September - Holford village
September - Holford village
Quantock Coast Benefice Quantock Coast Benefice Magazine September 2014 A Bountiful Harvest Quantock Coast Benefice Quantock Coast Benefice The Parishes of Stogursey with Stolford, Fiddington, Dodington, East Quantoxhead, Holford, Stringston, Kilve and West Quantoxhead (St. Audries). Rector: Rev’d Nicky Morgan 01278 732873 The Rectory, High Street, Stogursey. TA5 1PL Email: Quantock Coast Benefice Office 01278 732742 22, St. Andrews Road, Stogursey, TA5 1TE Email: Associate Priest: Revd. Stephen Campbell Hodderscombe Lodge, Holford TA5 1SA 01278 741329 House for duty Priest: Vacancy Readers, Mr. Gordon Anderson & Dr. Winifred Anderson MBE Inkberrow, West Quantoxhead TA4 4EA Benefice Treasurer: Mrs. Ann Steer Magazine Editor: 01984 632376 01278 741393 Revd. Stephen Campbell Magazine production team includes: David Talling, Ann Steer, Winifred Anderson & Kenn Everard Items for the Benefice Magazine by 12th of the month (the last date) Emails can be sent to the Magazine email address: Benefice Web Site: Magazine 50p each. A years subscription (£5) is due in January. Quantock Coast Benefice The Quantock Coast Monthly Letter As I write most of the events of the summer are behind us. A couple of cream teas are still outstanding and we look forward to the Benefice Service on August 31st when we will celebrate the MBE awarded to Dr Winifred Anderson, and mark her long service amongst us, particularly in St Etheldreda’s, West Quantoxhead, and the former United Benefice of Quantoxhead, but latterly also in the parishes further along the A39 in the Quantock Coast Benefice. It has been a very full summer. It began in June with the Holiday at Home:Preparing for Pentecost, at which we welcomed Sister Janet Elizabeth of the OHP amongst us. It was a week of fun and celebration, rooted in worship, as we joined together as a Benefice for Eucharists for Ascension and Pentecost, and shared in informal worship around our churches each evening. The weather improved as the week went on, and, after weeks of agonising and anxiety, the sun shone for the Hog Roast! JE enjoyed her time amongst us, and many enjoyed sharing with her. HH:PP was closely followed by the Flower Festival at WQH, which was a fantastic weekend and a resounding success, again with the weather being kind. Various village shows and such like followed, revealing many talents in our villages, and then we came to 4th August – the centenary of the outbreak of WW1, marked in each of our churches by an act of commemoration, and followed in the evening by a very thought-provoking and well-executed drama in the evening, together with a cold supper and music from the war. Holiday Club followed hot on that in Stogursey Church Rooms, and although numbers were not large, those that attended gained a great deal from it and were very appreciative. In the midst of that we had our usual round of July PCCs and were delighted at the end of July to be able to entertain Revd Dr Andrew Tathum and his wife Margaret to a Bring and Share Supper in WQH Village Hall, following his expression of interest in the H4D post. Following the interview on the day after, Andrew was offered and accepted the post and will be licensed by the Archdeacon of Taunton on 30th November. ( And now we look forward to the autumn and prepare for Harvest Festivals and all that this pre-Christmas season entails. The work goes on and we pray that God will both provide the workers and bless the harvest, as we give ourselves to his work in this beautiful area of the Quantocks. Yours sincerely 1 Quantock Coast Benefice DIARY September 2014 11am - Contemplative Prayer & Meditation - The Hazels, Hodderscombe, Holford. 7.30pm - Table Tennis - Holford & District Village Hall (then every Thursday) 10am until 1pm - Holford Art Group - Holford & District Village Hall (then every Friday) 10am until 12 noon - Coffee Morning - Holford & District Village Hall 10am until 12 noon - Coffee Morning & Book Swap - Fiddington Village Hall 2pm - Wedding - Fiddington 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th Sat 7th Sun 8th 7pm - Short Mat Bowls - Kilve Village Hall (then every Monday) Mon 7.30pm - Holford Parish Council meet - Holford & District Village Hall 9th Tue 3pm - Cream Teas - Shurton Court, Shurton. 7.30pm - Whist Drive - Holford & District Village Hall 2.15pm - St. Audries W.I. meet - St. Audries Village Hall 10th Wed 7.30pm - Stogursey, Burton & District W.I. - St. Audries Centre, Stogursey 2pm - Movement & Dance restarts at Nether Stowey Village Hall 11th Thu (then every Thursday) 12th Fri Cut off day for ALL material for the Benefice Magazine 13th Sat 1.30pm - Wedding - West Quantoxhead 7.30pm - Holford Gardeners Group - Holford & District Village Hall 11am - Mothers’ Union Cathedral Prayers - Wells 2.30pm - Mothers’ Union Holy Communion Service - West 18th Thu Quantoxhead 7pm - Quantock Sugarcraft 2000 - Kilve Village Hall 10am until 12 noon - Village Market - East Quantoxhead Village 20th Sat Hall 7pm - Holford PCC meet - The Dye House, Holford. 24th Wed 7.30pm - Holford Local History Society meet - The Plough Inn. 10.30am until 12 noon - Coffee Morning - Kilve Village Hall 27th Sat 7 for 7.30pm - Holford Harvest Supper - Holford & District Village Hall 16th Tue 2 Quantock Coast Benefice HOLFORD FLOWER SHOW As in the previous 2 years organisers and exhibitors alike were concerned about the erratic weather this year prior to the Show. Luckily around here gardens did not go under water, not for the want of the weather trying its hardest! Then summer arrived with unabated sun and gardeners were watering madly. If it rained then it was sudden and dramatic just as it did at lunch-time on the day of the Show. But the sun obligingly came out bringing with it visitors to the area. This year only 43 exhibitors but they entered 380 classes between them, being the third highest in the Show’s ten years. Families are now competing, with 3 generations taking part. There was a great fun atmosphere in the hall with plenty of cheering on of certificate and trophy winners. Now ladies you must be on the alert as the male species are really coming up trumps! Mike Copleston was not satisfied with just winning the (as he did last year) but more importantly he very definitely won the entering all but 2 of the classes. Not surprisingly he just pipped Liz post. Guttridge to the The winners of the Groups were: Group A Hammond. for Group B for – Kate – Mike Copleston. – Mike Copleston. Group C – Liz Guttridge. Group D – Liz Guttridge. – Katie Wicks Group E Group F for Group G – Sharon Koppa. Group H Group I – Brian Hartfield. – Phil Hill. –7 – Sophie Date. – Taylor Koppa. – Mike Copleston. To celebrate Holford Gardeners Group’s Tenth Flower Show a one-off class was introduced – There were 3 very ingenious entries – a mobile of tiny jelly moulds, a replica steam roller and a chicken, the latter two having been created from tin cans and biscuit tins. All were very impressive but Phil Hill won hands down with his superb chicken. Grateful thanks to everyone who supported the Show by entering, helping with the Show and the cream teas, and to those who came along in the afternoon. Photographs are on Facebook and Flower Show Secretary 3 . Quantock Coast Benefice The Bishop’s Message Fact, feeling and future Towards the end of July the Archdeacon of Wells and I were involved in the ‘travelling’ licensing of Jane Twitty, priest in charge to some of the parishes around Langport. One of the parishes in her care is Muchelney, a village very much in the news during the winter floods. During the licensing, we drove along roads that were impassable to us when we visited at the end of January. The fields which had become lakes in the winter months were now not only dry but filled with bales of hay that had been harvested. On the surface at least the restorative power of nature had got to work. However, it would be a huge mistake to imagine that life on the Levels has returned to normal. There are many people, particularly in Moorland, who have yet to reclaim their homes and the long- term effects of the flooding, particularly on people’s livelihoods and emotional wellbeing will be felt for some time to come. It was with this thought in mind that earlier this year I commissioned a report on the floods. was published in August and offers a snapshot of the impacts and implications for the affected parishioners of Somerset. The purpose of the report is to inform policy and practice locally and nationally and to serve as a reminder that whilst the waters have abated, people on the Levels still need our help. Although the floods impacted on a relatively small part of the Diocese, those affected were deeply grateful for the practical and prayerful support of friends from across the Diocese and beyond. It gave to all of us a deeper understanding of what it means for us to say that we are ‘The Body of Christ.’ You are likely to be preparing for some kind of Harvest celebration over the next few weeks. As you do, please will you continue to pray for those communities still recovering from the floods and that God will continue the work of restoration and renewal. You can view the report in full at Carer Wanted. Eighty three year old stroke patient requires live-in carer for general help and care (including preparation of some meals). Free Accommodation offered as well as expenses. Lives in West Somerset. Please contact Alexandra Boyd on or mobile 07939513739. 4 Quantock Coast Benefice Commemoration of the ontbreak of the first world war A commemoration, to honour the lives that were lost and communities that were changed forever, was held in all nine churches in the Quantock Coast benefice on Monday, 4th August. Starting at 9.15 in West Quantoxhead and culminating in Stogursey at 5.30, a service was held hourly in all the villages in between. The solemn and dignified services followed the same format in each church. Opening prayers were followed by readings from articles and eye witness accounts of experiences as war was declared and as it progressed during the four years. Some of the accounts read were written by Germans, showing the horror of the trenches on both sides. Then at the war memorial in each village the names of those who had lost their lives were read with details of when they had died, where they were buried and who were their next of kin. A poppy wreath was laid and a small cross for each individual. Some villages were lucky; no casualties were recorded, but in West Qantoxhead there were four names, in East Quantoxhead two, in Kilve three, in Stringston three, in Holford seven, in Dodington three and in Stogursey twenty four, and all heart breakingly young. Driving around the Somerset countryside on that lovely morning and taking part in the quiet commemoration in each village church was a very moving experience. The Rev Nicky Morgan must have worked extremely hard to put all this together. In the evening, in West Quantoxhead church, Joyce Baxter put on a dramatised reading of "The gathering storm", vividly depicting the horror of the trenches. Stella Davy and Ann Tremlett did a wonderful job supplying everyone in the church with a cold supper and the evening ended with recitations and community singing of songs such as "Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag" and "Keep the home fires burning" A memorable ending to a remarkable day. The Quantock Musical Theatre Company Passengers joining Quantock Airways Flight No. QMTC2014 from either Holford or Stogursey National Airports (Village Halls!), were treated to music representing the countries they were either ‘flying’ over or were about to visit. We were ‘flown’ across Europe, the Middle East, The Far East, down to Australia and across to America with choruses, solos and duets performed by the ‘Crew’ from musicals set in these countries, with a happy landing in Barbados, W.I. Everyone confirmed that the evening was terrific as we sang along with those tunes we knew and loudly applauded all songs. Thank you Quantock Musical Theatre Company, we all had a thoroughly entertaining evening and hope you will be ‘flying’ our way again next year. 5 Quantock Coast Benefice News from the Village Agent, Nick Evelyn As I am sure many of you are aware, the role of the Village Agent is to guide people in need and sign post them to the Services that can help them which will in many cases provide the service that they are entitled too. I am equally sure that many of you are aware of people in our Parish particularly the elderly but perhaps for example single mother’s who need assistance. Can I urge you to put me in touch with any of these people if you know them? With winter round the corner there will be people who need help and it is much better if their problems can be addressed before they are in crisis. Please do call me on 07572 791096 or email me at Central Heating Oil I have mentioned previously central heating oil schemes. If you join one of these schemes it can save up to 5p a litre. With winter not far away this is the time to purchase your oil before the price goes up. Call the Somerset Community Oil Scheme on 01823 331222 or email them at Deane Helpline Run by the Taunton Dean Borough Council, this service provides security for any households and should be of particular interest to those people living alone. If you have a fall or feel unwell and are unable to reach a telephone by touching a button which you carry with you help will arrive. Although run by Taunton Deane the service covers West Somerset. For more information telephone 01823 257185 Healthwatch Somerset This organisation encourages to relate their experiences if they use health and/or social care services. They want to hear what happened to you be it good or bad and suggestions are also very welcome. Call them on 01823 751403 RELAXATION AT DOVEDALE JULY 5th The PCC of EQH would like to thank all those who worked so hard and gave so generously to make this day a success. £513.00 was raised on the day with further donations amounting to £352.35, giving a grand total of £865.35 to be sent to Divine Life International School, Etomi, Ikom, Nigeria. Owned by Pator Ntui Etta. Grateful thanks to all who supported this event. and (It didn't rain ! ) 6 Quantock Coast Benefice Young Vocations day John Henry Newman Ever wondered about ministry in the Church of England? Felt God’s call and aged between16 and 30? Come to our Young Vocations Day on Saturday 11 October and discover the journey. Speak to those who have taken this step and discover how the selection process works. Explore both ordination training and the many other alternatives to ordained ministry, with those already in church leadership. Whether already taking steps down this route or a complete beginner, this day will help you think, talk and pray through this exciting possibility. The day is in two halves: Holy Trinity, Nailsea 10am-1pm, and Trinity College, Bristol 2-4pm.. With time for worship and prayer, and guaranteeing a safe space to explore your own situation, the day aims to inspire and encourage your journey with God. Contact Jeremy Putnam for more information: 01275 844137 Register online at Visit Movement & Dance Thursdays at 2pm Nether Stowey Village Hall Kilve Village Hall Coffee Morning Coffee Mornings are held in the Village Hall on the last Saturday of each month and all are welcome ber ptem e S rts 11 io n Resta new locat in th For more details contact Jenny 01643 708421 Christina 01278 741292 10 30 am until 12 noon. Please note that the cut off date for submission of ALL material for the magazine is 12th of the preceding month. This is essential to ensure that we are able to put the magazine together, proof read it , print it (takes about 10 hours) and then distribute it so you receive it before the end of the month. 7 Quantock Coast Benefice THE GREAT WAR: LIFE ON THE HOME FRONT Until the Great War, battles had been fought by soldiers in designated places: Bosworth Field, Bannockburn, Agincourt, Waterloo, and so on. Until that momentous August a century ago, the civilian public’s only roles in war were as remote spectators of the conflict - and occasionally victims of the victors. When the wars happened in far-away places, people only heard of them long after they were over, if at all. However, the Great War was new and different. Since the Napoleonic Wars and even the Boer War of the 19th century, many things had changed. One was the advent of the daily newspaper - cheap, instant and popular. The papers ensured that their readers knew what was going on, and with the invention of the telephone at the end of the Victorian era, the reports from correspondents could be immediate and vivid. The internal combustion engine now propelled buses and lorries - and eventually tanks and armoured cars. And the invention of the aeroplane and its rapid development in the early years of the War brought a whole new dimension to conflict. It was no longer local, fought out on ‘battle fields’, but anywhere that the combatants came together. The submarine, the Zeppelin and the aeroplane were to play significant roles in this new kind of warfare. All of which meant that everyone in the warring nations felt involved. They were spectators no longer, but participants. All over Britain the arsenals were buzzing with activity, producing the vast quantities of shells and bombs which were being hurled across the trenches on the western front. As most of the men were in the forces, those vital munitions were largely made by women. For the first time, in many cases, women from the poorer sections of society were able to earn a decent wage in the munitions factories, or in other jobs previously seen as exclusively male. The civilian population also experienced the war in more immediate ways. London was bombed - first by the Zeppelin airships, and later by aircraft. Casualties were low - about a thousand civilians - and the attacks infrequent, but they were a cruel reminder that modern war knows no frontiers. Late in the War the German navy tightened its grip on the major seaways, largely through the activity of submarines, and food shortages became a problem. The mood of the nation remained positive, however. The newspapers tended to present events on the western front in a patriotic way, disguising to some extent the true horror of what was going on. It was widely accepted that we were fighting in a noble cause. The Allies were on a mission to save the world. 8 Quantock Coast Benefice In a famous sermon, the Bishop of London called on the nation to kill Germans, ‘not for the sake of killing . . . but lest the civilisation of the world itself should be killed’. That mood began to change as the years rolled on and the casualty figures (which were published daily) got higher and higher. There was never any significant ‘anti-war’ movement as such, but more a general feeling that things just couldn’t go on like this. Something would have to give if that ‘civilisation’ was to survive. But in the end it was economics, not military tactics, that decided the day. EAST QUANTOXHEAD - VILLAGE MARKET EVERY THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH - 10am – 12 pm At East Quantoxhead Village Hall Court House local produce - Cannington Bakery fresh bread Village cakes and jams - Herby4 apple juice from local orchards Fauns the Butchers fresh meat Market café – coffee, breakfast pancakes and savoury scones Ever popular second hand books Crafty Corner offering cards and gifts Harvest Supper Saturday 27th September 7 for 7.30pm Holford & District Village Hall Tickets £7.00 Children £3.00 From Sue Ayshford 741215, Jenny Swash 741206 or Ann Steer 741393 Raffle BYOB 9 Quantock Coast Benefice Kilve & District Thursday Sep. 11th 2.30pm Kilve Village Hall Cecil Sharp ‘Folk Song Collection’ ST. AUDRIES W.I. Wednesday Sep. 10th. 2.15pm St. Audries Village Hall Susan Kaufman “Dreamboats & Petticoats” Competition: An item beginning with “S” Competition: Flower Arrangement “A Folk Song” Trading Stall A warm welcome awaits you Stogursey, Burton & District Wed. 10th September - 7.30pm St. Audries Centre All welcome THE MOTHERS’ UNION Thursday 18th September Thursday 18th September 2.30pm 11am Holy Communion Service Cathedral Prayers St Etheldreda’s Church West Quantoxhead at Wells (Followed by Tea) Mothers Union Summer ‘Invite a Friend Lunch’. As I expect you all know, I am not a mother or even a lady. This year I was kindly invited by Revd Nicky to go to the MU lunch as her guest. It was being held this year in St Audries Village Hall. I arrived to find the hall full, with folk from probably a 20 mile radius either MU members or guests. There was sufficient food to feed the preverbal 5,000, so there was no question of watching ones waist size, then came the puddings! There was a raffle and a basket to place in donations, both very well supported. Thank you Nicky, and thank you ladies for putting on such an enjoyable luncheon. . 10 Quantock Coast Benefice REVIEWS 80 Creative Prayer Ideas – a resource for church and group use Hear My Cry – words for when there are no words By Claire Daniel, BRF, £8.99 As individuals and communities across the country reflect on the First World War during its centenary, Bible Society is marking this anniversary with an illustrated collection of psalms, poems and personal stories to aid reflection about the War. The majority of the personal stories are drawn from original research among families whose ancestors fought or died in the War. Many of the soldiers' Bibles have survived, some with dramatic evidence of the part they played. Bible Society, £3.99 Prayer is a vital part of the Christian life but people often struggle with actually getting on and doing it. This book offers 80 imaginative and creative ideas for setting up 'prayer stations', practical ways of praying that involve the senses - touching, tasting, smelling, seeing, and hearing, rather than simply reflecting, as we bring our hopes, fears, dreams and doubts to God. COFFEE MORNING Holford & District Village Hall Sister Wendy Beckett provides a commentary on paintings by Pieter Bruegel and John Nash, and the moving words of poets such as Wilfred Owen, Eleanor Farjeon and Siegfried Sassoon are represented alongside other voices from the war years. Hear My Cry also features a Foreword written by General the Lord Dannatt, Chief of the General Staff 2006-2009. Saturday 6th September 10am until 12noon Book Stall Drinks Super Cakes etc. Holford Club (Table Tennis) Every Thursday at 7.30pm Holford & District Village Hall Whist Drive Tuesday 9th September 7.30pm Holford & District Village Hall Competitive & Social All welcome All welcome 11 Quantock Coast Benefice HYMN: The story behind … ABIDE WITH ME One of the most famous hymns in the world came out of Brixham, near Torbay, Devon, in 1847. In those days it was a poor, obscure fishing village, and the vicar was the Rev Henry Francis Lyte. It was a discouraging place to be a pastor, but Henry felt that God wanted him there, and so he stayed, though it was lonely work, and he suffered constant ill health. By the time he was 54, Henry had contracted tuberculosis and asthma, and he and his family knew he was dying. It would have been so easy for him to look back on his life and feel a complete failure. What had he ever much accomplished? And yet – and yet – Henry knew that in life it is not worldly success that matters, but how much we respond to Jesus Christ, and how much we follow him. In September of 1847 Henry was preparing to travel to the south of France, as was the custom for people with tuberculosis at that time. One day before he left, he read the story in the gospel of Luke about the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They were met by Jesus on the day of his resurrection, and they invited him to stay with them because it was getting late. “Abide with us”, they said “for it is towards evening.” “Abide with us - for it is toward evening.” These words struck a chord with Henry, who knew that it was getting ‘towards evening’ in his life. So he sat down and wrote this hymn as a prayer to God – (the following are just some of the verses) Abide with me Abide with me; fast falls the eventide; The darkness deepens; Lord, with me abide! When other helpers fail and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, O abide with me. Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim; its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me. I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me. Shortly after Henry wrote that hymn, he preached his last sermon. He was so ill he practically crawled into the pulpit to do so. A few weeks later, in Nice, France, he died, and so of course he never knew that his hymn would go on to become world famous. 12 Quantock Coast Benefice BRIDGWATER CHORAL SOCIETY WELCOMES YOU TO THEIR 2014-15 SEASON Bridgwater Choral Society wants to let you know about their forthcoming programme well in advance – these concerts are too good to miss! Do make a note of the dates now – there’ll be more information nearer the time. We look forward to seeing you. On Saturday 6 December 2014 the choir will be performing varied and attractive pieces, conducted by Iain Cooper. Be there at St Mary’s Church, Bridgwater at 7.30pm and enjoy Elgar’s ‘Scenes from the Bavarian Highlands’, charming and melodious; Rutter’s ‘Feel the Spirit’, sensitive and inspiring settings of traditional spirituals; and Britten’s ‘A Ceremony of Carols’ to get you into the Christmas mood. Then on Saturday 9 May 2015, at St Mary’s Church, Bridgwater at 7.30pm, the choir will be performing one of the major works in the choral repertoire, J S Bach’s ‘St Matthew Passion’, dramatic, stirring and moving. This promises to be a concert not to be missed. There will be professional soloists and orchestra and the conductor will be Iain Cooper. Why not join the choir? You’ll find that singing with us is exhilarating and great fun. Bridgwater Choral Society members are singers of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We are a diverse and friendly group, and we give a warm welcome to new members. We rehearse on Wednesdays at St Joseph’s Primary School, Park Avenue, Bridgwater from 7.30pm. If you’d like to come along, contact Graham Box on 07878 579114, or visit our website: 13 Quantock Coast Benefice Thursday September 18th 7pm 16 Wood Street Taunton TA1 1UN Tel. 01823-288998 or 08457 90 90 90 (local call) Alison Barnes “Cupcakes” Kilve Village Hall 14 Quantock Coast Benefice OPEN HOMES 2014 HOW GOING GREEN COULD TRANSFORM YOUR HOME AND YOUR BILLS Going green worked for the Watson family who reduced their energy use, kept their home warmer and saved on fuel bills. They would like to tell everyone about how they did it. They are just one of the 20-plus homes in West Somerset that will be open between September 13 and Oct 11. In some places there will be several homes open on the same day: around Minehead, Watchet, Wheddon Cross and Wivelliscombe. Others, more scattered, will be open on specific days or by appointment. All of them have interesting things to show and interesting stories to tell. Two of these houses are new build ‘passive houses’ needing little or no extra heat. Not many of us, of course, can build our own homes. But we can all do something to improve what we have. It may be knowing whether it’s worth having a new boiler, whether solar hot water really saves money; or how we can do anything about chilly windows if we can’t afford double glazing. And there’s always the problem of paying for all these improvements. We can help you through the minefield of grants and loans. We can tell you about the Renewable Heat Incentive and the latest Green Deal Home Improvement Fund. Did you know you could get up to £6000 for solid wall insulation? Open Homes 2014 is organised by Transition Minehead and Alcombe and Forum 21. Look out for programmes later in the summer in libraries, tourist offices, council offices and local shops. Details can also be seen on our websites. For more information contact Hester Watson 01643 821 768 Lorna Scott 01984 634 242 BOOK SWAP & COFFEE MORNING on the first Saturday of each month 10am - 12 or Holford Gardeners Group Tuesday 16th Sep. - 7.30pm Nigel Philips Fiddington Village Hall ’Somerset’s Coast A Living Landscape All welcome 15 Quantock Coast Benefice BE INSPIRED! from Robbie Rutt I wonder just how many of you watched the recent Commonwealth Games in Glasgow. Known affectionately as the ‘Friendly Games’ it was adjudged to be the ‘best ever’ One of the things which I think captured the imagination of the general public was the array of different sports which were included. One of those sports which received a lot of television coverage and recognition was Bowling. It was so interesting to see people of all ages and all abilities having a go for their national team, and I am wondering if this might have sown a ‘ seed of interest’ in some of you. We have a thriving ‘Bowls Club’ here in Kilve and like the Commonwealth Games we are known as being particularly friendly. We meet very Monday evening in Kilve Village Hall with a start time of 7 o’clock and we are able to provide all the equipment which will allow you to participate. The only initial request is that we ask would be participants to bring an appropriate pair of footwear which means that you are asked to wear shoes with a flat sole (no heels please). Our first meeting of our new 2014-2015 season commences on Monday September 8th. You are most cordially invited to drop in – without any obligation to join – and see just what fun it can be, Short Mat Bowling. Anything else you would like to know? Well just pick up the phone and ask me, and if per chance I am not available my fellow Committee Members will be only too pleased to help. (Lou Burton 741141 Jill Saunders 741368 Pam Maxfield 653845 and Sue Wicks 741375) So, please come and ‘Be inspired’ and if Monday the 8th is not suitable, remember that any Monday evening you will be most welcome. Pets Service at East Quantoxhead. Once again this year a Pets service was held at East Quantoxhead Church on a warm sunny Sunday afternoon. There was a good congregation of owners and their pets. Owners were told that if they were good there was refreshments after the service, (we all were very good!) different humans read out parts of the service, while all the animals sat quietly listening. Hymns were sung with gusto but not backed up with a dogs chorus. The latter part of the service was held outside and each animal was blessed by the Rector and given a little titbit. The whole service was enjoyable and thought provoking even though we did not have a caterpillar that we know of this time. 16 Quantock Coast Benefice Answers to the July/Aug 2014 Crossword ACROSS 8 Assyriologist 9 Sue 10 Innocence 11 Motif 13 Defrock 16 Attalia 19 Lord’s 22 Prophetic 24 Mac 25 Contraception DOWN 1 Ransom 2 Ascent 3 Fruitful 4 Joined 5 BOAC 6 Sign to 7 Streak 12 Out 14 Full cups 15 Cud 16 Alpaca 17 Thorns 18 Attack 20 Remain 21 Second 23 Hurt The Bible version used in our crosswords is the NIV Clues Across 1 ‘Through [Christ] we have gained - by faith into this grace’ (Romans 5:2) (6) 4 Deprives of sight (Deuteronomy 16:19) (6) 8 The words of a hymn do this (mostly) (5) 9 Faithful allegiance (1 Chronicles 12:33) (7) 10 Belgium’s chief port (7) 11 Where John was baptizing ‘because there was plenty of water’ (John 3:23) (5) 12 Imposing height (Psalm 48:2) (9) 17 Jesus’ tempter in the wilderness (Mark 1:13) (5) 19 Comes between Amos and Jonah (7) 21 ‘Your will be done — — as it is in heaven’ (Matthew 6:10) (2,5) 22 Gale (Matthew 8:24) (5) 23 Axle, eh? (anag.) (6) 24 ‘Out of the — I cry to you, O Lord’ (Psalm 130:1) (6) Clues Down 1 Popular Christian author and humorist, — Plass (6) 2 Transparent ice-like mineral (Revelation 4:6) (7) 3 Method of compelling surrender by surrounding target of attack (2 Chronicles 32:1) (5) 5 Expose (Isaiah 52:10) (3,4) 6 Lonny (anag.) (5) 7 Utterance (1 Timothy 1:15) (6) 9 Husband of Deborah, the prophetess (Judges 4:4) (9) 13 Burial service (Jeremiah 34:5) (7) 14 What Christ threatened to do to the lukewarm church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:16) (4,3) 15 ‘Simon Peter climbed aboard and dragged the net — ’ (John 21:11) (6) 16 His response to Jesus’ decision to return to Judea was ‘Let us also go, that we may die with him’ (John 11:16) (6) 18 ‘There will be weeping and gnashing of — ’ (Matthew 8:12) (5) 20 Walkway between rows of pews in a church (5) 17 Quantock Coast Benefice 18 Quantock Coast Benefice 19 Quantock Coast Benefice WORDSEARCH GRID The Parable of the Weeds (Matthew 13.24-30) Ever wonder why there is both good and evil allowed in this world? Jesus told a parable that touched on this subject – it is called the Parable of the Weeds. It runs like this: Consider the world as if it were a field where a Farmer has sown good seed. But then an enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat. So when the wheat came up, so did the weeds. What to do? Instead of destroying the weeds, and thereby risking the wheat, the Farmer tells his reapers to wait and let both wheat and weeds grow together until the harvest. At the harvest he will instruct the reapers to gather up the wheat, but to discard the weeds. So do not despair when evil seems to thrive in this world – there is a reckoning still to come, and justice will be done. Kingdom - Heaven - Good - Seed - Field - Sleeping - Grain - Weeds - Enemy Servants - Master - Sow - Gather - Reap - Root - Let - Grow - Together Harvest - Bundles - Barn - Burned 20 Quantock Coast Benefice FROM THE REGISTERS Made a Member of Christ: Baptism 15th June Rory Skinner West Quantoxhead Joined Together by God: Marriage 14th June Shaun Lye and Teresa Plowright East Quantoxhead 14th June Darren Pine and Chantele Bryant West Quantoxhead 21st June Marshall Cormack and Jessica Heasman West Quantoxhead 4th July David Peck and Aimee Stuart West Quantoxhead Sharing the Life of Heaven: Funeral 9th June Douglas John Hobbs Taunton Dean C 28th June Dorothy ‘Dot’ Chidgey Stogursey 10th July Mary Jane Ida Morgan Taunton Dean C PRAYER OF THE MONTH God of harvest, gardener supreme you place us at the centre feed us, equip us and having provided for us look to a different harvest a fruitfulness of lives in service to you and others. God of harvest, feed us prune us harvest us that our lives might bring glory to you. CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER & MEDITATION A meeting for Contemplation & Meditation is held at 11am on the first Thursday of each month at ‘The Hazels’, Hodderscombe, Holford, the home of Janet Venn. The meeting lasts for about 1 hour and during this time we listen to a short passage from the scripture and spend time in quiet reflection. 21 Quantock Coast Benefice ST JAMES THE LEAST OF ALL On the perils of building a kitchen in church The Rectory at St. James the Least My dear Nephew Darren I am surprised you are considering buying a new set of hymn books for your church; I had assumed everything you sang would be projected on to one of those screens which are invariably strategically placed to obscure the altar – although wherever you placed it in your converted cinema, it could never spoil its architectural aesthetics. In my – fortunately limited – experience of such devices, they provide the projectionist with endless opportunities for showing the wrong hymn, or the right hymn but from another edition, which will contain either one verse too many or one too few. Should the hymn run to two pages, then the turnover always takes place some milliseconds after that verse has started, so that the congregation is faced with the snap decision of either trying to sing two lines at double time, or just to join in late, making a nonsense of the words. When we decided to change hymn books some years ago, the reverberations made the consequences of that little event in Sarajevo seem insignificant. The proposal was to move from “Hymns Ancient and More Ancient” to the more recent version: “Hymns Ancient and Slightly Less Ancient”. Colonel Wainwright said he would be happy so long as we continued fighting good fights and urging Christian soldiers onwards. The men wanted the hymns they remembered from school, the ladies those they sang at their weddings and no one would consider anything that dropped thines or wouldsts. The basses in the choir wanted hymns they knew the tenors found difficult and those who couldn’t read music wanted more hymns sung in unison. When a rumour started that the books may contain hymns written in the last 50 years, timetables were consulted for bus services to the next village. Eventually we reached a perfect compromise: doing something which made no change whatsoever. Miss Simpson was charged with buying yards of sticky backed plastic and repairing the current books. She put a note on the front of every copy that if the page for the hymn they wanted was missing, they should share with the person sitting next to them – an experience which will be almost as traumatic as being invited to pass the peace. Yet another decision has thereby been deferred for a Church Council to make some time next century. Harmony reigns once again. Your loving uncle, Eustace 22 Quantock Coast Benefice Christopher J Thacker Tax and Accountancy Services Assistance with Book Keeping, Final Accounts, VAT, Self Assessment Tax Returns of all kinds. Let Property & Furnished Holiday Lettings a speciality 01984 639989 Don’t Like Ironing? Haven’t Got Time To Iron? Then I can help!! Collection & Delivery Service Call Emma on 07974 355631 Beauty and Holistic Treatments KILVE” “TREATS Facials:-including Galvanic & Microdermabrasion Hand Treatments:- Microdermabrasion “ Manicure –Gel Nails -Pedicure Massage:- Aromatherapy- Thai Compress - Lava Shell - Bamboo Body Wraps – Spray Tan - Lash and Brow Tinting - Waxing Special Occasion Make-up - Make-up Lessons - Wedding Packages Custom Hand-Made skin care products Gift Vouchers for all those Special Occasions Birthday, Anniversary, Mother’s Day Call: - Diane 0795 212 492 or 23 Quantock Coast Benefice COLIN WILKINS PROPERTY MAINTENANCE CARPENTRY / PLASTERING PAINTING & DECORATING ALL BUILDING ASPECTS ALL TRADES FULLY QUALIFIED AND INSURED FREE QUOTATIONS. OAP DISCOUNT 5 OAK TREE WAY CANNINGTON TEL: (01278) 651229 MOBLIE 07576589979 24 Quantock Coast Benefice Full of Olde Worlde Charm Chris & Michelle welcome you to Traditional Ales, Fine Foods and a Friendly Atmosphere Beer Garden/families most welcome Walkers & Mountain Bikers always welcome - dog friendly Tel: 01278 741652 Holford, (A39) Nr. Bridgwater, Somerset, TA5 1RY David Howe nick thorne design architectural solutions Applications for: Painter Decorator and General Property Maintenance Conversion & renovation Planning Listed Building Building Regulations Free Quotation NVQ Qualified OAP Discount. FREE no obligation consultation 3 Cedar Close, Bridgwater TA6 5DP Tel: 01278 422853 Mobile 07710 236991 t: 07840 006734 e: 25 Quantock Coast Benefice EVA ELLEN COUTURE Dressmaking and Design With 26 years of dressmaking knowledge and experience, Eva Ellen offers fully made to measure, bespoke dress designs for all occasions, from Bridal gowns to corporate wear, in a choice of beautiful fabrics from around the world. Be simply unique Give us a call to arrange a free no obligation meeting t: 0776 282 9534 e: Sewing alterations and repair Eva Ellen also offers an alteration service for Ladies and Gentlemen 26 Quantock Coast Benefice Dave Court PROPERTY MAINTENANCE & REFURBISHMENT SKILLED PLASTERING GLASS & GLAZING Friendly & professional service guaranteed Mobile 07729 111 678 Office 01278 734 595 Call anytime for a free no obligation quote CHIMNEY SWEEP NACS REGISTERED CLEAN AND EFFICIENT FULLY INSURED/ CERT ISSUED COWLS AND BIRDGUARDS FITTED WOODBURNERS REFURBISHED POWER SWEEPING CCTV CAMERA SURVEYING PHONE IAN TEL : 01984 640893 27 Quantock Coast Benefice Helena HELENA Trump TRUMP Brenda McLeod IDTA (AB, ALD) QUANTOCK SCHOOL OF DANCE BALLROOM, LATIN, SALSA & LINE DANCING CLASSES @ VARIOUS VENUES PRIVATE LESSONS AS REQUIRED TEL 01278 741273 COUNSELLOR & PSYCHOTHERAPIST MBACP TO MOVE ON IN LIFE I Offer Help With: * Self Abuse - Alcohol, Drugs, Eating Problems * Relationship/Marital Problems * Loss & Bereavement * Emotional or Behavioural Issues S R BAKER Plumbing & Heating New Central Heating Systems. Solar, Renewables & Underfloor Heating General Plumbing, Bathroom Suites & Kitchens. Guttering, Facias & Leadwork. Fully Qualified With Over 25 Years Experience. Telephone Anytime 01278 424197 Mobile 07977 050548 FREE INITIAL 30 MINUTE MUTUAL ASSESSMENT TEL: 01984 624409 Farriers, Langley Cross, Wiveliscombe, Taunton TA4 2UQ 28 Quantock Coast Benefice MAX DAVISON OPTOMETRY NHS and private patients Budget, fashion & designer frames Contact lenses (check our excellent prices) Varilux Centre Prescription sunglasses Saturday morning appointments 55B SWAIN STREET WATCHET 01984 634140 29 Quantock Coast Benefice TRADITIONAL SUNDAY LUNCH Two Courses £16, Three Courses £20 All served with coffee For full details please visit – COMBE HOUSE HOTEL & RESTAURANT – HOLFORD Telephone: 01278 741382 INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL ADVICE S. J. Gunner (Light Haulage) Finding truly Independent information to make the right financial decisions is crucial A Reliable Service you can Trust Small or Large loads - Fully Insured Specialised Transport Pension planning Investment Advice Income Protection · Life Insurance We listen to what you want, provide you with the facts and Actively help you make the most of your Individual financial situation. Over 25 Years Experience SCHAEFER FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT LTD Tel 01278 451888 Email Telephone: 01278 741 219 Please ring for a free initial interview OIL BURNER SERVICES Reflexology, Indian Head Massage & Baby Reflex Available in West Quantoxhead Claire Fisher M.A.R. Member of Association of Reflexologists Telephone 01823 401502 SERVICING OIL BOILERS AGA and RAYBURN COOKERS 01984 634219 Mobile 07900 911 143 30 Quantock Coast Benefice TONY BROOKE CARPETS & FLOORING CARPET VINYL FLOTEX NATURALS WET ROOMS SAFETY FLOORING RUGS MATS & MORE! ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Free estimating and planning Expert advice and fitting - over 25 years experience Free home choose service - we'll bring the samples to you Great deals on roll stock, roll-ends and remnants Re-stretches, re-adaptions and repairs Already bought a carpet? No problem, we’ll fit it! Price Promise - we won’t be beaten on price! Tel: 01984 632206 Roughmoor Industrial Estate, Williton, Somerset TA4 4RF Voted West Somerset Free Press Business of the Year 2009 31 Quantock Coast Benefice NICEIC Approved Electrical Contractor Domestic, Commercial, Industrial and Agricultural - Part P Domestic Installer Inspecting and Testing - Portable Appliance Testing Refrigeration and Air Conditioning - Design, Supply, Install & Maintain 24 hour emergency call out Innwood Farm, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater. TA5 1HY Tel: 01278 733536 - Fax: 01278 732626 - Mobile: 07773 367682 Email: - WCI Ltd Sewage Treatment Solutions Septic tanks & Soakaways Sewage treatment plants Reed beds & EA Permits Rectification & servicing Home Buyer surveys RING TODAY FOR YOUR FREE SITE VISIT AND QUOTATION STILEGATE Bed & Breakfast, West Quantoxhead (St Audries), TA4 4DF 01984 639119 Established accommodation providers with ground floor room available. All en-suite rooms with TV, panoramic views, quality breakfasts, plenty of off road parking. From £40 p.p.p.n. See or call to check availability. Heidi & Peter Morse 01984 623404 Family run with 27yrs experience GRANDFIELD & SON INDEPENDENT FUNERAL DIRECTORS 24 Hour Service throughout the District Private Chapels of Rest Keenthorne, Nether Stowey Tel: Nether Stowey (01278) 732219 32 Quantock Coast Benefice HEMYOCK ANTIQUES M H Kellaway Furniture Restoration Vacuum Chimney Sweep Specialist in Wood-burning Stoves, Agas & Rayburns All Serviced & Repaired also Woodburners Installed “Distance No Object” Repairs, Veneering,French Polishing, Caning, Rushing and Small Upholstery Dorothy Lloyd - 01643 822551 01278 741572 Glen Close, Main Road, Holford Ge-Mare Feeds AP & DA Salvidge Telephone 01278 - 741578 Fax 01278 - 741633 Mobile 07885 497182 Specialists in Animal Feeds at Unbelievable Prices: Equestrian Products Fish Cattle Wild Bird Seed Sheep Outdoor Wear Chickens Gas, Coal, Compost Pets Fencing Equipment Dogs (Dr John Gold & Silver) Working Wear Please contact us for enquiries FAIRWAY LANDSCAPES GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 01278 741140 07787 371765 33 Quantock Coast Benefice Around The Benefice – Church Rotas Holford Cleaning: Mrs. J. Swash Fiddington Flowers: 7th Sep. Andrea Crosland 14th Sep. Olive Hancock Brass: Mrs. J. Birch Kilve 7th 14th 21st 28th Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Cleaning & Brass Malcolm & Doreen Flowers Doreen Jones Mary E. Jennie Dodington Mr. M. Harris & Mrs. N. Harris Stringston Flowers: Mr. & Mrs. K. Stepney St. Audries 6th 20th Cleaning Sep. Mrs. Norman & MrsWheeler Sep. Mrs. Rowland & Mrs. Yeomans Altar Flowers Mr.. McKenzie Mrs. Yeomans East Quantoxhead Cleaning 7th Sep. Margaret Stevens & Brenda Jarvis 14th Sep. Julia Bosley 21st Sep. Caroline Coleshill 28th Sep. Rachael & Rocky Door & Lady Chapel Mrs. Barrett Mrs. Rowland Flowers Rachael Jarrett Julia Bosley Sandy Swayne Stogursey Flowers: 7th Sep. Mrs. P. Kaye 14th & 21st Sep. Mrs. J. Logan 28th Sep. HARVEST Cleaning: Thursday 25th Sep- 10am for 1 hour only - Monthly Sparkle David - floors, Kay/Pauline - left & right pews, Belinda - light clean Verney chapel, Carole, - brass in church and vestry/parvis room. 34 Quantock Coast Benefice 35 Quantock Coast Benefice 36 Quantock Coast Benefice Village Halls for Hire in the Benefice St. Audries Village Hall, W. Quantoxhead, Stella Davey 01984 639944 East Quantoxhead Village Hall, Mr. A Rock 01278 741419 Kilve Village Hall, Kelly Stone 01278 741149 Holford & District Village Hall, Mr. Peter Pullen 01278 741627 Stogursey Victory Hall Mr. Allan Searle 01278 732820 Stogursey Church Rooms Belinda Crowther 01278 734695 Fiddington Village Hall Mr. R. Brazier 01278 734565 Most of our local halls have facilities to help those who suffer a disability. Contact the numbers above regarding access and parking. 37 Quantock Coast Benefice Pet Service at East Quantoxhead (See article on page 16) Photo by K. E. 38
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