February 2014 - Port Ludlow Yacht Club
February 2014 - Port Ludlow Yacht Club
Port Ludlow Yacht Club February, 2014 JIB SHEET Only the guy who isn’t rowing has time to rock the boat. Jean-Paul Sartre Commodore’s Column by Steve Hall January of each year is a very busy month for your board as we make plans for and schedule the year’s activities. I am extremely grateful to all our board members for their dedication and hard work coordinating the calendar so that PLYC can offer a full schedule of activities to our members. The PLYC board, at the January meeting, approved the addition of four new members: Neal and Merriann McQuarrie, sponsored by Dwayne and Diane Wilcox; Joe and Doris Guillien, sponsored by Brett Oemichen and Judy Perrotta; Dan and Ann Klemp, sponsored by the Oemichens and Pedersens; and Tom and Jeanette Halvorsen, sponsored by Manny and Christie Martinez. Please extend a warm PLYC welcome to our new members. Also at the January meeting, after careful consideration and much discussion, the PLYC Board voted to discontinue free meals for Wreck Room workers. It is very difficult to know where to fairly draw the line as to which workers do and do not receive a gratis meal. Many of our Wreck Room events require a great deal of work and planning prior to the day of the event and it is not possible to reward everyone involved in an event with a meal. We value equally all our members who volunteer and your board hopes that the spirit of volunteerism will be reward enough to encourage our members to help out at the Wreck Room. Speaking of the Wreck Room, Vice Commodore Olav Pedersen and our new Wreck Room Social and Special Events Coordinator Deanne Pedersen, are busy making some changes to the Wreck Room that we think you will like. Drop in for a visit to see what they have accomplished so far or contact Deanne to schedule an evening that you can volunteer at the Wreck Room. One task of Past Commodore Brett Oemichen is to chair the nominations committee to select candidates for the PLYC Board of 2015. Although it is only January, it isn’t too early to be thinking about the future and I know Brett would appreciate hearing from you if you have an interest in serving on the board of directors. Rear Commodore Buddy Hills, along with his wife, Karen, are busy planning PLYC Training Day 2014, to be held at the Beach Club on April 12. Fleet Captain Lorry Gilbreath is looking for a few good cruise directors, no prior experience required, only __________________________________________________________________________________ Coming Events The Wreck Room opens every Wednesday and Friday during February at 1700. Wednesdays feature snacks and/or appetizers. Fridays highlight themed events with more substantial fare. Refer to the Wreck Room Highlights column in this issue and/or the web site for more specific details. Board of Director’s Meeting, February 5, WR, 1430 a positive and can-do attitude as there are experienced PLYC members delighted to share their knowledge. Additionally, Lorry has planned a Cruise Directors’ meeting to be held at the Wreck Room on March 22. Fleet Captain Ramsay Smith, is putting the finishing touches on the reciprocal agreements while planning our May 10 Opening Day ceremony and annual boat christening ritual. On a different note, it has recently come to my attention that some of our newer members have had trouble receiving email messages from some of the addresses that are routinely used for PLYC email messaging. It so happens that the source of some of the messages are not recognized and they are ending up in spam or junk folders. To ensure you get all the latest PLYC information, please add the following email addresses to your contact folder: deanne.pedersen@yahoo.com hallkubesh@msn.com plyc@centurylink.net plycsec@aol.com lizhealy@centurylink.net Lastly, it is with great sadness that I report the passing of Bill Clark, a PLYC past commodore. I met Bill and his wife, Teddy, during my first cruising season with the club. I found them both to be kind, helpful and gracious people. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Teddy and the Clark family at this time. Wade Crouch receives belated thanks for Port Captain duties in 2013 Vice Commodore’s Column by Olav Pedersen As many of you have noticed, a number of changes have been made to the layout of the Wreck Room and I would like to thank all of the members who have helped with the improvements. More are on the way. The Commodore Kick-Off BBQ was a big success. Over 80 members and their guests attended and the food was fantastic. And I would like to extend a special thanks to Tracy Gordy for smoking the delicious brisket. I’m sure Deanne will fill us in on the details. We’ve still got a ways to go before the first day of spring, but until then we have the warmth of our fire places at home and hot bowls of soups to warm our bones until then (thanks Judy!). If you weren’t there, you really missed out. There will be two more soup nights in February, so please join us for a casual evening at the Wreck Room. 2 PLYC Flag Officers for 2014 L to R, Past Commodore- Brett Oemichen, Commodore-Steve Hall, Vice Commodore-Olav Pedersen, Rear Commodore– Buddy Hills Rear Commodore’s Column by Buddy Hills The first planning session for this year’s Training Day was held January 20. The date for Training Day has been changed from April 26 to April 12 due to conflicts. Having it earlier in April allows us to have this event prior to the Wake-Up Cruise, the first of the season. As in past year, Training Day will be held at the Beach Club with more detailed information in my next month’s Jib Sheet article. Thank you to Commodore Steve Hall and First Mate Kathy Kubesh for helping get the planning session off to a great start. Also thank you to Brett Oemichen, Peter Joseph, Olav Pedersen, David Aho, and Monica Brown for volunteering their time and coming up with many great suggestions for topics and planning tips for this event. The theme for Training Day is “The Knowledgeable Boater.” Even with vast and beautiful cruising grounds at our doorsteps, we sometimes don’t get to practice or implement all our learned skills and they become rusty. For this years Training Day, I would like to look at these to refresh our memories, practice them and give us confidence in executing them. The skills of our critical first mates are sometimes overlooked. I will be putting out a short survey to the club’s first mates seeking ideas of what they would like to review. The commodore of the Port Angles Yacht Club attended our opening day last year and through conversation was taken by the idea of having a Training Day. This year they have decided to join with Sequim Yacht Club and have their first version of a Training Day on March 22. Our own Past Commodore Peter Joseph has been asked to make a presentation at this event. He will be presenting his “How to Avoid the Trip from Hell” presentation he did at our last year session. If anyone from PLYC who missed last year's presentation wants to attend they are welcome. It will begin at 0900 in Port Angeles. Lastly, planning sessions for this year Change of Watch will also be kicking off shortly. If anyone is interested in helping organize for this event or Training Day, please feel free to contact me at 437-4012 or mikarhills@aol.com. 3 Port Captain’s Column by Ramsay Smith What a great year ahead for the members of PLYC with numerous opportunities in which to enjoy and participate. So far we have over 100 reciprocal agreements in place (and counting) with yacht club communities stretching from California to Canada. Visit the Reciprocals section on the PLYC Web site for a list and marina information. If you’d like to visit a club not listed, please let me know and I will try to set up an agreement. As the yachting season begins this spring we will have members of visiting clubs taking advantage of our agreement and visiting our beautiful part of the world. PLYC has obtained an excellent reputation in welcoming these fellow yachters though our Watch Captain program. If you are not familiar with this program it consists of having one of our members greet arriving cruisers and providing a packet of information compiled by PLYC. It covers such things as information on our marina, the resort, surrounding accommodations, sports facilities, the Wreck Room, and stores. It is a great way to meet new and interesting people so take advantage and volunteer to be a Watch Captain this year. If you are interested please send me an email or drop by the club and place your name on a signup list for a week convenient with you. I will compile a list with weekly responsibility and confirm with all volunteers. And lastly, do not forget Opening Day is not far off. This year it is Saturday, May 10, so mark the date and plan to attend. Details will be coming in future Jib Sheets. Fleet Captain’s Column by Lorry Gilbreath Hello fellow boaters! With holidays behind us it is time to look forward to our upcoming 2014 cruising season. Our first cruise will be the Wake Up in April. We are excited to share the new local cruising itinerary this year, details to follow soon. Cruise directors are still needed for the June, July Short and Long, and October cruises. If you’re interested or know someone who might be, please send me an email lgilbreath@columbiabank.com or give me a call 206-819-6873 (cell). Please consider being a cruise director. Experience is not necessary, plus it’s a fun way to get involved and meet new people. We’re also here to help you! Please attend the Cruise Directors’ Meeting at the Wreck Room on Saturday, March 22 at 3:30 p.m. For those of us traveling to Canada this year, Jeff Vella at Customs and Border Protection has agreed to help us again with I-68 processing. The 2014 form and instructions will be available on our Web site along with deadlines. This is a 3-step process: (1) You must go online and order your 2014 DTOPS decal (this can take three weeks to receive so plan plenty of time), (2) Submit your I-68 form to me by March 21, and (3) Meet with Customs Agent Jeff Vella on Friday, April 11 from 1400 to 1600 at the Wreck Room. Full twopage details will be in the instructions posted on the Web site. Save the Date — Wake Up Cruise Mark your calendar and begin to plan to join the Wake Up Cruise, our first official cruise of the year! We will depart on Monday April 14 headed to Pleasant Harbor for a night. Alderbrook will welcome both land and boat cruisers for April 15 and 16. Boaters will head back to Pleasant Harbor for one more night before returning to Port Ludlow on April 18. Watch for more details. This is a great cruise for “newbies”, land cruisers, and boaters who need to shake off the barnacles after a long winter hiatus. 4 Wreck Room Highlights by Deanne Pedersen, WR Social & Special Events Coordinator As the new Wreck Room and Special Events Coordinator, it doesn’t seem that I will have much time other than living at the WR, which is not a bad gig. Actually, I have been approached by many generous members who are offering their support and time to get the 2014 WR schedule up and running. The assistance is greatly appreciated and I invite both our new and long-standing members to get creative and share your wish list of ideas to fill our calendar with fun events. Please be sure to contact me if you would like to host a casual soup, sandwich, appetizer, or themed night on any of our Wednesday or Friday evenings. Speaking of our calendar, I have added a volunteer sign-up calendar board that is located in the kitchen prep area. This board lists two months of WR details, as well as some information for the following month. Please review the calendar and ask questions when you visit. It would be wonderful to see a group of our fellow members team up and take on one of the special events planned for this year. Now for a recap of what has been happening. We ‘kicked off’ January by hosting a Commodore Kick-off Western BBQ, which drew 84 people. Thank you to our cooks, Tracy Gordy for smoking 40 pounds of brisket and Karen Hills for preparing this feast. Also, thanks to Wade and Beth Crouch for lending the WR their great collection of western decorations to enhance our western theme. And, of course, a big thanks to our helpers, supervisors, and to those members who just always pitch in without anyone asking. We would not have been able to do it without you! Thanks, also, to those who filled in our Wednesday and Friday evenings in January with appetizers and potlucks. On January 31, we closed out the month with a catered event to celebrate the Chinese New Year – the Year of the Horse. At this event, we also celebrated our January PLYC member birthdays. We have a busy February ahead with evening potlucks and appetizer nights. Here is what is already in the works! Wednesday, the 5th WR Open – Bar Snacks Friday, the 7th “Soup Night by Judy” th Wednesday, the 12 “International Potluck to Celebrate the Winter Games” Friday, the 14th “Soups to Warm the Heart” Wednesday, the 19th “Appetizers by Peggy” st Friday, the 21 “Crepes by Dan” th Wednesday, the 26 Friday, the 28th “Mexican Appetizers by Manny & Christie” “Hot dogs by Judy” & Feb PLYC Member Birthdays The “International Potluck to Celebrate the Winter Games” will be a good time to dust off those cookbooks in the back of your kitchen cabinets. Claim a country and bring a dish that will have us asking for the recipe! In fact, please bring a few copies of the recipe to exchange. Our Valentine “Soups to Warm the Heart” will be another opportunity to share your favorite winter soups and recipes. Please bring a crock-pot with your homemade specialty soup, chowder, etc., plus your favored cup so you can sample all of the delicious soups. In March, I plan to schedule an informal chat session and invite all who are interested in finding out what it takes to make the WR run smoothly, and how much your volunteering and ideas make it happen. The date and other related details will be in my next month’s article. **Please be sure to check that you are receiving the emails of upcoming PLYC events. We are finding that some emails may go directly to your spam mail. In closing, I wish to thank you again for volunteering at your Wreck Room. See you there. 5 New Members Thomas and Jeanette Halvorsen hail from California and come to Port Ludlow via Kingston where they lived for seven years. Tom transferred with Lockheed-Martin from California to Washington, and plans to retire in 2014. Jeanette taught at a private school in California and now enjoys retirement. Between the two, they have seven children and twenty-one grandchildren with another due in January. Jeanette grew up in a boating family and has always loved it. The Halverson’s recently sold their 22 foot Bayliner cruiser, however, they have enjoyed trips around Puget Sound, the Canal and the San Juans. The Halverson’s were sponsored for membership by Christie Smith and Manny Martinez. Joe and Doris Guillien recently bought a home in Port Ludlow for retirement. Joe worked as worldwide manufacturing manager for Robbins, a company that manufactures tunnel boring machines. He enjoy golfing, skiing, and boating. Doris taught elementary school for 39 years and enjoys reading, knitting, quilting, and taking long walks. The Guilliens spent 15 years boating around Puget Sound in a 35 foot Bayliner, and now owne a 32 foot Grand Banks, Caledonia, moored in the marina. The Guillens were sponsored for membership by Brett Oemichen and Judy Perotta. Neal and Merriann McQuarrie moved to Port Ludlow from Everett after retiring last year. They have two daughters, and two grandchildren. The McQuarrie’s first boat was a 26 foot Ranger sailboat; after ten years they moved to a Sundowner Tug in 1994. In March 2009, they purchased their current vessel, Hish-ka, a 37 foot American Tug, currently moored at the guest dock. The McQuarries have put 40 hours on the engine since then, cruising Puget Sound and the San Juans. They look forward to going north now that they have time. The McQuarries were sponsored for membership by Dwayne and Diane Wilcox. Danial and Ann Klemp are both graduates of WSU, Dan with a degree in veterinary medicine and Ann with a degree in elementary education. The Klemps have lived in Oregon since 1968, and own a lot here and a home on Marrowstone Island. Dan and their son run a cattle ranch on the Oregon coastal range. Ann taught school for five years and then retired to rear their three sons. The Klemps enjoy traveling, being with family and friends, and boating. In the 1970’s the Klemps began taking boating classes and have owned two sailboats. Their current boat is a43 foot North Pacific Trawler, Misty Waters, docked in the marina. The Klemps and Misty Waters have already been on their first PLYC cruise- the Holiday to Bell Harbor. Most of their sailing was in the Carribean; their longest cruise in the trawler was to Alaska. The Klemps were sponsored for membership by Olav and Deanna Pedersen and Brett Oemichen. Tom and Tish Satre live in Port Ludlow and Juneau, where they operate a charter business in the summer in Southeast Alaska, aboard Alaska Quest, a 66-foot custom built trawler. Alaska Quest is moored on A dock in the marina during the off-season. Tom holds a 100 ton master license and was port captain and FSO at Northland Services, Inc., in Juneau. Tish is a retired college administration, past Rotary president, and serves on the board of directors for 6 Cancer Connection in Juneau. Tom and Tish have six children and three grandchildren. Tom has boated all his life in Southeast Alaska logging 7000 hours in the past 10 years. In addition to operating the charter business, Tom is also a past commodore for the Juneau Yacht Club. The Satres were sponsored for membership by Brett and Sue Oemichen and Judy Perrotta. Phillip and Sally Franzel moved to Port Ludlow from Morristown, NJ having lived in various places in the U.S. and Canada, and in London. Phillip is a retired management consultant, and Sally is retired as a consultant to an insurance company board. The Franzels travel extensively, and enjoy the outdoors especially activities like sailing, kayaking, scuba diving and cycling. Phillip sailed in San Francisco Bay and raced off the coast there, in Toronto, Canada and Southern California. After moving to the east coast, he continued racing on Long Island Sound. Sailing has always been a part of Phillip’s life, and he looks forward to continuing the sport. New Member Photo Gallery Photos are posted as they become available. Joe and Doris Guillen are new to the club. Seen here receiving their “goodie bag” and name tags from Commodore Steve Hall. Merriann and Neal McQuarrie are recent additions to the PLYC family. Shown here with our friendly commodore. Phil and Sally Franzel made volunteering at the WR one of their first activites. Welcome!! Tom and Jeanette Halverson recently joined the PLYC family after moving here from Kingston. Look for them in the Wreck Room and make them welcome. 7 New Members continued Tom and Tish Sarte have already become familiar faces to some members who walk the docks past their trawler, Alaska Quest or in the Wreck Room, pictured here in December. Commodore’s Kick-Off BBQ Western gear and a bear rug thanks to the Crouch’s. Kudos to our chefs. 8 Board Meeting Highlights from January 8, 2014 2nd Readings for: Neal and Meriann McQuarrie, sponsored by Dwayne and Diane Wilcox Thomas and Jeanette Halvorsen, sponsored by Manuel and Christie Martinez Joe and Doris Guillien, sponsored by Brett Oemichen and Judy Perrotta Daniel and Ann Klemp, sponsored by Olav and Deanne Pedersen and Brett Oemichen Treasurer BJ Luce reported club assets of $236,498. Vice Commodore Olav Pedersen shared his “wish list” of improvements for the WR: Request for $135 for repairing the Master Forge Pit and possible need for a $60 battery. The board approved this requirement. Received board approval for accepting a used outdoor grill in good condition from the Bay Club. A new easy to clean countertop in the kitchen. He will contact PLA’s Randy Verrue for some possible options Request for an $800 ice maker for behind the bar; more cost effective than continually buying bagged ice. 9 (Continued on page 10) Board Highlights continued Rear Commodore Buddy Hills announced that Training Day is planned for Saturday, April 12. The Beach Club is available that day and the theme of the program will be The Knowledgeable Boater. Fleet Captain Lorry Gilbreath announced that she is working with someone from U.S. Customs to be a speaker at one of the Marine Exchange programs. The topic to be Forms of Travel: Land, Sea and Air. The date is TBD. Fleet Captain Gilbreath informed the board of the Cruising Schedule to date: Tentative Cruise Director’s Meeting: March 19; tentative Cruiser Wrap Up Party: October 15 Cruise Directors to date: April’s Wake-Up Cruise: Kulm May Cruise: Oemichen, Robba, Brunstad September’s Commodore’s Cruise: Hall, Hills, Oemichen, Pedersen WRC Deanne Pedersen described the changes to the WR to date and her “wish list” items: Replacing the upstairs storage and sink area doors (two of them) with easy access curtains. Purchase of a pizza warmer for appetizers, special events, etc. A space heater for winter warmth in the kitchen. Chafing dishes for casual and special events. She will email the membership asking for any possible donations. Property Officer Judy Blair described her recent inventory of the Ship’s Store supply. She reports that much of it has been around for a long time. The Board discussed ways to improve moving it along, including putting the much older stock on sale. Other ideas included researching other yacht club’s successful inventory and providing a supply of items, such as nautical jewelry, purses, scarves and other accessories and keeping the catalogues on site for member review. Port Ludlow Yacht Club JIB SHEET P.O. Box 65338 Port Ludlow, WA 98365 The Jib Sheet is published on line monthly by volunteers from the Port Ludlow Yacht Club. The opinions expressed in the Jib Sheet represent the views of the contributors and are not to be construed as the official position of the Port Ludlow Yacht Club, the members, officers, or the Editor. Please email articles, photos and classified ads by the 23rd of the month to Editor Jamie Bima at JIBSHEET2011@aol.com. Email address corrections to Judy Perrotta, Secretary at jujuperr2@aol.com 10
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