ouya)
Sign up to be in a Band in our RockBand
“Band” Tournament. Two tournaments: one
Friday and one Saturday. This is a day-long
event. Sign up as a band of any size (max
4) and record your score. Play on any level,
any song, and show your chops. Do you
have what it takes? Give it a shot.
New console, new game. Like Smash Bros?
Try BombSquad, it will pit up to 8 players
into a to your death battle tossing everything
from sticky bombs to landmines at you opponents. Or just make it personal and punch
their lights out. Manage 5 rounds in the top 4
and you will go to the next round. Top 4 will
battle it out another 5 rounds and the top 2
win prizes! Minimum 4 players to start, max
16. We’re still testing more than 4 players;
final rules to be posted at the convention.
Friday: 9pm, Saturday: 5pm
Players can be in any number of bands, but
can only win once. If you win Friday, you
cannot be in a participating band Saturday (Sorry). A minimum number of four (4)
bands needs to participate to be judged.
If there is less than four, both days will be
combined into one and the prize doubled.
Friday: 5pm - 9pm, Saturday: 1pm - 9pm
Fruit Ninja (Kinect)
Fruit Ninja is back! Try your hand at getting
the high score of the day playing the 60 second Arcade mode. You get 60 seconds to
prove your ninja worth. Bring your ponchos;
this will be like a virtual Gallagher show.
Friday: 5pm - 9pm, Saturday: 2pm - 9pm
Sunday: 10am - 1pm.
Smash Brothers (Wii)
An old favorite is back. Come by and participate in our elimination style 1v1v1v1
tournament (elimination format to be determined by time allowed and participation). 3
stock, 8 minute time limits, and no items
Come by the Video Game Room to sign up.
Saturday: 3pm
At the end of the workshop, attendees should
feel energized and ready to jump into new
projects, or jump back into those they were
stuck in. (We just really like helping people be
creative and awesome)
WordPress 101
WordPress is the fastest growing online content management system, and can be adapted for use for comics, blogging, podcasting,
video, and nearly infinite other uses. Come
Julia Child > James Bond
Halo Midnight Madness
An old favorite of ours. 16 player Halo
game across all our Xbox 360s. We take
15 minutes to setup custom profiles for
each player and divide into teams. We
play a full set of different game types and
some custom ones we’ve come across.
Trash talking encouraged. Players should
be 16 or older due to use of foul language.
Friday: Midnight - Whenever
Double Fine Kinect Party
(Children’s Programming) 2 hours of pure
clean fun for kids in front of one of the more
fun devices ever made for the Xbox 360.
Kids (and adults) can be walked through
multiple scenes where you play characters
on the screen doing everything from digging at a virtual beach to stomping over
virtual blocks as a dinosaur breathing fire.
Saturday: Noon - 2pm.
learn the basics on its set up and usage from
our panel of experts.
World Building 101
A pivotal part to any great story is the world
in which it takes place in, be it the past, present, future, or even an alternate universe! If
you are new to story creation, or are just looking to get a different perspective, stop on
by as we discuss the basics of creating and
presenting a new, fascinating setting for your
comic or game.
Event Runners AMA
We are the people who set up Intervention
(and other) events; come to this workshop
to ask us anything about the process--from
business, programming, guest relations, operations, or anything in-between.
Everyone Needs Help Sometimes:
Webcomic and Art Portfolio
You have an idea for a comic or want to get
some feedback on your work. This is the
place for you. During this open workshop,
our artists will gladly chime in and give
feedback on your work or ideas and give
you tips to get going to the next level.
Sing Me a Song
This workshop is your opportunity to talk to
other musicians to help refine your songwriting or other music-related work. Get
feedback or just bounce ideas off our mu-
Writing and Creating
Three-Dimensional Characters
When writing an adventure or a story, having
characters that the readers can get into is half
the battle. If the readers or players become
intrigued by the characters, then the rest of
the story will fall into place. Join our panelists
as they discuss creating vibrant and dynamic
characters that will grip your audience.
Writing for Fantasy Stories
Writing for a fantasy story can be fun and exciting, but it can also be a daunting task. How
do you build an entire original world from the
ground up, complete with unique cultures,
sicians to help you get to the next step in
your work.
Tell Me a Story
This workshop is your opportunity to talk
to other authors to help refine your written
work. Get feedback or just bounce ideas off
our authors to help you get to the next step
in your work.
The Future of Storytelling
Is on Wattpad
The future of storytelling is digital and mobile. Find out why over 15 million people
have joined Wattpad, the largest community of readers and writers in the world. On
this panel, Bill Gourgey will show you how
Wattpad is transforming the art of storytelling and raising a new generation of techsavvy, enthusiastic readers. Bill Gourgey is
the author of the sci-fi novel, Glide, which
has over 5 million reads on Wattpad.
people, geography, creatures, magic, and everything else? How do you populate your world
with memorable, three-dimensional characters
and a unique and intriguing plot? And how do
you spin all these fantastic elements into a believable story that will resonate with real-world
readers? Come join us for a creative discussion
where we’ll take a look at topics including creation of setting and characters, various methods for getting ideas and steering your plot, resources and research, editing and how you can
communicate your vision in collaboration with
an artist. The panelists will be sharing plenty of
tips and anecdotes from their own comic and
writing journeys.
To be successful in the office just imagine your testes as 2 wildebeasts looking for their party hats like I do.
AT KATSUCON, our mission
is to provide the best convention
programming anywhere. We are thrilled
to return to the Gaylord National
Resort and Convention Center, just
minutes from Washington, DC.
New and Classic Anime •
The Latest Japanese Video Games
• Dealers’ Room • Artists’ Alley •
Art Show • Authentic JapaneseStyle Maid Café • Katsucon Anime
Music Video Awards • Cosplay
• Hall Costume Contest •
Autograph Signings • Children’s
Programming • Contests •
Cosplay Workshops • Game
Shows • Japanese Culture
Demonstrations • Panels •
Tabletop Gaming
... and so much more!
Ellyn Stern • Voice Actress
Richard Epcar • Voice Actor
©2013 Katsucon • K20A02
1UP Gallery
Dave Adams
A chemist by training,
a Flow Cytometrist by
profession, and a cartoonist by... well, who
doesn’t have time to
kill these days? Mr.
Adams began his first
comic, Slightly OffTopic, in 2007 as a collaboration with his daughter and as an excuse
to vent his spleen at the daily news. His second comic, Fallen from Gravy, began in 2010
as an exercise in harnessing peer pressure
for weight loss. Results have been... mixed. A
certified SCUBA instructor, Mr. Adams’ most
fervent wish is to one day learn how to swim.
Melissa Ward is a
marketing magazine
editor by day, baker,
blogger, Awesomeographer, homebrewer,
cooking enthusiast,
bibliophile, and Ticket
to Ride-obsessed mobile gamer by nights
and weekends. She’s the baker behind Cupcake Friday Project , which not only is her
springboard into opening a bakery someday,
but also an avenue to show people that, yes,
they too can bake amazing and tasty things
FROM SCRATCH. And when she’s not baking,
she’s working with partner Brian Geiger on
Awesomeography.com, where they strive to
help people map out their paths to creating
awesome things. You can find Melissa on Twitter, but most likely she’s in her kitchen. Baking.
Maybe with Scotch.
Brian J. Geiger likes to keep busy. During the
day he makes robot cars. At night he might
sing, act, cook, write, take photographs, play
ukulele, program, or learn new ways to make
art He might not be very good at some of
those things, but he likes learning about
them enough to get an idea of what can be
done with them and, in a pinch, make something passable.
Bengie & Peej •
SlackJaw: The Working Dead
The acting and art-ing
powers of Bengie &
Peej combine to bring
you SlackJaw: The
Working Dead. Their
interactive webcomic
reveals what happens
after the credits roll in
your favorite zombie
movie! Follow a crew of independent coffin
jockeys on their nine-to-five quest ridding the
streets of the living dead... for a competitive
fee! Don’t forget to click the speech bubbles
for character dialogue, animation and other
Easter eggs!
The SlackJaw gang are also running the Humans vs Zombies game “Interfection”at this
convention! Grab a bandana in the LARP
room and fight the horde throughout the hotel hallways!
Black Sheep Studios
Kathleen S. Brenowitz
Kathleen Sarah Brenowitz (or just Kat)
has been drawing
since she figured
out which end of the
crayon went on the
paper. Thankfully, her
artwork has improved
Empower my damn flaming llama is my point because it’s my llama and his fires are legit
since those first starts. Now her main method
is pen-and-ink, sometimes with added watercolor washes or digital coloring. She is currently working on the script for her sci-fi comic, Pertho; the first issue will be available for
sale at her table, along with prints of her work.
She will also be taking commissions during
the con - first come, first served!
C. J. Brightley
I’m an indie fantasy
author. My first book,
The King’s Sword,
was published in
November 2012, and
the sequel, A Cold
Wind, was published
in March 2013. I’m
hard at work on the
third in the series, as
well as a new urban fantasy / supernatural
thriller trilogy. You can find my website and
blog at http://www.cjbrightley.com.
When I’m not writing, I consult for the government, teach karate, make jewelry, and chase
my toddler.
I will have paperback copies of my first two
books as well as QR codes to purchase the
ebooks and various awesome book-related
paraphenalia. The third book is in progress and
readers can sign up to receive an announcement
when it’s available.
Darrenn E. Canton
Darrenn E. Canton
is an illustrator who
specializes in fantasy
art, cartooning and
children’s illustration.
He is currently working on his first book,
titled Ogres.
Darrenn is a native of
Washington, DC where he lives with one old,
ornery cat and a flatulent dog.
Castwave Studios
In 2009, longtime friends Justin Eisenstadt,
Sean Holmes, and Colin Caccamise began col-
Lets eat crayons then kill witches like Dorothy
laborating on a podcast called Boldly Going
Nowhere. In the beginning, they mused about
society, college life and the general minutia
of the twenty-something. After about a million format changes and now with new shows
and new hosts, Castwave Studios is better
than ever!
For video content,
we’ll be premiering
episodes of Geek Criteek, BGN Comic Shop:
Splash Page, One
Drunk Geek, BGN @
the Movies, and Severed Dongle: Bonus
Round. As for audio content, we’ll be premiering a new show called Inspired Lunacy; imagine if Masterpiece Theater and Robot Chicken
had a baby.
A Cute Fear
Cynical Woman
Helen E. H. Madden is an artist and
writer who quit her
day job years ago to
draw comics for fun
and profit. She has
achieved half that
goal (guess which
half). Her first webcomic, The Adventures of Cynical Woman,
documents her life as a geek mom struggling
to stay sane in suburbia. This year she began
work on a new webcomic called Bitchcraft, a
cautionary tale about the evils of yarn and
cannibalism. Helen also wrote and produced
the Heat Flash erotic podcast, a free online audio program of erotic speculative fiction, for
four years. Her current projects include trying
to shove more hours into the day and capturing the elusive beast known as “sleep.” Have
any of you seen it?
Dana is an illustrator and webcomic artist from
southern New Jersey. She is best known for
her romantic comedy webcomic On the Bright
Side, a story about a shy teenage boy named
Jacob who tries to stay low key through high
school life. That is until
his childhood friend,
Kaylee, moves in next
door. His kind yet outgoing new neighbor
draws more attention
towards him, but it
may not be such a bad
thing. Over 200 pages
can be read online.
but when she finished her first project in
2010 and started her second story soon after,
she decided to found her own company to
give her creative tales the support they needed to flourish. Robin and her fiancé, Cory, created Moko Press, LLC the start of 2012. Since
then we’ve published two beautiful books
that readers both young and old have adored.
Please stop by our booth to take a look and
get a free sketch!
Dead Bat Designs
Dead Bat Designs
produces both original design t-shirts
and does custom
work for others.
Dead Bat Designs’
work mostly comes
from a slightly dark
sense of humor, but it
is always meant to inspire laughter. We have a
lot of geek culture references, but also many
completely original designs. The biggest collection of designs is Death is Good, which
portrays the adventures of a Reaper who
refuses to be grim, and the many situations
he encounters, both while growing up and in
later life.
Robin Dempsey
Author, illustrator, and
independent publisher. Robin Dempsey
is the creator of LeyLines, a culturally and
psychologically rich
fantasy story which
she is self-publishing
through her company, Moko Press! She is also a member of
the Webcomic Alliance, a free online source
of practical resources for anyone that wishes
to publish their comics online. Robin’s unique
style of writing and art is influenced by her
unconventional background — she went to
college to become an engineer, and found
that while she was good with figures, her passion was for storytelling. Since 2002 she’d
been publishing comics online as a hobby,
T. Andrew Dempsey
T. Andrew Dempsey
established his online presence in 1995,
when his first art
portfolio launched as
Initially a blogger at
Dempsey Doodles in
2007, he expanded into the forum of webcomics in 2009 and is psyched about the opportunity to meet fellow creators and online
friends in the real world at Intervention 2013.
DPH Games
DPH Games Inc operates out of upstate
New York. Our goal
is to produce high
quality games that
are fun, easy to learn
and involve complex
strategies in their
execution. We strive
to create games that
make you laugh, think and enjoy each other’s company. There is nothing quite like a
group of friends or family members sitting
around a table involved an interactive and
fast paced board game. The experience
brings people closer together and isn’t that
what it is all about!
Cache Me If You Can! is the geocaching board
game that is for anyone interested in exploration, adventure and treasure hunting. The
game was released in May of this year.
At Intervention 2013, the Zombie Apocalypse
Geocaching expansion pack will be available
When I have insomnia I imagine a world where there’s bears everywhere in speedos
and I am the superhero liberating yaks from the cornfield
for play-testing. It’s due to be released this
Duae Designs
A crafter with a mission: “Can you teach
me how to crochet?”
Aries asked.
“Sure.” said Duae.
A few ugly scarves,
and wonky hats later,
Aries decided to try his hand at amigurumi
Now, pretty much anything he can think of can
be recreated in tiny yarn form.
Duae handles the organization and has epic
battles with the sewing machine that often
result in cool stuff. She also dabbles in soapmaking and other crafts.
Together they make a pretty good team.
Em²a Cartoon
Hi! My name is Emma
Lysyk. I draw a slice of
life/art journal webcomic called Em²a
Cartoon. Em²a started
as a way for me to illustrate my thoughts
and feelings in place
of a diary. I am a magnet for strange happenings, and I get wild and
crazy ideas that I just can’t keep to myself.
By day, I am a graphic/web designer; by night
I’m a comic illustrator and chai-a-holic — all
of which I have been doing for at least 10
years now.
Jilly Foo
Jilly Foo has been
webcomics since 2004.
Her comics are The
Planet Closest to
Heaven and Saturno
the Demon Eater.
I thot U said an ihop dance I want pancakes
Fuse Bomb Films
An indie record label
turned into an indie
FBF is a growing film
company dedicated
to producing quality,
full length movies to
be released episodically as web series.
In addition to the popular web series Regulators, Fuse Bomb also produces in house
merch such as CDs, T-shirts, and a new collectible trading card game. Currently 4 new
projects are in pre production to follow up
Regulators in 2014.
Intervention happens right around the season
finale of Regulators on blip.tv/regulators!
Geeks Next Door
When two geeks love
each other very much,
they get together and
make a webcomic.
Resident artist Jessi
and snarky writer Matt
have been posting the
exaggerated everyday
adventures of their
lives for five years, including tales of mechafighting girl scouts, meme-tastic romance,
muffin attacks, and tales of the convention
scene. Start getting to know the folks who
might just be the geeks next door to you!
At Intervention, we’ll have a few surprises on
hand, for sure! Please drop by and take a look!
The Gneech
John “The Gneech”
Robey is the creative
force behind the
webcomics NeverNever and
The Suburban Jungle,
Starring Tiffany Tiger
as well as the Short
Story Geeks podcast,
and author of several short stories. Previous
writing credits also include pieces for White
Wolf Games’ Mage: The Ascension line, Street
Fighter: The Storytelling Game supplements,
and West End Games’ World of Indiana Jones.
Gneech has received several honors for his
work, being named Guest of Honor at the upcoming FurTheMore 2014, the 2005 Mephit
Furmeet, Iron Artist (Comics) for three years at
Further Confusion in San Jose, and of course,
multiple-time recipient of Websnark’s “Tasty,
Tasty Biscuit.”
Monica Horn
Currently residing in
Northern VA, Monica
or “MonMon” works
as a graphic designer/
web developer for a
county site by day and
a webcomic artist by
night. She is the artist and creator behind
Ocean Tides, a ghostly romance drama, and
Push Pin Comics, a collection of short stories
between 8-10 pages.
Stuart Jaffe
http: //www.stuartjaffe.com
Stuart Jaffe is the science fiction/fantasy
author of The Max
ParanormalMysteries, The Malja
Chronicles, the Gillian
Boone novels, Real
Magic, and After The
Crash as well as the
short story collection,
10 Bits of My Brain.
Numerous other short stories have appeared
in magazines and anthologies. He is the cohost of The Eclectic Review -- a podcast about
science, art, and well, everything. For those
who keep count, the latest animal listing is
as follows: one dog, four cats, one albino corn
snake, one Brazilian black tarantula, three
aquatic turtles, assorted fish, one lop-eared
rabbit, four chickens, and a horse. Thankfully,
the chickens and the horse do not live inside
the house.
Kata Kane
Kata Kane is best
known as the artist and writer of the
shoujo-manga webcomic, Altar Girl.
Altar Girl has received
praise from sources
like MCMBuzz Magazine that attest “with
its shoujo style, enjoyable characters, lighthearted tone and relaxed pacing, you’ll feel as
if it came straight from the manga shelf!”
Kata works as a graphic designer and freelancer. She lives in Baltimore, MD with her
husband Ned and her dog Tifa.
Altar Girl has over sixty pages published online where you read it for free, but you can
help with an initiative to get Altar Girl Book 1
available in print!
Please stop by Kata’s table for a free Altar Girl
art card and to learn more about how you can
read and support the comic.
Freelance USA illustrator, Animator, manga artist, webcomic
artist, indy animation
Passions: telling stories of others and my
life through manga,
comics, animation, illustration, I enjoy learning about different cultures, traveling, helping others, a good cup of
tea and coffee and spending time with family
and friends. And I enjoy teaching and helping
other artists, big or little, to go to the next level
in their lives and see their dream come true.
E-depth angel is an action drama sci-fi. In the future, even machines will need an angel and one
girl is there to fill in that job position. Her name
is Angel Love. Her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.
All 21 chapters of E-depth angel full color webmanga will be available in print for purchase.
Every day I wake up and I’m like arghdrhbug... Then I get coffee=TIME TO BE NICE TO PPL GET STUFF DONE WEAR A CAT HAT”
Maddie McKenszie •
Children’s Picture Books
The Maddie McKenszie children’s picture
book series is making
its convention debut
at Intervention! In
2012, Maddie made
her (annoying) debut
in Maddie McKenszie:
Little Sister Ever!, much to to the dismay of
her big sister Margaret. This August, Maddie’s
back and it’s time to celebrate her birthday
(and mind her manners) in the sequel, Maddie
McKenszie and the BAD Birthday Party Manners.
The creator of Maddie McKenszie is Ronald
Hennessy who lives on Long Island, NY - forever in the shadow of New York City. His personal site is ronaldhennessy.com.
The second Maddie McKenszie title, Maddie
Mckenszie and the BAD Birthday Party Manners,
will be making its debut at Intervention! Maddie is celebrating her 5th birthday! Maddie
desires having a fancy tea party for her birthday more than anything else. Her manners,
however, needs a lot of work with last year’s
birthday being an absolute disaster. Maddie’s
family reluctantly agree to the tea party on
ONE condition: her manners MUST improve.
Friends and family all help out to get Maddie’s
manners into shape before the big day with
hilarious results.
This is a children’s picture book for kids – and
kids at heart.
Shawn Padraic Murphy
Shawn Padraic Murphy is a writer of multiple comic books.
His newest one is
Mechanaflux, an allages fantasy in which
3 Earth kids meet a
swordfighting princess, the last spellcaster, and a centaur general, and together
must stop the evil mecha Gaudra from turning the world into metal. Strength is a satire
about a superheroine that loses her clothes
while saving the city, only to find herself
condemned by the media and the government, and must now fight to change her
life. In The End, the world is going to end in
7 days, and each issue has 2 self-contained
stories about how different people deal with
the end of the world.
Aside from comic books, Shawn also writes
films and music videos.
My comic, Mechanaflux, just came out this
year. It is an all-ages fantasy that follows 3
Earth kids (Cory, Arad, & Jackson) who fall
into the magical world of flux and must join
a sword-fighting princess (Maria), the last female spellcaster (Darius), and a centaur general (Gluss) to stop the living mechanical creature Gaudra from turning the entire planet
into metal.
I also have info for my other comics (small
info) above in the bio section.
Number 12 Creations
Chris Otto
A Dog’s Life comic
chronicles the adventures and shenanigans of a chocolate
labrador named Hunter S. Thompson, his
adopted sister, Gillian,
and a host of supporting characters that
includes their people, a conspiracy theorist
squirrel, an evil twin from an alternate Earth
(complete with goatee), and a whole lot of
other dogs, both good and bad. They’ve traveled through time in “Bark To The Future”, examined invisible fences, trained in montages,
and much more.
I will be debuting a children’s coloring/activity
book called Where’s My Ball?, along with the
third collection of A Dog’s Life comics, titled
The Monster In The Closet.
Christopher Paulsen
Aneeka Richins
Paulsen is a Viginia-based cartoonist
and illustrator, and
the creator of the
online comic Precocious.
Intervention comes
along right after
the second print collection of Precocious is
released! The book contains over 300 Precocious comics, as well as a bonus story, deleted
scenes, commentary and a special selection
of Precocious’ spin-off comic, Copper Road.
Peet Sketches
This left-handed and
bearded weirdo has
an insatiable lust for
making comics. His
paintings have been
in Juxtapoz as well as
various venues (like
the Ottobar in September!) around the
world. His vinyl toys have seen more of the
world than he has.
Peet Sketches draws a webcomic called
My Poor Wife, which is autiobiographical
and heavy on the fart jokes. His portfolio
can be seen at: www.peetsketches.com
and he has fallen in love with speaking in
the third person.
RedStar East
Aneeka is best known
for her webcomic,
Not A Villain, where a
semi-reformed hacker
on the run seeks redemption in a postapocalyptic
Aneeka is also the
author of The Wanted Child, a fantasy book
where a demonic girl has to train the Hero
destined to kill her.
Bandwidth-friendly versions (often called
‘books’) will be available as well as a variety of
prints and lots of free smiles.
Rival Hearts
Rival Hearts is a
fairly new webcomic, started January 2011. While
making slow progress, it is building
up to some big adventure.
Rival Hearts will
have its first officially (professionally) printed
comic for first release at Intervention. There
will also be new prints and sketches never
before seen.
Rosarium Publishing
Jennifer Zyren Smith
An interest in biodiversity and a large
pop culture mix together to create the
work of Anne Marie
Chua Lee. Her ideas
start as sketchbook
doodles. From there,
they are: sewn into cute plushies, assembled into charming accessories, and made
into unique clothing.
Jennifer Zyren Smith
is an author and artist
residing in Maryland.
Ever since she
discovered ElfQuest
at the age of twelve,
she has been telling
stories through comics
and has an entire
file cabinet filled with character designs and
comics from the last twenty years. Her current
graphic novel, LaSalle’s Legacy,is a fantasy
If you ever get nervous just imagine your balls are 2 scared crows
story about the adventures of the crew of the
Laughing Panda. When she isn’t making art,
she is playing video games and failing in her
duties as cat slave.
Reuel Smith • ThunderKid
Maryland local Reuel
Smith is an engineering PhD student attending the University
of Maryland. He is also
the artist and creator
behind the all-ages
fantasy comic ThunderKid, a story about
five kids and the secrets they discover about
a fantastic new aerial world called Atmos and
a set of high-flying weather-filled adventures
too. ThunderKid is a fun kids’ comic that is
made especially for young readers though
easily enjoyed and adopted by older readers
as well, inspiring imagination and adventure
and providing a great way to spend time by
opening a new way of reading through comics.
The complete first volume (five chapters) of
ThunderKid along with button pins, the all new
figurine line [http://thunderkidmanga.com/
store/catalog/index.php?cPath=23_24], and
much more will be available at Intervention.
ThunderKid Manga has just received all new
3” figurines depicting the hero and heroine
of the story. They will be debuting all summer
long including during Intervention.
Liz Staley • Adrastus
Liz Staley is the creator of the webcomic,
Adrastus, a love letter
to the 70’s giant robot genre. She writes,
draws, plays table top
and has an unhealthy
obsession with Tumblr.
Sometime around Intervention, Liz will have
a book coming out through Packt Publishing
called Mastering Manga Studio 5, that is all tips
and tricks for how to use Manga Studio to improve your comics and illustrating workflow.
Tangent Artists
Long ago... a team
of talented professional writers and
artists tried to invent a machine that
vivid, brightly animated images on a
TV screen. Having no knowledge of neurophysics, complex machinery, or even simple fractions, this plan was sadly abandoned in 2006.
In 2007 the company endeavored to provide
high-quality web comics to the world once a
week, and this goal was met with far greater
success. Thus the creation of three comic series:
The macabre comedy, Skeleton Crew, the celebration of nerd life, Donuts for Looking, and the
screwball swords and sorcery epic, CRIT!
Monica Marier does scripts, pencils, ink, and
color for both Donuts for Looking and Skeleton
Crew. She also does scripts and pencils (and
sometimes ink) for CRIT!. She’s a published
fantasy author with Hunt Press.
David Joria does scripts for Skeleton Crew, Donuts for Looking, and CRIT!
Rachael Hixon does story, ink, and color for
CRIT! She also is in charge of marketing and
printing for Tangent Artists comics and books.
You can view new comics every week at the
Tangent Artists site: www.tangentartists.com
Tangent Artists is proud to debut the newest
issues of our popular comic, Skeleton Crew!
That’s So Cute Designs/Rival Hearts
“That’s So Cute” Designs brings you adorable recreations of
your favorite characters, or your own portrait or commission
requests, on buttons,
key chains, and now
shirts for babies and
young children.
New: images ironed on to baby/kids shirts.
2013 will be the best year yet I’m gonna put a bear in my pants
Toefield Illustration
I’m an Illustrator with
over three years of
experience in the freelance arena. I’ve completed creative work
for a variety of creative
jobs ranging from
children’s illustration,
concept art (character
design), and illustration and comic art.
For this event I’ll be debuting the “Video
Game” print run. This print run will show offer
images that I’ve created based on a number of
popular game franchises.
Artist TsaoShin enjoys
bringing the world of
fantasy to life through
digital painting using
Photoshop and ArtRage. His technique
and style are a blend
of modern methods
with roots in traditional oil painting employing a large color palette
and high saturation.
Greg Uchrin
Greg Uchrin is an independent cartoonist
whose political cartoon, Intravenous Caffeine,
successor to the controversial HAIL DUBYUS!,
makes waves every Monday morning. Greg’s
non-political work can
be seen in his Deviant
Art gallery and on his
Facebook Artists page.
Greg has just published an anthology
of his cartoons from
the first four years
of Barack Obama’s
OBAMARAMA a follow-up to his anthology of
his Bush presidency cartoons called BUSHWHACKED. He has also published two volumes of a parody manga titled BLECCH! with
a third in the works.
He is currently working on a graphic novel
based on the Hanako-san legend. You can
meet Greg at anime and comic conventions up
and down the Northeast corridor -- look for the
purple I NEED (Intravenous) CAFFEINE T-shirt!
Veronica Vera & Oliver Bareham
Fresh out of Sydney,
Australia, Veronica Vera
and Oliver Bareham
are the forces behind
Bittersweet Candy Bowl,
a funny, sweet and sad
comic about cats and
dogs in high school.
The story follows the
lives of two cats and their circle of friends and
is intended to appeal to anyone with a love for
high school drama and young romance! They
are attending Intervention for BCB and their latest side-project, Not Enough Rings: a loving tribute to the classic 16-bit era Sonic the Hedgehog
games that covers every Zone, act by act.
Viga is a jack of all
trades geek. Started
doing a webcomic
called Panelburg and
then branched out into
doing the web series,
Viga Loves Comics,
and being a freelance
graphic designer.
Condom is a collection of autobio comics from
going to over 10 cons per year. It even has
comics about the last Intervention and many
other area conventions.
Vidgle is an online media organization with its
original series and films on www.vidgle.tv.
Kelsey Wailes
Kelsey Wailes is a Maryland-based toymaker/
illustrator/mad scientist who teaches during
Believe the power of your own walrus and venture forth because your walrus never lies.
the summer. She makes ugly things cute and
cute things ugly. Her
terrible things have
been featured on io9,
Buzzfeed, the Daily
What, Kotaku, and
more. She lives in a
cornfield and doesn’t
understand how magnets work.
Walt’s Cards and Games
Intervention is happy to again have Walt’s
Cards and Games as its Gaming Vendor for
2013. Their table and sales area will be located in our dedicated Gaming Room (Madison
room) at the event.
We are also happy to have yyrGames demoing some of their Xbox Live games in our
video room this year. Aaron Teplitsky develops arcade-style action-packed games for
Xbox LIVE In- die Games (and hopefully for
other platforms, in the future). The definition
of “indie games” is often cloudy, because they
come from teams in all different shapes and
sizes. yyrGames is as “indie” as it gets because
it’s just one person doing it all. The graphics
aren’t great, but you’ll have fun… guaranteed!
Virginiabased Zhobot consists of Nate and
Heather, who both
enjoy crafting little
oddities and costuming as an array of
their favorite fictional
characters. When they
aren’t doing one of those two things, they can
be found on their couch in blanket cocoons
either playing video games or staring blankly
at their Netflix queue.
Zhobot.net contains many different things:
their costumes, some photography, crafts here
and there, blog posts on a number of random
(usually video game related) projects -- their
table contains some of that too! Stop by to
browse over items like the Peg Posse and Grobots and poke around in the infinite number
of buttons they’ve made from old magazines.
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Rockville, one of the largest
cities in Maryland, will host
Intervention. Considered
by many to be the technological center of the region,
Rockville also has a rich
cultural history dating back
to the 1700s. If this is your
first time to the area, here’s a
handy guide to area restaurants, shopping, and attractions to help you feel a little
more at home.
You can’t throw a stone
without hitting a restaurant
in Rockville, but we’ve taken
the liberty of picking out
some of the better food options within walking distance
of Intervention.
Twinbrook Grille
Hilton downstairs
Breakfast buffet, lunch and
dinner. General US restaurant
Distance from convention
hotel: zero singularity: they
do room service, too!
Riff’s Lounge
Hilton lobby
Dinner only. General
US restaurant light food
(sandwiches and the like).
Distance from convention
hotel: Just roll out of bed and
into the elevator.
1761 Rockville Pike
Smoothies and other
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.1 miles
Rolls ‘n Rice
1701 Rockville Pike
Sushi and rice bowls.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.1 miles
Maria’s Bakery & Cafe
1701 Rockville Pike
A Hong Kong-style cafe that
also has a bakery with a wide
selection of sweets.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
1584 Rockville Pike
Lots of fried food, girls in
matching orange pants
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Kenny’s Sub Shop
130 Rollins Avenue
Some of the best Chinese
food in the area at good prices.
Apparently they also have
subs, but we couldn’t tell you
much about those.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Ruby Tuesday’s
12266 Rockville Pike
Your typical family restaurant.
Often runs specials for
multiple courses and people.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Whole Foods Market
1649 Rockville Pike
Not a restaurant. It’s a
grocery store with natural
and organic foods.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Pizza CS
1596-B Rockville Pike
Personal gourmet pizzas, not a
part of the Creative Suite.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
I want pants made of cappuccino; I will be the bear in your face.
Mosaic Cuisine
and Cafe
186 Halpine Road
Waffles and sandwiches by
day, steaks and seafood dishes
by night.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
1592 Rockville Pike
Very good burgers, made to
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Taverna Cafe
1605 Rockville Pike
Perfect for those times when
you wake up in the morning
and say “I need Lebanese food
today or I’m gonna be pissed.”
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Chicago Pizzeria
190 Halpine Road
Nice assortment of pizzas and
Italian food. Lunch and dinner
buffets under $10.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Baja Fresh
Mexican Grill
1607 Rockville Pike
A slightly tastier and healthier
option than most of those
other burrito joints.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Noodles & Co
1609 Rockville Pike
Noodle dishes from around the
globe. You know a place must
be hardcore about noodles
when its URL is noodles.com.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Trader Joe’s
Joe’s Noodle House
Silver Diner
Taco Bell
Hinode Restaurant
12268-H Rockville Pike
Good for munchies and
heat-and-eat meals.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
1617 Rockville Pike
Now you can eat ice cream for
every meal!
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
134 Congressional Lane
Japanese food with extensive
menu. Lots of sushi options.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Chicken Out
1560 Rockville Pike
Chicken? No, I mean, do you
like chicken? They got it!
Gluten-free menus available!
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Mi Rancho Restaurant
1488 Rockville Pike
Tex-Mex, sombrero and
trumpet atmosphere, annoying
flash menu
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Yekta Kabobi
1488 Rockville Pike
Cheap Persian food (the
culture, not the rug/cat)
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
1621 Rockville Pike
The addictive coffee that
made Seattle hip.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Mykonos Grill
121 Congressional Lane
Is Greek. You like-a the juice?
Juice is good? Don’t fight over
the lamb brain.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
1488 Rockville Pike
Chinese cuisine. Vegetarian
menu available.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
1402 Rockville Pike
Cheap corporate subs/hoagies/
grinders, made to order.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.5 miles
1390 Rockville Pike
Clown-themed, avant-garde
fast food. Love it ironically
only. The cheapness will
consume you.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.6 miles
Sadaf Halal
1327 Rockville Pike
Middle Eastern food.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.6 miles
Ledo Pizza
1319 – H Rockville Pike
Square shaped pizza? Are
we living in Bizarro world?
Medium pricey, but good pizza.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
A & J Restaurant
1319 Rockville Pike
Chinese food. Northern
Chinese dim sum (bread style).
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
India Garden
1321 Rockville Pike
Fast and authentic Indian,
Bangladeshi, & Pakistani dishes
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
Bakery Outlet
1327 Rockville Pike
Yeah, screw that diet. Om
nom nom. Come early, though
(9 AM): discounted bakery
numminess is random and
runs out quick.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
12276 Rockville Pike
Standard diner fare and faux50s chrome.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
1100 Rockville Pike
How many ways can we make
food from just 5-7 ingredients?
Cheapest food you can get
that is still technically edible.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.9 miles
Temari Cafe
1043 Rockville Pike
Best damn Japanese food
nearby that makes you realize
they export more than sushi
and Hello Kitty.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.9 miles
Kielbasa Factory, Inc.
1073 Rockville Pike
Polish & European Deli
and Grocery
Distance from convention
hotel: 1.0 miles
Chipotle Mexican Grill
11830 Rockville Pike
Like a Hispanic TGI Fridays, but
they will deny it!
Distance from convention
hotel: 1.0 miles
Just in case you need them,
Rockville has several stores
offering supplies and services
you may need on your trip.
Even if you don’t need to hit
the stores while you’re here,
you may still want to consider a
short pilgrimage to the nearby
Micro Center electronics superstore if you’re not fortunate
enough to have one near you.
Micro Center
1776 E. Jefferson #203
FedEx Office
1750 Rockville Pike
US Post Office
143 Rollins Ave
1580 Rockville Pike
Every once in awhile your vagina feels like a bear walrus after dark
Michael Fenn
Jennifer Logue
Junior Berry
Louis Pirozzoli
Stephen Baker
Corinne Simmers
Eric Hardenbrook
Contests / Raffles
Janice Hofer
Dave Ghoul
Green Room
Tylar Umeno
Christina Slattery
Jonette Butler
Guest Relations
Ian Webb
Suzyn Smith Webb
Hotel Liaison
Colette H. Fozard
Info Booth
Christopher Larson
Grig Larson
P.J. Simmers
Ben Walker
Leonard Bass
Greg Benge
Susie Reed
Jacqueline Bryk
Elizabeth Wilford
Dave Christoph
Jocelyn Fulljames
Steve Tasker
Alex Herma
Sarah Zeiter
Aisling Carvel
Ed Jones
Beth Kee
Morgan Kee
Tony Montuori
Merch Table
Kathryn Marino
Kimu Theodore
Paul DiGennaro
Co-con Chairs
Onezumi Hartstein and James Harknell
Gil Cnaan
Allie Schneider
Miles Walsh
Miranda Major
Chris Impink
Barb Fischer
Tiffanny Walsh
Maureen Flanagan
Marsha Reid
Corey Sutton
Isaiah Beard
Board Gaming
Chuck Fozard
Vendor Room
Aristotle Pramagioulis
Video Gaming
Wesley Mason
Ray Liedtke
Becky Myott
Andrew Roszak
Eric Kjarbo
General Staff
Jefferson Eng
Maria Katsos
Richard Smith
Jon Curley
Mona Carol
David Sullivan
Robert Parades
Ary Widdes
Jeremy Jay Koby
Cathryn Smith
Justin Kauffman
Joey Morris
Zach StengerHayden
Paul Johnson
Zach Cloyd
Terry Berendt
We would like to thank the following people for their generous
donations to Intervention. Your help enabled us to have this event.
David Sullivan
Mona Carol
Le Andre’ Ward
The Twisted World
LOLOLOL I think after you hit 50 hours you start to think your face is a kangaroo
Oni and Harknell Would Like To Thank:
Pete Abrams, Ian Webb, Miranda Major, Paul
DiGennaro, Aristotle Pramagioulis, Chris Impink, Barb Fischer, Ben Walker, Robert Thomas,
Tiffanny Walsh, Isaiah Beard, Ilya Kurakin, Corey Sutton, Corinne Simmers, Colette Fozard,
Chuck Fozard, Grig Larson, Mike Fenn, Jennifer Logue, Terry Berendt, Gil Cnaan, Jonette
Butler, Kitchen Penguin, Wesley Mason, Janice Hofer, DJ Dave Ghoul, Eric Hardenbrook,
PJ and Greg Benge, Christina Slattery, and all
of the rest who come on board after this is
printed – we couldn’t be “The Premier Showcase of Online Creativity” if you guys weren’t
“The Premier Group of Con Staffers”.
Our guests: You folks make the event happen; the con is fueled by your enthusiasm,
drive, and desire to get the word out and
pass on your knowledge to the next generation of indie artists.
Brunetto T-shirts: For going the extra
step and making sure we don’t screw up
our con shirts.
Our attendees: You always motivate us to
do our best work.
Our volunteers and staff
All of our Enablers and Sponsors of every
Chris / Doktor242: We’re still going, man.
Wish you could be here.
The Twisted World for the radios and security vests
MAGFest For the arcade cabinets
Oni Would Like to Thank:
Harknell – For balancing out my not as
awesome qualities, keeping things on
track, and for putting up with my bullshit At
This Juncture.
Harknell Would Like to Thank:
Oni – She made me believe it could work,
and she followed through like only she can.