The Intervention 5 Con Book as a PDF


The Intervention 5 Con Book as a PDF
August 22 – 24, 2014
Rockville, MD
Convention Map
Table of Contents
Words From the Con Chair
Rules And Regulations
Guest Biographies
Panel Listings
Artists’ Alley and Vendors
Area Guide
Con Staff and Enablers
Words from the Con Chair
When we started Intervention in 2010 we
meant it to be an incubator and launchpad
for creative projects. I am thrilled to say that
that is exactly what happened. Every year
I hear your stories about the cool stuff that
you made or opportunities you got by being
here with us.
This also applies to us since we just launched
our second event under the Onezumi Events
umbrella: (Re)Generation Who: The Doctor
Who Convention for Every Generation. It’s
located in Cockeysville, Maryland on March
27-29, 2015. ( We
plan to bring our bar-raising con running
skills to that con as well. I hope you can join
us for both events because we already have
Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy working
with us with more to be announced. It will be
an event unlike any other. I leave you with the words of one of the
most fierce Klingon warriors who ever
lived: “We live in a world in which we
need to share responsibility. It’s easy to
say, ‘It’s not my child, not my community,
not my world, not my problem.’ Then
there are those who see the need and
respond. I consider those people my
heroes.” – Fred Rogers – Intervention Co-Founder, Oni Hartstein
FB: Oni Hartstein
T: @Onezumi
Editor’s note THIS...
2014 and 2015 are landmark years for
Onezumi Events. I can’t wait to reveal what is
going to happen for Intervention 6. All of this is happening – brick by brick –
because of your support. We can’t thank you
enough for backing what we are doing here
so that we can grow and make more good
things happen for the community.
... is the source of THESE.
You’re welcome.
Can’t name my band Time Traveling Vagina
1. Please do not damage the convention
space. We like the hotel and the hotel
likes us; we want to keep it that way. This
includes painting or sketching on walls
(except for the function rooms that have
dry-erase walls), slamming doors, etc.
Please do not hang any flyers on any wall
or other surface of the hotel or convention space; we will have a specialized area
for hanging/placing flyers.
2. Please wear your attendee badges at
all times. There will be badge checkers
throughout the convention space and you
will be asked to return with your badge
if you do not have it on you in order to
access convention areas.
3. Intervention and the hotel are not respon-
sible for missing items. Any bag(s) or other
items left unattended around the convention space will likely be picked up by
either an Intervention staffer or another
attendee and be taken to Lost and Found
in Intervention Operations (the Montrose
room) or to the hotel; please check with
both places to locate your item. The
item may be turned over to the police if
deemed necessary.
4. Please step off the main path to take
photos. If someone asks you for a photo,
please make sure you step out of the way
of traffic, entrances, stairs, and escalators
so that everyone else can still get by and
no one gets trampled.
5. Please remember that, in your hotel room,
there are other rooms next to you. If you
and several of your friends are talking, your
neighbor can likely hear you. If your neighbor, an Intervention staffer, or someone
from hotel staff comes to your room to ask
you to quiet down, please be considerate and reduce the noise to a dull roar or
perhaps find someplace else to talk.
The slippy sloth gets her nectar just like weasel TEETS
6. The legal drinking age in Maryland is 21.
Do not drink alcohol at Intervention if you
are younger than 21. If you are of legal
age to drink, do not carry open alcohol
throughout the convention space. Keep it
to the bar, other appropriate areas where
alcohol is being sold by the hotel, or your
hotel room.
7. Please don’t run, play tag, or throw things
inside the convention space. Please also
don’t carry a radio, iPod or other device
that is playing music at a loud volume
(only you should be able to hear it).
Please use basic common sense.
Over 18 Events: Some events at Intervention are intended for an adult audience; you
will need to present your legal ID at the door,
showing that you are 18 or older, in order to
attend these events. The following IDs will
be accepted: US or international passport,
permanent resident card, driver’s license,
government-issued ID card with date of birth
(federal, state, or local), military ID.
Harassment Policy
Intervention is dedicated to providing a
harassment-free convention experience for
everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body
size, race, religion, choice of CMS platform, or
operating system. We do not tolerate harassment of convention participants in any form.
Convention participants violating these rules
may be sanctioned or expelled from the convention without a refund at the discretion of
the convention organizers.
Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation,
disability, physical appearance, body size, race,
religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing
photography or recording, sustained disruption
of talks or other events, inappropriate physical
contact, and unwelcome sexual attention. Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior
are expected to comply immediately.
If a participant engages in harassing behavior, the convention organizers may take any
action they deem appropriate, including
warning the offender or expulsion from the
convention with no refund. If you are being
harassed, notice that someone else is being
harassed, or have any other concerns, please
contact a member of convention staff immediately. Convention staff can be identified by
their special Intervention staff badges.
Convention staff will be happy to help participants contact hotel/venue security or local
law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to
feel safe for the duration of the convention.
We value your attendance.
We expect participants to follow these rules
at all convention venues and convention-related social events.
Note on sexual imagery and speech at Intervention events: Intervention may schedule
events that are considered “adult” in nature
which will be clearly marked as such in all
convention materials and schedules. In these
cases, the participants will be limited to adults
over the age of 18 and will specifically require
the display of photo ID to attend. The use of
sexual imagery and speech within events will
always be used in the context of art creation,
or the discussion of artistic issues. Intervention does not believe in the censorship of
sexual imagery or speech, but are committed
to balancing the concerns of artists and artistic output with the issues of harassment. Participants or exhibitors displaying illegal examples of sexual imagery or using sexual speech
with the purpose of harassment or degradation may be sanctioned or expelled from the
convention without a refund at the discretion
of the convention organizers. When choosing
to attend 18+ events please use your best
judgment to determine if the content or performance is within your comfort zone.
Costume Prop Guidelines
To ensure the general safety of Intervention’s
attendees, we can’t allow people to carry the
following types of weapons or props:
 Live steel of any kind including knives,
swords, axes, martial arts equipment, or
any other type of bladed weapon.
 Any weapon/prop that could currently
or in the past shoot a projectile (includes
water, aerosols/sprays, Airsoft guns, toy
bows, etc.).
 Anything generally awkward to carry, or
that can’t be controlled by the person
carrying (i.e., it is so heavy that you are
consistently dropping it in the hallway, or
cannot keep it from swinging into other
attendees). Intervention staff will be the
final determinant as to whether something is too awkward or too dangerous to
be carried around the convention.
 Any item that is deemed to be too awk-
ward or dangerous to carry must either be
taken to the attendee’s hotel room, car,
or checked with the hotel bag check, or
otherwise removed from the active areas
of the convention.
Convention Badges
Convention badges ensure your access to all
convention events and must be worn where
visible at all times while in convention space.
Your legal name will be written on the back of
your badge; you can put whatever you want
on the front. You must have your badge with
you to get into any convention event. If you
find a convention badge, please turn it into
Security; you likely will make a fellow congoer very happy.
The Chairs or any Vice Chair of Intervention
reserve the right to revoke the badge of any
attendee not following or ignoring these rules
and guidelines and to request that person
leave the convention without a refund.
Badge Replacement Policy
In the event you lose your badge, please check
with both with Intervention’s Lost and Found
as well as the hotel’s version. If neither location has your badge, you may purchase a new
badge at Registration for a reduced price with
proof of registration. If you pre-registered,
please show your photo ID to the Registration
staff and they will locate your registration in
our pre-registration list. If you registered at
the convention, please bring your receipt as
well as your photo ID as proof of registration.
Replacement for single day badge: $10
Replacement for full weekend badge: $20
When I get PMS I am all like Danger Mouse “I GOT DEE CLAMPS”
Refund Policy
Generally, no refunds will be issued for atdoor registrations purchased at the convention. Exceptions may be made on the sole
discretion of either the Convention Chairs
or Treasurer. Refund requests must be made
during the convention. These personnel may
be located by going to the Information Booth
and asking that one of them be contacted via
the convention radio.
Lost and Found
We know that sometimes, no matter how hard
we try, things get left behind; at Intervention, we’re lucky enough to have wonderful
people (you!) that routinely find these things
and want to do everything possible to reunite
these lost items with their rightful owners. The
Lost and Found department will be available
at Intervention Security for people to drop
off and pick up lost items, so if you’re missing
something, come check with us. Please don’t
forget to check with the hotel, too, just in case.
Please bear in mind that Intervention and the
hotel are not responsible for missing items.
Any item that is deemed potentially unsafe
may be turned over to the police. If you lose
an item at Intervention or have a found item
you’d like to help return to its owner and you
don’t find it/have a chance to drop it off before
the convention ends, please contact Security
with the subject line “Lost and Found.” If we
have your lost item, we will happily make arrangements to return it to you.
ticipation in this event, you are consenting to
the use of your photograph, likeness, or video
or audio recording in whole or in part without
restriction or limitation for any educational,
promotional, any purpose for distribution in
online and printed publications or any public
in other media. You release the event sponsor,
its officers, employees, contractors, and each
and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing or
publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video, and/or sound recordings.
By entering the event premises, you waive all
rights you may have to any claims for payment
or royalties in connection with any exhibition,
streaming, web casting, television, or other
publication of these materials regardless of
the purpose or sponsoring of such exhibiting,
broadcasting, web casting or other publication
irrespective of whether a fee for admission or
sponsorship is charged. You also waive any
right to inspect or approve any photo, video,
or audio recording taken by the event host or
the person or entity designated to do so by
the event host. You have been fully informed
of your consent, waiver of liability and release
before entering the event.
Notice Regarding Audio/Video
Recording at Intervention 5
You will be entering an area where photography, video, and audio recording may occur. By
entering the event premises and/or your parIntervention’s harassment policy is based
on several other policies, including the Ohio
LinuxFest anti-harassment policy, written
by Esther Filderman and Beth Lynn Eicher,
and the Con Anti-Harassment Project. Mary
Gardiner, Valerie Aurora, Sarah Smith, and
Donna Benjamin generalized the policies and added supporting material. Many
members of LinuxChix, Geek Feminism and
other groups contributed to this work.
Be real, guys. Just be cool. Don’t be an ass farm. We’re all in this battle together and life is killing us.
David Pescovitz • BoingBoing, MAKE
Magazine, and many other publications
David Pescovitz is
partner of Boing Boing
and a research director at Institute for the
Future, a not-for-profit
thinktank in Silicon
Valley. For more than
two decades, Pescovitz has been at the
forefront of tech/culture -- as a journalist,
publisher, researcher,
and technology futurist. Launched as a print
‘zine in 1989 and a blog in 2000, Boing Boing now has more than 5 million monthly
readers and publishes a daily mix of short
articles, long features, and videos about technology, science, art, culture, and social issues.
Fast Company has called it “one of the most
popular blogs on the planet” and the New
Yorker said that Boing Boing is “read by geeks
the world over.” As a forecaster, Pescovitz frequently presents to leaders of Fortune 500
companies about the future of technology
and how tomorrow’s innovations will transform the way we live.
Pescovitz co-wrote the book Reality Check,
based on his long-running futurist column in
Wired magazine. He has also written for Scientific American, MAKE, Popular Science, New York
Times, Washington Post, IEEE Spectrum, Salon,
and New Scientist, among many other publications. In 2002, he won the Foresight Prize
in Communication, recognizing excellence in
educating the public and research community
about nanotechnology and other emerging
technologies. His writings on technology and
culture are featured in the books What Are You
Optimistic About?, The Happy Mutant Handbook, and The ‘Zine Reader. Pescovitz holds a
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Electronic Media from
the University of Cincinnati and a Master’s in
Journalism from UC Berkeley.
Pete Abrams • Sluggy Freelance
Pete Abrams is
the creator of the
niftiness that is
Sluggy Freelance, a
remarkably twisted
daily online comic
strip that has been
appearing at www. since
August 25, 1997.
Starting the comic
strip as a creative
outlet, his world
with the switchblade-wielding
rabbit quickly expanded into uncharted
and grew into over a decade of alien vampire
missile-launching fun. Since its Satan-spamming beginnings, Sluggy Freelance has attracted a devoted global following and is one of
the most popular and well-known comics on
the web.
Pete holds the honor of being twice-invited
as a speaker at Harvard conventions as well
as at a Vassar convention, making him all ivyleague-ish. Pete has gained recognition not
only online, but through such high profile appearances as the original comics included in
NY Times bestselling author John Ringo’s Hell’s
Faire, and as part of the New York’s Museum of
Comic and Cartoon Art webcomics exhibition
in Fall, 2007, as well as appearances on NPR’s
Weekend Edition with Liane Hansen. Pete is
reputed to be the first person to ever make a
living by drawing a webcomic.
Currently, Pete lives in New Jersey (and
doesn’t even mind it) with his wife, Rachel,
and two daughters, Leah and Sarah.
Guys what if your ovaries were PAC MANS
Jonathan Rosenberg •
Scenes from a Multiverse / Goats
Jonathan Rosenberg
is the creator of the
from a Multiverse, a
daily comic about
what it’s like to live
in a multiverse. Each
day, Monday through
Friday, he visits another location somewhere in an ordinary, everyday multiverse and
shows how folks there live and play.
Jonathan’s previous comic is the long running
series Goats.
Jennifer Logue
Jennifer Logue is a
who splits her time
between NYC and
Philadelphia. Her music has been featured
on ABC and MTV and
in her career thus far,
has been honored by
both ASCAP and the John Lennon Songwriting Competition for her songwriting. As an
artist, her career is on the move. With the release of her latest album, The Split Sessions,
Jennifer has opened up for Jon Herington of
Steely Dan at the legendary Bitter End in NYC,
opened for Cee- Lo, *The Black Keys, and Patti
Smith at Virgin Mobile Freefest, did a string of
shows at the Sundance Film Festival and CMJ
music festival, and more, recently, performed
at the Madeira Film Festival in Portugal alongside Kyle Eastwood and Phamie Gow. Jennifer
is now in the studio working on new music
and performing select shows. Her main focus
at the moment is developing Rock On Philly,
a music site dedicated to the Philadelphia
music scene. For all the latest on Jennifer, stay
tuned to
Thomas Willeford •
Brute Force Studios
Thomas Willeford has been creating unique
and beautiful corsets and all manner of striking Steampunk gadgetry for more than 20
years. He is also the author of the critically
dam son we got aardvark
acclaimed steampunk maker books, Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos and The Steampunk Adventurer’s Guide (McGraw-Hill). He
and his products have been widely featured
on television (MTV, BBC, Castle, Oddities), online (Wired, Forbes, Popular Mechanics), and in
print (The Art of Steampunk, The Steampunk
Bible, Steampunk: An Illustrated History). Satisfied customers include musician Rick Springfield, director David Silverman (The Simpsons),
and actresses Patricia Tallman (Babylon 5) and
Virginia Hey (Farscape). Thomas also contributed to the design of Alchemy Gothic’s “Empire” Collection, a line of steampunk jewelry
and accessories.
His artwork has also
been featured in
numerous museum
worldwide, including the
Ashmolean Museum
of the History of Science at Oxford’s “Steampunk” (UK), Penn
State’s “STEAMpunk!”,
Art Center IDA’s “Steampunk: Art of Victorian Futurism” (Seoul,
South Korea), Dr. Grymm’s “Steampunk Bizarre”, the Charles River Museum of Industry
and Innovation’s “Steampunk: Form and Function”, “20,000 Leagues” at Patriot Place, and
“Mobilis in Mobili” at The Wooster Street Social Club (home of TLC’s NY Ink). His clockwork
spider “Arachnae Mechanica” is currently
housed in the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. He is currently a consultant and prop
master of the upcoming steampunk television
series Brue Boxleitner’s Lantern City. Check
out all of his work at Brute Force Leather.
Thom and Kambrea Pratt • Shadowbinders
Created by the
husband and wife
team of Kambrea
and Thom Pratt,
Shadowbinders first set sail
in 2010 and has
gained worldwide
popularity since.
It’s full color steampunk / fantasy webcomic
that updates twice a week. The site also fea-
tures a character journal that updates weekly
and a blog that updates several times a week.
Thomas handles the majority of art duties on
the comic and he has a strong background in
marketing, design, and editing. Besides Shadowbinders, Thomas has worked as a colorist for Gemstone’s Disney comics as well as
the current Fantagraphics Uncle Scrooge and
Donald Duck: The Don Rosa Library books.
Kambrea writes their stories and she helps
with coloring, social media and marketing.
She also worked on the Gemstone Disney
Comics with Thom.
Shadowbinders is the story of a hapless teenager named Mia White. She led a pretty mundane life — until the day she was given a mysterious ring that transported her to the deck
of famed airship The True North. There she
meets an infuriatingly arrogant (and yet bafflingly handsome) young mage named Crimson Rhen and his crew of misfits. Adventure
and hilarity ensue.
Steam-Funk Studios •
Heavier Mettle Tour Appearance
Studios are
emcees, authors, and
game developers. Lead
by former Wizards of the Coast employee,
Savan Gupta, they’ve mentored generations
of gamers and aspiring contributors into the
roleplaying and speculative fiction genres.
Known best by their two performance brands,
Slick-Brass & the Titilus Crew, Rohan & the
Dogs of War in a variety of endeavors over
the last five years, they’ve recently launched
a third: SET- Society of the Emerald Tentacle.
Five-time veteran emcee of Jeff Mach’s “The
Anachronism” amongst a plethora of other
conventions, events, soirees and gala affairs,
they’ve had a hand in a variety of projects, be
it stand-up comedy and even contributing as
a patron to a few products in the RPG industry.
They’ve been working tirelessly on the LARP/
Roleplay Premium Content at SaltCity SteamFest in Salt Lake City, Utah.
This year they attend Intervention 5 as a
prominent stop on their “Heavier Mettle Tour”
as they travel cross-country. In addition to exposing their latest stage show “Cosplay Candidate” to a larger audience, Steam-Funk offers Workshops in Roleplay Theory and Team
Building, Character Development and even
has a special project for limited play test that
they’ll be looking to vet volunteers for! Details
to follow on their Social Media Presence and
at, or Steam-Funk Studios’ Facebook Page.
D.J. Coffman & Ally Monroe •
God Child
The creative duo
known as “Flammable
are the creators
of the new God
Child comic series
which debuted on
Keenspot in 2014.
D.J. is an indy comics legend known
for his work in minicomics and web comics
like Yirmumah, Bigfoot and Tiki, and slightly
more mainstream work such as Hero By Night.
He has done illustration work for several big
brands in publishing and the music industry.
Writer Ally Monroe’s makes her print debut
with The God Child #1. Her work on God Child
has been acclaimed by readers since its debut. Stop by and say hello and ask about the
duo’s unique creative process.
Joe Wos • Cartoonist/ToonSeum
For the past
he has performed nationwide
as a cartoonist and
p e r fo r m e r
storytelling with live cartoon illustration. He
is the resident cartoonist of the Charles M.
Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa, California, an
honor he has held for the past 12 years. Joe is
also a master maze maker having created the
world’s largest hand drawn maze.
Worms are basically the snake variant of ostrich
Joe is also the founder and executive director of the ToonSeum.The ToonSeum is a nonprofit museum of comic and cartoon art located in Pittsburgh, PA. In its short seven-year
existence it has presented over 75 exhibitions
and hundreds of programs.
The mission of the ToonSeum is to celebrate
the art of cartooning. Our goal is to promote
a deeper appreciation of the cartoonists and
their work through hands-on workshops,
community outreach, cartoon-oriented educational programming, and exhibitions of
original cartoon art.
Christian Beranek • Validation Comic
Christian Beranek is a writer,
producer and
musician. She
David Fincher’s
Babylon AD and
Max Payne and
in 2008 signed a producer deal with Walt Disney Pictures. In 2010 she helped launch The
Webcomic Factory with Tony DiGerolamo. She
likes coffee, dinosaurs and rock n’ roll. She has
a home base in Cerrillos, New Mexico and travels often. Her comic is at
Steven Archer and Donna Lynch •
Ego Likeness
Ego Likeness was created in 1999 by artist Steven Archer, a
DC native, and writer
Donna Lynch in Baltimore,
Maryland-taking their name
from Frank Herbert’s
classic science fiction
novel, Dune.
Steven, a graduate of
The Corcoran School of Art, continues to exhibit paintings, sculpture, and mixed media
pieces in various galleries, stores, conventions, and venues throughout the US, and
online through the band’s website, Facebook,
and his Etsy store. He has been a regular
contributor to Weird Tales Magazine and Steampunk Magazine. He is the author and illustrator of one children’s book, Luna Maris
(Imaginary Books, 2008), and the graphic
novel, Red King Black Rook.
In addition to numerous poems and short
stories, Donna has done various spoken word
performances, and released two collections
of poetry: In My Mouth (2000) and Ladies &
Other Vicious Creatures (Raw Dog Screaming
Press, 2007). Her first novel, Isabel Burning,
debuted in 2008 through Raw Dog Screaming
Press and a prequel is scheduled for release
in early 2013. A novella, Driving Through the
Desert, was released on Thunderstorm Books
in 2012. She is a recurring guest reader at, and is an active member in
the Horror Writers Association.
Ego Likeness has released 5 (soon to be 6)
studio albums, 4 EPs, and appeared on numerous compilations--while sharing the stage
with the groups The Damned, Peter Murphy,
Chris Connelly, Collide, Razed in Black, Bella
Morte, Das Ich, The Cruxshadows, Voltaire,
Ayria, Angelspit, The Ludovico Technique and
many more.
Note: Ego Likeness will not be performing at
Intervention, but will be appearing on panels
and workshops as well as at their table within
the Vendors Room.
Rob Balder • Erfworld / Partially Clips
Rob Balder is the
author of Erfworld,
an epic fantasy/
about an obsessive strategy gamer who is magically summoned to
fight in a real war. The comic was co-created
with illustrator Jamie Noguchi, and continued
into Books 2 and 0 with the talents of illustrator Xin Ye. Erfworld now moves into Book 3,
drawn by comics pro David Hahn (backed by
additional talent from Periscope Studio). Time
magazine named Erfworld one of its top ten
graphic novels of 2007, and called
it “Geekiest Comic Ever.” Erfworld fans have
collectively contributed more than $300,000
in support of four successful Kickstarter projects related to the comic.
Rob also created the syndicated clip-art comic
strip PartiallyClips. He co-wrote the comic “A
Duel in the Somme” with SF legend Ben Bova,
illustrated by comic-strip great Bill Holbrook.
And he co-founded the Funny Music Project.
Matt Blum •
Matt Blum is editor-inchief of,
and has been writing
for the blog since the
spring of 2007. He
lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and
two kids, all of whom
are also geeks, and
two cats, who probably aren’t geeks but one of whose names is
“Gandalf,” so that should count for something.
In his day job Matt is a software engineer, and
his geeky interests include (but are not limited
to) science fiction, the Muppets, LEGO, board
games, video games, and bacon.
T. Campbell and Phil Kahn •
Guilded Age
An ex-stage actor and
failed Internet shutin, T. Campbell has
gazintillion pages of
Guilded Age, Penny
and Aggie (http://, Fans, Cool Cat Studio,
Divalicious, Search Engine Funnies, Rip and Teri,
and just a little Avengers. He spends his “spare
time” designing crosswords, drafting health
care bills, and seeking the Anti-Life Equation.
A long-time Professional Neckbeard, Phil
Kahn has spent a few
years writing for various webcomics, webcomic criticism, and
webcomic enthusiast
sites and now is trying
to take his accumulated knowledge and put
it all to good use on Guilded Age. While building a daytime career as an A/V technician and
an IT support specialist, he also spends a great
deal of time practicing silly voices/faces in
front of a mirror for the inevitable day where
the only thing that can save the whole of humanity from certain doom is his impression
of Henchman #24. Out of the three creators,
he has spent the most time playing MMORPGs and is totally that Gnome Warlock who
just won’t DIE ALREADY. He has also recently
risen to the challenge to become a Super Art
Fighter as Phil “The Commando” Kahn, and
is destined to become the Super Art Fight
Champion of the Universe.
Cinematic for the People •
Live Movie Riffing
Hey, do you like
MST3K? Did you
ever watch it
and think “Hey,
I can do that?”
Well... so did we...
and now we are.
Cinematic for
the People riffs
on movies, serials, and shorts, and random specials - FOR
FREE - on YouTube. CFTP also occasionally appears at conventions to let YOU, the people,
in on the horrible movie watching with a full
invitation to riff the movie along with us. This
year’s trip to Intervention will include two
brand new movies for you to hate that may or
may not involve giant monsters. We apologize
in advance for what we’ll make you watch.
This year as our double feature, CFTP will be
premiering the movie, Monster From a Prehistoric Planet, for the first time live in public. We
will also be releasing our Christmas Special,
Home Invasion For The Holidays, on DVD.
CW Cobalt • Artist / Musician
Emerging during
the age of DIY
zines and cassette
culture in the late
80’s, CW Cobalt
has been creating
conceptual art for
the last 25 years.
As a satirical, new
media cartoonist poet, Cobalt uses multiples,
art objects, text, and performances to create
a rich, quirky cartoon universe in which time
travel is commonplace and artists function
as part-time superheroes. Grassroots, selfpublished ephemera such as photocopied
comic books, postcards, handmade music
CD’s, posters, bubblegum cards and installations serve as physical manifestations of his
work. His site-specific, didactic, and semidisposable art works are constructed with
offbeat materials such as shag rugs, Polaroid
photos, fruit, underwear, old tape recorders,
and colored cellophane.
Visual presentations are often accompanied
by live musical events and/or a CD soundtrack/
concept album of thematically related songs.
Many of Cobalt’s fragmented works suggest
larger narrative story arcs that need the imagination of the viewer to complete. Cobalt often
works with a series of collaborators including artists, models, photographers, actors and
musicians; as such, many of the works he produces are executed by a collective, using the
“rock band” as a paradigm. His collaborators,
including the legendary bands Tombstone
Teeth, the Flat Astronauts and the El Maximo
Quartet, adopt a variety of fictional identities
within the works to help enhance the fictional
worlds they create. During Intervention 3, CW
Cobalt and his collaborators recorded an entire concept album on site titled The Forbidden
Mansion of Doctor Salamander. He is currently
posting over 300 songs from his archive on
Her acting talents can be seen in various productions (both on stage and in voice) and regular appearances with the elite Luna-C comedy
troupe. Her costuming talents have been proven deadly enough to render a certain Japanese
cosplay idol giddy with joy (before she broke
her heart). Currently, she wanders the pop
culture wasteland, searching for the truth that
eludes us all. Pray that she’s still out there....
Kara Dennison •
Con Screw and many other comics
Tony DiGerolamo • Super Frat
Kara Dennison (AKA The
Heaven-Breaking Pen, etc.)
is a deadly force of nature
whose introduction into
your universe comes in
the form of broken arms
and shattered spirits. It’s
not surprising given her
feats of fancy: Aside from
making the sun go supernova in the year 7689 due
to a time paradox, she’s drawn and written
several webcomics, including the recentlywrapped ConScrew, and Fanbreeding for Nth
Degree Magazine
Nicole Dieker •
Hello, The Future! / Blogger
This is Nicole’s fifth
Intervention -- she’s
been with the con
since the very beginning. When she first
began attending Intervention, she was
primarily a geek musician with her oneperson band, Hello,
The Future! Now she’s
expanded her creative career to include fulltime freelance writing, and is a regular contributor to The Billfold, Yearbook Office, The
Freelancer by Contently, and The Penny Hoarder, as well as occasional contributor to The
Toast and Boing Boing. She is happy to talk to
you about independent musicianry, freelance
writing, or anything having to do with the intersection of creativity and personal finance.
Stop by her vendor table to say hey!
Tony DiGerolamo is a writer
of comics, webcomics, screenplays,
television and
movies including
Incorrect with Bill
Maher, Comedy
Central’s Indecision website and Space Ghost: Coast to Coast.
He currently writes for The Simpsons comic
books at Bongo Comics, is the creator of the
Super Frat webcomic and the co-founder of
The Webcomic Factory as well as writer or cowriter of everything on the site. DiGerolamo
also had a story in the Image anthology, Outlaw Territory Vol 3.
Michael Dougherty • Browncoats:
Redemption, Z*Con
Dougherty is
the president,
and a board
member of Big
Inc. (BDF), a
non-profit that
supports meaningful causes through the development, creation, distribution and promotion of independent films. BDF’s first project,
Browncoats: Redemption, set the bar for successful social promotion of independent
films, non-profit awareness and fundraising
by raising over $117,000 for charity. Under
Michael’s leadership, BDF leveraged social
media to secure extensive media attention
for Browncoats: Redemption, including a four
page inclusion in the Firefly Companion: Still
Flying by Titan books, articles in SFX magazine’s “Whedon Universe” edition, Wired.
com, write-ups on a number of widely-read
blogs, and interviews on a variety of podcasts.
Browncoats: Redemption was a finalist in the
4th Annual Mashable Awards for “Most Creative Social Good Campaign”.
Michael’s efforts in raising awareness of the
film, and the causes it supports, has led to
global awareness and donations for the project. Michael’s next film, Z*Con, will also leverage the same business model as before, but
with new charities chosen. You can learn more
about Z*Con at
Endlight Entertainment • Ninjas versus Vampires, TREKOFF Podcast
Created in the DC area, the trilogy takes you
from the ninjas’ origin fighting zombies, to
their battle with the underworld, to their final
confrontation with Dracula, Frankenstein, and
all the classic monsters. !
TREKOFF is a NSFW Trek-related comedy podcast which has been recording for 2 years
(subscribe on iTunes or go to, has nearly 80 episodes and
has very recently joined the TREKRADIO fam-
ily. Featuring filmmaker Justin Timpane (Ninjas Vs) and actress Alexia Poe, this naughty,
raucous Trek podcast has been performing
live all over the DMV since their debut at Intervention and is excited to be shooting their
feature film TREKOFF: The Motion Picture!
Keep an eye out and you might just find your
way into the film!!TREKOFF is just a part of the
which has a
bunch of free
funny shows like
POPOFF - which
is currently taking
slightly drunk
look at the Marvel Movies and
Harry Potter, as well as THE HOT MESS, THE
SUCKCAST, and NINJAS VS YOU - the official
audioblog of the movie, Ninjas vs Monsters.
All the shows can be seen and subscribed to
together at
Come check out the podcast being recorded
LIVE on Saturday night, and listen every week
Chris Flick • Capes -N- Babes
Chris graduated from
Radford University in
1991 with a graphic
design and commercial illustration degree, did a bunch of
graphic-related odd
jobs, and eventually wound up in an
advertising agency
where he taught
himself HTML.
Since then, he got married, had two kids, rescued a couple of stray cats and created a comic strip for called
CMX Suite that ran for five years. Somewhere
in all of this, his unpublished college graphic
novel stayed in his brain and eventually he
warped that idea into a humor strip, added
a crazy werewolf, and before he knew it, in
2007, Capes & Babes was officially born.
Your beautiful giraffe nads sparkle with festive apathy.
The stray cats have since passed away and
Chris’ house is now overrun with three dogs.
Chris continues to write and illustrate Capes &
Babes three times a week, attends numerous
conventions along the East Coast and Chris has
recently joined the Webcomic Comic Alliance
( as a contributing member. Chris wants everyone to know he
desperately tried to keep this bio down to two
short paragraphs. Chris also wants everyone to
know he hates everyone who refers to themselves in third person with a heated passion.
Dave Ghoul • DJ
DJ and all around
dance-party instigator
to Intervention
to provide the
Friday and Saturday night’s festivities!
Dave Ghoul is a long-time DJ and event organizer from Philadelphia that specializes in
alternative dance music (Electro, EBM, Synth,
Industrial, Goth, Steampunk, Neo-Swing,
Dark Cabaret). He’s one of the founders and
co-organizers of the Philly Zombie Crawl and
its undead siblings the Philly Zombie Beach
Party and the Philly Zombie Prom. He’s also
a resident DJ at both Shadowland Lancaster
(monthly Goth and Industrial club night) and
Dorian’s Parlor (quarterly Steampunk hootenanny). And, if that’s not enough, he’s DJed
a long list of conventions and events including Dracula’s Ball, Diabolique Ball, The Philly
Pirate Cruise, The Steampunk World’s Fare,
The SteamWërk Ball, The Twisted World, and
Wicked Faire.
For more information about Dave Ghoul,
please visit Also, Dave Ghoul
feels awkward writing in third person.
James Harknell •
Con Chair of Intervention/Stupid and
Insane Defenders Against Chaos/
My Annoying Life/
Erfworld/Skin Horse
Harknell has been working with Onezumi for
over 13 years. After noticing that there was
very little online to help artists, he decided to
do something about it.
Harknell customized
his first art-centric
Content Management
System in 2003. Today he releases Wordpress plugins at and serves
as a webmaster and
guide for the online
comic and blogging industry. His most recent
accomplishments include custom website installs for Stupid and Insane Defenders Against
Chaos and Erfworld, as well as working as a
webmaster for Shaenon Garrity for her comic
Skin Horse. Harknell co-founded Intervention
and worked with Onezumi writing for Stupid
and Insane Defenders Against Chaos.
Harknell is best known for his easy to understand way of helping artists get their websites
up and running. He has been a recurring guest
speaker at places like XM Satellite Radio, Katsucon (, Ubercon
(, Balticon (http://, Otakon (, Intervention, and many others.
Today he lives in New Jersey with Onezumi and
way too many computers and mobile devices.
Oni Hartstein • Founder of
Intervention/ReGeneration Who/
is an artist and
loves everything
related to dark
rides and haunted attractions.
Her art might
be what would
happen if Mary Blair (of Disney’s It’s a Small
World) had been an MMA fighter.
Without any investment money other than
contributions from her readers she founded
Intervention: The Premier Showcase of Online
next thing you know there’s a kangaroo shifting on my bed and I have no idea when Christmas is.
Creativity in 2010 and (Re)Generation Who:
The Doctor Who Celebration of Every Generation in 2014. She has been featured in Haunt
World, CNN, Wired, The Washington Post, and
many other places both online and in print.
She is best known for her insane work ethic
and her ability to inspire people to believe in
themselves and pursue their dreams. After all,
that’s what got her this far.
She loves coffee, horror films, heavy metal,
Disney, and her husband. In addition to that,
she believes that Escape from New York was
the best chick flick ever. Chris Impink and Barb Fischer •
Studio Unseen is made up of two carbonbased creatures: Chris Impink and Barb Fischer. They recently premiered their new project,
Sledgebunny: a sports-anime-inspired comic
that takes place in the fast-paced world of flat
track roller derby. On December 30, 2009, they
closed the book on Fragile Gravity, a strip that
featured independent comics, conventions,
and (in an earlier arc) an invasionary force of
penguins. Oh, and an extra-bitter stoat.
Chris Impink does the artwork and web design;
he has been featured in Antarctic Press and did
much of the graphic work for The Babylon Project role-playing game. Additionally, his work
has been featured at various conventions such
as Katsucon, Technicon, and Rising Star. He is
also mildly notorious for co-founding Katsucon, though his team of spin doctors has kept
that under wraps for many years. In his rare
moments of free time, Chris works with the
crew from Super Art Fight (, running the Wheel of Death and
notching up wins on the championship belt.
does the writing as well as
merchandise assembly and convention
spotting; when not
plotting out the
nuts and bolts of Sledgebunny, she supervises
the geek training of her thirteen-year-old son,
who lately has been wanting her to build him
a TARDIS. She’s also been seen writing trailer
snarks and articles for Movie Club (movie-club.
net) and has been running her own blog and
podcast, Auntie Barbizard’s Cinematic Life Lessons and Observations (askauntiebarbizard. Her fondest dream is to be invited to the San Diego Comic-con as a guest
Insane Ian • Filk/The FuMP
Insane Ian is a
writer from the
who enjoys video games. A lot.
He writes funny
songs about video games, makes
about video games, and even wrote reviews of
video games for Destructoid. His latest project
is to combine all that into one hot mess of music, videos, video games, and comedy which he
calls “Insane Ian’s Reviewsicals”. He also performs songs about other aspects of nerdy life,
including comic books, cannibal girlfriends,
and stalking the woman of his dreams, Christina Ricci. His songs have been featured in the
documentary, The People vs George Lucas, as
well as the legendary Dr Demento show.
Ian is an auxiliary member of the Funny Music Project, aka, and can also be
heard at
Ben McCormick • Reality Amuck,
Playing Doctor Podcast
Ben McCormick (aka
Tovias) is the cartoonist and writer
for Reality Amuck,
a webcomic about
politics, religion and
sex. After publishing his book collecting the first years of
the comic (It’s Supposed to Be America: Reality Amuck Vol. 1) he decided he wasn’t sharing enough of his personal
life online and jumped into podcasting.
Now Ben co-hosts the Playing Doctor Podcast,
a weekly Doctor Who-themed show and is a
permanent guest host on Dork Trek, a twiceweekly Star Trek: The Next Generation podcast.
Humble Bundle to include films, and a very successful online preview screening on
In his free time, Ben likes to sit quietly in a dark
room contemplating the discovery of the Higgs
Boson and the implications this has on the price
of Krispy Kreme crullers and other tasty treats.
Bree Rubin
Steve Napierski • Dueling Analogs
Steve Napierski first got
into webcomics in 1999
with the ill-fated Life with
Fishnets about his local
Rocky Horror cast. In 2004,
he began work laying out
and coloring Bored and
Evil, a task he performed
for the first two years of
that comic’s run. The following year he launched
the daily webcomic, The Outer Circle, and later
that year he debuted the twice-weekly Dueling Analogs. He is also the founder of the webcomic group, Gamers Pair of Dice.
Mary Ratliff •
Good Game / Nine Hour Films
Mary Ratliff is a storyteller at heart, and is equally
at home working on fiction and documentary
films. As an active member of the D.C. film community, she has worked
on several features, a
webseries, commercials,
and numerous short
films as a member of the
art department and a script supervisor.
Through her production company, Nine Hour
Films, Mary has written and directed several
short films including Catching Up, based on her
award-winning screenplay, and The Interview,
a piece completed as part of the Speakeasy
Shorts filmmaking competition. She recently
completed Good Game, a feature length documentary following a team of professional competitive video gamers. The film is on sale now
from distributor Devolver Digital Films. Through
her partnership with Devolver Digital, she has
been able to explore new avenues of digital
distribution including being part of the first
Bree is an artist, designer, and mess-maker who likes painting,
building robots, and
old sci-fi movies.
After years of building
odd toys and interactions up in the secluded hills of Manhattan,
Bree received a powerful vision of the future through the lead-based
soldering fumes. She has since begun training
others in the not-so-mysterious arts of physical computing. Rumor has it she might be
planning on achieving world peace through
demonstrations of interpretive-dancing robots, but so far, the robots are skeptical.
You can see her list of work at her website
Liz Staley • Adrastus/
Mastering Manga Studio 5
My name is Liz Staley
and I write and draw
comics, as well as the
occasional novel. I
When I was younger
I wanted to start my
own animation company, I have since discovered I have a passion for comics and changed my focus. Really,
loving comics shouldn’t have been much of a
shock, as my favorite courses in college were
scripting and storyboarding. I’ve been working on Adrastus “seriously” since 2010, and
the comic began to post to the web in April
of that year. I had the characters and story for
much longer than that but was too afraid to do
anything with them. Finally though the story
wouldn’t let me not tell it, and Adrastus began.
Last year I wrote Mastering Manga Studio 5
for Packt Publishing. My love of the Manga
Studio software is pretty widely known, and
I get asked a lot of questions online and offline about the program. I was honored to
write a book to help comic artists and illus-
ART EMANATWS FROM LOINS OF FROG just like @RubyCosmos says
trators use Manga Studio faster and more efficiently than before.
Brian Stillman • Plastic Galaxy
Brian Stillman is the
director and executive producer (and
mostly everything
else) of the documentary Plastic Galaxy, the first film to
explore the history
and pop-cultural influence of Star Wars toys.
He’s the founder of X-Ray Films, and has more
than 15 years’ experience as a professional
journalist in both the print and video worlds.
More importantly, Brian’s a die-hard toy collector, and his office is filled with vintage
robots and ray guns from the golden age of
science fiction and, not surprisingly, Star Wars
toys. He also loves science fiction, whether
on the big or little screen or between the covers of a book. Brian’s married to the motion
graphics artist Mary Hawkins, and the two live
under the merciless rule of their cat, Calamity.
Travis Surber • Hainted Holler
Travis Surber wanted
to be a writer of serious comics and fantasy novels. Instead he
is in his fourth year of
producing the humor
strip Hainted Holler
which follows a group
of southern geeks in
a small redneck town. Along the way, he has
somehow managed to produce two print collections of strips, generate a cult like following,
and keep the majority of his co-workers from
discovering his webcomicking genius.(They’d
be jealous.) Despite a full-time job though, and
a young daughter, Travis has recently found
time to revisit the novel and comic ideas and
hopes to make a big announcement soon.
Michael Terracciano & Garth Graham •
Star Power
Michael Terracciano loves comic books, superheroes, outer space, and telling stories. His
friends call him “Mookie.” He spent the last
ten years as the author and artist of the fan-
tasy webcomic, Dominic Deegan: Oracle for
Hire. He enjoys spending time with his wife
and their three cats.
His favorite planet is
Jupiter because it’s
awesome. He wants
having superpowers
to be fun again, and
for this to be a universe you want to
escape to, not from.
He hopes you enjoy
reading his new comic Star Power.
Born in Known Space,
raised by the likes
of Lazarus Long, Dr.
Susan Calvin, and
Lt. Miles Vorkosigan,
Garth Graham has
only ever partially
shared the same reality as most of us. Fascinated by what might
be and what isn’t, rather than weighed down by the drama of what is,
he has forged a tenuous bridge made of ink and
paper between our world and some strange unknowable scape where improbable dreams are
born. Perhaps it has driven him a little mad. Yet
such madness has born fine delectable fruit for
our eye organs. His previous works include the
webcomics Comedity and Finder’s Keepers. In his
spare time Garth likes to laugh maniacally about
the abstract and fictional concept of “spare time”
and does his level best to refute entropy.
Kelsey Wailes • Doctor Kawaii
Kelsey Wailes is a
toymaker, illustrator, teacher, science
enthusiast and occasional kaiju. She
makes ugly things
cute and cute things
ugly. Her terrible
things have been featured on io9, Mental Floss,
Kotaku and more. She is a part of Super Art
Fight, and creator of the kaiju character Stompadon and the author and illustrator for the
Doctor Whobased webcomic, Doctor Kawaii.
She lives in a cornfield and doesn’t understand
how can openers work.
Wanted to make art where the Easter bunny is pregnant but opens
himself up like an egg and there’s Oompa Loompas playing game boy
(Re)Generation Who Presents:
Doctor Who Premiere Party
Is Troll 2 really the best worst movie ever?
Intervention’s sister event (Re)Generation
Who will be hosting a public party to celebrate the premiere of the new season of Doctor Who on Saturday August 23rd from 8 PM
- 10 PM in our Large Panels room. Come join
your fellow Doctor Who fans for the beginning
of the 8th season.
50 Years of The Doctor
Doctor Who has been running for over 50 years.
With a show that’s run that long, there’s plenty
to talk about. Join our panelists as they discuss
their memories of the series and find out about
the other parts of the extended universe in areas like books and Big Finish audio dramas.
Airships and Arya-Samaj
An analysis of tropes in steampunk such as
steam-power, clockwork and airships and
their predating the Victorian/Edwardian period in different cultures, specifically India,
Persia and other ancient civilizations. This will
also represent a Design Journal in our upcoming Vedic Fantasy d20 and Pathfinder product,
working title, Rajpunk.
Audio Podcasting and Internet Radio 101
Our panelists will talk about ways to start up
your own audio podcast, or Internet Radio
station -- the equipment to get, software to
use, and creating a website for distribution or
hooking up with a streaming provider.
Back In My Day:
The Webcomic Veterans Panel
This panel is comprised of webcomic artists and
creators who’ve been doing their work (of some
sort, not necessarily just one comic) for at least
seven years or more. They will grouse about the
“good old days” and tell you youngsters to get
off their yard. They might also tell you something that might “learn you” something.
Bad Movies Are Great Movies
Let’s rant and rave about our favorite bad movies.
Do you worship at the altar of Manos:
The Hands of Fate?
Is throwing spoons instead of a football your
new favorite past time?
Then join us as we discuss bad movies and
why we love them so much.
Bring your best impression of your top moments from movies that are memorable for all
the wrong reasons.
Beyond the Fill Bucket:
Experimentation in Comic Creation
Ideas like Scott McCloud’s “Infinite Canvas”
challenge and inspire us to literally think outside the box when it comes to webcomics. In a
similar way, this panel is a friendly discussion
of webcomics as an art form, as a means for
communicating visual artistic ideas and finding your own voice. Panelists will share their
own unique methods, influences, use of tools
(digital and/or traditional) and otherwise stylistic choices that set their works apart.
Beyond The Shiny Disk:
Music in the Internet Age
Post-Napster and bittorrent, how do musicians
make a living in the Internet age? Our panelists
will talk about how they’ve adapted and managed to use the internet to their advantage.
Blogging For Fun and Profit
Do you have something to say? Why not start
or join a blog? Is it really that easy? Our panelists will talk about the fun parts, and the
not so fun parts, about making your blog and
online writing successful and possibly even
Breaking The Mold
The webcomics format is a perfect venue for
all kinds of ideas, beliefs, and works of any
genre. There is a world of stories outside of
the standard ones done for the mainstream.
This panel is a discussion of the freedoms
Having a legitimate business meeting where on the agenda was
penises and TARDIS. Context would improve this tweet a little but lol
available with going your own way and embracing the ability to write “your own story”.
Charity Auction: Electronic Frontier
Foundation Benefit
comic creator D.J. Coffman as he shares how
to destroy the negative creative funk instead
of it destroying you. Leave inspired!
Con Horror Stories
The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)
is the leading organization defending civil
liberties in the digital world. They defend
free speech on the Internet, fight illegal surveillance, promote the rights of innovators
to develop digital technologies, and work
to ensure that the rights and freedoms we
enjoy are enhanced, rather than eroded, as
our use of technology grows. Intervention
is happy to donate the proceeds from this
charity auction, which will feature items and
artwork from many of our guests, to this worthy group and cause.
Have you ever had the worst happen at a Con?
Your costume fall apart? Your several hundred (or forfend, thousand) dollar prop break
or crack just before you can showcase it? Get
into a fight with one of your party, or did some
jerk just take a swing at you? This is a panel
on repairing costuming, props, relationships
and sundry other “Horror Story” situations, as
the flak hits-the-fan at these stress laden and
exciting venues, these ‘conventions’. Not only
will we relate our tales of woe, we will illustrate how to AVOID these particular “wrong
turns” or what to do once you’ve stepped-in-it.
Club 242 Presents
Drink and Draw Artist Jam
ConPlosions: How To Not Blow Up
Your Event (Or Get Caught In the Blast)
Join us at Intervention’s Drink and Draw party.
Come listen to music; have some drinks; and
do your art. Artists of any type are welcome,
so draw, record, write, or dance!
This panel is a discussion of the various and
sundry disasters that have befallen conventions in the past. Everyone has a story about
“that convention” where “went wrong” or “the
hotel staff did that was JUST SO WRONG”. Not
only can these fails be humorous reminiscences, but are also cautionary tales for anyone
who plans to run or be a part of a convention
in the future.
Club 242 Presents:
Friday Night Social Club
This is Intervention’s Friday night meet up. It’s
a relaxed atmosphere where you can grab a
drink, do some art, or just hang out with your
fellow creators.
Coffee Is for Closers:
Tough Love for Creative People
This panel is really about any artist in any media, art, music, writing, etc.
The title, taken from the business monologue
in the film Glengarry Glen Ross, is used as a
center point for discussing the realities of living life as a creative person in the real world.
Or at least trying to.
Is being an artist living the life of the ultimate
Comics Rehab:
Overcoming Creative Depression
Creating anything can be addictive and sometimes it’s not so easy to create when dealing
with real world problems like divorce, depression and personal and professional failures.
Don’t let the bastards get you down! Join
Copyright 101
“Copyright 101” is a run down from an artist’s
standpoint of what copyright is, how it works,
what it does, and what you only think it does.
Learn how you can use the law to protect your
work, and discuss the grey and ill-defined line
between outright theft and fair use.
Cosplay Candidate:
The Political Game
Cosplay Candidate is a crowd-sourced, interactive combination of game show and debate
where the mob rules! Spanning our nation’s issues with a surreal, geeky spin there’ something
for everyone! Popular issues may include: Immigration Rights of Kryptonian refugees! Artificial
Intelligence and Sentient Rights! International
Campaign Backers - namely Victor Von Doom!
Wayne Enterprises Bailouts! This show encourages both thought and debate techniques
whilst dancing along the line between real and
the absurd... And the best part? You, the audi-
Am I the only one who thinks of her butt as a ship with a poopdeck?
ence determine the outcome! Come see our
democratic process in-action!
betweens. What are the pros? What are the
cons? It’s Digital vs. Traditional!
Creating a Business Plan
DIY Custom Vinyl Toys
Join our panelists for a discussion of the step
by step process of creating a business plan for
you creative endeavor. Don’t get caught short
later when you realize you haven’t thought
through your plans for budgeting and funding.
Learn the basics of making your own customized vinyl art toy; from My Little Pony toys to
KidRobot blank models, if it’s made of vinyl,
you can make it into something entirely your
own. From sculpting, sanding, painting and
finishing, learn some simple but effective
techniques to make your own one of a kind art
toy. Presented by Kelsey Wailes, maker of vinyl Doctor Whoo owls, Ravenstags, and many
custom My Little Pony toys.
Creative Partnerships: How to Create
Together and Not Kill Each Other in
the Process
Whether you are a writer + artist, best friends,
or significant others, learn the best practices to
working together to create even better comics
and creative projects! Indy comics veteran, D.J.
Coffman and writer Ally Monroe will show you
what’s worked best for them and lend advice
on how to better your creative team.
Dating Tips For Nerds (18+)
We’ve all been there, nervous about talking to
someone you like, or wanting to be more social in party situations. Our panelists will give
you tips on what helped them overcome their
fears and be more social.
David Pescovitz: Ask Me Anything
David Pescovitz has written for Wired, The
New York Times, MAKE, Salon, BoingBoing, and
many more online and print magazines. He’s
in the forefront of tech/culture and it’s impact
on our world and views. This is a perfect opportunity to ask him anything about where we
are, or where we’re going with technology, the
mind, and the combination of both.
Designing Your First Book
You finally have enough strips in your archive,
or words on a page -- now you think it’s time
to put them in a book. What makes a good
book design? From cover design to interior.
Also, a discussion on POD printing and other
options for self-publishing creator.
Digital vs. Traditional:
The Pros and Cons of Each
It’s an Intervention classic! In this veritable
clash of titans (well, maybe not so much the
“clash” part), panelists from all the schools of
artistic style gather to talk about the use traditional tools, digital tools, and the many in-
Drawing with Photoshop:
from Path Selection to Zoom tool
People love to watch other people draw. Better still they love to watch to glean the deep
dark secrets of art. This would be an hour to
hour and a half long demonstration of how
to draw using nothing but photoshop. From
initial roughs, layout out a page, penciling,
inking, flatting, and fully rendering an image.
Leave your scanners behind, where we’re going, we don’t need scanners.
Dysfunctional DRUNK-Hausen!!
So you’ve heard of Baron Munchausen, right?
... We’ll we’re nowhere NEAR that sophisticated. This is not Imperial Tea. THIS IS THE
TITILUS! And as such, as with any collection of
Drunken Louts and Professional Miscreants, if
there’s going to be a competition for the best
LIARS (*ahem “Storytellers”), then you can be
DAMN sure it’s gonna be in a bar — with shots!
Witness these heathens tear each other (and
any sort of narrative coherency) apart as only
they can! A TRULY raucous display of poor behavior for your entertainment.
Early Bird Stitch-n-Bitch
Bring your knitting, crochet, sewing or other
crafty-type project and work on it in a semisocial setting with other crafty folks at an
ungodly-early hour. Caffeine consumption is
encouraged, but (like your project) you’ll have
to bring your own. All skill levels welcome.
Enabler-Only Guest Meet and Greet
Become an Enabler of Intervention and get invited to a special Guest Meet and Greet event.
One day you wake up and find there’s and ape sharing your pants. You are like “What?! Ape?!?” He simply replies, “it’s a living.”
We’ll bring the pastries; you bring your questions and small talk.
Epic Room Party 4.0 (21+)
Join our panelists for a detailed information
session on the proper way to execute a wonderfully sordid affair with class, style, and utter nonsense!
Everything You Wanted to Know
About Tabling at a Convention
Our panelists are here to share tips, tricks and
general conversations about having your own
art or sales table at a convention - how to go
about it, what you should be aware of, and
how to be successful at it.
Expect the Unexpected: Strange
Tales from the Webcomic Universe
Once you place your work online, and get a
certain level of success and traffic, you can expect that you’re going to have a few “interesting” situations or encounters along the way.
Our panelists will recite events or situations
that they’ve encountered that are funny, horrifying, soul touching, or purely WTF in scope.
For the Love of Cartoons
Join us for a fan-based discussion of cartoons
and the adult fanbase. What are the stigmas
cartoon fans deal with when they say they like
the original Ninja Turtles cartoon or Phineas
and Ferb or even My Little Pony (gasp). Also
discussing the high quality adult-focused cartoons like The Venture Brothers and Futurama.
Go For It! Taking the Leap to
Full-Time Artist/Creator.
Many Intervention guests have cut the cord
from their day jobs and gone on to develop
successful businesses as writers, webcomic
artists, musicians, and more. Join these panelists in a free-for-all Q&A discussion and ask
everything you’ve ever wanted to know about
quitting your job and going pro.
How to Speak in Public
Do you want to be up at the front of the room
speaking on a panel? Do you want to be more
successful selling your stuff and talking with
people about your work? Get advice on how
to speak in public from the pros who have
been doing it for years.
Intervention “Inprov” Comedy Group
For a fifth year in a row the Intervention Inprov
comedy players gather together to entertain
you with the jokes they made up ten seconds
ago. The panelists will play a number of improv games and solicit interaction from the
audience to make a fun and dynamic show.
Come and see your favorite creators make a
fool of themselves.
Two shows are scheduled.
Intervention Gong Show
(18+) Having totally stolen this idea from
NorWesCon, who stole it from a 1970s TV
program, Intervention is hosting its first-ever
Gong Show.
Give us your best - or worst - talent. Receive
ridiculous feedback from our panel of judges.
Receive crazy prizes.
This panel will definitely be NSFW, but that’s
okay because we aren’t at work.
Introduction to Video Game
Development Using Unity
Multi-platform frameworks such as Unity allow potential game developers to minimize
the amount of time spent learning how to
do things, and maximize the amount of time
spent actually creating games. Then, they allow for games to be released on a multitude
of platforms with minimal additional effort.
During just the time required for this panel,
you will witness the beginning-to-end creation of a simple game. And even if you have
no experience with programming or game development, there’s a good chance that you’ll
understand all of it!
It Needs To Be Discussed: Harassment, Drama, and Fandom Failures —
We Can Do Better
What can we all do to stop the harassment,
drama, and outright intolerance that appears
to be a growing trend online? Join in on an
open discussion to support the community.
It’s All About the Villain
He might be the guy you love to hate, but
without a good villain, your hero wouldn’t
have anything to do but sit on the couch and
drink beer. Panelists: what makes a compel-
ling villain? How do you get inside his or her
head? Is it ever more fun to write from the
villain’s POV than the hero’s? Audience: who
are your favorite villains and why? Everyone:
bring your best evil laugh!
Jonathan Rosenberg:
From Goats to Multiverse: AMA
Come ask Jonathan Rosenberg anything about
his 10+ years in webcomics--from his work on
Goats to his most recent work on Scenes From
a Multiverse.
Juggling Geek Life and Parenting
Keeping up with the latest nerdly trends
can be tricky at the best of times, but finding time to keep up while raising kids? Well,
that’s a tribble of a different color. Come
hang out with our panelists as they discuss
their methods of trying to balance their
geek life with the challenges of work and
Keeping Your Stuff Safe:
Strategies for Backing Up and
Preserving Your Digital Life.
Think about everything digital that touches
your life. Your blog posts and social networking statuses. Digital photographs and artwork.
Text messages on your cell phone. All of these
things can grow in importance over time, in
ways that might not be envisioned or considered in the here and now. How do we make
sure these things are kept safe?
Almost everyone with information stored
digitally will face at least one major, significant loss of their important data at least once
in their lives. And recent high-profile cloud
computing failures have only shown that the
webcomics, blogs and other things we entrust
to the cloud is still at risk.
So, how do we keep our stuff safe? This session will discuss some strategies for good
backup plans that can help preserve the information you value the most.
Kickstart My Art
You’ve heard about Kickstarter, but aren’t sure
how to get started? Then join us as we walk
you through the project creation process and
give you the tips you need to create a successful Kickstarter campaign.
LARP: Bleach –
Europa Resurrectionis.
In Bleach: Europa Resurrectionis player will get
to craft their own Shinigami character and their
own Zanpakuto. The players will play as characters serving in the European Shinigami courts
who are tasked with reaping the hollows from
the world. While the United Nations meets below the Shinigami courts of Europe deliberate in
the world above about what to do in response
to the growing number of Hollows emerging
from Estonia. The game will be run with a version of the Champions Live action system.
LARP: Echoes of Empire,
Vampire the Masquerade The Conclave part 1 and 2
For the fourth year running Echoes of Empire
will host its Conclave at Intervention. Come
join us for Vampire the Masquerade hijinks and
mayhem, as the vampires, werewolves and
changelings try to navigate the Apocalypse
and come out alive.
LARP: Interfection
A deadly virus has broken out in the Convention hallways. As a survivor, your goal is to gather supplies and survive the weekend. Zombie’s
goals are much simpler: Eat all the Brains!
Stop by to grab a bandana and play this convention-tailored version of Humans vs Zombies tag. Players can follow our main story
through the weekend, drop in for a mission to
earn some items, or just wander the halls tagging any player they encounter. Confined to
hallways and played during all hours, Interfection allows players to enjoy everything a convention has to offer, between the high-paced
action of the apocalypse!
Since Intervention’s inception, this infectious institution has been highly regarded as
a “must play” event by both attendees and
staff. Come visit the Game Goons and catch
the Interfection!
LARP: Mass Effect – After the Storm
The Reaper War,has ended. On the planet
Earth, Commander Shepard and the allied
forces destroyed the Reapers once and for all.
But in the wake of their destruction the galaxy has become a very fragmented place due
to the loss of the Mass Relays. Omega station
Forgot that my butt is not an alligator again.
was once the trading hub for several sizable
criminal empires. But with the loss of long distance communication, travel, and their leader,
Omega has become more akin to a tightly
wound powder keg, full of dangerous people
all scrambling to pick up the pieces. In this
game player will play as a member of one of
the gangs of Omega as each gang struggles to
become the top dog.
LARP: Shattered Hero
The Hero lies lifeless, catatonic his mind and
body shattered. It’s up to his staunchest allies
and his greatest enemy to enter and rebuild
his mind. But who is he really, He was so many
things to so many people, will his companions
be able to agree and bring him back? Or will
the person they bring back bear no resemblance to the man he truly was? Shattered
Hero is a Larp dealing with the concepts of
memory and subjective reality.
Living the Dream: Planning a
Sustainable Creative Career
If you’re at the start (or the middle) of a career in art, writing, music, game design, or film,
you know that the game is always changing.
New technologies keep blowing away the
old model for making your living in a creative
field. So how can you possibly plan for a longterm career in your field when there’s a new
revolution every five minutes? Simple: you
play the long game.
In this workshop, you will learn some of the
economic principles and realities common to
all creative fields, and chart out a years-long
roadmap for yourself, with milestones to hit
along the way toward “living the dream.”
Manga Studio 5, An Intro
Curious about Manga Studio 5 and how it
can help you create comics, illustrations, and
streamline your workflow? Bring your questions and get a demonstration of this amazing
art software!
Michael “Mookie” Terracciano:
Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire
and Star Power Q&A
Michael “Mookie” Terracciano’s webcomic strip
Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire may be over,
but questions remain--your questions! His new
Listen guys the last time I put a mini deer in my pants
strip Star Power is also getting going, so there
are plenty of questions both old and new to ask.
Movie Showing and Q&A:
Browncoats: Redemption
(PG-13) Browncoats: Redemption is a
crowd sourced, independent film set in Joss
Whedon’s Firefly/Serenity universe.
Movie Showing and Q&A:
(R) Sen. Drake is on a quest to initiate a Vampire
rapture upon the world, while the members of
Cronos – labeled as international terrorists – will
risk all to save the world from the darkness of
Drake and his minions, known as The DRAKUL.
About the Director: Michael Merino is an
award winning director, producer and writer.
Michael directed his first feature, the awardwinning (Two Rivers Film Fest) action film,The
Deal, in 2003. In 2006, Michael released the
horror film, The Milkman, to critical acclaim. In
2008 he released the thriller/horror feature
502, which won the coveted “Shakes” award
in the Dead-time film festival. And in 2012,
Michael was awarded Best Director for the
feature film The Haunting of Pearson Place at
the WMIFF and HORRORFIND film festivals, as
well as the Best Writer award for The Haunting
of Pearson Place at the 2013 Scare-A-Con film
festival in Syracuse, NY. In all, The Haunting of
Pearson Place has won over 12 awards and
been nominated over 20 times.
Michael divides his time between Los Angeles
and Washington, DC.
Movie Showing and Q&A:
Good Game
For a select group of young men, video gaming isn’t just a hobby – it’s a job. To be a professional gamer, you need a competitive drive,
tactical skill, and creativity. With increasingly
larger prizes and six figure player salaries,
esports is on the rise as a career. Good Game
follows a new kind of athlete, the Starcraft 2
division of team Evil Geniuses, as they compete around the world to take the top prizes
in the biggest tournaments. But between injuries, exhaustion, and egos, those who start
at the top might not stay there for long. New
superstars are waiting to take the spotlight,
and wanting to succeed sometimes just isn’t
Movie Showing and Q&A:
Of Dice and Men
(PG-13) Few dungeon masters can make the
game come to life better than John Francis.
Dwarves, mages and barbarians jump right
off of their character sheets whenever he sits
down at the gaming table of frisky suburbanite parents, Linda and Brandon. John Francis’
best friends, sailor-mouthed John Alex, and
thoughtful jock Jason, bring roguish swagger and knightly nobility to the game. The
object of John Francis’ affection, the feisty
Tara, provides all the Half-Elven Double
Princess backstory they could ever need.
However, when Jason enlists to go to Iraq and
with the relationship with Tara going nowhere,
it may be time for John Francis to hang up his
twenty sided dice and take a job on the other
side of the country. John Francis is about to
discover that leaving will prove tougher than
the Tomb of Horrors.
Of Dice and Men is a blisteringly funny and
deeply affecting look at the things that truly
matter in life.
Movie Showing and Q&A:
Pirates of the Airwaves
What does polka music, college basketball,
a Catholic University, and 25 years of heavy
metal have in common?
We all love a great underdog story, and the
history of Seton Hall University radio station
WSOU 89.5 FM flows beautifully through that
very vein. Legends such as Slayer‘s Tom Araya,
Killswitch Engage, Overkill‘s Bobby Blitz, Lamb
of God + many others have teamed up to tell
the tale of WSOU for the upcoming documentary, Pirates of the Airwaves: The WSOU Story.
WSOU dates back all the way to 1948, when
the station’s first broadcast hit the airwaves
from Seton Hall University. The radio station
has since achieved monumental honors such
as being named one of Rolling Stone’s Top 5 radio stations, receiving accolades from CMJ and
even winning a Peabody Award. WSOU helped
launch the careers of many aspiring acts, radio
personalities, and even beat out commercial radio stations in the ratings by buzz alone.
The station ran into hard times in the early
2000s, ordered to drop its hard rock format.
However, WSOU has remained afloat. “Underfunded, underappreciated and at times faced
with many obstacles, WSOU has carried on
and tries to stay relevant in an internet age,”
says Pirates of the Airwaves director Rob Longo. “Join me as we explore the storied history
of WSOU, its many successes and the challenges it has and will face.”
Movie Showing and Q&A: Plastic Galaxy: The Story of Star Wars Toys
Star Wars toys were a phenomenon that swept
the nation, permanently transforming both the
toy and movie industries, generating fortunes,
and creating a hobby that, 30 years later, still
holds sway over not only the people who
grew up with the toys, but also an entirely new
generation of fans. Plastic Galaxy explores the
groundbreaking and breathtaking world of
Star Wars toys. Through interviews with former
Kenner employees, experts, authors, and collectors, the 70-minute documentary looks at
the toys’ history, their influence, and the fond
and fervent feelings they elicit today.
Movie Showing:
Cinematic for the People Present:
Monster from a Prehistoric Planet
Cinematic for the People is back for another
year with brand new movies for you to love
and/or hate! Join Team CFTP in pondering the
ancient Zen Koan, “When is a Godzilla ripoff
not a Godzilla ripoff?”. When eager scientists
swipe an egg from a Pacific island, the baby
Gappa’s Mamma and Pappa come hunting for
it... with city-flattening results. There’s explosions, racism, and everybody learns something. Or not.
Movie Showing:
Cinematic for the People Present:
The Monolith Monsters
In a remote desert region, a space rock falls to
earth. It is no ordinary rock... for if you feed it
after midnight, it turns into a terrible Monolith
Wait, that’s not right...
Eh, well, it’s something like that. Cinematic For
The People returns with another installment
of their award-something-ing show.
My stomach is an ostrich that eats food and lays eggs
Movie Showing: Dork of the Rings
(PG-13) A Lord of the Rings Parody film: Frudo
Buggins must deliver The One Ring of Boundless Credit to Bank Boom to close the account
of Lord Mauron, who is rapidly taking over
Muddle-earth with his oppressive Dork-mart
Movie Showing: Game Companion
Movie Showing: Harry Potter:
The Greater Good
Movie Showing: Harvey Putter and
the Ridiculous Premise
(PG-13) Intervention is pleased to offer its attendees a showing of the feature-length Harry
Potter parody film, Harvey Putter and the Ridiculous Premise.
Movie Showing: Lloyd The Conqueror
(R) Three male college students, must do
battle against Derek the Unholy, a dark wizard who is determined to hold onto his title as
champion of the Larpers.
Movie Showing:
Ninjas Versus Monsters
(R) Ninjas battle monsters in this all new action-horror-comedy! The finale of the awardwinning indie movie trilogy! Join the battle!!
Movie Showing:
Ninjas Versus Vampires
(R) Ninjas battle vampires for the fate of the
world in this all new action-horror-comedy
from the creators of 2010’s cult smash, Ninjas
Vs Zombies!
Movie Showing:
Ninjas Versus Zombies
(R) Ninjas battle zombies for the fate of the
world in this action-horror-comedy! This film
is the first chapter in the Ninjas Versus series.
Movie Workshop: DC Stunt Coalition
– Interactive Presentation
The DC Stunt Coalition is a networking and
training organization for local stunt performers and actors interested in improving their
action skills for the DC area film and stage
scene. Their work has been featured in various web series, short films, and convention
shows since they were founded in 2010 by
Dylan Hintz, who has since gone on to perform in both television and film. Members
train weekly in Rockville, MD, and invite you
to join them if you have an interest in stunt or
fight performance.
The DC Stunt Coalition will show clips from
your favorite internet action series, discuss
the history of internet action, and share selections from our own work to demonstrate how
making a fight scene for film can not only be
fun, but done safely and on a budget.
Music Performance: Insane Ian
Insane Ian brings his unique take on nerd life,
comic books, video games, and other topics to
his music and comedy.
My Little Bronies:
An Online Fandom Phenomenon
“Bronies”, male fans of the new version of the
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic animated
series are an example of how the internet is
changing and expanding traditional fandom.
Find out why these bronies love this series,
and how the internet is allowing them to connect and expand this fandom in unique and
new ways--and what this might mean for fandom moving forward in the internet age.
Playing Doctor Podcast Live!
We are Playing Doctor. Each week our podcast presents an uncensored discussion of a
Doctor Who episode, starting with the 2005
series’ introduction of the 9th Doctor. Once in
a while we’ll cross the time streams and visit
a classic Doctor Who episode, eventually reviewing every episode EVER.
This will be a live podcast recording.
The Business of Talking Online
Podcasting is about getting your words out to
the world. So, how do you do that? And can
you make money doing it? Our panelists will
talk about the business elements of podcasting and what you should know to succeed.
Politics and Religion:
Editorial Comics and the Internet
The old saying goes, “You should never discuss
politics or religion in polite conversation” but
I feel like little ETs are clamping my spine then there’s the moon and bicycle
the Internet is rarely polite. Is there a place for
traditional political cartoons in the world of
webcomics? A panel of web cartoonists who
regularly address controversial issues discuss
this point and the dangers of not being polite.
Real Talk on Video and
Movie Production
Get the real info on how to get started in video and movie production. Our panelists will
cover equipment, techniques, and business
knowledge of getting things done.
Real Talk: Oni’s Marketing Secrets
Communicating effectively on your site, press
kits, outreach, and working with influencers is
how you break out of being reliant solely on
other entities - like cons - for your revenue and
career. If you’ve been doing the con circuit and
reached a plateau or you are just starting out
and working on your 5 year plan this is for you.
Real World vs. Geek World:
Balancing Your Commitments
Whether you run a webcomic, a blog, a podcast, or an MMO guild, there’s a good chance
you’re not one of those who can (yet) make a
living on your geekery. Is it possible to do both
at the same time? How do you manage your
own creativity as opposed to getting your realworld job done? And which one do you tell
people is your job when they ask what you do
for a living? Hear what the web’s multitaskers
have to say about how and why they do it.
Redeeming the World Through Film: A
Conversation with Michael Dougherty
Michael Dougherty, the president, co-founder and a board member of Big Damn Films,
Inc. (BDF), a non-profit that supports meaningful causes through the development,
creation, distribution and promotion of independent films, answers your questions
about his work on Browncoats: Redemption
and his new film Z*Con, as well as the art of
film making and working with established
Robots on Mars and Other Awesome
Things about Space
With Curiosity making people consider the
awesomeness that is space, our panelists are
going to take a hard look at the epic nature
of the void. From fantasy to reality, fact to fiction, space offers so much if we are but bold
enough to seize it.
Science, Art, and Magic:
The World Is a Wunderkammer
Have you ever encountered a work of art that
in an instant changed your perception of the
world? Or watched a magician do something
you know is impossible yet just appeared to
happen before your very eyes? Can you recall
that feeling of awe, inspiration, and wonder?
There was a time when science did the same
thing, simultaneously sparking our curiosity,
our passion, and our intellect. Unfortunately,
wonder has fallen by the wayside even as
our future depends on inspiring people of
all ages to engage with science and technology, to be part of the conversation. Now is the
time to cultivate our curiosity and explore the
high weirdness at the intersection of science,
technology, art, and magic. David Pescovitz,
co-editor of Boing Boing and a research director at Institute for the Future, will take us on
a tour of the future that will astonish, amaze,
and provoke you. From invisibility cloaks to
psychokinesis, nanoscale artworks to “impossible” sculptures, we’ll hear what artists and
scientists have to say about the magic, myths,
and realities that will shape tomorrow.
Sh!t Gets Real: A Conversation
with Frustrated Artists
(PG-13) A bunch of artists sit around and
complain for an hour. Cursing will be tallied
and encouraged.
Shake-and-Bake Maker Panel:
Is the Cog Dead? Or Is It King?
This is an informative, moderated discussion
on prop-making with the Steam-Funk Studios
and potential guest panelists discussing tips,
tricks, techniques, and citing specific props
as visual aids. This will then be followed by a
Q&A session by the audience. This panel will
also showcase the assembled Makers’ work,
demonstrating refined and advanced costuming for both high and low budgets.
Should I Care About Social Media?
Can you be a successful indie artist without
being heavily involved with social media?
If not you, who else will do it for you? If you
Squids are sad because they can’t be butt buddies they have no butts
aren’t sure what you should do, or how to do
it, come learn the basics of how to get started
getting the word out about your work.
toonist, to collector, to museum founder! The
presentation will include a brief overview and
history of the ToonSeum as well.
Sluggy Freelance: The Panel
There Is a Line: Handling Potentially
Offensive Topics in Webcomics
Pete Abram’s comic, Sluggy Freelance, is one
of the longest running online comics, so there
are plenty of questions you can ask about it...
except what the name “Sluggy Freelance” refers to. Don’’t ask about that.
So, How’d We Do?
This panel is the last panel of the con. Come
give Harknell, Oni, and the rest of the Intervention team your feedback on the event. We
encourage you to make suggestions for next
year as well.
Story Arcs
What is a story arc? How are they created?
How are they maintained? How do you keep
your audience involved in the story arc?
When are good times to create and employ
story arcs? Where are good places to apply
story arcs? Come join your host as this important constructions of fiction are discussed
along with much more on this subject. Bring
your questions, comments, and answers.
The Art and Music Studio
Intervention presents the Art Studio and Music Studio, a room open 24 hours a day that
encourages attendees, guests, and staff to
contribute artwork or statements on the dry
erase walls of the room. At the end of the con,
the results will be imaged and placed online.
The room is also available for spontaneous
musical performances.
The Time for Indie Film Is Now!
Do you want to make a film? Do it now! The
time has never been better for to get involved
with film production. It won’t be easy of
course, but our panelists will give you some
info on how you can get started in a professional (and hopefully) profitable way.
The ToonSeum: Creating A Museum
Celebrating Your Passion!
Joe Wos, executive director and founder of the
ToonSeum shares the story behind the ToonSeum, Pittsburgh’s Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art. He will share his journey from car-
I just punched spidermans in his butt by accident
Since webcomic creators only answer to
themselves and their audience, how do they
decide how far to go with humor, language,
violence, sex, and other situations? Does a
creator have a greater responsibility to police
themselves or does literally anything go?
Thomas Willeford: Master Craftsman
and Costumer – Ask Me Anything
Thomas Willeford’s work has been seen on TV,
movies, and published works. Come ask the
master craftsman the whys and hows of his
extensive steampunk inspired art.
TREKOFF LIVE: A Foulmouthed
Star Trek Comedy Podcast
(18+) TREKOFF is a NSFW Trek-related comedy podcast which has been recording for
many years (subscribe on iTunes or go to www., has over 80 episodes, and
has very recently joined the TREKRADIO family.
Featuring filmmaker Justin Timpane (Ninjas Vs)
and actress Alexia Poe, this naughty, raucous
Trek podcast has been performing live all over
the DMV since their debut at Intervention.
Volunteers: Why Do We
Keep Doing This To Ourselves?
Volunteers are the lifeblood of conventions:
without them, they just don’t run! But why
should you (yes, YOU) volunteer? What’s in it
for you? Grayhawk leads a panel of unconventional conventionists who have many years in
the con trenches and who hope to convince
you to follow in their footsteps by telling you
why they have volunteered.
We Are The Intervention
and (Re)Generation
Come talk to Onezumi and Harknell, founders and Co-Con Chairs of Intervention and
(Re)Generation Who, about the events, their
comic work, their theme park and haunted attraction adventures, or any other stupid and
insane stuff you can think of. They are (almost)
guaranteed to stay in one place during the duration of this panel.
Webcomics 101:
Creativity, Art, and Writing
You’re looking at a blank screen or a blank
piece of paper and you just keep looking!
Let our panelists help you figure out how
to get started, how to keep going, and how
not to paint yourself into an artistic corner.
Let’s talk formatting and how to best communicate your vision to your artist. Alternately, if you’re an artist, how can you take
advantage of the written word to make your
story better?
Website Hosting for Art and Comics
This panel will walk you through the various
options for hosting your comic or art online. It
will cover free hosting options and paid hosting as well as the major comic and art hosting
systems you can install on your own.
Where Do You Get
Your Awesome Ideas?
Join our panelists for a discussion of where
ideas come from: for example, how to be funny
when maybe you aren’t feeling funny or how to
come up with new ideas for creative projects.
WordPress 101
WordPress is the fastest growing online content management system and can be adapted
for use for comics, blogging, podcasting, video, and nearly infinite other uses. Come learn
the basics on its set-up and usage from our
panel of experts.
Workshop: The ABCs of Creating a
Web Series/Shotgun Mythos Showing
The creator of Shotgun Mythos presents a
workshop on the ins and outs of creating a
web series. We’ll open with the first couple of
episodes of Shotgun Mythos so you can see
a finished product, then move right into the
workshop presentation. After the workshop,
you’re invited to stay for a special screening
of the movie of the second season of Shotgun
Mythos (Movie rating: R). Clint will stick around
for the movie.
Workshop: Creative Coding:
Doing Cool Stuff with Code
See a quick 10 minute demo of cool projects
you can do with open source code and/or
hardware; then watch a longer step-by-step
making of a nifty little sketch in Processing.
See an Intervention Robo Owl being made
and other things with shiny lights and responsive controls!
Workshop: Event Runners AMA
We are the people who set up Intervention
and other events; come to this workshop to
ask us anything about the process — from
business, programming, guest relations, operations, to anything in-between.
Workshop: Everyone Needs Help
Sometimes – Webcomic and Art
Portfolio Reviews
Do you have an idea for a comic or want to
get some feedback on your work? This is the
place for you. During this open workshop, our
artists will gladly chime in with feedback on
your work or ideas and give you tips to get going to the next level.
Workshop: Getting Started
in Music Production
This workshop is your opportunity to talk to other musicians to help refine your pieces. Get feedback or just bounce some riffs off our musicians
to help you get to the next step in your work.
Workshop: Writing Workshop
This workshop is your opportunity to talk to other authors to help refine your written work. Get
feedback or just bounce ideas off our authors to
help you get to the next step in your work.
World Building 101
A pivotal part to any great story is the world in
which it takes place in, be it the past, present,
future, or even an alternate universe! If you are
new to story creation, or are just looking to get a
different perspective, stop on by as we discuss
the basics of creating and presenting a new, fascinating setting for your comic or game.
Writing and Creating
Three-Dimensional Characters
When writing an adventure or a story, having
characters that the readers can get into is half
the battle. If the readers or players become
intrigued by the characters, then the rest of
the story will fall into place. Join our panelists
as they discuss creating vibrant and dynamic
characters that will grip your audience.
In communist octopi. Octopi has you?
Aroc Gaming
My name is Liz, and I’m
a geek, a gamer, and a
stay-at-home mom to
a tiny geek-in-training.
I started making gaming accessories when I
couldn’t find certain items that I wanted for
my own gaming.
Ryan H. Peraro is an
IT professional, but
would rather create.
Whether it be short
films with his best
friends, writing spec
scripts, more graphic
novels, or collaborating with other likeminded individuals in any way, shape, or form.
Ryan hopes you read Bartez and that it makes
you smile even just a little bit. It would make
his day/week/year/decade/century/infinity.
Big Bear
Purveyors of wonderful things! Maker
friendly components,
and many curiosities!
Come see our handmade jewelry and soaps!
John Bintz
John is a cartoonist,
computer programmer, board game fanatic, and game designer from Baltimore,
MD. When he’s not
writing sweet Internet
codes, he’s working on
his long-form random
word webcomic, Dawn’s Dictionary Drama, or
on one of his other webcomic projects. He
also has several board and card game ideas
in the works.
Bittersweet Candy Bowl
Vera has been drawing comics since she
was a child. Inspired
by cartoons and TV
drama, the idea of
a comic about angsty cats in love was
probably inevitable!
Together with her partner Oliver she has published comics online since 2006.
Following a group of cats and dogs through
high school, Bittersweet Candy Bowl is filled
with a mixture of comedy and romantic drama. Packed with casual flings, happy couples,
and the occasional awkward date, it may just
be the most comprehensive story about teenage cats and dogs ever told!
The Body Drawn
Pauline is a physical
therapist, massage
therapist, teacher,
anatomy nerd. She
started The Body
Drawn as a way to
help people learn
and teach anatomy
and physiology in a
fun, approachable way.
She currently illustrates and sells anatomy
posters and stickers that are bright and inviting, perfect for anyone (even non-scientists)
to learn anatomy!
The reason giraffe declared war on pants was the theological construct behind it all being offensive to giraffes mans
K.S. Brenowitz
K.S Brenowitz has
been drawing since
she figured out which
end of the crayon
went on the paper
- evolving into the
complex pen and ink,
watercolor, and digital
work she does today.
Constructing her own stories and comics, and
illustrating the ideas of others, this artist is a
bit of a perpetual motion machine. She has a
horror webcomic, Delivery, currently updating
on Fridays.
Website: http://www.puzzlinghappenstance.
Betsy Brock
Betsy is a cartoonist,
writer, and one half of
the team behind Pink
Pineapple Ink (http://
com/). She is the creator of the webcomic
FRUIT! (http://www. It has
been going since 2011, and it is about fruit…
as you might expect.
She is also the creator of the new webcomic
Hotel Mungo (, which
is about a group of people that work in a
quirky hotel and all the odd things that happen there. When she is not drawing or writing,
Betsy loves playing video games and watching scary movies. She lives in Nashville, TN
with her husband Johnathon and their two
ridiculous dogs — Harvey and Garrus.
Castwave Studios
In 2011, a bunch of
nerds came together
and had the idea to
combine efforts and
bring shows together
and create something.
A studio where local podcasters could pool
their resources and create more than just audio content. They made audio, video, photography, music, comedy and art. These were all
things that are now being created by a collective of like-minded individuals. It’s Castwave
Studios: entertainment for nerds, by nerds.
Cavegirl Productions
Cavegirl Productions
is a DC-area independent film, tv and internet media production
company. They coproduced the awardwinning fantasy web
series, The Broken
Continent (, and have produced
several award-winning short films. They are
now screening their first feature, Of Dice and
Men (, at cons and festivals
around the country.
Chain and Fancy
Chain and Fancy
provides unique, attractive, and durable
jewelry and sculpture.
We strive for excellence and beauty in
all that we make, and
all of our pieces can
be used or worn in a
variety of ways.
Checkred Ink
Cross’ Critters
Dana is a Jersey girl
who loves her morning coffee. She works
full time in HR, but
when she’s not working, she likes to doodle and draw comics.
She is best known for
her romantic comedy
webcomic On the Bright Side.
My idea of a perfect day is being able to put my head under my husband’s shirt then pass gas freely like a parakeet
Website: http://onthebrightside.smackjeeves.
Kayla Davis
Kayla Davis is a 2004
graduate from the Atlanta College of Art,
now SCAD in Atlanta.
She has a BFA in computer animation with
a concentration in 2D
animation. She has
been running an autobiographical web comic, Casually Kayla, about
her life, being married, and being awkward,
since 2009 ( She
is now currently writing and illustrating her
long form comic, Carbon; a story about a princess who wants to be anything but a princess
A Fox and Wolf
We create fandomthemed
tarts (wax melts), and
soaps made just for
you form all natural,
biodegradable products. All of our waxes,
soaps, wicks, and
packaging are produced through safe and sustainable forestry
practices here in the US.
Geeks Next Door
The Gneech
Grunge Muffin Designs
Dead Bat Designs
Grunge Muffin Designs is a business based
out of Perryville, Maryland. The company led
by Meredith Keating, a graphic designer that
has a plethora of work ranging in marketing
advertisement as well as her own commission
work. She has participated and completed
many galleries around the DelMarVa area in
the past couple of years, showcasing her style
of work through several mediums.
D’Vyne Wrytes
Em2a Studios /
Emma Lysyk is
the artist behind
com): a webcomic
of art & life and
( w w w. e m 2 a s t u, an Arizona-based graphic arts & creation studio
specializing in laser engraving and vinyl decals. She makes a variety of miscellaneous
geekery items, and is available for commission and prototyping.
She lives in Phoenix, AZ with her husband and
rescued menagerie of the feline, canine, and
fishy varieties. When not combining analog
and digital tools to make graphic design magic, she enjoys playing ancient video games
and reading by firelight.
With Grunge Muffin Designs, Meredith has
now presented the opportunity to take what
fans love about their favorite shows and
morph them into great pieces of graphic design work. She will be bringing her style of
graphics along with a mix of pop culture to
spice up the vending spotlight.
Stuart Jaffe
Stuart Jaffe is the author
of The Max Porter Paranormal-Mysteries, The Malja
Chronicles, a post-apocalyptic fantasy series, The
Bluesman pulp series, the
Gillian Boone series, and
much more. His short stories have been collected
in 10 Bits of My Brain and 10 More Bits of My
The problem with America today is that too many people don’t listen to good metal.
Brain. Numerous other short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies. He is the
co-host of The Eclectic Review -- a podcast about
science, art, and well, everything.
For those who keep count, the latest animal listing is as follows: one dog, four cats, one albino
corn snake, one Brazilian black tarantula, three
aquatic turtles, assorted fish, four chickens, and
a horse. Thankfully, the chickens and the horse
do not live inside the house.
Chris Judge
I am a reader of dusty
old tomes and a practitioner of strange ritual. I’ve been practicing yoga for 22 years
under a variety of
teachers and Qi-Gong
and Tai-Chi for 12
years. I started drawing comics after the completion of a year long
austerity, got up from a deep state and it just
started coming out of me, and I don’t think I
can stop it.
Lucky Squid Studios
Lucky Squid Studios
is a creative three
member team based
in central Connecticut. Since 2009,
we’ve been makin’
cool stuff and traveling across the country
to promote it.
Madeline Lime (Love Comet)
Magical Tea Time
Art and accessories
for the cute n’ creepy.
Kawaii, lolita, gothic,
and geek inspired.
Basically, I’m a weirdo
who makes pretty
Lil’ UFO!
Megami Studios
LostGamers Studio
Metal Lynx Creations
LostGamers Studio was birthed when some
crazy folks decided to stalk these other crazy
people. Then some magic happened, and
awesome things were
born! Our webcomic,
LostGamers, takes a
humorous look at the
post-college demographic of otaku and
gamers with a slice of
in-game shenanigans
that comes with all
Y’know, the ones where the guys are girls, and
the girls are insane.
Oh yeah, we also make some cool, geeky
things like costumes, buttons, and jewelry (including ones made from upcycled PC parts overclock your keychains!).
Model Citizen Press
Founded in 2013 by
craftsman and graphic
designer James Quigley, Model Citizen
Press produces handmade greeting cards,
printed on a vintage
1940s letterpress with
love and painstaking
attention to detail. Cool and quirky, often geeky,
sometimes poignant, and even occasionally
subversive, Model Citizen Press cards offer
something for just about everyone and every
occasion—and they feel as good as they look.
Come by, meet James and the Zombie Sock
Monkey, and see why a handcrafted card is a
fantastic way to show someone how much you
care. Or how much you want to eat their brain.
Monica “MonMon” H.
Monica or “MonMon”
resides in Northern
VA, she secretly wishes she was a mermaid,
and works as a graphic
designer and illustrator by day and a webcomic artist by night.
She is the artist and
creator behind Ocean Tides, a ghostly romance
drama, and Push Pin Comics, a collection of
short stories between 8-10 pages.
Pixel Visions
We feature 3d Perler
bead and sculpture
work to fulfill all your
needs. Got a game,
anime or other pop culture fandom you love?
Let us build a little piece of that world for you
to take home!
Star Cross’d Destiny | Absinthe Junk
Star Cross’d Destiny is a
Cajun-spiced elemental epic featuring explosions, witty banter, and
hi-octane action. Winning awards for Outstanding Drama and
Best Designed Comics
of the Decade, the series released its second volume this summer.
Hailed as the antidote to the sterile world of
matching loafers, pressed collared shirts and
auto-tuned safety, Absinthe Junk weaves between sweeping orchestral arcs towards the
beacon of gritty, face-melting rock. The progressive rock stylists released their apocalyptic dance party of a sophomore album, Death
in the Afternoon, in April of 2013.
Studio-Aegis is a developing
independent comic studio that
focuses on original
fantasy/horror stories
and illustrations.
Website: http://www.
Sophia Kelly Shultz
1960s suburbia. It was
the best of times, it
was the worst of times.
The ridiculous ideals of
the 1950s would soon
be but a fuzzy white
picket fenced memory;
on the horizon were
missions to the moon,
analog computers, and cars that ran on unleaded fuel. Into this panacea was born a girl with
the unlikely name of Sophia Kelly (because
nice Irish girls should have Greek names), the
daughter of a man who could paint gilded letters on the insides of shop windows, backwards
and without a ruler, and a woman who taught
her a love of books and letters.
Sophia started her business, Fantasy Portraits,
while a junior at the University of Pennsylvania. Over the years she has been published a
number of times, including in the nationally
distributed We’Moon on the Wall calendar. She
lives with her husband, daughter, two Springer
Spaniels (one with a fannish name) and two
cats (one with a fannish name), but spends
much of her summers at Four Quarters Interfaith Sanctuary ( where she is an
active Board member. She is currently working
on the proposal and artwork for her next book.
Tangent Artists
Long ago… a team of talented professional
writers and artists tried to invent a machine
that would translate imagination into vivid
brightly animated images on a TV screen. Having no knowledge of neurophysics, complex
machinery or even simple fractions, this plan
was sadly abandoned in. Instead the company
endeavored to provide high-quality web comics to the world once a week, and this goal was
met with far greater success. Thus was the creation of three comic series: The macabre comedy, Skeleton Crew, the celebration of nerd
life, Donuts for Looking, and the swords & sorcery & sarcasm series, CRIT!
Monica Marier : Does
script pencils, ink, and
color for both Donuts
for Looking and Skeleton Crew. She also
does script and pencils for CRIT. She’s a
published fantasy author with Hunt Press.
David Joria: Does script for Skeleton Crew, Donuts for Looking, and CRIT.
Rachael Hixon: Does story, ink, and color for
CRIT. She also is in charge of in-house printing
for Tangent Artists comics and books.
You can view new comics every week at the Tangent Artists site.
Team Kultzow
Chris Kultzow is an admitted maniac who
needed to find a way to cross-promote the
half-dozen different creative endeavors he
embarks on when not doing web development, and threw together a conceptual family
brand to house it all.
Laura Kultzow keeps
her husband from
doing anything terminally stupid.
Tico Illustrations
ThunderKid Manga
White Tree Chainmail
Making geeky items out
of chainmail. Known for
Jayne hats made of durable chainmail. Also maker
of 8 & 16 bit artwork inlays
in chainmail wall scrolls.
Rockville, one of the largest
cities in Maryland, will host
Intervention. Considered by
many to be the technological
center of the region, Rockville
also has a rich cultural history
dating back to the 1700s. If
this is your first time to the
area, here’s a handy guide to
area restaurants, shopping,
and attractions to help you
feel a little more at home.
Rolls ‘n Rice
1584 Rockville Pike
Lots of fried food, girls in
matching orange pants
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
You can’t throw a stone
without hitting a restaurant
in Rockville, but we’ve taken
the liberty of picking out
some of the better food options within walking distance
of Intervention.
Twinbrook Grille
Hilton downstairs
Breakfast buffet, lunch and
dinner. General US restaurant
Distance from convention
hotel: zero singularity: they
do room service, too!
Riff’s Lounge
Hilton lobby
Dinner only. General
US restaurant light food
(sandwiches and the like).
Distance from convention
hotel: Just roll out of bed and
into the elevator.
1761 Rockville Pike
Smoothies and other
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.1 miles
1701 Rockville Pike
Sushi and rice bowls.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.1 miles
Maria’s Bakery & Cafe
1701 Rockville Pike
A Hong Kong-style cafe that
also has a bakery with a wide
selection of sweets.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Kenny’s Sub Shop
130 Rollins Avenue
Some of the best Chinese
food in the area at good prices.
Apparently they also have
subs, but we couldn’t tell you
much about those.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Ruby Tuesday’s
12266 Rockville Pike
Your typical family restaurant.
Often runs specials for
multiple courses and people.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Whole Foods Market
1649 Rockville Pike
Not a restaurant. It’s a
grocery store with natural
and organic foods.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Pizza CS
1596-B Rockville Pike
Personal gourmet pizzas, not a
part of the Creative Suite.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
sparms and bacon and eggs and sparms
Mosaic Cuisine
and Cafe
186 Halpine Road
Waffles and sandwiches by
day, steaks and seafood dishes
by night.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
1592 Rockville Pike
Decent burgers, made to order.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.2 miles
Taverna Cafe
1605 Rockville Pike
Perfect for those times when
you wake up in the morning
and say “I need Lebanese food
today or I’m gonna be pissed.”
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Chicago Pizzeria
190 Halpine Road
Nice assortment of pizzas and
Italian food. Lunch and dinner
buffets under $10.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Baja Fresh
Mexican Grill
1607 Rockville Pike
A slightly tastier and healthier
option than most of those
other burrito joints.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Noodles & Co
1609 Rockville Pike
Noodle dishes from around the
globe. You know a place must
be hardcore about noodles
when its URL is
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
Trader Joe’s
Joe’s Noodle House
Silver Diner
Taco Bell
Hinode Restaurant
12268-H Rockville Pike
Good for munchies and
heat-and-eat meals.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
1617 Rockville Pike
Now you can eat ice cream for
every meal!
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.3 miles
134 Congressional Lane
Japanese food with extensive
menu. Lots of sushi options.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Chicken Out
1560 Rockville Pike
Chicken? No, I mean, do you
like chicken? They got it!
Gluten-free menus available!
Distance from convention hotel: 0.4 miles
Mi Rancho Restaurant
1488 Rockville Pike
Tex-Mex, sombrero and
trumpet atmosphere, annoying
flash menu
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Yekta Kabobi
1488 Rockville Pike
Cheap Persian food (the
culture, not the rug/cat)
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
1621 Rockville Pike
The addictive coffee that
made Seattle hip.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
Mykonos Grill
121 Congressional Lane
Is Greek. You like-a the juice?
Juice is good? Don’t fight over
the lamb brain.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
1488 Rockville Pike
Chinese cuisine. Vegetarian
menu available.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.4 miles
1402 Rockville Pike
Cheap corporate subs/hoagies/
grinders, made to order.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.5 miles
1390 Rockville Pike
Clown-themed, avant-garde
fast food. Love it ironically
only. The cheapness will
consume you.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.6 miles
Sadaf Halal
1327 Rockville Pike
Middle Eastern food.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.6 miles
Ledo Pizza
1319 – H Rockville Pike
Square shaped pizza? Are
we living in Bizarro world?
Medium pricey, but good pizza.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
A & J Restaurant
1319 Rockville Pike
Chinese food. Northern
Chinese dim sum (bread style).
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
India Garden
1321 Rockville Pike
Fast and authentic Indian,
Bangladeshi, & Pakistani dishes
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
Bakery Outlet
1327 Rockville Pike
Yeah, screw that diet. Om
nom nom. Come early, though
(9 AM): discounted bakery
numminess is random and
runs out quick.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
12276 Rockville Pike
Standard diner fare and faux50s chrome.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.8 miles
1100 Rockville Pike
How many ways can we make
food from just 5-7 ingredients?
Cheapest food you can get
that is still technically edible.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.9 miles
Temari Cafe
1043 Rockville Pike
Best damn Japanese food
nearby that makes you realize
they export more than sushi
and Hello Kitty.
Distance from convention
hotel: 0.9 miles
Kielbasa Factory, Inc.
1073 Rockville Pike
Polish & European Deli
and Grocery
Distance from convention
hotel: 1.0 miles
Chipotle Mexican Grill
11830 Rockville Pike
Like a Hispanic TGI Fridays, but
they will deny it!
Distance from convention
hotel: 1.0 miles
Just in case you need them,
Rockville has several stores
offering supplies and services
you may need on your trip.
Even if you don’t need to hit
the stores while you’re here,
you may still want to consider a
short pilgrimage to the nearby
Micro Center electronics superstore if you’re not fortunate
enough to have one near you.
Micro Center
1776 E. Jefferson #203
FedEx Office
1750 Rockville Pike
US Post Office
143 Rollins Ave
1580 Rockville Pike
Today was the worst day of pervs ever. And not the good kind. Sry 0 ppl want to hear a stranger is whacking it to them.
Co-con Chairs
Onezumi Hartstein and James Harknell
Artists Alley/
Vendors Room
Kathryn Marino
Hotel Liaison
Colette H. Fozard
Sarah Rempe
Merch Table
Kathryn Marino
Kimu Theodore
Board Gaming
Chuck Fozard
Info Booth
Christopher Larson
Grig Larson
Paul DiGennaro
Corinne Simmers
Eric Hardenbrook
Wesley Mason
Raymond Liedtke
Dave Ghoul
General Staff
Jefferson Eng
Jon Curley
Green Room
Tylar Umeno
Guest Relations
Ian Webb
Suzyn Smith Webb
P.J. Simmers
Ben Walker
Leonard Bass
Greg Benge
Susie Reed
Jacqueline Bryk
Elizabeth Wilford
Dave Christoph
Jocelyn Fulljames
Steve Tasker
Alex Herma
Sarah Zeiter
Aisling Carvel
Ed Jones
Beth Kee
Morgan Kee
Tony Montuori
Gil Cnaan
Allie Schneider
Miles Walsh
Michael Fenn
Jennifer Logue
Junior Berry
Louis Pirozzoli
Miranda Major
Janice Hofer
Rodger Burns
Chris Impink
Barb Fischer
Tiffanny Walsh
Mellissa Braus
Greg Eatroff
Maureen Flanagan
Earl Gatchalian
Patrick Perry
Corey Sutton
Isaiah Beard
Chuck Fozard
Terry Berendt
Video Gaming
Wesley Mason
Sarah Thompsen
Peter Thompsen
Becky Myott
Andrew Roszak
We would like to thank the following people for their generous
donations to Intervention. Your help enabled us to have this event.
David Sullivan
Phil Gorski
Tony Montuori
Kerwin Chan
Aaron Teplitsky
Patrick Perry
Jason Boggs
Damocles Thread
I mean seriously this is ridiculous. Dudes’ nuts don’t hurt. Unfair! WHY MUST MY NUTS HURT? Answer: POWER BUNNIES
Oni and Harknell Would Like To Thank:
Every member of the Intervention staff for backing us.
Pete Abrams and Mark Frauenfelder for amplifying the message.
Nicole Dieker for going above and beyond to help us get the word out.
MAGFest: Your arcade cabinets kick ass.
DerpyCon: Thank you for helping with radios
Our guests for contributing to our positive community.
Brunetto T-Shirts: You really should be getting your shirts made by him
Every one of our attendees - we do this for you.
Our volunteers
All of our enablers and sponsors of every level
Chris / Doktor242: 5 years, Can you believe it? Miss you, man.
Oni Would Like to Thank:
Harknell is a Shit.
Harknell Would Like to Thank: •
Oni - 5 years doing this, 15 years of us, and it’s just the start,
on to all new challenges with my boo.
Publications Would Like to Thank: •
We are Groot.

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