The New Paradigm The PLASMA UNIT When electronically charged the transformer that is integrated into the device applies a high voltage to the electrode plates thereby generating plasma. The plasmaNorm module containing the Plasma Reactor when electronically charged, removes odours caused by cooking in a domestic kitchen. The Breakthrough for Residential Applications ORIGINATING from the Space and Military Industry, the plasmaNorm technology was further developed for the elimination of odours in restaurant and food processing industries. In many European cities it is necessary to install plasma units in restaurants and food establishments that will handle up to 60,000 cubic metres per hour so the residents are not subjected to unhealthy odours and pollutants. Plasma Reactor Directly situated above the fan are the electrode plates. The transformer integrated into the device applies a high voltage to the electrode plates thereby generating plasma. The plasma occurs as a result of the extended supply of energy to the gaseous air. When contaminated air passes through an electromagnetic field created by plasmaNorm, the micro or non-thermal reaction causes oxidation of odour molecules changing them into oxygen and carbon dioxide. Now in kitchens that cannot be vented to the outside atmosphere in apartment buildings or when the kitchen is in the centre of the house, a rangehood with a plasma unit in it will clear the air of all the by-products of cooking so all of those offensive odours are removed from the atmosphere. plasmaNorm plasma air purification technology Rangecraft uses the revolutionary plasmaNorm plasma air purification technology to effectively and permanently remove the by-products of cooking. Originating from the need for clean air in space travel, the plasmaNorm technology was developed for the effective elimination of odours. How does it work? There are three basic forms of matter: • gas • liquid • solid The fourth form of matter – Plasma • can only be achieved by adding energy • a plasma state of matter also generates free electrons and ionized atoms. Plasma is the state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of particles are ionized. The plasmaNorm system induces the state in plasma cells by introducing an electromagnetic field to gas. Gas particles inside the system then become highly charged and react with the organic molecules created from cooking to convert them into oxygen and carbon dioxide. plasmaNorm Process Grease Filter Plasma Chemical Reaction Carbon Filter O2 Vapour C xH y CO2 H 2O H 2O Odour molecules, spores, bacteria, viruses, germs, etc. H 2O O2 Barrier discharge spilt molecules plasmaNorm Function Scheme plasmaNorm system three stages of extraction 1. Filtration – through the standard stainless steel grease filter. 2. P lasma – odour molecules undergo a cold combustion process by reacting with plasma. These molecules are oxidized and then decomposed into oxygen, carbon dioxide and water molecules. 3. A ctivated Carbon – resultant molecules then pass through activated carbon filtration. The plasma effect triggers a charcoal regenerating reaction resulting in a prolonged lifecycle of the filter for up to 5 years. Photo courtesy of Complete Kitchens Ground breaking technology plasmaNorm is the only specialist provider of air solutions that guarantees to remove odours permanently. The revolutionary plasmaNorm filter contains atmospheric, normal-pressure plasma. It clears the air of cooking odours, solvents and fine particles, with built-in air sterilization. As a filter of intake, ambient or exhaust air, plasmaNorm has undergone long-term, real-life operational testing in the catering and food industries. How plasmaNorm works Particles and dust are pre-filtered; the pollutant gases subsequently oxidise through ‘cold combustion’ in atmospheric, normal-pressure plasma. Odour molecules are decomposed at the molecular level. Non-combusted compounds become caught in an activated carbon storage system. The activated carbon, located downstream, acts as a storage reactor that continually regenerates itself by means of plasma flow and, for example, converts ozone back into atmospheric oxygen. The benefits to everyone Now for people living in apartments that cannot exhaust the kitchen odours effectively or have a recirculating rangehood that does not clear the air and are left with unpleasant odours, the plasma unit offers a positive solution. Residences that are classified by the national trust, state or local council regulations can put a effective rangehood that will allow them to enjoy all the different cuisines offered today. Large apartments with difficult body corporate’s now can avoid the arguments and delays that most experience. Rangecraft specifications Advice on usage and installation. Fan is an AC centrifugal type forward curved, dual inlet with housing. High speed 750 cubic metres per hour (210 litres per second). Low speed 150 cubic metres per hour (40 litres per second). Motor - 194 Watt. Outlet - 150mm diameter. Duct Size - 150mm diameter minimum. Duct type must be rigid. Do not use flexible ducting as this can reduce airflow by up to 50%. Ducting used must be non-flammable. Plasma unit can be attached to the outlet of the motor in the rangehood or can be located away from the hood up to 6 metres. The connection from the hood to the plasma unit must be rigid ducting of 150mm diameter. Air outlet from plasma unit must be at least 400 square centimetres through the top of the cupboards or the front of the cupboards. Return air must come back into the room with the hood in it. This is necessary to ensure all the residual odours are removed. The Rangecraft rangehoods are made to be incorporated in kitchens where ducting cannot be installed to the outside atmosphere. They will do the job over all standard electric, gas and induction hotplates from 60cm to 120cm wide. Important note is that they do not have the capacity to do the job over indoor barbecues, high speed gas burners or hotplates with a heat output rating over 40 mega joule. Always check with a representative from Condari P/L if there is any doubt about the hood doing a satisfactory job. When finished cooking the rangehood can be turned to a low speed and any residual odours from the food preparation will be cleared in about 30 minutes. Ceiling Ceiling 150mm dia. 150mm diameter Maximum 6 metres RDR-900 Maximum 6 metres Rangecraft ducting pieces available RDR-450 RDL-300 RDL-600 RDL-900 The models available are listed below and the drawings are on the following pages in this leaflet. All these rangehoods are made of stainless steel. RPSO 60 - 1T Slide out 60cm rangehood RPSO 90 - 1T Slide out 90cm rangehood RPCP 60 - 1T Compact style 60cm rangehood RPCP 90 - 1T Compact style 90cm rangehood RPUC 60 - 1T Under cupboard 60cm rangehood RPUC 90 - 1T Under cupboard 90cm rangehood RPWP 60 - 1T 60cm rangehood over induction RPWP 100 - 1T 100cm rangehood over induction RPEP 60 - 1T 60cm rangehood over induction RPEP 100 - 1T 100cm rangehood over induction In many existing kitchens there is a need to get rid of offensive odours and it may be necessary to design a special rangehood to suit the existing kitchen cupboards. This is a special service provided by Condari P/L and also for the installation. RPSO Specification Sheet Concealed Slidehood Out Hood RPSO Concealed slide out RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPSO 60 - 1 221 RPSO 60-1 897 38 20 170 276 515 395 120 600 Power Entry Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. MODEL BODY WIDTH RPSO 60-1 600mm FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO FILTERS FILTER SIZE Electrical Connection is to be at the Box Inside thexRangehood 515mm 1 - 1Junction 514mm 177mm Body Width No Lights Model Fanbox Width 515mm RPSO 60-1 600mm 1 Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. Light Centres - No Filters 1 Filter Size 514mm x 177mm 02.05.2014 RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPSO 90 - 1 RPSO Specification Sheet Out Hood RPSOConcealedConcealed slide outSlide hood 221 RPSO 90-1 897 38 20 170 276 515 395 120 900 Power Entry Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Electrical Connection is to be at the FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO FILTERS FILTER SIZE Junction Box Inside the Rangehood RPSO 90-1Model 900mm Body Width 515mmFanbox 2 320mm 2 177mm No Lights Light Centres Width No Filters 407mm xFilter Size 515mm RPSO 90-1 900mm 320mm 407mm x 177mm 2 2 MODEL BODY WIDTH Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. 02.05.2014 RPCP Specification Sheet Stainless Steel Fascia RANGEHOODS RPCP 60 - 1 Stainless steel RPCP fascia with concealed motorbox With Concealed Motorbox RANGECRAFT 221 RPCP 60-1 946 435 280 510 415 600 100 Power Entry Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. is to be at the FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO Electrical FILTERSConnection FILTER SIZE Junction Box Inside the Rangehood RPCP 60-1 600mm Body Width 435mmFanbox 1 - 355mm No Lights Light Centres 2 No Filters 272mm xFilter Model Width size RPCP 60-1 600mm 435mm 1 272mm x 355mm 2 MODEL BODY WIDTH Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Electrical connection is to be at the Junction Box inside the rangehood. 02.05.2014 RPCP Specification Sheet Stainless Steel Fascia RANGEHOODS RPCP RPCP 90 - 1 Stainless steel fascia with concealed motorbox With Concealed Motorbox RANGECRAFT 221 RPCP 90-1 946 280 435 510 415 900 100 Power Entry Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. MODEL BODY WIDTH RPCP 90-1Model 900mm RPCP 90-1 Electrical Connection is to be at the FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO Junction FILTERS SIZE BoxFILTER Inside the Rangehood Body Width 435mm Fanbox Width 2 900mm 435mm No Lights Centres2 525mm Light 525mm 2 Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Electrical connection is to be at the Junction Box inside the rangehood. No Filters 422mm xFilter Size 355mm 422mm x 355mm 2 02.05.2014 RPUC Specification Sheet Concealed Cupboard Hood RPUC Concealed cupboard hood RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPUC 60 - 1 221 RPUC 60-1 892 12 580 240 280 360 12 600 Power Entry MODEL BODY WIDTH RPUC 60-1 600mm Plasma unit may be mounted to 6 LED metres from rangehood. FANBOXup WIDTH LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO FILTERS 580mm 1 - Body Width No Lights Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres rangehood. Model Fanboxfrom Width RPUC 60-1 600mm 580mm Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin 1plug. FILTER SIZE 2 Electrical Connection 269mm x 250mm is to be at the Junction Box Inside the Rangehood. Light Centres - No Filters 2 Filter Size 269mm x 250mm 02.05.2014 RPUC Specification Sheet Cupboard Hood RPUCConcealed Concealed cupboard hood RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPUC 90 - 1 221 RPUC 90-1 892 12 240 280 880 360 12 900 Power Entry MODEL BODY WIDTH RPUC 90-1 900mm Plasma unit may be mounted up toWIDTH 6 metres from rangehood. FANBOX LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES 880mm 2 770mm Body Width No Lights Fanboxfrom Width Plasma Model unit may be mounted up to 6 metres rangehood. RPUC 90-1 900mm 880mm 2 Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. Light Centres 770mm NO FILTERS FILTER SIZE to be at the 2 Electrical Connection 340mm xis260mm Junction Box Inside the Rangehood. No Filters 2 Filter Size 340mm X 260mm 02.05.2014 RPWP Specification Sheet Over induction RPWP RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPWP 60 - 1 Over induction 221 RPWP 60-1 982 12 565 290 330 450 12 600 Power Entry MODEL BODY WIDTH RPWP 60-1 600mm Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO FILTERS FILTER SIZE Electrical Connection is to be at the 565mm 2 300mm 2 272mm x 272mm Junction Box Inside the Rangehood. Body Width No Lights Model Fanbox Width PlasmaRPWP unit may up to 6 metres from rangehood.2 60-1be mounted 600mm 565mm Must be installed 750mm above induction hotplate. Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. Light Centres 300mm No Filters 2 Filter Size 272mm x 272mm 02.05.2014 RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPWP 100 -1 RPWP Specification Sheet Over induction induction Over RPWP 221 RPWP 100-1 982 12 290 330 980 450 12.0 1000 Power Entry Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. MODEL BODY WIDTH Electrical Connection is to be at the Junction Box Inside the Rangehood. FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO FILTERS FILTER SIZE Body Width Model Fanbox Width RPWP 100-1 1000mm 980mm 880mm 2 RPWP 1000mm 100-1 No Lights Light Centres 480mm 480mm 2 2 No Filters 2 Filter Size 479mm xX 260mm 479mm 260mm 02.05.2014 Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Must be installed 750mm above induction hotplate. Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. RANGECRAFT RANGEHOODS RPEP 60 - 1 RPEP Specification Sheet induction RPEP OverOver induction 221 RPEP 60-1 1102 565 12 290 330 570 Power Entry 600 MODEL BODY WIDTH RPEP 60-1 600mm Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NO FILTERS FILTER SIZE Electrical Connection is to be at the 565mm 2 300mm 2 272mm x 272mm Junction Box Inside the Rangehood. Body Width No Lights Model Fanbox Width Plasma RPEP unit may up to 6 metres from rangehood.2 60-1be mounted 600mm 565mm Can be installed 600mm above induction hotplate. Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. Light Centres 300mm No Filters 2 Filter Size 272mm x 272mm 17.04.2014 RPEP Specification Sheet Overinduction induction RPEP Over RANGECRAFT RPEP 100 - 1 RANGEHOODS 221 RPEP 100-1 1102 12 290 980 330 570 12 1000 Power Entry Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. MODEL BODY WIDTH Electrical Connection is to be at the FANBOX WIDTH LED LIGHTS LIGHT CENTRES NOJunction FILTERS SIZE Box FILTER Inside the Rangehood. RPEP 100-1 1000mm Body Width 980mmFanbox 2 Model Width RPEP 100-1 1000mm 880mm Centres 2 No Filters No Lights480mm Light 480mm 2 2 Plasma unit may be mounted up to 6 metres from rangehood. Can be installed 600mm above induction hotplate. Electrical connection is by a 10 Amp power lead with a 3 pin plug. 479mmFilter x 260mm Size 479mm X 260mm 02.05.2014 PTY LTD DISTRIBUTED IN AUSTRALIA BY CONDARI PTY LTD Tel: 1300 360 563 HEAD OFFICE +61 3 9482 7088 Website: VIC Tel: Email: Fax:+61 3 9482 7011 YOUR DISTRIBUTORS NSW/ACT Phone: 02 9316 4599 Fax: QLD Phone: 07 3423 3503 Fax: SA/NT Phone: 1300 360 563 Fax: TAS Phone: 1300 360 563 Fax: WA Phone: 08 9242 5387 Fax: 02 07 03 03 08 9316 3282 9482 9482 9201 9299 9122 7011 7011 0887 Email: Email: Email: Email: Email: New Zealand Kitchen Appliance Specialist Ltd 320 Manchester Street Christchurch, New Zealand Tel: +64 3379 0360 Fax: +64 3365 5623 Kouzina Appliances 155 The Strand Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand Tel: +64 9 377 7822 Fax: +64 9 377 7824 Email: Singapore Eldric Marketing Pte Ltd 176 Orchard Rd #05-03 Centrepoint Singapore 238843 Tel: +65 6369 1188 Fax: +65 6733 8133 5 Pereira Rd #02-01 Asiawide Industrial Building Singapore 368025 Tel: +65 6743 8388 Fax: +65 6743 0202 CONDARI Rangehoods made in Ringwood 3134 QASAIR Reserves the right to change specification without notice. ® is a registered trademark. Printed in Melbourne Australia 06/14