

bone & tissue
Intensive course in periodontology
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Dr. h.c. mult. Anton Sculean, M.S.
Department of Periodontology,
University of Bern, Switzerland
soft tissue
Course description
The aim of this course is to provide the general practitioner and the
specialist with a comprehensive, evidence based concept aiming to
succesfully manage the periodontally compromised patient. During
the 2 days, a treatment concept based on the scientific evidence
hard tissue
from the last 3 decades will be provided. The concept will address
the most important aspects related to the treatment of periodontal
and periimplant diseases including diagnosis, nonsurgical, antibiotic/antiseptic, surgical, regenerative and plastic-aesthetic surgery.
Case presentations and case discussions will illustrate how the
scientific evidence can be included in the overall treatment philosophy, helping the participant to include the aquired knowledge in
her/his daily practice.
Day 1
6th November 2015
Nonsurgical, antimicrobial, surgical
and regenerative periodontal therapy
Treatment planning
Theoretical part:
Practical part:
8:30 – 13:30
15:00 – 20:30
1. Classification and diagnosis of periodontal diseases
The following issues will be trained on pig jaws:
2. Periodontal treatment planning
1. Gingivectomy
3. Biology of periodontal wound healing
2. Access Flap
4. Non-surgical peridontal therapy
3. Modified Widman flap
4.1. Use of hand and ultrasonic/sonic instruments
4. Correct placement of vertical releasing incisions
4.2. Use of lasers and antimicrobial photodynamic
5. Surgical techniques for distal wedge procedures
therapy (aPDT)
6. Flap designs:
5. Use of antiseptics and antibiotics in the treatment of
7. Papilla Preservation Techniques
periodontal and peri-implant infections
8. Modified Papilla Preservation Technique
6. Periodontal surgery
9. Simplified Papilla Preservation Technique
6.1. Indications and contraindications
10. Single Flap Approach
6.2. Conventional surgical techniques:
11. Treatment of intrabony and furcation defects with
6.2.1. Gingivectomy
regenerative materials including Straumann®
6.2.2. Access Flap
Emdogain®, grafting materials and membranes
6.2.3. Modified Widman flap
12. Suturing techniques to achieve primary closure and
6.2.4. Crown lengthening
optimize wound stability:
6.2.5. Distal wedge procedure
a. Vertical and horizontal Mattress Sutures
7. Regenerative materials in periodontology:
b. Modified Mattress Sutures
7.1. Bone grafts/bone substitute materials
c. Combined Mattress Sutures
7.2. Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR)
d. Double Sling Suture
7.3. Enamel Matrix Proteins (Straumann® Emdogain®)
7.4. Platelet Rich Plasma/Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRP/PRF)
7.5. Growth factors (rhPDGF, BMPs, GDF-5)
7.6. Combination treatments
8. Treatment concepts for intrabony defects
9. Treatment concepts for furcation defects
10. Long-term results following regenerative periodontal therapy
11. Postoperative protocol
12. Risk factors/risk indicators which influence short and long term outcomes following conventional and
regenerative periodontal therapy
13. Implant therapy in periodontitis patients
14. Treatment concepts for the treatment of peri-implant infections
One-year postoperative
Day 2
7th November 2015
Plastic aesthetic periodontal
and peri-implant surgery
Theoretical part:
Practical part:
8:00 – 11:00
11:30 – 15:30
1. Etiology of recession defects
The following issues will be trained on pig jaws:
2. Classification of recession defects
1. Surgical technique for placement of free gingival graft or
3. Indications and contraindications for recession coverage
collagen based soft tissue replacement graft to increase
4. Biological rationale to use free gingival grafts, connective
keratinized tissue width around teeth and dental implants
tissue grafts and soft tissue replacement materials
2. Harvesting techniques for palatal connective tissue graft
(mucoderm®) with or without the use of Straumann®
3. Suturing techniques for closure of palatal donor site
a. Continuous interlocking suture
5. Clinical concepts for treatment of single gingival
b. Modified mattress suture
4. Modified coronally advanced tunnel technique with use of
6. Clinical concepts for treatment of multiple adjacent
Straumann® Emdogain® and/or connective tissue graft and
soft tissue replacement graft (mucoderm®)
gingival recessions
7. Limitations of recession coverage and soft tissue grafting
5. Suturing techniques for graft fixation
(Papilla reconstruction, correction of soft tissue deficien-
6. Suturing techniques for coronal flap displacement and flap
cies at dental implants.
Tunnel preparation
mucoderm® in place
Flap closure
Prof. Dr. med. dent. Dr. h.c. mult.
Anton Sculean, M.S.
Anton Sculean is professor and chairman of the Department of Periodontology at the University of
Berne in Switzerland. He qualified in 1990 at the Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary and
has received his postgraduate training at the Universities Münster, Germany and Royal Dental College
Aarhus, Denmark. He received his Habilitation (PhD) a the University of Saarland, Homburg, Germany.
From 2004 to 2008 he was appointed as Head of the Department of Periodontology and Program
Director of the EFP accredited postgraduate program at the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the
Netherlands. In December 2008, he was appointed Professor and Chairman of the Department of Periodontology of the University of Bern, Switzerland. Professor Sculean has received a recipient of many
research awards, among others the Anthony Rizzo Award of the Periodontal Research Group of the
International Association for Dental Research (IADR), and the IADR/Straumann Award in Regenerative
Periodontal Medicine. He received honorary doctorates (Dr. h.c.) from the Semmelweis University in
Budapest, Hungary and from the Victor Babes University in Timisoara, Romania.
He has been the author of more than 160 publications in peer reviewed journals. He is on the editorial
board of more than 10 dental journals amongst others the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Clinical
Oral Implants Research, Journal of Periodontal Research, Clinical Oral Investigations and Clinical Advances in Periodontics.
He is Associate Editor of Quintessence International, Clinical Oral Investigations and Section Editor
of BMC Oral Health. Professor Sculean served from 2009-2010 as president of the Periodontal Re-
soft tissue
search Group of the IADR and is currently president of the Swiss Society of Periodontology. His current
research interests include periodontal wound healing, regenerative and plastic-aesthetic periodontal
therapy, treatment of peri-implantitis, antibiotic and antiseptic therapies, laser treatments and oral biofilms. He has authored more than 220 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 12 chapters in periodontal
textbooks and has delivered more than 300 lectures at national and international meetings. He is editor
of the book Periodontal Regenerative Therapy published by Quintessence in 2010 and guest editor of
the Periodontology 2000 Issue entitled “Wound Healing in Periodontology and Implantology”.
botiss biomaterials GmbH
Hauptstr. 28
hard tissue
This course is sponsored by
15806 Zossen / Germany
Tel.: +49 33769 / 88 41 985
Fax: +49 33769 / 88 41 986
bone & tissue

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