July 08, 2015 - White Memorial Presbyterian Church
July 08, 2015 - White Memorial Presbyterian Church
WMPCWEEK LY Volume XLIX July 8, 2015 No. 27 Visit whitememorial.org to view this week’s Sunday Snippet. Joys and Concerns Prayers and Christian Concerns to: Gary and Cheryl Blanton and Tamara and Bobby Shatterly, Logan and Anderson on the death of Gary’s sister, Joan Williams, June 26; Dan and Flo Durway on the death of Dan’s brother, Joseph Robert Durway, June 28; John and Elizabeth Grovenstein and Michael on the death of John’s father, Jim Grovenstein, June 30. Congratulations to: Martha and Jody Moore and Gene Moore on the bir th of Martha and Jody’s grandchild and Gene’s great-grandchild, Anne Louise Moore, May 18, to Bill and Laura Anne Moore. Susan and Bill Hodges on the bir th of gr andchild Luka Hudson Vukina, June 25, to Lauren and Josip Vukina. New Presbyterians: Isabella Jane Whitehead, bor n J une 15, child of Chr isten and Michael Whitehead and grandchild of Joy and Jimmy King. Hospitals (* = discharged): Duke Raleigh: *Meg Ellis. Home Communion Visits Church elders and pastoral staff are available to provide home communion if you or someone you know cannot attend worship. If you would like to schedule a visit to share the sacrament of communion in your home, please contact Lisa Hebacker at 919-834-3425, ext. 208, or Judy Pidcock at 919-834-3425, ext. 238, and let us know of your interest. In the Church Triumphant Paul Parker Creech – July 5, 2015 WMPC family members: wife, Connie Creech; sons, Luke Creech, and Paul and Kelly Creech; brother and sister-in-law, Gray and Betsy Reade Creech and their children, Rachael, Sonny and Betsy Reade; and niece, Julia Gray Hooks and her daughter, Blair Shuster. Your Attention Please Divan Center Discussion Group Divan Center is starting a discussion series one Sunday each month at 3:00 p.m. where the participants will meet and share their ideas on a specific topic. The topics will range from education to healthcare, culture to philosophy. Every month we will read an article related to the topic and a moderator will manage the discussion by asking several key questions pertaining to the article. Discussion will last approximately 60 minutes. For more information, visit www.divancenter.org. Confirmation Prayer Partners Members of every age group are being sought to be Prayer Partners for the 2015-16 confirmation year. Prayer Partners are asked to hold up a specific eighth grader and his/her family in personal prayer from September to May. Please consider joining in this intentional and meaningful way to include our wider church family in confirmation. The confirmands will only know that someone in the congregation is praying for them, not who you are. To add your name to a list, email Daniella Kamis-Brown at dkamisbrown@whitememorial.org. Weekday School Registration Weekday School registration for 2015-16 is ongoing. Applications are in the office and online at whitememorial.org/wds. Contact Cynthia Baggett at 919-834-4637 or cbaggett@whitememorial.org with questions. July 29 newsletter deadline: Tuesday noon, July 14. VO CATIO N Who is God calling you to be? Each week, Summer Forum will host guest speakers who will focus on specific topics centered around vocation. Sunday 9:30 a.m. Pickard July 12: Sharing Stories about Vocation Come listen to several church members share stories about how they understand their call or vocation. When we are open to the movement of God’s spirit within ourselves, we can follow God’s call to our true vocation. Join the conversation as we explore the meaning of vocation for us as individuals and as a community of faith. July 19: Spiritual Gifts: One Path to Vocation Join presenter Emily McNair as she teaches us about spiritual gifts. What are your spiritual gifts? Is there a difference between a talent and a spiritual gift? What are some fun ways to use them? July 26: Discernment and Vocation Come learn how to discern your true vocation. Lisa Hebacker will share practical ways to help us pray and listen for who God is calling us to be. A complete list of August speakers can be found at whitememorial.org/summer-forum. The WMPC Weekly, July 8, 2015 Page 2 Vacation Church School “In God we live, move and exist.” Acts 17:28a, CEB At this year’s Vacation Church School 212 children visited the G-Force Zone and experienced God’s unstoppable love and learned how to show God’s love in action. During each day’s assembly, children, youth and adults celebrated God through movement, singing, drama and storytelling. We were joined by Checkers the Cheetah who helped us learn to move, act, care, follow and share with God. Our VCS navigators met people from the Bible who taught us how to put our faith into action. We saw how God called Moses to get moving to lead his people out of Egypt. Solomon demonstrated how to act for God through building the temple. We learned about caring through four friends who carried their paralyzed friend to Jesus. The healing of Bartimaeus taught us about following God. And the women at the empty tomb taught us about sharing the Good News. Our VCS navigators zoomed through craft, music, movement and new science zones. Additionally, 30 young children of our adult helpers shared in a fun nursery experience. VCS was also a week of service. We collected 200 sporting goods for Boys and Girls Clubs of Wake County. Donations included balls, cleats, flying discs and tennis racquets, as well as a $75 donation by WMPC’s Circle C. The three-year-olds and kindergarteners made homeless kits for their families to keep in their cars for when they encounter someone in need. The fourth and fifth graders made blankets that will be delivered to Interact, and they shared G-Force songs with Morningside residents on Friday. In our assemblies and closing worship service, fourth and fifth graders were worship and music leaders. Our decorations and curriculum will be reused by St. Andrews Presbyterian Church and other sister churches in the New Hope Presbytery. We are grateful for the 146 adults and 66 youth who led and mentored our children and helped to make our G-Force VCS a wonderful celebration of God’s love in action. Directors Carol Holt and Kristy Wood Coordinators Anna Baird, Diane Britt, Dorothy Crowder, Duval Fisher, Katie Gillespie, Erin Goettsch, Kelly Gold, Melissa Graham, Rebecca Hancock, Kirsten Homdrom, Kimberly Layton, Jerri Lemanski, Kathleen Liebowitz, Paige Marsh, Kelly Miller, Mandy Patterson, Joelle Pemberton, Kristen Rittenmeyer, Lindsay Smith, Brennan Vanderberry, Lee Veit, Kim Walker, Karl Zinsmeister, Lora Zinsmeister Teachers Kathy Andrew, Kristen Ange, Cynthia Baggett, Lee Baker, Suzanna Beamish, Maggie Black, Fran Botzis, Tammy Cloutier, Paula Corkey, Erin Duffy, Kimberly Durland, Hanna Compton, Marlet Edwards, Olivia Edwards, Tiska Farnham, Alex Flynn, Meg Groves, Nancy Hardison, Julie Leon, Cissy Livengood, Kathleen Mayfield-Garcia, Heather Kraudel, Rhonda McNairy, Sarah Meacham, Jennifer Munford, Ashley Silverman, Lauren Smith, Rebecca Spanbauer, Beth Spano, Elizabeth Thompson, Karen Tinnesz, Alyson Tuck, Kathy Volcjak, Jessica Wahler, Rachel Walker, Anne Wein, Karen Wilson, Kristi Wilson, Marianne Wood VCS Adult Volunteers Morgan Angley, Anna Bazemore, Cheryl Blanton, Karen Brockschmidt, Ansley Cella, Ginger Crowther, Jill Darnell, Julie Daly, Arielle Dozier, Sally Ferrara, Emily Funderburk, Melissa Green, Carter Grimes, Barbara Gunter, Amanda Harrell, Carey Harris, Carl Hibbert, Carl Hibbert, Jr., Karen Hoover, Connie Hudson, Ashley Jennings, Jenni Jones, Rebecca Kayye, Tracy Kimbrell, Emily Lackey, Marty Long, Tiffany Lund, Carol Lynn, Nancy McLean, Donna Mehr, Lisa Mesnard, Suzanne Morrison, Judy Mullins, Gregg Newton, Tricia Parker, Millie Raynor, Victoria Rectanus, Madeleine Roberts, Elizabeth Robinson, Eloise Robinson, Tamara Shatterly, Gail Sprecher, Ashley Taylor, Caroline Wall, Anne Wallwork, Kelly Washburn, Leigh Wheeler, Jane Wood, Callie Wright continued on Page 4 The WMPC Weekly, July 8, 2015 Page 3 Snack Providers In addition to the people listed on page 3, some of whom also brought in snacks, the following gracious people and other anonymous bakers nourished our bodies and spirits throughout the week: Emily Allen, Lynn Ashby, Betsy Barnett, Brandon Baron, Nancy Brewer, Beth and Jonathan Broyles, Caroline Carr, Colleen Edmonston, Allison Egner, Marian Godwin, Jennifer Gottsegen, Ann Hanley, Jill Hemingway, Julia Gray Hooks, Heather Horton, Brooks Jordan, Elliott Leake, Jennifer Martin, Ryn Millican, Leslie Mize, Sarah Noah, Erica Oliver, Sara Patterson, Sally Phillips, Elissa Pope, Ashley Robertson, Kristin Seale, Kristen Sloop, Nancy Thompson, Anna Townsend, Walker Wilson Youth Helpers Julia Allen, Wyatt Baggett, Cameron Baird, Griffin Baird, Charles Bell, Elizabeth Bond, Eliza Bourne, Sarah Bourne, Rainey Brewer, Lillian Brimberry, Sarah Goodwin Brook, Alexx Brown, Michael Brown, Elizabeth Bryant, Hayes Chamblee, David Clark, Thomas Clark, Alice Connor, Sam Corkey, Brayden Crowder, Maggie Duffy, Zoe Durland, Elizabeth Haigler, Grace Haile, Kathryn Haile, Lauren Hamm, Madeline Haneline, Hannah Harvey, Charlie Johnson, Ashton Jones, Blair King, Sutton Lasso, Abigail Livengood, Marshall Livengood, Duncan MacRae, Lillienne Martin, Sussie Mason, Alex McNeill, Ainsley Mesnard, Jack Messenger, Maeve Millen, Maggie Montgomery, Lillie Moore, Hayden Mullins, Gwynn Nowell, Matthew Nunnally, Van Parker, Mary Livingston Peatross, Garrison Peppers, Carly Rittenmeyer, Lindsey Rittenmeyer, Abigail Robertson, Hannan Rossi, Austin Rohweder, Sally Sandridge, Clay Schrum, Lawson Strickland, Betsy Teel, Trey Tierney, Weatherly Tierney, Grey Thompson, J. T. Towles, Winston Tuttle, Reid Walker, Joe Thomas Williams, Lindley Williams Next year’s Vacation Church School, directed by Kathleen Mayfield-Garcia and Elizabeth Thompson, will be June 20-24, 2016. Join us for another great week of growing in faith together! Questions? Contact Lynn Springfield at 919-834-3425, ext. 232, or lspringfield@whitememorial.org. The WMPC Weekly, July 8, 2015 Page 4 Calendar for the Week Youth Council Application Application forms are available online at whitememorial.org/youth-forms. Rising Ninth Grade Trip – Buncombe to Blowing Rock Please pray for the youth and adults departing today for western North Carolina. ASP 2 Please pray for the youth and adults traveling on ASP next week to West Virginia. High School Round Robin Wednesday Fellowship Lunch Round 3 will be held at Brixx in Cameron Village, Wednesday, July 8, from 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. High School Church School Summer Round Table continues with full breakfast & book discussion using The Good and Beautiful God by James Bryan Smith. Meet in K100. Parents, please sign up via SignUpGenius to bring breakfast items. Thank you. For any event’s details, visit us online: whitememorial.org/middleschool whitememorial.org/highschool Youth Staff Contact Information Chip Pope (ext. 213) cpope Laura Boyd (ext. 240) lboyd Elizabeth Ramsay (ext. 237) eramsay Daniella Kamis-Brown (ext. 212) dkamisbrown Sunday, July 12 (Psalm 24; Ephesians 1:3-14) 7:00 a.m. - ASP 2 Trip to WV through July 18 9:30 a.m. - Summer Forum (Pickard) 9:30 a.m. - Summer Round Table: Rising Grade 9-Rising College Freshmen (K100) 2:30 p.m. - Rising Ninth Grade Mission Trip Returns (Off Site) 4:00 p.m. - Facilities Close Monday, July 13 (Ps. 82; 1 Sam. 18:5-30; Acts 11:19-30; Mark 1:29-45) 4:30 p.m. - T’ai Chi for Exercise (Pickard) 5:30 p.m. - T’ai Chi for Exercise (Pickard) 7:00 p.m. - Alcoholics Anonymous (C100) 8:00 p.m. - Adult Basketball (Pickard) Tuesday, July 14 (Ps. 102; 1 Sam. 19:1-24; Acts 12:1-17; Mark 2:1-12) 7:00 a.m. - Men’s/Women’s Breakfast/Bible Study (Geneva/K100) 9:30 a.m. - Fit after Fifty (Pickard) 1:00 p.m. - Jump Start Your Resumé (K200) 4:30 p.m. - StepUp Board Meeting (C200) 6:00 p.m. - StepUp Life Skills (Geneva) 6:30 p.m. - Personnel Committee (K200) Wednesday, July 15 (Ps. 1; 1 Sam. 20:1-23; Acts 12:18-25; Mark 2:13-22) 8:00 a.m. - Clothing Closet (W100) 9:00 a.m. - Summer Mother’s Morning Out (Pickard, L101) 11:30 a.m. - Round Robin Wednesday High School Fellowship Lunch (Off Site) 1:00 p.m. - Jump Start Your Resumé (K200) 6:00 p.m. - Yoga for Exercise (C100) 8:00 p.m. - Al-Anon (C100) Thursday, July 16 (Ps. 16; 1 Sam. 20:24-42; Acts 13:1-12; Mark 2:23-3:6) 8:00 a.m. - StepUp Ministry Employment Workshop (C100) 9:30 a.m. - T’ai Chi for Exercise (C200); Grandparent/Grandchild Day Camp (K100) 11:30 a.m. - Keenager Summer Lunch: The Pit BBQ (Off Site) 1:00 p.m. - Jump Start Your Resumé (K200) Friday, July 17 (Ps. 142; 1 Sam. 21:1-15; Acts 13:13-25; Mark 3:7-19a) 9:30 a.m. - Fit after Fifty (Pickard) 8:00 p.m. - Alcoholics Anonymous (C100) Saturday, July 18 (Ps. 138; 1 Sam. 21:16-23; Acts 13:26-43; Mark 3:19b-35) 8:30 a.m. - Elementary Church School Setup (L309A, L310, L312) 9:00 a.m. - Servant Saturday: Urban Ministries (Off Site) 3:00 p.m. - ASP 2 Trip to WV Returns (Off Site) The WMPC Weekly, July 8, 2015 Page 5 Help Wanted, Service and Mission Friendship Fund Volunteers Needed WMPC provides First Presbyterian Church, Raleigh with $12,000 per year for their Friendship Fund to help those with past-due rent or utilities. They also offer referrals for services and suggestions on reducing expenses. They need our help meeting with clients to discuss the household’s income and determine the amount of aid to be provided. Appointments are scheduled on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m.-noon. Contact Carol Anne Moehring, Director of Outreach, at 919-833-4070 or cmoehring@gmail.com. Wake Relief Needs Help Wake Relief helps those who are in crisis by providing a week’s groceries. The agency is in need of volunteers to fill regular and on-call slots for Mondays and Tuesdays 1:00-3:00 p.m. and Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00 a.m.-noon. They are also seeking those who can serve on the board. Contact Julie Nau at nauj@bellsouth.net with questions. Wheels for Hope: Cars Changing Lives Wheels4Hope has received the donation of four cars from WMPC members for 2015. More individuals and their families are waiting for an affordable and dependable vehicle. There are several ways you can help. Donate a vehicle and receive the value of the car for tax purposes. Spread the word about the organization. Volunteer to help drive and/or repair donated cars. Provide financial support. Help change lives, one car at a time. For details, go to wheels4hope.org or call 919-832-1941. – Volunteers will be given a tour of the Urban Ministries facility and then restock the food pantry shelves with the food from our very own June/July “Stock the Shelves” food drive. Register to volunteer at whitememorial.org/servantsaturday. Food collections will take place all month. Each week items, listed below, can be placed in Connector collection boxes. No glass containers please. July 12: Canned Meats, Beef Stew, Spaghetti, Ravioli & Soup July 19: Granola Bars & Sugar Free Pudding Cups July 26: Baby Cereal & Formula
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