St. Brendan the Navigator
St. Brendan the Navigator
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time • October12, 2014 The Navigator El Navegante St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Cumming, GA Go… Baptize… Teach… Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen… Priesthood Sunday October 26 Priesthood Sunday is a special day set aside to honor priesthood. It is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church as a central one. How can we honor our priests? • • • • • • • Pray for our priests, and all priests serving in the Archdiocese and elsewhere Pray for the vocation programs in the Archdiocese and for more people to be open to a call to the priesthood, the permanent and religious brothers and sisters Personally thank your priest on Priesthood Sunday, or any day Send a thank you note or letter to your priest (and invite your children to do the same) Invite your priest for dinner with your family or friends Send a card or letter to a priest who used to serve at your parish Send a card or letter to a retired priest The month of October each year is dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary. This is primarily due to the fact that the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on October 7th. It was instituted to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful. Did you know that there are many different types of Rosary prayers? There are pro-life rosaries, scriptural rosaries, and many more. Check out and search on “rosary” for more info. St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Pastoral Staff 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 WWW.STBRENDANSATL .COM Church phone: 770-205-7969, fax: 770-205-5040 Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor... Rev. Fr. Juan Guerra, L.C., Parochial Vicar ........... Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar …… Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar…….... Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon ............................ Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ……………… Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon .................................. Faith Formation Staff Don Conklin, Dir. of Faith Formation ……………… Margaret Frain, Dir. of Youth Faith Formation …… Sara Martinez, Asst. Dir. of Youth Faith Formation Kate Hoffman, Administrative Support ……………. Monica Plew, Faith Formation, Spanish ……….. … Nicole Stone, Youth Minister – Edge/Life Teen .. Caitlin Mullen, Asst. Youth Minister ……………… Stacy Applegate, Youth Min. Coordinator ……… ......... ext 42 ext 12………….. ext. 43 …….… ext 40 ............... ext 33 ………… ext. 26…………. ext 13……. ext. 13 Preschool Staff Julie Lahey, Dir. of Preschool & MMO………… ext. 20 Music / Liturgy & Sacraments Staff Lynne Sterritt, Director of Music ………………….. Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Director of Liturgy… Sandy Spera, Coordinator of Sacraments ………… Luisa Rubio, Registrar .......................................... .............. ………….. .............. ................. ext 19 ext. 43 ext 27 ext 15 Administrative Staff Laurie Johnson, Business Manager....................... Kelle Russo, Parish Life Coordinator ……………… Mariana Loredo-Loya, Liturgical/Parish Life Asst…. Julie Williams, Accounts Payable Bookkeeper……. Laura Myers, Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper .... Susan Shirley, Communications Coordinator.......... ............ ext 31 …………. ext 41…………… ext 41 ............ ext 21 ............... ext 21 ............. ext 14 Mary Ann Mallon, Parish Secretary .......................... ............... ext 11 Elba Banderas, Receptionist..................................... ext 10 Mac McKinney, Coordinator of Maintenance ..................................................................... 678-467-6490 Melvin Rogers, Maintenance ........................................................................................... 404-313-2330 Alex Ayala, Maintenance ………………………………………………………….……………...… 770-500-9341 Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm Daily Mass Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español) Rosary – after weekday am Mass The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy en Español Sundays at 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration in St. Sebastian Chapel Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday 6:45 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English and en Español Please note: Mass times may vary on Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website calendar. Parish Office Hours: Oficina Parroquial: Mon – Thurs 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Emergency Contact Information Sacramental Emergencies requiring the presence of a priest: 678-224-8448 Comm un ion to th e Sick o r H ome bou nd – Parish Office: 770-205-7969 AA: Bob W. 404-308-6556 or Kathie M. 404-219-4055 Al-Anon: 404-687-0466 Good Samaritan Emergency Assistance Hotline: 770-205-2324 Baptis m Please contact Sandy Spera, ext. 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43, (Spanish). M arria ge P repa ration Arrangements are to be made at least six months before an anticipated wedding date. Fr. Juan, ext. 12. Cou ns elin g S erv ices Holy Family Counseling Center - 678-993-8494 and Catholic Charities of Atlanta - 404-920-7725. Steph en M inis try Stephen Ministers can provide one-to-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life. Ed Bell at Em ploy men t As sis ta nce is available for those who are actively in search of a job. Rick Sullivan at or 678-947-5205. St. Jo se ph Fo od Pan try Open Wednesday, 4:30 - 6:30 pm in the Barn behind the Church. Barbara Gordon -; 770-888-3258. Fa ith F or mation Catechetical instruction and preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, & Confirmation – ext. 33 (English), ext. 26 (Spanish) Retur nin g Catho lics If you are interested in returning to the Catholic Faith for any reason- contact Don Conklin at Inter ested in Beco min g Catho lic? Amy Camacho at Bau tizo s Favor de contactar al Diácono Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43. Pr epar acion M atrimo ni al Los arreglos deben hacerse al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha programada de la boda. Favor de contactar al Padre Juan, ext. 12. Se rvi cios de Con sej eria Catholic Charities of Atlanta – 404-920-7725. St. Jo se ph Fo od Pan try Miércoles de 4:30 a 6:30 p.m. en el Barn detrás de la Iglesia. Fo rm acion de F e Instrucción y Preparación Sacramental para la Primera Reconciliación, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Favor de contactar a Mónica Plew, ext. 26. Interesado en Convertirte en Católico? Favor de contactar al Diácono Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43. Comu ni ón a los E nferm os o qu e n o pue den sal ir de s us cas as – Oficina Parroquial: 770-205-7969 Meals for Priests Ministry Potluck Dinner – Oct. 30 Following 6pm Mass for the intention of Meals for Priests Ministry on Oct 30th, there will be a Pot Luck dinner for members, their families and our priests. Come enjoy dinner and meet other members. Bring a favorite food to share. Drinks provided. Door prizes. Anyone interested in serving in our ministry is invited. RSVP by Oct 20th to Mary Perott, or call 770-‐844-‐8236. Holy Land Olive Wood Sales Returns for a Second Year After all Masses next weekend, October 18th and 19th, in the Narthex. With increased unrest in the area, unemployment has risen to almost 75%. Some Christian Palestinians have responded by fleeing the Holy Land. The absence of a living Christian community in this area is very dangerous for the future of holy sites such as the Church of the Nativity and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. This sale is to help strengthen the Christian presence in the city of Bethlehem and the surrounding areas. Proceeds will go directly to the Christian artisans who create the hand carved pieces. Buying one piece will help prevent Christians from leaving the Holy Land. Blood Drive The Red Cross Blood Drive will be held this Sunday, October 12th, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Social Hall. We are sincerely grateful to those who are able to donate blood in support of patients who need blood. Walk-‐ins are welcome. Thank you! White Mass Honoring Catholic Health Care Professionals Saturday, October 18, 2014, at 8:30 am In recognition of the dedicated work of Catholic physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals, we invite all those directly involved in patient care to a White Mass celebration on Saturday, October 18, at 8:30 am. The mass is associated with St. Luke, the patron of physicians and surgeons, whose feast day is October 18. Thank you for your commitment to your faith and profession. Seniors Group Lunch Meeting The St. Brendan's Seniors will meet for lunch at Normans Landing at 11:30 am on October 16th. Located at 365 Peachtree Parkway, Cumming. Ga. New members always welcome. Please RSVP no later than Monday, Oct.13, to Marlene or Ken Ross at 678-‐807-‐7004, or e-‐mail at Please bring a non-‐perishable food item to the church for the food pantry. How can I benefit on my taxes when I donate appreciated stock to St. Brendan’s? Now is the time to consider making a special end of year donation to your favorite charitable organization or church, including St Brendan’s. Consider donating appreciated stock as your gift—this allows you to take full advantage of the donation value, while forgoing the tax on the appreciated value. For detailed information on how to accomplish this, or to get details on how this type of gift saves you tax dollars and doesn't affect your cash flow, please contact Sebby Russo at or 770 886 2390. Third Annual Ernie Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament Monday, October 27 at the Polo Fields Golf and Country Club Tournament will be a 4-‐person scramble. Registration will start at 9:00 am, there will be a balloon release ceremony at 10:30 and a shot gun start at 11:00 am. Proceeds from this tournament will benefit the American Cancer Society. For more information about how you can donate a prize, become a sponsor, or register to play, contact: Altar Server Training To be eligible to be an Altar Server, girls and boys must be in the 5th grade or older and have received their First Eucharist. Servers are required to attend 3 training sessions which will be held on Sat. 10/18 11am-‐2pm, Sat. 11/1 12noon-‐3pm and Sat. 11/8 12noon-‐3pm (alternate date will be Sat. 11/15 12noon-‐3pm). We also offer dates during the week: Mon. 10/20, Thurs. 10/23, Fri. 10/24, Mon. 10/27 and Thurs. 10/30 from 6:30pm-‐ 8:30pm. Weekday training will be limited to a maximum of 4 servers. Please contact Karen Matuza, mack-‐, 678-‐778-‐8619 OR Matthew Brech,, 404-‐457-‐2735. Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014 LIFT – Living in Faith Together For all women of the parish - Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6:30-8:30 pm in the Social Hall, join us for "LIFT OFF" of this new monthly event brought to you by Adult Faith Formation. Evening will include dinner, a speaker, and always a great opportunity to grow in faith and friendship with others. All are welcome! Suggested donation for evening: $7. Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Job Opportunity -‐ (Bilingual) Assistant Director of Music The responsibilities include but are not limited to: • Playing/directing weekend liturgies to include Adult Choir & Spanish Choir • Playing/directing holy day celebrations • Planning music for liturgical celebrations The ideal candidate should have: • Fluency in Spanish Required • Previous training/experience in church music ministry • A working knowledge of the Catholic Liturgy, the Liturgical year, and the role music plays within the liturgy • Strong piano, vocal and conducting skills • Ability to work closely and pastorally with Director of Music, Parish Staff and clergy. • Ability to motivate and increase participation among parish members. Send cover letter, resume, and references by October 30, to: Laurie Johnson, Business Manager St Brendan Catholic Church, 4633 Shiloh Road, Cumming, GA 30040 or Parenting with Power Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 6:30 8:00 pm Understanding the Child Our Pastor, Father Matthew VanSmoorenburg, will help parents learn to guide their children during the various stages of development. Father will share his deep understanding of the human person, temperaments, gender learning differences, etc. Contact: St. Brendan’s Scripture Theater These live scripture theater performances are for everyone from young to old. Enjoy the action while learning scripture. Sun. 10/26 at 8:45 am, 10:45 am and 3:15 pm Mon. 10/27 at 4:15 pm Tues. 10/28 at 4:15 pm Location: Social Hall For more information or to help with this program- Contact: Sara Martinez at October Prayer Intentions from Pope Francis: Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Is 25:6-10a/Phil 4:12-14, 19-20/Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31--5:1/Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6/Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25/Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10/Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14/Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b/Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Marriage Enrichment Series Contact: Don Conklin, 770-205-7969, ext. 40 or This marriage enrichment series is led by parishioners, Tom and Rosemary McCabe. The McCabes have prepared over 3000 couples for marriage. Rosemary is a RN at Northside Forsyth and Tom is a teacher and nationally acclaimed speaker and trainer in marriage matters. The series will take place in the Social Hall at 7:00 pm and includes: October 13: Building Happiness and Managing Your Resources October 20: Fostering Intimacy and Prayer & Sexuality Save the Date for the ALL SAINTS PARTY! Saturday, November 1st, 2014 6:00 -‐8:00 pm in Social Hall. Featuring stations of games, crafts, stories and Saint Souvenirs! Pizza will be sold by the slice and salads, beverages and desserts will be served. Come dressed as your favorite Saint! If you attend the 5:00 pm Mass in your Saint costume, you will be invited to participate in the procession and have a seat up front. Trunk or Treat Please join us for the St. Brendan's Preschool Annual Trunk or Treat on October 24th from 5:00-‐7:30 pm. Trunk or treating is a safe and unique way to trick or treat by going “trunk to trunk” in a family friendly, festive atmosphere. Families can decorate their car trunk and provide candy to the little ghosts, goblins, and princesses. They can even dress as a little “saint” in honor of All Saints Day. Reserve your spot today. Please contact Lori DeRoche at for more information. Homeschool Mass Join us every 1st Friday for a Homeschool Mass. The next Mass will be Friday, November 7. This will occur during the regularly scheduled 8:30 AM Mass. All are welcome! Bring a picnic and meet us at Fowler Park following the Mass. A few Moms meet every Friday for Mass, decade, and play at a local park. Everyone is welcome! Contact: Susanne Christopher at 610-563-9242, or Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Finally Fall and time to think about the changes in our lives. When was the last time you reviewed your will? Do you even have a will? Go to The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia’s website, then Planned Giving, click Plan Your Will. Print a PDF for your Estate Planning lawyer. If you are an adult, you need a will. If you don’t have a will, the state of Georgia has one for you and you probably will not like it. While planning please remember to include the parish building fund, capital campaign or endowment fund in your will. For more information please contact Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at Catholic Foundation, 404-497-9440 or Visit the website: Please&Remember&in&Your&Prayers Recordemos)en)Nuestras)Oraciones Mass Intentions/Intenciones para las Misas In today’s second reading, St. Paul thanks the Philippians for being willing to shre in his hardships and promises that God, in turn, will fully supply all their needs. Our God truly cannot be outdone in generosity! (en español) En la segunda lectura de hoy, Sna Pablo agradece a los Filipenses por compartir de Buena voluntad en su penuria y promote que Dios, a su vez, les proveerá de lleno en todas sus neccesidades. ¡Verdaderamente nuestro Dios no puede ser superado en generosidad! 13)Oct 8:300AM Suttton0Houck0(L) Tuesday 14)Oct 8:300AM Robert0&0Susan0Foster0(L) 6:000PM Kathy0Barrett0(L) by#Laurie#Johnson by#Ann#Grover Wednesday 15)Oct 1:000PM by#Joann#&#Bill#Hickman Loretto0&0Jim0Cheshire0(L) by#Sally#Bergmann Teresa0Bonfante0de0Martelo0(D) by#Monica#&#Paola#Freeman Conchita0Dionglay0(D) by#Tina#Cabadin's##Family Harry0Deneau0(D) by#Roberta#Gally Sharon0Myers0(L) by#Elliot#Myers'#Family Harry0Deneau0(D) by##Mr.#&#Mr.s#Philip#Arlotta Rose0&0Bill0Kelly0(L) by#Sally#Bergmann Richard0O'Connor0(D) by#Pat#O'Connor Special0Intention0(D) by#Luisa#Rubio Hollihan0Family0(L) by#The#Christopher#Family Julie0Westhoff0(D) by#Mary#&#Chuck#Perott David0&0Lucas0Holland0(L) by#Luisa#Rubio For0the0Peopla0of0Our0Parish0(L) 5:000PM Samuel0Barna0(D) 8:300AM 7:000PM Thursday 16)Oct 8:300AM 6:000PM Friday 17)Oct 8:300AM 6:000PM Saturday 18)Oct 8:300AM 5:000PM 7:000PM Sunday 19)Oct 7:300AM 9:000AM 11:000AM by#The#Barna#Family If#you#would#like#to#request#a#Mass#Intention##please#contact#Elba#Banderas# Ph.#770>205>7969#Ext.#10#during#office#hours#or#at#the#Reception#Desk Para#solicitar#intenciones#para#la#Misa#favor#comunicarse#con#Elba#Banderas Tel.##770>205>7969#Ext.#10#durante#horas#de#oficina#o#en#la#Recepción 2015%Mass%Intentions%Calendar%now%available/Disponible%el%Calendario%de%Misas para%el%año%2015 The&Sick&(Enfermos) Infant&Jacob&Cautter,&parishioner Jack&Klapka,&parishioner Richard&Gebhardt,&parishioner Viola&Urbaczewski,&mother&of&Ed&Bell Recently&Deceased&(Fallecidos) Eric&Beehan&Snyder Stewardship Thought for the Week Monday Parish Stewardship of Treasure September-2014-Offertory-Recap 7"Sep"14 14"Sep"14 21"Sep"14 28"Sep"14 $33,626.00 $27,497.00 $24,996.00 $25,743.00 2 Electronic2Giving2for2the2Month: Total: Offertory2Monthly2Budget: Overage2/2Shortage2for2the2period: Offertory2Actual2YTD: Offertory2Budget2YTD: Overage2/2Shortage2YTD: Last2Week's2Second2Collection: 2 St.$Vincent$de$Paul $ 2 $ 2 $10,582.00 $122,444.00 $128,000.00 ($5,556.00) $393,972.00 $416,000.00 ($22,028.00) Current2Month2Contributions: 2 2 2 2 2 $13,244.00 $3,969.00 Building-Fund Archbishop's-Annual-Appeal-Update-2014 Goal Outstanding2Pledges Payments2to2date 2 $131,300.00 $64,856.00 $157,389.00 2 DEVOCIÓN AL DIVINO NIÑO LEGIÓN DE MARÍA Se reúne todos los Lunes de 7:00pm a 8:30pm en el salón de conferencias detrás de la sacristía. Informes al (404) 314-2932, o en el correo electrónico: m CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Grupo de Mujeres, se reúne todos los Martes a las 7:00pm en el Centro de Aprendizaje. Esta reunión es para miembros ya iniciados. Informes al (404) 353-1802 con Miriam Torres. DEVOCION AL DIVINO NIÑO Se reúne todos los Miércoles después de la misa de 7:00pm a rezar la novena al divino Niño. Informes con Alba Mendez al (813) 7588989. UNA HORA CON EL SEÑOR Se reúne todos los Jueves de 7:30pm a 9:00pm en la Iglesia. Todos son bienvenidos. Informes al (678) 481-2680 con Héctor López. CRISTO RENUEVA SU PARROQUIA Grupo de Hombres, se reúne to-‐ dos los Viernes a las 7:30pm en el Centro de Vida Espiritual. Informes al (404) 353-1802 con Raúl Tapia. RENOVACIÓN CARISMÁTICA Grupo de Oración Jesús y María se reúne todos los Viernes de 6:45pm -8:15pm en la Capilla -para orar juntos por la iglesia y sus necesidades, y por la paz del mundo. Informes al (404) 933-5310. ¡Acompáñenos! CORONILLA DE LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA Todos los Domingos a las 12:30pm en la Iglesia. Informes con Tania Montes (404) 314-2932. NUESTRA SEÑORA DE FÁTIMA Con ocasión de la devoción a la Virgen de Fátima en todo el mundo el día 13 de cada mes de orar el Santo Rosario en comunidad, la Legión de María nos invita a una procesión rezando el Santo Rosario a las 6:30pm y finalizando con la Santa Misa a las 7:00pm. ¿Cuándo? Éste Lunes 13 de Octubre a partir de las 6:30pm en el Holly Park Trailer Community. Todos son bienvenidos a acompañarnos tal como Nuestra Santa Madre nos lo pidió ese día en Fátima: de rezar, rezar, rezar -sin cesar- el Rosario. LA VIRGEN PEREGRINA VISITA TU CASA A partir del 12 de Octubre, la Legión de Maria estará entregando la Virgen Peregrina a la familia que esté en lista, cada Domingo antes de la bendición final. Esta familia traerá la Virgen el siguiente Domingo antes de que empiece la misa, para ser expuesta al pié del altar. El objetivo principal es promover el rezo del Santo Rosario con la familia. A todos los interesados, por favor acuda con Toni Domínguez para escribir su nombre en la lista de espera. Fiesta de Todos los Santos Sábado 1º de Noviembre de 6pm a 8pm en el Salón Social. Tendremos juegos, artes manuales, historietas, comida para vender y ¡recuerditos de Santos! Venga vestido de su Santo favorito. ¡No falte! Oficialmente se ha iniciado la Devoción al Divino Niño en San Brendan, el Divino Niño que vino a ayudar los pobres y enfermos de Bogotá, Colombia, por medio del sacerdote Salesiano Padre John Rizzo. El alimentó a los pobres, vistió los desnudos y dió medicinas a los enfermos. El mismo Divino Niño que le habló a la Madre Angélica y le dijo: “Constrúyeme un templo y Yo ayu-‐ daré a quienes te ayuden.” Ese templo es hoy en día el Santuario of the Most Blessed Sacrament (El Santuario del Santísimo Sacramento) en Hanceville, Alabama. Ven y oremos juntos la novena al Divino Niño los Miércoles después de la misa en Español de las 7:00p.m. Trunk or Treat ¡Reserve la Fecha! El Preescolar de San Brendan le invita a su “Trunk or Treat” el viernes 24 de Octubre de 5:00pm a 7:30pm. Esta es una forma segura de llevar a los niños a divertirse en un ambiente amigable y festivo. Los niños pueden vestir sus disfraces, o personificar a su Santo favorito. MISA BLANCA PARA HONRAR A LOS PROFESIONALES MEDICOS Esta Misa es un reconocimiento a la dedicación de todos doctores, enfermeras y servidores profesionales de salud. San Brendan les invita a la Misa Blanca el Sábado 18 de Octubre a las 8:30am. Esta Misa está asociada con San Lucas, patrón de los dedicados a la profesión de medicina en general y cuya festividad patronal es el 18 de Octubre. Gracias por su compromiso a su fe y profesión.
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