Sunday - St Anthony`s


Sunday - St Anthony`s
July 3, 2016
“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the
harvest to sent out laborers for his harvest.” Luke 10
9905 SW MCKENZIE ST., TIGARD, OR 97223 (503)639-4179
Saturday Sábado 5:00 pm-English
Sunday Domingo 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM in English
1:30 PM in Vietnamese
4:00 PM en Español
7:00 PM Youth
DAILY MASS Misa Diaria
8:30 AM Monday-Saturday
6:30 PM Thursday in Vietnamese
Call the Parish office
Monday-Friday 8:30 am—5:00 pm Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am– Noon
Monday-Friday 8:30 am—5:00 pm Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am– Noon
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment
Pray Gratefully, Serve Responsibly, Give Generously
Page 2
Dear friends,
I hope this letter finds you well and
in good spirits. Our Gospel from
Luke is very challenging. Jesus says
to his disciples: Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs
among wolves.”
Fr. John Henderson
Ministry is not always easy. Sharing the Good News is not always easy. I am in love
with the Lord but not everyone is eager or willing to
hear that. I believe in God with all my heart, soul and
mind. I believe in LIFE, all LIFE from conception to
natural death. Abortion is wrong. LIFE is precious.
For me it seems so easy to understand but it is not
when you take a stand.
God created the world and everything in it. Everything God created, God said is good. Every man,
woman and child belongs to God, no matter who
they are, no matter what they look like. We have
been given the responsibility of taking care of all of
creation. For me it seems so easy to understand but
it is not when you live the message.
God sent us God’s only Son to show us the way.
God’s word of love suffered on a cross and died for
our sins. God’s Son is forgiving, compassionate and
merciful, and yet Jesus was rejected and killed. That
was not easy. Our life, no mater what, must be about
forgiveness, compassion and mercy. For me it seems
so easy to understand but it is not when you show it.
Marriage and the family must be treasured. We must
show our support and do all we can to strengthen the
importance of father and mother and son and daughter. For me it seems so easy to understand but it is
not when you treasure it.
The poor are the most vulnerable. We must reach
out and embrace our brothers and sisters under the
bridges along the railroad tracks, in the gutters. We
need to be their voice. For me it seems so easy to understand but it is not when you speak on their behalf.
Even though it is difficult and people will make fun
of you and persecute you know that God is at your
side. One thing is important, in your ministry always-live lives of love. It is not easy but well worth it.
Have a great week and a blessed 4th of July.
Your friend,
Fr. John
Rev. John Henderson, Pastor
(503)639-4179 x 112 /
Rev. Arjie Garcia, Parochial Vicar
(503)639-4179 x 119 /
Marco Espinoza, Deacon Hispanic Ministry
(503)639-4179 x129 /
David Hammes, Deacon
(503) 639-4179 x 139/
Elise Shearer, Administrative Assistant
(503)639-4179 ext. 113/
Gerlinde Lamer, Director of Adult Faith Formation
(503)639-4179 x122/
Cindy Marchese, Director of Religious Education
(503)639-4179 x121/
Mary Hanlen, Director of Youth Ministry
(503)639-4179 x128/
Nichlas Schaal, Director of Music
(503)-639-4179x125 /
Andrew Nichols, Principal of School
(503)-639-4179x 223 /
Sally Plasker, Vice Principal of School
(503)-639-4179 x 224/
Tom Barr, Business Manager
(503)-639-4179 x 114/
Kathy Fedr, RE Assistant
(503)639-4179 x 123 /
Jeanette Gent, Financial Services
(503)639-4179 x 115/
Jean Stein, Financial Services
(503)639-4179 x 115/
Mark Wills, Information Technology
(503)639-4179 x 124/
Lucille Borsch, Receptionist / Secretary
(503)639-4179 x 0 /
Viridiana Morales, Evening Receptionist
(503)639-4179 x 0 /
Steve Morton, Custodial Team (head)
(503)639-4179 x 116 /
Support the businesses that help make this
bulletin free to the church.
This week’s Advertiser of the Week is
Best Buy Landscape Supply
St. Anthony Parish
9905 SW McKenzie St.,
Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: 503-639-4179
Fax: 503-624-2364
Page 3
Travel with Fr. John Henderson, Pastor of St.
Anthony Parish, Tigard, OR on our Canonization of Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta –
Italy Round trip.
Where: Rome, Assisi, Tuscany, Florence,
Trip Dates: September
01-09, 2016
Cost: $3,900.00 Airfare
and ALL-Included.
To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or
(508) 340-9370. You can
also register online at
Clergy Roster for July 9th and 10th
5 PM
Father John Henderson
7 AM
Father Arjie Garcia
8:30 AM Father Arjie Garcia w/Deacon David
11 AM
Father John Henderson
7 PM
Father John Henderson
Clergy schedule is subject to change.
July 1st-June 26th
(difference between 2014 & 2015 giving)
Variance ($)
Variance (%)
M u s i c M i n i s try
St. Anthony Music Ministry Needs Your
Help! We are trying to grow our music ministries and can’t do it without you. The time commitment is a 1.5 hour rehearsal during the week,
and an hour or ½ hour before mass to set up.
5PM Vigil & 11AM
Instrumentalists: All are welcome with a special need for a guitarist, bassist, and drummer.
Proficiency in an instrument with good sight
reading or improvisational skills required.
Singers: Looking for singers in all vocal ranges.
Experience in singing in parts, and or good sight
readings/improvisational skills required.
Audio Mixer: Someone with an ear for music or
a desire to learn. Experience in audio mixing/engineering is a plus. The volunteer will operate the mixing board with an iPad during mass.
(There will be some up front training but no
weekly rehearsal.)
Cantor: Looking for singers with a strong singing voice to lead all the music at mass. Being a
good sight reader and having a basic liturgical
knowledge is a plus but not required. An audition
is required. (No weekly rehearsal)
Singers: We want to build our choir. If you enjoy singing, this is the place for you. Experience
singing in 4-part harmony is a plus but not required. All vocal ranges welcome, with a special
need for Sopranos.
Cantor: Looking for singers with a strong singing voice to lead the Psalm and announce songs.
Being a good sight reader and having a basic liturgical knowledge is a plus but not required. An
audition is required. (Membership in the choir is
Music ministry is a wonderful place serve the community while building your faith in fellowship.
Never hesitate to comment, encourage, or share
ideas with us. And most importantly keep praying
and singing with us. Please contact Nichlas Schaal
at for more information.
Page 4
Parish office Hours Monday-Friday
8:30 –12PM 12:30 - 5PM
Evening Hours Tues-Thurs 6:30-9pm
After hours sacramental emergencies call:
541--230-4494 and leave a message
Clergy 503-639-4179
Fr. John Henderson, Pastor x112
Fr. Arjie Garcia, Vicar x119
Deacon Marco Espinoza x129
Deacon David Hammes x139
Adult Faith Formation
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Annulment Advocacy
Fr. John Henderson
(503)639-4179 ext. 112
Deacon Marco Espinosa
(503)639-4179 ext. 129
ESL(English as a Second Language)
Eva Garcia
Adminstrative Assistant /Facility Rental
Elise Shearer
(503) 639-4179 ext 113
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Catholic Daughters
Eileen Rosko
Sally Plasker – Vice Principal
(503)639-4179 ext. 214
Clare Jaramillo – Assistant
(503)639-4179 ext. 222
Linda Olsen – Office
(503)639-4179 ext. 244
Julie Stump – After School Care
Sunday Nursery
Cindy Marchese
Knights of Columbus
Brian Fihn (503) 707-5155
Deacon Marco Espinoza
(503)639-4179 ext.129
Tom Barr
(503)639-4179 ext. 114
St. Anthony School
Andrew Nichols – Principal
(503)639-4179 ext.
Business Office
(503)639-4179 ext. 114
Funeral Coordination
Hispanic Ministry
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Thomas Barr
(503)639-4179 ext. 213
Faith Formation
Cindy Marchese – Preschool-8th
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Cindy Marchese – Sacramental Prep
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Mary Hanlen, Youth Ministry
(503)639-4179 ext. 128
Kathy Fedr, RE Assistant
(503)639-4179 ext. 123
Archdiocese of Portland
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Toni Stotts
Wedding Preparation
Fr. John Henderson
Steve Morton
(503)639-4179 ext. 116
(503)639-4179 ext. 112
Ministry of the Sick and Homebound
(503)639-4179 ext. 129
Deacon Marco Espinoza
Diane Bohan
Music Ministry
Nichlas Schaal (English)
503-639-4179 ext 125
Phiet Loung Vietnamese
Community Resources
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
Pantry hrs/utility/rental assistance
Gerlinde Lamer Spanish
503-639-4179 ext.122
Jim Haberski
Life, Peace and Justice
Good Neighbor Center/Shelter
Finance Office
Prayer and Worship
Jeanette Gent
Jean Stein
(503)639-4179 ext. 115
Fr. Arjie Garcia
(503)639-4179 ext. 119
Paul Lamer
Bulletin Items/ Mass Announcements
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Sue Sammons
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
RCIA / Returning Catholics
Geneva Stegemoller
Community Café
Steve Kemp
Confirmation (Adult)
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Confirmation (9th-12th grades)
Mary Hanlen
(503)639-4179 ext. 128
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Reception /Parish Office / Mass Intentions
Lucille Borsch (day time)
Viridiana Morales (evenings and Saturday)
(503)639-4179 ext. 0
Sanctity of Life
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Severe Weather Shelter
Carol Herron
St. Vincent De Paul Tigard
Dick Bailey
St. Vincent de Paul Vol. Coordinator
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Caring Closet
Tri-County Help Line
Care to Share – Food
Care to Share - Utilities
Love Inc.
Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store
Page 5
July 5th
S T . A NJuly
H OMonday
N Y C O July
M U N I TTuesday
3 de julio
4 de Julio
5 de Julio
7:00 am
8:30 am
11 am
4 pm
7:00 pm
+Joe Borsch
+Bart Haunsperger
+Leon flores
9:00 am Mary Sprauer
8:30 am Monica Mai
7 am Mass (Church)
7:30-12:30 Fellowship (center
8:30 am Mass (Church)
11 am Mass (Church)
1 pm mass Vietnamese (Church)
4:00pm Mass Spanish (Church)
5:15pm SALT (Francis hall)
5:30 pm Community Café
7 pm NO MASS
8 am Bible Study Exodus (On line)
9:00 am Mass
8:30 am Daily Mass
9:15 am Women’s Bible Study (Library)
Life’s Struggle Book (gathering
7:00 PM Pastoral Council (upper room)
Charismatic Bible Study (O’Reilly
July 6th
6 de julio
July 7th
7 de Julio
July 8th
8 de Julio
8:30 am +Lou Ebling
8:30 am Doris Christiansen
8:30 am +Lou Ebling
8:30 am Daily Mass
9:00 AM Nutrition for Children
9:15 am Quilt Tying (parish library)
9:30 am Mom’s Support group
6:15 pm Spanish Mass (church)
7:00 PM Confesiones Espanol
Knights of Columbus (O’Reilly
Rite of Christian Initiation for
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church)
9:00 AM Nutrition for Children
9:15 am Women’s Faith Sharing (parish
6:30 pm Mass Vietnamese (Church)
8:30 am Daily Mass
8:30 am Bulletin Crew (parish office)
9:00 AM Nutrition for Children
10 am Making Rosaries (Upper Room)
7:00 PM Charismatic Prayer Group
July 9th
9 de julio
8:30 am +Paul Rethinger
5 pm Diane Lung
7 am Men’s Bible Study (upstairs
8:30 am daily mass (Church)
3:30 pm Confession (Church)
5 pm Vigil Mass (Church)
7 am
8:30 am
11 am
4 pm
July 10
10 de julio
+Bart Haunsperger
+Lou Ebling
+Pietro Vitiritti
For those who have died:
People of St Anthony
7 am Mass (Church)
7:30-12:30 pm Fellowship (Gathering
8:30 am Mass (Church)
11 am Mass (Church)
1:30 pm Mass Vietnamese (Church)
4 pm Mass Spanish (Church)
5:15 pm Salt (Francis Hall)
5:30 pm Community Café (school)
7 pm Mass (church)
New Parishioners:
Page 6
Children’s Sacrament Preparation News
Contact: Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or
Registration for 2016-17 Sunday Children’s Faith Formation classes is now available on-line.
Visit this link:
Or pick up forms from the parish office. Contact Cindy
Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or
What an awesome 4 days of Cave
Quest VBS! Special thanks and appreciation for our VBS Committee and
all our adult and youth volunteers!
You are the best!
Preparing for the Sacraments at St. Anthony
Our parish prepares students using the following components:
1. Regular Sunday mass attendance
2. Foundational Catechesis through Sunday Faith Formation Classes or Catholic School.
3. At home parent/child sacrament book completion.
4. Parish support through parent meetings & family retreats.
Parents are encouraged to enroll children as 1st graders.
Preparation for sacraments begins in the 2nd/3rd grade by
enrolling in foundational catechesis. For 4th graders and
older who are in their 1st year of formation, preparation begins in year two. Register for 2016-17 Sunday Religious Education classes now or enroll your child in our parish school to
begin their formation.
1st Communion 20152015-16
Kids Summer Parish Program!
Camp Tilikum
1st-8th grade children (Fall 2016)
is July 18-22
[Tilikum registration has closed! Call Kathy
Fedr for information on how to register
through Camp Tilikum, 503-639-4179 x123]
We are asking for adults and youth who will be
entering 9th grade or older in the fall to join us
out at Camp Tilikum as youth & adult counselors!
Join us for one or more days! Contact Kathy
Fedr for information at 503-639-4179 x123.
Group photos taken at all our 1st Communion masses are
available in electronic format. If you didn’t get the email with
pictures, let Cindy know.
Here’s our 5pm , May 14th group.
Do you have a child that
you would like to baptize?
Have you been asked to be
a Godmother or Godfather
for a child? Our next class
for the preparation of infant
baptism is Wednesday July
13th at 7 PM . For questions or to make an appointment please call
503-639-4179 ext. 122 or email
Page 7
Saint Anthony’s Life
Teen is a ministry open
to all high school students. We meet Sundays
at 5:00, starting with
dinner, and
ending at 6:45 before
Mass. Newcomers and
visitors are always welcome—just walk in the
door, write down a few
pieces of information, and join the celebration!
With summer break underway for students and teachers,
activity continues at the school with cleaning up and out the
classrooms, making repairs, and upgrading our computer
systems and safeguards. In the middle school, Summer
Camp is off to a great and wet start. With last Monday’s 90
degree temperature, campers beat the heat with a little water action.
Summer Life Nights
God loves you all year long, and so do we! Whenever you’re in town, please join us 2nd and last Sundays for summer fun!
There is no Life Night tonight, July 3!
We’ll see you July 10.
Also, July 31, August 14, and August 28, we’ll see
you for our summer excitement! Remember, dinner
is not provided during Summer.
Through the middle of August, campers will be enjoying
gym time, crafts, more water activities, fort construction,
computer games, a field trip, movies, bike riding, library
time and much more.
Teens need YOU!
Core team is about being a mentor to the young
members of our Parish. They don't need the best
teachers, the coolest pop-culture gurus, or the most
talented performers--they need you to care about
their lives, ask them how they're doing, and share
God's love with them.
Will you answer the call?
Feel free to talk to any existing member of Core team,
or contact Mary at 503-639-4179 x128
Some of the student campers are also attending Vacation
Bible School’s “Cave Quest: Following Jesus—The Light of
the World.”
On-line Registration is open!
Registration is needed for those who are:
*Regularly attending Life Nights and other
youth events. (For those going in to their first or
second year of Confirmation, the needed registration
form is attached.)
With any and all questions or concerns, call
Mary at 503-639-4179 x128
Although the school will be closed the month of July, we will
continue to schedule tours and register students throughout
the summer. If you would like to learn more about our programs or refer a family to St. Anthony School, please feel
free to give me a call.
Clare Jaramillo, Enrollment
(503) 639-4179, ext. 222
Page 8
The Faith Formation Commission met on June 16th to review the status of the parish survey and plan the next
steps in the survey process. Attendees included Mary, Gerlinde, Kathy, Veronica, Donna, Susie, Cindy, and
Kevin. The Commission made the following decisions:
The “target” for the minimum number of survey responses is 200.
The survey schedule was extended through the Summer.
A number of actions will be taken to advertise the survey and promote responses, including an outreach during the fellowship time after Sunday masses.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 21st and all are welcome to attend!
Highlights of the Life, Justice & Peace Meeting – June 9, 2016
Community Alliance of Tenants Workshop: We agreed that 20 people attending was a good showing
for the first year. The hope is to reach more tenants next year.
Interfaith Power & Light Postcards: Response to this Earth Day event was disappointing. Next year we
will advertise more and have the actual postcards available for parishioners to sign.
2016 Offering of Letters: Ten letters were written over the three Sundays we had a table at fellowship
and were hand-delivered to the archdiocesan office. With an eye toward growing this campaign next year
we will encourage participation in a letter writing event with the video presentation from Bread for the
Union Gospel Mission: The Lifechange for Women program run by Union Gospel Mission in Beaverton
could accommodate a tour on Tuesday or Thursday after 10 a.m.
Feast of St. Francis Catholic Climate Covenant program: The feast of St. Francis is Oct. 4. We will
look into providing informational materials to raise awareness in the parish about this feast and the ties to
Care for Creation called for by Pope Francis.
October is Respect Life month: Sept. 28 – Nov. 9 is the “40 Days for Life” this year. We will try to provide pamphlets and display posters during this time.
Oregon Care Partners classes: Oregon Care Partners offers free classes for caregivers on a wide variety
of topics to help with issues common to caring for aging loved ones. We will explore this further at our
next meeting.
No July meeting: The next meeting will be Thursday, August 11 at 7 p.m. in the parish library.
Page 9
Has your family been affected by cancer?
Tigard/Tualatin Relay for life would like to celebrate survivors as well as honoring those who have passed.
10 AM Saturday July 9th we celebrate survivors with our
opening lap around the track, a free ceramic activity,
lunch, massages and a goody bag. Twality Middle School
14650 SW 97th Ave Tigard. Survivors must register at
All day fun activities for the whole family includes bands,
a silent auction, classic car show, games and fundraisers at
every campsite. 10 pm we honor those who have lost their
battle, lighting the track with luminaries in their honor.
($5 donation to decorate). We walk all night to the light of
those we remember. Call parishioner Marcia Solberg
971-235-2257 for more information.
New Parish Photo Directory !
Everyone groans when it’s directory time. Not
only do most of us not enjoy having our photograph taken, but the directory experience seems
uniquely grueling
What can you expect? A handsome back drop.
Heirloom quality artwork. Friendly low-key photographers.
Sign up on line today!
Dear Pastor, Staff and Parishioners,
We sincerely thank you for your generous support
of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development
(CCHD). We had a successful campaign and your
parish contributed $2,662.44 that will be used in
grants to organizations in
our local communities working to lift people out of poverty.
In gratitude,
The CCHD Committee
Don’t have access to a computer
call 503-639-4179 ext. 122 for an
“Usually we pray to God for our personal desires—
for our family and friends, and for particular people whose special needs have been brought to our
attention. This is love—for ourselves and for others.
It is also the expression and therefore the experience , of faith and trust in God. At Mass we broaden
our perspective and pray for the whole church.
This makes us grow in special love for the whole
community of faith by praying in an all inclusive
way for everyone who believes. We do
this in joining in the “presidential
* the Collect * Prayer over the offerings, and
the Prayer after Communion.
“A Fresh Look at the Mass by Fr. David M. Knight.
Join us August 19 & 20 at St. Anthony Catholic
Church in Tigard, OR for the 5th Annual Catholic
Women Rejoice conference! This year's event,
themed, "Rejoice and Be Free," includes opening
Mass with Archbishop Alexander K. Sample, Confession, fabulous vendors and door prizes, keynote
speakers Hallie Lord (, Mary
(, MC/
Event Founder Heather Renshaw, and more! Group
discounts and Early Bird pricing are available. For
event schedule and registration,
Page 10
Are you looking to reconnect to your
faith? Do you have questions about
your relationship with God and the
Thursday August 4th we will begin
reading and discussing the boo Rediscover Jesus.
To be a part of this group email
Faith Formation and Enhancement Survey
The Faith Formation Commission would like
your feedback so that we as a Parish can serve
you better! How do you want to deepen your
Faith? What issues are you facing right now?
What's the easiest way for you to grow, and
when is the best time? Please help us by filling
out this brief survey to let us know the best way
to serve you!
Our on line Bible Study has begun.
Its not to late to start.
Registration is now open at
Join us beginning July 12th after
morning mass in the gathering
space. 35 Psalms have been chosen
to show us how the Psalms express
the relationship between God and
God’s people as they form and transform the community of faith.
To order your book email
As Catholics, we are called to be responsible citizens, and our US Bishops tells us that
“participation in political life is a moral obligation.”
Jesus calls us to be salt and light in the world, so we
should participate in public life (and this includes
voting, as a responsible citizen) in a way to helps us
to carry out the mission of Jesus.
The Church calls us first of all to have a fully
formed conscience, which means that we need to
listen to, accept, and act upon the Church’s teaching. The Catholic Church teaches four basic principles of Catholic social doctrine:
DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON: The US Bishops write: “A Catholic cannot vote for a candidate
who favors a policy promoting an intrinsically evil
act, such as abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide,
deliberately subjecting workers or the poor to subhuman living conditions, redefining marriage in
ways that violate its essential meaning, or racist
behavior, if the voter’s intent is to support that position. In such cases, a Catholic would be guilty of
formal cooperation in grave evil. At the same time,
a voter should not use a candidate’s opposition to
an intrinsic evil to justify indifference or inattentiveness to other important moral issues involving
human life and dignity.”
THE COMMON GOOD: In our Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers acknowledge this:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that
among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . . . “ The common good requires the recognition of individual rights and equality—“respect for
the person as such” (CCC 1907), as well as “the social well-being and development of the group itself” (CCC 1908) and peace.
SUBSIDIARITY: “A community of a higher order
should not interfere in the internal life of a community of a lower order, depriving the latter of its
functions, but rather should support it in case of
need and help to co-ordinate its activity with the
activities of the rest of society, always with a view to
the common good” (CCC 1883). This principle is
opposed to every form of collectivism, sets limits
for state intervention, and tries to harmonize relationships between individuals and societies (CCC
SOLIDARITY: While the Catholic Church will always remain non-partisan and does not promote or
endorse any candidates, as Catholics we should follow what the Church teaches as we go to the polls.
We cannot be more committed to a political party
or candidate than to the Lord Jesus. The Bishops
tell us, “take into account a candidate’s commitments, character, integrity, and ability to influence
a given issue. In the end, this is a decision to be
made by each Catholic guided by a conscience
formed by Catholic moral teaching.”
Monday - Friday, July 11 – 15, 2016
43rd Institute in Catholic Teaching
Speakers: Fr. John Horgan; Sr. Ann Shields, SGL; Fr.
George McInnis, CPM
Schedule: Morning Prayer- Holy Mass- Classes and
Eucharistic Holy Hour.
Evening Lectures: a Speaker each day, and a
performance by St. Luke Productions.Resident: $500
($550 Canadian) includes all classes and evening lectures, room and all meals; Day Student: $325 (all
classes and lunches); Per-Day: $70 (3 classes and a
lunch); Per-Class: $20; Evening Lectures: $10 per person (includes light refreshments).
Visit our website at to register,
Window into Divine Mercy
Masses are not just for the dead!
Do you want to thank God for a blessing? Do you
have a family member or
yourself that could use
prayers? Perhaps there
is an anniversary of the
death of a loved one you
want to remember or a
birthday/quinceanera of
some one living.
Requesting a mass intention is as simple as picking up the phone and
calling the parish office or coming into and talking
with either Lucille or
Each act of mercy is a two directional flow of
mercy. We, who are showing mercy to someone are
at the same time receiving mercy from them. They,
in their need and suffering are giving us the opportunity to be merciful. This opportunity is an act of
mercy shown to us. In this perspective, we cannot
but be thankful to the one we show mercy to for
giving us the chance to pass on the mercy God has
shown us and expects us to pass on to others. We
are as dependent on them as they are on us. A
prayer of thanksgiving is due from both sides of a
merciful act of love. In his earlier years, Pope John
Paul II had difficulty in meeting people who were
suffering from illness. With time, however, he
came to understand and appreciate the deep
meaning of their suffering and the great benefit of
it for those who their suffering met. In the encyclical Dives in Misericordia, Pope John Paul II wrote,
“An act of merciful love is only really such when we
are deeply convinced at the moment that we perform it that we are at the same time receiving
mercy from the people who are accepting it from
us. If this bilateral and reciprocal
quality is absent, our actions are
not yet true acts of mercy, nor has
there yet been fully completed in
us that conversion to which Christ
has shown us the way...”.
Jesus I Trust in You -
Losia Radominski
Page 12
Queridos amigos,
Espero que esta carta te encuentre
bien y de buen humor. Nuestro Evangelio de Lucas es muy difícil. Jesús
dice a sus discípulos: Vayan por su
camino; he aquí, yo los envío como
corderos en medio de lobos”.
Ministerio no siempre es fácil. Compartir la Buena Nueva no siempre es fácil. Estoy en
amor con el Señor, pero no todo el mundo está ansioso
o dispuesto a escuchar eso. Creo en Dios con todo mi
corazón, alma y mente. Creo en la vida, toda la vida
desde la concepción hasta la muerte natural. El aborto
está mal. La vida es preciosa. Para mí parece tan fácil
de entender, pero no lo es cuando usted toma lo contrario.
Dios creó el mundo y todo en él. Todo lo que Dios
creó, Dios dijo es bueno. Cada hombre, mujer y niño
que es de Dios, no importa lo que son, no importa lo
que parecen. Se nos ha dado la responsabilidad de cuidar de toda la creación. Para mí parece tan fácil de entender, pero no lo es cuando se vive el mensaje.
Dios nos ha enviado el Hijo único de Dios que nos
muestre el camino. Palabra del amor de Dios sufrió en
la cruz y murió por nuestros pecados. Hijo de Dios es
indulgente, misericordioso y compasivo, y sin embargo
Jesús fue rechazado y matado. Eso no fue fácil. Nuestra
vida, sin importar que, debe ser sobre el perdón, la
compasión y la misericordia. Para mí parece tan fácil
de entender, pero no lo es cuando tú lo demuestras.
El matrimonio y la familia deben ser apreciados. Debemos mostrar nuestro apoyo y hacer todo lo posible
para reforzar la importancia de padre y madre e hijo e
hija. Para mí parece tan fácil de entender, pero no lo es
cuando tu l vives.
Los pobres son los más vulnerables. Hay que extender
la mano y abrazar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas
debajo de los puentes a lo largo de las vías del ferrocarril, en las cunetas. Tenemos que ser su voz. Para mí
parece tan fácil de entender, pero no lo es cuando
usted habla en el nombre de ellos.
A pesar de que es difícil y la gente se burle de ti y te
persiga, recuerda que Dios está a tu lado. Una cosa que
es importante, en tu ministerio vive siempre la vida
con amor. No es fácil, pero vale la pena. Tengas una
gran semana y un bendecido 4 de julio.
Tu amigo,
Fr. John
Eucaristía (Misa) 4:00pm
Misa en Español Miercoles 6:15pm.
Grupo de Oración Kerigma:
Asamblea: (O’Reilly Hall) Viernes 7:00 PM
Pronto se les informara.
Martes (O’Reilly & Youth Center) 7:00 PM
Clases PRE
Proxima clase de bautismo Julio 02, 6:PM
Clase por cita con Diacono Marco
Llamar al 503-639-4179 Ext. 129
Requiere una entrevista con el Diacono
Marco 503-639-4179 x129
BAUTIZOS (niños menores de 8 años):
Bautizos Julio 16, 2:00pm
Cuarto Domingo en la misa 4:00pm
Hablar con el Diacono Marco
Sacerdote/ Párroco
Fr. John Henderson
503-639-4179 Ext.112
Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Arjie Garcia
503-639-4179 Ext. 119
Ministro Hispano
Dcn. Marco Espinoza
503-639-4179 x 129
Asistente de Pastoral (Bilingüe)
Viridiana Morales Ext.0
Horas de oficina:
Martes, miércoles y Jueves de 6:30-9pm
Sábado de 8:30am-12:00pm
Favor tocar el timbre de la puerta.
Page 13
Lo que Dios unió que
no lo separe el hombre.
Favor llame a la oficina
y haga una cita con el
Diacono Marco al
503-639-4179 Ext. 129
6 meses de anticipación
La inscripción para Educacion Religiosa
Ven a registrar a sus hijos a la oficina o internet.
Para la formacion de Sacramentos.
Actividades de la comunidad San Antonio.
Directorio de la Parroquia.
Invitamos a todos los miembros de nuestra
comunidad a participar en el directorio de la
parroquia, puede ser individual o en familia.
Para hacerlo favor hacer una cita en la oficina o
por internet.
Convivio Familiar Hispano.
El domingo 24 de julio invitamos a toda la
comunidad a participar en un convivio familiar
después de la misa de las 4:00PM. Favor traer
un platillo para compartir y muchos deseos de
disfrutar de una variedad de juegos y actividades. Los esperamos.
Día de Adoración.
El viernes 29 de Julio es día de adoración del
Santísimo. Inicia a las 9:00AM después de misa
con la exposición del Santísimo en la iglesia, de
7:00pm a 8:00pm hora de adoración y alabanza
con música, oraciones y termina con la bendición del Santísimo Sacramento.
Picnic de la Parroquia St. Anthony.
El sábado 13 de agosto invitamos a nuestra
comunidad a unirnos en una sola comunidad
San Antonio para celebrar el Picnic de las
6:00pm en adelante. El evento consiste en traer
un platillo lo suficiente para compartir, disfrutar
de juegos y competencias incluyendo premios
por el mejor platillo o ensalada y muchas actividades para toda la familia.
XIV Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Primera lectura Isaías 66:10-14
Alegraos, Jerusalén, y regocijaos por el todos
los que la amáis, Como uno a quien su madre
le consuela, así yo os consolaré.
Salmo 66:1-7, 16, 20
Aclamen al Señor tierra entera.
Segunda lectura Gálatas 6:14-18
En cuanto a mí Dios me libre gloriarme si no
es en la cruz de Cristo, porque de nada vale el
estar circuncidado o no, sino el ser una creatura nueva.
Evangelio Lucas 10:1-12, 17-20
Señor designó a otros 72, y los envoi diciendoles; mirad que os envío como corderos en
medio de lobos. No llevéis bolsa, ni alforja, ni
sandalias. Y no saludéis a nadie en el camino.
Practica de Coros.
Coro de Jóvenes/ Niños
La práctica de los coros de niños y jóvenes es
el 1ro, 2do y 4to martes del mes a las 7:15pm
en la iglesia. Niños deben ser
acompañados por sus padres.
Coro de Jóvenes Adultos
La práctica del coro de jóvenes adultos es el
3er martes de cada mes.
Bienvenido a la Parroquia de San
Gracias por acompañarnos esta tarde. Es
nuestro mayor deseó que la Eucaristía que
hoy celebramos nos anime a vivir una
profunda experiencia de fe y vida. Le
invitamos para que junto con sus familiares y
amigos vuelvan a participar con nosotros, su
comunidad y familia, de la iglesia de San
Antonio en Tigard.
hiệp thông
Chúa Nhật 14 Thường Niên • Năm Phụng Vụ C
Ngày 3 Tháng 7 Năm 2016
Đức Giêsu đã đi rao giảng Tin mừng Nước
Trời cho dân chúng để đem lại ơn cứu độ
cho họ. Mối ưu tư hàng đầu của Ngài là làm
cho mọi ngườiø được nghe biết Tin mừng.
Mối ưu tư ấy đã được diễn tả trong lúc thổ
lộ tâm tình với các môn đệ :”Lúa chín thì
nhiều mà thợ gặt thì ít. Vậy các con hãy xin
chủ ruộng sai thợ gặt lúa về”(Lc 10,2).
Sau khi đã trang bị cho họ những khả
năng tinh thần tuyệt diệu, Đức Giêsu đã
sai 72 môn đệ đi loan báo Tin mừng bình
an cho mọi người. Ngài ân cần khuyên họ
đừng lo tìm an toàn nơi các phương tiện
vật chất trần gian. Họ vâng lời ra đi và đã
trở về trong hân hoan. Đức Kitô cho họ biết
họ hãy vui mừng vì tên tuổi họ đã được ghi
trên Nước Trời.
Ngày nay, Đức Giêsu vẫn muốn cho công
việc rao giảng Tin mừng ấy phải được tiếp
tục trong Hội thánh. Vậy những ai được và
phải loan báo Tin mừng ấy ? Đó là mọi Kitô
hữu. Tất cả những ai đã được chịu phép rửa
tội đều có sứ mạng nên thánh và truyền
Linh Mục Chánh Xứ: Cha John Henderson
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm: Cha Phêrô Nhật Hoàng
Linh Mục Hưu Dưỡng:
Cha Giuse Nguyễn Đức Hậu
Chủ Tịch Cộng Đoàn:
Anh Bùi Lợi
Phó Chủ Tịch Nội Vụ:
Anh Phạm Đình Hiếu
Phó Chủ Tịch Ngoại Vụ:
Anh Nguyễn Tấn Trực
Thủ Quỹ & Tài Chánh: Anh Nguyễn Văn Bình
Đại Diện Cộng Đoàn VN với GX Mỹ Anh Phạm Tuấn
Thư Ký:Chị Lê Thị Anh Thư
Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo:
Chị Nguyễn Anna Dung
Ca Đoàn Hương Chiều Anh Lương Thế Phiệt
Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể & Giới Trẻ: HT Kim Trang
Thừa Tác Viên Lời Chúa :
Chị Lê Thị Tuyết Dung
Thừa Tác Viên Thánh Thể/ Lễ Sinh: Anh Nguyễn Tín
Trường Giáo Lý & Việt Ngữ:
Thầy Phạm Quốc Hùng
giáo (Redmptoris Missio)). Như vậy, các
thợ gặt trong cánh đồng truyền giáo không
phải chỉ là các Linh mục và nam nữ tu sĩ
mà là mọi người mang danh là Kitô hữu.
Chúng ta hãy tham gia vào việc truyền giáo
bằng cách sống sâu sắc niềm tin của mình
và cố gắng trở nên muối đất và ánh sáng
cho trần gian trong mọi môi trường xã hội
mình đang sống.
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm:
503-228-4397 X 225
Ban Điều Hành:
Phụng Vụ và Mục Vụ:
503-770-0811• MV: 503-467-1385
Thánh lễ: Chúa Nhật: 1:30 chiều • Thứ Năm: 6:30 chiều
Giải tội: Truớc hoặc sau Thánh lễ Chúa Nhật và chiều Thứ Năm,
hoặc xin hẹn với quý Cha.
Rửa tội: Xin liên lạc trực tiếp với văn phòng Giáo Xứ Mỹ
Hôn phối & Xin lễ: Xin liên lạc trực tiếp với Cha Quản Nhiệm
Trường Việt Ngữ và Giáo lý • TNTT
• Việt ngữ: từ 11:15 đến 12:15 chiều CN
• Giáo lý: từ 12:30 đến 1:15 chiều CN • TNTT: 2 - 4 giờ chiều Thứ Bẩy
• Ý chung: Cầu cho các dân tộc bản địa, đang
gặp nguy cơ vì bản sắc và sự tồn vong của
mình, được đối xử tôn trọng.
• Ý truyền giáo: Cầu cho Giáo Hội tại Châu
Mỹ Latinh và vùng Caribê, bằng các phương
thế truyền giáo cho lục địa mình, biết loan báo
Tin Mừng bằng nghị lực và lòng nhiệt thành
mới mẻ.
nghèo đói.
3/7: CN 14 Thường Niên
4/7: Independence Day-Lễ Độc Lập (HK))
5/7: Thứ Ba trong Tuần 14 TN
6/7: Thứ Tư trong Tuần 14 TN
7/7: Thứ Năm trong Tuần 14 TN
8/7: Th. Bênêđictô, viện phụ-Lễ Nhớ
9/7: Thứ Bẩy trong Tuần 14 TN
10/7: CN 15 Thường Niên
Truyện : Đôi tay của Chúa.
Vào cuối thế chiến thứ hai, để thu phục thiện
cảm và tin tưởng của người dân trong làng
vừa mới đuợc giải phóng khỏi tay quân Đức
Quốc xã, toán lính thuộc lực lượng đồng
minh cố gắng lượm lại từng mảnh vỡ của bức
tượng Chúa Giêsu đã được dựng lên ở quảng
trường trước ngôi nhà thờ nhỏ, trung tâm
sinh hoạt của làng quê miền cực nam nước
Sau nhiều ngày cố gắng, toán lính đã gắn
lại được gần như toàn bức tượng của Chúa.
Nhưng chỉ có đôi tay bức tượng là không thể
nào hàn gắn lại được. Vì các mảnh vụn lớp
thì bị bể quá nhỏ, lớp thì đã bị nát thành như
Sau nhiều giờ bàn luận và gần như sắp
quyết định bỏ dở công việc, thì một người
trong toán lính có sáng kiến tìm lấy hai khúc
gỗ gắn vào nơi hai cánh tay bị bể nát của
bức tượng, rồi viết vào đó một hàng chữ bất
hủ, không những đánh động được tâm hồn
những người dân trong làng, mà còn thu hút
được nhiều khách du lịch đến vùng này để
đọc tận mắt hàng chữ đầy ý nghĩa. Các bạn
có thể đoán được hàng chữ này không ? Đó là
Lời Chúa qua các bài đọc lễ Chúa Nhật
+ Bài đọc 1 : Is 66,10-14c.
Dân Do thái vẫn tỏ ra chán nản vì Giêrusalem vẫn chưa được phục hưng như
bao người mong đợi. Tiên tri Isaia yên
ủi họ bằng cách nêu lên những niềm hy
vọng về một tương lai còn mờ mịt. Sau
những cơn đau dữ dội của việc sinh con,
người phụ nữ Sion cảm thấy vui mừng
thư thái.Đó là hình ảnh dân Do thái,
Chúa sẽ ban phúc lành cho dân, và phúc
lành quí giá nhất là bình an.
+ Bài đọc 2 : Gl 6,14-18.
Đây là đoạn cuối thư gửi cho tín hữu
Galata, thánh Phaolô nói lên trọng tâm
của Đạo thánh là mầu nhiệm thập giá
của Đức Kitô. Có những người coi thập
giá là cớ vấp phạm, có người cho là sự
điên rồ, nhưng thánh Phaolô đã khám
phá ra giá trị tuyệt với của nó : Thập giá
đã mang lại ơn cứu độ, là lẽ sống của
thánh Phaolô và là nguồn bình an và
hạnh phúc của ngài.
+ Bài Tin mừng : Lc 10,1-12.17-20.
Bài Tin mừng được chia thành hai phần :
a) Đức Giêsu sai các môn đệ đi rao giảng
Tin mừng: Đức Giêsu tuyển chọn 72 môn
đệ. Con số 72 được nhắc đến là để ám chỉ
72 nước phát xuất từ miêu duệ ông Noê
sau đại hồng thủy, hình ảnh thế giới mà
tất cả mọi người được Đức Giêsu sai đi rao
giảng Tin mừng,.
b) Khi đi truyền giáo trở vê: Sau khi đi
truyền giáo trở vê, các môn đệ vui mừng
kể lại cho Đức Giêsu nghe về những thành
công của mình, Ngài nhắc nhở các ông
rằng những thành công ấy đáng ghi nhận
, nhưng thành công lớn lao là họ được
Thiên Chúa coi họ là công dân Nước Trời.
Truyền giáo bằng sống niềm tin
Trong bí tích Rửa tội, Linh mục hỏi người
chịu phép rửa :
- Hôm nay con xin gì cùng Hội thánh ?
Người chịu phép thưa :
- Thưa, con xin đức tin.
Linh mục hỏi tiếp :
- Đức tin sinh ơn ích gì cho con ?
Người chịu phép thưa :
- Thưa, đức tin đem lại cho con sự sống
đời đời.
Như vậy, Thiên Chúa đã ban đức tin cho
người chịu phép rửa tội, và một khi đã
là một Kitô hữu thì phải có đức tin. Một
Kitô chỉ có đức tin thôi chưa đủ, còn phải
sống đức tin nữa, nghĩa là phải thể hiện
đức tin ấy trong cuộc sống hằng ngày.
Có người cho rằng sống đức tin Kitô giáo
là biết “sống tử tế” với mọi người. Sống
tử tế là sống thế nào cho xứng với danh
hiệu là “Kitô hữu”, người được mang tên
Chúa, được thuộc về Chúa.
Sống trong một dân tộc còn nhiều
người chưa biết Chúa. Sống trong một
đất nước còn nhiều khó khăn. Sống
trong một xã hội còn nhiều giả dối, gian
manh, lừa đảo, tiêu cực, thì đối với người
Kitô, tin và sống niềm tin của mình là
phải sống, phải tin thật tử tế, tức là tin
và sống tình nhân loại, sống quảng đại,
tóm lại là sống tình người với nhau. Tin
và sống như thế không phải chỉ là cách
sống dành cho các nữ tu, các linh mục mà
cũng chính là sứ mạng và ơn gọi của mỗi
Kitô hữu chúng ta
Felix Frankfurter là một quan toà nổi
tiếng của toà án tối cao của Hoa kỳ. Một
lần kia ông được đưa vào bệnh viện, ở đó
ông quen biết một y tá có tên là Lucy. Họ
có những lúc ngồi nói chuyện thân mật
và ông biết nhiều điều về Lucy.
Trước đó, chưa bao giờ ông gặp được
người nào có lòng quảng đại và nhân
hậu như chị. Và ông bắt đầu tự hỏi và suy
nghĩ, cố gắng phám phá suối nguồn của
thái độ của chị. Điều ông khám phá như
sau : Suối nguồn ấy không có gì là bí ẩn.
Nó đơn giản , chỉ là sự áp dụng thực hành
đức tin của chị.
Lucy không bao giờ biết đức tin sống
động của chị có ảnh hưởng như thế nào,
nhưng chị đã làm cho Đức Giêsu hiện diện
cụ thể trong bệnh viện này. Chị đem đến
đôi bàn tay mà Đức Giêsu cần đến. Đức
Giêsu cần những nhân chứng cho người
ta như chị Lucy đến nỗi Người có thể trở
thành Đấng an ủi như Người muốn làm.
Một quan hệ thật sự với Đức Giêsu sẽ có
một ảnh hưởng cả khi người có mối quan
hệ ấy không đề cập đến Đức Giêsu. Dĩ
nhiên, những người tin vào Đức Giêsu và
yêu mến Người, cũng sẽ, khi thuận lợi,
nói về Đức Giêsu một cách rõ ràng cởi mở