eft spring 2015.indd - Italy


eft spring 2015.indd - Italy
educational field trips
Eft Educational Field Trips is the academic department of
Florence University of the Arts which provides students with firsthand learning experiences. Eft field learning trips lead students away
from the typical tourist mindset, giving the opportunity to experience
Italy through a native perspective to create a clearer view and lasting
impression on their minds.
We know that the more positive our reaction and memories are to events,
the better we learn. With this in mind, Eft’s aim is to create experiences
rich in positive emotions. Hands-on involvement leads to increased
interest on the part of learners, and so we believe that it is extremely
important to encourage the students in field learning activities - an
essential part of every study abroad experience. This might involve
being engaged and challenged, as students explore areas and situations
totally new for them. Our teachers are here to assist the students
in communicating with their new environment and surroundings,
facilitating in this way their cultural exploration and understanding.
For us the academic aspect is a priority. In our vision Educational Field
Trips are not isolated moments of fun, but they enrich in an enjoyable
way the content of the courses held in the classroom, contextualizing
the information received in class through on-site lectures. Selected
readings, communication with other participants and with Italians,
and taking part in local events make our field trips become an integral
part of the courses.
At the same time Eft offers a well-organized and safe environment that
makes the students feel as comfortable and secure as possible so far
away from their home. Eft field learning trips are planned for a student
budget, while providing very comfortable accommodations and travel
arrangements (3 star hotels, private charter buses), as well as entrance
to all the museums and guided tours.
Syllabi with complete itineraries, history, tips, local recipes, suggested
readings and websites, are also provided by Eft, so that students will
always have a guide to the places and customs they are exploring.
eft Educational Field Trips
Assisi, the Cradle of
Italian Art and Spirituality
Saturday 14 February
Assisi is a little medieval town on a spur of Monte Subasio, which has
retained its beautiful rural setting of olive trees and cultivated fields
reaching right up to its walls. St Francis of Assisi, one of the most fascinating
characters in history, founded his religious order here. In the great Basilica
the history of his life proved inspiration to some of the greatest painters of
his time, including Giotto, Cimabue and Simone Martini.
COST 80€
Early morning departure from Florence to Assisi, one of the most famous
religious shrines in the world. Visit of the Basilica dedicated to the patron
saint of Italy, Saint Francesco, amazingly frescoed by some of the best
medieval painters. After the visit group lunch in a local restaurant with
typical food. Afternoon walking tour of the small medieval town and short
hiking to the Rocca Maggiore, the fortress that stands on the highest point
overlooking the underlying valley.
Return to Florence in the afternoon.
Fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence
by private bus*
Visit of the Basilica of San Francesco D’Assisi with a Franciscan Friar*
Walking tour to the Rocca*
Lunch in a local restaurant*
Visit of La Porziuncola (Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli)*
Tour leader assistance*
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
12 February, 2015
Learning Outcomes
Describe the feudal society at the time of Saint Francis.
Identify the political and social changes of the twelfth and thirteenth
centuries that led to the Renaissance era.
Assess the dramatic influence of Saint Francis in the spiritual revival of the
Catholic Church.
Evaluate the art revolution which took place in the thirteenth century
through the work of Italian masters like Giotto, Cimabue, Simone Martini.
Identify the role of spirituality in the History of Italian Culture.• Assess the
role of food and wine in Italian culture and lifestyle.
eft Educational Field Trips
Taste of Italy:
Flavors of Parma
& Modena
Saturday 21 February
This exciting field learning activity will give students a chance to experience
first hand all the steps of the production of three typical Italian products,
such as Parmigiano Reggiano, Prosciutto di Parma and Aceto Balsamico
Tradizionale di Modena. This is an excellent opportunity to learn all the
secrets behind these high quality products – which make them unique and
different from all their imitations that can be found all over the world.
Early morning departure from Florence by private bus to a family-run
Caseificio, cheese farm. The students will be led through all the steps of
the production - elaboration, maturation, heat branding, and sealing of
Parmigiano-Reggiano (also known as Parmesan cheese). The tour will end
with the tasting of this inimitable “King of the cheeses”.
Proceed to an “Acetaia” where there will be an explanation of the main
rules for producing the best Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena and
finally, there will be an opportunity to taste the products and buy them.
Late morning transfer to a “Salumificio”, in the Parma area, to visit a
producer of the famous “Prosciutto di Parma”, a product which is unique for
its naturalness and the inimitable sweetness. Light lunch based on homemade delicacies.
Fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence
by private bus
Visit of the cheese farm and tasting
Visit of the Prosciuttificio and lunch
Visit of the Acetaia and tasting of vinegar
Tour leader assistance
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
19 February, 2015
Learning Outcomes
Describe the processes of production of Parmigiano Reggiano, Prosciutto
di Parma and Balsamic Vinegar, examples of the Excellence of Italian
Recognize the centuries-old traditions of Italian Food, the connections
between territory and culture.
Explain the protection politics of the local products in Italy and Europe
Assess the role of food and wine in Italian culture and lifestyle.
Art and Flavors of Tuscany
Montepulciano & Pienza
Saturday 28 February
This activity will lead you through some of the most charming corners
of our region, full of architecture, history, gastronomical traditions,
untouched nature. Montepulciano is a renaissance town in Southern
Tuscany and an important agricultural center, famous for its “Nobile”
wine. The town lies on a hilltop in a panoramic position and is surrounded
by the 15th century fortification works by Antonio da Sangallo. Thanks
to its history throughout the centuries, the town has preserved many
architectural jewels and artistic treasures along side the natural beauty
of the surrounding countryside. Pienza, the town considered the “ideal
renaissance town”, is the humanistic creation and vision of Pope Pius II.
This place is also famous for the production of “pecorino” cheese, which
is produced from sheep’s milk. Different aging processes give the cheese
particular flavors and textures.
COST 80€
Early departure from Florence to Pienza. Visit of the town, including cheese
tasting, then transfer to Montepulciano and walking tour. Transfer by bus
to a local vineyard to visit the cellars, tasting of Vino Nobile and local
Fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence by private bus*
Walking tour of Montepulciano and Pienza *
Visit of a local winery, wine tasting*
Cheese tasting *
Tour leader assistance*
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
25 February, 2015
Learning Outcomes
Define the Renaissance ideals of rationality and humanism.
Recognize Pienza as the attempt to realize the Renaissance utopia of an
ideal city.
Analyze the relationship between humanism and architecture in the
Assess the role of food and wine in Italian Culture.
Evaluate the “Renaissance” of quality wine in Tuscany over the last decades.
List the Italian official wine classification.
Evaluate in the example of a “Carbon-Free” Winery the application of ecosustainable criteria in agriculture.
Compare Traditional Tourism and Ecotourism in Tuscany.
eft Educational Field Trips
Turin and Piedmont the
Capital of the Italian
Fri. 6 - Sun. 8 March
Turin is a striking, clean, and compact city of Italy’s northern region of
Piedmont. It is a town of many beauties that has been described as lively
and splendid. There is certainly something for everyone in this city, which
has flourished since its heyday of the 17th and 18th centuries. You can
find anything from baroque churches and palaces to metal working, and
a modern day Olympic Stadium. Turin also houses the second largest
Egyptian museum of the world, after Cairo.
The ancient principality of Piedmont, the cradle of the Italian nation and
literally translates into ‘at the foot of the mountains,’ sits at the basin of
the Alps. As its proximity would suggest, there are heavy French influences
to be found in this region, especially in the peculiar culinary traditions.
This area, in particular the low rolling hills known as the Langhe, is famed
for its cuisine, considered by many to be the best in Italy. Chocolate and
truffles are some of the local specialties. The region is also the home of
the Nebbiolo grape, the variety that produces two of Italy’s most famous
wines: Barolo and Barbaresco.
Friday: Late departure from Florence to Turin, one stop along the way for
a short break.
Arrival in Turin, hotel check-in and group dinner in a local restaurant based
on a set menu with typical dishes
Free time for the rest of evening
Saturday: Breakfast in hotel, guided tour of the city of Torino, including
visit of the Egyptian Museum guided by an expert archaeologist, visit of
the Royal Palace and of the Museum of Cinema. Group dinner based on a
set menu of typical products. Free time for the rest of the evening.
Sunday: Breakfast in hotel, bus transfer to the Langhe region for a visit to
a winery and lunch including a tasting of local wines and truffles. After the
visit departure to Florence. Arrival in Florence in the evening.
Fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence by private bus*
2 nights in Hotel (multiple room) with breakfast*
2 meals*
Entrance and guided tour of the Egyptian Museum*
Tour of the Cinema Museum *
Visit to a local winery with wine tasting and light lunch*
Tour leader assistance*
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
26 February, 2015
Learning Outcomes
List the political movements and the events which led to National
Unification. Analyze the consequences of the Unification on the North/
South polarity and the subsequent history of Italy. Synthesize the
developments of Italian Cinema from its origins to date.Recognize the
geographical production areas of products of excellence such as truffles,
chocolate and Nebbiolo-based wines, like Barolo, Barbaresco and Langhe.
Identify the local reality, its traditions, history and enogastronomic
Venice & Padua, the
Gateway Between West
and East
Sat. 14 - Sun. 15 March
Considered one of the most romantic cities of the world, Venice is made up
of a collection of more than 110 small islands, connected by a web of canals
and bridges. The city appears to be floating in the Venetian lagoon, calm
and serene yet oddly threatened by the nearby Adriatic Sea. Influenced by
both eastern and western cultures, this once bustling part city has tons to
offer visitors from all walks of life.
Padua is most well known for being the home of St. Anthony, where he
carried out numerous miracles. Today, his tomb brings in thousands of
pilgrims every year. Even after the rise of Venice, Padua was still known
for its cultural leadership, prestigious universities, and humanist thought.
Some of the great Renaissance artists were called to Padua to work on
important commissions for the city’s enlightened aristocrats. Dante,
Galileo, and Petrarch all lived here at some point in their lives and Giotto’s
magnificent fresco work may be seen in the Scrovegni Chapel.
COST 280€
Saturday: Early morning departure from Florence by private bus. Breakfast
and lunch stop along the way. Leave luggage on the bus and transfer by
boat to Piazza San Marco. Walking tour of the San Marco Basilica and Rialto
area. Free time for shopping and transfer by bus to the hotel in Padova.
Hotel check-in and group dinner in a typical restaurant based on a set
Sunday: Breakfast in hotel and check-out, leave luggage on the bus. Guided
visit of the Scrovegni chapel frescoed by Giotto. Transfer by bus to Venice
for a walking tour and visit of the Scuola Grande Di San Rocco decorated
with paintings by Tintoretto. Free time for the rest of the afternoon for
shopping or a gondola ride.
Departure to Florence at approximately 5.00pm
The Fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence*
Vaporetto pass or private boat transportation *
1 night in hotel (multiple room) with breakfast *
Guided tour of Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel in Padua*
Guided tour of the San Marco and Rialto district *
Entrance and guided tour of the Scuola Grande Di San Rocco*
Dinner in a typical restaurant *
Tour leader assistance*
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
5 March, 2015
Learning Outcomes
Understand the geographical, political and commercial forces that set
Venice during the centuries at the centre of a broad network of trade.
Explain the complex power relations of Venice with Western and Eastern
countries and the way they were reflected in Venetian art and architecture.
Understand the Revolution brought by Giotto in Western painting.Reflect
about the role of spirituality and religion in Italian Culture and the
commercial activities connected to the Religious and Pilgrimage Tourism.
eft Educational Field Trips
Sicily, Crossroad of the
Mediterranean Cultures
Fri. 10 - Sun. 12 April
Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea; along with surrounding
minor islands, it constitutes an autonomous region of Italy, the Regione
Autonoma Siciliana (Sicilian Autonomous Region). It extends from the tip
of the Appennine peninsula from which it is separated only by the narrow
Strait of Messina, towards the North African coast. Its most prominent
landmark is Mount Etna, which is at 3,320m (10,890ft) the tallest active
volcano in Europe and one of the most active in the world. Sicily has a rich
and unique culture, especially with regard to the arts, music, literature,
cuisine, architecture and language. Sicily also holds importance for
archaeological and ancient sites.
The fee includes:
Round trip transportation by an overnight train from Florence *
Private bus transfer in Sicily*
2 nights in hotel (multiple room) with breakfast*
Entrance to the sites *
Volcano excursion *
some meals *
Cannoli tasting*
Tour Leader assistance*
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
26 March, 2015
COST 380€
Thursday: Departure from Florence to Rome by High Speed Frecciarossa
train, then to Catania by overnight train (accommodation in 4-bed wagons)
Friday: Arrive in Catania, walking tour and tasting of cannoli. Free time for
lunch and transfer by bus to the beach. Hotel check-in and free time for the
rest of the evening.
Saturday: Breakfast in hotel, early departure for the hiking excursion to the
Etna Volcano, lunch in a local restaurant or pic-nic.
Tour ends at 6.30, return to the hotel and free time for the rest of the
Sunday: Breakfast in hotel and check-out. Departure to Taormina after
lunch, visit of the small town and its archaeological sites. Group dinner
then transfer by bus to the train station for the overnight ride back to
Rome/Florence Arrival in Florence on Monday morning at around 9.20am.
Learning Outcomes
Define the impact of Greek culture on the Italian Peninsula and
demonstrate how Western Culture is rooted in Greek civilization.Analyze
Sicily as one of the first examples of multicultural society.Compare the
historical different development of Southern and Northern Italy and the
origin of the Southern Question.
Evaluate the connections between territory and economy and the efforts
of Sicilians to emancipate themselves from centuries-old economic
Identify the flourishing of Baroque art in Sicily.
Analyze the effects of volcanic eruptions on the land and on the lives and
economic activities of the people living near it.
Renaissance & Baroque
in Roma: A Walk
in the Footsteps of
Michelangelo, Bernini,
and Caravaggio
Sat. 18 - Sun. 19 April
Round trip transportation from Florence
1 night in hotel (multiple room) with breakfast
1 meal
Guided tour of The Vatican Museums, Sistine Chapel and Saint Peter’s
Guided tour of Santa Maria della Vittoria, Sant’Andrea al Quirinale, San
Luigi dei Francesi, San Pietro in Vincoli, San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane
Tour leader assistance
While the High Renaissance left its mark in Rome with the creative genius
of Michelangelo, it was the art and architecture of the 17th century that
defined the modern appearance of the Eternal City. The 1600s in Rome
meant High Baroque, a period characterized by theatrical, florid, and
fanciful creations, particularly in the sculpture of stone, whether in the
detail of a church facade, a fountain, or a freestanding statue.
The greatest exponents of the Roman Baroque were the sculptor-architectpainter Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who left his curriculum vitae virtually strewn
about the city, from his masterpieces in St Peter’s basilica to his lesser
known but equally impressive works on the opposite side of town, and the
painter Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, probably the most influential
painter on Italian style after Michelangelo Buonarroti, who transformed
the formal, neo-classical Renaissance into the more earthy, vibrant, and
melodramatic baroque style.
Saturday: Early morning departure from Florence. Arrival in Rome, free
time for lunch and visit of the Vatican Museums and St. Peter’s Cathedral.
Hotel check in and group dinner in a local restaurant.
Sunday: Visit of the Galleria Borghese. Walking tour and visit of the
Churches of Santa Maria della Vittoria, Sant’Andrea al Quirinale, San Luigi
dei Francesi. Free time for lunch. Visit of the Church of San Pietro in Vincoli
and San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane. Afternoon departure to Florence.
The fee includes:
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
10 April, 2015
Learning Outcomes
This educational experience will take us through the masterworks of the
16th and 17th century, concentrating mostly on Michelangelo, Caravaggio
and Bernini, examining the development of significant artistic movements
from the High Renaissance to the Baroque and providing the student with
a detailed knowledge of the three artists and their oeuvre within the
context of political, religious and social history.
Identify the important stylistic and technical developments of art in Rome
from the Ancients to the Baroque era.
Analyze the work of Michelangelo during his Roman period.Explain the
role played by the Vatican State in Italian History.Asses the role of Baroque
art during the time of the Counter Reform.
Reflect about the nature of change in a historical sense.
eft Educational Field Trips
Under the Shade of
Vesuvius: Napoli,
Capri & Sorrento
Fri. 24 - Sun. 26 April
Naples has been a hot vacation spot of not only Italians but Europeans and
Americans alike since the 1700s. It has an amazing mixture of ancient and
modern sights that continues to attract visitors to this day. Today it is one
of the most populated cities in Italy and has become a much safer and
enjoyable place to visit once again.
Capri is the pearl of the Bay of Naples, often called the pearl of Italy. Capri’s
natural beauty is what initially brought ancient Roman Emperor Tiberius
the build the famous Villa Jovis on the Island. The cities of Capri and
Anacapri have an aristocratic feel to them due to the development in the
19th and 20th centuries. For about the past two centuries Capri has served
as a home for expatriates, artists, and eccentrics as well as a vacation
destination for many.
Friday: Early afternoon departure from Florence to Naples, stop on the way.
Arrival in Naples, hotel check in, group dinner and walking tour of the city.
Saturday: Breakfast in hotel, transfer by ferry to Capri. Visit of the Island,
walking/funicular ride to the city center and panoramic walking tour.
Return to Naples in the afternoon and group dinner.
Sunday: Breakfast in hotel and check-out. Transfer to Sorrento and visit of
the city.
Free time for lunch and departure to Florence.
Fee includes:
2 nights in Hotel (multiple room) with breakfast*
2 meals*
Guided tour of Naples and entrance to the sites
Round transportation to Capri by ferry *
Ticket for the funicular *
Panoramic walking tour of Capri*
Tour leader assistance*
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
16 April, 2015
Learning Outcomes
Define Italian Regionalism and assess that there are many “Italys” and
many “Capitals”.
Describe the urban development of a large city through the centuries.
Identify the achievements of Baroque art in Naples.
Renaissance in Tuscany:
Lucca and its Villas
Saturday 2 May, 2015
Lucca is one of the most beautiful small towns in Italy. It is surrounded
by perfectly preserve 16th-17th century brick city walls, which are one of
the town’s most remarkable features. The tree-lined promenade above the
walls provides a spectacular walk of over 4 km. During the Renaissance, the
tradition of excellence in carving found its expression in a large number
of churches with beautiful sculptural decorations on their facades. Lucca
still has many ancient palaces with walled gardens and magnificent
Renaissance villas in the surrounding hills. The Cathedral of St. Martin
(The Duomo) is home to some of the most beautiful art masterpieces,
such as Ilaria del Carretto’s Tomb by Jacopo della Quercia alongside with
sculptures by Matteo Civitali, considered the major Renaissance sculptor
outside Florence. Via Fillungo, the ancient “cardo maximus” of the Roman
city is today a lively street with elegant traditional shops, medieval towers
(of which the oldest and most interesting is the Tower of Hours), and
Renaissance noblemen’s palaces.
Fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence by private bus
Visit of one of the Villas on the hills surrounding Lucca
Visit of the Cathedral of San Martino
Visit of the Church of San Michele
Tour leader assistance
The fee does not include:
Whatever is not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
29 April, 2015
Learning Outcomes:
Assess the artistic achievements of the Renaissance outside Florence.
Analyze the architecture of the best-preserved example of Renaissance city
walls in Italy.
Describe the political development of cities in Italy from the Middle Ages.
Identify the local cultural differences, which characterize Italian Regions
and cities
Departure from Florence. Visit of one Renaissance villa on the hills around
Lucca. Transfer to Lucca, walking tour on the Renaissance city walls.
Free time for lunch (Students will receive suggestion about restaurants,
bars or caf).
Afternoon visit to the Cattedrale di San Martino (Duomo) with the
sculptures by Jacopo della Quercia and Matteo Civitali, Chiesa di San
Michele and walking tour in the city center and in Via Fillungo to visit the
ancient Renaissance buldings. Free time for an exploration of the town.
Afternoon departure to Florence.
eft Educational Field Trips
Taste of Italy Tuscan Extra
Virgin Olive Oil: A Cultural
and Gastronomical
Sunday 3 May, 2015
Extra virgin olive oil is one the highest quality products for Italian
agriculture industry. It is produced in all regions of Central and Southern
Italy, and in a few areas with a particular microclimate in the North, as in
the case of Garda Lake.
Tuscany is a perfect balance of nature and art, beauty of the land and
climate. It is here that an excellent extra virgin olive oil is born, a result
of an age-old tradition. The variety of the olive trees and the techniques
of cultivation, the harvest of the olives at the right stage of ripeness and
meticulous workmanship, combine to create an incomparable product,
with a recognizable flavor, that brings with it all the nuances of this
land. In fact each area of Tuscany has tracts that differentiate it from the
neighboring land and makes it unique, just like the oil that it produces.
That is why Tuscan IGP extra virgin olive oil produced throughout the
region is characterized by its own specific feature, which can slightly alter
different accents of taste. This can be perceived through the exploration of
various production areas. The patient care to the trees and groves results in
an olive pressing that produces an extraordinary oil that you will have the
opportunity to taste during a visit to a mill.
COST 65€
Departure from Florence in the morning. Visit to an oil mill. The visit
includes a detailed introduction to the world of extra virgin olive oil in
general. Then we will have an overview over the production of olive oil in
Tuscany, the different varieties of olives and the different characteristics
they give to the oil, the techniques of olive collection, and about the
culture of oil making in Tuscany.
We will visit the frantoio (oil mill) and have the explanation of oil pressing.
A guided tasting of different kinds of olive oil will follow, so that we will be
able not only to learn the techniques of oil tasting, but also to understand
the differences between different varieties of olives and between a high
quality extra virgin olive oil and an industrial one.
The tasting will be followed by a lunch based on typical local products and
local wine.
The fee includes:
Round trip transportation from Florence by private bus
Visit of the oil mill
Guided oil tasting
Lunch based on local products
Tour leader assistance
The fee does not include:
Whatever not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
29 April, 2015
Learning Outcomes
Describe the processes of production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, a staple of
the Mediterranean Diet.
Understand the health benefits of olive opposed to animal fats.
Learn how to taste olive oil and recognize high quality extra virgin olive oil.
Recognize the centuries-old traditions of Italian Food, the connections
between territory and culture.
Explain the protection politics of the local products in Italy and Europe (DOP
and IGP). Assess the role of food and wine in Italian culture and lifestyle.
Cinque Terre: Hiking
Between Sky and Sea
Saturday 9 May, 2015
This territory lies along the Ligurian coast (north west of Florence) and
consists of 18 kilometeres of rocky coastline abounding with bays, beaches
and deep sea, and surrounded by mountains running parallel to the coast.
Terraces of land cultivated with vineyards and olive trees are kept under
control by old dry stone walls. Paths and mule trails look onto breathtaking
views. The Five villages (Cinque Terre), Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia,
Vernazza, Monterosso all face onto the sea. An environment in which
centuries old work of generations has transformed an inaccessible territory
into a landscape of extraordinary beauty. It is a Natural Reserve, declared
World Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 1997.
Morning departure by bus from Florence to La Spezia. This is where trains
for the Cinque Terre depart from. Arrive in Riomaggiore – the southernmost
of the Cinque Terre. Free time to explore the town and to spend some time
at the beach. Proceed by train to Vernazza. Free time for lunch. Hike to
Corniglia (the hike is about 1 and 1/2 hour long and requires a little bit
of training). It is also possible to take a train from Vernazza to Corniglia
and meet the rest of the group later. Transfer by train to Manarola. Hike to
Monterosso and along the famous Via dell’Amore. Departure for La Spezia
by train, then for Florence by bus.
The fee includes:
Roundtrip transportation by private bus
Transfers by train at the Cinque Terre
Entrance to the Cinque Terre National Park
Tour leaders assistance
The fee does not include:
Whatever not listed in the “included” paragraph
Payment deadline:
5 May, 2015
Learning Outcomes:
Identify how during the centuries men have adapted and created original
economic activities in a challenging environment.
Recognize the characteristics of Quality Tourism in Liguria, and understand
why the Cinque Terre has become one of the most popular holiday
destinations in Italy.
Describe the century old tradition of agriculture and viticulture on the
steep slopes of Liguria and understand why these activities are today
defined as “heroic”.
Identify the local character and the cultural diversity of the Italian Regions.
eft Educational Field Trips
How to book your spot
In order to guarantee your spot, you must pay a deposit fee when you
sign up, then complete your payment by the deadline specified for
each excursion.
Availability is limited. The Direction reserves the right to close
registration before the deadline, in case spots are sold out.
For payments, questions
and/or comments, please contact:
Francesca Bocci - Umberto Gori
EFT Department – Field Learning Activities
Fua Florence University of the Arts
Technical support operated through:
Italy Travels Srl
Via dei Ginori 9, 50123 Firenze
Tel: +39 0552670402
If you wish to benefit of services proposed by Italy Travels Srl, please
read these general conditions below. These general conditions apply
to all proposed services. Bookings are reserved to the traveller that
has taken full note of these sale conditions before his request and
that has accepted them without reservation. Therefore, a request for
services means full agreement with these general conditions and full
acceptance of all their provisions.
General conditions
Italy Travels Srl organizes and gives the tourist packages described
in this program under the administrative authorization of the
Provincial Authority of Florence dated 01-03-2011. The programs
conform to the text established according to the D.L. 111/95, approved
by EEC regulation 90/314. The contract is governed by the law
provisions no.1084 dated 27/12/1977, ratification and enactment of the
International Convention relating to the Travel Contract (C.C.V.).
Compulsory notice in compliance with art. N. 16, law n. 269/98
“the Italian law punishes with reclusion those offences related to
prostitution and paedophilia, even if these crimes are committed
Payment conditions
At the reservation, a 30% non-refundable deposit is required to secure
the booking. Full payment is due at least 10 days prior to the departure
day. When reservation is made with less than 10 days from the
departure day, full payment is due at reservation. Above conditions are
substantial conditions according to the Italian civil code, item n. 1457.
Cancellation policy
In case of cancellation, if the cancellation is communicated to
Italy Travels srl at least 11 days prior to the departure day, the penalty
charge will equal 30% of the gross total. For cancellations that are
made less than 11 days prior to the departure date, the penalty charge
is 100% of the price paid. If for any reason, Italy Travels cancels the
program, the traveller has the right to full reimbursement of the
amount paid. No reimbursement will be made in case of no-shows.
Likewise, no reimbursement will be made if the traveller gets lost
during the trip or does not take part in the entire trip for any reason.
This cancellation policy is exclusive and not subject to charge or
additional compensation.
When Italy Travels is obliged to change the program due to operational
difficulties or to reasons beyond the control Italy Travels
(such as travel conditions, strikes, changes in opening hours, museum
closures, delays or other) an alternative itinerary or activity will be
proposed without variation to the established tariff. The traveller will
be informed as early as possible prior to the departure. In the case of
any unexpected increase in prices exceeding 10%, the tariffs will be
adjusted and travellers will be notified in writing as early as possible
prior to the tour departure.
In compliance with Art. 93 of the Consumer’s Code, Italy Travels Srl is
responsible for damages caused to the consumer by a total or partial
non-respect of the agreed services, either by the organizer or by third
parties, unless such damages are caused by the Consumer himself
(including personal initiatives decided by the consumer while using
tourist services) or by circumstances that are not related to the services
in contract, or by unforeseen circumstances, or by force majeure or by
circumstances that Italy Travels Srl could not reasonably foresee or
solve. In compliance with what decided in Art. 96 of the Consumer’s
Code, Italy Travels Srl cannot be held responsible - in any case - for
possible damages caused to the person and for different damages from
the ones caused to the person because of non-compliance or because
of inaccuracy in complying with the obligations taken on through
the travel contract when these facts are due to: (I) the consumer’s
behaviour, or (II) unforeseeable and unavoidable facts due to third
parties or (III) events due to unforeseen circumstances or (IV) cases due
to force majeure or, finally, (V) circumstances which Italy Travels Srl
could not reasonably foresee.
Italy Travels is not responsible for damages caused by third parties
or by greater forces. Moreover, Italy Travels is not responsible for
objects that are lost or stolen from travellers while on trips organized
by TuscanyAll.com.
Travellers’ complaints must be made to Italy Travels in writing within
and no later than 3 days after the end of the trip. These programs and
the rates indicated are valid from 1 May 2014 to 31 August 2014.
Booking Variations
At its own discretion Italy Travels can, at any time, modify the booking
and substitute services with others of similar characteristics and
qualities, in case it is necessary to do so for reasons that are beyond the
control of Italy Travels .
Insurance covers on the basis of the following law and European
Community directive: art.3 L.R 23 March 2000 n.42; Legge 27 December
1977 n. 1084; Direttiva 90/314/C.E.E. Del 13 June 1990 and contracted
between taly Travels Srl and Filo Diretto Assicurazioni with head
offices in Agrate Brianza, Civil Responsability Insurance Policy no.
All disputes will be settled by the Tribunal of Florence.
In addittion the above insurance policy, cost per person includes a
further insurance policy taken out with Ami Assistance – Sempre
Ovunque Subito – which provides the following services: personal
assistance, medical expenses reimburse, luggage insurance. Form
more information about these services and contract clauses, please
read the policy contract attached.
Corporate headquarters
Italy Travels Srl società unipersonale - TOUR OPERATOR
via de’ Ginori 9, 50123 Firenze P.Iva/Cod. FISC 06134820486
Tel. +39 0552670402- Fax +39 055217303 - info@italy-travels.it
Florence Chamber of Commerce, registration number
FI 603283 - 1505000449/R.
Spring 2015