Follow Us At IDowntown Vacaville Official Facebook Pagel and on


Follow Us At IDowntown Vacaville Official Facebook Pagel and on
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The DVBID Newsletter has been in the same format going on for 9 years. It's been a
bi-monthly communication sharing our events and updates on what's going on in The
Heart Of The City. In a world that has so much going on electronically it's time for the
DVBID to take the next step in modernizing what we do. So starting with the next edition
of our newsletter it will be available on-line at our web site and we will email it out to
those that have email addresses. We are in the process of asking for everyone's email
address so please contact us with your current email so we can update our files.
Another reason we are going electronically is the cost of producing and mailing the
newsletters out. It's been 2 years since we lost our grant through the Housing and
Redevelopment Agency and it has taken a toll on what we do in spreading the word
about our Downtown. The savings in going electronic will help us somewhat in that we
will be able to do more promotion and marketing in what we do to attract visitors and
shoppers to our Downtown.
If you would like to email your email address to the DVBID office please send it to: (We will not share your email address with anyone)
We are looking forward to a great 2014 with our traditional events and we will keep
you posted on what's new for next year in Downtown Vacaville as we finalize our events.
Follow Us At IDowntown Vacaville Official Facebook Pagel and on "Twitter
Janssen In The Community is a brand new
* 11/2 - Holly Days Craft & Gift Fair
9 am to 4 pm on Main Street
* 11/11 - Veterans' Day Program in
Andrews Park at 9 am
* 11/12 - Board Meeting at 8 am
at The Hampton Inn
program for our Downtown Merchants! The
ALZA Corporation was recently purchased by
Janssen (Pharmaceutical Companies of
Johnson & Johnson) and they both have strong
commitments to the community. So beginning
on November 4th and continuing through
* 11/28 - Thanksgiving
November 16th, they will be giving their
* 11/30 - Small Business Saturday for
employees "Janssen Bucks" to spend in
Downtown Shops
Downtown Vacaville. This is a similar program
* 12/3 - Merriment On Main
to what Genentech has been doing. The
* 12/14 - Winter Wonderland Of Retail
difference is that the Janssen shoppers will be
Shopping Downtown
spending WOODEN NICKELS and not "bucks".
* 12/25 - Christmas
If your business has signed up for the program
* 12/31 - New Year's Eve
you are on their list and to redeem your wooden
nickels for reimbursement, all you have to do is
turn them in at the DVBID office between 9 am
and noon by November 27th.
What a GREAT event this is for our
Downtown so please welcome and thank them
Medical SupplY'
Our NEW banners are here and they
will be placed around Downtown after
the 1st of the New Year! Thank you to
those that purchased these banners!
for supporting and shopping here in the Heart
Of The City!
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Once again along the 300 block of Main
Please decorate your store front for the
Street there will be 30 vendors selling their
holidays by December 2nd as that's when
holiday wares from 9 am to 4 pm ... rain or
the judging will take place once again.
shine! This event always attracts visitors to
Judges will stroll Downtown that evening
our Downtown as they shop early for those
looking for the best and brightest displays.
holiday gift items.
Themes related to your business, holidays,
Merchants should be open that day and
host open houses or sales for all to enjoy.
This is the 1st year the DVBID will be
window painting, etc. are all reviewed and
the winners will be notified the next day!
The DVBID has been hosting a small
supporting this event with a full page ad in
ceremony every year on Veterans' Day,
the Reporter and advertising on KUIC. This
11/11, at the Veterans' Memorial in
is a national day to promote the small
Andrews Park. This will be taking place
businesses and we want to let the world
once again this year at 9 am with a small
know who and where we are. If you want to
reading, prayer and comments from those
participate letthe DVBID office know.
Tweed Hot
359 Merchant Street
777 Mason Street
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 451-1900
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 447-5515
1Jte Gil4ed Naughty
IrIs Boutique or Nice
360 Merchant Street
Vacaville, CA 95688
317 Parker Street
(707) 451-3588
Vacaville, CA 95688
(707) 448-6884
If you would like to advertise in the above space please contact the OVBIO office at 707-451-2100
I ... r
311 Parker Street
U.S. Postage
Vacaville, CA 95688
Phone: 707-451-2100
Permit #64
Vacaville, CA 95687
Boa1l1 of Directors
LOUIe DeBartolo - Pres, dent (DeBartolo Jewelers)
Wendy Jackson· V,ce Pres,dent (Jackson Medical Supply)
Heather Strachan - Secretary (McCune Garden Chapel)
Ray Posey, Treasurer (Ray's Cycle)
Ralph Berumen (KR Insurance & Financial Services)
Andrea Cab illo (Essenza Salon)
Joe Grannen, Jr (Joe's Creekside Cafe)
Kathleen Ramos (Stumbaugh Realty Advisors)
Ted Haskins - (Towne Cryer Pro Video)
Ted Nelma (Clipp er Cargo)
Bruce Newton (Bank Of The West)
Sandra Over (Vacaville Opera House)
Mananna Schiavone (LaBorgata Deli)
Martina Seibert - (Pure Grain Bakery)
Joseph VVIlitson (Adventures In Personal Computing)
Executive Director
Bob Vollmer