farming - Sliabh Luachra Outlook
farming - Sliabh Luachra Outlook
NEWS DESK Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: / 150,000 BAGS COLLECTED ON KERRY COUNTY CLEAN UP DAY It was a familiar sight throughout the county last Saturday as over 3,200 volunteers from across the county suited up in hiz viz jackets, armed with litter pickers and red bags. The Kerry “County Clean-up day which was facilitated by KWD Recycling saw up to 100 groups taking part in what was the most successful clean up yet. Noel O’Reilly of KWD spoke to the Sliabh Luachra Outlook following the day’s work “I have to say a huge thanks to all the volunteers groups and people involved in organising this for the last couple of months.” The now familiar KWD Recycling Red bags were dotted all along highways and byways before being taken to a designated pick up point. In fact, the results could be literally counted by the bags of litter that were collected with 150,000 bags distributed all over and were Kerry collected all through the week by KWD Recycling trucks and vans. “This year the rain held off again and the weather was fantastic. Staff and friends of KWD did their part and helped clean the roads around the Inch/Annascaul area. This year in most places there was a visible improvement on last year yet again less rubbish per mile proving Scartaglen Clean up group that this takes an effect on people’s habits and improving the landscape. We are all ready for another great year for the tourist season and how better than having sparkling litter free roads,” concluded Noel KILLARNEY MAYORS BALL It is one of the biggest and most successful fundraisers of the year and this year’s Municipal District Mayors Ball promises to be no different. Organiser of the Mayors Ball Myra Fitzgerald spoke to the Sliabh Luachra ahead of the big event, which takes place on Sunday May 3rd at The Malton Hotel Killarney. “The Killarney South Kerry Branch of The Cancer Society are the mayor's nominated Charity who have had a busy year to date but are delighted to be chosen and involved. All proceeds from The Mayor's Ball will be used towards funding for the much required cancer services in Kerry.” Proceedings will kick off with a which will take place on l l a B r s o a y M h e t g i n c h n u l in la Mike Hussey R Pictured at the Malton Hote L w R o k c B a e drinks reception at 7.30pm followed by a r e w t y i e o c S ng the Irish Cancer Sunday 3rd May benefitti Eleanor O 'Doherty, Timmy n Hotel), Kathleen Cronin, (Management at the Malto nt Row L-R Myra Fitzgerald r o F . n v a l l i u ' S O e n & Eugen Moriarty, Kathleen O'Sulliva ife Mary and Joe Burkett. w i s h ohn Joe Cul loty with , Kathrina Breen, Mayor J livan 087 391 4808 Picture Marie Carroll-O'Sul The Easter bunny brought a very special gift to one lucky Tralee Credit Union member recently when Martin McHale’s name was picked out during their Live Members Car Draw. Martin from Ballyfinnane won a brand new Toyota Auris bought from local dealer Kellihers Rathass. Speaking to the Sliabh Luachra Martin McHale said “I didn’t believe it when I received the telephone call, it was a fantastic surprise and a fabulous car to win. This is the second time Tralee Credit Union’s Car Draw has brought us luck, my wife Mary won a cash prize from the draw a few years back so it seems to be a great draw to be in”. Draws take place 4 times a year, their next car draw is Friday 26th of June. Tralee Credit Union members can join their Members Car Draw by filling in an entry form for further information visit their website or call in to their offices in Tralee, Castleisland or Killorglin. four course meal. “Entertainment is provided and coordinated by Joe Burkett so we are in store for a few surprises and good fun and laughs throughout the night. This will be followed, firstly with dancing to renowned show band Crystal Swing to bring us back to The Ballroom of Romance era and who knows we might see John Joe Culloty dancing to the Hucklebuck. Secondly, local entertainer Ger Healy will take us late into the night with plenty laughs songs and dances. It is a night not to be missed. “Concludes Mrya. Tickets are priced at 50 and it is the event to kick off the summer season in Killarney. Tickets are available from The Malton Hotel. MARTIN DRIVES OFF WITH CREDIT UNION CAR RIGHT: Martin McHale Ballyfinnane,Firies winner of the Members Car Draw of a Toyota Auris and Derry Fleming of Tralee Credit Union, who presented Martin with the Keys on Friday outside Tralee Credit Union. L to RKieran Evans (Kellihers Car Sales), Mary McHale, Jerry O'Sullivan (Kellihers Car Sales, Tralee) Michael McHale (winner) and Derry Fleming (TCU). Pic Joe Hanley INTERDENOMINATIONAL SERVICE FOR FARM FAMILIES NEKD’s Farm Family Support Committee has organized an interdenominational service which will take place at Castleisland Church on Friday, 1st May at 7.30pm. This is a memorial service dedicated to those families who have lost loved ones as a result of accidents on Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 2 the Farm. The Farming Community has suffered many fatalities over the years, and this service we believe is a fitting and timely event to commemorate those people. This is a public event and is open to the Farming Community and the general public. In addition to the service, there will be light refreshments provided in the Castleisland Day Care Centre immediately after the 7.30pm service. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 3 NEWS DESK Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: / B WILDERED FITNESS CHALLENGE DRAWS CLOSER So what do you get when you mix former World Mountain running champion, John Lenihan, Joe O’ Connor of Nisus Fitness and Lee Strand Protein + Milk, the answer is one of the most unique fitness challenges this year in Kerry on a course that is challenging but is set amongst some of the nicest scenery in the country. B WILDERED ‘The John Lenihan Wilderness Challenge’ is sponsored by Lee Strand Protein+ Milk is Kerry’s ultimate fitness challenge set in the wilderness of Glanageenty in Ballymacelligott, on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015 at 11.00am where Participants will test their fitness limits. The 7KM course has been designed by running legend John Lenihan in conjunction with Joe O’Connor, Nisus Fitness. Lenihan trained in Glanageenty to achieve peak fitness when he became the World Mountain Running Champion in 1991. John O’Sullivan General Manager, Lee Strand stated “Lee Strand is delighted to sponsor B WILDERED, this event is the first of a series of events sponsored by our new Protein+ Milk which will be in stores in the coming weeks. B WILDERED promises to be a great event and all proceeds will go to the development of a new juvenile training pitch for Ballymacelligott GAA Club boys and girls.” Participants will receive a B WILDERED finisher’s mug, medal, goody bag, John Lenihan & Joe O’Connor at the launch of B Wildered sponsored by Lee refreshments and enjoy post-party Strand Protein+ Milk. B Wildered Kerry’s unique fitness challenge will take place entertainment. Registration is now open on Saturday, May 2nd, in Glanageenty, Ballymacelligott at 11am. and you can register as an individual or Photo By : Domnick Walsh / Eye Focus LTD © group entry on An early bird entry offer is available before midnight from Saturday 25th April, 2015 are individual entry 50 on Friday, 24th April 2015, where individual entry is 40 and a group of four entry is 180. For further information and a group of four entry is 140. Entry fee registrations please visit or telephone 087 6768634. BIG DAY OUT FOR LITTLE ONES Children enjoying the books in the Library. School tours are welcome at any age so when Kathleen Brosnan broke the news to the students of Muire Gan Smal Pre-school that they were having a special outing to our local library the excitement levels rose “The excitement was high as we boarded the bus. We received a lovely welcome from the staff at the library. We enjoyed our time in the children's corner. We read some lovely stories and some poems. The children were able to share some books with each other. We then chose some books to bring back to our pre-school so that we can read them during the week. We were presented with a book mark for each child from the library.” Kathleen told the Sliabh Luachra “The children enjoy story time every day in the pre-school. We also allow the children to choose a book to take home on a weekly basis from our own library of books. They pick a book to read at home with a family member. This encourages the child to enjoy books and gives them the responsibility of having to take care for their books. A love of reading is a gift for life.” The School will be shortly having their sports day and a final trip of the year to Crag Cave after their graduation day. We would like to welcome any parent who would like to see our pre-school facilities, which include an indoor and outdoor safe play area. Pre-school is free for children who are born between 2nd February 2011 and 30th June 2012. Pre-school runs from 9.00am to 12.30pm Contact Kathleen Brosnan on 0879801580 for any details. ÁINE GOING TO THE DOGS AND THEN CALCUTTA Former past pupil of Scartaglin Áine Daly who is currently training to be a primary school teacher in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick will be volunteering this summer with the Hope Foundation where she will travel to Calcutta in June to work with Street and Slum Children. As part of her fundraising drive, Áine is organising a night at the dogs this Saturday at the Kingdom Greyhound Stadium in Tralee. The gates there will open at 7pm and the first race is at 7.45pm. Tickets can be purchased prior to the event and are on sale at: Daly’s Shop, Scartaglin; Kearney’s Shop in Cordal; McCarthy’s Shop in Currow and Jackie Reidy Fashions, Castleisland. These tickets can be bought at a discounted price of 5 and children under 12 go free. All proceeds go to the Hope Foundation. There will be plenty of activities on the night such as well as Kerry Ladies football team captain, Cáit Lynch making an appearance. Kerry Hurler Séan Weir will race a greyhound. There will be two bouncy castles, a face painter, a signed Munster Jersey will be raffled off and there will be plenty of spot-prizes up for grabs on the night. A great night is being guaranteed for the whole family and all for a great cause. DANNY STEPS OUT MICHAEL STEPS IN There was breaking news this week in the battle of the greatest celebrity dancing couples ahead of the Muire Gan Smál Pres Primary and Castleisland Desmonds LGFA Strictly fundraiser-taking place on May 15th. Michael Healy Rae is replacing Danny Healy Rae with Catríona O'Connor and Dan Lyons replacing Sinéad Long and Joe Walsh who stepped out due to unforeseeable circumstances. It leaves the couples taking part Michael Healy Rae and Ellen Lynch, Sheila Kerley and Bobby O'Connell, Paddy White and Nora Fealey, Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 4 Norielle O'Leary and Peter Browne, Elaine Guiney and Tom McGoldrick, Maria Moriarty and Podge Murphy, Elaine Doody and Pa White with the latest couple Catríona O'Connor and Dan Lyons We are looking for people “to support your favourite couple by buying a line from them for 2.00 Half the total votes will be determined by lines sold, the other half of the votes, to be awarded by the judges, after their performances on the night,” Leona Twiss confirmed with us. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 5 NEWS DESK Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: / ST.MARY’S BASKETBALL CELEBRATE ANOTHER SUCESSFUL YEAR! Our U14 boys travelled to Cork where they competed in the U14A Boys AICC. They had 4 pool games winning one against Letterkenny Blaze and narrowly missing out to Liffey Celtics, Moycullen & Ballincollig. Moycullen were overall winners of the tournament. Well done to the boys and to their coach Michael Broderick on such a determined and hard fought display over the weekend. The boys are county league and cup champions this season. Our U16 boys competed in the U16A Boys AICC in Dublin. They got off to a hard start meeting a strong Sligo team were they were defeated. The boys picked themselves up and turned the day around immensely with brilliant displays against Moycullen & Blue Demons where they had comprehensive wins. After another huge battle with Kubs, which saw them win on a score line of 44-42, they had booked their place in the Div 1 semi-final against Neptune on Sunday. Here they played brilliantly throughout with all team members contributing against this strong Neptune side. They fought to the end but were defeated 49-35. The 3rd and 4th place playoff saw many of the younger players stepping up and playing so well. Adam Donoghue was the stand out of the tournament with the rest of the team following his example. Well done to all the boys and to their coaches Paudie Fleming & Darragh Jones. U16 Girls travelled to Limerick to compete in the U16B Girls AICC. The girls got off to a great day on Saturday comprehensively beating Donegal Town & Ballina Pacers with all 11 girls contributing to a semi-final spot on Sunday. In the semi-final, they met Dunshauglin Rockets and again the girls showed great skill and strength with all players contributing to a 38-14 win. The Div 1 final was always on the cards as being a cracker as Ulster Elks had beaten a strong Limerick Celtics side on their way to the final. St Marys got off to a good start and were stamping their authority on the game with some good baskets by Labhaoise Walmsley with St Marys leading 14-11 at the end of the quarter. The second quarter was a poor one for St Marys with Elks hitting a lot of scores through their Irish international Enya Maguire who put 9 points on the board for her side pushing them 22-18 ahead at half time. St Marys upped the tempo in the third quarter with 2 fast break baskets coming from Sarah O Sullivan & Emma Dineen and a big “3” from Nicole Downey saw St Marys still behind 36-33 at the end of the third. St Marys really stepped up defensively in the 4th quarter with Aoife O Connor playing a great role on Maguire and Darya O Connell proving too strong with her great rebounding while Sarah O Sullivan added another fast break at the other end. It seemed to be in Elks hands with 2.30 left on the clock but Nicole Downey hit another 3 pointer and Labhaoise added a basket to push their side ahead by 1. With less than a minute to go Aoife O Connor added the last basket to seal the win for the St Marys side as Marys regained possession and they outscored Elks 12-6 in this quarter seeing them run out worthy winners on a scoreline of 45-42. Labhaoise Walmsley 11, Nicole Downey 10, Sarah O Sullivan 10, Emma Dineen 9. Well done to all the girls and to their coaches Eamon Joanne Egan, Walmsley & Joanne Cormac O'Donoghue (St Mary's Downey. The club would like Basketball Club) who presented a to thank everyone bouquet of Flowers to Angela who organised and O'Connor (Den Joe's Sponsors of the Div 1 National League Ladies) at the attended the St Mary's Basketball Club,Castleisland homecoming on Medal presentation night in the river Sunday evening in Island Hotel,Castleisland on Friday.Pic the town centre. – Joe Hanley It was lovely to see the girls getting the attention they deserve as for some it was their 3rd All Ireland medal in just 12 months between club and school while others picked up their first of many yet to come. Special thanks to Jack Shanahan Haven Pharmacy and to DenJoes American Style for their sponsorship. By Joanne Downey The Under 16 Div 3 Girls- Cup and Co League Basketball Winners who were presented with their St Mary's Basketball Club,Castleisland Medals and trophy's on Friday evening in The River Island Hotel,Castleisland. Front l-r: Roseanne O'Shea,hazel McCarthy,Maurice Casey (coach),Elle Daly and Saoirse Casey.Back l-r: Hannah O'Connor,Aoife O'Sullivan and Emily O'Sullivan. Pic Joe Hanley The Under 16 Div 1 Girls- Cup and Co League Basketball Winners who were presented with their St Mary's Basketball Club,Castleisland Medals and trophy's on Friday evening in The River Is land Hotel,Cas tleis land. Front l -r: Emily Broderick,Aoife O'Connor, Dara O 'Connell (Capt),Nicole Downey and Labhaise Walsmley Pic Joe Hanley. The Under 14 girls of St Mary's basketball Club,Castleisland were presented with their medals in the River Island Hotel,Castleisland on Friday evening. Pic Joe Hanley The Under 16 Div 1 Boys Cup and Co League Basketball Winners who were presented with their St Mary's Basketball Club,Castleisland Medals and trophy's on Friday evening in The River Island Hotel,Castleisland.Jack Curran,Andy Donoghue, Padraig O'Connell,Patrick Horan and Danny Hickey. Back l-r: Ryan McGuire,David Shanahan,David Riordan,Eddie Horan,Sean Horan and Paudie Fleming (coach).Pic Joe Hanley Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 6 Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 7 OUT & ABOUT IN CASTLEISLAND Contact 066 7142179 Email: / CASTLEISLAND PITCH & PUTT CLUB: Results of the Johnny Murphy Memorial Overall winner: Johnny McCarthy 93 gross. 5-9 grade winner: Aiden O'Connor 97gross. 10-18 grade winner: Pat Mitchell 105 gross. Hole in One: Timmy Looney. DD Twomey memorial tournament will commence Sunday 19th - 26th April. Singles strokeplay. Congratulations to John Clifton & Timmy Looney who qualified for the munster matchplay championships. CASTLEISLAND LADIES GOLF: Sat/Sun April 25th - 18 hole singles stableford. May 3rd - Junior Fundraisers. May 10th - 18 Hole singles stableford. Anyone interested in playing in the Joe Quinlan team please note that the sheet and full details are now up on the ladies locker room. CASTLEISLAND GOLF CLUB - MEN’S CLUB RESULTS: Sunday 19th April V Par competition sponsored by McCarthys Bar, Castleisland: 1st Domhnall De Barra (17) 2up. 2nd Brendan Brosnan (11) 1up. 3rd Pat Lynch (18) Level. Div. 1 John Manton (11) Level. Div. 2 Kevin McNamara (17) Level. Div. 3 Tommy Moroney (24) 1 Down. Seniors Competition Monday 13th April: 1st John Manton 26pts. 2nd William Galvin 26pts. 3rd Mick O’Connor 26pts. Club Fundraiser Held in Ballybunion Golf Club 17th April: 1st Jimmy Lane, Brian Lenihan, JJ Foley and Ger Foley 123pts. 2nd Seamus W. O’Neill, Eddie Sheehy, Tim Hartnett and Gleiter Sleich 123pts. 3rd Denis Galvin, Philip Horan, Joe Hartnett and Seamus O’Brien 119pts. Nearest the Pin: John Manton. Longest Drive Gents: Conor Lane. Longest Drive Ladies: Imelda O’Shea. Fixtures: Saturday 25th April - Open Stableford Competition Mixed. Members 10 Non Members 15. Sunday 26th April - 18 Hole Singles Stableford. Seniors Open competition every Monday 10.30 to 11.30am CARD GAME RESULTS: Results of the card game held in The River Island Hotel on Sunday night last. 1st: Paul & Joe Geaney. 2nd: Sheila Breen & Dan Reidy, Margaret O'Sullivan & Mike Mangan,Tony Marshall & Denis McCarthy. Ladies: Peggy Flynn & Kathleen O'Connor. Gents: Tom Brennan & Ned Murphy, John McMahon & Dave Mahony. Mixed: Eileen & Noel Murphy, Noreen Fleming & Patsy O'Connor, Bridie Guerin & Paddy Mahony. Spots: Niely Shanahan & Dick Collins, Willie Woulfe & John O'Sullivan, Johnny & Ann. Cards continue next Sunday night at 9pm sharp. CASTLEISLAND TENNIS CLUB: Registration for membership of the Castleisland Tennis Club for 2015 will be held at the tennis courts on Monday night April 27th from 7pm to 8pm. Membership fees are family 50, adults 40, juvenile under 18 ¤20. Anyone interested in joining can join on that night or else with Jack Shanahan at his pharmacy at the front of Garveys, Supervalu. The Club will once again have the services of coach John Hennessy. John will be giving coaching lessons every Saturday beginning on May 16th . Under 11’s 11am to 12noon and over 11’s 12noon to 1pm. The fee is 4 per hour payable on each lesson. He is also going to run an adult coaching course this year on Friday evenings 6.30 to 7.30pm beginning on May 22nd, fee to be arranged with John. Anyone interested please contact John on 087-6830350. All new members welcome. For further details They travelled from Kenmare to see the St John of God Kerry Services show "I HAVE A DREAM" in Siamsa Tire Tralee on Wednesday evening, l-r: Margaret Geaney (Castleisland), Mary Garney (Lancaster), Celia Foley,Anne Murphy and Kelly Anne Murphy. Pic Joe Hanley please contact Bernard Tangney on 087-6868191 or Jack Shanahan on 087-8122668. CASTLEISLAND RUGBY CLUB: Castleisland Rugby Club meeting takes Place On Monday 18th of May @7.30pm. In The Club House. All Members Are Kindly asked To Attend On The Night Please. BINGO: at the Castleisland Community Centre Tuesday night 28th April at 8.30pm. All lines 50. Full houses from 100- 500. Complimentary Tea and Coffee BADMINTON: Last Friday night saw Killarney hosting the CPC.IE sponsored Kerry Badminton County championship for division 2 & 4.Congratulations to kingdom's players Brid Murphy & Fergus McCarthy who were beaten in the final.The Munster Counties Doubles championships were held in Limerick on Sunday well done to Castleisland pairing Tom Bourke & Eric Nelligan who won Gold in Grade B beating Waterford, Cork and Tipperary.The knockout cup finals are been held in Tralee's Presentation Gym on the 22nd of April @8pm.Best wishes to Division 4 & 5 who are representing the club.Please go & support our team's.Annuascaul will be hosting their annual tournament this Sunday the 19th. CARD GAME RESULTS: The following are the results of the card game held in the Cordal Resourse Centre. 1st Pat Dee & Mike Prendeville, 2nd Paul & Joe Geaney, Ladies: Noreen Reidy & Helen O'Callaghan, Gents: Paddy Herlihy & Tom Brennan, Mixed: Bridie O'Sullivan & Den Bradley,Spots: Patsy O'Connor & John O'Sullivan, Joe & Bridie Reidy, Mamie O'Sullivan & Tommy Broderick. Cards continue next Wednesday at 9pm sharp in aid of Defibrillator upkeep and cabinet. PRESENTATION SECONDARY SCHOOL – HELPING TO CREATE GREENER FOOTPRINTS Students from the Presentation Secondary School are currently busy preparing for the final of the One Good Idea competition which will take place on the 7th May in Dublin Castle. Fifth year students Ciara Murphy, Ayano Ikai, Jackie Bonilla and Christina O Connor launched their Greener Footprints project in January. Greener Footprints focused on the impact food miles have on the environment. Food miles refer to the distance our food travels from field to fork! The project specifically focused on the food miles of the fresh fruit and vegetables we use. Contrary to popular belief, much of the fresh fruit and vegetables we buy in our supermarkets is not from Ireland. In fact most come from countries a long way from here. One of the aims of the Greener Footprints project is to encourage people to look at the label for the country of origin of the fresh fruit and vegetables we buy. “We are asking people to check the labels for the country of origin of their fresh fruit and vegetables and to select locally grown or Irish grown produce. If this is not possible, we are asking people to remember that, closer is better. A plane flying from South Africa, for example, releases over 11,000 tonnes of harmful carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Whereas a plane flying from Spain releases less than 500 tonnes of these emissions. Just this week we observed lettuce from France and Spain as well as radishes from Holland in our local supermarkets. Irish grown Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 8 The Greener Footprints team (L/R) Christina O Connor, Jackie Bonilla, Ayano Ikai and Ciara Murphy pictured with their teacher Ms. Niamh Kelly. lettuce was also available. It is important to check the country of origin so we make the right decision in relation to food miles” the students explained. Follow us on twitter @PresCisland for further updates. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 9 NEWS DESK Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: / CYCLE THE WILD ATLANTIC WAY Thousands of cyclists from Ireland and around the country are excited about the news of the new Ring of Beara Cycle Kenmare which will take place on Saturday 23rd of May 2015. Participants will cycle Ireland’s most spectacular peninsula and embrace the unspoiled beauty of the Wild Atlantic Way. There is a route to suit all levels of fitness from the seasoned cyclist to the casual peddler. Choose from the 140km route or the shorter 100km route. Cyclists can experience the magnificent scenery of the mountains, valleys and the rugged coastline of the Beara peninsula. Both routes start in the idyllic Kenmare town, heading out the Beara peninsula towards Lauragh, passing some picturesque and quaint towns including Ardgroom, Eyeries, Allihies, Castletownbere, Glengarriff and back to Kenmare town. Participants can enjoy some food and chat at the fully stocked food stations dotted along the routes. The event will finish in Kenmare town which will Res idents from The Spa supporting 'The Primrose Gala Ball' in aid of the Irish Motor Neurone Disease, at Ballygarry House Hotel on Friday night. Photo: John Cleary. Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 10 guarantee a great atmosphere and superb facilities including hot food, hot tubs, massage, entertainment and finishers’ medal for all cyclists. This year funds raised will be distributed to the two nominated charities beneficiaries: Southwest Counselling and Cancer Connect. Make this your goal in 2015 and experience this unique event for the first time. More information can be found at Pictured at 'The Pri mrose Gala Ball' in aid of the I ris h Motor Neurone Disease, at Ballygarry House Hotel on Friday night, lef t Dorothy and Gerry O'Connor, Dromod, and Barbara and Tony O'Connor. Photo: John Cleary. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 11 SCAIRTEACH AN GHLINNE NEWS Written By John Galvin Tel: 066 714 7261 Paddy Brosnan was awarded U12 Boys most improved Basketball Player at the recent St.Mary’s Basketball Club Awards. Gráinne Walsh won an All Ireland club medal with St. Mary’s U14 Girls. They defeated Fr.Matthews of Cork. CLEAN-UP MORNING: Scartaglin Development Association were out in force on Saturday morning last as they made their contribution to Kerry County Clean Up-Day. Volunteers helped to pick up roadside rubbish, clean footpaths, dig up grass and weeds, whilst others attended to flowers and flower beds etc.. All in all it was a very worthwhile exercise and the village now is really looking very well clean, tidy and presentable. Approach roads to the village are also cleaned up. Scartaglin Development Association would like to thank all who came out to help with the clean-up on Saturday morning last which was an ideal one weather-wise for the task on hands. Your help and support has been much appreciated and valued and only goes to show what can be done by willing workers who have a sense of pride and commitment about our native place and are concerned about the environment that we live in. Even a small contribution from many can make a huge difference to our village and surroundings country-side. We have a beautiful county and country let’s all try and keep it that way. Well done again to all locals who got to work on Saturday morning last. As the summer progresses there will be other random clean-ups from time to time and new volunteers are always welcome. GAA LOTTO DRAW: Scartaglin GAA Club’s Lotto Draw for April took place in Fleming’s Bar on Sunday night last April 19th . The Jackpot was 4400 and was not won. Numbers drawn were 5, 14, 17, 26. Consolation prize-winners in the ‘Lucky Dip’ Draw were as follows 40 - Jimmy Boyle, Leaha, 30 – Noreen Breen, Coolnageragh & Patrick McMahon, Kilsarcon, Currow, 20 each to Gavin Myers, Farranfore, Jerry P. O’Connor, Knockrour West & Eilish Geaney, Brosna. Next draw will be on Sunday May 10th in Lyon’s Bar for a Jackpot of 4600. WEDDING BELLS: Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Ann Marie Barrett daughter of Helen and Tom Barrett of Dromulton and Trevor Farmer son of Peggy and Tony Farmer of Blennerville who were married recently in Our Lady of Lourdes Church Scartaglin. Fr Dan O’Riordan officiated at the Nuptial Ceremony. Ann Marie and Trevor held their reception in The Meadowlands Hotel Tralee. Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 12 Scartaglen National School pupils who received medals at the recent St.Mary’s Basketball Club Awards. MAYORS BALL: Local County Councillor and current Mayor of Killarney Municipal Council John Joe Culloty who is originally from Ballahantourig recently launched his Mayor’s Ball at The Malton Hotel in Killarney. Present at the launching was John Joe’s wife Mary and some friends and supporters. The Mayor’s Ball will be held in The Malton Hotel on Sunday May 3rd with proceeds going to The Irish Cancer Society. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT MEETING: Castleisland Bereavement Support Group will meet on Thursday evening next April 30th from 7pm – 9pm in The NEKD Building. Everyone welcome. CALCUTTA FUNDRAISER: The Hope Foundation are having a big Night at The Dogs at The Kingdom Greyhound Stadium Tralee on this Saturday evening April 25th. Aine Daly from Scartaglin is a volunteer with The Hope Foundation and she will be going to Calcutta in June to help with Street Children and children from slum areas in that city. Tickets for the Benefit night at the track can be purchased in advance at Daly’s Foodstore and Filling Station Scartaglin for ¤5 and from Jackie Reidy Menswear Castleisland, McCarthy’s Foodstore Currow and Kearney’s Shop Cordal. There will be a super night’s racing with spot prizes and a raffle on the programme. Children under 14 are free. Kerry captains Kieran Donnahy and Cáit Lynch will attend and Kerry hurler Sean Weir will race a greyhound. Aine Daly will be delighted to receive any contributions or donations for her mission to Calcutta and she is hoping for good support from this locality as well as at the track on Saturday evening. It’s a good cause and deserves your support. THE WEATHER: The weather is always a great subject for conversation and to some extent we are all obsessed with it according to a recent poll. The poll revealed that 60% of people talk about the weather twice a day and one in four chat about it at least four times on a daily basis. When it’s raining we often say ‘ isn’t it a bad ould day’ or something like ‘isn’t the weather atrocious’. Conversely when the sun is shining and temperatures soar you can often hear a comment like what a glorious day or maybe ‘it’s going to be a scorcher’. New Zealander Ken Ring has predicted that June is set to be the warmest month this summer with the hottest day likely to be around June 10th with temperatures around 25◦c. Let’s wait and see and hope he’s right. By the way the Nations favourite weather presenter is RTE’s Evelyn Cusack. WORKERS MEMORIAL DAY: Tuesday next April 28th is an annual day to remember all those who have been killed or injured in the work place. In the past five years 253 people have been killed in this country in workplace accidents, which averages out at about one a week. Safety first is always of paramount importance. BASKETBALL: Congrats and well done to the Scartaglin girls who were members of the victorious St. Mary’s Basketball teams which won the U-14 and U16 All Ireland Club Championships Div 1 recently. Under -14’s Div A were Grainne Walsh & Aoife Dunlea. Under16’s Div B Sarah O’Sullivan, Aoife O’Connor, Emily Broderick, Siobhan Collins & Julie O’Connor. FARM PLASTIC RECYCLING: Farmers in this locality who are anxious to dispose of farm plastics are advised that there will be a bring centre at Castleisland Mart on Friday and Saturday May 15th and 16th 9am to 5pm. Items that can also be recycled are bulk fertiliser/meal bags, small fertiliser /meal bags, netting and twine, drums. Silage plastic can be recycled for only 12 per half tonne, plastics should be clean and dry. For further information call 1890300444 or log on to THANKS: The Castleisland Branch of Kerry Hospice wish to thank all who supported their Good Friday Walk in aid of Kerry Hospice. The total amount raised came to 1980. Thank you all for your generosity. CEMETERY ROSARY: The Rosary will be recited in Scartaglin Cemetery on each Sunday evening during the month of May at 6pm commencing on Sunday May 3rd. GREYHOUND RACING: Local trainer Mossie O’Connor brought off a nice double at Curraheen Park Cork on Saturday night last in the second round of The Irish Independent Laurels. ‘Baile Mhic’ won heat 2 in 28.27 at odds of 5/2 and the double was completed in the very next race in heat 3 when ‘Midtown Raffa’ obliged in 28.64 at odds of 7/4. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 13 BAILE MHIC EALAGOID NEWS Written By Gerard Collins Email: COMMUNITY GAMES: The Ballymacelligott Community Games Track qualifying round will be held on Monday 27th April at an Riocht Castleisland starting at 7.15pm with all athletic sections down for decision. All age groups will be provided for with the child having to be under that age by the 31st July, which can differ from other sports. It is open to all the children of the Ballymacelligott parish with the top performers heading to the county finals where they will represent Ballymacelligott. GAA: JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP: Ballymac reached the quarter final of the Junior Championship following a three point victory over Ballyduff on Sunday last. At the end of the first quarter the sides were level (0 - 5 - 0 5) Ballymac points from Aidan Breen (2), Padraig McCarthy, Shane O Reilly and Luke Sweeney with Jack Goulding (2) Barry O Grady (2) and JP Leahy replying for Ballyduff. Further points by Shane O Reilly and Aidan Breen saw Ballymac lead but Ballyduff hit back with an excellent individual Jack Goulding goal. Three further points by Padraig McCarthy (free), Vincent Horan and Luke Sweeney saw the half time score Ballymac 0 - 10 Ballyduff 1 - 5. Two early Padraig McCarthy frees extended the home side lead but the excellent Barry O Grady kept the North Kerry side in touch with some excellent point taking. Ballymac goal keeper Paudie O Connor brought off a tremendous save mid way through this half. Vincent Horan, Aidan Breen and Shane O Reilly pointed which saw Ballymac lead by 3 pints with five minutes remaining, but a superbly taken Padraig Boyle goal levelled the game and at this stage the game was in the melting pot. The home side finished the stronger with points by Padraig McCarthy, Luke Sweeney and Daniel O Shea to progress in the competition on a final score of Ballymac 0 - 19 Ballyduff 2 - 10. JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP QUARTER FINAL: Ballymac now travel to Glenbeigh on Sunday next for the quarter final of the Junior Championship. Please make every effort to travel and support the lads as they strive to make the semi final of this competition. This game is due to throw in at 2.00pm. MINOR TEAM: In our final group game of this years Co. League our minor team were defeated by Beale in Ballymac on Friday evening last. BWILDERED: With Saturday 2nd May fast approaching all perspective participants are reminded that this Friday April 24th is the deadline for the early bird entries to the event. Full details on On the day of the run Ballymac GAA Clubs main function will be the stewarding of the event. We would urge as many volunteers as possible to make themselves available on the day. Please contact one of the following officers if you are in a position to help out. Fionnan Fitzgerald 0879860441, Joanne Riordan 0876768634 and Gerard Collins on 0876430693. All help would be greatly appreciated on the day. FAOI 16 KERINS O RAHILLYS 1-8 BALLYMAC 2-4 We were away to Kerins O’ Rahilly’s last Monday evening. Despite ideal conditions this was a low scoring and mediocre game. We lined out minus some key players while others carried injuries into the game. Three Dara Reagan pointed frees, one a super effort from far out, was our total scoring in this half. We were fortunate Rahilly’s only got three points as we were under pressure for long periods of the half. Half time score 3 points each. Rahilly’s got three more points by the 15th minute of the second half, while Dara Reagan again pointed a free for Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 14 Pupils of Brennán NS Ballymacelligott who were confirmed on Friday in St Brendan's Church,Cloghers Ballymacelligott, by the Bishop of Kerry Ray Browne, with the pupils were, Kathleen Griffin (RTD teacher), Andrea Brosnan (teacher) and Fr Pat CreanLynch. Pic Joe Hanley us. With 20 minutes gone in the second half our opponents goaled from close range. However a few minutes later Eoin O Malley went highest to flick the ball to the rahillys net, our first score from play. Rahilly’s replied with two more points while Eoin O Malley worked his way through and again goaled for us. Liam O Brien and James Mc’Donnell played well on the evening and Eoin O Malley was a revelation at full forward. We play Milltown/Castlemaine at home next Monday evening the 20th which is a must win game if we are to have any chance of going further in this competition. FAOI 14 GNEEVEGUILLA 5-17 BALLYMACELLIGOTT 1-4 What a difference a week makes! We were truly humbled by a more mature opposition. Indeed 12 of the opposition starting team were in their 2nd year at U14 level.That experience told against our relatively young side with 11 year old Adam Kelly our youngest player. Despite his age Adam was one of the brighter lights on an otherwise difficult hour .David and Liam tried hard but were unable to halt the constant attacking play by Gneeveguilla. The boys certainly didn't help there cause as they gave up possession very easily on numerous occasions. A lot of lessons will be learnt by all in such a defeat. We encouraged the boys in the aftermath to build on their recent Ardfert display and increase their intensity and work rate. There will be better days ahead with some more improvement required. FAOI 12 DIV 3 BALLYMAC BLUE TEAM 5 -14 SPA 2-03 Played last Sunday evening in wonderful sunshine in Spa. Ballymac put in a fine performance and came out deserved winners on the night. Great work was put in on the night from all the boys and they can be well pleased with their performance. Next Sunday evening we are at home to near neighbours Castleisland Desmonds in Rd 3 of the County League. Training will continue Tuesday & Friday at 7pm both nights. U12 COUNTY LEAGUE DIVISION 3B: Ballymac travelled to Spa Killarney and won comprehensively. The game was effectively over by half time with 2-2 and 2-3 scored by James Kenny and Gary Lynch respectively. This was added to by a great goal from Donal Daly and two excellent points scored by Luke McCafferky and Mossie Brennan. The second half saw great displays by the Ballymac defence with Jamie Sugrue, Eoin Creedon and Luke O Connell dominating their markers. However the second half belonged to Mark O Connor with 7 points scored nearly all from play to leave Ballymac victorious on a score line of 5-15 to 0-2. RUSSELL CUP: Congratulations to Tralee CBS on their recent victory over Pobailscoil Corca Dhuibhne in the Russell Cup final. Well done to Josh O Keeffe, Tadgh Brick and Dara Keane who were involved with the Green in this great win. CAILINI FAOI 12: We welcomed Beaufort to Ballymac on Tuesday evening last in the first round of the U12 girls prelim county league fixtures.On a glorious evening for football our girls were well in control of this game from start to finish.With Cora Savage in flying form in midfield after her recent injury we always had the upper hand. Cora finished the game with 1-10 to her name from play and frees. Sophie O Donoghue did really well at fullback and again our half back line of Cathy Palmer,Sinead McKeown and Ciara Palmer kept the visitors at bay. Goals from the always industrious Catherina Sommers and Aoife Galvin eased us ahead early in the secondhalf allowing the mentors the luxury of getting all players on the panel game time.The final score in the end was 416 to 4-5 to the hosts. AN EVENING OF ENTERTAINMENT An Evening of Entertainment in aid of Tralee Palliative Care will take place at Kielduff Community Center, on Friday, 1st May and Saturday, 2nd May 2015. An Evening of Comedy with Maurice O'Connell and Tom O'Sullivan along with music, song, dance and stories by some of the finest talent in the parish of Ballymacelligott. Great spot prizes on offer and refreshments will be served on the night. Admission is 10euros and the show starts at 7.30p.m. sharp. Tickets must be pre booked by contacting Nora Curran at 086 8973855. Come along for a great night out and support a great cause. CLOGHER NATIONAL SCHOOL FUND-RAISER: Clogher NS Parents Association is delighted to invite everyone to our Bingo Night on Friday 1st May at 8pm at St Brendan’s Community Centre in Ballymacelligott. Doors open 7.45pm. Fantastic prizes for young and old, refreshments available. A great evening guaranteed! PADRE PIO: The next Evening of Devotions in honour of St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) will take place on Thursday 23rd April 2015 in St. Brendan’s Church, Clogher beginning at 7.15pm. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 15 CILLÍNTIARNA CURROW / CURRANS NEWS & VIEWS Written By Margaret Houlihan Tel: 086 164 8542 Email: MASS TIMES AND LOCATIONS THIS WEEKEND: 7.30pm Vigil Mass in Currow on Saturday 25th April. 10am Mass in Currans on Sunday. TRÓCAIRE: Please return your Trócaire Box to the church as soon as possible. COMMUNITY CENTRE COLLECTION: The annual church gate collection in aid of Currow Community Centre will be taken up this weekend. Your financial support will be very much appreciated. DAFFODIL DAY DELIGHT IN CURRANS: Once again community spirit was to the fore at the Daffodil Day Coffee Morning in Currans. Hosted by Johnny and Mary Brosnan, friends and neighbours came in their droves to support this great cause. After enjoying the home baking, the tea and the chat the wonderful total of 1630 was rasied. Mary and Johnny Brosnan want to thank all those who contributed in any way to make this such a great success. CURROW TIDY TOWNS RURAL DEVELOPMENT: Its basket time again and we are asking residents, business and organisations to please sponsor a refill hanging basket. There are 17 baskets in total at a cost of 20 euro per basket. Thanks to Hickeys nurseries for this competitive price. Please contact Peter O’Connor (086 070 7847) or Mary Brosnan on 087 268 2256 to sponsor a basket or for further information. 50TH RACE FOR DRUMM CUP ON SUNDAY: Currow village will be a hive of activity this Sunday (April 26th) for the 50th occasion of the John Drumm Memorial Cup. Cyclists will come from all over Munster for this prestigious event. Underage races start at 11.00 on the Lisheenbawn/Laharn circuit. Senior events start at 1.00 pm and use the Ballybeg, Dromulton, Roche's Cross, Castleisland, Currow circuit. Representing the Currow Cycling Club will be Hugh Sweeney, Darragh Looney and Patrick Breen. Sign on for all cyclists is the hall from 10.00 am. There is a prize fund of 3,000 with 500 for the winner of the main race. The public are asked to please cooperate with the stewards and to keep all animals off the roads for the duration of all races. ADVANCED (QQI LEVEL 6) MANUAL & COMPUTERISED PAYROLL AWARD: Commencing May 19th 2015 in Tralee. (Course Dates – Tuesdays: May 19th and 26th and June 2nd, 9th & 16th 2015 from 9.30 am – 4.00 pm). Venue : Education Centre, Institute of Technology, Tralee. Duration : 5 days, over 5 weeks from 9.30am to 4.00pm each Tuesday. Certified : FETAC/QQI Level 6 6N4005 Cost of this course is 550.00 per learner but 100% funding may be available to learners on Jobseekers Allowance. You would need to contact your Local Employment Services office to enquire about eligibility. In order to obtain certification it is necessary to undertake a computerised assessment on day 5 of the course. The duration of this is 2 hours and will assess the computerised component of the course. A manual assessment will be undertaken as a project/case study which can be completed at home and must be submitted at the end of the course. For access to the Course Brochure and further information please visit Or write to Shane Flanagan, GPA Solutions, Accounts Training & Payroll Outsourcing Solutions, 8A Terryland Retail Park, Headford Road, Galway Tel - (091) 562 838 Fax (091) 530 740 Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 16 Pupils from Scoil Ide, Curranes receive their Road Safety Licence from the RSA af ter completing the Street Smart road safety initiative. KILLEENTIERNA YOUTH CLUB NOTES: On Friday April 10th 45 Club Members took to the roads around Currow Village to begin the Tidy Towns Clean up campaign. After an hour and a half of cleaning we had a healthy collection of 30 Bags of Rubbish. We would like to thank all our members for all the hard work on the night. With Peter O'Connor of the Rural Development Committee leaders Moss Leane, Kieran Glover, Mike McCarthy, Marie Keane, Bridget O'Shea, Lorna O'Shea, Sarah O'Connor, Aisling O'Sullivan, Amy Galwey, Katie O'Regan, Paula Fleming, Aisling Moriarty, Rachel O'Connor and Erin O'Connor were in charge on the night. On Sunday last April 19th the Club travelled to the INEC in Killarney for County Club Day for all Youth Clubs in the County. (4 Club Members travelled on the day and enjoyed the activities and the Disco that finished the day). Club Leaders Louise O'Mahony, Megan Fitzgerald, Sarah O'Connor, Sorcha O'Connor, Aisling O'Sullivan, Lorna O'Shea, Moss Leane, Amy Galwey, Katie O'Regan, Rachel O'Connor, Paula Fleming and Erin O'Connor were in charge on the day. Club day was the last activity of the year for the Club and the Friday night Club Nights are now finished for the year CURROW LADIES FOOTBALL CLUB NOTES: The Club would like to say a really well done to our U14 Player Joyce O'Connor who was part of the Kerry U14 Ladies Team that played Waterford in the first round of the Munster Championship last Saturday. It is a great honour for Joyce to represent her County. On the playing fields our Under 16 Team had 2 games in the North Kerry League, playing an exciting draw with Moyvane 1-05 to 1-05 in Moyvane on Thursday April 16th with Moyvane equalising with the last kick of the game, and after another close contest we came up short against Ballyduff/Beale in Currow on Saturday 18th on a score of Ballyduff/Beale 2-02 Currow 1-03. U16 Team: Joanne McCarthy, Emily O'Sullivan, Leona McEnery, Anna Fitzgerald, Edel Brosnan, Gillian Hannifin, Eilish Brosnan, Ellie Daly, Kerri McCarthy, Aisling Teehan, Fiona Nelligan McGuire, Orla O'Sullivan, Cira Fitzgerald, Hazel McCarthy, Niamh O'Sullivan, Maeve Leane, Maura O'Connor, Siobhain Brosnan, Roisie Scanlon. CURROW GAA CLUB NOTES BY JOHN FLEMING PRO: Intermediate Championship; Currow travelled to Portmagee to play Skellig Rangers in the first round of the Intermediate Championship last week end. Even though Skellig are playing in division three of the Co League, Divisions mean nothing when it comes to Championship football and they proved it last Sunday at home. The game was played in brilliant conditions and Mike Mc Carthy was first on the score board after four minutes but Skellig were ahead by a point on seven minutes. A long ball into the Currow full forward line was knocked down into the path of John Buckley and he dispatched it to the net, the score was now 1-02 to 0-2. On the 21 minutes a long free from the right hand side that looked to be dropping over the bar went under the cross bar and gave Skellig the lead. By half time the score was Skellig 1-04 Currow 1-02. By 13 minutes of the second half Currow had opened a gap of 2 points 1-07 to 1-05, Points from Seamus Brosnan (1) Dan O’Shea (2) and Mike Hannifin (1). It was nip and tuck all the way to the end and it finished at the end of normal time Currow 1-09 Skellig 1-09.Two periods of extra time had to be played and at the end of that they still could not be separated finishing 1-11 each. The replay will take place in Currow this Sunday April 26th at 2 p.m. LOTTO: This week end is the April lotto draw for a jackpot of 2,900-00 in the Riverside Inn Currans. Tickets can be had from all club officers, players, Bord Na nÓg and all the businesses in the parish. This is the only income the club has to help with the everyday expenses so your support would be greatly appreciated. DOG NIGHT: The night at the dogs is almost upon us. Two weeks to go and if you have not got your buster draw (entrance ticket) its time to buy. They can be had from all players or officers. A lot of work has still to be done so a helping hand from as many people as possible would be greatly appreciated. This is the only opportunity we will get this year to put the club back in a sound financial position so for the last two weeks please help. Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 17 CNOC NA gCAISEAL NEWS Written By Kieran McAuliffe Tel: Kieran 087 971 4255 Email: KWD CLEAN UP: Well done to all who took part in the KWD County clean up around Knocknagoshel and beyond it was great to see people out collecting the rubbish on the roads around their houses thanks to all who took part. COUCH TO 5K: A huge thank you to everyone who supported the 5K Run in aid of Loughfouder N.S. on Saturday last. The day was gorgeous - blue skies and a gentle breeze now and again made for lovely running conditions. They was 132 participants - well done to each and every one of you. Thanks also to everyone who helped to organise the event - your help was much appreciated. KNOCK PILGRIMAGE: Apostolate of eucharistic Adoration travel to knock on Sunday the 26th April, 2015. Bus is leaving the church at 7am contact Kathleen on 0877758503 or Teresa 0872673663, to book you seat. CLOTHES COLLECTION: Knocknagoshel gym are holding a clothes collection at the gym on this weekend they will accept unwanted clothes belts, bags, paired shoes, bed linen not duvets or pillows. These items can be dropped into the gym or left in the porch of the log cabin, Please do not place in the clothes banks as it’s a separate collection, thanks for your support in advance. MASSES: Saturday Tom and Eily Mai O’Connor, Sunday Norette Leahy, Thursday 10am Denis Cremins Friday Mossie McElligott, Saturday Timmie and Kerry O’Connor. Collectors for May Saturday Phil Herlihy and Eamon O’Callaghan, Sunday Bill Roche and Jerry Lenihan. LOTTO: The next draw will be for a jackpot of 3600 on Saturday May 2nd at 10p.m. in Walsh's Bar. Tickets are available from The Family Shop, Leahy's Post Office, the local bars and usual sellers. Thank you for your continued support. 41 CARD DRIVE: The progressive 41 card drive continues every Thursday night at 9.30p.m. in Walsh's Bar. Spot prizes on offer each night. It will culminate in a special fundraising night on May 7th with the proceeds raised going to the Injured Jockey's Fund. A number of locals and businesses have put spot prizes on offer for this night. All card players are welcome. DEATH: The death occurred recently of Mossie Cotter, London and late of Glountane, Lyrecrompane, Sympathy is extended to all Mossie’s family and friends. May he rest in Peace. EUCHARISTIC COMMITTEE: ADORATION The Eucharistic adoration Committee will be holding a meeting after 8pm mass in the church on Saturday the 2nd May after mass. All aspects of the Eucharistic adoration and strengthening of the group going forward will be discussed. Everyone is invited to attend. FLEMING LOOKING FOR FAIRNESS ON THE FAIR DEAL SCHEME Deputy Tom Fleming speaking during the Second Stage of the General Practitioner Service Bill 2015, welcomed the bill but asked the Minister of State Deputy Kathleen Lynch to take the various matters he referred to into account. “The Bill will cause a huge increase in the number of those over 70 years of age who will have doctor visit cards. The latter is going to become the norm and it and other matters will have to be taken into account in the future.” Said Fleming Deputy Tom Fleming states that older people make more use of their medical card than the general population. More older people are being admitted through emergency departments. The majority of older people visit their GP on a regular basis. They are further burdened with several overheads such as water charges, property tax etc while there has been a lessening of reliefs in terms of household bills and fuel allowances. Therefore resulting in a Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 18 deterioration of their living standards. With regard to the Fair Deal scheme, there are indications of the Government intention to pass on additional nursing home costs by imposing a charge after the death of a vulnerable older person for any community based service that they needed. This has caused alarm and stress for people concerned about their future. An older person whose only income is the State Pension is left with 46 per week after the fair deal charges are deducted. The Fail Deal only covers basic bed and board and does not cover any other additional costs. Deputy Fleming also stated that the GP sector is under severe pressure. A recent survey has shown that only 25% of current GP trainees are planning to stay in Ireland after graduation. 50% are unsure while 12% said they would definitely emigrate. APPOINTMENTS NOTICES Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 19 SLIABH LUACHRA SPORTS Email: / ANOTHER EXCITING WEEKEND OF CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP FARE IN PROSPECT THIS WEEKEND The various Castleisland Mart Club Championships swung into action last weekend across the county in Mediterranean like weather conditions. There were thrills, spills, and the usual quota of matches that required extra time and when the dust settled on Sunday evening there were some noteworthy results but no great surprises as County League form more or less dictated where the spoils went. It was good to see county players like Aidan O’Mahony and James O’Donoghue make returns with their respective clubs, Rathmore and Legion, and another man who played a part was last year’s minor centre back(and also a member of this year’s minor pane) Andrew Barry of Na Gaeil who is also getting back to full fitness after injury. Round two draws were made on Sunday afternoon and the coming weekend should see the semi-finalists known in most cases. The draw for the Intermediate Championship relegation playoffs will be made at the next meeting of the County Committee. In the Senior Club Championship, Killarney Legion got a late winner at Strand Road to set up a quarter final tie with local rivals, Dr Crokes who had a big win over St MichaelsFoilmore and Ardfert needed extra time to defeat Laune Rangers and qualify for a quarter final meeting with County Champions, Austin Stacks. There was a thriller in Rathbeg where Rathmore fought back with fourteen men to force extra time against Milltown-Castlemaine before going on to win by a six point margin and qualify for a semi final place against the winners of the Dr Crokes and Legion tie. Dingle’s victory over Kilcummin earns them a crack against the winners of the Austin Stacks v Ardfert tie. In the Intermediate Championship, John Mitchels, who have made the perfect start in Division 2, defeated Division 1 side Finuge and their reward is a home tie against An Ghaeltacht who brought Brosna’s championship fairy-tale to an end. Skellig Rangers and Currow, both battling for survival in their respective Divisions of the County League, could not be separated after extra time in Portmagee and they will meet one of many people’s favourites for the title, Desmonds, who defeated Glenflesk. St Marys had a good victory in Listowel against the home side to set up a local quarter final derby against neighbours Waterville who defeated Gneeveguilla by seven points and Spa made home advantage count against Annascaul to earn another home tie in the quarter final against Kenmare who defeated Keel from Division 3. Glenbeigh-Glencar justified their favouritism for the Junior Championship title with a good away win in Tarbert and they meet Ballymac, who kicked 19 points in their defeat of Ballyduff, in the quarter finals. Templenoe are another side to watch out for following their defeat of St Pats and they now meet Na Gaeil who won the first Championship match in Churchill’s splendid new pitch. Beaufort kicked 17 points in the defeat of Castlegregory and their reward is a home tie against Duagh who prevailed in a very low scoring game against Scartaglen. Meanwhile Listry’s narrow victory over Cordal and Firies’ victory over last year’s runners-up Dromid Pearses, sets up a local quarter final derby. In the Novice Championship, Asdee from Division 5 caused a major shock when accounting for neighbours Beale who are two Divisions above them in the County League but their reward is a long journey to Tuosist who received a bye to the quarter finals. Kilgarvan, a club struggling to field in the League, are in the quarter finals following the defeat of Ballylongford and they meet Lispole, who, despite conceding four goals to Moyvane, still prevailed. St Senans had a good win against fellow Division 4 side Cromane and they meet Renard who secured local bragging rights with victory over Valentia. Ballydonoghue will have a big say in the destination of the Novice title following a good away win in Fossa to earn a home tie against fellow North Kerry outfit Knocknagoshel who defeated Sneem/Derrynane. All Round 2 games, with the exception of the Beaufort V Duagh game, which is on May 2nd, will be played this weekend. LOCAL HERO ALAN RING WINS THE FEL’S POINT HOTEL CIRCUIT OF KERRY By Sean Moriarty A delighted Alan Ring drove his Subaru Impreza World Rally Car over the finish ramp of the Fel’s Point Hotel Circuit of Kerry Rally in Tralee on Sunday evening. The Castleisland man co-driven by West Cork man, Adrian Deasey led his home rally from start to finish although he did survive a late challenge from Welsh visitor Steve Wood in a similar car. Ring was just three seconds in front of Wood, who is co-driven by Abbeyfeale’s Keith Moriarty, as the lead cars entered the sixth and final stage at Desmond’s Grave. The Munster Joinery man held his composure and set fastest time over the undulating back roads between Knocknagoshel and Ballymac. Wood said he over drove the car on the final stage, and somehow, dropped ten seconds to the flying Ring. The Munster Joinery man said: “It was a proud moment to drive through my home town this morning with number one on the door but even better to be back here as winner of my home national rally. This is only our fifth event in this car, there is a lot more to come.” Ring will contest this coming weekend’s Monaghan Stages Rally as part of his Triton Showers National Rally championship and the local Rally of the Lakes in two weeks’ time.Wood’s slow time through stage promoted former Circuit of Kerry winner Derek McGarrity and his Beaufort co-driver Diarmuid Falvey to second. The Antrim/Kerry pairing were holding third place for most of the day – their biggest issue all Day was readjusting to each other having not shared a rally car since the Galway International Rally in 2009. Kerry Winter Rally winner Daniel Cronin finished fourth. Navigated by Killarney’s Shane Buckley, the Bantry man’s older Impreza was never going to match the more modern machinery around them and they did extremely well to set the times they did. Ballyduff-born Kevin Barrett and Sean Mullally were fourth and took home the best Kerry Motor Club crew trophy in another Impreza. Their run was hampered by a lack of fifth gear for much of the latter part of the rally. Mike Quinn looked certain to take this award, and honours in the two-wheel drive section of the rally but put his Ford Escort off the road on the third run over Mount Eagle. MIKE AND KIERAN TO ANSWER THE MUNSTER CALL ON SATURDAY Continuing on the fine reputation of Castleisland RFC answering the provinces call, it came as no surprise this week that the province has selected two more of the “Islands” finest to face Leinster in the first round of the Junior Club interprovincial championships. Currows Mike Cronin is no stranger to the team having captained them in the past and will line out as hooker but it is all new ground for Knocknagoshels Kieran Downey who will take his place on the replacements bench. Speaking to the Sliabh Luachra Castleisland RFC PRO Gerdie Murphy was delighted at the selection “It’s the highest grade possible for these players to play and with the amount of junior clubs across the province it’s a great achievement for the boys” He said. Munster will play Leinster on Saturday with Cobh the venue and there is sure to be a big local support. “It continues our fine tradition with players representing Munster and it’s great for the juveniles to see that if you put in the work, there are opportunities to play at a Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 20 much higher level. We hosted an interprovincial game a few years ago and it was a huge success and you never know that could happen again in the future but for now it’s time to change the colours and get out the Munster ones and support the lads,” concluded Gerdie. Email: / ST. KIERAN’S GAA St. Kieran’s Cycle Tour: St. Kieran’s Leisure Cycle Tour will take place on Sunday May 24th. Starting at 10am from Castleisland Desmonds GAA grounds. Sign on the morning of the cycle from 8am to 9.45am at Desmonds Club House. You can also get your registration forms from Jackie Reidy’s Menswear or at Galwey Auctioneers Church St. Castleisland available from the 1st of May. As this is our main fundraiser we hope that as many people will come out and support us. The short route is very enjoyable for novice cyclists so no excuses get on your bike. Please go to for more details. Results Castleisland Mart Club Champtionship: Intermediate: Skellig Rangers 1 -11 vs. Currow. 1-11. Replay this weekend. Brosna 0-08 vs. An Ghaeltacht. 1-11. Glenflesk 2-08 vs. Desmonds. 2-12. Junior: Scartaglin 0-04. vs. Duagh 0-05. Listry 0-11. vs. Cordal. 0-10. Ballymcelligott 0-19. vs. Ballyduff. 2-10. Novice: Knocknagoshel 1-14. vs. Seem / Derrynane. 0-12. Castleisland Mart Club Champtionship 2nd Round Fixtures: All games this weekend. Intermediate: Round One Replay Currow vs. Skellig Rangers. Winners of that game will play Castleisland Desmonds. Junior: Ballymcelligott vs .Glenbeigh / Glencar. Novice: Knocknagoshel vs. Ballydonoghue. Best of Luck to all of our Clubs. CASTLEISLAND DESMONDS Minors: On Friday 17th April, our Minors played round 4 of Co League at home v Keel/Listry and needed a win to guarantee a semi-final spot. We got a great start with Colin McCarthy scoring a goal from a tight angle. Keel/Listry scored the next two points, before Cathal Hanafin replied with two pointed frees. Desmond's had a number of goal scoring chances and hit the post on three occasions before the break. Desmond's opened up a five point lead, with good scores from Daithi O'Leary, Ciaran Breen and Tadhg Walsh, but Keel/Listry replied strongly before the break. At the half-time whistle, there was the minimum between the teams, with Desmond's leading 1-6 to 0-8. A strong defensive performance was evident in the second half with David Lynch, Conor O'Shea and Padraig O'Connell breaking up a number of attacks. Quality free-taking from Cathal Hanafin opened up a six point lead, but Keel/Listry got a late goal to ensure that it was a very close finish. Final score Desmond's 1-14 Keel/Listry 1-11. County Minor Semi Final: Desmonds Minors will play Keel/Listry in the Co Minor semi final on this Friday at 6.45pm in Desmonds pitch. Please come along and support the team. Intermediate Championship - Desmonds 2.11 Glenflesk 2.8: Desmonds are through to the next round of the intermediate championship following their win over Glenflesk on Sunday Desmonds raced into an early lead with 3 points from Thomas Hickey and one from Thomas Lynch a great goal by Stan Devane in the 17 th minute put Desmonds clearly in the driving seat as Glenflesk could only manage two points Ger Reidy came to the rescue for Desmonds with two great saves on the goal line late in the half. The second goal came from Sean Lynch with 4 mins remaining followed by a Maurice Hickey point late in the half Glenflesk added two more points as Desmonds went in 2 5 to 0 4 ahead. The second half was a different story as Glenflesk came right back into the game and after 16 mns of the half were just 3 points behind but again with the game in full flight Thomas Lynch came to the rescue and added more points to put Desmonds 2 11 to 1 8 ahead Glenflesk found the net late in the half but it was Desmonds day and they now go on to play the winners of the Skellig SLIABH LUACHRA SPORTS Rangers or Currow decider in the next round. Results: U16 Central League Desmonds 2.08 Aunascail 2.13. Senior Ladies Co League: Desmonds 2.06 Southern Gaels 5.14. Fixtures: Juniors v Ballyduff home Tuesday at 7pm. U12 Div 3 A Desmonds v Ballymac away on Sunday 26th April at 6pm. U14 Div 2 Desmonds Home to Ratmore at 7.30 on April 22nd. Lotto: No winner of last weekends lotto for a jackpot of @ 2800 held in Fagans. Numbers drawn 2, 7, 24 and 28. @ 50 Tommy Broderick with @ 30 to each of the following; Martin Curtin, Dan Lyons, Aine Nelligan, Leanne Mangan and Kevin Dillon. Meeting: A very important Club meeting will be held in the River Island Hotel on next Monday night 27th April at 8.30pm. Among the many items to be discussed will be North Kerry Fixtures and membership. All members are requested to attend. CORDAL COISTE NA NÓG U16: Cordal/Scartaglen U16’s played Firies on Monday 13th of April at Cordal GAA pitch in Round 4 of the East Kerry League. Firies started the game well and were leading well at half-time. Cordal/Scartaglen spent their time in the dressing room well, coming out and playing much better in the second half taking some excellent and well worked points. The score finished Cordal/Scartaglen 0-07 to Firies 2-11. Next up for the team is Round 5 of the East Kerry League with an away fixture against Rathmore on Monday 20th of April, full report in next week’s report. U14: Cordal/Scartaglen Under 14’s travelled to Duagh on the Wednesday the 15th of April. Cordal/Scartaglen played very well, unfortunate to lose in the end by 5 points. Well done to the team, better times will come as the season continues. The team played Finuge in Scartaglen on Wednesday 22th of April, full report in next week’s edition. U12: Cordal played Ballydonoghue in Cordal on Sunday the 19th of April in Round 2 of the Under 12 County League. Playing well, the game was tight with visitors were leading by 7 points to 4 at half time. Unfortunately the visitors scored 2 goals early in the second half which meant Cordal had to chase the game. The final score was Cordal 2-06 to Ballydonoghue 2-15. The Under 12’s have a Bye on Round 3, they play at home in Round 4 on Sunday 3rd May at 6.00pm to Keel. Lotto: April is Cordal Coiste Na nÓg month to run the Lotto. As can be seen by players of all ages, parents and visitors alike, the football field is now in fantastic condition after the redevelopment work. Work is ongoing, the building of the stand being just one example. The Lotto is a very important part of the ongoing fund raising activities which make all this possible. Please support the Cordal GAA Lotto. BADMINTON Last Friday night saw Killarney hosting the CPC.IE sponsored Kerry Badminton County championship for division 2 & 4. Congratulations to Kingdom's players Brid Murphy & Fergus McCarthy who were beaten in the final. The Munster Counties Doubles championships were held in Limerick on Sunday. Well done to Castleisland pairing Tom Bourke & Eric Nelligan who won Gold in Grade B beating Waterford, Cork and Tipperary. KNOCKNAGOSHEL GAA NEWS KNOCKNAGOSHEL 1-14 SNEEM/DERRYNANE 0-12: This was a real championship affair in Knocknagoshel with both teams giving it everything from the start. From the throw in James Walsh drove forward putting the ball over the bar to open the scoring for the home side. The same player struck again a minute later with another point. It took the visitors a while longer to settle and Ian Galvin was wide with their first free attempt. Edmund Walsh pointed from play to open a three point lead for the home side.Two frees by Morgan O'Donoghue either side of an Ian Galvin free brought the visitors back on level terms by the 11th minute. Both players weretroubling the Knocknagoshel full back line at this stage of the game. Edmund Walsh pointed from play for Knocknagoshel only to be cancelled out by Ian Galvin and this was quickly followed by a Niall O'Sullivan point for the visitors giving them the lead for the first time. A converted free from 45 metres by midfielder Brendan Teahan put the visitors two in front on the 21st minute. Knocknagoshel rallied before half time and a James Walsh free was followed by a point from his brother Edmund before James Walsh sent the home team ahead with a point from play. Half time score 0-7 to 0-6. Knocknagoshel got a dream start to the second half when James Walsh was put through on goal after good work by Shane O'Connell. He drove the ball high into the roof of the net to give the home side a four point cushion. Sneem/Derrynane showed their character in their response and pulled back the four points in as many minutes. A free by midfielder Brendan Teahan was followed by a Denis O'Sullivan point from play. Morgan O'Donoghue pointed another free followed by an Ian Galvin point from play leaving matters level at 1-7 to 10 points with 10 minutes gone in the second half. Edmund Walsh put the home sides noses in front again with a point from play closely followed by a free from the sideline kicked into a stiff breeze. Morgan O'Donoghue replied with a point from a free before Edmund Walsh scored again. Ian Galvin kicked a beauty for the visitors to cut the deficit to one point with ten minutes remaining. The home side pulled clear again kicking four unanswered points from there to the finish to leave the final score 1-14 to 0-12. There were some outstanding performances from players on both sides throughout. The battle between Padraig Reidy and Ian Galvin aswell as the battle between John Brosnan and Morgan O'Donoghue was worth the entrance fee alone but it was the overall contribution of James Walsh for the home side that ended up the difference between the two teams. FIXTURE: Knocknagoshel travel to Coolard this Sunday to take on Balllydonoghue at 2p.m. in the quarter final of the novice championship. Support is greatly appreciated as Knocknagoshel enter this contest as underdogs. SCARTAGLIN GAA LADIES FOOTBALL: Scartaglin Senior Ladies played Laune Rangers in Killorglin on Saturday afternoon last in The County League. The Laune Rangers Ladies won this contest on a final score of 2-12 to 1-8. The opening half was evenly contested enough. At the end of the first quarter it was 1-4 to 1-2 in favour of the Killorglin side. Scart’s goal coming from Eileen O’Connor after 7 minutes. At the break two points again divided the sides Laune Rangers 1-8 Scartaglin 1-6. In the second half Laune Rangers outscored Scart scoring a further 1-4 with Scart’s reply in that half being two points. Scartaglin scorers Eileen O’Connor 1-1, Mary Herlihy 0-4, Amy Reidy 0-2, Siobhan Collins 0-1. Scartaglin U-12’s took on Legion in the preliminary round of the County League at Derreen on Tuesday evening of last week. At the final whistle it was all square – Scartaglin 3-6 Legion 4-3. After 15 minutes the score was Legion 1-2, Scartaglin 1-1. Scart’s goal having come from Jane Lawlor in the 3rd minute. At half time it was Legion 2-2 Scartaglin 15. Aoife Kerins put Scart ahead immediately after resumption with a goal, but Legion struck back with another goal after 2 minutes to level up again. Leah Boyle Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 21 SLIABH LUACHRA SPORTS was Scart’s third goal scorer with Legion scoring a 4th goal in the last five minutes or so. Scartaglin scorers Jane Lawlor 1-3, Leah Boyle 1-2, Aoife Kerins 1-0, Grainne Walsh 01. JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP: Scartaglin 0-4 V Duagh 0-5. This opening round was played in excellent conditions in Scart. A very even competitive game as the full time score reflected. Both sides were slow to get off the mark until Denis Lenihan opened the scoring for Scart in the 8th minute. The end of the 1st half saw Scart with a slim single point lead. Half time score Scartaglin 0-3 V Duagh 0-2. The 2nd half was more of the same with both sides fighting a strong midfield game. Scart seemed to be coming out the better of exchanges but were only able to convert a single point. In the end Duagh managed to come out on top with the last kick of the game after Duagh’s Luke O’Donnell broke the stalemate with a point from a 45 to seal the win and advance to the next round. Scart scorers – Denis Lenihan 0-2 and Mike Horan 0-2. Scart team – David Kerins, Pa Murphy, Ger O’Connor, Declan O’Mahoney, Tom Culloty, Daniel Murphy, Alan Horan, Mike Coakley, Tom Forde, Niall Casey, Mike Horan, Fred Connor, Sean O’Connor, Denis Lenihan, Pat O’Sullivan. Scart subs- Timothy Kerins, Kieran Herlihy, Tim Coakley, Padraig Reidy, Brian Hanrahan, Sean Tangney, Conor Cremin, Pa Rahilly, Padraig Breen, Tom Boyle, Aaron Gallagher, Hugh Connor, Kevin Lenihan, Brendan Rahilly, Martin Hewitt. Duagh scorers – Gerard McCarthy 0-1, Nigel O’Connor 0-2, Eamon Dowling 0-1 & Luke O’Donnell 0-1. Duagh Team – Donal Scanlon, Luke O’Donnell, Aaron O’Connor, Tim Quirke, Diarmuid Foley, Tom O’ Sullivan, Jeremiah Foley, Anthony Maher, Kieran Lucey, Daniel O’Donoghue, Denny Lane, Thomas Scanlon, Gerard McCarthy, Nigel O’Connor, Tim Scanlon. Duagh subs- Mike McKenna, Chris Breen, Darragh Joy, Eoin Lucey, Eamon Dowling, Gavin Buckley, Jason Carmody, Johnny Curran, John Joy, Kevin Quilter, Mike Kelly, Padraig O’Donoghue. SCARTAGLIN COISTE NÁ NOG U16’S: Played Rathmore in the Final round of the East Kerry League on Monday last, with the prize a place in the Div 2 final of this competition. Rathmore Started in whirl wind fashion, scoring a goal and two points in the early minutes of the game without reply from Cordal/ Scart. Cordal /Scart made some tactic switches early on, Bringing Sean Horan Back in front of the defense, and introducing Cathal o Donughue into attack, and this started to pay divadance straight away. Scoring the next six points and also having, 3 shots on goal, which in most games these would have been scored, but not today. Finally the Goal came just before half time from the Boot of Donnacha Daly, Email: / Ballymac Senior Squad which defeated Ballyduff in Co Junior Championship on Sunday last to leave the half time score Cordal /Scart 01-07 to Rathmore 01-03. Cordal /Scart dominated the second half with some delightful attacking football, working the ball always up from defense on many occasions to get some notable scores on the night. However for all dominance , Rathmore kept attacking and but for 3 brilliant saves by Conor Mitchell in the Cordal /Scart Goals the score could have been much closer. Final Score Cordal /Scart 04-12 to Rathmore 03-05.The lads now await results from the other side div to see who they meet in Final ,with Beaufort the likely opponents U12’S: are away to Moyvane this Sunday 26/04/2015.@ 6pm. U14’S: play Finuge on Wednesday 27/4/2015 @ 7.30pm at home. Hopefully with favorable result on the night, for the work the lads are putting in at present. CURROW GAA INTERMEDIATE CHAMPIONSHIP: Currow travelled to Portmagee to play Skellig Rangers in the first round of the Intermediate Championship last week end. Even though Skellig are playing in division three of the Co League, Divisions mean nothing when it comes to Championship football and they proved it last Sunday at home. The game was played in brilliant conditions and Mike Mc Carthy was first on the score board after four minutes but Shellig were ahead by a point on seven minutes. A long ball into the Currow full forward line was knocked down into the path of John Buckley and he dispatched it to the net, the score was now 1-02 to 0-2. On the 21 minutes a long free from the right hand side that looked to be dropping over the bar went under the cross bar and gave Skellig the lead. By half time the score was Skellig 1-04 Currow 1-02. By 13 minutes of the second half Currow had opened a gap of 2 points 1- U16 GirlsB Div 1 Winners.Front L To R Anna Lynch, Sarah O Sullivan, Darya O Connell, Aoife O Connor & Nicole Downey. Back L To R Eamon Egan & Joanne Walmsley coach, Labhaois e Walms ley, Emily Borderick, Emma Dineen, Moya Sheehan, Siobhan Collins, Chloe O Connor, Julie O Connor & Joanne Downey coach. Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 22 07 to 1-05, Points from Seamus Brosnan (1) Dan O’ shea (2) and Mike Hinifin (1). It was nip and tuck all the way to the end and it finished at the end of normal time Currow 1-09 Skellig 1-09.Two periods of extra time had to be played and at the end of that they still could not be separated finishing 1-11 each. THE REPLAY: will be played in Currow next week on Sunday at 2-o’clock p.m. LOTTO: Next week end is the April lotto draw for a jackpot of 2,900-00 in the Riverside Inn Currans. Tickets can be had from all club officers, players, Bord Na nÓg and all the businesses in the parish. This is the only income the club has to help with the everyday expenses so your support would be greatly appreciated. DOG NIGHT: The night at the dogs is almost upon us. Two weeks to go and if you have not got your buster draw (entrance ticket) its time to buy. They can be had from all players or officers. A lot of work has still to be done so a helping hand from as many people as possible would be greatly appreciated. This is the only opportunity we will get this year to put the club back in a sound financial position so for the last two weeks please help. THE GARVEYS SENIOR FOOTBALL CHAMPIONSHIP DRAW The draw for the first Round of The Garveys Supervalu Senior Football Championship, which gets underway on the weekend of May24th, will be made live on Radio Kerry on this Saturday afternoon around 3:05pm. The changes as a result of the County Championship Review Committee do not of course come into effect until 2016 so there will be twenty teams – 11 Club and 9 Divisional – in the hat for the first round draw. The draw for the Senior Hurling Championship, which does not commence until July 19th, will be made later in the year. The Boys under 18s - Cup and Co League Basketball Winners who were presented with their St Mary's Basketball Club,Castleisland Medals and trophy's on Friday evening in The River I sland Hotel,Castleisl and.f ront l-r: Adam Donoghue,Jonathan Hillard,Maurice Casey (Coach),Shane O'Connell and David Lynott.Back l-r: Nathan and Adam Nolan.Pic Joe Hanley TRADES : SERVICES Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 or Email: The Killarney / Killorglin St John of Gods, Kerry services who were part of the "I HAVE A DREAM" show in Siamsa Tire, Tralee on Tuesday evening. Pic Joe Hanley Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 23 FARMING OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 24 Sales: Email: Sales: Email: FARMING OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 25 FARMING OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 26 Sales: Email: Sales: Email: FARMING OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 27 FARMING OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 28 Sales: Email: Sales: Email: FARMING OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 29 SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 30 Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: Kathleen Collins, Shane Brosnan, and Margaret Brosnan, Tralee. taken at 'The Primrose Gala Ball' in aid of the Irish Motor Neurone Disease, at Ballygarry House Hotel on Friday night. Photo: John Cleary. Attending 'The Primrose Gala Ball' in aid of the Irish Motor Neurone Disease, at Ballygarry House Hotel on Friday night, left Elaine Moran, Tralee, Marie Flynn, Currow, Mary Murphy, Mary Reidy, and Martina Fernane, Tralee. Photo: John Cleary. Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 31 SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: CLASSIFIEDS - BUSINESS ONLY CLASSIFIEDS - STRICTLY PRIVATE COST: up to 10 words €10 • 10 – 20 words €20 **** No More than 20 words AdverTS will NOT be iNCluded uNTil pAid fOr iN full COST: €5 - No More than 20 words AdverTS will NOT be iNCluded uNTil pAid fOr iN full SOUL MATES - DON’T BE ALONE Love is all there is! Find that special person. For friendship and romance with like minded people in a safe, secure & trusted environment. Call: 087 9216302 / 087 7720250 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(18) CONVERT VIDEO TO DVD Tape to CD at Brosnan’s Shop Castleisland. T:066-7142124. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(16) WEDDING SINGER for church and civil ceremonies. Organ, flute and harp accompaniment. Musical packages, tailor made for your special day. Call Mary: 087 9222753 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(17) LAWN CUTTING: Man available for lawn cutting reasonable rates, no job too big or small. Call 087-0574183 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(18) DRIVEWAYS ground work, tarmaccadam, concrete, stone drainage, curbing, patios brick and slab, gravel tipping. Free estimate. Contact Denis Lynch on 086 3584956 The next PODIATRY & SPORT INJURY CLINIC is available at An Riocht on Saturday 25th of April. Appointment is necessary. Home visits available for the elderly. For bookings / enquiries contact 085 7700424. (17) Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 32 FOR SALE: Loads of screened turf seasoned firewood priced to sell. Stock up now when it's cheap! 087 3831953 ----------------------------------------------(17) CHILDMINDER REQUIRED: Lady wanted to mind 6 month old baby, 3-4 days a week (9am-5pm) in the Brosna area. Tel: 087 6751182 ----------------------------------------------(18) CHILDMINDER WANTED: TO CARE FOR THREE CHILDREN (17) IN CHILDREN'S OWN HOME. LISTOWEL/LYREACROMPANE AREA. 4 DAYS PER WEEK. OWN CAR NEEDED FOR SCHOOL COLLECTION. JULY START, EARLIER START POSSIBLE IF SUITED RIGHT CANDIDATE. ENQUIRIES TO 086-1712551 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sales: Caoimhe 087 1210959 Email: SLIABH LUACHRA OUTLOOK Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 33 MARGARET’S RAMBLINGS I would like to begin my Ramblings this week by saying thank you to the reader that contacted me last week and I hope she will find the following article of interest. It is always lovely to hear from readers, I value your opinions and welcome suggestions on items to include in my Ramblings. I would also appreciate if readers contact me if they spot mistakes and I will do my best to correct my blunders the following week. BATS: The United Nations declared 2011 / 2012 the Year of the Bat. The campaign was launched as a way to strengthen efforts for protecting the world’s only flying mammal. There are over one thousand two hundred bat species and can be found in many parts of the world, in cities, deserts, grasslands and forests. The smallest bat in the world is from Southeast Asia. The Bumblebee bat measures about thirty millimetres in length. The world’s largest bat, the Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Fox, has a wingspan of one and a half meters. Most bats eat insects, but many feed on fruit or nectar from flowers. Many people think bats are blind, but this is not true. Many species have very good sight. Most bats communicate and find their way by making “echolocation” noises. They produce high-frequency noises and can estimate the distance of an object by using the sound echoes that bounce back to them. So, while bats may travel in total darkness, they “see” using sound. Sadly, bats are widely feared and misunderstood. Most bats come out of their shelters only at nightfall. Three bat species feed on blood. Because of these qualities, bats have long been linked in many cultures to death, darkness and vampires. Yet bats are important for agriculture and our environment. They help pollinate plants and spread seeds. They also help control insects. Bats eat huge numbers of insects, including kinds that damage crops. For example, a brown bat can eat more than one thousand insects the size of a mosquito in one hour. Bats have also proved useful in the medical industry. Some bats carry a substance in their saliva that has been manufactured and used in medicine to help stroke victims. Ireland is currently home to nine species of bat. All our bats are totally harmless, much smaller than people imagine and very dependent on humans for their survival. All Irish bats eat insects; some prefer chunky beetles and moths while others, such as the pipistrelles, catch large numbers of small flies and midges. However, during winter when insects are scarce, Irish bats hibernate; they lower their body temperature and heartbeat, which enables them to survive for periods without feeding. In Ireland, as throughout the rest of the world, they account for almost a quarter of all mammal species. Bats and the law: Populations of bats worldwide have been declining since the middle of the last century. The main reasons for this decline are the loss of both summer and winter roost sites through human disturbance, the destruction of woodland, the renovation of buildings, the use of toxic timber treatment chemicals, the clearance of hedgerows and use of agricultural insecticides. To try and conserve remaining populations, all Irish bats are protected under the 1976 Wildlife Act and also by The European Habitats Directive. It is an offence to intentionally kill, disturb, handle or keep bats without a licence. However, it is not an offence to look after an injured Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 34 Written By Margaret Houlihan Tel: 086 164 8542 Email: bat or a young bat that has been abandoned. Under The Habitats Directive, both the roosting sites of bats and their hunting habitats are protected. DYING GRANDFATHER REFUSES TO LISTEN TO DOCTORS: 2 years after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (Oropharyngeal cancer with lung metastases) Doctors told 70 year old Kenneth Broskey of Michigan he had two weeks to live and would be better off in a hospice. Instead of doing what the Doctors advised he began working trying to make as much money as possible so that when he dies, his daughter and her two children can continue to live in the house they now share with him. As a single mother and waitress, he knows that things will be hard without him and like any good father or grandfather; he worries about and wants to protect and provide for his family. He became a driver for Uber, a car service company, driving around complete strangers who needed rides, and one day Kenneth picked up a 22-year-old college student, Ronald Gainer. During the car ride, the two men started talking about Kenneth’s grim situation. Ronald knew he wanted to help and not only set up a GoFundMe account (which, as we’ve seen before, can be hugely successful for people in need), but he also coordinated a fundraiser dinner for Kenneth and his family. So far, the two have raised over $100,000 — exceeding their goal in just six days — and have become fast friends. ON THIS DATE – APRIL 24TH: 1184BC - Greeks entered Troy using the Trojan Horse 1731 - Death of Daniel Defoe, English writer. (Robinson Crusoe). 1743 - Birth of Edmund Cartwright, English inventor of the power loom. 1880 - Amateur Athletic Association, governing body for men's athletics in England and Wales, was founded in Oxford. 1929 - A non-stop England to India flight took off. 1934 - Laurens Hammond announced the development of the pipeless organ 1968 - Number one hit on British music charts - Louis Armstrong - What A Wonderful World 1969 - Paul McCartney (Beatles) said there was no truth to the rumours he was dead 1981- Bill Shoemaker won his 8,000th race, 2000 more than any other jockey 1990 - Gruinard Island, Scotland, was officially declared free of anthrax after 48 years of quarantine. BIRDS ARE FARMERS’ FRIENDS: The swallow, swift, and hawk are the guardians of the atmosphere. They check the increase of insects that otherwise would overload it. Blackbirds, crows, thrushes, and larks protect the surface of the soil. It is an undoubted fact that if the birds were all swept off the face of the earth man could not live upon it. The long-persecuted crow has been found by actual experience to do more good by the vast quantities of grubs and insects he devours than the harm he does in the grains of corn he pulls up. He is, after all, rather a friend than an enemy to the farmer. In Costa Rica, researchers found that birds foraging on coffee bushes reduced infestation of the coffee berry borer beetle by 50%, saving farmers between $75 and $310 in damages per hectare per year. In East Africa, aphid and thrip infestation was found to increase dramatically when birds were excluded from garden plots, and research in Spain suggests that kestrels and barn owls provide valuable vole-control services for farms. The fact that birds are such valuable farm workers is one more reason to manage entire landscapes to keep bird populations at healthy levels. COULD THIS LAW BE PASSED IN IRELAND PLEASE? In Egypt, Sofinar Gourian, aka Safinaz was fined and sentenced to six months in prison for wearing a dress with the colours of the national flag during a performance. .According to the court system in Egypt, belly dancer Safinaz desecrated the Egyptian flag since she wore a tight dress which used a colour scheme with red, white, and black as the primary hue. After the case was initiated by a private complaint, the court in Agouza, west of Cairo, said the popular Armenian belly dancer was effectively “insulting the Egyptian flag” based on this fashion statement. The act of insulting the flag became illegal under former Egyptian President Adly Mansour, whose Islamist regime was overthrown by the Egyptian military after being in power for only one year. Although Mansour is no longer in power, the law is still on the books; it is now a criminal act to desecrate the Egyptian flag or to refuse to stand up during the national anthem. Egypt’s law requires a maximum sentence of one year in prison and a fine of up to 30,000 Egyptian pounds (¤3,725 Approx). Although Safinaz wore this dress during a performance in 2013, the Egyptian court condemned her now to six months in prison in addition to paying 15,000 Egyptian pounds. Officials for the court authorized Ms. Gourian to pay a deposit in order to remain free while she awaits an appeal verdict. Arguments over the American flag have also led to controversy in modern times. A female U.S. Air Force veteran named Michelle Manhart was arrested for trying to take the American flag from protesters who were desecrating it by stamping upon the flag. As we are all too well aware here in Ireland our Tri Colour is desecrated from Concerts to Sporting events and practically everything in-between, when the song ‘Wrap The Green Flag Round Me’ was written the flag was meant to be a tribute to a dead hero not wrapped around the shoulders of audiences or dragged on the ground, as for the National Anthem unfortunately even our “sporting heros” of both Gaelic and soccer can no longer stand to attention for the duration of the tune, nor their supporters wait to the end to start cheering. A SURPRISING KILLER LURKING IN YOUR BATHROOM: The water in the sink, tub, and shower - is probably its number-one danger. More people are injured, even fatally, in bathroom falls than in any other room in the house. Trouble is, water doesn't always stay where it should. Poorly fitting shower curtains and simple wet feet are two of the biggest causes of water winding up on the bathroom floor. A better way: The ideal shower has a shatterproof glass door, rather than a curtain. Failing that, you can minimise leaks by hanging a curtain liner that falls inside the tub and a second, decorative curtain that falls outside. To stop slips, try tiles in the shower with a slightly uneven surface (such as bumpy smaller tiles, rather than large, smooth squares) that feet can grip onto. A cheaper alternative: Non-slip bath mats and treads with suction cups to keep mats in place for extra safety make showering safer, preventing falls in the slippery bathtub.. Keep a nonskid rug on the floor next to the shower/bath exit and in front of the sink. Basic scatter rugs are themselves a tripping hazard; look for one made to absorb moisture and stay in place on the floor. And if you're renovating, be sure to use nonslip tiles on the floor. 20th Anniversary 38th Anniversary 2nd Anniversay 2nd Anniversary In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of WILLIAM O’LOUGHLIN JAMES GRIFFIN FRANCIS BROSNAN JACK BROSNAN Lurigo, Farranfore, who died on A pril 22nd 1995 College Road Castleisland Who died on 26th April 1977 Rest In Peace Rest in Peace Everyday in some small way Memories of you come our way Through absent you are always near. Missed, Loved and always dear. Never did a heart more faithful Throb within a human breast Than the one now stilled forever Passed into Eternal rest. Always remembered by your Loving family Always remembered by your loving Family. THE MIRACLE PRAYER THE MIRACLE PRAYER THE MIRACLE PRAYER THE MIRACLE PRAYER Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. Also grateful thanks to Our Lady & Sacred Heart, St. Clare, St. Jude, St Theresa, St. Martin, St Padre Pio, and St. Joseph. MH Also grateful thanks to Our Lady & Sacred Heart, St. Clare, St. Jude, St Theresa, St. Martin, St Padre Pio, and St. Joseph. DBTB Also grateful thanks to Our Lady & Sacred Heart, St. Clare, St. Jude, St Theresa, St. Martin, St Padre Pio, and St. Joseph. coc Also grateful thanks to Our Lady & Sacred Heart, St. Clare, St. Jude, St Theresa, St. Martin, St Padre Pio, and St. Joseph. PD Tullig House Tullig, Castleisland Who died on 25th of April 2013 Tullig House Tullig Castleisland Who died on 2nd May 2013 Rest in Peace Rest In Peace You left us peaceful memories Your love is still our guide And although we cannot see you You are always at our side, So, When a red robin Constantly visits you “A loved one” in Heaven Is saying I love you Sadly missed by your loving wife Mary. Your sons Patrick, James, Francie and Michael. Daughters in Law and grandchildren Anniversary Mass in Castleisland Chuch At 6.15pm Saturday 25th April 2nd Anniversay In Loving Memory of FRANCIE BROSNAN AND JACK BROSNAN Two years have gone by In the blink of an eye Where we have not been able To say Hi or Goodbye, But to know you are both at peace Is at the very least A comfort to us all No matter how small You are in the great garden Planting new life Two brothers side by side Making your way through the next life Sadly missed always remembered James, Sharon, Jamie and Eoin Rememberance Mass on Saturday April 25th at 6.15pm Your name is always mentioned, Our thoughts are with you still You have not been forgotten Whats more you never will Sadly missed by your nephews, Patrick, James, Francie and Micheal And your sister in law Mary THE MIRACLE PRAYER THE MIRACLE PRAYER May the Scared Heart of Jesus be praised, adored and glorified now and forever, throughout the whole world. Holy Mary Mother of God hear my prayers and grant me my request. Dear Heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one, (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your Father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your favour not mine. Amen. 1 Hail Mary, 1 Our Father, 1 Glory be to the Father 3 times a day for 3 days PD Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. Also grateful thanks to Our Lady & Sacred Heart, St. Clare, St. Jude, St Theresa, St. Martin, St Padre Pio, and St. Joseph. EB Sliabh Luachra Outlook • Pg 35 DISCLAIMER TEXT:» PUBLISHED BY OUTLOOK PUBLICATIONS LTD., TRALEE RD., CASTLEISLAND 087 6593427 | THE COPYRIGHT OF THE GRAPHICS, DESIGNS AND LISTING IS HELD BY OUTLOOK PUBLICATIONS LTD. WHILE EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE THE INFORMATION PUBLISHED IS CORRECT, OUTLOOK PUBLICATIONS LTD. CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ERRORS, OMISSIONS OR INCORRECT LISTINGS.
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