January 2016 - Port Ludlow Yacht Club


January 2016 - Port Ludlow Yacht Club
Port Ludlow Yacht Club
January 2016
Not all those who wander are lost. J.R.R. Tolkien
Commodore’s Column
by Steve Antoine
Well, December was really a busy time. June and I hope you had the Merriest
Christmas, a joyous Holiday Season, and that the New Year sees everyone happy and in good health.
I must of course thank Vice Commodore Anne Burrell Smith and her army of
volunteers for the SPECTACULAR job they did with the Change of Watch! While
all of our COWs are memorable, this one was especially elegant, and sophisticated. Los Orchids played great music to dance to, and as usual the food
presentation by The Belmont was delicious. It was truly an evening to remember. Thank you!
I heard Santa’s visit at the Wreck Room to deliver the White Elephant gifts was
another fun event along with the ever-popular fried chicken dinner. Thanks
again to Santa (aka Larry Carter) for another great performance. This year, it sounded like the
presents were more “tempered” than we’ve seen in past years.
Our final event for the year was the Lighted Boat Contest, which after a little extra cajoling, saw
quite a few boats light up the harbor. Winner Alaska Quest, voted as such by the Marina staff,
took the prize of a free month’s moorage. Congratulations to Tish and Tom Satre for their efforts.
I hope most of you got a chance to see the boats all lit up. They looked so happy, even with only
one strand of lights. It certainly livens up the harbor. Many thanks to those who “dressed their
boats up.” You really made a difference!
We are already contemplating next year, and how to stimulate more interest in the holiday season
and the boats in the Marina. Please send Kori or me any thoughts or ideas you might have about
I am looking forward to the challenges ahead, especially as we approach the start of the 2016
boating season. Training Day, the Wake-Up Cruise, and Opening Day will be upon us in no time.
These events are fun and informative, as well as great ways to meet wonderful, interesting people
from diverse backgrounds.
(Continued on page 2)
Coming Events
The Wreck Room is open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1700 to 2000. It will
be closed, Saturday, January 2 and reopen on Wednesday, January 6. Check
your emails for weekly WR updates.
Bartender Meeting at the Wreck Room Wednesday, January 13 @ 1500
New Members Orientation Brunch Sunday, January 17
Chinese New Year Dinner Celebration! Wreck Room Wednesday, January 27 @ 1700
(Continued from page 1)
Our club’s success is a direct reflection of your volunteering spirit. The board has a lot of plans for
this year; our ideas depend on your participation. Don’t stay on the sidelines since you’ll miss out
on so much. Watch for the monthly calendars, and the calls for help from cruise directors. We
have plenty of venues to interest everyone. I am hoping to see more members join the club’s
cruises. And you don’t need a boat for all of them as the Wake-Up Cruise shows. A few years ago,
we had more land cruisers than boaters!
Get out and enjoy life. We’re lucky enough to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world
with so much to offer. My motto for this year comes from J.R.R. Tolkien: “Not all those who wander are lost.” Be a wanderer, an explorer. You won’t see things if you don’t get out of the house
and look around, walk, drive, boat. Take advantage of every day!
Vice Commodore’s Column
by Anne Burrell-Smith
As vice commodore my primary responsibilities will be overall management of
the Wreck Room, and organizing and planning new member recruitment functions.
The 2016 standard days and times for the Wreck Room will continue to be
Wednesday and Saturday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. I am delighted to say June Antoine
will continue as the Wreck Room coordinator this year. June will build on the
enjoyable atmosphere she created in 2015 with an array of dinners, cook-offs,
grilling options and pleasurable member gatherings.
Ramsay Smith is taking over as bar manager. There will be a bartender meeting in early January for current licensed bartenders, as well for those interested in becoming one. The club reimburses the cost for members to complete their bartender’s
MAST (Mandatory Alcohol Server Training) license. Look for an email broadcast soon with the date
and time of the meeting.
At the December board meeting, we agreed to revive the new member orientation brunch. On
January 17, a brunch for all new 2015 members will be held at the Wreck Room. Moving forward,
new member gatherings will be held quarterly.
In closing, your Wreck Room team is open to ideas, suggestions and comments. Feel free to contact any one of us. Also, please consider volunteering for the Wreck Room in 2016. All we ask is
that you Do what you can, with what you have, where you are - Theodore Roosevelt.
A huge thank you to our following members whose talents and contributions made the 2015
Change of Watch such a memorable event:
Anne Whipple
Bill Dean
Billie Land
Bob King
Chris Dean
Christine Martinez
Daryl Clark
Devin Dixon
Diane Purdy
Don Whipple
Doris Guillien
Doug Svik
Gary Hicks
Harlen Whitling
Jane Armstrong
Joanne Racki
Joe Guillien
Judy Newell
Karen Scholz
Kathy Kubesh
Kay Cathcart
Krista Endres
Liz Healy
Manny Martinez
Monica Brown
Nancy Gordy
Ned Luce
Ramsay Smith
Robin King
Sally Franzel
Scott Tompson
Sharon Draper
Sheila Brunstad
Shelley O’Brien
Stephanie Tompson
Steve Hall
Steven Gross
Sue Oemichen
Teddy Clark
Teresa Goode
Vic Draper
Wally Cathcart
Rear Commodore’s Column
by Neal McQuarrie
As your rear commodore, I would like to welcome you to 2016. I hope you had
a great Christmas, and wish you all the best in the coming year.
MeriAnn and I moved to Port Ludlow in October
2013 after spending 25 years
in Everett, WA. We just celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary (we got married when we were 12).
I graduated from Utah State University in 1976 with a B.A. in business administration and went to work for Xerox as a sales rep. We spent a few years in
Eastern Washington, then moved to the Seattle area. I helped start a Ricoh
copier dealership in Redmond, and was one of their sales managers. When
the company was sold I then went to work for Ricoh Corporation and spent 25
years there. I held many positions during that time, district sales manager,
major account sales manager, and vertical market manager for medical sales.
I retired in January 2013 for the second time having retired before in 2010. After being responsible for 13 western states, I got very tired of airplanes and hotels.
MeriAnn began her career in banking, then spent many years selling real estate for Windermere in
the Bothell area. She then started her own business as a transaction consultant for ReMax. She
retired in 2009.
We bought our first sailboat in 1984, a 26' Ranger. We raised our two daughters on that boat and
cruised Puget Sound for 10 years. We then decided we needed a bigger boat with longer range,
and leased a 34' Sundowner Tug for eight years, and then we were boatless for another eight. Our
younger daughter started showing quarter horses in 4H when she was eight, which progressed over
the years to the national quarter horse circuit. We could not afford to boat and have horses at the
same time so when our daughter went off to college we got out of the horse business and back
into boating. We purchased our 34' American Tug, Hish-Ka, in 2009.
In light of what is going on elsewhere in the world, we are so fortunate to live in Port Ludlow. We
have been coming here by boat since 1984, and have always loved this place. Since we have lived
here, we have met so many great people. You have heard me say before that our members make
the club. I encourage you to get involved in our activities, make new friends, and have fun doing
My responsibilities for 2016 are numerous. The first event is Training Day which will be Saturday,
April 9 at the Beach Club. Our program is being finalized, and will include several interesting topics. There is still time to let me know if you have any suggestions for topics you’d like to see.
During the year we will have Marine Exchanges at the Wreck Room, which have proven very popular. I welcome your suggestions for topics to include.
Believe it or not, we are already planning the next Change of Watch. I will be reaching out for
help on this very important event. We want to make it a night to remember.
While you are planning the upcoming cruising season on the Salish Sea and doing winter maintenance on your boat, be happy and safe.
Martyn Olliver and Monica Freelund own a restored wooden 50 -foot Grandy Marlineer cruiser,
R&D, which resides at its dock in Mats Mats. The couple are building a new house there and will
move in soon as it’s ready.
Martyn is a Kiwi from New Zealand, and has lived in the U.S. for 30 years. Monica is a native Washingtonian who’s lived here all her life. Both love to cook, travel, and entertain. They’re looking
forward to volunteering and joining activities with PLYC.
Martyn, who holds a 100-ton captain’s license, has been around boats since he was a kid, and has
owned 12.
Martyn and Monica were sponsored for membership by Buddy and Karen Hills. Welcome aboard!
Fleet Captain’s Column
by John Simpson
Greetings! As the new fleet captain, my major responsibility will be to coordinate, help plan and
execute the club’s active cruising program. It is an enterprise in which my wife Katherine and I
are increasingly familiar, and we look forward to helping make 2016’s cruises a success.
Last year, we thoroughly enjoyed the club’s cruises around much of Puget Sound, from Olympia
up to Bellingham and throughout the San Juan Islands. We also ventured into the magnificent Canadian waters. We’re hooked, and are greatly looking forward to the cruising adventures planned
for this year.
Some would say that the major benefit of the cruises is the great variety of places we visit. This
is certainly true, however for us there are more attractions than the itinerary. Having the company and friendship of an exceptional group of people makes cruising more enjoyable. We also appreciated and, on several occasions, used the extensive boating knowledge that so many experienced boaters traveling together can offer. We live in a truly remarkable place for boating, and
the club’s cruises are a perfect way to learn about and enjoy it.
PLYC currently plans to have seven cruises, which include three shorter ones in April, October,
and December, and four longer ones in May, June, July, and September. Each cruise is led by a
team of several directors, who are charged with organizing and leading it. Directors have some
latitude in determining dates and destinations.
Here’s the cruise roster so far. Several cruises have directors, but need more help, and one cruise
is vacant: April: Peggy and Gale Kulm; Ann and Dan Klemp; May (Commodores’ Cruise): Steve and
June Antoine, Ann Burrell-Smith and Ramsay Smith, Neal and MeriAnn McQuarrie; June: Hal and
Sheila Brunstad; July: Vacant so far; September: Buddy and Karen Hills, Joe and Doris Guillien;
October: Marilynne Gates and Roger Harmon, Sue and Brett Oemichen; December John and Katherine Simpson, Mollie and Jim Tulley.
If you’d like to sign on to lead or help direct a cruise, please email or call me at
jbs8893@msn.com or 716-860-3249.
I look forward to seeing you on the docks, in the Wreck Room, but especially on the water.
Chinese New Year Dinner Celebration!
Wednesday, January 27
RSVP by Friday, January 22
5 – 8 pm
The Year of the Monkey
Please join us to celebrate Chinese New Year as Chef Jason from the Shanghai Restaurant presents some tasty dishes for us to enjoy . . .
Appetizers: Barbecue Pork with Sesame Seeds and Asian Sauce, and Vegetable Rice Rolls with
Peanut Sauce or Asian Sauce
Main Dishes: Almond Chicken with Mixed Vegetables, Beef with Broccoli, and Vegetable Fried
Dessert: Lucky Fortune Cookies
The cost is $18 per person. RSVP by January 22, and mail your check payable to PLYC to Deanne
Pedersen, 234 Camber Lane, Port Ludlow 98365.
For more information, email or call Deanne at deanne.pedersen@yahoo.com or 713-504-2969.
Happy New Year to my fellow PLYC members. I hope your holiday season
was a joyous one and Santa brought you many goodies.
The Ship’s Store is under new management for 2016. I would like to
thank Sue Oemichen for doing a wonderful job in 2015. She will be a difficult act to follow, but helped get me started on this process, and I
thank her very much.
This year I will try to order clothing that may be embroidered for a small
extra charge, or be left as they are. Sometimes items simply don’t need
the embellishment.
I look forward to hearing from you about what you’d like to see in the
Ship’s Store. I can be reached via the PLYC Web site by going to the Officers page and clicking the property officer link. You can also catch me
at the Wreck Room; I’m there almost every Wednesday and Saturday.
Meetings make me crazy so if we can do this without a committee, I will
be a very happy lady.
January will feature numerous new items. I will place them in a separate
location so you can easily locate them. Also, each month I plan to have
an area of drastically reduced items for sale. Check out the great deals!
I look forward to seeing each of you at the Wreck Room and YOUR Ship’s
Highlights from the December 2, 2015 Board Meeting
by Chris Dean
The December 2 Board of Directors meeting was a joint meeting of the
2015 and 2016 officers:
2015 Board:
A second reading was conducted for Carole and David Cole, sponsored by
Mike Larkin and John Willis.
Treasurer BJ Luce reported club assets of $263,370 and that $1,400 from
the Wreck Room tip jar would be donated to the Backpack for Kids charity.
2016 Board:
A first reading was conducted for Martyn Olliver and Monica Freelund,
sponsored by Karen and Buddy Hills.
Dues renewal materials are on track to go out to members at the beginning
of January 2016. Members can request early billing by notifying Secretary Chris Dean. Membership
cards will be distributed throughout January and February, but if anybody needs them earlier to
use at reciprocal clubs, that request can be accommodated also.
A committee is being formed to work closely with PLA on the design of a new yacht club facility
as part of the planned expansion of the area.
Wreck Room Coordinator June Antoine has established an advisory committee to develop menus
for Wreck Room events for two month periods.
Change of Watch Photos
More Change of Watch Photos
Past Commodores at the Change of Watch
PLYC 2016 Officers
Steve Antoine
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Vice Commodore
Anne Burrell-Smith
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Rear Commodore
Neal McQuarrie
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Past Commodore
Buddy Hills
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Fleet Captain
John Simpson
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Port Captain
Dean Rienstra
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Christine Dean
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BJ Luce
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Janet McKinnon
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Property Officer
Doris Guillien
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Communications Officer
Harlen Whitling
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Sail Captain
Manny Martinez
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PLYC Coordinators
Bar Manager
Ramsay Smith
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Wreck Room Coordinator
June Antoine
Send Email
Port Ludlow Yacht Club
P.O. Box 65338
Port Ludlow, WA 98365
The Jib Sheet is published online monthly by volunteers from the Port Ludlow Yacht Club. The
opinions expressed in the Jib Sheet represent the views of the contributors and are not to be construed as the official position of the Port Ludlow Yacht Club, the members, officers, or the editor.
Please email articles, photos, and other content by the 23rd of the month to the editors
Liz Healy & Harlen Whitling at JibSheet@plyc.us.
Send email address corrections to the Secretary Chris Dean: Click Here

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