May 2010 - Ramsay Community Association in Calgary
May 2010 - Ramsay Community Association in Calgary May 2010 Circulation 1250 Get Active: Annual Calgary Marathon Heebie Jeebies! NEXT General MeetingS Printed on recycled paper Events & Fundraisers Tues. May 4 & Jun. 1, 7pm • Lower Hall R a m s ay C o m m u n i t y A s s o c i at i o n • 11 3 6 – 8 t h S t r e e t SE , C a l g a r y, A B T 2 G 2 Z 7 • 4 0 3 - 2 6 5 - 4 8 9 8 Tisha McKenna Ramsay Real Estate Update Feel free to contact me any time with your real estate questions. If your thinking of selling your home; call me for a complimentary evaluation Cell: (403) 869.9730 RAMSAY STATS 5 out of 28 Ramsay Listings sold in the last 30 days. The average sale price in this period was $398,500 The average days on market in Ramsay is 30 days RIVERBEND SINGLE FAMILY HOME $335,500.00 Address: 76 RIverbrook Place SE MLS # C3418868 3 1.5 Fantastic family home located in a quiet cul-desac in beautiful Riverbend. Just a short walk to Carburn park, bike paths, playground, and the Bow River. Loads of sunlight coming in the front windows of the living room, plenty of space for office or dining room. Sweet country kitchen with bead board throughout and view to the back yard. Calgary Ramsay Community Association & Hall Board of Directors & Community Chairs 1136 - 8th St SE T2G 2Z7• T: 403.265.4898 • F: 403.265.4858 Position President Past President Name Contact Info Brad Kuhne 403-542-3587 president@ Judy Website Newsletter Editor Newsletter Advertising Hellevang Art Matsui vpexternal@ Lexie vpinternal@ Shmyr Brenda treasurer@ Zinn Adele secretary@ Sanoy Karin communications@ Poldaas Taras traffic@ramsaycommunity. Semeniuk Jenny jenny@ramsaycommunity. Jensesn Shelly Reid shelley@ramsaycommunity. Nicole nicole@ramsaycommunity. Schon Gisele Ruel hallmanager@ Dave Graham Pat Baker Vacant Jenny 403-248-9335 Jensen Art Matsui webmaster@ Pam Dalsin news@ramsaycommunity. Josie Casale advertising@ Newsletter Layout Fred Holliss 403-815-3733 Vice President – External Vice President – Internal Treasurer Secretary 2 yr Member/ Communications 2 yr Member/ Traffic 2 yr Member At Large 1 yr Member At Large 1 yr Member At Large Hall Manager Winter Sports Casino Beautification Ramsay School Liaison WebMaster Anyone above can be contacted by leaving a message at the Community Hall at 403-265-4898. General Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the month at the Hall. Elections are held in October. Complaints about Lilydale smells: • City of Calgary 311 • Alberta Environment 1800-222-6514 • Calgary Health Region 403-943-8060 P olice C ontacts • Emergency: 911 If you see crimes in the area, please contact the police by phone at 403-266-1234 or e-mail: Community liaison officer: Const. Erin Partridge, Badge #3372 • 403-567-6100 D rug H ot l i n e 403-206-8100 leave msg. Newsletter Contributions Any community member is welcome to contribute to this newsletter. The deadline for submissions for each upcoming month’s issue is the 15th of the preceding month. Please email your contributions, comments, and articles to: or drop it off the Hall. DISCLAimer: Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Ramsay Community Association. Community Announcements ALL PAWS ON DECK! Ramsay Community Clean-Up Day Saturday May 29th, 9 AM to 2 PM Ramsay Community Hall Thanks to City of Calgary Animal & Bylaw Services and Waste & Recycling our annual clean up is made possible. They provide the supplies and garbage trucks. We provide the community effort needed to get Ramsay ready for summer! Several items like tires, chemicals, appliances and batteries are not accepted but there will be information about how to dispose of them. More details are on our website, under events. Refreshments and a Lunch will be provided. We need people with trucks and/or trailers. We need people brave enough to scoop poop. We need people to show up after 9 and we need people to come before 2. Most of all we need people like YOU! So come out and help. For more information contact Brad at 403-542-3587 or First Annual Ramsay Plant Share and Gardening Exchange Saturday May 29th, 10 AM to 1 PM Ramsay Community Hall Come out and enjoy meeting fellow Ramsay gardening enthusiasts. Need plants? Have too many? Bring cuttings and seeds to swap or give away. Listen to garden experts speak about: community gardening, composting, organic gardening and tree care. Need advice? Ask your neighbourhood experts! Get your tools sharpened, swap or give away not needed gardening impliments or containers. Most importantly come out to meet and talk about everything GREEN with your neighbours. Email: or COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP Contact Lexie Shmyr at 403-265-4898 You are the community – Your voice is important! Annual Membership allows you to: Participate in Community Sports • Voice your concerns to the Civic Government • Beautify our Community $10 Family • $8 Single • $6 Senior, Disabled, Associate Please cut out this form and mail with your cheque or money order to: Ramsay Community Association, 1136 – 8th Street SE, Calgary, AB, T2G 2Z7 Ramsay Community Membership Form Family Name(s): _________________________________________________________ Your Name: __________________________Spouse’s Name:____________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Postal Code: __________________________ Telephone: ________________________ Email: _________________________________________________________________ Children: 1. _______________________________________ Age: _________ 2. _______________________________________ Age: _________ 3. _______________________________________ Age: _________ I would like to become involved with: ___ Board of Directors ___ History ___ Membership ___ Casino ___ Newsletter ___ Safety ___ Beautification ___ Sports ___ Traffic Advertise With Us! Ramsay News is the perfect way to communicate with your neighbours! The Ramsay News is a non-profit newsletter offered free of charge to the community each month. With a circulation of 1200, the Ramsay News is a fun and affordable way to advertise your business. Submission deadline is the 15th of the month. • Email us at ___ Civic Affairs ___ Technology ___ As required Ad size 1 mo. 5 mo. 10 mo. business card $45 $210 $400 ¼ page $75 $350 $650 ½ page $100 $475 $900 Full page $180 $875 $1600 Flyer inserts No longer available * special rates may apply for designated pages Ramsay News page 3 Heebee-jeebees Raise Funds On June 3, 2010 the Heebee-jeebees, an internationally acclaimed, award-winning comic a cappella group will be performing at the Vertigo Theatre to help raise money for the Federation of Calgary Communities. We encourage you to purchase your tickets today. Monies raised through the event will support the Federation’s programs and services for Calgary’s community associations. Tickets for this event are $25 and can be purchased online at, or by calling the Federation’s office at 403-244 4111. Thursday, June 3, 2010 115 9 Avenue SE Calgary, AB Doors and Silent Auction 7:00pm Tickets: $25 403 244 4111 Presented By: “SERVING INGLEWOOD AND RAMSAY SINCE 1993” Wills, Estates, Corporate, Real Estate Ramsay News page 4 Calgary’s Precious Water From the river to your home: Calgary’s main sources of drinking water are the Bow and Elbow Rivers. From the river to the tap and back to the river, your water is vigorously tested for about 150 parameters. The City’s Water Services works 365 days a year to bring you the highest quality drinking water. Before re-entering the rivers, The City’s leading-edge wastewater treatment facilities clean water from homes, businesses and industries. A leader in water management: The new Pine Creek wastewater treatment plant has been celebrated by international organizations for its innovative technology and treatment standards. Currently serving more than 250,000 Calgarians and processing roughly 100 mega litres of wastewater a day, the plant has the largest tertiary filtration system in all of Canada. Pine Creek was designed with the ability to expand to serve our growing population for the next 30 years, helping to ensure we’re doing our part to protect the integrity of our water well into the future. Be water-wise: We all play an important role in keeping Calgary’s water supply safe and clean. The storm drains located on your street empty directly into the rivers. Remember that what you put on your lawn or property can be washed into the river when it rains or snow melts. Here are some simple things you can do to protect the health of Calgary’s rivers: • Sweep walkways and driveways instead of hosing dirt and debris into the storm drain. • Scoop pet waste before runoff carries it to the storm drain. • Limit the use of fertilizers that can also be carried away be runoff. Water from your home also ends up returning to the river after treatment. To keep the treatment plant from having to work harder, dispose of household chemicals at designated fire stations and landfills. Call 3-1-1 for a location near you. Civic Affairs Art Matsui, Chairman Planning activity in April: 22D2009 5P2009; Ramsay Exchange At the 2009 February 10 Public Hearing, Council gave first reading to Bylaw 5P2009 (a Bylaw to amend the Ramsay Area Redevelopment Plan) and Bylaw 22D2009 (a Bylaw to re-designate zoning). It has been determined that a new public hearing on Bylaws 5P2006 and 22D2009 Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) for the Ramsay Exchange should be held prior to second and third reading of these Bylaws. This will allow affected parties and members of the public to provide their views on the Interface Report directly to Council, in a public forum. Administration will be taking a report to the 2010 April 26 meeting of Council recommending that a new public hearing be held on these Bylaws. Should Council accept the recommendation, the Bylaws will return to CPC (tentatively scheduled for May 13), which would allow the matter to be heard at the 2010 July 5 Council Public Hearing. LOC2010-0037 Stampede Expansion Zone 3 An application for a New Direct Control District to replace the existing Direct Control District, to exempt certain interim uses in Stampede Expansion Zone 3 from the City of Calgary floodway/Floodplain/Fringe Area Regulations. The plans for Zone 3 had reached the Development Permit stage in 2008 under DP2008-3636 and Civic Affairs were generally in opposition to the plans, which included Indian Village and temporary horse corrals on the East bank of the Elbow. (Civic Affairs comments can be seen at civic/Stampede.html ) The new land use bylaw is to allow the building of the stage for Indian Village and temporary horse corrals in the floodway of the Elbow. This new bylaw was passed through Calgary Planning Commission on April 15 and is headed to City Council for Public Hearing. We will post the date as soon as it is available, and all are welcome to comment at the Public Hearing. The Civic Affairs Committee welcomes new members. Contact the Chairman at for details of the Civic Affairs Terms of Reference, Volunteer Code of Conduct and reading list of planning documents of record. The community of Ramsay welcomes sustainable development that respects the history and emerging character of the neighbourhood, complies with the Area Redevelopment Plan and Bylaws, and will be a benefit to the people who live here. Traffic Committee Taras Semeniuk, Chair New Traffic Circle: the new traffic circle at Dartmouth/Highfield/26th Avenue was open for a while but is now closed for additional work. This ‘iterative’ process was part of the City and CPR’s plan and will continue until June when 30th Avenue will permanently close and the new traffic circle will be completed, e.g. 2 lanes, painted lane markings, pedestrian crossings, etc. From the April General Meeting, we followed up on expressed concerns including: mismatch in track elevations; signage; and road markings. We were informed that the mismatch in track elevations was to accommodate the overall slope in the circle and to allow for settling. Replies to our other concerns are pending. Bus Route Change: Calgary Transit has finalized the new bus route for Ramsay [see website at to review a map of the route]. The new Route 403 will be implemented on 28 June 2010 and combines the existing 403/433 routes. Route 403 will travel counter-clockwise around 8th Street/Bellevue/Ramsay St/Burns Ave and will have 2-way service along Spiller Road and 4th Street SW and turn downtown via 7th Ave/1st St/11th Ave. The route will have the same 45 minute frequency as currently exists. The route will not go into Bridgeland. Lastly, specifics about how the route will pass in front of Ramsay Elementary School and the location of the respective bus stops are still being assessed. City Vehicles in Ramsay: Manchester Operations have recently renewed their commitment to minimize City vehicles within Ramsay. This will be done through a number of internal communication strategies. Ride the Road Tour: this year’s event to bring attention to cyclist commuting and sustainable transportation will be held on Sunday, 06 June 2010. The route has not been finalized and it is unknown whether it will travel down Spiller Road and 8th Street. For more information, see Calgary tour de nuit Society’s website at Please contact the Traffic Committee at if you have any traffic-related comments, concerns or would like to become involved in the committee. Ramsay News page 5 At 9 Street & 9 Avenue SE Welcome to our new neighbours. The coffee is always on at The Centre! The Alexandra Centre Society welcomes all of newly arrived residents to the community. We invite you to visit the Alexandra Centre and take advantage of the many services and programs in the building… that goes for any of you who are seasoned community residents too. The Alexandra Centre Society delivers services directly or through Building Service Providers. These include: Inglewood Child Development Centre (Day care) Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society Calgary Family Services Inner City Family Resource Centre Alexandra Family Practice ACS Programs include: Playschool / children 3– 5 years; Community Christmas Hampers; Volunteer Income Tax Service; Suzuki Baby & Parent Music Preparatory Program; Yoga Classes; Aikido Classes; and various other programs as opportunities arise. All Alexandra Building Providers are committed to serving the residents of Inglewood, Ramsay, and Victoria as a priority group. Be sure to mention that you are a resident of Inglewood or Ramsay when you call any of the above service providers. July 26 – 30th 9:30 AM - Noon 3 Years – 5 Years Indoor and outdoor play, games, singing, story telling, and crafts. YOGA SPRING SESSIONS Mondays April 12-June28 Yoga for Backs 4:30 – 5:30pm SPACES AVAILABLE Yoga Level I, Level II and Gentle Yoga – A few spots available…Call Colleen SUZUKI BABY MUSIC PROGRAM Are you interested in a Thursday morning Suzuki class? The ACS will start a new class pending adequate interest. Call Colleen. Did you know? The Alexandra Centre, formerly a school was the primary part of the Federal Neighbourhood Improvement City Administration condemned the building Community residents saved the building and reclaimed the site for community use Thousands of hours of “sweat equity” went into the project. Check out Our Story, a wonderful little book that documents the many people that have helped to shape Inglewood. Pick up your copy of Our Story for $20.00 at the Alexandra Centre Society offices (403-269-5588) and enjoy the read! NEW!!! BEGINNERS’ CLASS May 1 through June 22 Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00 – 7:15 PM $75.00 (residents)* $90.00 (non-resident* INTERMEDIATE Tuesdays & Thursdays 7:15 – 8:45PM $40.00 (residents)* $50.00 (non-residents)* Monthly $15.00 CAF Annual fee required. Taught by Chinook Aikikai For information on all programs, call Colleen 269-5588 or email Girl Guides Kim Firmston in the Spring Photo by Kathleen Shannon Girl Guide cookie season is over for another spring. The girls had great fun selling to all the wonderful people of Inglewood, Ramsay and the downtown business community. We would like to thank Cross Roads Market, Blackfoot Diner, Fifth Avenue Place and Encana for letting us sell on their property. A big thanks also goes to all the people in the communities of Inglewood and Ramsay who opened their doors to us and bought our cookies. The money we make goes to good use. In April we explored photography with a photo scavenger hunt. The girls think May 15th can’t come fast enough – they want to get horseback riding. And in June we will be off to Writing on Stone for a tenting camp and to explore our province’s heritage. This is only a small part of what we do. The girls are still learning many new things, earning badges and taking part in 100 Years of Girl Guides activities. One of these activities had the girls collecting 50 KG of food. That’s a lot of cans, jars, tetra packs and boxes. We donated all the food we collected to the Sheriff King Woman’s shelter. As spring approaches keep and eye out for us wandering in the parks while we work on learning about the environment. Remember – it’s never too late to join the fun, just give us a call. — Kim Firmston 403-237-6837 Mighty 70th Scout News Rick Ryan The warm weather we have been having helped with our Beaver and Cub camp this year. When the Beavers come to camp the moms or dads have to come which means we have lots of help in the kitchen. It also means they are there when their kid falls out of bed wants to make a middle of the night trip to the biffy. Our leaders kept the gang on the run the whole time. I never heard anybody say “I’m Bored”. Special thanks to M@M’s and Spolumbo’s for their donations to our cause. We don’t knock on their door often but when we do they always come through. Keep them in mind when you are making up your shopping list. Spring break slowed us up a bit but the cubs made time to go skiing in Lake Louise with stop overs at the hot springs and of course the candy shop. I don’t know what is happening but we have had 10 new youth join up this spring with another showing up this week. It’s good to see and we are happy to have them. We just did the food drive this week and a big thanks to everyone who left their donation out on the steps. Remember the Thursday that the snow storm hit? Thats when we delivered our flyers door to door. The tough kids showed up and did a great job but a number didn’t come so we missed quite a few homes. We still got a van full of food. Special thanks to gang who made the effort to get out and get the job done. On Sunday we delivered the food to the Victory Outreach Church and stayed for their lively heart felt service. Never ones to plan too far ahead the leaders are getting together this week to plan the rest of the year. Rumour has it there is another camp or two and maybe a trip to Drumheller and the dinosaurs. — Scouter Rick 403-278-2547 Ramsay News page 7 IT’S RUNNING SEASON! THE CALGARY MARATHON IS HERE! The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon is coming on Sunday, May 30, 2010 Get Ready to Run Calgary! Canada’s longest running marathon, the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon, is coming to your community on Sunday, May 30th, so get involved! In 2009, over 8,600 participants took to the streets and raised close to $130,000 for charity and we expect 2010 to be bigger and better. With a two day health and wellness Expo, the new Scotiabank Group Charity Challenge and race day festival, the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon is more than a race - it is a community event that celebrates sportsmanship, healthy lifestyles and community participation. How to get involved: Walk or Run The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon is a challenging, competitive and fun event with a race designed for everyone of any level. There is a full marathon, half-marathon, 10 km, 5 km family walk or run and kid’s marathon. The Scotiabank Calgary Marathon was voted the Best Road Race in Alberta by participants in 2009, is an AIMS certified course and a Boston Marathon Qualifier. Sign up for a race today at Volunteer: 1,000 Volunteers are needed for 2010 We rely on over 1,000 dedicated volunteers to make this a premier Canadian running event. There are a variety of exciting volunteer positions available leading up to the event and on race day. Our volunteers are eligible for exclusive volunteer draw prizes, so sign up today to get involved! Thank you to those of you who have already registered to volunteer and visit the Volunteer section on Raise money for charity with the Scotiabank Group Charity Challenge Participants of this year’s event can now go on line and sign up to fund raise for the charity of their choice. The 2010 official charities for the inaugural Scotiabank Group Charity Challenge are: Alberta Animal Rescue Foundation Alberta Cancer Foundation Alliance to End Violence At My Best™ Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Calgary & Area Ramsay News page 8 Calgary Meals on Wheels Canadian Humanitarian Organization for International Relief Canadian Liver Foundation of Southern Alberta Canadian Down Syndrome Society CAUSE Canada Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada Habitat for Humanity Inn from the Cold Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation MEOW Foundation Sonshine Community Services STARS Foundation Team Diabetes – Canadian Diabetes Association Vocational & Rehabilitation Research Institute (VRRI) Got Talent – Be an on-course entertainer! We are looking for musicians, bands, jugglers and various other entertainers to showcase your talents along the race course. Entertain close to 9,000 marathon participants and the crowds cheering them on. You will be positioned at select locations along the marathon route as it winds its way through Calgary’s inner core and Northwest regions of the city doing what you do best and making this a fun and amazing day for both you, the participants and spectators. Cheer Help support your fellow Calgarians along the route by getting out there to cheer them on! Check out the course maps on the Race Information section of our website to find out where the best spectator vantage points are. For more information or to register today, visit Call us at 403-264-2996 or email info@ Hope to see you out there! Road Closures: There will be some road closures and traffic disruptions on Sunday, May 30, 2010 so that we can put on the Scotiabank Calgary Marathon. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and have attached important road closure information (see next page). PLEASE NOTE: Memorial Drive will be completely closed to traffic from 4 St NE to Crowchild Trail between 7:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Please use alternative routes. SOUTHEAST Location type of closure time frame Zoo Road to 12 St 12 St to 11 St 11 St to 21 Ave 21 Ave to Spiller Rd Spiller Road to MacDonald Ave MacDonald Ave to 7 St 7 St to 12 Ave 12 Ave to Olympic Way Olympic Way to 10 Ave 10 Ave to 1 St 1 St to 17 Ave full road west side only west side only north side only east side only north side only west side only north side only east side only north side only west side only 7:05 - 7:15 a.m. 7:05 - 7:20 a.m. 7:05 - 7:20 a.m. 7:10 - 7:30 a.m. 7:10 - 7:45 a.m. 7:10 - 7:45 a.m. 7:10 - 7:45 a.m. 7:15 - 7:50 a.m. 7:15 - 7:50 a.m. 7:15 - 7:50 a.m. 7:20 - 8:00 a.m. SOUTHWEST Location type of closure time frame 17 Ave to 14 St 14 St to Memorial Drive north side only east side only 7:20 - 8:30 a.m. 7:30 - 8:40 a.m. NORTHWEST Location type of closure time frame Memorial Drive from Crowchild to Parkdale Blvdsouth side only Parkdale Blve to 3 Ave south side only 3 Ave to Shaganappi Tr south side only Shaganappi Tr to 32 Ave east curb lane 32 Ave to 39 St south curb lane 39 St to West Campus Way east side only West Campus Way to Collegiate Road south side only Collegiate Rd to 24 Ave full road 24 Ave to Campus Gate north curb lane Campus Gate to Campus Dr east curb lane Campus Drive to 32 Ave curb lane only 32 Ave to 49 St north curb lane 49 St to 40 Ave east curb lane 40 Ave to 53 St north curb lane 53 St to Varsity Estates Drive (north) east curb lane Varsity Estates Dr curb lane only 53 St to Varsity Drive west curb lane Varsity Drive curb lane only 40 Ave to 49 St south curb lane 40 Ave to Varscliff Rd east curb lane 49 St to 32 Ave west curb lane 32 Ave to Shaganappi Trail south curb lane Shaganappi Tr to 3 Ave west curb lane 7:35 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. 7:40 a.m. - 12:50 7:45 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. 7:50 - 9:40 a.m. 8:00 - 9:50 a.m. 8:00 - 9:50 a.m. 8:00 - 9:50 a.m. 8:05 - 10:00 a.m. 8:05 - 10:00 a.m. 8:10 - 10:10 a.m. 8:10 - 10:20 a.m. 8:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 8:20 - 10:45 a.m. 8:20 - 10:50 a.m. 8:25 - 11:10 a.m. 8:25 --11:30 a.m. 8:35 - 11:45 a.m. 8:40 - 11:55 8:45 a.m. - noon 8:45 a.m. - noon 8:50 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. 8:55 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 8:55 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. Community Garden C.J. Engstrom There is interest in Ramsay to start a Community gardening group! Please join us. We are working on a location and hope to be ready for the 2010 planting season. Do you want to grow your own vegetables and eat locally grown food? There are more than 10 community gardens operating in the city with several of our neighbouring communities having them including Inglewood and East Village. The goal would be to have about 10 gardening plots for this season, if you are interested please contact concrete metal revo -lution declaimed k.c. higgins & the presence chanting 1980’s punk rock revolution poetry at the national & calgarian & oddfellows ripping up stages and hearts thirty years later the concrete revolution is here i watch it every day as the steps to my house crumble and grit & pebbles make determined breaks for freedom spilling over the sidewalk & into my living room concrete • metal • revo • lution concrete • metal • revo • lution 403-815-3733 web design print throw it out! purge! purge! it’s clean-up month! Ramsay News page 9 Joe Ceci 268-2430 or As some of you may know, I’ve decided not to seek re-election in the October civic election. It has been a great 15 years and I am grateful for all the community support, energy and collaboration. It will be business as usual in the Ward 9 office until the election on October 18th, so please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions, comments or concerns. I look forward to seeing you at community cleanups and events. Ramsay News page 10 Jonathan Denis, M.L.A. Minister of Housing & Urban Affairs Calgary Egmont Constituency #10, 8318 Fairmount Dr. S.E., T2H 0Y8 640-1363, 640-2970 (f) Edmonton - toll free - 310-0000 and key in 780-644-8954 calgary.egmont Excellence in Teaching Awards MLA Column As the son of a school teacher, I know how important quality educators are to the future of this province. Alberta’s Excellence in Teaching Awards Program provides us all an opportunity to give special thanks to teachers and principals who have played an extraordinary role in enhancing our learning experiences and helping us to succeed. The 23 award recipients will be formally honoured at a dinner and awards ceremony with the Education Minister in Calgary on May 29, 2010. The nominees for the Excellence in Teaching Awards are teachers and principals who use creativity and innovation to motivate students to succeed. They show leadership. They are champions for their schools and for their students. Nominations for the awards must include support from the nominee’s principal or superintendent, a teaching colleague, and a member of the public. Semi-finalists and award recipients are selected by a committee made up of various representatives from the education community. To recognize all semi-finalists and award recipients for their outstanding contributions, the 20 teachers who receive Excellence in Teaching Awards can access up to $4,000 for professional development, and semi-finalists can access up to $1,500 for professional development. The three teachers who receive SMARTer Kids Foundation Innovative Use of Technology Awards continue to receive a comprehensive technology package, which includes a SMART board. If you know a teacher or principal who has made a difference in a child’s life or in your community, I encourage you to nominate them for next year’s Excellence in Teaching Awards. Nomination forms for the 2011 awards will be available in the fall. More information about the awards program is available at As always, please feel free to contact me with your comments at 403-640-1363 or Yoki & Jeff’s Real Estate Report 1st Quarter Report January – March 2010 # of Sales Bungalow 3 1.5 Storey -2 Storey 3 Attach/Twnh 1 RAMSAY Avg. List Avg. Sale Price Price 419,900 411,333 --472,933 469,967 624,900 605,000 # of Sales 5 2 9 7 INGLEWOOD Avg. List Avg. Sale Price Price 406,860 401,540 402,000 380,500 512,788 496,063 416,414 407,971 # of Sales 4 3 2 4 BRIDGELAND Avg. List Avg. Sale Price Price 487,425 466,625 376,567 368,333 892,450 835,000 423,650 416,875 $289,500 205-1415-17 St SE - INGLEWOOD Yoki & Jeff Nichol TOP 1% in Canada Since 1983 Bus: 271-5555 From one Generation to the Next… Both working for you with SINCERITY AND INTEGRITY Licensed Agent 13 years sales experience 7 years MLS Million Dollar Club Relocation Specialist with over 300 Corporate Clients We appreciate and we thank you for your loyalty. RAM REALTY Writes of Summer for Youth A LOCAL DAY CAMP FOR BLOOMING WRITERS Summer camps are abundant, offering children half day, full day and residential experiences in sports, theatre, art and technology. It’s fun for kids to spend part of the summer out with friends doing what they love. But what if their interest is to tell a good story, make up characters and spin tales? There are a few programs that can accommodate that need. CASSA (Calgary Arts Summer School Association) has day camps dealing in script writing. Simon Rose, a local author, teaches numerous camps for children. The Writers Guild of Alberta has Ink Pulse for teens and YABS (Young Alberta Book Society) offers a residential writing camp at Bragg Creek called Wordsworth. Luckily for the children of Inglewood and Ramsay there’s a new summer camp at the Alexandra Writers’ Centre Society called Writes of Summer for Youth. “Young writers are the future of literary arts,” AWCS president Robin Van Eck says. “Our hope is to help them grow into budding young authors. The youth will learn practical ideas for creativity whether their interest is poetry, fiction (long and short), playwriting, scriptwriting etc. And it’s a chance to mingle with other young writers, to have fun and make friends.” Writes of Summer for Youth offers active half-day classes for 6-10 year olds and 10-12 year olds, teaching through play, theatre, art, games and sensory exploration. For the 12-15 and 15-17 crowd the AWCS takes a more flexible approach. Campers can choose between the week long playwriting course called Make Em’ Laugh, an evening program called Building Up Young Writers, or pick and choose courses depending on what their interest is. And the menu is good. Writing Games to Inspire and Enjoy, Elements of Mystery, Gems in Your Journal and Dynamic Dialogue, just to name a few. With an excellent staff consisting of Kim Firmston, local Inglewood author and playwright, teaching the 6-12 year olds, award winning Playwright Caroline Russell-King, short story writer Celeste Robichaud, personal essayist and youth mentor Ellen Kelly, and authors Susan Calder-Arnold and Margaret Brentnall running the 12 plus workshops. This is going to be one of the best summer camps of the year. So, if you have a child who loves telling tales and you want something, entertaining, educational and local, call the AWCS at 403-264-4730 or visit the website (www.alexandrawriters. org) and have a look at Writes of Summer for Youth. You’ll find not only information about the camp but also about the 2nd annual prodigy youth writing competition – a perfect place for your budding writer to start. Were you or was someone you know a Mount Royal Kantorei choir member between 1995-2010? Join us to celebrate our 15th anniversary with an alumni workshop and concert in May. Contact us to find out more at www. or 403-440-8509. Ramsay News page 12 New Kids’ Website in now Live Thursday, March 25, 2010 was a special day in Kids Help Phone’s history. It marked the launch of our new Kids’ Website. As a leader in the harnessing of technology to improve the well-being of kids, Kids Help Phone has transformed its online counselling services with the launch of Phase One of a fully transformed Kids’ Website. Developed with the needs and skills of today’s technology-savvy kids in mind, and the mission of providing the most relevant and expert-reviewed information, is the only online community in Canada to offer young people a place to go for direct and indirect web-based counselling services including: • an expanded library of topics on the more than 50 topics counsellors have identified as important to kids today such as depression, addictions and sexuality; • games to educate; and • interactive self-care and resiliency building tools for Phase One topics including bullying, cyberbullying, Internet safety, gangs, suicide, self-injury and sexual abuse. The launch of Phase One of the three-phase project is the result of two years of hard work that could not have been undertaken without the generous support donors have made to the Futures Campaign, the first-ever major gift fundraising campaign in Kids Help Phone’s 20-year history. The Campaign, designed to help more kids in more ways, enables Kids Help Phone to expand its capacity to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of kids, responding with services that support the mission of providing professional counselling through technologically-based communications media. I would like to thank the entire Kids Help Phone organization for their efforts toward making the vision of a fully transformed Kids’ Website a reality and in particular to acknowledge the Kids’ Website Project team for their leadership, commitment and passion in support of this great achievement. And in the words of one of our counsellors…This site is GROUNDBREAKING! Please visit to share in the experience of the new Kids’ Website. Magic is For Real in Calgary Join the Calgary Magic Circle on June 13, 2:30pm, for an Afternoon of Magic, featuring a wide array of Calgary magicians; from stage professionals to comedy close up artists. This affordable family event will be held at The Lantern Church, 1401 - 10 Ave SE. For more information on tickets and pricing, please visit or email Tickets@ Mustard Seed Dance Fun/draiser Challenge your friends and raise money for charity in the ultimate dance competition... We invite all Calgary and area youth (or the young at heart) to register to become a competitor for So You Think You Can Dance For A Really Long Time, a dance-a-thon fundraiser in support of The Mustard Seed. Collect pledges from your family and friends (minimum total of $20 in pledges to participate), and then join us at Eau Claire Market Centre Court on Saturday, May 15, 2010 from 11:00am until 6:00pm. Come prepared to dance the day away with your friends to great music from our Vibe Dance Party DJ while you enjoy cool entertainment. Dress to impress, show off your moves and a positive attitude, or raise the most pledges for a chance to win fantastic prizes! For more information and to register visit http://www. If you have any questions send an email to or find So You Think You Can Dance For A Really Long Time on Facebook! There are a limited number of spots available, so register soon! Thanks to our event sponsors and promotional supporters: Mac’s Convenience Stores (downtown Calgary locations), Subway, Vibe 98.5, Co-operators Insurance, Coke, Old Dutch, and Hershey. Politics for Calgary Non-Profits CCVO Policy Series: Insight into Working with The City of Calgary Understanding Government Relations & Influencing the Municipal Policy Process Local policy decisions can play a critical role in your organization’s ability to be effective in the community. Land use, bylaws, sponsorship, taxes…if you operate in Calgary, these matters affect you. Although most nonprofits receive only a small portion of their funding from The City, it makes good business sense to strengthen municipal relationships and better understand what makes The City tick. Join Monica Pohlmann and special guests to learn how you can participate and influence The City of Calgary’s policy decisions and election process to better serve the community. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2010 Danish Canadian Club, Tivoli Room, 727 – 11 Avenue SW Option A: Morning Workshop & Lunch Panel Time: 8:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. (registration at 8:15 a.m.) Cost: $80 CCVO Members; $115 Non-members Option B: Lunch Panel Only Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. (registration at 11:45 a.m.) Cost: $20 CCVO Members; $40 Non-members Register: ONLINE by Wednesday, April 28, at http://www. Call 403-261-6655 if you have questions. Note: space is limited so please register early. Written notice of cancellation must be received on or before April 28. After the cancellation date, no refunds will be available. A substitute participant, however, is welcome. Businesses Playing for Scouts Kids! The Ramsay Community Rink will play host to the Fist Annual Eligeo CRM Ball Hockey Tournament, supporting Scouts Canada, Chinook Council. Approximately 20 teams, of local small and medium sized businesses, hockey enthusiasts and Scouts leaders and volunteers will be participating in this one-day tournament held at the Ramsay Rink, June 5, 2010. The tournament promises to be a fun filled day for players and spectators, with entertainment during lunch. Money raised will be donated to Scouts Canada, Chinook Council. The tournament is a new initiative for Eligeo’s CARE program. Eligeo CRM knows that Communities Are Really Everything (CARE) and is committed to donating up to 2% of their yearly profits to organizations. “We are pleased to be hosting our tournament at the Ramsay Community Rink. We plan to make this a great community event, while helping out a charity close to my heart” said Derek Major, President and CEO of Eligeo CRM. Interested in playing? Registration will open early May, at, for information regarding the tournament, registering, becoming a sponsor or volunteering please contact Amy at or Twitter @EligeoCRM. Ramsay News page 13 Lee Richardson M.P. Calgary Centre constituents requiring assistance may contact my office by mail, phone, fax, email or appointment. Our NEW constituency office contact information is: Lee Richardson, M.P. Suite 333, 1333 8th Street S.W. Calgary, AB T2R 1M6 Phone: (403) 244-1880 Fax: (403) 245-3468 Email: Canada Hosts Upcoming G-8 and G-20 Economic Summits… This summer Canada will host the G-8 and G-20 Summits in Muskoka and Toronto respectively under the theme of ‘Recovery and New Beginnings’. Canada was the natural choice to be this year’s host because of our strong performance during the recent worldwide economic downturn. Canada is now an economic leader among the world’s industrialized countries. Our strong position began with the Federal budget of 2007-08 which cut taxes and paid down the debt by $40 billion prior to the recession hitting. When the global recession hit Canada was in a solid economic position to respond to the world economic crisis and implement Canada’s Economic Action Plan. A plan that has created 160,000 jobs since July 2009, provided over $200 billion in tax relief to Canadians and has just invested another $19 billion in new stimulus funding including nearly 16,000 infrastructure projects. Many of the infrastructure projects that have received funding are right here in Calgary, including; the twinning of the Trans-Canada Highway through Banff, the Calgary Ring Road, Calgary Transit expansion, Mount Royal University, Bow Valley College, and the addition of the $9 million ‘In-Situ Energy Research Centre’ at the University of Calgary. My next householder will provide details on the Federal Budget as well as highlight some local programs. To find out more about what your Government’s doing for Calgary please go to Role of the G-20 and G-8… The G-20 has now emerged as the world’s premier forum for fiscal and economic cooperation bringing together developing and developed nations alike. The new role of the G-8 will be to focus on the world’s most pressing security and development issues such as; war and terrorism, piracy and failed states, international organized crime, poverty and underdevelopment. This year, as President of the G-8, Prime Minister Harper will be pushing forth a major international initiative to improve maternal and child health in the world’s most underdeveloped regions. Ramsay News page 14 Central Library NEWS Programs to suit everyone’s taste. Register online www.calgarypubliclibrary. com or call 403-260-2620. See you there! History of War Learn how mankind has conducted war and its impact on society with a brief look at historical strategy games. Presented by James Istvanffy from the University of Calgary. Wednesday, May 5, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m., 2nd floor +15 - John Dutton Theatre Experiencing Panic Attacks Learn about the symptoms and causes of panic attacks, discover that they can frequently be stopped. Presented by Dr. Patricia Turner, Registered Psychologist. Monday, May 10, 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., 3rd floor North - Open Area Walking the Camino de Santiago Rosemary Griebel shares her experiences of completing this long distance walk in Spain with a talk and slide show. Tuesday, May 11, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m., 4th floor North - Meeting Room Getting Your Bike Back on the Road Check the health of your bike from tire to chain with the volunteers from Good Life Community Bike Shop. Wednesday, May 12, 12:00 - 2:00 p.m., Main floor South - New and Notable Introduction to Digital Photography for Seniors Learn from the experts about the features of a digital camera and how to get the best pictures. Presented in partnership with The Camera Store. Friday, May 14, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 4th floor North - Meeting Room Storytime for Families and Daycares Join us for stories, songs, and fingerplays the whole group can enjoy. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver Wednesday, May 19, 10:15 - 10:45 a.m., 2nd floor South - Program Room Art Point News 1. Members are strongly encouraged to to call Alderman Joe Ceci in support of his motion to reduce our rentals as reported in the Metro News Calgary, Friday April 23, 2010 (online copy link see article/510008--art-gallery-s-fate-in-council-s-hands) 2. Fred Spina is going to have a new show “”Looking for balance between skin and soul” please (see attached invite attached) 3. As such, we require 4 (FOUR) volunteers to help with his show please, ahead of time 4. Always remember to check our BLOG on for fresh updates. Right now a review of Deborah Robinson’s current show is posted on the blog Ramsay News page 15 Just So You Know… 2711~ 17th Street SE 20 Active Listings $275,000 > $2,400,000 10 Sales for 2010 $290,000 > $605,000 The spring market is nicely busy and Listings that are priced fairly are selling quite quickly! Lending rates are still competitive but bound to go up… Homeownership is one of the few ways to provide not only a home for yourself but also an investment for your future! This two storey character home is in good condition, has over 1300 sq. feet and is fully developed! Fenced yard ~ large deck off kitchen ~ & hardwood floors throughout! $399,900 Call to find out how easy it is to buy! Sold ~ SOLD ~ SOLD! Your home is unique and has its very own “Top” market value. Call me for a complimentary, confidential and up to date evaluation! 253-5678 This communication is not intended to cause or induce a breach of an existing agency agreement. I’m not #1 in my career – You are!
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