Please Pray For - New Page 3


Please Pray For - New Page 3
September 12, 2010—Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Views from the Pastor—Msgr. Larry Pichard
Visiones del Párroco—Mons. Larry Pichard
Wow! The month of September is teeming with
new and great activities at St. Francis.
This weekend we are kicking off the Why Catholic? program. If you didn’t get a chance to register for a
small group, you may do so this week, either online at our
website or in person in our parish office. Don’t miss this
Next Saturday night after the 5:00 p.m. Mass we
have our Welcome Night for parishioners who have recently registered in our parish. We will briefly explain and
show the history of our parish, describe our many ministries and organizations, conduct a tour of the facility, and
host a reception. So, if you are a new member, please
join us—we would love to get to know you.
Next weekend we are making a big announcement about the construction of our new Church and
chapel. Right after the Prayer after Communion we will
present some exciting news to you, so don’t leave Mass
Then on Saturday, September 25 we will celebrate our Annual Mexican Dinner and Cultural Day, a
celebration of the rich diversity of our parish and our profound unity as the Catholic or Universal Church! Please
see the bulletin this weekend and the next for many more
details of this enjoyable event. You are now a member of
our parish, an important part of the Body of Christ. So,
don’t miss the chance to come and enjoy fellow members, eat great Mexican food, visit the booths that display
the faith of our many cultures, let the children have fun in
the bounce houses and rejoice in being an integral part of
St. Francis.
¡Ay ya yai! El mes de Septiembre está lleno de
nuevas y grandiosas actividades en San Francisco.
Este fin de semana nosotros iniciamos el
programa de ¿Por qué ser Católico?. Si ustedes no
tuvieron la oportunidad de registrarse en un pequeño
grupo, ustedes pueden hacerlo esta semana, ya sea en
línea en nuestra página web o en persona en la oficina de
nuestra parroquia. No pierda la oportunidad.
El próximo fin de semana nosotros haremos un
anuncio muy importante acerca de la construcción de
nuestra nueva Iglesia y capilla. Después de la Oración
después de la Comunión nosotros presentaremos algunas
noticias emocionantes, ¡así que no se vayan de la Misa
Después, el Sábado 25 de Septiembre nosotros
celebraremos nuestra Comida Anual Mexicana y Día
Cultural, una celebración con la rica diversidad cultural de
nuestra parroquia y ¡nuestra profunda unidad como
Católicos o Iglesia Universal! Por favor lean el boletín este
fin de semana y el próximo para más detalles de este
agradable evento. Tú eres ahora un miembro de nuestra
parroquia, una parte importante del Cuerpo de Cristo. Así
que, no deje pasar esta oportunidad de venir y gozar con
otros miembros compañeros, disfrutar una deliciosa
comida Mexicana, visitar las carpas que muestran la fe de
nuestras muchas culturas, los niños podrán divertirse en
los juegos inflables y regocijarse de ser una parte integral
de San Francisco.
Our Parish Staff
Tracy Brown, Business Manager, Ext. 226
Mark Smith, Director of Development, Ext. 351
Nathan Byers, Associate Development Dir., Ext. 352
Anneliese Rivera, Liturgy Director, Ext. 237
Kevin Shelley, Music Director, Ext. 313
Laura Marquez, Hispanic Ministry Director, Ext. 241
Katherine Salazar, HM Administrative Assistant, Ext. 227
David Utsler, Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 247
Diana Elwell, Children’s Ministry, Ext. 229
Kathy Deschaw, FF Administrative Assistant, Ext. 232
Tammy Weber, Youth Ministry Director, Ext. 358
Anthony D’Ambrosio, Youth Ministry Musician, Ext. 234
Lauren Harbour, KDO Director, Ext. 235
Noel Johnston, Facilities Director, Ext. 231
Ginny Milich, Safe Environment Coordinator, Ext. 228
Kyle Cupp, Executive Administrator, Ext. 225
Buddy Rives, Reception, Ext. 221
Alma Geller, Reception, Ext. 221
Please Pray For
Please pray for the sick and suffering of our parish: Edgar
Tucker, Andrew Bush, Jessie Bush, Sara Scheibler, Jose Gonzalez, Jesus Guijarro, Campbell Jaremko, Dominick Burlone,
Mike O’Malley, and Henny Barone.
Please pray for the recently deceased: Ralph Grunkowski,
Balbino Ardiles, Mary Rosado, and Elisa Urbino de Gaona.
Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list.
Names will be listed for four weeks and then will be trans-
Masses and Activities
Saturday, September 11
5:00 pm, Mass – (LP)
6:00 pm, Love & Logic Presentation, San Damiano Room
7:00 pm, Encuentro Matrimonial, Salones C y D
Sunday, September 12th
8:30 am, Mass – The Watson Family (VA)
8:30 am, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
10:00 am, Mass – Misa de Agradecimiento (LP)
10:00 am, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
11:30 am, Mass – † Mario Sanchez (VA)
11:30 am, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
1:00 pm, Misa – (LP)
1:00 pm, Safe Environment Training, Office Reception
2:00 pm, Grupo de Jóvenes, Salones C y D
2:00 pm, Bautismos, Gran Salón
2:00 pm, Instrumento du Tu Paz, San Damiano
6:00 pm, Mass – † Genevieve Fanous (VA)
7:00 pm, Parent Orientation, Great Hall
7:30 pm, Safe Environment Renewal, Rooms C&D
Monday, September 13th
8:30 am, Mass – † Cesaria Cantar (VA)
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, Rooms A&B
5:00 pm, Lector Training, Great Hall
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, Great Hall
6:30 pm, Hispanic Catechists, Rooms A&B
7:00 pm, SVDP, Msgr. Duesman Room
Tuesday, September 14
8:30 am, Mass – (VA)
9:30 am, Art & Environment, San Damiano Room
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, San Damiano
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, San Damiano
6:45 pm, Exposition of the Eucharist, Chapel till 9:00
7:00 pm, RCIA, Great Hall
7:00 pm, Uncaged Project, Bride’s Room
7:00 pm, Responsables de Grupo de Oración, Workroom
Wednesday, September 15th
8:30 am, Mass – John Keating (VA)
5:30 pm, Grupo de Jóvenes en español, Salón D
3:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, Rooms A&B
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, Rooms A&B
6:30 pm, MS/HS Parent Orientation, San Damiano
6:30 pm, Adult Choir, Great Hall
7:00 pm, Divorce Support, Msgr. Duesman Room
7:00 pm, Finance Council, Office Reception
7:30 pm, Safe Environment Renewal, Rooms C&D
8:15 pm, Schola Choir, Great Hall
Thursday, September 16th
8:30 am, Mass – Jinny Lopez (LP)
9:00 am, Lector Training, Great Hall
9:15 am, Safe Environment Renewal, San Damiano
3:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
3:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, San Damiano
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
5:00 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, San Damiano
6:00 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation, Classrooms
6:30 pm, Children’s Faith Formation Parents, San Damiano
7:00 pm, Práctica Coro Hispano, Msgr. Duesman
Friday, September 17th
8:30 am, Mass – † Rosario Paredes Gonzalez (VA)
9:00 am, Exposition of the Eucharist, Chapel
9:15 am, Safe Environment Renewal, San Damiano
6:30 pm, Talleres de Oracion y Vida, Duesman
7:00 pm, Grupo de Oración , Salones C y D
7:00 pm, Matachines, Courtyard
7:30 pm, Misa Guadalupana Uncion de Enfermos, Gran Salón
Saturday, September 18th
8:30 am, Mass – (LP)
9:00 am, Rosary, Chapel
10:00 am, Formación de Fe Niños, Salones CyD
3:30 pm, Reconciliation, Chapel
5:00 pm, Mass – † Mary Ditta (VA)
6:15 pm, Welcome Reception, Church
Sunday, September 19th
8:30 am, Mass (LP)
10:00 am, Mass (VA)
11:30 am, Mass (VA)
1:00 pm, Misa en español (LP)
6:00 pm, Mass (VA)
Did You Know?
There are some who cannot receive regular
hosts during Holy Communion due to allergies
to gluten. Those suffering from this condition
cannot ingest any gluten, a protein found in
wheat. Here at St. Francis, we offer low gluten hosts (the content is 0.01%). We also
have a procedure in place to ensure that the
special hosts are not contaminated in any way. Please call the
Liturgy Office if you suffer from this allergy and would like more
information on our special procedures for Communion.
August 29, 2010
Weekly Gift of Treasure Goal
Actual Gift of Treasure
Building Fund
September 12, 2010—Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Ministerios de la Comisión Hispana
Misa de Unción de Enfermos. La Misa de Unción de Enfermos
es el próximo Viernes 17 de Septiembre a las 7:30 p.m.
Invitamos a todas las personas enfermas a recibir la Unción,
también invitamos a las mujeres embarazadas para recibir una
bendición especial.
MISA DE JÓVENES. El Primer Domingo del Mes los jóvenes y
niños serán servidores durante la Misa de 1:00 p.m. Si quieres
unirte inscríbete en alguno de los Ministerios de Lectores,
Ministros Extraordinarios de la Comunión, Monaguillos,
Ujieres o Coro. Para más información sobre los requisitos y
capacitación por favor comunícate con los coordinadores de
cada ministerio que se encuentran en la última página 6 de
este boletín.
Programa de Formación de Fe. Dirigido a Adultos. ¿Por qué ser
Católico? HOY 12 de Septiembre al terminar la Misa de 1:00
p.m. podrá inscribirse al programa que iniciará la primera
semana de Octubre. La reunión será una vez a la semana y
podrás elegir uno entre los diferentes horarios de la semana o
fin de semana, y en áreas como: Frisco, Little Elm, Celina,
Prosper, McKinney. ¡Esta es una gran oportunidad para
conocer y profundizar sobre tu fe! Está dirigida para TODOS los
adultos mayores de 18 años.
Taller de Seguridad para Padres e Hijos en Formación de Fe. –
Obligatorio - Es el Sábado 25 de Septiembre a las 10:00 a.m.
Caballero de Colón – Mesa redonda en Español. A todos los
miembros la junta será HOY al terminar la Misa de 1:00 p.m.
Grupo Guadalupano. A todos los miembros se les invita a rezar
el rosario el Lunes 13 de Septiembre a las 7:00 p.m. en la
capilla. Al terminar junta mensual en el salón C/D
Encuentro Matrimonial Mundial. A todas las parejas que estén
interesadas en mejorar su relación matrimonial los invitamos a
vivir una experiencia que ayudará a retroalimentar su
comunicación. La próxima experiencia es el fin de semana del
1º al 3 de Octubre. Habrá una junta para más información HOY
12 de Septiembre al terminar la Misa de 1:00 p.m. Por favor
comunícate con Rogelio y Lupita Pacheco al 469.685.4778
Ministerio de “Mamá a Mamá”(M.O.M.S.) –Es un grupo de
formación espiritual y personal para mamás. Las sesiones en
Español serán en la mañana los Miércoles de 9:30 a 11:30 a.m.
del 15 de Septiembre al 3 de Noviembre, 2010. Las sesiones en
inglés serán los lunes a las 7 p.m. del 13 de Septiembre al 1 de
Noviembre. Para más información, favor de comunicarse con
Irma Rodríguez a ó al 469-252-3759.
Todos están invitados a la 36a. Comida Anual Mexicana y Día
Cultural el Sábado 25 de septiembre de 12:00 a 7:30 p.m. La
comida Mexicana será servida durante el almuerzo y la cena.
Las Carpas Culturales destacarán nuestra fe universal. El
escenario de entretenimiento presentará un colorido
internacional. Un Rosario en el atrio (en el exterior) se rezará a
las 4:15 p.m. seguido por la celebración de la Misa a las 5:00
p.m. La Comida Mexicana será servida por Manny’s, Tex-Mex
Grill, Cristina’s Fine Restaurant, Cantina Laredo, The Balderas
Tamale Factory y el Amigo. Las actividades incluye un desfile de
naciones, pintar el rostro con figuras, carpas culturales, cinco
juegos inflables, entretenimiento y juegos culturales. Todas las
actividades son gratis y no hay costo de admisión. Los boletos
de comida cuestan $5 por persona e incluye dos platos
principales, dos guarniciones, una bebida y un postre. ¿Estás
interesado en almorzar y cenar en el evento este año? La
segunda comida costará solo $3 por persona el día del evento.
Los boletos de la comida para la Comida Mexiana estarán a la
venta HOY al terminar la Misa. Para más información visita o con Mark Hutto a o
Si quieres cooperar donando un pastel, galletas o algún postre
puedes escribir tu nombre en la recepción o bien traerlo el día
del evento a las 10:00 a.m. con Ann Kaser.
Grupo de Oración. Los invita a vivir un retiro espiritual los días
30 y 31 de Octubre en la Iglesia de Santo Tomás de Aquino en
Pilot Point de 8:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m. Para mayor información
por favor comunicarse con el Sr. Everado Montanez
Grupo de apoyo para personas recientemente divorciados o
separados. Esperanza Después del Divorcio. Este programa de 6
semanas ofrece un ambiente de comprensión para personas en
momentos de dolor. Apoyo de personas que se encuentran en
situaciones similares les servirá para superar su dolor y
comenzar el proceso de sanación. El número de personas en el
grupo es limitado. Este programa será totalmente en español.
Las sesiones son del 8 de Septiembre al 13 de Octubre, 2010 de
7:00 a 8:30 p.m. en la Comunidad Católica de San Marcos,
Plano, TX. Teléfono (972) 424-5794.
¡Las clases de Inglés iniciaron los días Martes y Jueves a las 9:30
Liturgy Commission
On the 9th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, we remember in a special way all the victims who suffered and died,
all first responders and those who are still helping to rebuild
lives affected by the tragedy.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: We are beginning Children’s
Liturgy of the Word dismissal at the 10:00 a.m. Mass beginning
Sunday, September 12th. Children ages 4-7 are invited to hear
the Liturgy of the Word read and discussed at their age level.
They are called forth and dismissed during Mass with Safe Environment trained volunteers to the San Damiano Room and return to the Worship Space shortly after the Profession of Faith.
This takes place on most 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month between Sept and May. Please contact Judy Devine if you are interested in assisting with this ministry: or
call her at 972-335-4416.
Outreach Commission
We will have baskets on pedestals and a
table in the Narthex of the church this
weekend to collect donations and sign
up volunteers for Clothe a Child. This is
our LAST weekend to collection donations and sign up volunteers for the Oct
9th and 16th events. Each child is awarded a $100 Shopping
Voucher. Our parish goal is to clothe 250 kids, each with a
$100 voucher and to sign up 250 volunteers. We are very close
to hitting our volunteer sign up goal, but we are significantly
below our goal in the number of kids we will be able to clothe.
Please consider making a donation to this worthy cause, and
make a difference in these children’s lives. We need your donations – no donation is too big or too small – it ALL counts!
37TH ANNUAL HIKE FOR LIFE: Want to save babies? Be part of
Dallas' oldest Pro-Life event. The Hike provides funding for local
Crisis Pregnancy Centers so they can save lives. Fr. Larry will lead
us in prayer and in the hike at McKinney's Erwin Park on Saturday, October 9th, starting at 8AM. This is a family-friendly walk
so the whole family is encouraged to participate. Every step is a
prayer. After the walk, lunch will be served by the Knights of
Columbus. Register at or call Steve
Lam at 972-948-2864 for more information on how you can join
the St. Francis team!!
please help support Saint Vincent De Paul by joining us for
"Friends of the Poor Walk, Saturday, September 25, 2010 at
Bachman Lake, Dallas. Walk begins at SVDP Thrift Store, 3052
W. Northwest Hwy., Dallas. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Walk
visit for more info and early registration. Family, friends and co-workers may also sponsor you
through this site. Participation from our parish is essential so
that profits from this walk can help those here in Frisco less fortunate than us. RAINDATE: SEPTEMBER 26TH.
Please join us for our next Caregivers’ Support Group Meeting
on Sunday, September 19, 2010, 2:00-4:00 PM, Msgr. Duesman
Room. Speaker: Nicol Smith, Rambling Oaks. Topic: Caregiver
Resources for the Loved One. Contact: Marianne M. Leal, MA,
Facilitator Caring for ourselves so we may better care for others
in Jesus name! E-mail: Web site link:
Hall. At this meeting you will receive your Class Schedules and
other important information pertaining to this upcoming year
of Faith Formation. Class Rosters will be posted in the Narthex
that evening. There will also be a Parent Orientation meeting
on Wednesday, September 15th in the San Damiano Room for
parents unable to attend Sunday’s Parent Meeting. The same
information will be discussed at both meetings. Late Registration for Faith Formation classes is opening on September 13 th
for enrollment in the 2010-2011’ Faith Formation Year. Faith
Formation Forms are available in the Narthex and online.
Community Life Commission
All are invited to St. Francis of Assisi’s 36th Annual Mexican
Dinner and Cultural Days Sat, Sept 25th from 12:00 7:30pm. Mexican food will be served for lunch & dinner. Cultural Tents will highlight our universal faith. The entertainment
stage will showcase performances with international flair. A
Sidewalk Chalk Rosary will be prayed at 4:15pm followed by the
celebration of Mass at 5:00pm. The Mexican Dinner will feature food from Manny's Tex-Mex Grill, Cristina's Fine Mexican
Restaurant, Cantina Laredo, The Balderas Tamale Factory and El
Amigo. Activities include the parade of nations, face painting,
cultural tents, five bounce houses, cultural entertainment and
games. All activities are free and there is no admission
cost. Meal tickets cost $5.00 a person and include two main
servings, two side servings, a drink and a desert. Interested in
lunch & dinner at this year’s event? A second meal will only
cost $3.00 a person the day of the event. Meal tickets for the
Mexican Dinner are on sale after the Masses today. For more
information visit or contact Mark Hutto
at or 214-277-3214.
Join Pack 419! September brings new beginnings and a new
year for Cub Scout Pack 419! Chartered by St. Francis of Assisi
Parish, we are an active group of boys ages 1st grade to 5th
grade, growing from Tiger Cubs to Webelos. We earn rank
badges through achievements and team work and we are lead
by volunteer dads and moms. To join, please come to Join
Scouting Night at Spears Elementary on September 16th. For
more information contact Ghassan Hattar at 972.712.1183, or
visit our website at
The 9th Annual Ladies Auxiliary Holiday Bazaar is now accepting vendor registrations. Additional information and vendor
registration forms are available on our website at This year’s holiday bazaar is October 23, 2010.
Faith Formation Commission
CHILDREN’S MINISTRY FAITH FORMATION INFORMATION: Children’s Ministry Faith Formation classes begin this week, with
parent meetings being held during each session of classes. Late
registration will begin on Monday, September 13. Children who
register late can begin attending class one week after they register in our program.
Youth Ministry Faith Formation: There will be a Parent Orientation meeting on Sunday, September 12th at 7:00 PM in the Great
Have you wondered how you could help out our very own St.
Vincent de Paul Society? Well, this year’s proceeds from the
Ladies Auxiliary Tree/Wreath Silent Auction held at our Annual
Holiday Bazaar on October 23rd are going to St. Vincent de Paul
at St. Francis. Please consider using your creative talents to
donate a decorated tree or wreath to the auction. Contact
Elizabeth McCarthy at
The Knights of Columbus will host a Meet & Greet reception on
September 12 at 7:00PM in the McGivney room (room A).
Snacks and refreshments will be provided. There will be a short
presentation, and Knights and representatives of the Ladies
Auxiliary will be there to answer any questions.
September 12, 2010—Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Stewardship Committee
Steward of the Week: Kim Guz spearheaded a very successful
Stuff the Bus campaign for the Women of St. Francis. Every
seat on our bus was filled with school supplies for Frisco Family
is in need of a basic laptop with no need for extravagant specifications. If you are interested in fulfilling this need while receiving
an additional tax deduction, please contact Tracy Brown at or (972) 712-2645 x226.
Corresponsabilidad Parroquial (Steward) de la semana: Kim
Guz dirigió una campaña exitosa de recolección de Útiles
Escolares en el Autobús por las Damas de San Francisco. Cada
asiento de nuestro autobús estaba lleno con útiles escolares
para los Servicios Familiares de Frisco.
Used Laptop Request: Have you upgraded to a newer computer and have an old laptop lying around unused? The church
Staff Liaison
Boy Scouts
Cub Scouts
Empty Nesters I
Empty Nesters II
Empty Nesters III
Empty Nesters IV
Girl Scouts
Grounds Crew
Knights of Columbus
Ladies Auxiliary
Ministry of Mothers Sharing
Rosary/Prayer Group
Prime Timers
Softball Teams
Women of St. Francis
Young Adults
Staff Liaison
Bible Study
Children’s Faith Formation
Pre School Faith Formation
MS/HS Youth Ministry
Kids Day Out
Staff Liaison
AIDS Outreach
Angel Tree
Blood Drives
Brown Bag Sunday
Caregiver Support Group
Catholic Addiction Ministry
Clothe a Child
Divorce Support
Funeral Meals
Grief Ministry
Hospital Ministry
Handyman Program
Illness/New Baby Meals
Nursing Home
Parents Raising Children Alone
Prayer Chain
Respect Life
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Thanksgiving Baskets
Community Life Commission
Marla Johnston (214) 794-5621
Noel Johnston (972) 712-2645
Mark Hutto (214) 277-3214
Bill Strait (469) 633-0420
Ghassan Hattar (972) 712-1183
Cindy and Gene Meyer 972 335 9323
Jim and Mary Kneese 972-625-5254
Barry & Ann Spada (469) 362-4669
Karen Sarnacki (972) 377-4507
Misty Dröessler (972)-302-1362
Kevin Guz (469) 633-0232
Lauren Bricker
Mauricio Frye -
Mary Lamanno -
Karen Samford -
Theresa Etcheverry (972) 377-0952
Donna Schmittler (214) 469 1043
Raul Perez (972) 542-9916
Vicky Shortino -
Travis and Melissa Hunt
Faith Formation Commission
George Vogt, IV (214) 592-2912
David Utsler (972) 712-2645
Ron Holleman (972) 978-7551
Diana Elwell (972) 712-2645 (ext. 229)
Melissa Barber (214) 618-0996
Tammy Weber (972) 712-2645
Lauren Harbour (972) 712-1657
Outreach Commission
Geralyn Kaminsky (972) 335-4186
Kyle Cupp (972) 712-2645
Jennifer Greenlee (469) 222-1080
Mary Watson -
Katherine Salazar (972) 335-2734
Melisa Manjeot -
(214) 202-1422
Marianne Miles Leal (817) 915-5171
Vincent Webb (972) 804-2812
Jennifer Eckert -
Deacon Gregg Kahrs (972) 712-2645
Jan Funnell -
Donna Schmittler (214) 469-1043
Kyle Cupp (972) 712-2645
Jim Smiley (972) 978-9133
Brian Heath -
Melanie Duhaime (214) 636 - 6277
Evelyn Grimes (214) 705-0009
Hilda Liando (972) 900-1055
Anneliese Rivera (972) 712-2645 (ext. 237)
Rachel Lam 214-478-5710
Martin Reiser, President -
Vivian Kitchen –
Liturgy Commission
Tony Silvestro (972) 335-6966
Staff Liaison
Altar Guild
Altar Servers
Art & Environment
Children’s Liturgy
EM Coordinator
Exposition Holy Eucharist
Music Ministry
Anneliese Rivera (972) 712-2645
Sue Rejmaniak -
Anthony Cimo (972) 712-7750
Missty Deutsch (972) 335-7695
Judy Devine 972-335-4416
Irene Balderas (972) 335-4539
Cris Fanous -
Suzanne Brewster -
Victoria Rychalsky -
Kevin Shelley (972) 712-2645
Shirley Forster – (972) 335-4297
Sean McMenamin
Hispanic Commission / Comisión Hispana
Luis Feliciano (972) 408-5408
Laura Márquez (972) 712-2645
Griselda B. Fox (214) 448-7831,
Soldados de Cristo
Lily Hernández, (214)664-5231
Coro Hispano
Celene Reyes (469) 471-1089
Mayela Paz (214) 705-9250
Liturgy Liaison
José Bautista (972) 604-5802
Bertha Gallegos (972) 347-2578
Samuel Mora 469.888.2677
Liturgia de la Palabra
Cris Fanous (305) 735-3556,
para los Niños
Coordinadora de Quinceañeras
Gladys García (972) 712-2926
Coordinadores de Bodas
Jerry & Mila Ledesma (214) 407-0253
Matrimonio Asesor
Maru y Roberto Alexander
para Preparación
214.317.6867 / 214.335.9763
Visitar los Enfermos
Luis Garzón (214) 387-9238
Beatriz Roca (972) 712-9454
Formación de Fe
Suzy Hernández (214) 529-3210
Celia Guadiano, (214) 934-2905
Grupo de Jóvenes
Greysi Bargas (214) 232 8241
Martín Sotelo (469) 667-9265
Grupo de Oración
Mila Ledesma (214) 407-0253
Encuentro Matrimonial
Rogelio y Guadalupe Pacheco (469) 685-4778
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Pedro y Nelva González (972) 294-8203
Clases de Inglés (ESL)
Tony Sánchez (214) 957-3573
Comida Mexicana Anual +
Bárbara Gallegos (972) 668-2102,
Días Culturales
Staff Liaison
‘Stewardship’ Liaison
Committee Chair
Staff Liaison
Welcoming Committee
Building Committee
Finance Council
Parish Council
Stewardship Council
Melissa Silvestro (972) 335-6966
Mark Smith (972) 712-2645
Jim and Lillian Burke -
(972) 731-6247
Parish Development
Steve Hulsey (972) 335-1616
Mary Holleman (214) 908-2133
Chris Sulak -