20140924 - Prospectus SC
20140924 - Prospectus SC
A CE NT R E OF E XCE LLEN C E FO R E D U C AT I ON IN IN D ON E S I A EDUCAT IO N IS T H E KEY TO T HE N AT I O N 'S F UTUR E. - D R . ( H C ) Ir. C i p u t ra - Puri Widya Kencana, Citraland Surabaya, East Java, INDONESIA Email: info-sc@sekolahciputra.sch.id SEKOLAH CIPUTRA PROSPECTUS +62 31 7415017-18 TODDLER www.sekolahciputra.sch.id P L AY G R O U P KINDERGARTEN E L E M E N TA R Y HIGH SCHOOL WELCOME TO THE LARGEST IB WORLD SCHOOL IN EAST INDONESIA On behalf of Ciputra Education Foundation, we would like to extend our warmest welcome to all new members of our school community. We hope that your involvement in and contribution to our school's continuous improvement can instill rewarding and resolute experiences for everyone. Our school's commitment is to look after all of our students and to provide quality education for all. Apart from acquiring academic excellence, our students are given the opportunity to nurture their entrepreneurial skills, develop strong moral character and broaden their perspectives to become successful individuals in the future. We hope that all of our students become the doers, the innovators and the future leaders in our economy. God bless you all. Junita Ciputra, M.B.A. Chairman Yayasan Ciputra Pendidikan Director’s Welcome “ We believe that our students are truly global citizens “ We live in an increasingly global society where At Sekolah Ciputra, the breadth of the curriculum of Knowledge course and Extended Essay in the international perspectives are essential for progress. At and features such as community service, collaborative Diploma Programme ensure our graduates are ready Sekolah Ciputra mempersiapkan para siswa menjadi Sekolah Ciputra, the most fundamental way in which learning and cross-curricular studies are designed to for success at whatever university they attend. individu yang mampu berkembang di dunia global this is recognised is through the International create global citizens who are adaptive, imaginative The curriculum offered from Play Group to Year dimana pola pandang internasional menjadi suatu Baccalaureate and entrepreneurial. Our emphasis on English, 12 gives students a consistency of approach and style kebutuhan yang mendasar. Terdapat 4000 sekolah di Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP) Indonesian these and a continuum of language use and development seluruh and the Diploma Programme (DP). Sekolah Ciputra is considerations, English as the international language that helps them be the best they can be. It is little International Baccalaureate. Sekolah Ciputra adalah one of only 240 schools out of 4000 IB World Schools of commerce and communication and Mandarin in wonder that so many schools from around Indonesia salah satu dari hanya 240 sekolah yang menyediakan with all three programmes, providing a consistent recognition of China’s importance in the global want to see what is happening at Sekolah Ciputra, a program ini secara lengkap dan memiliki filosofi continuum of educational philosophy from Play Group economy and of the heritage of many of our students. Centre of Excellence for Education in Indonesia. pendidikan yang berkesinambungan dari tingkat usia dini programmes: the Primary years to Year 12. We emphasise a broad education, allowing Around and 60% Mandarin of our flows from graduates study at students to explore all aspects of human knowledge universities overseas, with the rest studying locally. We and understanding, achieving excellent academic prepare them for University throughout the three results and still catering for their physical, emotional, programmes. The Exhibition in the PYP, the Community social and spiritual needs. Project and Personal Project in the MYP and the Theory Melalui program dunia International dengan Baccalaureate, menggunakan program hingga menengah atas. Erik Hoekstra Executive Director 02 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 03 We learn not for school but for life 04 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 05 Ciputra Culture Our school is non-denominational and pluralist, catering for Moslem, Christian, Catholic, Buddhist and Hindu students. We value cultural diversity, with students from all over the world working with Indonesian students. We value all cultures and languages. We value a classroom environment where all students, regardless of their cultural and linguistic backgrounds, are welcomed and supported and provided with excellent opportunities to learn. Sekolah Ciputra menghargai perbedaan budaya, The world is bigger than I thought bahasa dan agama. Siswa dari berbagai negara dan kebudayaan berbaur dengan siswa Indonesia. Kami membangun sebuah lingkungan kelas dimana seluruh siswa diterima , didukung serta memperoleh kesempatan belajar yang sama dan istimewa. And it’s okay to be different. 06 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 07 Caring Environment I love everybody! They are kind & very helpful. Students don’t care how much you know until Guru yang peduli dalam membimbing para siswa they know how much you care. A caring teacher can membantu membentuk karakter. Dalam mempersiapkan transform students siswa menjadi pribadi yang mampu hidup secara regardless of their backgrounds or needs. Students harmonis, menghargai sesama dan berkontribusi dalam know that the greatest thing a teacher can do is to care masyarakat global. the school experience for and to understand. In our school, students are prepared to live harmoniously, show respect for others and participate effectively in our global society. 08 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 09 Critical Thinkers, Problem Solvers Our students are critical thinkers, having informed and reasoned points of view. They recognize and know how to solve problems, find, analyze, use and present information in a variety of settings. They are active independent learners for life, internationally minded and driven to becoming global citizens. Setiap siswa dibekali dengan kemampuan mengenali dan mencari solusi dari setiap masalah yang mereka hadapi. Mereka mengolah dari berbagai informasi untuk menjadi pembelajar yang mandiri dengan pola pikir internasional serta siap menghadapi dunia global. I’m curious about a lot of things And they help me to find out. 10 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 11 Entrepreneurship and Creativity Entrepreneurship is widely recognized as the key to I’ll never give up. There is always a way out. Kunci kesuksesan suatu negara dalam continued national and global development. The skills of pertumbuhan entrepreneurship can be developed through teaching and kehidupan wirausaha. Sekolah Ciputra menanamkan experience. Our school works closely with the Ciputra nilai-nilai wirausaha dan kreativitas sejak dini agar Education Group with broad priorities that include: setiap siswa siap menjadi generasi yang sukses di global adalah berkembangnya masa depan. Promoting the development of personal qualities relevant to entrepreneurship, such as creativity, risk-taking and responsibility. Raising students’ awareness of self-employment as a career option Providing students with opportunities to develop and display the technical and business skills essential in entrepreneurial activities. 12 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 13 Facilities I can explore more! It’s always exciting. “ The school is purpose built and has an extensive range of facilities to support students’ learning and recreation. Ciputra Hall, Performing “ Arts for its students. As well as offering a Centre. The Hall was opened officially in magnificent facility for their use, the school September of 2013 with a stunning set of expects that the Hall will enhance the growth performances by students, dancers and and appreciation of music, dance and drama in musicians that showed it off to its full Surabaya and, indeed, in Indonesia. capabilities. Although a school facility, the Hall is Other Facilities: very much meant to be part of the Surabaya Interactive Computer Technology community. There is no other building in (SmartBoards) in every classroom Surabaya like it and the school is keen to 4 computer Labs with 100 networked share it with other lovers of the Performing computers Arts. Its visual and sound qualities are 2 Learning Resources Centres with 40 outstanding, allowing acoustic musicians to computers for internet research perform without the need for distorting Soccer Field and running track (shared amplification yet including a state of the art with SIS) sound system for when amplification is International standard Gymnasium with appropriate. 2 basketball courts The Hall represents one more step in CCTV throughout the school Sekolah Ciputra’s desire to provide the best Untuk menjadi pribadi yang utuh, kami mempersiapkan fasilitas belajar yang membantu siswa mengenal dan memperdalam potensi dan minatnya secara maksimal. 14 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 15 High Achievers High achievement comes through a combination of ability, persistence, resilience, balance and creativity, supported by well trained teachers using a consistent pedagogy from Play Group upwards and high quality technology throughout the school. All students are encouraged to be the best they can be and our results, local, national and international, indicate this. Teams from the school have made their marks in international events such as: Global Rounds of The World Scholar's Cup in Let the world see what I am truly capable of. Bangkok, Dubai and Singapore Playing host to regional rounds of the World Scholar’s Cup 16 Locally, students have supported “Kami tidak hanya belajar Tournament of Champions in Yale University, USA environmental concerns such as Habitat International Public Speaking and Debating for Humanity, mangrove rehabilitation events in England and cleaning up local beaches. They kami juga dididik untuk World Robo Masters Cup in Singapore have set up mobile libraries for nearby kampungs and have gone to local berguna bagi sesama dan International gathering of Caretakers of the Environment International (CEI) in Malang and schools and orphanages to help those membantu yang lebih the CEI Forum in Maastricht, Netherlands less fortunate than themselves. membutuhkan” Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus untuk berprestasi, tapi Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 17 Diploma Programme I am ready for my future. It’s going to be fantastic. More than 60% of our graduates go OVERSEAS for further STUDY from teachers, students gain an understanding of what is required for them to succeed at University. Siswa pendidikan menengah di Sekolah Ciputra dipersiapkan untuk sukses menjalani studi mereka di All of our graduates go on to University, with Universitas, baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Pada level over 60% heading to North America, Australia, ini, siswa akan menjalankan proyek pribadi dan Theory of Singapore, China, Japan or Europe. Those who Knowledge, yang akan membantu mereka mengerti apa complete the DP and go overseas often obtain advance yang akan mereka butuhkan untuk sukses selama studi di credits potentially reducing the time required to Universitas. Seluruh alumni Sekolah Ciputra melanjutkan Our students are prepared for life at University an investigation of common interest. The MYP obtain a degree by up to a year. For this reason alone, ke Universitas, 60% di antaranya melanjutkan studinya throughout their schooling at Sekolah Ciputra. From concludes with the Personal Project, a year-long it School keluar negeri. Dengan menyelesaikan studi diploma the earliest year levels, they learn to research, investigation into something the student is interested qualifications at Sekolah Ciputra and go overseas well program, siswa dapat mempersingkat waktu studi di collaborate with their peers, communicate and in. In the DP, students study the Theory of Knowledge prepared and ready for success rather than to leave universitas hingga 1 tahun. Siswa lebih siap untuk hidup produce. At the end of the PYP, students experience course and write a 4,000 word Extended Essay in a prematurely. mandiri. the Exhibition, a major project that involves working topic they choose from one of the subjects they study. with others and with people from outside the school in With these projects and the support that they receive 18 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus is much better to complete High Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus 19 How to Enrol Visit Our School Thank you for choosing Sekolah Ciputra for the Terima kasih telah memilih Sekolah Ciputra untuk provision of your child's education. Inquiries are pendidikan putra putri Anda. Silakan menghubungi atau welcome mengunjungi kami selama jam operasional sekolah, hari from all families, whether Surabaya residents, residents of other cities or towns in Senin hingga Jumat pada pukul 8.00 - 15.00. Indonesia or families re-locating to Surabaya from Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai program elsewhere in Indonesia or overseas. We welcome you dan kurikulum, Kepala Sekolah kami akan dengan senang to contact us by phone or email, and to visit our school hati menemui Anda. to see it in action during school hours, 8.00 – 15.00 Monday –Friday. Marketing & Communications staff will arrange for you to meet the relevant School Principal for more specific information about the curriculum and student programmes. Please contact us so we can assist in providing the information you need to ensure enrolment into our school is a simple process. SEKOLAH CIPUTRA ROAD GEREJA BETHANY CITRALAND GEREJA ST. YAKOBUS PATUNG MERLION AD RO TELAGA MAS UNESA CITRA RAYA ROAD UNESA 20 Sekolah Ciputra Prospectus JL .B SUPERMAL PTC UK IT DA R M O BO UL EV AR D G-WALK BUKIT DARMO OFFICE PARK ADHIWANGSA APARTMENT