St. Brendan the Navigator
St. Brendan the Navigator
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time • October 26, 2014 The Navigator El Navegante St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Cumming, GA Go… Baptize… Teach… Vayan… Bauticen… Enseñen… Priesthood Sunday This Weekend Gracious and loving God, we thank you for the gift of our priests. • • • • • All Souls Day Novena envelopes are available in the Narthex for inclusion of your deceased loved ones in the All Souls Novena of Masses. All Saints Day is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year. We will celebrate it during the Friday, October 31, 6:00 pm Mass and the Saturday, Nov. 1, 8:30am Mass. Relics of St. Pius X, St. Francis Cabrini and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton will be carried in the opening procession of the Mass and placed before the altar for veneration of the faithful. Saturday, Nov. 1st, 5:00 and 7:00 pm Masses will be the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls day) as well as all Sunday, Nov. 2nd, Masses. Café 107 – Next Sunday in the Social Hall – Please make plans to join us for brunch. Special Life Teen Mass this Sunday at 7:00 pm – All are welcome. Through them, we experience your presence in the sacraments. Help our priests to be strong in their vocation. Set their souls on fire with love for your people. Grant them the wisdom, understanding, and strength they need to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Inspire them with the vision of your Kingdom. Give them the words they need to spread the Gospel. Allow them to experience joy in their ministry. Help them to become instruments of your divine race. We ask this through Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns as our Eternal Priest. Amen Ordination Dates and Upcoming Special Anniversaries Fr. Matthew 11/25/1994 20th Anniversary Fr. Jason 11/25/2004 10th Anniversary Fr. Juan 1/3/1991 Fr. Patrick 1/3/1991 Please join us on this special day, Priesthood Sunday, in praying for our priests and in praising God for their courage and their generosity. St. Brendan the Navigator Catholic Church Pastoral Staff 4633 Shiloh Road Cumming, GA 30040 WWW.STBRENDANSATL .COM Church phone: 770-205-7969, fax: 770-205-5040 Rev. Fr. Matthew VanSmoorenburg, L.C., Pastor... Rev. Fr. Juan Guerra, L.C., Parochial Vicar ........... Rev. Fr. Patrick Langan, L.C., Parochial Vicar …… Rev. Fr. Jason Brooks, L.C, Parochial Vicar…….... Rev. Mr. Roger Fraser, Deacon ............................ Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Deacon ……………… Rev. Mr. Ed Rubio, Deacon .................................. Faith Formation Staff Don Conklin, Dir. of Faith Formation ……………… Margaret Frain, Dir. of Youth Faith Formation …… Sara Martinez, Asst. Dir. of Youth Faith Formation Kate Hoffman, Administrative Support ……………. Monica Plew, Faith Formation, Spanish ……….. … Nicole Stone, Youth Minister – Edge/Life Teen .. Caitlin Mullen, Asst. Youth Minister ……………… Stacy Applegate, Youth Min. Coordinator ……… ......... ext. 42 ext. 12………….. ext. 43 …….… ext. 40 ............... ext. 33 ………… ext. 26…………. ext. 13……. ext. 13 Preschool Staff Julie Lahey, Dir. of Preschool & MMO………… ext. 20 Music / Liturgy & Sacraments Staff Lynne Sterritt, Director of Music ………………….. Rev. Mr. Luis Carlos Lorza, Director of Liturgy… Sandy Spera, Coordinator of Sacraments ………… Luisa Rubio, Registrar .......................................... .............. ………….. .............. ................. ext. 19 ext. 43 ext. 27 ext. 15 Administrative Staff Laurie Johnson, Business Manager....................... Kelle Russo, Parish Life Coordinator ……………… Mariana Loredo-Loya, Liturgical/Parish Life Asst…. Julie Williams, Accounts Payable Bookkeeper……. Laura Myers, Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper .... Susan Shirley, Communications Coordinator.......... ............ ext. 31 …………. ext. 41…………… ext. 41 ............ ext. 21 ............... ext. 21 ............. ext. 14 Mary Ann Mallon, Parish Secretary .......................... ............... ext. 11 Elba Banderas, Receptionist..................................... ext. 10 Mac McKinney, Coordinator of Maintenance ..................................................................... 678-467-6490 Melvin Rogers, Maintenance ........................................................................................... 404-313-2330 Alex Ayala, Maintenance ………………………………………………………….……………...… 770-500-9341 Mass Schedule Horario de Misas Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm (en Español) Sunday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 1:00 pm (en Español), 5:00 pm Daily Mass Monday – Saturday: 8:30 am Tuesday, Thurs. & Fri.: 6:00 pm Wednesday: 7:00 pm (en Español) Rosary – after weekday am Mass The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy en Español Sundays at 12:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration in St. Sebastian Chapel Tuesday - 6:30 pm – Wednesday 6:45 pm Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00 a.m. until last person served and 3:30 - 4:45 pm Tuesday: 4:30 - 5:45 pm Wednesday: 5:30 - 6:45 pm English and en Español Please note: Mass times may vary on Holy Days. Check the Mass Intentions in this bulletin or the website calendar. Parish Office Hours: Oficina Parroquial: Mon – Thurs 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Fri 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Emergency Contact Information Sacramental Emergencies requiring the presence of a priest: 678-224-8448 Comm un ion to th e Sick o r H ome bou nd – Parish Office: 770-205-7969 AA: Bob W. 404-308-6556 or Kathie M. 404-219-4055 Al-Anon: 404-687-0466 Good Samaritan Emergency Assistance Hotline: 770-205-2324 Baptis m Please contact Sandy Spera, ext. 27 (English), Deacon Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43, (Spanish). M arria ge P repa ration Arrangements are to be made at least six months before an anticipated wedding date. Fr. Juan, ext. 12. Cou ns elin g S erv ices Holy Family Counseling Center - 678-993-8494 and Catholic Charities of Atlanta - 404-920-7725. Steph en M inis try Stephen Ministers can provide one-to-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in life. Ed Bell at Em ploy men t As sis ta nce is available for those who are actively in search of a job. Rick Sullivan at or 678-947-5205. St. Jo se ph Fo od Pan try Open Wednesday, 4:30 - 6:30 pm in the Barn behind the Church. Barbara Gordon -; 770-888-3258. Fa ith F or mation Catechetical instruction and preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, & Confirmation – ext. 33 (English), ext. 26 (Spanish) Retur nin g Catho lics If you are interested in returning to the Catholic Faith for any reason- contact Don Conklin at Inter ested in Beco min g Catho lic? Amy Camacho at Bau tizo s Favor de contactar al Diácono Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43. Pr epar acion M atrimo ni al Los arreglos deben hacerse al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha programada de la boda. Favor de contactar al Padre Juan, ext. 12. Se rvi cios de Con sej eria Catholic Charities of Atlanta – 404-920-7725. St. Jo se ph Fo od Pan try Miércoles de 4:30 a 6:30 p.m. en el Barn detrás de la Iglesia. Fo rm acion de F e Instrucción y Preparación Sacramental para la Primera Reconciliación, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Favor de contactar a Mónica Plew, ext. 26. Interesado en Convertirte en Católico? Favor de contactar al Diácono Luis Carlos Lorza, ext. 43. Comu ni ón a los E nferm os o qu e n o pue den sal ir de s us cas as – Oficina Parroquial: 770-205-7969 Town Hall Meetings Well Attended! Here’s what you may have missed………… Twice in September, Father Matthew hosted open town hall meetings to discuss the financial state of the parish, provide additional insight into our Parish Strategic Plan and to unveil the building and facility needs that are proposed to be completed in 4 phases over the next few years. Parishioners who attended were delighted to learn that the parish is debt free, has over $600,000 in our Building Fund, has a positive cash flow and is managing expenses within our budget. We have over 3400 parish families, with over 6000 children under the age of 18. More than 75% of our parish are in the demographic of married with children at home. Father Matthew’s facility vision spoke of new and larger gathering spaces for parish functions, a youth gathering center—“the indestructible room”, a new chapel for small funerals and weddings, as well as a covered portico that allows for drive-‐ through drop-‐off and pick-‐up during inclement weather. This would be followed by an expanded Sanctuary and improved interior of the church. The response to Father’s vision was overwhelmingly positive. He was peppered with questions like “When do we start?” and “What are we waiting for?” All that is required now is the assembly of a building/facility committee and an architect who will help flush out the ideas. We will work directly with the Archdiocese on building planning and design as well as construction. Once we have some basic project/financial data for the first phase, we can launch our official Capital Campaign. Father Matthew wants to remain debt free through all phases of the construction, so it will be important to plan and manage our resources carefully through the various phases. Printed copies of the parish financials are included in this week’s bulletin for your review. If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Johnson, Business Manager at or Greg Santini, Finance council head at Las reuniones del Reporte Pastoral y Consejo Financiero fueron bien atendidas Si usted no pudo participar, este es un resumen de lo que se habló… En dos diferentes oportunidades, en el mes de Septiembre, el Padre Matthew organizó reuniones abiertas para discutir el estado financiero de la parroquia, proporcionó también información adicional sobre el Plan Estratégico y dió a conocer las necesidades de un nuevo edificio, que se ha propuesto sea completado en 4 fases en los próximos años. Los feligreses que asistieron estuvieron encantados de saber que la parroquia está libre de deudas, tiene más de $600,000.00 dólares en el Fondo de Construcción, tiene un flujo de dinero en caja positivo y está manejando los gastos dentro de nuestro presupuesto. Contamos con más de 3,400 familias en la parroquia, con más de 6,000 niños menores de 18 años. Más del 75% de nuestra parroquia son familias casadas con hijos en el hogar, según los datos demográficos del registro parroquial. La visión del Padre Matthew sobre la expansión del edificio, es poder contar con espacios más grandes para poder albergar las distintas funciones parroquiales, un centro de jóvenes -‐"un espacio indestructible", una nueva capilla para grupos pequeños de funerales y bodas, así como un pórtico que permita el acceso de personas durante las inclemencias del tiempo. Esto sería seguido por la expansión del santuario y la mejora del interior de la iglesia. La respuesta a la visión del Padre Matthew fue abrumadoramente positiva. Con preguntas de los participantes de "¿Cuándo empezamos?" y "¿Qué es lo que estamos esperando?" Lo que se necesita ahora es ensamblar un comité para la construcción del edificio y un arquitecto que ayuden a canalizar las ideas. Vamos a trabajar directamente con la Arquidiócesis en la planeación, diseño, así como en la construcción. Una vez que tengamos el proyecto básico y los datos financieros para la primera fase, podremos lanzar nuestra Campaña Capital oficialmente. Padre Matthew quiere que continuemos libres de deuda a través de todas las fases de la construcción, por lo que será importante el planificar y administrar nuestros recursos cuidadosamente a través de las distintas fases. El estado financiero de la Parroquia se encuentra incluido en este boletín para su revisión. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame a Laurie Johnson, Gerente Administrativo o con Greg Santini, Jefe del Consejo de Finanzas de San Brendan Photographs by Larry Peterson. Variance 46,665 60,216 24,933 5,066 1,973 544 17,123 BALANCE SHEET June 30, 2014 ASSETS CASH'&'INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTS'RECEIVABLE FIXED'ASSETS OTHER'ASSETS TOTAL'ASSETS LIABILITIES'&'EQUITY LIABILITIES EXCHANGE'ACCOUNTS EQUITY TOTAL'LIABILITY'&'EQUITY Subtotal'OTHER'ASSETS Prepaid Expenses Subtotal';'FIXED'ASSETS Building Furnishings & Equipment 48,158 15,859 78,916 67,727 117,754 280,256 7,759,909 6,244 6,244 6,605,521 6,133,338 472,184 1,143 700 443 1,147,001 373,688 39,774 536,542 59,852 100,650 36,495 61,953 61,953 245 26,392 74,180 47,278 218,371 366,466 7,333,346 11,496 8,657 6,604,423 6,133,338 472,183 3,550 700 2,850 713,877 231,302 21,140 385,792 58,399 17,243 June 2013 Subtotal'LIABILITIES 48,158 6,904,927 6,904,927 June 2014 Exchange Accounts 7,431,495 7,431,495 7,333,346 Subtotal'EQUITY Equity Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Special Withholdings, Pre-Tax Deferred Revenue Long Term Liabilities Other Liabilities Restricted Donations - Haiti Outreach Subtotal'ACCOUNTS'RECEIVABLE Petty Cash Employee Advances Accounts Receivable Subtotal'CASH'&'INVESTMENTS Subtotal'EXCHANGE'ACCOUNTS 7,759,909 Checking Account - Operating Checking Account - Local Charities Savings - D&L 144 Building Fund Savings - D&L 147 Local Charities Savings - D&L 1081 General Endowments St. Brendan Catholic Church June 2014 Financial Statement 156,520 INCOME & EXPENSES July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014 Budget 1,664,000 65,600 400,234 168,250 11,100 7,600 87,344 (60,922) 7,055 2,404,128 954,897 92,760 (34,991) (108) (897) (48,203) (2,738) Actual 1,710,665 125,816 425,167 173,316 13,073 8,144 104,467 893,975 99,815 232,667 141,170 88,723 168,542 8,418 0 0 (4,150) 2,560,648 Operating Expenditures: Parish Salaries Contract/Professional Services 197,676 141,062 87,826 120,339 5,680 226,780 171,088 4,150 960 (4,500) (5,480) (15,916) (11,000) (4,012) (7,892) (1,481) (194,274) Operating Income: Offertory Main Building Fund Preschool Faith Formation Income - Tuition Interest Income Georgia Bulletin Other Parish Income Priest & Lay Benefits Supplies, Books, Postage, & Printing Utilities Repair & Maintenance/Maintenance Contracts T&E, Auto, Meetings, Conventions, & Seminars 226,780 171,088 28,715 14,500 15,000 17,000 11,000 5,070 11,500 34,638 2,226,618 350,794 Total Operating Income Archdiocesan Assessment Other Interest Expense School Subsidy Retreats 29,675 10,000 9,520 1,084 1,058 3,608 33,157 2,032,344 177,510 Insurance - Property & Liability Food & Table Georgia Bulletin Subscription Fees Leases & Rentals Capital Improvements Continuing Education Replacement of Furniture & Equipment Other Parish Expenses Total Operating Expenditures 528,304 Net Cash Income / (Loss) St. Brendan’s 2014 Christmas Giving Tree We Honor Mary, a Model of Faith and Action What is it? The Giving Tree program at St. Brendan’s supports families who are experiencing temporary financial difficulties. Through this program our parish works to ensure that each child will be able to enjoy the simple fun of Christmas AND be invited to participate in our Advent and Christmas liturgies and parish life events. The program is designed to fulfill Christmas wishes of children, provide needed household items for families, and senior citizens in our parish community. This year the Giving Tree program will also support a toy for each of the 1st Communion children at St. John parish in Hapeville, GA, which is a mission parish that Fr. Juan has supported for several years. How it works: The Giving Tree program trees will go up in the Narthex of the church during the middle of November. The trees will be filled with these Christmas wishes. Each ornament/card on the tree will specify the wish and the maximum amount to spend. No gift should exceed $40 and there are ornaments that should not exceed $15. We ask that you provide ONLY the wish that is printed on the card, which helps balance the number of gifts for family members when they are opened at Christmas. We invite all families to prayerfully consider participating in the program by taking an ornament (wish) from the tree and helping serve someone else this Christmas season. Registrations: Registrations are underway to any family that is experiencing financial difficulties. Please see the flyer in the Narthex for complete details. Volunteers Needed: Help is needed to distribute ornaments, collect the gifts, wrap gifts, sort and organize, and also for the distribution of the gifts. Go to to sign up. For additional questions contact Kelle Russo at; 770-722-9181 and Spanish inquiries can be directed to Elba Banderas at; 770-205-7969 Ext. 10. San Brendan - El Árbol de la Generosidad Navidad 2014 En honor a Maria, modelo de Fe y Acción Qué es ? El Programa Árbol de la Generosidad de San Brendan apoya a las familillas que están experimentando dificultades financieras. A través de éste programa nuestra parroquia trabaja para garantizar que cada niño pueda disfrutar de la belleza y sencillez de la Navidad al igual que ser invitado a participar de nuestros eventos parroquiales durante Adviento y Navidad. El programa está diseñado para satisfacer los deseos navideños de los niños, los artículos del hogar que necesitan las familias y las personas mayores en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Este año el programa Árbol de la Generosidad también apoyará con un juguete para cada uno de los niños de Primera Comunión en la parroquia San Juan en Hapeville, GA, misión que el Padre Juan ha apoyado durante varios años Cómo funciona: Los árboles del programa Árbol de la Generosidad estarán en el vestíbulo de la iglesia durante la mitad del mes de noviembre. Los árboles se llenarán de estos deseos de Navidad. Cada ornamento / tarjeta en el árbol especificará el deseo y la cantidad máxima a gastar. Los regalos no deben exceder de $ 40 y hay adornos que no deben exceder de $ 15. Le pedimos que SOLAMENTE proporcionen el deseo que se encuentre impreso en la tarjeta, lo que ayuda a equilibrar el número de regalos para los miembros de la familia cuando los abran en Navidad. Invitamos a todas las familias a considerar en oración su participación en el programa mediante la adopción de un adorno (deseo) del árbol y ayudar a servir a alguien más en esta temporada de Navidad. Inscripciones: Las inscripciones están en marcha para cualquier familia que este experimentando dificultades financieras. Por favor, consulte el folleto en el vestíbulo para más detalles. Se necesitan voluntarios: Se necesita ayuda para distribuir adornos, recoger, envolver, ordenar, organizar, y distribuir los regalos. Ir a para inscribirse. Para información contactar a Kelle Russo en; 770-722-9181. Para preguntas en Español puede dirigirse a Elba Bandera en; 770205-7969 Ext. 10. LifeTeen Fall Retreat Knights of Columbus Annual Polish Dinner St. Brendan's LifeTeen Fall Retreat, Spoken, will be held November 14-‐16 at the Georgia FFA-‐FCCLA Center. The cost per teen attendee is $150. The cost per teen leader is $75. Contact the Youth Ministry office for more information and permission slips. There are only 50 spots available, so sign up today! The Knights of Columbus of St Brendan's Catholic Church will host the annual Polish Dinner in the Church Social Hall on Saturday, Nov 8, 2014. The doors will open at 6PM; the dinner starts at 7PM. Come and taste the culinary delights of Poland featuring pierogi, kielbasa and golumki. Raffle tickets will be sold at the door for a beautiful assortment of gifts. Soft drinks, beer and wine will be sold by the Knights of Columbus. The $25 tickets will go fast so purchase yours now. For tickets call either Charles Hendricks 770-‐887-‐5656, Frank Janik 770-‐884-‐0849, Tom Carriere 770-‐475-‐9110 or Mike Underwood 770-‐442-‐1266. Keeping Kids Safe and the Campus Clean LifeTeen on Sunday Oct 26th is Neon Night. Come decked out in your neon colors. LifeTeen will meet in the St. Brendan’s Social Hall at 6:00 pm, starting with dinner and closing with the teen Mass at 7:30 pm. All are welcome to attend the Mass. Veteran’s Day Procession The Knights of Columbus and our Priests would like to honor all Veterans and all Active Duty Personal at all Masses the weekend of November 8 &9. We invite all Veterans and Active Duty Personal to wait in the Narthex prior to Mass and process into Mass. They will be led by the 4th Degree Knights as a special recognition for their service to our country. Senior Saints Luncheon Calling all those over 55! We warmly invite you to join with us for our monthly lunch in the Social Hall on Friday, November 7, at 11:30am. We will have the “Lads of Lanier” quartet, made up of talented seniors themselves, here for some great musical entertainment. Menu will include a hot home-‐cooked meal, dessert and drinks. Cost will be $8/person. For those interested, we will play a little Bingo and/or Sequence after lunch; so make plans to stay and visit. Please RSVP to Tom and Judy Dorn at or 404-‐ 431-‐8550. Now that school is back in session and the classrooms at St. Brendan's are being used regularly for Preschool and Faith Formation classes, it is very important that we keep the campus safe and clean for our students. Parents, please make sure your kids are not running loose on campus, nor playing unsupervised in areas that are meant for study. We've had several incidents of broken items and marked up classrooms caused by unsupervised children in off hours. Please keep careful watch over your children at all times. Café 107 (monthly parish brunch) will once again open the doors on Sunday, November 2nd. Please make plans to join your parish family for some great fellowship and home cooking anytime from 8am – 3pm. The extensive menu includes items such as fresh hotcakes and French toast (all you can eat), hash browns, sausage, biscuits & gravy, BBQ sandwiches, corn-‐on-‐the-‐cob, drinks and desserts. Cost: age 6 and up is $7/person with family plan of $30; age 5 and under and over 99: FREE! St. Joseph’s Food Pantry Contact: Barbara Gordon On December 17th. St Brendan’s will host the 6th Annual Christmas Food Market. This wonderful event brings Christmas joy to many families in need. This year, we plan to serve 300 families offering a selection of food for their holiday meal. In addition, there will be children’s stockings, chucked full of goodies, a household gift for each family, personal care items, wooden peg angels and much more. It is truly a fun filled and very gratifying event. To successfully present this huge event requires at least 80 volunteers. In lieu of a Thanksgiving Parish Food Drive, we would like to ask that our parishioners donate a needed item each week. Watch for the “Item for the Week” in the bulletin every week in November. On November 1st and 2nd, we ask that you bring evaporated milk. Donations may be left, when you attend mass and placed in the bin located in the Narthex or at the barn. Thank you for always supporting the food pantry and helping to provide food assistance to people in need. LIFT – Living in Faith Together For all women of the parish -‐ Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6:30-‐8:30 pm in the Social Hall. Join us for "LIFT OFF" of this new monthly event brought to you by Adult Faith Formation. Evening will include dinner, a speaker, and always a great opportunity to grow in faith and friendship with others. All are welcome! Suggested donation for evening: $7. St. Brendan’s Theater Scripture These live scripture theater performances are for everyone from young to old. Enjoy the action while learning scripture. Sun. 10/26 at 8:45 am, 10:45 am and 3:15 pm Mon. 10/27 at 4:15 pm Tues. 10/28 at 4:15 pm Location: Social Hall Extra Halloween Candy? We will be collecting extra Halloween candy, which will be stuffed into goodie bags and distributed to the homeless in downtown Atlanta. A collection tub will be located in the Narthex of the church. Thank you for your support! Readings for the Week of October 26, 2014 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40 Eph 4:32--5:8/Lk 13:10-17 Eph 2:19-22/Lk 6:12-16 Eph 6:1-9/Lk 13:22-30 Eph 6:10-20/Lk 13:31-35 Phil 1:1-11/Lk 14:1-6 Rv 7:2-4, 9-14/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12a Wis 3:1-9/Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 6:3-9/Jn 6:37-40 Save the Date for the All Saints Party! Saturday, November 1st, 2014, 6:00 -‐8:00 pm in Social Hall. Featuring stations of games, crafts, stories and saint souvenirs! Pizza will be sold by the slice and salads, beverages and desserts will be served. Come dressed as your favorite saint! If you attend the 5:00 pm Mass in your saint costume, you will be invited to participate in the procession and have a seat up front. Queen of Angels Catholic School is hosting an Admissions Coffee for prospective parents at 9:30 am on Wednesday, November 19th. The morning will include a presentation by the Principal, Admissions Questions and Answers and school tours. Please contact Jeannine Ferrara, Assistant Principal, at to RSVP for this event. More admissions information can be found at Holy Redeemer Catholic School will host its annual Open House on Sunday, November 9th from 2:00 to 4:00pm. The Principal’s Presentation will be at 2:15pm. Application packets for Grades K-‐8 will be available at that time. Please visit our website at Pinecrest Academy, a private, PreK–12, College-‐Prep Catholic School, invites you to an Open House on Sunday, November 9, 2014, 1pm-‐3pm. Pinecrest Academy is a 2014 National Blue Ribbon School and has been recognized by the Catholic School Honor Roll as a School of Excellence for eight consecutive years. Pinecrest is located at 955 Peachtree Parkway in Cumming. For more information, please visit or call (770) 888-‐4477. Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Update St. Brendan’s has given the Archbishop’s Appeal $131,300 to assist in the various ministries of the Archdiocese: The Vocations Office, The Office of Formation and Discipleship, and Catholic Charities, to name a few. The even better news is that any money sent to the Annual Appeal from now until the end of the year will return to St. Brendan but is not counted as offertory revenue on which our subsidies to the Archdiocese are based. In effect, any dollar sent now the Annual Appeal will return to St. Brendan but will be worth about $1.30. Last year we received back from the Annual Appeal almost $30,000 thanks to your generous support. Thank you for your generous hearts and for supporting the mission of St. Brendan, the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the Catholic Church in North Georgia. To complete your pledge or to begin participating fill out one of the AAA envelopes in the Narthex and mail it to: Archbishop’s Annual Appeal, PO Box 6065, Albert Lea, MN 56007-‐6665; or give electronically to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal just go to Homeschool Mass Mass Intentions/Intenciones para las Misas Join us every 1st Friday for a Homeschool Mass. The next Mass will be Friday, November 7. This will occur during the regularly scheduled 8:30 AM Mass. All are welcome! Bring a picnic and meet us at Fowler Park following the Mass. A few Moms meet every Friday for Mass, decade, and play at a local park. Everyone is welcome! Contact: Susanne Christopher at 610-563-9242, or Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Create your own endowment: If you have a ministry within the parish that means a lot to you or you want to create a ministry in the parish you can create an endowment at The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia to fund the ministry with as little as $5,000. You or you and others can add to it during your lifetime and you could include that endowment fund in your will or other estate plans to provide funds for the ministry for the future. Once the fund reaches $25,000 the foundation will distribute a percentage to the parish each year. Please contact: Diane Duquette, Director of Gift Planning at the Catholic Foundation, 404-497-9440 or Visit to learn more. 27)Oct 8:301AM Tuesday 28)Oct 8:301AM Wednesday 29)Oct Thursday 30)Oct 8:301AM 6:001PM Friday 31)Oct 8:301AM 6:001PM Saturday 1)Nov 8:301AM 5:001PM 7:001PM Sunday 2)Nov 7:301AM 9:001AM Judith1&1Harvey1Kaplan1(L) by#Mary#&#John#Castelli Williard1Fisher1(D) by#Virgie#Whited John1Castelli,1III1(L) #by#Mary#&#John#Castelli Williard1Fisher1(D) by#Virgie#Whited Benito1Pantoja1(D) by#Victoria#Pantoja Stefan1Styk1(L) by#Parishioner Our1Volunteers1helping1with1the Meals1for1the1Priests1Ministry1(L) by#St.#Brendan's#Clergy#and#Staff Joe1Sciota1(D) by#Virgie#Whited Gail1Sciota1(L) by#Virgie#Whited Miguel1Rueda1(D) by#Flor#Rueda Veronica1Rapilo1(D) by#Marlene#Torres Augusto1Ruiz1(D) by#Monica#Plew All1Souls1Day1Novena1 11:001AM The1Auricchio1&1Basso1Families1(D) by#The#Basso#Family For1the1People1of1Our1Parish1(L) 1:001PM María1Dolores1León1(D) 5:001PM Hilda1Caicedo1(D) by#Sara#Hernández by#The#Caicedo#Family If#you#would#like#to#request#a#Mass#Intention##please#contact#Elba#Banderas# Ph.#770>205>7969#Ext.#10#during#office#hours#or#at#the#Reception#Desk Para#solicitar#intenciones#para#la#Misa#favor#comunicarse#con#Elba#Banderas Tel.##770>205>7969#Ext.#10#durante#horas#de#oficina#o#en#la#Recepción 2015%Mass%Intentions%Calendar%now%available/Disponible%el%Calendario%de%Misas para%el%año%2015 Parish Stewardship of Treasure October-2014-Offertory-Recap 5"Oct"14 12"Oct"14 19"Oct"14 1 26"Oct"14 1 8:301AM 7:001PM The&Sick&(Enfermos) Infant&Jacob&Cautter,&parishioner Jack&Klapka,&parishioner Richard&Gebhardt,&parishioner John&Crawford,&parishioner Recently&Deceased&(Fallecidos) Viola&Urbaczewski,&mother&of&Ed&Bell Javier&Patiño,&parishioner Monday 6:001PM Please&Remember&in&Your&Prayers Recordemos)en)Nuestras)Oraciones Stewardship Thought for the Week We fulfill the commandment to love our neighbor when we exercise good stewardship – joyfully sharing our gifts of life, abilities, and resources to meet our neighbor’s need. See Matthew 23:11 (en español) Cumplimos con el mandamiento de amar a nuestro prójimo cuando ejercitamos una Buena Administación – compartiendo alegremente nuestros regalos de la vida, las habilidades y los recursos para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestro prójimo. $28,406.00 $27,795.00 1 Electronic1Giving1for1the1Month: Total: Offertory1Monthly1Budget: Overage1/1Shortage1for1the1period: Offertory1Actual1YTD: Offertory1Budget1YTD: Overage1/1Shortage1YTD: Last1Week's1Second1Collection: Good$Samaritan$ $ $ 1 $56,201.00 $64,000.00 ($7,799.00) $450,173.00 $480,000.00 ($29,827.00) 1 $4,135.00 1 1 Building-Fund Current1Month1Contributions: 1 1 1 1 1 $652.00 Archbishop's-Annual-Appeal-Update-2014 Goal Outstanding1Pledges Payments1to1date 1 $131,300.00 $62,242.00 $160,362.00 1 CELEBRACION DE TODOS LOS SANTOS Y FIELES DIFUNTOS ADORACIÓN NOCTURNA MENSUAL ¡Acompáñenos a nuestro Café 107! Domingo 2 de Noviembre 8:00am a las 3:00pm Costo $7 por persona Plan Familiar $30 Acompáñenos el 1º de Noviembre a nuestra Adoración Nocturna mensual, a partir de las 9:00pm. Una hora, dos horas… el tiempo que usted desee acompañar al Santísimo Sacramento. Informes con Alberto Robles (404) 396-2187. ALMUERZO DE SENIORS SAINTS A todas las personas mayores de 55 años se les invita al próximo almuerzo el 7 de Noviembre a las 11:30am en el Salón Social. Costo del almuerzo es de $8. Planee quedarse un rato y jugar Bingo. Tendremos la presencia del Cuarteto “Lads of Lanier”. Reservaciones al (404) 431-8550 con Tom y Judy Dorn. DESPENSA DE SAN JOSÉ Los Caballeros de Colón y el Clero de San Brendan le invitan a honrar a nuestros Veteranos en todas las Misas del fin de semana del 8 y 9 de Noviembre. Todos los Veteranos activos o retirados procesaran a la entrada de la Misa, en honor a su servicio a nuestro país. Aún cuando la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos no es día de precepto este año, celebraremos el Viernes 31 de Octubre con una misa de Vigilia a las 6:00pm y durante la Misa de las 8:30am del Sábado 1º de Noviembre. Las reliquias de los Santos: San Pius X, San Francis Cabrini y San Elizabeth Ann Seton serán llevadas en la procesión de entrada de la Misa y puestas sobre la mesa del altar para la veneración de los fieles. La Conmemoración de Los Fieles Difuntos se llevara a cabo durante las misas del Sábado 1º de Noviembre a las 5:00pm y 7:00pm, así como en las Misas del Domingo 2 de Noviembre. Fiesta de Todos los Santos Sábado 1º de Noviembre de 6pm a 8pm en el Salón Social. Tendremos juegos, artes manuales, historietas, comida para vender y ¡recuerditos de Santos! Venga vestido de su Santo favorito. La despensa de San José necesita de los siguientes artículos para el Mercado de Navidad. Sus donaciones en las próximas semanas son cruciales para el éxito del programa de Navidad, por favor seamos generosos. Leche evaporada, fruta enlatada, leche en polvo, aceite de cocinar, arroz, mac & cheese. Una vez más el Árbol de la Generosidad estará disponible para todas aquellas familias en necesidad de ayuda. Miembros registrados de San Brendan que comprueben su participación activa en la comunidad parroquial podrán recibir la ayuda. Por favor consulte el volante informativo sobre como calificar así como la ayuda que se proporcionara este año. DONACIONES DE DULCES Para más información llame a la oficina de Vida Parroquial. Las siguientes son las fechas y horarios de registros: La oficina de Vida Parroquial de San Brendan estará colectando dulces de Halloween para ensamblar bolsitas de dulces para las personas sin hogar en la ciudad de Atlanta. Por favor deje sus donaciones de dulces en la canasta indicada a la entrada de la Iglesia. Gracias. ARBOL DE LA GENEROSIDAD 2014 Fecha Domingo, 26 Octubre Horario 10AM-12PM Lugar Centro de Aprendizaje Idioma Ingles Domingo, 26 Octubre 2PM hasta la ultima persona en la línea Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía Oficina Parroquial Bilingüe Domingo, 2 Noviembre 2PM hasta la ultima persona en la línea Salón de Conferencias/Sacristía Oficina Parroquial Bilingüe
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