Sunday - St Anthony`s


Sunday - St Anthony`s
January 03, 2016
They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering
the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. The
prostrated themselves and did him homage.
9905 SW MCKENZIE ST., TIGARD, OR 97223 (503)639-4179
Saturday Sábado 5:00 pm-English
Sunday Domingo 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 11:00 AM in English
1:30 PM in Vietnamese
4:00 PM en Español
7:00 PM Youth
DAILY MASS Misa Diaria
8:30 AM Monday-Saturday
6:30 PM Thursday in Vietnamese
Call the Parish office
Monday-Friday 8:30 am—5:00 pm Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am– Noon
Monday-Friday 8:30 am—5:00 pm Tue-Thurs 6:30- 9:00 pm
Saturday 8:30 am– Noon
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment
Pray Gratefully, Serve Responsibly, Give Generously
Page 2
Resolution or real change? You
know, I do not make any new year’s
resolutions because after the first
week in January I’m back to my old
habits. We are seeing a lot of commercials about fitness and health
clubs, weight loss programs and so
Fr. John Henderson
on. You decide to join but after a
few sessions, you say to yourself, “okay that was fun.”
New Year’s resolutions are nice gestures that make us
feel good for a brief moment but what about the rest of
your life?
God gave us a tremendous gift of love and new life. If
you want real change, a new way of living, then come to
know Jesus Christ, the light of the world. This new
born child is calling you to newness of life. If you want
to see lasting change then first of all, accept the call and
say, “Yes Lord, I want to accept you in my life.” “I want
you to be my way, my truth and my life.” “I do not want
for anything else but you.” Now we are getting somewhere. When you and I come to accept Jesus and really
build a solid relationship with Jesus then we will find
other things automatically changing in our lives. Instead of saying what you are going to do in the New
Year, let Jesus guide you. “Jesus what do You want for
me?” “Not my will but yours be done.”
Believe you me, conversion happens and new life begins. Okay, so let’s get to the facts:
• Accept Jesus in your life.
• Go to mass every Sunday and Holy Day. (If you
want, go every day!)
• Pray every day, morning, noon and night. Read
the Bible and pray the rosary!
• Go through the door of mercy, the sacrament of
• See each person as a gift from God and serve
others especially those in need.
• Spend time in fasting; eat less so that your
heart, not your stomach is satisfied.
• Give of your time, talent and treasure.
Have a great New Year and let God’s mercy flow deep
in your life. May god bless you and let’s
make 2016 our best year ever.
Your friend,
Rev. John Henderson, Pastor
(503)639-4179 x 112 /
Rev. Julio Torres
(503)639-4179 x 119 /
Rev. Manuel Becerra
(503)639-4179 x 113 /
Marco Espinoza, Deacon Hispanic Ministry
(503)639-4179 x129 /
David Hammes, Deacon
(503) 639-4179 x 139/
Gerlinde Lamer , Director of Adult Faith Formation
(503)639-4179 x122/
Cindy Marchese , Director of Religious Education
(503)639-4179 x121/
Mary Hanlen, Director of Youth Ministry
(503)639-4179 x128/
Nichlas Schaal , Director of Music
(503)-639-4179x125 /
Andrew Nichols , Principal of School
(503)-639-4179x 223 /
Sally Plasker, Vice Principal of School
(503)-639-4179 x 224/
Tom Barr, Business Manager
(503)-639-4179 x 114/
Kathy Fedr, RE and Youth Ministry Coordinator
(503)639-4179 x 123 /
Jeanette Gent , Financial Services
(503)639-4179 x 115/
Jean Stein, Financial Services
(503)639-4179 x 115/
Mark Wills, Information Technology
(503)639-4179 x 124/
Lucille Borsch, Receptionist / Secretary
(503)639-4179 x 0 /
Viridiana Morales , Evening Receptionist
(503)639-4179 x 0 /
Steve Morton , Custodial Team (head)
(503)639-4179 x 116 /
Support the businesses that help make this
bulletin free to the church.
This week’s Advertiser of the Week is:
Davidson’s Casual Dining
Fr. John
St. Anthony Parish
9905 SW McKenzie St.,
Tigard, OR 97223
Phone: 503-639-4179
Fax: 503-624-2364
Page 3
Jesus, our most loving redeemer,
You came to enlighten the world
with your teaching and example.
You willed to spend the greater part of Your life
in humble obedience to Mary and Joseph
in the poor home of Nazareth.
In this way, You sanctified that family,
which was to be an example for all Christian families.
Graciously accept our family,
which we dedicate and consecrate to You this day.
Be pleased to protect, guard, and keep it
in holy fear, in peace,
and in the harmony of Christian charity.
By conforming ourselves to the Divine model
of Your family,
may we attain to eternal happiness.
New St. Joseph People's Prayer Book
July 1st-December 20th
(difference between 2014 & 2015 giving)
Variance ($)
Variance (%)
Readings for the Week of
January 3, 2016
Sunday: Is 60:1-6/Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-13/Eph
3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12
Monday: 1 Jn 3:22--4:6/Ps 2:7-8, 10-12/Mt
4:12-17, 23-25
Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10/Ps 72:1-4, 7-8/Mk 6:3444
Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18/Ps 72:1-2, 10, 1213/Mk 6:45-52
Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19--5:4/Ps 72:1-2, 14-15,
17/Lk 4:14-22a
Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13/Ps 147:12-15, 19-20/Lk
Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21/Ps 149:1-6, 9/Jn 3:2230
Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11 or Is 42:1-4, 6-7/Ps
104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30/Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7 or Acts
10:34-38/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
(See’s reading)
The Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as
Messiah of Israel, Son of God and Savior of
the world. The great feast of Epiphany celebrates the adoration of Jesus by the wise men
(magi) from the East, together with his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast at
Cana in Galilee. In the magi, representatives
of the neighboring pagan religions, the Gospel sees the first-fruits of the nations, who
welcome the good news of salvation through
the Incarnation. The magi’s coming to Jerusalem in order to pay homage to the king of
the Jews shows that they seek in Israel, in the
messianic light of the star of David, the one
who will be king of the nations. Their coming
means that pagans can discover Jesus and
worship him as Son of God and Savior of the
world only by turning toward the Jews and
receiving from them the messianic promise as
contained in the Old Testament. The Epiphany shows that “the full number of the nations” now takes its
“place in the family of
the patriarchs,” and
acquires Israelitica dignitas (are made
“worthy of the heritage
of Israel”). (CCC)
Page 4
Parish office hrs Mon-Friday
8:30 –12PM 12:30 - 5PM
Evening hrs
Tues-Thurs 6:30-9pm
ESL(English as a Second Language)
Anamaria Torres and Jorge Londono
Thomas Barr
Facility Rental
(503)639-4179 ext. 114
St. Anthony School
After hours sacramental emergencies call:
541--230-4494 and leave a message
Julie Stump
Clergy 503-639-4179
Faith Formation
Sally Plasker – Vice Principal
Fr. John Henderson, Pastor x112
Fr. Manuel Beccera, Parochial Vicar x113
Fr. Julio Torres, Parochial Vicar x119
Deacon Marco Espinoza x129
Deacon David Hammes x139
Cindy Marchese – Preschool-8th
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Cindy Marchese – Sacramental Prep
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Mary Hanlen, Youth Ministry
(503)639-4179 ext. 128
Kathy Fedr, RE and Youth Ministry Coordinator
(503)639-4179 ext. 123
(503)639-4179 ext. 214
Adult Faith Formation
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Andrew Nichols – Principal
(503)639-4179 ext. 213
Clare Jaramillo – Assistant
(503)639-4179 ext. 222
Linda Olsen – Office
(503)639-4179 ext. 244
Julie Stump – After School Care
(503)639-4179 ext.
Funeral Coordination
Annulment Advocacy
Fr. John Henderson
(503)639-4179 ext. 112
Deacon Marco Espinosa
(503)639-4179 ext. 129
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Sunday Nursery
Knights of Columbus
(503)639-4179 ext. 121
Scott Young 503-590-6917
Cindy Marchese
Toni Stotts
Archdiocese of Portland
Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Marco Espinoza
(503)639-4179 ext.129
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Steve Morton
(503)639-4179 ext. 116
(503)639-4179 ext. 112
Ministry of the Sick and Homebound
(503)639-4179 ext. 129
Business Office
Fr. John Henderson
Deacon Marco Espinoza
Diane Bohan
Tom Barr
(503)639-4179 ext. 114
Music Ministry
Nichlas Schaal (English)
503-639-4179 ext 125
Catholic Daughters
Marilyn Isaac
Finance Office
Jeanette Gent
Jean Stein
(503)639-4179 ext. 115
Bulletin Items/ Mass Announcements
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Community Resources
St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry
Phiet Loung Vietnamese
Pantry hrs/utility/rental assistance
Gerlinde Lamer Spanish
503-639-4179 ext.122
Life, Peace and Justice
Jim Haberski
Good Neighbor Center/Shelter
Sue Sammons
Prayer and Worship
Caring Closet
Fr. Manuel Becerra
(503)639-4179 ext. 113
Paul Lamer
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
RCIA / Returning Catholics
Tri-County Help Line
Care to Share – Food
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Care to Share - Utilities
Geneva Stegemoller
Community Café
Steve Kemp
Confirmation (Adult)
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Wedding Preparation
Mary Corey
(503)639-4179 ext. 128
Reception /Parish Office / Mass Intentions
Lucille Borsch (day time)
Viridiana Morales (evenings and Saturday)
(503)639-4179 ext. 0
Love Inc.
Sanctity of Life
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Union Gospel Mission Thrift Store
Severe Weather Shelter
Carol Herron
St. Vincent De Paul Tigard
Dick Bailey
St. Vincent de Paul Vol. Coordinator
Gerlinde Lamer
(503)639-4179 ext. 122
Page 5
January 3rd
January 4th
January 5th
3 de enero
4 de enero
5 de enero
7 am Paul Thien
8:30 am Diane Lung
11 am People of St. Anthony
1:30 pm
7 pm Scott Volk
8:30 am Patricia Foran
8:30 am Carlos Arellano
7am Mass (Church)
No School Christmas Break
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church)
11 am St. Vincent de Paul Meeting
6:45 pm Band practice (Church)
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church) English
9:15 am Women’s Bible Study (parish library)
6:30 pm ESL (Middle School)
7:30 - 12:30 pm Fellowship (Gathering space)
8:30 am Mass (Church)
8:30 am Sunday Religious Education (School,
Youth Center, O’Reilly hall and Middle school)
11 am Mass (Church)
1:30 pm mass Vietnamese (Church)
7 pm Choir practice Spanish (Church)
Pastoral Council (Upper Room)
4:00 pm Mass Spanish (Church)
5 pm Youth Life (Francis hall)
5:30 pm Community Café (school)
7 pm Youth Mass (Church)
January 6th
6 de enero
January 7th
7 de enero
January 8th
8 de enero
8:30 am Salvador Arellano Jr.
8:30 am
8:30 am Ann Holton
8:30 am Daily mass
9:15 am Quilt Tying (parish library)
6 pm Mass Spanish (Church)
7 pm Choir practice (Church)
Knights of Columbus (O’Reilly hall)
8:30 am Daily Mass
9:15 am Women’s Faith Sharing (parish
6:30 Mass Vietnamese (Church)
ESL classes (middle school)
8:30 am Daily Mass (Church)
10 am Making Rosaries (Upper Room)
6:30 pm 1st Reconciliation Retreat (Francis
January 9th
9 de enero
January 10th
10 de enero
8:30 am Paul Phuc
5 pm Joan Raglione
7 am
8:30 am
11 am
1:30 pm
For those who have died:
7 am Men’s Bible Study (upstairs kitchen)
8:30 am Mass (Church)
9:30 am 1st Reconciliation Retreat
(Francis Hall)
2 pm Baptism Spanish (Church)
3:30 pm Confessions
5 pm Mass (Church)
7 am Mass (Church)
New Parishioners:
7 - 12:30 pm Fellowship (Gathering Space)
8:30 am— 1:30 pm Religious Education
8:30 am Mass (Church)
9:45 am Teen Confirmation
11 am Mass (Church)
1:30 pm Mass Vietnamese (Church)
4 pm Mass Spanish (Church)
5 pm Youth Life
5:30 pm Community Café (School)
7 pm Mass (Church)
Page 6
Children’s Sacrament Preparation News
Contact: Cindy Marchese at 503-639-4179 x121 or
Sunday Religious Education Classes
Classes January 3, 2016
Preschool: 8:30-9:30 AM—Main School
1st-8th Grades: 9:45-10:45 AM—School
Please contact Cindy at the parish office for information
503-639-4179 x121 or
Happy New Year!
Middle School Youth
Middle School Youth Life is held on Sunday
mornings from 9:45-10:45 AM in the main
school. All youth are invited to attend including
On January 3rd we begin the first session of
three from Theology of the Body—Who Am I,
Discovering my True Identity. The adolescent
years are exciting yet challenging for our youth
and their families. This series is geared for this
age group as they learn more about themselves
and relationships with others.
Call Kathy Fedr at (503) 639-4179, Ext. 123 or
email at for information..
UPCOMING: Middle School Ice Skating
social in January! More info to come!
The Next...
5th Sunday Family
Mark your calendars now for our next 5th Sunday Event, Festival of Mercy, on January 31,
2016. We’d love to fill Francis Hall with families!
5-6:30 PM. Contact Cindy for more information.
503-639-4179 x121.
1st Reconciliation
Families have now completed God’s Gift, Reconciliation book with their children. The next step
in preparation for this sacrament is our retreat!
See you all soon!
Our Family Reconciliation Retreat is coming!
This Friday, January 8th or Saturday,
January 9th. All 1st Reconciliation children
and at least one parent should attend one of
these retreats. Friday’s retreat starts at 6:30
PM, Saturday’s retreat at 9:30 AM. Come to the
Community Center gathering area!
Parents of 2nd & 3rd graders preparing for 1st
Communion...If you haven’t completed the Baptism Verification form and/or turned in a copy
of your child’s baptism certificate, please do so
as soon as possible. Bring to Cindy on Sunday
mornings or to the parish office during the
week. Contact Cindy with questions.
Do you have a child that you
would like to baptize? Have
you been asked to be a Godmother or Godfather for a
child? Our next class for the
preparation of infant baptism is Wednesday January 13th at 7 PM . For
questions or to make an appointment please call
503-639-4179 ext. 122 or email
Page 7
Saint Anthony’s Life
Teen is a ministry
open to all high school
students. We meet
Sundays at 5:00,
starting with dinner,
and ending at 6:45
before Mass. Newcomers and visitors
are always welcome—
just walk in the door, write down a few pieces
of information, and join the celebration! Any
teen is invited to visit or join our Life Teen
family. We pick back up on January 3rd.
This week at Life Night:
Epiphany Party
Have you encountered Christ? Have you experienced the joy of waiting, seeking, and at
least, finding Him? Come celebrate at our
Epiphany party! Food, drinks, music, and the
Christmas Season.
Prior to the school’s Christmas break, students came together for their school wide Advent project for the benefit
of veterans at the VA Hospital. Each grade was asked to
donate a specific item for gift bags for the patients.
Enough items were collected to make up 144 gift bags and
were personally delivered to veterans at the VA Hospital.
The veterans openly shared stories about themselves. One
gentleman shared stories about his military service and
how he lost friends in Vietnam. All present listened intently and at the conclusion, students thanked him for his
service. One young student without hesitation moved towards his bedside and wrapped her arms around him in a
wonderful spontaneous hug.
Summer Mission Trip
Come be part of our summer Mission to Reno,
NV! This is a week-long experience you’ll
never forget, taking place the first week in
Believe in our Teens?
We need your help! There’s so much that
goes in to serving, and we can’t do it alone.
Decorating, building, grunt work… all of
these go in to our life nights, not to mention serving our teens face-to-face. If you
can help, please call and let us know!
With any and all questions or concerns,
call Mary at 503-639-4179 x128
This simple, compassionate gesture by one so young
moved a great number in the group to tears. The group
wished him a Merry Christmas and said they hoped he felt
better and soon. Although the students continued on to
visit other veterans, it was through that first visit with that
first veteran that the students understood a little better
why they were there.
Open House
January 31, 2016; 9:30am-2:30pm
Clare Jaramillo, Enrollment
503/639-4179, ext. 222
Page 8
Minutes of Life, Justice & Peace meeting for 11-12- 2015
Attending: Sue, Elise, Larry, Priscilla
Events and Projects:
Unplugging the Christmas Machine class by Gerlinde –Class is to be held on Saturday, November 7th,
from 9am-2pm. Currently no one has preregistered for the class. She downloaded course materials off
the web and is ready to go if someone comes to the class.
Catholic Campaign for Human Development – Nov 21st & 22nd at Mass – 2nd Collection is the only 2nd collection dedicated to social justice. Handout from Archdiocese on “10 Reasons to Promote the Catholic
Campaign for Human Development”.
Jubilee Year of Mercy – starts December 8th, 2015. Handout from Archdiocese with 14 things to do in our
daily lives throughout this year. We can use this as a means of developing our Social Justice bulletin column for the year incorporating one item each week.
Laudato Si’ Faith Sharing Guide for Lent – Handout from Archdiocese, written by Matt Cato and Brother
Cyril, who will be hosting a retreat on Saturday Jan.30th to train people to facilitate the classes.
Recruiting new members for LJP Committee: Workshop at Archdiocese taught by Sr. Rita to be held on
Nov. 30th, Dec. 1 & 2nd from 7-8:30pm Elise suggested via Gerlinde and the school, to reach out to young
parents. The school parents are required to volunteer for a ministry for a year versus doing share hours
now. Priscilla suggested prayer in humility, (? A great story of compassion and mercy?) I missed something here.
Laudato Si’: We are continuing to read the encyclical for ourselves and can go to the Jan. 30th retreat/
training for the Lenten Faith Sharing Program with Br. Cyril at the Archdiocese.
Fair Trade – Elise will investigate options and talk to the SCRIP folks at the school.
Speakers – Everyone look for speakers that could appeal to our parishioners.
Next meeting Dec. 10th.
Blood Drive Thursday, January 14, 2015, 2:00 pm To 7:00 pm
In St. Anthony’s Francis Hall
There is always a need for blood, especially this time of the year.
Some facts about blood needs:
Every 2 seconds someone in the US needs blood
More than 44,000 blood donations are needed every day
The average blood red sell transfusion is about 3 pints
A single car accident victim can require as many as 100 pints of blood
Four types of products can be derived from blood, red cells, platelets, plasma, and cryoprecipitate. Typically 2 or 3
of these products are produced from 1 pint of blood; hence each donation can save up to 3 lives.
To make an appointment call or email Steve Kraemer at 503-639-3136, or or you may sign
up in the main entrance of the church.
Page 9
Second Saturdays and Seconds Sundays
Our faith community is need on the 2nd Saturday of
each month
5 PM: 4 Eucharistic ministers, and 2 Welcome Ministers.
Our faith community is need on the 2nd Sunday of
each month:
8:30 AM—1 Eucharistic Minister and 1 Welcome ministers
11 AM - 2 Eucharistic Ministers and 4 Welcome ministers
7 PM - 5 Eucharistic Ministers—1 Lector—6 Welcome
Please prayerfully consider how God is calling you.
Training is provided!
Contact Fr. Manuel at 53-639-4179 ext. 113 or for more information.
Jan. 9th and 10th
Saturday 5pm
Fr. Julio Torres
Deacon David Hammes
Sunday 7 AM
Fr. Manuel Becerra
Deacon David Hammes
Sunday 8:30 AM
Fr. John Henderson
Sunday 11 AM
Fr. Julio Torres
Deacon David Hammes
Sunday 7 PM
Fr. John Henderson
Please keep all of our 1st Reconciliation children and their parents in your
prayers! For our retreat this weekend
and for individual confessions which
will begin Saturday through May 14th.
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Ministry of Welcome
Leslie Froman
Donna Young
Michael Hortsch
Susie Clinton
Helen Hortsch
Cheryl Binion
Jennifer Gatto
Sharon Hummert
Mike Wilcoxen
Jim Lucia
Marlene Lucia
Kathy Romero
Opening (2)
Joy LaRusso
Jackie Powell
Pedro Mercado
Monica Dexheimer
Ana Maria Mercado
Kevin Ferrasci O’Malley
Joy Olmstead
Thomas Bohan
Diane Bohan
Marlys Kuhn
Eileen Weinstein
Loretta Olasfson
Opening (1)
Mike Kennedy
Joyce Rollosson
Kevin Heller
Ron Gustin
Ruth Chabreck
Christy Jones
Mark Bogert
Mary Bogert
Tammy Gustin
Donna Minor
Openings ( 2)
Joshua Jones
Donna Lane
Stephen Fausti
Ginger Dearey
Rusty Minor
John Davidson
John Boekeloo
Jerry Linder
Jim Rosemeyer
Robert Pham
Karichi Boekeloo
Openings (1)
Paul L’Esperance
Helen Comstock
Patrick Servatius
Nancy Blankenship
Veronica Servatius
Aurora Amparo
Janet Bruno
Charlie Keller
Dale Potts
Monica Vallejos
Openings (2)
Joyce Ochsner
Ann Pete
Jim Kahut
Susan Kahut
Guillermo Chamorro
Marianne Potts
Edward Kachnik
Jeanne Nicholson
Openings (4)
Openings (6)
Emilie Turpen
Openings (1)
Openings (6)
Page 10
Fr. Richard Hart
Parish Mission
February 21st thru the 24th
Why do we need to share our faith?
How to share our faith
How forgiving are we?
Have you a desire to know about the Catholic faith? Has
God been nudging you to get to
know him better? Have you been
away from your community and
want to return but are not sure
how? Beginning Wednesday
January 6th a new series of inquiry sessions begin at 7 PM. Call
Gerlinde at 503-639-4179 ext. 122
or email for
questions or more information.
Please pray for our Catechumenates
What are you asked to do in
The Jubilee Year of Mercy?
Rediscover the value of silence and meditate on the
Word that comes to us.
Forgive others.
Let go of anger, wrath, violence and revenge.
Live joyfully.
Accept God’s mercy and forgiveness and celebrate
the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Witness – Act – without judgment and without condemnation.
Incorporate the Corporal Works of Mercy and the
Spiritual Works of Mercy in your daily life.
Open your eyes and see the misery of the world;
open your hearts to those living on the outermost
fringes of society; today’s excluded – the outcasts, the “leftovers.”
In your own life, and in your faith community, ponder how you work for justice.
Reflect on whether you seek to address the root
causes of problems that affect those who are vulnerable.
Live a life marked by fairness and charity; generosity and courtesy.
During this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy,
the members of your Life, Justice & Peace commission hope to offer ideas to help you answer the call
of Pope Francis to
• (those to be Baptized)
Julie, Josephine, Dulce and Daniela
Please pray for our Candidates
(those to be received into full communion)
Ron, Saul, Evelin, Anel, Jose, Christine
Alvaro and Angel.
You may send them notes of encouragement—
simply write a note put their name on the front
of the envelope and drop it by the parish office
and we will be sure that they receive them.
Live a “Year of the Lord’s Mercy”
Prayer For The New Year
On New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, the household
gathers at the table or at the Christmas tree or manger
scene. Many people make New Year’s Day a day of prayer
for peace.
All make the sign of the cross. The leader begins:
Let us praise the Lord of days and seasons and years,
Glory to God in the highest!
R/. And peace to his people on earth!
The leader may use these or similar words to introduce the blessing:
Our lives are made of days and nights, of seasons and
years, for we are part of a universe of suns and moons
and planets. We mark ends and we make beginnings and,
in all, we praise God for the grace and mercy that fill our
days. Then the Scripture is read, Book of Genesis 1:1419:
Listen to the words of the Book of Genesis:
God said: “Let there be lights in the dome of the sky, to
separate day from night. Let them mark the fixed times,
the days and the years, and serve as luminaries in the
dome of the sky, to shed light upon the earth.” And so it
happened: God made the two great lights, the greater
one to govern the day, and the lesser one to govern the
night; and he made the stars. God set them in the dome
of the sky, to shed light upon the earth, to govern the day
and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw how good it was. Evening came, and
morning followed—the fourth day.
(The family’s Bible may be used for an alternate reading
such as Psalm 90:1-4.)
Reader: The Word of the Lord.
R/. Thanks be to God.
After a time of silence, members of the household offer
prayers of thanksgiving for the past year, and of intercession for the year to come.
Let us now pray for God’s blessing in the new
After a short silence, parents may place their
hands on their children in blessing as the leader
Remember us, O God;
from age to age be our comforter.
You have given us the wonder of time,
blessings in days and nights, seasons and years.
Bless your children at the turning of the year
and fill the months ahead with the bright hope
that is ours in the coming of Christ.
You are our God, living and reigning, forever and ever.
R/. Amen.
From "Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers"
Women in the Word
January 27th from 7—9 pm the group will be studying for 8 weeks Resurrection and the After Life in
the New Testament by Candida Moss, Ph.D. For
more information please contact Cathy Ranck at
The Catholic family as a domestic church is the
fundamental community or cell of the parish,
the diocese, and the universal Church. Christ has
called all family members to union with God
through Baptism and the other Sacraments and
to share in the mission of the whole Church.
Family members carry out the Church’s mission
by fostering mutual love in the home and,
through that love, by building up the community
of the Church and society. The Christian home is
the place where children receive the first proclamation of the faith. For this reason the family
home is rightly called “the domestic church,” a
community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and of Christian charity. (CCC, no.
1666) The Christian family forms an environment within which faith is professed and witnessed. When family members pray together,
engage in lifelong learning, forgive one another,
serve each other, welcome others, affirm and
celebrate life, and bring justice and mercy to the
community, they help each other live the faith
and grow in faith. Some families may not understand themselves as a domestic church. Perhaps
they consider their family too broken to be used
for the Lord’s purposes. They need to remember
that a family is holy not because it is perfect, but
because God’s grace is at work in it.
“With the words “the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ ….be with you,” the Eucharist reminds us
that we get up every morning to let Jesus do
something divine—with us, in us and through
us—in everything we do that day. This what Jesus was talking about when he said, “ I am the
vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in
me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart
from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) A Fresh Look
at the Mass by David M. Knight
Page 12
Resolución o un cambio real? Usted
sabe, yo no hago ninguna resolucion de
año nuevo, porque después de la
primera semana de enero he vuelto a
mis viejos hábitos. Estamos viendo una
gran cantidad de anuncios sobre
ejercicio y salud clubes, programas de
Fr. John Henderson
pérdida de peso y así sucesivamente.
Usted decide unirse, pero después de algunas sesiones, te
dices a ti mismo: "¿de acuerdo que fue muy divertido."
Resoluciones de Año Nuevo son bonitos gestos que nos
hacen sentir bien por un breve momento, pero ¿qué pasa
con el resto de tu vida?
Dios nos dio un tremendo regalo de amor y de vida nueva. Si
quieres un cambio real, una nueva manera de vivir, entonces
ven a conocer a Jesucristo, la luz del mundo. Este niño
recién nacido que está llamando a una nueva vida. Si quieres
ver un cambio duradero entonces en primer lugar, acepta la
llamada y dice: "Sí, Señor, yo quiero aceptarte en mi vida."
"Yo quiero que seas mi camino, mi verdad y mi vida." "Yo no
quiero nada más que tú. "Ahora que estamos llegando a
alguna parte. Cuando usted y yo aceptamos a Jesús y
realmente construimos una relación sólida con Jesús
entonces encontraremos otras cosas para cambiar
automáticamente en nuestras vidas. En lugar de decir lo que
vas a hacer en el Año Nuevo, dejar que Jesús te guíe. "Jesús
¿qué quieres de mí?" "No se haga mi voluntad sino la tuya."
Créeme, la conversión ocurre y comienza una nueva vida.
Bien, así que vamos a llegar a los hechos:
1. Aceptar a Jesús en su vida.
2. Ir a misa todos los domingos y fiestas. (Si quieres, ir todos
los días!)
3. Orar todos los días, mañana, tarde y noche. Leer la Biblia
y rezar el rosario!
4. Pasa por la puerta de la misericordia, el sacramento de la
5. Ver a cada persona como un don de Dios y de servir a los
demás, especialmente a los necesitados.
6. Pasa tiempo en ayuno; comer menos para que su corazón,
no su estómago este satisfecho.
7. Dar de su tiempo, talento y tesoro.
Que tengan un buen año nuevo y dejar que la misericordia
de Dios fluya a lo profundo de tu vida. Que Dios te
bendiga y hagamos como nunca mejor nuestro
año 2016.
Tu amigo,
Fr. John
Eucaristía (Misa) 4:00pm
Grupo de Oración Kerigma:
Asamblea: (O’Reilly Hall) Viernes 7:00 PM
Grupo Alianza de Amor
Jueves 7-9pm en la oficina
Martes (Youth Center y O’Reilly) 7:00 PM
Clases PRE-Bautismales:
El primer sábado del mes a las 6:00PM
Requiere una entrevista favor llamar al 503639-4179 x129
BAUTIZOS (niños menores de 8 años):
Diciembre Bautizos Domingo 27, 4 PM
Sacerdote/ Párroco
Fr. John Henderson
503-639-4179 Ext.112
Vicario Parroquial
Fr. Manuel Becerra
503-639-4179 Ext. 113
Fr. Julio Torres
503-639-4179 Ext. 119
Ministro Hispano
Diacono Marco Espinoza 503-639-4179 x 129
Asistente de Pastoral (Bilingüe)
Viridiana Morales Ext.0
Horas de oficina:
Martes, miércoles y Jueves de 6:30-9pm
Sábado de 8:30am-12:00pm
Favor tocar el timbre de la puerta
Page 13
Lo que Dios unió que
no lo separe el hombre.
Favor llame a la oficina
y haga una cita con el
Diacono Marco al
503-639-4179 Ext. 129
6 meses de anticipación
Día de los Reyes o Epifanía
Epifanía significa "manifestación". Jesús se da a
conocer. Aunque Jesús se dio a conocer en
diferentes momentos a diferentes personas, la
Iglesia celebra como epifanías tres eventos:
Su Epifanía ante los Reyes Magos (Mt 2, 1-12)
Su Epifanía a San Juan Bautista en el Jordán
La Epifanía del Señor
Primera lectura Isaias 60; 1-6
gloria del Señor alborea sobre ti.
Salmo 71 Se postraran ante ti Señor.
Segunda Lectura Efesios 3; 2-6
el evangelio todos somos coherederos y participes
de la promesa de Jesucristo.
Evangelio Mateo 2; 1-12
Donde esta el Rey que acaba de nacer porque
queremos adorarlo.
Los niños de Educación Religiosa tienen
clase los domingos de 9:45am a 10:45am.
Los padres también tienen clase a la misma
hora que sus hijos en el salón O’Reilly.
GRUPO DE JOVENES del 9no al 12 grado
domingos a las 5pm en el salón St. Francis.
Misa para jovenes y familias, domingo
Misa en Español, miercoles 6:15 PM
Su Epifanía a sus discípulos y comienzo de Su vida
pública con el milagro en Caná.
La Epifanía que más celebramos en la Navidad es
la primera.
fiesta de la Epifanía tiene su origen en la Iglesia de
Oriente. A diferencia de Europa, el 6 de enero
tanto en Egipto como en Arabia se celebraba el
solsticio, festejando al sol victorioso con
evocaciones míticas muy antiguas. Epifanio explica
que los paganos celebraban el solsticio invernal y
el aumento de la luz a los trece días de haberse
dado este cambio; nos dice además que los
paganos hacían una fiesta significativa y suntuosa
en el templo de Coré. Cosme de Jerusalén cuenta
que los paganos celebraban una fiesta mucho antes
que los cristianos con ritos nocturnos en los que
gritaban: "la virgen ha dado a luz, la luz crece".
Coro de Jovenes/ Niños
La practica de los coros de niños y jovenes
es el 1ro, 2do y 4to martes del mes a las
7:00pm en la iglesia. Niños deben ser
acompañados por sus padres.
Coro de Jovenes Adultos
La practica del coro de jovenes adultos es el
3er martes de cada mes.
Bienvenido a la Parroquia de San
Gracias por acompañarnos esta tarde.
Es nuestro mayor deseó que la
Eucaristía que hoy celebramos nos
anime a vivir una profunda experiencia
de fe y vida. Le invitamos para que junto
con sus familiares y amigos vuelvan a
participar con nosotros, su comunidad y
familia, de la iglesia de San Antonio en
hiệp thông
Chúa Nhật Lễ Hiển Linh • Năm Phụng Vụ C
Ngày 3 Tháng 1 Năm 2016
Lễ hôm nay là lễ “Hiển linh” mà ngày xưa
gọi là Lễ Ba Vua. “Hiển linh” là biểu lộ thần
tính. Điều mà Giáo hội kính nhớ và vui
mừng cử hành là việc Đức Giêsu, Con Thiên
Chúa đã đến và tỏ mình ra cho nhân loại.
Trong bài đọc 1, tiên tri Isaia tiên báo là
ánh sáng của Thiên Chúa sẽ xuất hiện trên
Israel và các dân tộc sẽ hướng về ánh sáng
ấy mà cất bước. Lời sấm ấy đã được ứng
nghiệm, vì Con Thiên Chúa đã giáng thế,
sinh ra tại Bêlem, các đạo sĩ đã đại diện cho
các dân ngoại mà tìm đến và thờ lạy Ngài.
Bài Tin mừng kể lại cho chúng ta sự kiện
các đạo sĩ Đông phương tới Bêlem để tìm
kiếm và thờ lạy Chúa Cứu thế. Thánh Matthêu nêu ra cho chúng ta những thái độ
khác nhau của từng hạng người trước việc
Chúa Cứu thế tỏ mình ra : kẻ chấp nhận,
người từ chối. Việc Chứa Cứu thế tỏ mình ra
cho các đạo sĩ nói lên lòng thương yêu đặc
biệt của Thiên Chúa đối với dân ngoại.
Chúng ta cũng là dân ngoại đã được Thiên
Chúa tỏ mình ra, nhưng vẫn còn phải tiếp
tục tìm gặp Ngài qua Thánh Kinh, qua
Giáo hội và qua các biến cố trong đời sống
thường ngày. Để đáp lại tình thương ấy,
Linh Mục Chánh Xứ: Cha John Henderson
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm: Cha Phêrô Nhật Hoàng
Linh Mục Hưu Dưỡng:
Cha Giuse Nguyễn Đức Hậu
Chủ Tịch Cộng Đoàn:
Anh Bùi Lợi
Phó Chủ Tịch Nội Vụ:
Anh Phạm Đình Hiếu
Phó Chủ Tịch Ngoại Vụ:
Anh Nguyễn Tấn Trực
Thủ Quỹ & Tài Chánh: Anh Nguyễn Văn Bình
Đại Diện Cộng Đoàn VN với GX Mỹ Anh Phạm Tuấn
Thư Ký:Chị Lê Thị Anh Thư
Hội Các Bà Mẹ Công Giáo:
Chị Nguyễn Anna Dung
Ca Đoàn Hương Chiều Anh Lương Thế Phiệt
Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể & Giới Trẻ: HT Kim Trang
Thừa Tác Viên Lời Chúa :
Chị Lê Thị Tuyết Dung
Thừa Tác Viên Thánh Thể/ Lễ Sinh: Anh Nguyễn Tín
Trường Giáo Lý & Việt Ngữ:
Thầy Phạm Quốc Hùng
chúng ta phải cố gắng trở thành những vì
sao chiếu sáng trên vòm trời (bài đọc 2) để
soi dẫn cho những ai chưa biết Chúa tìm
đến gặp Ngài, qua cuộc sống tràn đầy tình
thương và phục vụ của chúng ta trong thế
giới hôm nay.
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm:
503-228-4397 X 225
Ban Điều Hành:
Phụng Vụ và Mục Vụ:
503-770-0811• MV: 503-467-1385
Thánh lễ: Chúa Nhật: 1:30 chiều • Thứ Năm: 6:30 chiều
Giải tội: Truớc hoặc sau Thánh lễ Chúa Nhật và chiều Thứ Năm,
hoặc xin hẹn với quý Cha.
Rửa tội: Xin liên lạc trực tiếp với văn phòng Giáo Xứ Mỹ
Hôn phối & Xin lễ: Xin liên lạc trực tiếp với Cha Quản Nhiệm
Trường Việt Ngữ và Giáo lý • TNTT
• Việt ngữ: từ 11:15 đến 12:15 chiều CN
• Giáo lý: từ 12:30 đến 1:15 chiều CN • TNTT: 2 - 4 giờ chiều Thứ Bẩy
• Ý chung: ầu cho việc đối thoại chân thành
giữa những người thuộc các tôn giáo khác
nhau, mang lại các kết quả hoà bình và công lý.
• Ý truyền giáo: Cầu cho các Kitô hữu, có thể
vượt qua những chia rẽ, nhờ các phương thế đối
thoại, tình bác ái huynh đệ và ân ban của Chúa
Thánh Thần.
nghèo đói.
3/1: Lễ Hiển Linh
4/1: Th. Êlizabeth Ann Seton
5/1: Thứ Ba trong tuần 5 TN
6/1: Thánh Anrê Bessette
7/1: Th. Raymunđô Penafort, LM
8/1: Thứ Sáu trong tuần 5 TN
9/1: Thứ Bảy trong tuần 5 TN
10/1: Lễ Chúa GIêsu Chịu Phép Rửa
Giáo hội nghèo đói.
• Kính mời phụ huynh và các em trong
lớp Xưng Tội Rước Lễ Lần Đầu đến tham
dự buổi tĩnh tâm về Bí Tích Hoà Giải như sau:
Thứ Bảy 9 tháng 1, 2016 từ 9:30 AM - 11:30
AM, tại nhà thờ
Đây là buổi tĩnh tâm do Cha Xứ John tổ chức
và yêu cầu tất cả phụ huynh và các em trong
lớp XTRLLĐ tham dự.
• Hội chợ và văn nghệ Tết Bính Thân sẽ tổ
chức vào Thứ Bảy 6 tháng 2, 2016.
Xin quí vị theo dõi chi tiết và chương trình
trong những tuần kết tiếp.
Lời Chúa qua các bài đọc lễ Chúa Nhật
+ Bài đọc 1 : Is 60,1-6.
Mặc dầu phải sống cơ cực trong cảnh lưu
đầy, bị kẻ thù áp bức, tương lai đen tối
mù mịt, niềm hy vọng được giải thoát đã
mờ nhạt dần, tiên tri Isaia lại có một giấc
mộng rất lạc quan, theo đó, dân Chúa
sẽ được trở về quê hương trong tiếng
ca vui, mọi người nô nức góp sức trùng
tu lại đền thờ Giêrusalem. Và như thế,
tác giả sách Khải huyền có lý khi mượn
lại những lời tiên tri hôm nay để nói về
Giêrusalem trên trời (x. Kh 21,9-27).
+ Bài đọc 2 : Ep 3,2-3a.5-6.
Dân Do thái luôn hãnh diện là dân riêng
của Thiên Chúa, dân riêng của Lời hứa. Họ
tin rằng ơn cứu thoát chỉ được dành riêng
cho họ, còn dân ngoại thì bị đẩy ra ngoài.
Nhưng thánh Phaolô, cũng là người Do
thái, không nghĩ nghư vậy ! Theo ngài,
Thiên Chúa đã mạc khải cho ngài biết : Ý
định của Thiên Chúa là muốn cứu độ mọi
người, không dành riêng cho ai.
+ Bài Tin mừng : Mt 2,1-12.
Các đạo sĩ Đông phương, là những nhà
chiêm tinh, thấy một ngôi sao lạ xuất
hiện và với sự soi sáng của ơn trên, các vị
biết có Đấng Cứu thế đã ra đời, và các vị
đã lên đường triều bái Chúa Hài nhi.
Có người cho rằng đây không phải là ngôi
sao lạ mà chỉ là ngôi sao chổi tình cờ xuất
hiện và có sự trùng hợp thôi. Nhưng nếu
tiên tri Mikea không được Thiên Chúa
mạc khải làm sao ông ấy biết và nói trước
đúng thời gian và địa điểm ? Vì thế, qua
ánh sao lạ, Chúa Hài nhi đã tỏ mình ra
cho đại diện lương dân, đang khi các nhà
trí thức Do thái ở Giêrusalem tuy thông
thạo Thánh kinh nhưng đã không nhận
ra Chúa.
Mỗi người là một ánh sao
Nếu thế gian không chấp nhận Chúa Giêsu
là ánh sáng thì thế gian vẫn ở trong bóng
tối. Chúng ta phải làm sao cho thế gian
nhận được Chúa Giêsu thì chúng ta phải soi
sáng cho họ.
Tại sao chúng ta, các Kitô hữu là những
ngôi sao ? Thánh Phaolô tông đồ giải
thích:”Thiên Chúa chưa ai thấy bao giờ. Nếu
chúng ta yêu thương nhau thì Thiên Chúa
ở lại trong chúng ta”(1Ga 4,12). Nói cách
khác, Thiên Chúa của chúng ta là một vị
“Thiên Chúa ẩn mình”, nhưng Ngài muốn
tỏ mình ra cho người ta thấy qua cách sống
yêu thương của chúng ta. Nói cách khác
hơn, khi chúng ta yêu thương nhau thì
Thiên Chúa ở trong chúng ta bởi vì “Thiên
Chúa là tình yêu”(1Ga 4,8). Cho nên cách
sống yêu thương của chúng ta làm cho
người khác nhìn thấy và nhận biết được
Thiên Chúa tình yêu.
Trong đời sống xã hội hôm nay có rất nhiều
ngôi sao trên bầu trời nghệ thuật, đủ mọi
lãnh vực, ví dụ ngôi sao nhạc rock, ngôi sao
điện ảnh, ngôi sao bóng đá, thôi thì loạn
cào cào với các vì sao ! Có những người chưa
xứng đáng là “sao” mà cũng tự nhận mình
là sao, thậm chí có những người vênh váo
tự phong mình là “siêu sao” !
Trong phạm vi tôn giáo, ta thấy có những
Kitô hữu âm thầm sống bác ái yêu thương,
chiếu tỏa nhân đức cho những người chung
quanh, nhưng chỉ dám nhận mình là tôi tớ
vô dụng, chỉ làm theo nhiệm vụ của mình.
Thời nay, chân phước Têrêsa Calcutta với tấm
lòng yêu thương bao la cũng là vì sao chiếu
sáng trên vòm trời thế kỷ 20.
Là Kitô hữu, chúng ta phải là những vì sao
lấp lánh trên vòm trời. Chúng ta có thể trở
thành SAO MAI được chăng ? Sao mai chính
là Kim tinh ở cách xa mặt trời 108 triệu cây
số. Kim tinh tương đối gần mặt trời (nó xoay
quanh mặt trời trong vòng 224,7 ngày) vì
thế nó sáng hơn. Ta thấy nó mọc trước khi
mặt trời mọc và lặn sau khi mặt trời lặn.
Ánh sáng của SAO NAI (Kim tinh) thật là rực
rỡ, làm cho người ta liên tưởng đến những
gì đẹp đẽ mỹ miều nhất:”Đẹp như ánh
sao mai”. Đó là câu chúng ta vẫn thường
nói. Và đặc biệt, Kim tinh, Ngôi sao mai
đã được dùng để chỉ Đức trinh nữ Maria :
Stella matutina (Đức Bà như Ngôi Sao mai
sáng vậy). Sang thế kỷ 21 này, Thiên Chúa
vẫn còn muốn Hiển linh, nghĩa là muốn tỏ
mình ra cho nhân loại thế kỷ này. Chúa vẫn
cần những ngôi sao lạ chiếu sáng trên vòm
trời thế hệ này. Những ngôi sao ấy là chính
chúng ta.
1 Today, on the
2 47 million people
World Day of Peace,
Pope Francis calls
us to reflect on the
theme, “Overcome
indifference and win
live in poverty in the
United States. Make
two commitments
this month to help
address poverty in
your community.
3 Today begins
4 The Catholic
5 In the Body of
6 In the spirit of the
7“All discrimination
8 Edith Avila Olea
9 Our Catholic Faith
National Migration
Week. This week,
pray for our brothers
and sisters forced to
leave their homes
and reflect on the
theme, “A Stranger
and You Welcomed
Christ, “if one part
suffers, all the parts
suffer with it. If one
part is honored all of
the parts share its
joy” (1 Cor 12:26).
Who suffers in your
three wise men, how
do you offer your
gifts to help bring
forth God’s kingdom
on earth? Green
Street Park and
Drop by Drop are
new children’s
books about young
people using their
gifts to help others.
as regards wages
and working
conditions must be
carefully avoided”
(Gaudium et Spes).
Is the dignity of
workers respected
in your community?
was awarded the
Cardinal Bernardin
New Leadership
Award for her
leadership in fighting
poverty and injustice
in her community.
Who is working to
change unjust
structures in your
calls us all to be salt
and light for the
org equips Catholics
to live out Pope
Francis’ call to “go
forth” on mission.
12 Jesus loves the
13 "Work is
14 Care for Our
15 "Care for God’s
16 We all have
asked to obey
[Jesus’] call to go
forth from our own
comfort zone in
order to reach all the
'peripheries' in need
of the light of the
Gospel" (Pope
Francis, Evangelii
Gaudium). How will
you “go forth” with
Two Feet of Love in
Action today?
17 Today is the
2016 World Day of
Migrants and
Refugees. Pope
Francis asks us to
reflect on the theme
“The Response of
the Gospel of
Mercy.” Learn how
we can address the
Syrian Refugee
crisis in a humane
Campaign for
(CCHD) lives out the
Gospel call to bring
good news to those
who are poor and
oppressed (Lk 4:18)
by working for long
term solutions to
address the root
causes of poverty.
11 Disciples “share
the priestly,
prophetic, and kingly
office of Christ, and
. . . carry on the
mission of the whole
Christian people in
the Church and in
the world” (Lumen
How do you connect the Sacraments
and Social Mission
of the Church?
18 We must respect
life “in every phase
of development,
from conception
until natural death;
and in every
condition, whether
healthy or sick,
whole or
handicapped, rich or
poor” (St. John Paul
II, Christifideles
poor so much that
he tells his disciples
“whatever you did
for one of these
least brothers of
mine, you did for
me” (Mt 25:40). How
can you live Jesus’
mercy during the
Jubilee Year of
fundamental to the
dignity of a person.
Work, to use an
image, 'anoints' us
with dignity, fills us
with dignity, makes
us similar to God,
who has worked and
still works, who
always acts" (Pope
Francis, 2013).
Common Home
(Laudato Si') is the
new appeal from
Pope Francis
addressed to "every
person living on this
planet" for an
inclusive dialogue
about how we are
shaping the future of
our planet.
Creation” is the
theme of the
Catholic Campaign
for Human
(CCHD) Multimedia
Youth Contest.
Invite youth you
know to participate!
rights and
What kind of
responsibilities do
you have to uphold
the rights of others,
particularly those
who are vulnerable
in your community?
19 “True
20 27% of the black
21 Offer a prayer,
population and 24%
of the Hispanic
population live in
poverty. As the
diverse but united
Body of Christ, let
us fight for justice
for all of our
brothers and sisters.
fast, or sacrifice
today as an act of
solidarity with those
who are young and
old, those who live
in poverty, and for
all those whose
dignity is
22 Through
restorative justice,
we are called to a
redeeming love
which works to
uphold the dignity of
offenders and
victims of crime and
to end the cycle of
poverty, crime, and
violence in our
23 “When a family
compassion is more
than flinging a coin
to a beggar; it is not
haphazard and
superficial. It comes
to see that an
edifice which
produces beggars
needs restructuring”
(Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.).
24 How do you
25 Isaiah 58
26 “No one can
27 Our policy goals
28 There are many
29 Project HOPE
30 Social media is
foster social justice
and concern for
people in poverty in
your family? What
can you do as a
family to pray and
act for justice for all
describes how true
worship of God
includes working for
justice and caring
for those who are
poor and the
oppressed. How can
we connect our
Sunday worship to
our weekday
claim the name of
Christian and be
comfortable in the
face of hunger,
insecurity, and
injustice found in
this country and the
world” (U.S.
Bishops, Economic
Justice for All). How
do you participate in
economic justice?
should “encourage
structures, and
government to work
together to
overcome poverty”
(U.S. Bishops,
Consciences for
Faithful Citizenship).
myths that can
deceive us about
the identity of those
living in poverty. Did
you know that about
3 million people in
the U.S. work fulltime, year-round
and are still living in
Spokane, a CCHD
funded group, is
building green
pathways out of
poverty through
programs that
provide social
outlets, job training,
skill building and
an incredible tool to
motivate others to
take action to end
the injustices in our
communities. Post
or Tweet today
about a social
justice issue in your
10"All of us are
has nothing to eat,
because it has to
make payments to
usurers, this is not
Christian, it is not
human! This
dramatic scourge in
our society harms
the inviolable dignity
of the human
person” (Pope
31 Thanks for
participating in
Poverty Awareness
Month. Keep living
out our Christian
commitment to live
in solidarity and fight
for justice. Let us
build relationships
with one another
and live out the
Gospel call.
For more info and tips on getting involved, visit or