Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy
Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy
WWW.DENTALLEARNING.NET DENTAL LEARNING A PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATION Knowledge for Clinical Practice Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy Scott Benjamin, DDS and Jan Lebeau, RDH INSIDE Earn 2 CE Credits Written for dentists, hygienists and assistants Integrated Media Solutions Inc./ is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at www.ada. org/cerp. Integrated Media Solutions Inc./ designates this activity for 2 continuing education credits. Approved PACE Program Provider FAGD/MAGD Credit Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. 2/1/2012 - 1/31/2016 Provider ID: # 346890 AGD Subject Code: 495 Dental Learning, LLC is a Dental Board of California CE Provider. The California Provider # is RP5062. All of the information contained on this certificate is truthful and accurate. Completion of this course does not constitute authorization for the attendee to perform any services that he or she is not legally authorized to perform based on his or her license or permit type. This course meets the Dental Board of California’s requirements for 2 units of continuing education. CA course code is 02-5062-14010. DENTAL LEARNING Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy Scott Benjamin, DDS and Jan Lebeau, RDH ABSTRACT EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Periodontal disease is prevalent in the US population and globally. A full periodontal examination is required to diagnose and treatment plan this disease. Standard initial nonsurgical periodontal therapy requires the removal of all calculus deposits, bacterial toxins, debris, and the disruption and removal of all biofilm. Methods available for the removal of calculus include hand scaling and piezoelectric or magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaling. Selecting appropriate tips and using a safe and effective technique are prerequisites for successful nonsurgical periodontal therapy, as is lifetime re-evaluation of the periodontal patient and regular periodontal maintenance. The overall goal of this article is to provide the reader with information on the pathogenesis and treatment of periodontal disease. After completing this article the reader will be able to: 1.Describe the prevalence and etiology of periodontal disease; 2.Review the components of a full mouth periodontal examination; 3.Delineate the considerations involved in the use of piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers; and, 4.List and describe the attributes that contribute to time savings, efficacy, safety and ergonomics when using ultrasonic scalers. ABOUT THE AUTHORS Scott Benjamin, DDS - Dr. Scott Benjamin is a graduate of SUNY Buffalo, School of Dental Medicine and has been in full-time private practice for over 25 years. He has presented internationally at major dental meetings, universities, workshops, and study clubs, and has published more than 100 articles on dental technology in over a dozen publications on topics ranging from computerization and the internet to micro air abrasion, diagnostic modalities and lasers. AUTHOR DISCLOSURE: Dr. Benjamin has no conflict of interest to declare. He can be reached at: Jan LeBeau, RDH - Jan LeBeau has been in the practice and education of dental hygiene for over 30 years, joining Pacific Dental Services in 2009 and now serves as the Chair of Hygiene for the PDS Institute. Jan has lectured and published articles on lasers and periodontal disease, the hygienist's role in implant maintenance, and effective communication for the dental hygienist. Jan is an active member of the Academy of Laser Dentistry and the American Dental Hygiene Association. AUTHOR DISCLOSURE: Ms. LeBeau has no conflict of interest to declare. She can be reached at: Introduction N ow, more than ever, dentistry and medicine have come together in collaboration to support the overall health of the patients we serve. Today the profession of dentistry knows so much more about the etiology of periodontal disease, the inflammatory process and subsequent host response, and the link periodontal diseases have to other serious, systemic health concerns such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dentists and dental hygienists are embracing better technology, such as lasers and the newer piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers with enhanced features, to effectively and efficiently manage the periodontal infection with better results and less patient time and discomfort. Periodontal disease is a multifactorial inflammatory disease initiated by bacterial microorganisms that, if left SPONSOR/PROVIDER: This is a Dental Learning, LLC continuing education activity. COMMERCIAL SUPPORTER: This course has been made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from COLTENE-WHALEDENT. DESIGNATION STATEMENTS: Dental Learning, LLC is an ADA CERP recognized provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Dental Learning, LLC designates this activity for 2 CE credits. Dental Learning, LLC is also designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 2/1/2012 - 1/31/2016. Provider ID: # 346890. EDUCATIONAL METHODS: This course is a self-instructional journal and web activity. Information shared in this course is based on current information and evidence. REGISTRATION: The cost of this CE course is $29.00 for 2 CE credits. PUBLICATION DATE: October 2014. EXPIRATION DATE: September 2017. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION: To obtain 2 CE credits for this educational activity, participants must pay the required fee, review the material, complete the course evaluation and obtain a score of at least 70%. AUTHENTICITY STATEMENT: The images in this course have not been altered. SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY STATEMENT: Information shared in this continuing education activity is developed from clinical research and represents the most current information available from evidence-based dentistry. KNOWN BENEFITS AND LIMITATIONS: Information in this continuing education activity is derived from data and information obtained from the reference section. EDUCATIONAL DISCLAIMER: Completing a single continuing education course does not provide enough information to result in the participant being an expert in the field related to the course topic. It is a combination of many educational courses and clinical experience that allows the participant to develop skills and expertise. PROVIDER DISCLOSURE: Dental Learning does not have a leadership position or a commercial interest in any products that are mentioned in this article. No manufacturer or third party has had any input into the development of course content. CE PLANNER DISCLOSURE: The planner of this course, Casey Warner, does not have a leadership or commercial interest in any products or services discussed in this educational activity. She can be reached at TARGET AUDIENCE: This course was written for dentists, dental hygienists, and assistants, from novice to skilled. CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: Any participant who is not 100% satisfied with this course can request a full refund by contacting Dental Learning, LLC, in writing. Please direct all questions pertaining to Dental Learning, LLC or the administration of this course to Go Green, Go Online to take your course. © 2014 Copyright 2014 by Dental Learning, LLC. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without prewritten permission from the publisher. DENTAL LEARNING 500 Craig Road, First Floor, Manalapan, NJ 07726 CE Editor FIONA M. COLLINS Creative Director MICHAEL HUBERT Managing Editor JULIE CULLEN Art Director MICHAEL MOLFETTO Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy untreated, can result in destruction of the tissues supporting the teeth, tooth loss, masticatory dysfunction and poor nutrition. It is prevalent throughout the world, ranging from reversible gingivitis to severe periodontal disease. In the United States, it has been estimated that 75% of the population over the age of 35 experiences some form of periodontal disease, including gingivitis.1 Environmental, genetic and acquired risk factors all play a role in periodontal disease (Fig. 1).2 Tobacco use is a strong risk factor for the development, progression and severity of periodontal disease, as well as impacting the success of managing the disease long term.3 Genetic factors are increasingly being investigated.4 Periodontal Disease Progression Gingivitis occurs due to an inflammatory process associated initially with the accumulation of gram-positive supragingival plaque, and can occur within 2 to 3 days of the start of dental biofilm formation. By day 7, gram-negative bacteria migrate and form a subgingival biofilm that by 12 weeks is well-established, well-differentiated with a diverse gram-negative flora, and well-structured (Fig. 2).5 As biofilm travels deep down the root surface, oral hygiene has minimal influence on the disruption of subgingival plaque ENVIRONMENTAL Poor oral hygiene SES quantity or its composition, due to an inability to reach the biofilm with brushing and flossing.6 Periodontal Examination and Diagnosis A diagnosis of periodontal disease is based on the patient’s medical history, dental history, clinical and radiographic findings. A comprehensive periodontal examination includes full mouth pocket charting with 6 sites probed and recorded per tooth and documentation of bleeding on probing (BOP), suppuration, gingival recession, mobility, furcation involvement and other contributing factors such as overhangs and poor margins (Fig. 3). Radiographs are essential and permit the assessment of the quantity and pattern of alveolar bone loss, root form, length and proximity, and the presence of periapical lesions (Fig. 4).7 Adjunctive testing may be performed and can be beneficial in establishing the diagnosis and etiology of the patient’s condition. These adjunctive tests and techniques include but are not limited to DNA, enzyme and bacterial testing for specific pathogens and the bacterial load, as well as assessments of the levels of prostaglandins, cytokines, tissue-destruction agents and host-derived enzymes.7 Once a diagnosis has been made, appropriate periodontal therapy can be instituted. GENETIC Familial Gender Ethnicity ACQUIRED Smoking tobacco Alcohol use Systemic disease Medication use Low Ca, Vit D Obesity Figure 1. Risk Factors for Periodontal Disease Figure 2. Image of localized gingivitis DENTAL LEARNING Periodontal Therapy Nonsurgical periodontal therapy is the standard of care for the initial treatment of periodontal disease. During instrumentation, the goal of nonsurgical periodontal therapy is to disrupt and effectively remove plaque as well as to remove calculus, bacterial toxins and other debris supra- and subgingivally, while minimizing iatrogenic damage to the tooth structure.8 All root surfaces must be thoroughly debrided to the base of the pocket where periodontal pathogens are most concentrated, and furcation areas and other periodontal niches must be properly-accessed and debrided.9 Thorough debridement is essential to control periodontal disease and achieve a satisfactory outcome, and ultrasonic scaling is most frequently the method selected for nonsurgical periodontal therapy. The evidence supports the use of piezoelectric or magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaling which is at the very least as efficacious as manual scalers or a combination of manual and ultrasonic scalers,8 and in the case of difficult-to-access sites provides for superior instrumentation. Ultrasonic Scaling Ultrasonic scaling can be performed using piezoelectric or magnetostrictive scaler units, which are both effective Figure 3. Image of use of perio probe 4 and offer advantages over manual scaling. Piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers provide linear micromovements of the scaler insert, created by current-activated ceramic discs. All surfaces of the insert may be used, with the lateral surfaces being the most active. Magnetostrictive ultrasonic scaler inserts move elliptically; again, all surfaces of the insert may be used. In the case of magnetostrictive units, the tips of the inserts are the most active area and the lateral surfaces the least active. Efficacy, Efficiency and Patient Comfort Selecting an ultrasonic unit and appropriate use of inserts leads to greater efficacy, efficiency, patient comfort and safety than the use of manual scalers. Considerably less time is required to perform ultrasonic scaling than manual scaling, which improves the efficiency of instrumentation.10,11 Time savings for ultrasonic scaling versus manual scaling can be up to one-third, a significant increase in efficiency.10 From the patient’s perspective, increased efficiency improves patient comfort since less time is required per sextant or quadrant, and may enable more treatment to occur in fewer visits, providing convenience without compromising treatment outcomes. It is worth noting that the completion of full-mouth periodontal debridement in one visit has been advocated to reduce recolonization of periodontal sites Figure 4. Radiograph showing extent of bone loss and furcational involvement VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy through migration from as-yet-to-be-treated quadrants, although the results of several studies have shown the same outcome whether periodontal therapy is conducted in one or more visits.12,13 For both piezoelectric and magnetostrictive ultrasonic inserts, instrumentation from the coronal rather than the apical aspect of calculus deposits enables their removal efficiently and with less tissue distension than with a manual scaler which is applied from the apical aspect of the deposit. This, together with the application of less force, further contributes to improved patient comfort. In addition, the incorporation of an air polishing option into ultrasonic units may aid the clinician in debriding deep pockets at interdental sites, compared to curettes.14 Air polishing is also perceived by patients to cause less discomfort than hand scaling and requires less time and, in one study, no differences were found for microbiological parameters.15 A well-directed flow of lavage improves cooling, and improves patient comfort since the lavage is more easily suctioned away. Nonetheless, since piezoelectric ultrasonic units generate less heat, they require less lavage/coolant in comparison to magnetostrictive units. This further helps to improve visibility and reduces the need for breaks to suction more than the saliva ejector can handle. Moderate requirement for lavage further improves patient comfort by reducing the uncomfortable feeling of a need to swallow or patient gagging. This is very beneficial to the dental hygienist who often works without the aid of an assistant. In the absence of local anesthesia, patients may also experience thermal discomfort from a cool or cold lavage stimulating any exposed dentin and eliciting dentinal hypersensitivity. The ability to use an irrigating solution that can be temperature-controlled, in addition to reducing the volume of irrigating solution, may reduce the potential for sensitivity and discomfort during treatment. Using a chemotherapeutic as the lavage/cooling agent can help reduce bacterial loads in the depths of pockets and periodontal niches that are the most difficult to access. Therefore, a device with the ability to introduce a chemotherapeutic lavage during instrumentation offers antibacterial benefits not available during manual scaling, which would OCTOBER 2014 require a separate step for the application of chemotherapeutics. An ultrasonic unit that enables the clinician to easily change between solutions used for irrigation to select the appropriate agents for the patient or even site-specific situation is therefore also beneficial (Table 1).16 Selecting a unit that offers a well-directed flow of the solution being used with bright illumination from an LED light incorporated into it results in improved visibility of the site (Fig. 5). Using optimal illumination, the tissue can be gently retracted and the light positioned to illuminate deep into the pocket. This has the potential to reduce the time required for instrumentation and to improve outcomes by enhancing accuracy of instrumentation. Bright and properly-aimed illumination can enhance the clinician’s ability to visualize the treatment site to assist in TABLE 1. Partial list of the benefits of piezoelectric ultrasonic instrumentation Slimmer tips result in less tissue distension Reduced force required Calculus can be instrumented from the coronal aspect Coronal insert application reduces tissue distension Less potential for gagging due to limited lavage requirements Limited coolant requirements reduces stimuli reaching exposed dentin Reduced chairside time Ability to control the temperature of the solutions irrigating and lavaging the treatment area Ability to deliver appropriate antimicrobial agents while debriding the root/tooth structure Enhanced visualization with the ability to illuminate the area being treated 5 DENTAL LEARNING enabling the appropriate amount of scaling of the treatment area and reduce the chances of either over- or under-instrumenting the root surface. Enabling the correct amount of instrumentation will enhance the patient’s comfort both during the procedure and postoperatively, and help ensure improved outcomes. Additionally, the ability to control and adjust the power and irrigation flow during the procedure without interruption improves the practitioner’s efficiency and augments his/her ability to stay focused on the patient’s care and treatment, rather than on the instrument. This control can easily be obtained in utilizing quality piezoelectric ultrasonic units with foot pedals that control the power and water vs. devices that require the clinician to stop and turn to adjust knobs which interrupts the treatment process workflow. Ergonomic Considerations Ultrasonic scaling minimizes the need for the clinician to place his/her fingers and thumb in positions that cause strain and fatigue.17 Given the prevalence of musculoskeletal occupational injuries (including carpal tunnel syndrome) that are related to dental and dental hygiene procedures, attention to ergonomics is essential. By having and utilizing appropriate tips and techniques, pivoting of the wrist can be minimized with ultrasonic scaling. Less force, movement and muscle activity are also required than with manual scalers, further reducing the risk of occupational injury. An appropriate posture with use of loupes further improves ergonomics and reduces the risk of occupational injury (Fig. 6). Carefully assessing the anatomy and access when selecting the most appropriate tips optimizes the number required, by ensuring that the inserts offering the easiest safe and effective access at a given clinical site are used. This reduces the time required since fewer stops are necessary to change out tip designs, reducing fatigue. Typically, at least three different tips are required when treating a quadrant or more. Ultrasonic inserts with silicone grips or dimpled grips that are placed over the handpiece area are available for magnetostrictive and piezoelectric ultrasonic inserts – these make holding the scaler insert more comfortable and reduce pinch force and vibration, resulting in less fatigue. As mentioned before, having LED lights incorporated into ultrasonic scaling also improve ergonomics by providing excellent visualization where it is needed – the clinician is less likely to bend in awkward positions in an effort to adequately see the site. Using a foot pedal to vary the power as well as the Table 2. Attributes of ultrasonic scaling contributing to improved ergonomics Less time required than hand scaling Less force required than hand scaling Built-in LED lighting Foot controls Insert selection Removes need for awkward thumb/finger grips Figure 5. LED illumination of periodontal pockets 6 Silicone and dimpled grips VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy lavage used lets the clinician focus, again without the need for the clinician to change his/her body position to adjust knobs or dials as would be the case with the device having the controls on the countertop (Table 2). Since considerably less time is required with ultrasonic scaling,10 this results in ergonomic benefits for the clinician. A more ergonomic procedure is also likely to result in less fatigue and reduced treatment time (a benefit to the practice and the patient). Selecting and Using Ultrasonic Tips Selecting multiple ultrasonic insert tips improves instrumentation and efficacy – units with more choice give the clinician the ability to customize insert use for a given site. Typically, wider diameter inserts are used first for the removal of gross calculus deposits, followed by instrumentation with narrower inserts. Narrow, slim ultrasonic inserts enable access to furcations and other periodontal regions that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to access. Deep pockets harbor the highest load of periodontal pathogens yet, paradoxically, manual scalers are wider than the base of many periodontal pockets and the slimmest Gracey curette is still wider than the access to some furcation sites and therefore not able to adequately instrument the site.18 Narrow ultrasonic inserts enable deeper instrumentation, Figure 6. Ergonomic posture and use of loupes OCTOBER 2014 more consistently access to the base of deep pockets, and improve debridement of deep pockets which can be expected to improve treatment outcomes.9,19,20 Slimmer ultrasonic inserts minimize tissue distension and associated patient discomfort. Safe Use When used incorrectly, manual and ultrasonic scalers can cause iatrogenic root damage including gouging, riffeling and rough surfaces that then provide rough sites encouraging recolonization and growth of biofilm following periodontal therapy. Choosing appropriate ultrasonic inserts and using the correct technique minimizes the potential for root damage – care should be taken to avoid using excess force, and slimmer inserts are gentler on root surfaces than wider inserts.21,22 Inserts must also be aligned correctly against the tooth surface to avoid damage to the root surface (Fig. 7); piezoelectric units will sound different if they are incorrectly aligned, alerting the clinician to adjust the tip’s angulation. Care should always be taken to avoid using the tip of inserts pointed at the tooth surface, and inserts should be replaced when they show signs of wear as their efficacy then decreases and there is an increased risk of root surface damage. Adequate lavage Figure 7. Correct placement of ultrasonic tip 7 DENTAL LEARNING TABLE 3. Attributes of ultrasonic scaling benefitting instrumentation and safety Narrow, slim inserts aid access to pocket depths and furcations Slimmer tips preserve tooth tissue All surfaces of ultrasonic inserts may be used More efficient than hand scaling Inserts provide for cavitation and lavage Require for less coolant with piezoelectric increases visibility and reduces the potential for bacterial aerosol Timely replacement of worn tips Piezoelectric units alert the user to incorrect insert alignment for cooling and irrigation is essential to avoid heat-related pulpal and periodontal damage – piezoelectric units result in less temperature change and therefore require less coolant than magnetostrictive scalers, thereby also reducing the potential amount of bacterial aerosol produced during the procedure (Table 3). Response to Treatment and Periodontal Maintenance Following standard nonsurgical periodontal therapy, the patient must return for re-evaluation and life-long periodontal maintenance visits which are typically every 3 to 4 months. Just as the host response and host factors influence the onset and progression of periodontal disease, they also influence an individual patient’s response to treatment.23 Recurrent periodontitis varies depending upon risk factors, the level of home care (oral hygiene) and professional maintenance following initial therapy. In moderate to severe cases of periodontal disease, adjunctive 8 therapy may be required and surgical intervention may be indicated. Summary The need for efficiency and improved treatment outcomes is paramount for practice success, as well as the patients we serve. Incorporating the appropriate treatment modalities, such as piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers, into a clinician’s armamentarium enables the practitioners to be highly effective in the initial phase of treatment in the management of periodontal disease. By incorporating minimally invasive and effective procedures with minimal discomfort into the practice should lead to higher case acceptance and enhanced care, but more importantly better overall health for patients with this extremely common oral health condition. References 1. Genco R, Offenbacher S, Beck J. Periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease: Epidemiology and possible mechanisms. J Am Dent Assoc. 2002;133(Suppl):14S-22S. 2. Genco RJ, Borgnakke WS. Risk factors for periodontal disease. Periodontol 2000. 2013;62(1):59-94. 3. Albandar JM , Streckfus CF, Adesanya MR, Winn DM. Cigar, pipe, and cigarette smoking as risk factors for periodontal disease and tooth loss. J Periodontol. 2000;71(12):1874-81. 4. American Academy of Periodontology. Position Paper. Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases. J Periodontol. 2005;76:1406-19. 5. Lovegrove JM. Dental plaque revisited: bacteria associated with periodontal disease. J NZ Soc Periodontol. 2004;87:7-21. 6. Westfelt E. Rationale of mechanical plaque control. J Periodontol. 1996;23(3 Pt. 2):263-7. 7. American Academy of Periodontology. Position Paper. Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases. J Periodontol. 2003;74:1237-47. 8. Drisko CL, Cochran DL, Blieden T, Bouwsma OJ, Cohen VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy RE, Damoulis P, et al. Position paper: sonic and ultrasonic scalers in periodontics. Research, Science and Therapy Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology. J Periodontol. 2000;71:1792-801. 9. Socransky SS, Haffajee AD, Cignin MA, et al. Microbial complexes in subgingival plaque. J Clin Periodontol. 1998;25:134-44. 10. Copulos TA, Low SB, Walker CB, et al. 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Flemmig TF, Petersilka GJ, Mehl A, Hickel R, Klaiber B. The effect of working parameters on root substance removal using a piezoelectric ultrasonic scaler in vitro. J Clin Periodontol. 1998;25(2):158-63. 22. Jepsen S, Ayna M, Hedderich J, Eberhard J. Significant influence of scaler tip design on root substance loss resulting from ultrasonic scaling: a laserprofilometric in vitro study. J Clin Periodontol. 2004;31(11):1003-6. 23. Van Dyke TE, Sheilesh D. Risk factors for periodontitis. J Int Acad Periodontol. 2005;7:3-7. Webliography American Academy of Periodontology. Position Paper. Epidemiology of Periodontal Diseases. J Periodontol. 2005;76:1406-19. Available at: http:// Accessed March 2014. The Periodontal Disease Classification System of the American Academy of Periodontology — An Update. Available at: Accessed March 2014. Acknowledgement The authors would like to acknowledge and thank Dr. Chris Salierno for the images in Figures 2-4, and Elizabeth Nies, RDH for the images in Figures 5-7. 9 DENTAL LEARNING CEQuiz 1.The overall goal of initial nonsurgical periodontal therapy is to __________. a. disrupt and remove biofilm b. remove calculus c. remove debris and bacterial toxins d. all of the above 2.__________ risk factors play a role in periodontal disease. a.Environmental b.Acquired c.Genetic d. all of the above 3.As biofilm travels deep down the root surface, __________ has minimal influence on the disruption of subgingival plaque quantity or its composition. a. oral hygiene b. nonsurgical periodontal therapy c. the use of curettes d. all of the above 4.During full mouth pocket charting as part of a comprehensive periodontal examination, __________ must be probed and recorded. a. 2 sites per tooth b. 4 sites per tooth c. 6 sites per tooth d. any of the above 5. Radiographs __________. a. are an essential component of the periodontal examination b. enable assessment of alveolar bone loss c. permit assessment of roots and the periapical region d. all of the above 10 Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy To complete this quiz online and immediately download your CE verification document, visit, then log into your account (or register to create an account). Upon completion and passing of the exam, you can immediately download your CE verification document. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. 6. If incorrectly aligned, piezoelectric scalers will __________. a.stall b. sound different c. cause a beeping sound from the unit d. all of the above 7.In the United States, it has been estimated that __________ of the population over the age of 35 experiences some form of periodontal disease. a.55% b.65% c.75% d.85% 8.All __________ must be thoroughly debrided during nonsurgical periodontal therapy. a. root surfaces, including to the base of the pocket b. furcation areas c. periodontal niches d. all of the above 9.Piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers provide for __________ movement of the scaler insert. a.elliptical b.circular c.linear d. directionally random 10.The results of several studies have shown __________ outcomes when periodontal therapy is conducted in one versus more visits. a.poorer b. the same c.improved d. none of the above VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1 Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy CEQuiz 11.Patient comfort may be improved using a piezoelectric scaler due to _________. a. reduced chairside time compared to manual scaling b. the use of narrow, slim tips, which result in less tissue distension c. lower requirements for lavage, which may reduce gagging d. all of the above 16.After standard nonsurgical periodontal therapy, patients must return for re-evaluation and life-long periodontal maintenance visits, which are typically every __________. a. 2 to 3 months b. 3 to 4 months c. 4 to 6 months d.year 12.Incorrect use of manual and ultrasonic scalers can cause __________. a. gouging of the root surface b.riffeling c. a rough surface d. all of the above 17.With piezoelectric scalers, __________ of the tips may be used. a. all surfaces b. only the lateral surfaces c. only the middle area d. none of the above 13.Silicone grips that fit over the handpiece portion of ultrasonic scalers __________. a. reduce vibration b. provide a fat grip for the clinician c. are ergonomically friendly d. all of the above 18.Moderate requirement for lavage/coolant __________. a. helps to improve visibility b.reduces the need for breaks to suction more than the saliva ejector can handle c.improves patient comfort d. all of the above 14.The availability of __________ helps the clinician reach difficult-to-access areas. a. ultrasonic scaler slim tips b. periodontal curettes c. universal hand scalers d. all of the above 19.Time savings for ultrasonic scaling versus manual scaling can be up to __________. c.three-quarters d. none of the above 15.Air polishing __________. a.may aid the clinician in debriding deep pockets at interdental sites perceived by patients to cause less discomfort than hand scaling c. requires less time than hand scaling d. all of the above 20.The ergonomics of ultrasonic scaler units is improved by __________. a. foot pedals rather than manually adjusted knobs b. the incorporation of LED lighting c. the ability to scale without awkward thumb and finger grips d. all of the above OCTOBER 2014 11 Current Trends in Ultrasonic Therapy CE ANSWER FORM (E-mail address required for processing) *Name: Title:Speciality *Address: NPI No. *City: *State: *Zip: AGD Identification No. *E-mail: AGD Code: 495 *Telephone: License Renewal Date: EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES QUIZ ANSWERS 1.Describe the prevalence and etiology of periodontal disease; 2.Review the components of a full mouth periodontal examination; 3.Delineate the considerations involved in the use of piezoelectric ultrasonic scalers; and 4.List and describe the attributes that contribute to time savings, efficacy, safety and ergonomics. Fill in the circle of the appropriate answer that corresponds to the question on previous pages. COURSE EVALUATION Please evaluate this course using a scale of 3 to 1, where 3 is excellent and 1 is poor. 1. A B C D 2. A B C D 3. A B C D 4. A B C D 5. A B C D 6. A B C D 1.Clarity of objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 2.Usefulness of content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 3.Benefit to your clinical practice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 4.Usefulness of the references. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 7. A B C D 5. Quality of written presentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 8. A B C D 6.Quality of illustrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 9. A B C D 7.Clarity of quiz questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 10. A B C D 8.Relevance of quiz questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 11. A B C D 9.Rate your overall satisfaction with this course . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 12. A B C D 13. A B C D 11.Are there any other topics you would like to see presented in the future? ___________________________________________________________________________ 14. A B C D 15. A B C D ________________________________________________________________________________________ 16. A B C D 17. A B C D 18. A B C D 19. A B C D 20. A B C D 10.Did this lesson achieve its educational objectives? COURSE SUBMISSION: 1. Read the entire course. 2.Complete this entire answer sheet in either pen or pencil. 3.Mark only one answer for each question. 4.Mail answer form or fax to 732-303-0555. Yes No Dental Learning, LLC 500 Craig Road, First Floor Manalapan, NJ 07726 *If paying by credit card, please note: Master Card | Visa | AmEx | Discover *Account Number For immediate results: 1. Read the entire course. 2. Go to 3.Log in to your account or register to create an account. 4.Complete course and submit for grading to receive your CE verification certificate. ______________________________________________ A score of 70% will earn your credits. ALL FIELDS MARKED WITH AN ASTERISK (*) ARE REQUIRED *Expiration Date Price: $29 CE Credits: 2 Save time and the environment by taking this course online. ______________________________________________ The charge will appear as Dental Learning, LLC. If paying by check, make check payable to Dental Learning, LLC. If you have any questions, please email Dental Learning at or call 888-724-5230. PLEASE PHOTOCOPY ANSWER SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL PARTICIPANTS. Please direct all questions pertaining to Dental Learning, LLC or the administration of this course to COURSE EVALUATION and PARTICIPANT FEEDBACK: We encourage participant feedback pertaining to all courses. Please be sure to complete the evaluation included with the course. INSTRUCTIONS: All questions have only one answer. Participants will receive confirmation of passing by receipt of a verification certificate. Verification certificates will be processed within two weeks after submitting a completed examination. EDUCATIONAL DISCLAIMER: The content in this course is derived from current information and research based evidence. Any opinions of efficacy or perceived value of any products mentioned in this course and expressed herein are those of the author(s) of the course and do not necessarily reflect those of Dental Learning. Completing a single continuing education course does not provide enough information to make the participant an expert in the field related to the course topic. It is a combination of many educational courses and clinical experience that allows the participant to develop skills and expertise. COURSE CREDITS/COST: All participants scoring at least 70% on the examination will receive a CE verification certificate. Dental Learning, LLC is an ADA CERP recognized provider. Dental Learning, LLC is also designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and membership maintenance credit. Please contact Dental Learning, LLC for current terms of acceptance. Participants are urged to contact their state dental boards for continuing education requirements. Dental Learning, LLC is a California Provider. The California Provider number is RP5062. The cost for courses ranges from $19.00 to $90.00. RECORD KEEPING: Dental Learning, LLC maintains records of your successful completion of any exam. Please contact our offices for a copy of your continuing education credits report. This report, which will list all credits earned to date, will be generated and mailed to you within five business days of request. Dental Learning, LLC maintains verification records for a minimum of seven years. CANCELLATION/REFUND POLICY: Any participant who is not 100% satisfied with this course can request a full refund by contacting Dental Learning, LLC in writing or by calling 1-888-724-5230. Go Green, Go Online to to take this course. © 2014 12 VOLUME 3 | ISSUE 1
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