May 29 - Holy Innocents Parish
May 29 - Holy Innocents Parish
PARISH INFORMATION BAPTISM: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated at 1:30 PM on the Second Sunday of the month in Spanish and the Third Sunday of the month in English. Parents need to contact the rectory to set up an appointment to make arrangements for the baptism of their child and register for the baptismal class which is held the First Tuesday of each month in Spanish and the Second Tuesday of each month in English. Baptisms in Vietnamese can be arranged by contacting Fr. Vincent. EL BAUTISMO: El sacramento del Bautismo es celebrado a la 1:30 PM cada Segundo domingo del mes en español y cada tercer domingo del mes en Inglés. Los padres del niño/a deben pedir una cita con la rectoría para ponerse de acuerdo con requisitos para el bautismo y también inscribirse para la charla pre bautismal que se lleva acabo cada primer martes del mes en español y cada segundo martes del mes en ingles. Los bautismos en vietnamita pueden ser arreglados con el Padre Vicente. BÍ TÍCH RỬA TỘI: Bí Tích Rửa Tội được cử hành lúc 01:30 chiều vào Chúa Nhật thứ hai trong tháng cho người Tây Ban Nha. Chúa Nhật thứ ba trong tháng cho người Mỹ. Bố Mẹ và Cha Mẹ đỡ đầu của các Em phải đến văn phòng Nhà Xứ làm hẹn, điền đơn và ghi danh theo học lớp Giáo Lý. Tối Thứ Ba thuộc tuần thứ nhất trong tháng, lớp Giáo Lý dành cho người Tây Ban Nha. Tối Thứ Ba thuộc tuần thứ hai trong tháng, lớp Giáo Lý dành cho người Mỹ. Riêng với các gia đình Việt Nam, muốn cho con em chịu Phép Bí Tích Rửa Tội, xin liên lạc với Cha Quản Nhiệm Vincent Phạm Thế Tùng càng sớm càng tốt, số điện thoại (215) 743-2600. MATRIMONY: Couples planning to be married should contact one of the priests at their earliest convenience but no less than six months before the wedding. MATRIMONIO: Parejas planeando en casarse deben comunicarse con uno de los sacerdotes de la parroquia lo mas pronto possible, no menos de 6 meses antes de la boda. BÍ TÍCH HÔN PHỐI: Anh Chị Em nào muốn bước vào đời sống hôn nhân, buộc phải theo học lớp Giáo Lý Hôn Phối và phải liên lạc với Cha Quản Nhiệm ít nhất trước sáu tháng trước khi cử hành Lễ cưới. CARE OF THE SICK Please notify the rectory when someone is seriously ill or in the hospital. We will put them on the prayer list. Arrangements can be made for visits and reception of the sacraments. CUIDADO A LOS ENFERMOS Por favor notifique a la rectoria cuando se encuentre alguien criticamente emfermo o en el hospital. Los pondremos en la lista de oracion en la misa. Se puede pedir visitas en la casa y hospital y tambien la recepcion de los dacramentos. BÍ TÍCH XỨC DẦU BỆNH NHÂN: Những ai đau ốm nặng tại tư gia hay tại các bệnh viện. Xin liên lạc với Cha Quản Nhiệm. SACRAMENTAL RECORDS Sacramental Records from Ascension of Our Lord, Mater Dolorosa, St. Joachim and St. Joan of Arc are located at Holy Innocents Parish. LOS ARCHIVOS SACRAMENTALES Los Archivos Sacramentales de la Ascensión de Nuestro Señor, Mater Dolorosa, San Joaquín y Santa Juana de Arco se encuentra la parroquia de los Santos Inocentes. HỒ SƠ CÁC BÍ TÍCH Hồ sơ các bí tích “Ascension of Our Lord”, “Mater Dolorosa”, “St. Joachim” và St. Joan of Arc được đặt ở “Holy Innocents”. PARISH REGISTRATION We warmly welcome all who have recently moved into our parish neighborhood. We invite you to contact the parish in order to register and receive information about our Church. If you are not receiving mailings from the parish, you are probably not registered yet. INSCRIPCION EN LA PARROQUIA Bienvenidos a toda las personas nuevas que viven en la comunidad de nuestra parroquia. Les invitamos a ponerse en contacto la parroquia para inscribirse o recibir información. Si usted no está recibiendo correspondencia de la parroquia, eso indica que no está inscrito todavía. GHI DANH GIA NHẬP GIẬO XỨ Xin mời Qúy Vị nào chưa ghi danh gia nhập Giáo Xứ, xin cùng ghi danh tham gia đời sống Giáo Xứ Holy Innocents. Phiếu ghi danh xin liên lạc với văn phòng Giáo Xứ để ghi danh. Kính mời. Please notify the rectory if you changed your address, phone number, or if you are moving from the parish. Thank you. Por favor de tener la bondad de avisar a la rectoría si se esta mudando de esta parroquia o si hay un cambio del numero telefónico o dirección de domicilio. Gracias. Qúy vị nào đã thay đổi địa chỉ chổ ở, hoặc số điện thoại xin báo lại cho Nhà Xứ biết càng sớm càng tốt. Chân thành cám ơn. THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST May 29, 2016 MASSES FOR THE WEEK A WORD FROM OUR PASTOR Welcome back to Holy Innocents, Father Matthew Biedrzycki Dear Friends, The 4:30 PM Saturday Evening Vigil Mass will be celebrated for the people of the parish. SUNDAY, May 29, 2016 7:30 AM Frank Wisowaty 10:00 AM Paul Andrews 11:30 AM(S) Inez Vergara 12:00 PM(S) Emilio Rosario 5:00 PM (V) No Intention MONDAY, May 30, 2016 (Memorial Day) 8:00 AM All Dec’d. Veterans TUESDAY, May 31, 2016 (Visitation of BVM) 6:30 AM Living & Dec’d of Frank/Catherine Hughes Fam. 8:00 AM Mary McShane WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2016 (St. Justin) 6:30 AM Sr. Felice Marie, IHM 8:00 AM Americo DeLuca 20th Anniversary THURSDAY, June 2, 2016 (Sts. Marcellinus & Peter) 6:30 AM Bernie Hughes 8:00 AM Gregory Portela FRIDAY, June 3, 2016 (The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus) 6:30 AM John & Dorothy Mulhall 8:00 AM Rosalie Kline (1st Anniv.) SATURDAY, June 4, 2016 (Immaculate Heart of BVM) 8:00 AM Frank, Lolita & Mercy Joseph (Living) SUNDAY, June 5, 2016 7:30 AM Chris Glielmi 10:00 AM Joseph T. Kieltyka 11:30 AM(S) Francisca Baer & Jose Tapia 12:00 PM(S) Carmen Colón 5:00 PM (V) No Intention PRAYERS REQUESTED Please remember in your prayers all the sick of our parish, especially those in nursing homes and hospitals and the shutins we visit each month. Remember also those who have died. May the Lord receive them into His Eternal care. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Let us remember the sick of our community and those who care for them. May they receive healing of body, soul and spirit, especially, Jenny Stanford, Francis X. Moran, Michele Coyle, Catherine DiCicco, Eleanor Martino, Rose Cox, Emma Roussis, William Bradley, Michael Kulp, Sue Flavin, Kimberly Geist, Serafin Rivera, Joan Cassiano, Inet Rivera, Dawn Wells, Catherine Wehr, Annie Oraya, Steve Cybulski, Diane Burns, Teddy Mayer, Walter Baraniewicz, Lisa Sturkey, Barbara Zielinski, Mary Campellone, William D’Attilio, Virginia Cybolski, Michele Cornfild, Maggie Purr, Isabel Ruggero, Catherine Chesko, Michael Stoner, Eileen Crozler, Rose Andalis, Sonia Gonzalez, Matilda Ingham, Theresa Statkus, Ralph Berarducci, David Sharkey, Germán Rivera, Lucille Vandenburg, Betty Lovolo, Barbara Elaine, Zachary Shultz, Grace Garcia-Barrios, Ellen Gallagher, Sabrina Rivera, Max Garcia, Gilberto Vasquez, Frank Joseph, Christine Zomchick, Jerry Cole and all the patients of the Cancer Treatment Center of America. It is a joy-filled moment for our parish to welcome a native son, and newly ordained priest, back to the parish where he was baptized and received his other sacraments. Following graduation from our school in 2002, Matt would graduate from North Catholic High School and Temple University before entering St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in 2010. And last Saturday, on a beautiful day in May, in our stunning cathedral, Deacon Matt became Father Matt at the hands of Archbishop Chaput. Not only was I privileged to concelebrate this Ordination Mass, but I was truly honored to be Father Matt’s sponsor which included adjusting his stole and putting his priestly vestment, the chasuble, on him during the ordination rite. Yes, it was a great day for Father Matt and his parents, brother, and family. And it was a proud day for me, representing the parish which fostered this new priest’s vocation. And what a great day for Father Matt to return to his alma mater, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. For on this day we remember the great gift that Jesus left us, His Body and Blood, the Eucharist. Saint Paul in writing to the Corinthians says: “I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you…” And then he quotes Jesus himself with the words we hear at every Mass: “‘This is my body that is for you…This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’” As the Eucharist is the heart of every priest’s life, it is the gift that Jesus left for each and every one of us. It is the greatest gift he left us - the gift of Himself. And we can receive this gift every time we participate in the Mass. But not everyone appreciates this fact. For instance, each year on Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday people call the rectory and ask when ashes and palms will be distributed. I tell them at what part of the Mass they will be distributed. And so, often folks come to church before or after Mass looking for “their” ashes or “their” palms. And for many, once they receive the dirt on their forehead or dead branch in their hand they quickly leave the church. And that is when I smile and shake my head, saying to myself, “Wait, don’t leave yet. You can receive the greatest Gift in a few minutes. Don’t leave.” But I’m too late, the dirt and the branch win out over the Body and Blood of the Son of God. I am hoping that you are reading these words prior to Mass with our newly ordained priest. But whatever Mass you participate in today take a few moments this weekend to thank our loving Father for gifting the world with His Son. And thank the Son, who laid down his life for us, for the greatest gift we possess today, His Body and Blood. Love and prayers, Fr. Tom Higgins “Happy Memorial Day” PARISH NEWS Thank you for your continued support of Holy Innocents Parish. What you give will always be rewarded. 5/22/16 5/24/15 $ 7,333.00 $ 5,319.00 Church expenses paid (May 16 – May 20) $ 6,047.00 Envelopes Mailed/Used: Children’s Envelopes Mailed/Used 1768/398 400/55 FOOD COLLECTION IS THE 3rd Sunday of each month. We are grateful for your donations of non-perishable food. HOLY INNOCENTS ANNUAL MAY PROCESSION VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2016 4:00 PM – OUTDOOR PROCESSION 5:00 PM – HOLY MASS EVERYONE IS WELCOME!! If you plan to attend, please bring with you a flower, candle, flag or holy picture, etc. to carry in the procession. The Worshipping Community of the Mission of St. Joan of Arc invites all to celebrate their Feast Day, today, Sunday, May 29th at the 11:30 AM Mass. The Mass will be bi-lingual and Almighty God, we commend to your gracious care and keeping all the men and women of our armed forces at home and abroad. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; give them courage to face the perils which beset them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be. Hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen. MEMORIAL DAY – MAY 30TH There will be NO 6:30 AM Mass and There will be NO Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. HOLY INNOCENTS SUMMER FUN TRIP TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 2016 JOIN US FOR A DAY OF FUN BEGINNING WITH A 1 HOUR BOATRIDE ON THE A.C. CRUISE NEXT IS A 4 HOUR STAY AT RESORTS CASINO WITH $25.00 SLOT CASH END THE DAY AT THE RENAULT WINERY ALL YOU CAN EAT FAMILY STYLE DINNER WITH UNLIMITED WINE BUS DEPARTS HOLY INNOCENTS AT 9:00 A.M. ARRIVE BACK AT HOLY INNOCENTS APPROXIMATELY 8:30P.M. COST IS $70.00 NON-REFUNDABLE TRIP MUST BE PAID IN FULL BY JUNE 10TH CALL CINDY AT 215-535-2740 TO RESERVE YOUR SEAT SCHOOL NEWS HOLY INNOCENTS A.C.E.S there will be refreshments afterwards. Thank you. Welcome to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ Father Matthew Biedrzycki, a 2002 graduate of Holy Innocents School, and a graduate of North Catholic High School, was ordained to the priesthood with his three classmates by Archbishop Chaput. After graduating from Temple University in 2010 with a degree in Business, Father Matt entered St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Congratulations Father Matt, and to your parents, Keith and Terri, and to your brother, Kevin, as well! We are proud of you! Father Matt will be celebrating Mass today, May 29th at Holy Innocents at 10:00 AM. Welcome to Holy Innocents I was informed that our parish was chosen to receive one of the three newly ordained transitional deacons this year. Deacon Matthew Brody was ordained to the diaconate by Archbishop Chaput. Deacon Matt is a member of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Parish, in North Wales. He will be living at Holy Innocents for the summer and returning each weekend during the school year. Welcome to the Inn, Deacon Matt. We are blessed to have you. And may this “three in one” welcome serve as a reminder of the triune God’s love and welcome to all of us. In the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Fr. Tom Higgins 5/30/16 - “NO SCHOOL”- Memorial Day 6/1/16 - Dress Down –Those who attended Craft Fair 6/2/16 - Dress Down –Clear May Calendars 6/3/16 - Spring Show – 1:15 PM Looking Ahead: 6/6/16 - Assessments – Gr. 8 & Museum Gr. 2 6/7/16 - Assessments – Grades 1 – 8 6/8/16 - Assessments – Grades 1 – 8 6/9/16 - Assessments – Grades 1 – 8 6/10/16 - Assessments – Grades 1 – 7 and - Clementon Park – (11:30 AM Dismissal) Closing Exercises for Pre-K and K Pre-K-4 Kindergarten – Pre-K-3 - th Thursday, June 9 at 9:00 AM th Friday, June 10 at 8:30 AM th Friday, June 10 at 9:45 AM Clementon Park Remember to sign up to go to Clementon Park on Friday, June 10th! Get your tickets NOW!! OTHER NEWS FLAME OF LOVE QUARTERLY GATHERING YOU CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE BECOME A FOSTER PARENT! Foster families provide temporary homes to children of all ages and culture whose families are in crisis. The love and commitment that foster parents provide can have a lasting and positive effect. For more information please call Catholic Social Services at 267-331-2502! JOIN THE FUN! AT THE 3RD ANNUAL SISTERS OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY RUN FOR A NUN The Flame of Love will hold its first Quarterly Gathering on Monday, June 13, 2016 at St. Philomena Church, 8 E. Baltimore Avenue, Lansdowne, PA 19050. Pleased to be able to share the Flame of Love in addition to Exposition, the Rosary, and a Mass of the Holy Spirit beginning at 11:00 am. Guest Celebrant is Father James Otto. For information, please call 610-622-4257 or email rd Join us for the 3 annual 5K Run for a Nun on Saturday June 4, 2016 at 9:30 AM. Our run/walk takes place in the scenic Loantaka Brook natural preserve and public park, 468 South Street, Morristown NJ. You and your family are invited to join us for a cookout after the 5K at Noon at our Motherhouse, 350 Bernardsville Road, Mendham NJ. Affordable race sponsorships are available. All donations go 100% to the education of our young women and sisters in the initial formation. For more information visit or contact Sara Navarro at 215-3970320 or Sr. Bernadette McCauley at or call 973-543-6528 Ext. 274 to RSVP. Padre Pio Festival St. Bede the Venerable Parish June 25-26, 2016 Saint Bede the Venerable Church, located in Holland, Pennsylvania (Bucks County, Northampton Township), welcomes all to its inaugural Mass and festival to honor St. Pio Pietrelcina, better known as "Padre Pio," on Saturday and Sunday June 25 and 26. The two-day event will be highlighted by a Saturday Vigil Mass and Sunday 12:30pm Mass celebrated by Fr. Pio Mandato, F.M.H.J., followed by a street procession with a statue of Padre Pio through the surrounding neighborhood. The festivities continue with a healing service with confessions, a children's pavilion, musical entertainment and several ethnic food and craft vendors. Plenty of free parking is available, pilgrim buses are welcome. For more information, go online to, or call the St. Bede parish office at 215-357-5720. Mother of Divine Grace Church Italian Festival Thompson & Cambria Streets Philadelphia, PA 19134 June 2, 3 and 4; June 9, 10 and 11 at 5:00 pm Spaghetti suppers in the air-conditioned school hall at 5:00 pm Take out is available from 4:00 pm. Wheels and games of chance, moon bounce for the kiddies, beer garden, and delicious homemade Italian food for kids of all ages. It will begin at 6:00 pm. Live entertainment by Jackie D’s. Sounds of Sinatra on both Saturday evenings. Contact Patty Ellis at 215.219.4703 with questions. It's Always Sunny at the CORA for KIDS Golf Classic Monday, June 27, 2016 @ Philmont Country Club SAVE THE DATE! Contact: Megan Lepore or (215) 208-6295 ST. ADALBERT PARISH – SUMMER FESTIVAL June 23rd, 24th and 25th Come and Enjoy with Food, Friendship & Music! 6pm – 10pm – Rain or Shine! Allegheny Avenue & Edgemont Street 215-739-3500 St. Hubert’s Catholic High School for Girls 40th Reunion Searching for SHHS Class of 1976 Bambies Missing several hundred from our database Send email to to be added. Nazareth Academy High School 4001 Grant Avenue, Phila., PA 19114 Pre-8th Grade & Pre-9th Grade Summer Enrichment Programs For girls entering those grades in the Fall 2016 June 27th – July 21st - 9am – 12:30pm Also offered are: Academic Summer Camps & Athletic Summer Camps. Visit: SAINT MARIA GORETTI HIGH SCHOOL, PHILADELPHIA, BABY BOOMER CLASS OF 1964 th We are looking for former classmates to celebrate our 70 Birthday on October 16, 2016 at Popi's Italian Restaurant. For additional information, please contact Denise at 267-234-1064. PART TIME JANITOR/Light Maintenance POSITION Available at Catholic Social Services, Northeast Family Service Center at 7340 Jackson Street. Experience necessary. Must be 25 yrs. old or older, Valid driver’s license, and able to lift 50 lbs. Hours are in the afternoon - 17 hours per week. Call Rebecca Thompson @ 215-624-5920. Email resume/cover to Rincón Hispano... EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO La Alianza Pan, vino y pescado son el alimento de Dios desde todos los tiempos, según encontramos una y otra vez en la Biblia. Melquisedec, el sacerdote y rey de la ciudad de Dios, Jerusalén, ofreció pan y vino a Abraham, nuestro padre espiritual. Jesús brinda la abundancia del alimento mesiánico, pan y pescado, a más de 5000 personas. Nosotros recibimos el alimento en el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo, el cual recibimos en la forma de pan y vino. ¡Ven al banquete celestial para que recibas la vida de Dios! Texto: Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. Derechos reservados. COLECCION DE COMIDA ES EL TERCER Domingo de mes. Estamos agradecidos por su generosidad en donar comida no perecedera. Bautismo de los Niños Si quiere bautizar a un niño, hay que llamar a la rectoría al 215-743-2600 para hacer una cita con un sacerdote para arreglar los detalles del bautismo. No se puede ir a la clase prebautismal sin haberse reunido con el sacerdote primero. También, para bautizar en los Santos Inocentes hay que estar registrado aquí. Se puede hacer una cita para registrarse, o se puede registrar cuando venga para hablar del bautismo. Finalmente, cuando está escogiendo a sus padrinos, tenga en cuenta que la responsabilidad principal de un padrino es dar buen ejemplo al ahijado de lo que es vivir bien la fe católica. Por eso, para ser padrino, hay que haber recibido todos los sacramentos (bautismo, confirmación, comunión), estar registrado y participando en la iglesia (en esta parroquia u otra), y si es casado, ser casado por la Iglesia. Gracias por su atención en estos asuntos. Que Dios le brinde muchas bendiciones a su familia. Gracia por su contínuo apoyo de los Santos Inocentes. Lo que se da siempre se recompensará. 22 Mayo 2016 $ 7,333.00 24 Mayo 2015 $ 5,319.00 Gastos de la iglesia pagados (16 May – 20 May) $6,047.00 Sobres para adultos 768/398 Sobres de los niños 400/55 Grupo Juvenil El grupo juvenil de los Santos Inocentes! El grupo se reunirá todos los martes desde las 6:45 hasta las 8:15 de la tarde en el salón parroquial. Todos los jóvenes que están en high school son invitados a participar. Para más información llame al Padre Viviano al 215-743-2600. Mass in Spanish via TELEMUNDO WWSI-TV 62, every Sunday at 6:30 a.m. Misa en español vía TELEMUNDO WWSI-TV 24, todos los domingos a las 6:30 EL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO La imagen del pan en el Evangelio es símbolo de la abundancia del Señor: alimentó a una multitud y de lo que sobró "se llenaron doce canastos". Esta abundancia se encuentra en la Eucaristía perdurable que Cristo nos dejó. Jesús tomó el pan, lo bendijo, lo partió, y lo dio a sus discípulos para que compartieran con los que se sentaron. Estas acciones reflejan los hechos de la Última Cena y lo acontecido en Emaús. Esta acción se repite en la Misa cuando el sacerdote toma el pan (la presentación), lo bendice (Plegaria Eucarística), lo parte (la Fracción) y, junto con los otros ministros, comparte la Sagrada Comunión con los fieles. By María Dolores Martínez, from Today's Liturgy 2004 Chúa Nhật Tuần VII Mùa Phục Sinh Năm A (ngáy 29 tháng 5 nám 2016) Chương Trình Sinh Hoạt Của Cộng Đoàn (Vào các chiều Chúa Nhật) Tân Tòng & Hôn Phối Lúc: 4:00 – 5:00 chiều Tại: Phòng Mặc Áo Giúp Lễ Xưng Tội Lần Đầu & Thêm Sức Lúc: 3:00 – 4:00 chiều Tại: Dưới Hầm Nhà Xứ Thứ Sáu Đầu Tháng Thánh Lễ : 8:00 giờ tối Chầu : sau Thánh Lễ Trường Việt Ngữ Lúc: 3:00 – 5:00 chiều Tại: Dưới Hầm Nhà Xứ Cha Quản Nhiệm (Vincent Phạm Thế Tùng) Đ.T 215-626-3115 Xin cảm ơn những đóng góp của qúi vị cho họ đạo Holy Innocents xin Chúa trả công bội hậu cho quí vị. 22 tháng 5 năm 2016 24 tháng 5 năm 2015 $ 7,333.00 $ 5,319.00 Khoản chi tiêu củ a nhà thờ đa thanh (16 Tháng tu - 20 Tháng tu) $ 6,047.00 Phong bì lớn Phong bì của trẻ êm 1768/398 400/55 BÀI ĐỌC I: St 14, 18-20 "Ông mang bánh và rượu tới". Trích sách Sáng Thế. Trong những ngày ấy, Menkixêđê là vua thành Salem, đem bánh và rượu tới, vì ông là thượng tế của Thiên Chúa Tối Cao, ông chúc phúc cho Abram rằng: "Xin Thiên Chúa Tối Cao và Đấng tạo thành trời đất chúc phúc cho Abram, và đáng chúc tụng thay Thiên Chúa Tối Cao, vì nhờ Người che chở, quân thù đã rơi vào tay ông". Và Abram dâng cho ông một phần mười tất cả chiến lợi phẩm. Đó là lời Chúa. ĐÁP CA: Tv 109, 1. 2. 3. 4 Đáp: Con là Thượng tế tới muôn đời theo phẩm hàm Menkixêđê (c. 4bc). 1) Thiên Chúa đã ban bố cùng Chúa tôi rÄng: "Con hãy ngồi bên hữu Ta, cho tới khi Ta bắt quân thù làm bệ kê dưới chân Con". - Đáp. 2) Đức Thiên Chúa từ Sion sẽ phô bày vương trượng quyền bính của Ngài, rÄng: "Con hãy thống trị giữa quân thù". - Đáp. 3) "Các thủ lãnh cùng hiện diện bên Con, ngày Con giáng sinh trong thánh thiện huy hoàng: trước rạng đông, tựa hồ sương sa, Ta đã sinh hạ ra Con". - Đáp. 4) Đức Thiên Chúa đã thề và không hối hận rÄng: "Con là Thượng tế tới muôn đời theo phẩm hàm Menkixêđê". - Đáp. BÀI ĐỌC II: 1 Cr 11, 23-26 "Mỗi khi anh em ăn và uống anh em loan truyền việc Chúa chịu chết". Trích thư thứ nhất của Thánh Phaolô Tông đồ gửi tín hữu Cô-rintô. Anh em thân mến, phần tôi, tôi đã lãnh nhận nơi Chúa điều mà tôi đã truyền lại cho anh em, là Chúa Giêsu trong đêm bị nộp, Người cầm lấy bánh và tạ ơn, bẻ ra và phán: "Các con hãy lãnh nhận mà ăn, này là Mình Ta, sẽ bị nộp vì các con: Các con hãy làm việc này mà nhớ đến Ta". Cùng một thể thức ấy, sau bữa ăn tối, Người cầm lấy chén và phán: "Chén này là Tân Ước trong Máu Ta; mỗi khi các con uống, các con hãy làm việc này mà nhớ đến Ta". Vì mỗi khi anh em ăn bánh và uống chén này, anh em loan truyền việc Chúa chịu chết, cho tới khi Chúa lại đến. Đó là lời Chúa. ALLELUIA: Ga 6, 51-52 Alleluia, alleluia! - Chúa phán: "Ta là bánh hằng sống từ trời xuống; ai ăn bánh này, thì sẽ sống đời đời". - Alleluia. PHÚC ÂM: Lc 9, 11b-17 "Tất cả đều ăn no nê". Tin Mừng Chúa Giêsu Kitô theo Thánh Luca. THỰC PHẨM GIÚP ĐỠ CHO NGƯỜI NGHÈO: Những ai muốn giúp đỡ thực phẩm cho người nghèo thì xin đưa thực phẩm (khô hay đông lạnh) vào Nhà Thờ mỗi Chúa Nhật thuộc tuần thứ ba trong tháng, trước hoặc sau Thánh Lễ.