December 2011 - Tucson British Car Register
December 2011 - Tucson British Car Register
The Desert Octagon DECEMBER 2011 vOLUME 17 ~ nUMBER 12 N Rex’s Ramblings Front of the new TBCR Business Card TBCR Website: I’ve been visiting my Folks, who are 96 and 90 years old, and who are celebrating their th 70 Wedding Anniversary this week. The family is gathering, and it seemed like a good Articles, opinions and idea to get out the old (and I mean old) family slides to sort out the people pictures from suggestions printed in the the mountains of landscapes and stuff no one remembers. I have a slide scanner, and Octagon are those of the began to convert over 600 slides to .jpg format. Some of the Kodachromes date from author(s) and do not reflect the early ‘40s, and there is a pretty good record of all the cars my folks have owned the official policy of TBCR or during that time. Included are a ’41 Mercury sedan, 48 Chevy Carry-All (like a its governing Board of Directors, officers or members Suburban), ’53 Chrysler station wagon, ’56 Jeep CJ, ‘60s Corvair Greenbrier van, and a unless duly noted. No couple of Plymouth station wagons which lasted about 2 years each. None of these authorization is implied by rides were particularly sporty, except for the Jeep, with which my Dad swapped engines the publisher. Technical tips and customized so that it looked more like an off-road pimpmobile (see photo). are printed for informational purposes only. Nevertheless, both my brother and I learned to drive and use a stick shift with that Jeep and its 3 speed trans., and we drove it to high school when we could. What’s inside: President’s letter Editor’s comments December moments Tech Tips Drive Time How Cold Is It Breakfast Drive to Sonoita More Events Happy New Year Rocky Mt Natl Pk Then I chanced upon an image of my first car: a 1960 Sunbeam Alpine in Carnival Red with black soft and hard tops and wire wheels (see photo). I must have taken the picture while it was still on Bob Autrey’s used car lot in Long Beach before I bought it while in college. My Uncle was kind enough to front end the $1,400 to buy it, and I was off to cruise the Sunset Strip, Redondo, Hermosa, Manhattan, and Newport beaches, and lots of other adventures. I also drove the car to school and work, local sports car races, trips, and it was a pretty fair chick magnet (watch out for that stick shift!). It’s funny how I mostly remember the good times. There was the trip to and from Bass Lake near Yosemite done top-down, the wonderful drives on twisty canyon roads, and the informal but spirited races with my brother and his Fiat Abarth on roads near our home in Palos Verdes Estates. I have nearly forgotten the worn out camshaft, which turned out to be case hardened rather than heat treated. I was also reminded that my brother broke the shifter off at the hilt during an enthusiastic speed exhibition. And how could I fail to remember the 8 moving violations I piled up during my barely year-and-ahalf of ownership. That was nearly 50 years ago, and I’ve never gotten over British sports cars. Nostalgia is just one of the reasons I own and drive these cars. Driving my own nut and bolt restoration and preserving a piece of history also rank high on the satisfaction scale. And being able to do this with people who are equally crazy (about these cars) is a wonderful plus. So if you have one in progress, get it on the road and join us. Rex Funk, TBCR President “Pimpmobile” On Trail Ridge ‘60 Sunbeam Alpine Alpine at Alpine Trail Imp 1 12,000Rex’s Ft. Sunbeam TR 2000 2 2011 BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT - Rex Funk (602) 400-3337 VICE PRESIDENT - None designated SECRETARY - Marianne Fortunado-Mandziak (520) 203-3234 TREASURER - Brenda Johnson NEWSLETTER - Sandy O’Harra (520) 297-4584 DRIVING EVENTS - Ben Cohen (520) 299-5166 REGALIA - Jake Jacob (520) 790-1156 From the Editor The Membership voted to make my job easy at the brief meeting held before the Christmas Party. Since all the past Board members were unanimously reelected, I don’t have to change anything on this page (except the date)! Thank you for your vote of confidence... And a special thanks to my fellow Board members who once again agreed to shoulder the responsibility for the club’s performance. The membership also voted to change the By-Laws as proposed and posted in last month’s newsletter. Dues will remain $35 thru 2012 per member family....and are payable before March 1. If you haven’t already done so, please send your check payable to “TBCR”, with the notation “2012 dues” and mail to the TBCR Post Office Box. I will give you a “heads up” that it is time for some new blood to help maintain the club’s success. I have often said that without Ben Cohen’s tireless efforts to map-out new and interesting drives, find restaurants that will deal with an influx of noisy and hungry folks, and inspire British Car owners to get out and drive, we wouldn’t have a club! One of these days I fear he will get really tired of doing all the planning and organizing, and we will need someone to try to fill his shoes. Think about volunteering for one of the positions for 2013!! “Will there be a Roundup this year?” A group of members is looking at the feasibility of making it happen, but in a much less regimented way. Keep an eye on your email to find out what is happening with this endeavor. Sandy O’Harra, Editor (still) Welcome New T.B.C.R. Members Dave and Sharon Germain: The Germains live in Tucson and have a 1980 MGB Roadster....”Pagent Blue” Robin and Gaby Gilmore: Joined TBCR at the Hot Dog Run and lives in San Diego, CA. Owns a ‘74 TVR (have you seen this being driven around Tucson??; a 1986 TVR, silver; a 2009 Super 7 kit car, yellow and a 1965 Marcos mini GT, Red Cheryl Henderson and Robert Henderson (father and daughter): The Hendersons live in Tucson and have a 1969 TR 6 in British Racing Green....working on getting the car to “Great” condition. Mike and Robin Sue Kaiserman: Tucsonans also, who drive a newly restored Austin Healey BJ 8 (grogeous condition) Mike has had this car since new.... Dale and Claire Mitchell: The Mitchells live in Oro Valley and have several British Cars..... Their 1966 Austin Healey BJ 8 is black and silver and listed as a “driver” 1970 MGB - “purple” in “Nice” condition, and a 1966 Jaguar XKE in “Showroom” condition.....”Silver” Andy and Lila Szedlus: Andy and Lila live in Dearborn Heights, MI from June thru October but are in Green Valley from November thru May. TBCR Holiday Fun....2011 Christmas Party and the Mystery Run were both well attended by TBCR’s Membership DECEMBER BLAT In his never-ending quest for variety, Ben planned a totally unique driving experience for the December Blat. Participants drove down to Nogales, AZ., Parked their cars in a secure parking lot and walked over the Boarder to enjoy a delicious lunch at La Roca. It looks like everyone had an enjoyable time....and everyone made it safely back to the American side. CANYON OFFICE PRODUCTS, INC. Meeting All Your Office Needs 3760 S. Park Ave. #A Tucson, AZ 85713 Jacque Rieber Cole 520-623-0461 fax 520-620-0578 Tech Tips I hate to hear this.... Towards the end of summer this year Ben scheduled a drive up Mt. Lemmon to the Iron Door for breakfast. Claire was working, so I decided to go by myself in the Lotus Elise. On the drive up the mountain I noticed a flat spot in the steering everytime the wheels were straight forward as the steering was returned from either a left or a right had turn. Wayne and Elaine Pearson were also on the drive, driving their two Lotus, so I asked Wayne to drive may car a little, to see if he noticed the same thing. After a short drive he brought the car back and said that he noticed the problem with the steering and said that when we got back down the mountain he would stop by and take a look at the steering for me the next time he came by my house or I could bring the car by his home. Wayne came by to help me with my XK140 and we also looked at the Elise steering. After checking all the easy things like loose wheel bearings and the like, we checked the steering rack which is inclosed in an open ended box that acts as a structural support for the front end and runs the width of the car. He noticed what seemed to be movement in the rack, where it attached to the steering column, so we made a date to pull the steering rack and check it out. We had a difficult time, but managed after a couple of hours of playing around with it, to get the steering rack disconnected from the steering column and out of the car. The pictures speak for themselves and show what we found. So now I need to find the money to buy a new steering rack, about $600.00 dollars, and Wayne has promised me that putting a new rack in will be a lot easier that taking the old one out, which caused a really pain in the neck, both figuratively and actually. You must be a pretty good contortionist to get into the footwell of the Elise head first. Herbie Hampton Lift Day “Lift Day” is just another example of how Ben Cohen adds to the value of our Club. Any time there is an impending long excursion planned...Ben hosts an opportunity for anybody to come and use his lift and his tools to get their car prepped for the drive. Some members show up just for the comradery and to toss in their two cents or actual expertise on how to get the job done. Ben held his yearly “Lift Day” on the 3rd to help fellow members get ready for the Mystery Drive on December 10th. Hi all, DRIVE TIME Happy Holidays and hope you all get what you deserve (or better). Just wanted to thank all of you for your keen interest in DRIVING our cars. I hope you've learned that the more you drive the better they are. So, if your precious car is still sitting there unused, it might be time to get it moving... There will be a few weeks now to relax and get your cars ready for 2012. We'll end the year with one last bonus Breakfast Run on Dec. 31. Since our group is getting larger each time, we'll be splitting up to 2 restaurants for this run. This way we'll have better service and hotter food waiting. Watch for details but one of the two will be our favorite Mother Hubbard's Cafe. What else is to come in the new year: Be prepared. January 4 - BLAT - still working on this but we'll leave Tucson at 10:30 AM for a 90 min. drive to lunch somewhere about...90 min from Tucson!! January 28 - Tubac Car Show - let's make this another great turnout. If you have not registered yet do so. If you're totally at sea over this, go to the official site for the Santa Cruz Car Nuts. Read the info, print the registration form and join us for this great annual event on the grass in Tubac. Megan will providing scones again for breakfast and there was a "rumor" that we might have some BBQ ( in 'que') at lunch. Watch for details on meeting point and club drive to this event. Feb. 11 - 2nd Saturday Breakfast Run - This event in Feb is our "Sweetheart's Run" to honor those special people that put up with all our "car-crap." The Valentine's Run will be later in the morning or possibly mid-afternoon for High for details. March 24 - "LE TOUR DES GARAGES" - the annual visit to local garages, businesses and collections. If you want us to visit let me know. If you have a friend or neighbor with any type of vehicle collection...ask them if we can, truck, fire engines, etc....we'll look at anything! All these events will be interspersed with the usual breakfast runs and Cruise & Schmooze events. Take care, eat & drink responsibly and hope Santa brings you lots for the cars!!! Ben & Megan HOW C-C-COLD IS IT? How Cold Is It? An Annotated Thermometer by Don Haugen 60.̊ ..Californians put on sweaters (if they can find one in their wardrobe!). 50.̊ ..Miami residents turn on the heat. 40.̊ ..You can see your breath. Californians shiver uncontrollably. Minnesotans go swimming. 35.̊ ..Italian cars don’t start. 32.̊ ..Water freezes. 30.̊ ..You plan your vacation to Australia. Minnesotans put on t-shirts. Politicians begin to worry about the homeless. English cars don’t start. 25.̊ ..Boston water freezes. Californians weep pitiably. Minnesotans eat ice cream. Canadians go swimming. 20.̊ ..You can hear your breath. Politicians begin to talk about the homeless. New York City water freezes. Miami residents plan vacation further south. 15.̊ ..French cars don’t start. You plan a vacation in Mexico. Your cat insists on sleeping in bed with you. 10.̊ ..Too cold to ski. You need jumper cables to get the car going. 5.̊ ....You plan your vacation in Houston. American cars don’t start. 0.̊ ...Alaskans put on t-shirts. Too cold to skate. -10.̊ ..German cars don’t start. Eyes freeze shut when you blink. -15.̊ ..You can cut your breath and use it to build an igloo. Arkansans stick tongue on metal objects. Miami residents cease to exist. -20.̊ ..Cat insists on sleeping in your pajamas with you. Politicians actually do something about the homeless. Minnesotans shovel snow off roof. Japanese cars don’t start. -25.̊ ..Too cold to think. You need jumper cables to get the driver going. -30.̊ ..You plan a two-week hot bath. The mighty Monongahela freezes. Swedish cars don’t start. -40.̊ ..Californians disappear. Minnesotans button top button. Canadians put on sweaters. Your car helps you plan your trip south. -50.̊ ..Congressional hot air freezes. Alaskans close the bathroom window. -80.̊ ..Hell freezes over. Polar bears move south. -90.̊ ..Lawyers put their hands in their own pockets. —Pensacola A-Healey Club ON THE ROAD In November, for the breakfast drive, Ben had us all meet at the Vail Steakhouse and then led us to Larry Pfitzenmair’s garage in Sonoita for a one-in-a million tour. See what you miss if you don’t make the drives!! This is not a race! Come on in.... Jan’s Cord 1 of 4 “recreations” of a Cunningham Is Marv giving Larry a lesson in driving???? Other Events coming up.... Jan. 14: Immaculate Heart High School Car Show, 625 East Magee Rd. 8am - 4pm $25.00 per car 9 Divisions, 24 Classes More info: or call Ray 520-904-1113 Jan 28: 18th Annual Collector Car Show in Tubac 10am - 3pm Registration Deadline Jan. or call Duane (520) 490-5104 or Dale (520) 490-5104 Feb. 10 - 12: AZ MG Club is celebrating the Tubac Festival of Arts. TBCR is invited to join them.... Treasurer’s Report as of November, 2011: Balance in account: $12,550.89 Income YTD: $3887.00 Expenses: $3152.61 YTD New Income: $734.39 c/o TBCR P.O. Box 35748 Tucson, AZ 85740-5748
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