July 2014 - The Nyadire Connection


July 2014 - The Nyadire Connection
V O L U M E 1 1 J U LY 2 0 1 4
The Nyadire Connection (TNC), based in Pittsburgh, PA, is a faith-based nonprofit volunteer organization that seeks to support and sustain the United
Methodist Mission in Nyadire, Zimbabwe.
The best way to know the latest news about Nyadire is to hear it from the most recent visitors -­‐ the May Volunteer in Mission Team: ue Bower, team leader; Irina Sheyko; Sara Dickey; Marie and Denny Hunt; Chuck Billerbeck, and John Bower. They were joined at a later date by three college girls: Natalie Geer; Jessi Mazzoni and Erin Bishop who returned July 8.
Sue Bower, a nurse at Jefferson Hospital, worked most of her Ame with the staff of the Nyadire.With the departure of Dr. K. Tshiani, Dr. Ronald Tinashe Nyabereke,has been appointed second doctor at Nyadire Hospital ( joining Dr. Larry Tanyanyiwa, now appointed medical superintendent.) Dr. Ronald was supported through medical school by TNC with the understanding he would eventually work at Nyadire. Sue’s husband, EMT John, conducted a CPR training for the staff of the hospital and anyone else on the mission. He also managed to steal the hearts of the HOME OF HOPE children. Jessi Mazzoni and Erin Bishop spent their Ame at Nyadire Hospital and also with the HOH children.
Irina Sheyko, clinical pharmacist at Jefferson Hospital and Sara Dickey, CUMC member on her 11th trip to Nyadire, worked with Wilson Nhamoinesu, Nyadire pharmacist, to opAmize pharmacy and drug procedures. Since a larger percentage of necessary drugs can be purchased in Zimbabwe, the orders will shiT to the in-­‐country supply, that Irina and Sara visited in Harare.
Chuck Billerbeck, CUMC member, met with the Micro-­‐loan the Nyadire Loan CommiWee, affirmed the value of the program, procedural changes were discussed and are forthcoming. He also met with Esnath Arichara and officials of UMCOR to discuss an exciAng opportunity to develop the Nyadire Farm to generate cash and support the Nyadire Mission.
Marie and Denny Hunt, known by Nyadire as “the couple,” spent a great deal of Ame with the children of the HOH, the early childhood programs, and the schools, both in Nyadire and the outlying rural schools. They took photos of the HOHO children, observed, and listened as to how TNC could further help the HOH and the HOHO programs. They also collected leWers for sponsors to enjoy. Denny “stood on the corner” and just visited with folks. Natalie Geer worked at Nyadire Primary, and all the college girls bonded with the HOH children.
Donations to TNC are tax deductible and will bring greatly needed services and help to
Nyadire. All electronic donations are made through a secure server. www.nyadire.org
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A highlight of the trip was to visit the newly refurbished Chikwizo Clinic, who said the facility “a beacon on the hill.” Although the total renovaAon will be completed in August, it will dedicated on July 22, in Ame for the July Team to aWend. The clinic, a success story, is already in use and an affirmaAon of community involvement, excellent workmanship, planning and oversight by the Health Care Board, and TNC. Plans are in place to begin the rebuild of Nyahuku Clinic as quickly as funds can be raised.
The July Trip leaves PiRsburgh July 17 and returns August 7. Rev. AusTn Hornyak is the trip leader and Diane Welty and John Plants, both of Liberty UMC, Washington; PA; Dave Belak, Boston; Jackie Schaefers, St. Paul’s UMC; Phil Himmler, First Bethel UMC; Mary Beth Zollars and Elsa Zollars, CUMC make up the team. PreparaAons are in place for some exciAng projects:
• A four-­‐day Career Day for the Home of Hope Outreach rural school students is planned by Mary Beth and HOH administrator, Emmanuel Chiimba. Four prominent Zimbabweans will visit each school and speak on these topics: Career Guidance, Spirituality and Moral Integrity, Importance of EducaAon, and Child Abuse Issues.
• Rev. AusTn Hornyak and Nyadire pastor Rev. Forbes Matonga will conduct a Pastors’ Conference for the pastors of the Mutoko/Mudzi District. TNC member, Rev. Lois Swestyn provided valuable informaAon about past conferences as well as workshop materials. Commentaries and one African Study Bible will be carried over by July Team.
• Plans are in place to take 17 Home of Hope orphans and some staff on a safari to Victoria Falls, one of the seven wonders of the world. Prayers, donaAons, and dramamine are greatly appreciated.
• Visit to almost completed Chikwizo Clinic and its dedicaAon. • Bible Lessons for Jr. Church and the schools in the Outreach Program.
• UpdaTng the programs, visiTng the rural schools,and ge]ng to know new clergy as well as the staff at the hospital and nursing school, HOH and HOHO.
Nyadire Preschool
Nyadire Preschool
Mother & Newborn
Rev. Forbes Matonga
Nyadire Pastor
Musanhi Primary
•The Home of Hope welcomed its 17th child, TATENDA, a four-­‐year-­‐
old girl. Her name m
•Thanks to the many individuals, groups, and classes have donated items for Nyadire. Pa] Espisito’s 3rd grade class at Abraham Lincoln Elementary in Bethel Park, Christ UMC Nursery School donated school supplies & backpacks, and Westminster Presbyterian Women help with their rummage sales. Bethel Park HS Interact Club (MaR Kallis, advisor) conAnue to sponsor HOH orphans.
• The HOH garden irrigaTon system is now complete and operaAonal thanks to an award of $1,250 from the Upper St. Clair/Bethel Park Rotary Club.
• Finland UMC has submiWed a grant request for the construcAon of new Home of Hope (HOH) faciliAes. A response is expected in September
•Christ UMC will incorporate HOH and HOHO into their VacaTon Bible Experience (VBX) July 14-­‐18 using photos & vigneWes about the children, collecAng a daily offering for the programs and sports equipment to be sent to Nyadire.
• TNC chair, Drew Harvey & TNC member, Tim Wesley, were interviewed on WESA-­‐
FM’S “EssenTal PiRsburgh.” To listen to the interview, click hRp://programs/905-­‐wesa-­‐
essenTal-­‐piRsburgh. Drew also received a Jefferson Award for Public Service on May 6.
• TNC container sent in Dec., 2013 is now in Nyadire. TNC expects to send 2 containers per year or share containers in conjuncAon with Brothers’ Brother.
• UMCOR has released funds to correct problems with the water system -­‐ tank leakage & renovaAon of the boreholes.
• TNC website, www.nyadire.org has been reworked thanks to the paAent work of Dave Molter & website coordinators, Barb Greway & Elsa Zollars. TATENDA, Dave, and Godspeed in your reArement. The website team now works with Noel Slater of Mt. Lebanon UMC. He is using “Weebly,” a soTware that enables specified individuals to regularly update the site. The website will include a master calendar, a master address list, and an easily updated front page of current events & other features. View the new look in October. • Children’s Book CollecTon. Morris & Ann Taber are shipping their final container of book to be used at 8 primary school libraries. Target is 500 boxes by Aug 17. hWp:www.annmorisinzimbbabwe.net Joan Bowser is coordinaAng the efforts. Schools, churches, and libraries have generously collected. For more informaAon, contact bowser03@comcast.net.
17 orphans
live at the Home of Hope on the Nyadire Mission
Cost of sponsorship -­‐ $40 month
Covers all expenses -­‐ food, clothing, home, medical, and school fees
Over 400 orphans aWending rural schools
Live with a parent/grandparent, relaAve, or on their own
Cost of sponsorship -­‐ $ 75 w/backpack & supplies; $100 w/TNC backpack & school supplies.
Covers school fees ONLY.
SCHOOL SUPPLIES GO ON SALE IN JULY. THE FOLLOWING ARE ESPECIALLY IN NEED: Composi)on books! composi)on books! clipboards, pencil sharpeners, scissors, markers, blue pens