COMMAND AND STAFF United States Volunteers—Joint Services Command May 2015 40th Anniversary of the End of the Vietnam War From the National Commander, LT General Allen A. Baumann THE DEATH OF A REPUBLIC On 30 April to be exact, we remember most sadly that Saigon, the National Capitol of the Republic of Viet Nam, was abandoned by the American People. Since we live in a democracy, since the US Armed Forces are Commanded by Civilian politicians, the Congress of the United States, the ‘Peoples’ Representatives, voted not to provide President Nixon’s requested funding to assist the People of the Republic of Viet Nam in the continuing War. Without those funds, the Republic of Viet Nam’s Armed Forces collapsed. Spare parts, bullets, tanks, Artillery pieces, helicopters, etc., once broken were abandoned in place. The economic and political wherewithal we had provided and upon which the Government of the Republic of Viet Nam had been dependent resulted in the Death of the Republic. It’s been 40 years! More incredulously, we broke the Treaty of Paris between the US and the people of South Viet Nam by failing to provide President Nixon’s requested funding. Many parts of the ‘Treaty’ were broken but primarily, we swore to and agreed we, the United States of America, would come to the immediate aide of the Government of the Republic of Viet Nam’s Armed Forces should the forces of the People’s Democratic government of North Viet Nam, the North Vietnamese Army, cross into the territory of the Republic of Viet Nam. They DID and we DIDN’T. It’s been 40 years! (Con’t from first page) I won’t dwell on what happened to our Allies most especially, the Republic of Viet Nam’s Officer Corps but I must point out those who didn’t escape immediately were treated to decades as Prisoners in the ‘double speak’ of the Enemy called Reeducation Camps. There were over 150 of these ‘education centers’ spread from Hanoi throughout North and South Viet Nam. Many of our US Volunteers are ‘graduates’ of those Re-education Camps. Many escaped having spent many years waiting the moment whereas others eventually were released after nearly 20 years. An example is one special US Volunteer who died recently, Major Lung. Upon the Fall of Saigon, he shot himself in the head out of love of his country. God had other plans for this PATRIOT and MAJ Lung did NOT die; he became a US Citizen and swore his allegiance to AMERICA! NATIONAL COMMAND Commanding General LTG Allen A. Baumann (USAVR) Deputy Commander (Logistics) MG Michael Harris (USAVR) Deputy Commander (Operations) MG Jan Small (USAVR) Chief of Staff, MG Mark Nguyen (USAVR) Command Sergeant Major CSM Ismael Aguilar (USAVR) J1 Manpower & Personnel Directorate LTC Lily Hoang All Source Information Center (ASIC) COL Jesse Gonzales (USAVR) J3 Operations and Training Directorate, MAJ Jackie Hornsby (USAVR) J4 Logistic Directorate LTC Sonny Wilcher (USAVR) J5 Strategic Plans and Policy Directorate RDML Tao Nguyen, (USNVR) J6 Chief Information Officer Lt Col Adelle McKinney J8 Fund, Field, and Equipment Deputy Chief of Staff, CWO3 (vis.CSM) Frank X Contreras III J-9 Public Affairs and Relations, Capt. Jackson Whitaker, USNVR Judge Advocate General (JAG) MAJ Daniel Hoffiz (USAVR) Chief of Chaplains CH (RDML) Michael McKinney (USAVR) Inspector General, COL Si Truong (USAVR) Medical Reserve Corps Commandant, MG John Mohler (USAVR) HQ Special Troops Commandant, COL Mung Tran (USAVR) REGIONAL COMMAND 4th Regional Commander, BG John Alles, (USAVR) 6th Regional Commander BG Freddie Harper (USAVR) 9th Regional Commander MG Alexander My (USAFVR) 10th Regional Commander BG Raymond Coffey (USAVR) When you have an opportunity to ‘sit with and speak with’ one of our Viet Nam War Warrior US Volunteers, ask him about his ‘time in hell.’ He will never proffer his ‘time in hell’ and may not even if asked. But as a fellow US Volunteer he instantly trusts you and may well engage you. It is worth the minutes spent. (Remember, our US Volunteers who fought for democracy in the Viet Nam War hail from Laos, Cambodia, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and the Montagnard Tribes of Viet Nam’s Central Highlands.) It’s been 40 years! All I can say is: Don’t worry about tomorrow. You did that yesterday! See you in Dallas, Texas, at the Commanders’ Conference 2015 (May 22, 23, 24, 2015). BOOTS ON GRAVES Allen A Baumann Allen A. Baumann Lt Gen, US Army Volunteer Reserve US Volunteers-Joint Services Command 2015 USV USV-JSC National Training Conference Hilton Garden Inn 2001 Valley View Lane Irving, TX 75061 PROGRAM Registration Command Officers Dinner hosted by General Officers (By Invitation Only) Friday, May 22 at 6:00 pm **************** (All USV-JSC Members) This conference will be held all day Saturday, May 23, 2015 and culminate in the Teddy Roosevelt Annual Awards Dinner. Conference Cost: $40.00 Paid Up Members Free Includes all training materials. Saturday Training Saturday, May 23 at 8:00 a.m. General Sessions Schools of Instruction Officers and NCO’s Chaplains and Medical Corps Final Military Honors Breakout Sessions Reserve your Hotel Room (Pay Directly) Hilton Garden Hotel: $85.00 King/2 Queens (972) 313-2800 This rate is available May 21-24, 2015 CWO3 Frank X. Contreras III Email: Teddy Roosevelt Annual Awards Dinner at 6:00 pm Serving Beef or Chicken (RSVP your choice) Reservations Non Members, Spouses, Guests I am coming and I am (How many?) bringing guests Name:______________________________________ Rank:___________________ Address:____________________________________ Phone:__________________ City, State, Zip:__________________________Email:_______________________ Payable by: [ ] Check made payable to USV-JSC [ ] Paypal Total Due: $40 x #____ Total Due $______ Please list the names of all attendees you are paying for on a separate sheet. Send Check or Money Order to: CWO3 Frank X. Contreras III. USNVR, USV-JSC 1499 Camino Sueno Hemet, CA 92545-5494 Meet the 9th Region Commander MG Alexander Peng My, USAFVR I became a refugee when Cambodia lost the civil war against the Khmer Rouge on April 17, 1975. Luckily, the United States Government sponsored me, my family members and my friends to come and live in the United States of America, on June 13, 1975. The United States of America is a land of opportunities. As long as we have the plans and put more effort to implement them, we will get for what we have planned for, infinite of reliable resources. After I have lived here for 40 years, I am honored and humbled to serve the United States Volunteer- Joint Services Command (USV-JSC) as part of my community commitment, networking, life-long-learning and intentional activity. Since November 1979 to November 1989, I have worked as counselor and vocational training center director at Jewish Vocational Center (in Chicago) and UCC Vocational Training Center (in Long Beach, CA), respectively. Currently, I am professor in human development and counselor at El Camino College-Compton Center, California, from November 1989 to present, and Commanding General, 9th Regional Command of the United States Volunteers-Joint Services Command (USV-JSC), from January 2012 to present. In addition to my BA in Automotive Technology Management, MA in Career Guidance and Vocational Counseling, Ph.D. in Vocational, Technical, Occupational Education and Human Resources Development, and a 4-year-post doctorate in Organizational Development & Leadership and Bilingual Education at the university, I have completed the following certificate-course program requirements. 1. Four Pilot Licenses, Cambodian and US Air Force (#1 Fighter Bomber Pilot Captain quoted by 1. Bill Peters, Air America Personnel, Udon Thani, Thailand, 2. US Embassy Staff in Cambodia and 3. Khmer Air Force Commanders and Fighter Pilots, 1975; with at least 1300 combat missions from November 1969 to April 17, 1975) 2. Certified Military Final Honors, AP3 (Authorized Provider Partnership Program), 2012 Strategic, Operational & Tactical Leadership: Organizational Development & Leadership (7-course program) Certified Leadership Long Beach Class 1990 (1- year program) [MG Alexander My holds many more credentials in education and teaching. He is a valuable member of the 9th Region and NHQ staff. He is also responsible for the securing of major grants for USVJSC] TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE USV-JSC, I KNOW EVERYONE IS WORKING HARD WITH THEIR OWN UNITS AND REG COMMANDS. IT TAKES PRIDE AND RESPONSIBILITY TO COMPLETE THE MISSION, BUT IT ALSO TAKES TRAINING ON A REGULAR BASIS. THE MISSION WON’T BE COMPLETE AND DONE WITH PRIDE AND UNDERSTANDING IF THERE IS NO TRAINING INVOLVED. SO, SENIOR NCO’S, THAT IS YOUR JOB: TRAIN, TRAIN, TRAIN. COMMANDERS, IT IS YOUR JOB THAT THE TRAINING IS DONE AND BY THE BOOK. THE CC15 IS ALMOST UPON US (MAY 22-24). SOME OF YOU WILL BE THERE AND SOME OF YOU WILL NOT BE THERE. IT WILL BE UP TO THE SENIOR NCO’S THAT DO GO, TO TAKE BACK TO YOUR UNITS THE TRAINING THAT YOU WILL GET IN TEXAS SO THE SAME MISSION IS DONE THE SAME WAY THROUGH OUT THE USV-JSC COMMAND. YOU CAN NO LONGER DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO DO AND HOWEVER YOU WANT TO DO IT. IT HAS TO BE DONE BY THE BOOK (FM 3-21.5) CORRECTIONS TO THE ARMY UNIFORMS ARE DONE USING THE MANUAL AR 670-1. THE CC15 IS THE TIME TO LEARN HOW TO DO THINGS THE US MILITARY WAY. I HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO VISIT ALL OF THE UNITS IN THE USV-JSC BUT AFTER THE CC15, THAT WILL BE MY GOAL: TO VISIT ALL THE COMMANDS AND SEE HOW THINGS ARE GOING AND IF THE TRAINING IS BEING DONE ACCORDING TO THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE USV-JSC AND MILITARY PROTOCOLS. THE JOB OF THE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR IS TO HELP YOU, NOT CHASTISE YOU. I AM HERE TO HELP ALL SENIOR NCO’S AND COMMANDERS BECAUSE AFTER ALL I AM THE NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR. MY DESIRE IS FOR ALL OF YOU TO EXCEL TO A POINT THAT OTHERS WILL SAY: “I WANT TO JOIN THAT GROUP AND DO WHAT THEY ARE DOING” REMEMBER, WHEN I AND MY ASSISTANTS TRAIN YOU, ALL WE ARE DOING IS TRAINING THE TRAINERS IN FULL MILITARY HONORS. WISHING ALL OF YOU THE BEST OF LUCK THE REST OF THE YEAR AND SEE YOU IN TEXAS NEXT MONTH FOR THE CC15. REMEMBER, OUR MOTTO IS: BOOTS ON GRAVES Ismael Aguilar NHQ, CSM USAVR USV-JSC United States Volunteers— Joint Services Command CHAPLAINS CORPS Chaplain (RDML) Michael McKinney USNVR, USV-JSC Chief of Chaplains Welcome to our two newest Chaplains from the 10th Region, CH (Col) Olen Crowe, USAFVR and from the 5th Region CH (CPT) Kenneth Farley, USAVR. The mission of the USVJSC Chaplain Corps is simply to have one Chaplain serving at every National Cemetery. Promise Christian University has been the school of choice preparing non-military clergy for volunteer work in USVJSC. Since 2008 we have graduated 40 chaplains with a majority of them volunteering to work as Chaplains or Chaplain Assistants with USVJSC. We are proud of our chaplains serving. Chaplains must have a Bachelor’s degree and recognition by their religious denomination or organization as an ordained minister. CHAPLAIN CORPS NATIONAL COMMAND It has been my privilege to mentor men and women in leadership to serve our veterans and the public exemplifying our motto: “Ready to Serve.” Our chaplains have volunteered hundreds of hours at our nation’s cemeteries. And we are very proud of the fact that one of our own, CH (Lt Col) Robert Harris, USAFVR was selected Chaplain of the Year for the Military Honors Detail at Riverside National Cemetery. Our chaplains are also called upon to do off site funerals as well! God bless you for excellence in all you do! For questions feel free to contact us at: Chaplains Training Offered by Promise Christian University Course #1—Intro to the Chaplaincy Course # 2—Pastoral Care Course # 3—Final Military Honors and Leadership All Chaplains must have a current CPR/First Aid Chief of Chaplains—CH (RDML) Michael McKinney, USNVR Deputy Chief of Chaplains — CH (COL) Albert Aguilar, USAVR G-1 Administrative Officer—LT Col Adelle McKinney, USAFVR Professional Development—CH (Lt Col) Robert Harris, USAFVR National Recruiting Officer—CH (Capt) Terry McCaffrey, USAFVR Recruiting and Retention—CH. (MAJ) Julio Mediana, USAVR Medical Corps Liaison — CH (MAJ) Rosalinda Mediana, USAVR Public Affairs — CH (MAJ) Sandra Lambert, USAVR Deputy Public Affairs —LT Javier Plascencia, USANVR USVJSC Chaplains University Additional Training CH201— All new Chaplains: AP3, DoD, Customs & Courtesies, CPR First Aid, Chaplains Directives (required for 04 promotion) CH301— Action Officers Training PTSD, CISM (required for 05 promotion) CH401—Leadership and Management, Strategic Planning (required for 06 promotion) About the United States Volunteers—Joint Services Command The USV-JSC is 415 members strong in 6 regions and growing! The USV-JSC is legally established as a United States Internal Revenue Registered 501(c )(19) tax-deductible non-profit veterans organization. The USV-JSC has met the strict requirements set forth by the Congress of the United States and enjoys the same legal status as a “Title 36” corporation, i.e., congressionally chartered non-profit corporation. The USV-JSC functions in accordance with 10 U.S. Code 1491– Section 1491, funeral honors, functions at funerals for veterans as amended by subsection (a) Public Law 106-65, Section 578 (a) (1) and Subsection (f) Public Law 106-65, Section 578 (d), 10 U.S. Code title 10; armed forces authority to accept certain voluntary services and Department of Defense instruction 1300.15, authorized provider partnership program (AP3) . The USV-JSC is a certified organization in the AP3. Please check the Directives for the correct Wearing of your Uniform. Uniforms may be purchased at: or Members must order new Name Tags from CWO3 Frank X. Contreras III $7 each/$14 for two. (Email: All USVJSC Insignia may be purchased through your Region or NHQ Special Offsite Funeral for Herman “Wes” Weskamp Member of SACO China April 14, 2015 CH (RDML) Michael McKinney And USVJSC Team Members conducted the final military honors. This memorial was done at the home in West Covina. CH (COL) Al Aguilar obtained permission from the city for the rifle detail to participate. At the same time CH Aguilar conducted honors for a Member of Col. R. Jones family at Riverside National Cemetery. Great Coordination—Thank you This is what USVJSC is all about!
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