St. Felicitas Catholic Church
St. Felicitas Catholic Church
St. Felicitas Catholic Church 1662 Manor Blvd. San Leandro Email: Telephone Number (510) 351-5244 ● Fax (510) 351-5730 Parish Staff Rev. Thomas Khue Rev. Eddie Castañas Rev. Tran T. Dinh Parochial Administrator Ext. 286 Parochial V icar Ext. 297 Vietnamese Ministry In residence 351-5221 Deacon Timothy Myers Mercey Zamora Pastoral Assoc./Spanish Ministry 347-1293 Sr. Bernadette Hoàng Yến Vietnamese Community Altar Servers 347-1283 Sr. Ancilla Marie Le Mass Schedule Sunday 7:30 am - 9:00 am - 10:30 am 12:15 pm (Spanish) 4:30 pm Vietnamese) Saturday 8:15 am - 4:30 pm (Vigil) Daily (Monday to Fr iday) 7:00 am - 8:15 am Holy Days 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 pm 1st Friday Exposition — 12:30 to 4:45 pm Sacraments Reconciliation—Saturday, 3:15 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. Baptism—4th Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m. Contact Parish Office for information Marriage—Arrangements to be made 6 months prior to the wedding. Sharon Clancey 9:00 am to 4:00 pm 9:00 am to 4:30 pm 9:00 am to 12:30 pm EMERGENCY NUMBER (510) 309-8097 Office Secretary 351-5244 Judi Lema Bulletin 347-1284 Convent 351-5577 Parish School Meghan Jorgensen 1650 Manor Blvd. Principal 357-2530 Fax: 357-5358 Religious Education Office Sandi Walton Parish Office Hours Monday - Tuesday Wednesday - Thursday Friday Pastoral Care 347-1287 Geri Lara St. Vincent de Paul Director of Religious Education 347-1282 Fax: 510-351-5730 Youth Services 347-1285 706-1972 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7, 2015 The cup of salvation I will take up, and I will call upon the name of the L . — Psalm 116:13 Today we celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi—the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ— the central mystery of our liturgical life and worship. Jesus gave himself totally and completely to the world by establishing the Eucharist as the gift of love and presence “this is my Body” and “this is my Blood” and whenever you do this you do it in memory of Me. Jesus said this to the disciples at the Last Supper and from that moment on until the end of time the Eucharist—the Body and Blood of Jesus—has been celebrated throughout history in all languages and throughout the world. It was the first Holy Mass that Jesus celebrated. This is the sacrament of love, the sacrament of presence, the sacrament of unity and the sacrament of sharing. It is through the Eucharist that we encounter Jesus. Jesus wants each one of us to live out this sacrament each day. At the Eucharistic table we encounter Jesus, united with our brothers and sisters, to build up the world of justice and love. May we have a great reverence and love for the Holy Eucharist. We need to bring Jesus Christ that we celebrate in Church into the world. Personally, this is an important day in my life. It was on this day that I was ordained a priest and began to celebrate the Eucharist. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate our 8th Graders. May they remember and continue to celebrate the Catholic Education they have received here at St. Felicitas School. I also want to congratulate the Confirmandi who have received the gift of the Holy Spirit as they celebrated their Confirmation last Friday. May their faith deepen each day as they become courageous witnesses for Jesus Christ and active in the life of the Church. We just completed the month of May—the Month of Mary. We had a beautiful crowning of our Blessed Mother during each Mass on Mother’s Day. On Friday June 12th please join us for Mass and Devotions to our Lady of Fatima at 6:30 p.m. I really miss the Corpus Christi procession and I wish we could continue with this wonderful procession in our parish. Maybe next year . . . Love God, love your faith, and love your parish. We are a family that God has given to us. Please remember to pray for one another and please remember that I pray for you and your family daily. Have a wonderful summer. Father Tom Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 7th, 2015 Children’s Liturgy Today Second Collection This Sunday: Maintenance Next Sunday: Catholic Communications Campaign FINANCIAL CORNER Our Weekly Goal $ 11,700.00 Sunday Collection—May 31st $ 9,814.00 Amount needed to reach goal $ 1,886.00 Thank you for your continued generosity Stewardship Report This Sunday is Hospitality Sunday. Join us in the Gym for Coffee & Donuts Events for the Week of June 8th, 2015 10:00 am Book Club Mon 6/8 Tues. 6/9 Wed 6/10 Thurs 6/11 Fri 6/12 Last Week’s Stewardship (5/31) of $490.70 went to Oakland Elizabeth House—transitional residence for single women and women with children who have experienced homelessness, violence, addiction or poverty. This Week’s Stewardship will go to the Seminarians of the Oakland Diocese. Next Week’s Stewardship (6/14) will go to Building Futures for Women and Children—helps homeless and battered women to build a future for themselves and their children and much more. SMC 6:30 pm St. Vincent de Paul AE Room 7:00 pm Vietnamese Cursillo Church 7:30 pm Spanish Meeting Soc. Hall 7:00 pm Spanish Juvenile and Adult Choir AE Room You are invited to honor our Sisters in gratitude for their Consecrated Life Ministry. When: Sunday June 14th, 2015 7:00 pm Spanish Youth Group Soc. Hall 7:00 pm Baptism Class SMC 6:30 pm Our Lady of Fatima Devotion Church 7:00 pm Spanish Children’s Choir Soc. Hall 7:30 pm Vietnamese Adult Choir AE Room Our Lady of Fatima Devotion All Masses at 6:30 P.M. June 12—Friday July 13—Monday August 13—Thursday September 14—Monday October 13—Tuesday Pray the Rosary for World Peace 7:30 am Church (Daily) 8:45 am S.J. Chapel (Tuesday through Friday) at the 10:30 am Mass Followed by a reception in Monsignor McGinty Hall Please bring your favorite finger food and join in the celebration. Please let the office know if you are bringing something to share. If you have any questions please call the office at 351-5244. This is our chance to say “Thank You” Catholic Communications Campaign Second Collection June 13-14 Next Week our parish will take up the Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. This collection communicates the Gospel through Catholic social media activities and enriches our faith through podcasts, television, radio, and print media; Half of all proceeds remain in our diocese and support local needs such as social media, websites, and newspapers, so please be generous in this collection. Follow us at: and Twitter @oakdiocese. Please Pray for . . . George Pieraldi Julie Chin Robert Billmire Peter & Sheryl Smith Ed Fletcher Connie Guaraglia Joyce Guaraglia John Vargas Virgilio Legaspi Mariah ‘Mia’ Vicedo Pearle Cezair Mary Helen Arlene Pershing Maria Jesus Vargas Joey Medeiros Monica Dias Dora Romero John O’Keefe Edgar Romero Jeanette Frazee James Balliet Joe Zipp Michael Babik Barbara Maloon Juanita Estrellas Nhi Nguyen Mary Young Peggy Miller Dan Bautista JoAnne Salazar Raymond Bautisa Who Entered into Eternal Life Anne Tran Sara Le Fargo Dee Darbo Paul Prado Mary Valladon Rudy Griego Manuela Agabao Maria Beam Nelson Baylosis Judith Edrosolam Marie Choury Mel Mederious Dorothy Feick Joel Rivera Joseph Fantos Ella Pennington Ricardo Duenas Madeline Marks Marie Fletcher Olivia Camcam Mike Silva Maria Nguyen Khoat Nguyen Joseph Leo Sheila Bickerton JJ Moisa Maria Escobar Jesse Aguon Joyce White Mercedita Lara Angelita Corral Tu Nguyen James Jandik Ruth Brennan Peter Purificacion Nicole Coffey-Nell Gwendolyn DeVries Agnes Lemos Jayla Walker Julia DeSousa Michael Rogers Margarita Ferreira Aliston Goodwin Dolly Jacoby Ed & Rose Matty Lida Holt Mae Heasley Rosemary Buell Patrick Forde Marianne Forde Roseann Adam Brandon Lee Salazar Max Romero Matilde Guerrero Elsie Ulibrri Darryl Shields Val Mumford Mao Pham Nelda Erlwein Carol Boles Wyatt Norell Abner Fulgado ** If any person on this list is well and no longer in need of prayers please inform the parish office. If they pass away please let us know so we can pray for the repose of his or her soul. For the Week of June 8th to June 14th Sun. 6/7 Mon. 6/8 Tues. 6/9 Wed. 6/10 Thurs. 6/11 Fri. 6/12 Sat. 6/13 Sun. 6/14 (A) Anniversary 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:15 am 7:00 am 8:15 am 8:15 am 4:30 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 12:15 pm (B) Birthday Joseph Vũ † Kriletich Anniversary (A) Austin Felarca (B) Martin & Miguel Albor † Vincent Vũ † Teresa Trần † Eufrecina, Faustino, and Rolando Gatmaitan † Benjamin Laxamana † Lorena Gil † Thanksgiving Nina Ricci Valdez † Isabel Poyatos (B) Antono David † Sonia Harris † Peter Nguyễn † Yvonne Gaudin-Wood † Parishioners Ramona Langner † Peter Hanh Hà † Rafael Elias † (L) Living (†) Deceased † John Vargas —May 25, 2015 Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them Please pray for Alex Bradley who is serving in the Middle East READINGS FOR THE WEEK OF JUNE 8th READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Corinthians 1:1-7; Psalm 34:2-9; Matthew 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Corinthians 1:18-22; Psalm 119:129-133, 135; Matthew 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Corinthians 3:4-11; Psalm 99:5-9; Matthew 5:17-19 Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Psalm 85:9ab, 10-14; Matthew 5:20-26 Friday: Hosea 11:1, 3-4, 8c-9; Isaiah 12:2-6; Ephesians 3:8-12, 14-19; John 19:31-37 Saturday: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; Psalm 103:1-4, 9-12; Matthew 5:33-37 Sunday: Ezekiel 17:22-24; Psalm 92:2-3, 13-16; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10; Mark 4:26-34 Call for Membership The Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #2400 needs you! CDA is a national Catholic women’s organization with a local chapter here at St. Felicitas dedicated to prayer, service to others, and providing support to those in need. It is also a wonderful way to make new friends while enriching the lives of others. We recently celebrated 20 years at St. Felicitas. We look forward to a growing membership! Please consider attending our next meeting on Monday, June 15th at 6:00 p.m. in the social hall. This will be our last meeting until September. Come and join us. Call Laura Vacca for membership information at (510) 418-6841 or if you need a ride to the meeting. Vacation Bible School Planning your vacation? Mark your calendar for the week of July 6th ~ 10th SonSpark Labs is the theme for this year’s VBS at St. Felicitas We will be available to take your registration after the 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Mass on June 14th. Registration forms are also available in the Parish Office. Your children will love the games, cool crafts, and the best VBS music ever! The children will learn about God’s love through the truths found in John 14:6-7. Children will have a blast at VBS ~ Discovering God’s Plan 4U=Jesus! If you should have any questions, please contact Sandi at 347-1282. Thank you for your Donations for Vacation Bible School Each summer our faith Formation Department provides one week of vacation Bible school for the children of our parish. This is a wonderful time filled with fun when the children are taught important Bible stories. Thanks to our generous parishioners we are able to do this ministry at no cost to the parents. Each day the children are given a snack. If you would like to help with the snacks here is our wish list: Apple juice Chips ~ individual packs Fruit roll-ups Fun fruit snacks Otter pops or popsicles Granola bars Rice crispy squares If you would like to contribute, please call Sandi at 347-1282 to see which items are still needed. All of these items are available at Costco. Thank you for your generosity! ~~Sandi Walton Cộng Đoàn Nữ Vương Hoà Bình Lễ Mình Máu Thánh Chúa Kitô năm B: Mc 14,12-16.22-26 Chúa Giêsu thiết lập Bí tích Thánh Thể trong bối cảnh của lễ Vượt Qua của người Do Thái, một đại lễ lớn nhất của dân tộc. Bữa ăn Vượt Qua là một nghi lễ long trọng. Bữa ăn tưởng niệm lại một việc trong quá khứ, và đang khi cử hành việc tưởng niệm đó thì quyền năng của Thiên Chúa lại được tái hiện. Chúa Giêsu nói: "Các con hãy làm việc này mà tưởng nhớ đến Thầy". Mỗi khi chúng ta cử hành Bí tích Thánh Thể thì quyền năng và tình yêu của Chúa Giêsu lại được tái hiện. Nhưng không chỉ như thế, chính Chúa Giêsu lại hiện diện thật sự ở giữa chúng ta. Trong khi đó, nhiều người Công giáo lại không ý thức đủ. Họ đi tham dự thánh lễ mà lại đến trễ, về sớm. Vài người lại nói chuyện với nhau hay chỉ nhìn ngắm kẻ khác. Nhiều người vào trong nhà thờ mà không tỏ sự tôn kính Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể đang hiện diện trong Nhà Tạm. Nhiều người không rước lễ và hầu như không còn để ý đến việc đó nữa. Nhiều người ăn vận trang phục bất xứng, thứ trang phục mà họ không dám mặc khi đến thăm một người bạn. Trong khi xếp hàng lên rước Mình Thánh Chúa Giêsu, một số người thay vì tập trung vào việc chuẩn bị đón Chúa ngự vào tâm hồn mình thì lại đưa mắt nhìn quanh khắp cả nhà thờ. Tại sao lại xảy ra tình trạng đáng buồn như vậy? Thật là tốt đẹp khi Giáo hội khuyến khích các tín hữu thường xuyên rước lễ và tạo điều kiện dễ dàng cho việc này. Nhưng cũng vì thế mà xảy ra tình trạng người giáo dân ơ hờ, trễ nải đối với Chúa Giêsu Thánh Thể. Cũng có một số tín hữu chịu ảnh hưởng của Tin lành cho rằng Bánh Thánh chỉ là biểu tượng của Chúa Giêsu mà thôi. Nhưng Chúa Giêsu không nói: "Đây là biểu tượng của Mình Thầy". Chúa nói cách rõ ràng: "Đây là Mình Thầy". Ước gì đại lễ kính Mình Thánh Chúa Giêsu Kitô hôm nay giúp mọi tín hữu Công giáo ý thức hơn về sự hiện diện thật sự của Chúa Giêsu Kitô trong Bí tích Thánh Thể. Ước gì ngày lễ hôm nay canh tân tâm tình biết ơn của chúng ta đối với quà tặng vô giá, mà Chúa Giêsu ban cho chúng ta là chính Thịt Máu Chúa. Càng ý thức hơn về sự hiện diện thật sự của Chúa Giêsu trong Bí tích Thánh Thể, chúng ta càng có thêm sức mạnh để tiến bước trên hành trình đức tin của mình. Lạy Chúa, con cảm tạ Chúa vì quà tặng vĩ đại Chúa đã ban cho con là Bí tích Thánh Thể. Xin Chúa giúp con luôn xác tín vào sự hiện diện của Chúa Giêsu trong bí tích này và hết lòng tôn sùng mến yêu. Thôn Báo của Trường Hoà Bình Cảm tạ ơn Chúa cho năm học 2014-2015 vừa qua được mọi sự tốt đẹp. Ngày khai giảng cho năm học mới sẽ vào Chúa Nhật ngày 30 tháng 8 năm 2015. Chúc Qúy Thầy Cô và các em một mùa hè vui tươi và an bình trong Chúa. Catholic Communications Campaign—Second Collection June 13-14 La semana antes de la colecta La próxima semana nuestra parroquia realizará la Colecta para la Campaña Católica de la Comunicación. Esta colecta comunica el Evangelio a través de actividades en los medios sociales católicos y enriquece nuestra fe a través de los podcasts, la televisión, la radio y la prensa escrita. La mitad de lo recaudado permanece en nuestra diócesis y financia las necesidades locales así que, por favor, contribuyan generosamente a esta colecta. ACCIÓN DE GRACIAS El Día de Acción de Gracias que celebramos en el otoño a veces se ve marcado por una especie de orgullo y autofelicitación por parte de nuestra sociedad, por no hablar de comilonas que nos llevan hasta el estupor. Pero la “acción de gracias” que en griego se llama “Eucaristía” es al revés: lo que nos lleva a ella es el reconocimiento de nuestras faltas; recordamos nuestra posición humilde en el universo alabando a Dios, y a nadie más que a Dios. Es verdad que el alimento del Cuerpo y la Sangre de Cristo sacia el hambre de nuestro espíritu, pero también es verdad que ese alimento crea en nosotros un hambre más intensa aun. Al terminar la Misa no nos envían a un sofá espiritual a sentarnos en lo que la Cena del Señor se nos asienta en el estómago; más bien, nos envían al mundo a ser signos vivientes de esa Acción de Gracias, ayudando a los pobres y desvalidos, alimentando a los hambrientos, cuidando a los enfermos, protestando contra las actitudes farisaicas. En fin, el hambre producida en nosotros al hacer el Memorial de Jesús nos tiene que impulsar a vivir “en memoria de él”. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — El Señor hace una alianza con su pueblo y la sella con sangre (Exodo 24:3-8). Salmo — Levantaré el cáliz de la salvación (Salmo 116 [115]). Segunda lectura — La sangre de Cristo obtiene la redención eterna para el pueblo (Hebreos 9:11-15). Evangelio — Jesús, mientras celebraba la Pascua con sus discípulos, establece la nueva Alianza. (Marcos 14:12-16, 22-26). TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE “Altísimo Señor”, un bellísimo himno tradicional canta con asombro y maravilla la humildad de Jesucristo quien siendo divino no sólo murió por nosotros sino que también se hace nuestro manjar en un pedacito de pan. Nos invita al “convite de amor” para “amar y recibir a quien por mí, quiso morir”. Esta espiritualidad eucarística es buena, pero sería aún mejor recordar que el cordero divino no murió sólo por mí, sino por “nosotros”. El cristiano es cristiano en la medida que se relaciona en la Iglesia, la gran familia de Dios. El Cuerpo de Cristo se forma no sólo de granos de trigo sino de hombres y mujeres bautizadas. Su cuerpo no se encuentra sólo en un altar sino en los cristianos unidos para la misa. El cuerpo de Cristo está en la hostia pero también se encuentra en todo creyente. Abre los ojos y, con asombro y maravilla, verás a Jesucristo en nuestra unión de fe. Jesús está tan presente en la Iglesia como en sus tabernáculos y sagrarios. Juntos somos el pan de la vida que da gracia y virtud, alegría y salud. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Padres de familia de los niños y niñas que el pasado16 de Mayo hicieron su Primera Comunión Las fotografías de la Primera communión están listas. Por favor comuníquese con la señora Tina Anh. (510) 502-6285 o bien St. Felicitas Catholic Church Campaign NewsleƩer June 6 & 7, 2015 Reclaiming Christ’s Mission Together campaign reaches over $30,000,000 in pledges from more than 8,000 households in the Oakland Diocese! Campaign leadership would like to thank all the families who have contributed to date and have made the campaign a great success. Here at St. Felicitas we are currently at $244,626, which is 38% of our goal. Our campaign is based on every family making an equal sacrifice, not an equal giŌ. Please keep in mind that we will receive 25% of all monies collected up to our campaign target of $648,101 and 50% of all funds raised above and beyond that target. Our goal is to have 100% parƟcipaƟon. If you have yet to respond to the campaign, you will receive a leƩer from Bishop Barber asking for your support. It is not too late to parƟcipate in the campaign. We sƟll need your help, please make your pledge today! Follow the Diocese and Capital Campaign Online! A special website has been set up for the campaign where you can watch the campaign video, read details about the campaign, and make a giŌ to the campaign. The website is You can also follow the diocese and the campaign via social media by visiƟng: Oakland Diocese Facebook page: TwiƩer page: www.twiƩ LinkedIn: You can also follow Bishop Barber’s blog by visiƟng hƩps://
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St. Felicitas Catholic Church
St. Felicitas Catholic Church
1662 Manor Blvd. San Leandro
Telephone Number (510) 351-5244 ● Fax (510) 351-5730
Parish Staff
Rev. Thomas K...