Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Mass Schedule
Misas de los domingos
Rev. Bill Barman,
Parish Office Hours
Horas de Oficina
Rev. Randy Guillen,
Parochial Vicar/Vicario
Mon - Sat / Lunes a Sábado:
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Rev. Loc Tran,
Parochial Vicar/Vicario
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Deacon Ricardo Barraza
Deacon Anthony Bube
Deacon Tin Nguyen
Deacon Tim O’Donoghue
Closed from 12 noon to 1:00 pm /
Cerrado de 12 medio dia a 1:00 pm
Saturday Vigil Mass / Misa del sábado:
5:00 pm ............English Vigil Mass
6:30 pm .... Vietnamese Vigil Mass
Sunday Mass / Misa del domingo:
6:30 am ...............................English
8:00 am .............................. Español
10:00 am .............................English
12:00 noon ......................... Español
5:00 pm ...............................English
7:00 pm .............................. Español
Holy Days as announced
Dias Santos seran anunciados
11712 N. Hewes, Orange, CA 92869
Tel. (714) 633-5800 Fax. (714) 633-8364
Website: email:
Page 2
Year C
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturdays / Sábados................... 8:30 am
Tuesday/martes......................... 6:00 pm
Eucharistic Perpetual Adoration
Adoración Perpetua del Santisimo
21st Day of the Month ............... 7:00 am
.... until 6:15 am the following Morning.
21 dia del mes ............................ 7:00 am
hasta las 6:15 am de la mañana siguiente.
Sacrament of Baptism/Bautismo:
Saturdays / Sábados................. 10:00 am
It is doubtful that Saint Paul, when he sat down to write what we now know as the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians, knew that he was penning what was to become one
of the keystones of Christian ethics. In this brief passage, he set down ideals about love
that have held fast through the centuries. Sometimes we may think that because these
are ideals to which we aspire, we are excused from them in our daily living.
But what Paul was writing was a letter to his friends, providing them with some sound
advice about what it meant—and still means—to live in love, day by day, as a follower
of Christ. We find in his words to his friends a broadening of the great commands of
Jesus to love God and neighbor. Today we hear what this love must look like in our
own actions, and how it ought to guide our relationships with others.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Sacrament of Matrimony/Bodas:
Saturdays / Sábados................................
.......... 12:00 noon, 2:00 pm, & 3:30 pm
Call the Parish Office
Llame a la Oficina de la Parroquia
Jeremías 1:4-5, 17-19
Salmo 71 [70]
1 Corintios 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]
Lucas 4:21-30
Jeremiah 1:4-5, 17-19
Psalm 71
1 Corinthians 12:31 — 13:13 [13:4-13]
Luke 4:21-30
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s
easy! It’s convenient
and secure!
Go online to:
abe dudar que, cuando san Pablo se sentó a escribir lo que ahora conocemos como
el capítulo trece de la primera carta a los corintios, supiera que lo que estaba
escribiendo se convertiría en una clave principal de la ética cristiana. En este breve
pasaje, ha consignado ideales sobre el amor que se han mantenido firmes en el transcurso de los siglos. A veces pensamos que porque estos son sólo ideales a los que uno aspira, estamos libres de no practicarlos en nuestra vida diaria.
Lo que Pablo estaba escribiendo era una carta a sus amigos, dándoles buenos consejos
sobre lo que significaba –y todavía significa– vivir en el amor, día a día, en seguimiento
de Cristo. Encontramos en las palabras a sus amigos una ampliación del gran mandamiento de Jesús de amar a Dios y al prójimo. Hoy en día escuchamos cómo este amor
debe expresarse en nuestras acciones, y cómo debe regir nuestras relaciones con los
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Saturday, January 30
5:00 pm
Manuel Banzon 6:30 pm
Vincente & Maria Sunday, January 31
6:30 am
Virginia Negrete 8:00 am
Andrew Hernandez 10:00 am
Margarita y Alfonso Pastrana 12:00 pm
Francisco Ochoa 5:00 pm
Frank Mendia 7:00 pm
Emmanuel Pinzon Pastrana Monday, February 1
6:30 am
All Souls in Purgatory
7:00 pm
Benditas Almas
Tuesday, February 2
6:30 am
Almas en el Purgatorio
7:00 pm
Phaolo & Teresa Wednesday, February 3
6:30 am
Frank Reynolds 7:00 pm
Ignacio Pineda Thursday, February 4
6:30 am
Bless Immaculate Concepcion
7:00 PM
Adrian Romero Friday, February 5
6:30 am
Vincente 8:15 am
Intentions of Karen Porter
5:00 am
6:30 am
8:15 am
4:00 pm
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
Misa en español
English Mass
English Mass (LP School)
Trilingual Service
Vietnamese Mass
Servicio en español
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light
shine upon them. May their souls and the souds of the
faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
ave reviews greeted Jesus’ first hometown homily proclaiming a year of God’s mercy, but the mood turned
violent when he went on to declare that God’s mercy embraces outsiders; it rejects distinctions between citizen and
foreigner, acceptable and unworthy, even sinner and saint.
Far from being anyone’s personal possession, God’s kingdom is open to everyone, God’s love unconditional, God’s
mercy boundless. By this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Francis repeats Jesus’ challenge in today’s Gospel to broaden our
horizons until our vision matches Jesus’ vision of every sinner as a potential saint, and each suffering stranger as our
neighbor. Jesus, says Pope Francis, continually went beyond
the law, keeping company with public sinners and even sharing meals with them to demonstrate that God’s mercy is “the
beating heart of the Gospel” (Misericordiae Vultus, 12). To
be truly Jesus’ disciples, such unconditional love and boundless mercy must also be at the center of all we say and do.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Papal quotes Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Used with permission.
24 de enero de 2016
Cuarto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
unque con criticas muy favorables recibidas en la primera predicación de Jesús en su pueblo proclamando
un Año de la Misericordia de Dios, pero el estado de animo
se puso violento cuando Jesús habló de la misericordia de
Dios que incluye a los forasteros y rechaza las distinciones
entre ciudadano y extranjero, dignos e indignos, incluso pecador y santo. Muy lejos de ser la posesión personal de alguien, el Reino de Dios está abierto a todos, el amor es incondicional, la misericordia de Dios no tiene fronteras. Para este
Año Jubilar de la Misericordia el Papa Francisco repite el
desafío de Jesús en el Evangelio de hoy para mirar más allá
de nuestros horizontes hasta que veamos lo mismo que Jesús
ve de cada pecador, Jesús ve un santo en potencia, y un
prójimo en cada forastero sufriente. El Papa Francisco dice
que Jesús constantemente fue más allá de la Ley, al estar
continuamente acompañado con pecadores e incluso comer
junto con ellos para demostrar que la misericordia de Dios es
el “corazón palpitante del Evangelio” (Misericodiae Vultus,
12). Para ser verdaderamente discípulos de Jesús, ese amor
incondicional y misericordia sin límites debe estar en el centro de todo lo que decimos y hacemos.
—Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.
Citas del Papa Copyright © 2015, Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Usadas con permiso.
Liduvina Oviedo Héctor Galvan January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 3
We thank everyone who has supported La Purísima Church
this past year with their time, talent, and financial contributions and look forward to support from all of our parishioners
in 2016. If you need a convenient way to make donations, we
encourage you to look into our electronic giving options. As
the pace of life speeds up you may find electronic giving a
most welcome way to make contributions. Visit: or contact the Parish Office for more
information (714) 633-5800.
Most Rev. Kevin Vann,
Principal Celebrant
10:00 am
Our wonderful Prayer Blanket Ministry has gone viral! We
are now receiving many requests for a “Hug from God” and
we need your help. Prayerfully consider donations of fabric,
flannel, yarn (by the pound is preferable but we will take any
and all), and monetary donations. Thank you for your generosity!
10801 Stanford Ave.
Garden Grove, CA 92840
(714) 534-1174
Celebration held in
Honor of
Our Lady of Lourdes
The Prayer Blanket ministry will be distributing blankets to /for anyone who would need or like a blanket after the masses on the weekend of February 6 & 7. Come
and receive a “hug from God”!
Join us for a special Mass including
Anointing of the Sick
Blessing of the
caregiver hands
If you are a Sacristan attending the 8:15 am Mass on Fridays
and would like to help serve, please feel free to join us or call
the school office for more information.
Blessing with Lourdes
Please join us on Wedensday, February 3, 2016 at 6:15 pm at
the main altar of La Purisima Church for a Novena to Honor
our Mother of Perpetual Help. Prayers and Songs are in English and led by Deacon Tony Bube
Please join us after the Novena for a potluck dinner in the
Parish Center.
Sponsored by
Order of Malta
Online Giving! It’s fast! It’s easy!
It’s convenient
and secure!
Go online to:
Page 4 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 31, 2016
We are seeking donations of the following for the ongoing
needs of our pantry:
¾Peanut butter
¾Canned fruit
¾Cash/checks made payable to Trinity Guild (collection
basket or Parish office)
It’s that time again…. La Purísima Fish Fry starts February
12 and will continue for the 6 weeks of Lent every Friday
from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
For those in serious need of food, the pantry is open:
Mondays & Fridays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Mobile Pantry: NORTH Parking Lot
2nd & 4th Wednesday 8:30 am
Cumpliendo con el mandato que hizo Jesús, en el que pedía
que rezáramos por nosotros mismos y por el mundo entero,
los invitamos que nos acompañe a orar la Coronilla de la
Divina Misericordia y agradecer al Señor por su Resurrección.
Miercoles, 3 de febrero a las 6:00 pm en el salon de Trinity
This year all of the proceeds from the Fish Fry will support
La Purísima School for Tuition Scholarships. You can support this worthy cause and have some great fish at the same
time. Please plan to join us this Lent.
You can help us in many ways with your time, talent, and
treasure. We need volunteers to help in all areas of the Fish
Fry (from 4:30 to 8:00 pm). We also need help with set-up
(from 1:30 to 5:00 pm), clean-up (8:00 to 9:30 pm), and
preparation during the week before. Adult volunteers should
contact Frank Micheletti as listed below. Youth volunteers
should contact the Youth Ministry Office. Adult volunteers
can also stop by the Parish Office to fill out a volunteer form.
Donations are also requested to keep food costs down, to
help with the fund raising goals of the Fish Fry, and to keep
it affordable for everyone to enjoy. More details will follow
in the next couple of weeks. We will also continue the “Fish
Fry for All Program”. Your donation of $5.00 will provide a
fish dinner for someone otherwise not able to afford it. Tickets will be distributed by the Trinity Guild. You can make
your donation at the Parish Office or at the Fish Fry.
Please contact Frank Micheletti at (714) 997-7990 or by email at to volunteer or to make a
donation. Donations can also be dropped off at the Parish
and/or School Office. All donations and assistance are greatly appreciated.
Contribution statements for the 2015 tax year will be sent via
mail this week for all donors who have contributed over
$250 for the year. Contribution statements are available to
you upon request for donations below $250. Please call the
Parish Office at (714) 633-5800 and we will generate a statement for you to pick up.
Las fechas de las sesiones de Preparación Matrimonial serán
todos los miércoles, del 8 de abríl hasta el 6 de junio de 7:00
pm a 9:00 pm en el salón de la escuela La Purísima. El precio de las sesiones es $85.00 por pareja, para cubrir el costo
de los materiales. Para obtener más información, por favor
visite la oficina o llame al (714) 633-5800.
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5
Linh M qun nhim cng oàn Trn Quang, Lc (714) 633633-5800, Website ca giáo x: hp://www.lapurisima .net
S 709
c Cha Helder Camara, v# Giám mc n%i ting bênh vc
i nghèo Recife Braxin k li: “Khi tôi n giúp
i nghèo, ng
i ta nói r'ng tôi là mt ông thánh; nhng
khi tôi t cáo các nguyên do a n nghèo ói, ng
i ta li
coi tôi là ng
i quá khích”.
i nào c*ng th, th gian không a các tiên tri. Trong Cu
+c, nhiu v# ã phi cht vì s v ca mình. Nh Giêrêmia,
Dacaria và nhiu v# khác. Còn tiên tri Êlia ch< nh
chy trn
mi có th thoát cht. Chúa Giêsu c*ng không i ngoài qui
lu=t y. Khi n vi nh"ng ng
i b# xã hi loi tr, Ngài s
tr nên ging nh h. Vì s n mt ngày, Ngài s b# iu ra
kh>i thành và b# git trên th=p giá. Tuy nhiên, dù b# e da,
Chúa Giêsu không nao núng. Dù b# mt s ng
i khc t,
i ca Ngài vn ?c loan truyn i khp ni và không gì
có th ngn ch=n ?c.
Ngày hôm nay c*ng nh vào th
i Chúa Giêsu, ng
i ta có
th xua u%i các tiên tri. Ng
i ta có th bt các ngài im lQng
sau song st ca nhà tù. Th kZ 20 ã chng kin nhiu v# t[
o nht trong l#ch s[. Các ngài ã hin thân vì trung thành
vi Chúa Giê su và tin mng ca Ngài. Ng
i ta mun các
ngài im lQng, nhng ng
i ta không th xing xích L
i Chúa.
Chính Chúa Giêsu ã báo trc cho các môn ca Ngài
r'ng: “Ng
i ta s lôi các con ra trc công ngh# và tòa án;
i ta s nói mi iu xu xa chng li các con vì danh
Thy. Nhng ng s?, Thy ã thng th gian”.
Th là mt tin mng n vi chúng ta; nó Qt cho chúng ta
mt câu h>i cn bn: Làm sao tip nh=n tin mng mà
Chúa Giê su ã mang n cho th gian. Chúng ta phi tip
ón các tiên tri ngày nay nh th nào?
Lý thuyt mà nói, tt c chúng ta u tán thành giáo hun ca
Chúa Giêsu. Ít nht, lý trí chúng ta tin r'ng Tin mng là mt
tin vui. H'ng tun, trong các thánh l Ch nh=t, chúng ta
công b L
i Chúa và chúng ta ln ting tuyên xng nim tin
ca mình. Nhng khi ã r
i kh>i nhà th
, thì iu gì s xy
ra? Tin mng là mt l
i luôn luôn %i mi m
i gi chúng ta
sám hi và thay %i t tng. Phi làm sao l
i nói và trn
cuc sng chúng ta càng ngày càng phù h?p vi tình yêu ca
Thiên Chúa. Vì yêu thng, Ng
i ã không ngng g[i các
tiên tri n vi chúng ta cht vn lng tâm chúng ta.
Chng tá và l
i ca các ngài có th quy ry chúng ta, th=m
chí khin chúng ta tc gi=n, phi ó li là nh"ng c hi quí
giá giúp chúng ta kh>i gii thoát chính mình và kh>i cách
sng ích k< ca chúng ta. Thiên Chúa bit rõ tâm hn h]p hòi
ca chúng ta, nhng không t khc và lên án chúng ta, trái
li Ng
i tìm mi cách %i mi chúng ta. Vì th chúng ta
tránh t=t xu thích la chn nh"ng gì phù h?p vi mình và t
Page 6 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
khc nh"ng gì không thích h?p. Nu không, chúng ta có
nguy c chu^n b# trong mt góc tâm hn chúng ta t chi
Tin mng hôm nay cho chúng ta thy Chúa Giêsu dn thân
vào s v loan báo tin mng cho ng
i nghèo khó mà Thiên
Chúa Cha ã giao phó. Ngài ã i vào mt môi tr
ng hoàn
toàn bt l?i và xung khc vi Ngài, nhng Ngài ã không lùi
bc, trái li, Ngài ã trung thành cho n giây phút cui
cùng. Còn chúng ta, vì ã ?c r[a ti và thêm sc, tt c
chúng ta ?c liên kt vào trong s v y. Và c*ng nh
Ngài, có th chúng ta s gQp chng i. Mang trong mình
chng t ca tình yêu cu ca Thiên Chúa, ngày nay,
i ki tô h"u d b# phê phán và b# ch nho, và phi i
ng?c dòng vi tâm tng ca th gian. Nu chúng ta trung
thành vi c Ki tô, thì không gì có th tách r
i chúng ta
kh>i tình yêu ca Ngài. L
i Ngài là l
i mang li s Sng i
i. Khi tip nh=n l
i tin mng, chúng ta có th gi" ?c
nim hy vng trong chúng ta. (Lm Phaolo Nguyn Vn
Cng oàn s có chu Thánh Th u tháng vào th Ba ngày
2 tháng 2. Kính m
i cng oàn dân Chúa n tham d phiên
chu bt u lúc 6:30 chiu do hi Bo V S Sng ph
Cng oàn Orange s có Thánh L Tt lúc 6:30 chiu th
By ngày 6 tháng 2 nm 2016. Sau Thánh l, cha qun nhim
s lì xì u nm. Kính m
i cng oàn dân Chúa tham d
ông .
Ban Chp Hành cng oàn kính m
i cng oàn dân Chúa
tham d tic liên hoan tt niên ti hi tr
ng, ngay sau thánh
l chiu th By ngày 6 tháng 2. Ngoài n tic Tt và phn
vn ngh, s có rút thm ly hên u nm.
Trung Tâm Công Giáo s có thánh l Minh Niên vào ngày
th Hai 8 tháng Hai, bt u vi chng trình Xuân vào lúc
9 gi
sáng. c Cha Mai Thanh Lng và c Cha Kevin
Vann s ng t. Sau thánh l, quý Cha s phát lc Xuân cho
tt c mi ng
i n tham d.
Giáo x ã gi qua bu in mu óng góp khu tr thu,
n nh"ng giáo dân ã dâng cúng trên 250 dollars trong nm
2015. Nh"ng quí v# óng góp di 250 dollars, xin liên lc
vi vn phòng giáo x nu cn giy tr thu này.
January 31, 2016
Pam Hurwitz or Teresa Olivier .................................................
Elizabeth Carrillo ....................................................................
Claudia Pham
All High School Teens are invited to attend our monthly
youth nights! Our upcoming nights will be February 28,
March 13, and April 10.
On January 23, a couple of the young adults from our community delivered the donations collected from our American
Family Housing Play Therapy Drive. Together our community donated hundreds of toys, games, and books along with
a check for $1,730.00 from the monies collected from the
Car Blessing Donations. The blessing of cars was a huge
success as there has been an uptake of courtesy and safe
driving through out the City of Orange. Thank you for
Don’t miss out! Our high school community comes together
to play games such as January’s “Puking Rainbow or Not.”
Each night this year we will grow in our discipleship by
learning and living out this Year of Mercy!
***Stop by our youth office and check out our new blackboards for the full month to month calendar.
The Young Adult House at LP is coming! Please join us this
Sunday, January 31, after the 10:00 am and 12:00 noon Mass
in the Youth and Family Center to begin this journey. Meet
young adults and mentors who have experienced the benefits
of community living. We will also be hosting a Young Adult
House at LP informational meeting on February 21, after the
10:00 am and 12:00 noon Mass in the Youth and Family
Center where we will share specifics and answer questions
regarding the Young Adult House at LP and our application
Sports Day Monday is open to all high school youth.
Deportes Lunes! Todos los jovens en la prepa son bienvenidos!
Please mark your calendar for our Confirmation Ceremony, which will be on Monday, April 25, 2016 at 5:00 pm.
The Confirmation Rehearsal will be the day before on
Sunday, April 24 at 3:00 pm in the church. All students
MUST be accompanied by their sponsor! Sponsor forms
are DUE by Friday, February 19. Please email Claudia for
any questions at
The Confirmation II Retreat (for year 2 students only) will
be on March 4-6, 2016 in Big Bear, CA. There will be a
January 31, 2016
PARENT ONLY meeting about the retreat on February 8,
2016 at 6:30 pm in the School Hall. This meeting is very
important! If you cannot make it, please email Claudia at to schedule an appointment.
There will be a SPONSOR MEETING on Sunday, February 21st at 3pm for all Sunday year two students. There
will be a SPONSOR MEETING on Monday, February
22nd at 6:30pm for Monday year two students. A part of
the meeting will be spent with the student, so it is important Sponsors come on the same day as the student.
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 7
La Purísima Parish School / Escuela Parroquial La Purísima (714) 633-5411
In Association with the Sisters of the Company of Mary / Associados con las Hermanas de la Compañía de María
Annette Zaleski, Principal/Directora
It’s never too early to research your children’s schooling
options. If you are interested in a Catholic School education
for your child, please call to schedule a tour at LP now that
classes are back in session. We welcome visitors most any
time during the year. La Purísima offers both half-day and
full-day preschool and full-day Transitional Kindergarten
through 8th grade. The school is fully accredited by the
Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and
the Western Catholic Education Association (WCEA). The
preschool is also fully licensed by the state of California. For
more information, call (714) 633-5411 or visit
Open House is over, but you can always come in for a
tour. Welcome Day for prospective students will be on Tuesday, April 5. All students thinking about enrolling for the
2016-2017 school year are invited to sign up through the
school office.
K of C presented the school with 2 new soccer balls
Buy your gift cards at La Purísima School office! Support
your Parish school by buying gift cards (also known as scrip)
to your favorite stores, restaurants, movie theaters, online
retailers, even gas stations, and grocery stores! If we don't
have it in stock, we can probably order it. It doesn't cost any
extra for you, but the school receives a bonus for selling the
gift card. So, you can support our Parish school without
spending any extra money. Come in to the School Office
during school hours and buy some gift cards! Cash or check
Father/Daughter and Mother/Son events: Every year, LP has
a father/daughter dance and a mother/son event. Those will
be coming up soon in the LP calendar.
All school families and parishioners are invited to La Purísima School’s Cavalier Spaghetti Dinner and Auction fundraiser on Saturday, March 19, from 5:00 to 9:00 pm in the
School Hall. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for children.
Purchase your tickets by March 11, and receive one free
chance auction ticket per dinner ticket. If you would like to
donate and item for the Silent Auction or Chance Auction or
become a table, bar or food sponsor, please contact the
school office at (714) 633-5411.
Page 8 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Congratulations to the winners of the poster & essay contest:
¾Monica Hyndman in 7th grade for her Anti-Drug Abuse
campaign poster
¾Paul Pham also in 7th grade for this Anti-Alcohol Abuse
campaign poster.
¾Eight grader Geordie Taber’s essay on the Responsibility of a Catholic in a Free Society won First Place from
Council 4922 and will be submitted for State Competition.
January 31, 2016
El Papa Francisco ha llamado a la comunidad católica a
tomar parte en la lucha contra la trata de personas. La trata
de personas es la 2da empresa ilegal más grande y de crecimiento más rápido en el Sur de California. Sin embargo,
dado que está creciendo a un ritmo más rápido que el tráfico
de drogas, podría convertirse en la mayor industria ilegal en
unos pocos años con nuestros hijos siendo el objetivo principal para el tráfico de sexo. El tráfico laboral es un problema
aún más grande en todo el mundo y persiste en barrios locales, hogares, empresas e industrias. El 8 de Febrero es el
día de Santa Josefina Bakhita quien fue secuestrada y fue
vendida a la esclavitud en los años 1800. En el día de su santo, se le pide a la comunidad católica a orar y tomar acción
en la lucha contra la trata de personas. Tres acciones que
podemos tomar que harán la diferencia son:
1. Orar por la sanación de las víctimas y para que Dios
cambie el corazón de los traficantes.
2. Proteger a las víctimas más probables. La victimas más
probables de la trata de personas son los hijos de crianza, los jóvenes sin hogar, los pobres y los inmigrantes.
Por esta razón podemos considerar la posibilidad de
convertirnos en padres de crianza y mentores. También
podemos ser voluntarios para Caridades Católicas, la
cual es la caridad más grande en los Estados Unidos con
un enfoque en el cuidado de los pobres y los inmigrantes.
3. Asegurarse de que cualquier compra de productos importados como el té, café y azúcar, estén marcados
“comercio justo”, lo que significa que no fue utilizada
mano de obra esclava en el cultivo, fabricación y distribución de ese producto.
Más información en:
Heart of Jesus Retreat Center
Tuesday, February 16, 5:30 – 9:00 pm, or
Wednesday, February 17, 9:30 am - 12:00 noon
Please call or email for more details.
Space is limited, RSVP by February 10
(714) 557-4538 or
2927 S Greenville St. Santa Ana, CA 92704
JANUARY 10, 2016
Envelopes: 365
Mail In:
Pope Francis has called the Catholic community to engage in
the fight against Human Trafficking. Human Trafficking is
the 2nd largest and fastest growing illegal enterprise in
Southern California. However, given that is it growing faster
than drug Trafficking, it could become the largest illegal
enterprise in a few short years with our children being the
main target for sex trafficking. Labor trafficking is an even
greater problem worldwide, and persists in local neighborhoods, households, businesses, and industries. February 8 is
the feast day of St. Josephine Bakhita who was kidnapped
and sold into slavery in the late 1800’s. On her feast day the
Catholic community is asked to pray and take action in the
fight against Human Trafficking. Three actions that we can
take that will make a difference are:
1. Pray for the healing of the victims and that God will
change the heart of the Traffickers.
2. Protect the most likely victims. The most likely victims
of Human Trafficking are foster children, homeless
youth, the poor, and immigrants. For that reason we can
consider becoming foster parents and mentors. We can
also volunteer for Catholic Charities, which is the largest
charity in the U.S. with a focus on taking care of the
poor and immigrants.
3. Make sure that for any purchase of imported products
like tea, coffee and sugar, those products are marked
“fair trade” meaning no slave labor was used in the
growing, manufacturing and distribution of that product.
More at:
We kindly ask that bulletin articles for:
Sunday, February 14, be submitted by
Noon on Friday, February 5.
Please email:
January 31, 2016
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 9
La Purísima Catholic Church – Fish Fry
February 12 through March 18 (six weeks)
Could your business use an affordable means of advertising to Fish Fry supporters? Would you
like to congratulate La Purísima Catholic School in providing faith-filled academic excellence to
this community? Is there a special student or friends who deserves shout out?
Our weekly Fish Fries brings together our community in a faith-filled setting, approximately 500
in attendance each week. Buy a square (business card size) in our weekly placemats used for the
Fish Fry and reach out to hundreds of people each week. You may buy one, two, or as many as six
weeks of advertising space. Each square is $25 a week. Space is limited so reserve your spot today.
Proceeds support LPCS Tuition Assistance!
Phone Number
Business Name:
In which week (s) would you like your ad to run?
‰ Week 1 – Feb. 12
‰ Week 2 – Feb. 19
‰ Week 4 – Mar. 4
‰ Week 5 – Mar. 11
‰ Week 3 – Feb. 26
‰ Week 6 – Mar. 18
Amount enclosed - Number of weeks _____________x $25 =________________
Attach a business card, or add a three line message in the space below.
Thank you for supporting
La Purísima Catholic School!