ICA Newsletter for Members - International Colored Gemstone


ICA Newsletter for Members - International Colored Gemstone
ICA Newsletter for Members
Issue 1
Home Page
Greeting from Hong Kong!
About ICA
InColor Magazine
ICA is in full swing with new head office operating in the world city Hong Kong. For a
better internal communication, we take the initiative and start this brand new
Newsletter for ICA Members which includes scope of the latest BOD meeting, action
plans and up-to-date information for you to better understand ICA’s activities in the
Inside this Issue
Special Edition: ICA 2013 Congress and Changsha Gem Show preparation
 Briefing on ICA 2013 Congress
 Meeting with Changsha City Custom and Tax Department
 Meeting with logistics and custom clearance companies in China
 sales information Changsha Gem Show
Highlights from the June Board of Director Meeting
 International Gemstone Culture and Creative Industrial Park
 Summary from the Committee Report
ICA Activities Roundup
 ICA ‘s visit to Jaipur along with Changsha congress delegations
 ICA attends Hong Kong Jewelry and Gems Chamber of Commerce Meeting
 ICA Bangkok Show and Reception
Upcoming Workshop and Conference
Warmest welcome to our new members
RE: ICA 2013 Congress and Changsha Gem Show
 ICA 2013 Congress
Our president, Wilson Yuen, would like to invite our members’ kindest attention. The
2013 Congress is not only a platform for members and guests gather to discuss
topics on colored gemstone. The long
term vision is building up ICA’s strong
involvement in the colored gemstone
market in China.
The 2013 Congress will take place from
May 14 to 16, followed up with a
Mineral Specimen and Gemstone
shows from May 16 to 20. There will
be 1200 booths in the show: 600 for
mineral specimen, 450 for gemstone
and fine jewelry, and 150 (ICA pavilion)
for colored gemstone.
Regarding the income of these 150
booths, 20% will go to ICA A/C, balance
80% will put in the colored gemstone
promoting fund in the Greater China
area including Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.
Sales of ICA pavilion in charge by Wilson already started. 10 booths met firm
Sales Information from Changsha on September 5: 40% of the specimen sector
already sold; other 30% with commitment. They are confident to sell the balance
during the coming Munich show in October. Then they will work full time on 450
booths in the gemstone and jewelry sector. ICA is requested to return unsold booth
on December 31, 2012.
In the same period of 2013 congress and exhibitions, the 2013 congress of
professional committee of Land and Resources Museum under China Association of
National Science Museum (CANSM) will take place too. The eighty members, each of
them has 5 to 10 million US dollars budget, will be the buyers of mineral specimen,
gemstone specimen and cut stones. Therefore, Wilson would like to encourage our
members to participate the 2013 Congress and the exhibition.
Changsha Gem Show:
Meeting with Changsha City Custom and Tax Department on July 26
Here are the replies from the Custom Department:
1. Custom will deal with the “multi-port-of-entry, custom clearance at host place”
issue. They will work through their interest coordinators.
2. With regard to the bonded supervision issue, Customs will send personnel for
on-site supervision during the show.
- For display items that are not involved in sales,
 no import tariff imposed
- For display items that are involved in sales,
 relevant formalities and tariff can be imposed after sales;
 could also apply the ATA Carnet if acquiring (1) support from the
China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and (2) the
guarantee note signed by the organizing committee.
3. The preferential policies concerning tax exemptions and reductions will be in
force since they were widely conducted by such shows in the country. Given that
the Mineral and Gem Show is a grand fest for culture exchange, more
preferential policies may be in need. The organizing committee will have to
submit the proposal to the related national ministries or commissions through
Changsha customs and the provincial governments for approval. In such cases,
Changsha customs will play an active role in assisting the committee throughout
the process.
4. A formal meeting will be conducted after a letter in the name of CMGS
organizing committee was sent to Changsha Customs addressing the exact
details of the mentioned affairs. Changsha Customs will inform the committee in
written form on the concrete handling procedure in customs clearance details
and the interrelated flow.
5. Changsha National Economic & Technical Development Zone Integrated Bonded
Regions is still in the declaring process as of now. Upon request, companies in
the International Gemstone Culture and Creative Industrial Park can apply for the
bonded warehouse.
Changsha Gem Show:
Meetings with logistics and custom clearance companies in China
Wilson is directly working with the show organizers including G4S, Baltran and San
Art (logistics and custom clearance companies in China) on two import/export
(1) For ICA members exhibiting at 2013 Shanghai May Show and Changsha Show,
they may arrange to have goods enter at Shanghai Port; transfer to Changsha
after Shanghai shows; then export from Changsha
(2) For ICA members only exhibiting at Changsha Show, they may import and export
at Changsha.
Meeting between Wilson and G4S took place on August 28. G4S visited Changsha on
September 3 exchanging opinions with the Changsha show organizers.
The first meeting between G4S, Baltran, San Arts and Wilson will take place on
September 11 at Beijing.
RE: ICA Board of Directors Meeting
The last ICA Board of Directors Meeting was held in Hong Kong on June 19, 2012. 15
members from the board attended the meeting. Here are some of the highlights.
 International Gemstone Culture and Creative Industrial Park
ICA has the intention to foster close ties with the international and Chinese
companies who is keen on develop the colored gemstone production and marketing
base in China, under the encouragement and support from governments of
Changsha city and Hunan province.
ICA and Changsha National Economic & Technical Development Zone present the
concept of an international operating center for colored gemstones and an all-in-one
International Gemstone Culture and Creative Industrial Park incorporating R&D,
appraisal, design, processing, trading and training.
It is our honor to have delegations from 15 companies attending our ceremony in
Changsha and 12 of them signed the letter of intention. Here is the list of our
supporters. ICA is grateful for their kindest support.
Attendance Company
Tanzania Ministry of Energy & Minerals
Benjamin Mchwampaka
Swarovski Gems
Jean-Michel ROUX
Gemfields (Zambia Emerald & Mozambique Ruby
Mine) England
Gabriella Endlin
Tanzanite One (Tanzanite Mine) South Africa
Gavin Pearce
Shenzhen Shuibei Jewelry Colored Gemstone Centre
Lu Li Qian (卢礼谦)
Palladium Alliance International
Anthony Zhan(戰士強)
The Gemological Association of Hong Kong
Christine Chu (朱倩儀)
Sino Resources Mining Corporation Limited
Richard Willis Hughes
China Colored Stone Website
Francis Cui(崔岳东)
Wild's Jewelry, Hong Kong*
Belmont Mine*
Instituto Brasileito De Gemas & Metais*
* The letter of intention was authorized to sign by Wilson Yuen on behalf of these
three delegations.
(Letter of Intention signed by (left to right) Mr. Derik Wang, General Manager of China
Mineral & Gem Exhibition Co., Ltd., Mr Wilson Yuen, President of ICA, and Mr. Li Keming,
Director of the Administrative Committee of Changsha National Economic & Technical
Development Zone.)
Highlight from the Committee Reports
Capt. Ramji Sharma, Trade Show
 ICA has the ambitions to explore new markets by
looking for new exhibition places in the growing
 Terms and conditions with show organizers are
also constantly reviewed for clear rules for the
best benefits of ICA and its members.
The Trade Show committee is reviewing
procedures and for the ICA pavilions and setting
guidelines financial terms for the qualified
Michael Haag, ICA Treasurer
(The ICA’s financial statements covering from January
1 to June 16, 2012 are available in details for
members on the website www.gemstone.org. Login
 A multi currencies bank account has been opened
in Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp such that
payment in HK$, US$ or RMB are available to all
 An amount of US$50,000 was wired to HK in
response to their fund application, yet the main
part of the expenses belongs to InColor whilst the
rest goes to general overhead expenses and
travelling expenses.
Michael Haag representing Muhamad Asraf Sultan,
 The amount of members in some western
countries like the United States and Europe
remains more or less the same while in countries
like the Greater China ,India and other Asian
countries, the number is growing rapidly.
ICA provides an important platform for business
exchange in the gemstone industry. What
attracts our members most is the highest
standard of recognition, the connection and
business opportunities as well as the related
services provided by the ICA membership
Jean Claude Michelou, Communication Committee
 ICA is dedicated to optimizing its
communication with the complementing
inter action of the website for the public,
newsletter to the members , an industry and
trade oriented newsletter and its magazine
Incolor. The functions of press release and
newsletter will be fully utilized.
Jean Claude Michelou, Ethical Mining and Trade
The United Nation Interregional Crime and
Justice Research Institute ( INICRI) is moving
in a project to involve governments for the
set up of declaration of origin of colored
gemstones in the form of a traceable
certificate issued at the export gates. The ICA
is monitoring the development of this
public-private initiative and ,as the
legitimate international representative of
this sector of the Industry, intends to join the
advisory BOD of this important ethical
project development as an inter- active
stakeholder among others.
Nobuyuki Horiuchi, Disclosure
 The court case in the United States regarding
andesine and 600 pieces of CVD synthetic
diamonds was brought into discussion.
Horiuchi encourages all members to use the
disclosure codes which were first delivered
to all members during the Rio Congress in
The next BOD meeting will be held in late October in Beijing, China
RE: ICA Activities Roundup
 ICA and Changsha congress delegation visit to Jaipur
Wilson Yuen, president of ICA; Li Keming, director of administrative committee of
Changsha National Economic & Technical Development Zone and Siu Kong, chairman
of the board of China Mineral & Gem Exhibition Co.,Ltd led a team of nine for a visit
at Jaipur, India from August 3 to 6. This event was at invitation of India Gem &
Jewelry Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) and Jaipur Jewellers’ Association (JA).
(Group Photo including ICA delegation and representatives from India Gem &
Jewelry Export Promotion Council, Jaipur Jewellers’ Association and Indian Institute
of Gem & Jewellery, Administrative Committee of Changsha National Economic &
Technical Development Zone; Chan Mineral & Gem Exhibition Co.,Ltd)
The team attended the grand opening ceremony at Jewellers Association Show at
Birla Auditorium, followed by visits at Jaipur Gem Processing Industrial Park, Jaipur
Jewelry Academy and Jaipur Jewelry Processing Bonded Zone. The two parties
exchanged ideas on technical issues on manhandle gem processing mechanical and
automatic gem processing mechanical.
The team also paid a visit to the famous Derewala Jewelry and Accessory Factory in
the Gem and Jewelry Bonded Zone to learn and observe the process of gem cutting,
grinding and shaping.
The aim of this visit was to learn from the success of Jaipur’s gem industry since
many gem processing and jewelry production are rooted in the area. The team
further consulted the formation, development and specialty of some of Indian gem
factories and associations. All these knowledge becomes the reference for the
project of International Gemstone Culture and Creative Industrial Park. Mr. Li
Keming welcomed and invited the Jaipur hosts to work together on the concept.
(Welcome at the main gate of Venue. From left to right: Mr. Vijay Kedia,
secretary-general of Jaipur Jewellers’ Association, Mr. Rakesh jain, ICA ambassador
to Hong Kong; Mr. Wilson Yuen, president of ICA, Ms. Xue Han, deputy general
manager of China Mineral & Gem Exhibition Co., Ltd; Mr Delip Godika and Mr.
Keming Li, director of administrative committee of Changsha National Economic &
Technical Development Zone)
Wilson, on behalf of ICA, warmly invited the members from GJEPC and JA to
participate in the 2013 Changsha Mineral and Gem Show. The two associations said
that they would consider joining the ICA pavilion and are interested in the concept of
International Gemstone Culture Park project.
 ICA attended board meeting to discuss topics on local development
ICA attended the Hong Kong Jewelry and Gems Chamber of Commerce meeting on
August 30, 2012. Participants are presidents or general managers of 12 active
associations including Hong Kong Jewellery & Jade Manufacturers Association,
Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong, etc. The meeting was set up to have an open
discussion among different association presidents to better serve each of our
(Wilson Yuen, president of ICA briefs on ICA big projects in the coming months
including leveraging the government with respect to the import & export issues;
Changsha Industrial Park project and the preparation for ICA 2013 Congress.)
The following topics are well discussed in the meeting
 Briefing on the Tahitian Pearl auction
“Generally speaking, the bid is 10% higher than the opening price. For the most
popular one, the bidding price is as much as 7.5 times,” said Ida Wong, general
manager of Tahitian Pearl Association Hong Kong.
 CVD identification and screening issue
Diamond Federation of Hong Kong, China Limited suggested (1) use close or
high-guaranteed suppliers with well transaction record; (2) make good use of the
assurance statement (please see the attachment)
 Booth Insurance
Aside from the product insurance, the exhibitors should also buy the third-party
liability which indicates that if someone suffers injury or damage in your booth,
there will be third party auto insurance cover for the injured.
 Hong Kong Customs
For parties who recently import or exports goods in/out Hong Kong, Hong Kong
authorized economic operator program offers the benefits of less customs
inspections and prioritized customs clearance. For more information, please visit
(Presidents and general managers from 12 Jewelry and Gem association in Hong
Kong attended the board meeting)
ICA BKK show and reception
(Snapshot of ICA pavilion in the 50th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair during September
13-17, 2012)
(Snapshot of ICA members participating in the 50th Bangkok Gems & Jewelry Fair)
(Snapshot of ICA cocktail reception on September 15, 2012. The ICA reception in the
50th BKK show was sponsored by Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders Association)
(Group photo at the ICA cocktail reception on September 15, 2012. Wilson Yuen
(fifth from left), president of International Colored Gemstone Association and Pornsit
Sriorathaikul (sixth from left), senior chairman of Thai Gem and Jewelry Traders
Association shake hands and share a light moment)
RE: Industry Activities and Workshop
Gemworld will be hosting World of Gems Conference from October 13-14, 2012 in
Rosemont(Chicago), Illinois. For more information, please visit
(Photo Courtesy of Gemworld)
GEM-A Conference 2012
The 2012 International Gemmological Conference will be held on 4 November 2012 at
Hotel Bloomsbury, London UK. More information could be found here
(Photo Courtesy of The Gemological Association of Great Britain)
The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand will be hosting the 3rd conference from
December 12-16, 2012. Wilson Yuen, president of ICA, will be one of the keynote
speakers at the event. For more information, please visit http://www.git2012.org/
(Photo Courtesy of The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand)
RE: Warmest Welcome to our New Members
Contact Person: Mohamed Nawshad Seyed Abuthahir
Company: Briliant Gems Colombo Pvt Ltd
Business Type: wholesaler
Address: #702, 7th Floor, No 181/1, W.A. Silva Mawath, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Phone: [94] 1123-66464
FAX: [94] 1123-66463
Email: brilliantgemscmb@gmail.com
Contact Person: Tan Sin Cheo
Company: Amee Philips SDN. BHD
Business Type: wholesaler, retailer, jewelry designer and manufacturer
Address: 109, Kelawei Road, George Town, Penang, Malaysia
Phone: [6012] 4844-007
FAX: [604] 2297-759
Email: amee@ameephilips.com, amee@streamyx.com
Website: www.ameephilips.com
Contact Person: Wang Haiyan
Company: Forever Love International Jewelry
Business Type: manufacturer
Address: 9 Huangxing Road, 5th, Shijiqing Jewelry Building, Changsha, China
Phone: [86] (731) 8976-1078
FAX: [86] (731) 8976-1070
Email: 1123507438@qq.com
Company: Martine Lavoie
Business Type: wholesaler
Address: 10170 Grande Allée, Apt #1, Montrea, QC, Canada, H3L 2M1
Phone: [1] (514) 592-1065
FAX: [1] (450) 622-3374
Email: ml2@videotron.ca
Contact Person: Lianhua Wu
Company: Shanghai Moni Jewelry Inc
Business Type: wholesaler
Address: 22 J No. 838 Zhangyang Rd., Pudong, Shanghai, China, 200122
Phone: [86] (21) 6875-3188
FAX: [86] (21) 6875-1181
Email: deltaw@sh163.net; export@shanghai-deltametal.com
ICA International Colored Gemstone Association
(852) 2365 9318
(852) 2365 9371
Email: ica@gemstone.org
Address: Unit No.11, 8 Floor, Heng Ngai Jewelry Centre,
No.4 Hok Yuen Street East, Hung Hom,
Kowloon, Hong Kong