Sunday - St Anthony`s


Sunday - St Anthony`s
February 28, 2016
Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again;
but whoever drinks the water I shall give will never
thirst. John 4
9905 SW MCKENZIE ST., TIGARD, OR 97223 (503)639-4179
Saturday Sábado 5:00 pm-English
Sunday Domingo 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM in English
1:30 PM in Vietnamese
4:00 PM en Español
7:00 PM Youth
DAILY MASS Misa Diaria
8:30 AM Monday-Saturday
6:30 PM Thursday in Vietnamese
Call the Parish office
Monday-Friday 8:30 am—5:00 pm Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am– Noon
Monday-Friday 8:30 am—5:00 pm Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am– Noon
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment
Pray Gratefully, Serve Responsibly, Give Generously
Page 2
I am drinking lots of water these
days. I try to drink about 15
glasses a day. This is very important for the body. We read that:
“Water is important to the meFr. John Henderson
chanics of the human body. The
body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run
without gas and oil. In fact, all the cell and organ
functions that make up our entire anatomy and
physiology depend on water for their functioning.” It
is probably the most important substance on earth.
Jesus meets the woman at the well and the whole
conversation begins with Jesus asking the woman
for a drink. Through the lengthy conversation, Jesus
brings the woman to a deep reflection of her life and
Jesus helps her to realize that He is the living water.
Jesus does not worry about rules and regulations or
fears and barriers. He is just concerned about this
woman and wants her to truly live. Jesus had a thirst
for this woman to grow in faith and he in turn
wanted this woman to realize that Jesus is the living
water. In Jesus’ thirst He invited her to be thirsty for
You and I thirst for love, we thirst for justice, for
peace and in this year of Mercy we come to realize
that we thirst for mercy. H2O is important for our
bodies but we cannot truly quench our thirst at a
well. We need Jesus to quench our thirst for wholeness and grace. When you and I encounter Jesus
everything changes and our whole life is transformed.
Place yourself at the well and allow Jesus to have a
conversation with you. What will you discover? What
sins will you bring to the surface? How will you allow
Jesus to give you the true water of life? Jesus
brought mercy to the woman at the well and Jesus
wants to bring you and me mercy, love and most of
all eternal life.
Have a great week
Your friend,
Fr. John
Rev. John Henderson, Pastor
(503)639-4179 x 112 /
Rev. Julio Torres
(503)639-4179 x 119 /
Rev. Manuel Becerra
(503)639-4179 x 113 /
Marco Espinoza, Deacon Hispanic Ministry
(503)639-4179 x129 /
David Hammes, Deacon
(503) 639-4179 x 139/
Gerlinde Lamer , Director of Adult Faith Formation
(503)639-4179 x122/
Cindy Marchese , Director of Religious Education
(503)639-4179 x121/
Mary Hanlen, Director of Youth Ministry
(503)639-4179 x128/
Nichlas Schaal , Director of Music
(503)-639-4179x125 /
Andrew Nichols , Principal of School
(503)-639-4179x 223 /
Sally Plasker, Vice Principal of School
(503)-639-4179 x 224/
Tom Barr, Business Manager
(503)-639-4179 x 114/
Kathy Fedr, RE and Youth Ministry Coordinator
(503)639-4179 x 123 /
Jeanette Gent , Financial Services
(503)639-4179 x 115/
Jean Stein, Financial Services
(503)639-4179 x 115/
Mark Wills, Information Technology
(503)639-4179 x 124/
Lucille Borsch, Receptionist / Secretary
(503)639-4179 x 0 /
Viridiana Morales , Evening Receptionist
(503)639-4179 x 0 /
Steve Morton , Custodial Team (head)
(503)639-4179 x 116 /
Support the businesses that help make this
bulletin free to the church.
This week’s Advertiser of the Week is:
Canyon Auto Repair
St. Anthony Parish
9905 SW McKenzie St.,
Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: 503-639-4179
Fax: 503-624-2364
Page 3
St. Anthony Easter Grounds Clean-up!
Together we will get St. Anthony looking great to welcome the Easter season! We will focus on weeding and
garbage pick-up in planted beds around the church
entrances and parking lots. Bring work gloves, a
bucket, and weeding tools. We’ll work rain or shine;
stop by when you can on Saturday, March 12, between
9am and 4pm. Questions? Contact Matt and Melissa
Rocha at or
Readings for the Week of
February 28, 2016
Sunday: Ex 17:3-7/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Rom 5:1-2, 5-8/Jn
4:5-42 or 4:5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42
Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab/Ps 42:2-3; 43:3-4/Lk 4:24-30
Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43/Ps 25:4-9/Mt 18:21-35
Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9/Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 1920/Mt 5:17-19
Thursday: Jer 7:23-28/Ps 95:1-2, 6-9/Lk 11:14-23
Friday: Hos 14:2-10/Ps 81:6-11, 14, 17/Mk 12:28-34
Saturday: Hos 6:1-6/Ps 51:3-4, 18-21/Lk 18:9-14
Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12/Ps 34:2-7/2 Cor 5:17-21/Lk
15:1-3, 11-32
(See’s reading)
Are you an Eucharistic minister?
Minister of Welcome or Lector?
Be sure to check your schedule by going to:
dules/?pointer=last If you want to be a part of these
ministries and don’t know where to begin—contact
Fr. Manuel at
Clergy Roster for March 5th and 6th
5pm Vigil Mass Fr. Manuel Becerra
7 AM Fr. John Henderson
8:30 AM Fr. John Henderson
11 AM Fr. Manuel Becerra
7 PM Fr. John Henderson
Clergy schedule is subject to change.
July 1st-Feb 21st
(difference between 2014 & 2015 giving)
Variance ($)
Variance (%)
St. Anthony Music ministry is looking for
your help. We are trying to grow our music
ministries and can’t do it without you. We have
some specific task that might fit your desire,
schedule, and skill set. If now is not the time,
please keep us in your prayers and keep singing.
5PM Vigil: We are currently taking auditions
for singers and instrumentalists. We rehearse on Monday nights from 7-8:30PMand
arrive at 4:00PM on Saturdays to set up.
8:30AM Mass: We are in need of sopranos.
In other words, we really need more female
voices to sing the melody. We rehearse on
Wednesday nights from 7-8:30PM and arrive
at 8AM on Sundays to set up.
11AM Mass: We are currently taking auditions for singers and a bass player. We are also
looking for someone to operate our sound system. We rehearse on Monday nights from 78:30PM and arrive at 10 AM on Sundays to set
Music ministry is a wonderful place serve the
community while building your faith in fellowship. Please contact Nichlas Schaal for more
Page 4
Parish office hrs Mon-Friday
8:30 –12PM 12:30 - 5PM
Evening hrs
Tues-Thurs 6:30-9pm
After hours sacramental emergencies call:
541--230-4494 and leave a message
Clergy 503-639-4179
Fr. John Henderson, Pastor x112
Fr. Manuel Beccera, Parochial Vicar x113
Fr. Julio Torres, Parochial Vicar x119
Deacon Marco Espinoza x129
Deacon David Hammes x139
ESL(English as a Second Language)
Anamaria Torres and Jorge Londono
Thomas Barr
Facility Rental
(503) 639-4179 ext 114
Faith Formation
(503)639-4179 ext. 213
Cindy Marchese – Preschool-8th
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Cindy Marchese – Sacramental Prep
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Mary Hanlen, Youth Ministry
(503)639-4179 ext. 128
Kathy Fedr, RE and Youth Ministry Coordinator
(503)639-4179 ext. 123
Sally Plasker – Vice Principal
Funeral Coordination
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Annulment Advocacy
Fr. John Henderson
(503)639-4179 ext. 112
Deacon Marco Espinosa
(503)639-4179 ext. 129
Knights of Columbus
Scott Young 503-590-6917
Hispanic Ministry
Archdiocese of Portland
Deacon Marco Espinoza
(503)639-4179 ext.129
Steve Morton
(503)639-4179 ext. 116
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Ministry of the Sick and Homebound
Diane Bohan
Business Office
Music Ministry
Tom Barr
(503)639-4179 ext. 114
Nichlas Schaal (English)
503-639-4179 ext 125
Catholic Daughters
Phiet Loung Vietnamese
Marilyn Isaac
Gerlinde Lamer Spanish
503-639-4179 ext.122
Life, Peace and Justice
Sue Sammons
Jim Haberski
St. Anthony School
Andrew Nichols – Principal
Adult Faith Formation
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
(503)639-4179 ext. 114
(503)639-4179 ext. 214
Clare Jaramillo – Assistant
(503)639-4179 ext. 222
Linda Olsen – Office
(503)639-4179 ext. 244
Julie Stump – After School Care
(503)639-4179 ext.
Sunday Nursery
Cindy Marchese
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Toni Stotts
Wedding Preparation
Fr. John Henderson
(503)639-4179 ext. 112
Deacon Marco Espinoza
(503)639-4179 ext. 129
Community Resources
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
Pantry hrs/utility/rental assistance
Good Neighbor Center/Shelter
Prayer and Worship
Fr. Manuel Becerra
(503)639-4179 ext. 113
Paul Lamer
Finance Office
Jeanette Gent
Jean Stein
(503)639-4179 ext. 115
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Caring Closet
Tri-County Help Line
Bulletin Items/ Mass Announcements
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
RCIA / Returning Catholics
Care to Share – Food
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Geneva Stegemoller
Reception /Parish Office / Mass Intentions
Care to Share - Utilities
Community Café
Steve Kemp
Lucille Borsch (day time)
Viridiana Morales (evenings and Saturday)
(503)639-4179 ext. 0
Confirmation (Adult)
Sanctity of Life
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Mary Corey
(503)639-4179 ext. 128
Severe Weather Shelter
Carol Herron
St. Vincent De Paul Tigard
Dick Bailey
St. Vincent de Paul Vol. Coordinator
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Love Inc.
Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store
Page 5
February 28
February 29
March 1st
28 de febrero Lunes
29 de febrero
1 marzo
7 am Sal Arellano
8:30 am Diane Lung
11 am TeofistaGuevaia
1:30 pm
7 pm People of St. Anthony
8:30 am Pam Cook
8:30 am Gary Barlow
7am Mass (Church)
7:30 - 12:30 pm Fellowship (Gathering
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church)
11 am SVDP Meeting (Nursery)
6:45 pm Band Practice (Church)
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church)
9:15 am Women’s Bible Study (parish library)
8:30 am Mass (Church)
6 pm Lenten Mission in Spanish (Francis hall)
6:30 pm ESL (Middle School)
11 am Mass (Church)
7 pm Choir practice Spanish (Church)
Pastoral Council (Upper Room)
Confirmation Class (Parish Library)
1:30 pm mass Vietnamese (Church)
5:15 pm Salt (Francis Hall)
4:00 pm Mass Spanish (Church)
5:30 pm Community Café (school)
7 pm Youth Mass (Church)
March 2nd
2 de marzo
March 3rd
3 de marzo
March 4th
4 de marzo
8:30 am Joe Borsch
8:30 am Martha Tassi
8:30 am Doris Christensen
8:30 am Daily mass (church)
9:15 am Quilt Tying (parish library)
Mom’s Support Group
6 pm Lenten mission in Spanish
(Francis hall)
7 pm RCIA (Upper Room)
Knights of Columbus (O’Reilly
8:30 am Daily Mass
9:15 am Women’s Faith Sharing (parish
6 pm Lenten Mission in Spanish (Francis
6:30 pm Mass Vietnamese (Church)
ESL classes (middle school)
7 pm Lenten Retreat Vietnamese (Church)
7:30 pm Confirmation class (O’Reilly hall)
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church)
Bulletin Crew (parish office)
10 am Making Rosaries (Upper Room)
2:15 pm Stations of the Cross (Church)
6 PM Beginning of 24 hrs for the Lord
6 pm Stations of the Cross (Church)
6:30 pm Soup Supper (gathering space)
7 pm Lenten Retreat Vietnamese (School
March 5th
5 de marzo
March 6th
6 de marzo
8:30 am Catholic Daughters
5 pm Venezuela’s Voice in Oregon
7 am Kirby Low
8:30 am Joe Borsch
11 am Marjorie Lyster
1:30 pm
7pm People of St. Anthony
For those who have died:
12 am— 6pm 24 hrs for the Lord
7 am Mass (Church)
New Parishioners:
7 am Men’s Bible Study (upstairs
7:30—2:30 pm Fellowship (Center Lobby)
8:30 am Mass (Church)
12 pm Lenten Retreat Vietnamese
(School Cafeteria)
8:30 am Mass (Church)
3:30 pm Confessions
4 pm Mass Spanish (Church)
5 pm Mass (Church)
Holy Land Gift Sale (Center
7 pm Lenten Retreat Vietnamese
(School Cafeteria)
5 pm SALT
Holy Land Gift Sale
11 am Mass (Church)
1:30 pm Mass Vietnamese (Church)
5:30 pm Community Café (School)
7 pm Mass (Church)
Page 6
Children’s Sacrament Preparation News
Contact: Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or
Sunday Religious Education Classes
Preschool: 8:308:30-9:30 AM—
AM—Main School
1st--8th Grades: 9:451st
9:45-10:45 AM—
Please contact Cindy at the parish office for late registration
information 503-639-4179 x121 or
Classes February 28, 2016
Our R.E. children are collecting items for
Blessings Bags to be donated to SVDP,
Weather Shelter and the Parish Office. If
you’d like to participate please contact Cindy
at the parish office for a list of the various
items needed to fill these emergency bags.
Middle School Youth
Youth Life gatherings on Sunday
mornings, 9:45-10:45 in the main
school. All youth are invited to attend
and friends are welcome!
Call Kathy Fedr at (503) 639-4179, Ext. 123 or
email at for information..
Mark Your Calendars!
Vacation Bible School for
1st-6th grade children (Fall 2016)
Is Jun 27-Jun 30
Camp Tilikum for
1st-8th grade children (Fall 2016)
is July 18-22, 2016
Registration begins April 1st!
Reminder! Once your child has completed their
1st Confession, contact Cindy at the parish office to let us know and to receive a special certificate.
Parents and children should be working on
Chapter 4 of their 1st Eucharist
Our 1st Communion children are
learning about stewardship by using
their very own Sunday collection envelopes. They’ve been generous with
their time, talents and treasures. Here are a few examples of their generosity:
• I helped by unloading the dishwasher
• I played with my little sister
• I pray for the sick and the people who are at the
hospital for them to be okay.
Do you have a child that you
would like to baptize? Have
you been asked to be a Godmother or Godfather for a
child? Our next class for the
preparation of infant baptism
is Wednesday March 9th at 7 PM . For questions or
to make an appointment please call 503-639-4179
ext. 122 or email
Page 7
Saint Anthony’s Life
Teen is a ministry open
to all high school students. We meet Sundays
at 5:00, starting with
dinner, and
ending at 6:45 before
Mass. Newcomers and
visitors are always welcome—just walk in the
door, write down a few
pieces of information, and join the celebration!
“We are called as a total parish community, young and
old, to live and act with mercy to all of our brothers and
sisters.” ~ Fr. John Henderson. As part of this call to
live and act with mercy, each classroom has created a
Mercy Box. Throughout the 40 days of Lent, students
will be filling their Mercy Box with written accounts of
acts of mercy towards others.
This week at Life Night:
Work the Work
This week, we focused on the Corporal and Spiritual
works of Mercy. As Catholics, especially in this season of Lent, especially in this Year of Mercy, we focus on loving Christ by loving His people.
Family Challenge: Post the Spiritual and Corporal
Works of Mercy on your refrigerator. Let every family member check off any one they’ve done. Try to
participate in each before the end of Lent.
In religion class, students are discussing the different
ways to show mercy towards others. “I shared a cupcake with my sister.” “I picked up checkers off the
ground without being asked.” 3A students defined Acts
of Mercy as ones that show love, respect, forgiveness,
peace and kindness towards others. “I didn’t have a
snack and multiple people gave me food.” “I witnessed
one of my friends participating in a charity event.”
Summer Mission Trip
Come be part of our summer Mission to Reno,
NV! This is a week-long experience you’ll never
forget, taking place the first week in July.
Confirmation 2 Classes
All 6 classes MUST be attended.
Students should choose the day and time that works
for them. (No class 3/22 & 24)
Tues 2/23-4/5 6:30-8:00 in Parish Library
Thurs 2/25-4/7, 7:30-9:00 in O’Reilly
With any and all questions or concerns,
call Mary at 503-639-4179 x128
In 8th grade religion, students are learning that mercy
means doing your best to show kindness and compassion even when a classmate may cause you irritation.
All classroom Mercy Boxes will be presented at April
3rd’s “Sunday of Divine Mercy” all school mass. If you
are interested in learning more about St. Anthony
School or wish to tour our school, please give us a call.
Clare Jaramillo, Enrollment
503/639-4179, ext. 222
Page 8
Pastoral Council Minutes February 2, 2016 Meeting
Attendees Diane Bohan, Cathy Ranck, Veronica Dillashaw, Toni Stotts, Carrie Marthaller, Oscar
Miranda-Dominguez, Fr. John Henderson, Dale Potts, Truc Nguyen, Leslie Froman, Carrie Marthaller,
Truc Nguyen, Kevin Pham, Rosaura Rodriguez
Old Business
January minutes were approved
Parish Mission statement- Council will reflect on mission statement list and give input on 3-5
statements or create one
Commission Updates and Issues
Reviewed past parish events and discussed upcoming parish events.
New Business
Fr. John and Tom Barr spoke about parish budgeting and fundraising.
Fr. Manuel will add Form A&B to the pastoral council web page for parish to use for ideas and
School open house well attended went to 2:30pm
Ministry Scheduler will go online in February.
Next meeting March 2, 7pm.
Minutes of Life, Justice & Peace Meeting for February 11, 2016
We continue to search for opportunities to introduce fair trade goods to parishioners. A consignment sale at next
year’s holiday bazaar through CRS fair trade program is a possibility.
Several Rice Bowls were handed out on Ash Wednesday. Information is posted on the parish web site. We will
keep interest going using the bulletin.
Reports on homelessness in Washington County were presented: The growing lack of affordable housing is
blamed for increasing rates of homelessness. Portland has become a magnet for those seeking a livable city.
Outside interests are buying apartment complexes and looking for a high return on their investments, which
is driving up rents in the metro area. Union Gospel Mission has an 80% success rate in obtaining housing for
its clients. We may explore how they are accomplishing this. The application for Section 8 Housing is
lengthy and complicated and there is a one year waiting list. We hope to offer a tenant workshop in the near
The Bread for the World 2016 Offering of Letters focus is Survive and Thrive – hunger relief and nutrition for
mothers, infants and young children. We will encourage parishioners to write letters to their elected representatives on this topic at fellowship after Masses through Pentecost.
The Traveling Crib should be here by Feb. 18. Information is in the bulletin.
We will review options for a possible web page at the next meeting.
Commission members are reading “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship” USCCB 2015.
The next Life, Justice & Peace meeting is Thursday, March 10 at 7 p.m. in the parish library.
Page 9
Save the Date April 23, 2016
to be held in the
parish center
2016 Hawks Night Out
Casino Royale
Sponsorship Opportunities Get your company name in
front of an appreciative community by sponsoring the annual St. Anthony School Dinner and Auction – a party with
a purpose! “Hawks Night Out ♦ Casino Royale” will be held
April 23, 2016 at St. Anthony School. Produced by St. Anthony Parents Association, the auction is the schools largest
fundraiser and responsible for a good portion of the operating budget. Not only does it fund student activities, but supports necessary teaching positions and students on tuition
subsidy. Which means, you are supporting the education of
your customers and benefiting from a tax deduction simply
by advertising! Happy parents are loyal customers. The St.
Anthony community is made up of over 2800 families. By
sponsoring the event, your generosity will be acknowledged
in a variety of ways. Depending on the sponsorship level you
choose, your company name will reach hundreds of people
within the community you live and work. Sponsorship levels
include: SCHOLAR SPONSOR – $3,000 + (2 available) •
Premier auction dinner table for 10 patrons, with wine at
your table • Recognition at the auction, and in the catalog
and website • Sponsor name/logo on rotating screen during
silent auction • Complimentary full page color ad in auction
catalog (first contracted has choice of inside back or front
cover) ESSAYIST SPONSOR – $1,500 • Premier auction
dinner table for 10 patrons, with wine at your table • Recognition at the auction, and in the catalog and website • Sponsor name/logo on rotating screen during silent auction •
Complimentary half-page ad in auction catalog STUDIOUS
SPONSOR – $500 • 2 dinner tickets to auction • Recognition at the auction, and in the catalog and website • Complimentary 1/3 page ad in auction catalog FRIENDSHIP
CONTRIBUTION - $100+ • Company name listed in catalog contributors list
Borsch Family
Our family gives thanks for all of you who
prayed for us and supported us these last few
months. We know God answered your prayers
for us. Thanks to you who brought food, came
by to visit, gave hugs and encouragement. Special thanks to the Catholic Daughters who generously provided everything for the reception.
The family of Joe Borsch,
Lucille, Peter, Greg & Carolyn
Spring into Sports with CYO! Offering Track &
Field for boys & girls 3rd - 8th grade, Lacrosse
for boys & girls K - 8th grade and baseball for
boys & girls 3rd - 8th grade. Season begins March 14th. Registration now open. For
more information and to register online visit our
website If you have
further questions, contact your local CYO athletic director or call the CYO Office at 503-2319484.
Women of all ages and faiths are invited March 11 & 12, 2016! Jane
Kirkpatrick, author and Christian
speaker will lead our retreat, “Hope
for the Journey” Register by using
this QR code or contact Cindy
Marchese at the parish office, 503639-4179 x121. $50.00 includes Friday evening soup supper/Empty
Bowls project and Saturday retreat,
continental breakfast,
snacks and lunch. Partial
scholarships available.
Page 10
Adult Confirmation
Classes for adults who have
been baptized and made
their first communion but
missed Confirmation will
be starting March 16th at 7
pm. Email or
call 503-639-4179 ext. 122 to
register for the classes
Have you wanted to study the Bible but your
work schedule and family obligations keep
you from joining a group?
Our Adult Faith Formation committee is
pleased to announce we will be offering an
online Bible Study called
Unlocking the Mystery of
the Bible by Jeff Cavins and
Sarah Christmyer. To register go to
Sr. Carol Dempsey Returns:
April 2nd, and 17th
Oregon Advanced Directives
There is growing evidence that those who do not provide clear directions concerning the life-saving measures they would want are more likely to be denied them
than to receive them. Many court cases have been decided in favor of removing all forms of life support.
Therefore, it is important that those who do not want
to be denied life-saving medical treatment, or even
food and fluids, make their views known in some form
of advance directive.
Two common advance directives are Living
Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney. “Living
Wills” focus on the rejection of life saving medical
treatment under certain medical conditions. “Durable
Powers of Attorney” authorize a specified person to
make decisions concerning the provision or withholding of life-sustaining measures when the signer is
“incompetent”. Though such laws appear to protect
patients' rights, they have some serious flaws and can
run counter to Catholic Church Teaching.
Senate Bill 1552 could worsen this situation by
giving insurance companies and other special
interest groups the power to change Oregon’s
advance directive. Oregon’s current advance directive was written by the legislature in the early 1990’s.
SB 1552 would empower the governor to appoint members to an unaccountable committee of insurance companies and other interest groups to re-write it at will.
The entire legislature is not required to vote on it or
even see it. With pressures coming from as high up as
the federal government to contain healthcare costs,
having unaccountable authority to write this advance
directive is a dangerous tool in the hands of insurance
What is Mercy?
9:45—10:45 am in the
Middle School
Acts of Mercy: Don’t forget did you bring food for the pantry, help a neighbor, take care of an animal—
animal—write it down
on a piece of paper and bring it with you to mass. Put it in
the offering basket and on Divine Mercy Sunday April 3rd
we will offer all our Acts of Mercy as an offering to the Lord.
National Right to Life has developed an alternative, life-affirming advanced directive called
the "Will to Live". This document allows you to appoint a health care proxy who can speak for you in
those cases where you may not be able to speak for
yourself and presumes that food, fluids, and life-saving
medical treatment are to be provided. However, it also
includes optional sections for the signer to specify conditions under which this presumption does not fully
apply. Additional information may be found at:
(Select Oregon)
The Traveling Crib is sponsored by Catholic Charities Pregnancy Support & Adoption Service
Office and is brought to St. Anthony parish by our Catholic
Daughters as part of their Circle of Love program. To participate, please choose items (see back side) and place your donation in the Crib in Francis Hall by March 21. Any cash donations go toward purchase of bassinets, port-a-cribs and car
New only:Baby Bottles,*Baby Wash, Shampoo, and Lotion
Baby Towels & Washcloths
*Disposable Diapers: Newborn thru Size 5 (no cloth diapers)
*Diaper Cream and Baby Wipes Fitted Crib Sheets/Mattress
Pads Baby Pacifiers or Teething Rings Baby Photo Albums Formula-Similac Blue (no soy)
New or gently USED items:
Baby Books Car Seats… (2014, 2015, 2016 ONLY) Baby Bouncer *Baby Front Packs
*Bassinets Baby Bath Tubs Crib Blankets Receiving Blankets Booties and Socks
Diaper Bags *Port-a-Cribs, Pac & Play, Strollers Maternity Clothing *Baby Clothing: Newborn, Preemie, and Sizes 0-12 months (Sleepers, Onesies, Play)
The Tigard Council #3591 of the Knights of
Columbus is accepting applications for our 2016
scholarship. One scholarship in the amount
of $1500 is awarded to a graduating 8th
grade student to attend a Catholic high
school starting in the 2016-2017 school
year. Selection is based on competitive
application including an essay, letters of
recommendation, and interview of finalists.
Find an application packet at St. Anthony parish
office, St. Anthony school office, or by contacting
Scholarship Committee Chairman Steve Root at
971-533-6223 or
29, 2016
Window into Divine Mercy
God sent us a great saint, prophet, and mystic, St. Faustina, especially for our time to tell
the world that He wishes to heal mankind.
Through her, He wishes to renew us to live
more fervent christian lives in which we can
truly impact the world and obtain graces
from our Lord. St. Faustina was a poor, simple, and always cheerful nun from Poland,
who through her many encounters with Jesus was entrusted with a great mission. She
revealed this mission through a diary she
kept with the words Jesus wished to impart
to mankind. St. Faustina was canonized in
the year 2000 by St. Pope John Paul II, the
great mercy pope, at which time he also declared the Sunday after Easter Divine Mercy
The messages of our Lord through her are to
prepare the world for His second coming. The
movement of Divine Mercy is the fastest growing movement in the Church
Page 12
Estoy bebiendo mucha agua en estos
días. Trato de tomar por lo menos 15
vasos al día. Esto es muy importante
para el cuerpo. Leemos que: "El
agua es importante para la mecánica
del cuerpo humano. El cuerpo no
puede funcionar sin ella, al igual que Fr. John Henderson
un coche no puede funcionar sin gas
y aceite. De hecho, todas las funciones de las células y
órganos que componen toda nuestra anatomía y fisiología dependen del agua para su funcionamiento. "Es
probablemente la sustancia más importante en la
Jesús se encuentra con la mujer en el pozo y toda la
conversación comienza con Jesús pidiendo a la mujer
por agua para beber. A través de la larga conversación,
Jesús lleva a la mujer a una reflexión profunda de su
vida y Jesús le ayuda a darse cuenta de que Él es el
agua viva. Jesús no se preocupa por las normas y reglamentos o miedos y barreras. No es más que preocupado por esta mujer y quiere que ella viva de verdad.
Jesús tenía sed de esta mujer para que creciera en su fe
y que a su vez quería a esta mujer se diera cuenta de
que Jesús es el agua viva. En la sed de Jesús Él la invitó
a tener sed por él.
Usted y yo estamos sedientos de amor, tenemos sed de
la justicia, por la paz y en este año de la Misericordia
nos damos cuenta de que tenemos sed de misericordia.
El agua es importante para nuestros cuerpos, pero no
podemos verdaderamente saciar nuestra sed en un
pozo. Necesitamos a Jesús para saciar nuestra sed de
plenitud y gracia. Cuando usted y yo nos encontramos
con Jesús todo cambia de y toda nuestra vida se transforma.
Ubíquese en el pozo y permita que Jesús tenga una
conversación con usted. ¿Qué vas a descubrir? ¿Qué
pecados va a traer a la superficie? ¿Cómo va a permitir
que Jesús le dé la verdadera agua de vida? Jesús trajo
misericordia a la mujer en el pozo, y Jesús quiere usted
y a mi misericordia, el amor y sobre todo la vida
eterna. Que tengas una buena semana
Tu amigo,
Fr. John
Eucaristía (Misa) 4:00pm
Grupo de Oración Kerigma:
Asamblea: (O’Reilly Hall)
inician el martes 12 de enero.
Martes (Youth Center y O’Reilly) 7:00 PM
Grupo Alianza de Amor
Jueves 7-9pm en la oficina
Clases PRE-Bautismales:
El primer sábado del mes a las 6:00PM
Requiere una entrevista favor llamar al
503-639-4179 x129
BAUTIZOS (niños menores de 8 años):
Febrero y Marzo
Desde Febrero 10, No
celebramosBautismos de niños
por motivo que es tiempo de
Sacerdote/ Párroco
Fr. John Henderson
503-639-4179 Ext.112
Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Manuel Becerra
503-639-4179 Ext. 113
Fr. Julio Torres
503-639-4179 Ext. 119
Ministro Hispano
Diacono Marco Espinoza 503-639-4179 x 129
Asistente de Pastoral (Bilingüe)
Viridiana Morales Ext.0
Horas de oficina:
Martes, miércoles y Jueves de 6:30-9pm
Sábado de 8:30am-12:00pm
Favor tocar el timbre de la puerta
Page 13
Lo que Dios unió que
no lo separe el hombre.
Favor llame a la oficina
y haga una cita con el
Diacono Marco al
503-639-4179 Ext. 129
6 meses de anticipación
Misión Parroquial En Español
Con el Padre Ricardo de Alba se
realizara el próximo martes, miércoles
y jueves
Marzo 1, 2 y 3 de 7:00pm-8:30PM en el
Salon San Francis.
Miercoles habrá misa a las 6:15pm en la
iglesia continuando con la misión en el
Servicio Penitencial
En Español Martes marzo 8, 7pm
En Ingles Martes Marzo 15, 7PM
Los niños de Educación Religiosa tienen
clase los domingos de 9:45am a
10:45am. Además los padres también
tienen clase a la misma hora que sus
hijos en el salón O’Reilly.
GRUPO DE JOVENES del 9no al 12
Invitamos cordialmente a los jóvenes del 9no
al 12avo grado a participar en el grupo de
jóvenes los domingos a las 5pm en el salón St.
Francis. Jóvenes que necesiten el Sacramento
de Confirmación hablar con Mary, líder del
Misa para jovenes y familias, domingo
Confesiones todos los domingos de
Febrero y Marzo
Primera Lectura Exodo 17, 3-7
El pueblo torturado por la sed fue a protestar
contra Moises, Moises clamo al Señor y El
respondio golpea la peña y de ella saldrá afua.
Salmo 94
Ojala escuchen hoy su voz, no esdurezcan el
Segunda Lectura Rom 5, 1-2, 5-8
Hermanos ya que hemos sido justificados por
la fe, mantengamonos en paz con Dios por
mediacion de Nuestro Señor.
Evangelio Juan 4, 5-42 En el encuentro de
Jesus con la mujer samaritana Jesus le dijo el
e agua que yo le dare se convertira en un
manantial capaz de dar la vida eternal.
Misa en Español Miercoles
Practica de Coros.
Coro de Jóvenes/ Niños
La práctica de los coros de niños y
jóvenes es el 1ro, 2do y 4to martes del
mes a las 7:15pm en la iglesia. Niños
deben ser
acompañados por sus padres.
Coro de Jóvenes Adultos
La práctica del coro de jóvenes adultos es el
3er martes de cada mes.
Bienvenido a la Parroquia de San
Gracias por acompañarnos esta tarde. Es nuestro
mayor deseó que la Eucaristía que hoy celebramos
nos anime a vivir una profunda experiencia de fe y
vida. Le invitamos para que junto con sus
familiares y amigos vuelvan a participar con
nosotros, su comunidad y familia, de la iglesia de
San Antonio en Tigard.
hiệp thông
Chúa Nhật Thứ III Mùa Chay • Năm Phụng Vụ C
Ngày 28 Tháng 2 Năm 2016
Suy niệm: Mỗi dịp mùa Chay, lại nghe
các cha lập lại điệp khúc “hãy sám hối, hãy
hoán cải!” Lại ngồi suy nghĩ: bản thân mình
tuy chưa phải là thánh thiện, nhưng cũng
thuộc loại tốt rồi! Mình còn chỗ nào cần
phải sám hối, hoán cải nữa đâu! Có lẽ ông
A, bà B kia mới cần... Đó có thể là cảm nghĩ
của ta cũng như nhiều người. Thật ra, Lời
Chúa nhắc nhở rằng cần thiết phải có một
sự thay đổi, điều chỉnh thường xuyên trong
lối nghĩ cũng như lối sống của ta cho hợp
với Tin Mừng hơn. Tin Mừng nói với ta rằng
mải mê hưởng thụ các tiện nghi đang khi
người lân cận thiếu thốn đã trái với tinh
thần của người môn đệ Chúa. Tin Mừng xác
quyết rằng không quên mình, không sống
cho người khác, cũng chẳng quan tâm đến
hạnh phúc người chung quanh là chưa
sống đạo thật sự. Người thân trong gia
đình, người lân cận mời ta bỏ đi thói nói
xấu, xét đoán, gán cho họ những ý đồ xấu.
Họ mời ta khoan dung hơn, thông cảm
hơn, cư xử nhân hậu với họ hơn. Mùa Chay
này, ta có làm ngơ trước lời ngỏ ấy không?
Linh Mục Chánh Xứ: Cha John Henderson
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm: Cha Phêrô Nhật Hoàng
Linh Mục Hưu Dưỡng:
Cha Giuse Nguyễn Đức Hậu
Chủ Tịch Cộng Đoàn:
Anh Bùi Lợi
Phó Chủ Tịch Nội Vụ:
Anh Phạm Đình Hiếu
Phó Chủ Tịch Ngoại Vụ:
Anh Nguyễn Tấn Trực
Thủ Quỹ & Tài Chánh: Anh Nguyễn Văn Bình
Đại Diện Cộng Đoàn VN với GX Mỹ Anh Phạm Tuấn
Thư Ký:Chị Lê Thị Anh Thư
Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo:
Chị Nguyễn Anna Dung
Ca Đoàn Hương Chiều Anh Lương Thế Phiệt
Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể & Giới Trẻ: HT Kim Trang
Thừa Tác Viên Lời Chúa :
Chị Lê Thị Tuyết Dung
Thừa Tác Viên Thánh Thể/ Lễ Sinh: Anh Nguyễn Tín
Trường Giáo Lý & Việt Ngữ:
Thầy Phạm Quốc Hùng
Sống Lời Chúa: Trong mùa Chay này, tôi
quyết tâm đổi mới lối suy nghĩ và lối sống:
tích cực hơn trong việc tham gia sinh hoạt
chung, quảng đại hơn trong việc quan tâm
giúp đỡ người khác, bao dung hơn trong
các mối tương quan.
Cầu nguyện: Lạy Chúa Giê-su, Chúa dạy
con không bao giờ tự mãn về mình, nhưng
phải thường xuyên hoán cải, đổi mới theo
đòi hỏi của Tin Mừng Chúa. Đây là điểm
yếu của con, vì con thích an phận trong lối
sống, an toàn cho bản thân trong lối nghĩ,
và an nhàn cho thân xác của mình. Xin
giúp con dám đổi mới trong mùa Chay này.
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm:
503-228-4397 X 225
Ban Điều Hành:
Phụng Vụ và Mục Vụ:
503-770-0811• MV: 503-467-1385
Thánh lễ: Chúa Nhật: 1:30 chiều • Thứ Năm: 6:30 chiều
Giải tội: Truớc hoặc sau Thánh lễ Chúa Nhật và chiều Thứ Năm,
hoặc xin hẹn với quý Cha.
Rửa tội: Xin liên lạc trực tiếp với văn phòng Giáo Xứ Mỹ
Hôn phối & Xin lễ: Xin liên lạc trực tiếp với Cha Quản Nhiệm
Trường Việt Ngữ và Giáo lý • TNTT
• Việt ngữ: từ 11:15 đến 12:15 chiều CN
• Giáo lý: từ 12:30 đến 1:15 chiều CN • TNTT: 2 - 4 giờ chiều Thứ Bẩy
• Ý chung: ầu cho chúng ta, biết quan tâm
đến vũ trụ vạn vật, là hồng ân nhưng không đã
nhận được, để canh tác và gìn giữ cho các thế
hệ tương lai.
• Ý truyền giáo: Cầu cho những cơ hội đối
thoại và gặp gỡ giữa niềm tin Kitô giáo với các
dân tộc Châu Á được gia tăng..
nghèo đói.
28/2: Chúa Nhật III Mùa Chay, năm C
29/2: Thứ Hai trong tuần III MC
1/3: Thứ Ba trong tuần III MC
2/3: Thứ Tư trong tuần III MC
3/3: Thứ Năm trong tuần III MC
4/3: Thứ Sáu trong tuần III MC/ Kiêng Thịt
5/3: Thứ Bẩy trong tuần III MC
6/3: Chúa Nhật 4 Mùa Chay, năm C
Giáo hội nghèo đói.
• Tĩnh Tâm Mùa Chay
Sẽ do Cha Giuse Nguyễn Minh Quang, C.Ss.R
Dòng Chúa Cứu Thế VN Hải Ngoại hướng dẫn.
Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 3, 2016
6:30pm - Thánh lễ khai mạc
7:30pm - Giả tội • Địa điểm: nhà thờ
Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 3, 2016
7pm - Giảng Tĩnh Tâm • Địa điểm: Cafeteria
Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 3, 2016
7pm - Giảng Tĩnh Tâm • Địa điểm: Cafeteria
Chúa Nhật, 6 tháng 3, 2016
1:30pm - Kết Tĩnh Tâm trong Thánh Lễ
Xin cộng đoàn sắp xếp thời gian tham dự.
• Các số trúng giải xổ số Xuân Bính Thân:
BT161177 Giải an ủi $100 gift card
(đã nhận)
BT160092 Giải an ủi $100 gift card
(chưa nhận)
BT161376 iwatch (đã nhận)
BT162472 iPad (đã nhận)
BT160374 Mac Book Air (đã nhận)
BT161349 iMac (đã nhận)
Các giải trúng này sẽ được sung vào công quỹ
sau một tháng kể từ ngày xổ(6/2/2016), nếu
không có ai nhận. Xin cám ơn quý vị.
Lời Chúa qua các bài đọc lễ Chúa Nhật
+ Bài đọc 1 : Xh 3,1-15.
Ông Maisen đang trốn trong sa mạc vì sợ
vua Pharaon lùng bắt. Ôâng trông thấy
bụi gai đang cháy bừng bừng mà không
bị cháy rụi. Ôâng đến gần xem sao. Thiên
Chúa hiện ra và gọi rõ tên ông và trao
cho ông sứ mạng đưa dân ra khỏi Ai cập.
Ôâng muốn hỏi tên Ngài, nhưng Thiên
Chúa chỉ trả lời cho ông:”Ta là Đấng
Hằng Hữu”.
+ Bài đọc 2 : 1Cr 10,1-6.10-12.
Tín hữu Côrintô đã được rửa tội và thông
hiệp Bí tích Thánh Thể, nên tưởng rằng
mình đã được giải thoát khỏi mọi cám
dỗ. Thánh Phaolô so sánh cuộc xuất
hành về trời của tín hữu ngày nay với
cuộc xuất hành về Đất Hứa của dân
Do thái ngày xưa : mặc dầu được Chúa
che chở, nhiều người đã gục ngã trước
những thử thách ở sa mạc. Kitô hữu
chúng ta cũng xuất hành như dân Do thái
xưa, nhưng đừng bắt chước họ chiều theo
dục vọng xấu xa, đừng kêu ca trách móc,
trái lại, hãy tin tưởng phó thác cho Chúa và
ngoan ngoãn theo sự hướng dẫn của Ngài.
+ Bài Tin mừng : Lc 13,1-9.
\Người ta báo cho Đức Giêsu: quan tổng
trấn Philatô giết một số người Galilê đang
khi họ dâng lễ trong đền thờ. Đức Giêsu
nhân cơ hội này nhắc nhở cho mọi người
: đứng trước những biến cố lớn nhỏ của
cuộc sống, hãy nhìn ra những tín hiệu
nhắc nhở hãy sám hối để được sống.
Trong dụ ngôn cây vả không sinh trái, Đức
Giêsu nhấn mạnh đến những tai vạ sẽ đè
lên trên dân tộc bất trung (Mc 11,13). Vậy
là Chúa mời gọi mọi người hãy sinh hoa
trái của lòng sám hối. Phải biết rằng cuộc
sống của chúng ta chỉ là một thời gian
được gia hạn nên phải lợi dụng thời gian
này mà sám hối.
Chúng ta phải mau mau sám hối
1. Mọi người phải sám hối.
Lời Chúa hôm nay kêu gọi mọi người phải
sám hối, không trừ ai. Đối tượng của lời kêu
gọi sám hối không phải chỉ là những người
tội lỗi, người thu thuế, gái điếm, trộm cắp,
nhưng trong dụ ngôn cây vả trong bài Tin
mừng hôm nay (Lc 13,1-9), lại là những
người được coi là đạo đức, ngay chính, được
mọi người kính trọng : những người biệt
Vậy người tốt cũng phải sám hối sao ? Trong
trường hợp những người được gọi là tốt,
họ vẫn phải sám hối vì những việc tốt lẽ ra
họ có thể làm mà lại không làm. Họ giống
như cây vả trong bài Tin mừng này. Ôâng
chủ muốn đốn nó không phải vì nó đã sinh
ra những trái xấu, mà vì nó không sinh ra
những trái vả như nó phải sinh ra. Một cây
vả mà không sinh trái vả thì đâu còn là cây
vả nữa, nó hoàn toàn trở nên vô ích.
Các Kitô hữu ít khi đặt cho mình câu hỏi sau
đây : Điều gì lẽ ra tôi phải làm mà lại không
làm ? Tiếng gọi sám hối không chỉ kêu gọi
ta thôi đừng làm điều xấu nữa, mà còn kêu
gọi ta hãy “sinh trái” bằng những việc tốt.
Chính vì thế mà lời kêu gọi này nhăm đến
mọi người
2. Khác biệt giữa thánh thiện và tội lỗi.
Người ta thường nói :”Nhân vô thập toàn”,
không ai là con người hoàn hảo đến nỗi
không còn điều gì phải sửa đổi. Đức Khổng
Tử đã đưa ra một chương trình tổng quát
để đào tạo con người, biến con người thành
những hiền nhân quân tử và cao nhất là bậc
thánh nhân, đó là TU THÂN.
Tu thân có nghĩa là sửa mình. Phải sửa
mình cho nên tốt hơn theo phương châm
của vua Thành Thang :Nhật nhật tân, hựu
nhật tân” : ngày ngày mới, lại ngày mới hơn.
Muốn sửa mình, cần phải xét mình để biết
rõ con người mình.
Ông Trình Tử đã thực hiện việc xét mình hằng
ngày khi ông nói :”Nhất nhật tam tỉnh ngô
thân” : mỗi ngày ta phải xét mình ba lần.
Thánh Phaolô cũng nhắc nhở cho tín hữu
Côrintô là phải lột bỏ con người cũ mà mặc
lấy con người mới. Con người mới đây là
con người đã được tu thân, đã qua một quá
trình biến đổi cho nên tốt hơn.
Đức cố Hồng y Phanxicô Xaviê Nguyễn văn
Thuận có lần đã nói:”Vị thánh nào cũng có
một quá khứ, và người tội lỗi nào cũng có
một tương lai. Quá khứ là dĩ vãng yếu đuối.
Tương lai là ngày mai tốt hơn, thánh thiện.
Nhưng sự khác biệt giữa thánh nhân và người
tội lỗi chính là sự sám hối, lòng ăn năn”.
Third Sunday of Lent
Merciful God,
even when we are slow to repent,
you show us kindness and mercy.
When our hearts are blinded by sin
we turn away from you and slowly wither
like the fig tree.
O God of compassion, renew our hearts
so that, like Moses, we might hear
your nourishing
and life-giving words and turn from sin;
may we bear abundant fruit and be signs
of your mercy
to those who live in darkness.
Give us the grace to turn from our
worldly desires
and seek the repentance you graciously offer
so that, standing on holy ground,
we may see your magnificence
and give you glory for ever and ever.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday, February 28, 2016
Today’s Readings: Exodus 3:1–8a, 13–15; Psalm 103:1–2,
3–4, 6–7, 8, 11; 1 Corinthians 10:1–6, 10–12; Luke 13:1–9.
Jesus’ words in today’s Gospel hopefully disturb you and
challenge you to ask, “What must I die to in order to bear
fruit?” This death is a sacrifice for others. You lay aside your
ambitions for the good of the community. You name the sin
that entraps you and keeps you from God. Such dying leads
to the life promised by Christ because it aligns us to his
Paschal Mystery. Jesus does not blunt his words in the
Gospel. He is very clear that if you do not repent you will die.
Sit with that for a moment. What thoughts or feelings are
present? Jesus’ words seem rather harsh, but like Moses who
led the Israelites out of slavery, Jesus frees us from our slavery
and gives us life. For what do you need to repent? What is
consuming you and keeping you from serving others?
Both the psalm and the parable about the fig tree remind
us that God is kind and merciful. God does not give up on
us or abandon us, but waits patiently for us to bear fruit.
What is necessary for one to bear fruit? Repentance! During
this season, we have the opportunity to examine and excise
what is choking us and causing us to be barren. Through
fasting, prayer, and almsgiving (and other works of mercy),
we begin to nourish the soul and open ourselves to God’s
mercy. With friends or family, consider taking time this
week to meditate on passages from these readings and discuss how repentance leads to new life.
This Week at Home
Monday, February 29, 2016
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Optional Memorial
of St. Katharine Drexel, Virgin
Both Elisha and Elijah end up serving non-Israelites because
they weren’t accepted by their own people. The end of the
Gospel indicates that the people became furious with Jesus.
Like Elisha and Elijah, Jesus is rejected in his own land. We
learn in this passage that Jesus was sent to save all people
and those who hear the Word of God will be drawn in and
healed. By spending time in silence today, you may become
attentive to the call of the Holy Spirit. Today’s Readings:
2 Kings 5:1–5ab; Psalm 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Luke 4:24–30.
Why is it so hard to listen? What makes it so difficult to follow God’s will? God is madly in love with us and desires for
us to be in relationship. If we listen to God’s voice with open
hearts, we will be changed and God will fill us with love.
This love will overflow so that we can share it. Katharine
Drexel’s heart was so open to God’s love that when she saw
oppression, she sought to alleviate suffering. She established
schools for Native Americans and African Americans.
Today’s Readings: Jeremiah 7:23–28; Psalm 95:1–2, 6–7,
8–9; Luke 11:14–23.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Friday, March 4, 2016
In today’s Gospel, Jesus paints a picture of mercy as he seeks
to teach his disciples about forgiveness. It’s not always easy
to forgive a neighbor, but as Christians, we must strive to follow Jesus’ example. Like the psalmist, many of us plead that
God will remember the times he bestowed mercy. Do you
remember to be merciful? How can Lent be a turning point
for you? Whom do you need to forgive? Pray for a contrite
heart. Today’s Readings: Daniel 3:25, 34–43; Psalm 25:4–5ab,
6 and 7bc, 8–9; Matthew 18:21–35.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Both readings today speak about the Law. Many people shy
away from this word. Let’s consider it another way. Jesus
says he fulfills the Law. His very presence reveals the
Kingdom and his ministry is about preaching the justice and
peace of God. To follow him means to suffer and to love
one’s neighbor. If we are genuine in this mission and seek
forgiveness when we fail at loving, Jesus says we will be
“great in the kingdom of heaven.” Spend a few moments
examining your conscience. Today’s Readings: Deuteronomy
4:1, 5–9; Psalm 147:12–13, 15–16, 19–20; Matthew 5:17–19.
The Gospel gives us a powerful message today. Jesus combines two great commandments that Moses gave to Israel.
The Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4–5) calls us to love God with
our entire being. Leviticus 19:18 reminds us to also love our
neighbor. The scribe, who had witnessed all the distress
around Jesus, realizes that love, not sacrifices, is what God
desires. Because he realizes this, Jesus tells him he’s not far
from the Kingdom. How do you understand love as your mission? Consider writing down the Shema and using it in
prayer. Today’s Readings: Hosea 14:2–10; Psalm 81:6c–8a,
8bc–9, 10–11ab, 14 and 17; Mark 12:28–34.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
The prophet Hosea is pleading for Israel to return to the love
of the Lord. If they do so, God will heal and revive them.
Hosea reminds us that God desires steadfast love. In the
Gospel, we see this vulnerable love in the tax collector who
honestly approaches God to seek mercy. God will have mercy
on those who love him. Today’s Readings: Hosea 6:1–6;
Psalm 51:3–4, 18–19, 20–21ab; Luke 18:9–14.
© 2016 Liturgy Training Publications. 1-800-933-1800. Written by Timothy A. Johnston. Illustrated by Steve Musgrave.
Scripture quotations are from The New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1993 and 1989 by
the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission.
All rights reserved. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago on August 21, 2015.
Reproducibles for Lent–Triduum–Easter 2016
Purchase a hand made bowl for $20
And enjoy a free bowl of homemade soup
Watch potter Tarin Schneider of Tigard,
throw clay bowls
Friday Evening
March 11th
6:30 pm
in Francis Hall
Proceeds benefit
Our St. Vincent de
Paul Food Pantry
Our bowls being
made by Tarin
Schneider and Bill
Sanchez of Potter’s
Each bowl is unique!
Sponsored by St. Anthony Life, Peace and Justice
Commission and
Potter’s Vineyard in Newberg
Empty Bowls is an
international project to
fight hunger,
personalized on a
community level. The
concept for “Empty
Bowls” is simple.
Sponsors provide hand
made ceramic bowls
and serve a simple
meal. Guests choose a
bowl to use that day and to keep as a
reminder of all the empty bowls in the
world. In exchange for the meal, and the
bowl, guests give a donation to benefit
the St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. St.
Anthony Life, Peace and Justice
Commission and The Potter’s Vineyard
are sponsoring the event along with local
ceramic artists who make the bowls and
donate part of their costs to this worthy