April - Tucson British Car Register
April - Tucson British Car Register
THE TUCSON BRITISH CAR REGISTER April 2016 Articles, opinions and suggestions and ads printed in the Register are those of the author(s) and do not reflect the official policy of TBCR, its officers or members unless duly noted. Technical tips are for informational purposes only. Inside From the Prez On the Road Tour des Garages Calendar Restoration Sales Volume 22, Number 4 From the Prez The board met again in March. We are progressing with our “modernization” efforts. The end goal is easier, more accurate communication, simpler financial transactions, and continuity between operations and bylaws as we evolve the driving events committee concept. This month, Dave Germain gave us a great presentation on our new Mail Chimp account, strengths and limitations. This will become our new communication distribution medium. The board voted to adopt Square as a new financial tool. We will be able to collect payment through credit/debit cards in person or by email for dues and other club functions. It also enables us to send actual invoices to individual members. This should help manage and facilitate the membership renewal process. Hopefully, it will increase our membership retention rate, as well as introduce a new measure of accountability for RSVP events. We voted to move ahead with cloud storage of club data. This will enable us to collect all the club information in one place, allowing easier access and distribution of needed information. We will be using dropbox.com. I particularly like its ability to make certain data public and produce a unique URL for accessing it. We continued the discussion on bylaws amendments. We are not in a great hurry with this, but moving forward steadily. We will be holding another meeting in late April. Watch for the announcement coming to your inbox. Lastly, I would encourage those of you that eschew email to change your habits. All members need to ensure that their email address on record with the club is correct. Hope to see you on the road! Kevin The Register On the Road BLAT to Tombstone Photo above Geo Hahn, others Pete Williams Saturday Breakfast Run Drivers’ orders Page 2 of 10 Lunch at Big Nose Kate’s. Page 3 of 10 The Register PRESIDENT Kevin McCue kevin@themccuesonline.net VICE PRESIDENT Ron Furtak rfurtak@cox.net SECRETARY Sandy O’Harra asemo0@comcast.net On the Road More Breakfast Run TREASURER Brenda Johnson redsportscars@earthlink.net NEWSLETTER John Mead tucsonbritish@gmail.com DRIVING EVENTS COMMITTEE tbcrtours@aol.com REGALIA Len & Nancy Wheeler lenscats@comcast.net WEB SITE Harold Beekhuizen harold_beekhuizen@msn.com The start. TBCR Mail Address (Including Regalia Orders) Tucson British Car Registry PO Box 35748 Tucson, AZ 85740-5748 TBCR Website http://www.tucsonbritish.com Article Photos By the editor unless otherwise noted After breakfast at Cars & Coffee. The Register Page 4 of 10 Le Tour des Garages What a morning! Six stops, cars, lifts, a free engine, an owl, a Lister, an English wheel, an awsome non-English 190SL, pizza, great driving around Tucson and of course the unique company of fellow TBCRers. \ The Register Page 5 of 10 Photo by Debbie Leavitt Photo by Geo Hahn The Register Photo above by Debbie Leavitt, others by Geo Hahn Page 6 of 10 Page 7 of 10 The Register Garage Tour continued Many thanks go out to the folks that opened their garages, patios (and bathrooms). We visited George and Kathleen, who prepared breakfast, then on to Fritz’s garage complex (complete with observation deck). Next was Mike and his Lister-Corvette, then Bert’s metal fabrication wonders. On to Doug’s 190SL, Carrera 4S and XKR. And wrapping it all up with lunch at Ben and Megan’s surrounded by an incomperable collection of British metal and fiberglass. And special thanks go to Ben for organizing so many successful garage tours, along with countless driving events over the past ten-plus years. Ben stepped down as driving events coordinator in January, but wanted to organize this tour and we are delighted he did. Thanks Ben! Events Calendar Wednesday April 6 BLAT 10:15am departure from Starbuck’s at Grant & Swan. 90 minute drive thru Gate’s Pass and Southwest side then to Mercado San Augustin for lunch around noon. RSVP Pete: tbcrtours@aol.com Saturday April 9 Breakfast Run This will be an East-side drive. Watch for details. Saturday April 16 D-M 50 Car Show Must be pre-registered. Form is available at: http://www.tucsonbritish.com/Stuff/DM50-CarShow_2016.pdf Watch for email announcement of meeting place/time. Other Upcoming TBCR Events Watch for email announcements. May 28 – June 5 National Drive Your British Car Week And every Tuesday: BritCar Café 7:30 – 9:30AM NE corner of Grant & Swan. The Register IdeRestoration on Frustration Page 8 of 10 By Scott Martin Well, the saga began with the impulsive purchase of a "School Bus Yellow" 1959 Triumph TR3 on August 5th 1999. There immediately followed an "Interesting" trip from Washington, Missouri back home to Tucson. That's another story, but suffice it to say that when I examined the car the morning after I returned the spare tire I had to put on "somewhere in Oklahoma" was FLAT. At least it lasted til I got home. From that point on there has been an extended period of de-construction of the car. Extended because I was gainfully employed until recently which only allowed weekend work on it. Along the way I got one estimate and one "No Bid" for the paint and body work. After signing up for the paint and body work the engine got pulled with the help of friends and the rest was hauled down to the shop in 2010. Later in 2011 the (now rusty) body was finally separated from the frame and the frame was returned home. In spite of myself and my work schedule, by early 2013 I had stripped everything from the frame and was ready to start the strip and paint/powder-coat/re-assembly process. The crew at American Powder-Coating did a great job on the frame, completing the job in just a couple of weeks. With the engine, transmission, and rear end having already been rebuilt by Ernie (under my excellent supervision) in 2013 I was able to get the front and rear suspension installed. Subsequent to that the engine got mated to the transmission and installed in the frame. Following this, the rear end got its makeover and installed. Brake and fuel lines have also been fabricated and installed. Now, as Paul Harvey used to say, for the rest of the story. The TR3 body has now been sitting (in an undisclosed location) since very early 2012. I had a spare frame that I took there to hold the body while the bodywork was completed. Progress on the bodywork has been spotty at best since then. WHEN work is done on it, the quality is outstanding, BUT...... What I have picked up from listening to other LBC owners who have restored their cars is that haphazard work on getting the bodywork and paint done is endemic to the industry. I personally have tried cajoling, bribery, veiled threats, and “berative” comparison to try and get work done on my car. I say berative comparison because on one of my trips there I noticed he was working on repainting a refrigerator which led me to suggest that if he could work on that then he could work on my car. Page 9 of 10 The Register Restoration Frustration continued All photos by Scott Martin The frustration continues but at least progress is being made. The pictures show that there is hope. Oh, and if anyone has any helpful hints about how to help the process along, I'm listening! _________________________________________________________________________________________ For Sale: 1974 Triumph TR6 Pimento red with black interior, four speed transmission, and 65,600 original miles. Award winning strong number two condition. Asking $22,900. Frame off inspection and restoration in 2005 disclosed no rust, signs of welds, or damage. The frame was blasted, painted, and undercoated. Re-assembly included installation of numerous new parts, which are listed in 2005 and 2010 appraisals, copies of which are available upon request. The windshield glass, seal, trim strip, and scuttle seal have been replaced since the 2010 appraisal. A listing of additional new and extra parts, not included in the appraisals, will also be provided upon request. Also available is a certified copy of the factory record concerning the manufacture and shipping of the car. For additional information and photos, contact Don Whitesell at 520-260-1174 or whitese@cableone.net. ______________________________________________________________________________ TBCR members may have a complimentary business card ad on this page For info contact the editor: tucsonbritish@gmail.com
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