St. Felicitas Catholic Church
St. Felicitas Catholic Church
St. Felicitas Catholic Church 1662 Manor Blvd. San Leandro Email: Telephone Number (510) 351-5244 ● Fax (510) 351-5730 Parish Staff Rev. Thomas Khue Parochial Administrator Ext. 286 Parochial V icar Ext. 297 Rev. Eddie Castañas Deacon Timothy Myers Mercey Zamora Pastoral Assoc./Spanish Ministry 347-1293 Sr. Mary Anh Cong (LHC) Liturgical Ministries Vietnamese Community Altar Servers 347-1283 Sr. Ancilla Marie Le (LHC) Sharon Clancey Office Secretary 351-5244 Judi Lema Bulletin 351-5244 Convent 351-5577 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER—APRIL 17, 2016 Mass Schedule Sunday 7:30 am - 9:00 am - 10:30 am 12:30 pm (Spanish) 4:30 pm (Vietnamese) Saturday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm (Vigil) Daily (Monday to Fr iday) 7:00 am - 8:15 am Holy Days 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 pm 1st Friday Exposition – St. Joseph’s Chapel 12:30 to 4:45 pm Sacraments Reconciliation—Saturday, 3:15 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. Baptism—4th Sunday of every month at 2:30 p.m. Contact Parish Office for information Marriage—Arrangements to be made 6 months prior to the wedding. Parish Office Hours Monday - Tuesday Wednesday - Thursday Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm 9:00 am to 4:30 pm 9:00 am to 12:30 pm Pastoral Care 347-1287 Parish School 1650 Manor Blvd. Meghan Jorgensen 357-2530 Fax: 357-5358 Principal Religious Education Office Sandi Walton Geri Lara St. Vincent de Paul Director of Religious Education 347-1282 Fax: 510-351-5730 Youth Services 347-1285 or 326-5693 706-1972 EMERGENCY NUMBER (510) 309-8097 (During non-office hours) St. Felicitas Church 2015 Income and Expense Statement Income Plate Collections Catholic Voice Sacramental Services and Funerals Parish Portion of Diocesan Capital Drive Education, Programs and Ministries $ 555,999.45 $ 10,506.00 $ 18,650.00 $ 13,701.83 $ 44,907.32 Interest $ 14,678.31 Candles and other $ 15,389.15 Total Income $673.832.06 Expenses Administration, Salaries and Insurances $472.681.95 Property and Maintenance $ 47,606.05 Rectory Living $ 16,732.13 Priest Salary and Benefits $110,688.85 Liturgy $ 11,780.87 Music $ 1,368.61 CCD and RCIA $ 6,867.95 Confirmation $ 20,677.19 Young at Heart $ Charitable Contributions $ 19,598.18 Ethnic Groups $ 6,595.06 Fellowship, LF and Other $ 1,349.82 Total Expenses 2,502.13 $718,448.79 Net Income/loss without depreciation $- 44,616.73 Depreciation expense $ 67,116.12 Restricted Donations Maintenance Donations $ 82,722.29 (Church Ceiling, Altar Maintenance, Energy Savings, Computer System, Wood Panels, Safety/Security) Other Restricted Donations (Projector/AV System) Finance Council Members: Richard Hulsmann, Chairperson Karen Adela, Lien Bui, Evelyn Quinto, John Stott Father Tom Khue $ 22,857.00 Fourth Sunday of Easter April 17, 2016 “I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.” — Acts 13:47b Today we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Easter. It is also known as Good Shepherd Sunday or Vocation Sunday. Let us pray for one another, especially for our young people, that they know how to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. We also pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life as well the permanent deaconate. May we listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd and respond generously to his call. Today we, the financial council, are happy to report the financial state of the parish for this past year of 2015. We are very grateful for your sense of stewardship towards the parish as well as the diocese. May the good Lord bless and reward you abundantly. If you have any questions or concerns please contact one of the members of the Finance Council. In Divine Mercy and Peace, Father Tom Young at Heart Luncheon Parish Food Drive Saturday April 23rd & Sunday April 24th The St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) conference request food donations from our parish family. The conference will hold a parish-wide food drive to assist the families in our community. Donation boxes will be available at the church the weekend of Saturday April 23rd and Sunday April 24th, 2016. We are asking for non perishable food items. Peanut butter, jelly, canned fruits and vegetables, pasta and pasta sauce, canned soup, fruit juice, pork and beans, canned tuna, canned meat, canned pasta, macaroni & cheese, canned beans. sugar, salt, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Also monetary donations and Safeway/Lucky gift cards are greatly appreciated. All items donated goes to help people in need. Thank You in advance for your continued support. Saint Felicitas, Saint Vincent de Paul Hawaiian Décor Dress Hawaiian When: Wednesday April 20, 2016 at Noon Where: Monsignor McGinty Hall (Gym) Menu: B-B-Q Pulled Pork Sandwich on So Roll Pineapple Coleslaw, Macaroni Salad, Dessert Cost: $6.00 per person Tickets are available in the parish office during the week un l April 15th. Tickets will be sold aŌer the 4:30 pm Mass on Saturday, April 16th and aŌer the 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 Mass on Sunday, April 17th. TICKETS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE IN THE PARISH OFFICE ON MONDAY, APRIL 18TH OR TUESDAY, APRIL 19TH. Parish Acts of Mercy ~ Living the Year of Mercy ~ The month of April, we will be supporting April Showers. This is a program that provides showers at the Boys & Girls club in San Leandro for men and women in need. They provide clean undergarments, clothing, hot soup, and a bag lunch. They have provided a list of their current needs: Father Mark Wiesner will be joining us next weekend for all the Masses. He will also be here Monday, April 25th and Tuesday, April 26th at 7:00 pm to share with us reflections on the Jubilee Year of Mercy. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ New or gently used wash cloths New Toothbrushes and/or Travel size Toothpaste New Deodorant New Men's briefs size Medium & Large (most in demand) ♦ Men's Athletic Socks ♦ Men's sturdy pants (Jeans or Work pants) Bins will be available in the vestibule of the Church on Sunday April 16-17 and April 23-24. Please drop your donations in the bins. Thank you for your support in this Jubilee Year of Mercy. ~ St. Felicitas Parish Council Father Mark is the Pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Livermore. Father grew up in the Bay Area. His home parish was St. Francis of Assisi (Most Precious Blood in his formative years) in Concord. He graduated from De La Salle High School and UC Davis. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 10th, 1995. We are looking forward to his visit to our parish. For more information, please see the back cover of this bulletin. Week of April 17th, 2016 Nestor Arana Mark Balliet David Bargas Paul Bartels Sheila Bickerton Ann Cher mack Tom Chermack Mary Curry Mariah Davenport Rafael DeRosa Donald Dor n , Sr. Melba Fiscus Edward Fletcher Ken Frakes Brian GarciaSappington Rudy Griego Connie Guaraglia Joyce Guaraglia Mae Heasley Nativadad Hollman Lisa Keertz Herminia Torres Llamas Sara Le Fargo Joseph Leo Barbara Maloon Clarisse Mascarenah Peggy Miller Virginia Monsor Mija Mulligan Neita Santos Anna Nguyen Peter Luom Nguyen Elina Olivera John O’Malley Teresa O’Malley Armando Ortiz Mao Pham Paul Prado Peter Purificacion Josie Raxslon Matthew Regge, Jr. Lucy Reightman Joel Rivera Myriam Rodriguez Ernesto Romero Jorge Salloman, Jr. Manuel Salloman Patricia Salloman Billy Schmalfeldt Darryl Sheilds Amy Smith Sheryl Smith Jack Thompson Raymond Torres Anne Tran Mary Valladon Adeleine Vargus Maria Jesus Vargas Velia Vargas Ilsa Webb Joyce White Sun. 4/17 9:00 am David Resendez † 10:30 am Carl Conti † Violeta Asoy † 12:30 pm Nathan A. Sue and Family (B) Mon. 4/18 7:00 am Henry Requiron † 8:15 am Ping Jackson † Tues. 4/19 7:00 am Peter Phan Vinh † Wed. 4/20 8:15 am John Pham † Please pray for Alex Bradley and his brother, Preston Ridgway, who are serving in the Middle East Who Entered into Eternal Life 7:00 am Palmer Ramos (B) 8:15 am Clifford Hobbs † Thurs 4/21 7:00 am Fracisca Evans-Powell † 8:15 am Fedila Periti (B) A name posted in dark print was added to the prayer list this week! Do you have a seriously ill family member or friend? If you have the person’s permission, you may request that their name be printed in the bulletin for prayers. Names will be deleted after one month. Call the parish office at 351-5244 to leave the name of the family member who is in need of prayer. 7:30 am Valentino Mumford † Lorene Mumford Rouse † Fri. 4/22 7:00 am Sat. 4/23 8:15 am Felipa Pugam † 8:15 am John O’Keefe † 4:30 pm Narcisa Estrellas † Sun. 4/24 7:30 am Parishioners 9:00 am Walter Frederickson † 10:30 am David Resendez † Alfonso Hilado † 12:30 pm José Gutiérrez † Joan Fracisco Abarca † L-Living †-Deceased A-Anniversary B-Birthday T-Thanksgiving Pray the Rosary for World Peace 7:30 am Church (daily) Kay Oliver † — April 2016 (Kim Oliver’s Grandmother) 8:45 am Church (Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri-Sat ) let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF April 18th Monday: Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; John 10:11-18 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26; Psalm 87:1b-7; John 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24 — 13:5a; Psalm 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; John 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25; Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, 27; John 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33; Psalm 2:6-11ab; John 14:1-6 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52; Psalm 98:1-4; John 14:7-14 Sunday: Acts 14:21-27; Psalm 145:8-13; Revelation 21:1-5a; John 13:31-33a, 34-35 8:45 am S.J. Chapel on Thursday FINANCIAL CORNER Our Weekly Goal $ 11,700.00 Sunday Collection —April 10, 2016 $ 9,591.50 Amount needed to reach our goal $ 2,108.50 Holy Thursday Collection $ 1,055.75 Holy Land—Good Friday $ 3,486.00 Stewardship of April 10th of $479.58 went to SPRED— Special Religious Education Department to integrate people with developmental disabilities into the faith and life of the Church. Sunday of Divine Mercy April 17, 2016 Events for Today Children’s Liturgy of the Word Today Confirmation I—5:00 pm — Gym Confirmation II—6:30 pm—Gym Second Collection This Week: The Catholic Voice Next Week: Bishop’s Annual Appeal Events for the Week April 18th, 2016 Mon 4/18 6:00 pm Catholic Daughters Soc. Hall 6:45 pm Jr. High Faith Formation School Tues 4/19 3:00 pm Faith Formation Parent Faith Share SMC 7:00 pm Spanish Meeting AE Room Wed. 4/20 Noon Young at Heart Luncheon GYM 7:00 pm Family Choir Practice (10:30) SJC Chapel 7:00 pm Spanish Catechist Meeting 7:00 pm Spanish Juvenile and Adult Choir Practice SMC AE Room Thurs 4/21 6:00 pm CCD Parent Faith Evening SMC 7:00 pm Spanish Youth Group Soc. Hall Fri 4/22 7:00 pm Spanish Children’s Choir Soc. Hall 7:30 pm Vietnamese Choir Practice AE Room Meghan Jorgensen Principal of St. Felicitas School A Very Special Thank you As we celebrate great joy during our Easter Season, I wanted to send out a special joy filled Thank Y ou to Gene Jaskot a long time parishioner who volunteers a ton of time at our church. He donated his time to make a special St. Felicitas Preschool sign for us that matches the rest of our signs. So I would say that makes it official! Pilgrimage to the “Canonization of Mother Teresa” plus Shrines of Spain, France & Italy The Jubilee Year of Mercy August 23 – September 5, 2016 Flyers are available at St. Joseph’s Center Contact Group Leader Linfa Belisario at (510) 599-4210 for more information More information in next week’s bulletin. Chúa Nhật 4 Phục Sinh Cầu cho Ơn Thiên Triệu - Phúc Âm: Ga 10, 27-30 Khi ấy, Chúa Giêsu phán rằng: "Chiên Ta thì nghe tiếng Ta, Ta biết chúng và chúng theo Ta. Ta cho chúng được sống đời đời; chúng sẽ không bao giờ hư mất, và không ai có thể cướp được chúng khỏi tay Ta. Ðiều mà Cha Ta ban cho Ta, thì cao trọng hơn tất cả, và không ai có thể cướp được khỏi tay Cha Ta. Ta và Cha Ta là một". NGHE CHÚA, BIẾT CHÚA VÀ THEO CHÚA ĐỂ ĐƯỢC NHỮNG GÌ ?: Như bầy chiên đi trên những đồi núi đến những cánh đồng cỏ xanh tươi, đến những suối nước mát trong lành để ăn cỏ, uống nước và nghỉ ngơi. Tất cả những con chiên trong đàn đều lắng nghe tiếng chủ chăn dắt, biết rõ lệnh của chủ và đi theo sự hướng dẫn của chủ. Thiên Chúa là vị mục tử duy nhất, nhân hậu đã trả lời cho những ai muốn đi theo Người:” Tôi ban cho chúng sự sống đời đời; không bao giờ chúng phải diệt vong và không ai cướp được chúng khỏi tay tôi”( Ga 10, 28 ). MỖI NGƯỜI CHÚNG TA ĐƯỢC MỜI GỌI YÊU MẾN CHỦ CHIÊN: Thiên Chúa là Cha tình thương đã trao cho Con của Ngài là Đức Giêsu đòan chiên yêu quý. Chúa Giêsu đã yêu thương đòan chiên của mình như Chúa Cha đã yêu thương từng con chiên. Bổn phận của mỗi người chúng ta là phải yêu mến, tôn kính và hiếu thảo với Chúa Cha và Chúa Con. Đức Giáo Hòang, các Giám Mục, các Linh Mục là những vị lãnh đạo tôn giáo Chúa trao ban sứ mạng coi sóc đòan chiên của Chúa dưới trần gian này. Chúng ta phải hết lòng tôn kính, mến yêu và cầu nguyện cho các Ngài. Đặc biệt các Cha Sở và Cha phó là những vị mục tử trực tiếp coi sóc đòan chiên của Giáo Xứ. Các Ngài luôn muốn đòan chiên và từng con chiên của mình được ăn uống no nê để có sức phục vụ và sống tốt đẹp làm tôi Chúa. Chúng ta phải hết lòng yêu mến, hiếu thảo, giúp đỡ các Ngài và cầu nguyện cho các Ngài Hôm nay là ngày cầu xin ơn Thiên Triệu, chúng ta sốt sắng cầu nguyện xin Chúa ban cho có nhiều thanh niên, nam nữ quảng đại dấn thân tận hiến cho Chúa trong sứ mạng mục tử coi sóc đàn chiên và sứ mạng làm chứng cho Chúa trong đời sống tu dòng. (Trích trong bài suy niệm của Linh mục Giuse Nguyễn Hưng Lợi DCCT) Tin Cộng Đoàn Việt Nam Thứ Bảy ngày 23 tháng 4: Các em Xưng Tội Rước Lễ Lần Đầu Tĩnh Tâm tại Giáo Xứ từ 9am -4pm Chúa Nhật ngày 24 tháng 4 Thánh Lễ cho các em Xưng Tội Rước Lễ Lần Đầu lúc 4:30pm Thứ Bảy ngày 14 tháng 5 Các em Thêm Sức Tĩnh Tâm tại Santa Mar ia Chur ch/ Or inda từ 9am – 6pm Chúa Nhật ngày 15 tháng 5 Các em Thêm Sức sẽ tham dự thánh Lễ lúc 10:30 sáng với các em Cộng Đoàn Mỹ & Mễ tại Thánh Đường St. Felicitas và sẽ có Lunch với nhau. R e f l e x i o n e m o s s o b re l a P a l a b r a d e D i o s Hechos 13:14, 43—52 / Salmo 99:1—2, 3, 5 / Apocalipsis 7:9, 14—17 / Juan 10:27—30 Un juego de niños popular en los Estados Unidos es Follow the Leader (Sigan al líder) y puede ser muy divertido, dependiendo de cómo dirija el líder. Si el líder dirige a sus seguidores por entre matorrales enredados, saltando cercas, por donde hay ramas caídas y por donde hay perros ladrando, empeñándose en perder y disuadir a los otros jugadores, éstos tienden a darse por vencidos al sentirse cobardes, tristes o débiles. Por otro lado, si el líder le abre el camino a los demás, los anima y guía, los seguidores terminarán el juego sintiéndose confiados y alegres. Las Escrituras que se leen hoy muestran a Cristo como esa última clase de líder, que nos dirige mientras seca nuestras lágrimas. Él es un pastor que nos anima y nos lleva desde el sufrimiento hacia el agua viva. Pablo y Bernabé lo siguen gozosamente convirtiéndose ellos mismos en líderes semejantes a Cristo. Ellos animan a sus seguidores y les facilitan el camino a través de cualquier congoja que pudieran encontrar en el camino. De la misma manera, los discípulos que siguen a Cristo deben convertirse en líderes que comparten con los demás la valentía, la confianza y el gozo que ellos han encontrado por seguir a Cristo. —Virginia Stillwell Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados . Vivamos la Palabra de Dios El pasaje del Apocalipsis habla de “una multitud enorme”, “gentes de toda nación… [que] vestían de blanco” (7:9). Esto se refiere a todos los que se han revestido de Cristo en el bautismo. Aquellos que se revisten de Cristo sufrirán como Cristo sufrió. El sufrimiento vendrá para todos los que hemos escogido seguir a nuestro pastor y líder. Derechos de autor © 2012, World Library Publications. Todos los derechos reservados. ~~~ Come join us ~~~ Living the Year of Mercy with When: Monday April 25th & Tuesday April 26th at 7:00 P.M. Where: St. Felicitas Catholic Church Pope Francis marked the beginning of the Church’s Lenten journey by sending off several hundred religious and diocesan priests on their own special path as “missionaries of mercy” in local parishes. Father Mark received the Pope’s mandate to preach about God’s mercy. The Pope said his mandate is to be “signs and instruments of God’s pardon.” His mission is to be an ambassador for Christ. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO REFLECT ON GOD’S LOVING MERCY! YOU WILL COME AWAY INSPIRED
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