Prospectus - Bangkok Patana School
Prospectus - Bangkok Patana School
Prospectus B angko k P at ana Scho o l 1 Prospectus Vo i c e s Vision Commitment Care Opportunities Excellence Summary Campus Bangkok Patana School 643 Lasalle Road (Sukhumvit 105) Bangna Bangkok 10260 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2398 0200 Fax: +66 (0) 2399 3179 Email: Produced: July 2008 All information correct at time of press. Copyright © 2008 Bangkok Patana School Foundation Concept/Design/Photography: Erawan interactive Co., Ltd Bangkok Patana School is an IB World School accredited by CIS and NEASC 2 Prospectus Vo i c e s Pa r e n t s “Patana provides excellent support for our child Maelys which allows her to perfectly enjoy the English-speaking environment. It is amazing to see how she feels so happy and confident at school.” At Bangkok Patana School, we understand the gravity of the decisions facing prospective parents. Recognising just how important these early years are, Bangkok Patana School provides a welcoming and friendly child-centred environment where the emphasis is o n d e v e l o p i n g l i v e l y, p o s i t i v e a n d e n q u i r i n g m i n d s . P r e p a r i n g y o u r c h i l d f o r l i f e b y p r o v i d i n g a w e l l - r o u n d e d e d u c a t i o n i s a k e y a s p e c t o f t h e s c h o o l ’s p h i l o s o p h y. “Once we saw it and met with staff we knew the school was perfect for us both as parents and for our child.” Melanie and Macy – K2 Stephanie and Maelys – K2 Relocating from Singapore, Nathalie was naturally concerned about the move and particularly her son settling into unfamiliar surroundings and most importantly, a new school. “What impressed me most about Bangkok Patana School was the K2 curriculum. The phased approach to reading, writing, whilst combining play and a wonderful range of engaging activities, was exactly what we were looking for.” Whilst the scope and scale of the school’s facilities also impressed, Nathalie realised that Bangkok Patana School places development in perspective – facilities matched to the students’ stage of development and appropriate to the school’s long-term vision. “When I first visited the school it was really a jaw-dropping experience; no other school that I have seen has access to such a range of facilities, all of which are carefully designed and built to benefit all children.” Nathalie and Maxence – K2 B angko k P at ana Scho o l 3 Vo i c e s Primary T h e P r i m a r y S c h o o l a t B a n g k o k P a t a n a S c h o o l i s a d y n a m i c e n v i r o n m e n t f u l l o f e n e r g y, e n t h u s i a s m , a n d c r e a t i v i t y. T h e B r i t i s h - b a s e d a p p r o a c h t o e d u c a t i o n i n s t i l s a l o v e o f l e a r n i n g t h a t c a n b e s e e n i n a l l a r e a s o f w o r k a n d p l a y. T h e e x p e r i e n c e , e x p e r t i s e a n d dedication of staff creates a compelling atmosphere where students thrive and can achieve their very best. “I love studying about living things, especially about plants and animals. I like to sing in the choir and play the cello and especially like being part of the string ensemble.” “ M y f a v o u r i t e l e s s o n a t s c h o o l i s I C T. I never thought I would have friends from so many countries. I also like reading and football, we can do so many different things here.” Yasmin – Year 4 4 Prospectus Daniel – Year 4 Vo i c e s Secondary The Secondary School at Bangkok Patana School is an enthusiastic and energetic e n v i r o n m e n t w i t h a d i v e r s i t y o f c h o i c e s a i m e d a t f u l f i l l i n g t h e s c h o o l ’s m i s s i o n o f providing a well-rounded education. An emphasis on academic rigour and a Pastoral system which offers strong support, encourages students to do their best, to meet challenges and develop independence. “I really like the British system here at Patana because there are so many choices of subjects and activities.” Varissara – Year 11 “Coming from International Schools in Cambodia and Bhutan, I was at first a little intimidated by the size of Bangkok Patana School. However, I soon found everything was so close at hand – it was so easy to make friends and settle in. Schooling is important to our family; we chose Patana first and then a place to stay so I could be near to school.” Laura – Year 11 B angko k Shaun is looking forward to completing his education at Bangkok Patana School and going to university in Australia. “Patana is a way of life for many of us who have been fortunate to spend most of our school life here. For me it was great not to have to think about moving schools and be able to stay right through to Year 13.” P at ana Shaun – Year 11 Scho o l 5 Vision Bangkok Patana School is the British International School in Thailand B angkok Patana School is Thailand’s original British international school now located on Lasalle Road in South-East Bangkok. It provides learning from Foundation Stage right through to Senior Studies, for students aged 2–18 years. It offers a British-style education in an international context and currently welcomes over 2,100 students from more than 50 nations around the world. The school offers unparalleled facilities, a unique green field environment, a wide range of academic and extra-curricular opportunities, dedicated Pastoral care and support services, and a wealth of experience stemming from over 50 years of growth and development. The school has a proud record of academic achievement, as well as excellence in music and the performing arts, sports and other extra-curricular activities. 6 Prospectus Bangkok Patana School was founded in 1957 to provide a first-rate British educational experience for the children of expatriate and other families living in Thailand. The school’s founder, Mrs Rosamund Stuetzel, started teaching in her home. Her desire was to educate her daughter to British standards and allow her to remain in Thailand with the love and support of her family rather than go to boarding school in the United Kingdom. Today’s Bangkok Patana School stands as a fitting tribute to its founder, and remains proud to help families stay together. O u r Va lu e s The school’s vision, mission and values statements are integral to its day-to-day activities. Key philosophical approaches to learning, the commitment to a British system, and instilling respect and values in students are virtues that contribute to a caring and thoughtful school environment. Our mission is to ensure that students of different nationalities grow to their full potential as IND EPEND ENT L EARN E RS in a caring British international community At Bangkok Patana School, we consider independent learners to be students who are self-motivated, highly-skilled and prepared for life-long learning. Self-motivated students will seek answers, explore challenges and apply effort and determination when the going gets tough. This motivation, combined with academic, physical, social and emotional skills, will prepare our students for the challenges ahead. B angko k P at ana Scho o l 7 Vision A commitment to providing the very best educational opportunities for its students ensures Bangkok Patana School maintains the highest standards in academic and extra-curricular areas. Experience Expertise In the five decades since Bangkok Patana School was established, the school has accumulated a wealth of experience in teaching and learning. The school’s maturity allows it to concentrate on its core goals, delivering the curriculum in the best possible way and meeting the challenges of a rapidly changing environment with a planned programme of resourcing, training and campus development. The core goals and values provide a stable base upon which the school strives to provide a nurturing, dynamic and energetic learning and teaching environment. Central to the teaching and learning experience at Bangkok Patana School are the teaching professionals who form a dedicated and highly-motivated team intent on ensuring each student receives the best possible support. Academic staff are recruited primarily from the United Kingdom and all have internationally-recognised qualifications. The school has high expectations of its staff and seeks individuals who can be role models providing strong Pastoral support, inspiring and motivating students to do their very best. 8 Prospectus The British Academic System: A Founding Principle The emphasis is on offering a broad-based, challenging and rigorous curriculum where students are encouraged to become reflective, inquisitive, critical thinkers with a love of learning. T he Academic programme at Bangkok Patana School has its roots in the English National Curriculum but has been further developed and constructed to celebrate the international context in which the school operates. There are many opportunities to study international themes and cultures across the wide range of subjects students take. The programme is underpinned by a Pastoral programme which seeks to develop the individual skills necessary for students to make the right decisions, take responsibility for their actions and have a broad understanding and appreciation of the cultures that live together in our international community. From the Foundation Stage through to Senior Studies, the curricula are complementary, each acting as a stepping stone to the next stage. The school’s teaching approach reflects the best of current United Kingdom practice in terms of classroom organisation and teaching and learning styles. State-of-theart technology and the use of specialist teachers ensure stimulating and purposeful working environments. B angko k Internationally-recognised educational qualifications Students in Years 10 and 11 follow a two-year programme comprised of International General Certificates in Secondary Education (IGCSE) and General Certificates in Secondary Education (GCSE), with final examinations sat in May and June of Year 11. Students following the Senior Studies programme in Years 12 and 13 undertake the International Baccalaureate Diploma course of study or individual International Baccalaureate Certificates. The IB Diploma is recognised as an outstanding pre-university course. P at ana Scho o l 9 Vision Stephen and Sarah Murgatroyd T h o m a s – Ye a r 7 , S i m o n – Ye a r 1 0 , W a n d e have been at Bangkok Patana School for eight years. We now know that we came to one of the best decisions we have ever made when we decided to come to the school and our three boys continue to thrive in the environment that it provides. As “The British International School in Thailand”, all children benefit from the excellent combination of the teachers who work here, the students they mix with and the facilities and the learning environment which is evident from the moment you walk onto the campus. Our own children have thoroughly enjoyed all of the opportunities that they have been afforded over the years 10 Mi c h a e l – Ye a r 13 and this has ensured that we have given them an all-round education that they would not have been able to experience back in the United Kingdom. As teachers, we continue to enjoy our work, our colleagues and most importantly of all, the children we work with. As parents, we feel that we have given our family an opportunity by coming here that has benefited us all. Prospectus Commitment A commitment to providing the best possible educational experience for the students has been the driving force behind Bangkok Patana School’s growth and development for more than 50 years. Under the stewardship of committed parents and dedicated staff members the school has remained at the forefront of education in Thailand and is today one of the most respected international educational establishments in South-East Asia. Bangkok Patana School is committed to meeting the challenges of the changing educational environment and is always looking to improve. Professional development for staff, ensuring the best and most appropriate technologies are in place and maintaining a readiness to accept new styles of teaching and learning are central to the invigorating environment of the school. A campus development plan provides a blueprint for the future in terms of facilities provision and ensures that the needs of students will be met both now and in the future. Campus developments such as the Sports Hall, opened in the school’s 50th anniversary year in 2007, provide a first class venue for curricular and extra-curricular physical education and sporting endeavours. B angko k Similarly, the new Visual and Performing Arts building will provide students with additional opportunities in drama, music, dance and visual arts. “ We w a n t l e a r n i n g t o b e e f f e c t i v e and enjoyable and are committed to enhancing students’ progress by employing a wide range of teaching and learning strategies. Our mission is to challenge and support our students to develop as highly-skilled independent learners, critical thinkers and effective communicators.” P at ana Michael Smith - Secondar y Principal Scho o l 11 Commitment Development that Benefits all Students B angkok Patana School was created to benefit its students, to give them the best possible education – this commitment continues today. The school is a not-for-profit organisation which does not answer to shareholders or a CEO. Instead, a community comprising many individuals from its past and present are responsible for the school and its continued development. The school’s Foundation Board oversees its activities in the spirit of its founder. The school’s success fuels further investment in the students and facilities of Bangkok Patana School. P r i n c i p l e d S t e wa r d s h i p The school has developed into a large organisation with considerable resources that allow its Foundation Board to guide the school in a principle-based manner – stewardship for the benefit of the people at the school. In fact, the school’s size ensures that the students have greater options and opportunities in all areas of their academic and personal development. Above all else, it allows the school to offer them a range of choices so they can pursue their own particular ambitions and interests. 12 O u ts ta n d i n g Fac i l i t i e s Development at Bangkok Patana School has always been driven by the needs of our students. All of the school’s facilities have been built in response to a growing demand for additional infrastructure to meet academic and/or extra-curricular requirements. A campus development plan is in place to ensure the development of all necessary facilities to meet the needs of students today and in the future. The opening of the Sports Hall in 2007 has provided a truly world class facility for students and the planned Visual and Performing Arts building will provide an excellent venue for the Arts. Today, Bangkok Patana School has some of the most outstanding facilities of any school in the Asia-Pacific region. Prospectus environment An environment designed to promote learning, development and happiness… Spend some time at Bangkok Patana School and you will soon appreciate its unique setting and atmosphere. The school is located on a large green field site located to the south-east of the Bangkok metropolis. Beautifully landscaped gardens and extensive playing fields provide a green and tranquil setting. A community-based design concept means that in Primary, small communities house different age groups, each group having their own dedicated area with everything they need. Contemporary classrooms with state-of-the-art ICT facilities provide an environment which promotes learning and interaction. community The spacious green environment and well-defined communities provide a fitting backdrop for a dynamic and energetic community. Truly international in composition, students and staff represent more than 50 nationalities. While a higher percentage of students and the majority of staff hail from English-speaking and Commonwealth countries it is the very diversity of the community that contributes to an atmosphere of mutual respect. Everyone is a valued member of the community. Bangkok Patana School retains a close-knit community spirit and family-focused outlook. Future development of the s c h o o l ’s f a c i l i t i e s , t h r o u g h a c o m m u n i t y - b a s e d d e s i g n , w i l l always take into account that the students’ needs are the primary consideration. B angko k P at ana Scho o l 13 Care Bangkok Patana School Cares about the Whole Child W e care about the happiness and welfare of your children. Providing a safe environment is crucial in the day-to-day operation of the school. Our extensive range of support and care services includes on-site medical centres with professional nursing staff and clean and healthy canteen services. A key support service is transport and the school’s extensive school bus system enables students of all ages from locations all over Bangkok to travel safely to and from school every day. The school manages a fleet of minibuses with drivers following a strict code of conduct. A bus monitor is present on each bus to provide extra support and assistance, particularly for the younger students. The door-todoor service means students are collected from and returned home each day, with extra-curricular activities also taken into account throughout the term. Bangkok Patana School places a high priority on campus security and has a team of dedicated security personnel. A campus-wide health and safety training policy is in place and both students and staff are kept up to date with standard emergency procedures throughout the school year. Residential trips only take place after a thorough health and safety assessment has been carried out and passes our stringent standards. 14 Prospectus Support Systems: Care for all Students A strong Pastoral system is central to the British-style of education. From the first days in Foundation Stage through to Senior Studies, students work in an environment where the core values of the school are instilled and reinforced. These include respect, tolerance, trust, equality, cooperation and protection of the environment. The Pastoral programme focuses on the well-being of the whole child and values each student’s intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. Learning Support Bangkok Patana School operates a non-selective entry policy, other than a required standard of proficiency in the English language. The school therefore is proud to cater for a range of abilities including those students who are gifted and talented. There may be occasions when our provision is not appropriate to a student’s individual needs, in which case alternative schools may be recommended. English L anguage Support Non-native English speakers are assessed prior to admission. Members of our ESL team support students who have not yet reached the required level of English competency to allow them to fully access all areas of the curriculum. Pa r e n ta l I n vo l v e m e n t Bangkok Patana School regards parents as a key part of the team and welcomes their involvement in a range of activities from helping out in classrooms to being part of the thriving Parent Teacher Group (PTG). Communication is given a high priority: a dedicated website, termly magazines, weekly newsletters plus regular academic progress reports and parent teacher meetings ensure that parents are kept fully informed about their child’s progress and activities at school. B angko k P at ana Scho o l 15 Opportunities International Award Silver Expedition, Mount Kinabalu National Park, Borneo Combining Intellectual and Physical Development A Wealth of Oppor tunities to Develop Well-Rounded Individuals A t Bangkok Patana School, the emphasis is on encouraging students to develop their talents to their fullest extent. The broad-based curriculum is only the starting point and is complemented by an extensive extra-curricular activities programme. Students are encouraged to engage in a range of activities and grow, not only in an academic sense, but in other areas such as on the playing field, in the concert hall and through community service. Preparing students for life involves providing opportunities to meet and overcome challenges and the school’s Residential and International Award programmes do just that. Beginning in Primary School, students participate in a range of exploration and field trips which promote an understanding of the surrounding environment and focus on skills like teamwork. In Secondary School, students also have the option of participating in the International Award for Young People. Known in the UK as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award and recognised world wide, students develop skills outside the classroom through community service, physical recreation and expeditions. 16 Prospectus “The International Award requires dedication, perseverance and commitment and is a great experience for young people.” Sally Madden Outdoor Education and Youth Award Coordinator “I’m so pleased to see tennis being played and enjoyed by so many students at so many levels.” Daniel Ahl - Head Tennis Coach B a n g k o k P a t a n a S c h o o l ’s r i c h a r r a y o f e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r a c t i v i t i e s ( E C A s ) t r u l y e m b o d i e s the spirit of the school. Students are able to broaden their horizons, meet new friends, dedicate themselves to a new pursuit and, if they wish, experience the thrills (and s p i l l s ) o f c o m p e t i t i o n . B a n g k o k P a t a n a S c h o o l ’s E C A p r o g r a m m e i s b r o a d b y a n y standards with sporting, artistic, recreational, and academic choices. From painting to d a n c e , w a t e r p o l o t o p o t t e r y, t h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g f o r e v e r y o n e t o e n j o y a t a l l l e v e l s . “All swimmers at Bangkok Patana School have the opportunity to participate, whatever their ability. From recreational to competition standard, the key is trying your best.” Nic Wilson — Assistant Swimming Coach B angko k P at ana Scho o l 17 Excellence “MUN has allowed me to collaborate with other delegates and become confident in my delivery through rigorous preparation; valued skills that translate well to assist my studies.” Lui – Year 12 “The great thing about Patana is the environment – challenging, thought-provoking but also lively and most of all fun!” Emma – Year 12 Lui, Anitha, Stuart and Emma were among the school’s top achievers at (I)GCSE in 2007 The school has a strong record of excellence in the Visual Arts angkok Patana School is proud to welcome students with a wide range of abilities to its community. Whilst demonstrating consistently excellent results in (I)GCSE and IB examinations, it is the development of all-around excellence that gives the school the most satisfaction. Expectations are high and students at Bangkok Patana School have performed admirably against UK and world standards. Whilst these achievements are gratifying for all, it is all the more so when students surpass predictions, better personal goals and show they have indeed fulfilled their true potential. Excellence and achievement can be measured in so many different ways. One area that is an ongoing feature of life at Bangkok Patana School is the less easily quantifiable – the sporting, outward bound, dramatic, artistic, public speaking, competitive and non-competitive activities. The school has a strong record in sporting achievement. Patana ‘Tigers’ are enthusiastic competitors in events organised by the South-East Asia Student’s Activity Conference (SEASAC), the British International School Athletic Conference (BISAC) and the Federation of British Schools in South-East Asia (FOBISSEA). The sports programmes emphasise the development of the all-important qualities of commitment, loyalty, selflessness, determination, cooperation and leadership. Students also have the opportunity to participate in the ‘Model United Nations’ programme (MUN) which is a simulation of the real UN in New York and uses similar procedures. Students take on the roles of Ambassadors and engage in vigorous and well-researched debates about global issues. MUN promotes public-speaking skills, lively debate and detailed research and analysis of the issues facing the world today. Music is just one of the areas where students are encouraged to excel and the school’s commitment to providing a wide range of opportunities in the Arts is evident with a planned new Visual and Performing Arts building. Students enjoy an atmosphere where drama, music and art is experienced and celebrated in many forms and the new building will allow for further development of these areas. The dedicated spaces for teaching and learning, rehearsals and exhibitions as well as two major performance venues will be of huge benefit to the Arts campus-wide. B 18 Prospectus e x c e l l e n c e i n M m u s i c commentary I C Da v i d o o r d i n a t o r n s t r u m e n t a l L o f — Ye a r Ri 13 c h a r d — Ye a r 11 “Madura is an all-around accomplished musician.” a r k i n g Mu a d u r a Individual s i c Tu i t i o n “Richard has taken classical and jazz sax to the highest level.” Si m o n — Ye a r 13 “Gifted is an often overused expression but Simon fully justifies its true meaning in his musical excellence . He inspires others, both his peers and staff alike.” B angko k Ja n — Ye a r 12 “Jan’s work ethic matches his passion for piano and musical excellence.” P at ana Scho o l 19 Excellence in the Primary School B angkok Patana School not only values its students’ academic test results but also their achievements in developing strong personal attributes, skills in the creative arts and in physical education. Above all, we wish students to be excited by learning and to develop excellent learning skills that will enable them to grow to their full potential as independent, life-long learners. This is particularly the case in the Primary School, where personal development accompanies essential skills and knowledge to facilitate academic progress. Primary students also get the opportunity to measure performance against their counterparts in United Kingdom schools via the National Curriculum tests. These provide a valuable barometer of attainment in the core subjects. At the end of Year 6, almost all students achieve Level 4 or above in their Key Stage 2 National Curriculum Tests. A significant number of students achieve Level 5, which is well above UK expectations, and forms an excellent foundation for the move to Secondary School. 20 Prospectus Summary B angkok Patana School has been preparing students for life for over 50 years. Its British-based approach to education has been well-received by generations of families from all over the world. The school was founded with a unique objective, one which continues to live on today as a modern adaption of its founder’s vision. The school’s mission is apparent in all areas, from the broad-based curriculum and range of extra-curricular activities, to the highly-motivated staff and quality of teaching. Careful planning and a childcentred approach have resulted in a warm, welcoming community. This document has drawn on the thoughts and words of many of the school’s students, staff and parents. From parents facing the challenges of finding a school place on arriving in Thailand, to students in Primary and Secondary and long-serving staff, all contribute to the unique and cherished organisation that is Bangkok Patana School. B angko k Our strengths • Our caring community • Experience and expertise of staff • Broad-based rigorous and challenging curriculum • Range and quality of facilities • Rich array of extra-curricular activities • Readiness to embrace new styles of teaching and learning Our strengths mean that we are very well placed to offer a superb environment for learning and for encouraging our students to develop their talents to their fullest extent. The extent to which our students are able to find fulfillment across such a wide range of activities, whilst continually achieving high academic standards, is what makes Bangkok Patana School so special. P at ana Scho o l 21 Campus 37 N CAMPUS COMMUNITIES 36 F o u n d a ti on/Pr i ma r y Secondar y C r o s s C a mp us 33 36 35 30 31 24 25 36 26 34 23 27 29 22 19 18 28 32 20 KEY TO NUMBERING 17 1. Foundation 2. Year 3 – Year 4 3. Playground Year 3 – Year 4 4. Primary Canteen 5. Sports Hall 6. Year 5 – Year 6 7. Tennis Courts 8. Back Hard Court 9. Back Field 10. 25 Metre Swimming Pool 11. Covered Play Area 12. Primary Hall 13. Primary Gym 14. Primary MFL and Thai 15. Primary Library and Music 16. Year 1 – Year 2 17. Playground Year 1 – Year 2 18. 50 Metre Swimming Pool 19. Squash Courts and Youth Club 21 16 9 36 12 15 13 14 10 7 1 8 11 3 6 2 4 5 Admissions We welcome families to campus throughout the year. Please contact: The Registrar Bangkok Patana School 643 Lasalle Road (Sukhumvit 105) Bangna, Bangkok 10260, Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2398 0200 Fax:+66 (0) 2399 3179 Email: 22 Prospectus 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. Auditorium and Secondary Music & Drama Visual and Performing Arts Building Secondary Design & Technology and Art Secondary Humanities, English and Science Secondary MFL, ICT and Canteen Secondary Maths, Humanities and Exam Hall Senior Studies Secondary School Library Thai Sala Main Administration Building Front Hard Court Front Field Car Park Tennis Courts Sports Parking Lot Full Size Soccer Pitches Sports Pavilion Cricket Practice Nets 643 Lasalle Road (Sukhumvit 105) Bangna Bangkok 10260 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 2398 0200 Fax: +66 (0) 2399 3179 Email: