- The Carpenter`s Christian Church
- The Carpenter`s Christian Church
The Carpenter’s Christian Church Volume 14 Issue #11 NEWSLETTER July 2015 1340 US 127 Bypass, Harrodsburg, KY 859-734-0670 www.carpenterschristian.com Welcome New Members July 26th 8 & 11 am services This dedication service is for infants to 3 years of age. Please submit baby’s name, birth date, parent’s name’s and service attending on your attendance card. Welcome new members! We are glad that God has lead you to The Carpenter’s Christian Church. He has a special purpose for every one of us joining together as a body of believers. Our prayer for you is that you seek God’s will in your life and serve Him to the best of your ability. Tammy Webb Chelsea Webb Karmen Murray Tori Lanham David & Pam Mobley Join us on Sunday, July 26th at 6:30pm for our next combined evening service. We will meet at Mt Pleasant Church. Greg Warren Senior Minister Email: hburgpreacher@yahoo.com The importance of “getting smaller” as we grow Over the past twelve years I have been a part of this congregation, we have been blessed with steady growth in our congregation. A year ago, we broke through the 500 barrier of average monthly worship attendance. But, since then, we have seen a plateau and then a slight dip in our monthly attendance average. Now, I’m not a preacher who pretends not to care about attendance numbers. Any good shepherd counts the sheep to make sure he is not losing any. And every soul matters to God and should to us as well. I want to impact as many people as we possibly can with the gospel of Jesus Christ. So I have been giving a lot of thought to this and praying over it. I recently attended a minister’s retreat sponsored by Bob Russell Ministries. This retreat was a huge blessing and the timing could not have been better! Not only did I get to learn from and discuss ideas with Bob, but I got the chance to meet and learn from a veteran minister in the Christian church named Ben Merold, who most recently served at Harvester Christian Church in Missouri. Ben is regarded as an expert of sorts on church health and growth. Today, I want to share one of the points Ben made that confirmed something I had been reflecting upon. In future newsletters, I hope to share other points for us to consider. Broadening the base In the early days of our church growth, we were a small family of believers. Everyone knew everyone else. We felt comfortable sharing with one another and we were very much in tune with the needs within the church family. But as we have grown to a congregation of 500, we now worship on Sunday mornings with people whose names we do not know – much less what their greatest needs are. One of the greatest draws to our church has always been the strong sense of acceptance of a spiritual family where we take care of one another. So, is it bad that we have grown as a church and are discovering this challenge? Of course not! But it means that we are going to have to tweak the way we provide and receive this within our church family. As the church continues to grow, we’ve got to be intentional about continuing to get smaller. Let me explain what I mean. We’re conceding the fact that we’re not going to intimately know everyone in morning worship on Sundays. Instead, we are going to focus on being more systematic about drawing people from morning worship into a small community of believers. In these small groups, everyone knows everyone by name, we can learn and discuss the scriptures, pray specifically for one another’s needs, hold one another accountable, and discover genuine Christian friends. I think of these small groups as “small churches” within our “larger church.” The small group leader becomes the primary shepherd of that “small church.” This type of setting offers the best of both worlds. Larger churches provide the energy and excitement of a packed house of believers coming together to worship on Sunday mornings. Larger churches have more resources to provide more ministries and make a maximum impact in the community. But the small groups provide that family feel of a small church where everyone knows everyone else. You may be thinking, “We already have small groups.” You’re right. But we are going to refine our process and place a greater emphasis on them as a way to broaden our base. More to come… From my heart to yours, Greg The Carpenter's Christian Church will host this month’s meeting of Men for Christ Monday - July 27th at 7 PM Dinner will be served before the meeting. We encourage all TCCC men to attend to learn more of how we can help to plant more Christian churches in Kentucky. Dolls of HOPE Dolls of HOPE meet every 4th Tuesday at 10am and everyone brings something to share for lunch. We have started a new ministry to make baby quilts for an organization. You do not have to sew. There are other ways to help in this ministry also. The usual day for Dolls of HOPE Quilting is the 1st Monday of each month at 10am with the exception of no meeting in July. All through the year we gather together to make dolls for hospitalized children, Family Protective Services and the Harrodsburg Police Department. We make over 300 dolls and toboggans to go in Christmas shoe boxes and the Guatemala Mission trips each year. We are always in need of 100% cotton material for the dolls and yarn for toboggans to be made. If you would like to help make the toboggans in your spare time at home, you can use a loom or hand knit and/or crochet toboggans. All toboggans are 9-12 inches in circumference. We will continue to collect can goods and non perishable food for the Christian Life Center throughout the year. Each month we will deliver the collected food items to the Christian Life Center to help those in need in our community. You can help participate in this project by placing your donations in the red tote provided in the front lobby. If you have any questions contact Dora Higginbotham at 265-7548 or Martha Lainhart at 734-5893. If it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead, do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully. Romans 12:8 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers Carpenter’s Team Missions 2015 One of the best gifts God has given us is time. We each have the same amount of hours and minutes in each day. When God ask for us to give back a portion of our first fruits shouldn’t our use of time fall into this category? Are you using the time you were given serving God, telling others about God or helping others? Or are you to busy with meaningless things of this world? Are your priorities right, are you teaching your children what is the most important things in your life and how to manage time. One way Satan controls us is making us too busy to serve God. Pray to God for him to help you manage your time. We have 24 hours each day, let us use a part of that time to worship God and help others. Next month we will list ways you can serve and help. Can you imagine how much we could accomplish if we all work together to serve. In June TCCC Mission team has helped supply and deliver food to hungry children in Mercer County. A group of Christian motorcycle riders had a bike rally to raise money for Camp Calvary. TCCC provided a pit stop and the Mission Team supplied a snack and drink for them. Hard to believe we are already planning for the back to school ReadiFest. TCCC partners with Harrodsburg United Methodist Church to provide school supplies for needy children. School teachers provide a list of supplies the children need for each grade level. We purchase the school supplies, sort the supplies and pack them in backpacks. The backpacks are given to children at the school ReadiFest. The next No Walls service will be July 19th at the corner of West Office and James Street. We will start setting up around 5 p.m. No Walls service starts at 6 p.m. Come and receive a blessing by seeing what God is doing. If you would like to help contact John Sims or the church office. Since Eve came along you never hang out with us anymore. TCCC YOUTH Jacob Bryant, Youth Ministry Director tccc_youth@hotmail.com Wow! What an amazing week of camp we had! If you have not had a chance to ask a student how CIY was this year, please do. I am sure they will be more than willing to tell you all about it. I would like to say a special “Thank You” to everyone who prayed for us before the event and also while we were at CIY; we could feel the power of your prayers. If there was one thing that I could ask now that camp is finished, it would be that you guys continue to wrap us up in your prayers. When students arrive back from CIY, they are tempted more than before. Going to church camp is a special thing for students, but the excitement that they gain at camp needs to transition to home. So, please continue to pray for our students. Thanks in advance! It has already been an amazing summer this far. Just a few weeks ago we had our annual water games and had a blast! The remaining weeks of summer are jam packed! If you have not grabbed a summer calendar from the welcome center, please do so. It will have all of the event dates and times of everything that is going on this summer for the youth. Currently, we are looking for a place to have our 'Messy Games' this year. I am hoping to find a place that has ample amounts of acreage and water of some-sort that will allow our students to some-what clean up after. If you know of any leads, please let me know! We have thrown a curve-ball in our Sunday night Power-On service for the summer. Instead of having middle school and high school meet at the same time (6:30-8) on Sunday nights. We are now going to have the middle school meet from 6:30-7:30 and the high school meet from 7-8. There are a couple reasons for this. First, we are wanting to see how this plan works on a trial basis. We believe that splitting the two age groups up will help bring in more students who normally do not come. Also, we want to be able to teach on their levels. We want your students to leave us on Sunday nights feeling like they have been "fed". Sometimes it is hard to achieve that by teaching on different levels than what they need. This is a good time to get back involved with the youth! We would love to see all the students on Sunday morning, make their way to the gym Sunday night. Let's finish out the summer months strong! TCCC Children’s Ministry Stacy Charles, Children’s Ministry Director stacy.charles@mercer.schools.us We are soooo pumped up and excited for EVEREST VBS to get here. Please join us July 6-10 from 5:30-8:30 for the best VBS yet. God has great things in store for our children and adults in attendance that week. We will have our kickoff on July 5th from 7-9 at TCCC with Backyard Ministries and a pool party to conclude our VBS festivities on July 11th from 6-8 at Anderson Dean Pool. Please join us. Our goal for the week is 350 children and adults in attendance!! Please be watching the bulletin toward the end of the month for information concerning TEAM KID and Children's Choir starting back up in August once school starts. Exciting things in store for the children of TCCC. Thank you all so much for your donations and prayers for our upcoming VBS. we couldn't put on such a fantastic VBS and reach so many souls for Christ without a church like ours. Please continue your prayers for VBS and join us for the fun!! Will be an exciting week that is sure to bless all who attend. P.U.S.H (Pray Until Something Happens) Persistence With God Dear Church Family of The Carpenter’s Christian Church, Thanks so much for the nice welcome letter after my first visit. Thanks also to the great cookie bakers for the delicious cookies I received. A special thank you to Laura Harris who brought the cookies to my house and to visit with me. It’s been wonderful to be with Christian friends. Sincerely, Pat Hildebrandt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I want to take a moment to thank each of our volunteer groups and individuals that have financially assisted our chapel with the purchase of sanctuary chairs. You always respond with gracious gifts to financially support the ministry work and inmates at NTC. The chairs have been ordered and will be put to use within 2 weeks. I am deeply humbled by your giving spirit and willingness to help those who are incarcerated. Thank you for your faithfulness. REV. AARON W. MOBLEY, M.A.R., M.Div. CHAPLAIN DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS NORTHPOINT TRAINING CENTER BURGIN, KENTUCKY 40310 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dear TCCC Thanks for the food, calls, emails, support and the ceramic church that was sent to our family. Miller & Nichols Family ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To Carpenter’s Christian Church As a family we would like to thank the congregation for their prayers during the time of Doris Freeman Carey’s illness and passing. We would like to thank Perry Dressler for taking time out to officiate the service. A special thanks to Lisa Bugg, Cathy Camic & Crystal Bentley for serving the meal our church family provided following the service. Thank you again, Jeff, Andrea, Mackenzie, Paisley, Jason Carey & Landon Rogers ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I want to thank everyone who sent cards, food, flowers, and prayers during the sickness and loss of my sister Betty Barnes. She is at peace now with our Lord. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated. Norene Baker & Family Luke 18:1-8 Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, 'Grant me justice against my adversary.' "For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming!” And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Jesus' parable is designed to teach us that, though our prayers should long appear to be unanswered, we should persevere, and not grow weary in petitioning God. We have been studying the “Wonder of Prayer” in our Women's Sunday School class. One of the chapters we studied was “Persistence with God”. It talked about how the disciples watched Jesus walk in the power and presence of God, and how they became more than intrigued by Jesus' prayer life. Jesus gives them a backstage pass to see how and when He prays. At times, He even prays aloud so the disciples can hear His requests. I find comfort that Jesus knew we'd sometimes be tempted to give up on praying. He knew we'd look at our world and the countless injustices, the overwhelming brokenness, the hardness of human hearts, and consider throwing up our hands and walking away. I have read “prayer is the language of dependence”. Become completely dependent on Him and persistent in your prayer life . . . HE's told you “not to give up”. The King James reads “and not to faint”. “Faint” translated from the Greek means “to be afraid, to become discouraged, to become weary or tired, to despair, to lose heart, to tire of.” HE's told you “not to faint”. Let's consider a couple of questions. What are three reasons you're tempted to give up praying? What's one area of your life or person that you've given up praying for? Bring the answers to these questions to the Lord, remember the message of His parable and realize as we sang in our worship on Sunday . . . “Lord I need You, oh I need You”. May you be encouraged by these words today and remember always pray and don't give up. Maryann Strickland The Prayer team is facilitated by Maryann Strickland; those serving with her are: Eileen Burberry, Larry Camic, Ken & Clara Daggett, Koos Van Den Burg, Denise Delp, Linda Green, Paul Hensley, Debbie Massie, Nancy Simmons, J.R Thompson, Debbie Votaw, Delmer & Phyllis Warren, Lee & Donna Wright. The Only way to God Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.” John 14:5-7 The only way to God is through faith in Jesus Christ. There is one path to the Almighty and it's through His son. Any add ons to trust in Christ replace faith alone as the gateway to God. The route to our heavenly Father is not Jesus plus religious fervor. The faith journey to heaven is not Jesus plus denominational loyalty. Becoming a Christian is not Christ plus a compelling cause. Jesus Christ is God. When introduced to Jesus we are introduced to God. Christ alone is our soul’s cry! Thomas voiced the disciple’s concerns, doubts and fears. They had experienced the truth of Jesus’ life changing and life giving teaching, but they still lacked understanding of why He must die. Though they saw Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead, they still did not comprehend the fact that after three days Christ would rise from the grave. Jesus’ death would allow them to experience the living Lord. Trust in the way to God is made clear when we accept Jesus as God. “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son [Jesus], who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known” (John 1:18). Do you believe Jesus is only a manifestation of God--or God manifest? Are you trusting in anyone or anything other than Jesus Christ to get you to God? Start by loving Him with your heart. By faith receive Jesus into your heart. Allow His free flowing grace to forgive you of your sin. Embrace Him and His unconditional love. Now love Him with your mind. Believe Jesus is God. Trust that He is the only way to your heavenly Father. Thirdly, love God with your soul. Rest in His peace and security. Lastly, love God by submitting your will to His will. God’s will works. Furthermore, as a disciple of Jesus, make it a priority to show and tell others how and why He is the only way to God. Like His followers after His resurrection, we cannot keep quiet since the Holy Spirit has quieted our soul and filled us with holy boldness! We are all on a journey with Jesus and we unselfishly want to invite those we influence to join us. Some will start and finish. Others will start and stray. Regardless, by grace we remain faithful to Christ: the Way, the Truth and the Life. We know Him, so we can make Him known. Jesus is the only way to God. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name [Jesus Christ] under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). WISDOM HUNTERS Mending Hearts Our Mending Hearts group went to Golden Corral for lunch in June and was stuffed. Many thanks to Chigger, Roberta and Hobert for driving since we didn't have a bus driver. We came home and Norene got word that her sister Betty Barnes had passed away. Our condolences go out to Norene for her loss. I'm working on plans for this month. Be sure to ask someone to join us and do make some phone calls to the shut ins. It means so much to them. God bless you all, Wanda Waldridge Spirit Lifters invites everyone who would like to attend the National Quartet Convention in Pigeon Forge, Tenn. The group will leave on Sept 28 and return the morning of Oct 1st. The group can take up to 25 persons to this event. If you would like more info see Chigger Flynn. Willing Hands The Willing Hands met on Tuesday, June 9th. At the end of the business portion of our meeting, we welcomed our guest, Brandon Sutton. Brandon and his father operate Sutton Farms in Mercer County. He explained in great detail the process of producing honey. We were all so impressed with this young man. Personally, I never knew how much was involved in producing the jar of honey we purchase at the store. We will meet again on Tuesday, July 14th at 7:00 pm. Our meetings are held at the home of Phyllis Warren. We will once again have a guest join us. Jennifer Wilhite will be joining us with a Pampered Chef Party. We would like to invite all the ladies at TCCC to join us if you’re interested. We have voted to include any hostess gifts we earn during the party in the Craft Fair auction this year. If anyone would like to purchase any pampered chef through our party, but cannot attend, please see Jennifer or myself. PAMPERED CHEF PARTY Hosted by The Willing Hands Tuesday, July 14 7:00pm Phyllis Warren’s house I hope everyone is having a fun and safe summer. Teri Giles KIDS Church July 5 (1) Michelle Bugg and Crystal Gabhart (2) Lisa Curtsinger, Tara Stinnett, Staci & Maddie Bast, Tanya Hensley, Lindsey Shepherd, Stacy & Brevin Charles July 12 (1) Michelle Bugg (2) Kristal Irvin, Amy Raney, Jessica Kenderick, Michele & Kelsey Bugg July 19 (1) Michelle Bugg (2) Jennifer Maddox, Tara Stinnett, Amber Evans, Dana Warren, Stacy & Brevin Charles July 26 (1) Michelle Bugg (2) Heather King, LeeAnn Turner, Michelle & Kelsey Bugg, Tia Taylor, Laura Lee Currens Front Door Greeters July 5 (1) Deryck & Jennifer Wilhite (2) Red & Ina Adkinson July 12 (1) Paula Crowley (2) Phoebe Brown & Linda Cole July 19 (1) Lisa Curtsinger (2) Bessie Votaw & Samantha Fayne July 26 (1) Phyllis Barrett (2) Buddy & Lisa Bugg Prayer Room July 5 (1) Coos Van Den Burg (2) Denise Delp & JR Thompson July 12 (1) Ken Daggett (2) Nancy Simmons & Larry Camic July 19 (1) Linda Green (2) Maryann Strickland & Eileen Burberry July 26 (1) Clara Daggett (2) Paul Hensley & Maryann Strickland Nursery Schedule July 5 (1) Patsy Revell (2) Sandy Royalty, Joyce Sims, Emily Hensley, Savannah Higginbotham July 12 (1) Donita Milam, (2) Heather King, Jennifer & Ashleigh Wilhite, Gidget Taylor July 19 (1) Rebecca Lanham (2) Stephanie Abrams, Donna Lane, Teri Orme, Leslie Sallee July 26 (1) Patsy Revell (2) Debbie Votaw, Megan Harley, Kaci Christopher, Katie Hensley, Ashley Spears Parking Lot Team July 5 (1) Mike Warren (2) Lee Claunch & Hobert Cheatham July 12 (1) David Johnson (2) Paul Hensley & Steve Anderson July 19 (1) John Pendegrist (2) Jim Oliver & Michael Thrasher July 26 (1)Jim Barrett (2) Ronnie Robinson & clay Slone Usher Team July 5 (1) Dick Tanhauser, Don Kestler, Donnie Sexton, Jim Barrett, Wayne Green (2) Larry Camic, Buddy Bugg, Scott Noland, Jim Hicks, Jay Anderson, Marion Rogers, Chris Shackelford, Cary King, Travis Lanham, Jack Mattingly, Steve Lupson July 12 (1) Maurice Baker, Johnnie Slone, Keith Hensley, Deryck Wilhite, Mike Warren, Aaron Gabhart (2) Curtis Fayne, Ed Delp, Keith Monson, Clay Slone, Gerald Sheperson, Adam Chunglo, Chad Ellis, Shannon Murray, Ronnie Pulliam, Jeremy Cocanougher, Jeremy Timmons July 19 (1) Dick Tanhauser, Steve Kestler, Dave Johnson, Mike Higginbotham, Chris Howard (2) Delmer Warren, John Sims, Joe Myers, Brent Frederick, Chaz Hockensmith, Kevin Higginbotham, Clayton King, Patrick McMullin, Brian Kendrick, Everett Spurlock July 26 (1) Maurice Baker, Joe Milam, Al Mueller, Chris Slone, Richard Wilder, Aaron Gabhart (2) Lee Wright, Tim Sallee, Paul Hensley, George Neal, Steve Anderson, Ken Watson, Lee Claunch, Cody Shackelford, Max Clark, Kyle Withers, Mark Wilson Home Communion July 5 Aaron Gabhart & Richard Wilder July 12 Maurice Baker & Jim Barrett July 19 Lee Wright & Chad Ellis July 26 Curtis Fayne & Ed Delp Church Bus Drivers July 5 Cary King July 12 Jim Mattingly July 19 Michael Griffieth July 26 Cary King July Communion Preparation Brenda Brown & Roberta Machal Worship Team July 5 Team A: Lisa Votaw, Scott Noland, Tony Broyles, Kim Ellis July 12 Team B: Jim Oster, Linda Mueller, Eva Reynolds, Carol Watson, Kenny Hensley July 19 Team C: Ronda Devine, Kaitlyn Curtsinger, Deborah Moyers, Jack & Kathy Mattingly July 26 Team D: Roberta Machal, Lynette Freeman, Samantha Fayne SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES (Nursery provided) Sunday School 10 AM AM Worship 8:30 & 11 AM KIDS Church 8:30 & 11 AM Youth Group 6:30-8 PM Children’s Choir (not during summer) 7-8 PM Evening Bible Study 7 PM Check your newsletter calendar for other events Elders Serving in 2015 Lee Wright (859)366-0339 (Chairman) Harry Humes (606)776-5245 Curtis Fayne (859)325-0404 Larry Camic (859)613-1870 Dick Tanhauser (859)865-1170 Maurice Baker (859)613-1563 TCCC May 2015 Averages Sunday school ……………………………. Sunday AM .....…………………….…….. Offering …...................................$ Budget …………………….….……$9,998.00 The Carpenter’s Christian Church 1340 US 127 Bypass Harrodsburg, KY 40330 NON-PROFIT ORG. US Postage PAID Harrodsburg, KY Permit # 49 Return Service Requested Greg Warren, Senior Minister Chigger Flynn & Carol McKinley, Shepherding Care Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 7 PM Small Groups Friday 3 4 6:30 PM Prayer Team meeting 7-9 PM VBS Kick Off 5 PM Spirit Lifter's Cookout 6 PM Youth MS Pool Party 5 6 7 8 5:30 PM VBS Everest 5:30 PM VBS Everest 9 5:30 VBS Everest 10 5:30 VBS Everest Red White & Blue Sunday 8:30 & 11 AM Services/Kids Church 10 AM Sunday School 6 PM VBS Kick Off 13 8:30 & 11 AM Services/Kids Church 10 AM Sunday School 6 PM VBS Family Night 5:45 PM BCMF Jessamine Christian 8 AM Youth Holiday World Trip 6 PM Finance Committee meeting 6 PM Elder's Meeting 8:30 & 11 AM Services/Kids Church 10:00 AM Sunday School 6:00 PM No Walls 26 8:30 & 11 AM Services/Kids Church Baby Dedication Sunday 10 AM Sunday School 4 PM Full Boar d meeting 6:30 PM MS Youth Gr oup 7 PM HS Youth Gr oup 6:30 PM Unity Ser vice at Mt Pleasant 6-8PM VBS Pool Party Anderson Dean 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 11 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 5 PM Spirit Lifter's Dinner/Concert 12 19 Saturday 14 20 21 6:30 PM Mission Team Meeting 15 22 11 AM Mending Hearts 7 PM TCCC Host Men for Christ 10 AM Dolls of HOPE Ministry 18 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 23 7 PM Small Groups 24 5 PM Spirit Lifter's Dinner/Concert 29 30 7 PM Small Groups 7 PM Youth Life Groups 25 8 AM Men's Prayer Group 6 PM Youth HS Pool Party 28 TCCC Newsletter articles due to church office 17 7 PM Youth Life Groups 7 PM SRCMF Peaks Mill Christian 27 16 7 PM Small Groups 31
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