Catalog - Harlingen CISD / Harlingen Consolidated Independent
Catalog - Harlingen CISD / Harlingen Consolidated Independent
High School Catalog for Spanish & ELL Programs -ADVANCED PLACEMENT -AUTHENTIC LITERATURE -ELL/SIFE/NEWCOMERS -COMMON CORE ELA TEXTS 2013-2014 HOW TO ORDER Please submit all orders on an official purchase order form or on your school or library stationery. BY MAIL Lectorum Publications, Inc. 205 Chubb Ave., Lyndhurst, NJ 07071-3520 BY FAX Toll Free 877-532-8676 BINDINGS The bindings of the books listed in this catalog are indicated as follows: PB: Paperback book HC: Hardcover book Flexicover: An enhanced plastic cover paperback 24-Hour Service BY PHONE Toll Free 800-345-5946/ Ext. 2226 9:00 am-5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time I Monday-Friday ONLINE ORDERS SHIPPING CHARGES If you need to estimate shipping charges for your order, please refer to the chart below for an approximate calculation: ESTIMATED SHIPPING CHARGES CHART* FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION # 13-3736176 PRICES PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL PRICES SHOWN INTHIS CATALOG ARE NET (they reflect the 20% educational discount we offer to schools and libraries). The prices listed in this catalog are based on domestic costs and foreign exchange rates in effect on Septmeber 2, 2013, and are subject to change without prior notice. All orders are shipped EO.B. our warehouse in Lyndhurst, NJ. BACK ORDERS Our warehouse is stocked with sufficient quantities of all titles listed in this catalog to allow us to fill most orders in full. We may, on occasion, be unable to supply some titles due to circumstances beyond our control. In this case, unless instructed otherwise, we will place the unavailable title(s) on back order and supply them as soon as our stock is renewed. RETURNS All our books are guaranteed and are returnable for full credit (not applicable to processed books) if you are not fully satisfied. Returns mustbe made within 30 days of receipt of shipment. CLAIMS We take extreme care in filling all of our customers' orders. If a mistake occurs in any of our shipments, we request that you notify our Customer Service Department within five days of receipt of the shipment so that we can take immediate steps to correct it. Orders up to $99.99 net Orders from $100.00 to $1,999.99 net** Orders from $2,000.00 to $4,999.99 net*** Minimum Charge ZONE 2 $ 6.00 5.5% 4.5% ZONE 3 $ 7.50 6.0% 5.0% ZONE4 $ 8.00 7.0% 5.5% ZONES $ 8.00 8.0% 6.8% ZONE 6 $ 9.00 9.0% 7.8% ZONE 7 $10.00 10.0% 8.95% ZONE 8 $10.00 11.0% 10.0% *Add 2.25% more for dictionary orders **Of net amount of invoice ***Orders in excess of $5,000.00 net are shipped free of charge if sent to one location. ****Does not apply to PR, AK, HI. call for shipping charges for these locations. ZONE 2: CT, DE, MA, NJ, NY, Rio ZONE 3: DC, MD, NH, NC, OH, PA, SC, VT, VA, WV. ZONE 4: IL, IN, lA, KY, ME, MI, MS, TN. ZONE 5: AL, GA, KS, LA, MN, MO. ZONE 6: H, NE, ND, OK, SD, WI. ZONE 7: AR, CO, TX, WY. ZONE 8: Al, CA, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA Educational Sales Eastern States Online & Special Sales Hilda Viskovic, Manager Marjorie Sam per, Manager 800-345-5946, ext. 2240 I 800-345-5946, ext. 2227 I Educational Sales Western States Customer Service Maria Olsen, Manager Gladys Ochoa, Manager 800-345-5946, ext. 2239 I 800-345-5946, ext. 2226 I 9am-5pm, EST Monday-Friday Public library Sales Laura Bejarano, Manager 800-345-5946, ext. 2238 II Authentic Spanish languageJrom II Nonfiction Titles to Supportthe \I America and Spain Core State Standards -Customized Classroom libraries to MeefYour Students' Needs! -leveled Books - Best Selling Books and Series • Advanced Placement - Reference materials mUCh. more! n1Illlrh Please see our 2013 Children!s Catalogat: r to (877) 532 8676 or Call .(800) 3455946 DICCIONARIO DEL ESTUDIANTE GRAMMAR AND USAGE SPANiSH SABER ESCRIBIR Learning to Write Instituto Cervantes PB (SN16571) 9789870406136 NARIO DE LA LENGUA ESPANOLA ESENCIAL $20.00 With the objective to teach how to write, Saber escribir is an essential tool for those who need to write but do not know how to start. With this book, Instituto Cervantes provides the necessary guidelines to capture on paper what we think or say and to apply editing and proofreading techniques. $5.60 This pocket-sized grammar book covers parts of speech, sentence structure, punctuation, Spanish idioms, and pronunciation advice. SPANISH VERBS Kendris, Christopher & Theodore PB (BA19035) 9780764147760 $5.60 This compact book provides the conjugation for approximately 300 of the most frequently used Spanish verbs in all the tenses. From L rousse, one of the most trusted names in reference books, omes this pocket dictionary of essential Spanish. It contain 30,000 words, verb conjugations, and much more. Spanish Academy Dictionary for Students HC (SN 8583) 9788429450880 $30.40 From " he last word" on the Spanish language comes this compre ensive, yet easy-to-use students' dictionary. It is fortified ith fundamental information on correct linguistics explain d in simple terms. Students will use it for synonyms, acrony s, abbreviations, and practical examples of use. DICCI NARIO ESCOlAR JUNIOR Junior chool Dictionary PB (H 38032)9786070400438 $4.40 NUEVA GRAMATICA RASKA DE lA LENGUA ESPANOLA This ec nomical dictionary contains over 30,000 entries, sample sentences for most entries, scientific charts, and verb conjug tion tables. New Basic Grammar Real Academia Espanola PB (PER19088) 9788467034714 DlCCI NARIO lENGUA ESPANOLA: SECUNDARIA Y BACH I LERATO THIRD EDITION $8.00 Extracted from the two-volume reference set, this grammar manual was designed for the public at large. It's completely accessible and amazingly thorough. ORTOGRAFIA DE LA LENGUA ESPANOLA Real Academia Espanola Spanish Spelling PB (PT18436) 9786070706530 $15.96 Completely revised from the previous publication back in 1999, this veritable Bible of Spanish spelling rules looks at norms both in Spain and Latin America to provide a truly global look at proper written Spanish. PAINLESS SPANISH Vega, Carlos B. PB (BA19027) 9780764147111 2 $5.20 DICCI NARIO DEL ESTUDIANTE REAL ACADEMIA ESPAN LA SPANISH GRAMMAR Kendris, Christopher & Theodore PB (BA19034) 9780764146077 Essenti I Spanish Dictionary PB (H 34052) 9789702209959 $8.00 This book does so much more than teach Spanish. It introduces history and famous authors, allowing readers to immerse themselves into the culture. Brain ticklers make learning fun. High S hool Spanish Dictionary HC (ED 6577) 97884423660070 $18.40 With ore than 40,000 entries, 70,000 up-to-date definitions, a d numerous usage examples, this dictionary is one of the mo t comprehensive yet accessible reference tools for high sc 001 students. DICCI NARIO PRACTICO DEl ESTUDIANTE Practic I Dictionary for Students HC (SN38934) 9788468014395 $11.20 This di tionary from the Real Academia offers 30,000 entries, a select on of the most commonly used Anglicisms, conjugation rul s, the cardinal rules of spelling, most frequently used synony s, abbreviations and acronyms, families of words, and pra tical examples of use. It is a work conceived from all of the Spanish-speaking countries, which maintains a fundamental alance between the varieties in the language spoken in so m ny different regions. DlCClONARIO PARAESTUDlANHSINCU~S/ESPANOl SPANISH/ENGLISH PEQUENO lAROUSSEIlUSTRADO 2013 The Compact Larousse 2013 HC (HM38670) 9786072105744 $32.00 This revised edition, illustrated in full color, offers the most up-to-date information on a wide range of subjects including language, history, geography literature, the arts and sciences, and technology. Compact yet comprehensive, this book provides definitions, illustrative. examples, grammatical rules, synonyms and antonyms, and etymologies. EVEREST ClMA DICCIONARIO DE LA lENGUA ESPANOLA Everest Cima Dictionary of the Spanish Language PB (EV38255) 9788444110608 $28.00 The Everest Cima Dictionary includes foreign terms andneologisms that have become incorporated into everyday Spanish. Recognizing the role of dictionaries in language and learning, this comprehensive dictionary contains 50,000 entries, 100,000 definitions, and 800 pages, and is ideal for students with its large range of terms and its attention to grammar and spelling. EVEREST DICCIONARIO VISUAL Visual Dictionary HC (EV34216) 9788424112530 $19.20 With over 50,000 •words,. phonetic transcriptions of every term, grammatical notes, cultural information, tables, and a free downloadable ebookversion, this bilingual dictionary was designed for today's students. It differentiates between British usage and American usage and contains American expressions. THE BANTAM NEW COLLEGE SPANISH/ENGLISH DICTIONARY PB(BN7100) 9780553267143 $4.80 Designed by an authority in the field, this portable bilingual dictionary is comprehensive and easy to use. With thousands of entries and several special sections including Spanish grammar, pronunciation, Latin American usage by country, and more, this compact volume is a valuable and convenient reference. VElAZQUEZ WORLD WIDE SPANISH ~ ENGLISH DICTIONARY Flex (VZ34819) 9781594950018 $10.36 $40.80 Turn to this beautifully illustrated dictionary for information and terms on awide range of topics. Organized into a series of fully indexed sections, the 2,500 detailed illustrations included in this book are clearly labeled making precise identification qUick and accurate. Among the subjects covered are ancient civilizations, world culture, history, the solar system, the prehistoric era, plant and animal life, the human body, and technology. DICTIONAR.IES This lightweight, portable reference will accompany students from the middle grades all the way through COllege. Easy-touse, it includes a complete listing of Spanish verb conjugations and an entry-by-entry Spanish pronunciation guide. It includes a 15-page conversation guide and examines regional variations in Spanish. VOXDICCIONARIO COMPACTOESPANOL EINGLES Vox Compact Spanish/English Dictionary PB(NT35655) 9780071499491 $8.76 Students will find that this useful and authoritative reference, edited by top linguists and scholars, is an indispensable tool for effective writing and speaking. SPANISH-ENGLISH COLLINS SPANISH UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY SPANISH-ENGLISH / ENGLISH-SPANISH HC (HC37066) 9780061808258 Spanish. English/Engl ish Spanish Dictionary Flex (EV38258) 9788444110844 WEBSTER'S NEW EXPLORER SPANISH-ENGLISH DICTIONARY HC(FED36132) 9781596950535 $8.80 $44.00 The most frequently used words in both languages are treated in detail, helping the user not only to understand but also to translate idiomatically. This dictionary includes complete treatment .of Lati n-American usage and helpfu I cultural notes about life and institutions in Spanish and English-speaking countries. Created in collaboration with the editors of Merriam-Webster, this dictionary offers an accurate and up-to-date listing of current vocabulary words in both, regional Latin American Spanish and English, as well asexamples<of words used in context. It also provides coverage of irregular verbs in both languages, a section on basic Spanish grammar, a table of common Spanish abbreviations, and detailed explanatory notes. 3 WEBSTER'S WORLDWIDE ENGLISH/SPANISH SPANISH/ENGLISH DICTIONARY PB (MV31790) 9781885286093 $3.20 ALLEN E, ISABEl A great value, this original bilingual dictionary has a unique feature that sets it apart from the rest: it places special emphasis on examples as a means of teaching Spanish and English. It was created with two primary objectives: to provide definitions of the words Iisted and to expand on most defi nitions with examples that clarify each meaning depending on its usage. CUENT S DE EVA LUNA The Stories of Eva Luna PB(HC 010)9780060951313 $10.36 Isabel lIende creates a modern-day Scheherazade in this magical collection. It contains the story Dos palabras. ANON MOUS LAZARI LO DE TORMES Lazarill de Tormes PB (CA9197) 9788437606606 Professo and medieval literature expert Franciso Rico prepared b th the notes and the introduction to this edition of the c1as ic Lazarillo de Tormes. GEDEN ESPANOl GED in Spanish Various Authors PB(BA18166)9780764143014 $14.40 $20.00 BEcQU R, GUSTAVO ADOLFO RIMAS Rhymes PB (CA9 29)9788437613437 Featuring a full-length diagnostic test, and two full-length practice exams, this manual is presented entirely in Spanish for Spanish-speakers who intend to take the GED's Spanish language version. The diagnostic test's questions come with answer keys, answer analyses, and self-appraisal charts. Rafael classic EL GED EN ESPANOL PARA DUMMIES BORGE, JORGE lUIS The GED in Spanish for Dummies MurrayShukyn & Dale E. Shuttleworth PB OW18334) 9780470769157 EL HAC DOR The Ma er PB (RH19029) 9780307950970 $14.40 El GED en espanol para Dummies is acomprehensive study guide for native Spanish-speakers preparing to take the GED exam. You'll get hands-on, essential test preparation help on everything you need to know-from registering and studying effectively to managing your time during the exam. $12.40 ontesinos has annotated this edition of Becquer's imas. $12.00 Amixtu e of genres, El hacedor contains short stories, essays, and poe s, including Borges y yo. HCCIO ES Labyrint s PB (RH18714) 9780307950925 $11.20 SPANISH 7th EDITION Alice G. Springer PB (BA39097) 9781438070292 $21.60 If you want to get a five on the AP Spanish exam, then this is the study guide for you. It contains practice tests and four audio CDs. $15.20 $16.00 This ideal study gUide comes with one full-length diagnostic test,nine practice tests, an audio CD with listening comprehension exercises, and an in-depth review of Spanish grammar. 4 CERVA TES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEl DE DON Q IjOTE DE LA MANCHA Don Quijote PBOV9 01) 9788426105134 SAT SUBJECT TEST SPANISH Various Authors PB(BA39046)9781438070810 Ficcion s brings together two short works written by Borges in 1941 and 1944: El jardfn de los senderos que se bifurcan and Arti icios. It contains El sur, considered one of his best stories. Real Ac demia member Martin de Riquer annotated this edition, which follows the text of the first known edition of Quijote. CORTAZAR, JULIO FINAL DEL JUEGO Final Exam PB(SN19030)9789708120777 GARciA MARQUEZ, GABRiEl 1982 Nobel Prize $8.80 Written with the enthusiasm of the very genius, the eighteen short stories that compose Final del juego constitute so many experiments of perfection such us "No se culpe a nadie," "EI rio," "Axolotl," and "La noche boca arriba". It also includes the story "Los venenos" which he considered autobiographical. DARIO, RUBEN pAGINAS ESCOGIDAS Selected Pages PB (CA9006) 9788437601847 $14.00 Ricardo Gul16n edited and annotated this selection of Ruben Dario's work. It shows the richness of the literature from the Modernist movement. It includes A Roosevelt. DON JUAN MANUEl EL CONDE LUCANOR Count Lucanor PB (CA9050)~788437600789 $14.40 This medieval classic is made much more understandable by the scholarly introductions and annotations written by Alfonso Sotelo. FUENTES, CARLOS CUENTOS SOBRENATURALES Extraordinary Stories PB (AF19031) 9789707709911 $14.40 Published in this volume are three never before published short stories: EI robot sacramentado, Un fantasma tropical, and Pantera en jazz. Also . included are Tlactocatzine del jardin de Flandes, Chac mool, Letania de la orquidea, and Aura, a masterpiece in the short story genre. LA INCREIBLE Y TRISTE HISTORIA DE LA CANDIDA ERENDIRA Y DE SU ABUELA DESALMADA Erendira PB (RH18281) 9780307475787 $11.20 Erendira is forced into prostitution by her grandmother to pay for the loss of her cherished possessions lost in a fire. This book contains six additional short stories, including EI ahogado mas hermoso del mundo. LOS FUNERALES DE LA MAMA GRANDE Funerals of the Great Matriarch PB (RH18283) 9780307475718 $11.20 The seven stories, including La siesta del martes, and one short novel that comprise this book describe the funeral rites of a 92-year-old matriarch who passes away in the legendary city of Macondo. lA VEGA, GARCilASO DE POESIA CASTELLANA COMPLETA Complete Spanish Poetry PB (CA9129) 9788437600673 $12.40 Garcilaso de la Vega was considered one of the most innovative poets of his time. This complete poetic anthology has been fully annotated by Consuelo Burell. GUillEN, NICOLAS ISLA DE ROJO CORAL The Island of Red Coral PB (LG5311) 9788485334681 $14.40 In this collection of over 100 poems, including Balada de los dos abuelos, the author pays homage to Cuba, Afro-Cuban music, love, and the simple things in life. His writing captures the rhythms, colors, and warmth of the Caribbean. The volume includes a glossary of Afro-Cuban and Caribbean terms. GARciA lORCA, FEDERICO LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA The HOuse of Bernarda Alba PB (CA9031) 9788437622453 $12.80 In this famous tragedy, five children rebel against the tyranny and oppression of their overbearing mother. ROMANCERO GITANO Gypsy Ballads PB (VK9010) 9780140255836 $11.20 Romancero gitano captures the passion and violence of gypsy life. It contains "Prendimiento de Antonito el Camborio en el camino de Sevilla." MACHADO, ANTONIO SOLEDADES. GALERIAS. OTROS POEMAS Solitude. Galleries. Other Poems PB (CA9064) 9788437604114 $12.40 The beginnings of Machado's later elements and techniques are evident in this volume, which presents three of his earlier works in one annotated book. The poem He andado muchos caminos can be found in Soledades. MARTI, JOSE ENSAYOS Y CRONICAS Essays and Chronicles PB (CA14552) 9788437621319 $19.20 Jose Olivio Jimenez wrote the ample notes and introductory materials to this edition of Jose Marti's varied prose. The pieces show the Cuban patriot's views on Latin America, the United States, and fellow writers. It includes Nuestra America. MOUNA, TIRSO DE EL BURLADOR DE SEVILLA The Beguiler of Seville PB (CA9074) 9788437623931 $12.00 Runo JUAN EL LLA 0 EN LLAMAS The Bur ing Plain PB(CA 112) 9788437605128 $12.80 In EI II no en llamas, readers witness the arduous life of Mexica workers in Jalisco. No oyes ladrar los perros is part ofthis ook. UNAM SAN M St. Man PB (CA NO, MIGUEl.. DE NUEL BUENO, MARTIR el Bueno, Martyr 121)9788437601854 $12.80 In San anuel Bueno, martir, the reader shares in the moving stru gle of a priest who questions the existence of God. This well-annotated edition of Tirso de Molina's classic play is ideal for students. NERUDA, PABLO 1971 Nobel Prize ANTOLOGfA GENERAL General Anthology HC (SN18187) 9788420404967 ROMA CERO TRADICIONAL Y ARTfsTICO Traditio al and Modern Romances PB (CA19074) 9788437623634 $12.80 This commemorative edition of the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Spanish Language Academies is the definitive work by Neruda, the poet at his purest. This well" rounded edition. is complemented with studies conducted by academics from different countries as well as specialists of Neruda's work. It also includes a glossary of terms and the poem Walking Around from Residencia enla tierra. QUEVEDO, fRANCISCO DE POEsfAVARIA Various Poems PB (CA19075) 9788437602660 $13.20 This an hology contains traditional romances/including La perdida de Alhama, and selections byG6ngora,. Lope, Queve 0, Becquer, Antonio Machado, Garda Lorca, and Miguel ernandez. pOEsfA LlRICA DEL SIGLO DE ORO Lyrical oetry from the Golden Age PB (CA 200)9788437601748 $17.56 This a notated anthology features works by Quevedo/ Garcila 0 de la Vega, G6ngora, inciudingSoneto CLXVI, Hombr s necios que acusais by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, and ma y more. $17.60 Among the hundred of poems in this book you will find Salmo17. NOVELS QUIROGA, HORACIO CUENTOS Short Stories PB (CA91 04) 9788437609591 $17.60 This annoted anthology presents 18 of QUiroga's short stories including EI hijo. RIVERA, TOMAS Y NOSE LO TRAGO LA TIERRNAND THE EARTH DID NOT DEVOUR HIM PB (AR19032) 9781558850835 $11.96 6 This classic about migrant workers in the 1940s and 1950sis presented in a bilingual format. ABAD, lVARO & JAIME (SPAIN) EL AUT ROE ESTE L1BRO ES UNZOMBI The Aut or of this Book Is a Zombie PB (EV 9032)9788444149547 $1 Two br thers meet· an odd individual named Robinson Dostoie sky, who speaks in riddles. Intrigued, •the two decide 0 record a few interviews with him. The stranger tells them a out all sorts of horrible events involving zombies, witcher ft, and. murder. They become as drawn into his macabr tale as the reader will be. ALLENDE, ISABEL (CHILE) ALONSO, ANA & JAVIER PELIGRIN (SPAIN) DEAMOR Y DE SOMBRA Of Love and Shadows PB (HC9011) 9780060951290 COLECCION LA LLAVE DELTIEMPO The Key ofTime Series Androids and •avatars, wormholes and interstellar pirates, gigantic corporations that rule the universe-and four teenagers with extraordinary mental powers who just might be able to change the destiny ofthe human race. LA TORRE Y LA ISLA The Tower and the Island HC (GS37940) 9788466752169 $20.00 LA ESFERA DE MEDUSA Medusa's Sphere HC (GS37941) 9788466762786 $20.00 LACIUDAD INFINITA The Infinite City HC (GS37942) 9788466765244 $20.00 ELjlNETE DE PLATA The Silver Horseman HC (GS37943) 9788466776851 $20.00 URIEL Uriel HC(GS37944) 9788466778466 $20.00 LA PUERTA DE CARONTE Charon's Door HC (GS37945) 9788466784771 $20.00 EL PALACIO DEL SILENCIO The Silent Palace HC (GS37946) 9788466785013 $20.00 EL VIAjE DE ZOE Zoe's journey HC (GS37947) 9788466792936 $20.00 $11.20 In her poetic style, Isabel Allende creates a realistic love story filled with the passions and struggles of modern life. EVA LUNA PB (HC9009) 9780060951283 $10.40 This novel relates the moving love story between a devout woman and a troubled man. LA CASA DE LOS ESPIRITUS The House of the Spirits PB (HC9004) 9780060951306 $12.80 This novel traces the family history of Esteban Trueba, his vvife, his legitimate and illegitimate children, and his grandchildren from the turn of the century to the present. They struggle in a world filled with violence and hope, reminiscent of life in many Latin American nations. LA CIUDAD DE LAS BESTIAS City of the Beasts PB (HC14441) 9780060510329 $8.00 In Isabel Allende's first novel for young readers, Alexander Cold sets off on an Amazonian expedition with his grandmother in search of "the Beast," a Yeti~1 ike creature. Along the way he learns a great deal about other cultures, the importance of nature, and himself. ELREINO DEL DRAGON DE ORO The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon PB(HC32891)9780060591717 $7.20 In this follow-up to La ciudad de las bestias, Alexander, his grandmother, and Nadia head to a forbidden kingdom in the Himalayas to find a mysterious statue before it is destroyed. Along the way they learn about the area, get acquainted with their own true spirits, and experience quite a few adventures. EL BOSQUE DE LOS PIGMEOS The Forest of the Pygmies PB(HC15514)9780060816193 $7.20 In the final book of Isabel Allende's trilogy for young readers, jack and his grandmother journey deep into the Pygmy forest. Readers will learn from jack's spiritual and intellectual development and be dazzled once again by Allende's creativity and imagery. ASTURIAS, MIGUEL ANGEl (GUATEMALA) 1967 Nobel Prize EL SENOR PRESIDENTE Mr. President PB (CA9278) 9788437615172 • $19.20 Tropical beauty coexists with the brutal force of a dictator in this contemporary masterpiece. CANSINO, EUACER (SPAIN) EL MISTERIO VELAzQUEZ The Velazquez Mystery PB (BU6204) 9788421631928 $12.80 Velazquez, court painter to Spain's Felipe IV, was especially fond of painting the midgets who lived at the Palace. Nicolas Pertusato tells of hisenigmaticrelationship with the artist and reveals the mystery behind the creation of Velazquez's masterpiece, "Las Meninas." 1997 Lazarillo Award 7 YO, ROBINSON sANCHEZ, HABIENDO NAUFRAGAOO I, Robinson Sanchez, Castaway PB (EV5909) 9788424159719 $10AO Miguel and his family move toa new town where everything is completely different, from the people to the climate. Lucki Iy, he befriends a group of kids who overcome thei r boredom by escaping into the world of literature at the library. CANAS TQRREGROSA, JOSE (SPAIN) LA CARA DE LA INOCENCIA The Face of Innocence PB (EV32060) 9788424180720 $10AO Violeta experiences the pain of abuse at a young age. Her alcoholic father physically and mentally abuses her mother, making Violeta wonder if there is a better future for her and her family. CARDENAS, TERESA (CUBA) PERRO VIEJO Old Dog PB (GR017076) 9780888998378 $7.16 All his Hfe Perro Viejo has been a slave on his owner's sugar plantation. His body is old and tired. One day an elderly slave asks him to help a 1O-year-old girl to escape. •The three might not be successful, but at least they will finally get a taste of what it's like to be free. CARMONA, Rodo (SPAIN) LA GRAMATICA DEL AMOR The Language of Love PB (GL38924) 9788424647940 $14AO At a lonely, English boarding school, Irene becomes despondent when her heart gets broken. She begins to feel aHve agai n when she starts fall ing for a mysterious, attractive teacher. Just when she thinks her love life is finally back on track, an unexpected suitor shows up who is determined to win her over. CARRANZA, MAilE (SPAIN) MAGIA DE UNA NOCHE DEVERANO A Summer Night's Magic HC (ED36506) 9788423694112 $20.80 Is it possible to age two years, grow4 inches, go up two sizes, and gain 30 IQ points all in one day? This is what Marina needs to do to finally be able to beat her sister Angela. Soon they both discover that no One is who they appear to be in this humorous and magical comedy of errors. 8 ION LA GUERRA DE LAS BRUJAS The Wa of the Witches Series The Wit hes of Omar have lived in secrecy for ages as they await th ir redeemer to liberate them from the evil Witches of Odis . Readers will surely be mesmerized by this trilogy, which f atures mysterious disappearances, family secrets, and spe Is and curses. EL CLA DE LA LOBA The Cia of the She-Wolf PB (ED 6859)9788423684564 EL DESI RTO DE HIELO Desert I e PB (ED36860) 9788423693429 LA MALDICION DE 001 The Cur e of Odi PB (ED36861) 9788423694181 PALABR S ENVENENADAS PoisoneWords PB (ED36864) 9788423696505 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 What h ppened to 15-year-old Barbara Molina? Her body has nev r been found and there is no evidence to even have a suspe t. This moving novel follows the life of three people close to her and illustrates the huge, destructive void her disappeara ce has created. CASAL ERREY, FINA (SPAIN) ISHA, N CIDA DELCORAZON Isha, Bo n from the Heart PB (ED36616) 9788423678624 Isha is tease h easy to meanin CHAvE $11.20 pset because her so-called friends and classmates r for being adopted. Readers will find Isha's story elate to, and adoptedchildren will find it especially ful. CASTANEDA, RICARDO (MEXICO) LAVAL A The Fen e PB (EV2 91)9788424179373 $10AO In this ovel about child abuse, Teresa is the new kid at school. Her introverted personality draws the attention of Nestor nd his friends, a group of kids who try to help each other 0 rcome their fears. MANA ARlO Tomorr w PB (EV3 866)9788424178321 $10AO Getting ver the death of a loved one is very difficult, especially w en the person who has died was young and has committed suicide. Written in diary form, this intimate story is harsh a d painful, yet it ultimately offers a glimmer of hope. DE PAULA FERNANDEZ, FRANCISCO (SPAIN) jBUENOS OIAS, PRINCESA! Good Morning, Princess! PB (PER38603) 9786070712364 $14.40 Written under the pseudonym Blue Jeans, this is the first ever novel to go from the Internet to paper due to its popularity on social networks. It is the story of 17-year-old Paula who decides to meet a friend she has gotten to know through chat rooms. This hip, fun novel mixes love, disillusionment, friendship, and music in an unforgettable way. CALLAME CON UN BESO Quiet Me with a Kiss PB (EV38040) 9788444147796 $14.40 In book three, years have passed in Paula's life, and she has learned the hard way that distance can destroy relationships. She, as well as her friends, will have to face tough decisions about life, love, and friendship. Completely hip and believable, this novel will resonate with teens. lSABES QUE QUIERO? DO You Know that I Love You? PB (EV38042) 9788444147789 $14.40 This sequel picks up a few months after Canciones para Paula left off. Paula and her friends suffer through the ups and downs of relationships. Readers will instantly identify with the characters in super cool narrative. DEl AMO, MONTSERRAT (SPAIN) EL ABRAZO DEL NILO Adventure on the Nile PB (BU36600) 9788421652473 $11.20 $19.96 The members of the Misunderstood Club met two years ago. Now, something has changed and they don't know if they can rely on each other anymore. Readers will readily identify with the members of this club. CANCIONES PARA PAULA Songs for Paula PB (EV38042) 9788444147772 DIAZ GUERRA, fRANCISCO (SPAIN) EL ALFABETO DE LAS 221 PUERTAS The Alphabet of 221 Gates PB (BU35362) 9788421697016 $11.20 Two young Spanish students are given the opportunity to travel to the Middle East. The boys discover a world of adventure and encounter a culture very different from their own. Their fascinating experiences provide the reader with an excellent introduction to the marvels of Egypt. In this unusual blend of Arab wisdom, Asian fantasy, and exciting mystery, an unusual character undergoes dramatic changes when a young Asian princess from an imaginary kingdom enters his life and takes control of his destiny. Winner of the 1992 Lazarillo Award, Spain ESQUIVEL, LAURA (MEXICO) COMO AGUA PARA CHOCOLATE Like Water for Chocolate PB (B09001) 9780385721233 $12.00 Passions intermingle in this enticing novel about a woman who, not allowed to marry the man she loved, pours her emotions into her cooking. .Recipes are included. FERNANDEZ VILLALBA, CARMEN (SPAIN) LUZAZUL Blue Light HC (GL36935) 9788424636906 $22.40 The only people who can save the Universe turn out to be five mutants exiled from their world. Would you dare help them? Whose side will you take? This unforgettable novel won the 2010 Premia La Galera J6venes Lectores. FERNANDEZ-VIDAL, SONIA (SPAIN) QUANTIC LOVE Quantic Love PB (GL37995) 9788424641702 $22.40 At CERN,amidst experiments that reveal the origin of the uni~ verse, young Laila must find the solution to the greatest problem on Earth: how to choose between two loves. Regardless of who she picks, she discovers love is the most powerful energy in the world. GALANt ANA (SPAIN) TRES ANOS EN NUEVA YORK Three Years in New York PB (NGP37072) 9788408099581 $12.80 Three years in New York? I couldn't believe it when my parents told us that. I thought I was going to be completely miserable, but, you know what? My new high school is not that bad. This is a wonderful novel for anyone who has ever felt like the odd man out. 9 CALAN, ANA & MANUJl ENRIQUEZ (SPAIN) CIERRA LOS OJOS Y MIRAME Close Your Eyes and Look at Me PB (NGP38633) 9788408009818 $20.00 After a serious car accident, David is told he will never see again: Submerged in a world of shadows, fear, and anguish, he will have to learn to get around on hisownor with the help of Blanca's guide dog. Will a vibrant, young student be able to fall in love and maintain a relationship with a blind boy given all the social pressures and prejudice? GALJEGqS, ROMUlO (VENEZUELA) DONA BARBARA Lady Barbara PB(CA9280) 9788437615394 $19.20 GISBER , JOAN MANUEl (SPAIN) EL ENIGMA DE LA MUCHACHA DORMIDA The My tery of the Sleeping Girl PB (BU36591) 9788421652510 CARcIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL (COLOMBIA) 1982 Nobel Prize LA MIR DA OSCURA The Dar Look PB (GS7 67)9788420777689 Garda Marquez's masterpiece about the Buendia. family changed the course of Latin American literature forever and demonstrates why he deserved to win the Nobel Prize. CRONICA DE UNA MUERTE ANUNCIADA Chronicle of a Death Foretold PB (RH14234) 9781400034956 $11.20 g beauty of sorts, a young girl's dead body is on disII to see. One person in particular has a great interding out this young girl's past. A great story for any dventure mysteries. Asleepi play for est in fi lover of $12.00 $12.76 Vivir pa a contarla is a memoir of his early years. Much of the book t kes place in his native Aracataca in northern Colomb a, which despite its poverty and isolation, held mysteries an magic that inspired the storyteller to produce much of his prized work. Dona Barbara uses her cunning andherbeauty to avenge the ~en who raped her, defrauding them and gaining large holdmgs of land. She covets Santos Luzardo's estate, but refrains from seducing him because he is in lovewith her daughter. CIEN ANOS DE SOLEDAD One Hundred Years of Solitude PB(RH18140)9780307474728 $10040 Years ag , when Farmer Aceves's strange behavior made him a prime uspect in twomurders, he left town. Now he's back, andyou g Regina fears that her father, an employee at the farm, is n danger. EL MIST RIO DE LA ISLADE TOKLAND The Mys erious Tokland Island PB (NG 36692) 9788408090809 $11.20 The forces of revenge and honor play major roles in the disturbing plot about a man whose murder is imminent. Hidden n a lost island beneath the sea, lies the most fabulous sec et of all time. This exciting adventure follows the crew of he ship Dedalus as it sets out on a fantastic journey to unco er the lost legend of a hidden universe. EL CORONEL NO TIENE QUIEN LE ESCRIBA No One Writes to the Colonel PB (RH18235) 9780307475442 EL MUS 0 DE LOS SUENOS Dream useum PB (NG 36697) 9788408091059 $11.16 $10.40 While a tolonel awaits his pension, hisonly valuable possession is a rooster given to him by his late son. Although he is penniless, he keeps the rooster, hoping it will win the local cockfights. The coronel's tenacity represents the power of human determination. EL GENERAL EN SU LABERINTO rheGeneral·.in His•• Labyrinth PB(RH14233) 9781400034963 Historical data and fiction intermingle to recount the final days of Simon Bolivar, the South American liberator. 10 VIVIR P RA CONTARLA Living t Tell theTale PB (RH14110) 9781400034536 $11.20 A man is lured into an old, abandoned mansion where he finds c nturies·old objects that hold· fascinating secrets. Howeve, those who touch these objects age very quickly. What se rets do they keep? This engaging fantasy will keep readers intrigued from the very first page. HATERO, jOSAN & USE lAHOZ (SPAIN) VOLVERAN A POR Mf They're Coming Back for Me PB (GL38208) 9788424643485 EL MISTERIO DE LA DAMA DESAPARECIDA The Mystery of the Missing Lady PB (GS31132) 9788466702898 $22.40 Greco, a problematic 16-year-old is senUo the prestigious Phoenix Academy, a place that is famous for straightening out troubled teens in record time. There hemeets Iris and they begin to realize strange things are happening to their classmates. Both must figure out what's happening at the academy before they're next. HIRIART, BERTA (MEXICO) EN DfAS DE MUERTOS On Days of the Dead PB (EV30803) 9788424185978 $10.40 just before the Day of the Dead celebration, the Arteaga family decides to cross the border to escape the untenable situation their homeland. They honor tradition by leaving a trail for the deceased to follow, and the souls ofthelivingand the dead fuse into one. ISAACS, JORGE (COLOMBIA) MARfA Maria PB (CA9039) 9788437606101 $17.60 Since its initial publication in 1867, Marfa has been one of the most widely read novels in Latin America. This edition includes substantial biographical data on Isaacs and examines the theory that this novel is semi-autobiographical. JIMENEZ, JUAN RAMON (SPAIN) 1956 Nobel Prize PLATEROYYO Platero and I Illustrated by Enrique Sanchez Moreira HC (EV34230) 9788424113025 $12.00 lOPEl NARVAEZ, CONCHA (SPAIN) The three stories of this thriller are set in an sion and a cemetery. We must warn you: your heart beat faster! In 17th century Spain, during the reign of Felipe IV, a young nobleman falls deeply in love with a lovely lady he meets at a palace ball. When he tries to find her! she has mysteriously disappeared. His obsession eventually leads those around him to think he has gone mad, but an eerie surprise awaits them all at the end of the story. EL SILENCIO DEL ASESINO The Assassin's Silence PB (NGP36688) 9788408090649 $11.20 Two beautiful willows have always graced the entrance of Twin Willows Manor! but beneath them some terrible secrets are hidden .. Ernest Morrison's tranquil existence takes a tragic turn when a bulldozer accidentally knocks down one of tne trees and reveals the human bones buried there. LA TEjEDORA DE LA MUERTE The Weaver of Death PB(BU36588)9788421652527 $11.20 This spellbinding tale will keep. readers in suspense from beginning to end~ A rocking chair sways by itselt andashadow on the wall.reveals the ghost sitting in the chair. A woman who witnesses these events moves to another town to escape the horror! but the shadow follows her! LAS HORAS LARGAS The Long Hours PB (GS7666) 9788420777665 $10.40 Each year the shepherds lead their herds from the mountains in the north of Spain to the warmer regions of the southwest. This is the story of a young shepherd's -helper, who will make the journey for the first time. This new experience will teach him to be brave, and lead him to find love and friendship. This unabridged edition of the beloved story of a poet and his pet donkey commemorates the 125th anniversary of the birth of juan Ramon jimenez. A prologue by Antonio Gala is included. EL ABRAZO DE LA MUERTE Death's Embrace PB (GS37657) 9788466795289 $10.40 $10.40 MARTINGAITE, CARMEN (SPAIN) CAPERUCITA EN MANHATTAN little Red Riding Hood in Manhattan HC (SE5795) 9788478444069 $20.00 Caperucita encounters the famous baker Mr. Wolf in New York's Central Park and gives him a piece of strawberry shortcake. When he discovers that ifs her grandmother's recipe! he is determined to get his hands on it at any cost. The author's use of language is. truly unforgettable. MASJRHTI\, ANGElES (MEXICO) ARRANCAME LA VIDA Mexican Bolero PBjRH9OT4) 9780375701993 $12.00 When young Catalina marries a revolutionary leader in Mexico, she is caught up in a turbulent public and private life. Faced with many challenges! she finally finds the strength to pursue her hopes and dreams. 11 MORAL S, ANTONIO MARTIN (SPAIN) MATUTE, ANA MARIA (SPAIN) FIESTA AL NOROESTE Celebration in the Northwest PB (CA9071) 9788437601502 $11.60 Death, wasted youth, doused dreams, and love-hate relationships are the principal themes in this novel, considered Matute's best. MIRAllES, FRANCESC (SPAIN) RETRUM Retrum HC (GL36608) 9788424633783 $19.20 "Have you ever slept in a cemetery?" Three goth teens ask this chilling question to a 16-year old Christian who's lost everything he loves. Together, they've created RETRUM, a secret society that communicates with the dead and practice odd rituals. One ofthe girls, Alexia, will take over Christian's heart and their love will go far beyond death. COLEC ION LA HORDA DEL DIABLO The De ii's Hord Series Discove a world of fantasy filled with adventures, gods, spectac lar creatures, and an army that has a bitter secret to hide. R aders will be captivated as they read about Remo and his eroic fall from grace as he fights a continuous battle to stop te spread of black magic and protect his kingdom. LA CAZ DEL NIGROMANTE The Hu t for the Sorcerer PB (EV3 336) 9788444148304 LA MAL ICiON SILACH The Sila h Curse PB (EV3 337)9788444148311 PAC 0 DE LAS CINCO MONTANAS The Pac of the Five Mountains PB(EV3338)9788444148328 $14.40 $14.40 $14.40 MOUR , GONZALO (SPAIN) RETRUM 2: LA NIEVE NEGRA Retrum 2: Black Snow HC (GL37268) 9788424636166 $20.00 This sequel picks up one year after Retrum ends. Anewclan emerges that mimics the secret society Retrumin practically every way, except this group has sinister goals in mind. Emotions are running high and the nightmare has just begun. MOUNA llORENTE, PILAR (SPAIN) AURA GRIS Aura's Gray Day PB (BU35363) 9788421696743 EN UN In a De Illustrat HC(GS OSQUE DE HOJA CADUCA iduous Forest d by Esperanza Leon 5140)9788466753531 $12.80 Lucfa, n w grown up, looks back at the summer after her grandm ther's death, and her time in the forest with a nighting Ie named Tsipi. This first-person fictional narrative is a tho ghtful meditation on Iife, death, love, and growing up. MUNO AVIA, RODRIGO (SPAIN) $11.20 Aura is a Roman girl who has accepted the teachings of Christianity, and helps Christian orphans by adopting them in order to protect them from Nero's persecution. In the face of danger, however, Aura is forced to choose between being martyred and publicly renouncing her beliefs. MIGUEL ANGEL, EL TERRIBLE FLORENTINO The Terrible Florentine PB (NGP37923) 9788408099130 $11.20 Michelangelo, the world-renowned artist who painted the Sistine Chapel's frescoes and sculpted Moses, David, and the Pieta, is the subject of this beautifully written historical. novel. MI HER ANO EL GENIO My Brot er the Genius PB (ED3 614)9788423678266 $11.20 There a e two types of people in this world: geniuses and everyon else; at least that's what Lola's mother says. Among the geni ses is Lola's brother, while Lola would fall into the otherc tegory. Although her mother never says so, lola knows t at she thinks it. The truth is that Lola herself often agrees.. NINO, J IRO ANIBAl (COLOMBIA) TAPIR Tapir PB (PV3 915)9789583037931 $12.80 Despite its suggestive name, the little town of Windy Port is perfectlpeaceful. You'll find no violence or intolerance there.. hat you will find, though, are the most diverse types of inhabitants, among them a tapir cub that learns to speak and act ike a human, thanks to the friendship of an extraordinary b y and girl. 12 NONIOEZ, MANUEl (SPAIN) EL CEMENTERIO DE LAS ESTRELLAS The Cemetery of Stars HC (EV36418) 9788444145242 $18.40 RIVERA FERNER, MARTA (SPAIN) EL PERFIL DE LA LUNA The Moon in Profile PB (EV32741) 9788424187200 $10.40 Two stories and time periods intertwine in this exciting thriller. In the 14th century, a shady character making the pilgrimage to Compostela plans to carry out a mission that will shake the foundations of Western culture; in the present, tweens Kenya and Roberto witness the murder of a well-known antiquarian. This remarkable novel takes readers beyond the traditional historical approach to Spain's period of exploration. The narrator, a member of Pizarro's crew in the colonization of Peru, relates his experiences in the New World. Looking past his mission and upbringing, the narrator finds the true treasures of America. PEREZ OIAZ, ENRIQUE (CUBA) LAS CARTAS DE ALAIN Alain's Letters PB (GS33380) 9788466706193 RUlfO, JUAN (MEXICO) PEDRO pARAMO PB (CA9113) 9788437604183 $10.40 A Cuban boy narrates the story of his best friend, Alain, who sets out to sea with his parents on a dangerous voyage in search of a better life. This book about the strong bonds that stem from childhood friendships describes the plight of many Cuban children like Alain. PEREZ GAlOOS, BENITO (SPAIN) DONA PERFECTA Lady Perfect PB (CA9261) 9788437603728 $17.60 Pepe Rey's father urges him to ask for his cousin's hand in marriage. Her mother, Dona Perfecta, dislikes him because she believes that he opposes the monarchy. Exiled from his village, Pepe vows to marry his cousin at any cost, unaware that this will lead to his demise. PETRIZ, HYPATIA (SPAIN) DIARIO DE H H's Diary HC (GL39067) 9788424646578 $24.00 Diario de H is not just a novel for teens; it was written by a 14-year-old! This novel is a mix of adolescent experiences and pop music written in diary format. The hip narrative is one any reader will be able to identify with. PUERTO, CARLOS (SPAIN) MI TIGRE ES LLUVIA Tiger, It's Raining Outside PB(EV35656)9788444141077 $10.40 This powerful novel deals with the complex issue of eating disorders. Marfa, a girl who suffers from anorexia, is sent to a hospital. There she encounters deeply troubled girls who, like herself, must confront their issues of low self-esteem in order to begin the arduous road to recovery. $12.80 In Pedro Paramo, juan Rulfo depicts the pain felt by troubled people in a moving, eloquent way. RUIZ ZAFON, CARLOS (SPAIN) LA SOMBRA DEL VIENTO The Shadow of the Wind PB(RH1776m9780307472595 $14.36 This runaway bestseller is set in Barcelona in 1945. A father takes his son to the Cemetery for Lost Books, a secret place he considers a sanctuary. The father proceeds to tell his son that each book has a soul and imparts his love of reading to the next generation. In this way he keeps these souls from withering away. jUEGO DELANGEL The Angel's Game PB(RH17241)9780307455376 $14.36 EI juego del angel is the long-awaited prequel to La sombra del viento. This breathtaking novel will again immerse readers in the "Cemetery of Forgotten Books" and the city of Barcelona, where a world of mystery, fantasy and tragic love will unfold. EL PRISIONERO DEL CIELO The Prisoner of Heaven PB (RH18589) 9780345803306 $12.76 Barcelona,1957. Daniel and Bea, characters we first met in La sombra del viento, have now been married for one year and they have a son. One day, a stranger comes in and his actions threaten to reveal a secret from decades. ago. The past mixes with the present in this fascinating novel. 13 SABATO, ERNESTO (ARGENTINA) El TUNEl The Tunnel PB (CA9116) 9788437600895 lOS M AIS DE PASCUA Easter I land Moai PB (ED 5761)9788423677184 Maria Iribarne is inexplicably murdered in this intriguing crime story. SENNHl, JOLES (SPAIN) LA GUfA FANTAsTICA The Fantastic Guide PB (GS36554) 9788420700151 $10.40 The owner of an antique bookstore gives a young boya mystical book, which turns the reader's imagination into reality. Readers will go on fantastic adventures to imaginary lands. SIERRA I FABRA, JORD! (SPAIN) ESPEJO FUTURO The Fortune-Telling Mirror PB (E035667) 9788423675524 $11.20 Four friends have been given the gift of a wild imagination that takes them to fantastic lands where they fight incredible battles and lead extraordinary lives.•• Readers will be so enthralled by these realistic adventures that they will have a hard time believing they are not real. LA NAVE FANTAsTICA The Fantastic Ship PB (GS35762) 9788420732299 PARCO Parco HC (GS 9066) 9788467840155 $16.00 Parco is not just a novel; it's movement. It could be about any one of. s. Ittakes place in reform school with a young murderer, a mystery, and a path to take. The language in the bo.ok might ba little strong for some readers, but the award"wlnning no eltells a story that should be heard. ABEL S NCHEZ Abel Sa chez PB (CA 119)9788437613598 3.60 Unamu 0 presents a passionate modern-day version of Cain and Ab I through Joaquin and Abel and their love for the samew man. NIEBlA Fog PB(CA 122)9788437603476 $11.60 This ing nious work represents the strugglehetween a (.reation a d its creator. The tension nearly reaches explOSive proporti ns. VALEN UHA, JOSE IGNACIO (CHilE) $11.20 Young scientist Jan Roc and his professor disappear while exploring the Bermuda Triangle. They are dragged down to the Earth's core where they meet all sorts of fantastic,super advanced creatures. They even witness a major, inter-species battle! ijjlAMBERTOOO!!! lambertooo!! ! PB (GS35773) 9788420729756 Readers will be engulfed in the mysticisms behind the little island i South America's Pacific Ocean Easter Island,and the mo i that suddenly appeared there,. and theywillb~fas cinated when they read about the lonely and brave adventures of Marani-Kai. $11.20 After a long, and misfortunate day, javierencounters an elderlyfortune-teller who offers him a mirror in which he'll be able to see his future. Young readers will anxiously learn how Javier accidently shatters the mirror into several pieces; will he be able to see his future? lAMANSION bE LAS MIL PUERTAS The Mansion with a Thousand Doors PB (NGP36690) 9788408090748 $11.20 $12.80 $11.20 On the first day of his Christmas vacation, lamberto decides to begin doing good deeds. With this decision, however, comes a bad string of events which ultimately results in hor14 ribleproblems for the whole family. HACIA l FIN DEL MUNDO To theE d of the World PB(SN38024) 9786071110893 $16.00 After he best friend disappears, Angela setsouttoconfirm whether or not the legend of the "Malamor"; is true. legend has itt at a witch cast a spell over the town's inhabitants, condem ing them to a loveless eXistence.Ang~lav:rili have to find her friend, and keep the spark of love alive In order to free the own from the curse. lA RAfz DEL MAL The Root of Evil PB (AF38738) 9786071121684 SHORT STORIES $16.00 Angela decides to follow her heart and stay with Fabian; the malamor spell that had haunted them is noW a distant memory. The miraculous recovery of the tree seems to portend an era of peace for Almahue when a mysterious stranger unsettles everything. VARGAS llOSA, MARIO (PERU) 2010 Nobel Prize lA CIUDAD Y lOS PERROS The City and the Dogs PB (SN14040) 9788466309158 $10.40 A vivid portrayal of the violence and machismo that prevail in a Peruvian military school, this book relates the experiences of children from different economic groups to illustrate the diverse elements of Peruvian society. lA TfA JULIA Y El ESCRIBIDOR Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter PB (SN19096) 9788466368520 $11.20 ~~:c~f~~~~ent~ifntf~~~:,ei~ th:~~bj:I~t~f t~~fn~~e(unt,. from lOS JEFES.lOS CACHORROS The Chiefs. The Cubs PB(SN19092) 9789708120111 $7.20 The stories that comprise los jefesand the short novel los cachorros embody the violence found in modern-day Peru. $11.20 After spending fifteen years on Saturn, ascientistand his family decide to return to Earth. On the way, they discover a ~trange planet made of water, and embark on a series of allurIng, but dangerous adventures. They manage to . survive thanks to their ingenuity, courage, and scientific knowledge. $14.40 Ana. Marfa Matute, winner of the prestigious 2010 Premio Cervantes in Spain, has written novels .and autobiographical accou~ts, but she is revered for her stories. This book presents nine of her most beloved ones, including EI saltamontes verde, EI poliz6n del "Ulises", and Paulina. QUIROGA, HORACIO (URUGUAY) CUENTOS DE lASElVA South American Jungle Tales Flex (JV35376) 9788426136367 $15.20 This new edition of the c1assiccollection by a master short ~tory writer will pull readers into the fascinating world of the Jungle. Easy-to-read type and light biack-and-whiteillustrations make this volume an ideal introduction to the work of the great Uruguayan author. SIERRA I FARRA, JORDI (SPAIN) lqSCAMINOSDELMIEDO The Frightful Journey PB (NGP36694) 9788408090854 $11.20 Four .short stories delve into the human psyche's darkest fears. Dealing with death, superstition, the unknown, and nature's !U~y, these stories show the devastating influence of fear when It Invades our thoughts and obscures our ability to reason. RElATOS GAlACTICOS Galactic Tales PB (GS35738) 9788420740201 VElASCO, JOSE lUIS (SPAIN) El OCEANO GAlACTICO The Galactic Ocean PB(BU35367)9788421652497 MATUTE, ANA.MARIA (SPAIN) TODOS MIS CUENTOS All My Stories PB (RHS37054) 9788499890296 $11.20 Written by a master storyteller, these galactic tales offer a wonder castof characters including a monster from another planet, a robotthat longs to be human, and lon, the defender of the universe. VARIOUS AUTHORS ANTOlOGfA CRfTICA DEL CUENTO HISPANOAMERI" CANOS. XX 1 Annotated Anthology of 20th Century latin American Short ANTOLOGIA CRITICA DEL CUENTO HISPANOAMERI" CANO S. XX 2 Annotated Anthology of 20th Century Latin American Short Stories 2 (AZ9151) 9788420672786 $20.80 Divided into two volumes, this anthology of Latin American short stories, annotated by renowned literary critic Jose Miguel Oviedo, spans the years 1920-1980. ANTOLOGIADE CUENTOS HISPANOAMERICANOS Anthology of Latin American Short Stories PB (EV38679)9788444145877 $13.60 This unique anthology contains six Latin American folktales and six short stories by famous Latin American writers inclu,ding EI Aleph by Jorge Luis Borges, Casa tomada byJuli6 Cortazar, Nos han dado la tierra by Juan Rulfo, and Un dla de estos by Gabriel Garda Marquez. SAM NO ES MI TIO Sam, You Are Not My Uncle PB (SN18640) 9781614355298 $16.00 DRAMA $13.60 $12.80 In La dama. del Alba, La Peregrina, the Angel of Death, oversleeps and IS unable to claim her next victim. 76 Love, d at~, an? rev~~ge intermingle in this insightful play. The not s In thIS edition help readers fully appreciate the Impact f Garda Lorca's dramas on the society of his time. ZORRIL A, JOSE (SPAIN) DON JUAN TENORIO Don Jua Tenoio PB(EV3 813) 9788444145846 This uni one wit~ other WI tion to Z $13.60 ueedition presents the classic play in two formats: the dial<?g. adapte~ into contemporary prose and the h the onglnal 19t century wording. An introducrrilla is also included. DIEGO, GERARDO (SPAIN) SI LA PALMERA SUPIERA... If the Palm Tree Knew PB (GS1 45) 9788466715720 $10040 This poe ic anthology will captivate the imagination of many readers. erardo Diego uses his remarkable talent to explore the ele ents of everyday life, making the familiar beautiful and mo ing. FERNA. OEZ, ANA MARiA (SPAI N) AMAR Y OTROS VERBOS To Love nd Other Verbs PB (EV3 804) 9788424186500 This version of the classic play has been adapted into modern Spanish for today's teens and comes with footnotes and information on the author and the time in which he lived. CASONA, ALEJANDRO (SPAIN) LA DAMA DEL ALBA Lady of the Dawn PB (CA9262) 9788437604657 $12.80 POETRY Tw.enty-four emblematic authors have participated in this unique anthology. They are Latin American writers, reporters or members of the academy whose purpose is to write about the Americas. These chronicles set out to describe a contemporary micro-history of the American continent. CALDERON DE LA BARCA, PEDRO (SPAIN) ALCALDE DE ZALAMEA The Mayor of Zalamea PB (GS39017) 9788467840094 GARci lORCA, FEDERICO (SPAIN) BODAS DE SANGRE Blood edding PB (CA9 25)9788437605609 $10040 This alp abetical collection of poems explores the world of verbs-f om active to emotional, practical to frivolous-and how the shape the world around us. Moving and personal, each ver e offers a new perspective on the activities of everyday life. 2001 Laarillo Award, Spain GARciA lORCA, FEDERICO (SPAIN) POETA N NUEVA YORK Poet in ew York PB (CA9 28) 9788437607252 $12.00 A poetic tour of New York City written while Garda Lorca sidenceatColumbiaUniversity. . JIMENEZ, JUAN RAMON (SPAIN) 1956 Nobel Prize JRJ.POEMAS JRj. Poems PB (EV34233) 9788424113032 PEREZOIAZ, ENRIQUE (CUBA) VERSOSAL NUNCA JAMAS Never After Poems PB (GS35139) 9788466753722 $10.40 $10.40 Juan Ramon jimenez is considered one of the greatestSpanish language poets of the 20th century. This superb selection of his verses for older readers, delicately illustrated in blackand white, also offers a detailed introduction to the poet's biogra" phy and literary style. Enrique Perez Diaz pays homage to the classics in this.original set of verses. From Sleeping Beauty to Scheherezade, Merlin to the Little Mermaid, he invites readers to see these characters in a different, lyrical light. Join him as he goes through the looking glass, travels to Never-Never Land, cries open sesame, and much more. MARTIN RAMOS, JUAN CARLOS (SPAIN) POEMAMUNDI A World of Poetry PB (GS33442) 9788466740142 SILVA, JOSE ASU~CION (COLOMBIA) ASERRIN, ASERRAN Aserrin Aserran PB (PV37228) 9789583003486 $12.80 This thought-provoking collection of roems explores peace and solidarity from different points 0 view. From far-away lands to fictional countries, this book masterfully maps the human experience. 2003 Lazarillo Award MARTI, JOSE (CUBA) VERSOS SENCILLOS/SIMPLE VERSES PB (AR9027) 9781558852044 $8.00 This evocative collection of poetry and prose by thegrea~ Colombian author creates a suggestive atmosphere that seems to come from dreams and is strengthened in memory. VARIOUS AUTHORS $10.36 This ingual volume contains autobiographical poems writ" ten by Marti during his years of exile and revolutionarystruggle. Each poem captures an experience, a feeling, or an important moment in the life of this extraordinary man. ANTOLOGfA DE LA pOEsfA HISPANOAMERICANA CONTEMPORANEA 1914-1987 Anthology of Contemporary Latin American Poetry 1914-1987 Edited by Jose Olivio jimenez PB (AZ9098) 8420612898 $25.60 NERUDA, PABLO (CHILE) 1971 Nobel Prize This remarkable anthology contains selections from all the leading Latin American poets of the past century. CANTO GENERAL General Song PB(CA9084)9788437609300 ANTOLOGfA GENERAL DE LA pOEsfA MEXICANA A General Anthology of Mexican Poetry HC (BMS18900) 9786074006568 $29.56 $24.80 This epic song is a history of Latin America as well as achronicle of the poet's life. Beginning with pre-Columbian times, Neruda presents centuries of history in a masterfully lyrical way. RESIDENCIA EN LA TIERRA Residence on Earth PB (CA9259) 9788437607078 $17.60 This work provides a poetic look at life on Earth. VEINTE POEMAS DE AMOR Y UNA CANCION DESESPERADA Twenty Love Poems and a Desperate Song PB (AZ9157) 9788420634180 $14.40 This book is considered one ofthe)greatestvolumesof .Iove poetry ever written. This edition contains a prologue by novelist Jorge Edwards. This incredible anthology spans pre-Hispanic times to the present. Thoroughly annotated, it presents the most important poems and poets, and provides biographical information on each writer. The index of opening lines will help readers find verseseasi Iy. GENERACION DEL 27. POEMAS The Generation of '27. Poems Compiled byJose Antonio Garda Illustrated by Enrique S. Moreiro PB (EV34949) 9788424118426 $10.40 Beautiful illustrations perfectly complement the poems gathered in this concise anthology of the Generation of '27 in Spain, 80 years after the events that brought them together. Writers include Federico Garda Lorca, Damaso Alonso, and jorge Guillen, among others. 17 MANDADEROS DE LA LLUVINMESSENGERS OF RAIN PB (GR037888) 9781554981144 $11.96 ANON MOUS The 64 poems in this anthology hail from 19 Latin American countries, written by classic and contempora~y poets. They include Amado Nervo (Mexico), Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala), julia de Burgos (Puerto Rico), Irene Vasco (Colombia), and Marfa Elena Walsh (Argentina). Brief bios on each writer are included. LISTENING CENTER LAZARILLO DE TORMES Lazari lode Tormes PB/CD (SN19065) 9788497130639 $11.20 CARRE 0, LUIS MARIA EL SEC ETO DE CRISTOBAL COLON The Se ret of Christopher Columbus PB/CD (SN19064) 9788497131117 $11.20 CERVA TES, MIGUEl DE COLECCION LEER EN ESPANOL Read in Spanish Series This book and CD series provides adaptations of literary works or original authentic literature. The audio component allows students to hear native speakers reading the works, strengthening their oral comprehension skills. DON UIjOTE DE LA MANCHA 1 Don Q ixote 1 PB/CD (SN19062) 9788493477264 $11.20 DON UIjOTE DE LA MANCHA 2 Don Q ixote 2 PB/CD (SN19063) 9788493477295 $11.20 Level 1 (less than 400 words) PEREZ ACQUARONI MUNOZ, ROSANA EL SUENO DE OTTO Otto's Dream PB/CD (SN19056) 9788497130592 AlDOS, BENITO MARIANELA Marian la PB/CD (SN19066) 9788497131025 $11.20 $11.20 ZORRI lA, JOSE MORENO, ElENA EL MISTERIO DE LA LLAVE The Mystery of the Key PB/CD (SN19055) 9788497130578 DON j AN TENORIO Don ju n Tenorio PB/CD (SN19061) 9788497131056 $11.20 $11.20 Level 4 (less than 1,500 words) URIA, fERNANDO UNA MANO EN LA ARENA A Hand in the Sand PB ~N1905n9788497131261 BENEDETTI, MARIO $11.20 LA MUERTE Y OTRAS SORPRESAS Death nd Other Surprises PB/CD (SN19068) 9788497131209 $12.80 Level 2 (less than 700 words) ACQUARONI MUNOZ, ROSANA MERIN , JOSE MARIA EL L1BRO SECRETO DE DANIEL TORRES The Secret Book of Daniel Torres PB/CD (SN19058) 9788497131193 EL OR DE LOS SUENOS The G Id of Dreams PB/CD (SN 19067) 9788497131216 $12.00 LA TIE RA DEL TIEMPO PERDIDO The La d of Lost Time PB/CD (SN 19069) 9788497131131 $12.00 LAS LA RIMAS DEL SOL The Su 's Tears PB/CD (SN19070) 9788497131186 $12.00 $11.20 CARRERO, lUIS MARIA LA CIUDAD DE LOS DIOSES The City of the Gods PB/CD (SN19059) 9788497130608 $11.20 CERVANTES, MIGUEl DE RINCONETE Y CORTADILLO Rinconete and Cortadillo PB/CD (SN19060) 9788497130622 18 $11.20 Level 5 (less than 2,000 words) DELIBES, MIGUEL LOS SANTOS INOCENTES The Innocent Saints PB/CD (SN 19071).9788497131247 $12.80 level () (less than 2,500.words) ANONYMOUS LA CELESTINA Celestina PB/CD (SN19073) 9788497131063 ASTURIAS, MIGUEL ANGEL EL SENOR PRESIDENTE Mr. President PB/CD (SN19072) 9788497131254 BALLAZ, JESUS LA LAGUNA DE ORO Y OTRAS LEYENDASDE AMERICA LATINA The Golden Lagoon and Other Latin American Legends PB (VV38922) 9788468209821 $16.00 This illustr~ted,annotatedbook presents 21 legends from all over Latin America .• Activities are included at the end of the book for each legend. $13.60 $13.60 POMBO, RAFAEL FA.BULAS Y VERDADES Fables and Truths PB (PV37567) 9789583001826 $8.80 Rafael Pombo is synomous with classic Colombian folklore. This book presents Fabulas yverdades, Cuentos pintados, Cuentos morales para ninos formales in one volume. LITERARY CRITICISM NEWCOMER EXPERIENCE lAPESA, RAFAEL INTRODUCCION A LOS ESTUDIOS L1TERARIOS Introduction to Literary Study PB(CA9178)9788437600178 $24.00 Rafael Lapesa provides students with all the basic information they need to be able to analyze literary works skillfully. He discusses the use of image, rhyme, and speech, as well as literary movements and types of poetry. LAZARO CARRETER, FERNANDO COMO SE COMENTA UN TEXTO L1TERARIO HoW to Analyze Literary Texts PB (CA9170) 9788437600246 $24.00 Written by an expert in the field, this invaluable tool teaches how to evaluate alltypes of literature. fOLKLORE, MYTHOlOGY,ANDEPICS ANONYMOUS POPOLVUH Pop61Vuh PB (MF18181) 9788495994264 $6.00 With in-depth analysis, this economical, unabridged edition provides a wonderful way to introduce readers to the sacred book of the ancient Maya. CANTAR DE MIO CID EI Cid PB (ED39007) 9788423685288 $13.20 This edition contains analysis and activities designed especially for high school students. ALVAREZ, JULIA (DOMINICAN-AMERICAN) ANTES DE SER L1BRES Before We Were Free PB (RH32365) 9780375815454 $5.60 Anita, a 2-year-old living in the Dominican. Republic during the reign of Dictator Rafael Trujillo, must endure the unrest her country is suffering along with her brother and parents. Anita learns the value of freedom, while. dealing with the everyday trials of adolescence. 2004 Pura Belpre Winner for Narrative COMO LAS MUCHACHAS GARCIA PERDIERON SU ACENTO How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents PB (RH15507) 9781400096947 $12.00 The four Garcia girls live a privileged life in the Dominican Republic. Their lives completely change when they mustflee the country because their father is labeled a political.agitator. They come to New York where they encounter both culture shock and the opportunity to reinvent themselves. DEVOLVER AL REMITENTE Return to Sender PB(RH36635)9780375851247 $5.60 After Tyler's father is injured in a tractor accident, his family is forced to hire migrant undocumented Mexican workers to help save their Vermont farm from foreclosure. They are in constant fear of being discovered by the authorities and sent back to the poverty they left behind in Mexicb. Can Tyler and one of the Mexican girls find a way to be friends despite their differences? 2010 Pura Belpre Winner for Narrative. EN BUSCA DE MILAGROS Finding Miracles PB (RH15508) 9780553494075 $5.20 Apparently a typical New England teenager growing up in Vermont, Millie has never told her friends that she wasactually adopted as an infant from a strife-torn Latin American country. Her life changes when she meets a family from her native country and travels to the place of her birth in search of her true identity. HABfA UNA VEZUNA QUINCEANERA Once Upon a Quinceafiera PB (PU17260) 9780452289390 $12.00 julia Alvarez Rxplores the Latino tradition of celebrating daughters' 15 t birthdays and, in so doing, examines her oWn coming-of-age story. The result is a sincere, captivating portrait of Latinb culture and family. ANAYA, RUDOlFO (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) BENDfcEME, ULTIMA Bless Me, Ultima PB (WB9000) 9780446601771 $5.60 Ultima, a healer, comes to six-year-old Antonio's village and changes his life forever. CISNEROS, SANDRA (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) LA CASA EN MANGO STREET The House bn Mango Street PB (RH9004) 9780679755265 $8.80 COfER, UDiTH ORTIZ (PUERTO RICAN-AMERICAN) UNA ISL COMO TU An Islan Like You PB (FC7 20)9789681654412 $~20 Twelve Puerto Humoro deftly ca the Unit 1996 Pu rovocative stories reveal the rich, lively world of ican American teenagers in. a New jersey barrio. s, poignant, and brimming with life, this collection tures the experience of growing up Puertb Rican in d States. a Belpre Medal for Narrative DIAZ, j NOT (DOMINICAN-AMERICAN) LA BREVE Y MARAVILLOSA VIDA DE OSCARWAO The Brie Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao PB (RH 1 410) 9780679776697 $12.00 Spannin three generations and two nations, La breve y maravillosa ida de Oscar Wao is a family saga that chronicles lonely, 0 erweight Oscar de Leon's ill-starred quest for love and his f mily's struggle to escape the curse that has haunted them for generations, dooming them to prison, torture,and heartach . 2008 Pulitzer HIJUEl S, OSCAR (CUBAN-AMERICAN) DARK D DE DarkDu e HC(EV3202)9788444143163 $17.60 Rico Fue tes is 15, lives in Harlem, and is a first-generation America at the end of the 1960s. His parents are Cubans from a odest background, and his father is an alCbholic. Rico is c nstantly harassed around the neighborhbod and at school f r being a dark dude, a pejorative/ironic term from the time. JIMENEZ fRANCISCO (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) CAjAS D CARTON The Circ it: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child PB (HM31716) 9780618226160 $5.56 In an unf rgettable fashion, Francisco jimenez describes the harsh liv s of migrant farm workers in this series of semiautobiog aphical stories. Readers witness the author's diffiEsperanzagrows up in a tough, predominantly Spanish- . cult adj stment to a new culture and a neW language. speaking area of Chicago. She relates her childhood experi- Although he suffers through poverty and hunger, his prose is ences, fears, and hopes for the future in this poignant novel filled wit hope. we all can relate to. 20 SENDEROS FRONTERIZOS Breaking Through PB (HM31714) 9780618226184 SANTIAGO, ESMERALDA (PUERTO RICAN-AMERICAN) $5.56 In this sequel to The Circuit, jimenez digs deeper into the migrant worker lifestyle. He highlights the struggles and triumphs of a Mexican American family's will to survive and thrive. MAs ALLA DE Mf Reaching Out HC (HM36160) 9780547241746 CUANDO ERA PUERTORRIQUENA When I Was Puerto Rican PB (RH9002) 9780679756774 $11.96 journeying from a remote village in Puerto Rico to face the challenges of life in New York City, Esmeralda Santiago won acceptance to New York City's High School of Performing Arts and· went on.· to graduate with the highest honors from Harvard. She vividly recounts her life in two cultures. $12.80 During his college years, the very family solidarity that allowed Francisco to survive as a child is tested. This is the story of how Francisco coped with poverty, with his guilt over leaving his family financially strapped, with his self-doubt about succeeding academically, and with separation. ENGLE, MARGARITA (CUBAN-AMERICAN) THE SURRENDER TREE/EL ARBOL DE LA RENDICION PB (HH36341) 9780312608712 $6.40 CASI UNA MUjER Almost a Woman PB (RH10969) 9780375705267 $11.16 Picking up where When I Was Puerto Rican left off, Almost a Woman show Esmeralda Santiago's struggles to break free from both stereotypes and her overprotective mother. Readers from all backgrounds will readily identify with this highly personal coming-of-age tale. SOTO, GARY (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) It is 1896. Cuba has fought three Wars for independence and still is not free. People have been rounded up in concentration camps with too little food and too much illness. Acclaimed poet Margarita Engle has created another breathtakingportrait of Cuba. MARTINEZ, VICTOR (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) EL LORO EN EL HORNO: MI VIDA Parrot in the Oven: My Life PB (NG37545) 9788427901193 $11.20 In this stirring novel, a Mexican-American boy lives in a world filled with gangs and violence. It vividly depicts his struggle to gain respect. 1996 National Book Award BEISBOL EN ABRIL Y OTROS CUENTOS Baseball in April and Other Stories PB (SN34552) 9781598205190 $9.95 From one of the most talented Latino writers in the United States comes this brilliantcollection of stories whose characters all have a passion for life. Soto's portrayals offer strong psychological insight and describe situations that readers can relate to. CRUZANDO EL PAcfFICO Crossing the Pacific PB (SN34554) 9781598205213 $10.95 RYAN, PAM MUNOZ (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) EL SONADOR The Dreamer PB (S036236) 9780545176002 $5.60 In this sequel to Taking Sides, Lincoln and his barrio brother Tony Contreras are invited to japan as exchange students. During their stay, they learn about their own dual identity as Mexican-Americans, family closeness, and the universal nature of hard work. This lively novel by acclaimed author Pam Munoz Ryan combinesbiography and magical realism. It is about the early life of Chilean writer Pablo Neruda. TOMANDO PARTIDO Taking Sides PB(SN34553)9781598205206 $9.95 Gary Soto tells the story of Lincoln Mendoza, a high school basketball player who makes the great leap from the barrio to the suburbs. The transition is a difficult one for Lincoln, whose allegiance to his new team conflicts with his loyalty to his former school and the life he has left behind. 21 VillASENOR, VICTOR (MEXICAN-AMERICAN) ESTRELLAS PEREGRINAS Walking Stars PB (AR38033) 9781558854628 AUSTE ,JANE ORGU LO Y PREjUIClO Pride a d Prejudice PB aV9 17) 9788426108685 This critically acclaimed collection of short stories brims with a cast of extraordinary characters in challenging situations. The characters of each story truly show themselves to be walking stars, tiny luminous sparks of light, and they are able to affect change in their lives and the world around them by relying on their bravery, their strength, and their faith in themselves. LLUVIA DE ORO Rain of God PB(BD9009)9780385315166 $16.00 This highly acclaimed novel is the magical saga of a Mexican-American family's moving search for its roots. jMACHO! Macho! PB (AR38034) 9781558854901 $11.96 Victor Villasenor's debut novel has been praised since it was first published. It tells the story of 17-year-old Roberto Garda who leaves Michoacan in search of a better life in the United States. After making the dangerous crossing he finds work on a farm. He soon realizes that the life he thought he would have on the "other side" is nothing like he had envisioned. TRECE SENTI DOS Thirteen Senses PB (HC14280) 9780060505110 $11.20 $7.96 Never j dge a book by its cover could be the subtitle of this classic ovel that shows how Elizabeth and Darcy change their ini ial opinions about one another. BORGE , JORGE LUIS FICCIO ES Labyrin hs PB(RH 8714)9780307950925 $11.20 Ficcion s brings together two short works written by Borges in 1941 and 1944: EI jardfn de los senderos que se bifurcan and Art ficios. It also contains EI sur, considered one of his best sto ies. BRADS RY, RAY FAHRE HEIT 451 Fahrenheit 451 PB(RH 8239)9780307475312 $10.40 In this ompelling novel, all books are banned and firemen are in c arge of burning any contraband they find. A fireman named Montag slowly discovers the wonders of literature and fin s himself thrown in jail. Ray Bradbury's masterpiece provide a wonderful way to view the danger of censorship. BRONT', CHARLOTTE JANE E RE jane Ey PB aV1 044) 9788426102065 $18.40 $12.80 This is the sequel to the bestseller Rain of Gold, in which Villasenor retells the stories of his parents' lives through the turmoil of immigration, crime, passion, and time. COMMON CORE EtA TEXTS IN SPANISH jane Eyr , a young orphaned girl, lives a life full of twists and turns. uckily, after many hardships, including cruel relatives, p verty, and doused wedding plans, she eventually finds walth, happiness, and love. CERVA TES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL DE DON UIjOTE DE LA MANCHA Don Q ixote of La Mancha PB (EV3 814)9788444145839 $13.60 ALVAREZ, JULIA EN TIEMPO DE LAS MARIPOSAS In the Time of the Butterflies PB (VK16985) 9780452286863 $12.80 On a deserted road in the Dominican Republic in 1960, the three Mirabal sisters were murdered after visiting their husbands who had been jailed as suspected rebel leaders. The martyrs became known as "Las Mariposas," the butterflies. julia Alvarez brings them to life in this extraordinary novel. 22 This edi ion has been slightly adapted for teenage readers. It has con ensed some of the Don Quijote's adventures and elimina d a few others, but it still manages to contain the rhythm nd appeal of the original. An introduction to the work and life of Cervantes is included. CHAUCER, GEOFfREY GLADWEll, MALCOLM CUENTOS DE CANTERBURY The Canterbury Tales PB (CA9158) 9788437606736 EL PU NTO CLAVE The Tipping Point PB (SN19052) 9781616057220 $24.00 Pilgrims on their way to Canterbury recount their life stories to pass the time during the long journey. They come from all walks of life and trades and create a multi-layered portrait of England in the 1300s. $12.00 This revolutionary work explores and brilliantly illuminates the "tipping point" phenomenon, introducing the people responsible for creating fads. Gladwell studies fashion, kids TV shows, the behavior of smokers, and even direct marketing. DOSTOEVSKY, FYODOR CRIMEN Y CASTIGO Crime arid Punishment PB UV9012) 9788426156020 GOGOl, NIKOLAI $12.80 Raskolnikov murders two people and must wrestle with his conscience, his growing paranoia, and the police's suspicion of him. Readers will be fascinated by the transformation the character undergoes from a once haughty man to a reformed criminal. FAULKNER, WILLIAM MIENTRAS AGONIZO As I Lay Dying PB (CA19043) 9788437608341 $17.60 The intricate plot of this Southern classic revolves around the death of Addie Bundren, the matriarch of a large, poor clan, and her family's odyssey to bury her in the town of Jefferson. In order to fulfill her dying wish, the family must battle floods, feuds, and poverty. FITZGERALD, F. SCOTT EL GRAN GATSBY The Great Gatsby PB (MF13226) 9788495311290 $6.00 LA NARIZ Y OTROS CUENTOS The Nose and Other Stories PB (GS39023) 9788466724814 $13.60 This book contains five stories by the masterful Russian writer. HOMER LA ODISEA The Odyssey PB (MF18179) 9788489163607 $8.80 Odysseus must battle mythological creatures during his tenyear journey home after the Trojan War. He arrives in Ithaca to find his house overrun with suitors trying tomarryhis wife. He disguises himself as a beggar and goes to the palace, where he takes his revenge against the suitors and reunites with his beloved Penelope. IBSEN, HENRIK CASA DE MUNECAS A Doll's House PB (PV19039) 9789583006692 $8.00 Ibsen's feminist play created quite a stir when it was first published. Nick Carraway moves next door to rich, elusive Jay Gatsby. He learns that Jay is still in love with his married cousin Daisy Buchanan, with whom he had a relationship many years ago. Fitzgerald creates a scathing look at upper-crust society of the Roaring Twenties. LA METAMORFOSIS The Metamorphosis PB (SN18192) 9788466322799 GARciA, CRISTINA After a night of restless sleep, Gregor Samsa wakes up transformed into a monstrous insect. As revulsion turns to resentment, strange things start to happen to the Samsa family. SONAR EN CUBANO Dreaming in Cuban PB (RH19046) 9780345391391 KAfKA, FRANZ $8.00 $11.96 Set in both Havana and New York City, this novel shows the love and conflict between four women bound by family ties. 23 LEE, HARPER _ MATAR UN RUISENOR To Kill a Mockingbird PB (U018541) 9788498722 734 NERUD , PABLO $11.16 In this classic novel, eight-year-old Scout Finch bears witness to prejudice and classlsm in a small Alabama town, where her father, a lawyer, is called upon to defend a black man accused of raping a white woman. 1961 Pu Iitzer Pri ze LINCOLN, ABRAHAM EL DISCURSO DE GETTYSBURG Y OTROS ESCRITOS SOBRE LA UNION The Gettysburg Address and Other Writing about the Union PB (TEC19053) 9788430942473 $20.00 This book will help readers understand how Abraham Lincoln viewed democracy, the Constitution, and his role as President. MANN, CHARLES C. 1491: UNA NUEVA HISTORIA DE LAS AMERICAS ANTES DE COLON Before Columbus: The Americas of 1491 PB(SSP19041) 9781609805159 $18.36 This book introduces readers to the Americas before the arrival of Columbus and shows the advanced indigenous societies that lived there. MElVILLE, HERMAN ODAS LEMENTALES Element ry Odes PB(CA 083)8437603668 $14.40 In these winsome poems, everyday objects take on a poetic dimensi n. OVID METAM RFOSIS Metam rphoses PB (GS39022) 9788466762892 $13.60 This ver ion has been adapted to make it easierfor teenagers to read. PAINE, HOMAS EL SEN IDO COMUN Y OTROS ESCRITOS Commo Sense and Other Writing PB (TEC 9050)9788430918188 $18.40 Publish d at the beginning of the American Revolution, Commo Sense openly advocated for breaking away from the monarchy. POE, E GAR AllAN NARRA 10NES COMPLETAS Comple e Works PB (TOS19040) 9786074151114 $12.76 BARTLEBY, EL ESCRIBIENTE. BENITO CERENO. BILLY BUDD Bartleby, the Scrivener. Benito Cereno. Billy Budd PB (CA19042) 9788437606545 $16.00 This edi ion contains, among others, The Raven, The Pit and the Pen ulum, The Cask of the Amontillado, and The Fall of the Hou e of Usher. Three short novels by Melville are presented in this annotated edition. NARRA 10NES EXTRAORDINARIAS Extraord nary Tales PB (MF14881) 9788489163966 MillER, ARTHUR LA MUERTE DE UN VIAJANTE Death of a Salesman PB (CA19049) 9788437626635 $5.60 This coil ction of chilling tales includes the Telltale Heart, the Cask of he Amontillado, among others of Poe's best. $22.40 This play, which drifts effortlessly between the past and the present, centers on the life of traveling salesman Willy Loman. Readers will be moved as his life and success slowly begin to decline, and his hopes and dreams fade along with nis health. SHAKES EARE, WILLIAM HAMLE Hamlet PB (PV1 045)9789583005312 $7.60 Leandro Fernandez de Moratfn translated Shakespeare's famous ragedy. MOLIERE TARTUFO Tartuffe PB(PV19047) 9789583001611 Inthisclassic,Orgonand his mother fall the fraud Tartuffe. 24 $7.20 MACBE H Macbet PB (CA9 42)9788437606637 $17.60 Shakesp are's great tragedy is presented in a bilingual format. SOPHOCLES ZUSAK, MARKUS EDIPO REY Oedipus Rex PB (SG33002) 9789501116922 LA LADRONA DE L1BROS The Book Thief PB(RH18232)9780307475732 $6.00 In this classic Greek tragedy Oedipus marries the widow Queen jocasta. Little do either of them know that he isthe son she had sent off to be ki lied upon reading an oracle that prophesized he would kill his father. STEINBECK, JOHN LAS UVAS DE LA IRA The Grapes of Wrath PB (VK19036) 9780142002537 $14.40 Set duri ng World War n in Germany, Markus Zusak's groundbreaking novel is the story of Liesel Meminger who scratches out a meager existence by stealing. She encounters something she can't resist-books and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing raids. WORKS IN TRANSLATION john Steinbeck brilliantly re-creates the Depression in this classic novel. NOVELS ALCOTT, lOUISA MAY THOREAU, HENRY DAVID WALDEN Walden PB (CA19051) 9788437622125 $10.40 $24.00 This masterpiece is a deep reflection on nature and man. MUjERCITAS Little Women PB (MF18184) 9788495311160 $10.40 The lives of jo and her sisters are presented in this unabridged edition. TURGENEV, IVAN PADRES E HUOS Fathers and Sons PB (CA19038) 9788437621159 ANDERSON, M.T. $24.00 SED Thirsty PB (OC37157) 9786074000993 $16.00 This book is considered a classic of Russian literature. VOLTAIRE CANDIDO. MICROMEGAS. ZADIG Candide, or the Optomist. Micromegas. Zadig PB (CA19037) 9788437605418 $16.00 This annotated edition presents three classics by the great French writer. WASHINGTON, GEORGE ESCRITOS Writing PB (TEC19054) 9788430948901 $17.60 anthology of writing by the father of our country contains his famous Farewell Address. WILDE, OSCAR LA IMPORTANCIA DE LLAMARSE ERNESTO. EL ABANICO DE LADY WINDERMERE. UNA MUjER SIN IMPORTANCIA. SALOME The Importance of Being Ernest. Lady Windermere's Fan. A Woman of No Importance. Salome PB OV19048) 9788426118752 $15.60 This edition contains four plays and offers readers a wonderful introduction to Oscar Wilde's writing. All Chris wants is a normal life, hanging out with friends and dating Rebecca Schwartz, but he knows that he is turning into a vampire, a fate he desperately wants to avoid. Can Chris trust anyone? Will he be able to save himself from his terrifying destiny? . AVI LAS VERDADERAS CONFESIONES DE CHARLOTTE DOYLE The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle PB (SN37807) 9788420423425 $13.60 Charlotte Doyle finds herself being the onlyfemale and the only passenger aboard the rat-infested Seahawk. Brought up in a sheltered environment, she is ill equipped at first to deal with the motley crew and the cruelty of the captai n, but she quickly rises to the occasion and lives the adventure ofa lifetime. 1991 Newbery Honor Book BACH, RICHARD JUAN. SALVADORCAVIOTA Jonathan Livi ngston Seagu II PB(U017821)9?88498721720 $11. This tale about a seagull that longs to soar high up into the air will inspire readers of all ages to try and achieve their goals. 25 BASKIN, NORA RALEIGH BENW LO QUE TODAS LAS CHICAS SABEN MENOS YO What Every Girl (Except Me) Knows PB (NG36706) 9788427901018 $11.20 LOS EX MAY & The Ext PB (GL Sharing feelings with a woman has awakened Gabby's curiosity about her own mother's mysterious death and Gabby is determined to discover the truth. BAUM, L fRANK EL MARAVILLOSO MACO DE OZ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz PB (MF18504) 9788495311191 ,ROBIN RAORDINARIOS SECRETOS DE APRIL, UNE aordinary Secrets of April, May, & june 8209) 9788424638399 $22.40 After th ir parents separate, April, May, and june recover the powers hey had when they were younger. April can see the ay can disappear. June can read people's thoughts. future. Their p wers are very helpful until the day that April has a vision a out one of her sisters ina terrible car accident. Is it inevitable? $6.80 BLUNDEll, JUDY This classic has been delighting readers since it was first published in 1900. Originally written as a tale to entertain children, it soon became a modern fairy tale with universal, timeless appeal. BENNETT, SOPHIA HILOS Threads PB (MAE38166) 9788415532064 $17.60 LO QU VI Y POR QUE MENTf What I aw and How I Lied PB (ML 6776) 9788498676143 $16.00 When vie's father returned home from World War II, the family f II back into its normal life pretty quickly. But joe Spoone brought more back with him than just good war stories. On day Evie must get to the heart of the deceptions and choose etween her loyalty to her parents and her feelings for the ma she loves. BORTO DE TREVINO, ELIZABETH Nonie lives for fashion. Edie wants to save the world and work for the United Nations. Jenny has just debuted in a Hollywood film. Crow has amazing hands for sewing. The four girls are given the opportunity to do something extraordinary and get to show that fairy tales can come true. YO, jU N DE PAREjA I, juan e Pareja PB (FS2 29) 9780374492922 MADE IN INDIA Beads, Boys, & Bangles PB (MAE38956) 9788415532828 Behind the work of the great seventeenth-century Spanish painter Diego Velazquez was a Spanish-born black slave, juan de Pareja. This book tells the story of the slave and his close re ationship with the painter. 1966 N wbery Medal $11.20 The girls from Threads are back. Things go sour when Miss Teen is accused of using under-aged workers in their Indian factories. The girls travel to Bombay to find out the truth. BENOIT, CHARLES TU You PB (NC371 08) 9788427901308 $14.40 You is the riveting story of fifteen-year-old Kyle and the small choices he does and doesn't make that lead to his own destruction. $6.40 BOWLE ,TIM BLADE, JUGANDO AL MUERTO Blade. laying Dead PB(OC 7156)9786074001860 $12.80 Nobod knows the streets of London like Blade. After all, he is alwa s on the run, hiding from his past. One day when a gang 0 thugs attacks Blade, he finds himself in alliance with Beckya d her "kid" jaz. Together they will have to find a way to esca e their pursuers and survive a dangerous city. BOYNE JOHN EL NIN CON EL PIJAMA DE RAYAS The Bo in the Striped Pajamas PB (SAL 6279) 9788498382549 26 $10.40 One da in 1942 nine-year-old Bruno moves with his family from Be lin to Poland. Outside his window Bruno sees a large fence a d on the other side hundreds of people in striped pajama. One day he meets a boy living on the other side of the fen e. This powerful book offers a poignant look at the Holoca st, children and friendship. CAREY,ANNA BRAY, lIBEA ANGELES REBELDES Rebel Angels PB (~L36049) 9788478719358 $16.00 QUite.a bit of time has passed since Gemma was Realms, but a surprise visit to Spence Academy back to the bewitched world. While there she will sure that magic does not fall into the wrong hands. be too late? LA ORDEN DE LA ACADE~IA SPENCE AGreatand Terrible Beauty PB (~L36050) 9788498672473 last in the brings her have to be Could she $16.00 BROOKS, MAX $11.96 We survived the zombie apocalypse, but was itworththe cost? The remaining humans share their experiences so you can decide. BURNETT, fRANCES HODGSON EL JARDfN SECRETO The Secret Garden (EV38756) 9788444111087 $14.40 ~ary,a lonelyanddifficult little girl, comes to live atmysterious ~isselthwaite~anor, where she learns about happiness, friendship, and her own self-worth. CABOT,MEG ABANDONADA Abandon PB (~L38666) 9788427201873 $17.60 Pierce knows aboutthe after life; she's been there. As hard as she tries, Pierce is unable to recover the lifeshe had before her accident. CAMERON,ANN COLlBRf Colibri PB (S033889) 9780439783491 HC (S033221) 9780439683142 $16.76 Sixteen years after a deadly virus wiped out most of Earth's population, eighteen-year-old Eve has never been beyond the heavily guarded perimeter of her school, where sheand200 other orphaned girls have been promised a bright future in the New America. The night before graduation, Eve learns the shocking truth about her school's real purpose, and the horrifying fate that awaits her. CARLYlE, DAVID England. 1905 -young ladies, with impeccable manners, await their fate as future brides and members of ajudgmental society that will condemn them to silence. At 16,. Gemma could not be more different. This fascinating novel introduces readers to a girl who refused to conform. GUERRA ~UNDIAL Z World War Z PB(RH18885) 9780307950819 EVE Eve PB (ROC38339) 9788499184340 $4.00 $12.00 Twelve-year-old Rosa hardly remembers the home she shared with her loving parents before she was kidnapped at the age of four. SKYLAND Skyland HC (GL36934) 9788424635565 $21.60 In the year 2078, Lily Carlyle unsuccessfully strugglestoprevent the catastrophe that will end the world. Two hundred years later, sixteen year-old Valerie is paired with rebellious Laurence in search of the Carlyle dossier that contains the key to the end of the world and the secrets of the Skyland government. SKYLAND 2: LA NAVE DE LAS TE~PESTADES Skyland 2: The Storm Ship HC (GL37400) 9788424635589 $21.60 Lily Carlyle is hired by a mysterious Englishmillionaire,who is developing technology to save the Earth. And Valery has begun a new life on the legendary island of Atlantis. She is just a step away from making a crucial discovery. CARMAN, PATRICK SKELETON CREEK SERIES Something. very. strange is happening in Skeleton Creek, something sinister and terrifying. Ryan Writes down everything, while his friend Sarah captures it on video. Just when they think they have found the answers to the latest mystery, another one begins ... SKELETON CREEK Skeleton Creek HC (BU37700) 9788421684399 $22.40 EL FANTAS~A DE LA DRAGA: EL DIARIO DE RYAN Skeleton Creek: Ghost in the ~achine HC (BU37455) 9788421685174 $22.40 TIBIAS CRUZADAS Crossbones HC (BU38584) 9788421686591 $22.40 EL CUERVO The Raven HC (BU38396) 9788421687574 27 CARROLL, LEWIS ALICIA EN EL PAIS DE LAS MARAVILLAS Alice in Wonderland PB (RH38976) 9780307745149 $11.16 ihis edition is enhanced with illustrations by john Tenniel. CARTER, AllY LADRONA CON CLASE Heist Society PB (ML37060) 9788427200777 $17.60 Katarina Bishop has spent her childhood helping with the family business in Austria and Paris. Eventually Katarina swears she has given up her past. But when a dangerous Italian mobster suspects her father of stealing his priceless art, Katarina undertakes an adventure in Europe to prove his innocence. CATHER, LA MUE Death C PB (CAl WillA TE LLAMA AL ARZOBISPO mes for the Archbishop 195)9788437617930 $24.00 Consider d Cather's best novel, this is the story ofFather Jean Marie La our, who journeys to New Mexico and recounts the forty yea s he spends there amidst tough terrain and sometimes ev n tougher people. CLEAVE, CON EL Little Be PB (MAE HC (MA CHRIS ORAZON EN LA MANO 8676) 9788415140320 18338) 9788415120018 $11.20 $17.60 This is t e story of two women, two survivors. One is a young Ni erian exile and the other is a brilliant English journalist. eir lives collide one fateful day in Nigeria. Two years lat r they meet again in England. CASHORE, KRISTIN GRACELING Graceling HC (ROC3651 0) 9788492429813 $19.16 $12.00 Graceling takes readers inside the world of Katsa, a warriorgirl in her late teens. Combining elements of fantasy and romance, Cashore skillfully portrays the confusion, discovery, and angst that smart, strong-willed girls experience as they creep toward adulthood. This inte national bestseller centers around a youngSpanish shepherd named Santiago who leaves his flock and travels to Egypt to earch for an ancient, hidden treasure. He meets many pe pie along the way, including the Alchemist, who help and inspire him. FUEGO Fire HC (ROC36751) 9788499181011 COHN, ACHEl & DAVID [EVIlHAN CUADERNO PARA DOS Dash & ily's Book of Dares PB(ML3059)9788427200807 $19.36 $17.60 It is not a peaceful time in the Dells. War is coming. And the mountains and forest are filled with spies and thieves. This is where Fire lives, a girl whose beauty is impossibly irresistible and who can control the minds of everyone around her. In the St finds a book of have the and Bookstore in Manhattan, a teen named Dash ysterious notebook on oneof the shelves. It isa ares written by another teen named Lily. Will he erve to accept the challenges he sees? BITTERBLUE Bitterblue PB(ROC38340)9788499184357 COlliN f $19.96 Set in the same world as her previous two novels, Bitterblue picks up the story of the Seven Kingdoms six years after the events of Graceling. 28 COElH f PAULO EL ALQUIMISTA The Alch mist PB (HC9 05) 9780062511409 SUZANNE TRILOGI LOS jUEGOS DEL HAMBRE The Hun er Games Trilogy This sus enseful trilogy introduces the world to. Katnis Everdeen and shows how her actions and bravery bring about unexpect d change for all the districts, especially the Capitol. LOS JUE OS DEL HAMBRE The Hun er Games PB (ML3 084) 9788427202122 EN LLA AS Catching Fire PB (ML3 086) 9788427202139 SINSAjO Mockingjay PB (ML3 085) 9788427202146 Complet Set (CRS0073) $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $48.00 DASHNER, JAMES CONDIE, AllY JUNTOS Matched PB (RH37970) 9780307947789 MAZE RUNNER SERIES $8.76 Cassia has never questioned the authoritiesthat rule her life, not even when they tell her that her best friend Xander is her perfect match. One day, while searching for anSWers, Cassia is faced with an impossible choice: either do what she always thought was the right thing or follow her heart. COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE EL ULTIMO MOHICANO The Last of the Mohicans PB (MF18505) 9788495311252 $11.60 Set during the French and Indian Wars, two daughters oLan English officer are aided by the last of the Mohicans as they try and make their way back to their father. Join Thomas and the Gladers as they try and survive the Maze and all the dangers hidden in there, including the Cranks, sun flares, disease, and memory manipulation. CORRER 0 MORIR Mate Runner PB (VS36628) 9789876122672 MAZE RUNNER 2: PRUEBA DE FUEGO Made Runner 2: The Scorch Trials PB (VS37696) 9789876123549 MAZE RUNNER3: LA CURA MORTAL The Death Cure PB (VS38663) 9789876124232 MAZE RUNNER: VIRUS LETAL The Kill Order PB (VS38849) 9789876125659 CORMIER, ROBERT D'ANDREA, G.l. LA GUERRA DEL CHOCOLATE The Chocolate War PB (OB2632) 9788477208648 WUNDERKIND Wunderkind PB (ML36483) 9788427200289 $9.56 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 $12.80 $16.80 Jerry Renault refuses to participate in his school's candy drive, something that no one has ever done in the history of the Trinity school. He comes close to losing his scholarship. However, Jerry stubbornly continues to hold on to his beliefs. When a silver coin appears in the life of Caius Strauss he soon realizes that he is the chosen one, the Wunderkind. Readers will surely enjoy the dark and mystical story line in this innovated novel. CROWLEY, CATH WUNDERKIND 2 Wunderkind 2 PB (ML37261) 9788427200890 UNA NOCHE EN LA LUNA Graffiti Moon PB (ML37634) 9788427200951 $17.60 How much can your life change in just one night? Discover the answer to this question through the lives of six teenagers who just graduated high school. $16.80 After discovering his true identity, Caius's life becomes a nightmare and all the hidden creatures of Paris are on the loose. Caius discovers he cannot trust anyone, not even himself, since his hands, too, are stained with blood. DESSEN, SARAH Of ADAMO, FRANCESCO LA HISTORIA DE ISMAEL QUE CRUZO EL MAR The Story of Ishmael Who Crossed the Sea PB (EV36420) 9788444145075 $10.40 ATRAPA LA LUNA Keeping the Moon PB (MAE3881 0) 9788415532088 Ishmael is a fisherman on the North African coast, notfar from Italy. His relationship with the sea completely changes when it swallows up his father. Desperate, Ishmael abandons his life and moves to the other shore. Colie has to stay with her Aunt Mira in a boring North Carolina town. She soon makes some incredible friendships and begins to view her life much differently. JUST LISTEN Just Listen PB (MAE38038) 9788415120889 $13.60 $13.60 Annabel suddenly finds herself isolated and friendless; then she meets Owen-a loner, passionate about music and al.ways ~etermined ~o tell the ~ruth. When they develop a fnendshlp, Annabel IS not only mtroduced to new music but is encouraged to listen to her own inner voice. David Copperfield UNA CANCION PARA TI This Lullaby PB (MAE37630) 9788415120322 EVANS RICHARD PAUL $13.60 Remy never wants to fall in love. Living by this rule, she is, without trying, a heartbreaker, just like her mother. Her convictions get put to the test when she meets Dexter. MICH EL VEY, PRES~ DE LA LUZ Micha I Vey:The Prisoner of Cell 25 PB (PE 38635)9786070711824 DICKENS, CHARLES Micha I and Taylor can discharge electric currents by just thinkin of them. Hatch needs Michael and Taylor to carry out his sinister plans. Michael smells danger, but Taylor is a whole ther story. DAVID COPPERFIELD David Copperfield PB UV18540) 9788426134004 MICH EL VEY 2: LA INSURRECCION ELGEN Micha I Vey 2: The Rise of Elgen PB (PE 38737) 9786070714603 $15.96 $13.60 David Copperfield is considered Dickens's masterpiece. This edition presents the classic in its unabridged glory. GRANDES ESPERANZAS Great Expectations PB UV9002) 9788426155269 $13.60 Dickens masterfully narrates the adventures and misadventures of an orphan boy named Pip and the colorful cast of characters he meets throughout his lifetime. HISTORIA DE DOS CIUDADES A Tale ofTwo Cities PB UV18539) 9788426134677 $12.80 It was the best of times. It was the worst of times...This classic, set right before the beginning of the French Revolution is truly unforgettable. OLIVER TWIST Oliver Twist PB (jV18538) 9788426109149 $8.80 An orphan boy named Oliver Twist is befriended by a group of street urchins. He is forced to become a pickpocket until a long-lost relative rescues him. DOGAR, SHARON ,. ENCERRADOS EN LA CASA DE ATRAs Annexed PB (EV38941) 9788444148847 $16.00 Sharon Dogar has re-created the life of Peter van Pels, the young man the world was introduced to in the Diary of Anne Frank. This moving novel will give readers insight into the suffering caused by the Holocaust. After e caping the Elgen Academy, Michael decides to return home t try and rescue his mother. When all hope seems lost, a ysterious ally appears who tells them how to get to where ichael's mother is being held captive. FARME , NANCY LA MA CA DEL ESCORPION The House of the Scorpion HC (N P38140) 9788408048152 $13.60 This sci nee fiction novel explores the empire of a drug lord and th complex social dynamics of life as the drug lord's clone. 2003 FAULK ER, WILLIAM 1949 EL RUI The So PB (AF obel Prize 0 Y LA FURIA nd and the Fury 8989)9786071121981 $16.00 Though to be Faulkner's greatest novel, this book shows the decline of a once aristocratic Southern family. The book provides a fascinating look into human nature and despair. FISHER CATHERINE INCAR ERON Incarce on PB (ML 6627) 9788427200470 $16.80 Incarce on is a prison so vast that it contains not only cells, but als metal forests, dilapidated cities, and vast wilderness. Finn is determined to escape the prison, and Claudia, the warden s daughter, believes she can help him. SAFIC Sapphi ue PB (ML 7064) 9788427200715 Everyo finally anothe and his 30 $15.16 $16.80 e wishes to escape from Incarceron, but when Finn ucceeds he discovers that the outside world is just type of prison. Meanwhile, inside Incarceron, Keiro friend Attia search frantically for a magical glove. FORMAN, GAYlE SI DECIDO QUEDARME If I Stay PB (SAL38642) 9788498384895 GRAY, CLAUDIA BALTHAZAR Balthazar PB (RH38750) 9788484419440 Mia is a 17-year-old musician who will soon audition for Juilliard. One day in February, everything changes. Mia gets terribly injured in a car .accident. LO QUE FUE DE ELLA Where She Went PB (SAL38643) 9788498384857 $9.60 Threeyearsafter her tragic car accideht, Mia decides to move to New York City. It has also been three years since she broke up with her boyfriend Adam. Adam, who lives in New York, bumps into Mia one day. FOX, PAULA LA DANZA DE LOS ESCLAVOS The Slave Dancer PB (NG38167) 9788427901414 $11.20 JACQUES LA MAQUINA PENSANTE The Thinking Machine PB (BU36590) 9788421653715 $10040 Set in the midst of Hitler's terrifying rise to power, this novel recounts the deep friendship between two boys who share a love of poetry. One day, however, everything changes. EL CURIOSO INCIDENTE DEL PERRO A MEDIANOCHE The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time PB (SAL14867) 9788478889105 $21.60 Christopher is an autistic savant. One evening he discovers his neighbor's dog has been killed. He is accused of the crime, but he begins to investigate who did it. A social worker encourages him to write about what he discovers, and, thus, is born this book. HAN, JENNY GAIMAN, NEIL $16.76 Ih the 2009 Newbery Medal winning novel, a toddler escapes a lethal attack on his familyand ends up in a graveyard. The "ihhabitants" realize he is an orphan ahd they quickly adopt him. GOLDING, WILLIAM 1983 •Nobel Prize EL SENOR DE LAS MOSCAS Lord of the Flies PB (AZ9078) 9788420674179 GROBETY, ANNE-LISE TIEMPO DE PALABRAS EN VOZ BAJA The Whispering Time PB (GS33690) 9788466745765 $11.20 Eccentric Professor Van Dusen is convihced that the human mihdcan outwit a computer any day! Readers will enjoy the professor's cleaver way of getting out of some very sticky situations. EL L1BRO DEL CEMENTERIO The Graveyard Book HC (ROC18045) 9789499180304 Although Balthazar flirts with Bianca at the Evernight Academy, for cehturies he has sworn never to fall in love. When the old vampire that ended Balthazar's human life threatens the life of a human girl he knows, Balthazar swears to protect her. HADDON, MARK rhirteen-year-old Jesse is kidnapped and taken aboard a slave ship where he is forced to play his fife in order to make the slaves dance. When the ship is destroyed in a storm, Jesse and Ras, a young slave, struggle to survive. 974 Newbery Medal FUTR~nE, $11.20 $8.80 $16.80 This. much-acclaimed. debut novel uses •a group of shipwrecked children to show the strengths and weaknesses of adultsociety. EL VERANO EN QUE ME ENAMORE The Summer I Turned Pretty PB (NGP38690) 9788408111528 $19.20 Nothing much happens to Belly. She spends every summerat her family's beach house, hoping theboys will finally notice her. One year, everything changes; she turns pretty, falls .in love, and has her world turned upside-down. NO HAY VERANO SIN TI It's Not Summer without You PB(NGP38681) 9788408007463 $19.20 Belly looks forward to summer vacation, especially seeing Conrad and Jeremiah again. This year she can't go, certainly hot after the boys' mother gets sick. One day she receives an expected phone call that convinces her that life can go back to the way it used to be. HANDLER, DENNIS Y POR ESO ROMPIMOS Why We Broke Up PB (SN38921) 9786071124562 $16.00 Min Green and Ed Slaterton are breaking up, sO Min is writing Ed a letter and giving him a box. Inside the box is why they broke up. EL VIEJO Y EL MAR The Old Man and the Sea PB (ZZl 074)9788489902510 HARRISON, USI Santiago an old Cuban fisherman, is determined to snag the marlin t at is always getting away from him. This brilliant struggle between man and nature won the 1953 Pulitzer Prize. T is edition cOhtains a prologue by juan Villorio; MONSTER HIGH Monster High PB (SN36898) 9786071106414 $12.00 POR Q lEN OOBLAN LAS CAMPANAS For Who the Bell Tolls $14.40 Themohster community has kept a low profile at the local 'PB (RHS 8461)9788497935029 high school, but when two new girls enroll,the town will never be the same. Created just fifteen days ago Frankie The Spa ish Civil War serves as the backdrop for this classic learns that high school can be rough for a chic freak like her. novel. MONSTER HIGH 2 Monster High: The Ghoul Next Door PB (SN37930) 9786071111524 $16.00 HiNTO , S.E. $16.00 Tensions are running high as Melody teams up with Frankie in the race against time to try and stop Bekka from spilling jackson's big secret. But Frankie has bigger plans in mindshe and Brett decide to film a documentary to further their "Monster" of a cause. MONSTER HIGH 3 Monster High 3 PB (SN38244) 9786071117052 $16.00 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL $18.40 The House of the Seven Gables passes into! the hands of the PYhcheon family through dubious circumstances during Puritan times. Is it fate or something more Improbable? HAYES, S.B. DETRAs DETI Poison Heart PB (MAE38096) 9788415532057 $17.60 An icy stare changes the •• life.of Katy Rivers completely. A mysterious girl, Genieve,with shiny green eyes begins to followher., Katy'sonlytrue friendis Luke. The two of them unite to protect Katy from Genevieve and her darksecrets. 32 Since his brothers a rival g nightmar $9.95 parents' death, Ponyboy's loyalties have been to his nd his gang. When his best friend kills a member of ng, Ponyboy finds himself caught up, in a violent . HOCKI G, AMANDA Always overshadowed by her six brothers and her fab friends, Clawdeen Wolf plans to finally strut her stuffin the spotlight at her upcoming Sweet Sixteen bash. LA CASA DE LOS SIETE TEjADOS The House of the Seven Gables PB (CA9152) 9788437604121 REBELO S The Out iders PB (AF4 35)9781594378072 CANCION DE MAR Wake PB (PER 8659)9786070713804 $12.76 The tourists that come to Capri in the summer are beautiful, brave, a d dangerous. Gemma's life changes completely when sh is accepted into the group and finds out they are sirens. CARTAS PARA ELISE Letters t Elise PB (PER 8640)9786070713347 Vampire feels for for Alice Elise, Pet $9.56 Peter Townsend is torn between, the affection he is brother jack and the uncontrollable love he has Bonham. One hundred fifty years ago, Alice was r's first great love. HODKI , MICHEllE LA OSC RA VERDAD DE MARA DYER The Unb coming of Mara Dyer PB (MAE 8807) 9788415532019 $16.80 Mara 0 r is convinced that the strangest thing thatcould happen t her is waking up in the hospital without remem" bering h w she got there. She is dead wrong. HOFfMAN, MARY HUGO, VICTOR STRAVANGANZA: LA CIUDADDE LAS MAsCARAS Stravaganza: City of Masks PB (ML37571) 9788427200111 $17.60 Lucien is a 21 st Century teen suffering from cancer. While undergoing chemotherapy, he falls asleep holdin~ha mysteriousbook and he is magically transported to 16 •• Century. There he meets Rodolfo, the 15-year-old creator of the book, who helps him understand this time traveling. STRAVAGANZA: LA CIUDAD DE LAS ESTRELLAS Stravaganza: City of Stars PB (ML37635) 9788427200562 $20.80 In book two, Georgia is a 15-year-old girl who is tormented by her older stepbrother. One night she falls asleep holdin a figurine of a winged horse and she is transported to the 16t R Century, where she awakes. HOSSEINI, KHAlED COMETAS EN EL C1ELO The Kite Runner PB (SAL17949) 9788478888856 $12.80 In Afghanistan in the winter of 1975, young Amir, inan effort to prove to his father how mature he is, decides he is going to win the annual kite contest, regardless of who he has to hurt in the process. HOUCK, COUEEN LA MALDICION DEL TIGRE Tiger's Curse PB (ML39044) 9788427201194 $20.00 Kelsey Hayes's life changes when she lands a temporary job and ends up working for a circus that travels to India. There she finds adventure as well as her destiny. HURLEY, TONYA GHOSTGIRL SERIES School is hard enough, but just imagine going there if you are a ghost! Welcome to Charlotte Usher's world .• Being dead doesn't change any of the aspirations or problems of being a teenager. GHOSTGIRL Ghostgirl PB (AF36411) 9786071101853 GHOSTGIRL: EL REGRESO Ghostgirl: Homecoming PB (AF36412) 9786071104090 GHOST GIRL: LOCA POR AMOR Ghost Girl: Love Sick PB (AF37938) 9786071108135 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 NUESTRA SENORA DE PARIS The Hunchback of Notre Dame PB (CA9153) 9788437605548 $20.80 Victor Hugo's moving story about Quasimodo shows both the depth of human cruelty and the power of kindness. IBBOTSON, EVA MAlA SEVAAL AMAZONAS Journey to the River Sea HC (SAL38546) 9788498384116 $14.40 Maia, an English orphan, is sent to live with distantrelatives in the Amazon at the beginning of the 20th century. She is excited at the prospect of exploring the new environment, but her family avoids any contact with nature or Brazilian culture. IONESCU, ANGElA DEJAMESOLO, JOE Leave Me Alone, Joe PB (BU36599) 9788421653685 $11.20 All of the main characters in these three stories are children confronted with a difficult problem, which they must resolve on their own. The author creates situations, with which young readers can readily identify and express the emotions of the protagonists with candor and realism. JORDAN, SOPHIE FIRELIGHT. CHICA DE FUEGO Firelight PB (VS38721) 9789876123808 $12.80 Jacinda is no ordinary girl. She descends from dragons that can take on human form. She lives protected by her clan until one day, a chance meeting makes Jacinda and her twin sister flee their community and live among the humans. VANISH. CHICA DE NIEBLA Vanish PB(VS38722)9789876124423 $12.80 In order to save Will, Jacinda betrayed her species. She must now return to her people knowing she will never see him again and fearing he will forget her. HIDDEN. CHICA DE LUZ Hidden PB (VA38946) 9789876125772 $12.80 It was Jacinda's destiny to bond with Cassian, but she fell in love with a human hunter named Will instead. When she runs away with him, her sister MiriClm is takenprisioner. Consumed by guilt, she will stop at nothing to free her sister. 33 N, ROBERT & JAY BONANSINGA THE LKING DEAD. El GOBERNADOR The W Iking Dead: The Rise of the Governor PB (PE 38735) 9786070714788 KATE, LAUREN OSCUROS Fallen PB (RH18446) 9780307745002 There's something familiar about Daniel. Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce's attention from the moment she sees him at school. Even though Daniel wants nothing to do with her, she can't let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, she has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret even if it kills her. PASION Passion PB (RH37971) 9780307745125 $19.16 $7.96 rimes, Glenn, and Michonne search for the wreckage of downed helicopter, they stumble across the town of Woodbury.There, a despot named the Governor has arranged a sick ame: the zombies fight each other for a piece of human ty. Discover what turned a plague survivor named Philip i to this evil villain. THE W LKING DEAD. WOODBURY The W Iking Dead. The Road to Woodbury PB (PE 38734)9786070714771 $17.56 $7.96 Luce would die for Daniel, and she has done that time and again. In all of their lives, they have always found each other and have fallen in love, just to be tragically separated. Luce begins to wonder if things always have to end this way and decides to find out if there is a way to change her fate. The amount of people walking multiplies as the wild desire for fres meat grows. Paralyzed by fear, Lilly trusts that the good S maritans of Woodbury will protect her. At first it seems like a safe place, but things are not what they seem: Soon the road to Woodbury becomes the road to hell. KROK S, DAN TORMENTO Torment PB (RH37707) 9780307745125 $7.96 FALSO RECUERDOS False M mory PB (GS 8685)9788467829402 Even though she ignores it, Luce plays a pivotal role in the struggle between good and evil. The fallen angels known as the Outcasts want her dead, but she is hidden away in a school where humans and angels protect her. In this sequel to Fallen, she learns secrets about those around her, especially ones about Daniel. Mirand MALDICION Rapture PB (RH38646) 9780345802439 El SILE ClO DE LAS PAlABRAS Girl in ranslation PB (MA 18389) 9788415120094 $16.00 North wakes up in a park with amnesia. ted, she feels a strange energy. Immediately afterwave of fear overtakes anyone nearby with the n of one person. Miranda is left with one option; she and trust this stranger and survive the chaos. KWOK, JEAN $8.76 Luce and Daniel are given one final opportunity to save their past as well as the world. Dark forces are after them ever since Lucifer revealed his plan to erase the last 7,000 years of history. Luce and Daniel only have nine days to stop him. This novel concludes the popular Fallen series. $17.60 When 11-year-old Kimberly's father dies, she leaves Hong Kong with her mother and moves to New York. There she discovers at only a totally different language, but a different world a well. She decides the best way to survive is to keep her two worlds totally separate. This debut novel is moving and unf rgettable. KIDD, SUE MONK LA VIDA SECRETA DE LAS ABEJAS The Secret Life of Bees PB (VK15068) 97801430357947 LOND N, JACK $12.80 On the New York Times bestseller list of weeks, this comingof-age novel is set the South in 1964. A strong-willed Black woman named Rosaleen takes in Lily, a young orphaned girl. When Rosaleen insults the town's biggest racists, they must flee. Lily then develops her sense of self and discovers the divine feminine spirit. 34 COlMI LO BLANCO White F ng PB (MF18183) 9788495311078 $7.20 This cia sic shows the harsh existence for both man and animals in he Yukon Territority. LA LLAMADA LOSALVAjE Call of the Wild PB (MF18182) 9788495311 061 MARULl, YANN $6.80 This unabridged edition cohtains a brief bio~raphy on jack London and an introduction by Oriana Fallacl. MACLACHLAN, PATRICIA VIAjE journey PB (FC33680) 9789681647223 $7.20 Her mother named her journey, but left when her daughter was 11. Living with her sister and wan.dfather, journey is very curious about her mother and their life together. When she finds some photos that her mother had ripped to shreds, journey decides to find a way to piece together her past and present. MARCHETTA, MELINA FINNIKIN DE LA ROCA Finnikin of the Rock PH (ML38667) 9788427201866 $19.20 MARIANHU, SAURO $11.20 The glory of Rome during. the g?1ge~ years of the Empire serveS as the setting for this semi-fictional account. Y<?u~g Claudius relates the story of his boyho~d .asa. weak, tl!1'lId orphan, scorned byalL But in the end, hiS Int~lligence, kl.ndness, and greatculture take him to the hlg~es.t destiny: Emperor of Rome, This novel isan excellent depiction of one of the most magnificent periods in the world. MARION, ISAAC RY JULIE Warm Bodies PB (RH38748) 9788439723516 $13.60 This award-winning book tells the story of Pi,a ~een~ger from India whose zookeeper father de~ldes to !n:mlgr~teto Canada. While at sea, their boat capsizes andPdlnds himself shipwrecked and stranded in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger for 227 days. MARSDEN, JOHN MANANA CUANDO LA GUERRA EMPIECE Tomorrow When the War Began PB (ML37061) 9788427200760 $18.40 When a group of teenage friends goes camping in a remme, beautiful place little do they know the world they left behind would not be the same place they return to. While they were away an army attacks and they must find a way to survive MCMANN,USA It's been 10 years since Finnikin and his guardian, Sir Topher, have been home. They have not returned to Lumateresince the dark days when the royal family murdered. Everything changes when Finnikin meets Evanjalln, who tells him that the heir to the throne of Lumatere, PrInce Balthazar, is sti II al ive. UNA HISTORIA EN LA HISTORIA A Story in History PB (BU36589) 9788421663127 LA VIDA DE PI The Life of Pi PB (NGP18429) 9788423338481 $14.40 R is a little odd, very sensitive, and prone to depression. Is does not help that he is dead, or almost dea.d. !!e wan.ders around the abandoned airport without any direction until he meets julie. This novel looks at the power of love. CRYER'S CROSS Cryer's Cross PB (EV38896) 9788444147697 $16.00 Two students have disappeared in Cryer's Cross.•• Kendal.l did not know the first one well, but she was close to the second one. Paralyzed by fear, she begins .to hear cr.ies fo.r he~p from the two missing kids and she thinks she. IS gOing Insane. Soon, she begins to see messages carved Into her desk and she knows she must do something. HUYE Gone PB (EV37892) 9788444146270 $16.00 Being dragged into other people's ~reams has lostits appeal for janie. Her future seems set until she meets a mysterIous stranger.• Now all her opt}ons.seem 9angerous, yet she must decide what to do. And time IS running out! TEME Fade PB (EV37874) 9788444146263 $16.00 Strange things are happening at Fieldridge High, bu~ noone talks about them. When Janie intercepts a violent nightmare from a classmate and discovers what is happening at school, it's time to reveal the truth. In this sequel to Gone/Janie learns the truth about herability and her weakness. HerJate as a dream catcher seems sealed and it's a lot more dangerousthan she ever imagined. 35 SUENA Wake PB (EV37386) 9788444146256 $16.00 Janie has a gift (or perhaps a curse) she can't control. She gets sucked into other people's dreams. When she starts to think that she's seen it all, Janie finds herself in a horrifying nightmare where she is no longer a witness but a participant. MUERTO PARA VOSOTROS Dead to You PB (EV39029) 9788444148380 $16.00 Ethan was just seven when he was abducted from his front yard. At 16, he miraculously returns home. At first things are great, but slowly tensions build as he cannot recal.1 anything about his life before being taken. What could be blocking his memory, something too terrible to remember? SANGRE AZUL Frostbite PB (SN39031) 9786071108784 $13.60 It is winter break at St. Vladimir's, but Rose is feeling anything but festive. Rose loves Dimitri, Dimitri might loveTasha, and Mason would die to be with Rose. When three friends run away in an offensive move against the deadly Strigoi, Rose must join forces with Christian to rescue them. But heroism rarely comes without a price ... LA SEG NDA VIDA DE BREE TANNER The Sho t Second Life of Bree Tanner PB (SN18160) 9781616051426 $12.00 Fans of he Twilight Saga will be enthralled by the riveting story of BreeTanner, a character introduced in Eclipse/and the dark r side of the newborn vampire world she inhabits. In anot er irresistible combination of danger, mystery,and romanc , Stephenie Meyer tells the devastating story of Bree and Vict ria's vampire army as they prepare to close in on Bella S an and the Cullens, following their encounter to its unforget able conclusion. THE H ST (HUESPED) TheHos PB (SNl 011) 9780882723242 $12.00 Melanie Stryder refuses to fade away. The earth has been invaded by a species that take over the minds of their human hosts w ile leaving their bodies intact, and most of humanity has succumbed. Unable to separate herself from her body's d sires, Wanderer yearns for a man she's never met. Wander r and Melanie, now unWilling allies, set off to search for the an they both love. MITCHE L, MARGARET LO QUE EL VIENTO SE LLEVO Gone wi h the Wind HC(EBl 093)9788466636650 $19.96 The fury f passion and the Civil War are brilliantly described in Marg ret Mitchell's masterpiece. TWILIGHT SERIES Stephenie Meyer started the current vampire craze. The translations of the Twilight books are packaged together in this set. CREPUSCULO Twilight PB (SN16967) 9789707709942 ECLIPSE Eclipse PB (SN16997) 9781603960229 LUNA NUEVA New Moon PB (SN35079) 9789705800238 AMANECER Breaking Dawn PB (SN17376) 9786071100337 Complete Set (CRS0083) $12.80 $12.80 MOERS, WALTER EL MAE TRO DE LAS BURUJAS The Alch master's Apprentice PB (MAE 6981) 9788492695119 $17.60 Echo is a cat-like creature that lives inthe depressing town of Malaisea. When his owner dies, he roams around looking for nero Pure starvation leads him to the home of a new Ghoolia whose plan is to fatten him up and Use him in his bizarre xperiments; however, he never counted on Echo's intellige ce and knack for making friends. $12.80 MEAD, $16.00 $54.00 VAMPIR ACADEMY Vampire cademy PB (SN3 552) 9786071104564 $13.60 St. Vladiir's Academy isn't just any boarding school-it's a hidden lace where vampires are educated in the ways of magic and half-human teens train to protect them. 36 ORWEll, GEORGE 1984 1984 PB (RH19094) 9788499890944 EL CL N DE LOS PERROS The Fi Id of the Dogs PB (N 37847) 9788427901360 $8.00 Orwell presents a chilling tale of life controlled by Big Brother. REBELION EN LA GRANjA Animal Farm PB (RH19095) 9788499890951 $8.00 This edition of Orwell's scathing look at totalitarian rule contains a well-written introduction that will help readers better . understand the author's work. PAOLINI, CHRISTOPHER INHERITANCE CYCLE Readers love this series filled with dragons, fantasy, and the classic battle of good and against evil. ERAGON Eragon HC (ROC37140) 9788499182964 $15.96 ELDEST Eldest HC (ROC37139) 9788499182971 $15.96 BRISINGR Brisingr PB(ROC37138)9788499182988 $15.96 LEGADO Inheritance HC (ROC37381) 9788499183541 $19.96 Complete Set (CRS0066) $67.00 PATERSON, KATHERINE AME A JACOB Jacob Have I Loved PB (NG36133) 9788427900899 $11.20 Twin sisters Louise and Caroline live on a small island off the coast of Maryland. Louise is jealous of her selfish sister and resents having to sacrifice everything for her sake. While everyone fawns over Caroline, Louise immerses herself in the customs of the boaters and the secrets surrounding Rass Island. 1981 Newbery Medal 38 $11.20 Movin to a new town has been unsettling for Josh because he not nly has to adjust to a new life, but also must confront a new ully. His only comfort is his dog, Manch. After hearing his dog talk, he learns that Manch also has to deal with a bully f his own. Now Josh has to find a way to solve both their b lIy issues without getting into too much trouble. UN P ENTE HACIA TERABITHIA Bridge 0 Terabithia PB (LC 6985) 9781933032771 $10.40 Best fiends jess and Leslie create the secret land of Terabit ia, an imaginary kingdom in which they are the king and qu en. When Leslie dies in an accident, Jess must face reality nd learn to deal with her death. A deep, rich story about eath and personal loss. PATTE ,E.j. VOLVE A EXILIO Return 0 Exile HC (M 38916) 9788427203136 $19.20 For yea s, Sky Weather's Uncle Phineas has trained him to be an exp rt in legends. Sky never thought these teachings would I e an effective tool against evil until his 12 th birthday. That d y, Uncle Phineas disappears and Sky must return to Exile. hen legendary monsters from your worst nightmares becom real, would you be capable of hunting them down? PAULS N, GARY EL HA HA Hatche PB (NG37379) 9788427901285 $11.20 When rian Robeson survives a plane crash, he finds himself alone i a hostile, barren place where he must fight for survival at every turn. 1988 Newbery Honor Book PEARC , JACKSON TRES D SEOS As You ish PB (ML 6481) 9788427200272 $16.80 Ever since Viola's boyfriend broke up with her, she has spent her day silently wishing-to have someone love her again and, to belong again-until one day she inadvertently summons a young genie out of his world and into her own. He will re ain until she makes three wishes. jackson Pearce spins a agical tale about star-crossed lovers, what it means to belo g ... and how important it is to be careful what you wish fo . PECK, RICHARD RIGGS, RANSOM EL RIO QUE NOS DIVIDE The River Between Us PB (EV34353) 9788424183899 EL HOGAR DE MISS PEREGRINE PARA NINOS PECULIARES Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HC (NG38747) 9788427900301 $14.40 $10.40 This well-researched historical novel flashes back from 1916 to the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. When twomysterious women arrive in New Orleans,the Pruitt family takes them in, not knowing thattheir lives will be forever changed. This powerful story explores racism and the female experience during the Civil War. PETERS, ANDREW BOSQUE DE LOS CUERVOS Ravenwood HC (ML37633) 9788427200937 RIORDAN, RICK $17.60 Fourteen-year-old Ark lives on theisland of Arborium as is the unlikeliest of potential heroes. As the plumber's assistant, he spends his days unclogging toilets and other menial tasks. One day he overhears a plot to plunder Arboriuhl's lush forests and he soon has to save himself aswell as his beloved homeland. PETRUCHA, STEfAN DESTRIPADOR Ripper PB (EV38744) 9788444148250 Ever since he was a child, jacob formed a strong bond with his grandfather, who told him stories about girls who could levitate and invisible boys. Soon after, his beloved grandfather dies, jacob, noW 16, receives a mysterious letter that leads himon trip to a remote part of Wales where his grandfather grew up. He will try to find out if the stories he grew up hearing are true or not. $20.80 A ki lIer is on the loose in New York City and 14-year-old Carver Young might just be the only person who could stop the bloodshed. During the course of his investigation, he discovers that in life, the truth can be scarier than anything you could make up. PITCHER, ANNABEL MI HERMANA VIVE SOBRE LA REPISA DE LA CHIMENEA My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece PB (SE37773) 9788498415445 $17.60 In this extraordinarily moving, debut novel, it's been five years since Rose died in a terrorist attack in the center of London. Thistragic loss tears the family apart. The story is told through the eyes ofjaime, Rose's brother who was just 5at the time and has little memory of the event. His struggle to comprehend thewhole situation will resonate with readers long after they finish this book. PERCY JACKSON SERIES Whatwould you do if you found out you were the son of Greek God?join Percy jackson on his endless adventures and find out how he handlesthis huge responsibilty. EL LADRON DEL RAYO The Lightening Thief PB (SAL36346) 849838236X EL MAR DE LOS MONSTRUOS The Sea of Monsters PB (SAL36583) 9788498382808 EL ULTIMO HEROE DEL OLIMPO The Last Olympian PB(SAL37852)9788498383133 LA BATALLA DEL LABERINTO The Battle of the Labyrinth PB (SAL36585) 9788498382525 LA MALDICION DELTITAN The Titan's Curse PB (SAL36584) 9788498382921 Complete set (CRS0081) $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $8.00 $40.00 ROTH, VERONICA DIVERGENTE Divergent PB (ML38316) 9788427201187 $17.60 The dystopic Chicago in which Beatrice Prior lives is divided into five distinct factions. When each child turns 16,he/she must decide which group to join. It's Beatrice's turn to decide and she has to choose between remaining with her family or living her own life. When a conflict arises that could give her away, she realizes that both her loved ones and herself could be in grave danger. 39 INSURGENTE Insurgent PB (ML38848) 9788427203181 SEPETY , RUTA $17.60 Tris must protect her loved ones while confronting questions about guilt, forgiveness, identity, loyalty, politics, and love. When her initiation day arrives, it should have been a time for celebration, but things go horribly wrong. The conflict has intensified between the factions and Tris must fully accept her Divergence, no matter what the cost. ENTRE ONOS DE GRIS Betwee Shades of Gray PB (MAE38806) 9788415140672 $11.20 This su erb debut novel, named by the New York Times Book Review as a notable young adult titles of 2011, introduces the rea er to harsh reality of life under Stalin's rule. Based on exhaust ve research and interviews with family members, its depicti n of life of a 15-year-old Lithuanian girl's experiences in a Sib rian gulag is realistic and unforgettable. SACHAR, LOUiS HOYOS Holes PB (SM5090) 9788434878600 SHHlE , MARY $10.40 When StanleyYelnats is falsely convicted of stealing a famous basketball player's sneakers, he opts to do his time at Camp Green Lake rather than go to jail. In fact, no lake exists, and Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center, is anything but green. This amusing, adventurous, and highly imaginative story is a joy to read, and addresses some serious issues. 1999 Newbery Medal FRANK NSTEIN Franken tein PB (MF 8503) 9788495311337 $6.00 This ec nomical, unabridged edition contains an introduction by helley herself. SMITH, 8ETTY UN AR OL CRECEEN BROOKLYN A Tree rows in Brooklyn PB (RH17452) 9780307392473 $15.96 SAINT-EXUPERY, ANTOINE EL PRINCIPITO The Little Prince PB(HB30634)9780156013925 $8.80 Saint-Exupery's classic story tells of a little prince who meets and befriends a pilot whose plane has crashed in the desert. In a tender and often poignant dialogue with his new friend, the little prince relates his adventures on Earth and other planets, and describes his search for peace. SALINGER, j.D. EL GUARDIAN ENTRE EL CENTENO The Catcher in the Rye PB (AZ18730) 9788420660851 $10.40 Although this novel was published over 50 years ago, it still speaks to today's adolescents and captures their angst. Francie olan grows up with a sweet, tragic father, a severely realis ic mother, and an aunt who gives her love. too freely- 0 men, and to a brother who will always be the favored hild. Francie learns early the meaning of hunger and the valu of a penny. SMITH, ENNlfER E. LA PRO ABIUDAD ESTADfsTICA DEL AMOR A PRIMERA VISTA The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight PB (SN3 212) 9788483653159 $16.00 fate and quirks of timing fuel this thoughtful novel ily connections, second chances and first loves. Set -hour-period, Hadley and Oliver's story proves that can find us when we least expect it. SPEARE, ElIZA8ETH GEORGE EL SIGN DEL CASTOR The Sign of the Beaver PB (NG37978) 9788427901445 SAlGARl, EMILIO LOS TIGRES DEL MOMPRACEM TheTigers of Mompracem Flex (jV37093) 9788426138217 In this swashbuckling classic, Sandokan, known as the Tiger of Malaysia, wants to avenge the loss of his kingdom and his family's deaths at the hands of the British. Not afraid of anything or anybody, the invincible pirate falls helplessly with the beautiful Lady Guillonk, and will risk life and for her on more than one occasion. 40 $11.20 $20.80 -ivear-,olo Matt must stay alone in Indian territory up his mother and newborn sis- SHUSTERMAN, NEAL SPINELLI, JERRY STARGIRL Stargirl PB (SN32547) 9781594378157 $10.95 Stargirl, a new tenth grader, arrives at school and causes d sensation. She is endlessly kind and seemingly carefree. Leo cannot stop thinking about what the other kids dre saying, and convinces Stargirl to become "normal." Eventually he sees that "normal" is simply not who Stargirl is. STEINBECK, JOHN DESCONEXION Unwind PB (GS38684) 9788467829396 $23.20 Whatwould you do if they decided to unplug you? Connor, Risa, dnd Lev might be able to escape,but would they sur" vive? After the second American Civil War, children are safe from harm until they turn 13. For the next five years, parents have the right to disconnect you. Once you hit 18, you are safe. Will these three make it? 1962 Nobel Prize DE RATONES Y HOMBRES Of Mice and Men PB(VV36105)9788431634124 EVERLOST Everlost PB (GS38932) 9788466794923 $20.80 $12.00 Lenny, a mentally retarded migrant worker in California, dccidentally commits murder. His friend George is thrown into a moral dilemma as to what to do. justice must be served, but Lenny has to be protected as well. After an accident, Allie and Nick wake upin a thick forest. It takes them a while to realize that they are in a place known as Everlost. Strange things happen there. It's a quiet world where names disappear, days repeat themselves, and even eyes change color! LA PERLA The Pearl PB (VV18454) 9788431634797 EVERWILD Everwild PB (GS38933) 9788467829273 $13.60 In john Steinbeck's masterpiece, a poor fisherman locates a valuable pearl. Instead of bringing fortune, it brings sorrow, proving that wealth and happiness don't always go hand in hand. STEVENSON, ROBERT lOUIS EL EXTRANO CASO DEL DR. JEKYLL Y MR. HYDE The Strange Case of Dr. Jeykll dnd Mr. Hyde PB (PV37929) 9789583004452 $9.60 Stevenson's classic shows the timeless battle between good and evil, even inside out of the same person. LA ISLA DEL TESORO Treasure Island Flex OV38974) 9788426132260 $13.60 jim's life completely changes when he finds a treasure map and meets Long John Silver. This pirate adventure has been a favorite for generations. $21.60 Nick, the Chocolate Ogre, wants to help the lost souls of Everlost find the light at the end of the tunnel. Mary Hightower, the dangerous, self-proclaimed queen of missing children, is determined to keep the Afterlights from crossing over. In the meantime, Allie and Mickey, who used to be the terrible monster named McGill, go in search of Nick. STOKER, BRAM DRAcULA Dracula PB (EV38730) 9788444145860 $13.60 This version of the classic horror tale has been slightly adapted for students, making it easier to understand. Footnotes appear throughout the book. STRANDBERG, MATS & SARA B. ELfGREN ELCfRCULO The Circle PB (MAE38638) 9788415532071 $12.80 One evening, six girls feel compelled to go to an abandoned, open-air theater. In this strange place, dn ancient prophecy is revealed and they discover they are the Chosen Ones, witches with powers that can destroy the world. Time is of the essence and if they cannot find out who is following them, they will die. 41 TAYlOR, THEODORE EL CAYO The Cay PB (NG37454) 9788427901292 $11.20 LAS A ENTURAS DE HUCKLEBERRY FINN The A ventures of Huckleberry Finn PB(M 15841)9788495311030 $10.40 Philip, a young white boy, is blinded when the Germans torpedo his ship. Stranded on a tiny Caribbean island with Timothy, an old black sailor, Philip must learn to overcome his prejudice and at the same time adjust to his blindness. Mark wain's classic is presented in an unabridged format. This a dition contains an appendix written by T.S. Eliot. TER HARR, JAAP LAS A ENTURAS DE TOM SAWYER The A ventures of Tom Sawyer PB (M 15840) 9788495311023 BORIS Boris PB (NG36703) 9788427900912 $11.20 Boris and his friend Nadia make a desperate attempt to find potatoes rumored to be in no man's land near the enemy lines. Starving, they collapse in the snow, and a German soldier risks his life to save them. TOLSTOY, lEO ANA KARENINA Anna Karenina PB OV9018) 9788426108685 $20.00 Anna Karenina is a passionate novel about love, relationsh ips, Clnd society. TOURMER, MICHEl VIERNES 0 LA VIDA SALVAjE Friday PB (NG36702) 9788427900950 $11.20 After being stranded on a Pacific island, Robinson Crusoe meets Friday who helps Crusoe in his attempts to create a civilization. But after a fire destroys all they have worked for, Friday will be the one to assume the role of leader. $7.20 This u abridged edition ofTom Sawyer contains a brief essay on M rk Twain taken from Main Currents in American Thoug t. COLE CION LAS CRONICAS DE CRONUS The Cr nus Chronicles This se ies has it all: humor, mythology, and a dash of suspense. Centered around 13-year old Charlotte Mielswetzski, a girl ith a vivid imagination, she goes on fantastic journeys in orde to save her friends, fighting off evil creatures, all with style a d grace. LOS L DRONES DE SOMBRAS The Sh dow Thieves HC(E 37480)9788444145198 EL CA TO DE LA SIRENA The Sir n Song HC(E 37397)9788444145273 EL FUE 0 INMORTAL The 1m ortal Fire HC(E 38061)9788444145280 $22.40 $22.40 $22.40 VERNE JULES 20,000 LEGUAS DE VIAjE SUBMARINO 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea PB (PV 9014)9789583001383 TRAVEN, B. MACARIO Macario PB (SR32396) 9706436448 $12.80 $8.80 This well-known novella captures the essence of Mexican culture through the story of a poor woodcutter whose biggest dream in life is to eat an entire turkey by himself. Take a rip with Captain Nemo aboard the Nautilus and live the adv nture of a lifetime. WAllE FElS, STEPHEN POD TROISI, UClA P.OD. LA CHICA DRAGON I: LA MALDICION DE THUBAN The Dragon Girl 1: The Thuban Curse HC (ML38665) 9788427201439 $16.00 PB (GL 8288)9788424637408 Sofia believes she will have to live in the orphanage forever. Everything changes when an eccentric anthropology professor visits who wants to adopt her and reveal her true past. 42 $21.60 The ali n invasion has begun. Huge ships fly over the cities and ca se massive destruction. josh and Meg real ize, however, th t terror does not always come from up above. WATERS, DANIEL WUNDER, WENDY GENERACION DEAD Generatioh Dead There's something rather strange. about OakvaleHigh School. Some of the students are zombies! The typical teen angst and struggles take on a new twist when you mix together the livingahd the dead. GENERACION DEAD Generation Dead PB (ML36415) 9788427200142 BESO DEVIDA Kiss of Life PB (ML37259) 9788427200364 EXTRANAS APARIENCIAS Passing Strange PB(ML37260) 9788427200883 Cam has been in and out of hospitals for the past seven years. The least she wants to do is move to Promise, Maine, a place where miraculous things are known to happen. Cynical by nature, even Cam cannot deny that the place is rather magical and strange things happen there. SHORT STORIES $17.60 $17.60 POE, EDGAR ALLAN EL ESCARABAJO DE ORO Y OTROS RELATOS The Gold Bug and Other Stories PB (EV38989) 9788444148502 $13.60 This annotated anthology contains The Gold Bug, the Rue Morgue, ahd The Black Cat. 7.60 A brilliant young sciehtist builds a time machine and travels to the future. Set in Victorian England, this is one of Well's most celebrated science fiction classics. WESTERFiElD, SCOTT LEVIATHAN SERIES Set atthe beginning of World War I, this trilogy presents an alterhative war. When Prince Aleksander Ferdinahd(Clanker) meets Deryn Sharp, a female Darwinist disguised as a lad, they embark on an adventure that changes both of their lives forever. LEVIATHAN Leviathan HC (ED39058) 9788468306995 BEHEMOTH Behemoth HC(ED39059) 9788468306988 GOLIATH Goliath HC(ED39060) 9788468307008 $18.40 $17.60 WELLS, H.G. LA MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO The Time Machine FlexCjV39043) 9788426140005 PROMISE The Probability of Miracles PB (GL37994) 9788424641542 $20.80 $20.80 $20.80 WILDE, OSCAR FANTASMA DE CANTERVILLE. EL CRIMEN DE LORD SAVILE Savile's VARIOUS CLAslCOS NORTEAMERJC:ANOS I North American Classics I PB (SG39078) 9789501119411 $6.00 This anthology of four short stories cOhtains The Cask of the Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, the Occurrence atOWI Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce, My Long Crawl inthe Dark by Mark Twain, and Love of Life by Jack London. CLAslCOS NORTEAMERICANOS II North American Classics II PB~G39079)9789501119527 $6.00 Volume two contains the Open Boat by Stephen Crane, the Gift of the Magi by O'Henry, the Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe, and Make Westing by Jack London. CLAslCOS NORTEAMERICANOS III North American Classics III PB (SG39080) 9789501119534 $6.00 This volume of short stories contains Kaleidoscope by Ray Bradbury, the. Last Question by Isaac Asimov, the Ambitious Guest by Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the Mah with the Gash by Jack London. 43 POETRY DRAMA DlCKI SON, CHRISTIE, AGATHA LA RATONERA The Mousetrap PB (SN18987) 9788492966516 POEM S/POEMS PB (CA 155)9788437606378 $9.60 A group of strangers is stranded in a boarding house ~uring a snowstorm, one of who is a murderer. The suspects mclude the newly married couple, a spinster with a ~urious background, an architect, and a )urist. Into th: ':l1~St ~omes a policeman. no sooner arrives, than the JUrist IS killed. $22.80 Emily Dickinson's finest poems are presented here in gual for at. bilin- WILLIA S, WILLIAM CARLOS PATERS N PB (CA14809) 9788437619385 $24.00 porary epic poem that explores man and O'NEill, EUGENE 1936 Nobel Prize LARGO VIAjE HACIA LA NOCHE Long Day's journey into Night PB (CA9162) 8437605822 $17.60 this autobiographical play the members of the Tyrone family spend an interminable summer day fighting among themselves. The two major bones of contention are the mother's morphine addiction and the health of one of the sons. When the day comes to an end, the entire family is emotionally drained. SHAKESPEARE, EL MERCADER DE VENECIA. COMO GUSTEIS The Merchant of Venice. As You Like It PB (CA9168) 9788437604497 $17.60 Endorsed by the Shakespeare Institute, this edition contains two of Shakespeare's most popular plays. OTHELLO Othello PB(CA9163)9788437605364 $17.60 OlKlORE, MYTHOLOGY, AND EPICS ANON'MOUS CUENT S DE LAS 1001 NaCHES Tales fr m the Arabian Nights PB (EV3 912)9788424118723 $13.60 This ver ion of the classic starring Scherezade and the amazingtale she tells the Sultan has been slightly adapted to make it ore understandable. BASHE IS SINGER, ISAAC GOLEM EL COLOSO DE BARRa The Gol m PB (NG 7655) 9788427901254 $11.20 Rabbi L ib gives life to a giant clay statue, hoping that it will protect he jewish community of sixteenth-century Prague. Yet whe he disregards God's will, the Rabbi loses control over the Golem and must send him back where he belongs. This edition of the famous tragedy was published under the auspices of the Shakespeare Institute. ROMEO Y JULIETA Romeo and juliet PB (PV19033) 9789583005008 $9.20 $5.60 This edition was translated by Marcelino Menendez y Pelayo. $17.60 rr",,,t,,·rj 44 Linder the auspices of The Ilia recounts the battles of the Trojan War. Men and gods fig t each other to the death in this thrilling epic. BIOGRAPHYI AUTOBIOGRAPHY BEAH, ISMAEl UN LARGO CAMINO A Long Way Gone PB (RBA17162) 9788498670011 $16.00 In the more than fifty conflicts going on worldwide, it is estimated that there are some 300,000 child-soldiers. Beah used to be one of them. FRANK, ANNE DIARIO DE UNA ADOLESCENTE Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl PB (RH36429) 9780307475688 $10040 An unforgettable reading experience, this extraordinary diary was kept by a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl in hiding during the Nazi occupation of Holland. McCOURT, FRANK LAS CENIZAS DE ANGELA Angela's Ashes PB (MAE18501) 9788415140269 $11.20 $11.20 Pulitzer-prize winning writer Frank McCourt shares his memories of being a high school teacher in New York City. OBAMA, BARACK LOS SUENOS DE MI PADRE Dreams of My Father PB {RH17730) 9780307473875 J. $16.00 In a very open and candid manner, Luis Rodriguez discusses his experiences in a Los Angeles gang. SOTOMAYOR, SONIA MI MUNDOADORADO My Beloved World HC(RH18883) 9780345804099 $22.36 Sonia Sotomayor shares her life story. She discusses her childhood, education, mentors, and judicial career in .an open, candid way. VARIOUS AUTHORS EL FABULOSO MUNDO DEL ROCK The Cool World of Rock PB (VS37262) 9789876122771 Frank McCourt chronicles his fascinating life, from growing up dirt poor in Northern Ireland to his return to New York City, the place of his birth. The narrative is both funny and heart wrenching. EL PROFESOR Teacher Man PB (MAE18359) 9788415140474 RODRIGUEZ, lUIS LA VIDA LOCA Always Running PB (SS15537) 9780743281553 $21.60 Mixing all the cool elements oia graphic novel withfun-toread information, this book presents the history ofrock and roll. Spanning many decades, it highlights the best musicians past and present. LAS COMADRES PARA LAS AMERICAS CUENTA CONMIGO Count on Me PB (SS18895) 9781451699715 $12.00 Las Comadres para las Americas is a group made up of thousands of Latinas. This book presents short memoirs written by some of the most prominent members, including Esmeralda Santiago, Daisy Martinez, and Dr. Ana Nogales. $13.60 In this lyrical, unsentimental, and compelling memoir the son of a black African father and a white American mother searches for a workable meaning to his life as a black American. PRESSLER, MIRJAM TESOROS DESDE EL ATICO Treasures from the Attic PB (RH18565) 9780307743466 $12.76 Miraculously, thousands of documents, letters, and photographs from Anne Frank's family were discovered in the young girl's grandmother's house. The archive shows 300 years of the family's history. 45 GRAPHIC NOVELS HOSSEINI, KHALED COLE CION CLASICOS A MEDIDA COMETAS EN EL CIELO The Kite Runner Illustrated by Fabio Celoni & Mirka Andolfo PB (SAL37894) 9788498383980 Measured Classics This s ries makes the great classics accessible to striving reader. Each book contains a helpful introduction, illustrations, ootnotes, and information on both the author and time in whi h the book was written. $12.80 One of the poignant novels of recent times has been masterfully transformed into a graphic novel. It manages to capture the beauty and drama of the original work in a whole new format. MELVILLE, HERMAN MOBY DICK Moby Dick Illustrated by Denis Depres HC (IPG38982) 9788496867659 $22.36 Melville's classic takes on a whole new flavor when it is presented in graphic novel format. RIORDAN, RICK EL LADRON DEL RAYO NOVELA GRAFICA The Lightning Thief Graphic Novel Illustrated by Attila Futaki HC (SAL38182) 9788498384048 $12.00 Discover Percy Jackson in a whole new light! The graphic novel version of the The Lightning Thief is sure to delight readers of the series and people who are new to this dynamic character and his unforgettable adventures. 46 ALiCI EN EL PAIS DE LAS MARAVILLAS Alice i Wonderland Lewis arroll PB (G 39011)9788466794985 LAZA ILLO DE TORMES Lazarillo de Tormes Anoni ous PB (G 35326)9788466751711 LEYENDAS Legen s Gusta 0 Adolfo Becquer PB (G 39005)9788466795005 MARl NELA Benito Perez Gald6s Maria ela PB (G 35116)9788466703024 ODISE The 0 yssey Home PB (G 39013)9788467828702 OLIVE TWIST 'Oliver wist Charle Dickens PB (GS39006) 9788467828696 VEINT MIL LEGUAS DE VIAJE SUBMARINO 20,00 Leagues Under the Sea Jules V me PB (GS 9015)9788466747486 $13.60 $13.60 $13.60 $12.80 $14.40 $13.60 $13.60 COLECCION KAlAFATE Kalafate Series This series of universal classics has been carefully adapted to allow students reading below grade level to be able to enjoy these timeless stories. Difficult vocabulary appears in bluein the text and is defined in the margins. Comprehension questionsappear at the end of each book. CAPITANES VALIENTES Captains Courageous Rudyard Kipling PB(AD38991) 9788483087848 DRAcULA Dracula Bram Stoker PH (AD38937) 9788483088159 EL DR. JEKYLL Y MR. HYDE Dr. jekyll and Mr. Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson PB (AD38936) 9788483087572 EL ESCARABAjO DE ORO The Gold aug PB (AD38990) 9788498043938 EL FANTASMA DE CANTERVILLE The Canterville Ghost PB (AD38980) 9788483089194 EL HOMBRE INVISIBLE The Invisible Man PB (AD38098) 9788483087626 EL L1BRO DE LA SELVA The jungle Book Rudyard Kipling PB(AD38966)9788483087589 EL MISTERIO DEL CUARTO AMARILLO The Mystery of the Yellow Room Gaston Leroux PB (AD39004) 9788483087664 ELPERRO DE LOS BASKERVILLE The Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle PB (AD38964) 9788483087640 FRANKENSTEIN Frankenstein PB (AD39016) 9788483088203 IVANHOE Ivanhoe Walter Scott PB(AD38968) 9788483087558 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10AO $10.40 $10AO $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 LA ISLA DEL TESORO Treasure Island Robert Louis Stevenson PB (AD38975) 9788483087398 LA LLAMADA DE LO SALVAJE The Call of the Wild jack London PB (AD34690) 9788483086049 LA ODISEA The Odyssey Homer PB (AD37508) 9788483087770 LAVUELTA AL MUNDO EN 80 DfAS Around the World in 80 Days jules Verne PB (AD38985) 9788483087404 LAS AVENTURAS DE HUCKLEBERRY FINN The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain PB (AD38965) 9788483087831 LAS AVENTURAS DE TOM SAWYER the Adventures of Tom Sawyer PB (AD39000) 9788483084120 LAZARILLO DE TORMES Lazarillo de Tormes Anonymous PB (AD38998) 9788483086063 MARY POPPINS Mary Poppins P.L. Travers PB (AD38992) 9788483083581 MIGUEL STROGOFF Michael Strogoff PB (AD38961) 9788483086070 MOBY DICK Moby Dick Herman Melville PB (AD38981) 9788483087565 PEtER PAN Peter Pan James M. Barrie PB(AD38795)9788483087121 ROBINSON CRUSOE Robinson Crusoe Daniel Defoe PB (AD38993) 9788483452256 ROMEO YjULIETA Romeo and juliet William Shakespeare PB«AD38999) 9788483086186 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 $10.40 47 ORCA SOUNDINGS IN SPANISH Various Authors This series of books was designed for reluctant teenage readers. The books are all have contemporary plots and settings, yetthey are written on 2.5 to a 4.5 reading level based on the Fry Readability Formula. A TODA VELOCIDAD RL: 3.2 Overdrive PB (ORC39027) 9781554690558 AL LIMITE RL: 3.6 Grind (ORC39084) 9781554693818 QUE DIRAN RL: 3.6 Sticks and Stones PB(ORC39085)9781551439730 EL PLAN DE ZEE RL: 3.0 Zee's Plan PB (ORC39086) 9781554690572 EL SOPLON RL: 2.7 Snitch PB(ORC39087)9781554693153 LA GUERRA DE LAS BANDAS RL: 4.5 The Battle of the Bands PB(ORC39088)9781551439983 LA OTRA VIDA DE CAZ RL: 3.1 My Time as Caz Howard PB(ORC39090)9781459801875 LA TORMENTA RL: 3.0 Death Wind PB(ORC39089)9781554691357 LOS PANDEMONIUM RL: 2.9 Thunderbowl PB(ORC39091)9781554691364 NI UN DfA MAs RL: 2.7 Kicked Out PB (ORC39092) 9781554691371 NO TE VAYAS RL: 2.6 Comeback PB(ORC39093)9781554699704 REACCION RL: 2.6 Reaction PB (ORC39094) 9781459803084 REVELACION RL: 2.5 Exposure PB(ORC39095)9781554690534 $7.96 $7.96 READING FOR Ell!SIFE!NEWCOMERS ARMS RONG, WILLIAM H. $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $7.96 $10.40 When is family goes hungry, the father steals a ham and is later se t to jail. Uncertain where his father has been imprisoned, t e oldest son begins a frantic search that lasts for years. 1970 Newbery Medal CASTll A, $7.96 GR: U TRUENO Sounder PB (EV 672)9788424131876 MERCEDES AVENT RAS DE UN NINO DE LA CALLE Advent res of a Street Kid PB (NR 8555) 9789580409458 This is parents The m both sy GR: V $9.60 he dramatic story of a boy who is abandoned by his and must fend for himself on the streets of a big city. vingly realistic portrayal of his daily life will draw pathy and respect for his situation. EL TES RO DE LA PORDIOSERA The Be gar's Treasure PB(NR 8517)9789580468899 GR:T $8.80 On the treets of Bogota, Colombia, four homeless boys meet a begga , who greedily hides something in her dirty sack. This sparks t e boys' curiosity and when they discover the sack's content, they are astounded! PADRE AJENOS GR: V Farawa Parents PB (NR 8518)9789584509604 $9.60 When arisol was young, her parents left her with her grandparents hile they tried to make it in the city. She grows up happy i a small town surrounded by friends and nature. Everythi g changes when, years later, her parents, who are virtual s rangers, want her to live with them. CREEC , SHARON $7.96 ENTRE OS LUNAS GR:X Walk T 0 Moons PB (NG 7541) 9788427901278 $11.20 When alamanca Hiddle's mother disappears without a word, h r father piles her in the car and drives north. At their new de tination, Salamanca finally begins to unravel the mystery that engulfs her world. 48 CURTIS, CHRISTOPHER PAUL lOWRY, LOIS ELIAS DE BUXTON GR: X Elijah de Buxton PB (EV35584) 9788444141015 EL DADOR GR: Z The Giver PB (EV1827) 9788424159535 $10040 Eleven-year-old Elijah is the first child born into freedom in Buxton, Canada, a settlement of runaway slaves just over the border from Detroit. Elijah embarks on a dangerous journey to the United States in pursuit of the thief, and he discovers firsthand the unim~ginable horrors of the. life his ~arents fled-a life from which he'll always be free, If he can find the courage to get back home. 2008 Newbery Honor ME LLAMO BUD, NO BUDDY GR: T Bud, Not Buddy PB (EV31856) 97884241863889 $10040 Not wanting to return to the orphanage after his disastrous night at the Amos's house, Bud, not Buddy decides to go in search of Herman E. Calloway, the band leader who he believes is the father he's never known. 2000 Newbery Medal 2000 Coretta Scott King Award DUBOVOY, SILVIA ECOS DEL DESIERTO GR: U Echoes of the Desert Illustrated by Rene Almanza PB (FC35152) 9789681683962 $6040 This fictional first-person narrative explores one teenager's journey from Mexico to the U.S. as an undocumented immigrant. This thoughtful story highlights the importance of family and community, as well as the virtues of hard work. KAREN LEJOS POLVO GR: Y Out of the Dust PB (EV2448) 9788424159283 $10040 Exquisitely written, this Newbery Medal winner is a poetic, compelling, and often melancholy novel of a young girl growing up in the Oklahoma Dust Bowl during the Depression. 1998 Newbery Medal KADOHATA, CYNTHIA KIRA-KIRA Kira-Kira PB (EV34463) GR: U 9788424116941 $10040 $10040 Twelve-year-old jonas lives in a seemingly ideal world where there is no conflict, poverty, injustice, or inequality. Only when he is given his life assignment as The Receiver does he begin to understand the dark secrets behind this fragile community. 1994 Newbery Medal EN BUSCA DEL AZUL GR: Y Gathering Blue PB (EV32375) 9788424187552 $10040 After her mother's sudden death, Kira's fate is left upon the Council Edifice, who only sees her as a worthless cripple. They spare her life, however, since she is a talented el1lbroi" derer. Kira goes on a quest in search of truth and finds the courage to forge a new path in life. EL MENSAjERO GR: Z Messenger PB (EV3431 0) 9788424180096 $10040 As Matty, a member of a once-utopian community, looks forward to receiving his true name, he learns that disturbing changes are about to take place, and risks all to deliver the news before it's too late. UN VERANO PARA MORIR GR: U A Summer to Die PB (EV7788) 9788424132675 $10040 Meg is extremely jealous of her sister Molly because she is beautiful, popular, and eloquent. When Molly becomes sick, Meg finds her totally unbearable; however, when she finds out that her sister wi II never return from the hospital, she realizes how much she loves her. O'DEll, SCOTT LA ISLA DE LOS DELFINES AZULES Island of the Blue Dolphins PB (NG36423) 9788427900981 GR:W $11.20 Karana, accidentally left behind by her tribe when they flee a remote California island in 1835, lives happy and alone for 18 This moving and beautifully written story tells of a japaneseAmerican family struggling to adjust after moving from Iowa to rural Georgia in the 1950s. 2005 Newbery Honor Book 49 LA PERLA NEGRA GR: Y The Black Pearl PB (NG36141) 9788427900882 SO tAL STUDIES FOR ELL/51 H/N EWCOMERS $11.20 COLE CION liEl ABECE VISUAL DE" Sixteen-year-old Ramon finds a black pearl that is believed by his people to belong to the legendary monster Ray, Manta Diablo. 1968 Newbery Honor Book NO ME LLAMO ANGELICA GR: W My Name Is Not Angelica PB (NG5801) 9788427932227 $10.40 This is the gripping story of Raisha, an eighteenth-century African girl who is sold at a slave market in the Caribbean island of Saint john. The book is based on historical facts. RYAN, PAM MUNOZ ESPERANZA RENACE GR: V Esperanza Rising PB (S07158) 0439398851 $5.60 Torn from her life of privilege in Mexico when he'r father dies and their estate is ravaged by fire, Esperanza must learn to adapt to a new life in the United States. 2002 Pura Belpre Medal for Narrative SMUCKER, BARBARA HUlDA AL CANADA 730L Runaway to Freedom: A Story of the Underground Railroad PB (NG36394) 9788427901056 $11.20 The III strated Basics of Science Series Variou Authors Create to support the Common Core Standards, this series presen s highly engaging, informative books on history,the arts, mythology, and much more. EL AB CE VISUAL DE LA HISTORIA GR: U The III strated Basics of History PB (S 39070) 9788499070209 $14.95 EL AS CE VISUAL DE MITOS Y LEYENDAS UNIVERSALES GR:V The III strated Basics of World Myths and Legends, PB (S 39075) 9788499070186 $14.95 EL AB CE VISUAL DE PAISES, RELIGIONES Y GR: V CULT RAS DEL MUNDO The III strated Basics of Countries, Religions, and Cultures of the W rid PB (S 39077) 9788499070193 $14.95 EL AB CE VISUAL DE VIAjEROS Y EXPLORADORES GR:U The III strated Basics ofTravelers and Explorers PB (SN39076) 9788499070117 $14.95 EL AS CE VISUAL DEL ARTE GR: U The III strated Basics of the Arts PB (SN39069) 9788499070162 $14.95 COLE CION FACll DE LEER Fleeing to the North via the legendary Underground Railroad, young julilly and Liza face countless dangers and hardships. This masterful blend of fiction and fact includes a stirring prologue by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. WHElAN, GLORIA pAJARO SIN HOGAR GR: X Homeless Bird HC(EV31630) 9788424180775 $10.40 After entering into an arranged marriage, 13-year old Koly discovers that her in-laws only wanted her dowry to pay for medical expenses for the terminally ill groom. 50 Easy R ading Series Variou Authors This s ries offers high-interest content area books designed for rei ctant readers and those reading below grade level. Difficu t vocabulary appears in blue in the text and is defined in the argins. The varied subject matter offers a lotof choices for oth teachers and students. Each book is originally written in Spanish, making it ideal for Dual Language pro~ grams. AVEN URA EN EL HIELO Arctic dventure PB (EV 9018) 9788444110929 CUESTION DE TACTO A Matt r of Touch PB (EV 9019)9788444110905 LA MA IA DEL CINE Movie agic PS (EV 9020) 978844411 0875 LOS 0 CUROS RINCONES DE LONDRES Londo's Dark Corners PB(EV 9021)9788444110882 $9.60 $9.60 $9.60 $9.60 COU:CClON El PAIS DE LA L1BERTAD GR: V Land of Liberty Series Anne Hempstead This series take an in-depth look at famous American symbols and institutions, connecting them with the study of American history and citizenship. Each book provides the reader with information about the symbol's location, history, and features; it also explains why the symbol is significant to the American people. Primary source materials, such as advertisements for design competitions and original drawings, highlight the text. EL AGUILA CALVA The Bald Eagle PB (HEI36788) 9781403475046 EL CAPITOLIO The U.S. Capitol PB (HEI36789) 9781403475077 LA BANDERA The U.S. Flag PB (HEI36790) 9781403475084 LA CASA BLANCA The White House PB (HEI36791) 9781403475091 LA CORTE SUPREMA The Supreme Court PB(HEI36792) 9781403475053 LA ESTATUA DE LA L1BERTAD The Statue of Liberty PB (HEI36793) 9781403475060 Complete set (CRS0096) $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $38.00 COLECCION MI PRIMERA GUIA ACERCA DEl GOBIERNO First Guide to Government Series Nancy Harris This series offers a perfect introduction to federal, state, and local governments. Through clear, concise text, each book explores the structure, function, and responsibilities of each branch of the government. lQUE ES LA CARTA DE DERECHOS? GR:O What's the Bill of Rights? PB (HEI36827) 9781432919856 $6.40 lQUE ES LA CONSTITUClON? GR:O What is the U.S. Constitution? PB (HEI36828) 9781432919832 $6.40 lQUE ES LA CORTE SUPREMA? GR:N What's the Supreme Court? PB (HEI36836) 9781432904838 $6.40 lQUE ES LA DECLARACION DE INDEPENDENCIA? GR:O What's the Declaration· of Independence? PB (HEI36829) 9781432919849 $6.40 lQUE ESLA RAMA JUDICIAL ESTATAL? GR:O What's the State Judicial Branch? PB (HEI36831) 9781432904913 $6.40 lQUE ES LA RAMA LEGISLATIVA ESTATAL? GR:O What's the State Legislative Branch? PB (HEI36832) 9781432904906 $6.40 lQUE ES UN ALCALDE? GR:O What's a Mayor? PB (HEI36833) 9781432904876 $6.40 lQUEES UN CONGRESO? GR:N What's Congress? PB (HEI36837) 9781432904821 $6.40 lQUE ES UN CONSEjO MUNICIPAL? GR:O What's a City Council? PB (HEI36834) 9781432904890 $6.40 lQUE ES UN GOBERNADOR? GR:O What's a Governor? PB (HEI36835) 9781432904883 $6.40 lQUE ES UN GOBIERNO? GR:N What's Government? PB (HEI36838) 9781432904845 $6.40 lQUE ES UN PRESIDENTE Y UN VICEPRESIDENTE?GR:O What's a President and a Vice President? PB (HEI36839) 9781432904814 $6.40 lQUE SON ELECCIONES?GR:O What are Elections? PB (HEI36840) 9781432904852 $6.40 lQUE SON LAS ENMIENDAS? GR:O What are the Amendments? PB (HEI36830) 9781432919863 $6.40 Complete set (CRS0092) $89.00 GR: R COLECCION PERSONAJES ESTADOUNIDENSES American Lives Series Various Authors This series explores the lives of American people who did great things for the United States. Learn about these important people and what they were like. Read about the persbh'sfamily, childhood, school years, working years, and accomplishments. ABRAHAM LINCOLN PB (HEI35833) 9781403491756 BENjAMIN· FRANKLIN PB (HEI35834) 9781403491732 GEORGE WASHINGTON PB (HEI35835) 9781403491725 THOMAS JEFFERSON PB (HEI35836) 9781403491749 Complete set (CRS0099) $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $6.40 $25.00 51 SCIENCE Ell/SI H/N EWCOMERS COU:CClON "EL ABECl~ VISUAL DE" The Illustrated Basics of Science Series Various Authors Created to support the Common Core Standards, this series presents highly engaging, informative books on earth science, animals, inventions, plants, and much more. 52 EL ABECI~ VISUAL DE BOSQUES, SELVAS, MONTANAS Y DESIERTOS GR: V The Illustrated Basics of Forest, jungles, Mountains, and Deserts Sp. PB (S!'l38994) 9788499070155 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE EL UNIVERSO GR: X The Illustrated Basics of the Universe Sp. PB (S!'l38995) 9788499070018 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LA TIERRA 960L/GR: Y The Illustrated Basics of the Earth Sp. PB (S!'l38997) 9788499070070 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LAS GRANDES CONSTRUCCIONES GR:V The Illustrated Basics of Great Buildings PB (SN39001) 9788499070719 $14.95 EL ABECI~ VISUAL DE LOS ANIMALES DOMESTICOS Y DE GRANjA GR: S The Illustrated Basics of Domestic and Farm Animals PB (SN39002) 9788499070131 $14.95 ELABECE VISUAL DE LOS ANIMALES SALVAjES GR: T The Illustrated Basics of Wild Animals PB (SN39008) 9788499070063 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LOS DINOSAURIOS Y OTROS ANIMALES PREHISTORICOS GR: V The Illustrated Basics of Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Animals PB (SN39009) 9788499070056 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LOS INSECTOS GR: Til 01 OL The Illustrated Basics of Insects PB (SN39030) 9788499070025 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LOS INVENTOS QUE CAMBIARON EL MUNDO 1 GR: V The Illustrated Basics of Inventions that Changed the World 1 PB (SN39010) 9788499070049 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LOS INVENTOS QUE CAMBIARON MUND02 GR:W The Illustrated Basics of Inventions that Changed the World 2 PB (SN39012) 9788499070100 $14.95 EL ABECE VISUAL DE LOS MEDIOS DE TRANSPORTE GR:W The Illustrated Basics of Means ofTransportation PB (SN39041) 9788499070124 $14.95 ELABECEVISUAL DE MARES, OCEANOS,.LAGOSY RIOS GR:V Theillustrated Basics of Seas, Oceans, Lakes, and Rivers PB (SN39047) 9788499070087 $14.95 EVISUAL DE PLANTAS Y FLORES GR: U The III strated Basics of Plants and Flowers PB (5 39048) 9788499070094 $14.95 EL AB CE VISUAL DE UNA ClUDAD POR DENTRO Y POR FUER GR: U The III strated Basics of a City Inside and Out PB (SN39068) 9788499070148 $14.95 COLE CION EXPlOREMOS LA ClENCIA Let's E plore Science Series Variou Authors This se ies examines contemporary trends and issues in science, aking it very engaging for children. The information is pres nted in chapters and each book contains a lengthy glossar and index. CADE AS Y REDES ALiMENTARIAS GR: V Food Chains and Webs PB (RK 8507) 9781618104670 $9.95 GR: S CONS RUIR CASAS VERDES Build i Green PB (RK 8510) 9781618104687 $9.95 EL CLI A GR: R Weath r PB (RK 8508) 9781618104694 $9.95 COMP ENSION DE LOS MODELOS GR: V Unders anding Models PB (RK 8506) 9781618104724 $9.95 ENERGfA DEL VIENTO GR: V Wind Energy PB (RK 8512) 9781618104748 $9.95 NUEST A HUELLA EN LA TIERRA GR: U Our Fo tprint on Earth PB (RK 8505) 9781618104731 $9.95 LAS R CAS, LOS MINERALES Y EL SUELO GR: W Rocks. inerals, and Soil PB (RK 8509) 9781618104700 $9.95 usa I TRUMENTOS CIENTfFICOS GR: V Using Scientific Instruments PB (RK 8511) 9781618104717 $9.95 ALGEB A Algebra Saldor, urelio HC (PA 7393) 9789708170000 This cia algebra, look, it takes Ie $31.20 sic textbook, used throughout Latin America to teach has been completely updated. Along with its new comes with a completely interactive CD-Rom that rning math to a whole other level. ARITMETICA Mathematics Baldor, Aurelio HC (PA17394) 9789708170017 COMO FUNCIONA El CUERPO $34.30 Considered one of the best basic math textbooks for teens and adults, this edition contains an interactive CD-Rom, making it fresh and tech-savvy, like today's students. GEOMETRfA Y TRIGONOMETRfA Geometry and Trigonometry . Baldor, Aurelio HC (PA18037) 9789708170024 The Way We Work Macauley, David PB (0C38291) 9786074004052 $27.20 Award-winning author David Macauley explains how the human body works in a way we can all understand. He takes us on an in-depth tour of the different systems and illustrates how they work together. ENCIClOPEDIA PRAcTICA DEl MUNDO ANiMAL $34.30 This edition has been completely revised to include today's teaching philosophies, while not losing Baldor's invaluable mathematical style and genius. A CD-ROM is included. MATEMATICAS COTIDIANAS PARA DUMMIES Everyday Math for Dummies Seiter, Charles PB (PER18986) 9786070713576 $15.16 This book covers everything from household budgets to algebra. It will make math fun even for the most hesitant of people. Animal Encyclopedia Penalva, Nuria HC (LA18904) 9788466224826 $19.20 Written by a leading Spanish biologist, this reference offers detailed information on every type of animal, wild and domesticated. Full-color, eye-catching photographs accompany the detailed information. The lengthy index makes research a breeze. GAUnO Galileo Taylor, Ina PB (LG33226) 9788489804869 $12.80 This biography, designed especially for teens, examines Galileo's life, the society in which he lived, and his amazing accomplishments. A detailed glossary defines scientific terms and provides brief biographies on important people. SCIENCE EINSTEIN El CUERPO HUMANO Einstein Breithaupt, Jim PB (LG33225) 9788489804401 The Human Body Various Authors PB (PV39098) 97895830337610 $12.80 Written for teens, this book presents Einstein's theories, prediction, and what drove him in a clear way. It helps readers better understand him in a historical context. $16.40 This illustrated atlas looks at all of the systems and functions of the human body. Detailed illustrations, index, and glossary make this book easy to use. PASTEUR El CUERPO HUMANO: MANUAL DE IDENTIFiCACION Pasteur Gosling, Peter PB (LG33227) 9788489804449 The Human Body Identification Manual Various Authors PB (PV38168) 9789583037283 $12.80 This book, written especially for teenagers, presents the amazing life and work of Louis Pasteur. It demonstrates how he revolutionized the world of science and how his ideas continue to affect the world in which we currently live. $28.00 With 500 images, this reference allows you to see the human body both inside and out. It is divided into 15 sections, covering everything from cells to the reproductive system in stunning detail. DARWIN Darwin Hand, Gill PB (LG33224) 9788489804456 $12.80 This well-written biography introduces teenagers to the fascinating life of Darwin, the father of Evolution. 53 FERNA DO DE MAGAllANES PlANHA VIVIENTE Our Living Planet Various Authors PB (PV391 02) 9789583037634 $16.40 This illustrated book examines the environment in a thorough and enjoyable way. It looks at the current threats and offers important information on how to keep our planet safe and clean. $32.00 UNA UY BREVE HISTORIA DE CASI TODO CARTA SOBRE LA TOLERANCIA COLECCION GUlAS DEl CONOCIMIENTO Espistol de Tolerantia Locke, ohn PB (MF 8506) 9788495311702 PARA COMPRENDER EL CUMA Y EL MEDIO AMBIENTE Understanding Weather and the Environment HC (PV39103) 9789583021213 $18.40 PARA COMPRENDER EL CUERPO HUMANO Understanding the Human Body HC (PV37968) 9789583037818 $18.40 PARA COMPRENDER LA TIERRA Understanding the Earth HC (PV391 04) 9789583021220 $18.40 $27.20 Bill Br son has adapted his international bestseller A Short History of Nearly Everything for children. He takes readers on a thrilling scientific adventure, exploring the mysteries of time, s ace, and evolution. Come explore the world with this illustrated, one-volume encyclopedia. Divided into subjects such as the Earth, the human body, ancient civilizations, and communications, it is an ideal reference for all subjects. Knowledge Guides Various Authors This collection takes an in-depth look at various scientific topics. Completely illustrated, each book presents the information in an easy-to-understand manner. $12.40 This bi graphy examines the life and intrepid explorations of Ferdina dMagellan. A Reali Short History of Nearly Everyth ing Bryson, Bill HC (M 35854) 9788498673456 EXPlORADORES Explore Various Authors HC (PV37346) 9789583030192 Ferdina d Magellen Borja, J ime Humberto HC (PV 7926) 9789583013157 $6.00 This ec nomical volume contains all of John Locke's writings on tole ance. UTOPI Utopia Thoma Moore PB (MF 8507) 9788495994394 $6.40 Thoma Moore wrote this masterpiece in answer to the ills of society in which he lived. He created an imaginary State in the isla d of Utopia. NAUf GIOS Shipwr cks Nunez abeza d Vaca, Alvar PB (CA 085)9788437608518 $16.00 SOCIAL STUDIES Cabeza de Vaca's sage of shipwrecks and survival has been enhanc d by a lengthy introductions and ample notes by Juan Fr ncisco Maura. ATlAS MUNDIAl CONTEMPORANEO Contemporary World Atlas PB (EV38852) 9788444110691 $18.40 This completely up-to-date, modern atlas allows you to travel to each continent and discover the physical cartography, political situation, and culture of each country. REPlm ICA The Re ublic Plato PB (MF 8186) 9788495311665 $10.40 Plato's asterpiece is a discourse on what the ideal society would e like. 54 HISTORIA CONTRATO SOCIAL The Social Contract Rousseau, Jean Jacques PB (MF18508) 9788489163720 $5.60 Written during. the Enlightenment, Rousseau examines the rights of man and government. 101 PREGUNTAS DE HISTORIA DE MEXICO 101 Questions about Mexican History Silva, Carlos PB (RH17855) 9780307392749 $10.36 Subtitled "Everything a Mexican Should Know," thiscleverly organized and compact compendium is a practical. guide to Mexico's past, including its heroes, villains, artists, and visionaries. 1000 FECHAS QUE HICIERON HISTORIA EN HMUNDO SIGlO XX 1000 Important Dates of the 20th Century Taboada, Rodolfo C. PB (I R18365) 9789507686702 $13.60 Presented in chronological order, this ~ook offers a timeline of the most important dates of the 20 t Century. It touches upon everything from the space race to the humanities, politics to Hollywood. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMERICA United States of America Various HClCD (NR391 07) 9789584509802 Workbook (NR391 08) 9789584509796 $75.00 $19.99 This textbook examines the geography, c1irnate, culture, and population of the country as well as covering all the major historical events. It supports the Common Core State Standards for social studies, especially for the 11 th grade units on American history. The accompanying CD contains graph" ic organizers and time tables. The workbook contains activi c ties that will help students truly understand events in their historicalcontext. A complimentary teacher's guide can be downloaded at: escarga/guia_historia_de_eu.pdf World Hist ry HClCD (N 39105) 9781935164579 Workbook NR39106) 9781935164586 $75.00 $19.99 It contains any of the areas covered in the Common Core State Stand rds for history including geography, the Industrial Revolution, the rise of imperialism and colonialism, totalitarianism in t e Modern World, and nationalism in the contemporary world. The CD contains graphic organizers and time tables. The workbook offers enrichening activities on thesubject matter or both teachers and students. A complimentary teacher's g ide can be downloaded at: escarga/Gu a_Historia_del_Mundo_9.pdf. GRANDES ATAllAS DE LA SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAl Great Battl s of World War II HClDVD( R18576)9781445448480 $12.00 This book resents the greatest battles from the beginhingto end of W~ld War II. Besides the maps, photographs, and concise inf. rmation, a 3D-minute DVD is included that contains infor ation on 10 key moments of the war. COlECCION ATlAS DEL SABER HISTORIA Historical. tlas Series Various Au~hors Travelinto1the past with this illustrated series. Each book presents a domplete overview of life during the time period. l The<detaile glossary and index put information at your fingertips. LA EDAD EDIA The Middle Ages PB (PV390 9)9789583036675 LOS EGIPCjOS The Egyptialns PB (PV391 00) 9789583037627 SUMERIOSly BABILONIOS Sumerians ~nd Babylonians PB (PV39111 ) 9789583036682 i $16.40 $16.40 $16.40 COLEeCION FEeHAS PARA LA HISTORIA COLEe ION BIBUOTECA BA-SICA DE HISTORIA Dates with History Series Various Authors Basic History Library Various Authors Dates that have changed history are the focus of this easy-toread history series. From Columbus's arrival in the Americas to the attack on the World Trade Center, these books look at events that had a huge impact on the entire world, not just the countries where they took place. From t is impressive history library originally written in Spanish we have chosen the volumes that support the Comm n Core Standards. Each volume contains historic docum nts, a glossary, a bibliography, a chronology, and an extensi e index. 12 DE OCTUBRE DE 1492: COLON LLEGA A AMERICA 12 Oc:tober 1492: Columbus Reaches the Americas PB (EV3311 0) 8424116003 $6.40 4 DEJULIO DE 1776: LA DECLARACION DE INDEPENDENCIA AMERICANA 4 July 1776:The Declaration of American Independence PB (EV33117) 8424116011 $6.40 11 NOVIEMBRE DE 1918: PRIMERA GUERRA MUNDI- HITLER Y ALEMANIA Hitler a d Germany PB (GS 9034) 9788466795241 LA CARRERA NUCLEAR The Ar s Race PB (GS 9039)9788467829457 LA CHI A DE MAO Mao's hina PB (GS 9040) 9788467840933 LA GU RRA FRrA The Col War PB (GS 9035)9788466795258 LA PRI ERA GUERRA MUNDIAL World ar I PB (GS 9036)9788466794107 LA REV LUCION INDUSTRIAL The Ind strial Revolution PB (GS 9037)9788466786751 LA SEG NDA GUERRA MUNDIAL World ar II PB (GS 9038)9788466793476 11 November 1918: The World War I Armistice PB (EV33115) 842411602X $6.40 1 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 1939: HITLER INVADE POLONIA 1 September 1939: Hitler Invades Poland PB (EV33113) 8424116038 $6.40 6 DE AGOSTO DE 1945: LA BOMBA DE HIROSHIMA 6 August 1945: The Bombing of Hiroshima PB (EV33112) 8424116046 $6.40 22 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 1963: ASESINATO DEL PRESIDENTE KENNEDY 22 November 1963: The Assassination of President Kennedy PB (EV33118) 8424116054 $6.40 21 DE JULIO DE 1969: EL HOMBRE LLEGA A LA LUNA 21 July 1969: First Man on the Moon PB (EV33119) 8424116062 $6.40 lODE NOVIEMBRE DE 1989: LA CArDA DEL MURO DE BERLIN 10 November 1989: The Fall of the Berlin Wall PB (EV33116) 8424116070 $6.40 11 DE FEBRERO DE 1990: LA L1BERACION DE NELSON MANDELA 11 February 1990: The Release of Nelson Mandela PB (EV33114) 8424116089 $6.40 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2001: ATAQUE A LAS TORRES GEMELAS 11 September 2001 : Attack on America PB (EV33111) 8424116097 $6.40 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 $16.00 COMPUTERS WS 8 PARA DUMMIES s 8 for Dummies Rathbo e, Andy PB (PE 18936) 9786070714634 $19.96 Windo s8 is very different from previous Microsoft operating syst ms. This book helps you learn it quickly and easily. WORD RESS WordPr ss Sanche, Yaoni PB (GS18460) 9788441528925 $38.00 Yoani S nchez knows the power of blogs. In this book, she uses he expertise and experience to teach readers how to create t eir own blogs and thus speak to the entire world. 56 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE INGLES BASICO Basic English Cortina Boo~CDs (Z~15031) 9780848977344 $23.96 READ & TH'NK ENGLISH Various Aut~ors PB/CD (MGH17373) 9780071499163 I From the elditors of Think English! ~agazine comes this book/CD set created for Spanish speakers who want to learn English. Eliminating boring, didactic text, it presents over 100 interesting alrticles in English. This complete introduction to English for Spanish speakers contains 4 CDs, a 48-page review book, a study guide, and a copy of Vest Pocket English. It covers conversation, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and usage, and much more. Speaking English Garza Bores, jaime PB (~GH18264) 9780071744751 I PREGUNTA~E CONVERSANDO EN INGLES $7.96 $15.96 HEALTH & BEAUTY A ALICIA Go Ask AlicF' Anonymous PB (SN38328) 9788466319126 $8.80 Written for Spanish speakers, this essential book teaches the fine points of conversational English grammar. First publis ed in 1973, this bestselling journal describes a 15-year old irl's spiraling descent into the world of drugs. MCGRAW-HILl'S DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN IDIOMS AND PHRASAL VERBS TRUCOS Y LAVES PARA ESTAR BElLA Spears, Richard PB (~GH16095) 9780071469340 ~~(~~1~~7§);~~~466223904 $20.80 With over 24,000 phrases and expressions, this dictionary is one of the most thorough and practical references of contemporary American English. A comprehensive phrase-finder index is provided. Beauty Tips find Secrets $10.40 I Divided intq six sections, this manual provides you with all the beauty t~ps and secrets you could ever use. It covers skin care, make P' hair, fitness, nails, and body type. f jEN PAINLESS ENGLISH fOR SPEAKERS Of OTHER LANGUAGES Strausser, jeffrey & jose Paniza PB (BA19028) 9781438000022 fORM~! In Shape '1 Greathead, Helen PB (EV3644b) 9788444145136 I $8.00 Teenagers $8.80 t~d to have a decrease in energy levels. This book Learning English can be a challenge, but this book makes it fun and painless. It teaches parts of speech, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling, and much more. encourages phys ie, 1 activity, th cough a vaci ely of Mferont DlCClONARIO INGLES You Are Whrt You Eat Law, Felicia I PB (EV3643~)9788444145143 sports and a tivities. ERES LO QJE COMES English Dictionary Various Authors PB (HM2561) 9780618142712 $11.96 The benefits of combining a monolingual and bilingual dictionary in one handy volume are proven many times over in this unique dictionary that provides easy-to-understand definitions of English words in both Spanish and English. $8.80 We ,Ii need the some basic nutrients tofunction, but because of the many Ichanges your body is undergoing during puberty, it demands ifferent foods to function properly. PREPARAD S, lISTAS... jA CRKER! Ready, Set, row! Madaras, Ly da PB(VS3812 ) 9789876120814 $9.20 Ina straigh i forward,candid way, Lynda Madaras answers gi rl 5' queStirSabbut puberty. 57 i COMPRAR UN AUTOMOVIL BUEN ASPECTO Looking Good Salvoni, Rosemary Catolfi PB (EV36432) 9788444145129 $8.80 Along with the physical and emotional changes occurring during puberty, self-awareness and hygiene habits are also changing. VOCATIONAL Attorne car an He dis insuran $7.16 James Kramon demystifies the process of buying a arms consumers With all the information they need. usses buying a new car as opposed to a used one, e options, and key contract terms. FINAN AS PERSONAtES PARA DUMMIES Person I Finance for Dummies Tyson, ric PB (jW 7508) 9780470227121 LA GUfA COMPLHA SOBRE INSTALACIONES HECTRICAS The Complete Guide to Wiring Black & Decker PB (CPI18070) 9781589234857 Buy an Automobile Kramo ,James M. PB (SO 16597) 9781572485464 $20.00 Completely updated to conform to the 2008-2011 code changes, this book shows you how to perform basic wiring in a safe, simple way. $16.00 Do you need help planning your financial future? Who doesn't? This easy-to-understand book clearly explains financial options discusses ways to improve your credit rating, and spells ut how to take control of your finances. PARENTING LA GUfA COMPLHA SOBRE PLOMERIA The Complete Guide to Plumbing Black & Decker PB (CPI18071) 9781589234864 QUE S PUEDE ESPERAR CUANDO SE ESTA ESPERANDO $20.00 Completely revised, this book offers step-by-step instructions on everything from basic repairs to installing a new bathroom. What t Expect When You're Expecting Eisenb rg, Arlene, Sandee Hathaway, & Heidi Murkoff PB (W 18078) 9780761157380 $12.76 This in ernational bestseller informs pregnant women about the ch nges they will go through each month. The book is present dina question-and-answer format. FINANCIAL LITERACY/JOB SKILLS QUE PEDES ESPERAR EN H PRIMER ANO What t Expect the First Year Murkof, Heidi with Sharon Mazel PB (W 18956) 9780761167907 iDE QUE COLOR ES TU PARACAIDAS? What Color Is Your Parachute? Bolles, Richard N. PB (SN18741) 9781614354970 $16.00 It is the world's most popular job-hunting book. This year's edition describes the five strategies most needed to survive, and explains how to incorporate social mediatools such as Linkedln, Facebook, and Twitter into your job-search. Rich Dad, Poor Dad for Teens Kiyosaki, Robert PB (SN38935) 9789708120104 PAPAs $8.00 Picking up where school leaves off, Rich Dad Poor bad fOr Teens is the secret weapon for creating wealth. No matter what your grades are, you are smart enough to thrive financially, and it is never too early to begin your financial education. Kiyosaki explains how to make your money work hard for you instead of you working hard for money. 58 Arrang d by month, this is a must-have book for all parents of new orns. It addresses both the health and development issues f a baby's first year in a very easy-to-understand manner. DOLESCENTES Teen 0 ds Lindsa Jeanne Warren PB(lP 17863) 9781932538953 PADRE RICO, PADRE PORRE PARA jOVENES $15.16 Idlllel:",1 $10.36 ispensable book gives parenting advice to including their rights and how to take .~~~~,nc;ln;l;h, children. SElF-IMPROVEMENT jSOCORR ! NO QUIERO PROBLEMAS lOS 7 HASITOS DE LOSADOLESCENTES ALTAMENTE EfECTIVOS The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Covey, Sean PB(RH39042)9780345804150 $12.00 Help! KeepingOut ofTrouble Law, Felicia PB (EV36441) 9788444145150 $8.80 Have you e er felt you needed help? Would you like to be able to rec ive sound advice on how to deal and overcome daily pressures? This book offers answers. In an entertaining manner, Sean Covey provides a step-bystep guide to help teens improve their self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve their goals, get along with their parents, and much more. SER UNA T EN PENSAMIENTOS Y SENTIMIENTOS This surviva guide for teen girls is as frank as it is fun to read. It hits on a ariety of subjects from dieting to sexuality. Thoughts and Feelings Greathead, Helen PB(EV36433) 9788444145112 $8.80 This book offers answers to the mind-boggling questions concerning everything going on during puberty in a tone which teens can relate to. Be a Teen Mastromari a, Diane PB (VS36056) 9871192398 $8.80 LA BUENA UERTE ESTA EN TUS MANOS Your Luck I in Your Hands Schmidt,So hie PB (VS36057) 9789876120623 $8.80 Sophie. Sc idt wrote this book to inspire all her special H SECRETO PARA ADOLESCENTES The Secret for Teens Harrington, Paul HC (SS35607) 9781439180891 ~:~JE:;:N~(:;Li:::::~S are .as uplifting as the text $14.40 The Secret by Rhonda Byrne has showed millions of adults how to achieve their dreams. Paul Harrington has adapted the teachings in the bestselling book for teenagers. SABER HABlAR Speak Well Instituto Cervantes PB(SN17380)9789705803727 SABER $16.00 Are you sure you understand what you read? Are you able to remember what you've read and to recount it in your own words? This book provides individuals with the necessary strategies to manage any type of text. $18.40 This book 0 fers the kind of advice teenagers are looking ·for. It openly discusses relationships, self-esteem, school, social media, deal ng with parents, and sex. SPORTS $16.00 The world-renown Instituto Cervantes has created a marvelous follow-up book to their one on writing. They teach readers the importance of speaking correctly in all situations. How to Read Instituto Cervantes PB (SN18368) 9788403100886 Teenager's andbook Various Aut ors PB (GL390 6)9788424648800 BEISBOL Baseball Perea Roser ,Tucfdides PB (PV18518) 9789583000683 $8.00 This book atalogues all the rules for playing baseball.and covers ever thing from equipment to the Spanish definition of terms in En lish. iCUANTO ABES DE HJTBOU How Much Do You Know about Soccer Various Aut ors Flex (GS19 76)9788499740577 $13.60 This. compa t book answers 200 questions about soccer you can te t your knowledge and learn a few things in process. 59 1 deseptiembre de 1939: Hitler 56 invade Polonia, ..•..... . 4 de julio de 1776: La declaraci6n de independencia americana .•..•.. . .... 56 6 de agosto de 1945: La bomba de Hiroshima. . . . . . .•. . . . . ..... 56 7 habitos de los adolescentes altatnente efectivos, Los. . . . .. 59 lOde noviembre de 1989: La caidadelmuro de Berlin. . . 56 11 de febrera de 1990: La lib 56 eraci6n de Nelson Mandela . .. . 11 de noviembre de 1918: Primera guerra mundial 56 11 de septiembre de 2001 : Ataque a las Torres Gemelas 56 12 de octubre de 1492: Col6n lIega a America 56 21 dejulio de 1969: EI hombre lIega a la luna 56 22 de noviem5re de 1963: Asesinato del Presidente Kennedy 56 101 preguntas de historia de Mexico 55 1000 fechas que hicieran historia en el mundo siglo XX 55 ; Una nueva historia de las Americas antes de Col6n 24 1984 .38 20,000 leguas de viaje submarino .42 A toda verocidad .48 Abandonada 27 abece visual de basques, selvas, montanas y desiertos, EI 52 abece visual de el universo, EI 50 abece visual de la historia, EI 50 abece visual de la Tierra, EI 52 abece visual de las grandes 52 construcciones, EI abece visual de los animales 52 domesticos y de granja, EI abece visual de los animales salvajes, EI .. 52 abece visual de los dinosaurios y otras animales prehistoricos, EI 52 abece visual de los insectos, EI 52 abece visual de los inventos que cannbiilran el mundo 1, EI 52 visual de los inventos que 52 carnbiarclh el mundo 2, EI visual de los mares, ocearlos. lagos y rios, EI 52 visual ae los medios de transporte, EI .52 visual de mitos y leyendas 50 universales, EI abece visual de paises, religiones y culturas del mundo, EI 50 abece visual de plantas y flores, EI 52 abece visual de una ciudad por 52 dentra y por fuera, EI abece visual de viajeras y exploradores, EI .50 abece visual del arte, EI 50 Abel Sanchez 14 Abraham Lincoln 51 abrazo de la muerte, EI 11 abrazo del Nilo, EI 9 Adolescentes. EI manual ., 59 aguila calva, EI 51 Al limite .48 alcalde de Zalamea, EI 16 alfabeto de las 221 puertas EI 9 Algebra 52 Alicia en el pais de las maravillas 28, 46 alquimista EI 28 Amanecer' 36 Amar y otras verbos 16 Ame a Jacob 38 Ana Karenina .42 Angeles rebel des 27 Antes de ser libres 19 Antologia critica del cuento 15, 16 hispanoamericano S. XX 1 60 Antologia criticadel cuento 16 hispanoamericano S. XX 2 Antologia decuentos hispanoamericanos .17 Antologia dela poesia hispanoam ricana contemporanea 1914-1987. . .. . .....17 ~~t~'of~fsRe~~r.a~~~.I~ .p.O?rioa. ~~x ~an.a.~, .1.~ arbolcrece en Brooklyn, Un ..•. ..... 040 Aritmetica. .... ...•... .. .53 Arrancamela vida. . . . . . . . . 11 Aserrin, Aserran... ..•. . .••.. . 17 Atlas mundial contemporaneo 54 Atrapa la luna .•.. . .. 29 AuraGris .12 Autor de este libro es un zombie, E 6 Aventura en el hielo . 50 Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn, La . .42, 47 Aventuras de Tom Sawyer, Las, .42, 47 Aventuras de un nino de la calle. . .48 Balthazar. . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . . . .. . .31 bandera, La . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 51 Bantam New College Spanish/English Dictionary, The. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..... .3 Bartleby, el escribiente. Benito Cereno. Billy Budd. . . . . . . . . .. . 24 batalla del laberinto, La . 39 Behemoth . .43 Beisbol en abri I y otros cuentos . . 21 Beisbol 59 Bendiceme, Ultima. . . . . . . . . .. . 20 Benjamin Franklin. . . . . . . . . . .. . 51 Beso de vida, . .43 Bitterblue . 28 Blade, jugando al muerto . 26 Bodas de sangre . 16 Boris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .42 bosque de los cuervos, EI . 39 bosque de los pigmeos, EI . . . . .. . 7 breve y maravillosa vida de Oscar ao, La .20 Brisingr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .38 Buen aspecto . 58 buena suerte esta en tus manos, La 59 !Buenos dias, princesa! . . . . . . .. . 9 burlador de Sevilla, EI . . . . . . . .. . 6 Caballo de batalla . . . . . . . . . . .. . 37 Cadenas y redes alimentarias ... . 52 §~j,i~: ~~g~~ b~~o ::::::::: ::::: :~~ caminos del miedo, Los . 15 Cancion de mar . .32 cancion para tf, Una. . . . . . . . .. . 30 Canciones para Paula . 9 Candido. Micromegas. Zadig . 25 Cantar del Mio Cid- . . . . . . . . . .. . 19 canto de la sirena, EI , .42 Canto general . 17 Caperucita en Manhattan . 11 Capitanes valientes . . . . . . . . . .. . .47 capitolio, EI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 51 cara de la inocencia, La . 8 carrera nuclear, La . 56 Carta sabre la tolerancia . . . . . .. . 54 cartas de Alain, Las. . . . . . . . . .. . 13 Cartas para Elise. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .32 Casa Blanca, La . 51 casa de BernardaAlba, La . . . . .. . 5 casa de losespiritus, La . .7 casa de los siete tejados, La, . . .. . .32 Casa de munecas . 23 casa en Mango Street, La . 20 Casi una mujer . .. . 21 cayo, EI , . . . . . . .. . .42 caza del nigromate, La . 12 Celestina, La . . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . 19 cementerio de las estrellas, EI . . . .. 13, 31 cenizas de Angela, Las. .•. ... . .... .45 chica dragon I: La maldicion de Thuban, La ...•.............. ..... .42 . . . . .56 China de Mao, La ... . . . .37 cielo esta en cualquier ...... 10 Cien afios de soledad .. .10 Cierra los ojos y mirame . .41 circulo, EI .. ..... .7 ciudad de las bestias, La ciudad de los dioses, La . ...... 18 ciudadinfinita, La ..................•. .7 ciudad y los perras, La 15 clan de la loba, EI .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..8 clan de los perras, EI . . . . . . . . .. . . . .38 Clasicos norteamericanos I .43 Clasicos norteamericanos II 043 Clasicos norteamericanos III .43 c1ima, EI 52 Coleccion "Atlas del saber historia 55 Coleccion "Biblioteca basica de historia" .. 56 Colecci6n "Clasicos a medida" . .. . .46 Colecci6n "Fechas para la historia" 56 Coleccion "Guias del conocimiento" ...•.. 54 Coleccion "Kalafate" . . . . . . . .. ..047 Coleccion "La Ilave del tiempo" 7 Coleccion "Leer en espanol' 18 Coleccion "La guerra de las bruJas" 8 Coleccion "La norda del diablo' 12 Colibri 27 Collins Spanish Unabridged Dictionary Spanish-English ....•....... .3 Colmillo blanco 34 Cometas en el cielo 33, 46 Como agua para chocolate 9 Como comprar un automovil 58 Como funclona el cuerpo 53 Como las muchachas Garcia t6~~e;~~~~~~~~~n 't~;tb' 19 literario 19 Comprension de los modelos 52 Can el corazon en la mana , 28 conde Lucanor, EI 5 Construir casas verdes 52 contrato social, EI 55 Conversando en ingles 57 coranel no tiene quien Ie escriba, EI 10 Correr 0 morir 29 Corte Suprema, La 51 Crepusculo 36 Crimen y castigo 23 Cronica de una muerte anunciada .10 Cruzando el pacifico 21 Cryer's Crass 35 Cuaderno para dos 28 Cuando era puertorriquena 21 zCuanto sabes de futbol? 59 Cuenta conmigo .45 Cuentos 6 Cuentos de Canterbury 23 Cuentos de Eva Luna .4 Cuentos de la selva 15 Cuentos de las 1001 naches .44 Cuentos sobrenaturales 5 cuerpo humano, EI 53 cuerpo humano: manual de identifi 53 cacion, EI Cuerpos de cobre, corazones de jade 14 cuervo, EI ............•............27 Cuestion de tacto 50 curiosa incidente del perra a . .31 medianoche, EI dador, EI .49 dama del alba, La 16 danza de los esclavos, La . . .31 Dark Dude 20 Darwin 53 David Copperfield 30 De amor y de sombra .7 zDe que color es tu paracaidas? .58 De ratones y hombres '. . . . . . . .. ..41 Dejame solo, Joe .33 Desaffo .37 Desconexion .41 desierto de hielo, EI . •.•. 8 Destino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Destripador .. . .39 Detras de ti .32 Devolveral remitente Diario de H..•................ Diario de una adolescente ...•... g[~~r~~~r:~o~~ifi:~~~rit:~P~~~I~' Real Academia Espanola. . .. . . Diccionario escolar junior . ..2 Diccionario lengua espanola: secundaria y bachillerato 2 Diccionario para estudiantes/ingles/espanol Spanish/ English 3 Diccionario practico del estudiante 2 discurso de GettysburlS y otros 24 escritos sobre la Union, EI Divergente .39 Don juan Tenorio 16, 18 Don Quijote de la Mancha A, 18, 22 Dona Barbara 10 Dona Perfecta 13 047 Dr. jekyll y Mr. Hyde Dracula 041,47 Eclipse, . .36 Ecos del desierto 049 Edad Media, La 55 Edipo rey 25 , 55 egipcios, Los Einstein ....•......................53 Eldest 38 049 Elias de Buxton En busca de milagros 20 En busca del azur 049 En dias de muertos 11 i En forma! 57 En llamas 28 En tiempo de las mariposas 22 En un bosque de hoja caduca 12 .30 Encerrados en la casa de atras Enciclopedia practica del mundo animal .53 52 Energia del viento enigma de la muchacha dormida, EI 10 Ensayos y cronicas 6 048 Entre dos lunas Entre tonos de gris 040 Eragon .38 Eres 10 que comes 57 043 escarabajo de oro y otros relatos, EI escarabajo de oro, EI 047 Escritos 25 .7 esfera de Medusa, La 14 espejo del futuro, EI Esperanza renace 50 Estados Unidos de America, 55 51 Estatua de la Libertad, La Estrellas peregrinas 22 Eva Luna .7 Eve 27 Everest Cima diccionario de la lengua espanola 3 Everest diccionario visual 3 041 Everlost Everwild 041 Exploradores 54 043 Extranas apariencias extrano caso del Dr. jekyll y Mr. Hyde, EI . 041 extraordinarios secretos de 26 April, May & june, Los Fabulas y verdades 19 045 fabuloso mundo del rock, EI Fahrenheit 451 22 Falsos recuerdos 34 047 fantasma de Canterville, EI fantasma de Canterville. EI crimen I 043 de Lord Arthur Savile, EI fantasma de la draga: EI diario de Ryan, EI .27 Fernando de Magallanes 54 Ficciones, 4 22 Fiesta al noroeste 12 Final del juego 5 Finanzas personales para dummies 58 .35 Finnikin de La Roca Firelight. Chica de fuego .33 040, 47 Frankenstein Fuego 28 042 fuego inmortal, EI funerales de la mama grande, Los 5 Galileo 53 A GED en espanol para Dummies, EI GED en espanol A Generacion del 27. Poemas 17 10 general en su laberinto, EI Geometria y trigonometria 53 George Washington . 51 Geracion dead 043 Ghostgirl .33 . 33 Ghostgirl: EI regreso .33 Ghostgirl: Loca por amor 044 Golem, el coloso de barro Goliath .43 28 Graceling gramatica del amor, La 8 23 gran Gatsby, EI Grandes batallas de la Segunda Guerr Mundial ...........•..............55 Grandes esperanzas, ....•............ .30 '" 40 guardian entre el centeno, EI 048 guerra de las bandas, La guerra del chocolate, La 29 Guerra Fria, La 56 Guerra mundial Z 27 guia completa sobre instalaciones electricas,La 58 guia completa sobre plomeria 58 14 guia fantastica, La 20 Habia una vez una quinceanera hacedor, EI A hacha, EI .......................••...38 14 Hacia el fin del mundo 24 Hamlet Hidden. Chica de luz . 33 26 Hilos Historia de dos ciudades 30 historia de Ismael que cruzo el mar, L " .29 55 Historia del mundo 35 historia en la historia, Una Hitler y Alemania 56 hogar de Miss Peregrine para ninos peculiares, EI .39 047 hombre invisible, E horas largas, Las 11 host (Huesped), The 36 040 Hoyos Hurda a Canada 50 Huye 35 044 i1iada, La importancia de lIamarse Ernesto, EI a anico de Lady Windermere. Una mujer sin 25 importancia. Salome, La Incarceron .30 increrble y triste historia de la Candid Herendida y de su abuela desalmada La .. 5 Ingles basico 57 040 Insurgente Introduccion a los estudios literarios 19 Isha, nacida del corazon 8 20 isla como tLi, Una isla de los delfines azules, La 049 Isla de rojo coral ......•..............5 041, 47 isla del tesoro, La .•. . Ivanhoe , 047 jane Eyre 22 jardrn secreto, EI 27 15 jefes. Los cachorros, Los .7 jinete de plata, EI jRj.Poemas . 17 25 juan Salvador Gaviota . . . . . . .. . juego del angel, EI ...•..............13 28 juegos del hambre, Los juntos 29 just Listen . 29 049 Kira-Kira . ladron del rayo, EI 39 046 lad ron del rayo novela grMica, EI Ladrona con c1ase 28 ladrona de libros, La 25 042 ladrones de sombras, Los lagrimas del sol, Las 18 laguna de oro y otras leyendas 19 de America Latina, La 14 ,'Lamberto! . 045 argo camino, Un Largo viaje hacia la noche 044 Lazarillo de Tormes A, 18 46, 47 Legado 38 Lejos del polvo 049 Leviathan . 043 Leviathan Series 043 Leyendas . . . •. . .. . . . . . . . 046 libro de la selva, EI 047 libro del cementerio, EI .31 libro secreta de Daniel Torres, EI 18 Llama oscura .37 .35, 47 lIamada de 10 salvaje, La . . llano en llamas, EI 6 L1uvia de oro 22 Lo que el viento se Ilevo 36 Lo que fue de ella .31 Lo que todas las chicas saben menos yo ..26 Lo que vi y por que mentr 26 loro en el homo: Mi vida, EI 21 Luna nueva 36 Luzazul 9 042 Macario Macbeth 24 iMacho! 22 , 26 Made in India maestro de las burujas, EI .36 Magia de una noche de verano 8 50 magia del cine, La .33 Maia se va al Amazonas Maldicion 34 8 maldicion de Odi, La .33 maldicion del tigre, La .39 maldicion del Titan, La 12 maldicion Silach, La Mandaderos de la IluviaiMesengers of Rain .18 18 mana en la arena, Una 14 mansion de las mil puertas, La 35 Manana cuando la guerra empiece Mananario 8 043 maquina del tiempo, La maquina pensante, La 31 mar de los monstruos, EI 39 . 26 maravilloso mago de Oz, EI Marca de nacimiento .37 30 marca del escorpion, La 11 Marra Marianela 18, 46 Mary Poppins 047 Mas alia de mi 21 Matar un ruisenor 24 Matematicas cotidianas para Dummies 53 Maze Runner 2: Prueba de fuego 29 29 Maze Runner 3: La cura mortar Maze Runner 4: Virus letal 29 McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs 57 Me Ilamo Bud, no Buddy 049 mensajero, EI 049 mercader de Venecia. Como gusteis, EI . 044 metamorfosis, La 23 Mi chica fantasma .37 Mi hermana vive sobre la repisa de la chimenea .39 Mi hermano el genio 12 Mi mundo adorado 045 Mi tigre es Iluvia 13 .30 Michael Vey 2: La insurreccion Eigen Michael Vey, preso de la luz ........•.. .30 Mientras, agonizo 23 Miguel Angel, el terrible florentino 12 047 Miguel Strogoff mirada oscura, La 10 misterio de la dama desaparecida, EI '" .11 misterio de la isla de Tokland, EI . . .. . .. 10 18 misterio de la lIave, EI 047 misterio del cuarto amarillo, EI misterio Velazquez, EI 7 14 moais de pascua, Los Moby Dick 046, 47 Monster High .32 Monster High 2 .32 Monster High 3 .32 24 muerte de un viajante, La muerte llama al arzobispo, La 28 muerte y otras sorpresas, La 18 Muerto para vosotros .36 Mujercitas 25 museD de los suenos, EI 10 muy breve historia de casi todo, Una '" .54 nariz y otros cuentos, La 23 61 Narraciones completas 24 54 Naufragios nave fantastica, La .14 Ni un dfa mas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .48 Niebla , 14 nina de las sombras, La 37 nino con el pijama de rayas, EI , 26 Nino, jairo Anibal 12 No hay verano sin ti .31 No me lIamo Angelica .•. 50 No te vayas. . .48 noche en la luna, Una . 29 Nuestra huella en la Tierra .. . 52 Nuestra senora de Parfs .33 Nueva gramatica basica de la lengua espanola 2 oceano galactico, EI 15 Odas elementales 24 Odisea, La 23, 46, 47 Oliver Twist 30, 46 Orca Soundings in Spanish (series) .48 orden de la academia Spence, La 27 Orgullo y prejuicio 22 oro de los suenos, EI 18 Ortograffa de la lengua espanola 2 oscura verdad de Mara Dyer, La .32 Oscuros .34 oscuros rincones de Londres, Los 50 Othello, .44 otra vida de Caz, La .48 pacto de las cinco montanas, EI 12 Padre rico, padre pobre para jovenes 58 Padres ajenos .48 Padres e hijos . 25 Paginas escagidas 5 Painless English for Speakers of Other Languages 57 Painress Spanish 2 Pajaro sin hogar 50 palabras envenenadas 8 palacio del silencio, EI .7 Pandem6nium, Los .48 Papas adolescentes, 58 Para comprender el c1ima y el medio ambiente ..•....................... 54 Para comprender el cuerpo humano ..... 54 Para comprender la Tierra .....•....... 54 Parco 14 Pasi6n , .34 Pasteur 53 Paterson , . .44 Pedro Paramo 13 Pensamientos y sentimientos 59 pequeno Larousse ilustrado 2013, EI 3 perfil de la luna, EI ............•...... 13 perla negra, La 50 perla, La .4 1 perro de los Baskerville, EI .47 Perro viejo ................•.........8 Peter Pan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .4 7 .48 plan de Zee, EI planeta viviente, EI 54 Platero y yo .11 POD .42 Poemamundi 17 Poemas/Poems .44 Poesfa castellana completa 5 Poesfa Ifrica del Siglo de Oro 6 Poesfa varia , 6 Poeta en Nueva York . . . . . .. . 16 19 Popol Vuh Por quien doblan las campanas, 32 Preciada .......................•... 37 Preguntale a Alicia 57 Preparadas, listas !A crecer! 57 56 Primera Guerra Mundial, La principito, EI .40 prisionero del cielo, EI 13 probabilidad estadfstica del amor a primera vista, La .40 profesor, EI .45 Promise .43 puente hacia Terabithia, Un 38 puerta de Caronte, La .7 62 punto clave, EI ............•.. .23 Quantic Love 9 .48 que diran, EI lQue es la Carta de Derechos? . 51 lQue es la Constitucion? 51 lQue es la Corte Suprema? .........•.... 51 lQue es la Declaracion de Indepen encia? .51 lQue es la rama judicial estatal? . . . . .. 51 lQue es la rama legislativa estatal . . ... 51 lQue es un alcalde? . .. 51 lQue es un congreso? . . . . . .. .51 lQue es un consejo municipal? 51 lQue es un gobernador? .. . 51 lQue es ungobierno? 51 lQue es un presidente y un vicepresidente? ....•................51 lQue son elecciones? 51 lQue son las enmiendas? . . . . .. . 51 Que puedes esperar en el primer no 58 Que se puede esperar cuando se esta esperando .•.. . .58 R Yjulie 35 ralz del mal, La. ...•. . 15 ratonera, La .44 Reaccion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 048 Read & Think English .............•... 57 Rebeldes 32 Rebelion en la granja .38 reino del dragon de oro ,EI .7 Relatos galacticos 15 Republica 54 Residencia en la tierra 17 Retrum ........•.................12 Retrum 2: La nieve negra . .. . 12 Revelacion . .48 Revolucion Industrial, La 56 Rimas .4 Rinconete yCortadillo 18 rfo que nos divide, EI ........•....... .39 Robinson Crusoe .47 rocas, los minerales y el suelo, Las 52 Romancero gitano . . . . . . .• . . . .. . 5 Romancero tradicional y artfstico 6 Romeo y julieta . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .44, 47 Romeo y julieta/Romeo and juliet ..•... .44 ruido y la furia, EI. . . .. . .. .30 Saber escribir . 2 Saber hablar . 59 Saber leer ., " .59 lSabes que te quiero? . 9 Safico 30 Sam no es mi tfo 16 San Manuel Bueno, Martir . 6 Sangre azul ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 36 santos inocentes, Los . 19 SAT Subject Test Spanish. .• . . . . . . .4 secreto de Cristobal Col6n, EI . . . . .. 18 secreta para adolescentes, EI . . .. . 59 Sed. , 25 . 56 Segunda Guerra Mundial, La segunda vida de Bree Tanner, La. .•.... .36 Senderos fronterizos . .. 20 senor de las moscas EI . ...•.. 31 senor presidente, EI . . . . . . .. . .. .., .7, 19 senti do comun y otros escritos, EI 24 Ser una teen . 59 Si decidoquedarme . .31 Si la palmera supiera... . . . . . . .. . 16 signa del castor, EI . .40 sirencio de las palabras, EI . . .34 silencio del asesino, EI .......•........11 Sinsajo ......................•....28 Skeleton Creek . 27 . 27 Skeleton Creek Series Skyland 27 Skyland 2: La nave de las tempesta es 27 iSocorro! No quiero problemas 59 Soledades. Galerfas. Otros poemas 5 sombra del viento, La . 13 sonador, EI • .. . 21 Sonar en cubano . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..23 soplon, EI . .48 Spanish Gramma . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 Spanish Verbs . ..2 Stargirl .41 Stravaganza: La ciudad de las estrellas ..33 Stravaganza: La ciudad de las mascaras . .33 Suena . 36 sueno de Otto, E . . . . .. . 18 suenos de mi padre, Los .45 Sumerios y Babilonios 55 surrender tree/EI arbol de la rendici6n, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Tapir , 12 Tartufo 24 11 tejedora de la muerte, La Teme .35 tesoro de la pordiosera, EI .45,48 Tesoros desde el Mica.. . .45 Thomas jefferson 51 tfa julia y el escribidor, La 15 Tibias cruzadas 27 Tiempo de palabras en voz baja ..•..... .31 tierra del tiempo perdido, La . . . . . . . . .18 tigres del Mompracem, Los .....•...... .40 Tinieblas .37 todos mis cuentos .................•.. 15 Tomando partido. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 tormenta, La . .. .48 Tormento , 34 torre y la isla, La .........•.......... .7 Trece sentidos 22 Tres anos en Nueva York 9 Tres deseos .38 Trucos y c1aves para estar bella ...•......57 .48 Trueno Tu , 26 tunel, EI 14 Twilight series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .36 ultimo heroe del Olimpo, EI .39 ultimo mohicano, EI 29 Uriel ..7 Uso instrumentos cientfficos 52 Utopfa .................•.......... 54 uvas de la ira, Las . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .25 valla, La 8 Vampire Academy ......•............ .36 Vanish. Chica de niebla , .33 Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino ..•. .46 Veinte poemas de amor y una cancion . desesperada . . . . . . . . .. . Velasquez World Wide Spanish-English Dictionary .3 verano en que me enamore, EI . .. 31 verano para morir, Un .49 verdaderas confesiones de Charlotte Doyle, Las . Versos al nunca jamas ....•............ 17 Versos sencillos/Simple Verses 17 viaje de Zoe, EI .7 Viaje , .35 vida de Pi, La .35 vida loca, La . . . . . . . .. . .45 vida secreta de las abejas, La ......•.... 34 viejo y el mar, EI . . . .. . .32 Viernes 0 la vida salvaje .42 Vivir para contarla .•......•........... 10 Volver al exilio 38 Volveran a por mf . . . . . . . . . . 11 Vox diccionario compacto espanol e ingles . . . . . . . . . .. . ......•. .3 vuelta al mundo en 80 dfas, La. . .. . .. .47 Walden ..................•.. , 25 Walking Dead. Eigobernador, The .34 Walking Dead. Woodbury, The . . . . .. . .34 Webster's New Explorer Spanish-English Dictionary . Webster's Worldwide English-Spanish Spanish/English Dictionary. . . . . . . . . . .4 Windows 8 para Dummies 56 Word Press 56 Wunderkind 29 Wunderkind 2 29 Y no se 10 trago la tierra! And the Eartn Did Not Devour Him 6 ..32 Y por eso rompimos Yo, juan de Pareja . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .26 Yo, Robinson Sanchez, habiendo naufragado . . . . . . .8 Abad, Alvaro Abad, jaime Acquaroni Munoz, Rosana Alcott, Louisa May Garza Bores, jaime Allende, Isabel !)Ionso, Ana Alvarez,julia Anaya, Rudolfo Anderson, M.T. Armstrong, William H Asturias, Miguel Angel Austen, jane Avi Bach, Richard Baldor, Aurelio Ballaz, jesus Barrie, james M. . Bashevis Singer, Isaac Baskin, Nora Raleigh Baum, L. Frank Beah, Ismael Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo Benedetti, Mario Bennett, Sophia Benoit, Charles Benway, Robin Blundell, judy Bolles, Richard N Bonansinga, jay Borges, jorge Luis . . Borja, jaime Humberto Borton de Trevino, Elizabeth Bowler, Tim Boyne, john Bradbury, Ray Bray, Libba Breithaupt, jim Bronte, Charlotte Brooks, Max Brysol, Bill Burnett, Frances Hodgson Cabot, Meg Calderon de la Barca, Pedro Cameron, Ann Cansino, Eliacer Cardenas, Teresa Carey, Anna Carlyle, David Carman, Patrick Carmona, Rodo Carranza, Maite Carrero, Luz Maria Carroll,Lewis Carter, Ally Casalderrey, Fina Cashore, Kristin Casona, Alejandro Castilla, julia Mercedes Cather, Willa Chaucer, Geoffrey Chavez Castaneda, Ricardo Christie, Agatha Cisneros, Sandra Cleave, Chris Cofer, judith Ortiz Cohelo, Paulo Cohn, Rachel Collins, Suzanne Conan, Doyle Condie, Ally Cooper, james Fenimore. . . . .. Cormier, Robert.. . . . .. . COrtazar, julio . . . . . . . . Cortina •. ... Covey, Sean •.. .. Creech, Sharon .•. .. Crowley,Cath . . 6 6 18 25 57 .4, 7 .7 19, 22 20 25 .48 .7, 19 22 25 .25 52, 53 19 .47 .44 26 26 .45 .4, 46 18 26 26 26 26 58 .34 .4, 22 54 26 26 26 22 27 53 22 27 54 27 27 16 27 .7 8 27 27 27 8 8 18 28, 46 28 8 28 16 .48 28 23 8 .44 20 28 20 28 28 28 .47 29 29 29 5 57 . .. 59 . . . . .. .048 . .. .29 Curtis, Christopher Paul........... . .. 049 D'Adamo, Francesco, ..........•. . 29 Darlo, Ruben . . 5 Dashner, james 29 De Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel .. .4 18, 22 de la Vega, Garcilaso ...•.............5 De Molina, Tirso 6 de Paula Fernandez, Francisco 9 De Saint-Exupery, Antoine, .........•.. .40 De Unamuno, Miguel. . . . . . . . .. . .. 6, 13 Defoe, Daniel .47 Defoe, William .47 Del Amo, Montserrat. . . . . . . . .. ..•.. ..9 Delibes, Miguel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .19 Dessen, Sarah . . . . . . . . . . . .. .29 Diaz Guerra, Francisco 9 Diaz, junot ..................•...... 20 Dickens, Charles 30, 46 Dickinson, Emily .44 Diego, Gerardo 16 Dogar, Sharon 30 Don juan Manuel 5 Dostoevsky, Fyodor 23 Dubovoy, Silvia .49 Eisenberg, Arlene 58 Elfgren, Sara B. . .41 Engle, Margarita 21 Enriquez, Manuel . 10 Esquivel, Laura 9 Evans, Richard Paul .30 Farmer, Nancy .30 Faulkner, William 23 30 Fernandez Villalba, Carmen ' ..9 Fernandez, Ana Maria 16 Fernandez, Carmen .....•............. 57 Fernanez Vidal, Sonia 9 Fisher, Catherine ......•.............. 30 Fitzgerald, F. Scott 23 Forman, Gayle 31 Fox, Paula .31 Frank, Anne .45 Fuentes, Carlos . 5 Futrelle, jacques .31 G.L., D'Andrea 29 Gaiman, Neil .31 Galan, Ana 9, 10 Gallegos, Romulo 10 Garda Lorca, Federico 5, 16 Garda Marquez, Gabriel 5, 10 Garda, Cristina 23 Gladwell, Malcom 23 Gisbert, joan Manuel 10 Gladwell, Malcom 23 Go~ol, Nikolai 23 Go ding, William .31 Gosling, Peter 53 Gray, Claudia .31 Greathead, Helen 57, 59 Grobety, Anne-Lise 31 Guillen, Nicolas .. . 5 Haddon, Mark .31 Han, jenny 31 Hand, Gill 53 Handler, Dennis .32 Harrington, Paul 59 Harris, Nancy 51 Harrison, Lisi 32 Hatero, josan 11 Hathaway, Sandee " 58 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. .. . .32 Hayes, S.B. . ......•................ .32 Hemingway, Ernest .32 Hempstead, Anne 51 Hesse, Karen .49 Hijuelos, Oscar 20 Hinton, S.E..> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .32 Hiriart, Berta • 11 Hocking, Amanda •..•.•................ 32 Hodkin, Michelle 32 Hoffman, Mary ....•.................33 Homer ...•....•........... 23, 44 46, 47 Hosseini, Khaled. . .33, 46 HOuck,Col.leen.. . . . . . . .. . . . .33 Hugo, Victor, 21 33 Hurley,Tonya . .. .33 Ibbotson, Eva . .. .33 Ibsen, Henrik . ...•.... 23 lonescu, Angela .. .33 Isaacs, jorge . 11 jimenez, Francisco . 20 jimenez, Juan Ramon 11,17 Jordan, Sophie. . . . . . . . .•. . . . . . . .. .33 Kadohata, Cynthia .49 Kafka, Franz 23 Kate, Lauren . . .34 Kendris, Christophel' 2 Kendris, Theodore . . . . . . . .. . 2 Kidd, Sue Monk 34 Kipling, Rudyard .47 Kirkman, Robert 34 Kiyosaki, Robert 58 Kramon, James M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 58 Krokos, Dan 34 Kwok, Jean ........•.•............. .34 Lahoz, Use . .. 11 Lapesa, Rafael .................•.. 11,1 9 Law, Felicia 57,59 Lazaro Carreter, Fernando ......•....... 19 Lee, Harper. . . . . .. . 24 Leroux, Gaston . .047 Levithan, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 Lincoln, Abraham 24 Lindsay, Jeanne Warren .........•...... 58 Locke, John 54 London, Jack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. .. .34, 47 Lopez Narvaez, Concha . . .11 Lowry, Lois .49 Macauley, David. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 53 Machado, Antonio . 5 Maclachlan, Patricia. . . . . . ., 35 Madaras, Lynda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .57 Mann, Charles C. . .. 24 Marchetta, Melina. . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Marianelli, Sauro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Marion, Isaac . . . .. .35 Marsden, John 35 Martell, Yann 35 Marti, jose 6, 17 Martin Gaite, Carmen 11 Martin RarT)os, juan Carlos . .. 1 Mastretta, Angeles . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 1 Mastromarino, Diane . .. 59 Matute, Ana Maria .....•.. . .12,15 Mazel, Sharon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..58 McCourt, Frank .45 McMann, Lisa , . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .35 Mead, Richelle , ...•... 36 Melville, Herman 24, 46, 47 Merino, jose Maria 18 Meyer, Stephenie 36 Miralles, Francese 12 Miller, Arthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. 24 Mitchell, Margaret. . . . . . . . . . .36 Moers, Walter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .36 Moka .37 Moliere 24 Molina Llorente, Pilar 12 Moore, Thomas 24, 54 Morales, Anton io Martin . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 Moreno, Elena. . . . . . . . . . . •. . . . .. . 18 Morpurgo, Michael 37 Moure, Gonzalo 12 Munoz Avia, Rodrigo . .12 Murkoff, Heidi . .. 58 Murray, Tamsyn .4,37 Nelson, Jandy . .37 Neruda, Pablo 6, 17, 24 Nino, Jairo Anibal ..................•. 12 Noel, Alyson .................•..... .37 Nonidez, Manuel 13 Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvaro 54 Obama, Barack .45 63 O'Dell, Scott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .•. . .37,49 O'Neill, Eugene .44 Orwell, George .38 Ovid 24 Paniza, Jose 57 Paolini, Christopher .38 Paterson, Katherine .38 Patten, E.J. . 38 Paulsen, Gary .38 Pearce, Jackson 38 Peck, Richard . 39 Pelegrin, Javier 7 Penalva, Nuria 53 59 Perea Rosero, Tucfdides Perez Diaz, Enrique 13, 17 Perez Galdos, Benito 13,17,18,46 Peters, Andrew .39 Petriz, Hypatia 13 Petrucha, Stefan 39 Pitcher, Annabel . .39 Plato 54 Poe, Edgar Allan 24, 43 19 Pombo, Rafael Pressler, Mirjam 045 Puerto, Carlos 13 Quevedo, Francisco de 6 Quiroga, Horacio 6, 15 56 Rathbone, Andy Riggs, Ransom 39 Riordan, Rick .39, 46 Rivera Ferner, Marta 6, 13 RiVera, Tomas . 6 Rodriguez, Luis J. . 045 Roth, Veronica .39 Rousseau, Jean Jacques 55 Ruiz Zafon, Carlos 13 6, 13 Rulfo, Juan 21, 50 Ryan, Pam Munoz Sabato, Ernesto 14 Sachar, Louis AD Salgari, Emilio AD Salinger, J.D AD Salvoni, Rosemary Catolfi 58 Sanchez, Yaoni 56 Santiago, Esmeralda 21 Schmidt, Sophie 59 Scott, Walter 047 Seiter, Charles 53 .14 Sennell, Joles Sepetys, Ruta AD Shakespeare, William 24, 44, 47 Shelley, Mary AD Shukyn, Murray. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . A Shusterman, Neal 041 Shuttleworth, Dale E. . A Sierra I Fabra, Jordi 14, 15 Silva, Carlos 55 Silva, Jose Asuncion 17 Smith, Betty 040 Smith, Jennifer E AD Smucker, Barbara 50 Sophocles 25 Soto, Gary 21 Sotomayor, Sonia 045 Speare, Elizabeth George AD Spears, Richard 57 Spinelli, Jerry 041 Springer, Alice G A Steinbeck, John 25, 41 Stevenson, Robert Louis 041, 47 Stoker, Bram 041, 47 Strandberg, Mats 041 Strausser, Jeffrey 57 Strogoff, Michael 047 Taboada, Rodolfo C. 55 Taylor, Ina 53 042 Taylor, Theodore Ter Harr, Jaap 042 Thoreau, Henry David 25 64 Tolstoy, Leo. . . . , . 042 Toumier, Michel .42 042 Traven, B. . Travers, P. 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