Please Pray For - New Page 3


Please Pray For - New Page 3
September 26, 2010—Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Views from the Pastor—Msgr. Larry Pichard
Visiones del Párroco—Mons. Larry Pichard
Next weekend we are celebrating our parish feast
day, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Although his real feast
day is October 4, I have asked Bishop Farrell for permission
to transfer the feast day to the weekend of October 2-3.
The Church has a system for ranking feast days, with days
like Easter, Christmas, Feasts of the Lord at the very top. But
right next to those comes the feast day of the patron saint of
the parish, and that can even trump a “Sunday in Ordinary
Time.” So, next Saturday and Sunday we will be celebrating
at all Masses the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi! We will be
honored to have Bishop Farrell celebrate the 10:00 Mass
next Sunday.
This Sunday evening after the 6:00 Youth-oriented
Mass, we are doing something we have never done before—
a Stewardship evening for our youth. When you think of
stewardship, you might think of money; but we see stewardship as encompassing time, talent and treasure. Young people have time. They have talent. Well, they don’t have
much treasure yet. But we invite them to use their time and
their talent to serve each other and to serve our parish in a
variety of ways. In the summer many young people do Mission Possible and help dozens of people with social service
ministry. They also travel to south Texas to help rebuild
homes. So, now we invite them to use that energy and compassion here at St. Francis. Fr. Vincent, Tammy Weber, and
Anthony D’Ambrosio and the whole youth ministry team are
doing a terrific job of creating wonderful programs for our
youth. The spirit of the youthful St. Francis of Assisi who
wanted to help the poor is still alive and well, right here in
Frisco. Here might emerge the new St. Francis or the new
St. Clare!
El próximo fin de semana nosotros celebramos la
fiesta de nuestra parroquia, la Fiesta del Santo Patrón de
San Francisco de Asís. Aunque su verdadera fiesta es el 4 de
octubre, yo he pedido permiso al Obispo Farrell para
cambiar la fiesta al fin de semana del 2 y 3 de octubre. La
Iglesia tiene una jerarquía de los días de fiesta, días de fiesta
como Pascua, Navidad, Fiesta del Señor están al principio de
la lista. Después de eso viene la fiesta del santo patrón de la
parroquia, y puede estar por arriba del “Domingo en Tiempo
Ordinario”. Así que, el próximo sábado y domingo nosotros
celebraremos en todas las Misas las oraciones de ¡San
Francisco de Asís! Nosotros tendremos el honor de tener al
Obispo Farrell celebrando el próximo domingo en la Misa de
10:00 a.m.
Este mismo domingo en la tarde después de la Misa
de 6:00 dirigida a Jóvenes, nosotros haremos algo que no
hemos hecho antes—una tarde de Corresponsabilidad para
jóvenes. Cuando piensan en corresponsabilidad, ustedes
pueden pensar en dinero; pero nosotros consideramos
corresponsabilidad como algo que incluye tiempo, talento y
tesoro (bienes). Los jóvenes tienen tiempo. Ellos tienen
talento. Bueno, ellos todavía no tienen muchos bienes. Pero
nosotros los invitamos para usar su tiempo y talento para
servir al prójimo y a su parroquia en diferentes maneras. En
el verano muchos jóvenes hacen Misión Posible y ayudan a
docenas de personas haciendo servicio social. Ellos también
viajan al sur de Texas para ayudar a reparar casas. Así que,
ahora invitamos a usar su energía y generosidad aquí en San
Francisco. El Padre Vincent, Tammy Weber, y Anthony
D’Ambrosio y todos los jóvenes del ministerio están
haciendo un trabajo increíble en crear programas para
nuestros jóvenes. El espíritu joven de San Francisco de Asís
quien quería ayudar al pobre permanece vivo, aquí en San
Francisco. ¡Aquí puede surgir el nuevo San Francisco o
nuestra nueva Santa Clara!
Our Parish Staff
Tracy Brown, Business Manager, Ext. 226
Mark Smith, Director of Development, Ext. 351
Nathan Byers, Associate Development Dir., Ext. 352
Anneliese Rivera, Liturgy Director, Ext. 237
Kevin Shelley, Music Director, Ext. 313
Laura Marquez, Hispanic Ministry Director, Ext. 241
Katherine Salazar, HM Administrative Assistant, Ext. 227
David Utsler, Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 247
Diana Elwell, Children’s Ministry, Ext. 229
Kathy Deschaw, FF Administrative Assistant, Ext. 232
Tammy Weber, Youth Ministry Director, Ext. 358
Anthony D’Ambrosio, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234
Lauren Harbour, KDO Director, Ext. 235
Noel Johnston, Facilities Director, Ext. 231
Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228
Kyle Cupp, Executive Administrator, Ext. 225
Buddy Rives, Reception, Ext. 221
Alma Geller, Reception, Ext. 221
Please Pray For
Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish: Aubrey
Sacchetti, Morgan Watson.
Please pray for the recently deceased: Maria del Carmen
Cuadros de Monroy, Mariana Torrijo, Ralph Grunkowski, Balbino Ardiles.
Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list.
Names will be listed for four weeks and then will be transferred to our Book of Intentions.
Masses and Activities
Saturday, September 25
5:00 pm, Mass – † Michaela Pinzon (LP)
7:00 pm, Encuentro Matrimonial, Salones C y D
Sunday, September 26th
8:30 am, Mass – Ella Rene Cardenas (VA)
8:30 am, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
10:00 am, Mass – (LP)
10:00 am, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
11:30 am, Mass – † Ruth Libbert (VA)
11:30 am, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
1:00 pm, Misa – † Laura Molina (LP)
1:00 pm, Elder Financial Exploitation, Rooms A&B
2:00 pm, Movimiento Familiar Cristiano, Duesman Room
2:00 pm, Grupo de Jóvenes, Salones C y D
2:00 pm, Bautismos, Gran Salón
2:00 pm, Instrumento du Tu Paz, San Damiano
2:30 pm, Reunión de Ujieres (Español) Salón Duesman
3:15 pm, Baptisms, Great Hall
4:45 pm, MS Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:00 pm, Mass – (VA)
7:15 pm, MS Faith Formation, Classrooms
7:15 pm, HS Faith Formation, Classrooms
Monday, September 27th
8:30 am, Mass – Ryan Strait (VA)
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
7:00 pm, SVDP, Great Hall Side A
7:00 pm, Bible Study, Room C
7:00 pm, Liturgy Training, Great Hall
7:00 pm, MOMS, San Damiano
7:15 pm, Safe Environmental Renewal, Room A
Tuesday, September 28th
8:30 am, Mass – (LP)
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:45 pm, Exposition of the Eucharist, Chapel till 9:00
7:00 pm, RCIA, Great Hall
7:00 pm, Junta de Liturgia – Español, Salón Duesman
7:00 pm, Uncaged Project, Bride’s Room
7:00 pm, Responsables de Grupo de Oración, Workroom
7:00 pm, Capacitación de Liturgia – Español, Gran Salón
Wednesday, September 29th
8:30 am, Mass – † Luciano Santos Pinzon (VA)
3:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, MS Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Adult Choir, Great Hall
7:00 pm, Divorce Support, Msgr. Duesman Room
7:00 pm, Empty Nesters Game Night, Rooms A&B
8:15 pm, Schola Choir, Great Hall
Thursday, September 30th
8:30 am, Mass – † Dorothy Hughes (LP)
3:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:30 pm, Grupo de Jóvenes, Salones C y D
6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
7:00 pm, Your Catholic Identity, Great Hall
7:00 pm, PRCA, Room C
7:00 pm, Práctica Coro Hispano, Msgr. Duesman
Friday, October 1st
8:30 am, Mass – Lee O’Keefe (VA)
9:00 am, Exposition of the Eucharist, Chapel
6:30 pm, Talleres de Oracion y Vida, Duesman
7:00 pm, Grupo de Oración , Salones C y D
7:00 pm, Matachines, Courtyard
7:00 pm, Anointing of the Sick Mass, Great Hall
Saturday, October 2nd
8:30 am, Mass – † Poor Souls in Purgatory (LP)
9:00 am, Rosary, Chapel
10:00 am, Blessing of Animals, Courtyard
10:00 am, Formación de Fe Niños, Salones CyD
12:30 pm, Liturgy Training-Lectors, Great Hall
3:30 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel
4:00 pm, Rosario por los Caballeros de Colón – Español, Duesman
5:00 pm, Mass – (VA)
Sunday, October 3rd
8:30 am, Mass (LP)
10:00 am, Mass (Bishop Farrell)
11:30 am, Mass (LP)
1:00 pm, Misa en español VA)
6:00 pm, Mass (LP)
Did You Know?
Because we want to maintain our building to ensure the preservation of materials and promote reverence in certain spaces, we ask
that before you hang anything on walls in the hallways or in the
narthex to please go through your ministry lead or commissioner. The minister head or commissioner will forward the request for review by our priests through the commission staff liaisons. Thank you.
Sept. 12, 2010
Weekly Gift of Treasure Goal
Actual Gift of Treasure
Building Fund
September 26, 2010—Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministerios de la Comisión Hispana
Evento del Día de San Francisco de Asís. Bendición Anual de
Mascotas es el sábado 02 de octubre en el atrio (patio de la
Iglesia) a las 10:00 a.m.
Ujieres. La junta mensual es HOY a las 2:30 p.m. en el salón
Capacitación Ministros Extraordinario de la Comunión. Para
Nuevos y Actuales Servidores. A todos los jóvenes mayores de
15 años y adultos que hayan recibido el sacramento de la
Confirmación y tengan en el llamado para ser servir como
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión. Los invitamos a la
Capacitación el martes de 28 de septiembre a las 7:00 p.m. en
el salón Duesman. Para mayor información llamar al Sr. José
Bautista al 972.604.5802.
en los restaurantes y utilizar los servicios de las empresas que
patrocinaron nuestro evento en la Parroquia. Agradezca y
reconozca el apoyo de estas empresas en la 36ª Comida Anual
Mexicana y Día Cultural. Para obtener más información acerca
Grupo de Oración. Los invita a vivir un Retiro Espiritual los días
30 y 31 de Octubre en la Iglesia de Santo Tomás de Aquino en
Pilot Point de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. Para mayor información por
favor comunicarse con el Sr. Everado Montanez 214.207.4393
Pláticas de preparación matrimonial. Se realizarán los días
domingo 17, 24 y 31 de octubre de 10:00 a 12:30 hrs. en
nuestra Parroquia de San Francisco. Deben inscribirse en la
Oficina de la Parroquia, para más información por favor llamar
al 972.712.2645
MISA DE JÓVENES. El Primer Domingo del Mes los jóvenes y
niños serán servidores durante la Misa de 1:00 p.m. Si quieres
unirte inscríbete en alguno de los Ministerios de Lectores,
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión, Monaguillos,
Ujieres o Coro. Para más información sobre los requisitos y
capacitación por favor comunícate con los coordinadores de
cada ministerio que se encuentran en la última página 6 de
este boletín.
A partir del mes de Septiembre hasta el mes de Mayo. Cada
Tercer Domingo del Mes habrá Capacitación y Renovación de
Ambiente Seguro. La próxima sesión es 17 de octubre a las 2:30
en el salón A/B. Te recordamos si eres un voluntario activo en
grupos/ministerios con niños menores o personas vulnerables
DEBES tener tu identificación de Ambiente Seguro Actualizado
con fotografía.
Retiro de Jóvenes. Invitamos a todos los jóvenes de Middle
School y High School a vivir un retiro el domingo 17 de octubre
a las 9:00 a.m. Para más información por favor llamar a Greysi
Bargas al 214.232.8241
Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
Annual Blessing of the Animals
October 2, 2010
10:00 a.m.
Programa de Formación de Fe. Dirigido a Adultos. ¿Por qué ser
Católico? Pueden inscribirse a este programa en las oficinas de
la Parroquia. Iniciará la primera semana de Octubre. La reunión
será una vez a la semana y podrán elegir uno entre los
diferentes horarios de la semana o fin de semana, y en áreas
como: Frisco, Little Elm, Celina, Prosper, McKinney. ¡Esta es
una gran oportunidad para conocer y profundizar sobre tu fe!
Está dirigida para TODOS los adultos mayores de 18 años.
Caballero de Colón – Mesa redonda en Español. A todos los
miembros se les invita a rezar el Rosario el sábado 2 de
octubre a las 4:00 p.m. La junta será el domingo 03 de octubre
a las 2:15 p.m. en el salón A.
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. A todas las parejas que estén
interesadas en mejorar su relación matrimonial los invitamos a
vivir una experiencia que ayudará a retroalimentar su
comunicación. La próxima experiencia es el fin de semana del
22 al 24 de octubre. Por favor comunícate con Rogelio y Lupita
Pacheco al 469.685.4778
El Comité de Organización de la 36a. Comida Anual Mexicana
y Día Cultural quiere dar las gracias a los patrocinadores, ya
que el evento no sería posible sin su apoyo: Tex-Mex Manny's
Grill, Cristina's Fine Mexican Restaurant, Cantina Laredo, The
Balderas Tamale Factory, El Amigo Meat Market, Nestle Pure
Life Water, A & A Original Hardwood Floors, Inc, The Knights of
Columbus Council #12480, Prisma Dental, Classique Jewelers,
Ed Forster - State Farm Insurance & Barbara Gallegos y
Familia. Además, nos gustaría dar las gracias a muchos
feligreses que donaron hasta $100. Por favor, considere cenar
Members of our parish, all residents of Frisco and the surrounding area are invited to share with us our Annual Blessing of the
Animals which will take place in our courtyard at 10:00 A.M.
Free pictures with you and your pet will be provided by Silverstar Photographers, a local Frisco business. In addition, we
hope to have an area animal adoption agency in attendance as
We have chosen to support SPAN, a Seniors Pet Assistance Network in Dallas, for this event. SPAN benefits the needs of Dallas
seniors who require assistance in feeding and caring for their
four-legged friends. We ask that you please bring along with
you some type of dog or cat food for donation. Monetary donations will also be accepted.
Liturgy Commission
In her home country of Nigeria, Lilian Oguntuashe as an 8-year
old girl decided to start a rosary group in her neighborhood for
her little friends; well, their parents came too, and for years
they prayed a weekly rosary. Now that Lilian is an active member of St. Francis, is a minister to the sick, has her own child and
another on the way, she would like to start a rosary group in
her neighborhood of Creekside at Preston on Saturday mornings. If you would like to pray the rosary on Saturdays mornings and if you live in her neighborhood or adjacent neighborhoods, please call her at 817-793-3894 or email her at October 9, right after the feast day of
Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7, is the starting date.
NEW Lector Training: Are you interested in becoming a Minister
of the Word at St. Francis? Lectors proclaim the Word of God
through the reading of Scripture at Mass. In this ministry we are
able to publicly witness our faith and come to know the Word of
God more deeply. New Lector training classes are being held on
the following dates.
Oct 2, Sat
Oct 21, Thur
Oct 25, Mon
1:00 pm-2:15 pm
9:30 am-11:00 am
5:15 pm- 6:00 pm
A Lector at St. Francis must be a registered parishioner, who is
willing to adequately prepare to proclaim the Word of God, and
agrees to continued training and spiritual formation. All training
will take place in the Worship Area. Please let Victoria know if
you are interested in reserving a place at a training session at
Got Guitar? We are working hard to build our Youth Music Ministry. To enhance our current instrumentation, we are looking
for a new or used bass guitar in good condition. If you would like
to donate a bass guitar, please contact Anthony D’Ambrosio at or call 972-712-2645 ext. 234. Your
donation is tax deductible.
Outreach Commission
Next Sunday, October 3, is Brown Bag Sunday!
Needed items include cooking oil, sugar, flour,
rice, pasta, cereal, toilet paper, soap, diapers
and wipes, laundry detergent, and dishwashing
liquid. Items may be placed in the white box in
the gathering area. Thank you!
Window into Life: The White Rose Women’s Centers are
dedicated to assisting women and saving the unborn through
counseling, education, and technology. Recognizing that
education is critically important for changing “hearts and
minds” regarding the sanctity of life, the White Rose Women’s
Centers developed Window Into Life™ , a dynamic presentation
that allows youth a view of developing human life in the womb
using the ultrasound technology, while emphasizing Catholic
values regarding purity and marriage. When: Sunday, October
10, 2010 at 7:15 pm—after the youth Mass. All are invited to
Baby Banks will be distributed after the Masses on October
9/10. Please stop by the Respect Life table to get yours.
Parents Raising Children Alone - Welcome to our new members & thank you to those who've provided their information to
help single parents. PRCA always welcome single parents &
their children to join our activities; meet new friends & learn
from one another. We also invite non-single parents who can
share their talents/skills with us; from career counseling, help
with our activities, house work help, to child care, and many
more. If you feel you have something to share with our members, please let us know. Upcoming event: Family camping trip
10/9-10. More info to come. Contact Hilda at ACHL74 for more info.
Faith Formation Commission
Late registration
for Faith Formation classes closes on September 30. Children
and youth who need to receive sacraments this school year
must be registered in the Faith Formation program prior to
October 1.
Youth Ministry Faith Formation: Sunday, September 26th is the
first official day of classroom instruction for Youth Ministry
(Grades 6th – 8th) at 4:45-5:45PM and for Youth Ministry
(Grades 6th – 12th) at 7:15-8:15PM. Wednesday, September
29th is the first official day of classroom instruction for Youth
Ministry (Grades 6th -8th) at 6:30-7:30 PM.
Community Life Commission
The holidays are fast approaching
and the Women of St. Francis Annual
Pie Sale can help you with your gift
giving. Deep dish fruit pies, gourmet
cream pies, pumpkin cream cheese
rolls and French Braid pastries will be
available for ordering before and
after all Masses in the Narthex the weekends of September
25th & 26th and October 9th & 10th. They can also make great
donations to local food pantries and charities. Pie pick-up will
take place on Sunday, November 7th from 3-4 pm in the San
Damiano room. If you have any questions please contact Phyllis
Ponzio at 214-705-7576 or at
Please join us for our next Altar Cleaning hour on Friday, October 8th at 10:00am. All are welcome! Contact Kim Guz at for details or questions.
37TH ANNUAL HIKE FOR LIFE: Want to save babies? Be part of
Dallas' oldest Pro-Life event. The Hike provides funding for local
Crisis Pregnancy Centers so they can save lives. Fr. Larry will lead
us in prayer and in the hike at McKinney's Erwin Park on Saturday, October 9th, starting at 8AM. This is a family-friendly walk
so the whole family is encouraged to participate. Every step is a
prayer. After the walk, lunch will be served by the Knights of
Columbus. Register at or call Steve
Lam at 972-948-2864 for more information on how you can join
the St. Francis team!
Interest in joining the Women of St. Francis? Please contact
Gerry Cerveny for membership information, at 972-335-1607 or
email at Also checkout our web
site at for upcoming events and details.
The 36th Annual Mexican Dinner and Cultural Days would like
to thank the following sponsors. Without them, the event
would not be possible: Manny's Tex-Mex Grill, Cristina's Fine
Mexican Restaurant, Cantina Laredo, The Balderas Tamale Factory, El Amigo Meat Market, Nestle Pure Life Water, A & A
Original Hardwood Floors, Inc, The Knights of Columbus Council
#12480, Prisma Dental, Classique Jewelers, Ed Forster - State
Farm Insurance & Barbara Gallegos & Family. Additionally, we
September 26, 2010—Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
would like to thank the many parishioners who
made donations in amounts up to $100.00. Please
make an effort to dine at the restaurants and use
the services of the businesses who sponsored our
Parish wide event. Please let them know of your
thanks and appreciation for their support of the 36th Annual
Mexican Dinner & Cultural Days! For more information about
our sponsors, please visit
Booths still available for the Ladies Auxiliary Holiday Bazaar. Vendor registration closes Oct 1st. Additional information and vendor registration forms are available on our website This year’s holiday bazaar
is October 23, 2010.
Staff Liaison
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Empty Nesters I
Empty Nesters II
Empty Nesters III
Empty Nesters IV
Girl Scouts
Grounds Crew
Knights of Columbus
Ladies Auxiliary
Ministry of Mothers Sharing
Rosary/Prayer Group
Prime Timers
Softball Teams
Women of St. Francis
Young Adults
Staff Liaison
Bible Study
Children’s Faith Formation
Pre School Faith Formation
MS/HS Youth Ministry
Kids Day Out
Staff Liaison
AIDS Outreach
Angel Tree
Blood Drives
Brown Bag Sunday
Caregiver Support Group
Catholic Addiction Ministry
Clothe a Child
Divorce Support
Funeral Meals
Grief Ministry
Hospital Ministry
Handyman Program
Illness/New Baby Meals
Nursing Home
Parents Raising Children Alone
Prayer Chain
Respect Life
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Thanksgiving Baskets
Community Life Commission
Marla Johnston (214) 794-5621
Noel Johnston (972) 712-2645
Mark Hutto (214) 277-3214
Bill Strait (469) 633-0420
Ghassan Hattar (972) 712-1183
Cindy and Gene Meyer 972 335 9323
Jim and Mary Kneese 972-625-5254
Barry & Ann Spada (469) 362-4669
Karen Sarnacki (972) 377-4507
Misty Dröessler (972)-302-1362
Kevin Guz (469) 633-0232
Lauren Bricker
Mauricio Frye -
Mary Lamanno -
Karen Samford -
Theresa Etcheverry (972) 377-0952
Donna Schmittler (214) 469 1043
Raul Perez (972) 542-9916
Vicky Shortino -
Travis and Melissa Hunt
Faith Formation Commission
George Vogt, IV (214) 592-2912
David Utsler (972) 712-2645
Ron Holleman (972) 978-7551
Diana Elwell (972) 712-2645 (ext. 229)
Melissa Barber (214) 618-0996
Tammy Weber (972) 712-2645
Lauren Harbour (972) 712-1657
Outreach Commission
Geralyn Kaminsky (972) 335-4186
Kyle Cupp (972) 712-2645
Jennifer Greenlee (469) 222-1080
Mary Watson -
Katherine Salazar (972) 335-2734
Melisa Manjeot -
(214) 202-1422
Marianne Miles Leal (817) 915-5171
Vincent Webb (972) 804-2812
Jennifer Eckert -
Deacon Gregg Kahrs (972) 712-2645
Jan Funnell -
Donna Schmittler (214) 469-1043
Kyle Cupp (972) 712-2645
Jim Smiley (972) 978-9133
Brian Heath -
Melanie Duhaime (214) 636 - 6277
Evelyn Grimes (214) 705-0009
Hilda Liando (972) 900-1055
Anneliese Rivera (972) 712-2645 (ext. 237)
Rachel Lam 214-478-5710
Martin Reiser, President -
Vivian Kitchen –
Liturgy Commission
Tony Silvestro (972) 335-6966
Stewardship Committee
Steward of the Week: Many thanks to the Ladies Auxiliary for
their support of Stewardship in our parish. On Commitment Sunday, they graciously provided a wonderful Hospitality Room for
our ministers to gather for fellowship and delicious food between
Corresponsabilidad Parroquial (Steward) de la semana: Mucha
gracias a las Damas Auxiliadoras por su apoyo en el evento de
Corresponsabilidad en la Parroquia. El Domingo de
Corresponsabilidad ellas amablemente ofrecieron un maravilloso
servicio de Hospitalidad a nuestros ministerios para compartir y
disfrutar unos deliciosos bocadillos entre cada Misa.
Staff Liaison
Altar Guild
Altar Servers
Art & Environment
Children’s Liturgy
EM Coordinator
Exposition Holy Eucharist
Music Ministry
Anneliese Rivera (972) 712-2645
Sue Rejmaniak -
Anthony Cimo (972) 712-7750
Missty Deutsch (972) 335-7695
Judy Devine 972-335-4416
Irene Balderas (972) 335-4539
Cris Fanous -
Suzanne Brewster -
Victoria Rychalsky -
Kevin Shelley (972) 712-2645
Shirley Forster – (972) 335-4297
Sean McMenamin
Hispanic Commission / Comisión Hispana
Luis Feliciano (972) 408-5408
Laura Márquez (972) 712-2645
Griselda B. Fox (214) 448-7831,
Soldados de Cristo
Lily Hernández, (214)664-5231
Coro Hispano
Celene Reyes (469) 471-1089
Mayela Paz (214) 705-9250
Liturgy Liaison
José Bautista (972) 604-5802
Bertha Gallegos (972) 347-2578
Samuel Mora 469.888.2677
Liturgia de la Palabra
Cris Fanous (305) 735-3556,
para los Niños
Coordinadora de Quinceañeras
Gladys García (972) 712-2926
Coordinadores de Bodas
Jerry & Mila Ledesma (214) 407-0253
Matrimonio Asesor
Maru y Roberto Alexander
para Preparación
214.317.6867 / 214.335.9763
Visitar los Enfermos
Luis Garzón (214) 387-9238
Beatriz Roca (972) 712-9454
Formación de Fe
Suzy Hernández (214) 529-3210
Celia Guadiano, (214) 934-2905
Grupo de Jóvenes
Greysi Bargas (214) 232 8241
Martín Sotelo (469) 667-9265
Grupo de Oración
Mila Ledesma (214) 407-0253
Encuentro Matrimonial
Rogelio y Guadalupe Pacheco (469) 685-4778
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Pedro y Nelva González (972) 294-8203
Clases de Inglés (ESL)
Tony Sánchez (214) 957-3573
Comida Mexicana Anual +
Bárbara Gallegos (972) 668-2102,
Días Culturales
Staff Liaison
‘Stewardship’ Liaison
Committee Chair
Staff Liaison
Welcoming Committee
Building Committee
Finance Council
Parish Council
Stewardship Council
Melissa Silvestro (972) 335-6966
Mark Smith (972) 712-2645
Jim and Lillian Burke -
(972) 731-6247
Parish Development
Steve Hulsey (972) 335-1616
Mary Holleman (214) 908-2133
Chris Sulak -