2016 June Newsletter - Elm Street Christian Church
2016 June Newsletter - Elm Street Christian Church
The Reminder June Sermon Series JUNE 2016 ‘It’s a bird.’ ‘It’s a plan.’ ‘No, it’s Superman.’ Reminder The Chances are you have heard that line. You probably have heard the name Adam West (the 1960’s actor who played Batman). These heroes come in spandex and a cape, but faithful heroes might look a little different. The Marvel studios makes comic books. Recently, the Marvel studios sold its business to Disney. As of today, the comic book company has produced over 10 billion dollars in movie sales. That is a lot of popcorn! You might recognize some of the comic book superhero’s names. Heroes like Captain America and Iron Man are just some of the men and women of comic book lore. Throughout the month of June, we will be in a sermon series entitled “Parables of a Superhero”. While we look at these ‘superheroes’, the goal is to springboard off of the heroic heroes into our faith. We will hone in on Biblical Principles that we need to apply to our faith so we can live a life that is super! Be ready to fly! Vacation Bible School P. 1 Casey/Elders P. 2 Connect P. 3 Calendar P. 4-5 Youth Ministry P. 6 Children’s Ministry P. 7 Sermon Series P. 8 Sunday Service Times... st 1 Service Worship; 8:30am Sunday School; 9:45am 2nd Service Worship; 10:45am June 6-10 U.S. Postage Paid Olney, IL Permit No. 59 Non-Profit Org. 9:30am-noon June June 6-10 June 6-10 9:30am-noon Return Service Requested 6-10 9:30am-noon9:30am-noon Ages 4 - 5th Grade Ages 4 - 5th Grade Ages 4 - 5th Grade KIDS - DON’T MISS OUT! 727 E Elm Street Olney, IL 62450 618.395.8411ph 618.395.3722 fax info@esccnet.comcom Connect with us on... Facebook Elmstreetchristianchurch.org ADULTS - VOLUNTEER & BE BLESSED! Jr High Vacation Bible School June 6-10 Cherry; 9:30am-noon ESCC Leadership Casey Kleeman, Sr Minister/ckleeman@esccnet.com/712-501-1999 Guy Ash, Worship Minister/guya@esccnet.com/618-554-0591 Andrew Liston, Children’s Minister/andrewl@esccnet.com/618-838-5437 Jason Burckhartt, Youth Minister/jasonb@esccnet.com/618-843-8440 Mitchel Burgener, Youth Intern/mitchelburgener@hotmail.com/618-839-0020 Paula Cardinal, Administrator/paulac@esccnet.com/618-395-1925 Phyllis Brian, Receptionist/phyllisb@esccnet.com/618-843-5565 Pat Ford, Custodian/618-302-4065 Wayne Gray/618-869-2669 Ben Inskeep/618-843-1763 Doug Johnstone/618-843-4859 Casey Kleeman/712-501-1999 Greg Michels/618-395-7834 Preston Parish/618-843-4069 Brian Toliver/618-843-4127 Terry Walker/618-863-2663 In the darkness of Gethsemane, Jesus introduces to us a new concept. He prays, with tears, and lifts up his voice to God, saying, “Abba, Father” (Mark 14:36) This was the first time in Jewish history anyone had ever addressed God this way. Children’s Ministry Abba is an Aramaic word which came out of the intimacy of the family circle. When a toddler was learning to talk, one of the first words he could say was Abba (Daddy). It was considered, at the time, much too personal a word for any man to use in addressing Almighty God. So Jesus was the first. Casey Kleeman It was shocking and surprising that Jesus should address God in such an intimate way, but the greater surprise is this: we also have the privilege of crying, “Abba Father” (Romans 8:15 and Galatians 4:4). We do not approach our Maker with fear, but with confidence! We are welcomed not as slaves but as sons! YOUR FRIENDS AT CAVE QUEST HOPE TO SEE YOU AT VBS! We have the right to call God our Abba and to claim His attention in a close and intimate way. While we must never be casual or flippant, we certainly can exercise our privilege as His children. God has adopted us as His own children and even allows us to call Him Abba. The next time you pray, go to God as your “Abba, Father!” See YOU at VBS! ~ Casey Kleeman VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Happy Father’s Day! IT’S NOT TOO LATE! It’s not too late to be a part of VBS! Join us as we help kids get connected to the ultimate guiding light-JESUS. Each morning of VBS, kids will explore through several different stations, learning the following Bible points: Even if you’ve never been a Boy Scout, you’ve no doubt heard of their motto: Be Prepared. The dictionary defines being prepared as “getting ready beforehand”. To have things lined out and ready to go before events happen brings a sense of security, peace of mind and even joy. Being prepared doesn’t just happen, it takes work...focused work! I’ve seen this up close as the weddings of my two sons are rapidly approaching (May 28 and July 9). Wedding ceremonies aren’t usually put together the day of. The families tend not to just show up and “wing it”. Months of planning, lots of thoughts and ideas, shopping, measurements, counseling and hard work go into a successful wedding day, not to mention all the preparatory effort to set up the honeymoon and life together after the ceremony! Whew...it’s enough to make your head spin! Actually, there’s one more wedding that’s coming up. Revelation 19:7 (speaking about Christ and the Church) says, “Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and His bride has made herself ready.” Are you part of the bride who is making herself ready? Have you put in the work to have everything lined out and ready to go? Are you prepared? Greg Michels, Elder Statistics Sunday, May 1 Attendance SS Attendance Offering Sunday, May 8 Attendance SS Attendance Offering Sunday, May 15 Attendance SS Attendance Offering Sunday, May 22 Attendance SS Attendance Offering Weekly Budget Needs: YTD Weekly Average: CAVE QUEST VBS DAILY BIBLE POINTS 356 129 $16,948.00 382 107 $13,092.00 392 131 $12,409.00 330 118 $11,939.00 $13,462 $14,692 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday - Jesus Gives Us Hope (Psalms 71:5) Jesus Gives Us Courage (Matthew 14:27) Jesus Gives Us Direction (Proverbs 3:6) Jesus Gives Us Love (1 John 3:16) Jesus Gives u His Power (2 Corinthians 4:7) Come help as kids learn new catchy songs, hear Bible stories, play awesome games, visit the imagination station and hear stories of how real kids shine Jesus’ light in their lives. Yes, you will be exhausted, but it will be worth it!!! The offering collected at VBS this year will be to reach kids in Haiti for Jesus. Bring your offering to help make a difference! Summer Camp Not Too Late To Register! Dates Andrew will be attending camp are: June 12-18 Encounter 1 Camp (Grades 5-6) Minecraft Hey Parents! Do your kids play Minecraft? If so, would you like to know how to connect with your Minecraft gamer? You can visit the Children’s Ministry page on the church website and download the July 15-16 Foot Prints 2 (Grades 2-3) Parent’s Quick Guide to Video Games to see the article Minecraft-What you need to know to connect with your gamer through Minecraft, by Eric Rogers. It’s free and just waiting for you to download and read it. Get CONNECTED Promotion Sunday JUNE 5 Elementary through high school students will advance to their new grade level. If you have any question about your child moving up, please see Andrew or Jason. STUDENTS... Promotion Sunday Don’t forget, Sunday, June 5 you will advance to your new grade level Sunday School classes. Graduating Seniors, we’d love for you to hang around until August 1, but you may want to join the Gap class too! The first youth to read this, make this Newsletter into an airplane and hit Jason or Mitchel with it, will receive a free lunch with either Jason or Mitchel. BOBE’S PIZZA Register Today! Summer Camp Not Too Late To Register! Mitchel & Jason are encouraging the following camps: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 All men are invited to lunch at Bobe’s pizza for lunch and fellowship on the first Wednesday of each month at noon. Bring a friend and join us! June 19-24 Jr High 1 (Grades 7-8) MEN’S BREAKFAST June 23-26 Climbing Week (Grades 10-13) Jason is Dean of this week SATURDAY, JUNE 11 July 17-23 Niners Week (Freshman only) July 31-August 6 Deeper Life (Grades 10-13) Join men of all ages at 8am in the ESCC Fellowship Hall. Share a delicious breakfast, testimony time and great fellowship. Hope to see you there! June 14 “America is at a crossroads, and I believe we should take every opportunity to stand up for the things of God and His Word.” -Franklin Graham FALL KIDS MALL Undie Sunday - June 12 Sock Sunday - July 10 Franklin Graham is traveling to all 50 states in 2016 to hold prayer rallies, to preach the Gospel, and to challenge believers to take a stand and take action. He’ll be urging Christians to vote, to live out their faith in every part of their lives, and to pray for out nation just as Nehemiah cried out to God to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and restore hope to His people. Fall Kids Mall will have a “shopping day” for underprivileged children in Richland County on August 13. Children will receive new socks and underclothing, new shoes and essential toiletry items. In addition, the Dental Safari will be on site to provide the children with a dental check-up. Mother/Daughter Bible Study A box will be will be at the Information Center in Fellowship Hall on the designated Sundays listed above for donations. June 1 - July 6; 6:30-7:30pm Cherry; Room 404 7th grade - High School Bonita Balding is organizing a trip to attend. Watch the Bulletin for more details. Contact Bonita with any questions. Is taking a break this summer. See you in September! Birthdays ... “you don’t just go to Church...BE THE CHURCH!” Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 2 3 Men’s Lunch (Bobe’s) Mission Richland; Mission Richland; 8am-1pm daily 8am-1pm daily Sat 4 Mission Richland; 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 8am-1pm daily Mother/Daughter Bible Study; 6:30-7:30pm Cherry - Room 404 5 Sunday Worship 8:30/10:45- SS/9:45am Promotion Sunday 12 6 7 8 9 10 11 VBS - 9:30am - noon VBS - 9:30am - noon VBS - 9:30am - noon VBS - 9:30am - noon VBS - 9:30am - noon Men’s Breakfast; 8am 16 17 18 Mother/Daughter Bible Study; 6:30-7:30pm Kingdom Builders Bethany Christian Church 7pm 13 Cherry - Room 404 14 15 Mother/Daughter Bible Study; 6:30-7:30pm Sunday Worship 8:30/10:45- SS/9:45am Cherry - Room 404 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 Laura Williams Andrew Liston Justin Holdrieth, Baylie Houchin, Cheri Michels, Bill Ross Samantha Blakney, Nathan Delks, Tom Fehrenbacher, Micah Liston Dusty Baker Kent King, Abigail Souder David Fox, Christine Mick Audra Bussard, Sammie Fehrenbacher Bob Ginder Steven Mason Jason Cazel Jude Alexander, Jennifer Kerr, 1 M/M Jess Cox Jaidyn Kleeman, Lisa Tarpley M/M Kelsey Leathers Greg Michels 5 M/M Brad Williams Liz Denton, Brad Williams 6 M/M Robert Varner Levi West 7 M/M Dan Lathrop Melissa Erwin, Tracey Rodgers 8 M/M Kent King Mary Ryker 9 M/M Terry Walker Riley Wibbenmeyer 11 M/M Kevin Rhoads 12 M/M David Benson Jim Roth 14 M/M Mike Black Samantha Trout M/M Bill Crackel Alivia Leathers, Anna Toliver, 20 M/M Mark Allen Kyler West 21 M/M Tony Mattoon Belinda Milone 22 M/M Marc Rodgers Stephanie Ginder, John Snidle 26 M/M Morgan Henton Jim Baker, Casey Kleeman, 29 M/M Michael Gaede Mary Lemke, Chloe Prevo Anniversaries Undie Sunday Encounter 1 Camp (Grades 5-6) Membership 19 Ryan & Crystal Singer Ava, Addilyn, Jaidyn 1803 E Scott St Olney, IL 62450 Oil Belt (June 12-18) Father’s Day 20 Summer Begins 21 22 23 24 25 Mother/Daughter Climbing Week Bible Study; 6:30-7:30pm Oil Belt -June 23-26 Sunday Worship 8:30/10:45- SS/9:45am Cherry - Room 404 (Grades 10-13) Baptism Crystal Singer 1803 E Scott St Olney, IL 62450 Jr High 1 Camp Oil Belt -June 19-24 Sympathy (Grades 7-8) 26 27 Sunday Worship 8:30/10:45- SS/9:45am 28 23 30 Mother/Daughter Bible Study; 6:30-7:30pm Cherry - Room 404 Anthony Troester & family following the loss of his sister, Angela Snyder. Oil Belt Cook Day...Elm Street’s day to help out in the Oil Belt kitchen is Monday, July 18. Four adults are needed for the Norma Williamson & family following the loss of her niece, Patricia Dunahee. morning shift (8:30am- 1pm) and four adults are needed for the afternoon shift (3pm - 7pm). If you would like to volunteer, please contact Terry Walker or the church office. Please keep these families in your prayers. Births Congratulations to Hannah & Christopher Steber on the birth of their daughter, Blair Elizabeth Steber, born on May 16, 2016. Jameson is the big brother. Jerry & Gail Hixon are grandparents.