The Villager - Minsterworth Village


The Villager - Minsterworth Village
The Villager
Minsterworth News
by Jane Fraser-Hook
November 2015
Price 30p
Edition 157
From 2yrs 9mth- 5yrs
Finding Outstanding preschool provision
with space is sometimes hard to find. So ACT
now before it is too late. We are intending to
extend our opening hours very soon and will
have space for a few more children.
FREE Places
(nursery vouchers)
Contact: Mrs Rawlings
at Minsterworth School
on 01452 750283
D ear Reader s,
Darker nights & noticeably colder - & as I write this the clocks
haven’t even gone back, but by the time you read this they will
just have changed. Bbbrrrrr! I don’t like it at all. Oh for Summer
– a good one.
Closing copy date for the December edition is Sunday 15th November 2015
but earlier is even better!
All items for consideration to:Paula Ruffley, Editor The Villager
Tel: 01452 751226.
Responsibility is not accepted for the accuracy of submitted items nor the content of
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Next$month,$November$4 ,$we$will$be$reviewing$Mister$Pip$by$Lloyds$Jones,$due$to$a$hall$
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All the latest from Over Farm
September is harvest month at Over Farm and farm grown produce is plentiful, with squash, sweetcorn,
runner beans, beetroot, onions, courgettes and much more in season and available in the farm shop. In the
farm shop's butchery, alongside local beef, pork, lamb and chicken, you'll now also find Forest of
Dean wild boar and venison.
At the farm’s venue barn, the busy summer wedding season is drawing to a close and the entertainment
team is now gearing up for Over Farm’s annual Frightmare Halloween Festival in October. Tickets for the
night time scare attraction are on sale now at
The new school year also welcomes lots of educational trips, as the farm continues to work with local
schools to promote children’s understanding of farming, food production, healthy eating and wildlife.
For more information please visit
BLUE bin & caddy
GREEN & BROWN bin & caddy
(landfill) (garden)
Tuesday 3
Tuesday 17
Tuesday 10
Tuesday 24
Mobile library
Friday 20th November
outside school
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Christmas Bazaar
Village Hall
From 10.00am until 2.00pm
Cakes & Preserves
Hand Bell Music
Book Stall
Crafts &
Bric a Brac
It is not too late to help, make donations
to the day or have a stall yourself.
Contact Louise
On 01452 751065
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Operation Christmas Child is the world’s largest children’s project, where
shoeboxes are always given to children based on need, regardless of their
background or religious beliefs.
It is an unconditional gift of love.
If you would like to take part in this worthwhile charity, we have
explanatory leaflets and would be happy to let you have one. Gift
suggestions are:
A toy - school supplies – hygiene items – jewellery – hair accessories –
sweets (not chocolates) – hat, scarf and gloves.
We will be in Westbury School to collect any filled boxes on FRIDAY
NOVEMBER 6TH between 10am and 4pm.
We, in this area, have kindly supported this charity for several years and we
look forward, gratefully, to your help again.
Thank you in anticipation.
Our phone numbers are:
Kath Lunt 01452 760769
Elaine Incher 01452 750140
Jayne Stephens 01531 821385
Macmillan Coffee Morning
An amazing £370 was raised for Macmillan during the
Coffee and Cake morning. A huge personal thank you to
everyone who supported it. I couldn't have done it without
people kindly baking, giving time to help behind the scenes
and generously donating. Thank you again.
Alison Raeburn.
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with seasonal views from across the Benefice will be
available from November onwards.
Please contact the Rev. Steve Taylor on 760756 who
will be in charge of distributing them around the area.
We thank you for your support – all proceeds will go to
the six churches concerned.
Remembrance Service this year will be held at Westbury
Church commencing at 10.45am. Following this service a
dedication will be held at Minsterworth Memorial at approx.
12 noon. Please attend if at all possible and never forget that:“For your tomorrow we gave our today.”
Terry Bourne
There comes a point in your life when you
realize who really matters, who never did, and
who always will.
- Unknown
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Minsterworth Women’s Institute
Our speaker this month was Sally Church, who gave a most enlightening and
fascinating talk on Bees and Beeswax. Sally became interested in the hobby
about 6 years ago, when stories of her late father really caught her
imagination – a reverend – running around the countryside, cassock flowing,
catching errant swarms.
This hobby is now a passion, she is the secretary of Newent Beekeepers
Association and has 2 apiary sites with 13 colonies between them. She took us
through knowing your bees – from solitary bees, bumble bees, wasps (the bully
boys) to the honeybee. Going into some detail with the honeybee we learnt how
the queen was the ‘queen’ pin of a colony (larger in size, producing eggs and
nothing else – worker bees even keeping her clean!), the worker really being the
work horse of the hive – doing all the collecting of pollen, keeping the hive
clean and full with honey to feed everyone; to lastly the drone – the male who
throughout their short lifetime act like typical teenage boys (say no more!).
With the aid of a projector and visual aids, the differences were described,
we were even given a small test at the end of the evening (luckily we were able
to tell which was which). Honey is used for many things from an enjoyable
addition to toast to a barrier cream on ulcers, wax being used by the Egyptians
as far back as 3000BC. At the end of the evening we were able to ask Sally
many questions and purchase honey, wax candles and furniture polish produced
by her own bees.
The next meeting on 10th November is members only as it is the AGM.
"There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a
country. A fine landscape is like a piece of music;
it must be taken at the right tempo. Even a bicycle
goes too fast."
- Paul Scott Mowrer
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Giant 'blob' of cold water in North Atlantic
Don’t you just love how the Met Office have spent millions on their new
weather prediction technology & then they “discover” another cycle?
Their latest is the North Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) which
refers to the cycle of Atlantic surface temperatures. It has just entered a cold
phase and, as its name suggests, this could last a decade or more. The BBC is
referring to it as a “cold blob”, no really.
In many parts of the world, the AMO has been linked with decade-long
temperature and rainfall trends. Certainly – and perhaps obviously – the
mean temperature of islands downwind of the Atlantic such as Britain and
Ireland show almost exactly the same temperature fluctuations as the AMO.
Atlantic oscillations are associated with the frequency of hurricanes and
droughts. When the AMO is in the warm phase, there are more hurricanes in
the Atlantic and droughts in the US Midwest tend to be more frequent and
This partly masks what is going on elsewhere, i.e. water temperatures in the
rest of the world are rising rapidly.
Why is the cold AMO happening? It is thought to relate to the melting of
Arctic ice, the cool fresh water lying on top of the warmer, more dense saline
water. This disrupts the gulfstream, the Atlantic meridional OVERTURNING
circulation which sends warm surface water northward (the Gulf Stream)
and deeper cold water southward – which keeps us warm here in Britain and
With so many different types of circulation and oscillation (and that’s just the
oceans!) to contend with is it any wonder we – and the Met office – are
confused? But AMO is by no means a new phenomenon – has it just been
forgotten - until weather reporters realized they needed an explanation for
2015’s disappointing summer? What I want to know is, what kind of winter
are we in for? Just tell me straight.
If you are interested in advertising in The Villager contact
Paula Ruffley on 01452 751226
If you would like to become a subscriber and receive your
Very own copy of The Villager each month, contact
Tony Pearson on 01452 750174
If you would like to hire the Village Hall call
Lynne on 01452 750477 or e-mail
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St Peter’s
The Whist Drive
Grateful thanks to all who helped in the running of the October whist drive. The profit
from the evening amounted to £27.
The date for the next whist drive is Monday 2nd November, 7.30pm, at Minsterworth
Village Hall.
200 Club
The draw that took place after the whist drive held in August resulted in the following:
Margaret Cotterell
Josie Zaslowski
Helen Few
Church Services & flower rota
1 November
8 November
Remembrance Sunday
15 November
22 November
29 November
At Westbury church
Kate Oxley
Kate Oxley
Evening Prayer
Holy Communion
Advent Sunday
Kate Oxley
Kate Oxley
Advent - no flowers
On the 1st November, there is also a service at Westbury to mark All Souls Sunday,
starting at 3pm.
Please note that the Remembrance Service this year will be at Westbury on Severn
Church starting at 10.45am.
The Service on 29th November is a Benefice Service at Minsterworth Church.
See p7 for news of the Benefice Calendar for 2016.
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Hint s & t ips
To restore finished wood furniture, steep two tea
bags in hot water for 10 minutes. Let cool, then
dampen a clean soft cloth with tea and wipe over
wood furniture. It will bring out the wood’s natural
colour and shine.
Salt and lemon juice mixed together remove mildew
To keep weeds from returning to the cracks of your
patio, deck, or driveway keep salt in the cracks.
Time to plant garlic
November is a good time to plant garlic for next year. This gives it
chance to spend some time in the cold when it forms separate
cloves. Plant it when there’s no more frost and you’ll end up with
spheres of garlic – not what you want!
Use spare cloves from a bulb that was properly dried on
harvesting this year, that way they will not rot in the ground.
Plant in well manured ground about 3” apart, about an inch below
the surface. Remember to label so you don’t dig them up when
planting something else!
Garlic is easy to grow, fairly disease resistant and tells you when
to harvest it when the leaves obligingly wither and turn yellow in
June/July. Just ease out of the ground with a trowel and leave to
dry in the sun (hanging them in a clump together keeps them tidy
& lets the wind get at them when it rains). Drying thoroughly
prevents growth & rotting.
Bingo – got to be one of the easiest things to grow & takes up
very little space.
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7!Fresh!fruit!&!veg! !
7!buns! !
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Neighbourhood Watch Update
Switch on to safer streets – leave a light on
and keep burglars out!
Now the nights are drawing in it is really important to make sure you take extra measures to
make your home look like someone is home.
Leaving a light on or setting one to come on in the hours of darkness is a simple clear
message and one that might keep a burglar out.
Look out for your neighbours too and if you notice there is one house that is always in
darkness maybe remind them to set a timer.
Before you go out:
• Switch on your light timer device
• Put expensive items out of view
• Set your burglar alarm
• Lock all your windows and doors
• Ensure tools and ladders are locked away
• Don’t post your whereabouts on social media
The Neighbourhood Engagement Vehicle will be visiting many areas over the next few
weeks to provide advice and are also distributing free timer switches
If you suspect a burglary is in progress call 101 or 999
Fireworks are great fun and very beautiful, but don't be fooled. Remember fireworks are
explosives and can cause serious injury or death. Every year as many as 500 people are
injured as a result of using or playing with fireworks and many more are burned using
sparklers. Our advice this year is, as always, if you wish to see fireworks, go to a
professionally organised display and leave it to the experts. Displays at home carry a far
greater risk and are nowhere near as spectacular. Firework tips:
• Always keep your fireworks in a sealed metal box or biscuit tin. Never put fireworks
in your pockets
• Always keep fireworks at arms length
• Never, ever throw a firework
• Once you light a firework, don't go back to it
• Make sure children are fully supervised and are wearing gloves when playing with
• It's a good idea to have a bucket of water close-by to extinguish used sparklers
• When building your bonfire, ensure that it is sited safely away from any hedges, buildings
or fences, and have a garden hose ready in case of any emergencies
• Keep all pets indoors
• Fireworks and alcohol do not mix - it's a good idea to nominate an adult who isn't drinking
at the party to be in charge of the fireworks
Fraser Gunn
On behalf of West Gloucestershire Neighbourhood Watch Association and Gloucestershire Police
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Neighbourhood Watch Update
An incident at a stable yard in Avon and Somerset has been reported
concerning a male pretending to be a police officer looking for stolen vehicles;
when asked for his ID the man made off in a black VW Caddy vehicle
registration number: R7430CJ. Please report any sightings of the vehicle to
Gloucestershire Police on 101.
Good news
A male has been arrested and charged with robbery after an incident in Coleford on 7th
September. He has been remanded in custody for appearance at crown court.
Pete Thomas
Minsterworth Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
Hobby & Coffee Group
Join us at Minsterworth Village Hall
Tuesday 17th November
Time - 1.00pm to 3.00pm
The Hawk in the Rain by Ted Hughes
I drown in the drumming ploughland, I drag up
Heel after heel from the swallowing of the earth’s mouth,
From clay that clutches my each step to the ankle
With the habit of the dogged grave, but the hawk
Effortlessly at height hangs his still eye.
His wings hold all creation in a weightless quiet,
Steady as a hallucination in the streaming air.
While banging wind kills these stubborn hedges,
Thumbs my eyes, throws my breath, tackles my heart,
And rain hacks my head to the bone, the hawk hangs
The diamond point of will that polestars
The sea drowner’s endurance: and I,
Bloodily grabbed dazed last-moment-counting
Morsel in the earth’s mouth, strain towards the masterFulcrum of violence where the hawk hangs still,
That maybe in his own time meets the weather
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Neighbourhood Watch Message
If you would like to receive Neighbourhood Watch messages by email,
please forward your email address to:
Pete Thomas, NHW Co-ordinator
November Facts
2 Penguin Books cleared of obscenity over “Lady Chatterley’s
Lover” 1960
4th Howard Carter discovers the tomb of Tutankhamun in Egypt
5th Parker Bros launch game of Monopoly 1935
7th Highwayman John Austin was the last public hanging at
Tyburn England 1783
9th Welsh poet Dylan Thomas died aged 39 in 1953
12th Longest observed iceberg 208 mils long by 60 miles wide 1956
13th First shipment of canned pineapple to mainland US from
Hawaii 1895
15th Pitman shorthand first published 1837
16th Al Capone freed from Alcatraz jail 1939
22nd John F. Kennedy was assassinated 1963
24th Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species was published 1859
27th William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway 1582
30th Sir Winston Churchill was born 1874
Kindly provided by Chris Hamblin
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Darker Nights – Operation Switch
Minsterworth Neighbourhood Watch
The police will be launching their Darker Nights Operation Switch campaign on
23rd October to remind communities of the importance of leaving a light on to
make their home look occupied. The police, in conjunction with Crimestoppers,
will be delivering free timer switches to the more vulnerable locations across the
county. Please remember to use timer switches to turn on lights and generally
make your properties look occupied especially when coming home from work to a
dark home.
There will be more information and dates to follow when the Neighbourhood
Engagement Vehicle is visiting Minsterworth, which all are invited to visit.
Householders are encouraged to report anything suspicious to police by calling
101 or through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
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'Why is television called
a medium? Because it is
neither rare nor well
done.' Ernie Kovaks
‘Eighty-two point six per
cent of statistics are
made up on the spot.’
- Vic Reeves
‘Why is abbreviated such a
long word?’ Russell
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The October meeting was held on Monday 12th in the Village Hall under vice chairman Roger Blowey.
Also present were Cllrs. C. Thomas, N. Garbutt, R. Crisp, A. Pearson and S. King, together with
County Cllr. P Awford, and the Clerk F. Wallbank. Also present were 4 members of the public.
Apologies were received from Boro’ Cllr. D. Davies.
The emergency exits were described. There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the September meeting were agreed.
County Cllr. P. Awford paid a personal tribute to former Chairman Richard Few, who died recently,
for all his hard work. He said that the signs on the A48 had all been fixed and the burnt out motorcycle
removed. The potholes on Bury Lane had been fixed. There had been another Road Traffic Accident at
Westbury and the A48 closed at the Highnam roundabout, although some Minsterworth inhabitants had
passed the block regardless and arrived home unchallenged. Oakle Street had also been closed, leaving
Minsterworth residents without any obvious route home. The closure was for several hours and the
Parish Council will write to the Police to complain about the use of police officers without local
knowledge and to request clarification on policy on future incidents. Cllr. Awford said that devolution
was being driven by finance, not local accountability. TBC currently have only one planning
enforcement officer when two are used for visits, where officers feel threatened. The Parish Council is
concerned that this will mean delays to enforcement visits. Elizabeth Ord, the JCS Inspector has not
responded to the Parish Council’s request to visit Minsterworth to view the Traveller sites and they will
ask that she accompany the sole enforcement officer.
In Public Comment The Police didn’t know where the incident on the A48 was. The potholes on Bury
Lane were repaired well but the general state of the road is very poor, despite an inspection on 25/9.
Planning. There were no applications. 15/00876/OUT Rosemary Cottage Calcotts Green was granted.
There were no appeals.
The Accounts, payments and Financial Statements were approved.
The white lines at the end of Watery Lane need replacing. There has been fly tipping on the lane and
also in a field. Fly tippers took advantage of foggy conditions to dump items undetected. The A48 is
sinking on entry to the village from Gloucester.
Rooftops’ Affordable Housing plans will be in to TBC by the end of October.
The Parish Council is waiting to hear from the Land Registry on their Village Greens plans.
The Emergency Plan should be referred to as the Resilience Plan. Cllr. Pearson will progress it with the
Village Hall Committee.
The hedge at the Village Hall has been cut well. The clerk will write to the committee regarding the
path to the disabled ramp.
There were three expressions of interest in the Councillor vacancy. In a secret ballot Gerry McGrath
was approved as a new Parish Councillor.
A wreath has been ordered for Remembrance Sunday. The Remembrance Service will be held at
Westbury Church on 8th November at 10.45am followed by a dedication at Minsterworth Memorial at
12 noon.
Continued on p20
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Continued from p19
TBC will release a questionnaire on the draft local transport plan in November which will be
reviewed by the Parish Council at its next meeting. Residents will be invited to comment up until
The next meeting of Minsterworth Parish Council will be on Monday 9th November at 7.30pm in
the Village Hall.
This report doesn't necessarily reflect the minuted discussions and decisions of the Parish Council; anyone
wanting further information, or to inspect the agreed minutes, should consult the Clerk Fiona Wallbank on
01452 849178.
Tomato update
I’ve been told I never did give the results of my search for the
perfect beefsteak tomato so if you really want to know (or even
if you don’t) it’s the US “heritage” variety Mortgage Lifter. In fact
this delicious creature is possibly the best flavoured tomato I’ve
ever grown – so now you know, for 2 years, too. Last year I
bought the seed from Mr Fothergill’s but I’m sure it can be
found elsewhere too...
Oh & Ailsa Craig has been given a reprieve – I said last year
that she was unremarkable but, this year our Ailsa has indeed
proven rather special. Moral: give things the benefit of the doubt
(when you’ve got seed left in the packet!). Bit hit & miss though,
on balance. Interestingly the solar panels don’t think 2015 has
been a sunnier year & see the giant blob on p9!
So the tomato class of 2015, grown on an almost industrial
scale in my greenhouse, have all been excellent. They are:
Gardener’s Delight
brilliant as ever
Ailsa Craig
Mortgage Lifter
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John Francis
Plumbing Ltd
Heating - Bathrooms –
Telephone 07803 632553
Longcroft, Churcham,
Gloucestershire GL2 8AW
City and Guilds - Worcester Bosch (SE) approved
installer - Logic approved for renewables –
OFTEC (SE) approved
Interior and Exterior Painting & Decorating
Fitted Bathrooms & En-suites
Bedrooms & Kitchens
Plumbing , Joinery & Carpentry
Tiling & Flooring
Home Improvements & Interior Design
Electrical Installation
Decking & Patios, etc, etc
No job too small
Fully Insured
For Quality Work at a Reasonable Price, call
Chris Baston
T: 01452 750536
or e-mail
Oakle Street, Churcham
M: 0780 3138917
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Remember, remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason, why gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, guy, t'was his intent
To blow up king and parliament.
Three score barrels were laid below
To prove old England's overthrow.
By God's mercy he was catch'd
With a darkened lantern and burning match.
So, holler boys, holler boys, Let the bells ring.
Holler boys, holler boys, God save the king.
And what shall we do with him?
Burn him!
‘Minsterworth’ now on facebook
1. Search for Minsterworth Village.
2. Click ‘Like’ to get the latest posts on your
3. Add your own comments, events and share
with friends and neighbours.
Alternatively, you can find lots of local
information, including village events, contact
information and The Villager on our website:
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Minsterworth Village Hall
Registered charity 255668
Available to hire
Booking Clerk – Lynne Cottam – 01452 750477
A beautiful, traditional Hall with a stage,
well-equipped kitchen and recreation ground.
Suitable for outdoor events and marquees.
Main Road, Minsterworth, Gloucester GL 2 8J H
e-mail –
Website –
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Thank you to our sponsors for their support
Sponsorship to date £625
BA Arkell
RC Martin
N Milligan
Gill Payne
Anne & Tony Pearson
Brenda King
Pat Haisell-Neves
Jim Lee
Mary & John Howard
Denis Lynch
Mrs W Jenner
Bill Mogg
Angela Edwards
Margaret Price
Liz Duff
Simon & Paula Ruffley
Peter Williams
F Greening
Gordon & Joy Taylor
Catherine Collins
M Cotterell
Laura & Rich Buckland
Barbara Coldwell
Karen Elias
Tom & Arlette Lane
Alison & David Raeburn
BC Billingham
P Twigg
Carol Selwyn
Sandie Clark
Val & Keith Edwards
Mike Marshall
Terry & Ruth Moore-Scott
Gerry & Claire McGrath
Rosamund Dauncey
Alison Dowding
June Tandy
Anthony & Paula Lynch
Carol Blackburn
and 7 others
If you would like to sponsor The Villager in 2015 please send a cheque payable to
Minsterworth Parish Council to the editor Paula Ruffley at The Firs, Church Lane,
Minsterworth. Suggested sponsorship £5. IT’S STILL NOT TOO LATE!
October 2015
St Peter’s PCC Whist Drive
Minsterworth Reading Group
Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection
Remembrance Service – Westbury Church
Minsterworth Parish Council
Minsterworth WI AGM – members only
Minsterworth Royal British Legion
Hobby & Coffee group
Benefice Christmas Bazaar
Recycling Collection dates
Mobile Library dates
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